Standard ChineseA modular ApproachSponsored by Agencies of the United States and Canadian governmentsColophonThis publication is to be used primarily in support of instructing military personnel
as part of the Defense Language Program (resident and nonresident). Inquiries concerning
the use of materials, including requests for copies, should be addressed to:Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center Nonresident Training Division Presidio of Monterey, CA 93944-5006 Topics in the areas of politics, international relations, mores, etc., which may be
considered as controversial from some points of view, are sometimes included in the
language instruction for DLIFLC students since military personnel may find themselves in
positions where a clear understanding of conversations or written materials of this
nature will be essential to their mission. The presence of controversial statements --
whether real or apparent -- in DLIFLC materials should not be construed as representing
the opinions of the writers, the DLIFLC, or the Department of Defense. Actual brand names and businesses are sometimes cited in DLIFLC instructional
materials to provide instruction in pronunciations and meanings. The selection of such
proprietary terms and names is based solely on their value for instruction in the
language. It does not constitute endorsement of any product or commercial enterprise,
nor is it intended to invite a comparison with other brand names and businesses not
mentioned. In DLIFLC publications, the words he, him, and/or his denote both masculine and
feminine genders. This statement does not apply to translations of foreign language
texts. The DLIFLC may not have full rights to the materials it produces. Purchase by the
customer does net constitute authorization for reproduction, resale, or showing for
profit. Generally, products distributed by the DLIFLC may be used in any not-for-profit
setting without prior approval from the DLIFLC. PrefaceStandard Chinese: A Modular Approach originated in an inter-agency conference held at
the Foreign Service Institute in August 1973 to address the need generally felt in the
U.S. Government language training community for improving and updating Chinese
materials, to reflect current usage in Beijing and Taipei. The conference resolved to develop materials which were flexible enough in form and
content to meet the requirements of a wide range of government agencies and academic
institutions. A Project Board was established consisting of representatives of the Central
Intelligence Agency Language Learning Center, the Defense Language Institute, the State
Department's Foreign Service Institute, the Cryptologic School of the National Security
Agency, and the U.S. Office of Education, later joined by the Canadian Forces Foreign
Language School. The representatives have included Arthur T. McNeill, John Hopkins, and
John Boag (CIA); Colonel John F. Elder III, Joseph C. Hutchinson, Ivy Gibian, and Major
Bernard Muller-Thym (DLI); James R. Frith and John B. Ratliff III (FSI); Kazuo Shitama
(NSA); Richard T. Thompson and Julia Petrov (OE); and Lieutenant Colonel George Kozoriz
(CFFLS). The Project Board set up the Chinese Core Curriculum Project in 1974 in space provided
at the Foreign Service Institute. Each of the six U.S. and Canadian government agencies
provided funds and other assistance. Gerard P. Kok was appointed project coordinator, and a planning council was formed
consisting of Mr. Kok, Frances Li of the Defense Language Institute, Patricia O’Connor
of the University of Texas, Earl M. Rickerson of the Language Learning Center, and James
Wrenn of Brown University. In the fall of 1977, Lucille A. Barale was appointed deputy
project coordinator. David W. Dellinger of the Language Learning Center and Charles R.
Sheehan of the Foreign Service Institute also served on the planning council and
contributed material to the project. The planning council drew up the original overall
design for the materials and met regularly to review their development. Writers for the first half of the materials were John H. T. Harvey, Lucille A. Barale,
and Roberta S. Barry, who worked in close cooperation with the planning council and with
the Chinese staff of the Foreign Service Institute. Mr. Harvey developed the
instructional formats of the comprehension and production self-study materials, and also
designed the communications classroom activities and wrote the teacher's guides. Lucille
A. Barale and Roberta S. Barry wrote the tape scripts and the student text. By 1978
Thomas E. Madden and Susan C. Pola had joined the staff. Led by Ms. Barale, they have
worked as a team to produce the materials subsequent to Module 6.All Chinese language material was prepared or selected by Chuan 0. Chao, Ying-chi
Chen, Hsiao-Jung Chi, Eva Diao, Jan Hu, Tsung-mi Li, and Yunhui C. Yang, assisted for
part of the time by Chieh-fang Ou Lee, Ying-ming Chen, and Joseph Yu Hsu Wang. Anna
Affholder, Mei-li Chen, and Henry Khuo helped in the preparation of a preliminary corpus
of dialogues. Administrative assistance was provided at various times by Vincent Basciano, Lisa A.
Bowden, Jill W. Ellis,Donna Fong, Renee T. C. Liang, Thomas E. Madden, Susan C. Pola,
and Kathleen Strype. The production of tape recordings was directed by Jose M. Ramirez of the Foreign
Service Institute Recording Studio. The Chinese script was voiced by Ms. Chao, Ms. Chen,
Mr. Chen, Ms. Diao, Ms. Hu, Mr. Khuo, Mr. Li, and Ms. Yang. The English script was read
by Ms. Barale, Ms. Barry, Mr. Basciano, Ms. Ellis, Ms. Pola, and Ms. Strype. The graphics were produced by John McClelland of the Foreign Service Institute
Audio-Visual staff, under the general supervision of Joseph A. Sadote, Chief of
Audio-Visual. Standard Chinese: A Modular Approach was field-tested with the cooperation of Brown
University; the Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center; the Foreign Service
Institute; the Language Learning Center; the United States Air Force Academy; the
University of Illinois; and the University of Virginia. Colonel Samuel L. Stapleton and Colonel Thomas G. Foster, Commandants of the Defense
Language Institute, Foreign Language Center, authorized the DLIFLC support necessary for
preparation of this edition of the course materials. This support included coordination,
graphic arts, editing, typing, proofreading, printing, and materials necessary to carry
out these tasks.IntroductionAbout the courseThis course is designed to give you a practical command of spoken Standard
Chinese. You will learn both to understand and to speak it. Although Standard
Chinese is one language, there are differences between the particular form it takes
in Beijing and the form it takes in the rest of the country. There are also, of
course, significant non-linguistic differences between regions of the country.
Reflecting these regional differences, the settings for most conversations are
Beijing and Taipei. This course represents a new approach to the teaching of foreign languages. In
many ways it redefines the roles of teacher and student, of classwork and homework,
and of text and tape. Here is what you should expect: The focus is on communicating in Chinese in practical situations — the
obvious ones you will encounter upon arriving in China. You will be
communicating in Chinese most of the time you are in class. You will not
always "be talking about real situations, " but you will almost always be
purposefully exchanging information in Chinese.This focus on communicating means that the teacher is first of all your
conversational partner. Anything that forces himAs used in this course, the words "he," "him," and "Ms" are
intended to include both masculine and feminine genders.
(Translations of foreign language material not included.) back into the traditional roles of lecturer and drill-master
limits your opportunity to interact with a speaker of the Chinese language
and to experience the language in its full spontaneity, flexibility, and
responsiveness.Using class time for communicating, you will complete other course
activities out of class whenever possible. This is what the tapes are for.
They introduce the new material of each unit and give you as much additional
practice as possible without a conversational partner.The texts summarize and supplement the tapes, which take you through new
material step by step and then give you intensive practice on what you have
covered. In this course you will spend almost all your time listening to
Chinese and saying things in Chinese, either with the tapes or in
class.How the Course Is OrganizedThe subtitle of this course, "A Modular Approach," refers to overall organization
of the materials into MODULES which focus on particular situations or language
topics and which allow a certain amount of choice as to what is taught and in what
order. To highlight equally significant features of the course, the subtitle could
just as well have been "A Situational Approach," "A Taped-Input Approach," or "A
Communicative Approach."Ten situational modules form the core of the course: ORIENTATION (ORN)Talking about who you are and where you are from.BIOGRAPHIC INFORMATION (BIO)Talking about your background, family, studies, and
occupation and about your visit to China. MONEY (MON)Making purchases and changing money.DIRECTIONS (DIR)Asking directions in a city or in a building.TRANSPORTATION (TRN)Taking buses, taxis, trains, and planes, including finding
out schedule information, buying tickets, and making
reservations.ARRANGING A MEETING (MTG)Arranging a business meeting or a social get-together,
changing the time of an appointment, and declining an
invitation.SOCIETY (SOC)Talking about families, relationships between people,
cultural roles in traditional society, and cultural trends in
modern society.TRAVELING IN CHINA (TRL)Making travel arrangements and visiting a kindergarten, the
Great Wall, the Ming Tombs, a commune, and a factory.LIFE IH CHINA (LIC)Talking about daily life in Bĕijīng street
committees, leisure activities, traffic and transportation,
buying and rationing, housing. TALKING ABOUT THE NEWS (TAN)Talking about government and party policy changes described
in newspapers the educational system agricultural policy,
international policy, ideological policy, and policy in the
arts.Each core module consists of tapes, a student textbook, and a workbook. In addition to the ten CORE modules, there are also RESOURCE modules and OPTIONAL
modules. Resource modules teach particular systems in the language, such as numbers
and dates. As you proceed through a situational core module, you will occasionally
take time out to study part of a resource module. (You will begin the first three of
these while studying the Orientation Module.)PRONUNCIATION AND ROMANIZATION (P&R)The sound system of Chinese and the Pinyin system of
romanization.NUMBERS (NUM)Numbers up to five digits. CLASSROOM EXPRESSIONS (CE)Expressions basic to the classroom learning
situation.TIME AND DATES (T&D)Dates, days of the week, clock time, parts of the
day.GRAMMARAspect and verb types, word order, multisyllabic verbs and
auxiliary verbs, complex sentences, adverbial expressions.
Each module consists of tapes and a student textbook.The eight optional modules focus on particular situations: RESTAURANT (RST)HOTEL (HTL)PERSONAL WELFARE (WLF) POST OFFICE AND TELEPHONE (PST/TEL)CAR (CAR)CUSTOMS SURROUNDING MARRIAGE, BIRTH, MD DEATH (MBD)NEW YEAR'S CELEBRATION (NYH)INSTITUTIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS (l&0) Each module consists of tapes and a student textbook. These optional modules may
be used at any time after certain core modules, The diagram on page shows how the core modules, optional
modules, and resource modules fit together in the course. Resource modules are shown
where study should begin. Optional modules are shown where they may be
introduced.Inside a Core Module Each core module has from four to eight units. A module also includes: Objectives: The module objectives are
listed at the beginning of the text for each module. Read these before
starting work on the first unit to fix in your mind what you are trying to
accomplish and what you will have to do to pass the test at the end of the
module.Target Lists: These follow the objectives
in the text. They summarize the language content of each unit in the form of
typical questions and answers on the topic of that unit. Each sentence is
given both in romanized Chinese and in English. Turn to the appropriate
Target List before, during, or after your work on a unit, whenever you need
to pull together what is in the unit.Review Tapes (R-l): The Target List
sentences are given on these tapes. Except in the short Orientation Module,
there are two R-l tapes for each module.Criterion Test: After studying each
module, you will take a Criterion Test to find out which module objectives
you have met and which you need to work on before beginning to study another
module.Inside a Unit Here is what you will be doing in each unit. First, you will work through two
tapes: Comprehension Tape 1 (C-l): This tape
introduces all the new words and structures in the unit and lets you hear
them in the context of short conversational exchanges. It then works them
into other short conversations and longer passages for listening practice,
and finally reviews them in the Target List sentences. Your goal when using
the tape is to understand all the Target List sentences for the unit.Production Tape 1 (P-l): This tape gives
you practice in pronouncing the new words and in saying the sentences you
learned to understand on the C-l tape. Your goal when using the P-l tape is
to be able to produce any of the Target List sentences in Chinese when given
the English equivalent. The C-l and P-l tapes, not accompanied by workbooks, are "portable," in
the sense that they do not tie you down to your desk. However, there are
some written materials for each unit which you will need to work into your
study routine. A text Reference List at
the beginning of each unit contains the sentences from the C-l and P-l
tapes. It includes both the Chinese sentences and their English equivalents.
The text Reference Notes restate and
expand the comments made on the C-l and P-l tapes concerning grammar,
vocabulary, pronunciation, and culture. After you have worked with the C-l
and P-l tapes, you go on to two class activities:Target List Review: In this first class
activity of the unit, you find out how well you learned the C-l and P-l
sentences. The teacher checks your understanding and production of the
Target List sentences. He also presents any additional required vocabulary
items, found at the end of the Target List, which were not on the C-l and
P-l tapes.Structural Buildup: During this class
activity, you work on your understanding and control of the new structures
in the unit. You respond to questions from your teacher about situations
illustrated on a chalkboard or explained in other ways.After these activities, your teacher may want you to spend some time
working on the drills for the unit.Drill Tape: This tape takes you through
various types of drills based on the Target List sentences and on the
additional required vocabulary.Drills: The teacher may have you go over
some or all of the drills in class, either to prepare for work with the
tape, to review the tape, or to replace it. Next, you use two more tapes. These tapes will give you as much additional
practice as possible outside of class.Comprehension Tape 2 (C-2): This tape
provides advanced listening practice with exercises containing long, varied
passages which fully exploit the possibilities of the material covered. In
the C-2 Workbook you answer questions about the passages.Production Tape 2 (P-2): This tape
resembles the Structural Buildup in that you practice using the new
structures of the unit in various situations. The P-2 Workbook provides
instructions and displays of information for each exercise.Following work on these two tapes, you take part in two class
activities:Exercise Review: The teacher reviews the
exercises of the C-2 tape by reading or playing passages from the tape and
questioning you on them. He reviews the exercises of the P-2 tape by
questioning you on information displays in the P-2 Workbook.Communication Activities: Here you use
what you have learned in the unit for the purposeful exchange of
information. Both fictitious situations (in Communication Games) and
real-world situations involving you and your classmates (in "interviews")
are used.Materials and Activities for a UnitTAPED
ACTIVITIESC-l, P-l TapesTarget List Reference ListReference NotesTarget List Review--------------------------Structural BuildupD-l TapesDrillsDrills C-2, P-2 TapesReference NotesC-2, P-2 WorkbooksExercise Review--------------------------Communication ActivitiesWen wǔ Temple in
central Taiwan (courtesy of Thomas Madden)Background Notes: About ChineseThe Chinese Languages We find it perfectly natural to talk about a language called "Chinese." We say,
for example, that the people of China speak different dialects of Chinese, and that
Confucius wrote in an ancient form of Chinese. On the other hand, we would never
think of saying that the people of Italy, France, Spain, and Portugal speak dialects
of one language, and that Julius Caesar wrote in an ancient form of that language.
But the facts are almost exactly parallel.Therefore, in terms of what we think of as a language when closer to home,
"Chinese" is not one language, but a family of languages. The language of Confucius
is partway up the trunk of the family tree. Like Latin, it lived on as a literary
language long after its death as a spoken language in popular use. The seven modern
languages of China, traditionally known as the "dialects," are the branches of the
tree. They share as strong a family resemblance as do Italian, French, Spanish, and
Portuguese, and are about as different from one another. The predominant language of China is now known as Pŭtōnghuà, or "Standard Chinese"
(literally "the common speech"). The more traditional term, still used in Taiwan, is
Guóyŭ, or "Mandarin"
(literally "the national language"). Standard Chinese is spoken natively by almost
two-thirds of the population of China and throughout the greater part of the
country. The term "Standard Chinese" is often used more narrowly to refer to the true
national language which is emerging. This language, which is already the language of
all national broadcasting, is based primarily on the Peking dialect, but takes in
elements from other dialects of Standard Chinese and even from other Chinese
languages. Like many national languages, it is more widely understood than spoken,
and is often spoken with some concessions to local speech, particularly in
pronunciation. The Chinese languages and their dialects differ far more in pronunciation than in
grammar and vocabulary. What distinguishes Standard Chinese most from the other
Chinese languages, for example, is that it has the fewest tones and the fewest final
consonants. The remaining six Chinese languages, spoken by approximately a quarter of the
population of China, are tightly grouped in the southeast, below the Yangtze River.
The six are: the Wu group (Wú), which includes the "Shanghai dialect"; Hunanese
(Xiāng); the "Kiangsi
dialect" (Gàn); Cantonese
(Yuè), the language of
Guăngdōng, widely
spoken in Chinese communities in the United States; Fukienese (Mĭn), a variant of which is spoken by
a majority on Taiwan and hence called Taiwanese; and Hakka (Kèjiā), spoken in a belt above the
Cantonese area, as well as by a minority on Taiwan. Cantonese, Fukienese, and Hakka
are also widely spoken throughout Southeast Asia. There are minority ethnic groups in China who speak non-Chinese languages. Some of
these, such as Tibetan, are distantly related to the Chinese languages. Others, such
as Mongolian, are entirely unrelated. Some Characteristics of ChineseTo us, perhaps the roost striking feature of spoken Chinese is the use of
variation in tone ("tones" to distinguish the different meanings of syllables which
would otherwise sound alike. All languages, and Chinese is no exception, make use of
sentence intonation to indicate how whole sentences are to be understood. In
English, for example, the rising pattern in "He’s gone?" tells us that the sentence
is meant as a question. The Chinese tones, however, are quite a different matter.
They belong to individual syllables, not to the sentence as a whole. An inherent
part of each Standard Chinese syllable is one of four distinctive tones. The tone
does just as much to distinguish the syllable as do the consonants and vowels. For
example, the only difference between the verb "to buy," mǎi and the verb "to sell,"
mài, is the Low tone
( ̆) and the Falling tone
(`). And yet these words are
Just as distinguishable as our words "buy" and "guy," or "buy" and "boy." Apart from
the tones, the sound system of Standard Chinese is no more different from English
than French is. Word formation in Standard Chinese is relatively simple. For one thing, there are
no conjugations such as are found in many European languages. Chinese verbs have
fewer forms than English verbs, and nowhere near as many irregularities. Chinese
grammar relies heavily on word order, and often the word order is the same as in
English. For these reasons Chinese is not as difficult for Americans to learn to
speak as one might think. It is often said that Chinese is a monosyllabic language. This notion contains a
good deal of truth. It has been found that, on the average, every other word in
ordinary conversation is a single-syllable word. Moreover, although most words in
the dictionary have two syllables, and some have more, these words can almost always
be broken down into single-syllable units of meaning, many of which can stand alone
as words. Written ChineseMost languages with which we are familiar are written with an alphabet. The
letters may be different from ours, as in the Greek alphabet, but the principle is
the same: one letter for each consonant or vowel sound, more or less. Chinese,
however, is written with "characters" which stand for whole syllables -- in fact,
for whole syllables with particular meanings. Although there are only about thirteen
hundred phonetically distinct syllables in standard Chinese, there are several
thousand Chinese characters in everyday use, essentially one for each
single-syllable unit of meaning. This means that many words have the same
pronunciation but are written with different characters, as tiān, "sky," 天, and tiān, "to add," "to increase,"
添. Chinese characters are
often referred to as "ideographs" which suggests that they stand directly for ideas.
But this is misleading. It is better to think of them as standing for the meaningful
syllables of the spoken language. Minimal literacy in Chinese calls for knowing about a thousand characters. These
thousand characters, in combination, give a reading vocabulary of several thousand
words. Full literacy calls for knowing some three thousand characters. In order to
reduce the amount of time needed to learn characters, there has been a vast
extension in the People's Republic of China (PRC) of the principle of character
simplification, which has reduced the average number of strokes per character by
half. During the past century, various systems have been proposed for representing the
sounds of Chinese with letters of the Roman alphabet. One of these romanizations,
HànyŭPīnyīn (literally "Chinese
Language Spelling," generally called "Pinyin" in English), has been adopted
officially in the PRC, with the short-term goal of teaching all students the
Standard Chinese pronunciation of characters. A long-range goal is the use of Pinyin
for written communication throughout the country. This is not possible, of course,
until speakers across the nation have uniform pronunciations of Standard Chinese.
For the time being, characters, which represent meaning, not pronunciation, are
still the most widely accepted way of communicating in writing. Pinyin uses all of the letters in our alphabet except "v," and adds the letter "ü." The
spellings of some of the consonant sounds are rather arbitrary from our point of
view, but for every consonant sound there is only one letter or one combination of
letters, and vice versa. You will find that each vowel letter can stand for
different vowel sounds, depending on what letters precede or follow it in the
syllable. The four tones are indicated by accent marks over the vowels, and the
Neutral tone by the absence of an accent mark: High: māFalling: màRising: máNeutral: maLow: mǎOne reason often given for the retention of characters is that they can be read,
with the local pronunciation, by speakers of all the Chinese languages. Probably a
stronger reason for retaining them is that the characters help keep alive
distinctions of meaning between words, and connections of meaning between words,
which are fading in the spoken language. On the other hand, a Cantonese could learn
to speak Standard Chinese, and read it alphabetically, at least as easily as he can
learn several thousand characters. Pinyin is used throughout this course to provide a simple written representation
of pronunciation. The characters, which are chiefly responsible for the reputation
of Chinese as a difficult language, are taught separately. BACKGROUND NOTES: ABOUT CHINESE CHARACTERSEach Chinese character is written as a fixed sequence of strokes. There are very
few basic types of strokes, each with its own prescribed direction, length, and
contour. The dynamics of these strokes as written with a brush, the classical
writing instrument, show up clearly even in printed characters. You can tell from
the varying thickness of the stroke how the brush met the paper, how it swooped, and
how it lifted; these effects are largely lost in characters written with a
ball-point pen. The sequence of strokes is of particular importance. Let's take the character for
"mouth," pronounced kǒu.
Here it is as normally written, with the order and directions of the strokes
indicated.Strokes orderIf the character is written rapidly, in "running-style writing," one stroke glides
into the next, like this. Running style writing If the strokes were written in any but the proper order, quite different
distortions would take place as each stroke reflected the last and anticipated the
next, and the character would be illegible.The earliest surviving Chinese characters, inscribed on the Shang Dynasty "oracle
bones" of about 1500 B.C. , already included characters that vent beyond simple
pictorial representation. There are some characters in use today which are
pictorial, like the character for "mouth." There are also some which are directly
symbolic, like our Roman numerals I, II, and III. (The characters for these numbers
— the first numbers you learn in this course — are like the Roman numerals turned on
their sides.) There are some which are indirectly symbolic, like our Arabic numerals
1,2, and 3. But the most common type of character is complex, consisting of two
parts: a "phonetic," which suggests the pronunciation, and a "radical," which
broadly characterizes the meaning. Let's take the following character as an example. Running style writing This character means "ocean" and is pronounced yáng. The left side of the character,
the three short strokes, is an abbreviation of a character which means "water" and
is pronounced shuĭ. This
is the "radical." It has been borrowed only for its meaning, "water." The right side
of the character above is a character which means "sheep" and is pronounced yang.
This is the "phonetic." It has been borrowed only for its sound value,
yáng. A speaker of
Chinese encountering the above character for the first time could probably figure
out that the only Chinese word that sounds like yáng and means something like
"water," is the word yáng
meaning "ocean," We, as speakers of English, might not be able to figure it out.
Moreover, phonetics and radicals seldom work as neatly as in this example. But we
can still learn to make good use of these hints at sound and sense. Many dictionaries classify characters in terms of the radicals. According to one
of the two dictionary systems used, there are 176 radicals; in the other system,
there are 2l4. There are over a thousand phonetics.Chinese has traditionally been written vertically, from top to bottom of the page,
starting on the right-hand side, with the pages bound so that the first page is
where we would expect the last page to be. Nowadays, however, many Chinese
publications paginate like Western publications, and the characters are written
A Chinese personal name consists of two parts: a surname and a given name. There
is no middle name. The order is the reverse of ours: surname first, given name last. The most common pattern for Chinese names is a single-syllable surname followed by
a two-syllable given name:The first version of each example is in the Pinyin system of romanization.
The second parenthesized version is the conventional, or anglicized,
spelling.Máo Zédōng (Mao
Tse-tung)Zhōu Enlái (Chou
En-lai)Jiǎng Jièshí (Chiang
Kai-shek)Sòng Qìnglíng (Soong
Ch'ing-ling --- Mme Sun Yat-sen)Sòng Mĕilíng (Soong
Mei-ling--Mme Chiang Kai-shek)It is not uncommon, however, for the given name to consist of a single
syllable:Zhŭ Dĕ (Chu Teh) Lín Biāo (Lin Piao) Hú Shì (Hu Shih) Jiang Qĭng (Chiang
Ch'ing—Mme Mao Tse-tung) There are a few two-syllable surnames. These are usually followed by single-syllable given names: Sīmă Guāng (Ssu-ma
Kuang) Ōuyáng Xiū (Ou-yang
Hsiu) Zhūgĕ Liàng (Chu-ke
Liang) But two-syllable surnames may also be followed by two-syllable given names:Sīmă Xiāngrú (Ssu-ma
Hsiang-ju) An exhaustive list of Chinese surnames includes several hundred written with a
single character and several dozen written with two characters. Some single-syllable
surnames sound exactly alike although written with different characters, and to
distinguish them, the Chinese nay occasionally have to describe the character or
"write" it with a finger on the palm of a hand. But the surnames that you are likely
to encounter are fever than a hundred, and a handful of these are so common that
they account for a good majority of China’s population. Given names, as opposed to surnames, are not restricted to a limited list of
characters, Men's names are often but not always distinguishable from women's; the
difference, however, usually lies in the meaning of the characters and so is not
readily apparent to the beginning student with a limited knowledge of
characters.Outside the People's Republic the traditional system of titles is still in use.
These titles closely parallel our own "Mr.," "Mrs.," and "Miss." Notice, however,
that all Chinese titles follow the name — either the full name or the surname alone
— rather than preceding it.The title "Mr." is Xiānsheng. Mă XiānshengMă Mínglĭ XiānshengThe title "Mrs." is Tàitai. It follows the husband's full name or surname alone. Mă TàitaiMă Mínglĭ TàitaiThe title "Miss" is Xiăojiĕ. The Ma family's grown daughter, Défēn, would beMă XiăojiĕMă Défēn XiăojiĕEven traditionally, outside the People's Republic, a married woman does not take
her husband's name in the same sense as in our culture. If Miss Fang Băolán marries Mr. Ma Mínglĭ, she becomes Mrs,
Mă Mínglĭ, but at the
same time she remains Fāng
Băolán, She does not become Mă Băolán; there is no equivalent of
"Mrs. Mary Smith." She may, however, add her husband's surname to her own full name
and refer to herself as Mă Fāng
Băolán. At work she is quite likely to continue as Miss
Fāng. These customs regarding names are still observed by many Chinese today in various
parts of the world. The titles carry certain connotations, however, when used in the
PRC today: Tàitai should
not be used because it designates that woman as a member of the leisure class.
Xiăojiĕ should not be
used because it carries the connotation of being from a rich family. In the People's Republic, the title "Comrade," Tóngzhì is used in place of the
titles Xiānsheng,
Tàitai, and
Mă Mínglĭ would
be:Mă TóngzhìMă Mínglĭ TóngzhìThe title "Comrade" is applied to all, regardless of sex or marital status. A
married woman does not take her husband's name in any sense. Mă Mínglĭ' s wife would be: Fāng TóngzhìFāng Băolán
TóngzhìChildren may be given either the mother's or the father's surname at birth. In
some families one child has the father's surname, and another child has the mother's
surname. Mă Mínglĭ's and
Fāng Băolán's grown
daughter could be Mă Tŏngzhì Mă Dĕfēn TóngzhìTheir grown son could be Fāng TóngzhìFāng Zìqiáng
TóngzhìBoth in the PRC and elsewhere, of course, there are official titles and titles of
respect in addition to the common titles we have discussed here. Several of these
will be introduced later in the course. The question of adapting foreign names to Chinese calls for special consideration.
In the People's Republic the policy is to assign Chinese phonetic equivalents to
foreign names. These approximations are often not as close phonetically as they
might be, since the choice of appropriate written characters may bring in
non-phonetic considerations. (An attempt is usually made when transliterating to use
characters with attractive meanings.) For the most part, the resulting names do not
at all resemble Chinese names. For example, the official version of "David Anderson"
is Dàiwĕi Āndésēn. An older approach, still in use outside the PRC, is to construct a valid Chinese
name that suggests the foreign name phonetically. For example, "David Anderson"
might be An Dàwèi. Sometimes, when a foreign surname has the same meaning as a Chinese surname,
semantic suggestiveness is chosen over phonetic suggestiveness. For example,
Wáng, a common Chinese
surname, means "king," so "Daniel King" might be rendered Wáng Dànián. Students in this course will be given both the official PRC phonetic equivalents
of their names and Chinese-style names.Module 1: OrientationThe Orientation Module and associated resource modules provide the linguistic tools needed
to begin the study of Chinese, The materials also introduce the teaching procedures used in
this course. The Orientation Module is not a typical course module in several respects. First, it does
not have a situational topic of its own, but rather leads into the situational topic of the
following module — Biographic Information. Second, it teaches only a little Chinese grammar
and vocabulary. Third, two of the associated resource modules (Pronunciation and
Romanization, Numbers) are not optional; together with the Orientation Module, they are
prerequisite to the rest of the course.ObjectivesUpon successful completion of this module and the two associated resource modules, the
student should:Distinguish the sounds and tones of Chinese well enough to he able to
write the Hànyŭ
Pīnyīn romanization for a syllable after hearing the
syllable.Be able to pronounce any combination of sounds found in the words of the
Target Lists when given a romanized syllable to read. (Although the entire
sound system of Chinese is introduced in the module, the student is
responsible for producing only sounds used in the Target Sentences for ORN.
Producing the remaining sounds is included in the Objectives for Biographic
Information,) Know the names and locations of five cities and five provinces of China
veil enough to point out their locations on a map, and pronounce the names
well enough to be understood by a Chinese. Comprehend the numbers 1 through 99 well enough to write them down when
dictated, and be able to say them in Chinese when given English
equivalents.Understand the Chinese system of using personal names, including the use
of titles equivalent to "Mr.,"Mrs.," "Miss," and "Comrade."Be able to ask and understand questions about where someone is from.
Be able to ask and understand questions about where someone is.Be able to give the English equivalents for all the Chinese expressions in
the Target Lists.Be able to say all the Chinese expressions in the Target Lists when cued
with English equivalents.Be able to take part in short Chinese conversations, based on the Target
Lists, about how he is, who he is, and where he is from.Tapes for ORN and associated resource modulesOrientation
(ORN)Unit 11 C-l1 p-l1&2 D-lUnit 22 C-12 P-lUnit 33 C-l3 P-l3 D-l3 C-23 P-2Unit 44 C-l 4 P-l4 D-l 4 C-24 P-2Pronunciation and
(P&R)P&R 1P&R 2P&R 3P&R 4P&R 5P&R 6NumbersNUM 1NUM 2NUM 3NUM 4Classroom Expressions
(CE)CE 1Unit 1 Target List1.A:Nĭ shì shéi?
