CM 0181 S
This publication is to be used primarily in support of instructing military personnel as part of the Defense Language Program (resident and nonresident). Inquiries concerning the use of materials, including requests for copies, should be addressed to:
Defense Language Institute
Foreign Language Center
Nonresident Training Division
Presidio of Monterey, CA 93944-5006
Topics in the areas of politics, international relations, mores, etc., which may be considered as controversial from some points of view, are sometimes included in the language instruction for DLIFLC students since military personnel may find themselves in positions where a clear understanding of conversations or written materials of this nature will be essential to their mission. The presence of controversial statements-whether real or apparent-in DLIFLC materials should not be construed as representing the opinions of the writers, the DLIFLC, or the Department of Defense.
Actual brand names and businesses are sometimes cited in DLIFLC instructional materials to provide instruction in pronunciations and meanings. The selection of such proprietary terms and names is based solely on their value for instruction in the language. It does not constitute endorsement of any product or commercial enterprise, nor is it intended to invite a comparison with other brand names and businesses not mentioned.
In DLIFLC publications, the words he, him, and/or his denote both masculine and feminine genders. This statement does not apply to translations of foreign language texts.
The DLIFLC may not have full rights to the materials it produces. Purchase by the customer does net constitute authorization for reproduction, resale, or showing for profit. Generally, products distributed by the DLIFLC may be used in any not-for-profit setting without prior approval from the DLIFLC.
Standard Chinese: A Modular Approach originated in an interagency conference held at the Foreign Service Institute in August 1973 to address the need generally felt in the U.S. Government language training community for improving and updating Chinese materials to reflect current usage in Beijing and Taipei,
The conference resolved to develop materials which were flexible enough in form and content to meet the requirements of a vide range of government agencies and academic institutions.
A Project Board was established consisting of representatives of the Central Intelligence Agency Language Learning Center, the Defense Language Institute, the State Department1s Foreign Service Institute, the Cryptologic School of the National Security Agency, and the U.S. Office of Education, later joined *by the Canadian Forces Foreign Language School. The representatives have included Arthur T. McNeill, John Hopkins, and John Boag (CIA); Colonel John F. Elder III, Joseph C. Hutchinson, Ivy Glbiau, and Major Bernard Muller-Thym (DLl); James R. Frith and John B. Ratliff III (PSI);
Kazuo Shitama (NSA); Richard T. Thompson and Julia Petrov (OE); and Lieutenant Colonel George Kozoriz (CFFLS),
The Project Board set up the Chinese Core Curriculum Project in 197^ in space provided at the Foreign Service Institute# Each of the six U.S. and Canadian government agencies provided funds and other assistance.
Gerard P; Kok was appointed project coordinator, and a planning council was formed consisting of Mr. Kok, Frances Li of the Defense Language Institute, Patricia 01Connor of the University of Texas, Earl M. Rickerson of the Language Learning Center, and James Wrenn of Brown University. In the fall of 197了, Lucille A. Barale was appointed deputy project coordinator. David W. Dellinger of the Language Learning Center and Charles B. Sheehan of the Foreign Service Institute also served, on the planning council and contributed material to the project. The planning council drev up the original overall design for the materials and met regularly to review their development.
Writers for the first half of the materials were John H. T. Harvey, Lucille A. Barale, and Roberta S. Barry, vho vorked in close cooperation with the planning council and with the Chinese staff of the Foreign Service Institute. Mr. Harvey developed the instructional formats of the comprehension and production self-study materials, and also designed the communica-tion-tased classroom activities and vrote the teacher*s guides. Lucille A. Barale and Roberta S. Barry wrote the tape scripts and the student text.
By 1978 Thomas E. Madden and Susan C. Pola had joined the staff. Led "by Ms, Barale, they have worked as a team to produce the materials subsequent to Module 6.
All Chinese language material was prepared or selected by Chuan 0. Chao, Ying-chih Chen, Hsiao-jung Chi, Eva Diao, Jan Hu, Tsung-mi Li, and Yunhui C. Yang, assisted for part of the time by Chieh-fang Ou Lee, Ying-ming Chen, and Joseph Yu Hsu Wang. Anna Affholder, Mei-li Chen, and Henry Khuo helped in the preparation of a preliminary corpus of dialogues.
Administrative assistance vas provided at various times by Vincent Basciano, Lisa A. Bovden, Jill W. Ellis, Donna Fong, Renee T. C. Liang,
Thomas E* Madden, Susan C. Pola, and Kathleen Strype.
The production of tape recordings vas directed by Jose M. Ramirez of the Foreign Service Institute Recording Studio. The Chinese script vas voiced by Ms. Chao, Ms. Chen, Mr. Chen, Ms. Diao, Ms. Hu, Mr. Khuo, Mr. Li, and Mb. Yang. The English script was read by Ms. Barale, Ms. Barry,
Mr. Basciano*, Ms. Ellis, Ms. Pola, and Ms. Strype.
The graphics were produced by John McClelland of the Foreign Service Institute Audio-Visual staff, under the general supervision of Joseph A. Sadote, Chief of Audio-Visual.
Standard Chinese: A Modular Approach was field-tested with the cooperation of Brovn University; the Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center; the Foreign Service Institute; the Language Learning Center; the United States Air Force Academy; the University of Illinois; and the University of Virginia.
Colonel Samuel L. Stapleton and Colonel Thomas G, Foster, Commemdants of the Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center, authorized the DLIFLC support necessary for preparation of this edition of the course materials. This support included coordination, graphic arts, editing, typing, proofreading, printing, and materials necessary to carry out these tasks.
About Communication Games • , • • ............... • 1
UNIT 1 Communication Game......................................3
UNIT 2 Communication Game...................10
About the C-2 and P-2 Tapes • • • • ..............lU
C-2 Workbook.......................16
P-2 Worktook.......................22
Communication Game....................25
C-2 Workbook.......................30
P-2 Workbook.......................33
Communication Game • ...................36
C-2 Workbook.......................hi
P-2 Workbook.......................k3
Communication Game A...................k5
Communication Game B...................50
C-2 Workbook.......................56
P-2 Workbook.......................59 *
Communication Game A...................6l
Communication Game B...................68
C-2 Workbook........................73
P-2 Workbook...................... . 77
Communication Game A............... • . . . 86
Communication Gome B................. . . • 9紅
C-2 Workbook.......................102
P-2 Workbook.......................10k
Coimminication Game A...................107
Communication Game B...................116
C-2 Workbook.......................125
P-2 Workbook .......................131
Communication Game A...................138
Communication Game B...................1U5
C-2 Workbook.......................156
P-2 Workljook.......................l60
Communication Game A...................165
Communication Game B • • . ................169
C-2 Workbook.......................173
P-2 Workbook.......................176
Communication Game....................1 了8
C-2 Workbook.......................186
P-2 Workbook.......................188
Communication Game....................19^
This exercise is based on a conversation contrasting the Chinese vords for "this” and ”that•” The Display I diagram sets the scene. (Triangles are men, and circles are women. The solid triangle and circle are the speakers on tape.) A man and voman are talking in front of a hotel. Another man and woman are standing nearby, "but are not in the conversation. Still another man and woman are in sight across the street, in front of another hotel. In other vords, the diagram shows which hotel and which people are near enough to the speakers to *be f,thisn and which are far enough away to "be ”that."
If you listen carefully to the conversation, you can vork out the name and title of each person represented in Display I, as veil as vhere each is staying. You will hear the conversation three times. As you listen for the third time, write (in English) each personfs name and the hotel where he is staying (X or Y) in the brackets beside the figure which represents that person.
Here is a new phrase you vill hear:
Duī le. (Yes, that * s right.)
Each conversation in this exercise will tell you vhere one person is from, where he is living, and where he is now. You will hear each conversation twice. As you listen to it for the second time, complete the chart "below for the appropriate person. (Use check marks.)
Notice that Nl laojiā zai nāli? with the verb zki asks for the home province, while Ri lSoj iā shi nSli? with the vert shl asks for the home-tovn. The same applies to answers. You may think of this as the difference betveen ”Your hometovn is in vhat province?” and "Your hometown i£ vhat tovn?11
Gāoxi6ng Jiāyi 疰ibēi 丨 T&in£n j T&izhōng 丨 XInzhd
1. Miss Wei
3. Mrs* Shěn
V.~Miss Hfin
Location ______
o.Mrs, Jin
~Mr. Tfio
Hometovn __.___
8. Mrs. Zh5u
9. Mr« Luo
10. Miss Sūn
_Location I I I I _
In this exercise you vill talk about which hotels various people are staying at and which hotel they happen to be in at the moment--"this” one or "that” one. The situation is shown in Display I. The tvo speakers are standing in front of one hotel. Obviously, for them it is "this” hotel, and the hotel across the street is ”that” hotel. The outline triangles and circles show vhere four other people are. Comrade Fvl and Comrade Sūn are 'breakfasting together in one hotel, and Comrade Yin and Comrade CSi in the other. The arrows indicate the paths they have taken from their rooms. Comrade Sūn and Comrade YSn have stepped across the street from the hotels vhere they are staying, while Comrade Fū and Comrade CSi are still in their ovn hotels.
Try to answer each of the First Speaker1 s questions "before the Second Speaker does, and then repeat the Second Speaker's ansver.
This exercise is a series of questions about the hometowns and home states of four Americans. The information you will need for your answers is shovn in Display II.
(PROVINCE/STATE) W5 lǎojiā zai Shandong.
(办"native place,1 is in Shāndōng.)
(CITY) Wo laojiā shi Qīngdao*
(Vty ,’native place1’ is^ Qīngdao.)
Mr. Young (Yfing) Boston (Bōshldun) Mass. (Māzhōu)
Mrs. Young (YSng) San Francisco (Ji^jlnshān) Cal. (Jiāzhōu)
Miss Berger (B6jiě) Philadelphia (Fěichěng) Pa. (Blnzhōu)
Mr. Perry (Pěill) Dallas (Dales!) Tex. (Dězhōu)
Type: Matching
Situation: The setting is Běijīng. You are talking with someone a'bout vhat cities four other people are from, vhat cities they live in, and vhat cities they happen to *be in nov (on visits).
Goal: To find matches *betveen where two people are from, where two people live, or where two people are nov.
Numloer of Players: Pairs of students.
Materials: A fact sheet for each player. (See Sample Fact Sheets, vhich follow.)
The names of the tvo people you knov about are written on the map next to the cities they live in. Arrows lead FROM the cities they are from TO the cities they live in. Other arrows lead FROM the cities they live in TO the cities they are visiting. In other words, each pair of head-to-tail arrovs traces a personas progress from his home city to the city he lives in and on to the city he is visiting. Wfi TiSnxifing, for instance, is from GuSngzh5u, lives in Chěngdū, and is visiting Nfinjīng nov.
The names of the people your partner knows about are listed on your fact sheet in the lower left-hand corner.
Procedure: Ask your partner questions about the people he knovs about• When you find a match "between one of these people and a person on your map, point it out immediately» using ye.
Example; You are Speaker 1.
SI: Zhang Gu6hu£ lSojiā shi nSr?
S2: Tā lSojla shi GuSngzhōu.
SI: Wfi TiSnxi&xg iSoJiā yS shi GuSngzhēu. Zhang TSngzhi zhū zai n&r?
S2: Tā zhū zai ShibighSi.
SI: Tā zlti nSr?
S2: Tā xitnzEi z盎i TianjIn.
At this point your partner will probably ask a*bout someone on your map.
Additional Note: If you do not knov the name of a city or its location, refer to the map in the ORN textbook. You may also ask your teacher in Chinese.
