This publication is to be used primarily in support of instructing military personnel as part of the Defense Language Program (resident and nonresident). Inquiries concerning the use of materials, including requests for copies, should be addressed to:

Defense Language Institute

Foreign Language Center

Nonresident Training Division

Presidio of Monterey, CA 93944-5006

Topics in the areas of politics, international relations, mores, etc., which may be considered as controversial from some points of view, are sometimes included in the language instruction for DLIFLC students since military personnel may find themselves in positions where a clear understanding of conversations or written materials of this nature will be essential to their mission. The presence of controversial statements-whether real or apparent-in DLIFLC materials should not be construed as representing the opinions of the writers, the DLIFLC, or the Department of Defense.

Actual brand names and businesses are sometimes cited in DLIFLC instructional materials to provide instruction in pronunciations and meanings. The selection of such proprietary terms and names is based solely on their value for instruction in the language. It does not constitute endorsement of any product or commercial enterprise, nor is it intended to invite a comparison with other brand names and businesses not mentioned.

In DLIFLC publications, the words het himt and/or his denote both masculine and feminine genders. This statement does not apply to translations of foreign language texts.

The DLIFLC may not have full rights to the materials it produces. Purchase by the customer does not constitute authorization for reproduction, resale, or showing for profit. Generally, products distributed by the DLIFLC may be used in any not-for-profit setting without prior approval from the DLIFLC.



Before starting Unit 1 of this module, you should have completed core modules 1 through 6 and the optional modules Personal Welfare9 Restaurant, and Hotel.

May 1981


Standard Chinese: A Modular Approach originated in an interagency conference held at the Foreign Service Institute in August 1973 to address the need generally felt in the U.S. Government language training community for improving and updating Chinese materials to reflect current usage in Beijing and Taipei.

The conference resolved to develop materials which were flexible enough in form and content to meet the requirements of a vide range of government agencies and academic institutions,

A Project Board was established consisting of representatives of the Central Intelligence Agency Language Learning Center, the Defense Language Institute, the State Department1s Foreign Service Institute, the Cryptologic School of the National Security Agency, and the U.S. Office of Education, later joined by the Canadian Forces Foreign Language School. The representatives have included Arthur T. McNeill, John Hopkins, and John Boag (CIA); Colonel John F. Elder 工工工,Joseph C. Hutchinson, Ivy Gibian, and Major Bernard Muller-Thym (DLI); James R. Frith and John B. Ratliff 工工工(FSI);

Kazuo Shitama (NSA); Richard T. Thompson and Julia Petrov (OE); and Lieutenant Colonel George Kozoriz (CFFLS)•

The Project Board set up the Chinese Core Curriculum Project in 19了总 in space provided at the Forign Service Institute. Each of the six U.S. and Canadian government agencies provided funds and other assistance.

Gerard P. Kok was appointed project coordinator, and a planning council was formed consisting of Mr* Kok, Frances Li of the Defense Language Institute, Patricia 01 Connor of the University of Texas9 Earl M. Rickerson of the Language Learning Center, and James Wrenn of Brown University. In the fall of 19了了, Lucille A. Barale was appointed deputy project coordinator. David W. Dellinger of the Language Learning Center and Charles R. Sheehan of the Foreign Service Institute also served on the planning council and contributed material to the project. The planning council drew up the original overall design for the materials and met regularly to review their development•

Writers for the first half of the materials vere John H.T. Harvey, Lucille A. Barale, and Roberta S. Barry, who worked in close cooperation vith the planning council and vith the Chinese staff of the Foreign Service 工nstitute, Mr, Harvey developed the instructional formats of the comprehension and production self-study materials, and also designed the communication-based classroom activities and wrote the teacherfs guides. Lucille A. Barale and Roberta S. Barry vrote the tape scripts and the student text.

By 1978 Thomas E. Madden and Susan C. Pola had joined the staff. Led by Ms, Barale, they have worked as a team to produce the materials subsequent to Module 6.


All Chinese language material was prepared or selected "by Chuan 0. Chao, Ying-chi Chen, Hsiao-Jung Chi, Eva Diao, Jan Hu, Tsung-mi Li, and Yunhui C. Yang, assisted for part of the time "by Chieh-fang Ou Lee, Ying-ming Chen, and Joseph Yu Hsu Wang. Anna Affholder, Mei-li Chen, and Henry Khuo helped in the preparation of a preliminary corpus of dialogues•

Administrative assistance was provided at various times by Vincent Basciano, Lisa A, Bowden, Jill W. Ellis, Donna Fong, Renee T.C. Liang,

Thomas E. Madden, Susan C. Pola, and Kathleen Strype*

The production of tape recordings was directed by Jose M. Ramirez of the Foreign Service Institute Recording Studio. The Chinese script was voiced "by Ms. Chao, Ms. Chen, Mr. Chen, Ms. Diao, Ms. Hu, Mr. Khuo, Mr. Li, and Ms. Yang. The English script was read "by Ms. Barale, Ms. Barry,

Mr. Basciano, Ms. Ellis, Ms. Pola, and Ms. Strype.

The graphics were produced by John McClelland of the Foreign Service Institute Audio-Visual Staff, under the general supervision of Joseph A. Sadote, Chief of Audio-Visual.

Standard Chinese: A Modular Approach was field-tested with the cooperation of Brown University; the Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center; the Foreign Service Institute; the Language Learning Center; the United States Air Force Academy; the University of Illinois; and the University of Virginia.

Colonel Samuel L. Stapleton and Colonel Thomas G, Foster, Commandants of the Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center, authorized the DLIFLC support necessary for preparation of this edition of the course materials•






Section 1: To the Student......................................1

Section 2: To the Teacher......................................3

List of Tapes for Module 7..........................................5

Objectives for the Society Module ....................................6

UNIT 1 Travel Plans

Introduction .......................... 8

Reference List......................... 9


Reference Notes ........................ 13

(Verb) de shi".

Phrases with guanyu, ’’concerning,” ’’about"

The directional ending -lal

hui, "might,” ”be likelylō,” ”vill”

The sentence marker -de, "thatfs the way the situation isn

Review Dialogue........................31


Exercise Dialogues ....................... 37

UNIT 2 Equality of the Sexes

Introduction ....................................................k2

Reference List.........................U3


Reference Notes ................................................紅7

biede, "other(s)”

yue. • ,yuě., •, ’’the more.. .the more.. •’, yuě lai yue.,> > ”more and more•••” xiang, "like’1

The adverb ,1iu, "as soon/early as thatn

Review Dialogue........................6k


Exercise Dialogues.......................了0

UNIT 3 Family Values

Introduction .......................... 了5

Reference List.........................了6


Reference Notes ........................ 80

The verb ending -qilai: the start of an action or condition

conglai bu/měi, ”never 1

caiT "only," before amounts

-zhe showing the manner of an action

The verb ending -dao: --successful reaching/obtaining/finding

--(with verbs of speech) ”of,M "about”

—successful perceiving (kandao)


The adverb zai, "anymore"

Placement of phrases vith dao, ”to,” ”up to,” "until11

Review Dialogue........................100

Workbook............................10 為

Exercise Dialogues ....................... 107

UNIT k A Family History

Introduction .......................... 112

Reference List.........................113


Reference Notes........................11 了

More on ne, marker of absence of change/lack of completion Terms for grandparents

More on indefinite pronouns (”any/no” expressions) bangzhu and bang xnang

Review Dialogue........................132


Exercise Dialogues ....................... 139

UNIT 5 Traditional Attitudes and Modern Changes

Introduction .......................... lUU

Reference List.........................1^5


Reference Notes ........................ 1^9

••,yě hao, ".yě hao> "whether•••or•

Necessary condition marked by cai

Placement of specifier after a modifying phrase

"In order to”

y?hou and houlai compared

Review Dialogue........................165


Exercise Dialogues ....................... 1了2

UNIT 6 Politics and Culture


Reference List.........................1了7


Reference Notes ........................ l8l

-de hua, ”if,” "in case”

More on -guo vs. -le bū gu&u > • > "no matter..

Reduplicating adjectival verbs for vividness qu and lai expressing purpose

Review Dialogue........................198


Exercise Dialogues ....................... 205

UNIT 了 Social Problems

Introduction ............ • ...... •••••••    210

Reference List.........................211



Reference Notes ........................ 215

-duōle, ’’much more’’

(Ver~b) (Ver~b) kan> ”try and (Verb)”

Not anymore,” "never again" lian..,dou>••,”even” zhǐ yao. • ..liū. • •,"provided that..."

bu shi. • • .1 iu shi • • •,"if not,. .then... ,t? "either. • .or..

Review Dialogue........................231

Workbook............................23 总

Exercise Dialogues ....................... 23了

UNIT 8 Directions for the Future

Introduction ....................................................2h2

Reference List.........................2^3


Reference Notes ................................................2总了

Action-Process compound verbs The directional ending -huf you, "after all,” "anyway” ye ~bu, t?donft even," Mwon11 even"

Review Dialogue........................260


Exercise Dialogues.......................26了




With the Society module, you are taking a step up to a new level of expression in Chinese. Up till now, you have "been dealing with relatively short sentences about concrete situations. In this module, you will start to encounter longer sentences and more abstract statements. The transition will take some time,"but you can make it easier on yourself "by developing methodical ways of approaching the new material in each unit • The following suggestions may help.

Keep in mind from here on in that the tvo skills you will continue to work on, production and comprehension, are no longer expected to stay at approximately the same level. It is natural for your ability to understand what others say to increase more rapidly than your ability to express your own thoughts• As you work through the Society module, "bear in mind that, while you are asked to understand all the dialogues, you are required to "be at>le to produce only a limited part of the language you will hear. This is specified in the module objectives, the unit vocatiulary lists, and the introductions to the units •

Hov to Use the Book

Each unit of this "book presents quite a "bit of new informationmuch more than anyone can master in a fev days* time. This is "because information has also "been included simply for comparison or for your future reference. This is vhat you should master in each unit:

(1)    The new grammar listed in the introduction for each unit.

(2)    The "basic meanings of each vocabulary item. (Related meanings may "be given in the reference notes for purposes of comparison, "but you are not required to remember them.)

(3)    The cultural "background information discussed in some reference notes and contained in each unit1s reviev dialogue.

You may find it helpful to read through the reference notes three times. On the first time through, read only the notes on cultural "background. The second time, go through the notes that explain new grammatical structures.

The third time, read only the notes on the meanings and usage of new words. For review, test yourself on the example sentences in the notes "by covering the Chinese column and trying to translate the English coltann into Chinese. Check your answer immediately.



Hov to Use the Tapes

Starting with Module 了,there will be only two thirty-minute tapes per unit, instead of five.

Tape 1 introduces the material on the Reference List, giving you a chance to learn to understand these sentences and to practice saying them. Tape 1 replaces both the C-l and P-l tapes which you used in Modules 1 through 6.

You vill find that the Tape 1 is denser in content and faster paced than either the C-l or P-l tapes• The numter of new vocabulary items in each unit has been increased from 20-25 to 30-35- You will also notice that the sentences have increased in length. Since you must learn to understand as well as say these sentences from a single tape, you may find that you need to rewind the tape and reviev the presentation of each sentence several times ■

In addition, explanations which vere formerly found on the C-l and P-l tapes are now found only in the Reference Notes.

Tape 2 replaces the C—2 and P-2 tapes. Each Tape 2 vill start off vith a reviev of the sentences from the Reference List. This will be followed by-three exercise dialogues. You should listen to each dialogue until you under-stand it thoroughly• The workbook which accompanies Tape 2 describes the setting of the conversation and provides you vith the new vocabulary you need to understand it. (You are not required to learn these additional vocabulary items.) The workbook also contains questions about each dialogue> for which you will need to prepare answers in Chinese. Your teacher vill ask you to answer these and other questions about the conversation in class.

When you listen to the recorded dialogues, aim only for comprehension of the ideas. Whether or not you can repeat the sentences word for vord is not critical. Since they are in colloquial style, the dialogues sometimes contain phrasing vhich you are not expected to be able to imitate at this stage, yet with a little effort (it is expected to take repeated listenings), you will understand.



The format of the core modules from this point on differs considerably from those preceding, and teaching methods should be adapted to the requirements of this new format. Belov are a fev suggestions on hov to use this and subsequent core modules.

Hov to Use the Reference Notes

The reference notes in Society include grammatical explanations, discussions of the usage of new words, and some cultural "background information.

They are called ”reference” notes for a reason: they are here for the student 1 s present and future reference. They are not intended as material for classroom study or discussion, for in these later modules,as in the first six, the "bulk of classroom time should "be spent in the actual use of Chinese. The thoroughness of the notes is intended to relieve you of the need to give lectures on grammar and usage and allov you to devote most of your time vith students to live practice of the language. You should familiarize yourself with the content of the notes so that when students pose questions on word usage or a new structure, you can simply refer them to the relevant note.

The copiousness of exasrple sentences in the notes has a double purpose. First, along with the idiomatic English translations, they shov the versatility of the vocabulary items they introduce; at this level of study, a single English translation can seldom fully do Justice to the range of nuances expressed by a Chinese vord. Second, students can use the example sentences at home for translation practice, either Chinese-English or English-Chinese, using a strip of paper to cover the target-language column and then checking their answer for immediate reinforcement.

Hov to Use the Exercise Dialogues

The three exercise dialogues in each unit (exercises 2, 3, and U) present completely different situations and characters from the unit reviev dialogue, "but include the same new vocabulary and structures. They provide extra listening comprehension practice at normal conversational speed, an area vhich should receive increased attention from both student and teacher 'beginning with this module.

The language of many of the exercise dialogues is very colloquial and thus a change from the style of the preceding modules • At this stage, students must accustom themselves to hearing everyday Chinese» and if given ample practice, their comprehension will improve quickly. But "bear in mind that students are not expected to "be able to produce sentences in this colloquial style, only to understand them.

The taped exercises 2, 3, and U,are to "be listened to outside of class as many times as is necessary for the student to ansver the questions in the workbook section. In class, the teacher should ask the questions, rephrased in Chinese, and have students answer from their notes or, preferably, from



memory. If students bring up questions on colloquialisms contained in the dialogues at this time, handle them quickly; avoid digressions on expressions vhich are not required for production. The point of this activity is for the students to talk--to practice saying the nev vords and structures of the unit


Further Classroom Activities

(1)    Use the subjects discussed in the dialogues as points of departure for class discussions in vhich the teacher takes the part of the Chinese vho wants to understand American society and the American students try to explain their ways of thinking and doing things. Depending on class size, the level of the students, and individual studentsf competitiveness or reticence, these conversations vill need to "be more or less structured. If necessary in order to maintain the flov of ideas or to keep a small number of students from dominating the discussion, everyone can "be asked to outline possible answers "before coming to class, or the teacher may prepare an outline for the students.

(2)    Students can "be asked to tell the story of the reviev dialogue or an exercise dialogue in their own vords. This can be done by the whole class together; if one student omits an important point in the story, another student can remind him of it or supply it himself.

(3)    Have students pick out from the reference list and the dialogues certain sentences vhich serve a particular communicative function. The Chinese material in this "book is especially suited to this type of exercise because of the colloquial tone of the dialogues and the range of emotions and linguistic functions displayed vithin them. For example, the students may "be asked to find a sentence that conveys enthusiasm tovard an idea, one that conveys tentativeness vhen asking a question about a delicate subject, or one that conveys a desire to "be helpful. Using the sentences thus found as points, the teacher can then ask the students to come up vith other sentences vith the same linguistic function, or ask them to change elements of the sentence to vary its function.

For example, Unit 1 of Society -presents some sentences (in the reference list and dialogues) that can be used as responses to proposals:

Wo kǎolu kǎolu.    I111 think it over. (non-committal)

Feichang hǎo.    Great. (enthusiastic)

Na women shuohǎo le . . .    Then vefve agreed • . . (decisive)

Jiu zhěiyang.    It’s settled. (decisive)

Students can be asked to add to this list sentences expressing a vider range of responses to a proposal, e.g., flat rejection (Bu xing!), scandalization (Na zěnme keyi a:),lukevarm acceptance (Kěyǐ . . . or Yě hao),indecisiveness (M . . , or Na,vǒ hai děi xiǎngyixiǎng or Zai shu5 ~ba)、etc. If you make up supplementary exercises, you may find it effective to "base them on the communicative functions of sentences contained in each unit• A list of these functions vill "be found in each unit’s introduction.

(U) If the teacher and students find that the nev grammar needs to "be separately discussed in class, such sessions should "be confined to a reviev of the essential new structures, as listed in each unit’s introduction.




The two review tapes consist simply of exercises requiring the students to translate the reference list sentences for Units 1 to U and 5 to 8, respectively. The original order of the sentences in the text has been scramlDled. The first section of each tape is translation from Chinese to English, the second from English to Chinese.

Because material introduced in this module is frequently repeated in subsequent lessons, regular review vill not "be as important as in the earlier modules, where the situational nature of the lessons means that some vocalD-ulary introduced in order to handle one kind of situation occurs in that one module only. However, if desired, one of each unit1s exercise dialogues can be reserved for review: have students listen to only two instead of all three exercise dialogues while doing the unit, and then return to the third dialogue several units later to brush up on the vocabulary and structures.


Unit 1: SOC 1.1, SOC 1.2 Unit 2: SOC 2.1, SOC 2.2 Unit 3: SOC 3.1, SOC 3.2 Unit U: SOC U.l, SOC k.2 Unit 5: SOC 5.1, SOC 5.2 Unit 6: SOC 6.1, SOC 6.2 Unit 了: SOC 了.I, SOC 了.2 Unit 8: SOC 8.1, SOC 8.2

Review Tapes: SOC Reviev 1-U, Tape 1 (Chinese to English)

SOC Reviev 1-U, Tape 2 (English to Chinese)

SOC Reviev 5-8, Tape 1 (Chinese to English)

SOC Reviev 5-8, Tape 2 (English to Chinese)

SOC, Objectives


The Society Module (SOC) vill provide you vith the linguistic skills and cultural background information you need to visit a Chinese family, discuss some aspects of family life and society, to find out hov someone’s family fits into the pattern of traditional Chinese society, and hov it reflects the changes of modern society.

Before starting this module, you must take and pass the MTG Criterion Test. In addition, it is assumed that by this point you vill have already completed the optional modules Personal Welfare, Restaurant, and Hotel; vocabulary from these modules is nov considered taught.

The SOC Criterion Test will focus largely on this module, but material from the first six core modules and associated resource modules is also included.


Upon successful completion of this module, you should be able to

1.    Give the English equivalent for any Chinese sentence in the SOC Reference Lists.

2.    Say any Chinese sentence in the SOC Reference Lists vhen cued vith its English equivalent.

3.    Ask someone about the size of his family, vhich family members live at home, and where other family members live and vhy.

Use the rules of Chinese etiquette in social visits: the proper times for visiting; the custom of offering refreshments to visitors and the type of response expected from the visitor; and some polite vays to end a social visit.

5.    Discuss the status, duties, and responsibilities of sons in the traditional Chinese family.

6.    Discuss the different relationships within the Chinese family, especially those between parents and children, and betveen mother-in-lav and daughter-in-law*

了. Explain why the large (extended) family was the ideal pattern in traditional Chinese society.

SOC, Objectives

8.    Use the proper- terms for referring to your own or someone else1s children, and understand the terms for addressing one’s children directly; use the terms for paternal grandparents; use the terms for the parents of one’s friend.

9.    Understand why early marriage vas a common practice in traditional China.

10.    Discuss the effects of the development of industry and business on traditional Chinese society.

11.    Discuss the concept of filial obedience.

12.    Compare the position of women in Chinese society "before and after the founding of the People1s Republic of China.

13. Discuss traditional marriage arrangements in China and the roles women were placed in as a result. Understand the government1s policy toward marriage after 19^9 and the actual changes that have occurred.

lU. Explain and defend some of your personal views on topics such as

equality of the sexes, the status of women, living together, marriage, parent-child relationships, care of the elderly, the effects of political and economic conditions on society, crime, and drug abuse.