你是谁?Who are you? B:Wǒ shì Wáng
Dànián.我是王大年。I am Wáng
Dànián (Daniel King).A:Wǒ shì Hú Mĕilíng.
我是胡美玲。I am Hú
Mĕilíng.2.A:Nĭ xìng
shénme?你姓什么?What is your surname?B:Wǒ xìng
Wáng.我姓王。My surname is Wáng (King).A:Wǒ xìng
Hú.我姓胡。My surname is Hú.3.A:Tā shì
shéi?他是谁?Who is he/she?B:Tā shì Mǎ
Mínglĭ.他是马明理。He is Mǎ
Mínglĭ.A:Tā shì Mǎ
Xiānsheng.他是马先生。He is Mr. Mǎ.B:Tā shì Mǎ
Tàitai.她是马太太。She is Mrs. Mǎ.A:Tā shì Mǎ
Xiăojiě?她是马小姐。She is Miss Mǎ.B:Tā shì Mǎ
Tóngzhì他/她是马同 志。He/she is Comrade Mǎ.4.A:Wáng Xiānsheng, tā shì
shéi?王先生,他是谁?Mr. Wáng,
who is he?B:Tā shì Mǎ Mínglĭ
Xiānsheng.他是马明理先 生。He is Mr. Mǎ
MÍnglĭ.5.A:Xiānsheng, tā shì
shéi?先生,她是谁?Sir, who is she?B:Tā shì Mǎ Mínglĭ
Tàitai.她是马明理太 太。She is Mrs. Mǎ
Mínglĭ.6.A:Tóngzhì, tā shì
shéi?同志,她是谁?Comrade, who is she?B:Tā shì Fāng Bǎolán
Tóngzhì.她是方宝兰同 志。She is Comrade Fāng
Bǎolán.Unit 2 Target List1.A:Nĭ shì Wáng Xiānsheng
ma?你是王大年吗?Are you Mr. Wáng?B:Wǒ shì Wáng
Dànián.我是王大年。I am Wáng
Dànián.A:Wǒ bú shì Wáng
Xiānsheng.我不是王先生。I'm not Mr. Wáng.2.A:Nĭ xìng Wáng
ma?你姓王吗?Is your surname
Wáng?B:Wǒ xìng
Wáng.我姓王。My surname is Wáng.A:Wǒ bú xìng
Wáng.我不姓王。My surname isn't Wáng.3.A:Nín
guìxìng?您贵姓?Your surname? (POLITE)B:Wǒ xìng
Wáng.我姓王。My surname is Wáng.4.A:Nĭ Jiào
shénme?你叫什么?What is your given name?B:Wǒ Jiào
Dànián.我叫大年。My given name is Dànián (Daniel).5.A:Nĭ hăo
ma?你好吗?How are you?B:Wǒ hăo. Nĭ
ne?我好。你呢?I'm fine. And you? A:Hăo.
Xièxie.好。谢谢。 Fine, thank you.Additional required
vocabulary (not presented on P-l and P-l tapes)6.míngzi名字given nameUnit 3 Target List1.A:Nĭ shì Měiguo rén
ma?你是美国人吗?Are you an American? B:Shì.是。Yes (I am).B:Bú
shì.不是。No (I'm not).2.A:Nĭ shì Zhōngguo rén ma?
你是中国人吗?Are you Chinese?B:Shì, wǒ shì Zhōngguo
rén.是,我是中国人。Yes, I'm Chinese.B:Bú shì, wǒ bú shì Zhōngguo
rén.不是,我不是中国人。No, I'm not Chinese.3.A:Nĭ shì neǐguó
rén?你是哪儿国人?What is your nationality? B:Wǒ shì Měiguo
rén.我是美国人。I'm an American.B:Wǒ shì Zhōngguo
rén.我是中国人。I'm Chinese.B:Wǒ shì Yīngguó
rén.我是英国人。I'm English.4.A:Nĭ shì nărde
rén?你是哪儿人?Where are you from?B:Wǒ shì Jiāzhōu
rén.我是加州人。I'm a Californian. B:Wǒ shì Shànghǎi
rén.我是上海人。I'm from Shanghai.Additional required
vocabulary (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)5:Déguó德国Germany6:Èguó
(Făguó)法国France8:Rìběn日本JapanUnit 4 Target List1.A:Āndésēn Xiānsheng, nǐ shì
nărde rén?安德森先生,你是哪儿的人?Where are you from, Mr. Anderson?B:Wǒ shì Dézhōu
rén.我是德州人。I'm from Texas.A:Āndésēn Fūren
ne?安德森夫人呢?And Mrs. Anderson? B:Tā yĕ shì Dézhōu
rén.她也是德州人。She is from Texas too.2:A:Tā shì Yīngguó rén
ma?他是英国人吗?Is he English?B:Bú shì, tā bú shì Yīngguó
rén.不是,他不是英国人。No, he is not English.A:Tā àiren
ne?他爱人呢?And his wife?B:Tā yĕ bú shì Yīngguó
rén.她也不是英国人。She isn't English either.3.A:Qĭngwèn, nǐ lăojiā zài
nǎr?请问,你老家在哪儿?May I ask, where is your family from?B:Wǒ lăojiā zài
Shāndōng.我老家在山东。My family is from Shāndōng4.A:Qīngdăo zài zhèr
ma?青岛在这儿吗?Is Qīngdăo
here? (pointing to a map)B:Qīngdăo bú zài nàr, zài
zhèr.青岛不在那儿,在这儿。Qīngdăo isn’t
there; it’s here. (pointing to a map)5.A:Nĭ àiren xiànzài zài
nǎr?你爱人现在在哪儿?Where is your spouse now?B:Tā xiànzài zài
Jiānádà.她现在在见那大。He/she is in Canada now.Additional required
vocabulary (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)6.Learn the pronunciation and location of any
five cities and five provinces of China found on the maps on pages
90-8l.On a Bĕijīng street
(courtesy of Pat Fox)Unit 1IntroductionTopics Covered in this UnitQuestions and answers about full names and surnames.Titles and terms of address ("Mr.," etc.).Prerequisites to the Unit(Be sure to complete these before starting the unit.)Background NotesP&R 1 (Tape 1 of the resource module on Pronunciation and
Romanization), the tones.P&R 2 (Tape 2 of the resource module on Pronunciation and
Romanization), the tones.Materials You Will NeedThe C-l and P-l tapes, the Reference List and Reference
Notes.The drill tape (lD-l)About the C-l and P-l TapesThe C-l and P-l tapes are your introduction to the Chinese words and
structures presented in each unit. The tapes give you explanations and practice
on the new material. By the time you have worked through these two tapes, you
will be competent in understanding and producing the expressions introduced in
the unit. With the C-l tape, you learn to understand the new words and structures. The
material is presented in short conversational exchanges, first with English
translations and later with pauses which allow you to translate. Try to give a
complete English translation for each Chinese expression. Your goal when using
the C-l tape is to learn the meanings of all the words and structures as they
are used in the sentences.With the P-l tape, you learn to put together these sentences. You learn to
pronounce each new word and use each new structure. When the recorded
instructions direct you to pronounce a word or say a sentence, do so out loud.
It is important for you to hear yourself speaking Chinese, so that you will know
whether you are pronouncing the words correctly. Making the effort to say the
expression is a big part of learning it. It is one thing to think about how a
sentence should be put together or how it should sound. It is another thing to
put it together that way or make it sound that way. Your goal when using the P-l
tape is to produce the Target List expressions in Chinese when given English
equivalents. At the end of each P-l tape is a review of the Target List which
you can go over until you have mastered the expressions.At times, you may feel that the material on a tape is being presented too
fast. You may find that there is not enough time allowed for working out the
meaning of a sentence or saying a sentence the way you want to. When this
happens, stop the tape. If you want to, rewind; Use the control buttons on your
machine to make the tape manageable for you most and to get the most out of
it.About the Reference List and the Reference NotesThe Reference List and the Reference Notes are designed to be used before,
during, or directly after work with the C-l and P-l tapes.The Reference List is a summary of the C-l and P-l tapes. It contains all
sentences which introduce new material, shoving you both the Chinese sentences
written in romanization and their English equivalents. You will find that the
list is printed so that either the Chinese or the English can be covered to
allow you to test yourself on comprehension, production, or romanization of the
sentences.The Reference Notes give you information about grammar, pronunciation, and
cultural usage. Some of these explanations duplicate what you hear on the C-l
and P-l tapes. Other explanations contain new information. You may use the Reference List and Reference Notes in various ways. For
example, you may follow the Reference Notes as you listen to a tape, glancing at
an exchange or stopping to read a comment whenever you want to. Or you may look
through the Reference Notes before listening to a tape, and then use the
Reference List while you listen, to help you keep track of where you are.
Whichever way you decide to use these parts of a unit, remember that they are
reference materials. Don't rely on the translations and romanizations as
subtitles for the C-l tape or as cue cards for the P-l tape, for this would rob
you of your chance to develop listening and responding skills.About the DrillsThe drills help you develop fluency, ease of response, and confidence. You can
go through the drills on your own, with the drill tapes, and the teacher may
take you through them in class as well. Allow more than half an hour for a half-hour drill tape, since you will
usually need to go over all or parts of the tape more than once to get full
benefit from it. The drills include many personal names, providing you with valuable
pronunciation practice. However, if you find the names more than you can handle
the first time through the tape, replace them with the pronoun tā whenever possible. Similar
substitutions are often possible with place names. Some of the drills involve sentences which you may find too long to understand
or produce on your first try, and you will need to rewind for another try.
Often, particularly the first time through a tape, you will find the pauses too
short, and you will need to stop the tape to give yourself more time. The
performance you should aim for with these tapes, however, is full comprehension
and full, fluent, and accurate production while the tape rolls. The five basic types of drills are described below.Substitution Drills: The teacher
(T) gives a pattern sentence which the student (S) repeats. Then the
teacher gives a word or phrase (a cue) which the student substitutes
appropriately in the original sentence. The teacher follows
immediately with a new cue.Here is an English example of a substitution
drill:T: Are you an American?S: Are you an American?T: (cue) EnglishS: Are you English?T: (cue) French S: Are you French?Transformation Drills: On the
basis of a model provided at the beginning of the drill, the student
makes a certain change in each sentence the teacher says.Here is an English example of a transformation drill, in
which the student is changing affirmative sentences into
negative ones:T: I'm going to the bank. S: I'm not going to the bank. T: I'm going to the store. S: I'm not going to the store.Response Drills: On the basis of a model given at the beginning of
the drill, the student responds to questions or remarks by the
teacher as cued by the teacher.Here is an English example of a response drill:T: What is his name? (cue) Harris S: His name is Harris.T: What is her name? (cue) Noss S: Her name is Noss.Expansion Drills: The student adds something to a pattern sentence
as cued by the teacher.Here is an English example of an expansion drill:T: He isn't Chinese, (cue) Japanese.S: He isn't Chinese. He's Japanese. T: She isn't German. (cue) French.S: She isn't German. She's French. Combination Drills: On the basis of a model given at the beginning
of the drill, the student combines two phrases or sentences given by
the teacher into a single utterance.Here is an English example of a combination drill:T: I am reading a book. John gave me the book. S: I am reading a book which John gave me. T: Mary bought a picture. I like the picture. S: Mary bought a picture which I like.ReferencesReference list1.A:Nǐ shì
shéi?你是谁?Who are you?B:Wǒ shì Wáng
Dànián.我是王大年。I'm Wáng
Dànián.2.A:Nǐ shì
shéi?你是谁?Who are you?B:Wǒ shì Hú
Měilíng.我是胡美玲。I'm Hú
Měilíng.3.A:Tā shì
shéi?他是谁?Who is he?B:Tā shì Mǎ
Mínglǐ他是马明理。He is Mǎ
Mínglǐ.4.A:Tā shì Mǎ
Mínglǐ.他是马明理。He is Mǎ
Mínglǐ.B:Tā shì Hú
Měilíng.她是胡美玲。She is Hú
Měilíng.5.A:Nǐ xìng
shénme?你姓什么?What is your surname?B:Wǒ xìng
Wáng.我姓王。My surname is Wáng.6.A:Tā xìng
shénme?他姓什么?What is his surname?B:Tā xìng
Mǎ.他姓马。His surname is Mǎ.7.A:Tā shì
shéi?他是谁?Who is he?B:Tā shì Mǎ
xiānsheng.他是马先生。He is Mr. Mǎ .8.A:Tā shì
shéi?他是谁?Who is he?B:Tā shì Mǎ Mínglǐ
xiānsheng.他是马明理先生。He is Mr. Mǎ
Mínglǐ.9.A:Wáng xiānsheng, tā
shì shéi?王先生,他是谁?Mr. Wáng, who is he?B:Tā shì Mǎ Mínglǐ
xiānsheng.他是马明理先生。He is Mr. Mǎ
Mínglǐ.10.A:Xiānsheng, tā shì
shéi?先生,他是谁?Sir, who is he?B:Tā shì Mǎ
xiānsheng他是马先生。He is Mr. Mǎ.11.A:Xiānsheng, tā shì
shéi?先生,她是谁?Sir, who is she?B:Tā shì Mǎ
tàitai.她是马太太。She is Mrs. Mǎ.12.A:Wáng xiānsheng, tā
shì shéi?王先生,她是谁?Mr. Wáng, who is she?B:Tā shì Mǎ Mínglǐ
tàitai.她是马明理太太。She is Mrs. Mǎ
Mínglǐ.13.A:Wáng xiānsheng, tā
shì shéi?王先生,她是谁?Mr. Wáng, who is she?B:Tā shì Mǎ
xiǎojiě.她是马小姐。She is miss Mǎ.14.A:Tā shì
shéi?他是谁?Who is he?B:Tā shì Mǎ Mínglǐ
tóngzhì.他是马明理同志。He is comrade Mínglǐ.15.A:Tóngzhì, tā shì
shéi?同志,她是谁?Comrade, who is she?B:Tā shì Fāng
Bǎolán.她是方宝兰。She is Fāng
Bǎolán.16.A:Tóngzhì, tā shì
shéi?同志,她是谁?Comrade, who is she?B:Tā shì Fāng Bǎolán
tóngzhì.她是方宝兰同志。She is comrade Fāng
Bǎolán.Vocabularynĭ你youshéi谁whoshénme什么whatshì是to betā他,她,它he, she, ittàitai太太Mrs., wife, married woman, ladytóngzhì同志comradewǒ我Ixiānsheng先生Mr., sir, husband, teacherxiǎojiě
(xiǎojie)小姐Miss, lady, daughter (polite)xìng姓to be surnamedReference notesNotes on № 1-41.A:Nǐ shi
shéi?你是谁?Who are you?B:Wǒ shi Wáng
Dànián.我是王大年。I'm Wáng
Dànián.2.A:Nǐ shi
shéi?你是谁?Who are you?B:Wǒ shi Hú
Měilíng.我是胡美玲。I'm Hú
Měilíng.3.A:Tā shi
shéi?他是谁?Who is he?B:Tā shi Mǎ
Mínglǐ他是马明理。He is Mǎ
Mínglǐ.4.A:Tā shi Mǎ
Mínglǐ.他是马明理。He is Mǎ
Mínglǐ.B:Tā shi Hú
Měilíng.她是胡美玲。She is Hú
Měilíng.The verb shì
means "to be" in the sense of "to be someone or something," as in "I am
Daniel King." It expresses identity. (In Unit 4 you will learn a verb which
means "to be" in another sense, "to be somewhere," as in "I am in
Bĕijĭng." That
verb expresses location.) The verb shi is in the Neutral
tone (with no accent mark) except when emphasized. Unlike verbs in European languages, Chinese verbs do not distinguish
first, second, and third persons. A single form serves for all three
Dànián.I am Wáng
Měilíng.You are Hú
MÍnglĭ.He is Mǎ
MÍnglĭ.Later you will find that Chinese verbs do not distinguish singular and
plural, either, and that they do not distinguish past, present, and future
as such. You need to learn only one form for each verb. The pronoun tā
is equivalent to both "he" and "she." (and it), but the wriying is
different: he ↠ 他 , she ↠
她 , it ↠
它.The question Nĭ shi
shéi? is actually too direct for most situations,
although it is all right from teacher to student or from student to student
. (A more polite question is introduced in Unit 2.) Unlike English, Chinese uses the same word order in questions as in
statements.Tāshishéi?Who is he?TāshiMǎ
Mínglǐ?He is Mǎ
Mínglǐ.When you answer a question containing a question word like shéi. "who," simply replace
the question word with the information it asks for.Notes on № 5-65.A:Nǐ xìng
shénme?你姓什么?What is your surname?B:Wǒ xìng
Wáng.我姓王。My surname is Wáng.6.A:Tā xìng
shénme?他姓什么?What is his surname?B:Tā xìng
Mǎ.他姓马。His surname is Mǎ.Xìng is a verb,
"to be surnamed." It is in the same position in the sentence as
shì, "to
Dànián.WǒxìngWáng.Iam surnamedWáng.Notice that the question word shénme. "What," takes the same position as the question
word shéi
"who."Nĭshishéi?Youarewho?Nĭxìngshénme?Youare surnamedwhat?Shénme is the
official spelling. However, the word is pronounced as if it were spelled
shémma, or
even shéma (often
with a single rise in pitch extending over both syllables.) Before another
word which begins with a consonant sound, it is usually pronounced as if it
were spelled shém.
Notes on № 7-87.A:Tā shi
shéi?他是谁?Who is he?B:Tā shi Mǎ
xiānsheng.他是马先生。He is Mr. Mǎ .8.A:Tā shi
shéi?他是谁?Who is he?B:Tā shi Mǎ
Mínglǐ xiānsheng.他是马明理先生。He is Mr. Mǎ
Mínglǐ.After the verb shì you may have the full name alone, the surname plus
title, or the full name plus title.TāshiMǎMínglĭTāshiMǎXiānsheng.TāshiMǎMínglĭXiānsheng.Xiānsheng,
literally "first-born," has more of a connotation of respectfulness than
"Mr." Xiānsheng is
usually applied only to people other than oneself. Do not use the title
Xiānsheng (or
any other respectful title, such as Jiàoshòu, "Professor" when
giving your own name. If you want to say "I am Mr. Jones," you may say
Wǒ xìng
Jones.When a name and title name are said together, logically enough it is the
name which gets the heavy stress: WÁNG Xiānsheng, You will often hear the title
pronounced with no full tones: WÁNG Xiansheng.Notes on № 9-129.A:Wáng xiānsheng,
tā shì shéi?王先生,他是谁?Mr. Wáng, who is he?B:Tā shì Mǎ
Mínglǐ xiānsheng.他是马明理先生。He is Mr. Mǎ
Mínglǐ.10.A:Xiānsheng, tā
shì shéi?先生,他是谁?Sir, who is he?B:Tā shì Mǎ
xiānsheng他是马先生。He is Mr. Mǎ.11.A:Xiānsheng, tā
shì shéi?先生,她是谁?Sir, who is she?B:Tā shì Mǎ
tàitai.她是马太太。She is Mrs. Mǎ.12.A:Wáng xiānsheng,
tā shì shéi?王先生,她是谁?Mr. Wáng, who is she?B:Tā shì Mǎ
Mínglǐ tàitai.她是马明理太太。She is Mrs. Mǎ
Mínglǐ.When you address someone directly, use either the name plus the title or
the title alone. Xiānsheng must be translated as "Sir" when it is used
alone, since "Mr." would not capture its respectful tone. (Tàitai, however, is less
respectful when used alone. You should address Mrs. Mǎ as Mǎ tàitai.)Notes on № 13-1613.A:Wáng xiānsheng,
tā shì shéi?王先生,她是谁?Mr. Wáng, who is she?B:Tā shì Mǎ
xiǎojiě.她是马小姐。She is miss Mǎ.14.A:Tā shì
shéi?他是谁?Who is he?B:Tā shì Mǎ
Mínglǐ tóngzhì.他是马明理同志。He is comrade Mínglǐ.15.A:Tóngzhì, tā shì
shéi?同志,她是谁?Comrade, who is she?B:Tā shì Fāng
Bǎolán.她是方宝兰。She is Fāng
Bǎolán.16.A:Tóngzhì, tā shì
shéi?同志,她是谁?Comrade, who is she?B:Tā shì Fāng
Bǎolán tóngzhì.她是方宝兰同志。She is comrade Fāng Bǎolán.See the Background Notes on Chinese Personal Names and Titles for
"Comrade," and the use of maiden names.DrillsSubstitution drill.cueanswer1.Mǎ
Mínglǐ马明理Tā shi Mǎ
Mínglǐ他是马明理。He is Mǎ
Měilíng胡美玲Tā shi Hú
Měilíng她是胡美玲。She is Hú
Dànián王大年Tā shi Wáng
Dànián他是王大年。He is Wáng
Shìmín李世民Tā shi Lǐ
Shìmín他是李世民。He is Lǐ
Lìróng刘丽容Tā shi Liú
Lìróng她是刘丽容。She is Liú
Bǎolán张宝兰Tā shi Zhāng
Bǎolán.她是张宝兰。She is Zhāng
Bǎolán.Response DrillWhen the cue is given by a male speaker, male students should respond. When
the cue is given by a female speaker, female students should respond.questioncueanswer1.Nǐ shi
shéi?你是谁?Who are you? Wáng
Dànián王大年Wǒ shi Wáng
Dànián我是王大年。I am Wáng
Dànián.2.Nǐ shi
shéi?你是谁?Who are you? Hú
Měilíng胡美玲Wǒ shi Hú
Měilíng.我是胡美玲。 I am Hú
Měilíng.3.Nǐ shi
shéi?你是谁?Who are you? Liú
Shìmín李世民Wǒ shi Liú
Shìmín.我是李世民。I am Liú
Shìmín.4.Nǐ shi
shéi?你是谁?Who are you? Chén
Huìrán陈蕙然Wǒ shi Chén
Huìrán.我是陈蕙然。I am Chén
Huìrán.5.Nǐ shi
shéi?你是谁?Who are you? Huáng
Déxián黄德贤Wǒ shi Huáng
Déxián.我是黄德贤。I am Huáng
Déxián.6.Nǐ shi
shéi?你是谁?Who are you? Zhào
Wǎnrú赵婉如Wǒ shi Zhào
Wǎnrú.我是赵婉如。I am Zhào
Wǎnrú.7.Nǐ shi
shéi?你是谁?Who are you? Jiǎng
Bǐngyíng蒋冰莹Wǒ shi Jiǎng
Bǐngyíng.我是蒋冰莹。I am Jiǎng
Bǐngyíng.8.Nǐ shi
shéi?你是谁?Who are you? Gāo
Yǒngpíng局永平Wǒ shi Gāo
Yǒngpíng.我是局永平。 I am Gāo
Yǒngpíng.Response drill.questioncueanswer1.Tā shi
shéi?他是谁?Who is he? Mǎ
xiānsheng马先生Mr. MǎTā shi Mǎ
xiānsheng.他是马先生。He is Mr. Mǎ.2.Tā shi
shéi?她是谁?Who is she?Hú
tàitai胡太太Mrs. HúTā shi Hú
tàitai.她是胡太太。 She is Mrs. Hú.3.Tā shi
shéi?他是谁?Who is he? Máo
xiānsheng毛先生Mr. MáoTā shi Máo
xiānsheng.他是毛先生。He is Mr. Máo.4.Tā shi
shéi?他是谁?Who is he? Zhāng
tóngzhì张同志Comrade ZhāngTā shi Zhāng
tōngzhì.他是张同志。He is Comrade Zhāng.5.Tā shi
shéi?她是谁?Who is she?Liú
xiǎojiě刘小姐Miss LiúTā shi Liú
xiǎojiě.她是刘小姐。 She is Miss Liú.6.Tā shi
shéi?他是谁?Who is he? Mǎ
xiānsheng马先生Mr. MǎTā shi Mǎ
xiānsheng.他是马先生He is Mr. Mǎ.7.Tā shi
shéi?她是谁?Who is she? Zhào
tàitai赵太太Mrs. ZhàoTā shi Zhào
tàitai.她是赵太太。She is Mrs. Zhào.Unit 2IntroductionTopics covered in this unitQuestions and answers about given names.Yes/no questions.Negative statement.Greetings.Prerequisites to the UnitP&R 3 and P&R 4 (Tapes 3 and 4 of the resource module on
Pronunciation and Romanization).Materials You Will NeedThe C-1 and P-1 tapes, the Reference List and Reference
Notes.The 2D-1 tape.ReferencesReference list1.A:Tā shì Wáng tàitai
ma?她是王太太,吗?Is she Mrs. Wáng?B:Tā shì Wáng
tàitai.她是王太太。she is Mrs. Wáng.2.A:Nǐ shì Wáng
xiānsheng ma?你是王先生吗?Are you Mr. Wáng?B:Wǒ shì Wáng
Dànián.我是王大年。I'm Wáng
Dànián.3.A:Nǐ shì Mǎ xiānsheng
ma?你是马先生吗?Are you Mr. Mǎ.B:Wǒ shì Wáng
Dànián.我是王大年。I'm Wáng
Dànián.4.A:Nǐ shì Mǎ xiānsheng
ma?你是马先生吗?Are you Mr. Mǎ?B:Wǒ bú shì Mǎ
xiānsheng.我不是马先生。I'm not Mr. Mǎ.5.A:Wǒ shì Wáng
Dànián.我是王大年。I am Wáng
Dànián.B:Wǒ bú shì Wáng
Dànián.我不是王大年。I am not Wáng
Dànián.6.A:Nǐ xìng Fāng
ma?你姓方吗?Is your surname Fāng?B:Wǒ bú xìng
Fāng我不姓方。My surname isn't Fāng.7.A:Wǒ xìng
Wáng.我姓王。My surname is Wáng.B:Wǒ bú shì
Wáng.我不姓王。My surname isn't
Wáng.8.A:Nǐ xìng Mǎ
ma?你姓马吗?Is your surname Mǎ?B:Bù xìng Mǎ. Xìng
(我)姓王。My surname isn't Mǎ. My surname is
guìxing?您贵姓?Your surname? (polite)B:Wǒ xìng
Wáng.我姓王。My surname is Wáng.10.A:Nǐ jiào
shénme?你叫什么?What is your given name?B:Wǒ jiào
Dànián.我叫大年。My given name is Dànián.11.A:Nǐ hǎo
a?你好阿?How are you?B:Wǒ
hǎo.我好。I'm fine.12.A:Nǐ hǎo
a?你好阿?How are you?B:Wǒ hǎo. Nǐ
ne?我好,你呢?I'm fine. And you?A:Hǎo,
谢谢。Fine, thanks.Vocabularya阿question Marker bù/bú
shì 不是not to beguìxing贵姓honorable name hǎo好to be fine, to be well, ok, good jiào叫to be called, namedma吗question marker at the end of the sentencemíngzi名字given name, full name ne呢question markerxièxie谢谢thank you Reference notesNotes on № 1-31.A:Tā shì Wáng
tàitai ma?她是王太太,吗?Is she Mrs. Wáng?B:Tā shì Wáng
tàitai.她是王太太。She is Mrs. Wáng.2.A:Nǐ shì Wáng
xiānsheng ma?你是王先生吗?Are you Mr. Wáng?B:Wǒ shì Wáng
Dànián.我是王大年。I'm Wáng
Dànián.3.A:Nǐ shì Mǎ
xiānsheng ma?你是马先生吗?Are you Mr. Mǎ.B:Wǒ shì Wáng
Dànián.我是王大年。I'm Wáng
Dànián.The marker ma
may be added to any statement to turn it into a question which may be
answered "yes" or "no,"The reply to a yes/no question is commonly a complete affirmative or
negative statement, although, as you will see later, the statement may be
stripped down considerably.Notes on № 4-54.A:Nǐ shì Mǎ
xiānsheng ma?你是马先生吗?Are you Mr. Mǎ?B:Wǒ bú shì Mǎ
xiānsheng.我不是马先生。I'm not Mr. Mǎ.5.A:Wǒ shì Wáng
Dànián.我是王大年。I am Wáng
Dànián.B:Wǒ bú shì Wáng
Dànián.我不是王大年。I am not Wáng
Dànián.The negative of the verb shì, "to be," is bú shì, "not to be." The
equivalent of "not" is the syllable bù. The tone for the syllable
bù depends on
the tone of the following syllable. When followed by a syllable with a High,
Rising, or Low tone, a Falling tone is used (bù). When followed by a
syllable with a Falling or Neutral tone, a Rising tone is used
(bú).Examplesbù fēi
(not to fly) bù féi
(not to be fat)bù fěi
(not to slander)bú fèi
(not to waste)Almost all of the first few verbs you learn happen to be in the Falling
tone, and so take bù. But remember that bù is the basic form. That is
the form the syllable takes when it stands alone as a short "no" answer
--bù-- and
when it is discussed, as in "bù means 'not'."Notice that even though shì, "to be," is usually pronounced in the Neutral tone
in the phrase bú
shi , the original Falling tone of shì still causes
bù to "be
pronounced with a Rising tone: bú.WǒshiWáng
Xiānsheng.Notes on № 6-86.A:Nǐ xìng Fāng
ma?你姓方吗?Is your surname Fāng?B:Wǒ bú xìng
Fāng我不姓方。My surname isn't Fāng.7.A:Wǒ xìng
Wáng.我姓王。My surname is Wáng.B:Wǒ bú shì
Wáng.我不姓王。My surname isn't Wáng.8.A:Nǐ xìng Mǎ
ma?你姓马吗?Is your surname Mǎ?B:Bù xìng Mǎ.
