Unit 1


Topics covered in this unit

  1. Where people are staying (hotels),

  2. Short answers.

  3. The question word něige, "which."

Material you will need

  1. The C-l and P-l tapes, the Reference List and Reference Notes.

  2. The C-2 and P-2 tapes, the Workbook.

  3. The drill tape (1D-1).


Reference List

(in Běijīng)

1. A: Qǐngwèn, nǐ zhù zai nǎr? 亲吻,你朱在哪儿? May I ask, where are you staying?
  B: Wǒ zhù zai Běijīng Fàndiàn. 握住在北京饭店。 I'm staying at the Beijing Hotel.
2. A: Nǐ zhù zai Mínzú Fàndiàn ma? 你住在民族饭店吗? Are you staying at the Nationalities Hotel?
  B: Shì, wǒ zhù zai Mínzú Fàndiàn. 是,我住在民族饭店吗。 Yes, I'm staying at the Nationalities Hotel.
3. A: Nǐ zhù zai něige fàndiàn? 你住在呢个饭店? Which hotel are you staying at?
  B: Wǒ zhù zai Běijīng Fàndiàn. 我住在北京饭店。 I'm staying ate the Beijing Hotel.
4. A: Něiwèi shì Zhāng tóngzhì? 哪位是张同志? Which one is comrade Zhāng?
  B: Tā shì Zhāng tóngzhì. 他是张同志。 She is comrade Zhāng.
5. A: Něige rén shì Méi tóngzhì? 哪个人是Méi同志? Which person is comrade Méi?
  B: Nèige rén shì Méi tóngzhì. 那个人是Méi同志。 That person is comrade Méi.
6. A: Něiwei shì Gāo tóngzhì? 哪位是局同志。 Which one is comrade Gāo?
  B: Nèiwèi shì Gāo tóngzhì. 那位是局同志。 That one is comrade Gāo.


A: Nǐ zhù zai zheìge fàndiàn ma? 你住在这个饭店吗? Are you staying at this hotel?
  B: Bù, wǒ bú zhù zai zheìge fàndiàn. 不,我不住在这个饭店。 No, I"m staying at this hotel.
8. A: Jiāng tóngzhì! nín zǎo. 蒋同志!您早。 Comrade Jiāng! Good morning.
  B: Zǎo. Nuòwǎkè Nǔshì! nín hǎo. 早。Nuòwǎkè 女士!您好。 Good morning, Miss Novak! How are you?
  A: Wǒ hěn hǎo. 我很好 I'm very well.
9. A: Qǐngwèn, nǐ shì Měiguo nǎrde rén? 请问,你是美国哪儿人? May I ask, where are you from in America?
  B: Wǒ shì Jiāzhōu Jiùjīnshān rén. 我是加州旧金山人。 I'm from San Francisco, California.

[a] This exchange occurs on the C-l tape only.


fàndiàn 饭店 hotel
-ge general counter
hěn very
Jiùjīnshān 旧金山 San Francisco
Mínzú Fàndiàn 民族饭店 Nationalities Hotel
něi- 哪-? which
něige? 哪个 which?
nèige 那个 that
něiwei 哪位 which one (person)
nèiwèi 那位 that one (person)
nǔshì 女士 polite title for a married or unmarried woman) Ms. ; Lady
shì yes, that's so.
-wèi polite counter for people
zǎo good morning
zhèi- 这- this
zheìge 这个 this
zhèiwèi 这位 this one (person)
zhù to stay, to live

Reference Notes

Notes on № 1
1. A: Qǐngwèn, nǐ zhù zai nǎr? 亲吻,你朱在哪儿? May I ask, where are you staying?
  B: Wǒ zhù zai Běijīng Fàndiàn. 握住在北京饭店。 I'm staying at the Běijīng Hotel.

The verb zhù, "to live," or "to reside," may be used to mean "to stay at" (temporary residence) or "to live in" (permanent residence).

Zhù zài nǎr literally means "live at where." The verb zài, "to be in/at/on," is used here as a preposition "at." It loses its tone in this position in a sentence. (The use of zài as a preposition is treated more fully in Unit 2.)

Fàndiàn has two meanings "restaurant" and "Hotel" (a relatively large hotel with modern facilities).[1] Literally, fànguǎnzi means "rice shop."

Notes on № 2
2. A: Nǐ zhù zai Mínzú Fàndiàn ma? 你住在民族饭店吗? Are you staying at the Nationalities Hotel?
  B: Shì, wǒ zhù zai Mínzú Fàndiàn. 是,我住在民族饭店吗。 Yes, I'm staying at the Nationalities Hotel.