UNIT 1 Travel Plans


Grammar Topics Covered in This Unit

1.    The pattern (Verb) de shi,.••

2.    Phrases with guanyu, "concerning,f? ’’about-1

3.    The directional ending -lai.

k.    The auxiliary verb hui, ”might,” ”*be likely to,11 ”vill•”

5.    The sentence marker -de, ”thatfs the way the situation is.

Functional Language Contained in This Unit

1.    Offering a visitor something to drink.

2.    Responding to an offer of something to drink.

3.    Concluding a social visit.

U. Telling someone you can’t take the time to explain something but will talk about it later.

5.    Presenting a suggestion or proposal to do something.

6.    Responding to a suggestion or proposal to so something.

SOC, Unit 1


Unit 1, Reference List

1.    A: Jīntian wo jiedao yiběn    Today 工 borrowed a good

hao xiǎoshuS.    novel (from someone).

B: Shěnme xiSoshuō, rang ni    What novel is it that

zěnme gāoxing?    makes you so happy?

2.    A: Zheiten xiaoshu5 xiěde shi    This novel is about the

dalude qingkuang•    situation on the mainland.

B: Guānyū dalude? Jiě g?i wo    About the mainland? How about

kankan xing "bu xing?    lending it to me to read?

3.    A: Xiage xuěqi nī xiǎng    What are you going to do

yanjiū shěnme?    research on next semester?

B: Hai shi lǎo wěnti: Zhong-    It*s still the same old topic: the

guode zhěngzhi qingkuang.    political situation in China.

U. A: Zuotiān Xiao Ming gěi tā    Yesterday Xiao Ming wrote a

nūpěngyou xiě xin, xiěde    letter to his girl friend,

hao chang!    and it was really long!

B: Nianqīng rěn zǒng shi nianqīng    Young people are alvays young people,

rěn. Wo ni&nqīngde shihou    When I was young I was like that

ye shi zhěiyemg, ni waiig le?    too, have you forgotten?

5.    A: Shǔjiade shihou, ni xiǎng    Where do you want to go

dao nar qu wanrwanr?    over summer vacation?

B: Wo xiǎng dao YazhSu    ī^d like to go visit a few

jǐge guojiā qu kankan.    countries in Asia.

6.    A: Zěnme, nǐ xiǎng yanjiū    Oh? Do you want to do research

Yazh5ude věnhua chuantong?    on Asia’s cultural tradition?

B: Bu něng shu5 yanjiū. Vo    It can't "be called research. I

zhī shi xiǎng qu kankan    just want to go have a look at

nalide shěhui qingkuajig.    the social situation there.

了. A: Lao Wang, wo jīntiān gǎn.1uě    Lao Wang, I feel awful today, hen "bu shūfu.

B: Kuai zuoxia, wo qu gěi ni    Sit down and I’ll go pour you

dao ~běi cha lai •    a cup of tea.

SOC, Unit 1


8.    A: Nǐ qude něige difang    What vas the political and economic

zhěngzhi, jīngji fan^miande    situation like vhere you vent? qlngxing zěnmeyāng?

B: Jǐju huā shuobuqingchu,    I can’t explain it clearly in just

you shijian vǒ zai gen    a fev sentences; vhen I have

ni maiunanr shuo "ba.    time I’ll tell you all about it.

9.    A: Yanjiū Zhongguo xiānzaide    To study the problems of China nov,

věnti yiding děi dongde    you have to understand Chinese

Zhongguo lishǐ.    history.

B: Nǐ shuode zhěiyidiǎn hen    This point of yours is very important;

yaojīn, wo kǎolu kǎolu.    I’ll think it over.

10.    A: Nǐ zai Zhongguo zhu liǎng-    If you live in China for tvo years,

nian, yiding hui xuěhǎo    you1re sure to learn Chinese

Zh5ngwěnde•    very veil•

B: Shi a, yifangmian kěyi    Yes, on the one hand 工 can learn

xuěhǎo ZhSngwěn, yifǎngmian    Chinese veil, and on the other

yě kěyi duo zhīdao yidiǎnr    hand I can find out more things

Zhongguode shiqing.    about China.


11.    yibiān(r)...yibiSn(r)    doing...vhile doing.••

12.    yimian...yimian..•    doing...vhile doing...

SOC, Unit 1



chang    to be long

chuantong    tradition, traditional

dalu    mainland, continent

dao    to pour

-diǎn    point

dongde    to understand, to grasp, to know

-fāngmian    (-fāngmian) aspect, side, area, respect

gǎnjuě    feeling, sensation; to feel,

to perceive

guānyu    as to, with regard to, concerning,


guojiā    country, state, nation; national

hui    might,be likely to,vill

jiě    to borrow; to lend

jiědao    to successfully borrow

-jīi    sentence; (counter for sentences or

utterances, often followed by hua, "speech”)


kǎolu    to consider, to think about

majimānr (marman)    slowly; gradually, by and by; taking

one*s time; in all details

nianqīng    to be young

qingkuang    situation, circumstances, condition,

state of affairs

qlngxing    situation, circumstances, condition,

state of affairs

rang    to make (someone a certain way)

shěhui    society, social

shǔjia    summer vacation

shuōbuqīngchu    can*t explain clearly

wěnhua    culture

xiǎoshu5    fiction, novel

(-)xuěqī    semester, term (of school)

yanjiū (yānjiu, yanjiū)    to study (in detail), to do research

on; research

Yazhōu (Yǎzhou)    Asia

SOC, Unit 1


yibiān(r)...yibiān(r).•.    doing...while doing...

yifǎngmian..., yifangmian...    on the one hand..., on the other hand;

for one thing.. •,for another."; doing...vhile doing... yimian(r)••.yimian(r)...    doing...while doing.•.

zhěngzhi    politics, political affairs; political

zǒng    alvays; inevitably, without exception,

after all, in any case zuoxia    to sit down

SOC, Unit 1


Unit 1, Reference Notes

1. A: Jīntiān wo jiedao yiben    Today I borrowed a good

hǎo xiǎoshuS.    novel (from someone).

B: Shěnme xiǎoshuS, rang ni    What novel is it that

zěnme gāoxing?    makes you so happy?

Notes on No. 1

.lie: "to borrow" [Also Mto lend," see Notes on No. 2.D

Wo dao tūshūguǎn qu jiě shū.    I’m going to the library to borrow

[take out] some books.

For "from,” use gen or xiang° for people and cong for place names like the library.

Wo měi dai qian, xiǎng gen    I didn’t bring any money, I want to

(xiang) Ningning qu jiě.    go borrow some from Ningning.

Wo cong tushūguǎn jiěle yiběn    I "borroved a Chinese history book

Zhōngguo lishǐ shū.    from the library.

Cong can only be followed by a person if the person is made into a place name, for example by the addition of něr (nali):

Wo cong tā něr jiěle wǔkuai qian. I "borrowed five dollars from him.

For people, you may also use the common pattern věn...,1ie... , literally ’’ask.. .borrow. •.”:

Wo wen ta jiěle yiběn shū.    I borrowed a book from him.

Wo bu hǎo yisi wen biěrěn jiě    I’m too embarrassed to borrow money

qian.    from other people.

jiedao: The ending -deto expresses that the borrowing results in the thing being obtained. You learned -dao and the similar Běijīng -zhao in the verb jiēdao/.liēzhao, Hto receive,11 in the Meeting module.

You need to know not only what the ending -dao means, but also when to use it and when not to. This canft be summed up in one neat formula, but you will see from the following examples that -deto is used when there vas a question of not being able to get the thing. Jiě by itself does not necessarily imply obtaining, so you can use it in situations vhen you tried to borrow something but couldnft get it.

Wo gin tā jiěle yiběn    I borrowed a dictionary from him.


°XianK is used more in vritten style.

SOC, Unit 1


Wo qu jiěguo, kěshi měi jiědao.    I went and tried to borrow it,but

I didnft get it.

A: Ni cong tushūguǎn jiědao    Did you get that American history

něiben Měiguo lishi shū le ma?    book out of the library?

B: Měiyou, dou jiěchuqu le.    No, they had all been taken out.

Dāgai xiā Xīngqiyi cai něng    I probably won*t be able to (borrow

jiědao.    and) get it until next Monday.

Jiě may have certain other directional or resultative endings. Here are examples.

Zai zhěr kān kěyi, bu něng    You can read it here, but you can't

jiěchuq^u.    take it out.

Tā ba wode chē jiěq.u le.    He borrowed my car (and took it

away) •

Tā ba něiben shū jiězou le.    He borrowed that book (and took it


Wo cong tā něr jiělai wukuai    I borrowed five dollars from him.


rang: "to make” someone a certain way, or "to cause" someone to become a certain way. When used this way, rang is followed by a person and an adjectival verb. You learned rang as "to let” in the Welfare module:

Rān^ wo kankan nǐde huzhāo, "Let me see your passport.” [Rang: can also mean ’’to have,,’ ,Tto tell,,’ or "to make" someone do something•]

Tā shuSde hua rang wo hen shēng- What he said made me very angry -


Tā name bu kěqi rang tā pěngyou He embarrassed his friend by being hen bu hǎo yisi.    so rude*

Shěnme xiaoshuo?一一rang ni zhěme gāoxing: There is a pause after the question shenme xiaoshu5, and the rest of the sentence, rang ni zhěme gāoxing, is like an afterthought. Compare these examples:

Zhěi shi shěnme kāfēi?--zhěme    What kind of coffee is this? It1s

hǎo he.    so good.

Zhěi jiu shi nī maide chē?-一    So this is the car you bought? It's

zěnme nankan!    so ugly!

Nǐ xǐhuan shuxuě a?~name měi    You like math?--such a boring thing!


SOC, Unit 1


2. A: Zhěiben xiǎoshuō xiěde shi    This novel is about the

dalude qinp:kuan^.    situation on the mainland.

B: Guānyū dalude? Jiě gěi wo    About the mainland? How about

kankan xing bu xing?    lending it to me to read?

Notes on No. 2

xiě: This verb which you learned as ,fto write,, is also one of several ways that ”about" is expressed in Chinese. When used with this meaning, xiě usually appears in the (Verb) de shi construction discussed immediately below.

xiěde shi: This structure, (Verb) de shi, is a major structure of Chinese, so pay extra attention! Use (Verb) de shi vhen the verb is not new information and you want to focus instead on the identity of the thing talked about. The pattern itself makes an equational sentence, that is, an

A EQUALS B sentence:

A — I I^~ I B Vī^B de shi— B 一 Tā zTOQde shi baicai.

"What hefs making is cabbage.11

In sentence 2A,the verb xiě is not new information because any novel must ”be vritten about” something. The object dalude qingkuang is new information which is focused on.

A: Nǐ zai Jiāzhou Daxuě niande    What is it that you study at the

shi shěnme?    University of California?

B: Wo niande shi jīngjixuě.    Itfs economics.

Zhěige dianyīng jiangde shi    This film is about a Chinese going

yige Zhōngguo rěn qū Měiguo    to America to visit, wande shi.

Gāngcāi nǐ jiaode shi shěnme?    What did you order just now? Rice

Shi fan haishi mian?    or noodles?

Ni xianzai shuōde shi wo haishi Is the person you1re talking about tā?    now me or him?

Ta hen xǐhuan kan shū, kěshi tā He likes to read, but all he reads kande d5u shi yixiē měi yiside are stupid novels. xiaoshuS.

dalu: ”continent, mainland” ZhōngRUQ dalū is "mainland China,” which may also be called dalu for short just as we say ,fthe mainland",

"Other vays are by using^the verb jiang, TTto talk about as in Zheiben shu~ jiǎng shěnme?, "What is this book about?,f; and guanyu (see the note in this section)•_

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qingkuang: "situation, circiur.stances 5 state of affairs, condition’’

Used much more frequently in Chinese than any single one of these translations is used in English. Sometimes the Chinese language uses qingkuang when in English we would just say ”things” or "the way things are.”

Nǐde qingkuang gēn tāde chabuduo. You and he are in about the same


Wo didide jīngji qingkuang bu    Ify younger brother’s financial

tai hao.    situation isn’t too good.

Na shi sishiniān qiānde shi,    That was forty years ago. Now

xianzai qingkuang "bu tong le.    things are different.

A: Nǐ něng "bu něng gei wo jiang- Could you tell me about the way

jiang ni zai dalude qingkuang? things were for you on the mainland?

B: Nǐde yisi shi wo zijǐde qing- Do you mean my own situation? kuāng ma?

Sometimes qingkuang means the ’’picture" about a place (especially an organization) ;in such cases it may not "be necessary to translate it literally.

Tā gěi women jiěshaole tāmen    He gave us a presentation ("briefing)

xuěxiāode qingkuang.    on their school. (E.g., what

grades, how many students and teachers, what subjects are taught, etc.)

Wo "bu tāi shūxī Měidāsīde    I’m not too familiar with (the way

qingkuang.    things are at) the Department of

American and Oceanic Affairs.

guanyu: "with regard to, concerning11 The phrase guānyu dalude means literally rrone concerning the mainland.” Guanyu is rather formal. In everyday speech, the idea of ’’about’’ is more often expressed in other ways * , "but guānyu is often used in formal contexts.

Guanyu is a prepositional verb, which means it is followed "by a noun (its object) and is related to the main verb. It is not the "best "behaved of prepositional verbs, however. Guanyu does not occur where you would normally expect to find a prepositional verb phrase ("before the verb, e.g., dao Zh5ngguo qu) • Nor does guānyu occur in a sentence the way "about,r does in English. ^bout’’ phrases in English are free to occur after the verb, e.g. , "talk about Chinese history,” ’’think about your problem.” A guānyu phrase (that is, guanyu and its object) can only occur in the following places in the sentence:

Other ways include using the verbs jiǎng and xiě (see Notes on No. 2). For example, if I am watching a T.V. program and you walk into the room and want to ask, ’’What’s this about?” the most ’’everyday” way would te Jiǎng shěnine de? (actually an abbreviated form of Zheige jiěmu [program] shi jiang shěnme de?). It would sound stilted to use guānyu in such an informal situation. You see another example of how ’’about” is expressed in Chinese on the next page under number (3) in the little dialogue: ’,Atout what?’’ is Shěnme diānyǐng?.

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(1)    Guanyu can occur at the 'beginning of the sentence to introduce the topic about to be commented on.

Guānyu něijian shi, wo shěnme    Concerning that matter, I don't

dou bu zhī dao.    know anything. (OR I don!t know

anything about that matter.)

Guānyū nerde qingkuang, ni gěi Would you please ask for me about wo dating dating hǎo ba?    the situation there?

Guanyu zhěige, nimen hai you    Do you have any other questions

měiyou shěnme wenti?    about this?

(2)    Guanyu can also occur in a phrase with -de which modifies a noun.

Xiěxie ni gāosu vo zhěme du5    Thank you for telling me so much

guānyū dalude qingkuang.    about the situation on the


Ta zhīdao hěn duo guānyu zhěi- He knows a lot (of things) about fāngmiande shiqing.    this field.

Women zhěli měiyou duSshao    We don't have very many books about

guānyū Zhongguode shu.    China here.

It also occurs in a phrase vith -de, the whole phrase acting as a noun.

Wo cong Xiao Zhao ner jiělai yi- I "borrowed a book from Xiao Zhao, běn shū, shi guānyu Zhongguo    It*s (a book) about Chinese

cāide, nǐ kankan.    food. Have a look at it.

(3)    A guanyu phrase (guanyu + noun) is occasionally used alone as an aHre-viated sentence*

Wo zuotiān kanle yige dianyǐng.    I saw a movie yesterday.

Shěnme dianyǐng?    About what?

Guānyu Fǎguo...    About France."

Guānyu Faguode shěnme?    About what (aspect) of France?

Guānyu Faguode jīngji.    About the French econony.

Compare the following English and Chinese sentences. Although the parts in parentheses are optional in English, the Chinese sentences would "be considered wrong without the underlined -de phrases. (For the first example you need to know xiaoxi, "news•”)

Nǐ tīngshuo guanyu Tiětuōde    Have you heard (the news) about Tito?

xiaoxi ma?    (i.e*, that he had died)

Bu yāo wen wo guanyu shūxuěde    Don't ask me (any questions) about

věnti,    math,

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jiě gei v5 kankan: "lend (it) to me to read" In exchange 1, jiě was translated "borrow." Now you see it used for "to lend. To say "lend something to someone,” the gěi phrase always follows the verb jiě. * If the indirect object (person who receives) is a pronoun, gěi may be omitted:

Jiě wo yizhī bǐ.

Jiě gěi wo yizhī bǐ. I    Lend me a pen.

(In this extremely ccHumon sentence, the gěi is more frequently omitted.)

3. A: Xiage xuěqī nǐ xiǎng    What are you going to do

yanjiū shěnme?    research on next semester?

B: Hai shi lǎo wěnti: Zhong-    It1s still the same old topic:

guode zhěngzhi qingkuang.    the political situation in China.

xueqi: Msemester, term” Since xuěqī means literally just "school-period/T it could conceivably apply to a scholastic term of any length, including quarters. Chinese schools, however, run on the semester system (fall-vinter and vinter-spring)•

Xianzai ySude Měiguo daxuě yige Some American colleges have semesters xuěqī zhi you shiěr-sange lǐbāi. which last only tvelve or thirteen


Shāngge xuěq.ī nǐ dou nianle    What (courses) did you take last

shěnme?    semester?

Xuěqī may also be used without the counter -ge: shangxueqi,xiaxuěqi, yi xuěqī > etc •

yanjiu: ’’to do research on” a topic (usually at the graduate level or above). Sometimes may be translated as ’’to study" (in depth, not just preparing for a test).

Ta yānjiūde shi něifāngmiande    What area does she study (OR do

wěnti?    research on)?

Kē Jiāoshou zai jīngji fangmian- Everyone is familiar with Professor de yanjiū shi dājia hěn    Kē1s research in the area of

shouxlde.    economics.

Tāde yanjiū gSngzuo hěn zhSng- His research work is very important. yāo.

Another meaning is ’’to look into, to consider, to discuss” (possibilities, opinions, questions):

A gei phrase before jiě would mean ’’for/’ not ’’to.’’ Example : Tā gěi vo jiěle jǐběn shu% "He borrowed a fev books for me.”

SOC, Unit 1

"Clhǎi, Shanghai Cishū Chubanshě,^979»


Zhěige wěnti women děi yanjiū    We should discuss (OR look into this)

yanjiu.    question.

zhěngzhi: ’’politics,political affairs ; politicalff

Keep in mind that because of China1s political system, the word zhěngzhi has a different set of meanings than we are used to. This is a large question which we will not go into in depth here. But to give you an idea of this concept, here is the definition of zhěngzhi from a Chinese dictionary.*

zhěngzhi: The concentrated expression of economics. It comes into being on a particular economic base, serves the economic base, and has a tremendous influence on economic development. In a class society, economic interests are the most fundamental interests of the different classes. In order to safeguard their own interests, the classes inevitably wage intense class struggle among each other. Therefore, class struggle and handling relations between the classes becomes the main content of politics• The relations which politics must handle are the internal relations of a class, relations between the classes, relations between nationalities, and international relations. Politics is manifested in policies and activities in the areas of national life and international relations of political parties, social groups, and social forces which represent certain classes. The politics of the exploiting class has as its aim to oppress the working people and to preserve its own narrow interests. In the politics of the proletariat, bourgeois rule is overthrown with revolutionary violence under the leadership of the proletarian political party, and the dictatorship of the proletariat is established; after power has "been seized, socialist revolution is carried through to the end, class struggle is properly waged, and contradictions "between ourselves and the enemy as well as contradictions among the people . • • are properly handled; then the focus of struggle is progressively turned towards engaging in the cause of socialist construction and devoting major efforts to developing production, and creating the conditions needed to completely abolish classes and bring about communism.

Note in particular how the politicization of everyday personal relations in the PRC has resulted in zhěngzhi being used in a host of phrases such as "political influence,” "political relations,” "political background,11 "political qualifications,ff etc.

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1+. A: Zuotiān Xiao Ming gěi tā    Yesterday Xiao Ming wrote a

nupěngyou xiě xin, xiěde    letter to his girl friend,

hǎo chang!    and it vas really long!