Xìng Wáng.不姓马。
(我)姓王。My surname isn't Mǎ. My
surname is Wáng.It is quite common in Chinese --much commoner than in English-- to omit
the subject of a sentence vhen it is clear from the context.Notes on № 99.A:Nín
guìxing?您贵姓?Your surname? (polite)B:Wǒ xìng
Wáng.我姓王。My surname is Wáng.Nín is the
polite equivalent of nǐ, "you." Guìxìng is a
polite noun, "surname." Guì means "honorable." Xìng which you have learned
as the verb "to be surnamed" is in this case a noun, "surname." Literally, Nín
guìxing? is "Your surname?" The implied question is
understood, and the "sentence" consists of the subject alone.Notes on № 1010.A:Nǐ jiào
shénme?你叫什么?What is your given name?B:Wǒ jiào
Dànián.我叫大年。My given name is Dànián.Jiào is a verb
meaning "to be called." In a discussion of personal names, we can say that
it means "to be given-named."Notes on № 1111.A:Nǐ hǎo
a?你好阿?How are you?B:Wǒ
hǎo.我好I'm fine.Notice that the Low tones of wǒ and nǐ change to Rising tones
before the Low tone of hǎo: Ní hǎo
a? hǎo. Hǎo is a verb:
"to "be good" "to be well" "to be fine." Since it functions like the verb
"to be" plus an adjective in English, we will call it an adjectival verb.WǒhǎoIam fineNǐhǎoa?Youare fine?Notes on № 1212.A:Nǐ hǎo
a?你好阿?How are you?B:Wǒ hǎo. Nǐ
ne?我好,你呢?I'm fine. And you?A:Hǎo,
谢谢。Fine, thanks.The marker ne
makes a question out of the single work nǐ, "you": "And you?" or "How
about you?"Notes on № 13One way to ask what someone's given name is: Nǐ jiào shénme míngzi?DrillsTransformations drill1.Tā shi Wáng
Xiānsheng.他是王先生。He is Mr. Wáng .Tā shi Wáng
Xiānsheng ma?他是王先生吗?Is he Mr. Wáng?2.Tā shi Hú
Tàitai.她是胡太太。She is Mrs. HúTā shi Hú Tàitai
ma?她是胡太太吗?Is she Mrs. Hú?3.Tā shi Liú
Tóngzhì.他是刘同志He is comrade Liú.Tā shi Liú
Tóngzhì ma?他是刘同志吗?Is he comrade Liú?4.Tā shi Zhāng
Xiǎojě.她是张小姐She is Miss Zhāng.Tā shi Zhāng
Xiǎojiě ma?她是张小姐吗?Is she Miss Zhāng?5.Tā Shi Mǎ
Xiānsheng.他是马先生。He is Mr. Mǎ.Tā Shi Mǎ
Xiānsheng ma?他是马先生吗?Is he Mr. Mǎ?6.Tā shi Fāng
Xiǎojiě.她是方小姐。She is Miss Fāng.Tā shi Fāng
Xiǎojiě ma?他是方小姐吗?Is she Miss Fāng?7.Tā shi Lín
Tóngzhì.他是林同志。He is comrade Lín.Tā shi Lín
Tóngzhì ma?他是林同志吗?Is he comrade Lín?Response drill1.Tā shi Wáng
Xiānsheng ma?他是王先生吗? Is he Mr. Wáng? Shi. Tā shi Wáng
Xiānsheng.是。他是王先生。 Yes. He is Mr. Wáng. 2.Tā shi Zhào Tàitai
ma?她是赵太太吗? Is she Mrs. Zhào? Shi. Tā shi Zhào
Tàitai.是。她是赵太太。 Yes. She is Mrs. Zhào. 3.Tā shi Chén
Tóngzhì ma?她是陈同志吗? Is she comrade Chén? Shi. Ta shi Chén
Tóngzhì.是。她是陈同志。 Yes. She is comrade Chén. 4.Tā shi Liú Xiǎojiě
ma?她是刘小姐吗? Is she Miss Liú? Shi. Tā shi Liú
Xiǎojiě.是。她是刘小姐。 Yes. She is Miss Liú. 5.Tā shi Sòng
Xiānsheng ma?他是宋先生吗? Is he Mr. Sòng? Shi. Tā shi Sòng
Xiānsheng.是。他是宋先生。 Yes. He is Mr. Sòng. 6.Tā shi Sūn Tàitai
ma?她是孙太太吗? Is she Mrs. Sūn? Shi. Tā shi Sūn
Tàitai.是。她是孙太太。 Yes. She is Mrs. Sūn. 7.Tā shi Zhāng
Xiānsheng ma?他是张先生吗? Is he Mr. Zhāng? Shi. Tā shi Zhāng
Xiānsheng.是。他是张先生。 Yes. He is Mr. Zhāng. Response drill1.Tā shi Wáng
Xiānsheng ma?他是王先生吗? Is he Mr. Wáng? Liú刘Bú shi. Tā shi Liú
Xiānsheng.不是。他是刘先生。 No. He is Mr. Liú . 2.Tā shi Gāo Xiǎojiě
ma?她是局小姐吗? Is she Miss Gāo? Zhào赵Bú shi. Tā shi
Zhào Xiǎojiě.不是。她是赵小姐。 No. She is Miss Zhào. 3.Tā shi Huáng
Tóngzhì ma?她是黄同志吗? Is she comrade Huáng? Wáng王Bú shi. Tā shi
Wáng Tóngzhì.不是。她是王同志。 No. She is comrade Wáng. 4.Tā shi Yáng Tàitai
ma?她是杨太太吗? Is she Mrs. Yáng? Jiǎng江Bú shi. Tā shi
Jiǎng Tàitai.不是。她是江太太。 No. She is Mrs. Jiǎng. 5.Tā shi Mǎ
Xiānsheng ma?他是马先生吗? Is he Mr. Mǎ? Máo毛Bú shi. Tā shi Máo
Xiānsheng.不是。他是毛先生。 No. He is Mr. Máo. 6.Tā shi Zhōu
Xiǎojiě ma? 她是周小姐吗? Is she Miss Zhōu? Zhào赵Bú shi.Tā shi Zhào
Xiǎojiě.不是。她是赵小姐。 No. She is Miss Zhào. 7.Tā shi Jiāng
Xiānsheng ma?他是江先生吗? Is he Mr. Jiāng? Jiǎng蒋Bú shi. Tā shi
Jiǎng Xiānsheng.不是。他是蒋先生。 No. He is Mr. Jiǎng . Response drill1.Tā shi Liú
Tàitai ma?她是刘太太吗?Is she Mrs. Liú?Liú刘Shì. Tā shi Liú
Tàitai.是。她是刘太太。Yes. She is Mrs. Liú.2.Tā shi Liú
Tàitai ma?她是刘太太吗?Is she Mrs. Liú?Huáng黄Bú shi. Tā shi
Huáng Tàitai.不是。她是黄太太。No. She is Mrs. Huáng.3.Tā shi Wáng
Xiānsheng ma?他是王先生吗?Is he Mr. Wáng?Wáng王Shì. Tā shi Wáng
Xiānsheng.是。他是王先生。Yes He is Mr. Wáng.4.Tā shi Gāo
Tàitai ma?她是局太太吗?Is she Mrs. Gāo?Zhào赵Bú shi. Tā shi
Zhào Tàitai.不是。她是赵太太。No. She is Mrs. Zhào.5.Tā shi Táng
Xiǎojiě ma?她是唐小姐吗?Is she Miss Táng?Táng唐Shì. Tā shi Táng
Xiǎojiě.是。她是唐小姐。Yes. She is Miss Táng.6.Tā shi Huáng
Xiānsheng ma?她是黄先生吗?Is he Mr. Huáng?Wáng王Bú shi. Tā shi
Wáng Xiānsheng.不是。他不是王先生。No. He is Mr. Wáng.7.Tā shi Zhāng
Tàitai ma?她是张太太吗?Is she Mrs. Zhāng?Jiāng江Bú shì. Tā shi
Jiāng Tàitai.不是。她是江太太。No. She is Mrs. Jiāng.Transformation drill1.Nǐ shi Zhāng
Xiānsheng ma?你是张先生吗?Are you Mr. Zhāng ?Nǐ xìng Zhāng
ma?你姓张吗?Is your surname Zhāng?2.Nǐ shi Zhào
Tàitai ma?你是赵太太吗?Are you Mrs. Zhào?Nǐ xìng Zhào
ma?你姓赵吗?Is your surname Zhào?3.Nǐ shi Jiǎng
Xiǎojiě m?你是蒋小姐吗?Are you Miss Jiǎng?Nǐ xìng Jiǎng
ma?你姓蒋吗?Is your surname Jiǎng?4.Nǐ shi Liú
Tóngzhì ma?你是刘同志吗?Are you Comrade Liú?Nǐ xìng Liú
ma?你姓刘吗?Is your surname Liú?5.Nǐ shi Sòng
Tàitai ma?你是宋太太吗?Are you Mrs. Sòng?Nǐ xìng Sòng
your surname Sòng?6.Nǐ shi Lǐ
Xiānsheng ma?你是李先生吗?Are you Mr. Lǐ?Nǐ xìng Lǐ
ma?你姓李吗?Is your surname Lǐ?7.Nǐ shi Sūn
Tóngzhì ma?你是孙同志吗?Are you Comrade Sūn?Nǐ xìng Sūn
ma?你姓孙吗?Is your surname Sūn?Transformation drill1.Wǒ xìng
Zhāng.我姓张。My surname is Zhāng.Wǒ bú xìng
Zhāng.我不姓张。My surname is not Zhāng.2.Wǒ xìng
Chén.我姓陈。My surname is Chén.Wǒ bú xìng
Chén.我不姓陈。My surname is not Chén.3.Wǒ xìng
Huáng.我姓黄。My surname is Huáng.Wǒ bú xìng
Huáng.我不姓黄。My surname is not Huáng.4.Wǒ xìng
Gāo.我姓局。My surname is Gāo.Wǒ bú xìng
Gāo.我不姓局。My surname is not Gāo.5.Wǒ xìng
Sūn.我姓孙。My surname is Sūn.Wǒ bú xìng
Sūn.我不姓孙。My surname is not Sūn.6.Wǒ xìng
Zhāng.我姓张。My surname is Zhāng.Wǒ bú xìng
Zhāng.我不姓张。My surname is not Zhāng.7.Wǒ xìng
Zhōu.我姓周。My surname is Zhōu.Wǒ bú xìng
Zhōu.我不姓周。My surname is not Zhōu.Transformation drill1.Wǒ bú shi Lǐ
Xiānsheng.我不是李先生。I'm not Mr. Lǐ.Wǒ bú xìng
Lǐ.我不姓李。My surname is not Lǐ.2.Wǒ bú shi Wáng
Tàitai.我不是王太太。I'm not Mrs. Wáng.Wǒ bú xìng
Wáng.我不姓王。My surname is not Wáng.3.Wǒ bǔ shi Chén
Xiānsheng.我不是陈先生。I'm not Mr. Chén.Wǒ bú xìng
Chén.我不姓陈。My surname is not Chén.4.Wǒ bú shi Lín
Tóngzhì.我不是林同志。I'm not Comrade Lín.Wǒ bú xìng
Lín.我不姓林。My surname is not Lín.5.Wǒ bú shi Zhōu
Xiǎojiě.我不是周小姐。I'm not Miss Zhōu.Wǒ bú xìng
Zhōu.我不姓周。My surname is not Zhōu.6.Wǒ bú shi Jiǎng
Xiānsheng.我不是蒋先生。I'm not Mr. Jiǎng.Wǒ bú xìng
Jiǎng.我不姓蒋。My surname is not Jiǎng.7.Wǒ bú shi Sòng
Tàitai.我不是宋太太。I'm not Mrs. Sòng.Wǒ bú xìng
Sòng.我不姓宋。My surname is not Sòng.Expansion drill1.Tā bú shi Wáng
Xiānsheng.他不是王先生。He is not Mr. Wáng.Huáng黄Tā bú shi Wáng
Xiānsheng, tā xìng Huáng.他不是王先生,他姓黄。He is not Mr. Wáng, his surname is Huáng.2.Tā bú shi Jiǎng
Tàitai.她不是蒋太太。She is not Mrs. Jiǎng.Jiāng江Tā bú shi Jiǎng
Tàitai, tā xìng Jiāng.她不是蒋太太,她姓江。She is not Mrs. Jiǎng, her surname is Jiāng.3.Tā bú shi Liú
Tóngzhì.他不是刘同志。He is not comrade Liú.Lín林Tā bú shi Liú
Tóngzhì, tā xìng Lín.他不是刘同志,他姓林。He is not comrade Liú, his
surname is Lín.4.Tā bú shi Sòng
Xiǎojiě.她不是宋小姐。She is not Miss Sòng.Sūn孙Tā bú shi Sòng
Xiǎojiě, tā xìng Sūn.她不是宋小姐,她姓孙。She is not Miss Sòng, her surname is Sūn.5.Tā bú shi Zhào
Xiānsheng.他不是赵先生。He is not Mr. Zhào.Zhōu周Tā bú shi Zhào
Xiānsheng, tā xìng Zhōu.他不是赵先生,他姓周。He is not Mr. Zhào, his surname is Zhōu .6.Tā bú shi Jiāng
Tóngzhì.他不是江同志。He is not Comrade Jiāng.Zhāng张Tā bú shi Jiāng
Tóngzhì, tā xìng Zhāng.他不是江同志,他姓张。He is not Comrade Jiāng, his
surname is Zhāng.7.Tā bú shi Sūn
Tàitai.她不是孙太太。She is not Mrs. Sūn.Sòng宋Tā bú shi Sūn
Tàitai, tā xìng Sòng.她不是孙太太,她姓宋。She is not Mrs. Sūn, her surname is Sòng.Expansion drill1.Wǒ bú xìng
Fāng.我不姓方。My surname is not Fāng.Hú胡Wǒ bú xìng Fāng,
xìng Hú.我不姓方。姓胡。My surname is not Fāng,
it's Hú.2.Wǒ bú xìng
Sūn.我不姓孙。My surname is not Sūn.Sóng宋Wǒ bú xìng Sūn,
xìng Sóng.我不姓孙,姓宋。My surname is not Sūn,
it's Sóng.3.Wǒ bú xìng
Yáng.我不姓杨。My surname is not Yáng.Táng唐Wǒ bú xìng Yáng,
xìng Táng.我不姓杨,姓唐。My surname is not Yáng,
it's Táng.4.Wǒ bú xìng
Jiǎng.我不姓蒋。My surname is not Jiǎng.Zhāng张Wǒ bú xìng
Jiǎng, xìng Zhāng.我不姓蒋,姓张。My surname is not Jiǎng,
it's Zhāng.5.Wǒ bú xìng
Zhōu.我不姓周。My surname is not Zhōu.Zhào赵Wǒ bú xìng Zhōu,
xìng Zhào.我不姓周,姓赵。My surname is not Zhōu,
it's Zhào.6.Wǒ bú xìng
Wáng.我不姓王。My surname is not Wáng.Huáng黄Wǒ bú xìng Wáng,
xìng Huáng.我不姓王,姓黄。My surname is not Wáng,
it's Huáng.7.Wǒ bú xìng
Jiāng.我不姓江。My surname is not Jiāng.Jiǎng蒋Wǒ bú xìng
Jiāng, xìng Jiǎng.我不姓江,姓蒋。My surname is not Jiāng,
it's Jiǎng.Response drill1.Tā shì Wáng
xiānsheng ma?他是王先生吗?Is he Mr. Wáng?Wáng王Shì. Tā shì Wáng
xiānsheng .是。他是王先生。Yes. He is Mr. Wáng2.Tā shì Wáng
xiānsheng ma?他是王先生吗?Is he Mr. Wáng?Huáng黄Tā bú shì Wáng
xiānsheng, tā xìng Huáng.他不是王先生,
他姓黄。His is not Mr. Wáng. His surname is Huáng.3.Tā shì Liú
tàitai ma?她是刘太太吗?Is she Mrs. Liú?Lín林Tā bú shì Liú
tàitai. Tā xìng Lín.她不是刘太太。她姓林。She is not Mrs. Liú. Her surname is Lín.4.Tā shì Chén
xiǎojiě ma?她是陈小姐吗?Is she Miss Chén?Chén陈Tā shì Chén
xiǎojiě.她是陈小姐。She is Miss Chén.5.Tā shì Máo
xiānsheng ma?他是毛先生吗?Is he Mr.
Máo?Máo毛Tā shì Máo
xiānsheng.他是毛先生。He is Mr. Máo.6.Tā shì Jiāng
tóngzhì ma?他是江同志吗?Is he/she Comrade Jiāng?Zhāng张Tā bú shì Jiāng
tóngzhì. Tā xìng Zhāng.他不是江同志。
他姓张。He/she isn't Comrade Jiāng.
His/her surname is Zhāng.7.Tā shì Sòng
tàitai ma?她是宋太太吗?Is she Mrs. Sòng?Sòng宋Tā shì Sòng
tàitai.她是宋太太。She is Mrs. Sòng.8.Tā shì Lǐ
xiānsheng ma?Is he Mr. Lǐ?他是李先生吗?Wáng王Tā bú shì Lǐ
xiānsheng. Tā xìng
Wáng.他不是李先生。他姓王。He isn't Mr. Lǐ. His surname is Wáng.Transformation drill1.Wǒ xìng
Wáng.我姓王。My surname is Wáng.Tā xìng
shénme?他姓什么?What is his surname?Tā xìng
Wáng.他姓王。His surname is Wáng.2.Wǒ xìng
Chén.我姓陈。My surname is Chén.Tā xìng
shénme?他姓什么?What is his surname?Tā xìng
Chén.他姓陈。His surname is Chén.3.Wǒ xìng
Liú.我姓刘。My surname is Liú.Tā xìng
shénme?他姓什么?What is his surname?Tā xìng
Liú.他姓刘。His surname is Liú.4.Wǒ xìng
Huáng.我姓黄。My surname is Huáng.Tā xìng
shénme?他姓什么?What is his surname?Tā xìng
Huáng.他姓黄。His surname is Huáng.5.Wǒ xìng
Sòng.我姓宋。My surname is Sòng.Tā xìng
shénme?他姓什么?What is his surname?Tā xìng
Sòng.他姓宋。His surname is Sòng.6.Wǒ xing
Lǐ.我姓李。My surname is Lǐ.Tā xìng
shénme?他姓什么?What is his surname?Tā xìng
Lǐ.他姓李。His surname is Lǐ.7.Wǒ xìng
Wáng.我姓王。My surname is Wáng.Tā xìng
shénme?他姓什么?What is his surname?Tā xìng
Wáng.他姓王。His surname is Wáng.Transformation drill1.Wǒ xìng
Wáng jiào Dànián.我姓王叫大年。My surname is Wáng, and my given name is
Dànián.Nǐ xìng
Wáng jiào shénme?你姓王叫什么?Your surname is Wáng, and what is your given
name?Dànián.大年。2.Wǒ xìng Hú jiào
Mĕilíng.我姓胡叫美玲。My surname is Hú, and my given name is Mĕilíng.Nǐ xìng Hú jiào
shénme?你姓胡叫什么?Your surname is Hú, and what is your given name?Mĕilíng.美玲。3.Wǒ xìng Lǐ jiào
Shìyīng.我姓李叫世英。My surname is Lǐ, and my given name is Shìyīng.Nǐ xìng Lǐ jiào
shénme?你姓李叫什么?Your surname is Lǐ, and what is your given name?Shìyīng.世英。4.Wǒ xìng
Fāng jiào Bǎolán.我姓方叫宝兰。My surname is Fāng, and my given name is
Bǎolán.Nǐ xìng
Fāng jiào shénme?你姓方叫什么?Your surname is Fāng, and what is your given
name?Bǎolán.宝兰。5.Wǒ xìng Sūn jiào
Déxián.我姓孙叫德贤。My surname is Sūn, and my given name is
Déxián.Nǐ xìng Sūn jiào
shénme?你姓孙叫什么?Your surname is Sūn, and what is your given
name?Déxián.德贤。6.Wǒ xìng
Chén jiào Huìrán.我姓陈叫蕙然。My surname is Chén, and my given name is
Huìrán.Nǐ xìng
Chén jiào shénme?你姓陈叫什么?Your surname is Chén, and what is your given
name?Huìrán.蕙然。7.Wǒ xìng
Zhāng jiào Zhènhàn.我姓张叫振汉。My surname is Zhāng, and my given name is
Zhènhàn.Nǐ xìng
Zhāng jiào shénme?你姓张叫什么?Your surname is Zhāng, and what is your given
name?Zhènhàn.振汉。Combination drill1.Tā xìng Chén. Tā
jiào Bǎolán.他姓陈。他叫宝兰。Her surname is Chén. Her given name is Bǎolán.Tā xìng Chén,
jiào Bǎolán.他姓陈,叫宝兰。Her surname is Chén, given name Bǎolán.2.Tā xìng Lǐ. Tā
jiào Mínglĭ.他姓李。他叫明理。Her surname is Lǐ. Her given name is Mínglĭ.Tā xìng Lǐ, jiào
Mínglĭ.他姓李,叫明理。Her surname is Lǐ, given name Mínglĭ.3.Tā xìng Hú. Tā
jiào Bǎolán.他姓胡。他叫宝兰。Her surname is Hú. Her given name is Bǎolán.Tā xìng Hú, jiào
Bǎolán.他姓胡,叫宝兰。Her surname is Hú, given name Bǎolán.4.Tā xìng Jiāng.
Tā jiào Déxián.他姓江。他叫德贤。Her surname is Jiāng. Her given name is Déxián.Tā xìng Jiāng,
jiào Déxián.他姓江,叫德贤。Her surname is Jiāng, given name Déxián.5.Tā xìng Zhōu. Tā
jiào Zǐyàn.他姓周。他叫紫燕。Her surname is Zhōu. Her given name is Zǐyàn.Tā xìng Zhōu,
jiào Zǐyàn.他姓周,叫紫燕。Her surname is Zhōu, given name Zǐyàn.6.Tā xìng Zhāng.
Tā jiào Tíngfēng.他姓张。他叫廷峰。Her surname Zhāng. Her given name is Tíngfēng.Tā xìng Zhāng,
jiào Tíngfēng.他姓张,叫廷峰。Her surname is Zhāng, given name Tíngfēng.7.Tā xìng Chén. Tā
jiào Huìrán.他姓陈。他叫蕙然。Her surname is Chén. Her given name is Huìrán.Tā xìng Chén,
jiào Huìrán.他姓陈,叫蕙然。Her surname is Zhāng, given name Huìrán.Unit 3IntroductionTopics covered in this unitNationality.Home state, province, and city.Prerequisites to the unitP&R 5 and P&R 6 (Tapes 5 and 8 of the resource module on
Pronunciation and Rmanization.)NUM 1 and NUM 2 (Tapes 1 and 3 of the resource module on Numbers), the
numbers from 1 to 10. Material you will needThe C-1 and P-1 tapes, the Reference List and Reference
Notes.The C-2 and P-2 tapes, the workbook.The 3D-1 tape.ReferencesReference List1.A:Nǐ shì Měiguó rén
ma?你是美国人吗?Are you American?B:Wǒ shì Měiguó
rén.我是美国人。I'm American.2.A:Nǐ shì Zhōngguó rén
ma?你是中国人吗?Are you Chinese?B:Wǒ shì Zhōngguó
rén.我是中国人。I'm Chinese.3.A:Wáng xiānsheng, nǐ
shì Yīngguó rén ma?王先生,你是英国人吗
?Mr. Wáng, are you English?B:Wǒ bú shì Yīngguó
rén.我不是英国人。I'm not English.4.A:Nǐ shì Zhōngguó rén
ma?你是中国人吗?Are you Chinese?B:Bú
shì.不是。No.A:Nǐ shì Měiguó rén
ma?你是美国人吗?Are you American?B:Shì.是。Yes, I'm.5.A:Mǎ xiǎojiě shì
Měiguo rén ma?马小姐是美国人吗?Is Miss Mǎ an American?B:Bú shì, tā bú shì
Měiguó rén.不是,他不是美国人。No, she is not an American.A:Tá shì Zhōngguó rén
ma?他是中国人吗?Is she Chinese?B:Shì, tā shì
Zhōngguó rén.是,
他是中国人。Yes, she is Chinese.6.A:Nǐ shì něiguó
rén?你是哪国人?What is your nationality?B:Wǒ shì Měiguó
rén.我是美国人。I'm American.7.A:Tā shì něiguó
rén?他是哪国人?What is his nationality?B:Tā shì Yīngguó
rén.他是英国人。He is English.8.A:Nǐ shì nǎrde
rén?他是哪儿的人?Where are you from?B:Wǒ shì Shànghǎi
rén.我是上海人。I'm from Shànghǎi.9.A:Tā shì Fāng
Bǎolánde xiānsheng.他是方宝兰的先生。He is Fāng
Bǎolán's husband.10.A:Tā shì nǎrde
rén?他是哪儿的人?Where is he from?B:Tā shì Shāndōng
rén.他是山东人。He's from Shāndōng.11.A:Nǐ shì nǎrde
rén?你是哪儿的人?Where are you from?B:Wǒ shì Jiāzhōu
rén.我是加州人。I'm Californian.12.A:Nǐ shǐ Měiguó rén
ma?你是美国人吗?Are you an American?B:Nǐ shì něiguó
rén?你是哪国人?What's your nationality?A:Nǐ shì nǎrde
rén?你是哪儿的人?Where are you from?VocabularyÈguó
Éguó德国Russia-de的possessive markerDéguó德国GermanyFàguó
Fǎguó法国FranceJiāzhōu加州CaliforniaMěiguó美国America, United Statesnǎr哪儿where?něi-哪which?něiguó哪国which country?rén人personRìběn日本JapanShāndōng山东a province nameShànghǎi上海a city nameYīngguó英国EnglandZhōngguó中国China0021-FSI-StandardChinese-Module01ORN-StudentText-7.pngReference NotesNotes on № 1-31.A:Nǐ shì Měiguó
rén ma?你是美国人吗?Are you American?B:Wǒ shì Měiguó
rén.我是美国人。I'm American.2.A:Nǐ shì Zhōngguó
rén ma?你是中国人吗?Are you Chinese?B:Wǒ shì Zhōngguó
rén.我是中国人。I'm Chinese.3.A:Wáng xiānsheng,
nǐ shì Yīngguó rén ma?王先生,你是英国人吗
?Mr. Wáng, are you English?B:Wǒ bú shì
Yīngguó rén.我不是英国人。I'm not English.Rén is a noun,
"person" or ''persons"; so Měiguó
rén is a noun phrase, literally "American person."
Sometimes, however, it is preferable or necessary to translate expressions
of this sort as adjectives or prepositional phrases.Tā shi
Meǐguó rén .他是美国人。He is an American (noun phrase)Tā shi
Zhōngguó rén.他是中国人。He is Chinese (adjective)Tā shi
Shāndōng rén.他是山东人。Hi is from Shāndōng. (prepositional
phrase)Although Měiguó
rén is translated here as "an American," in other
contexts it may be translated as "the American," "American," or "the
Americans." Later you will learn the various ways to indicate in Chinese
whether a noun is definite or indefinite, singular or plural.The syllable -guó usually loses its tone in expressions like
Měiguó rén.
(some speakers drop the tone when the word stands alone: Měiguo.)Notes on № 4-5 4.A:Nǐ shì Zhōngguó
rén ma?你是中国人吗?Are you Chinese?B:Bú
shì.不是。No.A:Nǐ shì Měiguó
rén ma?你是美国人吗?Are you American?B:Shì.是。Yes, I'm.5.A:Mǎ xiǎojiě shì
Měiguo rén ma?马小姐是美国人吗?Is Miss Mǎ an American?B:Bú shì, tā bú
shì Měiguó rén.不是,他不是美国人。No, she is not an American.A:Tá shì Zhōngguó
rén ma?他是中国人吗?Is she Chinese?B:Shì, tā shì
Zhōngguó rén.是,
他是中国人。Yes, she is Chinese.The short "yes" answer shì is really the verb "am" of the longer, more
complete answer. The short "no" answer bú shì is really the "am not"
of the longer answer. It is possible to reduce a "no" answer to bù (note the Falling tone),
but polite usage requires that you follow it up with a more complete answer.
Both the short answers shì and bú
shì are commonly followed by complete answers.Notes on № 6-76.A:Nǐ shì něiguó
rén?你是哪国人?What is your nationality?B:Wǒ shì Měiguó
rén.我是美国人。I'm American.7.A:Tā shì něiguó
rén?他是哪国人?What is his nationality?B:Tā shì Yīngguó
rén.他是英国人。He is English.Něi- is the
question word "which." It is a bound word —a vord which cannot stand alone—
not a free word.něi-guo
rénwhichcountrypersonNotice that the syllable -guó, "country," in the phrase něiguó rén may lose its
rising tone.Notes on № 8-118.A:Nǐ shì nǎrde
rén?他是哪儿的人?Where are you from?B:Wǒ shì Shànghǎi
rén.我是上海人。I'm from Shànghǎi.9.A:Tā shì Fāng
Bǎolánde xiānsheng.他是方宝兰的先生?He is Fāng
Bǎolán's husband.10.A:Tā shì nǎrde
rén?他是哪儿的人?Where is he from?B:Tā shì Shāndōng
rén.他是山东人。He's from Shāndōng.11.A:Nǐ shì nǎrde
rén?你是哪儿的人?Where are you from?B:Wǒ shì Jiāzhōu
rén.我是加州人。I'm Californian.nǎr is the
question vord " vhere." The syllable de is the possessive marker;
it functions like the English possessive ending -'s.nǎr-de
rénwhere 'spersonBy reversing the word order, a slightly more idiomatic translation is
possible: "a person of vhere." The closest English equivalent is "a person
from where." To clarify the role of -de in this expression, the
tape gives the following example of -de functioning like the
English possessive ending -'s:Fāng
Bǎolán'shusbandNotes on № 1212.A:Nǐ shǐ Měiguó
rén ma?你是美国人吗?Are you an American?B:Nǐ shì něiguó
rén?你是哪国人?What's your nationality?A:Nǐ shì nǎrde
rén?你是哪儿的人?Where are you from?DrillsResponse Drill1.Tā shì Zhōngguó
rén ma?他是中国人吗?Is he Chinese? Tā shì Zhōngguó
他是中国人。 He is Chinese.2.Tā shì Rìběn rén
ma?他是日本人吗?Is he Japanese? Tā shì Rìběn
他是日本人。 He is Japanese.3.Tā shì Zhōngguó
rén ma?他是中国人吗?Is he Chinese? Tā shì Zhōngguó
rén.他是中国人。 He is Chinese.4.Tā shì Měiguó
rén ma?他是美国人吗?Is he American? Tā shì Měiguó
T阿是美国人。He is American.5.Tā shì Déguo rén
ma?他是德国人吗?Is he German. Tā shì Déguo
他是德国人。 He is German.6.Tā shì Jiānádà
rén ma?
T阿斯加拿大人吗?Is he Canadian? Tā shì Jiānádà
他是加拿大人。 He is Canadian.7.Tā shì Fàguo rén
ma?他是法国人吗?Is he French. Tā shì Fàguo
他是法国人。 He is French.Response Drill1.Tā shì Jiānádà
rén ma?他是加拿大人吗?Is he Canadian?YīngguóEngland英国 Tā bú shì
Jiānádà rén. Shì Yīngguó rén.
