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<p>;</p><h4>MODULE 5: TRANSPORTATION MODULE 6: ARRANGING A MEETING</h4><img src="0195-FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentText_files/0195-FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentText-1.jpg" style="width:51pt;height:15pt;"/>
<p>AUGUST 1979</p>
<p>Standard Chinese: A Modular Approach originated in an interagency conference held at the Foreign Service Institute in August 1973 to address the need generally felt in the U.S. Government language training community for improving and updating Chinese materials to reflect current usage in Beijing and Taipei.</p>
<p>The conference resolved to develop materials vhich were flexible enough in form and content to meet the requirements of a wide range of government agencies and academic institutions.</p>
<p>A Project Board was established consisting of representatives of the Central Intelligence Agency Language Learning Center, the Defense Language Institute, the State Department<sup>1</sup>s Foreign Service Institute, the Cryptologic School of the National Security Agency, and the U.S. Office of Education, later joined by the Canadian Forces Foreign Language School. The representatives have included Arthur T. McNeill, John Hopkins, and John Boag (CIA); Colonel John F. Elder III, Joseph C- Hutchinson, Ivy Gibian, and Major Bernard Muller-Thym (DLI); Janies R. Frith and John B. Ratliff III (FSI);</p>
<p>Kazuo Shitama (NSA); Richard T. Thompson and Julia Petrov (OE); and Lieutenant Colonel George Kozoriz (CFFLS).</p>
<p>The Project Board set up the Chinese Core Curriculum Project in 19了紅 in space provided at the Foreign Service Institute. Each of the six U.S. and Canadian government agencies provided funds and other assistance.</p>
<p>Gerard P. Kok was appointed project coordinator, and a planning council was formed consisting of Mr. Kok* Frances Li of the Defense Language Institute, Patricia 0<sup>f</sup>Connor of the University of Texas, Earl M. Rickerson of the Language Learning Center, and James Wrenn of Brown University. In the fall of 19了了, Lucille A. Barale was appointed deputy project coordinator. David W. Dellinger of the Language Learning Center and Charles R. Sheehan of the Foreign Service Institute also served on the planning council and contributed material to the project - The planning council drew up the original overall design for the materials and met regularly to review their development.</p>
<p>Writers for the first half of the materials were John H. T. Harvey, Lucille A, Barale, and Roberta S. Barry, who worked in close cooperation with the planning council and vith the Chinese staff of the Foreign Service Institute. Mr. Harvey developed the instructional formats of the comprehension and production self-study materials, and also designed the communication-based classroom activities and wrote the teacher<sup>f</sup>s guides. Lucille A. Barale and Roberta S. Barry wrote the tape scripts and the student text.</p>
<p>By 1978 Thomas E. Madden and Susan C_ Pola had joined the staff. Led by-Ms. Barale, they worked as a team to produce the materials subsequent to Module 6.</p>
<p>All Chinese language material was prepared or selected by Chuan 0. Chao, Ying-chih Chen, Hsiao-jung Chi, Eva Diao, Jan Hu, Tsung-mi Li, and Yunhui C. Yang, assisted for part of the time by Chieh-fang 0u Lee,Ying-ming Chen, and Joseph Yu Hsu Wang. Anna Affholder, Mei-li Chen, and Henry Khuo helped in the preparation of a preliminary corpus of dialogues.</p>
<p>Administrative assistance was provided at various times by Vincent Basciano, Lisa A. Bovden, Jill W. Ellis, Donna Fong, Renee T. C. Liang, Thomas E. Madden, Susan C. Pola, and Kathleen Strype.</p>
<p>The production of tape recordings vas directed by Jose M. Ramirez of the Foreign Service Institute Recording Studio, The Chinese script vas voiced by Ms. Chao, Ms. Chen, Mr. Chen, Ms. Diao, Ms. Hu, Mr. Khuo, Mr, Li. and Ms. Yang. The English script was read &quot;by Ms. Barale, Ms. Barry,</p>
<p>Mr. Basciano, Ms. Ellis, Ms. Pola, and Ms. Strype.</p>
<p>The graphics were produced by John McClelland of the Foreign Service Institute Audio-Visual staff, under the general supervision of Joseph A. Sadote, Chief of Audio-Visual.</p>
<p>Standard Chinese: A Modular Approach was field-tested with the cooperation of Brown University; the Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center; the Foreign Service Institute; the Language Learning Center; the United States Air Force Academy; the University of Illinois; and the University of Virginia,</p>
<p>Colonel Saanuel L. Stapleton and Colonel Thomas G. Foster, Commandants of the Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center, authorized the DLIFLC support necessary for preparation of this edition of the course materials. This support included coordination, graphic arts, editing, typing, proofreading, printing, and materials necessary to carry out these tasks.</p>
<p>I jyS^s R. Frith, Chairman [3ninese Core Curriculum. Project Board</p>
<p>Preface ......................</p>
<p>Objectives ..................</p>
<p>Map of Běijīng ................</p>
<p>Map of Taipei .................</p>
<p>Target Lists .................</p>
<p>UNIT 1</p>
<p>Reference List ..............</p>
<p>Vocabulary ................</p>
<p>Reference Notes ..............</p>
<p>Using buses <sup>!t</sup>When<sup>n</sup></p>
<p>”First,” &quot;last,” ”next,” ”previous”</p>
<p>Duo, <sup>t!</sup>to be many,” and shao,&quot;to be few” Vocabulary Booster (Modes of Transportation) Drills ..................</p>
<p>UNIT 2</p>
<p>Reference List ..............</p>
<p>Vocabulary ................</p>
<p>Reference Notes ..............</p>
<p>The marker a and its variant ya The locational endings -shang and -li More on the marker ba The aspect marker ne ”Then”: jiu, zai, cai Drills ..................</p>
<p>UNIT 3</p>
<p>Reference List ..............</p>
<p>Reference Notes ..............</p>
<p>The prepositional verb ba Adverbs expressing manner Drills ..................</p>
<p>UNIT h</p>
<p>Reference List ..............</p>
<p>Vocabulary ................</p>
<p>Reference Notes ..............</p>
<p>Choice questions with hāishi More on topics and comments Compound verbs of result Drills ..................</p>
<p>UNIT 5</p>
<p>Reference List ..............</p>
<p>_ u 5 i 1 1</p>
<p>3 0 12 2 3 3 3</p>
<p>UNIT 6</p>
<p>Reference List..................</p>
<p>Vocabulary.................. . •</p>
<p>Reference Notes ..................</p>
<p>More on verb reduplication (two-syllable verbs) Compound verbs of direction More on new-situation le Drills ......................</p>
<p>UNIT 了</p>
<p>Reference List ..................</p>
<p>Vocabulary ....................</p>
<p>Reference Notes ..................</p>
<p>More on compound verbs of result ”工<sub>f</sub>”</p>
<p>Vocabulary Booster (Animals) ...........</p>
<p>Drills ......................</p>
<p>UNIT 8</p>
<p>Reference List ..................</p>
<p>Vocabulary ....................</p>
<p>Reference Notes ...................</p>
<p>&quot;Why” and <sup>ff</sup>because<sup>ft</sup> Time NOT spent</p>
<p><sup>t!</sup>All,<sup>Tr</sup>^<sup>r</sup>not all,” ”all. • .not”</p>
<p>&quot;Again”: you, zai Dri11s ......................</p>
<p>Objectives .........................</p>
<p>Target Lists ........................</p>
<p>UNIT 1</p>
<p>Reference List .....................</p>
<p>Reference Notes ...... ...............</p>
<p>Making an appointment</p>
<p>Gēn for <sup>u</sup>and<sup>n</sup> and gen for &quot;with”</p>
<p>Three words for <sup>tT</sup>time&quot;</p>
<p>The prepositional verb dui,”to,” &quot;towards,,,<sup>n</sup>facing<sup>n</sup> Comparisons: &quot;more than’<sup>1</sup> More on compound verbs of result Drills .........................</p>
<p>Reference Notes......................了5</p>
<p>Approximate num'bers Ban^ <sup>,f</sup>one half&quot;</p>
<p>Dr 111s........................ . 80</p>
<p>7 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;9 1</p>
<p>8 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;8 9</p>
<p>13 5 o o o</p>
<p>dverbs ...188</p>
<p>...19^ ...196 • • - 197</p>
<p>UNIT 2</p>
<p>Reference List ..................</p>
<p>Reference Notes ..................</p>
<p>Making phone calls</p>
<p>The aspect marker zai for ongoing action ” What ever <sub>5</sub> <sup>M</sup> &quot;whenever,&quot; &quot;whoever ,<sup>!T !</sup>Vherever<sup>f</sup>' Verbs and general objects</p>
<p>Vocabulary Booster (Occupations) .........</p>
<p>Drills ......................</p>
<p>UNIT 3</p>
<p>Reference List ..................</p>
<p>Vocabulary ....................</p>
<p>Reference Notes ..................</p>
<p>Extending an invitation ’’Not only. • .but also…&quot;</p>
<p>Comparisons: &quot;equal to,,’ &quot;alike&quot;</p>
<p>’’Anyone,’’ <sup>ff</sup>anything,&quot; &quot;anyplace,&quot; <sup>n</sup>anytime&quot; Comparison: compound verbs of result and manner ”Furthermore”</p>
<p>Drills ......................</p>
<p>UNIT h</p>
<p>Reference List ..................</p>
<p>Vocabulary ....................</p>
<p>Reference Notes ..................</p>
<p>Meeting people More on completion le The prepositional verb xiang, &quot;facing&quot;</p>
<p>Duo and shǎo as adverbs</p>
<p>Vocabulary Booster (Opposites) ..........</p>
<p>Drills ......................</p>
<p>UNIT 5</p>
<p>Reference List ..................</p>
<p>Reference Notes ..................</p>
<p>Taking and leaving messages Changing an appointment The prepositional verb ba Gang and gāngcai</p>
<p>More on compound verbs of result Drills ......................</p>
<p>UNIT 6</p>
<p>Reference List................. •</p>
<p>Vocabulary ....................</p>
<p>Reference Notes ..................</p>
<p>Invitation to lunch Comparisons: &quot;less than&quot; <sup>n</sup>even more”</p>
<p>Comparison overview Sentence patterns: &quot;although&quot; and &quot;&quot;both.. .and.. Drills .......................</p>
<p>5 7 9 2 2 2 2 2 2</p>
<p>1 3 14 6 6 6 111</p>
<p>UNIT 了</p>
<p>Reference List ...............</p>
<p>Vocabulary .................</p>
<p>Reference Notes ...............</p>
<p>Arranging an introduction</p>
<p>Using word order to express &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;and <sup>T,</sup>a”</p>
<p>Objects of reduplicated verbs</p>
<p>Three-part motion verbs</p>
<p>Verbs for <sup>tT</sup>remember<sup>f,</sup> and <sup>Tf</sup>forget&quot;</p>
<p>Drills ...................</p>
<p>UNIT 8</p>
<p>Reference List ...............</p>
<p>Vocabulary .................</p>
<p>Reference Notes ...............</p>
<p>Declining invitations</p>
<p>The prepositional verb ti,<sup>,f</sup>in place of&quot; More on compound verbs of result Comparison: něng, kěyi, hui Drills ...................</p>
<p>1 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3U</p>
<p>k u h</p>
<p>2 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2 2</p>
<p>The Meeting Module (MTG) will provide you with the skills needed to arrange meetings or social gatherings, to greet people, to make introductions, and to accept or decline invitations in Chinese.</p>
<p>Before starting this module, you must take and pass the TRN Criterion Test.</p>
<p>The MTG Criterion Test will focus largely on this module, but material from ORN, BIO, MON, DIR, TRN, and associated resource modules is also included.</p>
<p>Upon successful completion of this module, the student should be able to</p>
<p>Give the English equivalent for any Chinese sentence in the MTG Target Lists.</p>
<p>Say any Chinese sentence in the MTG Target Lists when cued with its English equivalent.</p>
<p>Make and respond to introductions with appropriate polite questions and ansvers.</p>
<p>Make phone calls and leave messages.</p>
<p>Arrange a meeting (time and place) with someone by talking with him or his secretary either in person or by phone.</p>
<p>Request that the time of a meeting be changed.</p>
<p>Invite a person to lunch, deciding on the time</p>
<p>Arrange a social gathering for a specific time to his home and encouraging them to accept the</p>
<p>Greet guests upon their arrival at his home.</p>
<p>and the restaurant.</p>
<p>of day, inviting guests invitation.</p>
<p>Accept/decline a social/business invitation with the appropriate degree of politeness•</p>
<p>1. Wěi, nl shi Zhū Kēzhang ma?</p>
<p>Shi. Nin shi něiwěi?</p>
<p>Wo shi Weililn Madlng.</p>
<p>ōu, Mǎdīng Xiānsheng, hao jiǔ bň Jietn.</p>
<p>2_ WS y5u diǎnr shi xiǎng gin nln dāngmicLn tĀntan.</p>
<p>3. Nln ySu g5ngfu meiyou?</p>
<p>总.Shěnme shlhou dui nln hěshl?</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sāndiǎn bl liangdian fangtian</p>
<p>yidiSnr. Yīnwei wo yihulr chūqu, yěxǔ liangdian hulbulěi•</p>
<p>Name, wS sāndiǎn zhong zai l6uxiāde huikěshl d§ng nln.</p>
<p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;huldelSi</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kSng(r)</p>
<p>8 • &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;lSushitng</p>
<p>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shǎngliang</p>
<p>10. you k5ng(r)</p>
<p>Hello• Are you Section Chief Zhū?</p>
<p>Yes. Who is this, please?</p>
<p>I,m William Martin.</p>
<p>Oh, Mr. Martin一 I haven*t seen you for a long time.</p>
<p>I have something I would like to talk with you about in person•</p>
<p>Do you have any free time?</p>
<p>What time would suit you?</p>
<p>Three would be more convenient than two. Since I<sup>f</sup>m going out in a little while, I might not be able to get back by two.</p>
<p>Well then, I<sup>1</sup>11 wait for you in the reception room downstairs at three o<sup>f</sup>clock.</p>
<p>to be able to get &quot;back in time free time, spare time upstairs</p>
<p>to discuss, to talk over to have free time</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wei, MgidcLsī.</p>
<p>WS shi Jian^dcL D盎shiguSnde QiSozhi DĀfēi. WS ySu yljiSn shi xiSng gēn Wing KēzhSng Jiǎng-yijiǎng,</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;W&amp;ng Kezh&amp;ig xieuazlti z^i kǎi hui<sub>(</sub></p>
<p>Deng tā kāivlin hui wS gitosong ta gSi ni huf diitnhuiL.</p>
<p>3. Hǎo, xiěxie ni.</p>
<p>Bti xil.</p>
<p>U. da ditnhua l^ide shlhou wS měi shijian gen ni shuo hulU</p>
<p>Měi guānxi.</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WS gěi ni da di^nhuade mildi</p>
<p>shi xiSng gen ni dangmi^n tCntan.</p>
<p>Nī mlngtiǎn něng bu něng āko wo zhěr l£i?</p>
<p>Kěyi, Mlngtiān shěnme shihou dōu kěyi.</p>
<p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;guānxi</p>
<p>了. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jiǎng huS.</p>
<p>8. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1孓ngshiguǎn</p>
<p>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ōhtqing (yljian)</p>
<p>10. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;sīzhang</p>
<p>11• you guānxi</p>
<p>Hello. Department of American and Oceanic Affairs•</p>
<p>I am George Duffy of the Canadian Embassy• I have something I would like to discuss with Section Chief WSng,</p>
<p>Section Chief W&amp;ng is at a meeting now. When she is finished with the meeting, I will tell her to return your call.</p>
<p>Fine• Thank you•</p>
<p>Don<sup>f</sup>t mention it*</p>
<p>When you called here, I didn*t have time to speak with you.</p>
<p>It doesnH matter.</p>
<p>The reason I called you is that I would like to talk with you in person.</p>
<p>Can you come over here tomorrow?</p>
<p>Yes. Any time tomorrow would be fine.</p>
<p>relation, relationship, connection to speak, to talk; a speech consulate</p>
<p>matter, &quot;business, affair</p>
<p>department chief</p>
<p>to relate to, to to matter</p>
<p>have a bearing on.</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo xiǎng xiage Xīngqīliu</p>
<p>qing nln dāo women jia lSi chī ge biānfan.</p>
<p>Nln hě&quot;bi zhěme kěqi?</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo you yige Měiguo pěngyou</p>
<p>zai Taivān Daxuě Jiao shū.</p>
<p>Hen xiSng gěi nimen liangwěi jieshao Jieshao.</p>
<p>Na tāi hǎo le!</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo hen xīwang gen ni pěngyou</p>
<p>Bfiguo, kongpa, wode Yīngwěn bu xlng.</p>
<p>Būdan shuōde bu hǎo, you shlhou yě tīng*budǒng.</p>
<p>U. Ni shuōde gēn Měiguo r€n ylysing hǎo.</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo měi qlng shěnme ren; hen</p>
<p>Nā jiū xiān xiě le.</p>
<p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bu t6ng</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cha</p>
<p>8. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;chī fan</p>
<p>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;danshi</p>
<p>10. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ěrqiě</p>
<p>11. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fan</p>
<p>12. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;he</p>
<p>13. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jiao shū</p>
<p>I would like to invite you to come to our house for a simple meal on Saturday of next week.</p>
<p>Why is it necessary to be so polite?</p>
<p>I have an American friend who teaches at Taiwan University. I would very much like to introduce the tvo of you.</p>
<p>That<sup>1</sup>s wonderful!</p>
<p>I wish very much to talk with your friend.</p>
<p>However, I<sup>f</sup>m afraid that my English isn<sup>f</sup>t good enough.</p>
<p>Not only don^t I speak veil, (but) sometimes I can<sup>f</sup>t understand what I hear either.</p>
<p>You speak as well as an American#</p>
<p>I haven<sup>1</sup>t invited anyone special; it<sup>f</sup>s very informal.</p>
<p>Well then, I<sup>f</sup>ll thank you in advance.</p>
<p>to be different tea</p>
<p>to eat, to have a meal but</p>
<p>furthermore <sub>9</sub> moreover (cooked) rice to drink to teach</p>
<p>1, He Jiāoshou, huanylng <sub>#</sub> huānying. Qing Jin.</p>
<p>Zhě shi yidiǎn xiǎo yisi.</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo zhīdao nln x?huan shānshuī</p>
<p>Těbiě qing pěngyou gěi nin huale ylzhāng.</p>
<p>3, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhěiwěi shi He Jietoshou, zai</p>
<p>Taidā jiao shū.</p>
<p>Jiǔyǎng, JiīJyǎng,</p>
<p>U. Wo hSi you hen du5 bu sh6uxide</p>
<p>difang yao xiSng nln qingjiāo.</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xīwang yīh5u ySu jīhui du5</p>
<p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fāngfǎ</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fSzi</p>
<p>8. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;huār</p>
<p>9 • &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;qing zu5</p>
<p>10. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shehuixuě</p>
<p>11. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ttishūguǎn 12• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zu5</p>
<p>Professor Hollins, welcome. Pit' come in.</p>
<p>Here is a small token of appreciation.</p>
<p>工 know you like landscape painti):#</p>
<p>I asked a friend to paint one especially for you.</p>
<p>This is Professor Hollins, who teaches at Taiwan University.</p>
<p>Glad to meet you.</p>
<p>There is still much not fami」. with that I need to ask your advice about.</p>
<p>I hope that in the future we will have an opportunity to meet mor</p>
<p>method, way, means method, way</p>
<p>painting (Beijing pronunciation)</p>
<p>please sit down</p>
<p>to sit</p>
<p>Wei, shi Waijiāobu ma? Wo yao zhǎo Lin Sxzhǎng shuō hua.</p>
<p>Nin shi nǎr a?</p>
<p>Wo shi Fǎguo Shāngwu Jīngjiguān.</p>
<p>2. Lin Sīzhǎng zhěihuǐr bu zai. Nin yao liu ge huar ma?</p>
<p>3. Wo ba ninde diānhuā hSomar xiěxiālai•</p>
<p>U. Duibuqi, ni gāngcai gěi wo da diānhua, wo bu zai.</p>
<p>5. Wo něitiān gēn nln yuēhǎole JIntiān dāo nin bangongshx qu tantan-</p>
<p>Yīnwei wo you yijian yaojīnde shi, suoyi bu něng jīntiān qu.</p>
<p>Gǎi dāo mlngtiān xing bu xing?</p>
<p>Hello. Is this the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? I vant to speak with Department Chief Lin.</p>
<p>Who is this?</p>
<p>I am the French Commercial/Economics Officer.</p>
<p>Department Chief Lin the moment, Would leave a message?</p>
<p>is not here at you like to</p>
<p>I’ll write down your phone number.</p>
<p>Isorry. When you called me just now, I wasn<sup>f</sup>t in.</p>
<p>The other day 工 made an appointment with you to go to your office today for a talk.</p>
<p>Because I have an urgent business matter, I can’t go today.</p>
<p>Would it be all right to change it [the appointment] to tomorrow?</p>
<p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
<table border="1">
<p>foreign, abroad</p></td></tr>
<p>waiguo rěn</p></td><td>
<p>foreigner (non-Chinese)</p></td></tr>
<p>wūzi (yijian)</p></td><td>
<p>one (telephone pronunciation)</p></td></tr>
<p>1. Women dāo Dōngměn Canting qū chī zhōngfan, hao bu hǎo?</p>
<p>Dongměnde cai měiyou Dahu£de cai name hao.</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sul ran &quot;bu tāi hao, kěshi li</p>
<p>zhěli jin.</p>
<p>Hāi you yfge xīn kāide fānguanzi li women zhěli gěng jln.</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tāmen nalide cai fēichāng hao&lt;</p>
<p>Jlntiān wo q.īng ni dāo nali qū chī.</p>
<p>Na bu hao yisi!</p>
<p>k. Dfithuade cai you hao you piānyi.</p>
<p>Yě you haoxiē cai biěde difang chībuzhao•</p>
<p>Ni shuōde difang ylding hao.</p>
<p>Let<sup>f</sup>s go to the East Gate Restaurant to eat lunch. Okay?</p>
<p>The food at the East Gate isn't as good as the food at the Great China,</p>
<p>Even though it [East Gate] is not too good, it is close to us.</p>
<p>There is also a newly opened restaurant that is even closer to us,</p>
<p>The food there is extremely good. Today 工 am going to invite you to go there to eat•</p>
<p>I can<sup>f</sup>t let you do that!</p>
<p>(That would be too embarrassing!)</p>
<p>The food at the Great China is both good and cheap.</p>
<p>They also have a good many dishes that you can’t find (at) other places.</p>
<p>Any place you suggest is sure to be good.</p>
<p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
<table border="1">
<p>bu ylding</p></td><td>
<p>not necessarily;</p></td><td>
<p>it<sup>f</sup>s not definite</p></td></tr>
<p>opinion, view</p></td><td>
<p>supper, dinner</p></td><td>
<p>idea, opinion</p></td><td>
<p>some, several, a</p></td><td>
<p>zuofa</p></td><td colspan="2">
<p>way of doing things, method,</p></td></tr>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo you yijian shi xiǎng gēn</p>
<p>nin dating dating.</p>
<p>Tīngshuō nin nābian xīn laile yiwěi Fang Xiānsheng; tāde mingzi vǒ vangji le.</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bu cuo, Fang Deming shi shangge</p>
<p>libai pai dao women zhěli laide•</p>
<p>Zenme? Nǐ rěnshi ta ma?</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo shi Jiāzhōu Daxuě biyěde.</p>
<p>U. Nī něng bu něng mǎshāng dao wo &quot;bangSngshi lai?</p>
<p>Měi wěntx. Chābuduō bange zhōngtou jiu dao.</p>
<p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
<p>I have something 工 vould like to ask you about.</p>
<p>renshi zi</p>
<p>I have heard that you recently a Mr. Fang join you. I have forgotten his given name.</p>
<p>That<sup>1</sup>s right. Fāng Deming was sent over here last week.</p>
<p>Why? Do you know him?</p>
<p>工 graduated from the University of California.</p>
<p>Can you come to my office right avay?</p>
<p>No problem. I<sup>f</sup>ll be there in about half an hour.</p>
<p>to remeniber</p>
<p>to recognize, to know (alternate word for rěnshi)</p>
<p>to know how to read (literally, <sup>n</sup>to recognize characters”)</p>
<p>to forget (alternate word for</p>
<p>vānR,1 i, especially in the sense of forgetting to DO something)</p>
<p>to think of, to remember</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wai, zhěi shi Libīnsī.</p>
<p>Wei, wo shi Laidēng Dāshide mistiū.</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dashǐ jiēzhao nJmende qǐngtiě</p>
<p>Hen kěxī yīnwei tā you shi,</p>
<p>Bayuě jiǔheLo &quot;bu neng lai.</p>
<p>Q^ng ni zhuǎngao Qiao Buzhǎng. Hen &quot;baoqieln.</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hen y 1 hān, tā bu něng lai.</p>
<p>Wo ti ni zhuǎngao ylxia.</p>
<p>4. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xīwang ylhōu zāi zhǎo jīhui</p>
<p>juyiju ba.</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhēn bň qiǎo, měi banfa q^.</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Women you jige tongxuě jihua</p>
<p>dao Changchěng qu wanr.</p>
<p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
<p>了. dājiā 8. jiēdao</p>
<p>Hello• This is the Protocol Department.</p>
<p>Hello. I am Ambassador Leyden<sup>f</sup> s secretary.</p>
<p>The ambassador received your invitation.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, because he has a previous engagement, he cannot come on August 9.</p>
<p>Please inform Minister Qiao.</p>
<p>I'm very sorry.</p>
<p>We very much regret that he cannot come.</p>
<p>I will pass on the message for you.</p>
<p>I hope that later ve will find another opportunity to get together.</p>
<p>I really co*uldn<sup>f</sup>t make that; I have no way of going.</p>
<p>A few of us students are planning to go to the Great Wall for an outing.</p>
<p>everybody, everyone</p>
<p>to receive (alternate form of jiēzhao)</p>
<p>9. tongshi 10• yīnggāi</p>
<p>fellow worker, colleague should, ought to, must</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 1</p>
<p>UNIT 1</p>
<p>(in Beijīng)</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Wěi.</p>
<p>A: Wai» ni shi Zhǔ Kēzhǎng ma?</p>
<p>B: Shi. Nln shi n§iwěi?</p>
<p>A: W5 shi Wěiliěn Madlng.</p>
<p>* B: Ou, Mǎdīng XiSnsheng, hao jiǔ bū Jiān. Nī hǎo a?</p>
<p>A: Hǎo. Ni hǎo a?</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: W8 you diǎnr shi xiSng gēn</p>
<p>nln dangmilLn tantan,</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Bu zhīdfilo nin you gSngfu</p>
<p>B: You gongfu.</p>
<p>b. A: Shenme shlhou āvi nln hěshi? B: Jlntiān, mlngtiān dōu kěyi.</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Jīntiān xiawu liangdian</p>
<p>zh5ng fangbian zna?</p>
<p>B: Sāndiǎn bi liangdian fǎngbian yidianr.</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Yīnwei v5 yihi^Lr chūqu, yexǔ</p>
<p>liangdian hufbulSi.</p>
<p>A: SǎndiSn zhpng ye hao.</p>
<p>Hello. Are you Section Chief Zhū?</p>
<p>Yes. Who is this, please?</p>
<p>William Martin.</p>
<p>Oh, Mr, Martin一I haven<sup>1</sup>t seen you for quite a while. How are you?</p>
<p>Fine. How are you?</p>
<p>I have something I would like to talk with you about in person,</p>
<p>I don<sup>f</sup>t know whether you have the time or not,</p>
<p>I have the time.</p>
<p>What time would suit you?</p>
<p>Either today or tomorrow would be fine.</p>
<p>Would two o*clock today be convenient?</p>
<p>Three would be more convenient than two.</p>
<p>Since I<sup>f</sup>m going out in a little while, I might not be able to get back by tvo.</p>
<p>Three is fine also.</p>
<p>* The remaining sentences in this exchange occur on the C-l tape.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 1</p>
<p>7* Bi Name, w8 sāndiǎn zh5ng zai l5uxi8lde hu^kěshi děng nln.</p>
<p>A: HSo, sāndiǎn Jiān.</p>
<p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
<p>8. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;huldelāi</p>
<p>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kSng(r)</p>
<p>10• l6ush^ng</p>
<p>11. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shǎngliang</p>
<p>12. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;y5u k5ng(r)</p>
<p>Well then, 1*11 wait for you in the reception room, downstairs at three o<sup>f</sup>clock.</p>
<p>Fine. I<sup>1</sup>11 see you at three.</p>
<p>to be able to get back in time free time, spare time upstairs</p>
<p>to discuss, to talk over to have free time</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 1</p>
<table border="1">
<p>section chief</p></td></tr>
<p>free time, spare time</p></td></tr>
<p>veil, then, in that case</p></td></tr>
<p>to discuss, to talk over</p></td></tr>
<p>to chat, to talk about</p></td></tr>
<p>hello (telephone greeting)</p></td></tr>
<p>perhaps, maybe</p></td></tr>
<p>a moment</p></td></tr>
<p>you gongfu</p></td><td>
<p>to have free time</p></td></tr>
<p>you k3ng(r)</p></td><td>
<p>to have free time</p></td></tr>
<p>compared vith, than</p>
<p>in person, face to face to, towards; with regard to, with respect to</p>
<p>free time, spare time</p>
<p>to be suitable, to be appropriate, to fit</p>
<p>to &quot;be unable to get &quot;back to be able to get back in time (huikěshJ) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;reception room</p>
<p>(introduced on C-2 and P-2 tapes)</p>
<p>chūkSu gongsī hui kě</p>
<p>export company to receive guests several, some to &quot;be useful</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 1</p>
<p>Wai, ni shi Zhū Kēzhǎng ma? Shi, Nxn shi neiwěi?</p>
<p>Wo shi Wēilian Mǎdīng.</p>
<p>5u, Madlng Xiānsheng, hǎo jiǔ bu jian. Nī hao a? Hao. Ni hao a?</p>
<p>Hello. Are you Section Chief Zhū? Yes. Who is this, please?</p>
<p>I^m William Martin.</p>
<p>Oh, Mr. Martin一I haven<sup>1</sup>1 seen you for quite a while. How are you? Fine. Hov are you?</p>
<p>Notes on No. 1</p>
