Unit 5 Target List

1.Máfan nǐ, wǒ zhèr yǒu yìbǎikuài Měijīnde lǚxíng zhǐpiào.  Sorry to bother you. I have one hundred U.S. dollars in traveler's checks here.
 Qǐng nǐ gěi wǒ huànhuan. Please change it for me.
2.Nǐ yào shénme huàn? How do you want to change it?
 Qǐng nǐ gěi wǒ liǎngzhāng wǔkuàide ba. How about giving me two fives?
3.Nǐmen shōu Měijīn ma? Do you accept U.S. currency?
 Duìbuqǐ, wǒmen bù shōu Měijīn. I'm sorry. We don't accept U.S. currency.
4.Zhèr yǒu méiyou yīnháng? Is there a bank?
 Yǒu. Yínháng jiù zài nàr. There is. The bank is right over there.
5.Qǐngwèn, shì bu shi zài zhèr huàn qián?  May I ask, is it here that I change money?
 Shì, shì zài zhèr huàn. Yes, you change here.
6.Jīntiānde páijià shì duōshao? What is today's exchange rate?
 Jīntiānde páijià shi yíkuài Mèijīn huàn yíkuài jiǔmáo liù Rénmínbì. Today's exchange rate is one U.S. dollar to one dollar and ninety-six cents in People currency.
7.Xièxie. Thank you.
8.Búkèqi. You are welcome.
9.yíge diànshàn one electric fan
10.yíge diánshì one television
11.yíge shōuyīnjī one radio
12.yíge zhōng one clock
13.yíge shǒubiǎo one wristwatch