Unit 1 Target List

1. Qīnwèn, nǐ zhù zai nǎr? 亲问,你住在那儿? May I ask, where are you staying?
  Wǒ zhù zai Běijīng Fāndiàn. 我住在北京饭店 I'm staying at the Běijīng Hotel.
2. Nǐ zhù zai něige fàndiàn? 你住在哪个饭店? Which hotel are you staying at?
  Wǒ zhù zai nèige fàndiàn. 我住在那个饭店。 I'm staying at that hotel.
3. Nǐ zhù zai zhèige fàndiàn ma? 你住在这个饭店吗? Are you staying at this hotel?
  Bù, wǒ bú zhù zai zhèige fàndiàn. 不,我不住在这个饭店。 No, I'm not staying at this hotel.
4. Nǐ zhù zai Mínzú Fàndiàn? 你住在民族饭店? Are you staying at the Nationalities Hotel?
  Bù, wǒ bú zhù zai Mínzú Fàndiàn. 不,我不住在民族饭店。 No, I'm not staying at the Nationalities Hotel.
5. Něiwèi shi Gāo Tóngzhì? 哪位是高同志? Which one is Comrade Gāo
  Nèiwèi shi Gāo Tóngzhì. 那位是高同志 That one is Comrade Gāo.
6. Zǎo. Nuòwǎkè nǚshì! Nǐn hǎo. 早。 诺瓦克女士!您好 Good morning. Miss Nowak! How are you?
  Wǒ hěn hǎo. 我很好 I'm very well.
7. Nǐ shi Měiguó nǎrde rén? 请问,你是美国哪儿个人 Where are you from in America?
  Wǒ shi Jiāzhōu Jiǔjīnshān rén. 我是加州旧金山人 I'm from San Francisco, California.