Shì: The usual way to give a short affirmative answer is to repeat the verb used in the question. Some verbs, however, may not be repeated as short answers. Zhù is one such verb. Others not to be used are xìng, "to be surnamed," and jiào, "to be given-named." Many speakers do not repeat the verb zài as a short answer. To give a short "yes" answer to questions containing these verbs, you use shì.

Notes on № 3-7
3. A: Nǐ zhù zai něige fàndiàn? 你住在呢个饭店? Which hotel are you staying at?
  B: Wǒ zhù zai Běijīng Fàndiàn. 我住在北京饭店。 I'm staying ate the Beijing Hotel.
4. A: Něiwèi shì Zhāng tóngzhì? 哪位是张同志? Which one is comrade Zhāng?
  B: Tā shì Zhāng tóngzhì. 他是张同志。 She is comrade Zhāng.
5. A: Něige rén shì Méi tóngzhì? 哪个人是Méi同志? Which person is comrade Méi?
  B: Nèige rén shì Méi tóngzhì. 那个人是Méi同志。 That person is comrade Méi.
6. A: Něiwei shì Gāo tóngzhì? 哪位是局同志。 Which one is comrade Gāo?
  B: Nèiwèi shì Gāo tóngzhì. 那位是局同志。 That one is comrade Gāo.
7. A: Nǐ zhù zai zheìge fàndiàn ma? 你住在这个饭店吗? Are you staying at this hotel?
  B: Bù, wǒ bú zhù zai zheìge fàndiàn. 不,我不住在这个饭店。 No, I"m staying at this hotel.

Něige is the question word "which." In the compound něiguó, you found the bound word něi-, which was attached to the noun guó. In the phrase něiguó rén, "which person," the bound word něi- is attached to the general counter -ge. (You will learn more about counters in Unit 3_ For now, you nay think of -ge as an ending which turns the bound word něi- into the full word něige.)

Něige rén/něiwèi: To be polite when referring to an adult, you say něiwèi or nèiwèi, using the polite counter for people -wèi rather than the general counter -ge, though -ge is used in many informal situations.

Notice that the noun rén is not used directly after -wèi:

Nèiwèi Měiguó rén shì shéi?
Něiwèi   zhù zài Mínzú Fàndiàn.

Compare the specifying words "which?" "that," and "this" with the location words you learned in Unit U of ORN:

Specifying words Location words
něige? (nǎge?) which nǎr where
nèige (nàge) that nàr (nèr) there
zhèige (zhège) this zhèr (zhàr) here

Both question words are in the Low tone, while the other four words are in the Falling tone.

Many people pronounce the words for "which?" "that," and "this" with the usual vowels for "where?" "there," and "here": nǎge? nàge, and zhège.

: A short negative answer is usually formed by plus a repetition of the verb used in the question. When a verb, like zhù (zài), cannot be repeated, is used as a short answer and is followed by a complete answer. Notice that when used by itself is in the Falling ton, but when followed by a Falling-tone syllable is in the Rising tone.

Bù, tā xiānzài bú zài zhèr. No, he's not here now.

Notes on № 8
8. A: Jiāng tóngzhì! nín zǎo. 蒋同志!您早。 Comrade Jiang! Good morning.
  B: Zǎo. Nuòwǎkè Nǔshì! nín hǎo. 早。Nuòwǎkè 女士!您好。 Good morning, Miss Novak! How are you?

Name as greeting: A greeting may consist simply of a person's name: Wáng tóngzhì! "Comrade Wáng!" The name may also be used with a greeting phrase: Wáng tóngzhì! Nín zǎo. "Comrade Wáng! Good morning." --or, in reverse order, Nín zǎo. Wáng tóngzhì! "Good morning. Comrade Wáng!" The name is pronounced as an independent exclamation acknowledging that person's presence and status. It is not de-emphasized like "Comrade Wáng," in the English sentence 11 Good morning, Comrade Wáng."

Nín zǎo means "good morning" --literally, "you are early." You may also say either nǐ zǎo or simply zǎo.

Nǚshì, "Ms.," is a formal, respectful title for a married or unmarried woman. It is used after a woman's own surname, not her husband's. Traditionally, this title was used for older, educated, and accomplished women.

In the PRC, where people use tóngzhì, "Comrade," in general only foreign women are referred to and addressed as (so-and-so) nǚshì. On Taiwan, however, any woman may be called (so-and-so) nǚshì in a formal context, such as a speech or an invitation.

Nín hǎo: This greeting may be said either with or without a question marker, just as in English we say "How are you?" as a question or "How are you?" as a simple greeting.

Nǐ hǎo ma? How are you?

Nǐ hǎo. How are you.

Also Just as in English, you may respond to the greeting by repeating it rather than giving an answer.

Lǐ tóngzhì! Nín hǎo. Comrade ! How are you.

Nín hǎo. Gāo tóngzhì! How are you. Comrade Gāo!

Literally, hěn means "very." The word often accompanies adjectival verbs (like hǎo, "to be good"), adding little to their meaning. (See also Module 3, Unit 3.)

How to identify yourself: You have now learned several ways to introduce yourself. One simple, direct way is to extend your hand and state your name in Chinese –- for instance, Mǎ Mínglǐ. Here are some other ways:

Wǒ shì Mǎ Mínglǐ. I'm Mǎ Mínglǐ.
Wǒ xìng Mǎ. My surname is .
Wǒ xìng Mǎ, jiào Mǎ Mínglǐ.

My surname is ; I'm called Mǎ Mínglǐ.

Wǒde Zhōngguó míngzi jiào Mǎ Mínglǐ. My Chinese name is Mǎ Mínglǐ.

Notes on № 9
9. A: Qǐngwèn, nǐ shì Měiguo nǎrde rén? 请问,你是美国哪儿人? May I ask, where are you from in America?
  B: Wǒ shì Jiāzhōu Jiùjīnshān rén. 我是加州旧金山人。 I'm from San Francisco, California.

Order of place names: Notice that Jiāzhōu Jiùjīnshān is literally "California, San Francisco." In Chinese, the larger unit cones before the smaller. Similarly, in the question Nǐ shì Měiguó nǎrde rén? the name of the country comes before the question word nǎr, which is asking for a more detailed location. The larger unit is usually repeated in the answer:

Nǐ shì Shāndōng nǎr -de rén?
Wǒ shì Shāndōng Qīngdǎo   rén.

Literally, Jiùjīnshān means "Old Gold Mountain." The Chinese gave this name to San Francisco during the Gold Rush days.


Response drill

Table 1.1. Response according to the clue
  Question Clue Answer


Tā zhù zai nǎr?

Where is he/she staying?


Běijīng Fàndiàn

the Běijīng Hotel


Tā zhù zai Běijìng Fàndiàn.

He/she is staying at the Běijīng Hotel.



Nǐ àiren zhù zai nǎr?

Where is your spouse staying?


Mínzú Fàndiàn

the Nationalities Hotel


Tā zhù zai Mínzú Fàndiàn.

He/she is staying at the Nationalities Hotel.



Lǐ Tóngzhì zhù zai nǎr?

Where is comrade staying?


zhèige fàndiàn

this hotel


Tā zhù zai zhèige fàndiàn.

He/she is staying at this hotel.



Fāng Tóngzhì zhù zai nǎr?

Where is comrade Fāng staying?


nèige fàndiàn

that hotel


Tā zhù zai nèige fàndiàn.

He/she is staying at that hotel.



Chén Tóngzhì zhù zai nǎr?

Where is comrade Chén staying?


Běijīng Fàndiàn

the Běijīng Hotel


Ta zhù zai Běijīng Fàndiàn.

He/she is staying at the Běijīng Hotel.



Lín Tóngzhì zhù zai nǎr?

Where is comrade Lín staying?


Mínzú Fàndiàn

the Nationalities Hotel


Tā zhù zai Mínzú Fàndiàn.

He/she is staying at the Nationalities Hotel.



Huáng Tóngzhì zhù zai nǎr?

Where is comrade Huáng staying?


zhèige fàndiàn

this hotel


Tā zhù zai zhèige fàndiàn.

He/she is staying at this hotel.

Response drill

Table 1.2. Give affirmative response to all questions.
  Question Answer


Gāo Nǚshì zhù zai Mínzú fàndiàn ma?

Is Mrs. Gāo staying at the Nationalities Hotel?


Shì, tā zhù zai Mínzú Fàndiàn,

>Yes, she is staying at the Nationalities Hotel.



Zhāng Nǚshì zhù zai Běijìng Fàndiàn ma?

Is Mrs. Zhāng staying at the Beǐjīng Hotel?


Shì, tā zhù zai Běijīng Fàndiàn.

Yes, she is staying at the Beǐjīng Hotel.



Jiāng Nǚshì zhù zai zhèige fàndiàn ma?

Is Mrs. Jiāng staying at this hotel?


Shì, tā zhù zai zhèige fàndiàn.

Yes, she is staying at this hotel.



Huāng Nǚshì zhù zai nèige fàndiàn ma?

Is Mrs. Huāng staying at that hotel?


Shì, tā zhù zai nèige fàndiàn.

>Yes, she is staying at that hotel.



Wáng Nǚshì zhù zai Běijīng Fàndiàn ma?