他不是加拿大人。他是英国人。 He s not Canadian. He is English.2.Tā shì Rìběn rén
ma?他是日本人吗?Is he Japanese?ZhōngguóChina中国 Tā bú shì Rìběn
rén. Shì Zhōngguó rén.
他不是日本人。他是中国人。 He s not Japanese. He is Chinese.3.Tā shì Yīngguó
rén ma?他是英国人吗?Is he English?MěiguóAmerica美国 Tā bú shì
Yīngguó rén. Shì Měiguó ren.
他不是英国人。他是美国人。 He s not English. He is American.4.Tā shì Měiguó
rén ma?他是美国人吗?Is he American?
JiānádàCanada加拿大 Tā bú shì
Měiguó rén, Shì Jiānádà rén.
他不是美国人。他是加拿大人。 He s not American. He is Canadian.5.Tā shì èguó rén
ma?他是俄国人吗?Is he Russian?
DéguóGermany德国 Tā bú shì èguó
rén. Shì Déguó rén.
他不是俄国人。他是德国人。 He s not Russian. He is German .6.Tā shì Yuènán
rén ma?他是越南人吗?Is he Vietnamese?ZhōngguóChina中国 Tā bú shì
Yuènán rén. Shì Zhōngguó rén.
他不是越南人。他是中国人。 He s not Vietnamese. He is Chinese.7.Tā shì Fàguó rén
ma?他是法国人吗?Is he French?
YīngguóEngland英国 Tā bú shì Fàguó
rén. Shì Yīngguó ren.
他不是法国人。他是英国人。 He s not French. He is English.Response Drill1.Tā shì něiguo
rén?他是哪国人?What is ghs nationality?FàguóFrance法国 Tā shì Fàguó
他是法国人。 He is French.2.Tā shì něiguo
rén?他是哪国人?What is his nationality?ZhōngguóChina中国 Tā shì Zhōngguó
他是中国人。 He is Chinese.3.Tā shì něiguo
rén?他是哪国人?What is his nationality?MěiguóAmerica美国 Tā shì Měiguó
他是美国人。 He is American.4.Tā shì něiguo
rén?他是哪国人?What is his nationality?JiānádàCanada加拿大 Tā shì Jiānádà
他是加拿大人。 He is Canadian.5.Tā shì něiguo
rén?他是哪国人?What is his nationality?RìběnJapan日本 Tā shì Rìběn
他是日本人。 He is Japanese.6.Tā shì něiguo
rén?他是哪国人?What is his nationality?ÈguóGermany俄国 Tā shì Èguó
他是俄国人。 He is Russian.7.Tā shì něiguo
rén?他是哪国人?What is his nationality?DéguóRussia德国 Tā shì Déguó
他是德国人。 He is German.Response Drill1.Tā shì nǎrde
rén?他是哪儿的人?Where is he from?Běijīng北京 Tā shì Běijīng
他是北京人。 He is from Běijīng.2.Tā shì nǎrde
rén?他是哪儿的人?Where is he from?Shánghǎi上海 Tā shì Shánghǎi
他是上海人。 He is from Shánghǎi.3.Tā shì nǎrde
rén?他是哪儿的人?Where is he from?Chángshā长沙 Tā shì Chángshā
他是上沙人。 He is from Chángshā.4.Tā shì nǎrde
rén?他是哪儿的人?Where is he from?Táizhōng台中 Tā shì Táizhōng
他是台中人。 He is from Táizhōng.5.Tā shì nǎrde
rén?他是哪儿的人?Where is he from?Táiběi台北 Tā shì Táiběi
他是台北人。 He is from Táiběi.6.Tā shì nǎrde
rén?他是哪儿的人?Where is he from?
Tiānjīng天京 Tā shì Tiānjīng
他是天京人。 He is from Tiānjīng.7.Tā shì nǎrde
rén?他是哪儿的人?Where is he from?Běijīng北京 Tā shì Běijīng
他是北京人。 He is from Běijīng.Transformation Drill1.Tā shì Běijīng
rén.他是北京人。He is from Běijīng. Tā shì nǎrde
他是哪儿的人? Where is he from?2.Tā shì Zhōngguó
rén.他是中国人。He is from China. Tā shì něiguó
他是哪国人? Where is he from?3.Tā shì Jiānádà
ren.他是加拿大人。He is from Canada. Tā shì něiguó
他是哪国人? Where is he from?4.Tā shì Táiběi
rén.他是台北人。He is from Táiběi. Tā shì nǎrde
他是哪儿的人? Where is he from?5.Tā shì Shànghǎi
rén.他是上海人。He is from Shànghǎi. Tā shì nǎrde
他是哪儿的人? Where is he from?6.Tā shì Yīngguó
rén.他是英国人。He is from England. Tā shì něiguó
他是哪国人? Where is he from?7.Tā shì Měiguó
rén.他是美国人。He is from America. Tā shì něiguó
他是哪国人? Where is he from?8.Tā shì Táizhōng
rén.他是台中人。He is from Táizhōng. Tā shì nǎrde
他是哪儿的人? Where is he from?Transformation Drill1.Tā shì Lǐ
tàitai.她是李太太。She is Mrs. Lǐ. Tā bú shì Lǐ
她不是太太。 She is not Mrs. Lǐ.2.Tā xìng
Gāo.他姓局。Her surname is Gāo. Tā bú xìng
他不姓局。 Her surname is not Gāo.3.Tā shì Táiběi
rén.她是台北人。Hi is from Táiběi. Tā bú shì
Táiběi rén.
她不是台北人。 Hi is not from Táiběi.4.Tā xìng
Liú.他姓刘。Her surname is Liú. Tā bú xìng
他不姓刘。 Her surname is not Liú.5.Tā shì Měiguó
rén.她是美国人。She is American. Tā bú shì
Měiguó rén.
她不是美国人。 She is not American.6.Tā shì Jiānádà
rén.她是加拿大人。She is Canadian. Tā bú shì
Jiānádà rén.
她不是加拿大人。 She is not Canadian.Transformation Drill1.Tā xìng
Hú.他姓胡。His surmane is Hú. Tā xìng Hú
他姓胡吗? Is his surname Hú?2.Tā shì Běijīng
rén.他是北京人。He is from Běijīng. Tā shì Běijīng
rén ma?
他是北京人吗? Is he from Běijīng?3.Tā shì Wáng
他是王大年。He is Wáng
Dànián. Tā shì Wáng
Dànián ma?
他是王大年吗? Is he Wáng
Dànián?4.Tā xìng
Lín.他姓林。Her surname is Lín. Tā xìng Lín
他姓林吗? Is her surname Lín?5.Tā shì Zhōngguó
rén.他是中国人。She is Chinese. Tā shì Zhōngguó
rén ma?
他是中国人吗? Is she Chinese?Transformation Drill1.Tā xìng
Zhāng.他姓张。His surname is Zhāng. Tā xìng
他姓什么? What's his surname?2.Tā shì Běijīng
rén.他是北京人。He is from Běijīng. Tā shì nǎrde
他是哪儿的人? Where is he from?3.Tā shì Wáng
Dànián.他是王大年。He is Wáng
Dànián. Tā shì
shéi?他是谁? Who is he?4.Tā shì Rìběn
rén.他是日本人。He is Japanese. Tā shì něiguó
他是哪国人? What is his nationality?5.Tā shì Shāndōng
rén.他是山东人。He is from Shāndōng. Tā shì nǎrde
他是哪儿的人? Where is he from?6.Tā shì Chén
tōngzhì.他是陈同志。He is comrade Chén. Tā shì
他是谁? Who is he?Unit 4IntroductionTopics covered in this unitLocation of people and places.Where people's families are from.Prerequisites to the unitNUM 3 and NUM 4 (Tapes 3 and 4 of the resource module on
Numbers.)CE 1, on Classroom Expressions.Material you will needThe C-1 and P-1 tapes, the Reference List and Reference
Notes.The C-2 and P-2 tapes , the workbook.The 4D-1 tape.ReferencesReference List1.A:Qǐngwèn, nǐ shì
nǎrde rén?请问,
你是哪儿的人?May I ask, where are you from?B:Wǒ shì Dézhōu
rén.我是德州人。I'm from Texas.2.A:Qǐngwèn, Āndésen
fūren shì nǎrde rén?请问,安德森夫人是哪儿的人?May I ask, where is Mrs. Andersen from?B:Tā shì Dézhōu
rén.她是德州人。She is from Texas too.3.A:Tā shì Yīngguó rén
ma?她是英国人吗?Is he English?B:Bú shì, tā bú shì
Yīngguó rén.不是,他不是英国人。No, he is not English.A:Tā àiren
ne?他爱人呢?And his wife?B:Tā yě bú shì
Yīngguó rén.他也不是英国人。She isn't English either.4.A:Qǐngwèn, Qīngdǎo
zài nǎr?请问,青岛在哪儿?May I ask, where is Qīngdǎo?B:Qīngdǎo zài
Shāndōng.青岛在山东。Qīngdǎo is in Shāndōng.5.A:Qǐngwèn, nǐ lǎojiā
zài nǎr?请问,
你老家在哪儿?May I ask, where is your family from?B:Wǒ lǎojiā zài
Āndàlüè.我老家在安大略。My family is from Ontario.B:Wǒ lǎojiā zài
Shāndōng.我老家在山东。My family is from Shāndōng.6.A:Chén Shìmín tóngzhì
zài nǎr?陈世民同志在哪儿?Where is comrade Shìmín?B:Tā zài
nàr.他在那儿。He's there.7.A:Qīngdǎo zài
nǎr?青岛在哪儿?Where is Qīngdǎo?B:Zài
zhèr.在这儿。It's here.8.A:Nǐ àiren xiànzài
zài nǎr?你爱人现在在哪儿?Where is your wife now?B:Wǒ àiren xiànzài
zài Jiānádà.我爱人现在在加拿大。My wife is in Canada now.Vocabularyàiren爱人spouseĀndàlüè安大略OntarioDézhōu德州Texasfūren夫人Lady, Madame, Mrs., wife (of a high ranking person)Jiānádà加拿大Canadalǎojiā老家original homenàr
(nèr)那儿thereQīngdǎo青岛a city nameQǐngwèn请问May I ask?xiànzài现在nowyě也also, too, eitherzài在to be in/at/onezhèr这儿hereAdditional required vocabulary not presented on C-1 and P-1 tapes.Learn the pronunciation and location of any five cities and five provinces of
China on the maps on page 80-81.0021-FSI-StandardChinese-Module01ORN-StudentText-8.pngReference NotesNotes on № 11.A:Qǐngwèn, nǐ shì
nǎrde rén?请问,你是哪儿的人?May I ask, where are you from?B:Wǒ shì Dézhōu
rén.我是德州人。I'm from Texas.Qǐngwèn:
Literally, qǐng
means "request," and wèn means "ask (for information)." Qǐngwèn is used as English
speakers use "excuse me," to get someone's attention in order to ask him a question.Qǐngwèn
is NOT the word used for saying "excuse me" when you step on
someone's foot. For that, you say duìbuqǐ .Notes on № 22.A:Qǐngwèn,
Āndésen fūren shì nǎrde rén?请问,安德森夫人是哪儿的人?May I ask, where is Mrs. Andersen from?B:Tā shì Dézhōu
rén.他是德州人。She is from Texas too.Names: In the People's Republic, a foreigner is known by the standard
phonetic equivalent of his full name. His given name is followed by his
surname, which is followed by the appropriate title, Mr. David Anderson will
be called Dàiwèi Āndésèn
Xiānsheng . In Taiwan, there is no set way of giving
names to foreigners. Sometimes, as in the PRC, a phonetic equivalent of the
full name is used (though there are no standard versions). Sometimes, the
equivalent is based entirely on the surname. Mr. Anderson, for instance,
might be Ān Désēn
Xiānsheng . The surname may also be translated, as when
"King" is translated into Wáng. It is also common to base the Chinese surname on
the first syllable of the original surname, and the Chinese given name on
something else (often the original given name). In Taiwan, Dàwèi is a common phonetic
equivalent for "David." "Mr. David Anderson," therefore, might be
Ān Dàwèi
Xiānsheng . Here is a chart of SOME of the Chinese names that might be given to Mr.
David Anderson.
Titles: In the PRC, a foreign man is
addressed as Xiānsheng, and a married woman as either Fūren or Taìtai, depending on her
status. The term Fūren is an especially respectful term used to address
the wife of a high-ranking official or businessman. Fūren is also used this way
on Taiwan. An unmarried foreign woman in the PRG may be addressed as xiǎojiě "Miss." Married or
unmarried women may be addressed as Nǚshì. or "Ma'am."
Nǚshì will be
introduced in BIO, Unit 1. The term Tóngzhì, "Comrade," was originally used only by members of
the Communist Party to address other members. It is now the general term of
address used by all Chinese adults in the PRC. It should be remembered,
though, that Tóngzhì does carry a distinct political implication.
Visitors in the People's Republic, who are not citizens and who do not take
part in efforts to realize Communist ideals, will not be addressed as
Tóngzhì and
should not feel obliged to address anyone else as such.Yě is an adverb
meaning "also," or "too." It always comes before the verb.Notes on № 33.A:Tā shì Yīngguó
rén ma?他是英国人吗?Is she English?B:Bú shì, tā bú
shì Yīngguó rén.不是,他不是英国人。No, he is not English.A:Tā àiren
ne?他爱人呢?And his wife?B:Tā yě bú shì
Yīngguó rén.他也不是英国人。She isn't English either.Àiren, which
originally meant "loved one," "sweetheart or "lover," is used in the PRC for
either "husband" or "wife," i.e., for "spouse." The possessive phrase Tā
Àiren, "his wife" (or, "her husband"), is formed by
putting the words for "he" (or "she") and "spouse" together. The marker -de
(which you have seen in nǎrde
rén) is not needed when the possessive relationship is
felt to be very close. (See also the notes on No. 5.)Yě in a negative
sentence is usually translated as "either." In this case, bù comes between
yě and the
verb. Possible English translations for yě, in both affirmative and
negative sentences, are:Tā yě shi Yǐngguo
rén.她也是英国人。She is English too.She is also English.Tā yě bú shi Yǐngguo rén.
她也不是英国人。She is not English either.She is also not English.Notes on № 44.A:Qǐngwèn,
Qīngdǎo zài nǎr?请问,青岛在哪儿?May I ask, where is Qīngdǎo?B:Qīngdǎo zài
Shāndōng.青岛在山东。Qīngdǎo is in Shāndōng.Zài is the verb
"to be in/at/on," that is, "to be somewhere." Zài involves location, while
shì involves
identity, "to be someone/something."Notes on № 55.A:Qǐngwèn, nǐ
lǎojiā zài nǎr?请问,你老家在哪儿?May I ask, where is your family from?B:Wǒ lǎojiā zài
Āndàlüè.我老家在安大略。My family is from Ontario.B:Wǒ lǎojiā zài
Shāndōng.我老家在山东。My family is from Shāndōng.Literally, lǎojiā is "old home" ("original home," "ancestral
home," "native place"), that is, the place you and your family are from.
When a Chinese asks you about your lǎojiā, he probably wants to know about your hometown,
the place where you grew up. When you ask a Chinese about his lǎojiā however, he will tell you where his family came
from originally. A Chinese whose grandparents came from the province of
Guǎngdōng will
give that as his lǎojiā, even if he and his parents have spent all of
their lives in Sìchuān.Nǐ
lǎojiā zài nǎr? (literally "Where is your original
home?") asks for the LOCATION of the town you come from. The question is answered with zài plus the name of the
province (or state) that the town is located in: Wǒ lǎojiā zài Dèzhōu (Āndàlüè, Shāndōng). Nǐ
lǎojiā shi nǎr? (translated into English as "What is
your original home?" asks about the IDENTITY of the town you come from. That
question is answered with shì plus the name of the town (or city): Wǒ lǎojiā shi Jiūjǐnshān (Qǐngdǎo,
Shànghǎi).Compare: Wó lǎojiā zài
Guǎngdōng.我老家在廣東。My original home is in Guǎngdōng.Wǒ lǎojiā shi
Guǎngzhōu.我老家是广州。My original home is Guǎngzhōu.The possessive nǐ
lǎojiā, like tā àiren, does not require a possessive marker.
However, if more than one word must be used to indicate the possessor,
-de is often
inserted after the last word: nǐ
àirende lǎojiā, "your spouse's original home" or "where
your spouse's family comes from."Notes on № 6-86.A:Chén Shìmín
tóngzhì zài nǎr?陈世民同志在哪儿?Where is comrade Shìmín?B:Tā zài
nàr.他在那儿。He's there.7.A:Qīngdǎo zài
nǎr?青岛在哪儿?Where is Qīngdǎo?B:Zài
zhèr.在这儿。It's here.8.A:Nǐ àiren
xiànzài zài nǎr?你爱人现在在哪儿?Where is your wife now?B:Wǒ àiren
xiànzài zài Jiānádà.我爱人现在在加拿大。My wife is in Canada now.You have learned three words for asking and telling about
(nèr)那儿therezhèr这儿hereNotice that the question word nǎr is in the Low tone, while the answer words
nàr and
zhèr are both
in the Falling tone. Also notice that the vowel sound in zhèr is different from that
in nǎr and
nàr. (Some
speakers prefer nèr to nàr.) When you are talking about movable things and
people that you presume are not nearby ("nearby," being approximately within
pointing range), you usually ask where they are NOW. The "present time" word
may be omitted if the time has been established earlier in the conversation. Nǐ àiren
xiànzài zài nǎr?你爱人现在在哪儿?Where is your wife now?Tā zài
Běijīng.她在北京。She's in Běijīng (now).If you ask about someone or something you presume to "be
nearby (a pair of scissors in a drawer, for instance, or a person in a group
across the room), you do not use xiànzài.In English, the words "here" and "there" are used to refer to locations of
any size. In Chinese, however, zhèr and nàr are usually not used for cities, provinces, and
countries (with the exception that you may use zhèr to refer to the city you
are in). Instead, you repeat the name of the place. Compare these two exchanges in Beìjĭng: Country:Mǎdǐng
Xiānsheng xiànzài zài Zhōngguó
ma?Tā xiànzài
zài Zhōngguó.He is here
Xiānsheng xiànzài zài Shànghǎi
ma?Tā bú
zài Shànghǎi; tā zài zhèr.He is not there;
he is here.Jiānádà
"Canada": Although the middle syllable of this word is marked with the
Rising tone, at a normal rate of speech you will probably hear
Jiānādà.DrillsResponse Drill1.Tā shì nǎrde
rén?他/她是哪儿的人?Where is he/she from?Húnán湖南 Tā shì Húnán
他/她是湖南人。 He/She is from Húnán.2.Tā shì nǎrde
rén?他/她是哪儿的人?Where is he/she from?Shāndōng山东 Tā shì Shāndōng
他/她是山东人。 He/She is from Shāndōng.3.Tā shì nǎrde
rén?他/她是哪儿的人?Where is he/she from?Héběi河北 Tā shì Héběi
rén. 他/她是河北人。
He/She is from Héběi.4.Tā shì nǎrde
rén?他/她是哪儿的人?Where is he/she from?Jiāngsū江苏 Tā shì Jiāngsū
他/她是江苏人。 He/She is from Jiāngsū.5.Tā shì nǎrde
rén?他/她是哪儿的人?Where is he/she from?Guāngdōng广东 Tā shì
Guāngdōng rén.
他/她是广东人。 He/She is from Guāngdōng.6.Tā shì nǎrde
rén?他/她是哪儿的人?Where is he/she from?Húběi湖北 Tā shì Húběi
他/她是湖北人。 He/She is from Húběi.7.Tā shì nǎrde
rén?他/她是哪儿的人?Where is he/she from?Sìchuān四川 Tā shì Sìchuān
他/她是四川人。 He/She is from Sìchuān.Transformation Drill1.Zhāng tóngzhì
fūren shì Běijīng rén.张同志夫人是北京人。Comrade Zhāng's wife is from Běijīng. Qǐngwèn, Zhāng
fūren shì nǎrde rén?
请问张夫人是哪儿的人? May I ask, where is Mrs. Zhāng
from?2.Huáng tóngzhì
fūren shì Shànghǎi ren.黄同志夫人是上海人。Comrade Huáng's wife is from Shànghǎi. Qǐngwèn, Huáng
fūren shì nǎrde rén?
请问黄夫人是哪儿的人? May I ask, where is Mrs. Huáng
from?3.Wáng tóngzhì
fūren shì Nánjīng rén.王同志夫人是南京人。Comrade Wáng's wife is from Nánjīng. Qǐngwèn, Wáng
fūren shì nǎrde ren?
请问黄夫人是哪儿的人? May I ask, where is Mrs. Wáng
from?4.Lǐ tóngzhì fūren
shì Guǎngzhōu rén.李同志夫人是广州人。Comrade Lǐ's wife is from Guǎngzhōu. Qǐngwèn, Lǐ
fūren shì nǎrde rén?
请问李夫人是哪儿的人? May I ask, where is Mrs. Lǐ
from?5.Zhào tōngzhì
fūren shì Xiānggǎng ren.赵同志夫人是香港。Comrade Zhào's wife is from Xiānggǎng. Qǐngwèn, Zhào
fūren shì nǎrde ren?
请问赵夫人是哪儿的人? May I ask, where is Mrs. Zhào
from?6.Máo tóngzhì
fūren shì Qīngdǎo ren.毛同志夫人是青岛人。Comrade Máo's wife is from Xiānggǎng. Qǐngwèn, Máo
fūren shì nǎrde rén?
请问毛夫人是哪儿的人? May I ask, where is Mrs. Máo
from?7.Chén tóngzhì
fūren shì Běijīng rén.陈同志夫人是北京人。Comrade Chén's wife is from Xiānggǎng. Qǐngwèn, Chén
fūren shì nǎrde rén?
请问陈夫人是哪儿的人? May I ask, where is Mrs. Chén
from?Transformation Drill1.Tā shì Héběi
rén.他是河北人。He/She is from Héběi. Tā bú shì Héběi
她不是河北人。 He/She is not from Héběi.2.Tā shì Shāndōng
rén.他是山东人。He/She is from Shāndōng. Tā bú shì
Shāndōng rén.
她不是山东人。 He/She is not from Shāndōng.3.Tā shì Jiāngsū
ren.他是江苏人。He/She is from Jiāngsū. Tā bú shì
Jiāngsū rén.
她不是江苏人。 He/She is not from Jiāngsū.4.Tā shì Fújiàn
rén.他是福建人。He/She is from Fújiàn. Tā bú shì
Fújiàn rén.
她不是福建人。 He/She is not from Fújiàn.5.Tā shì Zhèjiāng
rén.他是浙江人。He/She is from Zhèjiāng. Tā bú shì
Zhèjiāng rén.
她不是浙江人。 He/She is not from Zhèjiāng.6.Tā shì Húnán
ren.他是湖南人。He/She is from Húnán. Tā bú shì Húnán
她不是湖南人。 He/She is not from Húnán.7.Tā shì Sìchuān
rén.他是四川人。He/She is from Sìchuān. Tā bú shì
Sìchuān rén.
她不是四川人。 He/She is not from Sìchuān.Transformation Drill1.Tā shì Héběi
ren.他是河北人。He/She is from Héběi Tā yě shì Héběi
她也是河北人。 He/She is from Héběi too.2.Tā shì Zhèjiāng
ren.他是浙江人。He/She is from Zhèjiāng Tā yě shì
Zhèjiāng rén.
她也是浙江人。 He/She is from Zhèjiāng too.3.Tā shì Fújiàn
ren.他是福建人。He/She is from Fújiàn Tā yě shì
Fújiàn rén.
她也是福建人。 He/She is from Fújiàn too.4.Tā shì Húnán
ren.他是湖南人。He/She is from Húnán Tā yě shì Húnán
她也是湖南人。 He/She is from Húnán too.5.Tā shì Jiāngsū
ren.他是江苏人。He/She is from Jiāngsū Tā yě shì
Jiāngsū rén.
她也是江苏人。 He/She is from Jiāngsū too.6.Tā shì Shāndōng
rén.他是山东人。He/She is from Shāndōng Tā yě shì
Shāndōng rén.
她也是山东人。 He/She is from Shāndōng too.7.Tā shì Hénán
rén.他是河南人。He/She is from Hénán Tā yě shì Hénán
她也是河南人。 He/She is from Hénán too.Transformation Drill1.Zhào xiānsheng
bú shì Táiwān rén.赵先生不是台湾人。Mr. Zhào isn't from Táiwān. Zhào xiānsheng
yě bú shì Táiwān rén.
赵先生也不是人。 Mr. Zhào isn't from Táiwān
either.2.Lǐ xiānsheng bú
shì Táiběi ren.李先生不是台北人。Mr. Lǐ isn't from Táiběi. Lǐ xiānsheng yě
bú shì Táiběi ren.
李先生也不是台北人。 Mr. Lǐ isn't from Táiběi
either.3.Wáng xiānsheng
bú shì Táizhōng ren.王先生不是台中人。Mr. Wáng isn't from Táizhōng. Wáng xiānsheng
yě bú shì Táizhōng ren.
王先生也不是台中人。 Mr. Wáng isn't from Táizhōng
either.4.Huáng xiānsheng
bú shì Táinán rén.黄先生不是台南人。Mr. Huáng isn't from Táinán. Huáng xiānsheng
yě bú shì Táinán rén.
黄先生也不是台南人。 Mr. Huáng isn't from Táinán
either.5.Liú xiānsheng bú
shì Táidōng rén.刘先生不是台東人。Mr. Liú isn't from Táidōng. Liú xiānsheng
yě bú shì Táidōng rén.
刘先生也不是台東人。 Mr. Liú isn't from Táidōng
either.6.Hú xiānsheng bú
shì Jīlóng rén.胡先生不是基隆市人。Mr. Hú isn't from Jīlóng. Hú xiānsheng yě
bú shì Jīlóng rén.
胡先生也不是基隆市人。 Mr. Hú isn't from Jīlóng
either.7.Chén xiānsheng
bú shì Gāoxióng rén.陈先生不是高雄人。Mr. Chén isn't from Gāoxióng. Chén xiānsheng
yě bú shì Gāoxióng rén.
陈先生也不是高雄人。 Mr. Chén isn't from Gāoxióng
either.1.Mǎ tóngzhì shì
Běijīng rén ma?马同志是北京人吗?Is comrade Mǎ from Běijīng? Tā bú shì
Běijīng rén.
他不是北京人。 He/She isn't from Běijīng.Tā àiren
And his/her spouse? Tā àiren yě bú
shì Běijīng rén.
他爱人也不是北京人。 He/She isn't from Běijīng
either.2.Zhāng tóngzhì
shì Shànghǎi rén ma?张同志是上海人吗?Is comrade Zhāng from Shànghǎi? Tā bú shì
Shànghǎi rén.
她不是上海人。 He/She isn't from Shànghǎi.Tā àiren
And his/her spouse? Tā yě bú shì
Shànghǎi rén.
他也不是上海人。 He/She isn't from Shànghǎi
either.3.Jiāng tóngzhì
shì Nánjīng rén ma?蒋同志是南京人吗?Is comrade Jiāng from Nánjīng? Tā bú shì
Nánjīng rén.
她不是南京. He/She isn't from Nánjīng.Tā àiren
And his/her spouse? Tā yě bú shì
Nánjīng rén.
她也不是南京人。 He/She isn't from Nánjīng
either.4.Chén tóngzhì shì
Guǎngzhōu rén ma?陈同志是广州人吗?Is comrade Chén from Guǎngzhōu? Tā bú shì
Guǎngzhōu rén.
他不是广州人。 He/She isn't from Guǎngzhōu.Tā àiren
And his/her spouse? Tā yě bú shì
Guǎngzhōu rén.
他也不是广州人。 He/She isn't from Guǎngzhōu
either.5.Sūn tóngzhì shì
Chéngdū rén ma?孙同志是成都人吗?Is comrade Sūn from Chéngdū? Tā bū shì
Chéngdū rén.
他不是成都人。 He/She isn't from Chéngdū.Tā àiren
And his/her spouse? Tā yě bú shì
Chéngdū rén.
他也不是成都人。 He/She isn't from Chéngdū
either.6.Máo tóngzhì shì
Qīngdǎo rén ma?毛同志是青岛人吗?Is comrade Máo from Qīngdǎo? Tā bú shì
Qīngdǎo rén.
他不是青岛人。 He/She isn't from Qīngdǎo.Tā àiren
And his/her spouse? Tā yě bú shì
Qīngdǎo rén.
他也不是青岛人。 He/She isn't from Qīngdǎo
either.7.Yáng tóngzhì shì
Běijīng rén ma?杨同志是北京人吗?Is comrade Yáng from Běijīng? Tā bú shì
Běijīng rén.
他不是北京人。 He/She isn't from Běijīng.Tā àiren
And his/her spouse? Tā yě bú shì
Běijīng rén.
他也不是北京人。 He/She isn't from Běijīng
either.Response Drill1.Qǐngwèn, Qīngdǎo
zài nǎr?请问青岛在哪儿?May I ask, where is Qīngdǎo?Shāndōng山东 Qīngdǎo zài
青岛在山东。Qīngdǎo is in Shāndōng.2.Qǐngwèn, Nánjīng
zài nǎr?请问南京在哪儿?May I ask, where is Nánjīng?Jiāngsū江苏 Nánjīng zài
南京在江苏。Nánjīng is in Jiāngsū.3.Qǐngwèn,
Guǎngzhōu zài nǎr?请问广州在哪儿?May I ask, where is Guǎngzhōu?Guǎngdōng广东 Guǎngzhōu zài
广州在广东。Guǎngzhōu is in Guǎngdōng.4.Qǐngwèn,
Shānghǎi zài nǎr?请问上海在哪儿?May I ask, where is Shānghǎi?Jiāngsū江苏 Shānghǎi zài
上海在江苏。Shānghǎi is in Jiāngsū.5.Qǐngwèn, Běijīng
zài nǎr?请问北京在哪儿?May I ask, where is Běijīng?Héběi河北 Běijīng zài
北京在河北。Běijīng is in Héběi.6.Qǐngwèn, Qīngdǎo
zài nǎr?请问青岛在哪儿?May I ask, where is Qīngdǎo?Shāndōng山东 Qīngdǎo zài
青岛在山东。Qīngdǎo is in Shāndōng.7.Qǐngwèn,
Shànghǎi zài nǎr?请问上海在哪儿?May I ask, where is Shànghǎi.