<p>Wei is a greeting used in telephone conversations for &quot;hello.&quot; Some speakers pronounce this greeting as vai. Unlike most Chinese words, věi has no fixed tone. The intonation varies according to the speaker<sup>1</sup>s mood.</p>
<p>Kēzhǎng: Kē means section,&quot; and zhǎng means</p>
<table border="1">
<p>head of an organization, is used:</p>
<p>principal, headmaster</p>
<p>Nln shi něivěi? Note the use of the polite terms nln and něivěi. In the English translation, politeness is expressed by the use of the more indirect ’’Who is this<sup>1</sup>, instead of &quot;Who are you&quot; and also by &quot;please.<sup>n</sup></p>
<p>Hǎo jiǔ bu jian, &quot;I haven<sup>f</sup>t seen you for quite a vhile,<sup>1</sup> changeable with hao Jiu měi jian.</p>
<p>2. A: Wo you dianr shi xiǎng gēn nin dangmian tantan.</p>
<p>I have something I would like to talk with you about in person.</p>
<p>Notes on No. 2</p>
<p>Gēn: In No. 2 the word gēn is a prepositional The preposition gēn, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;differs from</p>
<p>’’and,&quot; in two important ways: a) where stress may the negative may be placed.</p>
<p>verb translated as the conjunction gēn, be placed b) where</p>
<p>B A B A B</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 1</p>
<p>(a) When gēn is used as the conjunction ’’and,&quot; both items being joined are stressed and keep their tones- When gēn is used as the prepositional verb ”with,<sup>n</sup> a pronoun which follows is unstressed and loses its tone. Notice the contrasting tones on in the following sentences:</p>
<p>Wo gēn ta dōu lai le.</p>
<p>Wo gēn ta lai.</p>
<p>Both he and I came. I’ll come with him.</p>
<p>(b) To make negative a sentence containing the conjunction gēn, &quot;and,&quot; the negative is placed with the main verb. In sentences containing the prepositional verb gēn, &quot;with,&quot; the negative precedes the prepositional verb. (You have seen this pattern with other prepositional verbs, for example, zai [see BIO, Unit 2, notes on Nos. 8-11].) Notice the contrasting positions of the negatives in the examples below:</p>
<p>Wo gēn tā dōu měiyou qū. Wo měiyou gēn ta qu.</p>
<p>Neither he nor I went. 工 didn't go with him.</p>
<p>Dangmian means &quot;face-to-face, of,” and mian means &quot;face.&quot;</p>
<p>Literally, dang means <sup>11</sup> in the presence</p>
<p>Bu zhldāo nin you gōngfu meiyou.</p>
<p>You gōngfu-</p>
<p>don’t know whether you have the time or not. have the time.</p>
<p>Note on No, 3</p>
<p>Gōngfu,&quot;time,&quot; ’'free time,&quot; &quot;leisure time,<sup>11</sup> refers to a period of time during which a person is free, in the sense that his work may &quot;be interrupted.</p>
<p>Nov you be used</p>
<p>know three words for ”time”: shihou, shljiān, gōngfu Shihou may for either a point in time or an amount of time.</p>
<p>Nī shenme shihou zou? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When are</p>
<p>Zuo huochē yāo zou du5- How long shao shihou?</p>
<p>you leaving?</p>
<p>does it take to go by train?</p>
<p>refers to any amount of time, including the time when a person is</p>
<p>Cong zhěr dāo fēijlchang yao du5shao shijiān?</p>
<p>Jīntiān měiyou shijiān qu.</p>
<p>How long does it the airport?</p>
<p>take from here to</p>
<p>There isn<sup>f</sup>t time to go today•</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 1</p>
<p>Gōngfu, however, is used only for amounts of time which a person has available for his own use.</p>
<p>Ni you měiyou wo tantan?</p>
<p>gōngfu gēn Are you free to talk with me?</p>
<p>k. A: Shenme shihou dui nin hěshi? B: Jīntiān, mingtiān dōu kěyi.</p>
<p>What time would suit you?</p>
<p>Either today or tomorrow vo\ild be fine.</p>
<p>Notes on No.总</p>
<p>Dui,”to,” &quot;towards,” &quot;with regard to,” &quot;with respect to,<sup>n</sup> is a prepositional verb which originally meant &quot;facing.&quot; In modern Chinese, its object introduces either the target of the action or the thing concerned. Contrast this with gěi, &quot;for&quot;: the object introduced by gěi receives the benefit of the action. These generalizations may help you sort out some of the differences between dui and g§i. You might find it helpful to memorize some examples, as well.</p>
<p>dui INTRODUCING THE TARGET OF THE ACTION (&quot;to<sup>1</sup>,)</p>
<p>Nīde hua shi dui shěi shuōde? Tā dui wo hen kěqi.</p>
<p>Nx dui wo tai hǎo.</p>
<p>To whom were you speaking? He is very polite to me. You are too good to me.</p>
<p>dui INTRODUCING THE THING CONCERNED (&quot;with regard to,&quot; &quot;with respect to”)</p>
<p>Shenme shihou dui nin hěshi? What time suits you?</p>
<p>Shenme shihou dui nin fǎngbian? What time is convenient for you?</p>
<p>Notice that the English is &quot;for you,’ in the last example, but in Chinese you must say &quot;What time is convenient vith regard to you?&quot;</p>
<p>Wo gei ta xiěle xin le.</p>
<p>Zhě shi yizhāng shikuāide, qing ni gěi wo hiianhuan.</p>
<p>Qxng ni gěi vo xie nide dizhl.</p>
<p>I wrote him a letter.</p>
<p>Here<sup>1</sup>s a ten-dollar bill. Please change it for me.</p>
<p>Would you write down your address for me, please?</p>
<p>He shi is an adjectival verb meaning &quot;to fit,<sup>11 n</sup>to suit,” &quot;to be suit able/appr opr iat e.<sup>fT</sup> When trying on clothes in a store, you might say Zhěige bu he shi, &quot;This doesn’t fit.<sup>,f</sup> In another situation, hěshi could \&gt;e translated very freely as ”&quot;best”: Něitian dui: nin hěshi? <sup>,f</sup>What day vould be best for you?<sup>n</sup></p>
<p>MTG, Unit 1</p>
<p>A: Jīntiān xiawu liangdian zhōng fǎngbian ma?</p>
<p>B: Sāndiǎn bī liangdian fang-bian yidiǎnr.</p>
<p>Would two o'clock today *be convenient?</p>
<p>Three would be more convenient than two.</p>
<p>Note on No. 5</p>
<p>Sāndiǎn bi liangdian fǎngbian yidianr: Bi is a prepositional verb used to make comparisons between two things which are different.* In translating, you may find it helpful to think of bī_ as the English &quot;compared with” or ”than.<sup>M</sup>** Notice that the bi phrase precedes the adjectival verb or another predicate in a sentence.</p>
<table border="1">
<p>fangbian yidianr.</p></td></tr>
<p>(3 o<sup>1</sup>clock</p></td><td>
<p>compared with</p></td><td>
<p>2 o<sup>1</sup>clock</p></td><td>
<p>more convenient)</p></td></tr>
<p>’Three is more convenient than two.<sup>1</sup></p>
<table border="1">
<p>compared with</p></td><td>
<p>free time)</p></td></tr>
<p>'He has more free time than I do.</p>
<p>The two elements &quot;being compared may even full sentences. Actually, all as seen in the English translations</p>
<p>&quot;be nouns, pronouns, verb phrases, or elements joined by act as nouns, of the examples below.</p>
<table border="1">
<p>Zuo fēijl</p></td><td>
<p>zuo huochē</p></td><td>
<p>(ride plane</p></td><td>
<p>compared with</p></td><td>
<p>ride train</p></td><td>
<p>’Going by plane is faster than going by train.</p>
<p>*A different pattern is used to say that two things are the same. (See MTG, Unit 3, notes on Nos. U-5-)</p>
<p>**To say ”A is not as • • • as B,” you use a different construction, which you will learn in MTG, Unit 6, notes on No. 2.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 1</p>
<table border="1">
<p>Nī lai</p></td><td>
<p>wo qu</p></td><td>
<p>(you come</p></td><td>
<p>compared with</p></td><td>
<p>I go</p></td><td>
<p>’It<sup>f</sup>s more convenient for you to come than for me to_</p>
<p>6. B: Yīnwei wo yihuir chūqu, yěxǔ liangdian hulb\ilSi.</p>
<p>A: Sāndiǎn zhōng yě hǎo.</p>
<p>Since I<sup>f</sup>m going out in a little while, I might not (be able to) get back by two.</p>
<p>Three is fine also.</p>
<p>Notes on No.</p>
<p>Yihuir, ”a little while&quot;: When r_ is added to a syllable ending in i_, the pronunciation changes to /er/. Yihuir is actually pronounced yihuěr•</p>
<p>Sentence placement of time phrases: Wo yihulr chūqu is translated as &quot;I’m going out IN a little whileContrast this vith v5 chuqu ylhulr,</p>
<p><sup>f,</sup>I<sup>f</sup>m going out FOB a little vhile. Let<sup>f</sup>s review the placement of different kinds of time expressions in a Chinese sentence.</p>
<p>If you want to say yhen something happens (&quot;yesterday&quot;) or in hov long something happens (”in two years<sup>11</sup>), you are using time phrases which in Chinese are considered to be POINTS IN TIME. Not only is a time phrase such as &quot;two o<sup>1</sup>clock” a point in time, but a phrase such as &quot;five days” can also be a point in time if the focus is on the end of this period of time. In English, this focus is expressed by <sup>11</sup> in five days,<sup>11 ,f</sup>by the end of five days,&quot; or <sup>!&gt;</sup>at the end of five days.<sup>11</sup> In Chinese, you do not need to use words such as &quot;in/<sup>1</sup> &quot;at/<sup>1</sup> or <sup>1</sup> phrase in the sentence indicates the considered points in time are placed</p>
<p>WHEN (a point in time)</p>
<p>Wo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zuStieLn kilnjian ta le.</p>
<p>Wo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;c6ngqi£n lSiguo zhěli.</p>
<p>Wo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;liangdian zhōng hullai.</p>
<p>Wo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yidiǎn zhōng hulbulěi•</p>
<p>by because the position of the time meaning. Time phrases vhich are BEFORE THE VERB.</p>
<p>I saw him yesterday.</p>
<p>I have been here before,</p>
<p>I<sup>f</sup>ll be back at tvo o<sup>f</sup>clock.</p>
<p>I can<sup>f</sup>t make it back by one o<sup>1</sup>clock•</p>
<p>AT THE END OF/BY THE END OF (a period of time which is treated as</p>
<p>a point in time because the focus is on the end point)</p>
<p>sāntiān jiu vǔfēn zhōng</p>
<p>zuovān le. jiu zou.</p>
<p>I finished doing it in (~by the end of) three days.</p>
<p>I’m leaving in Tat the end of) five minutes.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 1</p>
<p>Ni J^tiān huilai?</p>
<p>Ni duōjiǔ kěyi xiěwan7</p>
<p>In (at the end of) hov many days will you come back?</p>
<p>Hov long will it *be before you can finish writing it? (by the end of hov long)</p>
<p>On the other hand, phrases which express CONTINUATION OF TIME have a different place in sentences. To express an amount of time which passes, put the time expression AFTER THE VERB.</p>
<p>DURATION (the length of time something continues)</p>
<p>WS xiǎng gēn tā těn yihulr•</p>
<p>Tā ZEli Xianggang zhule yige xingq.1.</p>
<p>TIME SINCE (the length of time happened)</p>
<p>Tā sile sānni^n le.</p>
<p>I would like to talk with him for avhile,</p>
<p>She stayed in Hong Kong for one veek.</p>
<p>which has passed since something</p>
<p>He died three years ago&gt;</p>
<p>Wo zuōwanle yige zh5ngt6u le. It has been an hour since I finished.</p>
<p>Because yihulr follows the verb in vo chūqu yihuir, it indicates the length of time which will pass after I go out (chūqu), YĪhuir precedes the vert in vo yihulr chūqu, indicating when I will go out (&quot;in a little vhile<sup>11</sup>).</p>
<p>Yěxǔ literally means <sup>lf</sup>perhaps.<sup>11</sup> The word is often used where ”may’,or &quot;might&quot; tfould be appropriate in English.</p>
<p>Yěxǔ liangdiSn huibulě.i, &quot;I might not (be able to) get &quot;back &quot;by tvo&quot;: Notice that this expression liangdian&gt; in time-when position, before the vert, means ”ty&quot; a certain time. Other time phrases in this position may also mean &quot;切” a certain time.</p>
<p>HuibulHi is another form of huilai,&quot;to come back.<sup>,f</sup> Compound verbs of result may be split by the negative &quot;bu or the syllable de. Huillti may *be-come either huidelňi, &quot;can come backT^ or huibulai, <sup>,f</sup>can<sup>f</sup>t come back.<sup>11</sup> These two forms are called the potential forms of the verb; that is, the meaning <sup>f,</sup>can/be able to&quot; or &quot;cannot/unable to,<sup>f</sup> becomes part of the meaning of the compound. The following are examples of compound verbs of result and their potential forms•</p>
<p>huilai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to come back</p>
<p>huldelāi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;able to come back</p>
<p>hulbiilāi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;not able to come back</p>
<p>keuajian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to see</p>
<p>kSuideJiiln &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a*ble to see</p>
<p>kanbuj ilin &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;not able to see</p>
<p>lāidejl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;able to make it on time</p>
<p>liLibujl* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;not able to make it on time</p>
<p>*The verb laideji/laibuji does not occur without the inserted -de- or -bu-.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 1</p>
<p>to finish doing</p>
<p>able to finished doing, able to be completed not able to finish doing, not able to be completed</p>
<p>Compound verbs of direction may also occur in the potential form:</p>
<p>can’t carry up [to where you are] (i.e., because something is too heavy or &quot;bulky) can drive up [away from you]</p>
<p>(i.e., it is not too steep) can drive out</p>
<p>(i.e.5 the parking place is not too tight) can<sup>f</sup>t get Cit] down</p>
<p>(i.e., because it is too high, bolted on, etc.) can walk dovn</p>
<p>(i.e., because it is not too far or too steep)</p>
<p>Notice that the last syllables of these compound verbs (except for toneless qu) have full tones when they occur with -de- and -bu-•</p>
<p>了. B: Name, wo sāndiǎn zhōng zěl Well then, I<sup>1</sup>11 wait for you in the louxiade huikěshi deng nln. reception room downstairs at three</p>
<p>A: Hǎo, sāndiǎn jian. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fine. 工<sup>f</sup>ll see you at three.</p>
<p>Notes on No. 7</p>
<p>Word order: The TIME—PLACE—ACTION.</p>
<p>Huikěshi is also</p>
<p>first sentence of exchange 了 illustrates the rule pronounced huikěshi.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 1</p>
<p>huldelai kong(r) loushang shǎngliang you kong(r)</p>
<p>to be able to get &quot;back in time free time, spare time upstairs</p>
<p>to discuss, to talk over to have free time</p>
<p>Notes on Additional Required Vocaloulary</p>
<p>Here are some sentences illustrating the use of these vocabulary items:</p>
<p>Can you make it back by three o<sup>f</sup>clock?</p>
<p>Ni sāndiǎn zhōng huidel£i hultmlāi?</p>
<p>Loushang hāi ySu rěn?</p>
<p>Wo xiang hě nī shǎngliang yijian shi.</p>
<p>Ni Jīntiān xiāvǔ y5u kongr ma?</p>
<p>Are there still people upstairs?</p>
<p>I would like to talk over a matter with you.</p>
<p>Do you have time this afternoon?</p>
<p>8 9 0 12 111</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 1</p>
<p>A. Substitution Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Wo you diǎn shi xiang</p>
<p>gēn nln dangmietn tantan.</p>
<p>(cue) Zhang Kēzhǎng (I have something I would like to talk with you about in person.)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo you diǎn shi xiǎng gēn Zhang</p>
<p>Kēzhǎng dangmian tantan. ta</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo you diǎn shi xiǎng gēn tā</p>
<p>dangmian tantan.</p>
<p>Wei Wuguan</p>
<p>U. Wǒ you diǎn shi xiang gen Wei WGguān dangmian tantan.</p>
<p>Wang Shaoxiāo</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo you dian shi xiǎng gēn Wāng</p>
<p>Shaoxiao dangmian tantan.</p>
<p>Lin Xiānsheng</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wǒ you diǎn shi xiǎng gēn Lin</p>
<p>Xiānsheng dangmian tantan.</p>
<p>Lifi Kēzhǎng</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo you dian shi xiǎng gēn Liu</p>
<p>Kēzhǎng dangmian tantan.</p>
<p>You: Wo you diǎn shi xiang gēn Zhāng Kēzhǎng dangmian tāntan.</p>
<p>(I have something I would like to talk with Section Chief Zhang about in person.)</p>
<p>Wo you dian shi xiǎng gin tā dangmian tantan.</p>
<p>Wǒ you diǎn shi xiang gen Wei Wǔgiiān tantan.</p>
<p>Wǒ you diǎn shi xiǎng gēn Wěng Shaoxiao dangmian tantan.</p>
<p>Wo you diǎn shi xiang gēn Ltn Xiānsheng dangmian tSntan.</p>
<p>Wo you diǎn shi xiǎng gēn Liu Kezhǎng dangmian tantan.</p>
<p>Transformation Drill</p>
<p>!• Speaker:</p>
<p>Nln mlngtiān lāi ma? (Are you coming tomorrow?)</p>
<p>Ta zou le ma? (Has he gone?)</p>
<p>You: Bu zhīdao nln mingtian lai bu lai.</p>
<p>(I don’t knov whether you are coming tomorrow or not.)</p>
<p>Bu zhīdao tā zou le meiyou,</p>
<p>(工 don’t know whether he has gone or not.)</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 1</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nln you gōngfu ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bu zhīdao nln you gongfu meiyou.</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā zuotiān qu le ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bu zhīdao ta zuotiān qu le meiyou. U. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā you qian ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bu zhīdao ta you qian meiyou.</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta hai yao ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bu zhīdao ta hāi yāo bu yao.</p>
<p>6, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā mai le ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bu zhīdao ta mai le meiyou.</p>
<p>Transformation Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker; Shenme shihou dui nin</p>
<p>(cue) sāndiǎn (What time would suit you?)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xīngqījǐ dui nln hěshi?</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zlti jilou dux nln hěshi?</p>
<p>U. Něitiān dux nln hěshi? mlngtiān</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shenme shihou dui nin hěshi?</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shěnme shihou dux nln hěshl?</p>
<p>了* J^diǎn dui nin hěshi? shldiǎn</p>
<p>You: Sāndiǎn dui nln hěshi ma?</p>
<p>(Would three o’clock suit you?)</p>
<p>Xīngqīer dui nln heshi ma?</p>
<p>Zāi wǔlou dui nln hěshi ma?</p>
<p>Mlngtiān dui nln hěshi ma?</p>
<p>Zǎoshang dui nin hěshi ma?</p>
<p>Wanshang dui nin hěshi ma?</p>
<p>Shldiǎn dui nln hěshi ma?</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 1</p>
<p>). Response Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Shenme shihou dui nln</p>
<p>(cue) jīntiān (What time would suit you?)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jǐdiǎn dui nln hěshi?</p>
<p>You: Jīntiān, mlngtiān dou kěyi, (Either today or tomorrow would be fine•)</p>
<p>Sāndiǎn, sidiān dōu kěyi.</p>
<p>3. Xīngqījǐ dui nin hěshi? Xīngqīyī</p>
<p>k<sub>m</sub> Jǐhao dui nln hěshi? sihao</p>
<p>Xīngqīyī, Xīngqīer dou kěyi,</p>
<p>Sihāo, wuhāo dou kěyi,</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shenme shihou dui nin hěshi?</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Něitiān dui nln hěshi?</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xīngqījǐ dui nln hěshi?</p>
<p>Shangwu, xiawǔ dou kěyi.</p>
<p>Mingtiān, houtiān dou kěyi,</p>
<p>Xīngqīliu, Xīngqītiān dōu kěyi,</p>
<p>E. Transformation Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Shenme difang dux nln</p>
<p>(cue) l6ushang (What place vould be convenient for you?)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shenme shihou dui nin fangbian?</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jīhāo dui nln fangtian?</p>
<p>Něitiān dui nln fǎngbian? mingtian</p>
<p>5. Shenme shihou dui nin fǎngbian? shāngwǔ</p>
<p>You: Loushang dui nin fǎngbian, haishi l6uxi姦 dux nln fǎngbian?</p>
<p>(Would upstairs or downstairs be more convenient for you?)</p>
<p>Sāndiǎn dui nln fangbian, haishi sidian dui nln fǎngbian?</p>
<p>Liuhao dui n£n fangbian, haishi qlhao dui nln fǎngbian?</p>
<p>Mingtian dui nln fǎngbian, haishi houtiān dui nin fǎngbian?</p>
<p>Shangvǔ dui nln fangbian, hāishi xiawǔ dui nln fangbian?</p>
<p>15 了</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 1</p>
<p>6. Xīngqījǐ dux nln fǎngbian? Xīngqlsān</p>
<p>了《 JTīdiǎn dui nln fǎngbian? jiǔdian</p>
<p>Xlngq.īsān dux nin fǎngbian, haishi Xīngqīsi dui nin fǎngbian?</p>
<p>Jiǔdian dui nin fǎngbian, haishi shidiǎn dui nln fangbian?</p>
<p>F, Expansion Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Sāndiǎn fangbian yidiǎn,</p>
<p>(cue) sidian (Three o<sup>f</sup>clock is a little more convenient.)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sānhao fangbian yidiǎn.</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Loushang fangbian yidiǎn,</p>
<p>U. Tāde qiān duo yidiǎn. wode</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā qu hǎo yidiǎn• wǒ qu</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta da yidiǎn. wo</p>
<p>7* Zheige da yidiǎn. neige</p>
<p>You:' San dian bi sidian fǎngbian yidiǎn.</p>
<p>(Three o<sup>f</sup>clock is a little more convenient than four o<sup>1</sup>clock.)</p>
<p>Sanhāo bī wǔhao fǎngbian yidian.</p>
<p>LSushang &quot;bx l6uxiā fǎngbian yidian,</p>
<p>Tāde qiān *bi wode duo yidiǎn •</p>
<p>Tā qu bi wo qu hǎo yidiǎn*</p>
<p>Tā bi wo da yxdiǎn.</p>
<p>Zhěige bi něige da yidiǎn.</p>
<p>G, Expansion Drill</p>
<p>1. Speaker: Tā shuode kuāi yidiǎn.</p>
<p>(He specuks a little</p>
<table border="1">
<p>zǎo yidian.</p></td></tr>
<p>wan yidian.</p></td></tr>
<p>hǎo yxdian.</p></td></tr>
<p>shao yidian.</p></td></tr>
<p>You: Tā shuōde bī wo kuāi yidian. (He speaks a little faster than 工 do.)</p>
<table border="1">
<p>wo</p></td><td colspan="2">
<p>shǎo yidiǎn.</p></td></tr>
<p>MTG, Unit 1</p>
<p>6. Ta maide du5 yidiǎn. 了》 Tā xuěde mSn yidiǎn•</p>
<p>Ta měide bi wS duo yidian, Ta xuěde bi wǒ mkn yidiSn.</p>
<p>H. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Response Drill</p>
<p>I. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Nǐ shenme shihou chuqu?</p>
<p>(What time are you going out?)</p>
<p>OR N? chūqu du6 jiǔ?</p>
<p>(For hov long are you going out?)</p>
<p>You: Wo yihuir jiu chūqu,</p>
<p>(Ifm going out in just a little while.)</p>
<p>Wo jiu chūqu yihuir.</p>
<p>(l<sup>f</sup>m just going out for a little while.)</p>
<table border="1">
<p>yihuir jiii chǔlai.</p></td></tr>
<p>qu du6</p></td><td>
<p>jiň. qu ylhuJr •</p></td></tr>
<p>yihuir jiu lSi.</p></td></tr>
<p>TS</p></td><td colspan="2">
<p>keln du6 Jiǔ?</p></td><td>
<p>Jii k^n yihuir •</p></td></tr>
<p>yihuir Jiu zou.</p></td></tr>
<p>I. Response Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Zhāng Xiānsheng mlngtiān</p>
<p>huldelāi hulbxxlai? (Will Mr. Zhāng be able to come back tomorrow?)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wang Nushi Xīngqīsi hufdelSi</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Li TSngzhi shlyxdian huldelSi</p>
<p>U* Lfn Kēzhǎng ěrshihāo huldelfii hulbulSi?</p>
<p>5. Wei Shaoxiao zheige yuě huldelāi hulbvilai?</p>
<p>You: Zhang Xiānsheng hSutian cSi huilai•</p>
<p>(Mr. Zhāng won’t be able to come back until day after tomorrow.)</p>
<p>Wang Nushl Xlngqīwu c£i huilai•</p>
<p>Li Tōngzhi shllrdian clii huilai • Lin KēzhSng ěrshiyīhcLO cSi huilai • Wěi ShsLoxi^o xilLge yuě c£i huilai •</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 1</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ying Xiānsheng zǎoshang hufdelSi</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhāo TSngzhi jīntiān huldelSi</p>
<p>Zhao T6ngzhi mlngtiān clii huilai*</p>
<p>6. T.</p>
<p>Expansion Drill</p>
<p>Speaker; Name, wS zai zhěr děng nln.</p>
<p>(cue) in a moment (In that case, I<sup>f</sup>ll wait for you here,)</p>
<p>N€Lme<sub>9</sub> wo zai l6uxiā deng ta. for a moment</p>
<p>Nāme, wo zai l6ush^ng děng ta, at one o<sup>1</sup>clock</p>
<p>Nazne<sub>9</sub> wo z这i tā nar deng n£n. for ten minutes</p>
<p>Name, wS zai ta Jia děng nln. in a moment</p>
<p>Name, vo zai xiǎomaibu děng nln. for five minutes</p>
<p>NSme, wo zai zhěr deng ta. for a moment</p>
<p>Něme, wS nln, (In that</p>
<p>yihuir zSi zhěr děng case, in a moment</p>
<p>I<sup>f</sup>ll wait for you here•)</p>
<p>NSme, wo z&amp;i lěuxiei děng ta yihuir •</p>
<p>Name<sub>f</sub> wo yidiǎn zh5ng zai loushelng děng ta.</p>
<p>Nāme, wS zai ta nkr děng nln shlfēn zh5ng.</p>
<p>Nāme, wǒ yihuir zěi ta jia děng nln.</p>
<p>děng nin</p>
<p>NSme, wo zai zhěr deng ta yihuir.</p>
<p>Nsbne, wo zai xiǎcm^ib^ wufěn zhong.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 2</p>
<p>UNIT 2</p>
<p>(in Běijīng)</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;C: Wěi, Měid^si.</p>
<p>A: Wo shi JianSdā Dashiguǎnde Qi^ozhi Dāfēi. Wo you yijian shi xiang gēn WSng Kēzhǎng jiǎngyiJiang.</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;C: Ou, ta xiānzfiti zai kai hui,</p>
<p>C: Děng ta kaiwSn hui vo</p>
<p>gaosong tā gei ni hui dianhua.</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Hao, xiěxie ni.</p>
<p>C: Bň xiě,</p>
<p>B: Duituqi, jīntiān zǎoshang nǐ da dianhuel laide shihou wǒ zai kāi hui, měi shijiān gēn ni shuō hua.</p>
<p>A: Měi guānxi. Wo zhīdao ni hen m£ng.</p>
<p>5* A: Wǒ gěi ni dǎ dilLnhuade mudi shi xiang gēn ni dangmian tSntan.</p>
<p>B: Hao a. Shěnme shihou a?</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Mlngtiān dui ni heshi ma?</p>
<p>B: Mlngtiān xiawu shenme shihou dou kěyi,</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Zai nǎr jiān ne?</p>
<p>B: Liangdian zhong qing ni dao wo zhěr lSi, xlng bu xfng?</p>
<p>A: Hao, Mlngtiān liangdian zh5ng jian.</p>
<p>Hello. Department of American and Oceanic Affairs*</p>
<p>I am George Duffy of the Canadian Embassy. I have something I would like to discuss with Section Chief WSng,</p>
<p>Oh, she is at a meeting nov.</p>
<p>When she is finished with the meeting, I will tell her to return your call.</p>
<p>Pine. Thank you.</p>
<p>Don<sup>f</sup>t mention it.</p>
<p>I’m sorry. When you called here this morning, I vas in a meeting and didn^ have time to speak with you.</p>
<p>It doesn<sup>f</sup>t matter. I knov you are very busy.</p>
<p>The reason I called you is that I would like to talk with you in person.</p>
<p>All right. When?</p>
<p>Would tomorrow be all right for you?</p>
<p>Any time tomorrow afternoon would be fine.</p>
<p>Where shall we meet?</p>
<p>Please come over here at two o<sup>f</sup>clock. All right?</p>
<p>Okay. See you tomorrow at two o<sup>f</sup>clock.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 2</p>
<p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
<p>8• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;guānxi</p>
<p>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;jiǎng hua</p>
<p>10. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;lingshiguan</p>
<p>11• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shiqing (yljiān)</p>
<p>12. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;sxzhǎng</p>
<p>13. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;you guānxi</p>
<p>relation, relationship, connection to speak, to talk; a speech consulate</p>
<p>matter, business, affair department chief</p>
<p>to relate to, to have a bearing on, to matter</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 2</p>
<table border="1">
<p>bu xiě</p></td><td>
<p>don<sup>f</sup>t mention it</p></td></tr>
<p>telephone, phone call</p></td></tr>
<p>relation, relationship, connection</p></td></tr>
<p>(counter for matters, business, affairs)</p></td></tr>
<p>to discuss (something), to talk about (something)</p></td></tr>
<p>jiǎng hua</p></td><td>
<p>to speaJi, to talk; a speech</p></td></tr>
<p>kāi hui</p></td><td>
<p>to attend a meeting</p></td></tr>
<p>kāiwān hui</p></td><td>
<p>to finish a meeting</p></td></tr>
<p>Department of American and Oceanic Affairs</p></td></tr>
<p>měi guānxi</p></td><td>
<p>it doesn <sup>f</sup>t matter</p></td></tr>
<p>reason, objective, purpose</p></td></tr>
<p>shi (yijian)</p></td><td>
<p>matterj business, affair</p></td></tr>
<p>shining (yijian)</p></td><td>
<p>matter, business, affair</p></td></tr>
<p>shu5 hua</p></td><td>
<p>to speak</p></td></tr>
<p>department chief</p></td></tr>
<p>you guānxi</p></td><td>
<p>to relate, to have a bearing on,</p></td></tr>
<p>to matter</p>
<p>zai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;in the midst of (marker of ongoing</p>
<p>(introduced on C-2 and P-2 tapes)</p>
<p>daxuěshēng dianhua haomǎ du jia houlāi laodong Qlngbaosī</p>
<p>to eat</p>
<p>college student telephone number to spend one<sup>1</sup>s vacation later</p>
<p>to do manual labor Intelligence Bureau (part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, PRC) life</p>
<p>to agree</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 2</p>
<p>1. C; Wei, Měidasl.</p>
<p>A: Wo shi Jiānadā Dashiguǎnde Qiaozhi Dafēi. Wo you yij iān shi xiang gēn W&amp;ig KēzhSng jiangyijiang.</p>
<p>Hello. Department of American and Oceanic Affairs.</p>
<p>I am George Duffy of the Canadian Embassy. I have something I vould like to discuss with Section Chief Wang.</p>
<p>Notes on No* 1</p>
<p>_____ In Chinese, abbreviations are made</p>
<p>each word in a term. In Měidasl,mei stands for continentDa stands for Dayangzhou,’’Oceania’<sup>1</sup></p>
<p>up of one syllable from Meizhōu, ”American</p>
<p>___________(the islands of the South</p>
<p>Central Pacific, including Australia and New Zealand). The ending si means <sup>n</sup>depar七ment •It is used only within organizations on the national level.</p>
