Unit 3 Target List

1.Qǐng nǐ gěi wǒ kànkan nèige huāpíng. Please give me that vase to look at.
 Něige? Zhèige lánde háishi zhèige hóngde? Which one? This blue one or this red one?
 Nèi liǎngge dōu gěi wǒ kànkan, hǎo ma? Give me both of them to look at. All right?
2.Zhèi liǎngge xuésheng, něige hǎo? Which of these two students is better?
 Sīmǎ Xìn hǎo. Sīmǎ Xìn is better.
3.Nèige hóng huāpíng zhēn hǎokàn. That red vase is really beautiful.
 Nín yǒu dà yìdiǎnrde ma? Do you have one little larger?
 Yǒu. Nǐ kàn zhèige zěnmeyàng? We do. What do you think of this one?
 Hěn hǎo. Hǎo, qǐng gěi wǒ liǎngge ba. It's very nice. Okay, how about giving me two, please.
4.Něige lánde tài guì le. That blue one is too expensive.
 Wǒ yào hóngde. Hóngde piányi. I want the red one. The red one is cheaper.
5.bái to be white
6.hēi to be black
7.huáng to be yellow, to be brown
8. to be to be green
9.jiù to be old, to be used, to be worn
10.xīn to be new
11.gāo to be tall
12.ǎi to be short (of stature)
13.gāoxìng to be happy
14.nánkàn to be ugly
15.yìbǎ yǔsǎn one umbrella
16.kàn to read, to look at, to visit