Jiāngsū江苏 Shànghǎi zài
上海在江苏。Shànghǎi is in Jiāngsū.Transformation Drill1.Lín tóngzhì shì
Húběi rén.林同志哦是河北。Comrade Lín is from Húběi. Lín tóngzhìde
lǎojiā zài Húběi.
林同志的老家在河北。 Comrade Lín's family is from Húběi.2.Wáng tóngzhì shì
Shānxī rén.王同志哦是陕西。Comrade Wáng is from Shānxī. Wáng tóngzhìde
lǎojiā zài Shānxī.
王同志的老家在陕西。 Comrade Wáng's family is from Shānxī.3.Huáng tóngzhì
shì Shānxī rén.黄同志哦是陕西。Comrade Huáng is from Shānxī. Huáng tóngzhìde
zài Shānxī.
黄同志的老家在陕西。 Comrade Huáng's family is from Shānxī.4.Gāo tóngzhì shì
Fújiàn rén.局同志哦是福建。Comrade Gāo is from Fújiàn. Gāo tóngzhìde
zài Fújiàn.
局同志的老家在福建。 Comrade Gāo's family is from Fújiàn.5.Lǐ tóngzhǐ shì
Sǐchuān rén.李同志哦是四川。Comrade Lǐ is from Sǐchuān. Lǐ tóngzhìde
zài Sìchuān.
李同志的老家在四川。 Comrade Lǐ's family is from Sǐchuān.6.Zhōu tóngzhì shì
Zhèjiāng rén.周同志哦是浙江。Comrade Zhōu is from Zhèjiāng. Zhōu tóngzhìde
zài Zhèjiāng.
周同志的老家在浙江。 Comrade Zhōu's family is from Zhèjiāng.7.Máo tóngzhì shì
Húnán rén.毛同志哦是湖南。Comrade Máo is from Húnán. Máo tóngzhìde
zài Húnán.
毛同志的老家在湖南。 Comrade Máo's family is from Húnán.Response Drill1.Tā àiren zài
nǎr?他爱人在哪儿?Where is hi/her spouse? Měiguó美国 Tā àiren
xiànzài zài Měiguó.
他爱人现在在美国。 His/Her spouse is in America now.2.Tā àiren zài
nǎr?他爱人在哪儿?Where is hi/her spouse? Jiānádà加拿大 Tā àiren
xiànzài zài Jiānádà.
他爱人现在在加拿大。 His/Her spouse is in Canada now.3.Tā àiren zài
nǎr?他爱人在哪儿?Where is hi/her spouse? Yīngguó英国 Tā àiren
xiànzài zài Yīngguó.
他爱人现在在英国。 His/Her spouse is in England now.4.Tā àiren zài
nǎr?他爱人在哪儿?Where is hi/her spouse? Déguó德国 Tā àiren
xiànzài zài Déguó.
他爱人现在在德国。 His/Her spouse is in Germany now.5.Tā àiren zài
nǎr?他爱人在哪儿?Where is hi/her spouse? Měiguó美国 Tā àiren
xiànzài zài Měiguó.
他爱人现在在美国。 His/Her spouse is in America now.6.Tā àiren zài
nǎr?他爱人在哪儿?Where is hi/her spouse? Fàguó法国 Tā àiren
xiànzài zài Fàguó.
他爱人现在在法国。 His/Her spouse is in France now.7.Tā àiren zài
nǎr?他爱人在哪儿?Where is hi/her spouse? Èguó俄国 Tā àiren
xiànzài zài Èguó.
他爱人现在在俄国。 His/Her spouse is in Russia now.Criterion TestThe purpose of the Criterion Test at the end of each module is to show you not only
how much of the material you have learned, but also vhat points you need to work on
before beginning to study another module.Since the primary goal of ORN is to introduce the sound system of Standard Chinese,
this test focuses on your ability to discriminate and produce tones, vowels, and
consonants. Additionally, there are sections which test your ability to comprehend and
produce numbers from 1 through 99 and the material in the ORN Target Lists. Your knowledge of personal names and titles and the romanization system is also
tested. Read the Objectives at the beginning of the module for a description of exactly
what the test covers. Note: Although the entire sound system is introduced in the Pronunciation and
Romanization Module, you will be tested here only on those sounds which occur in the
Target Sentences. Other sounds will be included in Criterion Tests for later modules. Following is a sample of the Criterion Test for this module. Each section of the test,
with directions and a sample question, is represented here so that you may know exactly
what is expected of you after studying the ORN Module. Minimum scores are suggested for each section of the test. Achieving these scores
means that you are adequately prepared for the next module. If you fall below the
minimum criterion on any section, you should review relevant study materials. You will use a tape to complete Part I of the test. Part II is written, and you will
complete Part III with your instructor. Part IV of the test (Diagnostics) indicates the
passing score for each section and review materials for each section.Part IThis section tests your ability to distinguish the four tones. In your
test booklet you will see two syllables after each letter. The speaker
will pronounce both syllables, and then say one of them again. You are
to decide which syllable was repeated, and circle the appropriate one to
indicate your choice. The syllables may occur in any of the four tones,
regardless of which tone was used previously in the module. The same
syllable may occur more than once in this section. For example, the speaker might say: fēi … fěi and then repeat
fēifēifěiThis section tests your ability to recognize the four tones in
isolated syllables. The speaker will pronounce a syllable twice; you add
to the written syllable the tone that you hear. Again, the syllables may
occur in any of the four tones, regardless of which tone was used
previously in the module. For example, the speaker might say: fěi...fěifei → fěiThis section tests your ability to recognize the four tones in
two-syllables combinations. The speaker pronounces each two-syllable
item twice and then pauses a moment for you to mark tones on the written
syllables. For the first ten items, one of the two tones is already
marked. For the last ten items, you must fill in both tones. For example: the speaker might say: cháběi...cháběichabei →
cháběiIn this section, you are tested on syllables which differ minimally in
sound. The speaker will pronounce each syllable in an item once; then he
will pronounce one of the syllables again. Decide which of the syllables
was repeated, and indicate your choice by circling that written syllable
in your test booklet. The syllables in this test do not necessarily
correspond in every way to syllables in the Target Lists They may vary
in tone, for example. For example, the speaker might say: fàn...fàng and then
repeat fàng.fànfàngIn this section, you complete the romanization for the syllables that
you hear. As the speaker says a syllable, write the appropriate vovel or
consonant letter(s) in the blank. This tests your ability to recognize
the sounds of a syllable and to use the romanization system correctly.
The speaker will say each syllable twice. For example, the speaker might say: pàng...pàng then you would
write:pàng This section tests your ability to understand the numbers 1 through
99 in Chinese. For each item, the speaker will say a number, and you
write down the numerals for that number.For example, you might hear:
shí-sān13This section tests your ability to understand questions and answers
about where someone is from and where he is now. Listen to a
conversation between Mr. Johnson and Comrade Zhào, who have just met.
You will hear the conversation three times. The third time you hear it,
a pause will follow each line. You may use these pauses to fill in the
boxes in your booklet with appropriate information. (You do not have to
wait for the second repetition of the conversation to fill in the
answers, of course.) For example: [You will hear a conversation similar to conversations
you heard on the C-2 tapes in this module.]Home State or
LocationComrade ZhàoMr. Johnson (Yuēhànsūn)Comrade Zhào's husbandMrs. JohnsonThis section tests your ability to comprehend Chinese utterances by
asking you for the English equivalents. For each item, the speaker will
say a sentence from the Target List twice. You indicate your
understanding of the sentence by circling the letter of the English
sentence which most closely matches the meaning of the Chinese sentence. For example, you might hear: nǐ shì shéi?...nǐ shì
shéi?Who is she?Who is he?Who are you?Part II This section tests your general understanding of the Chinese system
of personal names and titles. Read the family histories in your test
booklet, and answer the questions. For example,Yáng Tíngfēng
is the Chinese name used lay an American, Timothy Young, now that he is
living in Taipei. His Chinese surname is:YángTíngféngYáng
TíngféngPart IIIThis section tests your ability to pronounce the four tones. Simple
sound combinations have been chosen so that special attention may be
given to tone production. For each item, choose one syllable and read it
aloud. As you do so, put a circle around the one you choose. The
instructor will note the syllable he hears. Be sure to choose a fair
sampling of all four tones, and select them in random order. For example, you might say:mā má mǎ
mà This section tests your ability to pronounce Chinese sounds from the
Target Lists, as well as your ability to read romanization. For each
item, choose one syllable and read it aloud. As you do so, put a circle
around the one you choose. The instructor will note the syllable he
hears. Be sure to choose syllables from each column as you go through
this section of the test.For example, you might say:nín...níngThis section tests your ability to locate and name main cities and
provinces in China. Using the map in your booklet, point out to your
instructor five cities and five provinces and name them. Pronunciation
is of secondary importance here.This section tests your ability to produce sentences in Chinese. Your
instructor will say an English sentence from the Target Lists, and you
translate it into Chinese. Your Chinese sentence must "be correct," both
in grammar and in content.This section tests your ability to make conversational use of the
material covered in this module. Although limited in scope, this
conversation between you and your instructor represents a situation
which you are likely to encounter in the real world. As in any
conversation, you are free to ask for a repetition or rephrasing of a
sentence, or you may volunteer information on the subject. It is not so
much the correctness of your pronunciation and grammar that is being
tested as it is your ability to communicate effectively. AppendicesAppendix 1: Map of ChinaAppendix 2: Map of TaiwanAppendix 3: Countries and RegionsAppendix 4: American States Alabama 阿拉巴马Ālābāmǎ Alaska 阿拉斯加Ālāsǐjiā Arizona 亚利桑那Yàlìsāngnà Arkansas 阿肯色Ākěnsè,
Akānsàsī California 加州, 加利福尼亚Jiāzhōu,
Jiālìfóníyà Colorado 科罗拉多Kēluólāduō Connecticut 康涅狄格, 康乃狄克Kāngnièdígé,
Kāngnǎidígé Delaware 特拉华Tèlāhuá, Délāwēi
(ěr) Florida 弗罗里达Fóluólǐdá Georgia 乔治亚, 佐治亚Qiáozhìyà,
Zuǒzhìyà Hawaii 夏威夷Xiàwēiyí Idaho 爱达荷Àidáhé Illinois 伊利诺Yīlìnuò
(sī) Indiana 印第安纳Yìndiànnà Iowa 爱奥华Yīāhuá,
Àiāhuá Kansas 堪萨斯Kānsàsī Kentucky 肯塔基Kěntǎjī Louisiana 路易斯安那Lùyìsīānnà Maine 缅因Miǎnyīn Maryland 马里兰Mǎlǐlán Massachusetts 马萨诸塞Mǎsāzhūsài,
Mǎshěng Michigan 密歇根, Mìxīgēn,
Mìzhíān Minnesota 明尼苏达Míngnísūdá Mississippi 密西西比Mìxīxībǐ Missouri 密苏里 Mìsūlǐ Montana 蒙大纳Méngdànà Nebraska 内布拉斯加Nèibùlāsījiā Nevada 内华达Nèihuádá New Hampshire 新罕布什尔Xīn Hānbùshíěr, Xīn
Hǎnbùxià New Jersey 新泽西Xīn
Zéxī New Mexico 新墨西哥Xīn
Mòxīgē New York 纽约 Niǔyuē North Carolina 北卡罗来纳Běi Kǎluóláinà, Běi
Kǎluólínnà North Dakota 北达科他Běi Dákētā, Běi
Dákēdá Ohio 俄亥俄Éhàié Oklahoma 俄克拉荷马Ékèlāhémǎ,
Ākèlāhémǎ Oregon 俄勒冈Élègāng Pennsylvania 宾州, 宾夕法尼亚,
宾西法尼亚Bīnxhōu, Bīnxīfǎníyà,
Bīnxīfánníyà Rhode Island 罗得岛Luódé Dǎo,
Luódéàilán South Carolina 南卡罗来纳Nán Kǎluóláinà, Nán
Kǎluólínnà South Dakota 南达科他Nán
Dákētā Tennessee 田纳西Tiánnàxī Texas 得克萨斯Dézhōu,
Dékèsàsī Utah 犹他Yóutā,
Yōuta Vermont 佛蒙特Wēiméngtè,
Fóméngtè Virginia 维吉尼亚, 弗吉尼亚Wēijíníyà,
Fójíníyà Washington 华盛顿Huáshèngdùn West Virginia 西弗吉尼亚Xī
Fójíníyà Wisconsin 威斯康星Wēisīkāngxīn(g) Wyoming 怀俄明HuáiémíngAppendix 5: Canadian Provinces Alberta 阿尔伯塔, 艾伯塔(Yǎbódá)
Ā'ěrbótǎ, Àibótǎ British Columbia 英属哥伦比亚Yīngshǔ
Gēlúnbǐyà Manitoba 马尼托巴Mànnítuōbā New Brunswick 新不伦瑞克Xīn
Bùlúnzīwéikè Newfoundland 纽芬兰与拉布拉多Niǔfēnlándǎo Northwest Territories 西北领地Xīběilíngdì Nova Scotia 新斯科舍Xīn
Sīkèshè Ontario 安大略省Āndàlüè Prince Eduard Island 爱德华岛Àidéhuádǎo Quebec 魁北克Kuíběkè Saskatchewan 萨斯喀彻温Sākèqíwàn Yukon 育空YùkōngAppendix 6: Common Chinese Names
Given names (male)Dálǐ
Given names (female)Juān
Appendix 7: Chinese ProvincesPinyin spellingChinese spellingMap spellingĀnhui安徽 Anhwei Fújiàn福建 Fukien Gānsù甘肃 Kansu Guǎngdōng广东 Kvangtung Guànzhōu官洲岛 Kvangsi Guǐzhōu贵州 Kveìchou Hébuǐ/Héběi 河北 Hopeh Hēilóngjiāng哈尔滨 Heilungkiang Hénán河南 Honan Húběi湖北 Hupeh Húnán湖南 Hunan Jiāngsū江苏 Kiangsu Jiāngxī江西 Kiangsi Jílín吉林 Kirin Liáoníng辽宁 Liaoning Nèiměnggǔ内蒙古 Inner Mongolia Níngxià宁夏 Ninghai Qīnghǎi青海 Tsinghai Shāndōng山东 Shantung Shǎnxī陕西 Shansi Shǎnxī山西 Shensi Sìchuān四川 Szechuan Táiwān台湾 Taiwan Xīzàng新疆 Xinjiang Xīzàng西藏 Tibet Yúnnán云南 Yunnan Zhèjiāng浙江 Chekiang Appendix 8: Chinese CitiesPinyin spellingChinese spellingMap spellingBěijīng北京 Peking Chángshā长沙 Ch'ang-sha Chéngdū成都 Ch'eng-tu Dàtóng大同 Ta-t'ung Gāoxióng高雄 Kao-hsiung Guǎnzhōu广州 Canton Hángzhōu杭州 Hang-chou Hánkǒu汉口 Han-k'ou Háinán海南 Huai-nan Jīlóng基隆市 Chi-lung Kāifēng开封 K'ai-feng Nánchāng南昌 Nan-ch'ang Nánjīng南京 Nanking Qīngdǎo青岛 Tsingtao Shànghǎi上海 Shanghai Táiběi台北 Taipei Táidōng台東 T'ai-tung Táinán台南 T'ai-nan Táizhōng台中 T'ai-chung Tiānjīn天津 Tientsin Wúchāng五常 Wu-ch'ang Wǔhàn武汉 Wu-han Xiān 西安 Sian Module 2: Biographic InformationThe Biographic Information Module provides you with linguistic and cultural skills needed
for a simple conversation typical of a first-meeting situation in China. These skills
include those needed at the beginning of a conversation (greetings, introductions, and forms
of address), in the middle of a conversation (understanding and answering questions about
yourself and your immediate family), and at the end of a conversation
(leave-taking). Before starting this module, you must take and pass the ORN Criterion Test. The resource
modules Pronunciation and Romanization and Numbers (tapes 1-4) are also prerequisites to the
BIO Module. The Criterion Test will focus largely on this module, but material from Module 1 and
associated resource modules may also be included.ObjectivesUpon successful completion of the module, the student should be able to: Pronounce correctly any word from the Target Lists of ORN or BIO, properly
distinguishing sounds and tones, using the proper stress and neutral tones, and
making the necessary tone changes. Pronounce correctly any sentence from the BIO Target Lists, with proper
pauses and intonation, that is, without obscuring the tones with English
intonation. Use polite formulas in asking and answering questions about identity (name),
health, age, and other basic information.Reply to questions with the Chinese equivalents of "yes" and "no" Ask and answer questions about families, including who the members are, how
old they are, and where they are. Ask and answer questions about a stay in China, including the date of
arrival, location-purpose-duration of stay, previous visits, traveling
companions, and date of departure. Ask and answer questions about work or study, identification of
occupation,the location, and the duration. Give the English equivalent for any Chinese sentence in the BIO Target
Lists.Be able to say any Chinese sentence in the BIO Target Lists when cued with its
English equivalent.Take part in a short Chinese conversation, using expressions included in the
BIO Target List sentences.Tapes for BIO and associated modulesBiographic information (BIO)Unit 1:1C-l1 p-l1&2 D-l1 C-21 P-2Unit 2:2C-l2 P-l2 C-22 P-2Unit 3:3C-l3 P-l3&4 D-l3 C-23 P-2Unit 4:4C-l4 P-l4 C-24 P-2Unit 5:5C-l5 P-l5&6 D-l5 C-25 P-2Unit 6:6C-l6 P-l6 C-26 P-2Unit 7:7C-l7 P-l7&8 D-l7C-27 P-2Unit 8:8C-l8 P-l8 C-28 P-2Units 1-4 R-1 Units 5-8 R-1Classroom Expressions (CE)CE 2Time and Dates (T&D)T&D 1 T&D 2Unit 1 Target List1.Qīnwèn, nǐ zhù zai
nǎr?亲问,你住在那儿?May I ask, where are you staying?Wǒ zhù zai Běijīng
Fāndiàn.我住在北京饭店I'm staying at the Běijīng Hotel.2.Nǐ zhù zai něige
fàndiàn?你住在哪个饭店?Which hotel are you staying at?Wǒ zhù zai nèige
fàndiàn.我住在那个饭店。I'm staying at that hotel.3.Nǐ zhù zai zhèige
fàndiàn ma?你住在这个饭店吗?Are you staying at this hotel?Bù, wǒ bú zhù zai
zhèige fàndiàn.不,我不住在这个饭店。No, I'm not staying at this hotel.4.Nǐ zhù zai Mínzú
Fàndiàn?你住在民族饭店?Are you staying at the Nationalities Hotel?Bù, wǒ bú zhù zai Mínzú
Fàndiàn.不,我不住在民族饭店。No, I'm not staying at the Nationalities Hotel.5.Něiwèi shi Gāo
Tóngzhì?哪位是高同志?Which one is Comrade GāoNèiwèi shi Gāo
Tóngzhì.那位是高同志That one is Comrade Gāo.6.Zǎo. Nuòwǎkè nǚshì! Nǐn
诺瓦克女士!您好Good morning. Miss Nowak! How are you?Wǒ hěn
hǎo.我很好I'm very well.7.Nǐ shi Měiguó nǎrde
rén?请问,你是美国哪儿个人Where are you from in America?Wǒ shi Jiāzhōu
Jiǔjīnshān rén.我是加州旧金山人I'm from San Francisco, California.Unit 2 Target List1.Nǐ péngyou jiā zài náli?
你朋友家在哪里?Where is your friend's house?Tā jiā zài Dàlǐ
Jiē.他家在大理街。His house is on Dàlǐ street.2.Nǐ péngyoude dìzhǐ shi
...?你朋友的地址是。。。?What is your friend's address?Tāde dìzhǐ shi Dàlǐ Jiē
Sìshièr hào.他的地址是大理街四十二号。His address is No. 42 Dàlǐ Street.3.Nǐ shi Wèi Shàoxiào
ba?你是韦少校把?You are Major Weiss, aren't you?Shìde.是的。Yes.4.Nà shi Guóbīn Dàfàndiàn
ba?那是国宾大饭店吧?That is Ambassador Hotel, isn't it?Shìde, nà shi Guóbīn
Dàfàndiàn.是的,那是国宾大饭店。Yes, that's the Ambassador Hotel.Nǐ zhù zai nàli
ma?你住在那里吗?Are you staying there?Bù, wǒ zhù zai
zhèli.不,我住在这里No, I'm staying here.5.Nǐ péngyou zài Táiběi
gōngzuò ma?你朋友在台北工作吗?Does your friend work in Taipei? Tā bú zài Táiběi gōngzuò;
tā zài Táizhōng gōngzuò.他不在台北工作;他在台中工作。He doesn't work in Taipei; he works in Taichung.6.Nǐ zài náli
gōngzuò?你在哪里工作?Where do you work?Wǒ zài Wǔguānchù
gōngzuò.我在武官处工作。I work at the defense attache's office.Wǒ zài yínháng
gōngzuò.我在银行工作。I work at a bank.Unit 3 Target List1.Nǐmen yǒu háizi
ma?你们有孩子Do you have children?Yǒu, wǒmen
yǒu.有,我们有。Yes, we have.2.Liú Xiānsheng méiyou Měiguó
péngyou.刘先生没有美国朋友。Mr. Liú
doesn't have any American friends.3.Nǐmen yǒu jǐge nánháizi,
jǐge nǚháizi?你们有几个男孩子,几个女孩子?How many boys and how many girls do you have?Wómen yǒu liǎnge nánhaizi,
yíge nǚháizi.我们有两个男孩子,一个女孩子。We have two boys and one girl.4.Hú Xiānsheng, Hú tàitai yǒu
jǐge háizi? 胡先生,胡太太有几个孩子?How many children do Mr. and Mrs. Hú have?Tāmen yǒu liǎngge
háizi.他们有两个孩子。They have two children.Shi nánháizi, shi
nǚháizi?是男孩子,是女孩子?Are they boys or girls?Dōu shi
nǚháizi.都是女孩子。Both of them are girls.5.Nǐmen háizi dōu zài zhèli
ma?你们孩子都在这里吗?Are all your children here?Bù. Liǎngge zài zhèli, yíge
hái zài Měiguó.不,两个在这里,一个还在美国。No. Two are here, and one is still in America.6.Nǐ jiāli yǒu shénme
rén?你家里有什么人?What people are in your family?Yǒu wǒ tàitai gēn sānge
háizi.有我太太跟三个孩子。There's my wife and two children.7.Nǐ jiāli yǒu shénme
rén?你家里有什么人?What people are in your family?Jiù yǒu wǒ fùqin,
mǔqin.就有我父亲,母亲。Just my father and mother.Unit 4 Target List1.Tā míngtiān lái
ma?他明天来吗?Is he coming tomorrow?Tā yǐjīng lái
le.他已经来了。He has already come.2.Nǐ péngyou lái le
ma?你朋友来了吗?Has your friend come?Tā hái méi(you)
lái.她还没来。She hasn't come yet.3.Tā shi shénme shíhou
dàode?他是什么时候到的?When did he arrive?Tā shi zuótiān
dàode.他是昨天到的。He arrived yesterday.4.Nǐ shi yíge rén láide
ma?你是一个人来的吗? Did you come alone?Bú shi, wǒ bú shi yíge rén
láide.不是,我不是一个人来的。No, I didn't come alone.5.Nǐ něitiān
zǒu?你哪天走?What day are you leaving?Wǒ jīntian
zǒu.我今天走。I'm leaving today.Unit 5 Target List1.Nǐ shi zài nǎr
shēngde?你是在哪儿生的?Where were you born?Wǒ shi zài Dézhōu
shēngde.我是在得州生的。I was born in Texas.2.Nǐmen xīngqījǐ
zǒu?你们星期几走?What day of the week are you leaving?Wǒmen Xīngqītiān
zǒu.我们星期天走。We are leaving on Sunday.3.Ní shi něinián
shēngde?你是哪年生的?What year were you born?Wǒ shi Yī jiǔ sān jiǔ nián
shēngde.我是一九三九年生的。I was born in 1939.4.Nǐ shi jǐyüè jíhào
shēngde?你是几月几号生的?What is your month and day of birth?Wó shi Qíyüe sìhào
shēngde.我是七月四号生的。I was born on July 4.5.Nǐ duō dà
le?你多大了?How old are you?Wǒ sān shi wǔ
le.我三十五了。I'm 35.6.Nímem nánháizi dōu jǐsuì
le?你们男孩子都几岁了?How old are your boys?Yíge jiǔsuì le, yíge liùsuì
le.一个九岁了,一个六岁了。One is nine and one is six.Unit 6 Target List1.Nǐ zhù duó
jiǔ?你住多久?How long are you staying?Wǒ zhù
yìnián.我住一年。I'm staying one year.2.Nǐ tàitai zài Xiānggǎng zhù
duó jiǔ?你太太在香港住多久?How long is your wife staying in Hong Kong?Wǒ xiǎng tā zhù
liǎngtiān.我想她住两天。I think she is staying two days.3.Nǐ xiǎng zài Táiwān zhù duó
jiǔ?你想在台湾住多久?How long are you thinking of staying in Taiwan?Wǒ xiǎng zhù liùge
yüè.我想住六个月。I'm thinking of staying six months.4.Nǐ láile duó jiǔ
le?你来了多久了?How long have you been here?Wǒ láile liǎngge xīnqī
le.我来了两个星期。I have been here two weeks.5.Nǐ tàitai zài Xiānggǎng
zhùle dó jiǔ?你太太在香港住了多久?How long did your wife stay in Hong Kong?Tā zhùle
liǎngtiān.她住了两天。She stayed two days.6.Lǐ Tàitai méi
lái.李太太没来。Mrs. Lǐ
didn't come.7.Nǐ cóngqián méi láiguo. Wǒ
tàitai láiguo.我从前没来过。我太太来过。I have never been here before. My wife has been here.Unit 7 Target List1.A:Nín zài náli
gōngzuò?您在哪里工作?Where do you work?B:Wǒ zài Měiguó Guówùyàn
gōngzuò.我在美国国务院工作。I work with the State Department.2.A:Ní zai náli
gōngzuò?您在哪里工作?Where do you work?B:Wǒ shi
xüsheng.我是学生。I'm student.3.A:Nǐ lái zuò
shénme?您来做什么?What did you come here to do?B:Wǒ lái niàn
shū.我来念书。I came here to study.4.A:Nǐ niàn
shénme?你念什么?What are you studying?B:Wǒ xüé
Zhōngwén.我学中文。I'm studying Chinese.5.A:Nǐ zài dàxüé niànguo lìshǐ
ma?你在大学念过历史吗?Did you study history in college?B:Niànguo.学念。Yes.6.A:Nǐmen huì shuō Zhōngwén ma?
你们会说中文吗?Can you speak Chinese?B:Wǒ tàitai bú huǐ shuō, wǒ
huì shuō yìdiǎn.我太太不会说,我会说一点。My wife can't speak it; I can speak it a little.7.A:Nǐde Zhōngguo huà hěn
hǎo.你的中国话很好。Your Chinese is very good.B:Náli, náli. Wǒ jiù huì shuō
yìdiǎn.哪里,哪里。我就说一点。Not at all. I can speak only a little.8.A:Nǐ shi zài náli xüéde
Zhōngzén?你是在哪里学的中文?Where did you study Chinese?B:Wó shi zài Huáshèngdùn
xüéde.我是在华盛顿学的。I studied it in Washington.Unit 8 Target List1.A:Nǐ jīntiān hái yǒu kè
ma?你今天还有课吗?Do you have any more classes today?B:Méiyou kè
le.没有课了。I don't have any more classes.2.A:Nǐ cóngqián niàn Yīngwén
niànle duó jiǔ?你从前念英文念了多久?How long did you study English?B:Wǒ niàn Yīngwén niànle
liùniàn.我念英文念了六年。I studied English for six years.3.A:Nǐ niàn Fàwén niànle duó
jiǔ le?你念法文念了多久了?How long have you been studying French?B:Wǒ niànle yìnián
le.我念了一年了。I've been studying it for one year.4.A:Qǜnián wǒ hái bú huì xiě
Zhōnggui zì.去年我还不会写中国字。Last year, I couldn't write Chinese characters.B:Xiànzài wǒ huì xiě yìdiǎn
le.现在我会写一点了。Now, I can write a little.5.A:Nǐ fùqin shi jǖnrén
ma?你父亲是军人吗?Is your father a military man?B:Shì, tā shi hǎijǖn
jǖnguān.是,他是海军陆军。Yes, he's a naval officer.6.A:Wǒ jīntiān bù lái
le.我今天不来了。I'm not coming today.B:Wǒ bìng
le.我病了。I'm sick.7.A:Jīntiān hǎo le
méiyou?今天好了没有?Are you better today?B:Jīntiān hǎo
le.今天好了。Today, I'm better.Unit 1IntroductionTopics covered in this unitWhere people are staying (hotels),Short answers.The question word něige, "which."Material you will needThe C-l and P-l tapes, the Reference List and Reference
Notes.The C-2 and P-2 tapes, the Workbook.The drill tape (1D-1).ReferencesReference List(in Běijīng)1.A:Qǐngwèn, nǐ zhù zai
nǎr?亲吻,你朱在哪儿?May I ask, where are you staying?B:Wǒ zhù zai Běijīng
Fàndiàn.握住在北京饭店。I'm staying at the Beijing Hotel.2.A:Nǐ zhù zai Mínzú
Fàndiàn ma?你住在民族饭店吗?Are you staying at the Nationalities Hotel?B:Shì, wǒ zhù zai
Mínzú Fàndiàn.是,我住在民族饭店吗。Yes, I'm staying at the Nationalities Hotel.3.A:Nǐ zhù zai něige
fàndiàn?你住在呢个饭店?Which hotel are you staying at?B:Wǒ zhù zai Běijīng
Fàndiàn.我住在北京饭店。I'm staying ate the Beijing Hotel.4.A:Něiwèi shì Zhāng
tóngzhì?哪位是张同志?Which one is comrade Zhāng?B:Tā shì Zhāng
tóngzhì.他是张同志。She is comrade Zhāng.5.A:Něige rén shì Méi
tóngzhì?哪个人是Méi同志?Which person is comrade Méi?B:Nèige rén shì Méi
tóngzhì.那个人是Méi同志。That person is comrade Méi.6.A:Něiwei shì Gāo
tóngzhì?哪位是局同志。Which one is comrade Gāo?B:Nèiwèi shì Gāo
tóngzhì.那位是局同志。That one is comrade Gāo.7.This exchange occurs on the C-l tape only.A:Nǐ zhù zai zheìge
fàndiàn ma?你住在这个饭店吗?Are you staying at this hotel?B:Bù, wǒ bú zhù zai
zheìge fàndiàn.不,我不住在这个饭店。No, I"m staying at this hotel.8.A:Jiāng tóngzhì! nín
zǎo.蒋同志!您早。Comrade Jiāng! Good morning.B:Zǎo. Nuòwǎkè Nǔshì!
nín hǎo.早。Nuòwǎkè
女士!您好。Good morning, Miss Novak! How are you?A:Wǒ hěn
hǎo.我很好I'm very well.9.A:Qǐngwèn, nǐ shì
Měiguo nǎrde rén?请问,你是美国哪儿人?May I ask, where are you from in America?B:Wǒ shì Jiāzhōu
Jiùjīnshān rén.我是加州旧金山人。I'm from San Francisco, California.Vocabularyfàndiàn饭店hotel-ge个general counterhěn很veryJiùjīnshān旧金山San FranciscoMínzú
Fàndiàn民族饭店Nationalities Hotelněi-哪-?whichněige?哪个which?nèige那个thatněiwei哪位which one (person)nèiwèi那位that one (person)nǔshì女士polite title for a married or unmarried woman) Ms. ;
Ladyshì是yes, that's so.-wèi位polite counter for peoplezǎo早good morningzhèi-这-thiszheìge这个thiszhèiwèi这位this one (person)zhù朱to stay, to liveReference NotesNotes on № 11.A:Qǐngwèn, nǐ zhù
zai nǎr?亲吻,你朱在哪儿?May I ask, where are you staying?B:Wǒ zhù zai
Běijīng Fàndiàn.握住在北京饭店。I'm staying at the Běijīng
Hotel.The verb zhù,
"to live," or "to reside," may be used to mean "to stay at" (temporary
residence) or "to live in" (permanent residence). Zhù zài nǎr
literally means "live at where." The verb zài, "to be in/at/on," is
used here as a preposition "at." It loses its tone in this position in a
sentence. (The use of zài as a preposition is treated more fully in Unit 2.) Fàndiàn has two
meanings "restaurant" and "Hotel" (a relatively large hotel with modern facilities).Another word for "restaurant" is fànguǎnzi. The
general word for "hotel" is lǚguǎn. Literally, fànguǎnzi means "rice shop."Notes on № 22.A:Nǐ zhù zai
Mínzú Fàndiàn ma?你住在民族饭店吗?Are you staying at the Nationalities Hotel?B:Shì, wǒ zhù zai
Mínzú Fàndiàn.是,我住在民族饭店吗。Yes, I'm staying at the Nationalities Hotel.Shì: The usual
way to give a short affirmative answer is to repeat the verb used in the
question. Some verbs, however, may not be repeated as short answers.