<p>Dashiguǎn: The word guan means ’ fanguǎiia an esta&quot;blishment where food the use of guǎn.</p>
<p>Notice that the shi in dashiguan and tones.</p>
<p>丨&quot;building” or &quot;establishment,&quot; as in is sold. The examples &quot;below illustrate</p>
<p>exhibition hall the shi in lingshiguan lose their</p>
<p>Yi.Han shi: The counter -jian in tiliis expression is also the counter for luggage. Yijian shi literally means <sup>ff</sup>a piece of business.&quot;</p>
<p>Jiang and jiǎng hua: The English word &quot;speak,<sup>1</sup>* meaning the activity in general,must be translated into Chinese with a verb and its GENERAL OBJECT: jiǎng hua In other uses, the verb <sup>n</sup>to speak,&quot; jiǎng, may be followed &quot;by a specific cTbject or a phrase showing duration,or it may be changed into a m\iltisyllabic verb, such as jiangyijiang. Other verbs which are used the same way are shuō hua, xie zi,and niān shū.</p>
<p>Tā zai jiǎng Zhōngguode shiqing.</p>
<p>Tā yījīng jiangle bu shao.</p>
<p>Tāde Jiang hua hen you yisi.</p>
<p>He is talking about Chinese affairs.</p>
<p>He has already said a lot.</p>
<p>His talk was very interesting-</p>
<p>Jiang is not used to say that someone said something. Instead, shuo is used. Tā shuō tā bu něng lai. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He said he could not come.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 2</p>
<p>C: Ou, tā xianzāi zai kāi hui.</p>
<p>C: Deng tā kāiwān hui wo gaosong tā gěi ni hui dianhua.</p>
<p>Oh, she is at a meeting now.</p>
<p>When she is finished with the meeting, I will tell her to return your call.</p>
<p>Notes on No. 2</p>
<p>Zai is the aspect marker for ongoing actions. It indicates that the action is in progress. The corresponding verb in the English translation</p>
<p>usually ends in -ing. Zai is used dynamic action. State and process action verbs may be used vith zai, to be used (e.g., ”sitting”).</p>
<p>Tā laide shihou, ni zai nian shū.</p>
<p>Tāmen zai kan diānyxng.</p>
<p>Tāmen zai he kāfēi.</p>
<p>Tāmen zai shang kě.</p>
<p>only with verbs which express actual verbs may not be used with zai. Many but some do not have enough &quot;action&quot;</p>
<p>When he came, you were studying.</p>
<p>They are watching a movie.</p>
<p>They are drinking coffee.</p>
<p>They are having class.</p>
<p>Zai is placed in front of the verb, unlike other aspect markers, such as le, guo, and de.</p>
<p>To make ongoing-action sentences negative, use bu, zai,use shi bu shi zai, zai. . .ma,or zai ~bu zai.</p>
<p>To form a question with</p>
<p>Xuěsheng zai shāng kě ma?</p>
<p>Tāmen &quot;bu zai shāng ke,yījīng zou le.</p>
<p>Tā laide shihou, ni shx bu shi zai nian shū?</p>
<p>Bu, bu zai niān shū, yījīng wanr qu le.</p>
<p>Tā zai bu zai kan diānshi?</p>
<p>Are the students having class?</p>
<p>They are not having class. They have already left.</p>
<p>Weren’t you studying when he came over?</p>
<p>No, I wasn’t studying. I had already gone out to play.</p>
<p>Is he vatching television?</p>
<p>The aspect marker zai and the aspect marker ne_ often occur in the same sentence, indicating absence of change.</p>
<p>Tā zai kan bao ne. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She is reading the paper.</p>
<p>Sometimes ne is used without zai.</p>
<p>Tā kan bao ne. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She is reading the paper.</p>
<p>Deng, literally ”to wait&quot;: In the second sentence of No. 2, the verb děng is used at the beginning of a phrase to mean ’’when, Deng may be used with de shihou, <sup>īf</sup>when,<sup>n</sup> in the same phrase. Often, the second part of a sentence beginning with děng will contain an adverb meaning ”then”--jiu, zai, or cai.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 2</p>
<p>Děng nǐ kanwān baozhi, women chūqu mǎi cai,</p>
<p>Xue Yīngwěn nan bu nan?</p>
<p>Děng ni xuěde shihou jiu zhīdao le.</p>
<p>Nī bū shi you yijian shi yāo gaosong wǒ ma?</p>
<p>Děng chīwan fan zai shuō.</p>
<p>When you have finished the paper, ve vill go out to buy groceries.</p>
<p>Is it hard to learn English?</p>
<p>When you study it, then you<sup>T</sup>11 know.</p>
<p>Don<sup>?</sup>t you have something you want to tell me?</p>
<p>Wait until ve finish eating; then we<sup>1</sup>11 talk about it.</p>
<p>The translation of děng as <sup>11</sup> wait until, suggest that the word is used only in used in past contexts:</p>
<p>Zuotiān tā měiyou he ni yiqī.qu kan diānyīng ma?</p>
<p>Meiyou. Děng tā hullaide shihou dōu shiyīdian le.</p>
<p>Zuotiān tā badian zhōng cai hui jiā. Děng tā hui jiā women cai zuo fan, nǐ xiǎng jīdiǎn cai chī fan!</p>
<p>in the last example above, might future contexts. But děng is also</p>
<p>Didn<sup>f</sup>t he go out with you to a movie last night?</p>
<p>No. It was already eleven o<sup>1</sup>clock when he got home.</p>
<p>Yesterday he didn’t get home until eight o<sup>f</sup>clock. We didn’t fix dinner until he got home; so imagine what time it vas when we ate!</p>
<p>Kāi hui, &quot;to meet,&quot; &quot;to hold a meeting,’<sup>1</sup> is an example of a ver&quot;b and its general object.</p>
<p>Kāivan, &quot;finish holding [the meeting]<sup>M</sup>: Wan is the vert ”to finish.<sup>ff</sup> It is used as an ending in a compound verb of result in No. 2.* Wān expresses the idea of &quot;over,&quot; ”up,” as in ”Class is over,&quot; ’’All the paper has been used up•”</p>
<p>But be careful: van is not used as a main verb when an object follows the verb. Instead of saying ’’finish this,&quot; using van by itself, you vould say ba zhěige chi van, ’’finish eating this”; ba zhěige zuovān, &quot;finish doing this”; or ba zhiige kanwān, ”finish reading this•”</p>
<p>Wan may sometimes be used as a main verb when there is no object, as in Di&amp;nying van le, &quot;The movie is finished.” But far more often v£n occurs as an ending which indicates result.</p>
<p>Dianhua (literally, ”electric speech&quot;) may mean either &quot;telephone&quot; or &quot;telephone call,</p>
<p>Hui dianhua, ”to return a phone call,&quot; &quot;to call &quot;back”: You have learned the verb hui, &quot;to return,” as in Nǐ shenme shihou huiqu? <sup>fT</sup>When are you going back?” In No. 2,hui takes a direct object,dianhua. Compare hui dianhua with da dianhuā, &quot;to make a phone call,” vhich is found in exchange b.</p>
<p>*You have already seen van in Piao dōu maivān le.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 2</p>
<p>ta da dianhua ta xiě yifēng xin ta maile yige fangzi</p>
<p>telephone her write her a letter bought her a house</p>
<p>But, to indicate the target, you say</p>
<p>be nice to her be polite to him get angry at her</p>
<p>Gěi ni hui diiinhu&amp;, call you back : You have learned the prepositional verb gěi, meaning <sup>IT</sup>for [the benefit of]•” In gěi ni hui disuihuā, gei is translated as &quot;to.&quot; Because there are two meanings for gěi, occasionally a sentence may be ambiguous. For example, W5 gěi ta jiqule liǎngbāo chayě means either &quot;I sent two packages of tea to Mm” or mailed^ut tvo ~ packages of tea for him.”</p>
<p>Dui is also translated as <sup>M</sup>to•” Dui introduces the target; gěi introduces the receiver. In other vords, dui expresses the intended direction but does not necessarily imply that the target is reached. Gěi usually implies receiving, as you might expect, since it means &quot;give&quot; as a full verb.</p>
<p>You use gei to indicate the receiver when you say</p>
<p>Hao, xiexie ni. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fine. Thank you.</p>
<p>Bň. xiě. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Don’t mention it.</p>
<p>Notice that dui is used especially to indicate the target of feelings and attitudes, while gěi is used with actions such as calling, mailing, and sending.</p>
<p>Note on No. 3</p>
<p>Bu xiě is an idiom meaning something like &quot;don't thank Lmel, (Literally,&quot;Don’t thank me<sup>t!</sup> would be Biě xiě vǒ&gt;)</p>
<p>dui ta hǎo dui ta keqi dui ta shēngqi</p>
<p>^ c 3.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 2</p>
<p>B: Duil)uq.I, jīntiān zǎoshang nī da diiuihuā l£ide shihou wS zki kāi hui, měi shijiān gēn ni shuō huā.</p>
<p>A: Měi guānxi. Wo zhīdao nī hen mling.</p>
<p>I<sup>f</sup>m sorry. When you called here this morning, I vas in a meeting and didr^t have time to speak with you.</p>
<p>It doesn’t matter. I know you are very busy.</p>
<p>Notes on No,</p>
<p>Dǎ di^nhusL means <sup>,f</sup>to make a phone call/<sup>1</sup> (Literally, d&amp; means &quot;to hit.<sup>11</sup>)</p>
<p>Wo zuotiān shang gěi MS Taitai dale yige difiLnhull.</p>
<p>W8 da liǎngge dianhuil jiu lai.</p>
<p>:called Mrs. Ma last night -</p>
<p>”11 be right there after I make a couple of phone calls•</p>
<p>Shuō hua, <sup>IT</sup>to speak,” is a verb with a general object--literally, &quot;speak words. Vert + general object is often translated into English by a verb alone: nian shū, &quot;to study”; kāi chē, &quot;to drive.<sup>11</sup></p>
<p>Měi guānxi: Other translations for this very useful expression are <sup>n</sup>that<sup>f</sup>s okay,” ”don<sup>f</sup>t worry about it,” <sup>,f</sup>it doesn't make any difference.<sup>11</sup> Literally, měi guānxi vould be translated as ”there isn<sup>f</sup>t any connection.<sup>11</sup></p>
<p>5. A: W5 gěi ni dā disLnhuatde mudi shi xiang gēn ni dangmian tantan.</p>
<p>B: Hǎo a. Shenme shihou a?</p>
<p>The reason I called you is that I would like to talk with you in person.</p>
<p>All right. When?</p>
<p>Note on No. 5</p>
<p>W5 gěi ni dǎ dianhnade mudi shi...: In English, the word &quot;reason,&quot; or ”purposē,<sup>f</sup>,begins the phrase, with the modifying clause following. In Chinese, everything modifying &quot;the purpose&quot; precedes mudi.</p>
<p>Wo gěi ni dǎ dianhuā. -de mudi shi . • • •</p>
<p>(The reason vhy I called you is ....)</p>
<p>Mudi, ”purpose,” &quot;aim,” &quot;objective&quot;: Although translated idiomatically as <sup>ff</sup>reason<sup>tf</sup> in exchange 5,mudi does not really mean &quot;reason&quot;/&quot;cause.<sup>ft</sup> The English terms should te translated as yudnyin: vo laivSnde yuanyin, &quot;the reason I came late<sup>t!</sup></p>
<p>MTG, Unit 2</p>
<p>A: Mlngtiān dui ni hěshi ma?</p>
<p>B: Mlngtiān xiilvǔ shenme shihou dōu kěyi.</p>
<p>Would tomorrow be all right for you? Any time tomorrow afternoon would be fine.</p>
<p>Note on No. 6</p>
<p>Shenme shihou d5u kěyi, <sup>,!</sup>anytime is okay” (more literally, ”vhat[ever〕 time, all is okay<sup>u</sup>), illustrates a pattern for expressing the idea of <sup>T,</sup>any<sup>r</sup> in Chinese: a question word,such followed &quot;by dōu, ”all•”</p>
<p>Shěi dōu něng qu.</p>
<p>Nar dōu kěyi.</p>
<p>Shenme dōu kěyi.</p>
<p>Něitiān dōu hSo.</p>
<p>Zěnme zuo dōu hǎo.</p>
<p>The ideas of &quot;nobody,&quot; ”nowhere,&quot; adding bu or měi after dōu in the</p>
<p>Shěi dōu &quot;bu yao zou.</p>
<p>NSr dōu bu dui.</p>
<p>Zěnme dōu bu xlng.</p>
<p>Shenme dōu měiyou.</p>
<p>as shěi, shěnme, nSr, and něitiān,</p>
<p>Anyone can go. Anyplace vill do. Anything will do, Any day is good. Any way (you) do &quot;nothing,” and &quot;none&quot;</p>
<p>it is fine, are expressed &quot;by</p>
<p>pattern above-</p>
<p>Nobody wants to leave. No place is right.</p>
<p>No way vill do.</p>
<p>The also &quot;be precede</p>
<p>There is nothing.</p>
<p>&quot;any/no’<sup>1</sup> expression need not be the subject of a sentence; it may the object. Even if the expression is the direct object,it must the verb.</p>
<p>He likes anyone/everyone.</p>
<p>I won’t go anywhere.</p>
<p>That store sells everything.</p>
<p>Tā shěi dou xīhuan• Wo nǎr dōu *bu q,u.</p>
<p>Neige shāngdian shenme dōu mai.</p>
<p>Tā něige dōu b\i xīhuan •</p>
<p>(As objects, many of these expressions</p>
<p>An <sup>lf</sup>any/no<sup>M</sup> expression may also &quot;be the W5 gēn shěi dōu měi shuō hua.</p>
<p>He doesn’t like either/any of them, must be translated as &quot;every..•</p>
<p>object of a prepositional vert.</p>
<p>I didn<sup>f</sup>t speak with anyone.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 2</p>
<p>Jiǎng hua</p>
<p>shiqing (yijian)</p>
<p>you guānxi</p>
<p>relation, relationship, connection to speak, to talk; a speech consulate</p>
<p>matter,business<sub>9</sub> affair department chief</p>
<p>to relate to, to have a bearing on. to matter</p>
<p>Note on Additional Required Vocabulary</p>
<p>Y5u guānxi: To talk about the relationship of two things, use ••.gēn.•,y5u guānxi or ••.he•••you guānxi•</p>
<p>Lingshiguan he dashiguǎn you shěnmeyāngde guānxi?</p>
<p>What is the relationship &quot;between the consulate and the embassy?</p>
<p>T. A: Zai nǎr Jian ne?</p>
<p>B: Liangdian zhong qīng ni dāo wǒ zhěr lai, xing bu xlng? A: Hao. Mingtiān liangdian zhōng jian.</p>
<p>Where shall we meet?</p>
<p>Please come over here at two o'clock.</p>
<p>All right?</p>
<p>Okay. See you tomorrow at two o<sup>1</sup>clock.</p>
<p>Notes on No, 了</p>
<p>Dao v5 zhěr lai means,literally, <sup>l!</sup>come over to the place where I am.<sup>lf</sup> While plurals such as v5men zhěr and nimen nar often refer to institutions, the singular v5 zhěr, ni nar, and tā nar usually refer to any place where a person might be. In an office shared \&gt;y two people, for instance, you could say Wǒ zhěr měiyou Yxng-Han zidiǎn; nin nar you měiyou? ”1 don<sup>f</sup>t have an English-Chinese dictionary over here; do you have one over there?<sup>11</sup></p>
<p>Dao, like zai, is a verb which requires a place word as its</p>
<p>Sentences like Come over here to me be translated as Dao vo zhěr lai and nar make wǒ and Wang Xiānsheng parts</p>
<p>and Go over there to Mr. Dao Wang Xiānsheng nar qu. of place-word phrases.</p>
<p>o&quot;bj ect • Wang<sup>,!</sup> must Zhěr and</p>
<p>OJ9.0 1 2 3 1111</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 2</p>
<p>accountant actor, actress architect athlete</p>
<p>author, writer barber</p>
<p>blue-collar worker</p>
<p>carpenter chemical engineer civil engineer civil servant composer cook</p>
<p>customs official</p>
<p>(newspaper) editor electrical engineer electrician</p>
<p>employee, clerk, attendant</p>
<p>farmer, peasant fisherman</p>
<p>government minister</p>
<p>mechanical engineer movie star musician</p>
<p>kuāijishī yǎnyuan jianzhushī yundongyuan zuojiā</p>
<p>līfashī, lǐfade gongrěn yingzaoshāng shāngrěn</p>
<p>muj iang, mugong</p>
<p>huāxuě gongchěngshī</p>
<p>tǔmu gSngchěngshī</p>
<p>haiguān guānyuan</p>
<p>wāijiāoguān dāifu, yīshēng</p>
<p>dianjī gongchěngshī</p>
<p>yuāndīng, huāj iāng</p>
<p>jiātlng zhǔfu, jiāting funu</p>
<p>jīxiěshī, jlxiěyuan ,1Ixiě KŌnRchěnKshī dianylng mlngxīng yīnyuějiā</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 2</p>
<p>nuclear engineer nurse</p>
<p>office staff worker (Chinese) opera performer</p>
<p>painter (artist)</p>
<p>shoe repairman</p>
<p>store clerk, salesperson</p>
<p>(star) vocalist waiter, waitress</p>
<p>hězī gōngchěngshx hushi</p>
<p>jīngju yǎnyuan</p>
<p>haiyuan, shuǐshǒu, chuānyuan</p>
<p>mi shū</p>
<p>jiāoyuan daziyuan</p>
<p>fandian fūvuyuān</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 2</p>
<p>A. Substitution Drill</p>
<p>1. Speaker; Tā xianzai zai kāi hu5. You: (cue) dǎ dianhua (He is at a meeting now.)</p>
<p>Tā xiānzai zāi dǎ dianhua* (He is making a phone call now.)</p>
<p>2, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā xianzai zai dǎ dianhua.</p>
<p>děng ni</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta xianzai zai děng ni.</p>
<p>gēn Wang Xiānsheng shuS hua</p>
<p>U. Tā xianzai zai gen Wang Xiānsheng shu5 hua. gōngzuo</p>
<p>Tā xianzai zai jiang hua</p>
<p>gongzuo. jiǎng hua,</p>
<p>7. Tā xianzai zai huān qian.</p>
<p>6. Tā xianzai zai huan qiān</p>
<p>Tā xianzai zai děng ni.</p>
<p>zai gēn Wāng Xiānsheng Ta xianzai zai gōngzuo.</p>
<p>Tā xianzai shuo hua</p>
<p>Tā xianzāi zai jiǎng hua, Tā xianzai zai huan qian.</p>
<p>B. Response Drill</p>
<p>1. Speaker: Tā xianzai z&amp;i kāi hui, (cue) yihuxr (He is at a meeting now.)</p>
<p>2, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wěng Tongzhi xianzai zai jiǎng</p>
<p>hua. xiawǔ</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhāng TSngzhi xiSnzai zai xue</p>
<p>Zhongguo hua. sh&amp;ngwǔ</p>
<p>You: Yxhuǐr qǐng tā gěi wǒ hu£ ge diěnhua, hao bu hǎo?</p>
<p>(In a little while please ask him to call me back. All right?)</p>
<p>Xiāwǔ qing ta gěi wo hui ge dianhua, hǎo Tdu hao?</p>
<p>Shangwǔ qing ta gěi wo hui ge dianhua» hao bu hǎo?</p>
<p>U. Ma Kēzhǎng diānhua.</p>
<p>xianzai zai dǎ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mingtian qing ta gěi wo hui ge</p>
<p>mingtian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dianhua, hǎo bu hao?</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 2</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wang TSngzhi xianzai zai gēn</p>
<p>Zhāng Kēzhǎng jianghuā. yihuir</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Li Nushi xianzāi zai gēn Wang</p>
<p>Dashī kāi hui. jīntiān</p>
<p>了* Zhū TSngzhi xianzāi zai xue Zhōngwěn. xiawu</p>
<p>Yihuir qǐng ta gěi wo hui ge diānhua, hǎo bu hao?</p>
<p>Jīntiān qing ta gěi vo hui ge dianhua, hao bu hao?</p>
<p>Xiāvǔ qing ta gěi wo hui ge dianhua, hǎo bu hǎo?</p>
<p>C. Expansion Drill</p>
<p>1. Speaker:</p>
<p>Wo xiǎng gēn ni dangmian tantan.</p>
<p>(I would like to talk with you in person.)</p>
<p>2. Wo xiǎng wen ni yijian shi,</p>
<p>3* Wo xiǎng wen ni you gSngfu.</p>
<p>jidian zhōng U. Wo xiǎng gen ni dangmian tantan.</p>
<p>i. Wǒ xiǎng wen ni yidiǎnr shi.</p>
<p>).Wǒ xiǎng wen ni sāndiǎn zhōng you gōngfu meiyou.</p>
<p>7. Wǒ xiǎng gēn ni dangmian tantan.</p>
<p>You; Wǒ gei ni dS diānhuade mudi shi xiǎng gēn ni dangmietn tantan.</p>
<p>(The reason I called you is that I would like to talk with you in person.)</p>
<p>Wo gěi ni dǎ dietnhuade mudi shi xiǎng wen ni yijian shi.</p>
<p>Wǒ gěi ni dǎ diānhuade mudi shi xiǎng wen ni jǐdiǎn zh5ng you gōngfu.</p>
<p>Wo gěi ni dǎ dianhuade mudi shi xiǎng gēn ni dangmian tāntan.</p>
<p>Wǒ gěi ni dǎ dianhuade mudi shi xiang wen ni yidiǎnr shi.</p>
<p>Wǒ gěi ni dǎ diānhuade mudi shi xiǎng wen ni sāndiǎn zhSng you gōngfu meiyou.</p>
<p>Wǒ gěi ni dǎ diānhuade mudi shi xiǎng gēn ni dangmian tSntan.</p>
<p>1 了U</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 2</p>
<p>D. Substitution Drill</p>
<p>1. Speaker: Shenme shihou dōu kěyi. (cue) shěi (Any time vould be fine.)</p>
<table border="1">
<p>Shěi d5u kěyi.</p></td><td>
<p>Nǎr dōu kěyi.</p></td><td>
<p>Něige dōu kěyi.</p></td><td>
<p>Shenme difang dōu</p></td><td>
<p>DuSshao Duo jiu</p>
<p>You: Shei d5u kěyi.</p>
<p>(Anyone would be fine.)</p>
<p>Nǎr dōu kěyi.</p>
<p>Něige dōu kěyi*</p>
<p>Shenme difang dōu kěyi. Du5shao d5u kěyi.</p>
<p>Du6 jiǔ d5u kěyi.</p>
<p>E. Substitution Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Shenme shihou dou kěyi*</p>
<p>(cue) any length of time</p>
<p>(Any time would be fine.)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jǐdiǎn zhong dou kěyi.</p>
<p>any number of hours</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Něitiān dōu kěyi.</p>
<p>any num'ber of days</p>
<p>NěiniUn dōu kěyi. any nmber of years</p>
<p>5. Xīngqījǐ dōu kěyi.</p>
<p>any number of weeks</p>
<p>You: Duo jiu d5u kěyi*</p>
<p>(Any length of time would be fine.)</p>
<p>Jige zhōngtou dōu kěyi.</p>
<p>Duoshao tiān dōu kěyi,</p>
<p>Jǐnian d5u kěyi.</p>
<p>Jige xīngqī d5u kěyi.</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jihao</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jǐyuě</p>
<p>d5u kěyi. numlDer of</p>
<p>dou kěyi. number of</p>
<p>DuSshao tiān dōu kěyi.</p>
<p>Jige yue d5u kěyi.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 2</p>
<p>F. Response Drill</p>
<p>1. Speaker: Women mlngtiān zai zhěr You: Zai nǎr jian dou kěyi.</p>
<p>Jian ne, h£ishi zai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Anywhere vould be fine.)</p>
<p>nelr jietn ne?</p>
<p>(cue) nǎr (Shall we meet here or there tomorrow?)</p>
<p>2. WSmen zuo huoche qu ne, haishi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zenme qu d5u kěyi.</p>
<p>zuS fēijī qō. ne? zěnme</p>
<p>3* Women mlngtiān Jiǔdiǎn zhōng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jldiǎn zhSng jisLn dou kěyi.</p>
<p>jiain ne, haishi shldiǎn zhong Jian ne? jidian zhSng</p>
<p>U. Women zuS qichē qu ne, hSishi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shěnme chē d5u kěyi.</p>
<p>zu5 huSchē ne? shenme chē</p>
<p>5* Women mingtian qu ne, hěishi houtiān qu ne? něitiān</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Women Xīngqīyī qu ne, hěishi</p>
<p>Xīngqīěr qu ne? xīngqīji</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Women zu5 feijī qu ne, haishi zu5</p>
<p>huoche qō. ne? zěnme</p>
<p>Něitiān qu. d5u kěyi.</p>
<p>XIngqiji qu d5u kěyi,</p>
<p>Zěnme qīi d5u kěyi.</p>
<p>G. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Response Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Shěi lSi?</p>
<p>(Who is coming?)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shěnme difang *bii hao?</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Neige difang kěyi?</p>
<p>U. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shěi bli hui?</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nar hao7</p>
<p>6* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā shenme shihou něng q.u?</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ni něitiān bu mlLng?</p>
<p>You: Shěi dou iSi.</p>
<p>(Everyone is coming.)</p>
<p>Shenme difang dōu bu hao,</p>
<p>Něige difang d5u kěyi.</p>
<p>Shei dōu bu hui,</p>
<p>Nar d5u hao.</p>
<p>Tā shenme shihou dou něng qň Wo něitiān d5u bu mang«</p>
<p>1了 6</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 2</p>
<p>Response Drill ōpgňker; Ni q\i nSr?</p>
<p>(Where are you going?)</p>
<p>You: WS nar dōu qu,</p>
<p>(l*m going everywhere.)</p>
<table border="1">
<p>Ni</p></td><td colspan="2">
<p>d^o nǎr q\i?</p></td><td>
<p>nar dou qai.</p></td><td>
<p>Ta</p></td><td colspan="2">
<p>CLii shlnme difang?</p></td><td>
<p>shinme dlfang dou</p></td><td>
<p>shěnme difang qti?</p></td><td>
<p>shěnme difang d5u</p></td><td>
<p>něige dou mǎi.</p></td><td>
<p>neiběn d5u kiln.</p></td><td>
<p>shěnme dou zud<sub>9</sub></p></td><td>
<p>I. Response Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Shěi lSi?</p>
<p>(cue) everyone (Who is coming?)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shei kěyi? anyone will do</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shli lSi? no one</p>
<p>Ni mai neige? all of them 5m Ni delo nar q.u? novhere at all</p>
<p>6. Neige hao? all of them</p>
<p>T. Shěi hui shuō everyone</p>
<p>ZhSngguo hull?</p>
<p>You; Shěi d5u l£i.</p>
<p>(Everyone is coming.!</p>
<p>Shěi d5u kěyi,</p>
<p>Shěi dou bu lii.</p>
<p>WS neige dou mǎi.</p>
<p>W5 nǎr dou bū qu,</p>
<p>NSige dou hǎo.</p>
<p>Shěi dōu hui shuo Zhongguo hu^.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 3</p>
<p>UNIT 3</p>
<p>(in Taipei)</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Huang Kēzhǎng, nln xielge</p>
<p>Xīngqīliu you gōngfu ma?</p>
<p>A: WS xiang qīng nln he nfn furen dāo women jiā lai chī ge bianfan,</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Nln hěbi zhěme kěqi?</p>
<p>A: Bli shi kěqi.</p>
<p>A: Wo you yige pěngyou gang cong Měiguo l£i.</p>
<p>A: Ta xianzai zai Taiwan Daxuě Jiao jīngjixuě.</p>
<p>A: Wo hen xiǎng gěi nimen</p>
<p>liangwěi jieshao jieshao.</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Na tki hao le!</p>
<p>B: Hen xīwang gēn ta tUntan.</p>
<p>B: Bliguo, kongpa wode Yīngwěn bu xing.</p>
<p>B: Btldan shuōde bū hao, you shihou yě tīngbudong,</p>
<p>k. A: Něli, nali.</p>
<p>A: Nln shuode gen Měiguo rěn ylyang hao.</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;*A: Zěnmeyāng? Liūdian běn dui How shall we do it? Would six-thirty</p>
<p>nln fǎngbian bu fangbian? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;be convenient for you?</p>
<p>B: Fǎngbian, fangbian. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That would be fine.</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Wo měi qing shenme rěn. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I haven<sup>f</sup>t invited anyone special.</p>
<p>Hen sulbian. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It<sup>f</sup>s very informal.</p>
<p>B: Na Jiu xiān xiě le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Well then, I<sup>f</sup>ll thank you in advance.</p>
<p>*The remaining sentences in this exchange occur on the C-l tape.</p>
<p>Section Chief Huang, are you free Saturday of next week?</p>
<p>I vould like to invite you and your wife to come to our house for a simple meal.</p>
<p>Why is it necessary to be so polite?</p>
<p>It’s not politeness.</p>
<p>I have a friend who has just come from America.</p>
<p>She is teaching economics at Taiwan University right now.</p>
<p>I would very much like to introduce the two of you.</p>
<p>That's wonderful!</p>
<p>I wish very much to talk vith her.</p>
<p>However, I'm afraid that my English isn't good enough.</p>
<p>Not only don’t I speak veil, (but) sometimes I can,t understand what I hear either•</p>
<p>Not at all, not at all.</p>
<p>You speak as well as an American.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 3</p>
<p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bu tong</p>
<p>8. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;chS</p>
<p>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;chī fan</p>
<p>10. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;deLnshi</p>
<p>11. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ěrqiě</p>
<p>12. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fan</p>
<p>13. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;he</p>
<p>lV. jiao shū</p>
<p>to be different tea</p>
<p>to eat, to have a meal but</p>
<p>furthermore, moreover (cooked) rice to drink to teach</p><img src="0195-FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentText_files/0195-FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentText-2.png" style="width:452pt;height:292pt;"/>
<p>MTG, Unit 3</p>
<p>bianfan budan...yē būguo &quot;bu tong</p>
<p>chi fan</p>
<p>jiāo shū Jieshao</p>
<p>tai hao le!</p>
<p>xīwang (xīwang)</p>
<p>you shihou (you shihou)</p>
<p>a simple, informal meal not only...tut also however, but to *be different</p>
<p>to eat, to have a meal but</p>
<p>furthermore, moreover (cooked) rice to drink</p>
<p>why is it necessary (to)</p>
<p>to teach to introduce</p>
<p>to be afraid that (something is or is not the case)</p>
<p>to *be informal/casual; as you as you wish, whatever suits <sup>11</sup> according to convenience<sup>11</sup></p>
<p>wonderful! cannot understand can understand</p>
<p>to hope, to wish to</p>
<p>to be alike/equal sometimes</p>
<p>(introduced on C-2 tape) canjiā</p>
<p>dǎ (ge) dianhua hǎode duō ting dianhua yānhuo youyuanhui zhěng hao</p>
<p>to attend</p>
<p>to make a phone call much better to answer the phone fireworks display carnival just right</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 3</p>
<p>Nin hěbi zhěme keq.i?</p>
<p>Bu shi kěqi.</p>
<p>Wo you yige pěngyou gang c6ng Měiguo lai*</p>
<p>Tā xianzai zeti Taivān Daocuě jiāo J Ing j ixuě.</p>
<p>Wǒ hen xiang gei nǐmen liāngwěi jieshao jieshao.</p>
<p>Why is it necessary to be so polite? It<sup>1</sup>s not politeness.</p>
<p>I have a friend who has just come from America.</p>
<p>She is teaching economics at Taiwan University right now.</p>
<p>工 would very much like to introduce the two of you.</p>
<p>A: Huang KēzhSng, nin xiāge</p>
<p>Xīngqīliu you gōngfu ma? A: Wǒ xiǎng qing nin he nin fūren dao women jiā lai chī ge bianfan.</p>
<p>Section Chief Huang, are you free Saturday of next week?</p>
<p>I would like to invite you and your wife to come to our house for a simple meal.</p>
<p>Notes on No. 1</p>
<p>Xiage Xingq.Iliu means <sup>!l</sup>Saturday of next week.&quot; &quot;Saturday of this veek&quot; is zhěige Xīngqīliu, and ”Saturday of last week<sup>ff</sup> is shangge Xingglliu.*</p>
<p>Chi ge Ijiaiifan: Here the verb chi, &quot;to eat [something]takes the o~b.iect (yi)ge bianfan,<sup>n</sup>a simple/informal family meal. When talking about the general activity of eating, however, use chi vith the general object fan, literally &quot;(cooked) rice”: chī_f|n, <sup>,f</sup>to eat”</p>
<p>The word bianfan is used meal served in the home, of not &quot;being a banquet. dishes plus a soup.</p>
<p>as a modest description in inviting guests for a The meal is generally &quot;simple&quot; only in the sense A Chinese family meal usually consists of several</p>
<p>*The words ”this,” <sup>n</sup>next,” and last in English are often ambiguous. &quot;This&quot; sometimes means ”just past,” sometimes ”the coming,<sup>ff</sup> and sometimes &quot;of next week.<sup>M</sup> &quot;Next&quot; sometimes means &quot;the coming” and sometimes means &quot;of next week*” ’’Last” sometimes means ”Just past&quot; and sometimes means,’of last week•,’ In Chinese, however, zhěige usually means &quot;of this week&quot;; xiage,</p>
<p>”of next veek&quot;; and shangge, ^of last week.<sup>v</sup> But ambiguities do sometimes arise.</p>
<p>Some Chinese consider that the week begins on Sunday. Probably most Chinese, however, consider Monday the first day of the week.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 3</p>