>Is Mrs. Wáng staying at the Beǐjīng Hotel?


Shì, tā zhù zai Beǐjīng fàndiàn.

Yes, she is staying at the Beǐjīng Hotel.



Lín Nǚshì zhù zai Mínzú Fàndiàn ma?

Is Mrs. Lín staying at the Nationalities Hotel?


Shì, tā zhù zai Mínzú Fàndiàn,

Yes, she is staying at the Nationalities Hotel.



Máo Nǚshì zhù zai zhèige fàndiàn ma?

Is Mrs. Máo staying at this hotel?


Shì, tā zhù zai zhèige fàndiàn.

Yes, she is staying at this hotel.

Response drill

Table 1.3. Give affirmative response to all questions.
  Question Answer


Jiāng Xiānsheng zhù zai zhège fàndiàn ma?

Is Mr. Jiāng staying at this hotel?


Bú shi, tā bú zhù zai zhège fàndiàn.

No, he is not staying at this hotel.



Mǎ Xiānsheng zhù zai nàge fàndiàn ma?

Is Mr. staying at that hotel?


Bú shi, tā bú zhù zai nàge fàndiàn.

No, he is not staying at that hotel.



Lǐ Xiānsheng zhù zai Guóbīn Dàfàndiàn ma?

Is Mr. staying at the Ambassador Hotel?


Bú shi, tā bú zhù zai Guóbīn Dàfàndiàn.

No, he is not staying at the Ambassador Hotel.



Zhào Xiānsheng zhù zai Yuánshān Dàfàndiàn ma?

Is Mr. Zhào staying at the Yuánshān hotel?


Bú shi, tā bú zhù zai Yuánshān Dàfàndiàn.

No, he is not staying at the Yuánshān hotel.



Liú Xiānsheng zhù zai Yuánshān Dàfàndiàn ma?

Is Mr. Liú staying at the Yuánshān hotel?


Bú shi, tā bú zhù zai Yánshān Dàfàndiàn.

No, he is not staying at the Yuánshān hotel.



Táng Xiānsheng zhù zai nàge fàndiàn ma?

Is Mr. Táng staying at that hotel?


Bú shi, tā bú zhù zai nàge fàndiàn.

No, he is not staying at that hotel.



Sòng Xiānsheng zhù zai zhège fàndiàn ma?

Is Mr. Sòng staying at this hotel.


Bú shi, tā bú zhù zai zhège fàndiàn.

No, he is not staying at this hotel.

Response drill

Table 1.4. Give affirmative response to all questions.
  Question Clue Answer


Táng Tóngzhì zhù zai zhèige fàndiàn ma?

Is comrade Táng staying at this hotel?


zhèige fàndiàn

this hotel


Shì, tā zhù zai zhèige fàndiàn.

Yes, he/she is staying at this hotel.



Mǎ Tóngzhì zhù zai nèige fàndiàn ma?

Is comrade Mǎ staying at that hotel?


zhèige fàndiàn

this hotel


Bú shi, tā bú zhù zai nèige fàndiàn.

No, he/she is not staying at that hotel.



Lǐ Tóngzhì zhù zai Běijīng fàndiàn ma?

Is comrade Lǐ staying at the Běijīng Hotel?


Běijīng Fàndiàn

Běijīng Hotel


Shì, tā zhù zai Běijīng Fàndiàn.

Yes, he/she is staying at the Běijīng Hotel.



Zhào Tóngzhì zhù zai Mínzǔ fàndiàn ma?

Is comrade Zhào staying at the Nationalities Hotel?


Běijīng Fàndiàn

Běijīng Hotel


Bú shi, tā bú zhù zai Mínzú Fàndiàn.

No, he/she is not staying at the Nationalities Hotel.



Liú Tóngzhì zhù zai zhèige fàndiàn ma?

Is comrade Liú staying at this hotel?


nèige fàndiàn

that hotel


Bú shi, tā bú zhù zai zhèige fàndiàn.

No, he/she is not staying at this hotel.



Jiāng Tóngzhì zhù zai nèige fàndiàn ma?

Is Jiāng Tóngzhì staying at that hotel?


nèige fàndiàn

that hotel


Shì, tā zhù zai nèige fàndiàn.

Yes, he/she is staying at that hotel.



Zhāng Tóngzhì zhù zai Běijīng Fàndiàn ma?

Is Zhāng Tóngzhì staying at the Běijīng Hotel?


Mínzǔ Fàndiàn

Nationalities Hotel


Bú shi, tā bú zhù zai Běijīng Fàndiàn.

No, he/she is not staying at the Běijīng Hotel.

[1] Another word for "restaurant" is fànguǎnzi. The general word for "hotel" is lǚguǎn.