Practice Points: LSojia shi, zhň zai, xiňnzlLi zki.
Type: Matching
Situation: The setting is BěijIng. You are talking with three people about where four other people are from, vhere they are living or staying, and where they happen to *be at the moment.
Goal: To find matches between flhometovns/home provinces,” "residences/,or "present locations.M
Number of Players: Groups of four students.
Materials: One deck of cards with names of people written on them and
1) two decks of "home" cards—one for hometowns and one for home provinces;
2) tvo decks of "residence11 cards—one for cities and one for hotels;
3) two decks of "present location1* cards~one for cities and one for places. (See Cards—Matching, vhich follow.)
For each round, use one deck of each kind—"hometovn/home province,11 "residence," and "present location"plus the name cards.
Procedure: Each player is dealt a name card and one card from each of the three other decks. When you are given the name card, place it face up in front of you so that the other players vill know which person to question you about. (You will use this card for all rounds.) Keep your other three cards in your hand.
Use the "questioning by turns,1 procedure. Choose one player to be questioned by the other players. Then take turns asking him questions about the person named on his card. When matches are found for "home,” "residence," and Mpresent location," choose another player t<? "be questioned, and so on until each player has had his turru
During the questioning within your group» when a match is found between the "home,” 11 residence,11 or ’’present location11 of any two persons named on the cards, point it out immediately, using (Do this even when you are
not the q.uestioner or the person "being questioned,)
Example: You axe Speaker 1- You have the name card for Wěng Diuiiin and the following three cards:
PRESENT LOCATION: Tiananmen (Gate of Heavenly Peace)
As you question Speaker 3 about MS MlnglI9 you find the first match:
SI: MS. MlnglI laojiā nSr?
S3: Tā lǎojiā zki GuSngdōng.
SI: WSng Dānian lSoJia yS z^i GuSngdōng.
And Speaker 2 continues the questioning.
Additional Note: To play a second round, use the other "home," "residence," and "present location” decks. Additional rounds may "be played shuffling and redealing the cards•
Practice Points: LSoJia zSi/shi,zhū zai, xiiLnziLi zSi.
诚ng DiLnian MS MlnglI Hii Meillng Fang B^olin
MS Děfēn Fang ZlqiSng WSng Dixifin Gāo Tfngfēng
Zbǎng W5nrd S5ng ZhiyuSn Lin BSolān Zhao Shitofn
nguzSvcgoQ nonzSttgno jxugqs . ixtt^qs
Suj FTga aujf-pga SuopSugno SuopSu^no
Nationalities Nationalities Qingdao QIngd&o
Hotel Hotel *
XInqiāo Hotel Xlnqiio Hotel Chěngdū. Chěngdū
Beijing Hotel BSiJIng Hotel WǔhSn WǔhSn
Qi&nměn Qi&nměn ShSnghSi ShSnghSi
("Front Gate”) ("Front Gate")
Tiānānměn TiSnānměn TiānJIn TiānJIn
(Gate of (Gate of
Heavenly Heavenly
Peace) Peace)
Gūgōng Giigōng XiānggSng XiānggSng
(Imperial (Imperial
Palace) Palace)
In this exercise you vill listen to a conversation at the Taiwan Hotel between Mr. Martin and Mrs. Li. They are talking about vhere they and several other people live and work.
You will hear the conversation three times. As you listen to it for the third time, stop the tape as needed to complete the chart "belov. You will fill in only some of the boxes, leaving blank those for which information is not given in the conversation.
Here are the new vords and phrases you will hear: lū (road)
tǎde n&věi pěngyou (that friend of his)
MSiguo Ylnh&ng (Bank of America)
T&ivān Ylnh&ag (Bank of Taiwan)
Dlyl DāfitodiSn (First Hotel)
Mr. Martin (他)
Mrs. VL
Mr. Li
Miss Lid
Mr. Jones (Zhou)
Mrs. Jones (Zhōu)
Mr. HU Mrs. H1i
Mr. Zhāng Tlngfēng Mr. Zhāng Shiylng
In this exercise you vill listen to a conversation at a party in Taipei. Mrs, Jiǎng is asking Mr. An about the guests she has not met.
She finds that there are two Mr. Smiths (SI). As their conversation breaks off,they have just )>een joined "by one of the Mr. Smiths.
You will want to keep the following vords straight: nawěi (which CpersonD)
navěi (that [person])
zhgwěi (this CpersonD)
And you must *be able to recognize this new kind of expression:
Měiguo Ylnhāng -de nāwěi Sī Xiānsheng (Bank of America -,s that Mr. Smith)
(the of America Mr. Smith)
(the Mr. Smith vho works at the Bank of America)
What makes this expression difficult for speakers of English is the vay nSvěi comes "between Měiguo Yinhňngde and Si Xiānsheng, In English, you could say "that Mr. Smith" or fTthe Bank of America1 s Mr. Smith,” but never "the Bank of America*s that Mr. Smith.11
You will hear the conversation three times. (You might want to rewind the tape and listen again, and even take notes. The plot is fairly thick,) After listening for the third time, ansver the question Iselov*
1. Where does the Mr. Smith vho has Just joined them work?
()the Bank of America (Měiguo Yinh4ng)
()the U.S. International Cozmnunic at ions Agency (Měiguo Gu$.1l Jiaoliti ZSngshu)
In this exercise you will listen to a conversation which is mostly over your head. However, you should be able to understand enough to ansver the questions below. Write your answers as you listen to the conversation for the third time.
For this exercise, you will need to know the Chinese versions of tvo American names:
Bāo (Bauer)
Hě (Herbert)
1. What is Mr. Fang1 s address? _______________________
2. Where is Major Bauer now? _____________
3. Where does Major Bauer vork? _______ ■ _
U. Where is Major Herbert staying? _____________
5. Where is Mrs. Herbert now? ______
In these exercises you will answer a series of questions about one set of facts. The questions are divided into three exercises to allow you to catch your "breath between answers.
The questions are about where various people are nov, vhere they live, and where they work. The situation is shovn in Display I* The triangles and circles show where three people are nov. The arrovs shov the paths they take from vhere they live to vhere they work. Mr. Cfio, vho is staying at the First Hotel, is already at work at the Bank of Taiwan. Miss Lid, vho lives with friends (the Tings), is already at work at the post office. Mrs. Lin, vho works at the First Hotel, is still at home.
In the display, building numbers are given for public l>uildlng8. When asked where a public "building is, include the number in your reply. (In Chinese you would normally mention, the building number of a private house only vhen asked for the address.)
You vill hear the word shěi, "vho," used as the subject of some of the CLuestions.
Here are the nev vocabulary items you will need in this exercise: youzhěngjū (post office)
lū (road)
MSiguo YinhEng (Bank of America)
Tiivān Ylnh&ag (Bank of Taivan)
Type: Matching
Situation; The setting is Taipei. You are talking with.three people about vhere four other people vork, are staying, and happen to be right nov.
Goal: To find matches "between vhere two people vork» are staying, or happen to be right nov.
Numloer of Players: Groups of four students.
Materials: A work sheet for each player. (See Sample Work Sheets9 vhich follow.)
At the top of each vork sheet is a diagram shoving three office "buildings and three hotels. The six large rectangles below the diagram are simplified representations of the diagram. Each square vithin a rectangle stands for the office building or hotel in the same relative position in the diagram* For instance, the upper left square is the USICA building.
Each column of rectangles is for & different round of play. In each column, the four rectangles labeled A through D are for recording informa-tion about four different people. On your work sheet, one rectangle in each column is already filled in with information about the person you are supposed to know, vhose name is written at the bottom of your vork. sheet.
The following symbols are used: a desk ( | | ) means that the person works in that office building; a bed ( II) means that the person is staying at that hotel; and a triangle or circle means that the nan or woman is at that office or hotel nov.
Procedure; Mingle vith the players in your group to exchange information.
First, write the name of the person you knov about on the line to the left of the filled-in rectangles. Then, ask a player in your group the name of the person he knovs about. Write that name on the second line. Then, record information about that person in the rectangle beside his name, using symbols.
When you find a match between the office, residence, or present location of the person you knov about and another person, point it out imediately, using yS>
Continue exchanging information until all players have information about all four people.
Example: You are Speaker 1.
S2: Tā (the person you know about) shi shěi?
SI: Tā shi Wāng DaniSn.
S2: Tā zai n&li gōngzuo?
SI: Tā zai Měiguo Wuguānchu gōnpzuo.
S2: Tā zhū zai nail? (OR Tā zhu zai nage fāndiān?)
SI: Ta zhū zai Diyi Dafandiān.
S2: Tā xianzāi zai Taiwan Dafāndian.
At this point, Speaker 2 finds a match, so she says:
S2: Hli Mēillng (the person she knows about) xiānzai yě zai Taiwan Dāfandian,
Additional Note: For this ^arx- you need to know the following: vocabulary item:
Měiguo Guoji Jiāoliu Zon^shu (U.S. International Comiriun i c at ion s
Practice Points: Zai.•.gōngzuo, shu zai.•., xianzai zai.
Type; Science (In games of this type, your goal is to find regular patterns in the facts as you gather them and then to use those patterns to predict the remaining facts.)
Situation: The same as for Communication Game A in this unit.
Goal: To find regular patterns in the facts after gathering only some of th^ and to use those patterns to predict the remaining facts. In other vords, to predict the offices, residences, and present locations of the last several people you ask about.
Wumter of Players: Groups of four players.
Materials: The same as for Communication Game A in this unit. (See Sample Work Sheets, which follow.)
Procedure: Mingle with the players in your group to exchange information. Record on your work sheet the information you collect.
Until you see a regular pattern, gather facts by asking questions with the question word nali. When you think you see a pattern, make predictions by making statements with the marker ba. Give yourself a point for every correct prediction, and take away a point for every incorrect one.
If you do not see a pattern by the time you talk with your last partner, either continue to gather facts with nali questions or indulge in a little guessing with ba statements.
Example; You are Speaker 1- Only your questions about where people live are included here.
SI: Tā zhū zai nSli?
S2: Tā zhū zai Tiivān DāfiLndiSn.
SI: Tā zhxl zai něige fIndian?
S3: Tā zhū zai T^ivān Dāfandi^n.
SI: Tā zhū zai Taiwan DafandiiLn ba.
Sh: Shide,tā zhū zai TSiwān Dafandian.
(Of course, the patterns can be less obvious thfji this one.)
Additional Note: For this game you need to know the following vocabulary item:
Měiguo Gu6jl Jiaoliū Zongshǔ (U.S. International Communications
Practice Points: Zeti* • ^gōngzuS^ zhū zai, xicLnzai zSi% ba, něige.
In each of the twelve conversations in this exercise, a person is asked about the other members of his family. You vill hear each conversation twice. After listening to it for the second time,- stop the tape and fill in the chart below with information atout the speaker's family. (Use check marks for ”father,” "mother,” "husband,11 and ”wife•” Write the appropriate numbers under "sons1’ and "daughters/1)
You will need to recognize one new word in this exercise:
fumu (parents)
The word is an aotreviation of fSqin mǔqin% Mfather and mother.11
In this exercise you vill hear eight people telling how many "brothers and sisters they have. Chinese does have vords for "brothers11 and "sisters•” As seen in the following diagram, Chinese also has words for "older brother,” "younger brother," "older sister,ff and "younger sister/1
XlSngdi anoimts to an abbreviation of gēge didi, since xiōng has the same meaning as gē. Jieměi is an abbreviation of Jiejie měimei.