Zhù is one
such verb. Others not to be used are xìng, "to be surnamed," and
jiào, "to be
given-named." Many speakers do not repeat the verb zài as a short answer. To
give a short "yes" answer to questions containing these verbs, you use
shì.Notes on № 3-73.A:Nǐ zhù zai
něige fàndiàn?你住在呢个饭店?Which hotel are you staying at?B:Wǒ zhù zai
Běijīng Fàndiàn.我住在北京饭店。I'm staying ate the Beijing Hotel.4.A:Něiwèi shì
Zhāng tóngzhì?哪位是张同志?Which one is comrade Zhāng?B:Tā shì Zhāng
tóngzhì.他是张同志。She is comrade Zhāng.5.A:Něige rén shì
Méi tóngzhì?哪个人是Méi同志?Which person is comrade Méi?B:Nèige rén shì
Méi tóngzhì.那个人是Méi同志。That person is comrade Méi.6.A:Něiwei shì Gāo
tóngzhì?哪位是局同志。Which one is comrade Gāo?B:Nèiwèi shì Gāo
tóngzhì.那位是局同志。That one is comrade Gāo.7.A:Nǐ zhù zai
zheìge fàndiàn ma?你住在这个饭店吗?Are you staying at this hotel?B:Bù, wǒ bú zhù
zai zheìge fàndiàn.不,我不住在这个饭店。No, I"m staying at this hotel.Něige is the
question word "which." In the compound něiguó, you found the bound
word něi-, which
was attached to the noun guó. In the phrase něiguó rén, "which person,"
the bound word něi- is attached to the general counter -ge. (You will learn more
about counters in Unit 3_ For now, you nay think of -ge as an ending which turns
the bound word něi- into the full word něige.) Něige
rén/něiwèi: To be polite when referring to an adult, you say
něiwèi or
nèiwèi, using
the polite counter for people -wèi rather than the general counter -ge, though -ge is used in many informal
situations. Notice that the noun rén is not used directly after -wèi: NèiwèiMěiguó
shéi?Něiwèizhù zài Mínzú
Fàndiàn.Compare the specifying words "which?" "that," and "this" with the location
words you learned in Unit U of ORN: Specifying
(zhàr)hereBoth question words are in the Low tone, while the other four words are in
the Falling tone. Many people pronounce the words for "which?" "that," and "this" with the
usual vowels for "where?" "there," and "here": nǎge? nàge, and zhège. Bù: A short
negative answer is usually formed by bù plus a repetition of the
verb used in the question. When a verb, like zhù (zài), cannot be repeated,
bù is used as
a short answer and is followed by a complete answer. Notice that when used
by itself bù is in
the Falling ton, but when followed by a Falling-tone syllable bù is in the Rising tone. Bù, tā xiānzài bú zài
zhèr. No, he's not here now.Notes on № 88.A:Jiāng tóngzhì!
nín zǎo.蒋同志!您早。Comrade Jiang! Good morning.B:Zǎo. Nuòwǎkè
Nǔshì! nín hǎo.早。Nuòwǎkè
女士!您好。Good morning, Miss Novak! How are you?Name as greeting: A greeting may consist simply of a person's name:
Wáng tóngzhì!
"Comrade Wáng!"
The name may also be used with a greeting phrase: Wáng tóngzhì! Nín zǎo.
"Comrade Wáng! Good morning." --or, in reverse order,
Nín zǎo. Wáng
tóngzhì! "Good morning. Comrade Wáng!" The name is pronounced
as an independent exclamation acknowledging that person's presence and
status. It is not de-emphasized like "Comrade Wáng," in the English
sentence 11 Good morning, Comrade Wáng." Nín zǎo means
"good morning" --literally, "you are early." You may also say either
nǐ zǎo or
simply zǎo. Nǚshì, "Ms.," is
a formal, respectful title for a married or unmarried woman. It is used
after a woman's own surname, not her husband's. Traditionally, this title
was used for older, educated, and accomplished women. In the PRC, where people use tóngzhì, "Comrade," in general only foreign women are
referred to and addressed as (so-and-so) nǚshì. On Taiwan, however,
any woman may be called (so-and-so) nǚshì in a formal context,
such as a speech or an invitation. Nín hǎo: This
greeting may be said either with or without a question marker, just as in
English we say "How are you?" as a question or "How are you?" as a simple
greeting. Nǐ hǎo ma? How
are you? Nǐ hǎo. How are
you. Also Just as in English, you may respond to the greeting by repeating it
rather than giving an answer. Lǐ tóngzhì! Nín
hǎo. Comrade Lǐ! How are you. Nín hǎo. Gāo
tóngzhì! How are you. Comrade Gāo! Literally, hěn
means "very." The word often accompanies adjectival verbs (like
hǎo, "to be
good"), adding little to their meaning. (See also Module 3, Unit 3.) How to identify yourself: You have now learned several ways to introduce
yourself. One simple, direct way is to extend your hand and state your name
in Chinese –- for instance, Mǎ
Mínglǐ. Here are some other ways:Wǒ shì Mǎ
Mínglǐ.I'm Mǎ
Mínglǐ.Wǒ xìng
Mǎ.My surname is Mǎ.Wǒ xìng Mǎ,
jiào Mǎ Mínglǐ.My surname is Mǎ; I'm
called Mǎ
Zhōngguó míngzi jiào Mǎ
Mínglǐ.My Chinese name is Mǎ
Mínglǐ.Notes on № 99.A:Qǐngwèn, nǐ shì
Měiguo nǎrde rén?请问,你是美国哪儿人?May I ask, where are you from in America?B:Wǒ shì Jiāzhōu
Jiùjīnshān rén.我是加州旧金山人。I'm from San Francisco, California.Order of place names: Notice that Jiāzhōu Jiùjīnshān is
literally "California, San Francisco." In Chinese, the larger unit cones
before the smaller. Similarly, in the question Nǐ shì Měiguó nǎrde rén? the
name of the country comes before the question word nǎr, which is asking for a
more detailed location. The larger unit is usually repeated in the answer: Nǐ
shìShāndōngQīngdǎorén.Literally, Jiùjīnshān means "Old Gold Mountain." The Chinese gave
this name to San Francisco during the Gold Rush days.DrillsUnit 2IntroductionTopics covered in this unit Where people are staying (houses). Where people are working. Addresses.The marker de The marker ba, The prepositional verb zàiMaterial you will need The C-l and P-l tapes9 the Reference List and Reference Notes. The C-2 and P-2 tapes, the Workbook. The 2D-1 tape.ReferencesReference List1.A:Nǐ zhù zài
náli?你住在哪理?Where are you staying?B:Wǒ zhù zài Guóbīn
Dàfàndiàn.我住在国宾大饭店:I'm staying at the Ambassador Hotel.2.A:Nǐ zhù zài
náli?你住在哪理?Where are you staying?B:Wǒ zhù zài
zhèli.我住在这理。I'm staying here.A:Tā
ne?他呢?How about him?B:Tā zhù zài
nàli.他住在那理。He is staying there.3.A:Nǐ zhù zài
náli?你住在哪理?Where are you staying?B:Wǒ zhù zài péngyou
jiā.我住在朋友家。I'm staying at a friend's home.4.A:Nǐ péngyou jiā zài
náli?你朋友家在哪理?Where is your friend's house?B:Tā jiā zài Dàlǐ
Jiē.他家在大力街。His house is on Dàlǐ Street.5.A:Nǐ péngyoude dìzhǐ
shì ...?你朋友的地质是。。。?What is your friend's address?B:Tā de dìzhǐ shì jiē
Sìshièrhào.他的地质是大力街四十二号。His address is № 42 Dàlǐ Street.6.This exchange occurs on the C-1 tape onlyA:Nǐ shì Wèi Shàoxiào
ba?你是Wèi少校吧?You are Major Weiss, aren't you?B:Shìde.是的。Yes.7.This exchange occurs on the P-1 tape onlyA:Nà shì Guóbīn
Dàfàndiàn ba?那是国宾大饭店吧?That is Ambassador Hotel, isn't it?B:Shìde.是的。Yes.8.A:Nǐ péngyou xiànzài
zài náli gōngzuò?你朋友现在在哪里工作?Where does your friend work now?B:Tā zài Táinán
gōngzuò.他在台南工作。He works in Táinán.9.This exchange occurs on the C-1 tape onlyA:Nǐ zài náli
gōngzuò?你在哪里工作?Where do you work?B:Wǒ zài Wǔguānchù
gōngzuò.我在武官处工作。I work at the Defense Attache's Office.10.This exchange occurs on the P-1 tape onlyA:Nǐ zài náli
gōngzuò?你在哪里工作?Where do you work?B:Wǒ zài yínháng
gōngzuò.我在银行工作。I work at a bank.11.This exchange occurs on the C-1 tape onlyA:Nǐ péngyou zài
Táiběi gōngzuò ma?你朋友在台北工作吗?Does your friend work in Taipei?B:Tā bú zài Táiběi
gōngzuò. Tā zài Táizhōng gōngzuò.他不在台北工作。他在台中工作。He doesn't work in Taipei; he works in Taichung.Vocabularyba吧question marker expressing supposition of what answer will
bedàfàndiàn大饭店hotel-de的possessive markerdìzhǐ地址addressgōngzuò工作to workGuóbīn
Dàfàndiàn国宾大饭店Ambassador Hotel-hào—号number (in address)jiā家home, housejiē街streetlù路roadnà-那—thatnàge那that (one)náli哪里wherenàli那里therepéngyou朋友friendshàoxiào少校major( military title)Shìde是的Yes, that's so.Wǔguānchù武官处defense attache officeyínháng银行bankzài在to be in/at/on (prepositional verb)zhè-这thiszhège这个this (one)zhèli这里hereDìyī
Dàfàndiàn第一大饭店First HotelMěiguó Guójì
Jiāoliú Zǒngshǔ美国国际Jiāoliú
ZǒngshǔU.S. International Communications AgencyMěiguó
Yínháng美国银行Bank of AmericaTáiwān
Yínháng台湾银行Bank of TaiwanYóuzhèngjǘ邮政局post officeReference NotesNotes on №1-21.A:Nǐ zhù zài
náli?你住在哪理?Where are you staying?B:Wǒ zhù zài
Guóbīn Dàfàndiàn.我住在国宾大饭店:I'm staying at the Ambassador Hotel.2.A:Nǐ zhù zài
náli?你住在哪理?Where are you staying?B:Wǒ zhù zài
zhèli.我住在这理。I'm staying here.A:Tā
ne?他呢?How about him?B:Tā zhù zài
nàli.他住在那理。He is staying there.The word guóbǐn
actually refers to any official state guest, not just an ambassador. (The
word for "ambassador" is dàshǐ) The translation "Ambassador Hotel" has been used
for years by that hotel and, although inaccurate, has been retained in this
text.Dàfàndiàn means
"great hotel" or "grand hotel." It is commonly used in the names of Taiwan
and Hong Kong hotels.Náli,
nàli, and
zhèli are
common variants of nǎr, nàr, and zhèr in non-Peking dialects of Standard Chinese. The
forms with r are Peking dialect
forms. Compare:PekingOthernǎrnáliwherenàrnàlitherezhèrzhèlihereNotice the difference in tone "between nǎr and náli. This is because
-li has a
basic Low tone, and the first of two adjoining Low-tone syllables changes to
a Rising tone: nǎ
+ -lǐ =
náli.Notes on №3-43.A:Nǐ zhù zài
náli?你住在哪理?Where are you staying?B:Wǒ zhù zài
péngyou jiā.我住在朋友家。I'm staying at a friend's home.4.A:Nǐ péngyou jiā
zài náli?你朋友家在哪理?Where is your friend's house?B:Tā jiā zài Dàlǐ
Jiē.他家在大力街。His house is on Dàlǐ Street.The possessive relationships in péngyou jiā, "friend's house," nǐ péngyou jiā, "your
friend’s house," and tā
jiā, "his house," are unmarked, while the English must
include -'s or the possessive form of the pronoun ("your," "his".) In
Chinese, possessive relationships may be expressed by simply putting the
possessor in front of the possessed when the relationship between the two is
particularly close, like the relationship between a person and his home,
family, or friends.Notes on №55.A:Nǐ péngyoude
dìzhǐ shì ...?你朋友的地质是。。。?What is your friend's address?B:Tā de dìzhǐ shì
jiē Sìshièrhào.他的地质是大力街四十二号。His address is № 42 Dàlǐ
street.Péngyoude dìzhǐ:
"The marker -de in
this phrase is Just like the English possessive ending -'s. With the
exception of close relationships, this is the usual way to form the
possessive in Chinese.nǐ
péngyǒu-dedìzhǐyour friend'saddressUnlike the English -'s ending, -de is also added to pronouns.wǒdemynǐdeyourtādehis/herYou are learning possessive phrases in which the marker
-de is used
(tāde dìzhǐ)
and some possessive phrases which do not contain -de (nǐ péngyou jiā). There are
certain reasons for the inclusion or omission of -de. If a close relationship
exists between the possessor and the possessed, the marker -de might not be used. If a
phrase is long and complex, as Lǐ
Xiānsheng péngyoude tàitai , the marker -de is used to separate the
possessor from the possessed.short or
simplelong or
Xiānsheng péngyou-de
tàitaiBut these are not hard and fast rules. The use or omission of
-de is not
determined solely by the number of syllables in a phrase or by the closeness
between the possessor and the possessed, although both of these
considerations do play a Mg part in the decision.While some common nouns are usually used without -de "before them, most nouns
are more likely to be preceded by -de, and many even require it. Dìzhǐ, "address," is the only
noun you have learned which REQUIRES the
possessive marker -de added to the possessor. But other nouns such as
jiā are not
always preceded by -de. This is also the case with nouns indicating
personal relationships, like fùmǔ, "father," and tàitai "wife." Péngyou,
"friend,"xuésheng," student and lǎoshī "student are commonly
used without -de,
but may also be used with the marker.You might expect the question Nǐ
péngyoude dìzhǐ...? to "be completed with a word such as
shénme?, what.
However, the incomplete form given in this exchange, with the voice trailing
off, inviting completion, is also commonly used.Addresses: The order in which addresses
are given in Chinese is the reverse of that used in English. In Chinese, the
order is from the general to the specific: country, province or state, city,
street name, street number.-hào: A street
number is always given with the bound word -hào, "number," after it. The word dì- is sometimes translated "number," as in
"number one" (See resource module on Numbers, tape 4.)Notes on №6-76.A:Nǐ shì Wèi
Shàoxiào ba?你是Wèi少校吧?You are Major Weiss, aren't you?B:Shìde.是的。Yes.7.A:Nà shì Guóbīn
Dàfàndiàn ba?那是国宾大饭店吧?That is Ambassador Hotel, isn't it?B:Shìde.是的。Yes.Ba is a marker
for a question which expresses the speaker's supposition as to what the
answer will be. It is the type of question which asks for a confirmation
from the listener.There are three ways to translate the two questions in exchanges 6 and 7
into English:Nǐ shi Wèi Shàoxiào
ba?Aren't you Major Weiss?You are
Major Weiss, aren't you?You must be
Major Weiss.Nǐ shi Guóbǐn Dàfàndiàn
ba?Isn't that the Ambassador Hotel?That is the Ambassador Hotel, isn't it?That must be the Ambassador Hotel.Each translation reflects a different degree of certainty on the part of
the speaker. (While the differences in certainty are expressed in English by
variation in wording, they can be expressed in Chinese by intonation.) You
will probably find that the "isn’t it", "aren't you" translation fits most
situations.The short answer shìde is an expanded form of the short answer
shì, with the
same meaning: "Yes, that's so." Shìde is also the word used for the "yes" in the
military "Yes, sir."Nà(nèi): In the subject position, nà (nèi), "that," and
"this," may be used either as free words or as bound words, with
-ge following. Compare:Nàshì Guóbǐn
Dàfàndiàn.Thatis the Ambassador Hotel.Nà-geshì Guóbǐn
Dàfàndiàn.Thatoneis the Ambassador Hotel.However, the question form nǎ- (něi-) is a bound word.Nǎge
(fàndiàn) shì Guóbǐn
Dàfàndiàn?Which one is the Ambassador Hotel?Notes on №8-118.A:Nǐ péngyou
xiànzài zài náli gōngzuò?你朋友现在在哪里工作?Where does your friend work now?B:Tā zài Táinán
gōngzuò.他在台南工作。He works in Táinán.9.A:Nǐ zài náli
gōngzuò?你在哪里工作?Where do you work?B:Wǒ zài
Wǔguānchù gōngzuò.我在武官处工作。I work at the Defense Attache's Office.10.A:Nǐ zài náli
gōngzuò?你在哪里工作?Where do you work?B:Wǒ zài yínháng
gōngzuò.我在银行工作。I work at a bank.11.A:Nǐ péngyou zài
Táiběi gōngzuò ma?你朋友在台北工作吗?Does your friend work in Taipei?B:Tā bú zài
Táiběi gōngzuò. Tā zài Táizhōng
gōngzuò.他不在台北工作。他在台中工作。He doesn't work in Taipei; he works in Taichung.Wǔguānchù,
"defense attache’s office," literally means "military attache's
office."Zài gōngzuò:
Compare these two sentences:TāzàiTáinán.He is inTainan.TāzàiTáinángōngzuò.He in Tainanworks.The sentence Tā zài Táinán
gōngzuò seems to have two verbs: zài, "to be in/at/on," and
gōngzuò," to
work." But there is only one verb in the translation: "He works in Tainan."
The translation reflects the fact that zài loses its full verb
status in this sentence and plays a role like that of the English
preposition "in" The zài phrase in Chinese, like the "in" phrase in English,
gives more information about the main verb gōngzuò; that is, it tells
where the action takes place. "He works," and the work takes place "in
Tainan." In sentences like this, the word zài is a prepositional verb.
Most relationships expressed by prepositions in English are expressed by
prepositional verbs in Chinese.You have also seen zài used as a prepositional verb in the sentence
nǐ zhù zài
náli? "Where do you live?" --literally, "You live at
where?" Notice that in this sentence the prepositional verb phrase
zài náli comes
after the main verb zhù. In the sentence Nǐ zài náli gōngzuò? the
prepositional verb phrase zài
náli conies before the main verb gōngzuò. Many things, such as
stress, contrast, and other objects in the sentence, can influence the order
of the prepositional verb phrase and the main verb.In some cases, either order may be used, as in Nǐ zài náli zhù? or
Nǐ zhù zài
náli?. In other cases, the word order is fixed, as in
Nǐ zài náli gōngzuò?
For text examples, it will be pointed out whether or not the
word order may be changed, and the reasons will be given.Tā bú zài Táiběi
gōngzuò, "He doesn't work in Taipei": In this sentence,
the negative adverb bù comes before the prepositional verb zài (which starts the
complete predicate zài Táiběi
gōngzuò, not before the main verb gōngzuò. This makes sense,
for you are not saying "He does NOT WORK," but you are saying "He does NOT
work IN TAIPEI."Tāgōngzuò.Tābùgōngzuò.Tāzài
Táiběigōngzuò.DrillsUnit 3IntroductionTopics covered in this unitMembers of a family.The plural ending -men.The question word jǐ- "how many."The adverb dōu "all."Several ways to express "and."Material you will needThe C-l and P-l tapes, the Reference List and Reference Notes.The C-2 and P-2 tapes, the Workbook.The 3D-1 tape.ReferencesReference List1.A:Nǐmen yǒu háizi
ma?你们有孩子吗?Do you have children?B:Yǒu, wǒmen
yǒu.有,我们有。Yes, we have.2.B:Liú xiānsheng yǒu
Měiguó péngyou ma?刘先生有美国朋友吗?Does Mr Liú have any American friends?B:Tā meíyǒu Měiguó
péngyou.他没有美国朋友。He doesn't have any American friends.A:Tā yǒu Yīngguó
péngyou.他有英国朋友。He has English friends. (or an English friend)3.A:Nǐmen yǒu jǐge
háizi?你们有几个孩子?How many children do you have?B:Wǒmen yǒu sānge
háizi.我们有三个孩子。We have three children.4.A:Nǐmen yǒu jǐge
nánháizi, jǐge nǚháizi?你们有几个男孩子,几个女孩子?How many boys and how many girls do you have?B:Wǒmen yǒu liǎngge
nánháizi, yīge nǚháizi.我们有两个男孩子,一个女孩子。We have two boys and one girl.5.B:Shì nánháizi, shì
nǚháizi?是男孩子,是女孩子?Are they boys or girls?A:Tāmen dōu shì
nǚháizi.他们都是女孩子。All of them are girls.6.B:Hú xiānsheng,
tàitai ne? tāmen yǒu jǐge háizi?胡先生,太太呢?他们有几个孩子?How about Mr. and Mrs. Hú? How many
children do they have?A:Tāmen yǒu liǎngge
háizi.他们有两个孩子。They have two children.B:Shì nánháizi, shì
nǚháizi? 是男孩子,是女孩子?Are they boys or girls?A:Dōu shì
nǚháizi.都是女孩子。Both of them are girls.7.A:Nǐmen háizi dōu zài
zhèli ma?你们孩子都在这里吗?Are all your children here?B:Bù, liǎngge zài
zhèli, yíge hái zài Měiguó.不,两个在这里,一个还在美国。No. Two are here, and one is still in America.8.A:Nǐ jiāli yǒu shénme
rén?你家里有什么人?What people are (there) in your family?B:Yǒu wǒ tàitai gēn
sānge háizi.有我太太跟三个孩子。There's my wife and three children.9.B:Nǐ jiāli yǒu shénme
rén?你家里有什么人?What people are (there) in your family?A:Jiù (yǒu) wǒ fùqin,
mǔqin.就(有)我父亲,母亲。Just my father and mother.Vocabularyzhǐ只onlydìdi弟弟younger brothergēge哥哥older brotherjiějie姐姐older sistermèimei妹妹younger sisterxiōngdì兄弟brothersjiěmèi姐妹sistersxiōngdì
jiěmèi兄弟姐妹brothers and sistersfùmǔ父母parentszǔfù祖父paternal grandfatherzǔmǔ祖母paternal grandmotherwàizǔfù外祖父maternal grandfatherwàizǔmǔ外祖母maternal grandmotherbàba爸爸papa, dad, fathermāma吗吗momma, mom, motherbàba爸爸papa, dad, fatherdìdi弟弟younger brotherdōu都all, bothfùmǔ父母parentsfùqin父亲fathergēge哥哥older brothergēn跟and, with, and (in addition to)hái还still, yetháizi孩子children, childjǐ-几-how manyjiāli家里familyjiějie姐姐older sister jiěmèi姐妹sistersjǐge几个how manyjiù就only, justliǎng-两twomāma妈妈momma, mom, motherméi没not, not to havemèimei妹妹younger sistermèiyou没有not to have, there is not-men们plural suffixmǔqin母亲mothernán-男-malenánháizi男孩子boynǐmen你们you (plural)nǚ-奴-femalenǚháizi奴孩子girltāmen他们they, themwàizǔfù外祖父maternal grandfatherwàizǔmǔ外祖母maternal grandmotherwǒmen我们we, usxiōngdì兄弟brothersxiōngdì
jiěmèi兄弟姐妹brothers and sistersyǒu有to have, there iszhǐ只onlyzǔfù祖父paternal grandfatherzǔmǔ祖母paternal grandmotheryíng
le赢了I('ve) wonReference NotesNotes on №11.A:Nǐmen yǒu háizi
ma?你们有孩子吗?Do you have children?B:Yǒu, wǒmen
yǒu.有,我们有。Yes, we have.The plural pronouns are formed by adding -men to the singular
pronounssingularpluralwǒIwǒmenwenǐyounǐmenyoutāhe/shetāmenthey(You have already seen these pronoun forms used as possessives: "my,"
"our," etc. Later you will find that they are also used as objects: "me,"
"us," etc.)Háizi: Chinese
nouns have the same form for singular and plural.Háizi may be
either "child" or "children."A few nouns referring to people may be made explicitly plural by
adding -men . Háizimen can only be ''children"Usually the context will make clear whether a noun should be
translated as singular or as plural, but not always. Chinese does not
require that the matter be pinned down to the same extent that English
does.Wǒmen yǒu háizi is
a perfectly good sentence, even though the only accurate translation is the
clumsy "We have one or more children." We would prefer to have enough
information to translate it either as "We have a child" or as "We have
children." At times this ambiguity is an advantage. When you ask Nǐmen yǒu háizi ma? you do
not, after all, know whether you are referring to one child or to more than
one child. To cover both bets in the same way in English, we have to say "Do
you have any children?"Notes on №22.B:Liú xiānsheng
yǒu Měiguó péngyou ma?刘先生有美国朋友吗?Does Mr Liú have any American friends?B:Tā meíyǒu
Měiguó péngyou.他没有美国朋友。He doesn't have any American friends.A:Tā yǒu Yīngguó
péngyou.他有英国朋友。He has English friends. (or an English friend)Méiyou: All the
verbs discussed so far form the negative with bù, with the single exception
of yǒu, "to have,"
which has the irregular negative form méiyou.Notes on №3-43.A:Nǐmen yǒu jǐge
háizi?你们有几个孩子?How many children do you have?B:Wǒmen yǒu sānge
háizi.我们有三个孩子。We have three children.4.A:Nǐmen yǒu jǐge
nánháizi, jǐge nǚháizi?你们有几个男孩子,几个女孩子?How many boys and how many girls do you have?B:Wǒmen yǒu
liǎngge nánháizi, yīge nǚháizi.我们有两个男孩子,一个女孩子。We have two boys and one girl.In Peking speech,
jǐ-, "how many," is usually used only when the number
expected in an answer is about 10 or less. In many other parts of China,
speakers use jl- no matter how large a number is expected in the
answer.Counters: In Chinese, a noun cannot be
counted or specified (i.e., used with něi- "which," nèi-, "that," zhèi-, "this") without the
addition of a bound word, a counter, to indicate the sort of thing being
specified or counted. English has a few such counters, as "head" in "how
many head of cattle" and "loaves" in " seven loaves of bread."The counter used in a particular instance depends on the noun "being
specified or counted. Many nouns have special counters. You have already
learned the polite counter for persons, -wèi. Other special counters
refer in some way to the kind of thing the noun represents. The word for
"hotel," for instance, has a special counter -jiā, "house," used for
counting or specifying business establishments.The general counter -ge is used with nouns that do not have special
counters. For example, there is no special counter for the word
"waterfall," so you would say yíge
pùbù, "one waterfall." You have already found the
general counter -ge in specifying expressions such as něige háizi, "which child,"
and zhèige
fàndiàn,"this hotel."You may find that, in colloquial speech, nouns that have special counters
are sometimes used with -ge anyway, but this tendency is looked down upon by
many speakers.Here are the numbers 1 through 10 with the counter -ge:yíge liǎngge sānge sìge wǔge
liùge qíge báge jiǔge shígeThe number 2 has a special form before a counter: liǎng-. Notice that the words
for 1, 2, and 8 have Rising tones before -ge, because -ge is basically a
Falling-tone syllable. (See also Unit 5, notes on No. 9 and No. 10.)Nán- nǚ-: The
"bound words nán-
"male," and nǚ-,
"female," are often used in compounds; for example, nánpéngyou, "boyfriend," and
"(woman) Comrade.""And": In Chinese, a word for "and" is
not needed between parallel phrases like liǎngge nánháizi, yíge
nǚháizi "two boys, (and) one girl."A pause is usual between the two phrases, but even the pause is sometimes
omitted.Notes on №5-75.B:Shì nánháizi,
shì nǚháizi?是男孩子,是女孩子?Are they boys or girls?A:Tāmen dōu shì
nǚháizi.他们都是女孩子。All of them are girls.6.B:Hú xiānsheng,
tàitai ne? tāmen yǒu jǐge háizi?胡先生,太太呢?他们有几个孩子?How about Mr. and Mrs. Hú? How many
children do they have?A:Tāmen yǒu
liǎngge háizi.他们有两个孩子。They have two children.B:Shì nánháizi,
shì nǚháizi? 是男孩子,是女孩子?Are they boys or girls?A:Dōu shì
nǚháizi.都是女孩子。Both of them are girls.7.A:Nǐmen háizi dōu
zài zhèli ma?你们孩子都在这里吗?Are all your children here?B:Bù, liǎngge zài
zhèli, yíge hái zài Měiguó.不,两个在这里,一个还在美国。No. Two are here, and one is still in America.Shi
nánháizi, shi nǚháizi? In Chinese, an
"or" question (i.e., a question asking which of two alternatives is true)
may be asked simply by stating the two alternatives with a pause between. In
this kind of question, the verb must appear in each alternative. (You will
learn other ways of making "or" questions in later modules.)Dōu may usually
be translated in a sentence as "all (of)," or, if it refers to only two
things, as both (of)." Literally, dōu means "in all cases," "uniformly," "entirely,"
"completely." Since it is an adverb), it must be placed after the subject of
a sentence and before the verb (like the adverb yě, "also".)Notes on №8-98.A:Nǐ jiāli yǒu
shénme rén?你家里有什么人?What people are (there) in your family?B:Yǒu wǒ tàitai
gēn sānge háizi.有我太太跟三个孩子。There's my wife and three children.9.B:Nǐ jiāli yǒu
shénme rén?你家里有什么人?What people are (there) in your family?A:Jiù yǒu wǒ
fùqin, mǔqin.就有我父亲,母亲。Just my father and mother.Literally, the phrase nǐ
jiāli means "in your home" (jiā, "home"; -li, "in"). In this sentence
it is extended to mean "the people in your home," that is, "your
family."Nǐ jiāli - yǒu - shénme
rén? Phrase by phrase, this question is: "In your family
- there are - what people?,’ The word "family" can be taken to mean either
all your relatives or only those living in your household.By itself, the verb yǒu means "to "be," "to exist." You have now seen it
translated two ways: as "have," with a personal subject: Wǒmen yǒu sānge háizi
. "We have three children." as "there is/are," in the so-called impersonal construction:
Nǐ jiāli yǒu shénme
rén? "What people are (there) in your
family?"In exchange 8,the verb yǒu in the answer is translated as "there's." Some
English speakers may find this translation too colloquial. The answer can
also be translated Just by listing the family members, with no verb in the
English, as was done in exchange 9« Chinese almost always keeps the verb in
the answer to a question, while English tends to leave it out.How to say "and": Chinese has several
words for "and." Gēn is the word for "and" when joining nouns or noun
phrases. Yě is the
word for "and" when Joining verbs, verb phrases, or whole sentences:Example:Wǒ bú xìng Lǐ, yě bú xìng
Lǔ. Wǒ xìng Lǚ.I'm not surnamed Lǐ and I'm not surnamed Lǔ. I'm surnamed
Lǚ.Chinese tends to use a word for "and" when the noun phrases being Joined
are not parallel and not to use one when the phrases are parallel:Not parallelYǒuwǒ
tàitaiPossessor noungēnsānge
háizi.number nounThere's my wife and 3 children.ParallelYǒuliǎngge
nánháizinumber noun,yíge
nǚháizi.number nounThere are 2 boys and one girl.While "and" is often omitted in Chinese, it may be added for emphasis
between nouns and between noun phrases just as in English.Jiù, "only,"
"Just," is an advert (like yě and dōu. The use of jiù to mean "only" is
probably mostly confined to the Peking dialect.Jiù has
several other meanings, which will be presented to you as you
continue through this course. Speakers from other parts of the country will not necessarily
use jiù to mean
"only" or understand it as such. A more widely used and understood word for
"only" is zhǐ.