B: Nianqīng rěn zongshi nianqīng Young people are always young ren. Wo nianqingde shihou    people; when I was young

yě shi zhěiyang, nī wang le? I was like that too, have you


Notes on No. h

chang: ,,to be long’’ in physical length, or in some cases, time. The opposite of chang is duǎn, "to "be short.11

Chāngchěng you duo chang?    How long is the Great Wall?

You liuqiānduō gōnglǐ (chang).    It’s over six thousand kilometers


Ni xiěde tai chang le, duan    You made this (piece of writing) too

yidiǎnr, hao "bu hao?    long. Could you shorten it?

Wo hěn chang shijiān měi kanjian I haven’t seen him in a long time. ta le.    (Hen chang shi.H^n is the same

as hěn ,1i5)

Wo xiang nǐ zai nar zhao fangzi I’m sure it will take you a long time yiding xuyao yige hěn changde    to find a house there,


Tā zai zhěr g5ngzuode shijiān you How long did he work here? duo chang?

nianqīng: ’’to "be young" While the idea of "being young is often relative to a particular situation, nianqīng rěn usually means people from the teens through the twenties.**

Ta nianqingde shihou "bǐ xianzai When she was young she was even more gěng hao kan.    "beautiful than now.

Nianqīng rěn d5u xǐhuan vanr.    All young people like to have fun.

zǒng: ’’always, invariaTDly11 Like other adverbs such as zhēn, ’’really," and hai,ffstill,?? zong is often followed by shi •

Ni zongshi wen vo věnti.    You alvays ask me questions.

°There are other words for ’’long” in other contexts. When referring to distance, use yuan: Lu hěn yuan, ’’It’s a long way.11 For time, you will also need jiu: Ta zoule duo ,1iǔ le?, ,fHov long has it been since he left?’,

0°Remem'ber that xi So is another word for "yoiing11: Ta bi vo xiǎo yisui, "He1 s a year younger than I.” Wo xiǎode shihou usually means ”When I vas a child.n When speaking to a child, you would say Nǐ hai xiǎo for ”You’re still young."

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Zhěi zhong shiqing zongshi rang This type of thing alvays makes one rěn hěn gāoxing,    very happy.

Zǒng bu, "always not"”’’ is one way of saying "never":

Tā zǒng bu xǐhuan biěrěn wen tā He never likes other people to ask jiālide shi.    about his family,

Zǒng has another use, which is the one you see in exchange U: Instead of meaning literally ’’on every occasion” or "at all times,ff z8ng is used to suggest that a certain state of affairs should "be obviously true, regardless of other circumstances• Translations for this meaning depend upon the context; some are ”after all, surely, always, in any case, when all is said and done, inevitably, eventually•ff Other possible translations are suggested in the folloving examples.

Xiǎohaizi zǒng shi xiǎohai2i,    Children will "be children; after they

dale jiu hǎo le,    grov up it will be better.

Nǐ bu jiě wo, wo zai zhěr kan- If you wonft lend it [this book] to kan zǒng kěyi ba?    me, at least I can read it here,

canft I?

Nǐ nian shū shi hǎo shi, zǒng    Itfs great that you1 re studying, but

bu něng bu chi fan ba?    after all, you can't go without

eating, can you?

Nī shi Měiguo rěn, nǐ zǒng bu    You1re an American, you canft very

něng bu zhīdao Dězhou zai    well not know where Texas is,

nar ba?!    can you?!

Nǐ nazǒu wode shu, zǒng děi wen You really should ask before you wo yixia!    take one of ray books •

ZSng you yitian, ta hui hullaide. Someday he will surely come back.

Ērshige bu gou, na nǐ shuo san- If twenty isnft enough, then thirty shige zǒng gou le ba?    should surely be enough, vouldn*t

you say?

A: GSnggong qichē měiyou dao    There arenft any buses that go

něige difangde, women děi qi    there• Wefll have to go by

zixlngchě qu.    bicycle«

B: ōu, qi chě duo lei..•    Oh, but itfs so tiring to ride a


A: Zǒng bī zǒuzhe qu hǎoduS le. Well, itfs much better than walking!

Lai wan yidiǎnr zǒng bǐ bu lai Itf s "better to come a little late hǎo.    than not to come at all.

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A: Guānyu nī zhěige věnti, wo    工 don’t know much about this question zhīdaode bu du5, dagai měiyou of yours. I probably can11 give banfa huidahao. you a good ansver.

B: Ni zong zhīdaode bī wSmen du5,    In any case, you knov more than we jiu qīng ni jiang jiang ba! do, so please try.

5.    A: Shǔjiade shihou, nī xiang    Where do you vant to go

dao nar qu yanrwanr?    over summer vacation?

B: Wo xiǎng dao YazhSu    Ifd like to go visit a fev

jǐge gu$jiā qu kankan.    countries in Asia.

Notes on No. 5

shu.1ia: ”summer vacation11 In China, summer vacation starts in August and ends in September for high schools; college ends in June and starts in late August.

Zhěige shǔjia vo bll dao nSr qu. This summer vacation I'm not going


Yazhōu: "Asia1, Ya comes from the transliterated vord for Asia, Yaxiya. Zhou means ”continent Many people say Yazhou.

guojia: "country, nation, state,11 literally, ’’country-family•,’ The bound word -£uo is used only in certain phrases or compound words. Cruojiā is the vord to use everywhere else. (Sometimes guo may be used alone,such as in reference to kingdoms or dukedoms of ancient China. But a modern nation is called guo.liā.)

6.    A: Zěnme, ni xiang yanjiū    Oh? Do you vant to do research

Yazhōude věnhua chuantSng?    on Asia1s cultural tradition?

B: Bu něng shu5 yanjiu. Wo    It can’t be called research. I

zhǐ shi xiǎng qu kankan    just vant to go have a look at

nalide shehui qingkuang.    the social situation there.

Notes on No. 6

Zenme?: ,!oh?; vhat?; really?11    The intonation can change the implication.

Zěnme, nī yě dao zhěr lai le!    Well, you1 ve come here too!

Zěnme? Tā bu shi Zhongguo rěn?    What? He1s not Chinese? Then hov

Na tade Zhōngwěn zěnme zěnme    is his Chinese so good? hSo ne?

A: Nī xiawu you shijiān ma?    Do you have any time this afternoon?

B: Zenme? You shi ma?    Why? Is something happening?

SOC, Unit 1


w^nhuā: "ciiiture, civilization" Also "education, cultural background*1 as in rri^iyou wenhuacie rěn, "an uncultured person" or an !funeducated person.’’

shehui : "society; socialf! Xin shěhui and j iu shěhui are jargon for the new and oli societies (after and before the socialist transformation). ’’In society1' is more often zai shěhuishang^ less frequently zai shěhuili.

Xianggangde shěhui wěnti zhēn    Hong Kong sure has a lot of social

duo.    problems. (e.g., drugs, killings)

了. k: Lao Wang, wo jīntiān ganjuě    Lao Wang,工 feel awful today, hen bu shūfu.

B: Kuai zuoxia, wo qu gei ni    Sit dovn and If11 go get you

dao bēi cha lai.    a cup of tea.

Notes on No. 了

ganjuě: "to feel; feeling’’ In 了a,ganjuě is used as a verb. Here are other examples:

Nǐ gǎnjuě zěnmeyajag?    How do you feel?

īTǐ jīntiān gǎnjuě hao yidiǎnr    Do you feel better today? le ma?

Wo gǎnjuě tā jīntiān you dianr    I get the feeling hefs a little tm gāoxing. unhappy (OR "bothered) today.

Suīrān wo bu fā shāo le, kěshi Although I don’t have a fever any zǒng gǎnjuě hěn lei.    more, I feel very tired all the


Here is an example of gǎnjuě used as a noun:

Zhěi shi wode ganjuě, nīde kanfa Thatfs my feeling, what is your zěnmeyāng?    opinion?

zuoxia: ’’to sit down" Also zuoxialai•

Qing zuoxia (lai ) tan.    Have a seat and letf s talk about it.

dao. . . lai : Dao is nto pour”; dāolai is ’’to pour and "bring here.” You have seen lai used as a directional ending "before, as in naxialai,’’bring down and here,” or paolai ’’run here. There are two things to notice about the meaning of lai as a directional ending: 1) Lai can be used after verbs which tell of inovement from one place to another, like pǎo,!!to run” or na, !!to carry"; OR after verbs which describe an action without movement from one place to another, such as dao, nto pour.” 2) The thing lai refers to, which is what ends up ’’here,’’ may be the subject OR the object of the sentence . For example, in Tā paolai le, ’’He ran here,’’ it is the subject tā who per forms the act ion of running and comes here. In Tā xiělai yifěng xin le, ’’He has written a letter which has come here,” it is the object xin which is

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written and comes here. In Yifu dou yǐjīng xǐlai le,"All the clothes have already "been washed and "brought here,n it is the topic yīfu which were washed and "brought here.

You vill often split lai from the verb "by inserting an object like yi~bei cha, as in sentence    In fact, in sentence 了B,dao and lai must "be

split up; lai may not precede the object. The rules allowing lai to precede the object are complex, and here we vill just give some examples of usage,

Nǐ nar jiělai zhěme yiliang po Where did you "borrow such a "beat-up chē?!    old car from?

Wo zui xǐhuan nǐ cong Shanghai I like the sweater you "bought in mǎilaide něijieui maoyi.    Shanghai "best.

Wo yiding gěi ni zhaolai neiben    1*11 "be sure to find that "book for

shū OR Wo yiding gěi ni zhao    you. neiben shū lai.

Nǐ shěnme shihou you shijiān,    When you get the time, give me a cai丄,

da ge dianhua lai, women yiqǐ    and wefll go see a movie together,

qu kan dianyǐng.    (Lai must follow the object.)

Biě^wangle mingtian yě "ba nǐde Don’t forget to "bring your girlfriend nupěngyou dailai.    tomorrow too.

8. A: Nǐ qīide něige difang,    What was the political and

zhěngzhi, jīngji fāngmiande economic situation like where qingxing zěnmeyang?    you went?

B: Jǐju hua shu5~buqingchu,    I can’t explain it clearly in

ySu shijiān wS zai gēn    just a few sentences; when 工

ni manmānr shu5 "ba.    have time 工*11 tell you all

about it.

Notes on No. 8

fāngmian: "aspect; area; respect; side” This noun is used without a counter. It is a useful, sometimes overused word. You won’t have any trouble understanding how fāngmian is used, "but there vill "be sentences where you wouldn’t have thought to use it. When translating, it is sometimes "better just to leave fangmian out of the English than to strain to use the word ’’aspect,” "side,* etc.

Fāngmiaji has two main uses:

(1) "aspect, respect, area, field”

Zhěige wěnti you liangfangmian. There are two aspects to this


WSmen zai zhěifāngmian zuode    We haven11 done enough in this area,

hai "bu gou*

SOC, Unit 1


Yīngguo zai jīngjixuě fāngmiande A lot of research in the area of yanjiū zuode bū shǎo.    economics has been done in England.

Wo měi shide shihou xǐhuan kankan    When I donft have anything to do I

wěnxuě fangmiande shū.    like to read books on the subject

of literature.

A: Wo kānle nī xiede yǐhou juěde    After reading what you wrote, I feel

you yifǎngmian kěyi xiěde    theref s one respect in which you

gěng hao.    can make it better.

B: Něifāngmian ne?    What respect?

(2) "party, side," referring to a group of people

Niǔyuě fāngmian dāgai bu hui    New York wonft have any problem with

you shěnme wěnti, kěshi women    this, but we should check vith

yīnggai he Běijīng fāngmian    Běijīng before going ahead, (meaning

xian shangliang yixia zai shu5.    groups of people, e.g.9 offices of

a company.)

Guānyu zhěige went!, liSng fang-    The two sides have somevhat different

miānde kanfa you diǎn bu tong.    views on this question.

qingxing: In most cases interchangeable with qingkuang« In present-day Běijīng speech, at least among the younger generation, qingkuang is the more common of these two words.

shuobuQingchu: ncanft say/explain clearly” ShuSqīngchu is a compound verb of result. Here are other examples:

W5 shuobuqīngchu wěishenme tā    I can’t really explain vhy he got

shengqi.    angry.

Bu shuoqīngchule bū xfng.    It wonft do not to explain it


Ta shuoqīngchule tade mudi.    He explained his goal clearly.

Ni něng bu něng shuoqīngchu    Can you explain clearly the differ-

Mnianqīngff he ”xiSo” de *bu    ences betveen nianqīng and xiSo?


mamaanr: Also manman. Many adjectival verbs can be doubled to make an adverb, which is used between the subject and the verb. In Běijīng speech, when you double certain adjectival verbs of one-syllable, the second one becomes first tone (no matter what its original tone) and is added. These adverbs can take the adverbial ending -de. Other examples are kuaikuair(de), "quickly," and haohaorde, ”veil, properly•”

Mamnan(de) or manm^ir (de) has these meanings:

(1) 11 slowlyfl Donft forget, however, that flslowlyfl can sometimes be

translated *by man alone.

SOC, Unit 1


Tā mānmǎnrde zǒu hui jiā qu le. He slowly walked home.

BUT Zǒu man yidiǎnr. I

Man diǎnr zǒu. J    Walk more slowly.

(2)    ”gradually, bit by bit, by and by11

Nī gang lai, dui zhěrde qingkuang You just arrived and are unfamiliar bu shuxi, mānmānr nī jiu zhīdao vith the situation here, but you111 le.    come to knov it by and by.

Manmānrde, tā jiu dong le.    Gradually he began to understand.

(3)    Sentences vhich instruct someone to manmānr do this or that can often be translated as ’’take your time. . . or ’’don’t rush.11

Manmānr zǒu, zānmen lāideji.    Let’s take our time walking. We’ll

make it.

Bu ji, manmānr chi, vo děng    There’s no hurry, so take your time

nī.    eating. I111 wait for you.

(U) With verbs meaning ”to tell” someone about something, manmanr has more of the meaning,’in all details.’’

Nī zuoxia, vo manmānr gēn ni    Sit down and I111 give you the whole

jiǎng.    story.

Wo hai xiang gen ni du5 tantan Ifd like to talk some more vith you zhěijian shi.    about this.

Hǎode, yǐhou women marmian tan. Okay, later ve can talk all about it.

9. A: Yanj iū Zhongguo xianzaide    To study the problems of China nov,

věnti yiding děi dSngde    you have to understand Chinese

Zhongguo lishi.    history.

B: Nī shuōde zhěiyidiǎn hěn    This point of yours is very impor-

yaojǐn, vo kǎolu kǎolu■    tant; If11 think it over.

Notes on No, 9

dongde: ”to understand” Narrower in use than dong. You dongde the meaning of a vord, the implications or significance of an event, or the way to do something; but not a foreign language (that you dong), nor what the teacher just said (that you tīngdǒng le), nor someone elsefs feelings (that you liǎojiě, vhich vill be presented in the Traveling in China module).

You have seen the component -de in the verbs rěnde and jide. It is only used in a handful of verbs, sometimes acting like a resultative ending. For example, you can say rěnbude,’’can’t recognize,,’ and j ībude, ’’can’t remember but you may not use dongde in the potential form; for,’can*t understand,” you just say bu dongde.

SOC, Unit 1


-dian: "point” (For the second example, you need to know xīnli, "in one' s heart.,’)

D, hai you yidiSn.    Oh, there’s one more point [that

should be made]•

Zhěi shi rang rěn xīnli zui    This is the most upsetting point,

bu shūfude yidiSn.

Nei yidiSn women yǐjīng tanguo    Wefve been over that point already, le.

Wo juěde tā shuode měiyidiǎn    I think that every point of his

d5u dui.    was right.

kǎolu: ,,to consider, to think over; consideration,,

Zhei yidiSn women yīnggāi kǎolu. We should consider this point.

Wo děi hǎohāor kǎolu zhěige    I have to think this matter over

went!.    carefully.

Zhěi fāngmiande qingkuang nǐ    Have you taken this aspect of the

kǎolule ma?    matter into consideration?

10. A: Nǐ zai ZhSngguo zhu liǎng-    If you live in China for two years

nian, yiding hui xuěhǎo    you1re sure to learn Chinese

Zhongwěnde.    very well.

B: Shi a, yifǎngmian kěyi    Yes, on the one hand I can    learn

xuěhǎo ZhSngwěn, yifǎngmian    Chinese veil, and on the    other

yě kěyi du5 zhīdao yidiSnr    hand I can find out more    things

Zhongguode shiqing.    about China.

Notes on No. 10

hui: "might,be likely to,will’1 You already know hui meaning ffto know how to,can.1’ Here you see hui used in a new way, to express likelihood. As you can see from these three English translations, hui ranges in meaning from possible to probable to definite. The context may be sufficient to indicate which, but often the degree of probability is not important to the message, and there might be no single "correctff English translation. Various adverbs can be added before hui to clarify the degree of certainty, for example, yiding> "definitely," dagai, ”probably,” yěxǔ, "perhaps,” etc.

Here are some examples of how hui can be used to indicate likelihood:


Yǐjīng shiěrdiǎn ban le, zhe    It’s half past twelve. Who vould

shihou shěi hui lai ne?    come at this hour?

Yiding yao wo qu, tā cai hui qu. I111 have to go or else he wonft go.

SOC, Unit 1


Cai yaoshi fangde tai du5 le,    If you put too much food in, the

"baobing hui po.    pancake will "break•

Nide chenshāxi zangle    "bū yaojin, It doesn’t matter that your shirt got

wo hui gei nǐ xǐ.    dirty. I,ll wash it for you.

~bu hui

Bu da hui "ba?    That’s not very likely.

Dagai "bu hui shi ta.    It !s probably not him.

Yaoshi zai Taiwan mai jiu "bū hui If you "buy it in Taiwan, it won’t zhěme gui le.    "be so expensive.

Ni bū hui zhaobudao "ba?    You won’t be unable to find it,

will you?

Ni "bu yao jl le, wo "bu hui chū Don?t get anxious, I won’t have an shide.    accident.


Nǐ kan jīntiān wans hang hui    Do you think it might 'be cooler

liangkuai yidiǎn ma?    tonight?

Tā hui qu ma? Tā hui qu.    Will he go? He’ll go.

hui bu hui

Mingtian ta hui bu hui lai?    Will he come tomorrow?

Women xiěde neifēng xin, dao    They still haven’t gotten the letter

xianzai tāmen hai měiyou    we vrote. Could we have vritten

shōudao, women hui bu hui    the address vrong? xiěcuole dizhi?

Wo "ba men kāi le, zhěiyang nǐ    I opened the door. Will you feel

hui bu hui juěde tai lěng?    too cold like this?

Nǐ kan jīntiān hui "bu hui xia yǔ? Does it look to you as if it might

rain today?

nǐ hui zoucuode: So far you have seen -de used as a marker of possession or of modification, and in the construction. Here it is used in an entirely new way: at the end of a sentence, -de can mean "thatf s the way the situation is." Generally speaking, this -de is used in emphatic assertions or denials, especially those expressing probability, necessity, desire, etc.

Usage note: Unless the sentence contains shi or is understood to have an omitted shi, the majority of native Běijīng speakers seem to feel that this -de is nanfang hua, southern Chinese (e.g. , Nanjing), or a carry-over irrco Standard Chinese from southern dialects. Because of these regional connotations, you needn’t try to use it a lot; it vill be enough for you to understand this -de; in fact, you vill see that in most of the following examples, the -de is completely unnecessary.

SOC, Unit 1


(1)    Sentences with shi in the sense of "it is that.", it is a case of.. .M

This shi may often "be omitted.

Wo shi bu qude.    I,m not going. (More literally,

"As for me, it is that Ifm not going,)

Zhěige, ni shi zhīdaode.    This you knov.

Něige rěn (shi) you wěntide.    There1s something wrong with that guy.

A: Ni zěnme lai le?    Vhy axe you here?

B: (Shi) Lǐ Xiānsheng jiao    Mr. Lǐ told me to come, wo lāide.

Congqiān wo cong Xianggang    In the past whenever I have "bought

mǎi shūde shihou, měici    (mail-order) books from Hong Kong,

dou (shi) ji zhīpiaode.    I have always paid "by check (lit.,

Msent a check”).

(2)    Sentences vith an auxiliary verb    (hui,něng, yao, yinggai, etc.)

Nǐ gaosu ta, tā hui shengqide.    If you tell him he’ll get angry.