<p>Notes on Ho, 2</p>
<p>Hěbx is a somewhat formal way of saying ”Why is it necessary to…?&quot;</p>
<p>He is a literary word for &quot;vhy.&quot; Bi is a literary word for ”must, (You may recognize it from bu ~bi, &quot;need not,” ”to be unnecessary.”)</p>
<p>Notice that the first speaker in exchange 2 does not respond to the dinner invitation vith an immediate <sup>,f</sup>Thank you, I would love to,&quot; as one might do in English. Instead, the Chinese prefer the equivalent of <sup>tf</sup>That*s too kind of you’<sup>f</sup> or <sup>ft</sup>0h, you really shouldn<sup>1</sup>!.*<sup>1</sup> When you receive an indefinite invitation (like ”1 hope you can come over to my house for dinner some day”), do not ask immediately for the date and time. Rather, you should thank the person for his politeness and say that you also hope that you can get together. Vague invitations may simply be in superficial accordance with the rules of etiquette, and you might put your acq.uaintance on the spot by accepting.</p>
<p>Bu shi kěqi is the appropriate response when a person suggests that you</p>
<p>are treating him too politely.</p>
<p>Jiāo, &quot;to teach,” is a verb which requires a general object when no specific object is mentioned. Contrast jiāo shū, &quot;to teach,<sup>11</sup> with Jiāo jlngjixuě, <sup>!t</sup>to teach economics.<sup>M</sup></p>
<p>Nimen liǎngvei means &quot;the two of you,” or ”you two.” The other plural pronouns may be used similarly:</p>
<p>Tāmen sige rěn dōu yxjing &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Those four have all been there already.</p>
<p>quguo le.</p>
<p>Tāmen sānge rěn dōu xiǎng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All three of them are planning to niaj^ lishi. study history.</p>
<p>A number phrase may also follow a list of nouns or pronouns in Chinese.</p>
<p>Either the listing or the number is usually omitted in the English translation.</p>
<p>Wo, ni, tā sange rěn dou qu, hǎo &quot;bu hao?</p>
<p>Lǐ Xiānsheng gēn Wang Xiānsheng liangwěi dōu gěi wo dale diānhuě, le.</p>
<p>Why don't all three</p>
<p>Both Mr. Lī and Mr. them) called me.</p>
<p>of us go?</p>
<p>Wěng (the two of</p>
<p>Gei nimen liangvěi jieshao jiěshao: There are tvo things to note in this sentence. First of all, while the English language <sup>11</sup> introduces two people TO each other,&quot; the Chinese language <sup>M</sup>introduces FOR the two people,<sup>1</sup> sěi. • .jieshao. Secondly, the speaker has chosen to repeat the ver*b jiěshtto. In a sentence expressing the speaker<sup>1</sup>s desired course of action,the reduplicated form of the verb makes the statement less blunt and demanding.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 3</p>
<p>B: Na tai hǎo le!</p>
<p>B: Hen xīvang gēn ta tantan. B: Būguo, kSngp盔 wode Yīngwěn bň. xlng.</p>
<p>B: Budaix shuōde bu hao, you shihou y§ tingbudong.</p>
<p>That<sup>f</sup>s wonderful!</p>
<p>I wish very much to talk with her. However, I,m afraid that my English isn't good enough.</p>
<p>Not only don<sup>f</sup>t I speak well, (tut) sometimes I can<sup>f</sup>t understand what I hear either.</p>
<p>Notes on No* 3</p>
<p>Tai hao le, &quot;wonderful,&quot; or, more literally, <sup>,f</sup>too good.<sup>11</sup> You have seen tsli translated as &quot;excessively,&quot; or &quot;too&quot;: &quot;It’s too expensive!<sup>n</sup> TeLi gui le! In other contexts, tai simply indicates an extreme degree and is translated as &quot;very. When used this way, tai is commonly heavily stressed.</p>
<p>Zhěiben shū zhēn shi tai you This book is really very interesting! yisi le!</p>
<p>Būguo&gt; &quot;however,” is often interchangeable with kěshi,&quot;&quot;but,&quot; and is therefore used more frequently than the English &quot;however.<sup>11</sup></p>
<p>l^ngpel means <sup>ff</sup>to be afraid sometimes means &quot;probably,&quot; as is probably his.</p>
<p>that Csomething is/is not the case].,. It in Zhěiběn shū kongpa shi tāde, ”This book</p>
<p>Bňdan*•.yě,.• is equivalent to the English &quot;not only, &quot;tut also.,</p>
<p>Here are some examples:</p>
<p>Ta budan hui shuō Zhōngwěn, ye hui shuo Riwěn.</p>
<p>Tā budeui bii xīhuan hongde, yě bu xīhuan lānde•</p>
<p>Not only can he speak Chinese, but he can also speak Japanese.</p>
<p>Not only doesn<sup>f</sup>t he like the red one, but he doesn<sup>1</sup>t like the blue one either.</p>
<p>TlngbudSng, ”can’t understand' result in a compound vert of result• in this vay:</p>
<p>Zhōngwěn taozhi nl kandedong kanbudǒng?</p>
<p>The verb d8ng is used to indicate the Here is another example of dSng used</p>
<p>Can you read (and understand) Chinese newspapers?</p>
<p>Shuōde bxi hǎo VS. tingbudong: The many ways ir lese verbs may be combined to make patterns and</p>
<p>in vhich one-syllable Chinese verbs may be combined to make patterns and compounds can be confusing. In No. 3, you see both an action verb and its manner adverb (in the negative), shuode bu hǎo, and a compound verb of result (in its &quot;unable”</p>
<p>Compare these tvo forms:</p>
<table border="1">
<p>ACTION VERB MARKER</p></td><td>
<p>shuō -DE</p></td><td>
<p>shuō -DE</p></td><td>
<p>MARKER or NEG.</p>
<table border="1">
<p>MTG, Unit 3</p>
<p>The marker de is alvays part of the manner adverb expression tut alternates with in compound verbs of result. Manner adverb expressions expand to allov not only for negation but also for additional adverbs such as hen and tili* Compound verbs of result cannot do this. There are always three, and only three, parts to the compound verb of result.</p>
<p>A: N£li, nali.</p>
<p>A: Nin shuōde gēn Měiguo rěn ylyang hSo.</p>
<p>A: ZSnmeyeuig? Li在diǎn 'biln dui nln fǎngbian bu fangbian? B: Fangbian, fangbian.</p>
<p>Not at all, not at all.</p>
<p>You speak as veil as an American&lt;</p>
<p>How shall ve do it? Would six-thirty &quot;be convenient for you?</p>
<p>That would be fine.</p>
<p>Notes on Nos* U*5</p>
<p>Gēn. • •ylyibag hǎo: Ylyang is an adjectival verb meaning &quot;to *be the same•” When a sentence tells you in what respect the compared items are alike, yiy&amp;ng acts as an adverb and may te translated as &quot;equally.<sup>11</sup></p>
<table border="1">
<p>WSmen liǎngge rěnde chē</p></td><td>
<p>(the cars belonging to the two of us</p></td><td>
<p><sup>,!</sup>Our cars are alike 广</p>
<table border="1">
<p>Women liǎngge rěnde chē</p></td><td>
<p>yiyiing gui.</p></td></tr>
<p>(the cars &quot;belonging to the two of us</p></td><td>
<p>equally expensive)</p></td></tr>
<p>&quot;Our cars are equally expensive.<sup>11</sup></p>
<p>The area of compaxatility may &quot;be described by predicates other than adjectival verbs.</p>
<table border="1">
<p>Tāmen liǎngge rěn</p></td><td>
<p>nian shū.</p></td></tr>
<p>(the two of than</p></td><td>
<p>to study)</p></td></tr>
<p><sup>f,</sup>The two of them are equally studious.<sup>ff</sup></p>
<p>The items being compared may be expressed separately, using gēn. In this case, gēn is the prepositional vert meaning &quot;vith.&quot; The item preceding gēn is compared WITH the object of gēn.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 3</p>
<table border="1">
<p>Wode chē</p></td><td>
<p>tāde chē</p></td><td>
<p>(my car</p></td><td>
<p>his car</p></td><td>
<p>car is like his.<sup>ff</sup></p>
<p>Gēn may be used to compare nouns, pronouns, noun phrases, and clauses. Often, one of the tvo phrases or clauses is a shorter form of the other.</p>
<table border="1">
<p>Nī shuōde</p></td><td>
<p>Měiguo rěn (shuode)</p></td><td>
<p>(you speak</p></td><td>
<p>American 匸speak]</p></td><td>
<p>&quot;You speak as well as an American.”</p>
<table border="1">
<p>Wode chē</p></td><td>
<p>tāde (chē)</p></td><td>
<p>(my car</p></td><td>
<p>his [car]</p></td><td>
<p>”吻 car is like his (car)•”</p>
<table border="1">
<p>Nī (kaide)</p></td><td>
<p>(you [drive]</p></td><td>
<p>&quot;You drive as fast as I do.<sup>n</sup></p>
<p>6. A: Wo měi qing suibian. B: Nā jiu xiān</p>
<p>Notes on No, 6</p>
<p>Mei qing shenme _ word &quot;what<sup>1</sup> but is the indefinite ”any•” When used with or měi, shěnme rěn means <sup>,f</sup>anyone special,<sup>n</sup> or &quot;anyone in particular.<sup>11</sup> All question words may follow the verbs in negative statements to give similar meanings. Here are some examples of &quot;any_special<sup>11</sup> meanings:</p>
<p>WS měi chi shěnme feLn. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I didn<sup>f</sup>t eat much of anything,</p>
<p>W5 měi gēn shěi qii. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I didnft go with anyloocLy special,</p>
<p>W5 měi delo nSr qi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I dldn*t go anyplace in particular.</p>
<p>shěnme rěn. Hen I haven<sup>f</sup>t invited anyone special.</p>
<p>It *s very informal. xiě le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Well then, I<sup>f</sup>ll thank you in advance.</p>
<p>rěn: In this sentence, shěnme is not the Question</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 3</p>
<p>to be different tea</p>
<p>to eat, to have a meal &quot;but</p>
<p>furthermore, moreover (cooked) rice to drink to teach</p>
<p>Wo měiyou duōshao q.i£n. Wo tu yao jige.</p>
<p>I don<sup>f</sup>t have any money to speak of.</p>
<p>I don*t want but a fev. (I want only a few.)</p>
<p>Suibian is a frequently used expression which has connotations of</p>
<p>”casual7 as contrasted with kěqi, means &quot;according to convenience/<sup>1</sup></p>
<p>Zěnme zuo?</p>
<p>Suibian shěnme shihou lāi, Sulbiān zuo nǎr dōu kěyi.</p>
<p>’proper” or <sup>u</sup>formal.&quot; Literally, suibisui Here are some examples:</p>
<p>How shall we do it?</p>
<p>However you like.</p>
<p>Come anytime you like.</p>
<p>You may sit anywhere you like.</p>
<p>Na 3iii xiān xiě le: In meaning &quot;in that case,&quot; ”if thank you in advance, then&quot; say something like <sup>ff</sup>Great.</p>
<p>this sentence, na is acting as an adverb so,&quot; or ”then.<sup>n</sup> The English translation ”1*11 is very formal. You would &quot;be more likely to I'm looking forward to it *<sup>,f</sup></p>
<p>Notes on Additional Required vocabulary</p>
<p>Bň. t6ng may be used in much the same way as bū yxyang. Note that bň. tong occurs only in the negative. (There is no tong,l</p>
<p>Shanghai hua he Běijīng hua The, Shanghai dialect and the Beijing</p>
<p>dialect are very different.</p>
<p>Chi fan, &quot;to eat,” is an example of a verb plus a general object used to express a general activity. The verb chi may also take specific objects, such as miān, &quot;noodles,</p>
<p>D|nshi, <sup>!f</sup>but,<sup>,f</sup> is used much like kěshi, <sup>,f</sup>*but.</p>
<p>Hebei rěn tīngdedong Běijīng hu氢 ma?</p>
<p>Tīngdedong, d^nshi Hěběi hua he Běijīng hui, yiyiing.</p>
<p>Can people from Hebei understand the Běijīng dialect?</p>
<p>Yes, tut the Hěběi dialect and the Beijing dialect are different.</p>
<p>\a ī qqIlI 氐</p>
<p>/0hh /a]r ^ ē i b c Cděfh-J</p>
<p>T.OCJH.-io334. 11111</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 3</p>
<p>ěrqiě,&quot;furthermore,” &quot;moreover&quot;: Use ěrqiě at 气he beginning of a sentence or clause.</p>
<p>Zhěige huāplng tai gui, ěrqiě ye tai le. Wo bň xiǎng m&amp;i.</p>
<p>This vase is too expensive, and</p>
<p>furthermore it<sup>!</sup>s too big. 工 don’t want to buy it.</p>
<p>F|n, &quot;(cooked) rice&quot;: The definition of fan is qualified as ”cooked<sup>1</sup>’ because the Chinese use several words for ’’rice,&quot; depending on whether it is in the field, ready to cook, or on the table.</p>
<p>Jiāo shū. is a verb plus a general object meaning &quot;to teach.<sup>M</sup> Jiāo may be used without its general obj ect, as in jiao Zhōngvěn, &quot;teach the Chinese language.<sup>11</sup></p>
<p>MTG, Unit 3</p>
<p>A. Substitution Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Huang Kēzhǎng, nJ</p>
<p>mlngtiān vǎnshang you gongfu ma?</p>
<p>(cue) mlngtiān</p>
<p>zǎoshang (Section Chief Huangs are you free tomorrow evening?)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Huang Ke zhang, nl mlngtiān</p>
<p>zǎoshang you gōngfu ma? Xīngqīsi</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Huang Kēzhǎng, nī Xīngqīsi</p>
<p>you gōngfu ma? jīntiān wanshang</p>
<p>U. Huang Kezhang, nl jīntiān vǎnshang you gōngfu ma? xiā Xīngqīliu</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Huang Kezhǎng, ni xiā Xīngqīliu</p>
<p>you gSngfu ma? zhěige Xīngqīwǔ</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Huang Kezhǎng, nl zhěige</p>
<p>Xīngqxwu you gōngfu ma? zheige yue qihao</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Huāng Kēzhǎng, nl zhěige yuě</p>
<p>qlhāo you gōngfu ma?</p>
<p>You; Huang Kezhǎng, nl mlngtiān zaoshang you gongfu ma? (Section Chief Huang, are you free tomorrow morning?)</p>
<p>Huāng Kēzhǎng, nl Xīngqīsi you gongfu ma?</p>
<p>Huěng Kēzhǎng, nī jlntiān vǎnshang you gōngfu ma?</p>
<p>Hu^ng Kēzhǎng, ni xik Xīngqīliu you gōngfu ma?</p>
<p>Huang Kēzhǎng, nl zhěige Xīngqlwǔ you gōngfu ma?</p>
<p>Huěng Kēzhǎng, nī zhěige yuě qlhao you gōngfu ma?</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 3</p>
<p>Expansion Drill</p>
<p>Speaker: Wo xiǎng qing nln.</p>
<p>(cue) women jiā (I vould like to invite you.)</p>
<p>OR Wo xiang qing nin.</p>
<p>(cue) fanguanr (I would like to invite you.)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta xiǎng qxng nin.</p>
<p>Minzu Fěndiān</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo xiang q?ng nln.</p>
<p>wǒ fumǔ jiā</p>
<p>U. Wǒ xiang qxng nln. Běijīng Fāndiān</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wǒ xiang qing nin.</p>
<p>něige fanguanr</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo xiang qīng nln.</p>
<p>wo jiā</p>
<p>You; Wo xiang qing nin děo women jiā lai chī ge bislnfān.</p>
<p>(I vould like to invite you to our house for a simple meal.)</p>
<p>Wo xiang qīng nin dko fanguanr qu chi ge bianfan,</p>
<p>(I would like to invite you to go to a restaurant for a simple meal.)</p>
<p>Tā xiang q5Cng n£n dāo Mlnzti Fandiein qu chī ge bianfan.</p>
<p>Wo xiSng qing nln d§*o wo f\3mǔ Jia lāi chī ge bianfan.</p>
<p>Wo xiang qīng nln dāo BěijJng Fandi&amp;n qīi chī ge bianfan.</p>
<p>Wǒ xiǎng qu chī</p>
<p>Wo xiang chī ge</p>
<p>qīng nln d^o ge bistnfan.</p>
<p>qing nln d&amp;o biānfān.</p>
<p>něige fanguanr wo jiā lai</p>
<p>C. Response Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Tā zai Taiwan Daxuě</p>
<p>gongzuS ma?</p>
<p>(cue) jīngjixuě (Does he work at Taiwan University?)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā zai Dezhou Daxuě gSngzuS ma?</p>
<p>You: Dui le, Tā zai Taiwan Daxuě Jiāo jīngjixuě.</p>
<p>(That’s right. He teaches economics at Taiwan University•)</p>
<p>Dui le* Tā zai DezhSu Daxuě Jiao lishǐ.</p>
<p>3. Lǐ Xiānsheng zāi Jiāzhou Daxuě gongzuo ma? zhěngzhixuě</p>
<p>k<sub>9</sub> Chěn Xiānsheng zai Bīnzhōu</p>
<p>D^xuě gongzuS ma? Zhongwen</p>
<p>5. Andesēn Xiānsheng zāi Taiwan Datxuě gongzuS ma?</p>
<p>Yīngguo wěnxue</p>
<p>Dui le* Tā zai JiāzhSu Daxuě jiao zhengzhixuě•</p>
<p>Dui le. Tā zai Bīnzhou Daxuě jiāo Zhōngwěn.</p>
<p>Dui le. Tā zai Taiwan Daxuě jiāo Yīngguo wěnxue.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 3</p>
<p>Wāng Xiānsheng z茗i Taiwan Deixuě gongzuS ma?</p>
<p>ZhSngguo wěnxue</p>
<p>Zhao Xiāojie zai Taiwan Daxuě gongzuS ma?</p>
<p>Zh5ngguo lishǐ</p>
<p>Dui le. Tā zai Těivān Daxuě jiāo Zhongguo wěnxue.</p>
<p>Dui le. Ta zai Taiwan Daxuě jiāo ZhSngguo lishǐ.</p>
<p>D. Transformation Drill</p>
<p>1. Speaker•• Wo gěi nimen jieshao jieshao,</p>
<p>(cue) Wāng Tongzhi (I<sup>1</sup>!! introduce you.)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WS gěi nimen jieshao jieshao.</p>
<p>Liu T6ngzhi</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo gěi nǐmen jiěshao jiěshao.</p>
<p>Zhao Tōngzhi</p>
<p>U. Wo gěi nǐmen jiěshao jieshao. Zhang XiSnsheng</p>
<p>5* Wǒ gěi nǐmen jieshao jiěshao, Yang Nushi</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wǒ gěi nimen jieshao jieshao.</p>
<p>Zhang Kēzhǎng</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wǒ gěi nimen jieshao jieshao,</p>
<p>Li Shaoxiāo</p>
<p>You: Wo hen xiǎng gěi nǐmen gēn</p>
<p>Wang Tongzhi jieshao jiěshao, (I would very much like to introduce you and Comrade Wang.)</p>
<p>Wǒ hen xiang gěi nīmen gen Liū TSngzhi jiěshao jieshao,</p>
<p>Wǒ hen xiǎng gěi nimen gen Zh&amp;o TSngzhi jiěshao jieshao.</p>
<p>Wǒ hen xiang gěi nimen gen Zhāng Xiānsheng jieshao jieshao.</p>
<p>Wo hen xiǎng gei nimen gen Yāng Nushi jieshao jieshao.</p>
<p>Wo hen xiǎng gěi nǐmen gen Zhāng Kezhǎng jieshao jieshao,</p>
<p>Wǒ hen xiǎng gěi nimen gen Li Shaoxiāo jieshao jiěshao.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 3</p>
<p>E. Expansion Drill</p>
<p>1. Speaker: Tā tlngtuJiiLn.</p>
<p>(cue) kānbuji^n (He can<sup>f</sup>t hear.)</p>
<p>You: Ta bfidfltn tīngbvijiiln yě k豸nbuji^n.</p>
<p>(Not only cai^t he hear, [but] he can<sup>f</sup>t see either.)</p>
<table border="1">
<p>shu5budui ye tīngbudSng.</p></td></tr>
<p>chībuhao yě hēbuhao.</p></td></tr>
<p>shuSbudui yě xiěbudui.</p></td></tr>
<p>kitnbudong yě tīngbudSng •</p></td></tr>
<p>tingbudong yě shuobudui.</p></td></tr>
<p>ketnbuj iān •</p></td><td>
<p>l)1ld 茗 n</p></td><td>
<p>kanbuj ian ye tīngbuji^n.</p></td></tr>
<p>F, Combination Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Ta shuōde hSo. Ta</p>
<p>(He speaks poorly. He can<sup>f</sup>t understand,)</p>
<p>OH Tā shuSde bu hǎo. WS shuode bii hSo,</p>
<p>(He speaks poorly. I speak poorly.)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā nielnde hao. Tā xiědehao.</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā niande hǎo. WS niānde hao,</p>
<p>U. Tā tingbudong. Tā shuobuhǎo*</p>
<p>5. Tā kāide bu hao, WS kāide bū hao.</p>
<p>You: Ta bGdan shuode b\i h5o yě tīngbudǒng,</p>
<p>(He not only speaks poorly,</p>
<p>Cbut] he can<sup>f</sup>t understand either•)</p>
<p>BIldlLn ta shuode bu hǎo wS yS shuode bu hSo,</p>
<p>(Not only does he speak poorly, [but] I speak poorly too.)</p>
<p>Tā būdlin nisbide hao ye xiědehSo •</p>
<p>Btldan tā niltnde hao wS yě niande hSo,</p>
<p>Tā bňdiln tingbudong yě shuSbuhao •</p>
<p>Btldan tā kāide bu hao wS yS kāide bu hǎo.</p>
<p>6. Ta kitnbujian. Ta tīngbudSng.</p>
<p>Ta būdān kānbujietn ye tīngbudSng*</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 3</p>
<p>G. Transformation Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: W5 bň. něng dāo Zhongguo</p>
<p>q^. WSde Zhōngwěn bň xlng.</p>
<p>(I can't go to China*</p>
<p>VSy Chinese isn't good enough.)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta b\l kěyi xue ZhSngwěn. TS</p>
<p>měiyou gongfu.</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo bň kěyi mǎi dongxi. Wode</p>
<p>qiSn &quot;Wl gdu.</p>
<p>h. WS bū něng qti kSn pěngyou. W5 měiyou gSngfu.</p>
<p>5. W5 bō. něng shu5 Zhongguo hu2. W5de Zhongguo hua b办 xlng.</p>
<p>6. WS bai něng gēn ta qň chī fetn. WS měiyou shijiān.</p>
<p>T. Wo *b\i kěyi qu kāi hui, WS</p>
<p>tingbudong tāmen shuode huil.</p>
<p>You: Wo hen xīvilzig delo Zhongguo qtl, buguS kongpa wode Zhōngwěn bu xfng.</p>
<p>(I hope very much to go to China, &quot;but I<sup>f</sup>m afraid my Chinese isn<sup>f</sup>t good enough.)</p>
<p>TS hSn xīwang xuě Zhōngwěn, btigud kSngpa ta měiyou gōngfu.</p>
<p>Wo hen xīvang mǎi dongxi <sub>9</sub> btiguS kongpil wode qlixx &quot;btl g3u<sub>v</sub></p>
<p>WS hen xīvilng qjl kan pěngyou, bňguō kSngpa wS měiyou gSngfu.</p>
<p>Wo hen xīvtng shuo Zhongguo huel<sub>9</sub></p>
<p>5 kSngpā. w5de Zhongguo hull &quot;bň</p>
<p>WS hSn xīwSng gen ta qO. chī f&amp;n, &quot;WiguS kongpt w5 měiyou shljian.</p>
<p>W5 hen xīvelng qu kai hui, WiguS kSngpa wo tingbudong tāmen shuode hua.</p>
<p>H, Trans format ion Drill</p>
<p>!• Speaker: Nide chS gen tāde ylyang duo.</p>
<p>(cue) he (You have as much tea as he does•)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nīde dongxi gēn tade ylyetng</p>
<p>pifinyi* mai</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nide shu gin tade ylySng du5.</p>
<p>U. Nide shū gēn tade yiykng hao. Jiāo</p>
<p>You: Nl he chS, hide gēn ta ylyang duo.</p>
<p>(You drink as much tea as he does•)</p>
<p>N3l mǎi dongxi <sub>9</sub> mSide gen ta ylyang piUnyi•</p>
<p>Nī niln shū, niande gen tā ylyeUig duo.</p>
<p>Nī jiāo shū, jiāode gen ta ylyelng hǎo.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 3</p>
<p>5. Nide fan gēn tade ylyang duo, chī</p>
<p>6<sub>#</sub> N?de dianhuiL gēn tade ylyiuag duo, dS</p>
<p>7. N5Cde ZhSngguo huS gēn tāde ylyelng hǎo• shu5</p>
<p>I. Response Drill</p>
<p>1. Speaker: Nī qingle jige rěn?</p>
<p>(How many people did you invite?)</p>
<p>OR TS he shěnme?</p>
<p>(What does he drink?)</p>
<table border="1">
<p>qīng shěi?</p></td><td>
<p>mǎile jlběn</p></td><td>
<p>qing shenme</p></td><td>
<p>Ta</p></td><td colspan="2">
<p>dSo nSr qu le?</p></td></tr>
<p>you duSshao</p></td><td>
<p>Nl chī fetn, chide gēn ta yfyiUig duo,</p>
<p>Nl dǎ disLZihult, dade gen tā yly&amp;ng duō.</p>
<p>Nl shu5 Zhongguo hu在,shuode gen tā ylyitog hSo.</p>
<p>You: W5 měi qing jige rěn.</p>
<p>(I didn<sup>f</sup>t invite many at all<sub>9</sub>)</p>
<p>Tā &quot;bil he shěnme •</p>
<p>(He doesn<sup>f</sup>t drink much of anything.)</p>
<p>Wo bii qing shěi.</p>
<p>Ta měi mSi Jiben shu,</p>
<p>W5 bu qing shěnme rěn.</p>
<p>Ta měi d^o nSr qvl.</p>
<p>WS měiySu duoshao qiān.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit k</p>
<p>UNIT 4</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Huang Kēzhǎng, Huang Taitai,</p>
<p>huānying, huānying.</p>
<p>A: Qīng Jin.</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Fu Taitai, nln hao?</p>
<p>B: Zhě shi yidiǎn xiǎo yisi.</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Wo zhīdao nin xīhuan</p>
<p>shānshuǐ hua,</p>
<p>B: Těbiě qing pěngyou gěi nin huale yizhāng.</p>
<p>*A: Nln zhēn shi tai keqi. Xiěxie.</p>
<p>A: Lai, wo gei nīmen jieshao jieshao.</p>
<p>k. A: Zhěiwei shi He Jiaoshou,</p>
<p>zai Taida jiāo jīngjixuě.</p>
<p>A: He Jiaoshou, zhěiwei shi Huang Kēzhǎng, zai Taiwan Yinhāng gSngzuo.</p>
<p>A: Zhěivei shi Huang Taitai.</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Jiuyang, jiǔyang.</p>
<p>B: Nln laile duo jiǔ le?</p>
<p>C: Jiuyang. Wo gang lSi liǎngge yuě.</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;C: Hai you hen duō bu shouxide</p>
<p>C: Yihou hai yao xiang nin qīngjiao.</p>
<p>Section Chief Huang, Mrs. Huang— welcome•</p>
<p>Please come in.</p>
<p>How are you, Mrs. Franklin?</p>
<p>Here is a small token of appreciation,</p>
<p>I know you like landscape paintings.</p>
<p>I asked a friend to paint one especially for you.</p>
<p>You are really too polite. Thanks.</p>
<p>Come, 1*11 introduce the tvo of you.</p>
<p>This is Professor Hollins, who teaches economics at Taivan University.</p>
<p>Professor Hollins, this is Section Chief Huang, who works at the Bank of Taiwan.</p>
<p>This is Mrs. Huang.</p>
<p>Glad to meet you.</p>
<p>Hov long have you been here?</p>
<p>Glad to meet you. It has been only two months since I came.</p>
<p>There is still much I<sup>f</sup>m not familiar with.</p>
<p>Later 1*11 need to request more advice from you.</p>
<p><sup>#</sup>The remaining sentences in this exchange occur on the C-l tape.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit k</p>
<p>7. B: Něli, nili.</p>
<p>B: Xīwang ylhěu you jīhui duo jianmiSn,</p>
<p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
<table border="1">
<p>qīng zuo</p></td></tr>
<p>Not at all, not at all.</p>
<p>I hope that in the future we will have an opportunity to meet more.</p>
<p>method, way, means method, way</p>
<p>painting (Beijīng pronunciation)</p>
<p>please sit down</p>
<p>to sit</p>
<p>MTG, Unit k</p>
<p>fāngfǎ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;method <sub>9</sub> way, means</p>
<p>fazi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;method, way (Beijing)</p>
<p>hua &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to paint</p>
<p>hua(r) (yizhāng) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a painting</p>
<p>huānying &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to welcome</p>
<p>jiānmiān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to meet someone, to see someone</p>
<p>jiaoshou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;professor</p>
<p>jin &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to enter</p>
<p>Jiǔyǎng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;glad to meet you</p>
<p>qingjiao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to ask advice, to consult</p>
<p>qing zuo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;please sit dovn</p>
<p>shānshuī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;mountains and rivers, scenery vith</p>
<p>hills and water</p>
<p>shānshuī huā(r) (yizhāng) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;landscape painting</p>
<p>shehuixuě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;sociology</p>
<p>sh6uxi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to &quot;be familiar</p>
<p>Taida &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Taiwan University</p>
<p>těbiě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;especially</p>
<p>tūshūguǎn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;library</p>
<p>xiang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;towards; from</p>
<p>xiǎo yisi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a token of appreciation</p>
<p>zuo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to sit (introduced on C-2 and P-2 tapes)</p>
<p>biaoyǎn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to give a demonstration</p>
<p>bu da hǎo mǎi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;not very easy to buy</p>
<p>dui • • • shouxi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to &quot;be familiar with</p>
<p>Jiāoyubu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ministry of Education</p>
<p>mǎi cai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to buy groceries</p>
<p>song gei &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to give to</p>
<p>xi yīshang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to wash clothes</p>
<p>yanj iu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to study, to do research</p>
<p>youěryuan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kindergarten</p>
<p>you hu&amp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;oil painting</p>
<p>zhanlǎn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;exhibition</p>
<p>zhaogu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to take care of</p>
<p>zuo fan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to cook</p>
<p>zuoyl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;homevork</p>
<p>MTG, Unit k</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Huang Kēzhǎng, Huěng Taitai.</p>
<p>huānying, huānying•</p>
<p>A: Qing Jin.</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Fu Taitai, nin hao?</p>
<p>B: Zhě shi yidiǎn xiāo yisi.</p>
<p>Section Chief Huang, Mrs. Huang--welcome.</p>
<p>Please come in.</p>
<p>How are you, Mrs. Franklin?</p>
<p>Here is a small token of appreciation.</p>
<p>Note on Nos. 1-2</p>
<p>Xiao yisi: You have already seen yisi in the expression you yisi, ”to be interesting, Yisi means ”meaning,” ”significance,” &quot;intention,&quot; &quot;idea•” In No. 2, above, xiao yisi (literally, &quot;small [good] intent&quot;) is an idiomatic expression meaning <sup>!T</sup>a small (token of my) feelings of appreciation.<sup>!t</sup></p>
<p>3. B: Wo zhīdao nin xīhuan shānshuī hua.</p>
<p>Tebiě qing pěngyou gei nin huale yizhāng.</p>
<p>Nin zhēn shi tāi kěqi. Xiěxie-</p>
<p>A: Lai, wo gěi nimen jieshao jieshao.</p>
<p>I know you like landscape paintings.</p>
<p>工 asked a friend to paint one especially for you.</p>
<p>You are really too polite. Thanks.</p>
<p>Come. I'll introduce the two of you.</p>
<p>Notes on No. 3</p>
<p>Shānshuī, &quot;mountains and rivers,&quot; &quot;scenery with hills and water,&quot; is a compound made up of shān,&quot;mountain,&quot; and shuǐ, <sup>u</sup>water.<sup>l!</sup> In shānshuī,shul refers to rivers or lakes.</p>
<p>Těbiě qing pěngyou gěi nin huale yizhāng: Notice that the verb hua is followed by the completion marker le_. For this reason, the sentence means that the painting has been finished. The completed-action sense of huale might be captured by looser translations of the sentence, like ”1 asked a friend,and he painted one for you&quot; and <sup>T!</sup>I asked a friend, who painted one for you.</p>
<p>The sentence W5 těbiě q.ǐng pěngyou g§i nin hua yizhāng, without le,does not indicate whether the painting has been finished or not. The sentence might *be used when a speaker thinks that a paint ing has not yet &quot;been finished.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit U</p>
<p>Zhēn ahi tai kěqi、&quot;really too polite,” is a variation of Nin zhēn tili</p>
<p>Mat- Shi is sometimes used simply to fits the description that follows,</p>
<p>shov that the subject of a sentence</p>
<p>A: Zhěivei shi He Ji&amp;oshou, zEi Taida Jiāo Jīngjixuě.</p>
<p>A: He Jiiloshou, zhěiwei shi</p>