Thus the answer in exchange 9 could also be: Zhǐ yǒu wǒ fùqin,
mǔqin.Notes on additional vocabularyChinese is much more precise than English in its terms for family members.
There is not Just one word for "brother," or "sister" but words for "older
brother," "younger brother," "older sister," and "younger sister."olderyoungerbrothergēgedìdibrothersxiōngdìsisterjiějiemèimeisistersjiěmèiWhen referring to both older and younger sisters, the term jiěmèi is used. When
referring to both older and younger brothers, the term xiōngdì is used. When
referring to sisters and brothers, the phrase xiōngdì jiěmèi is
used.Chinese also distinguishes between grandparents on the father's side of
the family and grandparents on the mother's side:father's
sidegrandfatherzǔfùwàizǔfùgrandmotherzǔmǔwàizǔmǔThe syllable wài- in wàizǔfù and wàizǔmǔ literally means "outer" or "outside."DrillsUnit 4IntroductionTopics covered in this unitArrival and departure times,The marker leThe shì … de
construction.Material you will needThe C-l and P-l tapes» the Reference List and Reference Notes.The C-2 and P-2 tapes» the Workbook.The UD-1 tape.ReferencesReference Listin Běijīng1.A:Nǐ àiren lái
ma?你爱人来吗?Is your wife coming?B:Tā
lái.她来。She is coming.2.A:Nǐ àiren lái le
ma?你爱人来了吗?Has your wife come?B:Lái le, tā lái
le.来了,她来了。Yes, she has come.3.A:Nǐ àiren yě lái le
ma?你爱人也来了吗?Has your wife come too?B:Tā hái méi
lái.她还没来。She hasn't come yet.4.A:Tā shénme shíhou
lái?她什么时候来?When is she coming?B:Tā míngtiān
lái.她明天来。She is coming tomorrow.5.A:Nǐ péngyou shénme
shíhou dào?你朋友什么时候到?When is your friend arriving?B:Tā yǐjīng dào
le.他已经到了。He has already arrived.6.A:Tā shì shénme
shíhou dàode?她是什么时候到的?When did she arrive?B:Tā shì zuótiān
dàode.她是昨天到的。She arrived Yesterday.7.A:Nǐ shì yíge rén
láide ma?你是一个人来的吗?Did you come alone?B:Bú shì, wǒ bú shì
yíge rén láide.不是,我不是一个人来的。No, I didn't come alone.8.A:Nǐ shénme shíhou
zǒu?你什么时候走?When are you leaving?B:Wǒ jīntiān
zǒu.我今天走。I'm leaving today.9.A:Nǐ něitiān
zǒu?你哪天走?What day are you leaving?B:Wǒ jīntiān
zǒu.我今天走。I'm leaving today.Vocabularyhòutiān后天the day after tomorrowqiántiān前天the day before yesterdaytiāntiān天天every dayérzi二字sonnǚér女儿daughterdào到to arriveérzi二字sonhòutiān
(hòutian)后天the day after tomorrowjīntiān
(jīntian)今天todaylái来to comele了combined le: new-situation and completion markermíngtiān
(mīngtian)明天tomorrowněitiān哪天what daynǚér女儿daughterqiántiān
(qiántian)前天the day before Yesterdayshénme
de十的focus construction-tiān天daytiāntiān天天every dayyíge
rén一个人singly, aloneyǐjīng
(yǐjing)已经alreadyzǒu走to leavezuótiān昨天Yesterdayjiéhūn结婚to get married, to be marriedméi
jiéhūn没结婚not to be marriedkěshi可是butxiǎng想to think, to think thatReference NotesNotes on №11.A:Nǐ àiren lái
ma?你爱人来吗?Is your wife coming?B:Tā
lái.她来。She is coming.These sentences refer to future time, but lái is not a future-tense
form. Strictly speaking, Chinese verbs do not have tenses. The same form of
the verb can be used in present, past, and future contexts.We translated the sentence Tā
zài Táinán gōngzuò. as "He works in Tainan" assuming a
present context. But in a past context we could translate It as "He
worked in Tainan; and in a future
context we could translate it as "He will
work in Tainan." The verb form gōngzuò does not tell you
what time is being talked about. You have to look elsewhere for that
information, perhaps to a time expression like "last year" or "now" or
"tomorrow," or to the conversational setting.Notes on №22.A:Nǐ àiren lái le
ma?你爱人来了吗?Has your wife come?B:Lái le, tā lái
le.来了,她来了。Yes, she has come.Aspect: Le is an aspect marker.
Through the use of and other one-syllable markers (de, zhe, ne, guo), the
Chinese language indicates whether the occurrence being talked about is
completed, ongoing, about to occur, or experienced for the first time.
Aspect markers may also be used to indicate whether the whole situation in
the sentence is a new, changed situation."Completion" and "new situation" are not
tenses but aspects. Aspect is a way of talking about events or
activities in relation to time. While tenses categorize action in terms of
features such as completeness and change. Aspect markers are very different
from tense markers because the same aspect may be used in past, present, and
future contexts. We may speak of an action that will be completed as of a
future time, for example, or of a situation that was new as of a past time.
English communicates these ideas to a certain extent through the use of many
different tenses for the verb (future perfect, simple past, etc,). Chinese
does this through the use of aspect markers and time words. The verbs
themselves do not change form.Le is used in exchange 2 to indicate two aspects-completion and new
situation, (it is, however, often used to indicate only one aspect.)Here, it indicates that the person has come, meaning that the action is
completed, and that the person is now here, a changed situation. When the
marker le refers
to both these aspects, we call it "combined le." Combined le can be
thought of as a telescoping of the completion le followed by a new-situation
le le becomes
le. In the
next two units, you will see the marker le used to Indicate each of
these aspects separately.Notes on №33.A:Nǐ àiren yě lái
le ma?你爱人也来了吗?Has your wife come too?B:Tā hái méi
lái.她还没来。She hasn't come yet.Negative of combined le: Compare these affirmative and negative
forms:affirmativeláiis coming.negativebùláiisn't coming.affirmativeláilehas come (now).negativeháiméi(you)láihasn't come (yet).Notice that the marker le does not appear in the negative answer in the
exchange.Hái: The
negative of a sentence containing combined le_ will include the adverb
hái, "yet," as
well as the negative méi(you). In English, the "yet" is frequently left
out.Like other adverbs such as yě, hái always precedes the verb, although not always
directly. Elements such as the negatives and méi may come between an
adverb and a verb,Méiyou, "not
have" is used to negate the aspect of completion; that is, to say that a
certain event did not take place. Méiyou may be shortened to méi. Here are three possible
negative answers to the question.Tā lái le ma?
"Has he come?"Tāháiméiyoulái.He hasn't come yet.Tāháiméilái.He hasn't come yet.háiméiyou.Not yet.Notes on №4-54.A:Tā shénme
shíhou lái?她什么时候来?When is she coming?B:Tā míngtiān
lái.她明天来。She is coming tomorrow.5.A:Nǐ péngyou
shénme shíhou dào?你朋友什么时候到?When is your friend arriving?B:Tā yǐjīng dào
le.他已经到了。He has already arrived.Position of time words: Time phrases occupy the same position in a
sentence as adverbs such as yě and hái between the subject and the verb.Notes on №6-76.A:Tā shì shénme
shíhou dàode?她是什么时候到的?When did she arrive?B:Tā shì zuótiān
dàode.她是昨天到的。She arrived Yesterday.7.A:Nǐ shì yíge rén
láide ma?你是一个人来的吗?Did you come alone?B:Bú shì, wǒ bú
shì yíge rén láide.不是,我不是一个人来的。No, I didn't come alone.(shì) On occasion, a speaker may omit the shì (which is why it
is written in parentheses in these notes). This is another way to indicate the aspect of completion. The
aspect marker le
and the pattern (shì perform different functions and convey
different meanings. This is how they are different:The aspect marker le or its negative méi (you) is used when the
center of interest is whether or not an action took place. For example, if
you do not know whether Mr. Sun came or not, you would ask:Tā léile
méiyou?Did he come?and you would be answered eitherTā
láile.He came.orTā méi
lái.He didn't come.In this question and answer, you use le or its negative
because the focus is on whether the action took place or not.The purpose of the (shì) construction, on the other hand, is to focus
on additional information about a completed action; that is, the
construction is used when the center of interest is NOT whether or not a
certain action took place. For example, once it has been established that Mr. Sun did in fact come,
the (shì)
construction will probably be used for any additional questions and answers
about his coming. For example:Tā shi
shénme shíhou láide?When did he come?Tā shi
zuótiān láide.He came yesterday.Tā shi yíge
rén láide ma?Did he come alone?Tā shi yíge
rén láide.He came alone.These questions and answers use the (shì) construction
because you already know that Mr. Sun came and now you are asking for
additional information about his visit. Many types of additional information
can be focus points for which the (shì) construction is used. In Tā shi shénme shíhou
láide? the additional information is the time when
something happens. In Tā shi yíge rén láide
ma? the information asked for is the manner in which
something takes place. Other possible focus points are place, cause of action, goal of action,
and performer of action.Now let's take a look at how shì and de function separately in this construction. The verb
shì, coming
before the phrase which is the center of interest, serves as a signal that
what follows is emphasised. The verb "to "be" is often used in a similar way
in English to mark the center of interest:Tā shi
zuótiān láide ma?Was it yesterday that he came?Another way of showing the center of interest in English is by word
stress. Here is a comparison between focusing in Chinese with (shì) and focusing in
English with stress:Tā lái le
ma?Has he come?Lái
le.Yes, he has.Tā shi
zuótiān láide ma?Did he come YESTERDAY?Shì, tā shi
zuótiān láide.Yes, YESTERDAY.The marker de
coming after the verb indicates completion. When the marker de is not used in the
sentence, that sentence no longer describes a completed event. The marker
shì by itself
emphasizes something about the action. Compare these sentences:Tā shi
jīntiān lái.She is coming (later) today.Tā shi
jīntiān láide.She came (earlier) today.For the time being, you will not use shì without de.The negative form of the (shì) construction is bú . Compare this
with the negatives you have already learned:Tāshizuótiānlái-deIt was YESTERDAY that he came.Tābúzuótiānlái-deIt wasn't YESTERDAY that he came.Tāláile.He has come.Tāháiméilái.He hasn't come.Tāmíngtiānlái.He is coming tomorrow.Tāmíngtiānbùlái.He isn't coming tomorrow.Notice that in a (shì) construction the negative bú precedes the verb
shì rather
than the main verb. Short answers are also formed with shì rather than with the main verb:Nǐ shi yíge
rén láide ma?Did you come alone?Shì, wǒ shì
yíge rén láide.Yes, I came alone.Búshì, wǒ
bú shi yíge rén láide.No, I didn't come alone.The (shì)
construction is not used in every completed-action sentence containing a
time, place, or manner phrase. If the center of interest is still whether or
not the action took place, le is used. If, for example, you knew that someone was
expected to come yesterday and you wanted to find out only whether he
actually did come, the conversation might go as follows:A:Tā zuótiān
méi lái ma?Didn't he COME yesterday?B:Tā zuótiān
lái le.He DID COME yesterday.Literally, yíge
rén means "one person." When the expression is used to
describe how someone does something, translate it as "alone"Notes on №8-98.A:Nǐ shénme
shíhou zǒu?你什么时候走?When are you leaving?B:Wǒ jīntiān
zǒu.我今天走。I'm leaving today.9.A:Nǐ něitiān
zǒu?你哪天走?What day are you leaving?B:Wǒ jīntiān
zǒu.我今天走。I'm leaving today.The word for "day" is the bound word -tiān. To ask "what day"
(literally "which day"), the bound word něi- "which," is combined
with the bound word -tiān, "day": něitiān (like něiguó, "which country").něitiān?what day?/which day?qiántiānday before yesterdayzuótiānyesterdayjīntiāntodaymíngtiāntomorrowhòutiānday after tomorrowSome speakers say the -tiān in these words in the Neutral tone:
qiántian,zuótian, jīntian, míngtian, hòutian.DrillsCriterion testAppendicesAppendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Unit 5IntroductionTopics covered in this unitDate and Place of birth.Days of the week.Ages.The marker le for new situations.Material you will needThe C-1 and P-1 tapes, the Reference List and Reference Notes.The C-2 and P-2 tapes.The 5D-1 tape.ReferencesReference List1.A:Andesen Fūren, nǐ
shì zài nǎr shēngde?安德森夫人,你是在哪儿生的?Mrs. Andersen, where were you born?B:Wǒ shì zài Dézhōu
shēngde.我是在得州生的。I was born in Texas.2.A:Nǐmen shì Xīngqīsì
dàode ma?你们是星期四到的吗?Did you arrive on Thursday?B:Bú shì, wǒmen shì
Xīngqīwǔ dàode.不是,我们是星期五到的。No, we arrived on Friday.3.A:Nǐmen xīngqījǐ
zǒu?你们星期几走?What day of the week are you leaving?B:Wǒmen Xīngqītiān
zǒu.我们星期天走。We are leaving on Sunday.4.A:Nǐ shì něinián
shēngde?你是哪年生的?What year are you born?B:Wǒ shì Yī jiǔ sān
jiǔ nián shēngde.我是一九三九年生的。I was born in 1939.5.A:Nǐ shì jǐyüè
shēngde?你是几月生的?What month were you born?B:Wǒ shì Qíyüè
shēngde.我是七月生的。I was born in July.6.A:Nǐ shì jǐhào
shēngde?你是几号生的?What day of the month were you born?B:Wǒ shì Sìhào
shēngde.我是四号生的。I was born on the fourth.7.A:Nǐ duó dà
le?你多大了?How old are you?B:Wǒ èr shi sì
le.我二十四了。I'm 24.8.A:Nǐ duó dà
le?你多大了?How old are you?B:Wǒ sān shi wǔ
le.我三十五了。I'm 35.9.A:Nǐmen nǚháizi jǐsuì
le?你们女孩子几岁了?How old is your girl?B:Tā básuì
le.她八岁了。She's eight years old.10.A:Nǐmen nánháizi dōu
jǐsuì le?你们男孩子都几岁了?How old are your boys?B:Yíge jiǔsuì le,
yíge liùsuì le.一个九岁了, 一个六岁了。One is nine, and one is six.Vocabularyduó
dà多大how oldhòunián
(hòunian)后年the year after nextjǐhào几号what day of the month?jīnnián
(jīnnian)今年this yearjǐsuì几岁how oldjǐyüè几月what monthmíngnián
(míngnian)明年next yearněinián哪年?which yearniánnián
(niánnian)年年every yearqiánnián
(qiánnian)前年the year before lastqǜnián
(qǜnian)去年last yearshàngge
yüè上个月last monthshēng生to be born-suì岁year (of age)xiàge
yüè下个月next monthXīngqīèr星期二Tuesdayxīngqījǐ星期几what day of the weekXīngqīliù星期六SaturdayXīngqīsān星期三WednesdayXīngqīsì星期四ThursdayXīngqītiān星期日,星期天SundayXīngqīwǔ星期五FridayXīngqīyī星期一Mondayzheìge
yüè这个月this monthReference NotesNotes on №11.A:Andesen Fūren,
nǐ shì zài nǎr shēngde?安德森夫人,你是在哪儿生的?Mrs. Andersen, where were you born?B:Wǒ shì zài
Dézhōu shēngde.我是在得州生的。I was born in Texas.The shì
construction is used to focus on place expressions as well as on time and
manner expressions.Wǒshizài
Měiguóshēng-de.I was born in America. WHEREWǒshizuótiāndào-de.I arrived yesterday. WHENWǒshiyíge
rénlái-de.I came alone. HOWNotes on №2-32.A:Nǐmen shì
Xīngqīsì dàode ma?你们是星期四到的吗?Did you arrive on Thursday?B:Bú shì, wǒmen
shì Xīngqīwǔ dàode.不是,我们是星期五到的。No, we arrived on Friday.3.A:Nǐmen xīngqījǐ
zǒu?你们星期几走?What day of the week are you leaving?B:Wǒmen
Xīngqītiān zǒu.我们星期天走。We are leaving on Sunday.Days of the week:xīngqījǐWhat day of the week?xīngqīyīMondayxīngqīèrTuesdayxīngqīsànWednesdayxīngqīsìThursdayxingqīwǔFridayxīngqīliùSaturdayxīngqītiānSundayUntil now, you have always seen jǐ, "how many," at the beginning of a word
(jǐge háizi, jǐwèi xiānsheng,
jǐhào). In xīngqījǐ, -jǐ is at the end of the word. In both places, occupies
the position of a number and acts like a number: xīngqījǐ, "What number day of
the week?"Notes on №44.A:Nǐ shì něinián
shēngde?你是哪年生的?What year are you born?B:Wǒ shì Yī jiǔ
sān jiǔ nián shēngde.我是一九三九年生的。I was born in 1939.The word for "year," -nián is a bound word (like the word for "day,"
-tiān). The
question word něinián, "which year," is formed with the bound word
"which."The year is given as a sequence of digits, so that 1972, Yījiǔqīèrnián would literally
be "one-nine-seven-two year." In a sequence of digits, the word
èr- (not
liǎng- is used
for 2, and the words for 1, T, and 8 keep their basic high tones. (See notes
on No. 10 for cases in which these tones change.)Notes on №55.A:Nǐ shì jǐyüè
shēngde?你是几月生的?What month were you born?B:Wǒ shì Qíyüè
shēngde.我是七月生的。I was born in July.Months:jǐyüè?What month?yíyüèJanuaryqíyüèJulyèryüèFebruarybáyüèAugustsānyüèMarchjiǔyüèSeptembersìyüèAprilshíyüèOctoberwǔyüèMayshǐyīyüèNovemberliùyüèJuneshíèryüèDecemberSince the names of the months are formed with numbers, jǐ- "how many," is the
appropriate question word to use for "what month." Jǐ- is used in Běijīng to ask for a number
expected to be around 10 or 11. Notice the tones on the words for 1, 7 and 8, which most Peking speakers
pronounce as Rising before Falling-tone words such as yüè. The syllable
-yī- in the
word for "November," however, is usually pronounced with the High tone:
shíyīyüè (See
the notes on No, 10 for a summary of tone changes.)Notes on №66.A:Nǐ shì jǐhào
shēngde?你是几号生的?What day of the month were you born?B:Wǒ shì Sìhào
shēngde.我是四号生的。I was born on the fourth.Days of the month are expressed by the number of the day followed by the
bound word -haò.
You will remember that -hào is also used in giving addresses. In asking about days of the month, "how many," is used, even though the
question may be answered by a number as high as 31. The month and day of the
month may be given together. For example:Nǐ shi jǐyüè
jǐhào shēngde?What is your month and day of birth?Wǒ shi bāyüè
jiǔhào shēngde.I was born on August 9.Notes on №7-87.A:Nǐ duó dà
le?你多大了?How old are you?B:Wǒ èr shi sì
le.我二十四了。I'm 24.8.A:Nǐ duó dà
le?你多大了?How old are you?B:Wǒ sān shi wǔ
le.我三十五了。I'm 35.Nǐ duō dà le?
"How old are you?" literally means "How big (in years of age) are you?" This
is a common way to ask a person's age. The question is appropriate for
asking the age of a child or a young adult, but the expression is not
considered polite enough for asking an older adult his age. (More formal
ways to ask a person's age will be introduced on the C-2, P-2, and drill
tapes.) The marker le_which ends these sentences calls attention to the fact
that something is true now that was not true before. Ages may also be asked and given without using the new-situation
le.Le has only this new-situation meaning in these sentences. It has no
meaning of completion, since in fact, there is no completed event. One way to reflect the new-situation le in the English translation
is to add the word "now": I'm 35 now." Essentially, however, "new situation"
(sometimes called change of state") is a Chinese grammatical category with
no simple English equivalent. The marker le
for new situations is always found at the end of a sentence and is sometimes
called "sentence le."Notice that neither answer contains a verb. The verb that has been left
out is yǒu "to
have." The verb may not be left out in the negative: Wǒ méiyou sānshiwǔ. "I’m not
35."Notes on №99.A:Nǐmen nǚháizi
jǐsuì le?你们女孩子几岁了?How old is your girl?B:Tā básuì
le.她八岁了。She's eight years old.-suì: In the
traditional Chinese system of giving ages, a person is one -sui old at birth
and becomes another -suì old on the New Year's following his birth. A baby
born the day before New Year's would thus be two -suì old on the day after his
birth. Most Chinese, however, have now switched to the Western style of
computing age and use -suì just as we use years old. The word -suì
like the word -hào, is a bound word shoving what kind of thing a number
is counting. In a date or address you are listing a number and use èr for 2, while in giving an
age you are counting an amount of something and use liǎng: liǎngsuì, "two years
old."Notes on №1010.A:Nǐmen nánháizi
dōu jǐsuì le?你们男孩子都几岁了?How old are your boys?B:Yíge jiǔsuì le,
yíge liùsuì le.一个九岁了, 一个六岁了。One is nine, and one is six.The word dōu is
used when "both" or "all" would probably not be used in English, namely,
when expecting different information about each of the things (or persons)
being discussed. "All" tends to be collective, asking or telling about
something the members of a group have in common. Dōu can be distributive,
asking or telling something about the members of a group as
individuals.Yí, qí, bá: In
the spoken language of Peking, the basic High tones of yī, qī and bā usually change to Rising
tones before Falling-tone words (such as -hào, yüè, and -suì). This change is most
common when the complete number given has only one digit. When there are two
or more digits, the qī and bā of numbers ending in 7 and 8 are more likely to have
Rising tones than the yī of numbers ending in 1 (which is usually in the High
tone). Compare:shíqíhàothe 17thshíyīyüèNovemberIn all cases, the High tone is more likely to be kept in rapid speech. You
may also encounter speakers who never make changes in the tones of
qī and
bā.Remember that, in the digit-by-digit form of giving the year, the numbers
1, 7, and 8 keep their basic High tones: Yījiǔbāliùnián 1986.Notes on additional required vocabularyDaysqiántiānzuótiānjīntiānmīngtiānhòutiānYearsqiánniánqǜniánjīnniánmíngniánhòuniánIn the Chinese system of expressing relative time in terms of days and
years, only one pair of terms is not parallel: zuótiān "yesterday," and
qǜnián "last
year."DrillsCriterion testAppendicesAppendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Unit 6IntroductionTopics covered in this unitDuration phrasesThe marker le for completion. The "double le" construction. The marker -guo. Action verbs.State verbs.Material you will needThe C-l and P-l tapes, the Reference List and Reference Notes. The C-2 and P-2 tapes, the Workbook.The 6D-1 tape.ReferencesReference List1.A:Nǐ zhù duó
jiǔ?你住多久?How long are you staying?B:Wǒ zhù
yìnián.我住一年。I'm staying one year.2.A:Nǐ tàitai zhù duó
jiǔ?你太太住多久?How long is your wife staying?B:Ta zhù
liǎngtiān.她住两天。She is staying two days.3.A:Nǐ tàitai zài
Xiānggǎng zhù duó jiǔ?你太太在香港住多久?How long is your wife staying in Hong Kong?B:Wǒ xiǎng tā zhù
liǎngtiān.我想她住两天。I think she is staying two days.4.A:Nǐ xiǎng zhù duò
jiǔ?你想住多久?How long are you thinking of staying?B:Wǒ xiǎng zhù
yìnián.我想住一年。I'm thinking of staying one year.5.A:Nǐ xiǎng zài Táiwān
zhù duó jiǔ?你想在台湾住多久?How long are you thinking of staying in Taiwan?B:Wǒ xiǎng zhù báge
yüè.我想住八个月。I'm thinking of staying eight months.6.A:Nǐ péngyou xiǎng
zhù duó jiǔ?你朋友想住多久?How long is your friend thinking of staying?B:Tā xiǎng zhù
liǎngge xīngqī.他想住两个星期。He is thinking of staying two weeks.7.A:Nǐ láile duó jiǔ
le?你来了多久了?How long have you been there?B:Wǒ láile sāntiān
le.我来了三天了。I have been here three days.8.A:Nǐ tàitai zài
Xiānggǎng zhùle duó jiǔ?你太太在香港住了多久?How long did your wife stay in Hong Kong?B:Tā zhùle
liǎngtiān.她住了两天。She stayed two days.9.A:Tā lái le
ma?他来了吗?Did he come?B:Lái le, tā lái
le.来了,他来了。Yes, he came.10.A:Tā lái le
ma?他来了吗?Did he come?B:Méi lái, tā méi
lái.没来, 他没来。No, he didn't come.11.A:Nǐ cóngqián láiguo
ma?你从前来过吗?Have you ever been here before?B:Wǒ cóngqián méi
láiguo.我从前没来过。I have never been here before.Vocabularyqù去to goNiǔ
Yüē纽约New Yorkcóngqián从前beforeduó
jiǔ多久how long-guo—过experiential markerxiǎng想to think that, to want to, would you like toXiānggǎng香港Hong Kongxīngqī星期weekzhù
住to live somewhereReference NotesNotes on №11.A:Nǐ zhù duó
jiǔ?你住多久?How long are you staying?B:Wǒ zhù
yìnián.我住一年。I'm staying one year.Expressions like duó
jiǔ, "how long," and yìnián "one year," called
duration phrases, come after the verb. "One day" is yìtiān. The tone on yī changes to Falling
before a High-tone.Notice the contrast with time-when phrases, like shénme shíhou, "when," and
jīnnián "this
year," which come before the verb.If a duration phrase is used with the verb zhù, this phrase preempts the
position after the verb; and any place phrase, like zài Běijīng, must come before
the verb.Yìnián: In
telling how many years (giving an amount) no counter is used. The tone on
yī, "one,"
changes to Falling before a Rising tone.Notes on №22.A:Nǐ tàitai zhù
duó jiǔ?你太太住多久?How long is your wife staying?B:Ta zhù
liǎngtiān.她住两天。She is staying two days.Liǎngtiān:
-tiān, "day,"
like -nián,
"year," is used without a counter. When telling how many of something, the
number 2 takes the form liǎng. (See Unit 3, notes on Nos. 3-4.)Notes on №3-43.A:Nǐ tàitai zài
Xiānggǎng zhù duó jiǔ?你太太在香港住多久?How long is your wife staying in Hong Kong?B:Wǒ xiǎng tā zhù
liǎngtiān.我想她住两天。I think she is staying two days.4.A:Nǐ xiǎng zhù
duò jiǔ?你想住多久?How long are you thinking of staying?B:Wǒ xiǎng zhù
yìnián.我想住一年。I'm thinking of staying one year.The verb xiǎng,
"to think that," "to want to," "would like to," may be used as a main verb
or as an auxiliary verb. As a main verb it means "to think that." It is used
this way in the answer of exchange 3 and in the following examples. I think he is coming tomorrow. I think he is not going. When xiǎng is
used as a main verb meaning "to think that," it is not made negative. This
may be a special problem for English speakers who are used to saying "I
don't think he is going." In Chinese, it is: "I think he is not
going" Wǒ xiǎng tā
bú qù.When xiǎng is
used as an auxiliary verb,it means, "to want to," "would like to." It is
used this way in exchange 4, which could also be translated as, "How long
would you like to stay?" Here are other examples: Nǐ xiǎng
zǒu ma?Would you like to leave? OR Do you want to
go?Wǒ bù xiǎng
zǒu.I don't want to leave. Nǐ xiǎng
zài Táiběi gōngzuò ma?Do you want to work in Taipei?Notes on №5-65.A:Nǐ xiǎng zài
Táiwān zhù duó jiǔ?你想在台湾住多久?How long are you thinking of staying in Taiwan?B:Wǒ xiǎng zhù
báge yüè.我想住八个月。I'm thinking of staying eight months.6.A:Nǐ péngyou
xiǎng zhù duó jiǔ?你朋友想住多久?How long is your friend thinking of staying?B:Tā xiǎng zhù
liǎngge xīngqī.他想住两个星期。He is thinking of staying two weeks.You already know that yìnián and yìtiān are used without counters. The words for "month"
and "week," however, are used with counters.Compare:sāntiān3 dayssānnián3 yearssānge
xīngqī3 weekssānge
yüè3 monthsNotes on №77.A:Nǐ láile duó
jiǔ le?你来了多久了?How long have you been there?B:Wǒ láile
sāntiān le.我来了三天了。I have been here three days.le...le, "up
until now," "so far": The use of completed-action le after the verb and of
new-situation le
after the duration phrase tells you how long the activity has been going on
and that it is still going on. The answer could also have been translated "I
have been here three days so far." This pattern is sometimes called "double
le." Notice that when le is in the middle of a sentence (in this case,
because it is followed by a duration phrase), we write it attached to the
verb before it: láile duó jiǔ
le.Notes on №88.A:Nǐ tàitai zài
Xiānggǎng zhùle duó jiǔ?你太太在香港住了多久?How long did your wife stay in Hong Kong?B:Tā zhùle
liǎngtiān.她住了两天。She stayed two days.Completion le: Here you see the marker le used to
indicate one aspect, completion. Compare a sentence with one le to a
sentence with two le's: Wǒ zài nàr
zhùle sāntiān.I stayed there three days.Wǒ zài nàr
zhùle sāntiān le.I have been here (stayed here) for three days now (so
far). Completion le is
used with verbs that describe actions or processes, not with verbs that
describe a state or condition, or a continuing situation. The following
sentences, describing states or ongoing situations, have past-tense verbs in
English but no le
in Chinese. Nèige
shíhou tāmen zhǐ yǒu liǎnge
háizi.At that time they had only two children. Tā qǜnián
bú zài Shànghǎi, zài
Běijīng. He wasn't in Shànghǎi
last year; he was in Běijīng.