Zai xiě yiliangge zhōngtou, w5 If I write for another hour or two, xiang něng xiěwande.    I think I can finish writing it.

Nǐ zěnme měi mai a, yidian d5u How come you didn’t "buy it? It1 s not bū gui, nǐ yīnggāi maide.    at all expensive. You should have

"bought it.

Nǐ zhěme "bu shūfu, jīntiande    Since you1 re feeling so ill, you

hui nǐ "bu yīnggāi qude.    shouldn’t go to todayfs meeting.

Women zǒng you yitiān yao huf    There vill come a day when we vill

dalude.    go "back to the mainland.

(3)    Others: sentences with certain adverts like yiding, with potential

resultative verbs, with the aspect marker -guo, etc.

Zhěixiě shū yiding xūyaode.    These "books are definitely needed.

Wo he kāfei conglai bu fang    I never take sugar in my coffee, tangde.

Mapo Doufu pingchang dou y5u    Mapo Beancurd usually has meat in it. roude.

Womende gongzuo zhēnshi tai du5    We really have an awful lot of work,

le, zuobuwande!    We111 never "be through with it.

Zhěige dianyǐng wo congqian    seen this movie "before,


SOC, Unit 1

Jiu yao,5Tnde.    It doesn't matt or.

Hāode, haodr;.    All, all rip;h1,.

yx fāngmian. . .yifārig?nian . • • : This has two moaninf/r;: (I) ’V)ri    nw<t

hand..., on the other ?ianrl...11 or "for ono thin^. . . , 「or ariolhor i,h i • •.,, and (2) ,fdoin^:. . .while doing. ••”

Zai Xianggang yi rān^mian nī you    In līon^; Kon^, on Ihft ono hari(J you111

t] i?iui he Zhongguo ron tan hua,    have a oh an r;o to l,alk with Chiruw

yifan^mian koyi zhidao daludo    and on thn othf*r hand you r;;tn 1 f,*arn

qiri^kuanfr.    about \Ai(: ::i tual, Lori on    m?iǐ ri 1 and .

Ta yi fāngmian kan <} L?ln::hi, y i-    11^* watcho:; f,f: I i s i ori whil^ i rif*;.

fānf/mian c?jT <]ǒnfr,x I .

1]. yibiān(r ). . .yibiān(r ). . .    doin^. . ,w?ii lo <ioir\frt ...

1?_. yimian(r). , .yimiari(r). . .    doinf/. . .whi 1 a doiri^

Notes on Nos. 11 and 12

yibiān(r) • . .yibiān(r). ■ . and yimian( r ). . .yimi an (r) . . ■ : irdoīnp:. • .whi W-doin^. . • “ Both of these patterns are r;imilar to the r:of.'orid m^nnin^ nV y*i mi an, . . yi fānpTnian. ■ 二 •

Yibiān zuo yibiān xuo ba.1    Ii^arn by cJoin^ (1 earn nr: you ī t)!

Wo yibiānr ting yibiānr xi?.    I writf; as T 1 i a ton .

Womr-n yibiān zǒu yihiān tan,    Lot1talk ar, wo walk , ok ay ?

hao bu hSo?

SOC, Unit 1


Unit 1, Tape 1,    Reviev Dialogue

As Tom (A) (Tangmu), a graduate student in Chinese Area Studies at

Georgetown University, is studying in his apartment, a knock comes at the door.

It is his classmate Li Ping (B), an exchange student from Hong Kong.

A: A! Shi ni ya! Hao jiu bu jian!    Well, it’s you! I haven't seen you

Jīntiān zenme you shijiān chūlai    in a long time! How is it you've

zouzou?    got time to come out for a walk today?

B: Yige shongtou yǐqian, wo cong    I called you an hour ago from

xuěxiao gei ni da dianhua, nī    school, but you weren’t home. I

bu zai jiā, gāngcai vo dao zheli    just came over to this neighborhood

fujin mai dōngxi, jiu lai kan-    to do some shopping, so I stopped "by

kan. Zhēn bu cub, ni yijing    to visit. It1 s great that you’re

hui lai le.    "back already.

A: Dui"buqī, vo gāngcāi dao    Sorry. I just went over to a

pěngyou jiā jiě shū qu le•    friend’s house to borrow a book.

B: Shěnme shū? You shi guānyu    What book? More about China, I

Zhongguode ba?    "bet.

A: Dui le, you Xiānggangde,    Yes, there are ones from Hong

dalude, ye you Taivānde, dou    Kong, the mainland and Taiwan, all

shi xiaoshuor. Nǐ zuoxia kan,    fiction. Sit down and have a look,

vo qu gei ni dao bēi cha lai.    I111 go get you a cup of tea.

B: Bu yao māfan, shenme hēde dou    Don11 go to any trouble. Anything

xing.    to drink is fine.

A: Kekoukele, juzi shuǐr°, haishi    Coke, orange juice or beer? pijiu?

B: M, juzi shuǐ "ba!    Um, orange juice.

A: Hao, wo mashang jiu lai, yao    Okay, IT11 get it right nov. Do

bingkuair ma?    you want ice cubes?

B: Bu yao, xiěxie.    No, thanks.

(Li Ping sits down and leafs through the "books, and Tom returns vith

tvo glasses of orange juice.)

B: Tāngmu?!    Tom?

A: Ng?    Yeah?

B: Zhe sānge difangde shū, nī dou    Reading "books from all three of

kan, ni juěde zenmeyang?    these places, vhat do you think?

A: Wode gǎnjuě "bu shi yiju hua    I canTt explain my feelings in

°j<ekoixkěle, "Coca-Cola"; juzi shui(r) ?    "orange juice" (Beijing usage)

SOC, Unit 1

kěyi shuoqīngchude. Eng. . .    just a fev words. Him. ..let's say

zheme shuō ba,vo zong juěde    that I’ve alvays felt that people

dalu rěn, Xianggang rěn, he    on the mainland, in Hong Kong and

Taiwan rěn dcu shi Zhongguo rěn,    Taiwan are all Chinese, all have the

tāner: you yivS.ngde wenhua chuān-    same cultural trad! on , "but because

tong, kěshi yīnwei zhěngzhide    the political situations are dit'Ter-

qingkuang bu tong, shěhuide    ent, the social situations are also

qingkuang ye jiu bu yiyang le.    different.

B: Nǐ shu5de dui, danshi nǐ yao    You’re right. But if you vant to

dongde Zhongguo shěhui, zhǐ    understand Chinese society, it’s not

kan shū shi bu goude.    enough Just to read books.

A: Ei, nǐ zhīdao ma, xianzai xuě    Say, you knov, students of Chin^s^

Zhongvěnde xuěshēng you hěn du5    have a lot cf opportunities to go to

jihui dao ZhSngguo qu. Suoyi    China now. So planning lo go

vo j ihua zai zhěige xueqi wanle    China for a visit vhen this semes"

de shihou, qu Zhongguo kankan.    is over. And vhat1 s more , ī1 d 1 ik^.

Ernie, wo hai xiang zhao ge hǎo    to find a good friend to go vith. r^er.gyou yiqī qu.

B: Zuotiān wo Jiědao wo rnǔqInae    Yesterday 工 eot a letter froin m;'

xin, tā xiwang vo hui Xianggang    mother, and sheT d like me to 'jone

guo shǔj ia; zěnmeyang, nǐ he wo    back to Hong Kong for suiomer vac at i or .

yiqǐ huiqu "ba. Nǐ kěyi zhu zai    How about going back with me? You 「.an

women jiāli, ěrqiě, zai Xianggang    stay at our house; vhat1s more, in

yi fāngmian nǐ you j īhui he Zhōng-    Hong Kong, on the one hand youTII hav.、

guo rěn tan hua, yi fāngmian keyi    a chance to talk vith Chinese ar.d wi

zhīdao dalu, Xianggang he Tai-    the other hand you can learn abru;t

wanle qingkuang, ni kan hao bu    situation 广' ano , : n [{on?

hǎo?    Kong and in Taiwan. What do you

A: Feichang hao!    Great!

B: Name, nǐ hai yao he nǐ iiāli    Well then, you’ll still want to

rěn shangliang yixiar ta?    discuss this a "bit vith your parents ,

I suppose?

A: Bu bi, gei fujnǔ da dianhuade    ThatT s not necessary. When I call

shihou, gaosu tamen wode jihua    them, TT11 tell them :ny plan, and

j iu xing le. V/o yao yanjiū    then everything should be all right.

Zhongguo shehui, fuinǔ yiding    T’in sure they* 11 be hap-py that I vant

hui gāoxingde.    to study Chinese society.

B: Měiguo nianqīng rěn dou you    Young people in America really

zijǐde xiangfa, zhei yidiǎnr,    think for thenselves (-lave rneir rvr,

vo feichang xǐhuan.    ideas). 丁 really lik^ than.

A: Nianqīng rěn you zi.jǐde xiangt'ǎ    I~tTs ^ood that people think

shi duide, kěshi fumǔde hua ye    for vres, bur, you

yīnggāi kǎolu.    to ,:on.ii^r vhaJ yc\:r ■ nren^.s

SOC, Unit 1


B: M. Na women shuohao le, jin-    Mm, Well then we have decided,

nian shǔjia qu Xianggang, xian—    This summer vacation we'll go to

zai hai you wuge yuěde shijiān    Hong Kong. We still have five months

kěyi zhǔnběi.    to prepare.

A: Dui, jiu zhěme ban! Jīnnian    Right, that's what we'll do. This

xiatiān wo jiu yao dao zhěige    summer we will go to that country

difang da, rěnkou duō, lishǐ    with a large area, a great population,

you changde guojiā qu le. Hai!    and a long history. Boy, this plan

Zhěige jihua zhēn rang wo    really makes me happy. gāoxing!

B: Hao, jiu zhěiyang. WS yinggai    Good, it1s settled. I have to go. zou le!

A: Nǐ mang shenme! Hai zao ne!    What1s the hurry? It1s still early!

B: Bu zao le, huiqu hai děi nian    No it isnft. I still have to study

shū ne!    when I get back.

A: Na, you shijiān nǐ zai lai    Well then, come again when you have

wanr!    time!

B: Hao, mingtian Jian,    Okay, see you tomorrow.

A: Mingtian jian!    See you tomorrow.

SOC, Unit 1


Unit 1, Tape 2 Workbook

Exercise 1

This exercise is a review of the Reference List sentences in this unit. The speaker will say a sentence in English, followed by a pause for you to translate it into Chinese, Then a second speaker will confirm your answer.

All sentences from the Reference List will occur only once. You may vant to rewind the tape and practice this exercise several times.

Exercise 2

This exercise contains a conversation in which a Chinese mother and son, who have lived in the United States for five years, discuss the possibility of his taking a summer trip to China.

The conversation occurs only once. After listening to it completely, you’ll probably vant to rewind the tape and answer the questions below as you listen a second time.

Here are the new words and phrases you will need to understand this conversation:

xīnshi    something weighing on onefs mind,


zhangdk    to grow up

daxuěsheng    college student

gěguo    various countries

gaozhong    senior high school

haohaor    properly, carefully, thoroughly

Jizhu    to remember

Questions for Exercise 2

Prepare your answers to these questions in Chinese so that you will be able to give them orally in class.

1.    How does Xiao Ming1 s mother know that something is on his mind?

Hov does she bring up the subject?

2.    What are his classmates doing over the summer?

3- Why does he tliink    cu-lture rateresting?

SOC, Unit 1

h. How does Xiao Mingfs mother react to his idea?

5. What advice does she give?

After you have answered these questions yourself, you may want to take a look at the translation for this conversation. You may also want to listen to the dialogue again to help you practice saying your answers.

Note: The translations used in these dialogues are meant to indicate the English functional equivalents for the Chinese sentences rather than the literal meaning of the Chinese.

Exercise 3

In this conversation a Chinese student studying at a university in the U.S. comes home on a Friday night and finds his American roommate engrossed in his studies.

Listen to the conversation once straight through. Then, on the second time through, look below and answer the questions.

Here are the new vords and phrases you vill need to understand this conversation:

Wode tian na!

Ity God!


student association


to be concerned about


modern history



pǐchā bīng



ancient books

Questions for Exercise 3

Prepare your answers to these questions in Chinese so that you vill be able to give them orally in class.

1.    Why does the Chinese student object to his roommate studying the classics?

2.    Why doesn’t the American student like to talk about politics?

3.    What other subjects does the Chinese student feel his roommate should become familiar vith for a well-rounded education?

h. Does the American student agree? Why or vhy not?


SOC, Unit 1


5. What will the roommates do after the American student finishes his homework?

After you have answered these questions yourself, you may want to take a look at the translation for this conversation. You may also want to listen to the conversation to help you practice saying the answers which you have prepared.

Exercise h

In this exercise, an American university student visits her Chinese literature professor after class in his office.

Listen to the conversation straight through once. Then rewind the tape and listen again. On the second time through, answer the questions.

You will need the following new words and phrases:

Jīdong    to get worked up, to be agitated

liushi niandai    the decade of the sixties

yī    as soon as

gaibian    change(s)

liuxia    to leave

Questions for Exercise h

1.    Why was Professor Tang so upset in class?

2.    Why did the student visit her professor?

3.    What things does she bring him? Why?

b. What recent changes have there been in the state of Chinese literature?

5. What is Professor Tang1s attitude about the future?

After you have answered these questions yourself, you may want to take a look at the translation for this conversation. You may also want to listen to the conversation again to help you pronounce your answers correctly.

SOC, Unit 1


Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 2

A mother and her son who immigrated to America from China five years ago

are talking after dinner:

A: Xiao Ming, nǐ zai chi yidiǎnr    Xiao Ming, have some more to eat. a.

B: Mā, wo chībao le, bu xiang chi    工full,Mom. I don*t want any

le.    more.

A: Měitian nian shu niande zhěme    You study so late every day,

wan, zai bu du5 chi yidiǎnr,    if you keep eating so little, how

zěnme xing na?    will that do?

B: Wo zhende chibǎo le, yidiǎnr    工*ve really had enough. I Just

d5u bu xiǎng chī le.    don!t want any more.

A: Haizi, nī you shěnme xīnshi    Son, what do you have on your

Kě bu kěyi he wo tāntan?    mind? Can you talk about it

vith me?

B: Mā, ni zuoxia. Zanmen lai    Mom, sit down. Wefve been in

Měiguo siwǔnian le, laide shihou    America for four or five years now.

wo hai shi ge hāizi, xianzai    When we came I was still a child,

yǐ j īng shi daren le. Wo    but now Ifm an adult. But even

suīran zhǎngda le, kěshi zuo    though Ifve grown up, whenever I

shěnme shir, haishi xiang xian    do something I still like to

he nin tantan.    discuss it with you first.

A: Hǎode, you shěnme shir, nī    Okay, if you have something

jiu shuo ba!    you'd like to talk about, go


B: Mā, wS you jǐge Měiguo tong-    Mom, I have a few American class-

xuě, d5u shi xuě Zhongwěnde,    mates who study Chinese. This

jīnnian shujia, tāmen xiǎng dao    suiomer vacation, they want to go

Yazhou qu kankan, wo yě xiang    to Asia, and 工*d like to go with

he tamen yiqǐ qū.    them.

A: Dou shi nianqīng rěn ma?    Are they all yoiing people?

B: Shi a, d5u shi daxuěsheng.    Yes, they1re all college students,

A: Tāmen qu Yazhou, shi qū vanr    Are they going to Asia for fun or

haishi qu yanj iū YazhSude    to study the political and cultural

zhěngzhi, wěnhua qingxing?    situation in Asia?

B: Wo xiang, tāmen juěde YazhSu    工 think they find Asian culture

wěnhua hěn you yisi, YazhSu    and the social situation in the Asian

gěguo shěhuide qingkuang yě    countries very interesting, hěn you yisi.


Unit 1


A: Tāmen juěde zui you yiside    Which place do they think is the

difang shi nar a?    most interesting?

B: Dangran shi Zhongguo!    China, of course!

A: Nī likai Zhongguo zhi you    You left China only four or five

siwunian, jiu xiSng huiqu le?    years ago, and already you vant to

go "back again?

B: Wo laide shihou cai shang    When I came I was only in senior

gāozhong> dui Zhongguo wěnhua    high, and ī understood too little

dongdede tai shao. Wo xiang    a"bout Chinese culture. I think I

wo yinggai huīqu kankan.    ought to go "back to visit.

A: Zhongguode věnhua yǐj īng you    Chinese culture already has four

siqianniānde lishJ, ySu yiside    thousand years of history, and there

dongxi hen duo. Ni yao yanjiū    are many interesting things. I’m not

Zhongguo wěnhua, wo bu fǎndui•    against your vanting to study Chinese

Buguo, zou yiqiān, nī yiding    culture. But "before you go you have

yao he Yěye haohaor tSn yici.    to talk it over thoroughly with Grand-

Ta jishinian měiyou huiqu le,    pa. He hasn’t "been "back in several

y£ding you hen duo hua yao he    decades and I’m sure he’ll have a lot

ni shu5.    to say to you.

B: Wo jizhu le, yiding he Yěye    I111 remem'ber. I111 make sure I

haohaor tanyitan.    talk it over thoroughly vith Grandpa.

Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 3

Two classmates, an American (B) and a Chinese (A), share an apartment

somewhere in America. The American is at home studying Sht Ji, Records of the

Historian, a classical history. His Chinese classmate comes in the door.

A: Vode tian na! Ni hai zai nian    Viy God! Are you still studying?

shS?~Xi, he "bei pi jiu xiuxi    Hey, how about taking a "break for

xiuxi hǎo "bu hao?    a "beer?

B: Hao hSo hao, rang wo "ba    Okay, okay, let me finish reading

zheiyidiǎnr kanvan xing "bu xing?    this little "bit, okay?

A: Hai, nī zongshi kān gǔshu?    Come on, you1re always reading

Xianzai shěhuide qingxing, nī    classics! Don’t you ever think about

jiu yidiǎnr dou "bu kaolu ma?    the condition of today’s society?

B: Shěi shuo wo bu kaolu, xuě-    Who says I don’t think about it.

shenghuide shi vo yě zuole "bu    I’ve done a lot with the Student

shao ma!    Association, you know!

A: Nǐ zhen you yisiI Zuo    You’re something else! Just doing

yidiǎnr xuěsh5nghuide shi jiu    a little work with the Student Assoc-

shi guanxin shěhui le!    iation means you?re concerned about


SOC, Unit 1


B: Na nǐ shuo, wo yinggai zuo    Well then, what do you think I should

diǎn shěnme ne?    do?

A: Dalushang you name duo rěn,    There are so many people on the

nǐ zěnme bu wěnwen tamende    mainland, how come you don’t try to

qingxing zěnmeyang?    find out what their situation is like?

B: Wo Juěde zhěngzhi wěnti tai    I think that political problems are

mafan, wo bū xiǎng tan zhěngzhi.    too much bother (tedious and involved).

工 don't like to talk about politics.

A: Wo yě měiyou yāo gēn nǐ tan    I didnft mean I wanted to talk

zhěngzhide yisi. Wode yisi shi,    politics with you. I mean that as

nǐ yanjiu Zhongguode shihou,    you study China, on the one hand you

yifangmiān yao kankan gushu,    should read the classics and study

yanjiuyanjiu Zhongguo chuantong    traditional Chinese culture, but on

wěnhua, yifǎngmian yě kěyi kankan    the other hand you can also read

zhei yibainiande Zhongguo lishi.    some Chinese history of the past

hundred years.

B: Zhěiyidiǎn shi duide. Zhěi    You1re right about that. I have

yixuěqi wo bū shi you Zhongguo    modern Chinese history class this

jindaishǐ kě ma?    semester, don’t I?

A: Wo xiǎng chūle shang xuě yīwai,    But I think that besides taking

nǐ hai kěyi kan yidiǎnr xiǎo-    classes, you could read some fiction,

shuor.    too•

B: Kan xiaoshuor?! Wo nar you    Read fiction?! When (lit. "vhere”)

shijiān kān shenme xiSoshuor?    do I have time to read any fiction?

A: W5 zuiJin zai kan jǐbenr    Lately Ifve been reading a few

Zhongguo jindāi xiaoshuor, fēi一    modern Chinese novels which are very

chang you yisi. Nī ruguǒ xiang    interesting. If you want to understand

dongde Zhongguo xiāndai shěhui,    modern Chinese society, you really

zhēn děi duo kan diǎnrzhěi-    have to read more of this kind of

zhong xiaoshuor•    fiction.

B: Wo zěnme kěyi hě^nǐ bī_, nǐ    How can I compare with you; you read

kande name kuai! E, zhěiyang    so fast! Hey, how about this: after

hao bu hao, ni kanwan yihou    youfve finished reading them, tell me

gaosu wo něiyiběn hǎo yidiǎnr,    which book is best and then I111 read

wo zai kan, xing bu xing?    it, okay?

A: Hao hao hǎo, jiu zhěiyang ba!    Okay, that1 s what we*11 do. Now

Xianzai wo bu zai mafan ni le.    I111 leave you alone. Oh yeahwhat

Ei, dui le, Jxntian wǎnshang    are we going to eat tonight? I111

zanmen chī shěnme? Wo lai zuo    make something, okay? yidiǎnr, hǎo bu hǎo?

B: Bu 1di zuo le, suibian chi    You don't have to make anything. Why

diǎnr ba! Wo nianwan zhěiyi-    donft we just have something easy,

diǎnr, zanmen chuqu chī pǐcha    After I finish reading this, how about

bǐng, hǎo bu hao?    going out and having a pizza?

SOC, Unit 1


A: Hao! Nǐ kuai dianr nian,    Okay! Hurry up and read, wefll leave

nianwan zanmen jiu zǒu.    right after you finish.

Dialogue and Translation for Exercise k

At an American university, a student (A), who has studied in Taiwan, comes to see her professor from China, Professor Tang (B).*

A: Tang Xiānsheng, wo keyi    Professor (Teacher) Tang, may I come

j inlai ma?    in?

B: Dangran, qǐng jinlai ba! You    Of course, please come in! Is

shi ma?    there some matter (you want to see

me about) ?

A: Mm, jīntian shang kěde shihou    Um, in class today, you must have

nin dagai hěn bu shūfu, wǒ lai    felt very bad, so Ifve come to see you. kankan nin.

B: Ou! Hai dāile huār lai!    Oh! You even brought flowers!

Xiěxie ni.    Thank you.

A: Měi shenme, yīnggāide. Tang    Not at all, it1s only proper. Dr.

Xiānsheng, nin xianzaide gǎnjuě Tang, how do you feel now, better? zěnmeyāng, hǎo yidiǎnr ma?

B: HǎoduS le, xiěxie ni.    Much better, thank you,

A: You shěnme wo kěyi gěi nin    If there1s anything I can do for

zuode...nin biě kěqi,    you...donft be polite.

B: Nǐ qu dao liǎngbēi kāfěi lai,    How about going and pouring [us] a

hǎo bu hǎo?    couple of cups of coffee?

A: Wo xiǎng, Jīntiān shang kěde    I think that during class today

shihou nin tai jīdong, xianzai you got too worked up. It would be zui hao bu he kāfei.    best if you didn’t have any coffee


B: Hǎo ba, nǐ dao liǎngbēi juzi-    Okay, then get us two glasses of

shuǐ lai. Wo bu yāo bīng.    orange Juice. I donft want any ice.

A: Hāode, wo Jiu lai.    Okay, I111 be right back.

(She gets the orange Juice out of the refrigerator in Professor Tang1s office and brings it over to his desk.)

Professor Tang first studied literature in the early 1930’s in Shanghai and himself belonged to several literary clubs and publications which included some of the authors he now discusses with his students.

SOC, Unit 1


A: Tang Xiānsheng, you yiju hua    Dr. Tang, there’s something I want

wo bu zhīdao kěyi bu keyi shuo.    to say but I don’t know if I can.

B: You shěnme huā, nǐ jiu shuo    Whatever you have to say, just say

ba!    it!

A: Nin měici jiang Zhongguo    Every time you talk about Chinese

liūshi niandai wěnxuě dou    literature of the sixties you get

feichang jīdSng, zhěiyangr dui    very agitated.° That1s "bad for your

ninde shěntī "bu hao!    health!

B: Wo yě zhīdao, kěshi yi tan    I know, "but as soon as I talk

zhěi fāngmiande wěnti, zongshi    about the topic it always makes

rang wo hěn jīdong.    me very agitated.

A: Zhongguo wěnxuě de qingkuang    There have "been "big changes in the

zhěijǐnian youle hěn dade    state of Chinese literature in the

gǎil3ian> Yǒude shihou hǎo    past few years. Sometimes it1 s "been

yidiǎnr, youde shihou bū    a little better and sometimes it

zěnme hao.    hasnft "been too good.

B: Zhongguode shiqing jiu shi    That1 s exactly the way things are

zhěiyang, he zhěngzhide guānxi    in China; their relationship vith

tai da. Wo lao le, wo měi    politics is too great. I*m too old,

banfǎ dong le.    I can1t understand it any more.

A: Nin shi womende lǎoshī. RuguS    But you1 re our teacher. If you

nin "bū dong, shěi dong ne?    don’t understand,who does?

B: Ěi, yihoude yanjiu, jiu shi    (Sigh) In the future, research will

nǐmen nianqīng rěnde shi le.    "be the job of you young people.

A: Tang Xiānsheng, nin bū yao    Dr. Tang, don’t think that way.

zhěiyangr xiang, women dou    All of us hope that the state of

xīwang yīhou Zhongguo wěnxuěde    Chinese literature will get "better

qingxing hni hǎo yidiǎnr.    in the future. I got a few new "books

Jīntian wo zai tushǔguSn jiěle    out of the library today which are

jǐběnr xin shu, dou shi bu cuode.    all pretty good. I111 leave them with

Gěi nin liuxia ba!    you!

B: Hǎo, you shijian wo kanyikan.    Okay, I’ll look through them when I

have time*

A: Wǒ zǒu le, nin duo xiuxi    I*m going to leave now. You get some

yihuīr. Zaijian.    more rest. Good-bye.

B: Hǎo, zai jian. Xiěxie nǐ    All right,good-bye. Thanks for

lai kan wo.    coming to see me.

A: Bu kěqi.    You’re welcome.

Many authors of considerable fame and accomplishment were persecuted

during the Cultural Revolution* One unfortunate instance of this resulted in

Lan She1s suicide.    .



UNIT 2 Equality of the Sexes

INTRODUCTION Grammar Topics Covered in This Unit

1.    The uses of biede, nother(s)ff and itngwai, 11 other•11

2.    The pattern měi*.>Jiu>•.•

3.    The pattern yuě> • .yue. • • • "the more. • .the more....11 k. The pattern yuě lai yuě> • • • "more and more“"”

5.    The verb ending -xLaqu, "to continue," 11 to go on•”

6.    The prepositional verb xiang > nlike."

了》 The adverb Jiu, nas soon/early as that•”

Functional Language Contained in This Unit

1.    Asking a person's views on an issue.

2.    Being tactfully hesitant when asking about a delicate topic.

3.    Correcting a f&lse Impression given by something you said. k. Dismissing an idea or proposal.

SOC, Unit 2


Unit 2, Reference List

1.    A: Zheiben Fawěn zhōukān    This French weekly is quite good!

xiāngdāng bu cuo!

B: A! Nǐ xianzai dui Fawěn    Oh! You knov a lot about French now;

hěn you yanjiū le,něng    you can read French magazines! kan Fǎwěn zazhi le!

2.    A: Nannū plngděng shi bu shi    Is equality betveen men and women

Zhongguo rěnde kanfa?    a Chinese viewpoint?

B: Shi, kěshi něi shi Zhōngguo    Yes, but that1s a new concept of the

rěnde xīn guānnian, bū    Chinese, not an old one. shi lǎo guānnian.

3.    A: Zheipiān věnzhāng bu hǎo ma?    Isnft this article any good?

B: Bū shi zhěige yisi. Wenzhang    That vasnft vhat I meant. The article

bu cub, jiu shi changle    is pretty good, itfs just that itfs

yidiǎnr.    a bit long.

B: Nǐ hai you shěnme biěde    Do you have any other articles? věnzhāng ma?

h. A: Nī .jiehun yīqian yizhl d5u    Before you got married did you

gēn fumǔ yiqǐ zhu ma?    live with your parents all along?

B: Bū shi, vo měi jiēhūn jiu    No, I left home before I got

likai jiā dull shēnghuole    married and lived independently for

qī-bā nian.    seven or eight years•

5.    A: NY kan, zhěr you yipiān    Look, herefs a news article about

guānyu tongjūde xīnvěn.    "living together."

B: Suanle ba. Zhěizhong    Forget it. What’s interesting about

xīnvěn you shěnme yisi?    that kind of nevs?

6.    A: Nǐ jiějie yīxuě fāngmiande    Your sister is getting more and more

shū yue lai yuě duo le!    medical books!

B: Shi a, tā zai pīnming xuě    Yes, shefs studying medicine vith

yī ne.    all her energy.

SOC, Unit 2


7.    A: Liu Xiānshengde kě shizai    Mr. Liufs class is really "boring.

měi yisi.

B: Nǐ tīngxiaqu, mānmānr hui    If you keep attending it, gradually

you xingqude.    youf 11 "become interested.

8.    A: Xiang Wang Jiaoshou zhěi-    There really arenft many teachers

yangde lǎoshī zhěnshi "bu    like Professor Wang, duo.

B: Nī shuSdui le. RuguS "bu    Youfre right. If it weren’t for

shi ta bang zhu wo, wS    the help hef s given me, I

zhen "bu xiang xuě le.    wouldnft vant to study anymore.

9.    A: Sannian yīqian wǒ jiu "bu    I stopped depending on my parents

kao fumǔ shenghuo le.    for a living three years ago.

B: Nǐ něng zijǐ guǎn zijǐ,    Itfs really great that you can take

zhen "bu cuo.    care of yourself ["be your own "boss^.

10.    A: Tā xiěde jǐ"běn xiǎo shuo    The novels he wrote are all

xianzai dou hěn liuxin^«    very popular now.

B: Na dangran, xiang tǎ    Of course. Novels written by

neiyang you divei you    someone with his position and

zhishide rěn, xiěde    knowledge are sure to be

xiǎoshuS yiding you yisi.    interesting.


11.    you bāngzhu    to "be helpful

12.    you daolǐ    to make sense

13.    ziyou    to be free; freedom

lii. -běizi    all onefs life, lifetime

15.    Xīnvěn Zho\ikan    Nevsveek

16.    funu    woman; women, womankind

SOC, Unit 2


bāngzhu    help; to help

-běizi    all one1s life, lifetime

daoli    principle, truth, hovs and whys ;

reason, argument, sense divei    position, status

dull    to be independent; independence

funu    woman; women, womankind

guan    to take care of; to mind, to bother


guānnian    concept, idea, notion

jiěhūn (jiēhūn)    to get married

kao    to depend on, to rely on; to lean

against; to be near, to be next to

liuxing    to be common, to be popular, to be


měi yisi    to be uninteresting, to be boring;

to be pointless, to be meaningless; to be a drag; to be without value, not worthy of respect

nannū    men and women, male-female

-pian    (counter for sheets, articles or

pieces of writing)

pingdeng    equality; to be equal (of people)

pinming    with all one’s might, for all one is

worth, desperately, like mad; to risk one1s life, to defy death

shenghuo    life; to live; livelihood

shizai    really; to be real

suan le    forget it, let1s drop the matter,

let it go at that; come off it, come on

tongjū    to cohabit; cohabitation

věnzhāng    article, essay; prose (writing) style

xiang    to be like, to resemble; like;

such as

xiāngdāng    quite, pretty, considerably

SOC, Unit 2


-xiaqu    (resultative ending which indicates

continuing an action) xingqu    interest

xīnvěn    nevs

Xīnvěn ZhŌTakān    Nevsveek

xuě yī    to study medicine

yi    medical science, medicine (used

in phrases like xuě yi) yixuě    medical science, medicine

yizhi    all along, continuously, all the time

(up until a certain point)

you bāngzhu    to be helpful

you daolǐ    to make sense

you xingqu    to be interested

you yanjiū    to have done research on; to know

a lot about

yuě,..yuě,,.    the more*..the more...

yuě lai yue...    more and more - -• , increasingly...

zhīshi    knowledge

zhoukān    weekly publication, weekly

magazine, a "weekly" ziyou    freedom; to be free

SOC, Unit 2

Unit 2 a Reference Notes

1. A: Zhěiben Fawěn zhoukān    This French weekly is quite good!

xiāngdāng bu cuo!

B: A! Nī xianzai dui Fǎwěn    Oh! You know a lot about French now;

hěn you yanj iū le, něng    you can read French magazines!

kan Fawěn zazhi leJ

Notes on No. 1

zhoukān: "weekly publication, weekly magazine” One of the meanings for zh5u is ”veek•” (Other meanings include ’’cycle,circuit.’’) Kān is a word element meaning ’’to print, to publish” or ’’a periodical, a publication.”

Notice that this is a different word from the falling-tone kan ’’to read.’’

Some other words using these syllables (which you will often hear, but need not learn now) are:

zhōumo    weekend

zhōubāo    weekly publication, weekly

zhōukān    weekly publication

yuěkān    monthly publication

baokān    newspapers and magazines

qīkān    periodicals

kānwu    publications

xiāngdāng: "quite, pretty,” as in "quite a lot’’ or ’’pretty good.M This word is not quite as positive as zhēn "really, truly," but more so than hai, "fairly,rather11 (which will be presented in Unit U).

Tā chaode cai xiāngdāng hao chī. He cooks pretty well.

Zhěige zhSnlǎnguān xiāngdāng    This exhibition hall is quite good,

bū cuo.

you yanjiū: "to have done research on, to know a lot about, to be    '

expert on, to be knowledgeable about." You have often seen you used with a noun, such as mlng, "name," or qian^ "money," to form a phrase which acts like an adjectival verb. You ming is ffto be famous," you qian is "to be rich.M You yān.jiū is just such a phrase.

As shown in sentence IB, to say "knowledgeable ABOTJTM something, use the prepositional verb dui,,’towards, with regard to,,’ as in:

dui yanjiū

(with regard

to    [a subject of study] have research)

’’to know a lot about (something)11

SOC, Unit 2


le: The marker le_ is used twice in the sentence above to show a new situation. This person’s French seems to have improved because NOW he knows a lot about French and can read magazines.


2. A: Nannu pingdeng shi bu shi    Is equality between men and women

Zh5ngguo rěnde kanfa?    a Chinese viewpoint?

B: Shi, kěshi něi shi Zhongguo Yes, but that * s a new concept of the rěnde xin guānnian, bū    Chinese, not an old one.

shi lǎo guānnian.

Notes on No. 2

nannu: Mmale and female,M used only for humans.°

Nannūde shiqing zui nan shuo.    Matters between men and women are the

hardest to judge.


Women xuěxiao nannū xuěshēng    There are both men and women students

dou you.    at our school-

Naji and nu may modify nouns referring to people, e.g. , nuxuěshēnR,

"woman student, ’’ nutongzhi, "woman comrade • ’’

A: Chen Yingmlng dao nǎr qu le?    Where did Chen Yingmlng go?

B: Tā he yige tongxuě chūqu le.    He went out with a classmate.

A: Shi nāntongxuě shi    Was it a male classmate or a female nutongxuě? classmate?

Nānde and nude are sometimes used for ,,manM and "woman,M but when used to refer to an individual (e.g., neige nande) they are rather impolite. When used for MmenM and ”vomenM in general or to distinguish between the sexes, they are, however, acceptable.

A: Wǒ mǎi zhěizhǒng xing bu xing? Should I buy this kind?

B: Bu xing, zhěi shi nande yongde. No, this is for men’s use.

A: Gāngcai you yige rěn da dian- Just now someone telephoned for you.

hua lai zhao ni.

B: Shi nānde shi nude?    Was it a man or a woman?

nannū pingdeng: Mequality of the sexes,’’ literally ”man-voman equality.M The marriage law of May 1,1950, established a policy in the PRC which has

•For animals, ’’male” is g5ng (de) and "female” is mǔ(de), e.g., gōngniū,

”bull," mǔniu, ”cov."

Tāde gou shi gSngde haishi mǔde? Is his dog a male or a female?

You rěn shuo kāi dao yǐhou bu    Some people say that after an opera-

yīnggāi chi gongjī, yīnggāi    tion one shouldnft eat rooster;

chi mǔjī.    one should eat hen.

SOC, Unit 2


remained basically the same up to the present day. It forbade "bigamy, polygamy, and the traditional practice of adopting a young girl for the purpose of later marrying her to one’s son. It also fixed a minimum age for marriage, urged the acceptance of remarriage of vidovs, allowed divorce "by mutual consent, and gave women the choice not to take their hus"bandfs surname at marriage. Today, although traditional attitudes toward vomen and marriage persist especially in rural China, official policy has made some tangible inroads tovard the goal of equality. Most importantly, men and woman are regarded as equal under the law. They receive the same schooling. They must receive equal compensation for equal work. (It is expected, however, that vomen doing heavy physical vork are not as strong or productive as men, and so their pay vill "be correspondingly lover.) In addition, the leadership of communes, production teams, and unions must include special women personnel who represent the interests of women in matters of politics, finance, work, and personal relations.

pingdeng: This vord is "both a noun and a vert): "to "be equal; equality”

Congqian zai ZhSngguo nannū "bu Formerly men and vomen were unequal pingdeng, xianzai "bu tong le.    in China, Now it is different.

Měiguo^rěn gēn Zhongguo rěn dui Americans and Chinese donft have nānnu pingdengde guānnian "bu    all that similar an idea of

tai yiyang.    equality of the sexes.

guānnian: fVay of thought, concept; sense (of), mentality (of)” This is a vay of thinking about the larger issues of life, the way "things"

(values, responsibilities, and so on) should "be. One guānnian is only part of a whole system of attitudes, thoughts and "beliefs. In given contexts, you can sometimes translate it as an "idea" held "by a person or group ("but it does not mean nidean as in ffI have a good idean [this would "be zhuyiH ) • In a society, vays of thinking come and go; people have a mixture of xin guānnian, unev vays of thought,new ideas,” and lao guānnian,nold ways of thought,old ideas.n Ways of thinking which are no longer current are called ,1iu guānnian, "outmoded ways of thinking.n For instance, equality of the sexes is a xin guānnian; the idea that arranged marriages are superior to marriages of free choice is a lǎo guannian; the idea of child "brides as acceptable and practical is a ,1iu ^uanniaru—Some guānnian are considered ”correct” and ”good” "by the majority, and some are considered "incorrect,, and ""bad•” Jiāting p^iānnian,

"a sense of family,” is usually considered good.° "Bad” concepts have names too [for example, siyǒu guānnian, nsense of personal ownership,,]. People are sometimes criticized "because their such-and-such guānnian is too weak or too strong, and they are told accordingly either to strengthen it or get rid of it.

Měiguo rěnde guānnian gēn    Sometimes the American way of thinking

ZhSngguo rěnde guānnian yǒude    and the Chinese way is the same,

yiyang, youde "bu yiyang.    sometimes not.

°〇ther ”good” concepts containing words that havenTt teen presented yet are daode guānnian, "sense of morality," zǔzhi guānnian, "sense of organization," and zhengce ffliānnian, "sense of official policy•”

SOC, Unit 2


Nǐ ksln ba,zai guo jǐnian nian-    You watch,in a few more years,it

qīngrěn yīnggāi wanlian wǎnhūn°    will have become an accepted idea

jiu hui biancheng ° yizhong    that young people should get in-

guānnian,    volved late and marry late.

3. A: Zhe ip i an věnzhāng bň. hao ma? Isnft this article any good?

B: Bu shi zhěige yisi * Wěnzhāng That wasn’t what I meant. The article bu cub, jiu shi changle    is pretty good,itf s just that it rs

yidiǎnr,    a bit long.

B: Nǐ hai you shěnme biěde    Do you have any other articles?

wenzhang ma?