You vill hear the discussion of each person's brothers and sisters twice. After listening for the second time, fill in the chart below with the appropriate numbers.
This exercise involves a conversation in Taipei *betveen Miss Fang and Mr. Jones (Zhāng),an American- They are talking atout their families.
You will hear the conversation three times. As you listen to it for the third time, stop the tape as needed to write dovn the speakersf relatives that are mentioned and the present location of each relative.
Miss Fāng:
Mr> Zhāng:
In this exercise you will listen to a conversation between Mr. Zhāng and Mrs, Brown (Huāng)• They are talking about their children. Mrs. Brown has snapshots of hers.
You will hear the conversation three times. You may not understand everything, but you vill get the gist of it. As you listen for the third time, ansver the question below.
1. List Mrs. Brown1 s children and Mr. Zhāngfs children by sex and in order of birth. For example, "boy" (oldest), "boy" (middle),
"girl" (youngest).
Mrs. Brown:
Mr. Zhāng:
In this exercise you will ansver questions about vhat people make up ,fyour,f family. You are provided with a different family for each numbered item. (See Display I.) Your family is represented as a ,ffamily tree.,f For this exercise, your family consists at most of a spouse and children.
Labels have seen added to this sample family tree. Males are represented by triangles, and females by circles. The left-to-rigbt order of the children is oldest-to-youngest. Notice that you are represented by the solid figure (in this case, a triangle).
You vould hear on tape,
Nl Jiāli ySu shězme rěn?
and you vould answer,
Y5u w5 tlLitai, ylge nānh^izi, gēn yige nuh&izi.
CRepeat confirmation.]
Remember to use possessive to, vith tSitai and xiānsheng.
For this exercise,use gēn before the last noun phrase, the vay you vould use "and” in English.
If there is only one other person in your family, say that there is only that person and you, using the advert jiň,”only,” or !,Just•”
Q: Nl jiāli ySu shěniae rěn?
A: Jiū ySu w5 xiānsheng gēn wo. [Repeat confirmation.3 A Chinese man would pro'ba'bly list himself first; Jlū ySu v8 gēn vS tSital,
Example 3
If there is no one else in your family, say that there is only you, using the expression ylge rěn. literally "one person."
Q: NX Jiali y5u shěnme rěn?
A: Jiu ySu wS yige rěn. [Repeat confirmation.D
This exercise is similar to the last one, except that your family vill consist only of parents and brothers and sisters.
Here are the words yo.u vill need for this exercise:
In Chinese you can say either vS fňmu or w8 fiiqin mugin. In this exercise you should use v5 fňmu.
Example 1 (using the family tree on the previous page)
Q: Nl jiāli you shěnme rěn?
Ansver in terms of so many "old "brothers,11 older sisters,M "younger sisters/, and "younger brothers."
A: Y5u v5 fQmǔ, ylge gēge, ylge JiSjie, ylge didi9 gēn ylge měimei.
Example 2
Q: NX ySu xiSngdl JiSměi ma?
If you are asked specifically whether you have brothers and sisters, you should ansver only ”1 do" or ”1 don’t" unless you have only one.
A: Jiii y5u ylge měimei.
Example 3
If you have more than one "brother or sister, simply give the direct ansver Y8u> and wait for the follov-up question about hov many you have before giving the full list.
A: Y5u.
Q: Y5u Jlge?
A: Y5u ylge gēge, ylge jiSjie, gin ylge dldi.
Q: NX ySu xiōngdi jieměi ma? re more than one "brother or sister, sin
ra.l'h ^or the follov—un fthow-h V
In exercises 1 and 2 you listed all the members of your immediate family. In this exercise a new question is introduced:
Nl Jiāli you jīge rěn? (How many are there in your household?)
Although this could refer to your whole family, it usually means only the members of your household一that is, relatives actually living vith you (shovn in your "family tree” as inside the closed broken line).
When asked Nl Jiǎli y5u Jlge rěn? you vill ansver with the number of people. Then ansver the follov-up question Dōu shi shěi? "Who are they [all]?" by listing them. Don’t worry too much atout the order in which you list your relatives or whether you include yourself. The main point is to get the mm'bers and relationships right.
If there is only one other member of your household or if you are alone, you can say so directly in answer to the first question: Jiit ySu v5 gen v5 tSitai or Jiū ySu vo yige rěn.
Remember that the question Nl jiāli y5u shěnme rěn? (vhich is also asked in this exercise) refers to all the members of your immediate family that is, to everyone shown in the family tree, whether they live vith you or not. For this exercise, assume that every member of your family who is not in your household in Taiwan is in the United States.
Q: Ni jiāli y5u Jīge rěn?
A: Y5u sige.
Q: D5u shi shěi?
A: W5 fūqin, w6, wS tāitai, gēn ylge nuhńizi.
Type: Matching
Situation: The setting is Taipei. You and several other people are talking about your families.
Goal; To find matches "between your family and your partner’s family: the same number of younger brothers, older sisters, and so forth.
Humber of Players: Groups of four to six students.
Materials: A fact sheet for each player. (See Sample Fact Sheets, which follow.)
In the 11 family trees'1 on the fact sheets, there is one triangle or circle for each relationship: father and mother (top row), older brothers and sisters (middle row, two figures at the left), younger brothers and sisters (middle row, two figures at the right), you and your spouse (middle row, two middle figures), and your children (bottom rov) •
A nuniber vhich appears under a triangle or circle shows how many relatives of that kind you have. If there is no number, there are no people related to you in this way.
You are shovn as the shaded figure in the family tree.
Procedure: Mingle with the other players in your group to exchange information.
When you question someone, he will ansver and add Ni Jiāli ySu shěnme r|n? Point out any matches in your family and his before answering his question. Then vrite his name under the triangle or circle on your fact sheet vhich represents the matching relationship.
Example: You are Speaker 1.
SI: Nl Jiāli y5u shěnme rěn? w
S2: Y5u wS fyin&9 ylge dldi,w6 tāitai, gin liSngge nūh^izi.
Nl Jiāli ySu shěnme rěn?
SI: W5 yS ySu liSngge nuhSizi. W5 jiǎli ySu wS fūmu, ylge JiSjie, liǎngge didi, wo tSitai, ylge ninhāizi, gēn liSngge n\ih£izi.
Additional Note: Since all players in this game will have one father, one mother, and one spouse, there is no need to match these relatives.
Practice Points: Everything in the unit.
Type: Science (Memory)
Situation: The setting is Taipei. You and several other people are talking about your families.
Goal: To ask all players about certain kinds of family members» to find a pattern in the number of such relatives in different families, and to predict hov many of these relatives the last several players have.
Number of Pickers: Groups of six students or fewer.
Materials: A fact sheet for each player. These fact sheets are like the fact sheets for Communication Game A in this unit.
Procedure: Mingle with the other players in your group to exchange information.
Until you see & regular pattern, use question-word questions (or the single question Hi Jiāli ySu shěnme rěn?). When you think that you see a regular pattern, try making a prediction with a ba sentence.
Take notes on the information you get. (You can jot them down on your fact sheet under the information about your family.)
Example; You are Speaker 1.
SI: Ni Jiāli ySu shěnme rěn?
S2: YSu • • . , ylge měimei, . • • •
SI: Nl jiǎli you shěnme rěn?
S3: Y5u • • • , ylge měimei, • • • •
SI: Nl ySu ylge měimei ba.
Sk: Shlde, w5 ySu ylge měimei. Wo jiǎli y5u . •..
Practice Points: Everything in the unit.
In this exercise you vill listen to the manager of a hotel discussing vith a clerk the day of arrival and the day of departure for various guests. You vill hear their discussion of each guest tvice. As you listen for the second tijne, record the facts "by checking the appropriate "boxes below.
You vill need to recognize tvo nev words:
q.i£ntiān (the day before yesterday) hdutiān (the day after tomorrow)
1. Wňng Yetozōng ■
2~.~Wfi. TiānxiSng •
3. Zhko ShaohuS «
_Departure:______ ■____—
U. Ll B&oyi I
5. Hě Blngan I
o!~Zhang GuShu£ .
7^~Ql&n V§idS "~~°~~ ~
8. Sūn Bāngylto I
_Departure; I I I | _
This exercise is 'based on a conversation between Mr. Qi&x and Miss V&ag. Mr. Qi&i has come to Taipei for a few days. He happens to run into Miss Wfing, vhom he has not seen for some time.
You will hear the conversation three times. Ansver the question "belov as you listen for the third time.
You will need to knov two new expressions:
jiěhūn (to get married, to be married)
měi Jiěhūn (not to be married)
1. Among the people vho will "be at the wedding, who (if anyone) already lives in Taipei?
arrived the day tefore yesterday? _
arrived yesterday? ______
arrived today? __________
will arrive today? _____
will arrive tomorrow? ,_
will arrive the day after tomorrow? __
In this exercise you will answer questions about WHETHER actions took place (with le^) and questions about WHEN actions took place (with shi.. .de). You vill also answer questions about when actions are going to take place (without and shi. " de) •
The scene is the office of a hotel. The manager is asking the clerk about arrivals and departures of various guests. The information available to the clerk is shovn in Display I. (The manager's questions shov that he already has some information and is fairly sure about vhat some of the information will be.) The tail of each arrow shovs the day of that guest1 s arrival and the head shows the day of his departure.
Try answering the managerf8 questions "before the clerk does, and then repeat the clerk*s answers.
Here are the new vocabulary items you will need for this exercise: qiāntiān (the day before yesterday) hdutiān (the ds^ after tomorrov)
WSng Y^ozōng --
W(i Tiānxiing ~j-->
ZhsLo ShSohuS 丨-->
Li BSoyl --j--->
Hě Blngān--->1
Zhāng Gu6hu4---j--->
QiSn WSidS--> |
Sun Bangyěn 丨-->
In Exercise 1 you put le^ after the vert or měi before the verb if the question vas WHETIffiR the action took place. You put shl or shi before the verb and de^ after the verb if the question was WHEN the action took place. .
You probably followed the simple and generally effective strategy of noticing whether the question had le^ or shi…de in it and answering accordingly, like this:
Q: Tā (yljIng) zoule ma? (Has he left [already]?)
A: Tā (yljīng) zSule. (He has left [already].}
A: Tā (h4i) měi z5u. (He has not left Cyetl.)
Q: Tā shi něitiān zSude? (What day did he leave?)
A: Tā shi zu6tiān zSude. (He left yesterday.)
Q: Tā shi zu6tiān zoude ma? (Did he leave yesterday?)
A: Tā shi zu6tiān zSude■ (He did leave yesterday.)
A: Tā bu shi zuStiān zoude_. (He did not leave yesterday.)
You also had another clue: whether or not there was a time word like nSitiān in the question.
However, you can not count on always having such direct clues as to when to use le (or měi) and when to use shi*. ,de (or bii• There is no question to copy from when you want to volunteer information or vhen you vant to ask a question yourself. You have to make the choice on your own, on the basis of whether you are talking about the event itself or about some aspect of the event—or, to put it more concretely, on the basis of whether you are emphasizing the main verb or some earlier part of the sentence. This exercise gives you practice in making the choice.
Main in the hotel office, the manager is asking the clerk questions about the departures of certain guests. Display II is a list of the questions (in English) that the manager will ask. (They are rephrased in parentheses to indicate what the manager knows or assumes and vhat he wants to know.)
There are three types of questions:
Example 1*
DID Sūn Ruiming leave yesterday? Sūn Hulmlng zu6tiān zSixle ma?
(He vas planning to leave, but did he?)