Verb types in Chinese: In studying some
languages, it is important to learn whether a noun is masculine, feminine,
or neuter. In Chinese, it is important to learn whether a verb is an action,
state, or process verb. These three verb categories are meaning (semantic)
groups. A verb is a member of one group or another depending on the meaning
of the verb. For instance, "running" and "dancing" are actions; "being good"
and "being beautiful" are states; and "getting sick" and "melting" are
processes. In Chinese, grammatical rules are applied differently to each
semantic verb category. For the most part, you have learned only action and
state verbs in this course; so these comments will be confined to those two
verb categories. (See Unit 8 of this module for process verbs,)Action verbs: These are verbs which
describe physical and mental activities. The easiest to classify are verbs
of movement such as "walking," "running," and "riding"; however, action
verbs also include verbs with not too much motion, such as "working" and
"writing," and verbs with no apparent motion, such as "studying." One test
for determining if a verb is an action is asking "What did he do?" "He
arrived," "He spoke," and ’"He listened" are answers which contain action
verbs. "He knew" "He wanted" and "He is here" are answers which contain
state verbs, not action verbs. Some of the action verbs you have learned
are: dào (to arrive)lái (to come)gōngzuò (to work)zhù (to live, to stay)State verbs: These verbs describe
qualities, conditions, and states. All adjectival verbs, such as
hǎo "to be
good," and jiǔ,
"to be long (in time)," are state verbs. Emotions, such as "being happy" and
"being sad," are expressed with state verbs. "Knowing," "liking," "wanting,"
and "understanding," which may be called mental states, are also expressed
with state verbs. Also, all auxiliary verbs, such as xiǎng, "to want to," "would
like to," are state verbs. Here are some of the state verbs: dà to be largeshì to beduì to be correctjiào to be calledxìng to be surnamedzài to be atxiǎng to want tozhīdào to knowAspect and verb types: Not every aspect
marker in Chinese may be used with all typs8 of verbs. Completion
le does not
occur with state verbs. It does occur with action verbs.ACTIONTā yǐjīng
dào le.He has already arrived.Tā
gōngzuòle yìnián.He worked one year.Tā lái le
ma?Did he come?STATETā qǜnián
bú zài zhèr.He wasn't here last year.Tā zuótiān
xiǎng qù.Yesterday he wanted to go.Tā zuótiān
bú zhīdào.He didn't know yesterday.Notes on №9-109.A:Tā lái le
ma?他来了吗?Did he come?B:Lái le, tā lái
le.来了,他来了。Yes, he came.10.A:Tā lái le
ma?他来了吗?Did he come?B:Méi lái, tā méi
lái.没来, 他没来。No, he didn't come.Compare the two possible interpretations of the question Tā lái le ma? and the answers
they receive:Completion
leTāláilema?Did she come?Tāláile.She came.TāméiláiShe didn't come.Combined
leTāláilema?Has he come?Tāláile.She has come. OR She's here.Tāháiméilái.She hasn't come yet.The first question, with completion le, asks only if the action
took place. The second question, with combined le asks both whether the
action has been completed and whether the resulting new situation still
exists.Notes on №1111.A:Nǐ cóngqián
láiguo ma?你从前来过吗?Have you ever been here before?B:Wǒ cóngqián méi
láiguo.我从前没来过。I have never been here before.The aspect marker -guo means literally "to pass over," "to cross over.
The implication is that an event took place and then ceased at some time in
the past.It may help you to conceptualize -guo in terms of a bridge. The whole bridge is the
event. The marker -guo stresses the fact that not only have you crossed
over the bridge but at present you are no longer standing on it. The meaning of -guo changes slightly depending on what type of verb it
is used with: action or process, (-guo may not be used with state verbs.) With an action
verb, -guo means
that the action took place and then ceased at some time before the present.
With a process verb, -guo means that the process took place and that the
state which resulted from the process ended at some time before the present. Remember that aspect markers like le and -guo are used only when the
speaker feels it necessary to stress some feature or aspect of an event. Le
is used to stress finishing, or completion, -guo is used to stress that a
situation occurred in the past and was "over or "undone," before the time of
speaking (that is, the absence of that situation followed the situation). Let's contrast -guo with completion le: both le and -guo express completion, but
-guo stresses
that an action is no longer being performed, or that a state resulting from
a process no longer exists. For example, Tā lái
le. means "He came," or "He has come," not indicating
whether or not he is still there. But Tā láiguo
means "He came" with the specification that he is not there anymore –that
is, he came and left.One of the uses of the aspect marker -guo,is in sentences which
express experience or having experienced something at least once in the
past, that is, "to have had the experience of doing something." This is how
-guo is used
in exchange 11. In a question, the marker -guo can he reflected by the
English word "ever," and in a negative statement by "never."Nǐcóngqiānlái-guoma?Have you ever been
(come) here before?Nǐcóngqiánméilái-guoI have never been
(come) here before.Nǐcóngqiánlái-guoI have been (come) here beforeThe negative of Tā lái
le. does not include a le, but the negative of
Tā láiguo.
does have a -guo .
The negative adverb méi is used to negate both completion le and -guo.Tāláile.TāméiláiTālái-guo.Taméilái-guo.DrillsCriterion testAppendicesAppendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Unit 7IntroductionTopics covered in this unitTopics Covered In This UnitWhere someone works.Where and what someone has studied.What languages someone can speak.Auxiliary verbs.General objects.Material you will needThe C-l and P-l tapes, the Reference List and Reference Notes,The C-2 and P-2 tapes, the Workbook.The TD-1 tape.ReferencesReference List1.A:Nǐn zài náli
gōngzuò?您在哪里工作?Where do you work?B:Wǒ zài Měiguó
Guówùyàn gōngzuò.我在美国国务院工作。I work with the State Department.2.A:Nǐn zài náli
gōngzuò?您在哪里工作?Where do you work?B:Wǒ shì
xüésheng.我是学生。I'm a student.3.A:Nǐn lái zuò
shénme?您来做什么?What did you come here to do?B:Wǒ lái niàn
shū.我来念书。I came here to study.4.A:Òu, wǒ yě shì
xüésheng.哦,我也是学生。Oh, I'm a student too.B:Qǐngwèn, nǐ niàn
shénme?请问,你念什么?May I ask, what are you studying?B:Wǒ niàn
lìshǐ.我念历史。I'm studying history.5.A:Kē xiānsheng, nǐ
niàn shénme?可先生,你念什么?What are you studying, Mr. Cook?B:Wǒ zài zhèli xüé
zhōngwén.我在这里学中文。I'm studying Chinese here.6.A:Qǐngwèn, nǐ xüéguo
Yīngwén ma?请问,你学过英文吗?May I ask, have you ever studied English?B:Xüéguo学过。Yes.7.A:Qǐngwèn, nǐ huì
shuō Yīngwén ma?请问,你会说英文吗?May I ask, can you speak English?B:Wǒ huì shuō
yìdiǎn.我会说一点。I can speak a little.8.A:Nǐ tàitai yě huì
shuō Zhōngguó huà ma?你太太也会说中国话吗?Can tour wife speak Chinese too?B:Bú huì, tā bú huì
shuō.不会,她不会说。No, she can't.9.A:Nǐde Zhōngguó huà
hěn hǎo.你的中国话很好。Your Chinese is very good.B:Náli, náli. wǒ jiù
shuō yìdiǎn.哪里,哪里。我就说一点。Not at all, not at all. I can speak only a little.10.A:Nǐ shì zài náli
xüéde?你是在哪里学的?Where did you study it?B:Wǒ shì zài
Huáshèngdùn xüéde.我是在华盛顿学的。I studied it in Washington.11.A:Nǐ shì zài dàxüé
xüéde Yīngwén ma?你是在大学学的英文吗?Did you study English at college?B:Shìde, wǒ shì zài
Táiwān Dàxüé xüéde Yīngwén.是的,我是在台湾大学学的英文。Yes, I studied English at Taiwan University.Vocabularyjīngxüé经学classicsRìwén日文Japanese languagewénxüé文学literaturezhènzhixüé政治学political sciencenán难to be difficultróngyi容易to be easyxüéxí
(xüéxi)学习to study, to learndaxüé大学universityhuà话language, wordshuàshèngdùn华盛顿Washingtonhuì会to know how to, to canjīngjixüé经济学economicslìshǐ历史historyMěiguó
Guówùyüàn美国国务院U.S. Department of Statenán难to be difficultniàn
(shū)念书to studyRìwén日文Japanese languageshuō
(huà)说话to speak, to talkxüé学to studyxüéshēng
(xüéxi)学习to study, to learn (PRC)yìdiǎn一点a littleYīngwén英文Englishzhènzhixüé政治学political scienceZhōngwén中文Chinesezuò做to doshénme
dìfang什么地方where, what placeReference NotesNotes on №1-21.A:Nǐn zài náli
gōngzuò?您在哪里工作?Where do you work?B:Wǒ zài Měiguó
Guówùyàn gōngzuò.我在美国国务院工作。I work with the State Department.2.A:Nǐn zài náli
gōngzuò?您在哪里工作?Where do you work?B:Wǒ shì
xüésheng.我是学生。I'm a student.Zài Měiguó Guówùyüàn
gōngzuò means either "work at the State Department"
(i.e., at main State in Washington, D,C.) or "work in the organisation of
the State Department" (no matter where assigned). Here the expression is
translated loosely as "work with the State Department," meaning "in the
organization.Notes on №3-43.A:Nǐn lái zuò
shénme?您来做什么?What did you come here to do?B:Wǒ lái niàn
shū.我来念书。I came here to study.4.A:Òu, wǒ yě shì
xüésheng.哦,我也是学生。Oh, I'm a student too.B:Qǐngwèn, nǐ
niàn shénme?请问,你念什么?May I ask, what are you studying?B:Wǒ niàn
lìshǐ.我念历史。I'm studying history.Purpose: When lái, "to come," is followed
by another verb, the second verb expresses the purpose of the subject's
coming. The "purpose of coming" may be emphasized by the shì construction, with
the marker shì
before the verb lái:Wǒ shì lái
nián shūde.I came to study.Niàn shū:
Niàn by itself
means "to read aloud." When followed by an object, the expression means "to
study." Shū is
"book(s)," but niàn
shū simply means "to study." Shū is used as a general
object, standing for whatever is being studied.Niàn lìshǐ: When
you are talking about studying a particular subject, niàn is followed by the name
of that subject rather than by the general object shū.To have the meaning "to study," niàn must be followed by either the general object
shū or a
specific object such as the name of a subject.Verb types:Zuò, "to do," and
niàn (shū),
"to study," are action verbs. Both are made negative with bu when referring
to actions not yet finished Both may take completion le_or its negative
méi.Tā bú niàn
shū.He doesn't study.Tā méi niàn
shū.He didn't study.Tā yǐjǐng
niàn shù le.He has already studied.Notes on №5-65.A:Kē xiānsheng,
nǐ niàn shénme?可先生,你念什么?What are you studying, Mr. Cook?B:Wǒ zài zhèli
xüé zhōngwén.我在这里学中文。I'm studying Chinese here.6.A:Qǐngwèn, nǐ
xüéguo Yīngwén ma?请问,你学过英文吗?May I ask, have you ever studied English?B:Xüéguo学过。Yes.Xüé, "to study"
(an action verb): You will recognize xüé from the word for
"student," xüésheng. Xüé may refer to acquiring either knowledge or a skill.
For example, you can xüé history, economics, a language, piano, and tennis.
On the other hand, niàn is used for "study" in the sense of taking a
course or courses in a field of knowledge. Niàn is not used for a
skill.In some contexts, the verb xüé means "to learn." The following sentence may be
interpreted two ways, depending on the situation.Wǒ zài Měiguó yǐjīng
xüéguo.I learned it in America.(e.g., how to use
chopsticks)ORI studied it in America.(e.g., the Chinese language)Zhōngwén is used
for either the Chinese spoken language or the written language, including
literature. In general, use xüé for "learning" to speak Chinese and niàn for "studying’ Chinese
literature.Notes on №7-87.A:Qǐngwèn, nǐ huì
shuō Yīngwén ma?请问,你会说英文吗?May I ask, can you speak English?B:Wǒ huì shuō
yìdiǎn.我会说一点。I can speak a little.8.A:Nǐ tàitai yě
huì shuō Zhōngguó huà ma?你太太也会说中国话吗?Can tour wife speak Chinese too?B:Bú huì, tā bú
huì shuō.不会,她不会说。No, she can't.Huì, "to know
how to," "can," is an auxiliary verb. It is used before the main verb to
express an attitude toward the action or to express the potential of action.
Xiǎng, "to
want to," "would like to," is also an auxiliary verb. "Should," "must," and
"may" are other examples of auxiliary verbs. All auxiliary verbs in Chinese
are state verbs, which means that bù is always used to make them negative. Auxiliary
verbs never take the aspect marker le for completed action, regardless of whether you are
talking about past, present, or future.Tā qǜnián
bú huì shuō Yīngwén.He couldn’t speak English last year.When the marker le is used, it is the aspect marker for new situations.Tā qǜnián
bú huì shuō Yīngwén, xiànzài huì
le, Last year he couldn’t speak English, but now he
can.Wǒ huì shuō
yìdiǎn, "工 can speak a little": The word yìdiǎn, literally "a dot,"
functions as a noun. It is used in a sentence to mean "a little bit" where a
noun object, such as Yīngwén, "English," might be used.Yìdiǎn may not
be used directly after an auxiliary verb, which must be followed by another
verb.Shuō, "to
speak," "to talk," is another example of a verb which must always have an
object. Shuō must
be followed by either:the general object huà, "words," in which case the meaning of
huà is simply "to speak," "to talk," as
hái méi shuō huà.He hasn't yet spoken.ORa specific object such as the name of a language.Bú huì: The
short yes/no answer to a question containing the auxiliary verb
huì is formed
with huì rather
than with the main verb.Zhōngguó huà:
This expression refers only to the spoken language, in contrast to
which refers to both the spoken and written language.Notes on №99.A:Nǐde Zhōngguó
huà hěn hǎo.你的中国话很好。Your Chinese is very good.B:Náli, náli. wǒ
jiù shuō yìdiǎn.哪里,哪里。我就说一点。Not at all, not at all. I can speak only a
little.Literally, náli
means "where." As a reply to a compliment, we have translated náli as "not at all." In
China, it has traditionally been considered proper and a matter of course to
deny any compliment received, no matter how much truth there is to it. Many
people still regard xièxie "thank you," as an immodest reply to a
compliment, since that would amount to agreeing that the compliment was
completely correct.Jiù, "only": As
was noted in Unit 3,notes on Nos. 8-9,jiù meaning "only" is not as
widely understood as zhǐ. The last sentence in exchange 9 could Just as well
be Wǒ zhǐ huì shuō
yìdiǎn.Notes on №10-1111.A:Nǐ shì zài
dàxüé xüéde Yīngwén ma?你是在大学学的英文吗?Did you study English at college?B:Shìde, wǒ shì
zài Táiwān Dàxüé xüéde Yīngwén.是的,我是在台湾大学学的英文。Yes, I studied English at Taiwan University.Note on Nos. 10-11In the Peking dialect of Standard Chinese, which is the model
for-grammatical patterns presented in this course, the -de of a shì construction comes
between the verb and its object. The object, therefore, is outside the
construction. Compare "I studied here" with "I studied English here":However, you may hear some Standard Chinese speakers who place the object
inside the shì construction.Wǒshìzài
zhèrxüé-deYīngwén.Wo shi zai zhěr •• a xue -de. Wo shi zai zhěr xuě -de Yingwen.DrillsCriterion testAppendicesAppendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Unit 8IntroductionTopics covered in this unitMore on duration phrases.The marker le for new situations in negative sentences.Military titles and 'branches of service,The marker ne.Process verbs.Material you will needThe C-l and P-l tapes, the Reference List and Reference Notes.The C-2 and P-2 tapes, the Workbook.The 8D-1 tape.ReferencesReference List1.A:Nǐ jīntiān hái yǒu
kè ma?你今天还有课吗?Do you have any more classes today?B:Měiyou kè
le.没有课了。I don't have any more classes.2.A:Nǐ cóngqián niàn
Yīngwén niànle duó jiǔ?你从前念英文念了多久?How long did you study English?B:Wǒ niàn Yīngwén
niànle liǔnián.我念英文念了六年。I studied English for six years.3.A:Nǐ xiànzài niàn
shénme ne?你现在念什么呢?What are you studying now?B:Wǒ niàn Fàwén
ne.我念法文I'm studying French.4.A:Nǐ niàn Fàwén
niànle duó jiǔ le?你念法文念了多久了?How long have you studying French?B:Wǒ niànle yìnián
le.我念了一年了。I've have been studying it for one year.5.A:Nǐ huì xiě Zhōngguo
zì ma?你会写中国字吗?Can you write Chinese characters?B:Huì
yìdiǎn.会一点。I can a little.6.A:Qǜnián wǒ hái bú
huì xiě.去年我还不会写。Last year, I couldn't write them.B:Xiànzài wǒ huì xiě
yìdiǎn le.现在我会写一点了。Now, I can write a little.7.A:Nǐ fùqin shi jǖnrén
ma?你父亲是军人吗?Is your father a military man?B:Shì, tā shi hǎijǖn
jǖnguān.是,他是海军陆军。Yes, he is a naval officer.8.A:Wǒ jīntiān bù lái
le.我今天不来了。I'm not coming today.B:Wǒ bìng
le.我病了。I'm sick.9.A:Jīntiān hǎo le
méiyou?今天好了没有?Are you better today? (Are you recovered?)B:Jīntiān hǎo
le.今天好了。Today I'm better.Vocabularykōngjǖn空军Air Forcelùjǖn陆军armyshìbīng事兵enlisted manzuò
shì做事to workDéwén德文German languagebìng病to become illDéwén德文German languageFàwén法文French languagehǎijǖn海军navyjǖnguān陆军military officerjǖnrén军人military personkè课classxiě写to writezì字characterReference NotesNotes on №11.A:Nǐ jīntiān hái
yǒu kè ma?你今天还有课吗?Do you have any more classes today?B:Měiyou kè
le.没有课了。I don't have any more classes.Hái,
"additionally," "also": You have already learned the word hái used as an adverb meaning
"still." In this exchange you learn a second way to use hái.Nǐ hái
xiǎng zǒu ma?Do you still want to leave?Nǐ hái yào
xüé shénme?What else do you want to study?Méiyou...le: You
will remember that in the negative of a completed action, méi or méiyou replaces the
completion marker le is never used together with it.Tāláile.He came.Tāméi(you)lái.He did not come.In the sentence Méiyou kè
le, le is a new-situation marker, and méiyou is simply the negative
of the full verb yǒu. (Remember that the verb yǒu is always made negative
with méi, never
with bù.)Tāyǒu
kèle.Now he has class. [Due to a change in the schedule,
he now has class at this time.]Tāméi-yǒu
kèle.He doesn't have any more classes.Bù...le/méiyou...le: When the marker le for new situations is used
with a negative verb, there are two possible meanings: one is that something that was supposed to happen is now not going
to happen. the other is that something that was happening is not happening
anymore. Thus the following sentence is ambiguous:Tā bù lái
le.He is not coining now. [Either he was expected to
come but changed his mind, or he used to come at
this time but now has stopped.]In the context of a conversation, the meaning of the sentence would become
clear. Here are more-examples with the "anymore" meaning:Tā bú niàn
shū le.He is not going to study anymore.[He will no longer
attend college.]Tā bú shi
wǒde péngyou le.He is not my friend anymore.Méiyou
le.There is no more.Notes on №22.A:Nǐ cóngqián
niàn Yīngwén niànle duó jiǔ?你从前念英文念了多久?How long did you study English?B:Wǒ niàn Yīngwén
niànle liǔnián.我念英文念了六年。I studied English for six years.More on duration: In Unit 6 of this module, you learned to express
duration in a sentence with no object (Wǒ zài Xiāngǎng zhùle liùge yüè
le. ). In this unit, you learn one way to express the
duration of an activity which involves using both a verb and an object (e.g.
, "studying economics"). In such cases, the verb appears twice in the
sentence: first when the object is stated, and again when the duration is stated.Tā niàn
jīngjixüé, niánle yìnián.He studied economics for one year.Tā xüé
Zhōngguo huà, xüéle sānge yüè
le.He has been studying Chinese for three
months.Notice that aspect markers do not occur after the first verb in each
sentence, but only after the second verb and at the end of the second
sentence.Notes on №33.A:Nǐ xiànzài niàn
shénme ne?你现在念什么呢?What are you studying now?B:Wǒ niàn Fàwén
ne.我念法文I'm studying French.Ne is an aspect
marker used to emphasize the fact that something is in progress. With action
verbs, ne
indicates that the action is going on.With state verbs, ne shows that the state exists. With some process
verbs, ne
indicates that the process is going on. Ne may not be used with
certain process verbs. (See also notes on No. 8, about verbs.)Notes on №4-54.A:Nǐ niàn Fàwén
niànle duó jiǔ le?你念法文念了多久了?How long have you studying French?B:Wǒ niànle
yìnián le.我念了一年了。I've have been studying it for one year.5.A:Nǐ huì xiě
Zhōngguo zì ma?你会写中国字吗?Can you write Chinese characters?B:Huì
yìdiǎn.会一点。I can a little.Xiě Zhōngguo zì:
The verb xiě, "to
write" can occur with specific objects, such as Zhōngguo zì, as well as with
the general object zì. The combination xiě zìcan mean either "to
write characters" or simply "to write."Tā xiǎng xüé
Zhōngguo zì.He wants to learn to write Chinese characters.Xiǎo dìdi sìsuì
le, yǐjīng huì xiě zì le.Little younger brother is four years old and already can
write.In the reply huì
yìdiǎn, huì is used as a main verb --not as an auxiliary verb,
as in the question. As a main verb, huì means "to have the skill of," "to have the
knowledge of," "to know."Wǒ huì
Yīngwén.I know English.Notes on №66.A:Qǜnián wǒ hái
bú huì xiě.去年我还不会写。Last year, I couldn't write them.B:Xiànzài wǒ huì
xiě yìdiǎn le.现在我会写一点了。Now, I can write a little.Qùnián wǒ hái bú huì
xiě.: Notice that here it is the auxiliary verb
huì, not the
verb xiě, that is
made negative. Auxiliary verbs such as huì and xiǎng are STATE verbs and so
are made negative with the prefix bù,regardless of whether the context is past, present,
or future.Xiànzài wǒ huì xiě yìdiǎn
le.: The marker used is le for new situations. It is
always placed at the end of a sentence.The time word xiànzài comes at the beginning of the sentence here.
Most time words of more than one syllable may come either before or after
the subject, but in either case before the
verb.Notes on №7-87.A:Nǐ fùqin shi
jǖnrén ma?你父亲是军人吗?Is your father a military man?B:Shì, tā shi
hǎijǖn jǖnguān.是,他是海军陆军。Yes, he is a naval officer.8.A:Wǒ jīntiān bù
lái le.我今天不来了。I'm not coming today.B:Wǒ bìng
le.我病了。I'm sick.The verb bìng,
"to get sick," "to become ill," is a process verb; that is the activity
described includes some changes in the situation. Process verbs tell of an
action which has caused a change from one state to another, as from whole to
broken ("to break") and from frozen to melted ("to melt"). Bìng is typical of process
verbs: not only is an action described (coming down with an illness) but
also a resulting state (being ill). Because of this typical combination,
process verbs are sometimes thought of as combining the semantic
characteristics of action and state verbs.One of the main purposes of talking about verbs in terms of action, state,
and process is to draw attention to the fact that the Chinese way of
expressing something may not correspond to the English. For instance,"I am sick" in Chinese is Wǒ
bìng le. ("I have gotten sick"). For "I am not sick,"
you say Wǒ méi
bìng. ("I didn't get sick").Process verbs are always made negative with m|i9 regardless of whether you
are referring to past, present, or future.Nǐ bìng le
méiyou?Are you sick?Méiyou. Wǒ
méi bing.No. I'm not sick.(State verbs are always made negative with bù.)Another reason for putting verbs into categories according to the type of
meaning is to discover how verbs behave in sentences. Knowing whether a verb
is in the action, state, or process category, you will know what aspect
markers and negatives may be used with that verb. In the following charts, a
check mark means that this combination of verb and aspect occurs in the language.Aspect
MarkersCompletion leCombined leNew-situationVerbsActionXXXStateXProcessXXXExamples:Most of the time you can figure out from a verb's meaning the
semantic category in which that verb belongs. However, process verbs
may not be so predictable.ActionTā zuótiān
gōngzuò le.He worked yesterday. (completion Le)Tā yǐjīng
lái le.He has already come. (combined le)Gēge
xiànzài niàn dàxüé le.Older brother goes to college now. (new-situation le)In affirmative sentences containing action
verbs, the marker le for new situations is used to
describe a change in a general habit.StateTā xiànzài
huì xiě zì le.He can write now. (new-situation le)ProcessTā zuótiān
bìng le.He got sick yesterday. (completion le)Tā xiànzài
bìng le.He is sick.(combined le)Tā bìngle
yíge yüé le.He has been sick for one month now. (new-situation le
and completion le)VerbsActionStateProcessNegationbùXX—negation of completion leXX—negation of combined leXXExamples: ActionTā bú niàn
shū.He doesn’t (isn't going to) studyTā méi niàn
shū.He didn't study.Tā hái méi
niàn shū.He hasn’t studied yet,StateTā qǜnián
bù xiǎng niàn shū.Last year, she didn't want to study.ProcessTā jīntiān
méi bìng.He is not sick today.Tā hái méi
hǎo.He hasn't yet recovered.Notice that only action verbs use the whole range of negatives to mark the
negative of future or present action, completed action, or new situations.
State verbs use the negative prefix bù even when referring to
past states. Process verbs use the negative prefix méi even when referring to
something in the present.If you find a verb occurring with a negative or an aspect marker you had
not expected, you might discuss with your teacher how the verb behaves in
terms of these charts. You might discover that what you thought was a state
verb is actually a process verb, or vice versa.Notes on №99.A:Jīntiān hǎo le
méiyou?今天好了没有?Are you better today? (Are you recovered?)B:Jīntiān hǎo
le.今天好了。Today I'm better.Jīntiān hǎo le.:
Hǎo is one of
many state verbs which can become process verbs. When such a verb becomes a
process verb, it takes on a different meaning. While the state verb
hǎo means "to
be good" or "to be well," the process verb hǎo means "to get better,"
"to recover." Compare these sentences:Tā
hǎo.He's in good health.Tā zuótiān
bìng le. Tā jīntiān yǐjīng hǎo
le.Yesterday he became sick. Today he is already
recovered.The difference between the state verb hǎo and the process verb
hǎo is even
more evident in negative sentences. State verbs, as you remember, are made
negative only with bù. Process verbs are made negative only with
méi or
hái méi.Tā bù
hǎo.He's not good. [He’s not a good person.]Tā hái méi
hǎo.He hasn't yet recovered. [He is still
sick.]It can be difficult to remember that bìng and hǎo, sometimes translated as
"to be sick" and "to be better," are actually process verbs in Chinese, not
state verbs. The English sentence "I am better (recovered)" translates as
Wǒ hǎo le. ("I
have become veil") and would be incorrect without the le.Jīntiān hǎo le
méiyou? Questions may be formed from statements
containing completion le or combined le by adding méiyou at the end of the
statements. You will learn more about forming questions in the first unit of the next module.Tā láile
méiyou?Did he come?Nǐ hǎole
méiyou? Are you recovered (from your illness)?DrillsCriterion testAppendicesAppendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix