enable.project.master.files.support true scenario.associations FSI-Chinese.xml DocBook PDF - Chinese XSL FSI-Chinese-MOD2-Textbook/FSI-Chinese-MOD2-Textbook.xml DocBook PDF - Chinese XSL scenarios DocBook PDF - Chinese pdf Apache FOP file:/home/eric/bin/Xml/Oxygen%20XML%20Editor%2021/frameworks/docbook/xsl/fo/mon-docbook-chinois.xsl ${currentFileURL} false true XSL true true ${cfd}/out/pdf/${cfn}.pdf false false false false false false true admon.graphics 1 false false admon.graphics.extension .png false false admon.graphics.path ${frameworks}/docbook/css/img/ false false body.font.family 'DejaVuSerif' false false callout.graphics.path ${frameworks}/docbook/xsl/images/callouts/ false false draft.mode no false false fop.extensions 0 false false fop1.extensions 1 false false highlight.source 1 false false highlight.xslthl.config ${frameworks}/docbook/xsl/highlighting/xslthl-config.xml false false monospace.font.family DejaVuSansMono false false paper.type A4 false false title.font.family DejaVuSans false false Xalan ${frameworks}/docbook/xsl/extensions/xslthl-2.0.1.jar ${frameworks}/docbook/xsl/extensions/saxon65.jar ${frameworksDir}/docbook/xsl/epub/bin/build.xml admon.graphics If value is 1 use Docbook admon graphics. If value is 0 do not use Docbook admon graphics. 1 5 admon.graphics.extension Sets the filename extension for admonition graphics. The following formats of admonition graphics are supported: GIF (.gif extension), PNG (.png extension), SVG (the .svg extension, TIFF (.tif extension). .png 5 admon.graphics.path Path of directory containing the Docbook admon image files. ${frameworks}/docbook/css/img/ 5 callout.graphics.path Path of directory containing the Docbook callout image files. ${frameworks}/docbook/xsl/images/callouts/ 5 chunker.output.encoding The encoding of the XHTML files that will be included in the ePUB book. UTF-8 5 outputFile Path where the output EPUB will be saved. ${cfd}/out/epub/${cfn}.epub 5 xmlFile Path to Docbook XML file. ${cf} 5 html.stylesheet The path of a custom CSS stylesheet file that must be applied to the HTML pages of the ePub book. The CSS file will be copied inside the target ePub book. 5 profile.arch Target profile for the arch attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by the profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.attribute Target profile for the attribute attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.audience Target profile for the audience attribute. The Value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.condition Target profile for the condition attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.conformance Target profile for the conformance attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.lang Target profile for the lang attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.os Target profile for the os attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.revision Target profile for the revision attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.revisionflag Target profile for the revisionflag attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.role Target profile for the role attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.security Target profile for the security attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.status Target profile for the status attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.userlevel Target profile for the userlevel attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.value Target profile for the lang attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.vendor Target profile for the vendor attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.wordsize Target profile for the wordsize attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 -Xmx256m false false ${cfd} true DocBook EPUB - Copie false false ANT true true true ${cfd}/out/epub/${cfn}.epub false false false false false false ANT ${oxygenHome}/classes/ ${oxygenHome}/lib/oxygen.jar ${oxygenHome}/lib/oxygenAuthor.jar ${oxygenHome}/lib/oxygenDeveloper.jar ${oxygenHome}/lib/oxygenEclipse.jar ${oxygenHome}/lib/oxygenAuthorEclipse.jar ${oxygenHome}/lib/oxygenDeveloperEclipse.jar ${oxygenHome}/lib/resolver.jar ${oxygenHome}/lib/jing.jar ${oxygenHome}/lib/xercesImpl.jar ${oxygenHome}/lib/saxon.jar ${oxygenHome}/lib/xml-apis.jar ${oxygenHome}/lib/xml-apis-ext.jar ${oxygenHome}/lib/log4j.jar ${frameworksDir}/docbook/xsl/epub3/build.xml admon.graphics If value is 1 use Docbook admon graphics. If value is 0 do not use Docbook admon graphics. 1 5 admon.graphics.extension Sets the filename extension for admonition graphics. The following formats of admonition graphics are supported: GIF (.gif extension), PNG (.png extension), SVG (the .svg extension, TIFF (.tif extension). .png 5 admon.graphics.path Path of directory containing the Docbook admon image files. ${frameworks}/docbook/css/img/ 5 callout.graphics.path Path of directory containing the Docbook callout image files. ${frameworks}/docbook/xsl/images/callouts/ 5 chunker.output.encoding The encoding of the XHTML files that will be included in the ePUB book. UTF-8 5 outputFile Path where the output EPUB will be saved. ${cfd}/out/epub3/${cfn}.epub 5 xmlFile Path to Docbook XML file. ${cf} 5 html.stylesheet The path of a custom CSS stylesheet file that must be applied to the HTML pages of the ePub book. The CSS file will be copied inside the target ePub book. 5 profile.arch Target profile for the arch attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by the profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.attribute Target profile for the attribute attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.audience Target profile for the audience attribute. The Value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.condition Target profile for the condition attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.conformance Target profile for the conformance attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.lang Target profile for the lang attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.os Target profile for the os attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.revision Target profile for the revision attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.revisionflag Target profile for the revisionflag attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.role Target profile for the role attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.security Target profile for the security attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.status Target profile for the status attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.userlevel Target profile for the userlevel attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.value Target profile for the lang attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.vendor Target profile for the vendor attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 profile.wordsize Target profile for the wordsize attribute. The value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. 5 -Xmx256m false false ${cfd} true DocBook EPUB3 (experimental) - Chinois false false ANT true true true ${cfd}/out/epub3/${cfn}.epub false false false false false false ANT ${oxygenHome}/classes/ ${oxygenHome}/lib/oxygen.jar ${oxygenHome}/lib/oxygenAuthor.jar ${oxygenHome}/lib/oxygenDeveloper.jar ${oxygenHome}/lib/oxygenEclipse.jar ${oxygenHome}/lib/oxygenAuthorEclipse.jar ${oxygenHome}/lib/oxygenDeveloperEclipse.jar ${oxygenHome}/lib/resolver.jar ${oxygenHome}/lib/jing.jar ${oxygenHome}/lib/xercesImpl.jar ${oxygenHome}/lib/saxon.jar ${oxygenHome}/lib/xml-apis.jar ${oxygenHome}/lib/xml-apis-ext.jar ${oxygenHome}/lib/log4j.jar