Knowing that this guest was planning to leave yesterday and wanting to knov WHETHER the guest did leave, the manager uses le_. (Notice that the time can *be mentioned incidentally when the center of interest is on WHETHER the action took place.)
★These examples are the first three items on the tape.
Example 2
WHEN did Wěng MSirSng leave? WSng Měirong shi shěnme shlhou zoude? (She did leave, "but vhen?)
The manager knows that this guest has left. Wanting to know WHEN she left, the manager uses shi.•_de.
Example 3
Did Zhāng Hfiurěn leave YESTERDAY? Zhang HSurěn shi zu6tiān zoude ma? (He did leave, but vas it yesterday?)
Again, the manager knovs that this guest has left and wants to know WHEN he left* However» this time the manager makes a specific guess, namely that it vas yesterday.
After hearing each item number on the tape, try to ask the question before the manager does. Then listen to his question and repeat. Finally, listen to the clerk1s ansver.
1. DID Sūn Ruimlng leave yesterday? (He vas planning to leave, but
did he?)
2. WHEN did Wāng ^ir6ng leave? (She did leave, "but when?)
3. Did Zhāng HSurěn leave YESTERDAY? (He did leave, but was it
k. Did Bāo Shitoying leave the DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY? (He did leave,
"but vas it the day before yesterday?)
5. DID Bāo ShcLověn leave today? (He vas planning to leave, but
did he?)
6. WHEN did Jiǎng Mailing leave? (She did leave, but when?)
7. DID Sūn Blngylng leave the day before yesterday? (She vas
planning to leave, but did she?)
8. Did Bāo Hulr&i leave YESTERDAY? (She did leave, but vas it
9. WHEN did Lī Shiyīng leave? (He did leave,"but vhen?)
10. DID Shl Tlngfēng leave the day before yesterday? (He was
planning to leave, tut did he?)
11. Did Wing Děfēn leave YESTERDAY? (She did leave, but was it
12. WHEN did Ting Gu6qu4n leave? (He did leave, but vhen?)
13. Did Zhou WSnrll leave YESTERDAY? (She did leave, but vas it
Ik. DID Mǎ ZhīyuSn leave yesterday? (He vas planning to leave, but did he?)
15. WHEN did Hu Xixifěng leave? (She did leave, tut when?)
Type: Science
Situation: The setting is Beljing. You are talking vith a group al>out vhen several other people arrived or will arrive at a hotel and vhen they left or vill leave.
Goal: To find regular patterns in the information and make predictions about peoplefs days of arrival or days of departure and about whether or not they arrived alone.
Humber of Flayers: Groups of six students or fewer.
Materials: A vork sheet for each player. (See Sample Work Sheets, vhich follow.)
The tail of the arrow on each work sheet shovs the person's arrival day. The head of the arrow shovs his departure day. A single shaft on an arrow means that the person arrived alone, a double shaft that he vas accompanied by someone.
Notice that the column is divided by a dotted line Into "before
nov,f and ,fafter nov.ft
Procedure: Mingle with the other players in your group to exchange information.
Use arrows to record the information you collect. (See the first Sample Work Sheet•)
Until you see a regular pattern, use question-word questions. Vhen you think you see a pattern, try making predictions with ba sentences.
Remember that you must find out WHETHER something happened or will happen before you ask VHEN or HOW. However, you may assume that all the people will eventually leave the hotel.
Example: You are Speaker 1. You have a work sheet shoving arrival and departure information for one person. As you question the otber members of your group, you record the information as shovn on the first Sample Work Sheet,
SI: Tā lii le ma?
S2: Tā lai le.
SI: Tā shi nSitiān l&ide?
S2: Tā shi JIntiān Hide.
SI: Ta shi yige rěn liide ma?
S2: Ta shi ylge rěn lāide.
SI: Ta shěnme shlhou zSu?
S2: Tā hdutiān z5u*
You now move on to another player.
SI: Tā lai le ma?
S3: Tā lai le.
SI: Tā shi něitiān lāide?
S3: Tā shi qiintiān liide.
SI: Tā shi ylge rěn lSide ma?
S3: Tā shi ylge rěn lāide.
SI: Tā shěnme shlhou zSu?
S3: Tā JIntiān zou.
When questioning the next person, you are ready to make a prediction that everyone arrived alone:
SI: Tā lāi le ma?
SU: Tā lai le.
SI: Tā shi něitiān laide?
SU: Tā shi zuStiin lāide.
SI: Ta shi ylge rěn lāide ba.
Sk: Dul le, tā shi ylge rěn lILide.
SI: Tā shěnme shlhou zou?
SU: Tā mlngtiān z5u.
You were right. The pattern is that everyone arrived alone.
Additional Notes: Here is hov to follow up on four possible answers to the same first question•
Q: Ta yijlng lāi le ma?
A: Ta yljīng lai le.
Q: Tā shi něitiān l£ide?
A: Tǎ shi. • • l£ide.
Q: Tā xiSng nSitiān zSu?
A: Tā xiSng . . . zSu.
Q: Tā yljīng l£i le ma?
A: Ta h&i měi Hi.
Q: Ta xiang něitiān l£i?
A: Tā xiSng . . . lāi.
Q: Tā xiSng nSitiān zSu?
A: Ta xiSng . . . zSu.
Q: Tā ylJ Ing lii le ma?
A: Ta lii le, kSshi• ylJIng zSu le.
Q: Tā shi něitiān liide?
A: Tā shi . . . liide.
Q: Tā shi nSitiān zSude?
A: Tā shi . . . zoude.
Q: Tā yijlng 111 le?
A: Tā btl xiang lai.
You will need to know the word kěshi, in this game.
Practice Points: Everything in the unit.
day before yesterday |
yesterday |
- I 1 today 1 1 i |
tomorrow |
day after tomorrow |
1 ■before ! after now 丨 nov 1 | ||||
1 1 | ||||
I 1 1 1 | ||||
1 1 1 1 1 | ||||
1 1 1 1 1 i | ||||
1 1 1 1 1 | ||||
I « 1 I | ||||
1 1 1 1 | ||||
Yāozong |
Type: Matching
Situation: The setting is Taipei. Members of your family and of several other families have "been invited to a large celebration. Some people have already arrived; some are scheduled to arrive; and some are unable to make it.
Goal: To find matches tetveen your family and another player1 s in the days when certain kinds of relatives arrived or will arrive; for example, "both having mothers arriving tomorrow.
Number of Players: Groups of four to six students.
Materials: A work sheet for each player. (See Sample Work Sheets, which follow.)
In the ^family tree” on each work sheet, triangles and circles represent different kinds of relatives. You are the shaded figure.
Under each triangle and circle there is a row of *boxes for each person in that category. The rov of boxes represents
An X in a 'box indicates the arrival day of that person. If there are no Xs in the boxes, the person is not coming.
Proceduret Mingle with other group members to exchange information.
When you find a match, point it out immediately, using Record
the name of your partner near the row of boxes, and draw an arrow from the name to the rov of boxes.
Remember that you must find out WHETHER somebody has arrived or will arrive before you ask WHEN.
Example: You are Speaker 1.
SI: Nl jiali y5u shenme rěn?
S2: YSu wS fiimii, wo taitai, liSngge nānhiizi, liSngge nuhāizi.
SI: Nl fximǔ yljIng lai le ma?
S2: WS mǔ yljīng lSi le. Wo fňqin hSi měi lai.
SI: Nl mǔqin shi ngitiān lāide?
S2: Ta shi zuStiān l&ide.
SI: Nl nSitiān lai?
S2: Tā mingtiān l£i*
SI: Nl tāitai yljIng iSi le ma?
S2: Ta l&i le. Tā shi Jintiān laide.
SI: Wo tāitai yS shi J-īntiān laide.
(Notice that when a match is found, S2 acknovledges it- by saying "My wife ALSO came yesterday."
Practice Points: Everything in the unit. Review of relationship terms in Unit 3.
In this exercise you will work on your comprehension of dates (years).
An official is asking Comrade Jiang the years of "birth for the mem'bers of his family. Comrade Jiǎng pauses after giving each date while the official writes it down. During each pause, vrite dovn the year in the appropriate "blank below.
Comrade Jiāng _
his wife ___
his son _
his daughter
his father _
his mother _
his older brother _
his older sister _
his younger brother _
his younger sister _
A government official has a list of people who have recently arrived in Beijing or are scheduled to arrive soon. He needs to knov the year of arrival for each person. His assistant is giving him the information.
As you listen, check the appropriate column for each name.
The following new words are used in this exercise:
quniān (last year)
JīnniSn (this year)
mlngni&i (next year)
D$u Jiāndě I
Sūn Angling I
Hū MSillng I
Gāo Tlngfēng I
Zhōu Shiznin I
MS. Wanrti I
Chěn YSngping I
Li Děxiin I
Yfing Huirěn I
Zhāng Tlngfēng I -1-1_I_I_
In this exercise you will work on your comprehension of the names of the months.
An official needs to know the months when various people arrived or vill arrive in Beijing and the months when they left or will leave. Again, an assistant is giving him the information.
Fill in the information for each person as you listen. Use A for "arrival" and D for ”departure."
You will need to know the following expressions:
sh^ngge yuě (last month) zhěige yuě (this month)
xillge yixě (next month)
LAST THIS NEXT MONTH MONTH MONTH Jan Teb Mar Apr](May) (Jun) (Jul) Aug Sep Oct Hov Dec
Zhao Yifāng . -------1-------,
ClLi Shiylng • -------1-------
Huāng Yizhēn *
Liū Děfēn 丨
LiSng Dili I
Děxiān I
—■ I —
Zhōu Zhiyuan I
Gu6 Ziqi^ng 丨
Zhāng Sh&ověn I
Hān 丨 -1-1——I-1-1-1--1——I——I-1-1-1
In this exercise you are listening for the day of the week and the day of the month. A hotel manager is asking a clerk about the day of arrival and the day of departure for various guests• Fill in the information for each person as you listen. Again, use A for ’’arrival’,and D for "departure.,’
In this exercise you will hear four people ansver questions about the ages of family members. As you listen to their answers, note their ages and those of their relatives in the appropriate columns of the chart below.
You will hear the ages of. adults asked in three different ways, two of them new,
du6 āk le?
duo da suishu le?
duo dě. niānji le?
Suishu and niSnJi (both mean "years of age”)may be used in asking the age of an adult, but not of a child. Ni duo da le? may be asked of a child or young adult "but is not usually considered respectful enough for an older person.
You will also hear sentences like this:
Wo fuqin bu zai le. (My father is no longer living.)
For the moment, Just learn this as an idiomatic expression. It is explained in the instructions for Exercise 5 of the P-2 tape for this unit.
For each item in this exercise, the speaker on tape will give the ages or birth dates for two brothers or tvo sisters. Then he will ask which of the two is the older (or younger) brother or sister.
You will hear each item tvice. (If twice is not enough, you may, of course, rewind the tape and listen again.) Put a check mark in front of the correct response for each item.
1. ( ) Hti Mēillng ( ) H\i Měizhēn
2. ( ) Fěng Gu6ān ( ) Fěng GuShua
3. ( ) Jin GuizhI ( ) Jīn GuirSng k. ( ) Li Baoyl ( ) Li BSohuā
5. ( ) Sūn Yāozu ( ) Sūn Yaozōng
6. ( ) Zhōu Ruichāng ( ) Zhōu Ruihul,
7. ( ) Wěi Xiūqln ( ) Wēi Xiuylng
8. ( ) TEo Ailing ( ) TSo Ailian
In this exercise you will practice giving dates in years.
A government official has a list of people. He knows only whether they have lived in Běijing, are there nov, or will come there. He needs to know the year each person came or is expected to come and the year each left or is expected to leave. As he reads each name from his list, an assistant gives the official the information from the records.
Display I represents the information in the records. An arrow indicates each person’s stay in BeiJIng.
Play the role of the assistant, using the display to give the official information about each person. Then listen to the assistant's response and repeat it.
"Last year," "this year,,f and "next year” are not normally referred to "by nvun'ber. Use the following words.
qūniān (last year)
JlnniUn (this year)
mlngniān (next year)
Example 1 (not on tape)
Tā shi Yījiǔq.IwǔniSn lāide, shi jinnian zoude.
(He came in 1975 and left this year.)
Example 2 (not on tape)
Tā shi quniān laide, Yījiuqijiunian zou.
(He came last year and will leave in 1979-)
Example 3 (not on tape)
Tā mingniěn lai, Yījiubālingnian zou.
(He will come next year and will leave in 1980.)
The official knows whether or not a person has arrived or left. The only question is WHEN. Therefore his assistant uses the shi".de construction for completed action.
In this exercise you will practice giving the names of the months•
A government official has a list of people. He knovs only whether they have lived in Běijīng, Are there nov, or vill come there. He needs to know the month in vhich each person came or is expected to come and the month in which each left or is expected to leave.
As he reads each name from his list, you, his assistant, will give him the information from the records. Display II represents the information in the records. An arrow indicates each person18 stay in Beijing.
Instead of referring to the previous month, the present month, and the following month "by name, use the following expressions:
shāngge yuě (last month)
zhěige yuě (this month)
xiiLge yiiě (next month)
In this exercise your responses will include the days of the week and the days of the month.
A hotel manager is asking a clerk about the guests' arrival and departure dates. Display III presents the information available to the clerk.
Ansver the questions before the clerk does; listen to his answers; and repeat them.
Be sure to use "the day before yesterday,11 "yesterday,” "today,” "tomorrov,” and ”the day after tomorrow1* vhen talking about those dates.
Your responses will include birthplaces and full birth dates*
A government official needs this information about several people. As he reads each name, his assistant first tells him that person's "birthplace and then adds the full date Qf "birth. (The information is in Display IV.)
After hearing each name, give that person's birthplace, listen to the assistant» and repeat her answer. Then give that person*s full date of Mrth, listen to the assistant, and repeat her ansver.
Q: Sūn Ruimlng ne?
A: Tā shi zeLi Shanxi shēngde*
Tā shi Yl j iǓ8ānvuniin wiiyuě liiihllo shēngde.
Sūn Ruīmlng Shanxi May 6, 1935
Wāng MěirSng HěnSn September 28, 193蚁
Zhāng Hdurěn Hěběi November T, 19Ul
Hě GuānghulL Shāndong July 1,1920
乙hū Xi^měi FUjiSn August 19, 1953
In this exercise you will practice giving the ages of memters of your family. Ansver each question and repeat the confirmations.
Display V provides you vith information needed to ansver the questions.
In each ,ffamily tree," you are the solid figure--triangle or circle. You have only one relative of each kind. The age of that relative is written next to the triangle or circle which represents him or her.
You will "be asked the ages of adults in three different ways:
du6 dal le?
du6 da suishu le?
du6 diL ni&nji le?
Questions containing suishu and niňnji are more respectful than the simple Ni du6 del le? Use the more polite questions vhen asking the age of a mature adult or an older per.son. For young adults and children * use Nl du6 dk le? Ansver all of these questions with a number plus the nev— situation marker le.
If you are asked the age of a parent who is no longer living (indicated in the family trees *by the absence of & triangle or circle in the appropriate place), answer
W5 fňqin/mǔqin zki le. (取 fat her / mot her is no longer living.)
First, look at zki in a simpler example:
WS fiqin h£i z&i. (l^y father still living,)
The verb zai (learned previously as "to *be [somevhere]”) has a second meaning: ffto he here" "to "be present11 In the example above, this second meaning is extended to "to be alive.” In other words, you may think of z5i in this context as meaning ”to *be here [on earth]."
Next, look at the nev-situation marker le^ in this simpler example:
W5men you ylge hSizi le_. (We have a child now.)
Without the marker le^, this sentence would "be simply information: "We have a child.11 With the marker le, this is nevs: ”We have had a child (since you last heard)•’, This is a nev situation from the listenerfs point of viev.
Nov, to return to bū zai le, we need only add that the situation described lay a negative vert can be new.
Q: Nl fumǔ dōu du6 dā niSnji le? (Hov old are ["both] your parents?)
A: W5 fxiqin tu zai le, wS mǔqin (ify father is no longer living; wǔsh£ le. my mother is fifty:)
The fact that the father is not living is a nev situation from the listenerfs viewpoint, since his question assumed that both parents vere still living.
Type: World Record (Family Ages)
Situation: The setting is Beijing. You are talking with three people about the ages of mem'bers of your families.
Goal: To find the family with the oldest relative of a certain kind. For example: "He has the oldest younger brother among the four of us.
Number of Players: Groups of four students.
Materials: A fact sheet for each player- (See Sample Fact Sheets, which follov.)
The ages of the members of your family are written under the appropriate triangles and circles on your ,ffamily tree. If no age is given, you have no such relatives. If more than one age is given, you have several relatives of that kind. (Notice that the ages are based on a ’’today” of December 31, 1980.)
The relative^ date of "birth is written beneath his or her age. If you have more than one such relative, only the "birth date of the oldest is given.
Procedure: One player is the questioner• He tells the age (or ages) of the member (or members) of his family in one category—letfs say the age of his younger brother. Then he asks the ages of the other players1 younger brothers and announces the ”winner”: Tā ylng le, frHe won.M
In case of a tie in ages, compare the birth dates of the tvo relatives to determine the winner.
If you forget a player1 s answer, go "back to him to check up on the age (or ages).
In the next round, a second questioner chooses another type of relative to ask about.
Example: You are Speaker 1, the questioner.
SI: W5 ySu liSngge nānhāizi. Ylge liusui le, yige sisui le. Nl you ninhiizi ma?
S2: You.
SI: You Jīge?
S2: You sānge.
SI: Tāmen dōu jlsui le?
S2: Ylge qlsui le, ylge wusul le, ylge sǎnsui le.
SI: Ni you nSnhSizi ma?
S3: W5 měiyou nānhCizi.
SI: Nl y5u nānh&izi ma?
SU: W5 Jiii ySu ylge.
SI: Tā Jlsul le?
Sk: Tā b&sui le.
SI: Tā (pointing to SU) ylng le.
Practice Points: Ages, dates, review of relationship terms•
Type: Fact Gathering
Situation: The setting is Taipei. You meet several other Americans and talk about yourselves, your families, and your visits to China.
Goal: To gather facts (name, place and date of Mrth, date of arrival in Taiwan, whether family mem'bers came along., age of spouse,number of children, sex and age of children, expected length of stay in Taiwan) about the people you are talking with.
Number of Players; Groups of eight or fewer students.
Materials: A work sheet for each player. (See Sample Work Sheets, which follow.) Your name and information about you appear on your work sheet. (Note that "today” is March 29, 1978.)
Procedure: Mingle with the other players in your group to gather informa* tion. Record the information in the "boxes on your work sheet *
Example: You are Speaker 1, questioning Speaker 2.
SI: Nln guixing?
S2: W5 xīng Bāi.
SI: Nl shi zili nili shēngde?
S2: W5 shi zāi Dězhōu shēngde.
SI: Nl shi nSniSn shēngde?
S2: WS shi Yīj iǔvSllngniān shengde.
SI: Jlyiiě Jihio?
S2: Slyiie ShlJ iuheto.
SI: Ni shi shěnme shlhou l&ide?
S2: WS shi quni&a Bāyuě ShlvǔhaLo l&ide.
SI: Nl shi ylge rěn l&iāe ma?
S2: Bll shi, w5 tāitai, h&izi yě l£i le.
SI: Nl tāitai du6 da le?
S2: Tā ěrshilivl le.
SI: Nl ySu jīge h^izi?
S2: Wo you sānge.
SI: Shi n^nhāizi, shi nuhiizi?
S2: Yige ninhiizi, liǎngge nuh&izi.
SI: Tāmen dōu jlsui le?
S2: Nānhaizi wōsui le. Nuhiizi ylge sānsuī le, ylge ylsul le.
SI: Nl xiSng shěnme shlhou zSu?
S2: Wo xiang hduniSn zou.
Naturally, Speaker 2 would ask you a question after answering each of your questions.
Additional Notes: If someone asks about your husband or wife and you have none, answer W5 měi jiěhūn^ "I,m not married.
For this game you need to knov the word xiang, ”vould like to,” Mto want to."
Practice Points: Everything in units 1-5 of Module 2.
In this exercise you will vork on your comprehension of duration expressions (years, months, weeks, and days)• You must also listen for the nev-situation marker le^9 which indicates a duration continuing up to the present time.
An official who is responsible for foreign visitors to Taiwan needs to knov approximately hov much time certain Americans have spent in Taiwan and whether they are still there• You will hear a clerk giving to the official information about these Americans from the records.
Record the information about each person in the chart on the next page by putting a number and a check mark in appropriate boxes.
Example 1 (not on tape)
John Smith zhūle liǎngni&i le. (John Smith has stayed here for
tvo years Cso far].)
In this case, you would write 2 under ^years’, and check 11 still here.n Example 2 (not on tape)
Mary Jones zhňle liSngge yiiě. (Mary Jones stayed here for
tvo months.)
In this case, you would write 2 under ’’months,,and check nno longer here."
Mr. John Henderson Mr. Martin Adams Miss Ivy Fein Mr. Henry Long Miss Margaret Jones Mr. Ray Williams Mr. Art McDonald Mr. Bruce Baker Mr. Alvin O'Neil Miss Elsa Ericson Mr. Robert Johnson Mr. Thomas Murphy Mr. Paul Peters Miss Eileen Lee Mr, Sam Carpenter Mr. Gregory Black
This exercise gives you practice in distinguishing time-when phrases from duration phrases--specifically, in distinguishing dates in months from durations in months•
An official needs to knov in what months of the next year certain foreign visitors are arriving and for how long certain others will "be staying. You will hear his assistant giving the information to the official. Record this information in the chart below. For each person, you will either check off the month of his arrival or enter the number of months he plans to stay.
Example 1 (not on tape)
TIME WHEN John Smith Ěryue (John Smith is coming in February*) lai.
Example 2 (not on tape)
DURATION Mary Jones l^i (Mary Smith is coming for tvo
liǎngge yiiě. months•)
In this exercise you are listening in on a conversation in Taipei between John White (Bii ,YuehSn) and an old friend, Mrs. Lī Shimfng.
They have not seen each other for more than a year.
You will hear the conversation three times. As you listen to it for the third time, answer the questions "below.
1. How long has Mr. White been in Taipei on this visit? _
2. How long is he planning to stay at the Hulyūěn Hotel? _
3. Hov long had he lived in Taipei previously? ___
U. Hov long does he plan to stay in Taiwan? _
In this exercise you are listening in on a conversation in Taipei "between an American and a Chinese who have Just met. Some nonessential parts of the conversation may be over your head.
.You will hear the conversation three times. Ab you listen to it for the third time, ansver the questions below.
1. How long ago did Mr. Johnson arrive? _
2. On his previous visit, hov long did he live in Taipei? _
3. How long did he spend in Taichung? ,_
U. How long did he spend in Riyue Tan? __
5, Hov long did he spend in Tainan? _
6. How long did he spend in Kaohsiung? _
了. Hov long had his friend in Kaohsiung lived there? _
8. How long is he planning to stay in Taiwan? __
9. How long has Mr. Johnson "been married? _
This exercise gives you practice in giving durations (months and years) and in distinguishing "between completed durations, durations continuing to the present, and durations in the future.
An official in Taipei, who is responsible for foreign visitors, needs to knov hov long certain Americans have stayed in Taiwan or are planning to stay. As he reads each name from his list (in English pronunciation), a clerk gives him information from the records•
The information available to the clerk is shown in Display I. Notice that the vertical lines mark off periods of two months• A horizontal arrow shovs the duration of each person1s stay.
Take the part of the clerk; As each name is read, tell the official, in Chinese, the length of the Americanfs stay in Taivan. Next, you will hear the clerk give the same information. Then repeat after him. If the person has stayed some time and is planning to stay on, first say how long he has stayed to date (and repeat after clerk), and then say hov much longer he plans to stay (and repeat after clerk). (See Example 2, below.)
Example 1
TAPE: Mr. John Smith
YOU: Tā zhule yinifin. (He stayed one year [and is no
longer here].)
[Repeat confirmation.D
Example 2
TAPE: Mr. Charles Brown
YOU: Tā zhtlle yiniěn le_. (He has stayed one year [to date].)
[Repeat confirmation.]
Tā hai xiang zhi yini&n. (He is planning to stay one year
CRepeat confirmation.1
Example 3
TAPE: Mrs, Ann Little
YOU: Tā xiang zhu yīniěn, (She is planning to stay one year.)
CRepeat confirmation.1
NOTE: The adverb hai, which you have learned as "still,” means "more," "further/1 or additionally,,,in the second sentence of-Example 2.
This exercise gives you practice using the suffix -guo and its negative měi …-guo.
An official needs to know 1) whether certain Americans are in Taivan nov and 2) whether they visited Taiwan in the past. As he reads each name from his list (in English pronxinciation), a clerk answers both questions.
The information available to the clerk is shown in Display II. Assume that it is complete, that is, that there were no earlier visits.
Take the part of the clerk. Give the first part of the ansver, and then repeat the clerk1s answer. Then give the second part of the ansvery and repeat the clerk1s answer.
Example 1 (not on tape)
TAPE: Miss Jane Black
YOU: Tā xiānzai zSi zhěli. (She is here nov.)
CRepeat confirmation.1
Ta c6ngq.i€n liiguo. (She has been here before•)
CRepeat confirmation.]
Example 2 (not on tape)
YOU: Tā xiānzili zki zhěli. (She is here now.)
[Repeat confinoation. D
Tā congqiān měi lUiguo• (She has never *been here "before.)
[Repeat confirmation, 3
Example 3 (not on tape)
YOU: Tā xiGuazili bū zili zhěli. (She is not here now.)
CRepeat confirmation.]
Tā cSngqiěn l^iguo. (She has been here.)
[Repeat confirmation,]
Example k (not on tape)
YOU: Ta xiānzāi bii zki zhěli. (She is not here now.)
CRepeat confirmation.1
Tā cōngqiSn měi lSiguo. (She has never been here.)
CRepeat confirmation. !3
Notice that Tā c6ngqi£n lāiguo and Tā c6ngciiňn měi l&iguo have different translations depending on whether the person is here now or not.
In this exercise you will make the same kinds of statements of duration that you made in Exercise 1 of the P-2 Workbook. This time, however, the durations are weeks and days.
A hotel manager needs to knov hov many days or weeks various guests have stayed or will stay. A clerk is giving the manager information about each guest. Display III shovs the information available to the clerk.
Take the part of the clerk. As each name is read, give the information found in the display, and then repeat the clerkfs ansver. Keep in mind that a two-part ansver is called for if the guest has already stayed some time and is planning to stay on.
Type: Can You Top This? (Old China Hand)
Situation: The setting is Taipei. You are talking with several people about how long several Americans have spent in China. Some of the Americans have already left China, and some have not.
Goal: To "top" the player you are talking with "by playing a card with a longer duration than his card.
Number of Players: Groups of four to six students.
Materials: A deck of cards. Each card has a different duration written on it. Some of the cards are marked 11 so fax,ft to shov that the person is still in China. (See Cards—Can You Top This? which follow.)
Procedure: Each player is dealt a hand of four to six cards* The first player questions a second player, who then questions the first player.
Then the second player questions a third player, who then questions him.
And so fortfi.
When it is your turn to be questioned, choose one of your cards to play. Whenever you choose a card, immediately say Ta hfii měi zSu if the card is marked "so far" or say Tā yljIng zSu le if it is not.
The questioner will then ask his question. If you said Tā h&i měi the questioner should ask Tā zhūle duň Jiu le? If you said Tā yUĪňg z5u le, the questioner should ask Tā zhiile du6 Jiu?
You vill ansver according to the card you have chosen. After the ansver has been given, you ask the questioner a'bout the person he knovs about. High-card holder wins the tvo cards in play. Then you question a third player.
If you are not involved in an exchange, try to be the first to identify the winner by pointing to him and saying Tǎ ying le* "He won•”
The player who tops another player taJces "both cards and puts them on the tatle in front of him. (These cards are not added to his hand*)
The game continues until there are no cards left in play. The player with the most cards in front of him has won the round.
Other rounds may be played after shuffling the cards and redealing.
Strategy: When you are being questioned, your strategy may be either to play one of your strongest cards, to maximize the chance of a win, or to play one of your weakest, to get rid of it. When you are questioning a player, your strategy should be to top your opponentfs card as cheaply as possible, if you can top it, or to get rid of your weakest card, if you can not top it.
Example: You, Speaker 2, have the following hand:
2 years 6 months 3 veeks 15 days
(so far) (so far)
Speaker 1 questions you. Before he starts, you choose your strongest card to play, on the theory that he is unlikely to t>e atle to beat it.
S2: Tā (the person whose stay is listed on your card) hai měi zSu.
SI: Ta zhiile duo Jiu le?
S2: Tā zhiile liSngnian le.
SI: Tā (the person whose stay is listed on his card) yijlng zSu le.
S2: Tā zhiile du6 Jiu?
SI: Tā zhūle v&nian.
S3: Tǎ (pointing to Si) ylng le,
Your best card vasnft good enough!
Nov you question Speaker 3:
S3: Tā (the person whose stay is listed on his card) yljīng zou le. S2: Tā zhiile du6 Jiǔ?
S3: Tā zhiile ylge xlngql.
All three of your remaining cards vill beat this. You play the weakest, to win as cheaply as possible.
S2: Tā hai měi zSu.
S3: Tā zh^le du6 Jiǔ le?
S2: Tā zhiile shlv^itiān le.
SU: Tā (S2) ylng le.
Additional Note: As you will have noticed, whether or not the American has left China does not affect the play. This simply gives you additional practice in choosing between durations with and without nev-situation le.
Practice Points: Durations•
Type: Computation
Situation; "Today” is September lU, 1978. The setting is Taipei. You are talking in a small group about how long different Americans have spent or will spend in China.
Goal: Given two of the three facts about any period of time (the first day, the last day, and the duration), to compute the third fact.
Number of Players: Small groups.
Materials: A deck of cards. Each card indicates 1) a period of time in the past, 2) one period up to today and another period starting vith today, or 3) a period in the future. Here are samples of the three kinds of cards. (See also Cards--Computation, which follow.)
1/1/了了 to 9/15/76 to 11/8/78 to
1/31/77 9/ĪU/78 11/9/78
9/1U/78 to 9/20/78
The first card shovs one month in the past. The second card shovs tvo years up to the present and one veek starting with today. The third card shows two days in the future. (In the Chinese system of counting time, both the first day and the last day are included in the duration.)
Procedure: One player takes a card,and another player (you) questions him..
First, ask vhether the American is in China nov. If the ansver is no, ask vhether he has ever been in China• If the ansver is again no, ask whether he is thinking of coming to China.
If the person is currently in China: 1) Ask when he arrived; compute ' how long it has been since he arrived; and announce the length of his stay to date. Or ask hov long it has been since he arrived; compute the date of his arrival; and announce it. 2) Then ask when he is going to leave; compute how long he is staying; and announce hov much longer he vill stay.
Or ask how long he is going to stay; compute the date of his departure; and announce it.
If the person was in China formerly or will be in China later: Ask the date of arrival and the date of departure; compute hov long he stayed or will stay; and announce the length of his stay. Or ask the date of arrival and hov long he stayed or vill stay; compute the date of departure; and announce it. Or ask how long he stayed or will stay and the date of departure; compute the day of arrival; and announce it.
Example 1: You are Speaker 1. (Speaker 2 has Sample Card 2.)
SI: Tā xiānzai zai zhěli ma?
S2: Tā xianzāi zai zhěli.
SI: Tā shi shěnme shlhou laide?
S2: Tā shi qiānniān Jiuyul Shiwǔhāo laide.
SI: Tā laile liSngnian le. Tā hai xiSng zhu duo Jiǔ?
S2: Tā hai xiǎng zhu ylge xīngql.
SI: Tā xiǎng (Jinnian) (zhěge yuě) Ěrshihio zou.
Example 2: You are SI. (S2 has Sample Card 1.)
SI: Tā xiānzai zai zhěli ma?
S2: Tā xianzāi *bū z&i zhěli.
SI: Tā congqian laiguo ma?
S2: Tā congqian laiguo.
SI: Tā shi shěnme shlhou laida?
S2: Tā shi quniān Ylyuě Ylhao laide.
SI: Tā shi shěnme shlhou zoude?
S2: Tā shi qfinian Ylyuě SānshiylhSo zSude.
SI: Tā zhūle yfge yiiě.
Example 3: You are SI. (S2 has Sample Card 3.)
SI: Tā xianzai ziLi zhěli ma?
S2: Tā xiilnzai "bū zili zhěli.
SI: Tā c6ngqiān laiguo ma?
S2: Tā cěngqian měi lāiguo.
SI: Tā xiǎng lai ma?
S2: Tā xiSng lSi.
SI: Tā xiSng shěnme shlhou lai?
S2: Tā xiSng (Jinnian) Shlylyiiě Bahāo lai.
SI: Tā xiSng zhii duo Jiu?
S2; Tā xiSng zhyx liSngtiān.
SI: Tā xl&ng (jinnian) Shlyīyuě JiǔhSo zSu.
Practice Points: Durations, dates.
This exercise consists *of six dialogues and netrratives.. In each passage, the occupation and education of one American nov in Taivan is discussed.
You vill hear the series of passages three times. After listening to them twice, ansver the question "below. Then listen again.
Here are the new vocabulary items you will need for this exercise: jIngJixuě (economics)
zhěngzhixūě (political science)
1. Which American works for the State Department, studied political science at the University of Texas, and can speak Chinese?
()Mr. Smith (SI)
()Mr. Wade (Wěi)
()Mr. Brovn (Hu&ig)
(V) Mr. Josephson (Zhōu)
()Major White (Bfii)
()Mr. Hansen (H&O
In this exercise you vill listen to a conversation ateut the educational backgrounds of several people. As a nev arrival, Mr. White (B&i) has just *been introduced to Mrs. Lī.
You will hear the conversation three times. After listening to it twice, ansver the questions on the next page. Then listen again.
Here is a new vocabulary item you will need for this exercise: wěnxiiě (lit er ature)
Mr. White Mrs. White Mr. White's
1. Who has studied at
American University?
(Washington, D.C.)
the University of California?
Taiwan University?
2. Who has studied
Chinese history?
Chinese literature?
political science? '
3. Who is studying now?
In this exercise you vill listen to a conversation which takes place near the end of the school year at an American university. An American student, Miss Jones (Zhōu), is "being asked about her courses by a Chinese friend.
You will hear the conversation three times. As you listen to it for the third time, indicate by checking the appropriate boxes below the courses she took, is taking, or vill take during each year.
Here are the nev vocabulary items you will need for this exerciset hňunian (the year after next)
qianniSn (the year before last)
Riven (Japanese language)
Chinese \
Japanese J
Chinese Literature _
Chinese History .
■ ■ I
Japanese Literature :
1 ■ I ■
Japanese History ;
■ ■ ■ I 丨 '
Economics 1
----1---. _ v
Political Science *
In this exercise you will ansver questions about peoplef s occupations and educations. The information you need is shovn in Display I. Each person is discussed in turn.
Answer the questions and repeat the confirmations. The confirmations of the answers to yes/no questions have short "previev” answers followed by full answers. For example:
Měiyou, tā měi xiiě Zhōngvěn. (No,he has not studied Chinese.)
When a question is asked about an activity which continued for some time in the past, there is no aspect marker. There should not be an aspect marker in your ansver.
Q: Tā zai daxuě niSn shěnme?(What did he study at college?)
A: Tǎ niěn lishX* (He studied history.)
Here are the nev words you vill need for this exercise: jīngjixuě (economics) zhěngzhi^iě (political science) věnxiiě (literature) shěnme difang (where, what place)
Mr. Song Mr. King Major Weiss Miss Li
CURRENT PLACE Bank of U.S. State (U.S.) Military (student)
OF WORK IN TAIPEI America Department Attache1s Office
GRADUATED FROM U. of Cal. U. of Tex. N.Y.U. Taiwan U.
MAJORED IN ! economics political history literature
j science
FOREIGN LANGUAGE |—English Chinese Chinese English
STUDIED FOREIGN 丨 California Washington California Taivan
This exercise is another series of questions based on the information in Display I.
This exercise is a series of questions based on the information about Mr. Smith in Display II. To give you practice in forming full sentences9 many questions and answers are given in full form when in normal conversation they would be abbreviated, leaving out information that could "be understood from the context, or from the general situation.
Here is a vocabulary item you will need for this exercise:
Riven (Japanese language)
BIO Workbook, Unit 7
nali gōngzuS?
Taiwan Ylnhang Gōngzuě.
shuō Zhōngguo huā ma?
shuō Zhōngguo hua.
zai nali xuěde Zhongguo huā?
zai Taiwan Daxuě xuěde Zhōngguo hua.
Tā shi zai nali shēngde?
Tā shi zai Jiāzhou shēngde.
Tā zāi n£li gongzud?
Tā z在i MSiguo Ylnhtng gongzud•
Ta shi zai nage dāxūě niānde shū?
Tā shi zii Dězhou Dāxul niilnde shǔ.
Tā z&i dāxfiě nikn shěnme? (no le with continuous action in past) Tǎ z盔i d^xuě nistn Jlngjixiiě.
Tā hui shuō Zhōngguo hua ma?
Tā bū hui shuō Zhōngguo hua.
To further simplify the example, assume that Speaker k gives the same answers as Speaker 3 gave.
Now, with the information from these speakers and your work sheet, you may try some tentative predictions vith your last two partners. (Again, only part of your questioning is given.)
Since the American whom Speaker 2 is talking about can not speak Chinese, you naturally do not ask where the American studied Chinese.
To simplify this example, only the questioning of your first partner has been included in full form. For the initial questions to your next partner,
Type: Science
Situation: The setting is Taipei. You are talking with five people about where six Americans are from, where they work, where they went to college, what they majored in, whether they speak Chinese, and, if so, where they studied it.
Goal: To find regular patterns in the facts you gather and make predictions on the basis of these patterns.
Materials: A work sheet for each player. (See Sample Work Sheets, which follow,)
Notice the two vocabulary items at the bottom of each sheet: Wai,1iāo Xūěyuan, ”Foreign Service Institute” (Washington, D.C.) and M|ngterui, "Monterey(Defense Language Institute),
Example: You, Speaker 1, have your vork sheet.
i i ZH i i i
、a、a u u h h zzhh s s
13 13 13 s s s s s s
SI: Ta ziLi nili gongzud?
S5: Tā zki MSiguo Ylnhang gōngzud.
SI: Tā bū hui shuō Zhōngguo huā ba.
S5: Dui le, tā bū hui shuō Zhōngguo hua.
SI: Tā zai nili gōngzud?
S6: Tā zeLi T&iwān Ylnhang gōngzuo.
SI: Tā hui shuō Zhōngguo hua ba.
S6: Tā hui shuō Zhōngguo hua.
SI: Tā shi zai Taiwāa Dāxuě xuěde Zhōngguo hua ba.
S6: Shide, tā shl zai Taiwan DiLxuě xuěde Zhōngguo hua.
Practice Points: Academic subjects, hui shuō, shi.••de plus object,. omission of le after the verb for continuous past action.
In this exercise you will listen to a conversation "betveen tvo students on a campus in Taipei. You vill hear the conversation three times. Before listening for the third time, answer the questions below.
Here are the nev vocaloulary items you vill need for this exercise: yitang (one class hour)
vo shlsuide shlhou (when I vas ten years old)
1. Vhat courses is the female student taking?
2. What else do you knov atout the female student?
3. What courses is the male student taking?
U. Vhat else do you know about the male student?
In this conversation, two people in Taipei are getting to know each other. You vill hear the conversation three times. Before listening for the third time, ansver the questions on the next page.
Here are the new vocabiilary items you will need for this exercise:
Nil du6 hǎo a! (Thatf s so nice!)
shiguān (sergeant)
1. Where do the parents live?
the voman: _
the man: 、
2. What mem'bers of the 'family are in the armed forces?
the voman: •
the man: _
3. What branch of the service are they in?
the voman: __
the man: _
In this exercise you vill listen to a conversation vhich is mostly over your head. However, you should be able to understand enough to ansver the questions below.
You will hear the conversation three times. The first two times,
Just listen. Then write your answers as you listen for the third time.
1. What happened to Miss Tiinzhōng in ShiLnghSi?
2. Why has Miss Tiānzhōng come to BSiJ Ing?
In this exercise you practice talking about vhat certain people do for a living and how long they have been doing it, what these people have studied and how long they have studied. Display I gives this information about four people vho are now living in Taipei. Use the information to ansver questions on tape.
TAPE: Sdng Xiānsheng zai nali gōngzuo?
YOU: Tā zai MSiguo Ylnhāng gōngzud.
TAPE: Tā zki niLLi gōngzuole duo Jiǔ le?
YOU: Tā zki nali gōngzuōle sinian le.
This exercise gives you practice in using the nev-situation marker le, with and without the negative advert
Mr. Lid has invited several *business colleagues to a conference. His secretary has given him a copy of the guest list with each person's name checked off as accepting or declining. But she has now. told him that a surprising number of the people invited have changed their minds. Vir. Lifi has decided to check his list. As he reads each name, his secretary consults her corrected list and tells Mr, Liu that person's most recent reply. The secretary1s corrected list is shovn as Display II. (Some check marks have been crossed out and replaced by checks in the other column*)
After Mr. LiC’ reads each name, tell him whether or not th^t^person is coming. Then listen to the secretary1 s response and repeat it/、
If a person has not changed his mind, there is nothing nev alx>ut the situation, and thus no need to use new-situation le.
Example 1
Tā (He is coming Cand vas going to3.)
Example 2
Tǎ bň l&i. (He is not coming [and vas not
going toD.)
If a person has changed his mind and is not coming now, the situation is new, and nev畢situation le^ is required.
Example 3
Tā bu lSi le_. (He is not coming nov Cbut was
going toD.)
In this exercise you will talk about the schedules and attendance records of four students. You will practice using action, state, and process verbs in different situations. You will also review time vords•
Display III shows attendance records of four persons for last week, this veek, and next week. A box with a check mark means "has a class and attended or will attend it.11 A box vith an X means tfhas a class but did not or will not attend it.ff An empty box means "has no class." Use this information to answer questions about Zhōu MSillng, Lin Shimln, Sun Xiūfěng, and Li to. Zlq.iang. For this exercise, assume that students have missed classes only if they were sick. When answering a question with Ta měi always add the information Tā btng le>
TAPE: Zhou MSillng shingge Xīngqīyī ySu kě ma?
YOU: Tā shllngge Xīngqīyī ySu kě.
TAPE: Ta ill le měiyou?
YOU: Tā lai le.
In this exercise you practice talking about the changes which have taken place in one personfs course of study and career. Display IV shows where Daniel King lived, studied, and vorked last year (July-Deceznber) and this year. It shovs hov situations have changed or vill change next year (January-July)• Use the information in this display to answer the questions on tape.
TAPE: Wang Daniān qunian zhuzal Dězhōu xna?
YOU: Bū, tā qunian měi zhuzai Dězhou
TAPE: Tā qunian zhuzai nali?
YOU: Tā qunian zhūzai Jiāzhōu.
TAPE: Tā xianzli hai zhiizai Jiāzhōu ma?
YOU: Bii, tā xiānzlLi bu zhuzai Jiāzhōu le.
For this exercise you need to know: 1) The adverb jiu can "be added to a sentence with a future time expression to mean %y the time of. For example,
Tā mlngniān Jiu "bū zai (By next year he won't be
Měiguo Ylnhang gōngzuo working at the Bank of
le. America anymore.)
2) When you want to say that someone will not be living here next year, you say instead that "by next year he will be gone,
Tā mlngniān jiň zSu le. (By next year he will "be gone.)
Type: Matching
Situation; The setting is Taipei at the 'beginning of the school year. You are a college student talking vith several other students a*bout the subjects you have studied and the number of years you have studied them.
Goal; To find matches between the number of years you have studied a subject and the nuniber of years another player has studied it.
Number of Players: Groups of six students or fever.
Materials: A work sheet for each player. (See Sample Work Sheets, which follow.)
The numbers in the boxes represent the numter of years you have studied the subjects listed. (Be prepared to use the Chinese names for all the subjects.) A plus sign indicates that you are going to take that subject this year.
Procedure: Mingle with the other players to exchange information.
First» choose a partner. Then ask questions in this order:
1. Find out what subjects your partner is going to study this year. Place plus signs in the boxes for those subjects.
2. Ask vhat subjects he has studied before. Record zeros for the subjects be has NOT studied before.
3. Then ask and record the number of years he has studied the other subjects.
When you find a match, point it out immediately> using Write the placer18 name in the appropriate box.
Example: You, Speaker 1, have your work sheet.
SI: NX jīnni&i xiSng xūě Fāwěn ma?
S2: Dui le, v5 jlnniSn xiǎng xiiě Fāwěn.
SI: Ni c6ngqi£n xuěguo ma?
S2: W5 c6ngqi£n měi xuěguo.
SI: Ni Jlxmiiin xiSng niibi MSiguo lishi ma?
SI: Nī xūě F&wěn xūěle jīni&i le?
S2: W5 xUě Feivěn xūěle liSngnian le.
SI: WS xuě Fiiwěn ye xūěle liǎngni£n le.
Additional Note: Whether or not someone is studying a subject nov has nothing to do with the matching. This part of the game gives you practice in choosing between single and double le for your duration questions*
By asking all your duration questions at the same time, you practice substituting the names of various subjects in those questions.
Practice Points: Duration sentences vith direct objects.
Module & Unit \
a (question marker) 1.2
airen spouse 1.4
ba (marker for a question which 2.2
expresses the speakerfs supposition as to what the answer will be)
baba papa, dad, father 2.3
bing to become ill 2.8
BīnzhSu Pennsylvania 1.3°, 1.U*
bu/bū not 1.2
bū shi not to be 1.2
bu zai le to be deceased 2.5*
congqian "before, previously 2.6
da to be large 2.8*,CE 2
dafandiaji hotel 2.2
dāo to arrive 2* U
dāshǐ ambassador 2.2°
daxuě university 2 • 了
-de (possessive marker) 2,2
Děguo (Děguo) Germany 1.3 •
Děwěn German language 2.7°, 2.8
Dězhou Texas l.U
di- used in forming ordinal munbers l. U
didi younger brother 2.3
Diyī Dafandian First Hotel (name of a hotel in 2.2* '
dīzhī address 2.2
dong to understand 2.8% CE 1
dou all, both 2.3
dux to be correct 2.8°, CE 1
duibuq.ǐ Ifm sorry, excuse me 1.4°
dui le yes, thatfs right 2.1, CE 1
duo da how old 2.5
iuo jiǔ how long 2.6
ĪOTE: The * symbol appears after the module and unit reference for
vocabulary items which are not required either for comprehension or production.
Ēguo (Ēguo)(-guo) Russia 1.3
ěr "two NUM 1
Ěryuě (Ēryue) February 2.5, T&D 1
ěrzi son 2.h
Fǎgu6 (Fagu6)(-guo) France 1.3
fanchěng to translate into CE 2
fandian hotel; restaurant 2.1。
Fawěn (FS,wěn) French language 2•了,2.8
fayīn pronunciation CE 2
fumǔ parents 2.3
fuqin father 2.3
fūren Mrs., Lady, Madame; a very 1. U
polite word for the wife of a high-ranking person
-ge (general counter) 2.1, 2.3
gege older brother 2,3
gen and; with 2 • 3
gongzuo to work 2.2
guixing your honorable surname 1.2
-gu6 country 1.3
-guo (experience marker) 2.6
Guěbīn Dafandian Anibassador Hotel (name of a hotel 2.2
in Taipei)
hai still 2.3
hǎijūn navy 2.8
hiizi child, children 2.3
hǎo to be good, to be well 2.’2
-hao no. (in addresses, etc.); day of 2.2
the month
hen very 2.1
hounian (hounian) the year after next 2.5, T&D 2
houtian (houtian) the day after tomorrow 2.U, T&D 2
hui to know how to, can; to have 2•了, 2.8
the skill or knowledge of, to knov
hu£da to answer, to reply CE 2
jī- hov many 2.3
jia plus; to add NUM k
Jia home 2.2
-jia (counter for institutions) 2.3°
jiāli family 2.3
jian to meet CE 2
Jianada Canada 1.^
jiao to be called, to be given-named 1.2
Jiazhou California 1.3
jie street 2.2^
jiěhūn (jiehun) to get married, to be married 2.U#
jiějie older sister 2.3
jiěmei sisters 2.3
jǐge xīngql how many weeks 2.6
jxge yuě how many months 2.6
jlhāo what day of the month 2*5, T&D 1
jīngjixuě economics 2•了
jJniān how many years 2.6
jīnniān (jinnian) this year 2.5* T&D 2
jīntiān (jintian) today 2.U,T8sD 1
jisui how old 2.5
jitian how many days 2.6
jiu nine NUM 2
jiu only 2.3
Jiǔyuě (Jiǔyue) September 2,5# T&D 1
jiy3ě what month . 2.5
Jungiiān military officer 2.8
jSnrěn military person 2.8
kě class 2.8
k 吝 shi but 2.U*
kongjun air force 2.8
lāi to come 2.U
lSojia "original home” 1.4
lǎoshī teacher CE 2
le (combined le: new-situation 2.U
and completion marker)
le (new-situation marker) 2,5 •
le (completion marker) 2,6
liang tvo 2.3
llbaijJ vhat day of the week T&D 2
Li"bāitian Sunday T&D 1
LJbāiyī ■ Monday T&D 2
ling zero NUM 1
lishǐ history 2.7
liu six NUM 1
Liuyūě (Liuyue) June 2.5, T&D 1
lu road 2.2
luguan hotel 2.1°
lujun army 2.8
ma (question marker) 1.2
mama momma,mom,mother 2. 3
man to be slow CE 2
měi not, not to have 2. 3
Měiguo (Měiguo) America, United States 1.3
Měiguo Guoji U.S. International Communica- 2.2*
Jiāoliu Zongshǔ tions Agency
Měiguo Guowuyuaja U.S. State Department 2. 了
Měiguo Ylnhang Bank of America 2.2°
měi jiěhūn not to be married 2.^°
raěimei younger sister 2.3
měi(you) not to have; there isnft/aren!t 2.3
-men plural suffix 2.3
Měngtěrui Monterey 2•了。
mingniān next year 2.5, T&D 2 (mlngnian)
mingtiān tomorrow 2. U, T&D 2, CE 2 (mlngtiān)
mingzi given name 1.2
mǔqin mother 2.3
nā that 2.2
nage that (one) 2.2
nali where 2.2
nali Not at all! 2.7
nali there 2.2
nan to be difficult 2•了
nanhaizi boy 2,3
nanpěngyou boyfriend 2.3°
nar where l#4
nār (něr) there l. k
ne (question marker) 112
něi- which 2.1
něige which 2.1
něige that 2.1
něigu6 vhich country 1.3
něinian which year 2.5
něitiān which day 2*U
něr (nar) there i.U
nǐ you 1.1
-niān year 2.5,T&D 2
nianji age, years old 2.5*
niānniān every year 2_5
nian shū to study 2.7
nian __to study __2•了
nǐmen you (plural) 2.3
nin you (polite) 1.2
Niu Yuě New York 2.6,
Niu Yue Zhou New York State l.U*
nuěr daughter 2.U
nuh&izi girl 2.3
nSshl Ms., Miss; lady l.U*, 2,1
nutSngzhi (female) Comrade 2,3*
pěngyou friend 2.2.
pubu waterfall 2.3*
ql seven NUM 2
qiānniān the year before last 2.5 (qiinnian)
qiāntiān the day "before yesterday 2.U (qiantian)
qlngchu to be clear CE 2
边ngdSo Qingdao (a city in Shandong l.U
qJngwěn May I ask... l.U
Qīyue (Qlyue) July 2.5, T&D 1
qu K to go 2.6
qunian (qunian) last year 2.5,T4D 2
rěn person 1.3
Riběn Japan 1.3
Rtwěn Japanese language 2.7
rongyi to be easy 2.7
sān three NUM 1
Sanyuě (Sanyue) March 2.5, T&D 1
Shandong Shandong (a province of China) 1.1*
shangge last, previous (i.e., last month, 2,5°» T&D 2 ,
shangge yuě) •
shangge xīngqī last week 2.5,T&D 2
shangge yue last month 2,5°» T&D 2
Shanghai Shanghai 1.3
shang kě to begin class, to attend class CE 1
shaoxiao major (military title) 2.2
shěi vho 1.1
sheng to be born 2.5
shengyīn voice, sound, noise CE 2 (shengyin)
shěnme what 1 • 1
shěnme difang where, what place 2•了*
shěnme shlhou when, what time 2.U
shi ten NUM 2
shi to "be 1.1
shi yes, that1 s so 2.1
shxbīng enlisted man 2.8
shide yes, that1 s so 2.2
shi...-de (focus construction) 2.k
Shleryuě (Shiěryue) December 2.5, T&D 1
shiguān sergeant 2•8°
shlhou time 2. k
Shiyīyuě November 2.T&D 1 (Shiyiyue)
Shiyuě October 2.5, T&D 1 (Shlyue) 。
shu book 2•了
shuo to say, to speaJc CE 1
shuo to speak a language 2.7
shu5 to say that... 2. 了
shuōcuo to speak/say incorrectly CE 2
si four NUM 1
Sxyuě (Siyue) April 2.5, T&D 1
-siu year (of age) 2.5
suishu(r) age 2.5°
tā he, she, it 1.1
tāi too, excessive CE 2
taitai Mrs.s wife 1.1
Taiwan Yinhing Bank of Taiwan 2.2°
tāmen they 2.3
-tang class period 2.8*
-tian day
tiāntian every day 2. U
ting to listen 2,8°, CE 1
tongzhi comrade 1.1
Waijiao Xuěyūan Foreign Service Institute 2•了*
wāizufu maternal grandfather 2 • 3
wāizǔmǔ maternal grandmother 2.3
-věi (polite counter for people) 2.1
wen to ask (for information) 1., CE 2
wěnti question, problem CE 2
wěnxuě literature 2.了
wo I, me l.i
women we, us 2- 3
wǔ five NUM 1
Wuguānchu Defense Attache’s Office 2. 2
Wǔyuě (Wǔyue) May 2.5,T&D 1
xiage next (i.e. , next month, 2.5*,T&D 2
xiage yue)
xiāge xīngqī next week 2.5*» T&D 2
xiage yuě next month 2.5*
xia kě to end class CE 1
xiang to think that; to want to, 2.5* 9 2.6
would like to
xiānsheng Mr., sir 1.1
xianzāi now 1.k
xiaojiě (xiaojie) Miss 1.1
xiě to write 2.8
xiexie thank you 2.2
xing to be surnamed 1.1
xīngqī week 2.6, T&D 2
xīngqijǐ vhat day of the week 2.5» T&D 2
Xīngqītian Sunday 2.5, T&D 2
Xīngqīyī Monday 2.5, T&D 2
xiongdi brothers 2.3
xiongdi Jiěmei brothers and sisters 2.3
xuě to study 2.7
xīiěsheng (xtiěsheng) student 2. 了
xuěxl (xuěxi) to study,to learn (PRC) 2.7
yě also l.U
yl one NUM 1
ylci once, one time CE 1, CE 2
yidiǎn(dian) a little 2.7, CE 2 (yidianr)
yige rěn singly, alone 2.U
ylhko (yīhao) the first day of the month 2.5 .
yijīng (yijing) already 2.U
Yijiǔ_nian the year 19__2.5
Yīngguo (Yingguo) England 1.3
ylng le von 2.3
Yīngwěn English language 2.7 •
ylnhang "bank 2.2
yisi meaning CE 1
Yīyuě (Ylyuě) January 2.5 (-yue)
you to have; there is/are 2.3
youzhěngju post office 2.2°
yue month 2.5, T&D 1
zai again CE 1
zai to be in/at/on 1.4
zai in/at/on (prepositional ver"b) 2.2
Zao. Good morning. 2.1, CE 1
zenme how CE 2
zhě this 2.2
zhěge this (one) 2.2
zhěi this 2.1
zheige this 2,1
zhěige yue this month 2. U°, 2.5°
zhěli here 2.2
zhengzhixuě political science 2•了
zhěr here 1. h
zhǐ only 2.3
zhīdao to know 2.8°, CE 1
ZhSngguo China 1.3 (Zhongguo)
Zhongguo hua Chinese (spoken) language 2»了
ZhSngwěn Chinese language 2. 了
zhu to stay, to live 2.1, 2.6
zi character (of Chinese writing) 2.8
zou to leave 2,U
zufū paternal grandfather 2,3
zǔmǔ paternal grandmother 2-3
zuo to do, to make 2.了
auo shi to work 2.8
zuotian (zuotian) yesterday 2.5