Unit 3 Target List

1.Nǐmen yǒu háizi ma?你们有孩子Do you have children?
 Yǒu, wǒmen yǒu.有,我们有。Yes, we have.
2.Liú Xiānsheng méiyou Měiguó péngyou.刘先生没有美国朋友。Mr. Liú doesn't have any American friends.
3.Nǐmen yǒu jǐge nánháizi, jǐge nǚháizi?你们有几个男孩子,几个女孩子?How many boys and how many girls do you have?
 Wómen yǒu liǎnge nánhaizi, yíge nǚháizi.我们有两个男孩子,一个女孩子。We have two boys and one girl.
4.Hú Xiānsheng, Hú tàitai yǒu jǐge háizi? 胡先生,胡太太有几个孩子?How many children do Mr. and Mrs. have?
 Tāmen yǒu liǎngge háizi.他们有两个孩子。They have two children.
 Shi nánháizi, shi nǚháizi?是男孩子,是女孩子?Are they boys or girls?
 Dōu shi nǚháizi.都是女孩子。Both of them are girls.
5.Nǐmen háizi dōu zài zhèli ma?你们孩子都在这里吗?Are all your children here?
 Bù. Liǎngge zài zhèli, yíge hái zài Měiguó.不,两个在这里,一个还在美国。No. Two are here, and one is still in America.
6.Nǐ jiāli yǒu shénme rén?你家里有什么人?What people are in your family?
 Yǒu wǒ tàitai gēn sānge háizi.有我太太跟三个孩子。There's my wife and two children.
7.Nǐ jiāli yǒu shénme rén?你家里有什么人?What people are in your family?
 Jiù yǒu wǒ fùqin, mǔqin.就有我父亲,母亲。Just my father and mother.