Notes on No. 3

-piān: This is a counter. First, -pian is the counter for whole short pieces of writing, such as articles or essays. Second, -piān can count single sheets of paper with writing or printing on them (compare yizhāng zhǐ vhich is a sheet of paper without regard to what is on it). Third, --piān(r) by itself means a leaf of a book; that is, yipiān(r) equals both sides of one page.

věnzhāng: (1) na writing, literary composition, article, essay”

(counter: -pian);⑵,’prose style,’’ as in

Tāde wěnzhāng bu cuo.    His (prose) writing is very good.

Bu shi zheige yisi: "That wasn’t vhat I meant,” or more literally,

’’Not that meaning (the one you just said).’’

.1iīi shi...: Jiu here means ’’merely,only, just.’’

changle yidiǎnr: ’,a little bit too long.’’ The marker le_ following an adjectival verb, such as ’’to be long” can mean either: 1) new situation, the article is now a bit long, or 2) excessive degree, the article is a bit too long. You’ve seen the second meaning in sentences such as Tai hǎo le,

"That’s wonderful”. Sentence 3B tells you that the speaker feels the article is overly long.

biěde: "other, others” Distinguish in Chinese between biěde, "others in general,” and lingvrai,’fanother” or ’’the other.” Use biěde vhen you are not specifying "which others.” Use lingvrai + Number + Counter when you refer to a certain other” or certain ’’others. Contrast this pair of sentences :

°vanlian vǎnhun: "late involvement and late marriage11 This refers to waiting until young people are in their late twenties "before they "becoine romantically involved or think of marriage•

P"biancheng: "to change into” (SOC Unit 3)

SOC, Unit 2


Nǐ hai yāo kan biěde ma?    Would you like to look at some other


Nǐ hai yāo kān lingvai yige ma? Would you like to see the other one,


Contrast also:

Zheiběnr zidiǎn bu hǎo, vo    This dictionary is no good. I want

yao lingwai yiběnr.    the other one. (A CERTAIN OTHER

ONE--e,g,y the other one vhich the sales clerk showed you)

Zheiběnr zidiǎn bu hǎo, vo yao This dictionary is no good. I want biěde.    another. (UNSPECIFIED—e.g., you

don?t knov whether the store has any others, but you would like to see some)

Other examples:

Tāmen liangge rěn, yige shi vo Of those two, one is my older brother, gēge, lingwai yige shi vo    and the other is my friend. (A


Women zhěixiē rěn libiānr, chule Of those of us here, only I am going wo dao Xianggang qu yǐwai,    to Hong Kong; all the others are

biěde rěn d5u dao Taiwan qu.    going to Taiwan. (UNSPECIFIED--


Zuotiān laide rěn, vo zhǐ rěnshi Of the people who came yesterday, I Tang Huiyīng, lingwai sānge    only know Tang Huiyīng. I don't

rěn wo d5u bu rěnshi.    know any of the other three.


If you do not specify the set of things you are talking about, biěde tends to mean any others in the whole world:

Women zhi you zhěiyiběn, měiyou We only have this one volume. We biěde.    don't have any others•

Women xuyao biěde shū.    We need (an)other book(s).

This last sentence can mean either 1) the content of the book(s) is bad and you want to change to another book entirely, or 2) you need other books to supplement the one you are using.

hai. .,biěde: Now that you have seen how to say nothern in Chinese, you should note that the words lingwai and biěde are often used in combination with certain adverbs meaning additionally1 or ?tagain": hai,zai,and you. For now, concentrate on hai• As used in sentence 3B, it means literally "in addition to what has come before?’

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Tā hai yāo biěde.    He wants more of them.

Tā hai zuole biěde cai.    He made other dishes as well.

Ni hai zhīdao biěde hao fanguǎnr Do you know any other good restaurants? ma?

shěnme: "any” The meaning of shěnme is changed from ”what1’ to ’’any’’ by the question word ma at the end of the sentence. (Without ma, the sentence would mean, ”What other articles do you have?”)

Ni yao shěnme?    What do you want?

Ni yao shěnme ma?    Do you want anything?

Ni d5u zhīdao shěnme hao fan-    What good restaurants do you know? guanr?

Ni zhīdao shěnme hao fan-    Do you know of any good restaurants? guanr ma?

k. A: Nǐ jiehūn yīqian yizhi dou    Before you got married did you

gen fumu yiqǐ zhu ma?    live vith your parents all along?

B: Bu shi, vo měi jiēhūn jiu    No, I left home before I got married

likai jiā dull shēnghuole    and lived independently for seven

qī-bā nian.    or eight years.

Notes on No* k

jiěhūn: "to get married" Also pronounced jiēhūn. Jiěhūn is a process verb, not a state verb. It is often seen with an aspect marker such as le, or negated vith měi*

Tāmen jiěhūnle měiyou?    Have they gotten married yet? (This

is the equivalent of ”Are they married?11)

Tāmen měi jiěhūn.    They have not gotten married. (Equi

valent to "They are not married」’)

Tāmen bu jiěhūn.    They are not going to get married.

Ni jiěhūn duo jiu le?    Have long have you been married?

Jiěhūn is a verb-object compound, literally meaning ”to knot marriage,f' Jiě and hūn can be separated by aspect markers, such as -de or -guo,

Ni shi shenme shihou jiěde hūn? When did you get married? or Ni shi shenme shihou jiěhūnde?

Liu Xiānsheng jiěguo sānci hūn. Mr. Liū has been married three times.

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To say "get married TO SOMEONE11 use the pattern gēn. . .jiěhūn or he. . •jiěhūn.

Tǎ gēn shěi jiěhūn le?    To whom did he get married?

yizhi: ”all along, continuously, alwaysn You have seen yizh£, ’’straight,’1 used to refer to direction, as in yizhi zou. Here yizhi is used to refer to time.

Women yizhi zai zhěli gongzuo. We1ve always worked here.

Tā yizhi zai Taida nian shu.    He studied all along at Taiwan


Yizhl can be used with reference to a phrase telling of a period of time (sannian, "three years,’’ or jiěhūn yǐq,ian, ’’before getting married”)to say ?lall during (that time).n

Yǔ yizhi xiale sāntiān.    It rained for three days straight•

Often the time phrase and yizhi are followed by dou.

Tā wǔtiān yizhi dou měi xiuxi.    He didn’t rest for five days on end.

vo měi jiēhūn jiu likai jia.>.: This might look like ”1 didn’t get married and left home,’1 but is actually "when I wasn’t yet married, I already left home.11 The order of events is made explicit by měi... (hadnH yet...) and jiu... (already,••)•

Tā měi xuě siwǔge yuě Yīngwěn    Before he had studied even three

jiu shuōde bu cuo le.    or four months of English, he

could speak it pretty well#

Ta bing měi hao jiu lai shang    She came back to work before

ban le.    she had recovered from her illness.

Wo gaosu nǐ měi jǐtiān, nī    I told you just a few days ago

you wang le!    and youfve forgotten again.

Měi duō jiu, tā jiu shuizhao le. He fell asleep before long.

Yǔ xiale měi duo jiu jiu ting le. It hadn’t rained long when it


dull: ?lto be independent5 to be on one1 s own; independence,11 literally "singly stand.11

Měiguo shi yīqīqīliunian dulide. America became independent in 1 了了6,

Zui jin jǐniān you jǐge xīn dulide There have been several newly inde-guojiā.    pendent countries in the last

few years.

SOC, Unit 2



Neige haizi hěn xǐhuan dull    That child really likes to be inde-

shēnghuo, tā zai zhSngxuěde    pendent. He started to work vhen

shihou yǐjing kāishǐ gongzuo le. he was in high school.

Tā zheme da, jīngji hai měiyou He?s so old and still not econom-dull.    ically independent.

shēnghu$: ”to live; life; livelihood" Shēng- is stressed and -huo is unstressed or neutral tone. A zai phrase may come either "before or after the ver"b shenghuo.

Xiongmao cha"budu5 dou shenghuo Almost all panda "bears live in zai gāoshanshang.    the high mountains.

Tā zai shēnghuoshang dui wo hěn She takes good care of me in my zhaogu,    daily life.

Tā xiao shihou shenghuo qingxing When he vas a child, he lived in hěn "bu hǎo.    very "bad circumstances.

5. A: Ni kan, zhěr you yipiān    Look, here’s a nevs article on

guanyu tongjude xīnvěn.    "living together."

B: Suanle t>a. Zhěizhǒng    Forget it. What? s interesting about

xīnvěn you shenme yisi?    that kind of nevs?

Notes on No. 5

tongjǔ: "to live together, to cohabit" Jū is a literary word for ,fto live.^—Although some dictionaries define tongju simply as "to live together,” giving examples such as an uncle and nephew living together, tňngjū almost always implies sexual relations. It may even be used to describe romances of shorter durations, whether or not a household was set up. Youf11 notice that in some dialogues in this unit, the speakers prefer the phrase nannu ton^ū in order to be explicit.

xīnvěn: ,’nevs” This is the word for ’’nevs” as in ’’the evening news,” "the nevs in the paper today," "official nevs." It is not the word for nevs between friends, unless one is joking about the importance of what is about to be said. [The word for news between people is xiaoxi,’’tidings/’(MBD,

Unit 5) which has a second meaning of ’’official news. U

Nǐ kan dianshi xīnvěn le ma?    Did you see the television news?

Jīntiān "baoshangde xīnvěn hěn    The news in the paper today is very

you yisi, yīnggāi hǎohāor    interesting; you should read it

kankan.    carefully.

°According to those pandas who answered our surveys.

SOC, Unit 2


A: Jīntian tā gaosu wǒ yige    Today she told me some real news.

xinwen, shuō Xiǎo Wang    She said that Xiǎo Wang and Xiǎo

he Xiǎo Lǐ "Shiyī11 jiēhūn. Lǐ are getting married on October 1

(National Day).

B: Zhende? Zhěi zhēn shi ge da Really? Boy, that really is_ big nevs. xīnvěn.

suan le: "Forget it." Suan is the verb l?to calculate, to figure, to compute.11 The idiom suan le is translated as "let it be,11 "let it pass,11 !ldrop the matter,’1 "let it go at that,

Suan le, bu yao zai wen tā le.    Forget it,don*t ask him about it

any more.

Rang tā zijǐ ban, jiu suan le.    Let him do it himself, and the heck

with it.

A: Zanmen chūqu chī fan ba?    How about going out to eat?

B: W5 jiu xiǎng zai jiāli    I just vant to eat a little bit

suibian chī yidiǎnr    at home and leave it at that,

suan le.

Dou gěi ni, suan le.    Go ahead and take them all.

Nǐ yao qu jiu qu, bu qu jiu    If you vant to go, then go. If you

suan le.    don’t vant to go, then forget it.

6. A: Nǐ jiějie yīxuě fangmiande Your sister is getting more and more shū yuě lai yuě duo le!    medical books I

B: Shi a,tā zai piming xuě    Yes, shefs studying medicine with all

yī ne.    her energy.

Notes on No. 6

nǐ ,1iě.1ie yīxuě fangmiande shu: ”your sisterfs medical "books” To say just T?your sisterfs books" you put a -de on jiějie: Ni jiě,1iede shu. But -de is not used after jiě.lie in 6A. This is "because of the modifying phrase yixuě fāngmiande,vhich ends in -de. To have tvo -de phrases in a row before a noun is often considered stylistically bad; the way to get around it is to keep only the last ~de. Other examples:

Běijīng [-de] zui hǎo -de fanguǎnr

Zh5u Xiānsheng [-de] taitai -de pěngyou

yue lai yuě du5 le: ”more and more...?l The pattern yuě. • *yuě. • • is used to express the idea ?lthe more.. .the more...11 Fill in the blanks with verbs (state or action).

yue duo _yue hao

"the more the better11

SOC, Unit 2


[yue kan__yue bu dong

ffthe more one reads, the more confused one gets”

Pěngyou yuě duo yuě hao.    The more friends you have, the better.

Ditū yue da yuě qingchu.    The larger a map is, the clearer

it is.

Ta bu xǐhuan qīng ke, juěde    She doesn rt like to invite guests;

kěren yue duō yuě mafan.    she feels that the more guests

there are, the more trouble it is.

Wǒ yue xiang yuě pa.    The more I thought about it, the more

frightened I got.

Tā yue shuo yuě shengqi.    The more he talked, the madder he


Neipiān věnzhāng xiěde hěn bu    The article is very unclear. The

qīngchu, nǐ yue kan yuě bu dong, more you read it, the less you


When the verb lai is used in the first blank of this pattern, the whole phrase expresses the idea of ^increasingly. . .,r or    and . . .-er,f:

yue laī | yue ^5o fTto become taller and taller"

Huang Taitaide nuěr yuě lai yue Mrs. Huangf s daughter is getting piaoliang le.    prettier all the time.

Dongxi yue lai yuě gui le.    Things are getting more and more


zai: Zai is the marker of ongoing action vhich you learned in the Meeting module, Unit 2: Tā xianzai zai kāi hui, "She is attending a meeting nov.M Note that zai is used in sentence 6B even though the action of studying is not necessarily going on at this very second, but only at intervals. She might not be studying right vhen this sentence is said, but she still is going to medical school. Likewise, if you are in the middle of a novel, you can say Wo zai kan yiběn xiǎoshu5 even if you have put it aside for a day or tvo. Sentences vith zai, the marker of ongoing action, often end in ne, the marker of absence of change or lack of completion. (See Unit 2 of the Transportation module and Unit U of this module.)

pinming: "exerting the utmost strength, vith all one’s might, for all one is worth, desperately, like mad” PTnming means literally "to risk one’s lifeM or Tlto defy death.M One translation vhich capttires the spirit of pīnming is Mknocking oneself out.

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Shiqing tāi du5, tā pīnmingde    There?s too much to do. Shefs working

zuō yě zuotuwan.    like mad and still wonft "be a.'ble

to finish.

Xiǎohair yi kan jian lǎoshǔ* jiu As soon as the child saw the rat,he pinming pǎo hui jia qu le.    ran like mad for home.

了. A: Liū Xiānshengde kě shizai    Mr. Liūfs class is really "boring, měi yisi.

B: Nǐ tingxiaqu^ manmānr hui    If you keep attending it, gradually

you xingqude.    you111 "become interested.

Notes On No. 了

shizai: ”really,indeed, honestly; to "be true, to "be real” This is an adjectival verb which is most often used as an advert) meaning ’’really, actually •”

Tā shizai yonggong°°, meitiān    He is really industrious; every

wǎnshang nian hao J?ge    night he studies several hours

zh5ngt6u Yīngwěn.    of English•

Wo shizai "bu zhīdao.    I really (OR honestly) donft know,

WS shizai gaosu nī "ba, vo "bū    I111 tell you the truth: I donft

xiSng qu.    vant to go*

Yaoshi nǐ shizai měi "banfa, na If you really can11 do it, then Jiu suan le.    Just forget it.

Shizai can also "be used in speaking of people; when so used it carries the connotation of dependability.

Ta zhěige rěn hěn shizai.    He is very sincere and dependable.

měi yisi: This phrase, meaning literally f?has no meaning,M has an abundance of uses: (1) uninteresting, "boring; (2) pointless, meaningless; (3) to "be a drag; (U) without value, not worthy of respect, cheap.

(1)    Zheiben shu zhen měi yisi.    This "book is really "boring,

Wǒ kan nǐ "bū "bi qū něige difang, I donft think you need to go there.

měi shenme yisi.    Itfs not particularly fun (interesting)

(2)    Jīntiān kai hui, shěnme dou měi We didn’t get anything done at todayfs

zuo, zhen měi yisi.    meeting. How pointless.

Tā "bu dong, zai Jiǎng ye měi    He doesn*t understand. Itfs pointless

yisi.    to try to explain it any more.

vlǎoshS: ^rat“ (LIC 2) •°yongg5ng: "to "be industrious" (SOC 3)

SOC, Unit 2



Tā bu zai, zanmen qu yě měi yisi, Since he’s not there, it would be

shěnme d5u bu něng zuo.    pointless for us to go. We wouldn’t

be able to do anything.

(3) Tā zai Měiguo, tā āiren zai    He’s in America and his love is in

Děguo, zhēn měi yisi.    Germany. What a drag!

(U) Zai tā běihou° shu5 zhěiyangrde Talking like that behind her back huā, zhēn měi yisi!    is really low.

tingxiaqu: "to go on listening" You’ve seen the action verb ting,

’’to listen” and the directional ending -xiaqu ’’to go down” before. Here xiaqu is not used as a directional ending, but rather a resultative ending "to continue, to go on.’’ As a resultative verb, tīngxiaqu may take de_ and bu as middle syllables to make verbs vhich say "can and cannot.M

Zhěiben shu tai měi yisi, wo    This book is too boring. I can11

kajibuxiaqu le.    read on.

Nǐ shuSde dui, jiangxiaqu.    That’s right. Go on (speaking).

A: Gaosu wo, houlai zenme le? Tell me, vhat happens later?

B: Gaosu ni měi yisi. Nǐ kan- It vould be no fun to tell you. Go xiaqu jiu hui zhīdao le.    on reading and you111 find out.

Shuōxiaqu a, women d5u ai    Go on talking. We all love to

ting.    listen.

Ni zhěiyang děngxiaqu zěnme    How can you go on waiting like this?

xing ne?

you xingqu: "to be interested” Use the prepositional verb dui to say what you are interested in.

Wo dui něijian shi yidiǎnr    I have no interest at all in that

xingqu ye měiyou.    matter.

Ni dui shěnmeyangrde shū zui    What kind of books are you most

you xingqu?    interested in?

8. A: Xiang Wang Jiaoshou zhěi-    There really aren't many teachers

yangde lǎoshī zhěnshi bū    like Professor Wang. du5*

B: Ni shuSdui le. Ruguo bu    You’re right. If it verenft for

shi tā bāngzhu vo, wo    the help hefs given me, I

zhēn bu xiang xuě le.    vouldnft want to study anymore.

Notes on No. 8

xiang: "to be similar to, to resemble" Xiang may be used as a full "beihou" "behind the back"

SOC, Unit 2


verb or as a prepositional verb. Here it is a full verb:

Tā xiang fuqin, bū xiang mǔqin. He resembles his father, not his


As a prepositional ver"b, xiang is used in making comparisons. Notice the similarity of the word order between comparison sentences with xiang and those with you and gēn.

Tā xiang tā gege name congming. She's as intelligent as her brother.

Nǐ you tā name gāo.    You1re as tall as he is.

Nǐ gēn tā yiyang gāo.    You1re the same height as he.

Comparison sentences with xiang must have either yiyang, zhěme (zenme), or name before the main verb. Xiang makes rather imprecise comparisons; its original meaning is,after all, resemTDle11 or ’’like,’’ not exact equality.*

Nǐ xiang wo zhěme na kuaizi.    You hold chopsticks like 工 do.

Xiang huar name haokān.    (I*t,s) as "beautiful as a painting.

Zhěiliǎngtiānde tiānqi xiang    The weather the past couple of days

chūntian name shūfu.    has been as nice as spring.

Tāde yǎnjing xiang haishuǐ    Her eyes are as blue as sea water,

yiyang lan.

The negative comes "before the prepositional verb xiang.

Tā bū xiang ta měimei name    Hefs not as intelligent as his

cōngming.    little sister.

Něi shihou shenghuo bu xiang    Life was not as good then as it

xianzai zhěme hao.    is now.

Xiang.••zhěiyang: Zhěiyang(r) or něiyang(r) are sometimes used after a noun or pronoun in phrases vith xianga for example:

xiang tā zhěiyangde rěn    people like him (lit., "like him this

kind of people11)

xiang Wang Jiāoshou zhěiyangde teachers like Professor Wang (lit., lǎoshī    ’’like Professor Wang this kind of


You, as used in the second example above, can be thought of as meaning "comes up to (a certain level).’’ Gēn, which is usually used with yiyang as in the example just cited, connotes exact comparison, so when your sentence compares concrete, measurable qualities like height or weight, it is usually better to use ...gēn.•.yiyang.••• For example, Nǐ gēn tā yiyanR gāo states explicitly that you are the same height as he, so it would be inappropriate to use xiang there.

SOC, Unit 2


In such sentences, the zhěiyang(r) or něiyang(r) are hard to translate into smooth English. It is usually best to leave those words out of the translation.