<p>Huang Kēzhǎng, zai Taiwan Ylnh£ng gōngzuo.</p>
<p>A: Zhěiwei shi H\xāng Taitai.</p>
<p>This is Professor Hollins, who teaches economics at Taiwan University.</p>
<p>Professor Hollins, this is Section Chief Hiiang, who works at the Bank of Taiwan.</p>
<p>This is Mrs. Huang.</p>
<p>Notes on No, 4</p>
<p>JieLoshSu, &quot;professor”: The first syllable in this vord means <sup>,f</sup>teaching.<sup>1</sup> Notice that the tone on Ji^o is different from the tone on the verb &quot;to teach,” Jiāo.</p>
<p>Tiidil is the abbreviation for Tlilvān Deixuě, &quot;Taiwan University.&quot;</p>
<p>Zhěivei ahi Hullng KēzhSng, zlli T&amp;ivān YlnhlLng gōngzuS looks like a run-on sentence, with the pronoun dropped from the second part of the sentence. In Chinese, this is a perfectly good way to add a second clause to a sentence. To characterize a person or thing just identified, the Chinese simply attach a descriptive sentence and omit the subject. You have already learned this pattern: Wěngfujlng Diljiē y5u yige XinhtUt Shūditn, h§n dl. Here are some additional examples:</p>
<p>Tā taitai shi R^běn rěn, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His wife is Japanese; she is in</p>
<p>xianzāi zai Shanghai * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sheuighǎi now.</p>
<p>Wo you yige pěngyou xlng W6, I have a friend named Wi who teaches zai DōnghUi D^xuě jiāo shū, at Dōnghǎi University. He is mlngnilln xiang dslo Měiguo q\i. planning to go to America next</p>
<p>MTG, Unit k</p>
<p>B: Jiǔyang, jiuyang.</p>
<p>B: Nin lUile duo jiǔ le? C: Jiǔyang. Wo gang lai liǎngge yuě.</p>
<p>Glad to meet you.</p>
<p>How long have you &quot;been here?</p>
<p>Glad to meet you. It has been only two months since I came.</p>
<p>Notes on No. 5</p>
<p>JiuySng means, literally, &quot;I have looked up to you for a long time&quot; or <sup>,f</sup>I have looked forward to meeting you•” It is used when meeting someone of higher status. Because jiuyang implies a status difference, the expression is not often used in the PRC.</p>
<p>Gang, &quot;only Just”: You have learned the sentence Wo laile liǎngge yuě le, <sup>,f</sup>I have been here two months now.” In the last sentence of exchange 5, notice that no le_ is needed. The focus has shifted from the coming to the shortness of the period; that is, the focus is on gang.</p>
<p>6. C: Hāi ySu hen duo bu shSuxide &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is still much I'm not familiar</p>
<p>difang. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;with.</p>
<p>C: Yihou hāi yao xiang nln &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Later I<sup>1</sup>11 need to request more</p>
<p>q.ǐngj iao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;advice from you.</p>
<p>Notes on No, 6</p>
<p>Sh6\xxi,<sup>f,</sup>to be familiar [vith the details of something!],<sup>11</sup> is also pronounced shuxi.</p>
<p>Difang means <sup>ft</sup>areas,<sup>,f</sup> &quot;aspects&quot; (NOT &quot;places&quot;) in the first sentence of No. ^ Thus shouxide dīfang means &quot;areas/aspects one is familiar vith,</p>
<p>XiSng nin q.lngjiilo is a polite way of requesting advice from someone— for example, a teacher, an advisor, or a senior colleague. Here, the prepositional verb xieing means &quot;from.&quot; (You learned xiSng as &quot;towards” in the Directions Module.) Literally, it means &quot;facing. Less formally, you may also say gēn nin qlngjiSo. Qingjiao (literally, &quot;request instruction&quot;) may be reduplicated or used with an object in sentences like the following:</p>
<p>WS yao gēn nln qingj i^o &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I would like to consult with you</p>
<p>about something.</p>
<p>yljiān shi.</p>
<p>Wo yao gēn nin qīngjiao•</p>
<p>YlhSu hSi</p>
<p>In this sentence, hai means <sup>H</sup>still more,” or</p>
<p>MTG, Unit k</p>
<p>N&amp;li, nSli.</p>
<p>Xīvang ylhSu y5u jīhui duō jieLnmiibi.</p>
<p>te on No. 了</p>
<p>The adjectival verb duo, &quot;to be mu an adverb meaning ”mucb,” ”more.”</p>
<p>KSfēi něng duō hē.</p>
<p>Nl duō chi diSnr ba.</p>
<p>Tā duo zhiile liSngtiān.</p>
<p>W5 shSo i&amp;Sile yizhāng piSo.</p>
<p>Tā shu5 tā yiio shSo chi.</p>
<p>qing zub</p>
<p>&gt;tes on Additional Required Vocabular</p>
<p>Here are a few sentences illustrat</p>
<p>Nide shěhulxuě xuěde zhěnme hSol~Nl ySng shěnme fāngfǎ niānde?</p>
<p>Meitiān zeli tňshuguSn sige</p>
<p>Xll W5 měiyou f|zi zili tňshūgnSn zud sige zhōnf</p>
<p>Not at all, not at all.</p>
<p>I hope that in the future we will have an opportunity to meet more.</p>
<p>ch,<sup>n</sup> ”to be many,<sup>11</sup> is used in No. 7 Shao may be used in the same way.</p>
<p>One must not drink too much coffee.</p>
<p>Eat a little more.</p>
<p>He stayed two days longer•</p>
<p>I bought one ticket too few.</p>
<p>(more literally, <sup>U</sup>I underbought ty one ticket/<sup>1</sup>)</p>
<p>He says he vants to eat less (cut down on eating).</p>
<p>method, way, means method, way</p>
<p>painting (Běijīng pronunciation)</p>
<p>please have a seat</p>
<p>to sit</p>
<p>ing some of the words:</p>
<p>You learned your sociology so well! How do you study it?</p>
<p>I spend four hours in the library everyday.</p>
<p>Boy! Theire<sup>1</sup> s no way I can sit in the library for four hours •</p>
<p>8 9 o 1 2 3 u 1111</p>
<p>MTG, Unit U</p>
<table border="1">
<p></p></td><td colspan="2">
<p>to be</p></td><td>
<p>to &quot;be</p></td><td>
<tr><td colspan="2">
<p>to be</p></td><td>
<p>to *be</p></td><td>
<p>to be</p></td><td>
<p>to arrive to reach</p>
<p>dui to be</p>
<p>gānjing to be</p>
<p>gāo to &quot;be</p>
<p>gaoxing to te</p>
<p>g5ngzud to work</p>
<p>hǎo to &quot;be to be</p>
<p>to be simple</p>
<p>llkāi to leave</p>
<p>to make a mistake to be wrong</p>
<p>be dirty</p>
<p>be short (of stature)</p>
<p>to feel sorry to feel bad to &quot;be grieved</p>
<p>xiūxi to rest to relax</p>
<p>*be bad</p>
<p>(fǔzS) to be complicated to be complex</p>
<p>MTG, Unit k</p>
<p>to be healthy</p>
<p>to be wide to be broad</p>
<p>to come</p>
<p>to be tired</p>
<p>to be cold</p>
<p>liěngkuai to be cool</p>
<p>to be full</p>
<p>to be slow</p>
<p>to be busy</p>
<p>nianqīng to be young</p>
<p>to be inexpensive to *be cheap</p>
<p>to be beautiful</p>
<p>qiSng to be strong</p>
<p>to be easy</p>
<p>to be born</p>
<p>you ting to te ill to &quot;be sick</p>
<p>to be narrow</p>
<p>to go</p>
<p>you Jīngshen to be lively to be spirited to &quot;be vigorous</p>
<p>to be hot</p>
<p>to be warm</p>
<p>to be vacant to be empty</p>
<p>to be fast</p>
<p>to be idle to be unoccupied</p>
<p>to be old (in years) gui</p>
<p>to be expensive</p>
<p>to be ugly</p>
<p>to be weak</p>
<p>to be difficult</p>
<p>to die</p>
<p>MTG, Unit k</p>
<p>to *be sweet</p>
<p>ting to stop to halt</p>
<p>to push</p>
<p>to be far</p>
<p>to be early</p>
<p>to be true to be real to &quot;be genuine</p>
<p>to be bitter</p>
<p>zSu to go to walk</p>
<p>to pull</p>
<p>to *be near</p>
<p>to be late</p>
<p>to *be false to be fake to be artificial</p>
<p>MTG, Unit h</p>
<p>Transformation Drill</p>
<p>• • Speaker: Wo xiǎng qing ta hua yizhāng huār.</p>
<p>(I'm thinking of asking him to paint a painting.)</p>
<p>Wo xiang qing ta chī yīci Zhongguo fan.</p>
<p>Wǒ xiǎng qǐng ta mai liangzhāng Těiběi dxtu.</p>
<p>You: Wo těbiě qīng ta huale yizhāng huār.</p>
<p>(I asked him especially to paint a painting.)</p>
<p>Wǒ těbiě gǐng ta chile ylci Zhongguo fan.</p>
<p>Wǒ těbiě qǐng ta maile liangzhāng Tāiběi ditu.</p>
<p>Wo xiǎng qǐng ta jiāo liǎngnian. Wǒ tebiě qǐng ta jiaole liǎngniSn.</p>
<p>Wǒ xiǎng qǐng ta hua yizhāng Zhongguo huār.</p>
<p>Wo xiǎng qing ta lSi ylci.</p>
<p>Wo xiǎng qxng ta kan ylci dietnying.</p>
<p>Wo těbiě qing ta huale yizhāng Zh5ngguo huar.</p>
<p>Wǒ těbiě qing ta laile yici.</p>
<p>Wo těbiě qǐng ta kanle ylci dianying.</p>
<p>B. Combination Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Tā shi He Jiaoshou.</p>
<p>Tā zai Taida jiāo jīngjixuě.</p>
<p>(He is Professor He.</p>
<p>He teaches economics at Taiwan University.)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā shi Wang Kezhǎng. Tā z&amp;i</p>
<p>Waijiāobu gSngzuo.</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā shi Shěn Shaoxiao. Tā zai</p>
<p>Wǔguānchu gōngzuo.</p>
<p>Tā shi Lin Jiaoshou. Tā zai Jiāzhou Daxuě jiao shū.</p>
<p>You: Zheiwěi shi He Jiaozhou, zai Taida jiāo jīngjixuě,</p>
<p>(This is Professor He, who teaches economics at Taiwan University.)</p>
<p>Zhěiwěi shi Wang Kēzhǎng, zai Waijiāobu gongzuS.</p>
<p>Zhěiwei shi Shěn Shaoxiao, zai Wǔguānchu g5ngzu5,</p>
<p>Zhěiwěi shi Lin Jiaoshou, zai Jiāzhōu Daxuě jiāo shū.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit h</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā shi Lu Kezhǎng. Tā zai</p>
<p>Taivān Ylnhang gSngzuS,</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā shi Liň Xiǎojiě. Tā zai</p>
<p>Tāida nian shū.</p>
<p>T. Tā shi Hān JiaoshSu, Ta zai Tāida jiao zhengzhixuě.</p>
<p>Zhěiwěi shi Lu Kezhǎng<sub>y</sub> zKi Taiwan Ylnhang gōngzuo.</p>
<p>Zhěiwěi shi Li1i Xiǎojiě, zai Taida nian shū,</p>
<p>Zhěiwěi shi Han Jiaoshou, zki T^idā jiāo zhengzhixuě•</p>
<p>C, Trans format ion Drill</p>
<p>1. Speaker: You hěn duō difang wo bu sh6uxi.</p>
<p>(There is much I<sup>f</sup>m not familiar with.)</p>
<p>OR Zai zher, you hen du5 rěn bu he cha.</p>
<p>(There are many people here who don’t drink tea.)</p>
<p>You: Wo hSi you hen duo bu shSuxide difang.</p>
<p>(There is still much I<sup>f</sup>m not familiar with.)</p>
<p>Zai zhěr, you hen duo bu he chade rěn.</p>
<p>(There are many non-tea drinking people here.)</p>
<p>2. YSu hen du5 difang wo tīngbudSng. Wǒ hai you hen duo tlngbudongde difang,</p>
<p>i. Z^i zhěr, you hen duō rěn bu kan bao.</p>
<p>Zai zhěr, you hen du5 bu k^n baode rěn.</p>
<p>U. Zai zhěr, you hen duō rěn bu hui shu5 ZhSngguo hua.</p>
<p>5. You hen duo difang wS bu hui zu5.</p>
<p>You hen du5 difang vo kānbudǒng.</p>
<p>Zāi zhěr, you hen duō bu hui shuo Zhongguo hu^de rěn.</p>
<p>Wo hai you hen duō bu hui zuSde difang.</p>
<p>Wǒ hai you hen duō kanbudǒngde difang.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 耗</p>
<p>Trans formation Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Women yihSu jianmi^nde</p>
<p>Jīhui hen duo.</p>
<p>(We will have many more opportunities to meet in the future.)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WS yihěu xiluig nln qingjiāode</p>
<p>jīhui hen duo,</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WSmen ylhSu shu5 Zhongguo huāde</p>
<p>jīhui hen duō*</p>
<p>U. WS ylhSu xuě ZhSngwěnde Jīhui hen du5,</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WSmen yihSu laide jīhui hen duō,</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Women yihSu z&amp;i ylqīde jīhui</p>
<p>hen du5.</p>
<p>You: Xīwang ylhSu you Jīhui duo jiajunifiln.</p>
<p>(I hope that in the future we will have an opportunity to meet more.)</p>
<p>Xīwang ylhěu y5u nfn qlngjieto.</p>
<p>XīwSng yihou you ZhSngguo huel.</p>
<p>Xīwiuig yihou y5u Zhōngwěn.</p>
<p>Xīwcǔig yihou you</p>
<p>XIwcLng yihSu you</p>
<p>jīhui duo xiiLng Jīhui du5 shu5 jīhui du5 xuě</p>
<p>zSi yiqī.</p>
<p>7. W5 ylhōu luxfngde jīhui hen duō. XīwSng yihōu you jīhui du5 luxlng.</p>
<p>E. Expansion Drill</p>
<p>1. Speaker: Huěng KēzhSng, huānying, huānying,</p>
<p>(cue) zu5 (Section Chief Hu£ng<sub>9</sub> welcome, welcome.)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;wSng Xiǎojiě, nln hao?</p>
<p>zud zuo</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Li Xiānsheng, nin hSo?</p>
<p>he yidian chS.</p>
<p>U. Wti KēzhSng<sub>f</sub> nln hao? zu5</p>
<p>You: Huāng Kezhǎng<sub>9</sub> huānying<sub>9</sub></p>
<p>huānying. Qing Jin, qing jinlai zub<sub>9</sub> (Section Chief HuSng, welcome, welcome. Please come in and sit down.)</p>
<p>WSng Xiǎojie, nln hao? Qīng Jin, qing jinlai zuězuo.</p>
<p>Li Xiānsheng, nln hǎo? Qing Jin, qing jinlai he yidiSn cha.</p>
<p>Wu KēzhSng, nln hao? Qīng jin, qing Jinlai zu5.</p>
<p>&gt;.Zhslo Tāitai, huānying, huānying. zu3</p>
<p>Zh^o TeLitai, huānying, huānying, QJng jin, qing jinlai zu5.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit k</p>
<p>6, Zhāng Xiānsheng, Zhāng Taitai, nln hao? zuo yihuǐr</p>
<p>QiSn Kēzhǎng, hǎo jiǔ bū jian. zuo zuo</p>
<p>Zhāng Xiānsheng, ZhSng Taitai, nln hǎo? Qǐng Jin, q?ng jinlai zu5 yihuǐr.</p>
<p>Qian Kēzhǎng, hǎo jiǔ bū jian,</p>
<p>Qǐng jin, qīng jinlai zudzuo.</p><img src="0195-FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentText_files/0195-FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentText-3.png" style="width:325pt;height:474pt;"/>
<p>20 了</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 5</p>
<p>UNIT 5</p>
<p>(in Běijīng)</p>
<p>B: Wāi.</p>
<p>A: Wěi, shi WliiJiāobu ma?</p>
<p>A: W5 ylto zhǎo Lin Sīzhǎng shuō hu^«</p>
<p>B: Nln shi nSr a?</p>
<p>A: Wo xing Lěkēlaier. W8 shi Fǎguo Dāshiguande Shāngwu Jīngjiguān.</p>
<p>B: Nln dengyideng, wo gěi</p>
<p>nln ketnkan tā zki bu zai,</p>
<p>B: W&amp;i, tā zhěihuīr &quot;bu zeLi. Nln yāo liu ge huār ma?</p>
<p>A: Lio3±k<sub>9</sub> tā hullaide shihou, nīn qing ta gěi wo da ge diclnhucl •</p>
<p>k. B: HSo, qing nln bǎ ninde</p>
<p>diānhuā helomar gSosong wS. WS xiěxiStlli•</p>
<p>A: W5de diānhuet shi wu ěr yāo-sān sān yāo.</p>
<p>5. C: Dultuql, nl gāngcSi gěi</p>
<p>vo dǎ dielnhuGl, w5 bfi zai.</p>
<p>C: Ni y5u shi ma?</p>
<p>Shi a! Wo něitian gēn nin yuēhǎole mlngtiān shldiǎn dāo nln belngong-shl qu tantan.</p>
<p>Yīnwei Mngtian zaoshang vo you yfjiān yěojlnde shi, su6yi xiang wěn nln women něng bu něng gǎi d&amp;o xieL-wǔ.</p>
<p>Hello. Is this the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?</p>
<p>I want to speak with Department Chief Lin.</p>
<p>Who is this?</p>
<p>My name is Leclaire. I am the C^nmercial/Ecomonics Officer from the French Embassy.</p>
<p>Wait a moment. I<sup>f</sup>ll see whether he is here or not.</p>
<p>Hello. He is not here at the moment. Would you like to leave a message?</p>
<p>When he comes back, please ask him to give me a phone call.</p>
<p>All right. Please tell me your phone niun'ber. I<sup>f</sup>ll write it down.</p>
<p>My phone num*ber is 521-331.</p>
<p>I<sup>f</sup>m sorry. When you called me Just now, I wasn<sup>f</sup>t in.</p>
<p>Can I help you with something?</p>
<p>Yes, you can. The other day I made an appointment with you to go to your office at ten o’clock tomorrov for a talk.</p>
<p>Because I have an urgent business matter tomorrow morning, I vant to ask you whether we can change it Cthe appointment] to the afternoon.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 5</p>
<p>*C: Xiawǔ shěnme shihou?</p>
<p>A: Nfn kSn xiltwǔ sān-sidiǎn zěnmeyāng? Dui nln fangbian bu fangbian?</p>
<p>C: Sidian &quot;bī sāndiǎn hSo.</p>
<p>Wo sāndiǎn zhōng děi kāi hui.</p>
<p>A: Hǎo ba. Nt mingtiān sidian zhōng Jiěn.</p>
<p>C: Hǎo, wo sidian zhōng děng ni.</p>
<p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
<p>了. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;haishi</p>
<p>8. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;vaiguo</p>
<p>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;viliguo rěn</p>
<p>10. wūzi (yijian)</p>
<p>11• yāo</p>
<p>What time in the afternoon?</p>
<p>What do you think of three or four in the afternoon? Is that convenient for you?</p>
<p>Four would be &quot;better than three.</p>
<p>I have to attend a meeting at three o<sup>f</sup>clock.</p>
<p>All right. Well then, see you at four o*clock tomorrow.</p>
<p>All right. I<sup>f</sup>ll wait for you at four o<sup>f</sup>clock.</p>
<p>foreign, abroad foreigner (non-Chinese) room</p>
<p>one (telephone pronunciation)</p>
<p>* The remaining sentences in this exchange occur on the C-l tape.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 5</p>
<p>ba &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(prepositional verb which indicates</p>
<p>the direct otj ect)</p>
<p>bāngōngshi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;office</p>
<p>gSi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to change</p>
<p>gǎi dāo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to change to</p>
<p>gāngcai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;just now, a short time ago</p>
<p>haishi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;still</p>
<p>hāomS(r) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;number</p>
<p>jīngjiguān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;economics officer</p>
<p>liu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to leave, to keep, to save</p>
<p>liu(ge)hua(r) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to leave a message</p>
<p>něitiān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the other day</p>
<p>shāngwu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;commercial business</p>
<p>shāngwuguān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;commercial officer</p>
<p>waigu6 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;foreign, abroad</p>
<p>waiguo rěn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;foreigner (non-Chinese)</p>
<p>Wāijiaobu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ministry of Foreign Affairs</p>
<p>vūzi (yijian) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;room</p>
<p>xiěxialai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to write down</p>
<p>yāo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one (telephone pronunciation)</p>
<p>yaojin &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be important, to be urgent</p>
<p>yuēhǎole &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to have (successfully) made</p>
<p>arrangements, to have made an appointment</p>
<p>zhěihuir &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;this moment, at the moment (Běijīng)</p>
<p>(introduced on C-2 and drill tapes)</p>
<p>chūtǔ wěnwu zhanlǎn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;exhibition of archaeological finds</p>
<p>da dao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to make a phone call to</p>
<p>d^ibiaotu£n &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;delegation</p>
<p>gSnbuhuilSi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;can’t make it back in time</p>
<p>j ieLoyuan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;teacher</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 5</p>
<p>jīngll &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;manager</p>
<p>qlnzi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;personally, privately</p>
<p>tuanzhǎng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;head of the delegation</p>
<p>zhǔrěn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;director</p>
<p>zijl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;oneself (&quot;myself,” &quot;yourself,&quot; etc.)</p>
<p>(introduced in Communication Game)</p>
<p>chēfang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;garage</p>
<p>di &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ground, earth</p><img src="0195-FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentText_files/0195-FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentText-4.png" style="width:300pt;height:267pt;"/>
<p>MTG, Unit 5</p>
<p>1. B: Wai.</p>
<p>A: Wěi, shi Waijiāobu ma?</p>
<p>A: Wo yao zhǎo Lin Sīzhang shuō hua.</p>
<p>Hello. Is this the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?</p>
<p>I want to speak vith Department Chief Lin.</p>
<p>Notes on No. 1</p>
<p>Waijiāobu: Waijiāo is the word for &quot;diplomacy&quot; (more literally, &quot;foreign relations&quot;)• Bu designates an organizational unit; in speaking of the Chinese government, bu is translated as &quot;ministry,* The head of a bu is a buzhǎng, &quot;minister.<sup>u</sup></p>
<p>Wai-, &quot;foreign,,<sup>1</sup> is used in terms such as vaiguo,&quot;overseas” (literally, &quot;foreign country”) and vaiguo rěn, ”foreigner” (most frequently referring to a person from a non-Asian country). Literally, vai- means &quot;outside,<sup>n</sup> as in w^imian.</p>
<p>Yāo zhǎo* ■. shuō hua means,literally, ”1 vould like to look for • • • to speak [with him].</p>
<p>Telephone conversations: Telephone requires that a person identify himself In China, however, it is normal for the for the person who ansvers the phone to</p>
<p>courtesy in the United States before beginning a conversation, caller to ask &quot;Who is this?<sup>11</sup> and inquire &quot;Who is calling?&quot;</p>
<p>2. B: Nin shi nǎr a?</p>
<p>A: Wǒ xing Lěkēlaier. WS shi Faguo Dashiguǎnde Shāngwu Jīngjiguān.</p>
<p>B: Nln dengyideng, wǒ gěi nin kankan tā zai bu zai.</p>
<p>Who is this?</p>
<p>My name is Leclaire. I am the Commercial/Economics Officer from the French Embassy.</p>
<p>Wait a moment. I<sup>f</sup>ll see whether he is here or not.</p>
<p>Notes on No, 2</p>
<p>Nln shi nar a? is one polite way to ask who is calling. Nǎr asks for the name of the office or organization which the caller represents. You</p>
<p>*Bu is also used for a <sup>M</sup>department<sup>,f</sup> of the U.S. government: NeiahěnK'bu, <sup>Tl</sup>Department of the Interior”</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 5</p>
<p>may also say Nl nar a? To ask for the caller<sup>f</sup>s name, use Qīngwěn ńl shi.. or Qǐngvěn nl guixlng?</p>
<p>Fǎguo: In the PRC, the word for ”France<sup>1</sup>’ usually has a low tone instead of a falling tone (Faguo) •</p>
<p>The syllable -guān means <sup>,f</sup>government official,&quot; &quot;officeror &quot;officeholder •<sup>M</sup></p>
<p>Tā zai bu zai: Zai means ”to be present&quot; here. With this meaning, zai does not have to be followed by a place word.</p>
<p>3. B: Wěi, tā zhěihuir bu zai.</p>
<p>Nin yāo liū ge huār ma?</p>
<p>A: Laojiā, tā hullaide shihou, nln qīng ta gěi wo dǎ ge dianhua.</p>
<p>Hello. He is not here at the moment.</p>
<p>Would you like to leave a message? When he comes back, please ask him to give me a phone call.</p>
<p>Notes on No. 3</p>
<p>Zhěihuǐr is a colloquial word for &quot;now,” ”at the moment.<sup>!T</sup> The word is made up of zhě plus yihuǐr• Its position preceding the verb shows that it refers to a point in time.</p>
<p>Liū ge huar: Liū means ” to leave C something/someone 13 behind. <sup>M</sup> Huar <sub>9</sub> translated in exchange 3 as &quot;message,,<sup>1</sup> is the word for &quot;speed<sup>11</sup> Directly following a verb (in this case,liu),the £Ī_ of unstressed yige may be omitted.</p>
<p>k. B: Hǎo, qīng nin bǎ nxnde dianhua haomar gaosong wǒ. Wc xiěxiālai.</p>
<p>A: Wode dianhua shi wǔ ěr yāo-sān sān yāo.</p>
<p>All right. Please tell me your phone number. 工*11 vrite it dovn.</p>
<p>Ify phone number is 521-331-</p>
<p>Notes on No.</p>
<p>Haomǎr is used for &quot;nuinber<sup>1</sup> as a passport number. (Shumu,</p>
<p>in speaking of identification numbers such &quot;number,<sup>ff</sup> expresses an amount.)</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 5</p>
<p>Yāo is used in Běijīng for giving room numbers and telephone numbers whenever those numbers are given orally.</p>
<p>Xiěxialai is a compound verb which is formed like nāxialai• However, while naxialai literally means ”to bring down and towards the speaker,<sup>11</sup> xiěxialai does NOT mean &quot;to write in a downward direction towards the</p>
<p>speaker.&quot; The compound xiěxialai corresponds to the English idiom <sup>ff</sup>to write down.&quot;</p>
<p>Qǐng nln bǎ nlnde dianhua haomǎr gaosong vo illustrates some of the rules concerning the use of the prepositional verb bǎ. (Read the Transportation Module notes on ta.)</p>
<p>Ba is a prepositional verb used to bring the direct object of a sentence to a position preceding the main verb. To do so has certain effects on the meaning of a sentence. There are reasons why must be used, why it may not be used,and why it is optional in different kinds of sentences.</p>
<p>In the first sentence of exchange h, the use of the bǎ construction is optional. You may also say Qing ni gaosong vo ninde di&amp;nh\xa heU^mar. The sentence fulfills the requirements for the optional use of bǎ but has none of the features which make the use of ba a necessity. Let's look more closely at these different requirements and features.</p>
<p>a. What conditions are necessary for the use of bǎ?</p>
<p>(1) The object of ba must be acted on. In other words, the action must be performed on the object of ba. In the first sentence of exchange 紅, nlnde dianhua haomar undergoes the action gāosong« More obvious examples are</p>
<table border="1">
<tr><td colspan="2">
<p>ditu nāchixlai le.</p>
<p>tāde chē mai le.</p>
<p>něige Zhongguo zi zai hii&quot;banshang le.</p>
<p>He took out the map.</p>
<p>He sold his car.</p>
<p>He wrote that Chinese character on the chalkboard.</p>
<p>UNDERGOER OF THE ACTION means that the object is influenced by the action in some way. In <sup>fT</sup>I saw Mr- Wang yesterday/<sup>1</sup> Mr. Wang is not considered to be the undergoer of the action.</p>
<p>(2) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The verb must be an action verb (such as gaosong in exchange U), Bǎ is not used with state and process verbs. For example, you may not use</p>
<p>bǎ with you, zhīdao, xīhuan,ai, xiang&gt; hui_, or dong.</p>
<p>(3) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The object of bǎ must refer to something specific (such as ninde diajihua haomǎr in exchange U): which telephone number? your telephone number (The questioner knovs which number he is referring to, even though he does not know what the number is.) Often the obj ect of ba must be translated into English with the definite article <sup>!,</sup>the<sup>fT</sup>:</p>
<p>Qīng ni bǎ huāplng gěi wo. Please give me the vase. (NOT <sup>,f</sup>a vase”:</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 5</p>
<p>Tā bǎ liajigzhāng piāo gěi wo le.</p>
<p>He gave me the tvo tickets, &quot;[any] two tickets”)</p>
<p>(U) The verb phrase must be complex. Here are examples ways in which a verb phrase can be made complex so that tS may be</p>
<p>Tā bǎ tāde chēzi mai le.</p>
<p>of the used:</p>
<p>Qing ni ba piāo huanhuan•</p>
<p>Tā TdS wode dizhi xiěxialai le.</p>
<p>Nǐ ba xingli nāshang chē qu &quot;ba.</p>
<p>Women zuotiān yljīng bS zhěijian shi shuōhao le.</p>
<p>Wo xiān &quot;ba zheige xiěvān zai zou.</p>
<p>Nl bǎ wode mingzi xiěcuo le.</p>
<p>Nl ba. zheige zi xi§de tai da le.</p>
<p>Tā ba zhěijiān shi shuōde hen qlngchu.</p>
<p>He sold his car.</p>
<p>Please exchange the tickets.</p>
<p>He wrote down my address.</p>
<p>Take the baggage onto the train.</p>
<p>We agreed on this matter yesterday.</p>
<p>I will finish writing this first and then leave.</p>
<p>You wrote my name wrong.</p>
<p>You wrote this character too large. He talked very clearly about this.</p>
<p>Put the beer on the table.</p>
<p>Bǎ piJiǔ fang zai zhuōzi-shang&gt;</p>
<p>WS bǎ chē ting zai něibian děng nin.</p>
<p>Lī Xiānsheng ba zidiǎn gěi xuěsheng le.</p>
<p>Qing ni zai bǎ tāde dianhua haomǎr nian ylci,</p>
<p>Qing ni bǎ zhěige kan yixla.</p>
<p>In the first sentence of exchange k<sub>9</sub> the verb phrase is made complex by having an indirect obj ect after the verb: ba ninde dieuihuS. haomar gaosong wǒ</p>
<p>b. When MUST ba be used?</p>
<p>The examples above which require the use of ta are those vith a prepositional verb phrase after the vert, those with a manner expression after the verb, and most of the sentences under the heading Compound Verb.<sup>1</sup> In these examples, the object may not be placed &quot;between the vert and the element vhich follows.</p>
<p>I vill park the car over there and vait for you.</p>
<p>Mr. Li has given the dictionaries to the students.</p>
<p>Please read his telephone number aloud once more.</p>
<p>Please take a look at this. (OR &quot;Please read this over.<sup>M</sup>)</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 5</p>
<p>c. When car^t b&amp; be used?</p>
<p>B&amp; cannot normally be used in a sentence if the vert is not an action ver*b, if the verb describes perception (like kSnjian and ting jian), if the object is not the under goer of the action, if the object is indefinite,</p>
<p>or if the verb is a simple verb, which bS cannot be used:</p>
<p>Here are some examples of sentences in</p>
<p>Wo mǎile yige shōnylnj ī.</p>
<p>W5 kiui J ian ta le.</p>
<p>Wo xiāng k^n zhěiben shū.</p>
<p>Wo y5u hen duō waiguo pěngyou.</p>
<p>WS zhīdao zheijiiLn shī.</p>
<p>I bought a radio.</p>
<p>(iNDEriNITE OBJECT)</p>
<p>I sav him.</p>
<p>I would like to read this book. (SIMPLE VERB)</p>
<p>I have a lot of foreign friends, (you NOT ACTION VERB)</p>
<p>I know of this matter.</p>
<p>(zhīdao NOT ACTION VERB)</p>
<p>What is the motivation for using ~bS?</p>
<p>Ba is used when the verb phrase gives more new important informa-the object does. The Chinese prefer to place that important verb _ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;final position in a sentence, where the phrase vill be prominent•</p>
<p>BS performs the function of taking the obj ect out of the way (to the &quot;beginning of a sentence) and allowing the verb phrase to have its full impact.</p>
<p>e. To make a tS sentence negative, place the negative adverb in front of *bS (NOT in front of the main verb).</p>
<p>tion than phrase in</p>
<p>Tā měi bǎ zhuōzi bānchuqu.</p>
<p>Nl bii bǎ rSu* fāng zai Mngxiāngli zěnme xlng?</p>
<p>He did not move the table out.</p>
<p>How can it do for you not to put the meat in the refrigerator? (How can you not put the meat in the refrigerator?)</p>
<p>5. C: Duibuqī, nī gāngcāi gěi wo dS diibihuā, wS *b1i zili.</p>
<p>C: Nl y5u shi ma?</p>
<p>A: Shi a! WS něitiān gēn nln ēhSole mingtian shidiSn</p>
<p>yue d盔o</p>
<p>I<sup>f</sup>m sorry. When you called me just nov, I wasn<sup>f</sup>t in.</p>
<p>Can I help you with something?</p>
<p>Yes, you can. The other day I made an appointment with you to go to nln bāngSngshi qu těntan. your office at ten o<sup>1</sup>clock tomorrow</p>
<p>for a talk.</p>
<p>*rSu<sub>f</sub> ”meat”</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 5</p>
<p>Notes on No. 5</p>
<p>Gāngcai means &quot;Just now,” ”a short time ago. It may, like other time words, either precede or follow the subject of a sentence.</p>
<p>Tā gāngcHi gěi wo dS diSlnhuā He called me a short time ago. le.</p>
<p>Gāngcai tā gěi vo dS diSjahueL le.</p>
<p>The one-syllable adverb gāng, ”Just,” always follows the subject of a sentence,</p>
<p>Tā gāng gěi wo dǎ dianhu^. He just called me.</p>
<p>Ni gangclti gei vo da diitohiiil, vS bti zlti, literally, &quot;You called me Just now, I wasn^ in&quot;: To the first clause (Ni gāngcii gěi vo dS diiinhiicL), you could add -de shihou&gt; &quot;when.&quot; Even without -de shihou, the relationship between the two clauses is still very close. Colloquially, no pause is needed between them. Here is a similar sentence:</p>
<p>Gāngclli wo qň zhao ni,nī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I Just went to look for you, but you</p>
<p>Tdu zili. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;weren^t there,</p>
<p>Něitiān literally means &quot;that day.” It is the Chinese equivalent of &quot;the other day.<sup>11</sup></p>
<p>Yuēhao is a compound verb of result: yuē, <sup>,f</sup>to arrange a meet ing,<sup>tf f,</sup>to make an appointment,” plus hao, ”successfully complete•”</p>
<p>Gēn means <sup>n</sup>with<sup>,T</sup> in the last sentence of exchange 5.</p>
<p>Betogōngshi: Bangōng (literally, &quot;manage work<sup>11</sup>) is frequently used for <sup>,!</sup>do work in an office. A bangōngshl is a room where office vork is done, or an &quot;office.<sup>n</sup></p>
<p>6. A: Yīnwei mingtiān zǎoshang wo you y£jieln y&amp;oj inde shi, suoyi xiSng věn nln vomen něng bu něng gǎi deu^ xiawǔ.</p>
<p>C: XiS.wǔ shěnme shihou?</p>
<p>A: Nln kan xilvǔ sān-sidiSn</p>
<p>zěnmeyang? Dui nin fangbian bu fangbian?</p>
<p>C: Sidian bī sāndiǎn hao. W5 sāndiǎn zhōng děi kāi hui.</p>
<p>A: Hao ba. Na mlngtiān sidiSn zhōng jiiin.</p>
<p>C: Hao, wo sidian zhōng děng ni.</p>
<p>Because I have an urgent &quot;business matter tomorrow morning, I want to ask you whether ve can change it [the appointment] to the afternoon.</p>
<p>What time in the afternoon?</p>
<p>What do you think of three or four in the afternoon? Is that convenient for you?</p>
<p>Four would *be better than three. I have to attend a meeting at three o'clock.</p>
<p>All right. Well then, see you at four o<sup>f</sup>clock tomorrow.</p>
<p>All right. I丨11 wait for you at four o<sup>1</sup>clock.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 5</p>
<p>Notes on No.</p>
<p>Yao Jin means ’’to be urgent,’<sup>T</sup> ” to be important,</p>
<p>YInvei,. .su6yi: When the first part of an English sentence begins with the vord ’’because,” it is usually considered redundant to begin the second part with &quot;therefore.<sup>n</sup> Thus the Chinese word suoyi,<sup>,!</sup>therefore,<sup>,!</sup> in the first sentence of exchange 6,is not translated into English. In Chinese, however, suoyi is commonly used after a clause &quot;beginning with ylnvei,<sup>n</sup>be-cause.”</p>
<p>The verbs gai and huiUi are both frequently translated as ”to change.&quot; GSi means <sup>ff</sup>change&quot; in the sense of <sup>f,</sup>alter ,<sup>fT</sup> and hu§n means ”change&quot; in the sense of ’’exchange.’,</p>
<p>Gǎi dāo xillvǔ, &quot;change (it) to the afternoon&quot;: In this phrase, the prepositional ver*b āko and its obj ect xiavǔ do not precede the verb; they follow the vert. A d&amp;o, <sup>n</sup>to,<sup>fl</sup> phrase which precedes the main verb in a sentence can be a scene setter, that is, you go &quot;to” a place and the action takes place there. Following the main verb in a sentence, a dao phrase can indicate where something ends up as a result of the action. In the first sentence of exchange 6, the appointment vill END UP in the afternoon. Here are some examples of dao phrases:</p>
<p>Tā dao c在ishichǎng mǎi cai qu le.</p>
<p>Wo gāngcai dāo wǔl6u zhǎo Chen Taitai qu le.</p>
<p>Tā pǎo dio shānshang qu le.</p>
<p>He went to the market to buy groceries. (SCENE SETTER)</p>
<p>Just now I went to the fifth floor to look for Mrs. Chen. (SCENE SETTER)</p>
<p>He ran to the top of the mountain. (<sup>lf</sup>He” ENDS UP ON THE MOUNTAINTOP.)</p>
<p>h£ishi waiguo viliguo rěn wuzi (yijian) yelo</p>
<p>foreign, abroad foreigner (non-Chinese) room</p>
<p>one (telephone pronunciation)</p>
<p>Notes on Additional Required Vocabulary</p>
<p>Hāishi means <sup>n</sup>still'<sup>1</sup> in the sense of <sup>n</sup>as &quot;before.<sup>11</sup> It is used in some</p>
<p>of the same ways that hai is used.</p>
<p>Sulran tā you shihou shuō hua bū kěqi, kěshi wǒ haishi xīhuan ta.</p>
<p>Although he is sometimes impolite in his speech, I still like him.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 5</p>
<p>Wǒ hāishi bū dong <sup>!T</sup>le<sup>n</sup> zěnme I still don<sup>!</sup>t understand how le_ is y5ng. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;used.</p>
<p>WlLiguo rěn, &quot;foreigner&quot;: The use of this term is still generally based on race rather than on citizenship. Even Chinese who are American citizens living in the United States often refer to non-Chinese Americans as vaiguo rěn.</p>
<p>Wūzi, <sup>lf</sup>room<sup>fl</sup>: The counter for vūzi is -jiān,which literally means &quot;interstice,<sup>11</sup> ”interval,” ”space,” &quot;room.&quot;</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 5</p>
<p>Expansion Drill</p>
<p>Speaker: Wāi, shi Wāijiaobū ma?</p>
<p>(cue) Lin Sīzhǎng (Hello, is this the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wāi, shi Měiguo Wǔguānchu ma?</p>
<p>Wěi Shaoxiāo</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wāi, shi Zhongguo Ylnh^ng ma?</p>
<p>Lfn KēzhSng</p>
<p>k. W&amp;i,shi Beijīng FeindiěLn ma? Bāoěr Xiānsheng</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;W&amp;i, shi Jiān^da Dāshiguǎn ma?</p>
<p>Lī Xiānsheng</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WSi, shi Meidāsī ma?</p>
<p>Měng Tǒngzhi</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;W&amp;i, shi Zhongguo Yfnh£ng ma?</p>
<p>Zhāngnlin T6ngzhi</p>
<p>You: Wāi, shi Waij iāobu ma? Wo yāo zhǎo Lin Sīzhǎng shuō huā.</p>
<p>(Hello, is this the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?工 want to speak with Department Chief Lin.)</p>
<p>Wāi, shi Měiguo Wǔguānchii ma? Wǒ yelo zhǎo Wěi Shāoxiao shuō hua.</p>
<p>Wsti, shi Zhongguo Ylnhang ma? Wo yāo zhao Lfn Kēzhǎng shuo huet.</p>
<p>W&amp;i, shi Běijīng Fāndiiln ma? Wo yelo zhǎo Bāoěr Xiānsheng shuō hua,</p>
<p>Wti, shi Jiānada Dāshiguan ma? Wo y^o zhao Li Xiānsheng shuō huā.</p>
<p>Wāi, shi Meidāsī ma? Wǒ yāo zhǎo Měng Tōngzhi shu5 hua.</p>
<p>Wai<sub>9</sub> shi Zhongguo Ylnhang ma? Wo yāo zhǎo Zhāngnan Tongzhi shuō huā.</p>
<p>B, Expansion Drill</p>
<p>1. Speaker; Wo gěi ni ketnkan tā zeti &quot;bu zai.</p>
<p>(l<sup>f</sup>ll see whether he is here or not.)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wǒ gěi ni kankan tā m£ng bu</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wǒ gei ni k&amp;nkan tā you gōngfu</p>
<p>U. Wo gěi ni kSnkan tā lfiile meiyou.</p>
<p>You: Qīng ni dengyideng, vo gei ni k&amp;nkan tā zāi &quot;bu zai •</p>
<p>(Please vait a moment. I<sup>f</sup>ll see whether he is here or not.)</p>
<p>Qfng ni děngyiděng, vo gěi ni kelnkan tā m£ng bu mang.</p>
<p>Qīng ni děngyiděng, wo gei ni kankan tā you gōngfu meiyou.</p>
<p>Qing ni dengyideng, wǒ gěi ni kāzxkan tā lěile meiyou.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 5</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo gěi ni kānkan tā zǒule</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wǒ gěi ni kankan tā hullaile</p>
<p>了. W5 gěi ni kankan tā hulqule meiyou.</p>
<p>Qing ni dengyideng, wS gei ni kankan tā zSule meiyou.</p>
<p>Qīng ni děngyiděng, wo gěi ni kankan tā hullaile meiyou.</p>
<p>Qīng ni děnyiděng, vo gěi ni kankan tā hulqule meiyou.</p>
<p>C. Substitution Drill</p>
<p>Speaker: Lěojiā, ba nlnde dian-huā hetomSr gaosong wǒ.</p>
<p>(cue) Wang Xiānsheng-de diěnhuā haomar (Please tell me his telephone niimber.)</p>
<p>Laojiā, &quot;bǎ Wang Xiānshengde dianhua hetomǎr gaosong vo. tāde diSnhuā haomar</p>
<p>You: Lāojiei, ba WSng Xiānshengde dieknhuā hsLomǎr gaosong wǒ. (Please tell me Mr. Wěng<sup>f</sup>s telephone num'ber.)</p>
<p>LSojisL, &quot;ba tāde dianhua hitomar gaosong w5.</p>
<p>3. LaojiflL, ba tade diānhua hāomar gāosong wo. tāde dizhi</p>
<p>U. Laojia, bǎ tāde dizhi getosong wo. tāde &quot;bāngōngshide heiomar</p>
<p>Laojiā, TdS tāde dizhi gāosong vo,</p>
<p>Laojia, ba tāde bāngōngshīde hetomar gaosong vo.</p>
<p>5. LaojiS, bǎ tāde bSngōngshide hāomǎr gaosong wo. tāde dizhi</p>
<p>Laojia, bǎ tāde dizhi gaosong vo.</p>
<p>Lňojiě, bǎ tāde dlzhī gaosong wo. nfnde diSnhuā hāomar</p>
<p>Lāojia, ba nlnde diānhuet haomǎr gaosong wS_</p>
<p>7. LaojiS, bǎ nlnde diSnhuS haomar gaosong wǒ.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 5</p>
<p>D. Response Drill</p>
<p>1. Speaker: Nl xiěxialai le ma?</p>
<p>(cue) not yet (Have you written it down?)</p>
<table border="1">
<p>xiěhao le</p></td><td>
<p>soon will</p></td></tr>
<p>le ma?</p></td><td>
<p>le ma?</p></td><td>
<p>not yet</p></td></tr>
<p>le ma?</p></td><td>
<p>did not</p></td></tr>
<p>xiěhao le</p></td><td>
<p>le ma?</p></td><td>
<p>Yes, I did</p></td></tr>
<p>You: Wo hai měi xiěxiālSi.</p>
<p>(I haven*t written it down yet.)</p>
<p>Wo kuSi xiěhao le.</p>
<p>WS yijIng xiěxiālai le.</p>
<p>Wo hāi měi xiěxi&amp;lāi.</p>
<p>W5 měi xiěxiālai.</p>
<p>Wo yījīng xiěhao le.</p>
<p>Wo xiěxialāi le.</p>
<p>Response Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Nī gēn tā yuēhao le ma?</p>
<p>(cue) tā bāngōngshl (Did you make arrangements with him?)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nī gēn W£ng Xiānsheng yuēhao le</p>
<p>ma? huǒchēzhan</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nl gēn Ll Nushi yuēhao le ma?</p>
<p>wode l)£lngǒngsht</p>
<p>U. Nl gēn Liti Zhǔrěn yuēhao le ma? WSiJiāobu</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nī gēn Bāo Jieloshdu yuēhao le</p>
<p>ma? xuěxi&amp;o</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nl gēn Bňi Kēzhǎng yuēhao le</p>
<p>ma? tāde bāngōngsht</p>
<p>了. Ni gēn Yěng Xiānsheng yuēhao le ma? huikěshi</p>
<p>You: Gēn *tā yuēhao le, zSi tā bangōngshi jian.</p>
<p>(I made arrangements vith him to meet at his office.)</p>
<p>Gēn Wang Xiānsheng yuēhao le, z&amp;i huSchēzhěn Jiěn.</p>
<p>Gēn Ll Nushi yuēhao le, zSi vode bangōngshi jistn.</p>
<p>Gēn Liu Zhǔrěn yuēhao le, zeli</p>
<p>5n Liu Zhuren yu( Wāijiāobu jian.</p>
<p>Gēn Bāo Jietoshōu yuēhao le, zeli xuěxiao jian.</p>
<p>Gēn Běi Kēzhǎng yuēhao le, zki tāde &quot;bSngongshi jiān.</p>
<p>Gēn Yang Xiānsheng yuēhao le, zāi huikěshi jiān.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 5</p>
<p>F. Substitution Drill</p>
<p>You will need the word zhǔrěn, &quot;director,” in this exercise.</p>
<p>Speaker: Yīnwei shelngwu wSmen ySu ySoj inde sht, su6yi gSidāo xiāwS le.</p>
<p>(cue) Lin Zhǔrěn bū něng li.i (Because we have some important business in the morning, we will have to change to the afternoon.)</p>
<p>You: Yīnwei shSngwfi Lfn Zhǔrěn bū něng 1忘i, su6yi gaidāo xielvǔ le.</p>
<p>(Because Director Līn cannot come in the morning, we will have to change to the afternoon. )</p>
<p>shangvǔ Lfn Zhǔrěn *bu lSi,su6yi gǎideio xiawǔ ta zdi Wfiijiāobtt kāi</p>
<p>Yīnwei shāngwu ta zk± WSiJiāo*bii kāi hui, su6yi gSidelo xieivii le,</p>
<p>3. Yīnwei sheLngvǔ tā zki W&amp;ijiāobň kāi hui, su6yi gǎidao xiilwǔ le. vS d§i jiāo shū</p>
<p>U. Yīnwei shiLngvǔ wS děi Jiāo shū, su6yi gSidāo xiāvǔ le. wS děi dcLo Dashiguǎn qū</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;YInvei sheLngvǔ v5 děi d&amp;o</p>
<p>Dashiguǎn qō, su6yi gaidelo xiawǔ le. wǒ del gēn Wu Xiānsheng dangmian t£ntan</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yīnwei sheLngvǔ wǒ dei gēn Wǔ</p>
<p>Xiānsheng dangmlin tSntan, su6yi gǎidao xiāvǔ le. w5 měi gōngfu</p>
<p>Yīnwei shāngwu w5 d§i jiāo shū, su6yi gaidio xiāvī le.</p>
<p>Yīnwei shāngwǔ wS děi diio DGishiguSn qū, su6yi gSidlo xiāvǔ le.</p>
<p>Yīnwei shāngwu w3 dSi gēn Wu</p>
<p>XiSnsheng dāngmiān tantan, su6yi gSidUo xiāvu le.</p>
<p>YInvei shingvu v3 měi gōngfu<sub>9</sub> su6yi gSlāko xiāvǔ le.</p>
<p>7. YInvei shelngwu wS měi gōngfu, su6yi gǎid&amp;o xiSwu le.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 5</p>
<p>G. Substitution Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: XiSwS sān-sldiSn</p>
<p>(cue) tā (How is CHov aboutU three or four in the afternoon?)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta zěnmey&amp;ng? Taiwan</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Taiwan zeraneyeing?</p>
<p>Těiwānde jīngji</p>
<p>U. T^ivande jIngJi zenmeyitng? něige feLndicLn</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Něige flindiGizi zěnmeyltog?</p>
<p>zhěige xuěxiāo</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhěige xuěxiāo zěnmeyelng?</p>
<p>tāmen milide di&amp;ishi</p>
<p>You: Ta zenmeyāng?</p>
<p>(How is he? [Hov about him?])</p>
<p>TSiwān zěnmeyāng?</p>
<p>T^ivande J IngJ i zěmey^ng?</p>
<p>Něige fāndiān zěnmeyāng?</p>
<p>Zhěige xuěxiāo zSxmieyaxig?</p>
<p>Tāmen māide diānshi zěnmeyāng?</p>
<p>了》 Tāmetx maide diānshi zSnmeySng?</p>
<p>Transformation Drill</p>
<p>Speaker: Tāmen mlngtiān kǎi hut. (cue) vhen (They are meeting tomorrov.)</p>
<p>Tāmen mlngtiān kāi hui. where</p>
<p>You: Tāmen mfngtiān shěnme shfhou kāi hut?</p>
<p>(When are they meeting tomorrov?)</p>
<p>Tāmen zo£ngtiān nSr kāi hui?</p>
<p>3. Tāmen zu6tiān kāi hui le. when</p>
<p>1+. Tāmen zu6tiān kāi hui le, vhere</p>
<p>Tāmen zu6tiān shi shěnme shihou kāide hui?</p>
<p>Tāmen zu6tiān shi z在i nSr kāide hut?</p>
<p>Tāmen mlngtiān kāi hui. how many hours</p>
<p>Tāmen zu6tiān kāi hui le. hov long</p>
<p>Tāmen yijīng kāi hui le ma? yes</p>
<p>Tāmen mintiān kai hui kāi Jige zh5ngt6u?</p>
<p>Tāmen zu6tian kāi hui kāile du6 Jiǔ?</p>
<p>Tāmen yiJIng kāi hui le.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 6</p>
<p>(in Taipei)</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Jīntiān women yiqi qu chī</p>
<p>zhōngfan, hao ma?</p>
<p>A: Hao a, dao Dōngměn Canting qu chī ba.</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Dōngmende cai kongpa</p>
<p>měiyou Dahuade cai name hao ba.</p>
<p>A: Suiran bu tai hao, kěshi ll women zhěli jin.</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Ou, hai you yige xīn kāide</p>
<p>fanguānzi ll vomen zhěli gěng jin.</p>
<p>B: Tāmen nalide cai fēichāng hao.</p>
<p>B: Jīntiān wo, qing ni dao nali qū chī.</p>
<p>k. A: Na &quot;bu hǎo yisi!</p>
<p>B: Biě kěqi, měi shenme.</p>
<p>Něige difangde cai you hǎo you pianyi•</p>
<p>5. A: Nī shuōde difang ylding hao.</p>
<p>B: Tāmen nali you hǎoxiē cai &quot;biěde difang chībuzhao.</p>
<p>Let’s go have lunch together today. Okay?</p>
<p>All right. Why don<sup>f</sup>t we go to the East Gate Restaurant?</p>
<p>I’m afraid that the food at the East Gate isn<sup>%</sup>t as good as the food at the Great China.</p>
<p>Even though it [East Gate] is not too good, it is close to us.</p>
<p>0h<sub>5</sub> there is also a newly opened restaurant that is even closer to us.</p>
<p>The food there is extremely good.</p>
<p>Today I am going to invite go there to eat.</p>
<p>you to</p>
<p>I can<sup>!</sup>t let you do that!</p>
<p>(That vould be too embarrassing!)</p>
<p>Don’t &quot;be polite. It<sup>f</sup>s nothing.</p>
<p>The food there is both good and cheap•</p>
<p>Any place you suggest is sure to be good.</p>
<p>They have a good many dishes there that you can<sup>f</sup>t find (at) other places*</p>
<p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
<p>6. bu. ylding</p>
<p>了• kānfa</p>
<p>not necessarily; it<sup>f</sup>s not definite opinion, viev</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 6</p>
<table border="1">
<p>supper <sub>9</sub> dinner</p></td></tr>
<p>idea, opinion</p></td></tr>
<p>some, several, a fev</p></td></tr>
<p>vay of doing things,</p></td></tr>
</table><img src="0195-FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentText_files/0195-FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentText-5.png" style="width:306pt;height:255pt;"/>
<p>MTG, Unit 6</p>
<table border="1">
<p>other j different</p></td></tr>
<p>b^. hǎo yisi</p></td><td>
<p>to be embarrassing; to feel embarrassed</p></td></tr>
<p>bu ylding</p></td><td>
<p>not necessarily; it<sup>f</sup>s not definite</p></td></tr>
<p>food, cooked dish</p></td></tr>
<p>dining room; restaurant</p></td></tr>
<p>can<sup>f</sup>t find (to eat)</p></td></tr>
<p>Dahuā Canting</p></td><td>
<p>Great China Restaurant</p></td></tr>
<p>Dōngměn Canting</p></td><td>
<p>East Gate Restaurant</p></td></tr>
<p>very, extremely, highly</p></td></tr>
<p>even more</p></td></tr>
<p>a good many, a lot</p></td></tr>
<p>opinion, viev</p></td></tr>
<p>měiyou. •.name/zhěme</p></td><td>
<p>is not as...as...</p></td></tr>
<p>although, even though. &quot;&nbsp;(still) &quot;&nbsp;•</p></td></tr>
<p>supper, dinner</p></td></tr>
<p>idea, opinion</p></td></tr>
<p>some, several, a fev</p></td></tr>
<p>way of doing things, method, practice</p></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2">
<p>(introduced on C-2 tape)</p></td></tr>
<p>ānpaihǎo le</p></td><td>
<p>successfully arranged</p></td></tr>
<p>(counter for cars and buses)</p></td></tr>
<p>to start a journey</p></td></tr>
<p>MTG, Unit 6</p>
<p>laoshi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;always, all 七he time</p>
<p>lian...(ye) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;even.•.(also)</p>
<p>Shisānllng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ming Tombs (literally, ”Thirteen</p>
<p>yecān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;picnic</p>
<p>you ming &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be famous</p>
<p>Yūyuan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Szechuan Garden</p>
<p>zhāodai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to &quot;be hospitable to</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 6</p>
<p>Suiran bu tai women zhěli</p>
<p>kongpa meiyou name hǎo ba.</p>
<p>hao, keshi ll jxn.</p>
<p>rm afraid that the food at the Gate isn<sup>!</sup>t as good as the food the Great China.</p>
<p>Even though it [East Gate] is no too good, it is close to us.</p>
<p>2. B: A:</p>
<p>Notes on No. 2</p>
<p>Cai,<sup>ft</sup>(nonstaple) food,” ”dish,” ”course (of a meal)&quot;: Literally, means &quot;vegetables.&quot; It refers to any dish that is eaten with rice. Bo meat and vegetable dishes are included in the meaning.</p>
<p>The pattern • •. (měi)you. • .name. • • &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;is used to make comparisons when one thing is LESS than another.</p>
<p>,丄,. 丄。丄、/u、 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;丄 STATE VERB (OFTEN</p>
<p>i. + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;+ ADJECTIVAL VERB)</p>
<table border="1">
<p>you qiān.</p></td></tr>
<p>Used less frequently without the negative měi-, the pattern means <sup>u</sup>to t Equality] AS [something else].&quot;</p>
<p>Nide shū měiyou wode shū name duō.</p>
<p>Něige xuěxiaode tushūguan you zhěige xuěxiaode zhěme hao ma?</p>
<p>Your books are not as many as mi (You don<sup>f</sup>t have as many &quot;books 工 do.)</p>
<p>Yes, they are. (Yes, I do have many books as you do.)</p>
<p>Is that school's library as good this one<sup>!</sup>s?</p>
<p>1. B: Jīntiān women yiqī qu chi zhōngfan, hǎo ma?</p>
<p>A: Hao a, dao Dōngměn Canting qu chī ba.</p>
<p>Let’s go have lunch together tod Okay?</p>
<p>All right. Why don<sup>!</sup>t we go to t East Gate Restaurant?</p>
<p>Note on No. 1</p>
<p>Zhōngfan means, literally, &quot;middle meal - <sup>M 11</sup> Supper<sup>!t</sup> is wǎnfan, <sup>ft</sup>late meal.</p>
<p>^Breakfast&quot; is zāofaii.</p>
<p>East .at</p>
<p>)e as</p>
<p>L as</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 6</p>
<p>Suiran...kěshi...: Suiran (or suiran), &quot;although,” must always be followed by kěshi or dan shi, meaning &quot;but,<sup>,f</sup> in the second part of a sentence-Ke8hi/daashi would not usually be translated into English, but sometimes the word <sup>ft</sup> still<sup>11</sup> is included in the translation: <sup>11</sup> Alt hough it<sup>1</sup> s not too good, still it's close to us, Suiran may either precede the subject or be placed &quot;between the subject and the verb of a sentence.</p>
<p>Suiran tā xīhuan luxing, kěshi tā měi qūguo Zhongguo.</p>
<p>Although she likes to travel, has never been to China.</p>
<p>Tā suiran Jiāngle haojici, kěshi wǒ haishi bu dong.</p>
<p>WS suiran měi kanjianguo, kěshi ting rěn shuōguo.</p>
<p>Although he explained it many times, I still didn<sup>f</sup>t understand.</p>
<p>Although I have never seen it, I have heard of it.</p>
<p>Ou, hāi you yige xin kāide fanguānzi li women zhěli gěng jin. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^</p>
<p>Tāmen nalide cai fēichāng hao.</p>
<p>vo qxng ni dāo nali q,u</p>
<p>Oh, there is also a newly opened restaurant that is even closer to us.</p>
<p>The food there is exceptionally good.</p>
<p>Today I am going to invite you to go there to eat.</p>
<p>Notes on No, 3</p>
<p>Xin kāide: The adjectival verb xin, <sup>ff</sup>new,<sup>lf</sup> means &quot;newly,<sup>n</sup> &quot;recently,' when used as an adverb.</p>
<p>Gěng, ”more,” ’’even more,,’ &quot;still more<sup>1</sup></p>
<p>Zai lingshiguan gōngzuode rěn bi dashiguǎn gěng duō.</p>
<p>Lu pingguS hen gui, hong pingguo gěng gui.</p>
<p>Zhāng Tingfēng shuōde Zhongguo hua, Zhongguo rěn hen nan tīngdedong, waiguo rěn ylding gěng nan.</p>
<p>More people work at the consulates than at the embassy.</p>
<p>Green apples are expensive; red apples are even more expensive.</p>
<p>Zhāng Ting Fēng<sup>1</sup>s Chinese is hard for Chinese people to understand; for a foreigner, it vould certainly be even harder.</p>
<p>An overviev of comparison: You have things. The patterns presented here are has a standard purpose:</p>
<p>...■bi... (STATE VERB)</p>
<p>now learned several ways to compare the most common ones. Each pattern</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 6</p>
<p>•••gēn.••ylyang A simple adjectival verb may also Zhěi liangben, neiběn gui?</p>
<p>(STATE VERB)</p>
<p>(STATE VERB) be used to make a comparison:</p>
<p>Which of these two &quot;books is more expensive?</p>
<p>For each of the three patterns above (MORE—LESS—EQUAL), the comparison is made with a STATE vert. State verbs include adjectival verbs (h5o, ”to be good”),auxiliary verbs (hui,”to know how to,<sup>!f</sup> ”can”),and verbs describing mental attitudes or situations (zhīdao, <sup>!?</sup>to knov”; xīhuan,<sup>,f</sup>to like”; ai,</p>
<p>&quot;to love”).</p>
<p>Tā &quot;bi wo ai chī Zhongguo fan.</p>
<p>Zhěi jian shiqing, nī bi tā zhīdao.</p>
<p>Tā měiyou wo zhěme xīhuan kān diānyīng.</p>
<p>He loves to eat Chinese food more than I.</p>
<p>You know more about this than he does.</p>
<p>He doesnH like to see movies as much as I do.</p>
<p>Although the verb phrase begins with a state verb, that may not be the only word in the comparison• It may &quot;be expanded to include other verbs (any type) and objects.</p>
<p>The things being compared may also be expanded, placed in the slots for things compared:</p>
<p>Whole sentences may &quot;be</p>
<p>Zuo huoche měiyou zuo fēijl nlme kuili.</p>
<p>Wo xuě Zhōngwěn bī tā xue lishx r6ngyi.</p>
<p>Although the prepositional verb ,’more” than another, do not use the something is &quot;less.<sup>11</sup></p>
<p>Tā bi tā gēge neng shuō hua.</p>
<p>Going by train is not as fast as going by plane.</p>
<p>It<sup>f</sup>s easier for him, studying history, than it is for me, studying Chinese.</p>
<p>bi is used to say that one thing is negative of this pattern to say that</p>
<p>He is a better talker (smoother talker) than his older brother.</p>
<p>This pattern may also be expanded to indicate just HOW MUCH more one thing is than another. (Place the amount after the verb in a sentence.)</p>
<p>Zhěiběn bī něiben gui sānkuāi qian.</p>
<p>W5 bi tā dsl liǎngsui.</p>
<p>hov much more</p>
<p>Another way to indicate adjectival verb.</p>
<p>Zhěige 1)1 něige hǎokande duō!</p>
<p>This book is three dollars more expensive than that one.</p>
<p>I am two years older than she is.</p>
<p>is to add -de duō, <sup>n</sup>a lot,&quot; to an</p>
<p>This is much better looking than that!</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 6</p>
<p>Use the pattern ••.měiyou*••n&amp;me + less than another.</p>
<p>Wode zi měiyou tāde niuae hSokln.</p>
<p>Tā xiSng maide fāngzi měiyou zhěige f£ngzi Jin.</p>
<p>state verb to say that one thing is</p>
<p>VSy characters his.</p>
<p>The house she</p>
<p>don’t look as good as wants to buy isn't as</p>
<p>close as this one.</p>
<p>The affirmative pattern • • ,y5u, • •nSme + state verb is ambiguous: it says that one item is AT LEAST AS expensive as another item, which is either equally expensive or less expensive. This pattern is not as common as ••.měiyou*••n&amp;me + state verb.</p>
<p>The adverbs gěng, &quot;even more,” and zu|_, <sup>f,</sup>most ,<sup>,f</sup> are easily used to compare more than two things• (Place these adverbs before the verb in a sentence.)</p>
<p>Zhěi liSugbSn hen gui, kěshi neiben g各ng gui.</p>
<p>Diyīběn TdI diěrbSn gui, kěshi dlsānběn zul gui.</p>
<p>These two &quot;books are very expensive, but that one is even more expensive.</p>
<p>The first book is more expensive than that one, but the third one is the most expensive.</p>
<p>If the entire sentence involves a comparison of the three books, the speaker may single out the most expensive book with zui_, or sometimes without it.</p>
<p>Zhěi sinl^n shū, n§i*bSn gui?</p>
<p>Zheiten zui gui.</p>
<p>Of these three books, which is the (most) expensive one?</p>
<p>This one is the most expensive.</p>
<p>if. A: Nā- bii hSo yisi!</p>
<p>B: Biě kěqi, měi shenme* Něige difangde ceLi y5u hSo ySu piSnyi•</p>
<p>I can<sup>f</sup>t let you do that! (That vould be too embarrassing!)</p>
<p>Don*t be polite. It<sup>T</sup>s nothing. The food there is both good and cheap.</p>
<p>Notes on No. k</p>
<p>B立 hao yisi is an idiomatic phrase meaning &quot;to be embarrassing.<sup>11</sup> In Chinese culture, treating someone to a meal both shows your respect for him and maintains your status as a generous host. In exchange h<sub>9</sub> Na bū hao yisi means ”I,m embarrassed to have you show me so much respect,” or &quot;I’m em-barrassed to appear to be too cheap to treat you.” B\i hǎo yisi also means &quot;to feel embarrassed.<sup>ft</sup></p>
<p>YSu, • •ySu. • • • &quot;&quot;both. • .and. • The el^nent following each y5u may &quot;be as simple as an adjectival verb or as complex as a full verb phrase.</p>
<p>Tā hāizi y5u hui shuō Yīngwěn, His child can speak both English and y5u hui shuō ZhōngguS huE. Chinese.</p>
<p>MPG, Unit 6</p>
<p>A: Nl shuōde difang yiding hao.</p>
<p>B: Tāmen niLli you hSoxiē clLi biěde difang chltuzhao.</p>
<p>Any place you suggest is sure to be good.</p>
<p>They have a good many dishes there that you can<sup>f</sup>t find (at) other places.</p>
<p>Notes on No. 5</p>
<p>Yiding, &quot;certainly,<sup>,f</sup> can act as either an adverb or an adjectival verb (ADVERB)</p>
<p>Tā ylding l£i«</p>
<p>Wo bň ylding qil-WS hāi bxi ylding</p>
<p>Nl něitiān qii?</p>
<p>Hāi bxi ylding.</p>
<p>Nil shi yldingde.</p>
<p>He will definitely come.</p>
<p>It<sup>f</sup>8 not certain that I will go.</p>
<p>It<sup>1</sup>s not yet certain that I will go.</p>
<p>On what day are you going there? It<sup>f</sup>s not certain yet.</p>
<p>for sure.</p>
<p>H&amp;oxiē means</p>
<p>— &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a good many&quot; or <sup>fl</sup>a lot. You have seen -xiē, &quot;several,<sup>1</sup></p>
<p>in zhěixie, &quot;these,*<sup>1</sup> and něixie, &quot;those.<sup>11</sup> The element -xiē also some,” ”a fev”: Shujiazishang h&amp;i ySu yixiē shū» &quot;There</p>
<p>&quot;some, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;_</p>
<p>occurs in yfācīēT are still a few books on the bookcase.</p>
<p>Biěde is the word for &quot;other<sup>11</sup> in the sense of <sup>Tl</sup>a different one. Lingveli is the word for &quot;other” when you mean <sup>11</sup> an additional one•”</p>
<p>Chībuzhao: In this compound vert success In obtaining something. Here in -zhāo:</p>
<p>Wo zhǎobuzh£o tāde diiuihud. haomǎr •</p>
<p>Jīntiān měi mSizhlLo pingguS•</p>
<p>of result, the ending -zh&amp;o Indicates are some examples of compounds ending</p>
<p>I cannot find his phone number.</p>
<p>I did not succeed in buying apples today.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 6</p>
<table border="1">
<p>bu yiding</p></td></tr>
<p>not necessarily; it<sup>1</sup>s not definite</p>
<p>opinion, view</p>
<p>supper, dinner</p>
<p>idea, opinion</p>
<p>some, several, a few</p>
<p>way of doing things, method, practice</p>
<p>Notes on Additional Required Vocabulary</p>
<p>Kanfa, ,’opinion,” <sup>n</sup>view,” may be loosely translated as &quot;way of looking at things.” The word is made up of keln, to look,” and fǎ,”method,&quot; ”vay.</p>
<p>Women dui zhěijieLn shide &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Our opinions on this matter are not</p>
<p>kanfa bu ylyang. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the same.</p>
<p>XiSngfa,&quot;idea,” ’’opinion,<sup>1</sup>’ is made up of xiǎng,<sup>f,</sup>to think,&quot; and fa,</p>
<p>” met hod,&quot;way.&quot; Xiǎngfa is a &quot;way of thinking. The vord is actually pronounced xiangfa.</p>
<p>Tāde xiǎngfa gēn wode ylyāng. His way of thinking is the same as</p>
<p>Zuofa, <sup>,!</sup>way of doing things,” &quot;method,” &quot;practice,&quot; is made up of the verb zuo, <sup>T!</sup>to do,<sup>tf</sup> and fǎ, &quot;method,&quot; <sup>n</sup>way•”</p>
<p>Nǐde mudi hen hǎo, kěshi vo bu xīhuan nide zuofa.</p>
<p>Your goal is good, your methods.</p>
<p>&quot;but I don<sup>f</sup>t like</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 6</p>
<p>A. Response Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Jīntiān vomen yiqi qu</p>
<p>chi zhōngfan, hǎo ma?</p>
<p>(Let*s go have lunch together today. Okay?)</p>
<p>OR Jīntiān wo qing ni qu chī zhōngfan.</p>
<p>(Today I am inviting you to go to eat lunch.)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mlngtiān zhongwǔ women yxqǐ qu</p>
<p>chi zhōngfan, hao ma?</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mlngtiān zhōngwǔ wo qing ni qu</p>
<p>chī zhongfan.</p>
<p>紅.Xīngqlwǔ women yiqi qu chī zhongfan, hao ma?</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xīngqīliu wǒ qing ni qu chī</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mlngtiān women yiqi qu chī</p>
<p>zhōngfan, hao ma?</p>
<p>You: Hāo, jīntiān wo qīng ni.</p>
<p>(All right• Today I<sup>f</sup>m inviting you.)</p>
<p>Biě kěqi, women yiqi qu chī zhōngfan.</p>
<p>(Don<sup>1</sup>t be so polite. Let’s just go together and split the bill.)</p>
<p>Hǎo, mingtiān zhōngwu wo qīng ni.</p>
<p>Biě kěqi, women yiqǐ qu chī zhongfan•</p>
<p>Hǎo, Xīngqīwǔ wo qing ni.</p>
<p>Biě kěqi, women yiqī qu chī zhōngfan.</p>
<p>Hǎo, mingtiān wo qīng ni.</p>
<p>B: Transformation Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Neige rou bi zhěige</p>
<p>rou hao.</p>
<p>(This meat is better than that meat.)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xīnde bi jiude hǎo.</p>
<p>U Dahuade cai bī Dōngmende cai hǎo.</p>
<p>You: Zhěige rou měiyou něige rou name hǎo.</p>
<p>(This meat is not as good as that meat.)</p>
<p>Jiude měiyou xīnde name hao.</p>
<p>Dongměnde cai měiyou Dahuade cāi name hǎo.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 6</p>
<p>k. Tāde qian *bx wode qian duō,</p>
<p>Wode qian měiyou tāde qian něme duō.</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Něige r5u bi zhěige rou gui.</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jiu shū bi xīn shū pianyi.</p>
<p>了. Tā kāi chē bǐ wo kāide kuai,</p>
<p>Zhěige rou měiyou něige rSu name gui.</p>
<p>Xīn shū měiyou jiu shū name pianyi. Wo kāi chē měiyou tā kāide name kuai,</p>
<p>C. Combination Drill</p>
<p>h. 5</p>
<p>Speaker: Bu tāi hao. Li women jiā jin.</p>
<p>(It is not too good.</p>
<p>It is close to us,)</p>
<p>OR Hen hao. Li women jiā tai yuan.</p>
<p>(It is very good. It is too far from us.)</p>
<p>Bu tāi fangbian, Li women jiā jin.</p>
<p>Bu tāi pianyi. Li women jiā Jin.</p>
<p>Hen pianyi. Ll women jiā tāi yuan.</p>
<p>Hen hǎo. Ll women Jiā tāi yuan.</p>
<p>Bu tāi hǎo. Li vǒmen jiā hen jin.</p>
<p>You: Suīran bu tai hao, kěshi li vomen jiā jin.</p>
<p>(Even though it is not too good, it is close to us.)</p>
<p>Suīran hen hao, kěshi li women jiā tai yuan.</p>
<p>(Even though it is very good, it is too far from us.)</p>
<p>Suīran bu tāi fangbian, kěshi ll women jiā jin.</p>
<p>Suīran bu tai pianyi, kěshi li women jiā jin.</p>
<p>Suīran hen pianyi, kěshi l£ women jiā tāi yuan.</p>
<p>Suīrān hen hao, kěshi lx women jiā tai yuan.</p>
<p>Suīran bu tāi hao, kěshi ll women jiā hen jin.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 6</p>
<p>D. Transformation Drill</p>
<p>Speaker: Neige fanguānzi li zhěr hen jin.</p>
<p>(cue) zhěige (That restaurant is very close to here.)</p>
<p>You: Zhěige fanguānzi *bi fānguanzi li zhěr (This restaurant is to here than that</p>
<p>neige gěng jin. even closer restaurant•)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā jiā li zhěr hen jin.</p>
<p>wǒ jiā</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Něige yinhang ll zhěr hen yuan.</p>
<p>Zhongguo Yinhang</p>
<p>Wǔlu Qichēzhan ll zhěr hen yuan, něige Qichezhān</p>
<p>5- Wǔguānchu ll zhěr hen yuan. Dashiguan</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Huochēzhan li zhěr hen jin.</p>
<p>G5ngluju chēzhan</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wu Kēzhǎng jiā li zhěr hen yuan.</p>
<p>Lī Jiaoshou jiā</p>
<p>Wo jiā bǐ tā jiā li zhěr gěng jin.</p>
<p>Zhōngguo Yinhang bǐ něige yinhang li zhěr gěng yuan.</p>
<p>Něige Qichezhān bi Wūlu Qichēzhan</p>
<p>ll zhěr gěng yuan.</p>
<p>Dashiguan bi Wuguānchū l£ zhěr gěng yuan,</p>
<p>Gōngluju chēzhan bǐ Huochēzhan ll zhěr gěng jin.</p>
<p>Li Jiaoshou jiā bi Wu Kēzhǎng jiā li zhěr gěng yuan.</p>
<p>Transformation Drill</p>
<p>Speaker: Zhāng Xiǎojiě, Wang Xiānsheng dou you qian.</p>
<p>(cue) the same (Both Miss Zhāng and Mr. Wang have money [are rich].)</p>
<p>You: Zhāng Xiǎojiě gēn Wang Xiānsheng yiyāng you qian,</p>
<p>(Miss Zhāng and Mr. Wang are equally rich.)</p>
<p>Zhāng Xiǎojiě, Wang Xiānsheng dōu you qiān. more</p>
<p>Zhāng Xiǎojiě, Wang Xiānsheng dōu you qian. less</p>
<p>Zhāng Xiǎojiě, Wang Xiānsheng dōu you qian. even more</p>
<p>Zhāng Xiǎojiě bī Wang Xiānsheng you qian.</p>
<p>Zhāng Xiǎojiě měiyou Wang Xiānsheng name you qian.</p>
<p>Zhāng Xiǎojiě bī Wāng Xiānsheng gěng you qian.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 6</p>
<p>5. Zhāng Xiǎojiěde qian, Wang</p>
<p>Xiānshengde qiSn dou hen duō, the some</p>
<p>Zhāng Xiǎojiěde qifin gēn Wang Xiānshengde qian yfyang duo.</p>
<p>6. Zhāng Xiǎojiěde qian, Wang</p>
<p>Xiānshengde qian dōu hen duō, less</p>
<p>Zhāng Xiǎojiěde qian měiyou Wang Xiānshengde qian nsǔne duō.</p>
<p>了. Zhāng Xiǎojiěde qian, Wang</p>
<p>Xiānshengde qian dōu hen duō,</p>
<p>even more</p>
<p>Zhāng Xiǎojiěde qiSn b? Wang Xiānshengde qiěn gěng duo.</p>
<p>F. Substitution Drill</p>
<p>Speaker: Nīmen zhěrde cai hen hǎo.</p>
<p>(cue) exceptionally (Your food here is very good.)</p>
<p>Nimen zhěrde cai fēichāng hao. extremely</p>
<p>Nimen zhěrde cki hǎojxle. a little (more)</p>
<p>Nimen zhěrde even more</p>
<p>Nimen zhěrde extremely</p>
<p>Nimen zhěrde expecially</p>
<p>cki hǎo yidian.</p>
<p>gěng hao, hǎojlie.</p>
<p>You: Nimen zhěrde cai fēichāng hǎo.</p>
<p>(Your food here is exceptionally good.)</p>
<p>Nimen zhěrde cai hǎojlie.</p>
<p>Nīmen zhěrde cai hǎo yidiǎn.</p>
<p>Nimen zhěrde citi gěng hao.</p>
<p>Nimen zhěrde cSi haojlie.</p>
<p>Nīmen zhěrde cai těbiě h&amp;o.</p>
<p>7. Nimen zhěrde ceLi těMě hao.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 6</p>
<p>Combination Drill</p>
<p>Speaker: Zhěiben shū hen hǎo, Zhei/ben shū hen pianyi•</p>
<p>(This book is good. This book is inexpensive.)</p>
<p>Ni maide ditu hen hao. Nī mǎide ditu hen pianyi.</p>
<p>Tā zhude fandian hen hǎo, zhude fandian hen da.</p>
<p>U. Něrbān feijī hen kuai, fēijī hen pianyi.</p>
<p>Zuo huochē qu hen hǎo. Zuo huochē qu hen fangbian.</p>
<p>Zhěge fānguanzi hen ji!n.</p>
<p>Zhěge fanguanzi hen pianyi.</p>
<p>Tā mǎide ditǎn hen pianyi. Tā mǎide ditǎn hen hao.</p>
<p>You: Zhěiben shū you hao you pianyi. (This book is both good and inexpensive.)</p>
<p>Ni mǎide ditu you hao you pianyi.</p>
<p>Tā zhude fandian you hao you dā.</p>
<p>Něibān fēijī you kuai you pianyi.</p>
<p>Zuo huochē qū you hao you fǎngbian.</p>
<p>Zhěge fanguānzi ySu jin you pianyi,</p>
<p>Tā mǎide ditǎn you pianyi you hǎo.</p>
<p>L Expansion Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Zhěrde rou feichang</p>
<p>(cue) chī (The meat here is</p>
<p>exceptionally good.)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nārde cai fēichāng hǎo. mai</p>
<p>You: Zhěrde rou fēichāng hao, biěde difang chībuzhao.</p>
<p>(The meat here is exceptionally good. You can<sup>f</sup>t find anything like it anywhere else.)</p>
<p>Nārde cai fēichāng hǎo, biěde difang mǎibuzhao•</p>
<p>3. Narde tang fēichāng hǎo. mǎi</p>
<p>k. Zhěrde dianying fēichāng hǎo, kan</p>
<p>5. Zhěrde shū fēichāng duō. kan</p>
<p>Narde tang fēichāng hao, biěde difang mailjuzhao.</p>
<p>Zhěrde diānyīng fēichāng hǎo, biěde difang kanbuzhao.</p>
<p>Zhěrde shū. fēichāng duō, biěde difang kanbuzhao.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 6</p>
<p>6. Narde diānshi fēich£ng hǎo. mǎi</p>
<p>了. Narde cki fēich£ng hǎo. chi</p>
<p>Neirde diānshi fēichāng hao, biěde dxfang mǎibuzhao.</p>
<p>Narde cai fēichāng hao, &quot;biěde difang chībuzhao.</p><img src="0195-FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentText_files/0195-FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentText-6.png" style="width:410pt;height:312pt;"/>
<p>MTG, Unit 了</p>
<p>UNIT 7</p>
<p>(in Taipei)</p>
<p>B: Wěi.</p>
<p>A: Zhāng Xiānsheng ma?</p>
<p>B: Shide• Nln shi bu shi Bai Nushi?</p>
<p>A: Shi. Zhāng Xiānsheng, wo you yljiān shi xiǎng gēn nln dating dating.</p>
<p>B: Shenme shi?</p>
<p>A: Tīngshuō nln nātiaja xīn laile ylwěi Fāng Xiānsheng, shi gāng pailaide; tāde mingzi wo vāngJi le.</p>
<p>B: Bu cuo, Fāng Deming shi shangge llbai pai dao women zhěli l£ide.</p>
<p>B: Zěnme? Nl rěnshi ta ma?</p>
<p>A: Bū rěnshi.</p>
<p>A: Bliguo tīngshuō tā yě shi Jiāzhōu D^xuě biyěde, suoyi xiang qing ni gěi wo jieshao jieshao.</p>
<p>B: Mei wenti. Wo kankaji.. • hao, women xiSnzai dōu you gōngfu.</p>
<p>B: Nī xianzai něng lai ma?</p>
<p>A: Xing.</p>
<p>A: Wo mǎshang dao nin bangōngshi lai.</p>
<p>Chatuduo bange Jiu deio.</p>
<p>Is this Mr. Zhāng?</p>
<p>Yes. Is this Miss White?</p>
<p>Yes. Mr. Zhāng, I have something I would like to ask you about.</p>
<p>What is it?</p>
<p>I have heard that you recently had a Mr. Fāng join you, who has just been assigned to your office. I have forgotten his given name.</p>
<p>That<sup>1</sup>s right. Fāng Deming vas sent over here last week.</p>
<p>Why? Do you knov him?</p>
<p>I don<sup>f</sup>t know him.</p>
<p>However, I have heard that he also graduated from the University of California, so I wanted to ask you to introduce me to him.</p>
<p>No problem. I<sup>1</sup>11 take a look.... Okay, we are &quot;both free now.</p>
<p>Can you come now?</p>
<p>That will be fine.</p>
<p>I<sup>1</sup>11 come to your office right avay.</p>
<p>I<sup>f</sup>ll be there in about half an hour,</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 了</p>
<p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
<p>8. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jide</p>
<p>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;rěnde</p>
<p>10. rěnshi zi</p>
<p>11 • witng</p>
<p>12. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;v£nqu£n</p>
<p>13. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xiangqilai Ik. zuǒySu</p>
<p>to remember</p>
<p>to recognize, to know (alternate word for rěnshi)</p>
<p>to know how to read (literally, ”to recognize characters&quot;)</p>
<p>to forget (alternate word for vāngji • especially in the sense of forgetting to DO something)</p>
<p>to think of, to remember</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 了</p>
<p>biyě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to graduate</p>
<p>bu cu6 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;not bad, pretty good; that<sup>f</sup>s right</p>
<p>chabuduō &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;almost, about, approximately</p>
<p>dating &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to inquire about, to ask about</p>
<p>Jlde &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to remember</p>
<p>mǎshang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;immediately</p>
<p>měi went! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(there<sup>1</sup>s) no problem</p>
<p>pai dāo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to send to</p>
<p>pailai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to send here</p>
<p>rěnde &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to recognize, to knov</p>
<p>rěnshi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to recognize, to know</p>
<p>rěnshi zi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to knov how to read (literally,</p>
<p>,’to recognize characters^)</p>
<p>tīngshuō &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to hear that</p>
<p>wang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to forget</p>
<p>wangj i &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to forget</p>
<p>wanquan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;completely</p>
<p>věnti &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;problem, question</p>
<p>xiangqilai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to think of, to remember</p>
<p>zuǒySu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;approximat ely</p>
<p>(introduced on C-2 tape)</p>
<p>cōngming duode duō kěněng</p>
<p>Shījiě Yinhang xiū jiā ySnjiuyuSn</p>
<p>yāobushi••.J iu shi•••</p>
<p>to be intelligent</p>
<p>much more</p>
<p>World Bank</p>
<p>to take a vacation</p>
<p>graduate school</p>
<p>if it's not•••then it will be.</p>
<p>to be hardworking</p>
<p>the beginning of the month</p>
<p>the end of the month</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 7</p>
<p>Zhāng Xiānsheng ma?</p>
<p>Shide. Nin shi bu shi Bai Nttshi?</p>
<p>Shi. Zhāng Xiānsheng, wo you yijian shi xiang gēn nln dating dating.</p>
<p>Is this Mr, Zhāng?</p>
<p>Yes. Is this Miss White?</p>
<p>Yes. Mr. Zhāng, I have something I would like to ask you about.</p>
<p>Notes on Nos. 1-2</p>
<p>Gēn nln dǎting,’’ask information from you”: Note that the prepositional verb gēn is translated as <sup>T,</sup>from.<sup>,f</sup> Dǎting,&quot;to inquire,&quot; is less formal than qingjiao and requests information rather than advice.</p>
<p>Objects of reduplicated verbs: Reduplicated verbs may te followed only by DEFINITE objects. Indefinite objects of reduplicated verbs precede those verbs. In the last sentence of exchange 2, the object of the reduplicated verb dating dating is indefinite: yijian shi, ”a matter” Thus the object is introduced in the clause vo yon yijian shi which precedes the entire verb phrase xiǎng gēn nln dating dǎting.</p>
<p>Reduplicating a verb makes it indefinite; adding an indefinite object might</p>
<p>cause confusion, objects;</p>
<p>Wǒ xiSng dǎting</p>
<p>Wo xiǎng dating</p>
<p>Wǒ xiǎng dating</p>
<p>Wǒ xiang dating</p>
<p>The reduplicated verbs in the sentences below have definite</p>
<p>gēn nin dSting něitian shi.</p>
<p>gēn nln dǎting zhěijian shi.</p>
<p>gēn nin dating tāde shi.</p>
<p>gēn nln dating nǐde něijian shi.</p>
<p>I would like to</p>
<p>工 vould like to</p>
<p>I would like to matter (about</p>
<p>I would like to matter of yours.</p>
<table border="1">
<p>Simple verbs are used in objects:</p>
<p>Wo xiǎng yidiǎn</p>
<p>gēn nin shi.</p>
<p>the following sentences, which have indefinite dating</p>
<p>Wǒ xiǎng gēn nln duo shi.</p>
<p>Wo xiǎng gēn nin jījian shi.</p>
<p>dating hen dating</p>
<p>I would like thing.</p>
<p>I would like of things.</p>
<p>I would like things.</p>
<table border="1">
<p>about</p></td><td colspan="2">
<p>MTG, Unit 了</p>
<p>Shenme shi?</p>
<p>Tīngshuō nin nabian xīn laile yiwěi Fāng Xiānsheng, shi gāng pailaide; tāde mingzi wo wāngji le.</p>
<p>What is it?</p>
<p>工 have heard that you recently had a Mr. Fāng join you, who has just been assigned to your office. I have forgotten his given name.</p>
<p>Notes on No. 3</p>
<p>Tīngshuō corresponds to the English ”工 hear that&quot;&quot;’<sup>f</sup></p>
<p>...laile yivěi Fāng Xiānsheng, &quot;there came a Mr, Fāng”: While ”a” and <sup>n</sup>the’<sup>T</sup> are used in English to distinguish between indefinite and definite, word order accomplishes the same distinction in Chinese. The subject <sup>ff</sup>A Mr. Fāng” is placed AFTER the verb because the subject is indefinite. With an indefinite subject following the verb, information preceding the verb may give location, time, or other scene-setting details.</p>
<p>Zhěr xīn kāile yige hen haode fānguanzi.</p>
<p>Zuotiān laile yixiē Riběn rěn.</p>
<p>Yījīng q\ile wǔbǎige rěn.</p>
<p>A very good restaurant opened here recently.</p>
<p>Some Japanese came yesterday.</p>
<p>Five hundred people have already gone there.</p>
<p>Verbs of appearing and verbs of disappearing (&quot;to come,<sup>11</sup> &quot;to discover,<sup>1</sup> &quot;to happen/occur”) introduce indefinite subjects, as do the words y5u and yǒude•</p>
<p>Wail)ian you jige rěn zhǎo nǐ.</p>
<p>Yǒude rěn bu xihuan he cha.</p>
<p>Some situations may be described with</p>
<p>Zuot iān you yige rěn lai zhao nǐ.</p>
<p>Zuotiān laile yige rěn yao zhǎo ni dēngmian tantan.</p>
<p>There are some people outside who want to see you.</p>
<p>Some people don<sup>f</sup>t like to drink tea. either y5u or another verb.</p>
<p>Yesterday there was someone here looking for you.</p>
<p>Yesterday someone was here who was looking for you to talk with you in person.</p>
<p>Subjects occurring at the end of a sentence are indefinite, whether or not they are accompanied by yige. Subjects preceding the verb in a sentence are definite, whether or not they are accompanied by zhěige, něige, zhěixiē, neixiē, or other specifying words.</p>
<p>Lai rěn le. Rěn lāi le.</p>
<p>Some people have come.</p>
<p>The people have come. (i.e. whom we were expecting)</p>
<p>B A</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 了</p>
<p>Mingzi means &quot;name”一of an object, a place, or a person (GIVEN NAME). Occasionally, mingzi is used for a person’s full name (surname and given name). This usage is more common in the PRC,</p>
<p>Wangji is a verb meaning &quot;to forget<sup>M</sup>--used especially in reference to forgetting facts. Wang, <sup>,f</sup>to forget,&quot; is more commonly used for forgetting to do something. The verb Jide means ”to remember.”</p>
<p>k. B:</p>
<p>Bū cuo. Fang Deming shi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That<sup>f</sup>s right. Fāng Diming vas sent</p>
<p>shangge libai pai dao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;over here last week, women zhěli l£ide.</p>
<p>Zěnme? Ni rěnshi ta ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Why? Do you know him?</p>
<p>Notes on No. U</p>
<p>Bu cuo means ”not &quot;bad” in the sense of &quot;pretty good,<sup>11</sup> &quot;pretty veil/</p>
<p>”all right广</p>
<p>Nǐ zenmeyang?</p>
<p>Bū cuo.</p>
<p>In the first sentence is not wrong.<sup>tf</sup></p>
<p>Lī Xiānsheng, ni gāng cong Xianggang huilai, shi ma? Bu cuo, wo shi zuotiān hullaide.</p>
<p>Here are more examples of bū cuo:</p>
<p>Něige fanguǎnzide cai zhēn bu cuo.</p>
<p>How are things going?</p>
<p>Not bad.</p>
<p>of No. bu cuo means <sup>M</sup>that<sup>1</sup> s right, your information</p>
<p>Mr, Ll, you Just got Kong, didn<sup>f</sup>t you? That<sup>1</sup>s right. I got</p>
<p>back from Hong back yesterday.</p>
<p>That restaurant really has pretty good food.</p>
<p>Tā shuō Zhongguo hua, shuōde &quot;bū cuo.</p>
<p>He speaks Chinese pretty well.</p>
<p>In the first example, notice that an adverb precedes bu cu5: zhēn bň. cu5</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 了</p>
<p>PeLi delo: • • lai is a three-part verb: action verb (also expressing MOTION), prepositional verb (must take an object), and directional vert (lai, q.\i)</p>
<p>&quot;to run up on the hill<sup>ff</sup> ’’to move it into here&quot; &quot;to take it to school’’</p>
<p>&quot;to walk to the back&quot;</p>
<p>VERB &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;VERB &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;OBJECT &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;VERB</p>
<table border="1">
<p>ZSnme, &quot;vhy,” &quot;hov come,&quot; &quot;hov is it that.&quot;,”* is a more colloquial and challenging vord for ”vhy” than věishěnme. Only a reason or an. explanation is requested by věishěnme, ZSnme expresses more, emphasizing the speaker<sup>f</sup>s surprise or lack of understanding.</p>
<p>Nlmende 'bāngǒngshl zěnme zěnme xiao?</p>
<p>Tā fxJmu dōu shuō Zhongguo hvk<sub>9</sub> tā zěnme bū hui shuō?</p>
<p>Zěnme yěojInde shi, w5 zěnme veuigle zub le?</p>
<p>Nl zěnme bū niaxi shū ne?</p>
<p>Nl zěnme bō. shuō hueL? You shěnme *bu gāoxlngde shi ma?</p>
<p>How is it that your office is so small?</p>
<p>Both his parents speak Chinese. Hov is it that he can<sup>f</sup>t?</p>
<p>Hov could I have forgotten to do such an important thing?</p>
<p>How come you<sup>1</sup>re not studying?</p>
<p>How come you<sup>1</sup>re not saying anything? Is there something you are unhappy about?</p>
<p>The meaning of zenme is sometimes Nl zěnme lUi le?</p>
<p>Ni (shi) zěnme laide?</p>
<p>affected *by the aspect marker used:</p>
<p>How come you are here? (i.e., &quot;What are you doing here?”)</p>
<p>How did you get what means of</p>
<p>here? (i.e., by-transport at ion)</p>
<p>*You have already learned that zSnme can mean <sup>f,</sup>how.<sup>11</sup></p>
<p>MTG, Unit 7</p>
<p>Rěnshi the state verb means ”to knov&quot; in the sense of &quot;to be familiar vith,” &quot;to recognize, to meet,&quot; &quot;to get acquainted with.”</p>
<p>to be acquainted As an action verb, rěnshi</p>
<p>(STATE VERB)</p>
<p>Ni renshi Zhāng Guoquān ma?</p>
<p>N5l rěnshi ta ma?</p>
<p>Women bfi tai rěnshi.</p>
<p>Women qtlniān hāi bu rěnshi-</p>
<p>(ACTION VERB)</p>
<p>Wo zki Měiguode shihou, rěnshile hen duō Měiguo niānqlng rěn.*</p>
<p>Wo shi qiannian rěnshi tade.</p>
<p>Neige shihou women hai měi rěnshi•</p>
<p>Tā shi yige hen haode rěn, nl yīnggāi rěnshi renshi.**</p>
<table border="1">
<tr><td colspan="2">
<p>knov Zhāng Gu6quSn? knov him?</p>
<p>not too well acquainted, not know each other yet last</p>
<p>When I vas in America, I met a lot of young Americans.</p>
<p>I met him the year &quot;before last.</p>
<p>At that time we had not yet met.</p>
<p>He is a very good person; you should get to know him.</p>
<p>As a state verb,rěnshi is used for &quot;knowing” or ’’recognizing&quot; Chinese characters.</p>
<p>Ni rěnshi duōshǎoge Zhongguo zi?</p>
<p>Nl renshi zhěige zi ma?</p>
<p>How many Chinese characters do you know/recognize?</p>
<p>Do you recognize this character? zhīdao: rěnshi, &quot;to knov” a person;</p>
<p>Do you taiov Miss Tang?</p>
<p>I knov of her,&quot;but we haven, t met •</p>
<p>Contrast the meanings of rěnshi and zhīdao, &quot;to know of<sup>11</sup> a person</p>
<p>Nl rěnshi Tang Xiǎojiě ma?</p>
<p>Wo zhīdao ta, danshi women mei Jianguo.</p>
<p>place is being discussed, rěnshi means &quot;to knov how to get [there].&quot; continues to mean ”to knov of [a place].<sup>1</sup>*</p>
<p>that movie</p>
<p>When a Zhīdao</p>
<p>Nl rěnshi ma?</p>
<p>něige Nl zhīdao něige</p>
<p>Do you Knov hov to get to theater?</p>
<p>Do you knov of that movie theater?</p>
<p>^nianqlng, &quot;to be young<sup>11</sup> **yīnggāi, &quot;should”</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 了</p>
<p>A: Bli rěnshi.</p>
<p>A: Btiguo tīngshuō tā yg shi</p>
<p>Jiāzhōu Dibcuě biyěde, su6yi xiǎng qing ni gěi wo Jiěshao Jieshao.</p>
<p>I don<sup>f</sup>t knov him.</p>
<p>However, I have heard that he also graduated from the University of California, so I wanted to ask you to introduce me to him.</p>
<p>Note on No* 5</p>
<p>Shi Jiāzhōu Dilxuě biyěde, &quot;graduated from the University of California<sup>11</sup>: The name of a school or a word describing the type of school may stand in front of the verb biyě with no preceding prepositional verb, such as</p>
<p>c6ng, ”from.&quot;</p>
<p>Nl ěrzi yi J Ing dilxuě/zhōng-xuě/xiǎoxul blyě le ma?</p>
<p>Tā daxuě hāi mei biyě ne.</p>
<p>Tā shi Taiwan Dilxuě &quot;biyěde.</p>
<p>Biyě may also be preceded by either</p>
<p>Ni shi zili něige zhongxuě biyede?</p>
<p>Wo q\Jni£n c6ng Dizhou Dilxuě &quot;biyě le.</p>
<p>W5 shi qlbānian c6ng Běijīng Daxuě biyěde.</p>
<p>Has your son graduated from college/ high school/elementary school already?</p>
<p>He has not graduated from college yet</p>
<p>He graduated from Taiwan University.</p>
<p>z&amp;i, &quot;at,&quot; or c6ng, &quot;from.&quot;</p>
<p>What high school did you graduate from?</p>
<p>I graduated last year from the University of Texas.</p>
<p>I graduated from Běijīng University in <sup>f</sup>T8.</p>
<p>Blyě,meaning <sup>!f</sup>to complete a course of study,” is a compound made up of a verb plus a general object. For this reason,the object yě may be separated from the verb 这.This separation occurs most frequently in sentences containing the shi…de construction.</p>
<p>Tā shi yījiǔqlli^nian bide yě. He graduated in 19了6.</p>
<p>B: Mei wěntl. Wo kankan...hSo, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;No problem. I<sup>1</sup>11 take a look, women xianzāi dōu you Okay, we are &quot;both free now. gSngfu.</p>
<p>B: Nī xiiuizai něng lCi ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Can you come now?</p>
<p>Note on No.</p>
<p>The noun věnti can mean ”question,&quot; ”problem,&quot; or &quot;difficulty•” Tā wěnle hǎoduō wěntl. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He asked a lot of questions.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 了</p>
<p>rěnshi zi</p>
<p>to remember</p>
<p>to recognize, to knov (alternate word for rěnshi) to know how to read (literally, ”to recognize characters”) to forget (alternate word for</p>
<p>especially in the sense of forgetting to DO something) completely</p>
<p>to think of, to remember approximately</p>
<p>Nā shi yige hen dāde wěntl.</p>
<p>Ni y5u věnti ma? could mean either &quot;Do having any problems ?<sup>ft</sup></p>
<p>That<sup>1</sup> s a &quot;big you have any</p>
<p>questions?” or <sup>f?</sup>Are you</p>
<p>了. A:</p>
<p>Wo mǎshāng dao nln iD^ngongshi lai.</p>
<p>Chabuduō bānge zhōngt6u ji\i d备o.</p>
<p>That will be I<sup>f</sup>ll come to</p>
<p>your office right away.</p>
<p>I<sup>f</sup>ll be there in about half an hour.</p>
<p>Notes on No* 7</p>
<p>The adverb mSshSng (literally, ”on horseback”)means <sup>M</sup>immediately,<sup>11</sup> ”right away.<sup>H</sup></p>
<p>Chabiiduō may be translated fairly literally as ”does not differ much. Other translations are &quot;about,” ”approximately,” ”almost•”</p>
<p>Ch€L*buduō bādiǎn le.</p>
<p>Zhěběn shū wo chSbuduō kiln van le.</p>
<p>Tāmen chEbuduo bādiSn zhōng lUi.</p>
<p>Nage xuěxielo y5u chSbuduō sānbǎige xuěsheng.</p>
<p>It is nearly eight o’clock.</p>
<p>I have almost finished reading this book.</p>
<p>They are coming at around eight o<sup>f</sup>clock.</p>
<p>That school has approximat ely three hundred students.</p>
<p>2 3U 111</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 了</p>
<p>Notes on Additional Required Vocabulary</p>
<p>The verb jide,’’to remember,&quot; acts like a state verb</p>
<p>Nl Jide Wāng Xiao Ming ma?</p>
<p>Jide. Tā shi wo airen daxuěde tongxuě.</p>
<p>WS zuotiān bu jide tā xing shěnme. Jīntiān you xiangqilai le.</p>
<p>Do you rememlDer Wang Xiǎo Ming?</p>
<p>I remember (him). He is my spouse<sup>f</sup>! college classmate.</p>
<p>Yesterday I couldn<sup>f</sup>t remember what his name is. Today I remembered it (again)•</p>
<p>Rěnde, &quot;to recognize,” ”to know,&quot; is usually interchangeable with rěnshi. Both rěnshi and rěnde are most often made negative with bu.</p>
<p>Nl rěnde ta ma?</p>
<p>Bū rěnde.</p>
<p>Tā lu yě bū rěnde.</p>
<p>Women qunian hai bu rěnde.</p>
<p>Wang, ’’to forget/’ is an action</p>
<p>Wo hen r6ngyi &quot;bǎ ren mingzi w&amp;ng le.</p>
<p>Nimen dou &quot;bS chēpiao nalai le ma?</p>
<p>Wo vang le.</p>
<p>Wo měi vang.</p>
<p>Do you know him?</p>
<p>He doesn't even know the way.</p>
<p>We did not knov each other last year.</p>
<p>I forget people<sup>1</sup>s names very easily.</p>
<p>Did all of you bring your bus tickets?</p>
<p>I forgot (mine).</p>
<p>I didn<sup>f</sup>t forget•</p>
<p>Wānquan,”completely,,’ is an adverb used to modify verbs.</p>
<p>Tā xiěde zx vanquan dui. Tā vanquān bu dong.</p>
<p>The character he wrote is completely right-</p>
<p>He doesn<sup>f</sup>t understand any part of this.</p>
<p>Wo vanquan bxi zhīdao zhěi jian I don,t know anything about this shi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;matter.</p>
<p>Xiangqilai, ”to think of,” &quot;to rememberis a compound verb of result. It is made up of xiǎng, ”to think”; q.1, &quot;to rise”; and lai, &quot;to come,*</p>