Meitiān d5u xiang jīntiān zhěi- If every day were like today, we yang Jiu shūfu le.    would have it easy.

Běijīng kao yā zhěiyangde cai, It would be too expensive to eat tiāntiān chī tai gui le.    dishes like Běijīng roast duck

every day.

9. A: Sannian yīqian vo jiu bu    I stopped depending on my parents

kao fumǔ shenghuo le.    for a living three years ago.

B: Ni něng zijǐ guan zijǐ,    It1s really great that you can take

zhēn bu cuo.    care of yourself (be your own boss).

Notes on No* 9

jiu: The adverb jiu is often used after expressions of time, and stresses that the time when the event happens is comparatively prompt, soon, or early. The English translations may vary; this use of jiu has the flavor of "as soon as that" or "as early as that," but it can also be conveyed in English simply by putting extra stress on the time expression. For example, "He1s coming TODAY!" (Ta jīntian jiu lai le?). When used this way, jiu is always unstressed or neutral tone.

As in sentence 9A, new-situation le^ is often (but not always) used at the end of a sentence in connection with the adverb jiu.

Nǐde yīfu yihuǐr Jiu xǐhao le. Your clothes will be all washed in

Just a while (that soon).

Mingtian vo Jiu you gōngfu,    工*11 have time to go tomorrow

kěyi qu le.    (that soon).

Nǐ zai děng yihuīr, yidiǎn-    Wait a while longer, there will

zhSng Jiu you dixia huochē le. he a subway train at one o'clock

(that soon).

Jīntiān zaoshang wo wǔdian zh5ng I got up at five this morning (that jiu qilai le.    early).

kao: This verb has several commonly used meanings: (l) to lean against, to lay back on, (2) to depend/rely on, and (3) to be near/next to.

Biě kao cheměn.    Donft lean against the door of the


Wode Yīngwěn bu hao, xiě    My English isn’t good. When 工 write

wěnzhāng wanquan kao zidiǎn•    essays,工 depend completely on a


SOC, Unit 2


Tā zongshi kao zai chuāngshang* He1 s always laying "back in "bed kan shǔ.    reading.

Mai1 ami shi yige kao haide    Miami is a city on the sea.


guan: ’’to tend/take care of/look after/manage/run/"be in charge of'1

Nǐmen liangge chūqu wanr, shěi If you two go out (for fun), guan haizi?    who111 look after the kids?

Lǐ Xuěměi guan jiā guande hao. Lǐ Xuěměi runs the house very well.

Liu Xiānsheng shi guan kao-    Mr. Liu is in charge of testing,


Another meaning is ’’to care, to "bother about, to concern oneself with.’,

Tā bu xǐhuan guǎn biěrěnde shi. He doesn’t like to mind others 1


Wo yao zuo shěnme, wo zijǐ    I know what I want to do, would

zhīdao, nǐ shao guan wode    you please not interfere with

shi, hǎo "bu hao?    my affairs so much! (IMPOLITE)

Wo bu guǎn, suibian nī.    I don*t care. Whatever you like.

The ending -zhao, "succeed (in connecting with or touching),’’ can also "be used with guǎn. Guanlpuzhao means ’’can "be no concern of..., to "be none of onefs "business.’,

Zhěi shi women zijǐde shi,    This is our own affair; itfs none

nǐmen guǎn"buzhao.    of your "business.

The colloquial Guǎn ta (ne)! expresses "brusqoie dismissal: "Who cares about him!” or "Who cares about that!”

A: Nǐ jīntiān wǎnshang ruguo    If you donft go tonight hefll be bu qu, tā hui hěn "bu gāoxing. very unhappy•

B: Guan ta ne! Wo yāo nian    Who gives a damn about him! Ifve got shū, měi shijiān qu. to study; I don’t have time to go.

zijǐ.. .zijǐ: "oneself” Use the pronoun wo for "I,me, my, mine," "but use ziji or vo ziji for ’’myself.M Depending on the context, zijǐ can mean ’’myself, yourself, him/herself, ourselves, themselves.fl Sometimes zijǐ is used twice in the same clause, as in sentence 9B.

Wo bu xǐhuan wo zijǐ.    I don’t like myself, (as said

"by a confused teenager)

"chuang": ??bedft

° kaoshi: Mtest, exam; testing’,

SOC, Unit 2


Nǐ bu xiSo le, yīnggāi zhīdao    You1 re not a child anymore; you

zijǐ zhaogu* zijǐ.    should knov hov to take care

of yourself.

Nī bū yao zijǐ gěi zijī zhao    DonH go asking for trouble

mafan.    for yourself.

Tā zhěiyangr zuo, zijǐ pian°°    By doing this, hefs only fooling

zijǐ.    himself.

10.    A: Tā xiěde jīběn xiǎoshuō    The novels he wrote are all very

xianzai dou hěn liuxing.    popular nov.

B: Na dangran, xiang tā neiyang    Of course. Novels written by

you divei ySu zhishide rěn,    someone vith his position and

xiěde xiaoshuS yiding y5u    knowledge are sure to be inter-

yisi.    esting.

11.    you bāxigzhu    to be helpful

12.    you daolǐ    to make sense

Notes on Nos* 10 through 12

liuxing: ’’to be popular, prevalent, current, widespread, common.11

This is an adjectival verb. Make it negative with bu.

Zhěizhǒng hua xianzai hěn    This kind of talk is very popular

liuxing, kěshi v5 xiǎng zhe    these days, but I donft think

hua bu tai dux.    itfs very true.

Xianzai chuān duan qunzi bu    It fs not popular to wear long skirts

liuxing le.    anymore.

You can also use liuxing vith a phrase following it to mean flto be popular to

(do something).n

Xianzai liuxing chuān chang    It is popular to vear long

qunzi.    skirts nov.

Zai hěn duō difang, yue lai    In a lot of places, it is getting

yuě liuxing nannu tongjū le.    more and more common for men and

vomen to live together.

Liuxing is also used in compound nouns, such as liuxlnKbing, "epidemic,"

Zhe yige xingqī ySu liuxing-    This past veek there has been an

bing, nǐmen jiāde hāizi    epidemic; it vould be best if

zui hǎo biě chū men.    your children didn’t go out.

*zhaogu: ”to take care of, to care for” (Society, Unit 5)

° pi an: ’’to fool, to deceive”

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divei: "position,place or status (in an organization or society)11

Tāde divei hěn gāo.    He has a very high position.

Nī cai gōngzuole shijinian jiu Having vorked only ten or so years, youle jīntiānde divei hen    it wasnft easy to get the position

bu rongyi.    you have today.

Tāmen yao you dulide jīngji he They want independent economic and shěhui diwei.    social status.

you zhi shi: ’’to be knowledgeable,ff literally ’’to have knowledge11 you daoli: ,fto make sense/1 literally nto have reason” you bāngzhu: ”to be helpful,” literally "to have help”

Here you see three more examples of how you,,,to exist, to have,’’ and a noun can be used to make an adjectival verb. Sometimes the meaning of the resulting phrase is more than Just the sum of its parts. You xingqu is ”to be interested (in something),’’ vhile you yisi is ”to be interesting.11 Here are some of the others you have already learned.

you guānxi to be related to ySu mfng    to be famous

you yanj iǔ to "be expert    you y5ng    to "be useful

13. ziyou    to "be free; freedom

Ik. -běizi    all one*s life, lifetime

15.    Xīnvěn Zhoukān    Nevsveek

16.    funu    woman; women, womankind Notes on Nos. 13 through 16

-beizi: This word is usually used vith yi-,as in

Wo gongzuole y£běizi, xiSjizai    Ifve vorked all my life and am now

liushisui le, kěyi xiuxi xiuxi    sixty years old. I can take a

le.    little rest now.

Jiěhūn shi yibeizide shi, děi    Marriage is a lifetime thing; you

hǎohāor xiǎngxiang.    should think it over carefully.

w    w

funu: In Tai van, a funu is generally a married woman, but in PRC usage the word has no connotations about marital status. Funu is also used in a collective sense, ”women11 or "womankind.

SOC, Unit 2


Unit 2, Tape 1% Reviev Dialogue

At the entrance to Lauinger Library at Georgetown University, Lǐ Ping

(B) encounters Tom (A).

B: Ěi! Tāngmǔ, nǐ hSo a!    Hey! Hi,Tom!

A: Nǐ hǎo, Lī Ping! Lai kan    Hi,Lǐ Ping. Did you come here to

shū ma?    do some reading?

B: Chile vǎnfan, chūlai zǒuzou,    After dinner I went out for a walk

dao tushūguǎn kankan xīn daode    and came to the library to read

zazhi •    through some of the new magazines.

A: Nǐ zui xǐhuande Yīngwěn zazhi    What1s your favorite English

shi shěnme?    magazine?

B: Ng, Xīnvěn Zhoukān.    Um, Nevsveek •

A: Weishenme ne?    Why?

B: Xīnvěn Zhōukan hěn hǎo, dui    Nevsveek is very good. It1 s a

xuě Yīngwěn hěn you "bāngzhu.    big help in learning English.

A: Dui, kan zhěige zazhi, yifāng-    Right. When you read it,you can

miaji kěyi xuě Yīngwěn, yifang-    study English at the same time you

mi an kěyi zhīdao Měiguo shěhuide    learn about conditions in American

qingkuang, shi bu cu5. Zhěige    society; it is_ good. Are there any

xīngqī you shěnme ySu yiside    interesting articles in it this week? wěnzhāng ma?

B: You, ySu yipiān guanyu nannu    Yes, there fs an article about

pingdengde wěnzhāng hěn you    equality of the sexes that1 s very

yisi.    interesting.

A: Ou, ,fnannu pingdeng11.. .wSde    Oh, "equality of the sexes”.. .1^

nupěngyou dui zhěige timu* hěn    girl friend is an expert on the sub-

ySu yanjiū. Zěnme? Nī ye dui    ject. Don’t tell me~are you in-

zhěige wěnti you xingqu ma?    terested in that issue too?

B: You, wo you xingqu, ěrqiě    Yes,工 am, and I*d also like to

xiang zhīdao nǐmende kanfa.    know your views on it. Can I ask a

Wo kěyi wen jǐge wěnti ma?    few questions?

A: Dangran, qīng wen "ba!    Sure. What would you like to know?

B: Zheipiān wěnzhāng shu5, zai    The article says that in a lot of

hěn duo difang yue lai yuě liu-    places cohabitation is getting

xing nānnu tongjū le. E, dui-    more and more common. Uh, excuse

”subject, topic” (see Unit 5)

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buqi•••    me•••

A: Měi shenme, nǐ shuoxiaqu.    Not at all, go on.

B: Zheipiān wěnzhāng hai shuō    It also said in the article that

zhěizhǒng shi he fiinude diwei    this is related to the status of

you guānxi. Zhěi yidiSn wo    women. I really donft understand

zhěnshi bu dong le. Zhongguo    that point. The traditional Chinese

rěnde chuantong guannian shi,    idea is that a woman should not live

funu měiyou jiehūn, bīi yīnggāi    vith her boyfriend before they get

he tāde nanpěngyou zhu zai yiqǐ.    married.

A; Womende guānnian bu tai y£-    We have a somewhat different con-

yang. Yixiē funu, těbiě shi    cept. Some women, especially vomen

zhīshi funu, tāmen bu yao kao    intellectuals, donft want to depend on

xiānsheng shenghuo, tāmen yao    their husbands in order to live; they

you dulide jīngji he shěhui    want to have independent economic and

diwei. Xiang wode nupěngyou,    social status. Like my girlfriend--

tā jiu you zhěiyangde kanfa.    that1s the way her view is. But

Erqiě w5 xiǎng, tongjūde went!    also,工 think that living together

he hěn duō shiqing you guānxi,    has to do vith a lot of things. It1 s

bīi zhǐ shi fiinude diwei věnti.    not just a question of the status of


B: Ruguo kěyi tande hua, nǐ gěi    If it1 s all right to talk about it,

wo jiSngjiang zěnmeyāng?    would you tell me more?

A: Hao, zhěiyangr ba, w5 gSi ni    Okay, how about this. I’ll tell you

tantan wode shi, ni jiu zhīdao    about situation, and then you111

women zěnme xiSng le. Wode    know the way we think. Ity girlfriend

nupěngyou, tǎ shi xuě yīde. Xuě    is studying medicine. Studying

yī bu shi yljian rongyide shir.    medicine isnft the easiest thing.

Tā hai yao zai daxuě xuěxl    She still has six more years of

liuniān•    university.

B: Na nǐmen shěnme shihou Jiēhūn    Then when are you getting married? ne?

A: Xianzai women hai bu xiǎng    We don’t want to get married just

jiěhūn,    yet.

B: Weishenme? Nǐmen juěde Jiele    Why not? You think that once you

hūn, youle haizi hui hěn mafan,    get married and have children it’ll

shi bu shi?    be a lot of troubley rigjrt?

A: Bū shi zhěige yisi. Jiushi    That1s not the point. Even if we

women Jiehūnle, yě bu yiding    get married, ve wonft necessarily

mashang yao haizi. Zhongyaode    have children right away The impor-

shi women zhěi yiběizi yao zuo    tant thing is that we haven11 even

shěnme, hai měiyou hǎohāor xiǎng-    thought out well what we want to do

guo ne, yinggai xiān xiǎng něige    in our lives. We should think about

°The reason Lī Ping is "being so careful here is that he knows Tom and his

girlfriend are living together.

SOC, Unit 2


venti. Erqiě women dou yuanyi    that problem first. What’s more, we

zai jiēhūn yīqian qīngchǔde    each want to have a clear idea of

zhīdao zijǐ xǐhuande něige rěn    of what kind of person the other is

shi yige shěnmeyangrde rěn.    before we get married. And that

Zhěi yě xuyao shijiān.    takes time.

B: Kěshi you rěn hui juěde    But some people vill think you are

nīmen zhěiyang zuo shi yīnwei    doing this because you feel that liv-

nīmen juěde tongjū bī jiēhūn    ing together is freer than marriage, ziyou.

A: You rěn zhěme shuō, kěshi w5    Some people say that, but I don*t

xiang tāmen měi dong womende    think they have understood what our

ziyou shi shěnme.    freedom is.

B: Shi shenme ne?    What is it, then?

A: Měiguo rěn juěde zijī kěyi    Americans feel that to be able to

jihua zijǐde shenghuo shi zui    plan their own life is the most impor-

zhongyaode ziyou. Ruguo Měiguo    tant freedom. If America didn ft have

měiyou zhěizhǒng ziyou, ji这 bu    that kind of freedom, there wouldn’t

hui you name du5 rěn xiǎng lai    be so many people who want to come

Měiguo le, nǐ shu5 wo shuSde dui    here. Don’t you think Ifin right? bu dui?

B: Nǐ shuōde you diǎnr daoli.    There1s something to what you say.

Ou . . . Wo hai wangle wen ni,    Oh ... I forgot to ask you something

jīnnian xiatiān, nǐde nupěngyou    else: Will your girlfriend be able to

něng pěi ni dao Xianggang qu ma?    come with you to Hong Kong this summer?

A: Bu xing. Tā jihua dao Děguo    No. Shefs planning to go to school

qu nian shū. Shǔjiade shihou tǎ    in Germany. During summer vacation

yao z'kl Děguo zhu sānge yuě, na    shefs going to live in Germany for

dui tāde Děwěn yiding hěn you    three months. Ifm sure that will

bāngzhu.    help her German a lot.

B: Dui.    That’s right•

A: Zěnmeyāng, ni dui Xīnvěn Zh5u-    So what about it, do you have any

kan zheipiān wěnzhāng hai you    other opinions about that article in

shěnme biěde kanfa ma?    Nevsveek?

B: Kanfa you. Zhěige timu hěn    Yes, I have other opinions about

da, women yǐhou manman zai tan.    it. But it1 s a big topic. Ve can

talk all about it later.

A: Hao, yǐhou zai tan.    Okay, wefll talk about it later.

SOC, Unit 2

6 了

Unit 2, Tape 2 Workbook

Exercise 1

This exercise is a review of the Reference List sentences in this unit. The speaker vill say a sentence in English,followed by a pause for you to translate it into Chinese. Then a second speaker vill confirm your answer.

All sentences from the Reference List will occur only once. You may want to rewind the tape and practice this exercise several times.

Exercise 2

This exercise ia a conversation in which a young man in Běijīng talks vith a middle-aged man about a problem.

The conversation occurs only once. After listening to it completely, you111 probably want to rewind the tape and answer the questions "below as you listen a second time.

Here are the new words and phrases you vill need to understand this conversation:

hushu5    to talk nonsense; drivel

xiangbuchū    car^t think up, canft come up vith

Xiao Lin tamen    Xiao Lin and the others

shēnqǐng    to apply for

Questions for Exercise 2

Prepare your answers to these questions in Chinese so that you will be able to give them orally in class.

1.    Propose a reason why Xiao Mlngzi is no longer in school. (Hint:

What are his other friends doing? What is the policy emphasis in China on careers for youth?)

2.    Is Xiao Mingzi looking for a Job? Why or why not?

3.    What kind of Job does his middle-aged friend suggest?

U. To whom must Xiao Mingzi apply before he goes out to take pictures?

After you have answered these questions yourself, you may want to take a look at the translation for this conversation. You may also want to listen to the dialogue again to help you practice saying your answers.

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Note: The translations used in these dialogues are meant to indicate the English functional equivalents for the Chinese sentences rather than the literal meaning of the Chinese.

Exercise 3

In this conversation a grandmother and her granddaughter discuss sexual equality and changes in morality in new China.

Listen to the conversation once straight through. Then, on the second time through, look below and answer the questions.

Here are the new words and phrases you will need to understand this conversation:

Na hai yong shu5    That goes without saying

duo hSo!    How great that is!

qiguai    to be strange

Zhōngguo Cgngnian    China Youth (a periodical)

houlai    afterwards

daodě    morality, morals, ethics

Questions for Exercise 3

Prepare your answers to these questions in Chinese so that you will be able to give them orally in class.

1.    What was the status of women before liberation?

2.    What did the granddaughter read about in the latest issue of China Youth?

3- What is her grandmother1s reaction?

U. What things does a Msense of morality11 probably include for the grandmother?

After you have answered these questions yourself, you may want to ta a look at the translation for this conversation. You may also want to li to the conversation to help you practice saying the answers which you hav prepared.

SOC, Unit 2

Exercise “

In this exercise, as a mother and son finish dinner, they discuss his future.

Listen to the conversation straight through once. Then rewind the tape and listen again. On the second time through, answer the questions.

You will need the following new words and phrases:

shuSshi    Masterfs degree

boshl    Ph.D.

zhaobudko    to be unable to find

Zhōngxuěshēng    High School Student (a periodical)

gaozhong    senior high school

fāda    to be developed

Questions for Exercise U

1.    What is Xiǎo Linfs mother1s major concern about his future?

2.    Why doesnft he want to go to college anymore?

3.    Who does Xiao Lin use as an example of why a college education is useless?

k. What is his mother1s position on the advantages of college education in Hong Kong?

5. Does Xiao Llnfs mother act as an advisor or does she expect her son to obey her wishes on this matter?

After you have answered these questions yourself,you may want to take a look at the translation for this conversation. You may also want to listen to the conversation again to help you pronounce your answers correctly.

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Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 2

Conversation between a middle—aged man (A) and a young man (B) in Běijīng.

A: Xiǎo Mingzi, jīntiān zěnme you Xiǎo Mingzi, hov is it that you shijiān zai jiā?    have time to be at home today?

B: Zěnme měi shijiān? Likai    How would I not have time? Since

xuěxiao yīhou, shijiān duo duo    I left school, īfve had lots more

le.    time.

A: Biě hushu5• Nǐ you gSngzub    Cut it out. Do you have a Job

le meiyou?    yet?

B: You gongzuo! Yǒule gōngzuo    Have a job! If I had a job would

hāi zai zhěr zuozhe! Nǐ zhēn    I still be sitting here! Youfre

you yisi!    something else!

A: Ao! W5 zhīdao le, nī hai měi    Oh! I see, you still donft have

gōngzuo na!    a job!

B: Ng. Lǎoshi*° shu5 wo kěyi    Uh-huh. teachers said I can

děngyiděng.    wait a vhile.