<p>As an ending showing result» -cjilai_ may have either its literal meaning of <sup>ff</sup>to come up” or more abstract meanings such as &quot;to come to mind.”**</p>
<p>*XiSngqilai is actually pronounced xiāngq.ilai. The ending -q.Ilal is in the neutral tone; because 症 vas originally in the third tone, xiang changes to the rising tone.</p>
<p>**English prepositions, such as ”up,&quot; are also used both literally and abstractly: <sup>,T</sup>look up the wall&quot; (an upward motion) and ”look up the phone number<sup>11</sup> (no motion indicated by <sup>ff</sup>up<sup>ft</sup>)</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 了</p>
<p>Qing ba yīzi bānqilai.</p>
<p>Qīng nīmen zhānqilai.</p>
<p>Něige zi wo xiangqilai le.</p>
<p>ZuSyou (literally,<sup>n</sup>left»right<sup>T!</sup>) Wo vǔdian zu5y5u lai jiē ni.</p>
<p>Nī q.u mǎi dianr pingguo, hǎo bu hao?</p>
<p>Yao duōshao?</p>
<p>Sānjin zuoyou Jiu g5u le.</p>
<p>Please lift up the chair.</p>
<p>Please stand up.</p>
<p>I remember that character.</p>
<p>means &quot;approximately ,<sup>tT ,1</sup>about.&quot;</p>
<p>I will come to get you about five o<sup>f</sup>clock.</p>
<p>How about going to buy some apples?</p>
<p>How many do you vant?</p>
<p>About three catties should be enough.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 了</p>
<p>Transformation Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Wo you yijian shi</p>
<p>xiǎng gēn nln dating dating.</p>
<p>(I have something I would like to ask you about.)</p>
<p>OR Něijian shi, wo xiang</p>
<p>gēn nln dating dating. (I would like to ask you about that matter.</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo you hen duō shx xiǎng gēn</p>
<p>n£n dating dǎting.</p>
<p>Zhěijian shi, wǒ xiang gēn nln dating dating.</p>
<p>Tāde shi, wo xiang gēn nln dating dating.</p>
<p>WS you jījian shi xiǎng gēn nln dating dǎting.</p>
<p>Nīde něijian shi, vo xiang gēn nln dating dating.</p>
<p>You: Wo xiang gēn nin shi.</p>
<p>(i vould like to thing.)</p>
<p>dǎting yijian ask you some-</p>
<p>Wo xiǎng gēn nln dǎting dating něijian shi.</p>
<p>(I would like to ask you about ) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;that matter.)</p>
<p>Wo xiǎng gēn n£n dating hen duō shi.</p>
<p>Wo xiang gēn nln dǎting dating zhěi-jian shi.</p>
<p>Wǒ xiang gen nln dating dating tāde shi.</p>
<p>Wo xiang gēn nīn dating jijian shi.</p>
<p>Wo xiang gēn nln dating dǎting nide něijian shi.</p>
<p>B. Expansion Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker; TādLe mingzi vo vang</p>
<p>(I have forgotten his given name•)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tāde dizhǐ wǒ wangji le.</p>
<p>3. Tā shěnme shihou lai wo wang le.</p>
<p>k. Neiban fēijī jidiǎn zhong dāo vo vangji le.</p>
<p>You: Tāde mingzi wo wang le, ni hai jide ma?</p>
<p>(I have forgotten his given name. Do you remember it?)</p>
<p>Tāde dizhī wo vang j i le, ni hāi jide ma?</p>
<p>Tā shěnme shihou lai wo wang le, ni hai jide ma?</p>
<p>Něibān fēijī jidiǎn zh5ng āko vo wangji le, nx h疰i jide ma?</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 了</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā shi něini&amp;x dslo Zhongguo</p>
<p>qūde vāzig le.</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Women z5i něli hukn chē wS</p>
<p>wāngji le.</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ylnhěng Jidiǎn zhong guān měn</p>
<p>vo vāng le.</p>
<p>Tā shi něiniin delo ZhSngguo qiide wo vāng le, ni h£i Jide ma?</p>
<p>WSmen zai nali huSn chē wo wangJ i le, ni hāi jide ma?</p>
<p>YlnhSng jidian zhōng guān měn vo vang le, ni hSi jide ma?</p>
<p>Expansion Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Tīngshuō ta shi gāng</p>
<p>(cue) zhěli (I have heard he was Just sent over•)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tīzigshuǒ tā shi gāng pSiqude.</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tīngshuō Ll Xiānsheng shi gang</p>
<p>pěilaide. Tfiitěi</p>
<p>k. Tīngshuō W£ng XiSoJiě shi gāng petiqude • Tiiněn</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tīngshuō tā gēge shi gāng pāi-</p>
<p>laide. ī£izhong</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tīngshuō tā shi gāng pSiqude.</p>
<p>了. Tīngshuō nln shi gāng peLilaide. zhěli</p>
<p>You: Tīngshuō tā shi gāng peli dāo zhěli lILide.</p>
<p>(I have heard he vas Just sent over here.)</p>
<p>Tīngshuō tā shi gāng pāi deio nkli q5de.</p>
<p>Tīngshuō Ll Xiānsheng shi gāng piti dāo TSi*bei lSide.</p>
<p>Tīngshuō Wang Xiǎojiě shi gāng p&amp;i dāo Tainan ci^de.</p>
<p>Tīngshuō tā gēge shi gang pai dāo T^izhōng l£ide.</p>
<p>Tīngshuō tā shi gāng piti deio Gāo-xi6ng qūde.</p>
<p>Tīngshuō nln shi gang psii dāo zhěli lSide.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 了</p>
<p>D. Expansion Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker; Tā shi Jiāzhōu Daxuě</p>
<p>(cue) yljiǔsiwǔnian (He graduated from the University of California. )</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā shi Taiwan Daxuě blyěde.</p>
<p>yīj iǔwǔliunian</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā shi Mazhōu DflLxuě blyěde.</p>
<p>yij iuliuqlniin</p>
<p>U. Tā shi Dězhōu Daxuě biyěde. yljiuliaiěrnian</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā shi Běijīng Daxuě biyede.</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;TS shi Dōngběi Daxuě biyěde.</p>
<p>了. Tā shi Nānjīng Daxuě biyěde. yījiusānqīnian</p>
<p>You: Ta shi yljiǔslwǔniān Jiāzhōu Dāocuě biyěde.</p>
<p>(In 19紅5 he graduated from the University of California.)</p>
<p>Tā shi yij iuwǔliuni&amp;i Taivān Dctxue biyěde.</p>
<p>Tā shi yij iǔliňq.InilLn Mazhōu D&amp;xuě biyěde.</p>
<p>Tā shi yij iuliňěrniěn Dězhōu Debcuě biyěde.</p>
<p>Tā shi yij iǔsiqīniSn BSiJ īng DlLxuě biyěde.</p>
<p>Tā shi yīj iǔsānllngnian Dongběi Dilxuě tiyěde.</p>
<p>Tā shi yīj iǔsānqīniān NānJ īng D^xuě biyěde.</p>
<p>E. Expansion Drill</p>
<p>1. Speaker: Wo kānj ianguo zhěige zī.</p>
<p>(I have seen this character &quot;before.)</p>
<p>OR Wǒ zhīdao tā shi shěi. (I knov who he is.)</p>
<p>2. WS kānjiojiguo Zhāng Xiǎojiě.</p>
<p>3. Wo qūguo něige difang.</p>
<p>k. Wǒ zhīdao tā shi Ll Kēzhǎng•</p>
<p>You: WS kitnjianguo zhěige zi, kSshi w5 rěnshi zhěige zi*</p>
<p>(I have seen this character before, but I don<sup>T</sup>t recognize it.)</p>
<p>W5 zhīdao ta shi shěi, kSshi wS *b1i rěnshi ta.</p>
<p>(I know who he is, tut I<sup>f</sup>m not acquainted vith him.)</p>
<p>W5 kfltnjianguo Zhang Xiǎojiěkěshi wS bfi rěnshi Zhang XiSoJiS.</p>
<p>WS q^guo něige difang, kSshi wo &quot;Wx rěnshi něige difang•</p>
<p>WS zhīdao tǎ shi Ll KēzhSng, kSshi wS bd rěnshi Ll KēzhSng•</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 7</p>
<p>5 • W5 kilnj ianguo •</p>
<p>Wǒ kitijianguo, kěshi w6 Wi rěnshi.</p>
<p>WS zhīdao ta shi W£ng XiSoJiede gēge.</p>
<p>WS zhīdao tā shi W£ng XiSojiSde gēge, kěshi w5 rěnshi ta.</p>
<p>F* Transformation Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Chabuduō beinge zhong-</p>
<p>t6u jid dāo.</p>
<p>(I<sup>f</sup>ll be there in about half an hour*)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ChSbuduō yko yige zhōngt6u.</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā zhūle chdbuduō santiān.</p>
<p>U. Tā chSl)udu5 wǔshlsut le.</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Něiben shū chabuduō yāo shlkulli</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ChfituduS yko zou sishivufēn</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ChflLbuduō sānge xlngqī.</p>
<p>You: Bslnge zhōngtěu zuoyou Jiň dāo. (I’ll be there in atout half an hour•)</p>
<p>Yāo yige zhōngt6u zuSyōu.</p>
<p>Tā zhūle santiān zuSyōu.</p>
<p>Ta vǔshlsui zuSySu le.</p>
<p>NěibSn shū yāo 日hfkuSi qiin zuSySu.</p>
<p>Yko zSu sishivufēn zhong zuSySu.</p>
<p>Sānge xīngqī zuSydu.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 了</p>
<p>G. Response Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Nl xianzili lāi ma?</p>
<p>(cue) mǎshang (Are you coming now?)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā badian zhōng ill ma?</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā shldiǎn zh5ng qi ma?</p>
<p>k. Nīmen xianzili zou ma? m&amp;shcbig</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tāmen b£hilo ma? zu5ySu</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tāmen Jiǔdiǎn zh5ng lSi ma?</p>
<p>了. Nl shlh^o zeli Niǔ Yue ma? zuoyňu</p>
<p>You: W5 mSshsLng l&amp;i.</p>
<p>(I<sup>f</sup>m coming right away.)</p>
<p>Tā chcfbuduo bādiSn zhōng lāi.</p>
<p>Ta shidiSn zhong zuSyěu q\i.</p>
<p>WSmen mSshebig zSu.</p>
<p>Tāmen ti.'hko zuSyōu</p>
<p>Tamen chctbuduo j iǔdiSn zhSng l&amp;i.</p>
<p>WS shlhlto zuSyōu zlti NiS Yue.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 8</p>
<p>UNIT 8</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Wai, zhěi shi Lǐbinsī.</p>
<p>A: Wei, wo shi Laideng Dashi-de mishū.</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Dashī jiēzhao nīmende</p>
<p>qīngtiě le.</p>
<p>Hello• This Department -</p>
<p>Hello. I am secretary.</p>
<p>is the Protocol Ambassador Leyden<sup>1</sup>ī</p>
<p>3. A:</p>
<p>k. B: B:</p>
<p>5. A: A:</p>
<p>G. B: B:</p>
<p>了. A:</p>
<p>Hen kexi, yīnwei tā you shi,BSyuě jiǔ hāo bū něng lai.</p>
<p>Qing ni zhuǎngao Qiěo Buzhǎng.</p>
<p>Hen taoq.ian.</p>
<p>Hen yfhan, Laidēng Dāshi &quot;bu něng lai.</p>
<p>The ambaasador received your invitation.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, because he has a previous engagement, he cannot come on August 9.</p>
<p>Please inform Minister Qiao.</p>
<p>I<sup>f</sup>ia very sorry.</p>
<p>We very much regret that Ambassador Leyden cannot come.</p>
<p>WS ti ni zhiiangao ylxia. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I will pass on the message for you.</p>
<p>Mǎ Mlnglī, women you jige tongxuě Xīngqīliu jxhua d^o Changchěng qu wanr.</p>
<p>Nimen neng bu něng yiqī qu?</p>
<p>Zhen bu qiǎo.</p>
<p>Něitiān women you shī, měi banfa qu.</p>
<p>Xīwang yīhou zai zhao ilhvi juyiju ta.</p>
<p>B: Hǎo a.</p>
<p>Mǎ Minglx, a few of us students are planning to go to the Great Wall Saturday for an outing.</p>
<p>Can you go with us?</p>
<p>We really couldn<sup>f</sup>t make that•</p>
<p>We have a previous engagement that day; ve have no way of going,</p>
<p>工 hope that late we vill find an other opportunity to get together.</p>
<p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
<p>everybody, everyone to receive (alternate form of jiēzhao) fellow worker, colleague should, ought to, must</p>
<p>8. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dajiā</p>
<p>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;jiēdsio</p>
<p>10. tongshi 11• yīnggāi</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 8</p>
<p>bcLnfa &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;method» way</p>
<p>betoqiiln &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be sorry</p>
<p>būzhǎng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;minister (of a government</p>
<p>Changchěng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the Great Wall</p>
<p>dSjia &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;everybody, everyone</p>
<p>Jiē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to receive (mail, messages, guests,</p>
<p>phone calls) jiēdSo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to receive</p>
<p>to assemble</p>
<p>jilyijii &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to get together</p>
<p>kěxī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;unfortunately, what a pity</p>
<p>LlbīnsI &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Protoeol Department (PRC)</p>
<p>měi bSnfa &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;there<sup>1</sup>s no way out, it can’t</p>
<p>&quot;be helped</p>
<p>mishū &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;secretary, executive assistant</p>
<p>qiǎo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be timely, to &quot;be opportune</p>
<p>qīngtiě (q.ingtiē) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;written invitation</p>
<p>ti &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;substituting for, in place of</p>
<p>t6ngshi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fellow vorker, colleague</p>
<p>tongxuě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;classmate</p>
<p>yfhan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to regret (that something desirable</p>
<p>vill not happen) yīnggāi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;should, ought to, must</p>
<p>zhuǎngao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to pass on a message, to inform</p>
<p>(introduced on 02 tape)</p>
<p>cānjiā dao xl diěrtiān Jīngjitň Jūnshi yǎnxl laoddng m6fan</p>
<p>to participate in, to Join, to attend</p>
<p>to congratulate</p>
<p>the next day</p>
<p>Ministry of Economics</p>
<p>military maneuvers</p>
<p>model worker</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 8</p>
<p>xiěxie tāde yāoqīng zhěngzhi xuěxl zhuchf J iěhūn</p>
<p>zǒng jīnglī</p>
<p>the southern part (of the island), the south</p>
<p>to be able to recognize vhat something is from the sound</p>
<p>alumni association (literally, <sup>,f</sup>fellow-student group&quot;)</p>
<p>(■written) announcement, notification</p>
<p>to thank him for his invitation</p>
<p>political study session</p>
<p>to preside at a marriage ceremony (i.e., to give the &quot;bride away)</p>
<p>general manager (chief executive officer)</p>
<p>(introduced in Communication Game)</p>
<p>dangāo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cake</p>
<p>qisl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cheese</p>
<p>MCG, Unit 8</p>
<p>1, B: Wai, zhěi shi Lǐbīnsī. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hello. This</p>
<p>A: Wěi, wǒ shi Laidēng Dāshīde Hello. I am mishū. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;secretary.</p>
<p>is the Protocol Department. Ambassador Leyden<sup>1</sup>s</p>
<p>Notes on No. 1</p>
<p>LiMnsī,meaning &quot;protocol department,,’ is made tin, &quot;honored guests&quot;; and sī,&quot;department.<sup>ft</sup></p>
<p>up of lǐ, &quot;ceremony&quot;;</p>
<p>Mishū means <sup>ft</sup>secretary<sup>,f</sup> in two senses: 1) a high-ranking official 2) a clerk-typist•</p>
<p>2. A: Dashī jiēzhao nīmende &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The ambassador received your</p>
<p>qīngtiě le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;invitation•</p>
<p>Notes on No. 2</p>
<p>The vert jiē, &quot;to receive,” may be used for receiving guests, mail, messages, and phone calls.</p>
<p>Jiēzhao (jiēdao),<sup>n</sup>to receive,&quot; is a compound verb of result• The endings -zhao and -dao mean approximat ely the same thing: ” to successfully obtain something&quot; Jiēzhāo and jiēdao occur in four ways: with 1^ or měi (describing ACTUAL situations) and with -de- or -bu- (describing POTENTIAL situations)</p>
<p>Wǒ zuotiān qu huochēzhān jiē Yesterday 工 went to the train station ta, kěshi měi jiēzhao/ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to get him, but 工 missed him.</p>
<p>Nǐ zǎo yidiǎnr qu jiē ta, jiu jiēdezhao/jiēdedāo.</p>
<p>Mingtiān yāoshi laiwanle jiu Jiēbuzhāo/jiēbudao tāde dianhua.</p>
<p>Qīngtiě refers to a written invitation. The word is also pronounced qingtiē.</p>
<p>If you go a little earlier, (then) you can get him.</p>
<p>If I am late tomorrow, (then) I won’t (be able to) receive his phone call.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 8</p>
<p>3. A: Hen kěxī, yīnwei tā you shi, Bāyuě Jiuhao &quot;b立 něng lai.</p>
<p>A: Qīng ni zhuangao Qiao Buzhǎng. A: Hen &quot;baoqian.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, because he has a previous engagement, he cannot come on August 9-Please inform Minister QiSo-Vm very sorry.</p>
<p>Notes on No. 3</p>
<p>Kěxī may &quot;be used as an exclamation: Zhēn kěxī! ”That's really too bad!”</p>
<p>Zhuǎngao means &quot;to pass along [vord of something].<sup>11</sup> Zhuan literally means <sup>!,</sup>to turn&quot; or <sup>n</sup>to transmit•” Gao means ”to tell,<sup>11</sup> as in gaosu.</p>
<p>Baogian is an adjectival verb that means &quot;to be sorry,” &quot;to feel apologetic” (e.g., for not fulfilling one's social obligations). Literally, b^o means ”to embrace [a feeling]/<sup>1</sup> ”to harbor 匸a feeling].<sup>u</sup> Qian means &quot;apologetic feelings,<sup>n</sup> &quot;guilt feelings.</p>
<p>k. B:</p>
<p>Hen ylhān, Laidēng Dashī bu něng lai.</p>
<p>Wo ti ni zhuǎng&amp;o yixiā.</p>
<p>We very much regret that Ambassador Leyden cannot come.</p>
<p>工 vill pass on the message for you.</p>
<p>Notes on No. k</p>
<p>Yihe^x is a formal term used to express disappointment or regret that something desirable will not happen.</p>
<p>Tl, &quot;for,&quot; ”in place another, or in another<sup>1</sup>s</p>
<p>of ,<sup>Tf</sup> is a prepositional verb meaning in place of stead.</p>
<p>Jlntiān wo ti nī Jiāo shū. Wo ti ni qu.</p>
<p>I will teach for you today, (i.e. in your place)</p>
<p>I will go for you, of you)</p>
<p>(i.e., instead</p>
<p>To make a sentence containing ti negative,place bu or měi in front of the prepositional vert.</p>
<p>Wo bū yāo tx ni qu mǎi cai.</p>
<p>Tā měi ti wo l£i jiǎng hua.</p>
<p>Both gěi and may be translated as usage, vould seem to overlap in some meaning of ti_ may be used to clarify</p>
<p>I don<sup>f</sup>t want to go to buy groceries for you.</p>
<p>He did not come to speak in my place.</p>
<p>&quot;for.” Gěi, having a wider range of instances with tl_. The more exact a situation.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 8</p>
<p>Wo gěi ni mai cai.</p>
<p>Wo ti ni mǎi cai.</p>
<p>I will buy groceries for you.</p>
<p>__I will buy groceries for you.</p>
<p>— &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(CLARIFIED: YOU HAVE VOLUNTEERED ONLY</p>
<p>TO SHOP, NOT TO PAY.)</p>
<p>Yixia, &quot;a Mt,” is not translated in No. k. This vord adds to the action in the sentence a casual feeling,similar to the effect of reduplicating a vert. (Notice that this use of yixia is different from previous examples, vhere the word meant <sup>n</sup>for a little while.<sup>11</sup>)</p>
<p>5. A: Mingli, women you jige tongxuě Xīngqīliu jlhua dao Changchěng qū wanr.</p>
<p>A: Nimen něng &quot;bu něng yiqī qu?</p>
<p>Ma Mingli, a few of us students are planning to go to the Great Wall Saturday for an outing.</p>
<p>Can you go with us?</p>
<p>Notes on No, 5</p>
<p>Tongxuě means <sup>n</sup>fellow studentor <sup>n</sup>graduate of the same institution. ’’Fellow worker&quot; or &quot;colleague” is t6ngshi.</p>
<p>Changchěng: Chang means ’’long, and chěng is an old word for <sup>fl</sup>city wall.&quot; The full name of the Great Wall is Wanl£ Changchěng^ literally ”10,000 ll-long wall.”*</p>
<p>Něng, kěyi, and hui compared: All three of these auxiliary verbs,-and therefore state verbs--mean &quot;can” to some extent.</p>
<p>The core meaning of něng is &quot;can,” ”to be able to,” &quot;to be capable of.” In some cases, něng may also mean <sup>f</sup>’may,” &quot;to be permitted,” &quot;could be/ is possible,” and ”to know how to•”</p>
<p>Wode tou těng,bu něng kan shū.</p>
<p>Shājig kěde shihou, bu něng shuō hua,</p>
<p>Zhījiāgē Shlyīyuě jiu něng xiā xuě.</p>
<p>Tā zhēn něng shuō hua.</p>
<p>The core meaning of kěyi is <sup>tT</sup>can,<sup>T</sup> also mean &quot;could &quot;be/is possible.&quot;</p>
<p>My head aches; I can’t read-</p>
<p>Talking is not permitted during class.</p>
<p>It can snow in November in Chicago, (POSSIBILITY)</p>
<p>He really knows hov to talk.</p>
<p>&quot;may,’<sup>1 T,</sup>to be permitted to.&quot; Kěyi may The permission implied hy kěyi may come</p>
<p>*One ll is approximately one third of a mile.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 8</p>
<p>from an outside authority or may *be self-imposed.</p>
<p>Ni kěyi zou le.</p>
<p>Cong zhěige men jinqu, kěyi ma?</p>
<p>N冱rde fan kěyi chi.</p>
<p>Wǒ b\i shūfu, &quot;bvl kěyi yoviyong.</p>
<p>You may leave.</p>
<p>May one go in through this door?</p>
<p>The food there may *be eaten, (i.e,, it is possible to eat it)</p>
<p>I don't feel good; I can’t go swimming. (i.e.<sub>9</sub> the speaker decides that he should not go)</p>
<p>The core meaning of hui is ”to know hov to,<sup>ff</sup> ’’can.” Hui is often used for an activity that was learned, in contrast to něng for activities that ”can &quot;be done,,because of a person*s physical condition (<sup>,f</sup>Can she get out of &quot;bed yet?<sup>11</sup> Tā něng bu něng xiil chiding?\ The other main use of hui is to indicate possibility. Here it overlaps with &quot;both něng and kěyi in meaning <sup>,T</sup>could be/ is possible.’<sup>1</sup></p>
<p>Nīde ěrzi hui zSu lii le ma? Can your son valk now?</p>
<p>Nl hui shuō Yīngwěn ma? Mingtiān hui xiS yǔ.</p>
<p>Tā bii hui tai lai.</p>
<p>Can you speak English?</p>
<p>It might/will rain tomorrow.</p>
<p>It is not possible that he won<sup>f</sup>t come.</p>
<p>Zhēn bīi Něitiān bānfa</p>
<p>you shi, měi</p>
<p>We really couldn<sup>f</sup>t We have a previous</p>
<p>make that, engagement that</p>
<p>day; we have no way of going.</p>
<p>Notes on No.</p>
<p>B立 q.i&amp;o literally means <sup>11</sup> inopportune,*<sup>1 M</sup>not timely.<sup>1</sup></p>
<p>Měi b&amp;nfa: Bilnfa means &quot;method,<sup>11</sup> ”vay.</p>
<p>no way to&quot; •,” &quot;there</p>
<p>is used as there is pendently, měi b^nfa &quot;there is no way out</p>
<p>Within a sentence, měi b&amp;nfa</p>
<p>meansnothing can be</p>
<p>is no way that&quot;&quot; done,&quot; ”it can*t be</p>
<p>Used inde-helped/<sup>1</sup></p>
<p>MTG, Unit 8</p>
<p>7. A: Xivang yīhou zai zhāo Jīhui juyiju ba.</p>
<p>B: Hao a.</p>
<p>8. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dajiā</p>
<p>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jiēdao</p>
<p>10. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tongshi</p>
<p>11. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yīnggāi</p>
<p>I hope that later we will find</p>
<p>another opportunity to get together. Okay.</p>
<p>everybody, everyone to receive (alternate form for jiēzhao) fellow worker, colleague should, ought to, must</p>
<p>Notes on Additional Required Vocabulary</p>
<p>Literally, deljiā means ”Mg family•” When dijiā is the subject of a sentence, dōu is often placed &quot;before the vert.</p>
<p>Dljiā dōu zhīdao tā shi shěi* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Everyone knows who he is.</p>
<p>Xiěxie dajiā. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thank you all.</p>
<p>Qing dajiā zuoxialai• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Would everyone please sit down.</p>
<p>WSmen dsLjiā yigl qjSi ba. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Let<sup>1</sup> s all go together.</p>
<p>YInggal is an auxiliary verb, which is followed by another verb in a sentence. Only bu is used to make yīnggāi negative.</p>
<p>Bň xiě, zhěi shi women ylng- Don't thank us. gāi zuode shi.</p>
<p>This is something we should be doing.</p>
<p>ZhěiJi^n shiqing hen yik&gt;jIn, nl yīnggāi m&amp;shang qjl teua.</p>
<p>Yige daxuě biyěde rěn, bi yīnggāi ySu zhěiyangde xiǎngfa.</p>
<p>This is a very important thing; you should (go) take care of it right away.</p>
<p>Someone who has graduated from college 8houldn<sup>f</sup>t think this vay.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 8</p>
<p>Expansion Drill</p>
<p>Speaker: Tā zeii Waijiāobu Libīnsī gōngzuň.</p>
<p>(cue) wǔl6u (He works at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs [in] the Protocol Department•)</p>
<p>Tā zSi zhěr g5ngzu5,</p>
<p>3. Tā zai Jiān^d^ Dashiguan gōng-zu5. l6usha:ng</p>
<p>U. Tā zeLi Běijīng gōngzuS.</p>
<p>Guānghua LU</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhāng Tongzhi zk± Shanghai</p>
<p>gōngzuS. NanJ īng Lū</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wang Nushi zeii yinhang gōngzuS.</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wěi Shaoxiao zai Wǔguānchu</p>
<p>gōngzuS• sānl6u</p>
<p>You: Tā zsLi WSijiā©&quot;bu Libīnsī gōng-zuō, Tāde bSngongsht zai wulou.</p>
<p>(He works at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs [in] the Protocol Department• His office is on the fifth floor.)</p>
<p>Tā zai zhěr gōngzuō, zki qll6u_</p>
<p>Tāde bangōngshi</p>
<p>Tā zai Jiānadā Dashiguǎn gōngzud. Tāde bangōngshi zāi l6ushāng.</p>
<p>Tā zai Běijīng gōngzud. Tāde batngōngshi zāi Guānghu£ Lu.</p>
<p>Zhāng T6ngzhi zki Shanghai gongzud. Tāde bangōngshi zai NanJīng Lū.</p>
<p>Wang Nushi zāi ylnhSng gōngzud. Tāde bangōngshi zai ěrlou.</p>
<p>Wěi Shatoxiāo zai Wuguānchū gōngzud. Tāde beingōngshi zk± sānlou.</p>
<p>Response Drill</p>
<p>Speaker: DeLshī jiēzhao qīngtiě le ma?</p>
<p>(cue) not yet (Has the ambassador received the invitation yet?)</p>
<p>Tāmen dou jiēzhao qīngtiě le ma? not all</p>
<p>You: ī&gt;kshl h£i měi Jiēzhao qingtie.</p>
<p>(The ambassador has not received the invitation yet.)</p>
<p>Tāmen měi dōu jiēzhao qīngtiě,</p>
<p>3. Nimen jiēzhao Buzhǎngde qīngtiě le ma? yes</p>
<p>Women jiēzhao Buzhǎngde qīngtiě le.</p>
<p>U. Tāmen JiēzhSo Dashiguǎnde qīngtiě le ma? already</p>
<p>Tāmen yījīng jiēzhao Dāshiguǎnde qīngtiě le.</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 8</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nīmen Jiēzhao Dashiguǎnde qīng</p>
<p>tiě le ma? not yet</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā Jiēzhao qingtiě le ma?</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nī J iēzhěo Wuguānchňde qīngtiě</p>
<p>le ma? yes</p>
<p>Women h£i měi jiēzh£o Deishiguǎnde qīngtiě.</p>
<p>Tā měi jiēzhao qingtie.</p>
<p>Wo jiēzh£o Wuguanchūde qīngtiě le,</p>
<p>Expansion Drill</p>
<p>Speaker: Tā bii něng lSi.</p>
<p>(cue) kěxī (He cannot come.)</p>
<p>Tā xuě Zhongguo huet xuěde bū hen hǎo_ kěxī</p>
<p>Tā měi iSi.</p>
<p>Tāmen *bū něng dōu lai, bfiloqiiln</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tāmen dōu bň lěi. kěxī</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tāmen dōu &quot;bū něng qu.</p>
<p>You: Hen kěxī, tā bň něng lai. (Unfortunately, he cannot come.)</p>
<p>Hen kěxī, tā xuě Zhongguo hua xuěde bū hen hǎo.</p>
<p>Hen ylheln, tā měi lSi.</p>
<p>Hen tSoqiSn, tāmen bū něng dōu l£i«</p>
<p>Hen kěxī, tāmen dōu bu lSi.</p>
<p>Hen baogi^n, tāmen dou bu něng qū.</p>
<p>7. Tā h£i měi qjl.</p>
<p>Hen y£hSn, tā h£i měi qū.</p>
<p>D. Expansion Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Qīng ni zhuǎngao Zhang</p>
<p>(Please inform Minister Zhāng.)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WS zhuǎngGlo Zhāng Buzhǎng le.</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā h£i měi zhuangao Ll Kēzhǎng.</p>
<p>k. Tā bū něng zhuǎngāo Li Kēzhǎng.</p>
<p>You: Qīng ni ti wS zhuangao Zhāng Būzhǎtig •</p>
<p>(Please inform Minister Zhāng for me.)</p>
<p>WS ti nī zhuǎngao Zhāng Buzhǎng le.</p>
<p>Ta hSi měi ti nl zhuǎngao Li KēzhSng•</p>
<p>Tā bū něng ti wǒ zhuangiLo Li Kēzhǎng•</p>
<p>26 了</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 8</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wǒ yijīng zhuangsio deLshi le.</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo mingtiān Jiū zhuangāo dash!.</p>
<p>Ta shi zu6tiān zhuǎngeLo dilhJde. nl</p>
<p>Wǒ yījīng ti ni zhuangao dashi le.</p>
<p>Wo mingtiān jiu ti ni zhuangāo dashi•</p>
<p>Tā shi zu6tian ti ni zhuǎngao dSshlde.</p>
<p>E. Transformation Drill</p>
<p>1. Speaker: Tāmen mingtiān lai.</p>
<p>(cue) together (They are coming tomorrov,)</p>
<p>OR Tāmen zuotiān lai le. (cue) together (They came yesterday.)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā mlngtiān zou. alone</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā zuōtiān zou le. alone</p>
<p>k. Wang Tongzhi mingtiān qu N£nJīng• by train</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wang T6ngzhi Xīngqīyī qū</p>
<p>Shelnghǎi le. &quot;by plane</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā qu le. alone</p>
<p>You: Tāmen mlngtiān yiqi lai ma?</p>
<p>(Are they coming together tomorrow?)</p>
<p>Tāmen zu6tiān shi yizl laide ma?</p>
<p>(Did they come together yesterday?)</p>
<p>Tā mingtiān yfge rěn zou ma?</p>
<p>Tā zu6tiān shi yige rěn zoude ma?</p>
<p>Wang Tongzhi mingtiān zuo huochē qu Nfinjlng ma?</p>
<p>Wāng Tongzhi Xīngqīyī shi zuo fēijl q^L Shanghaide ma?</p>
<p>Tā shi yige rěn qude ma?</p>
<p>MTG, Unit 8</p>
<p>Substitution Drill</p>
<p>Speaker: Něitiān vomen you shi, bū něng qu.</p>
<p>(cue) no way of going (That day ve have a previous engagement; we cannot go.)</p>
<p>ba:nfa qu. together</p>
<p>yiqī qu. can go</p>
<p>Něitiān women dou qū.</p>
<p>něng qu.</p>
<table border="1">
<tr><td colspan="2">
<p>bū něng</p></td></tr>
<p>of us</p></td></tr>
<p>bu něng</p></td></tr>
<p>none</p></td><td colspan="2">
<p>of us can go</p></td></tr>
<p>dSu *bū</p></td></tr>
<p>měi qň.</p></td></tr>
<p>not all of us went</p>
<p>Něitiān women you shi, měi dōu qu.</p>
<p>You: Něitiān wSmen you shi, měi bSnfa qū.</p>
<p>(That day we have a previous engagement; ve have no way of going.)</p>
<p>Něitiān women you shi, bu něng yiqJ! qū.</p>
<p>Něitiān women you shi, bū něng dōu qū.</p>
<p>Něitiān qu.</p>
<p>women Něitiān women</p>
<p>you shi, dōu you shi<sub>9</sub> měi</p>
<p>bū něng qu.</p>
<p>Něitiān women you shi, měi dōu qū.</p>
<p>GPO 689~10l/872l</p>