A: Nǐ zhěiyang děngxiaqu zěnme    How will it do for you to go on

xing ne? Yitian měi gōngzuo,    waiting like this? Every day you

yitiān jiu děi kao fīimǔ a.    don*t have a job, you have to

depend on your parents.

B: Hai, vǒ yě zhidao, zhěiyang    (Sigh), I know that it vonft do

xiS.qu "bu xing, kěshi wo shizai    to go on like this, but I really

xiangbuchu shenme hǎo banfa ya!    can’t think of any good solution!

Nī shuo w8 zěnme ban?    What do you think I should do?

A: Nī hui shenme?    What do you know how to do?

B: Wo shenme dou bu hui. Xiang    I donft know how to do anything.

XiSo Lin tamen hui zuo zhuōzi    Like Xiao Lin and the others,who can

yīzi shenmede, yě dou you gong-    make tables, chairs, and so on, all

zub le.    have jobs already.

A: Ei, nī hui bu hui zhao xiang?    Say, can you take photographs?

B: Bu hui.    No.

•Work is assigned, so getting a job is not a matter of personal initiative. Work assignment is done by the work assignment committee of the city district 5 under coordination of the cityvide office.

••Teachers, while not directly involved in the assignment of work, can be influential in the process. There is a group of teachers in each high school or university vho make specific recommendations to city offices which decide whether a student finds work in the city or is sent to the country.

SOC, Unit 2


A: Nǐ dui zhao xiang you měiyou    Are you interested in photography? xingqu?

B: You a!    Sure!

A:    Zhěiyang ba! Wo you yige Riběn How about this: I have a Japanese

zhaoxiangjī, wo jiao ni zěnmeyang camera. I111 teach you how to -take

zhao xiang, nǐ jiu kěyi you    pictures, and then you can have a

gōngzuo le.    job.

B: Suan le ba, hui zhao xiang    Come on! How can I have a job by

zěnme hui you gōngzuo ne!    knowing how to take pictures!

A: Hai, nǐ zhen "bu cōngming.    Tsk,youfre really not on the ball.

Měitiān dou you bu shǎo rěn    Every day there are lots of people

lai Běijīng, shěi bu xiang zai    who come to Běijīng; who doesnft

Tianfānměn qian zhao zhang    want to get their picture taken in

xiang! Nǐ zai zhǎo liǎngge    front of Tiānfānměn! If you find a

tongxuě, you guǎn zhaoxiangde,    couple of classmates, and have one

you guǎn shou qiande, bu ji\i    in charge of taking the pictures and

xing le ma?    one in charge of collecting the money,

then you1 re all set, right?

B: Nin shuōde you daolǐ, jiu    What you say makes sense; that1 s

zěnme ban! Dui le, yao chūqu    Just what IT11 do! Oh yes--if you

zhao xiang, hai xūyao shēnqǐng    want to go out and take pictures,

ba?    you have to apply, too, don't you?

A: Na rongyi. Mingtiān, nf q\i    That’s easy. Tomorrow, go see

zhao lǎoshī , tamen hui "bangzhu    your teachers. Theyf 11 help you do

ni bande.    it.

Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 3

Conversation between a grandmother (B) and her granddaughter (A) in


A: Nǎinai, nin shu5, xīn ZhSngguo, Grandma,donTt you think that in

nannu pingděng, funude diwei    new China,with equality of the sexes,

gāoduō le, dui bu dui?    the status of women is much higher?

B: Na hai yong shuo. Women    That goes without saying. When we

nianqīngde shihou, funū zai    were young, women didn’t have much

jiāli, zai shěhuishang d5u    status in the family or in society,

meiyou shenme diwei, zhǐ you    Only a very few girls had a chance

hen shǎode nūhāizi you Jīhui    to study. It wasn’t like the way

nian shū. Bu xiang nǐmen, gen    it is for you, who study and work

nanhaizi yiyang, nian shū, zuo    Just the same as boys. How great

shi, duo hǎo?    that is!

A: Nǎinai, na nǐ shuo, tongjǔ    Then what do you think, Grandma,

zhěijian shir shi bu shi dui    is cohabitation a bad thing for

funu bu hǎo?    women?

SOC, Unit 2


B: Ni zěnme yuě shuo yuě qiguai    What fs with these odd topics

le? Zai xīn Zhōngguo nǎr you    you*re bringing up? Where is there

tongjūde shir?    such a thing as cohabitation in new


A: Zěnme měiyou? Wo gāngcai    There isn’t, huh? Well in the

kande Zhōngguo Qīngnianshang jiu    China Youth that I just read there's

you yipiān wěnzhāng, zhěipiān    an article that said there was a

wěnzhāng shuo, you yige nanhaizi    young man who was living with a

he yige nuhaizi tongjū le.    young woman -

B: Tamen wěishěnme bu jiēhūn?    Why didnft they get married?

A: Něige nande xiang shang daxuě.    The man wanted to go to college.

B: Ou, dui le, jiēle hūn jiu bu    Oh, right, you canft go to college

něng shang daxuě le. Na houlai    after you1 re married. So what hap-

ne?    pened afterwards?

A: Houlai, něige nande zhēn shāng    Afterwards, the man really went to

daxuě le*    college.

B: Nianwanle shū tamen jiēhūn le    And after he finished school they

ba?    got married, I suppose?

A: Měiyou. Nianwan shū, něige    No. After he finished school, the

nande xiang, něi nuhaizi měi    guy thought, she didn’t have any

diwei, yě měi qian, tamen jiu    status or any money, so they should

suan le.    call it quits.

B: Suan le?! Na shi shenme hua!    Call it quits! What kind of

Tā hai you měiyou yidianr daodě    thing is that to say! Didnft he

guannian!    have any sense of morality!

A: Daodě guānnian?I Hňg,xianzai    Sense of morality?I Ha, thatrs Just

shehuishang jiu you zhěizhong    the sort of thing that society is full

shir! Nin shuo zhěi shi wěi-    of these days 1 Why do you think that

shenme?    is?!

B: Ai! Zhěi shijīnian qiqiguai-    (Sigh) The last decade or so there

guaide xīnwěn zhēn du5! Shenme    sure has been a lot of strange news!

shihou cāi něng hao yidianr ne?    When will it get better?

A: Shěi zhīdao! Wo xiang kuai    I think it will be soon! Itfs

le! Kuai hao yidianr le!    going to get better soon!

Dialogue and Translation for Exercise U

In Hong Kong, a mother (A) and son    (B) have just finished dinner.

A: Xiǎo Lin, chile fan bu yao    Xiǎo Lin, donft study any more

nian shū le, xiūxi xiuxi ba!    after dinner, just relax a bit!

SOC, Unit 2


B: Hao. Nin yao he cha ma? Wo    Do you want to drink some tea?

qīi dao.    I'll go pour it.

A: Deng yixia, rang wo kankan,    Wait a second, let me see, is

nǐde maoyī shi bu shi po le?    your sweater torn? Tomorrow I'll

Mingtiān wo děi qīi gěi ni mai    have to go buy you a new one. jian xīnde.

B: Mā, wo bu yao xīnde, zhěijian    Mom, I donft want a new one. I

hai kěyi chuān ne.    can still wear this one.

A: Tiān lěng le, nī xūyao yijian    The weatherfs getting cold, you

xīn maoyi, wo hui gěi ni yīibei-    need a new sweater. If 11 get one

hao. Mingnian nī shang daxuěde    ready for you. Next year when you

shihou, wo hui du5 gěi ni yīibei    go to college I'll get a few more

jǐjian xīn yīfu.    new things ready for you to wear.

B: Bu yong le, wo bu xiang shang    You don't need to, I donft want

daxuě le.    to go to college anymore.

A: Weishěnme? Nǐ bu shi yao    Why not? Donft you want to study

xuě yi ma?    medicine?

B: Bu shǎo rěn shu5 bu shang    A lot of people say that you can

daxuě yě kěyi gSngzuo, yě yiyang    work and live just the same without

kěyi shēnghuo. Wěishěnme yiding    going to college. Why is it necessary

yao shang daxuě ne?    to go to college?

A: Zhěizhong hua xianzai hen    This kind of talk is very popular

liuxing, kěshi wo xiang zhě hua    these days, but 工 don*t think itfs

bu tai dui.    very true,

B: Weishěnme? Yǒude rěn zai    Why not? Some people study like

daxuěli pīnming nian shū, xiang    mad at a university, like Mr. Zh5u

women jiā duimiande Zh5u Xian-    who lives across from us; he's such

sheng, dui shuxuě name you yan-    an expert in mathematics, he’s got

jiū, dele shuoshi, boshi, hai    a Masterfs degree and a Ph.D., and

bu shi zhaobudao gōngzuo!    isnft he still unable to find a job!

A: Zh5u Xianshengde qingxing    Mr. Zh5uf s situation is different

gen biěrěn bu tong, suiran tā    from other people1s. Although he

xiāngdāng you zhīshi, kěshi tā    is quite knowledgeable, he wonft

bu xihuande gSngzuo tā jiu bu    taJte a job he doesnft like. So of

zuo, na dāngran bu rongyi zhǎo-    course it isnft easy for him to find

dao gōngzuo.    a job.

B: Dui le, tā bu xǐhuan zuo    Right. He doesnft like to be a

laoshi, tā jiu xǐhuan xiě wen-    teacher,he t1ust likes to write

zhāng, zai ZhSngxueshēng zh5u-    articles. Ifve even seen his

kānshang wo hai kanjianguo tāde    articles in the weekly High School

wěnzhāng ne!    Student ?

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A: Tāde wěnzhāng hao bu hǎo?    Are his articles good?

B: Hǎo, kěshi bu rongyi dong,    Yes, but they're not easy to

zhSngxuěshěng kan zhěiyangde    understand. They1 re too hard for

wěnzhāng tai nan le.    high school students to read.

A: Suoyi, nī bu něng shuo Zh5u    So you can’t say that Mr. Zh5u*s

Xianshengde qingxing Jiu shi    situation is everyone fs situation,

dajiāde qingxing. Wo xiang,    I think you might say this: someone

kěyi zhěiyang shuo: nianguo    who has had a lot of education doesn't

hen duo shūde rěn bu yiding you    necessarily get a very good Job. But

hen haode gSngzuo. Keshi duo    getting more education will certainly

nian yidianr shǔ dui zhao gong-    be helpful in looking for a job. zuo yiding you bāngzhu.

B: Keshi, wǒde jīge tongxuě    But several classmates of mine

Rāozhongy měiyou nianwan jiu    started working before they had fin-

zuo shi le, xianzai tamende    ished high school, and now they don* t

shēnghuo dou bu yong kao fīimǔ    have to depend on their parents to

le, tamen d5u dull le.    support them; they1 re all independent.

A: Danshi wo xiǎng, shehui haishi    But I think that society still

xuyao you zhīshide rěn, shehui    needs knowledgeable people. The more

yuě fada yuě xūyao you zhīshi.    developed society is, the more it

Nǐ shuo dui bu dui?    needs knowledge. Donft you think so?

B: Dui!    Right!

A: Name hǎo le, nǐ nian daxuěde    All right then, what about the

shi zěnmeyang?    matter of your going to college?

B: Mm ... wo zai xiǎngyixiǎng.    Mm . • . I111 think it over some


A: Hǎo, women mingtiān zai    Okay, we’ll talk more about it

tantan.    tomorrow•


UNIT 3 Family Values



INTRODUCTION Grammar Topics Covered in This Unit

1.    The vert ending -qilai showing the start of an action or condition.

2.    The pattern (měi)you shenme (Adjectival Verl)),

3 • Conglai "bu/měit "never •"

h. The advert cai, 11 only,11 "before amounts.

5.    The marker -zhe showing the manner of an action.

6.    The ver"b ending -dao for (1) successful reaching/o"btaining/finding,

(2)    "of," "about” (with certain verbs)»

(3)    successful perceiving (e.g., kandao, nto see").

了. The advert zai, ”anymore."

8.    Placement of phrases with the prepositional verb dāo% ’’to,’’ ’’up to,’’ ’’until.”

9.    The use of suoy8ude> ’’all.”

Functioned. Language Contained in This Unit

1.    Narrating a "brief story about a person.

2.    Expressing approval and disapproval of someone1 s attitude or way of thinking.

3.    Expressing puzzlement at a situation*

U. Stressing how understeindal) 1 e a situation is.

SOC, Unit 3


Unit 3, Reference List

1.    A: Ni jiějie xianzai zěnme dui    How is it that your older sister has

zhěngzhi wěnti rexīnqilai    "become so interested and enthu-

le?    siastic about political questions


B: Zhěi měiyou shenme qiguai,    There1s nothing strange about that,

ta jīnnian kaishi xuě    she started studying political

zhěngzhixuě le.    science this year.

2.    A: Ni zěnme "bu chi le?    Why aren't you eating?

B: Wǒde wěi hen nānshou, chī~bu-    Ify stomach is uncomfortable,工 can’t

xiaqu le.    eat anymore.

A: Na wo gěi ni nong dianr tang    1*11 go get you some soup then. lai.

3.    A: Wo qu zhǎo Xiǎo Lan    I'm going to go look for Xiǎo Lan to

liāo tiānr.    have a chat.

B: Ni "biě qu le, tā yitiān dao    Don't go,she works hard all day long

van yon^5ng, mei shijiān    and doesn't have the time to chat

pěi ni liāo tiānr.    with you.

U. A: Wang jia Xiǎo Lan conglai    Hasn't the Wang family's Xiǎo Lan

měiyou nanpěngyou ma?    ever had a "boy friend?

B: Tā cai shijiǔsui, mangzhe    She's only nineteen years old, "busy

nian shū, hai měiyou    studying, and hasn't thought of

xieLngdao zhěixie shir ne!    these things yet 1

5.    A: Wǒde xiǎo nuěr liangsānsuide    youngest daughter cried a lot

shihou chang kū, xianzai    when she was two or three years

zhangda le, "bu zai kū le.    old, "but now she has grown up

and doesn't cry anymore.

6.    A: Zuo fumǔde bu yinggāi    Those who are parents shouldn’t

zhong nan q.īng nu.    regard males as superior to


B: Dui. Zuo haizide yě yinggāi    Right. And those who are children

xiaosh\in fumu.    should show filial obedience to

their parents.

SOC, Unit 3


了. A: Nī didi bāitian zai jia ma?    Is your younger brother at home

during the day?

B: Bu zai, ni děng dao vanshang    No, vait until the evening and then

zai da dianhua lai ba.    call him.

8.    A: ZhSngguo rěn conglāi bu    Didn’t the Chinese ever stress

jiang nannii pingděng ma?    equality betveen men and vomen?

B: Shuodao nannu pingděng, na    As for equality of the sexes, thatfs

shi zui.lin JishlniāncLe    a nev concept of the last fev

xīn guannian.    decades•

9.    A: Da .liatln^ you shenme hao?    Whatfs good about large families?

B: Zenme bu hǎo? Rěn duo,    What could be bad about them? After

zhuan qiande rěn yě duo ma!    all, if there are more people,

there are also more people earning money!

A: Yaoshi suoyoude ren dou    If everyone thought the way you do,

xiang nin zhěiyang xiang,    vho knovs hov many hundreds of

Zhongguo xianzai bū zhīdao    millions of people there vould be

you duSshao rěn le!    in China nov!

10.    A: Nǐ zhěici hui guo kandao nǐ    Did you see the people in your

lǎojiāde rěn le ma?    hometown on this visit back

to your country?

B: Kandao le. Tamen sheng-    Yes. They1re living pretty veil,

huode bu cuo4 vo laojia    and my hometown has become quite

yě biancheng yige hen    a "bustling place, rěnaode difangr le.


11.    you yong    to be useful

12.    heiyě    (darkness of) night, nighttime

13.    xīn    heart

SOC, Unit 3



bāitian    daytime

Man    to change, to become different

bianchěng    to turn into, to become

cāi    only (before an amount)

-chěng    into

chībuxiaau    cannot eat (cannot get down)

conglai    ever (up till now), always

(up till now) conglāi bu/měi    never

-dao    (resultative ending used for per

ception by one of the senses: jiandao, kandao, tingdao, etc.)

-dao    (resultative ending used to indicate

reaching: xiǎn^dao, shuōdao, tan-dao,etc. , often translated as "about")

děng dao    to wait until; when, by the time

hěiyě    (darkness of) night, nighttime

jiang    to stress, to pay attention to,

to be particular about jiāting    family

kandao    to see

ku    to cry

liao    to chat

liao tian(r)    to chat

ma    (marker of obviousness of reasoning)

nānshou    to be uncomfortable; to feel bad,

to feel unhappy

nong (něng)    to do; to fool with; to get

nonglai    to get and bring

qiguai    to be strange, to be odd, to be


-qilai    (resultative ending which indicates


rexīn    to be enthusiastic and interested;

to be warmhearted; to be earnest rexīnqilai    to become enthusiastic and interested

shuōdao    to speak of; as for

suoyoude.••dou    all

SOC, Unit 3


xiǎngdao    to think of

xiāoshun    to be filial; filial obedience

-xiaqu    down (directional ending used for

eating or drinking down)

xin    heart; mind

-yi    hundred million

yi tiān dao van    all day long

yonggong    to be industrious, to be hardworking

(in onefs studies)

you yong    to be useful

zhǎng    to grow

zhǎngda    w    to grov up

zhong nan qīng nu    to regard males as superior to females

zhuan qiān    to earn money, to make money

zuiJin    recently; soon

zuo    to be, to act as

SOC, Unit 3


Unit 3, Reference Notes

1. A: Nǐ jiějie xianzai zěnme dui    How is that your older sister has

zhěngzhi wěnti rexīnqilai    become so interested and enthu-

le?    siastic about political questions


B: Zhěi měiyou shenme qiguai,    There1s nothing strange about that,

tā jīnnian kāishǐ xuě    she started studying political

zhěngzhixuě le.    science this year.

Notes on No. 1

rexin: "to be enthusiastic and interested; to be warmhearted, to be earnest”There are two meanings for this adjectival verb. It can be used to describe a positive feeling toward a cause or issue, or to describe warm feelings toward other people.

Like many adjectival verbs, rexīn may be used either as a main verb or as an adverb (that is, modifying another verb).

As main verb

Ta dui xuě Zhongwěn hěn rěxin.    Hefs very enthusiastic about studying


Ta dui rěn hěn rěxīn, shenme    He*s very warmhearted towards

shihou d5u xǐhuan bang rěn    people. He always likes to help

mang.    people out.

As an adverb

Ta hěn rexīn yanjiū dalude    She studies the mainland situa-

qingkuang.    tion very enthusiastically.

Hǎo haizi, nǐ zěnme rexīn    Good child. It *s good that you1re

bāngzhu biěrěn, hěn hǎo.    so eager to help others.

-qilai: As a verb by itself, qǐlai means ”to rise up.M As part of a compound verb, -qilai has several different functions. First, it can be a directional or resultative ending meaning "go up, rise up (physically)n:

Ta zhanqilai le.    He stood up.

Tā tiaoqilai le.°    She jumped up.

Zhěige zhuōzi women tāibuqilai, We can^t lift this table up. nǐ lai bāngbang mang hǎo bu    Come and help us, okay?


°tiao, "to jump, to leap,’

SOC, Unit 3


In addition to meaning literally ’’to go up/’ -qilai can be used to tell something about the aspect of the verb: to shov the start of the action or condition.11 In the example in the Reference List above, -qilai indicates that older sisterfs enthusiasm has nevly started up. Other examples:


Haizi kǔqilai le.    The child began (has begun) to cry,


Tianqi rěqilai le.    The veather has vanned up.

As vith many other compound verbs,the object of the verb may be inserted betveen the tvo parts of the verb ending:

Bu zhīdao věishenme, tā xianzai I donft knov vhy, but he has started hēqi jiǔ lai le.    to drink nov.

Wo liuge yue měi xiangguo Jiā, I haven ft thought of home for kěshi jīntiān xiǎngqi jiā    six months, but today I started

lai le.    to feel homesick.

Another function of the ending -qilai is to make generalized statements which are sometimes translated using TVhen •. .ing,ff or "when it comes to .. .ingff:

Zhěige yǐzide yangzi hěn    This kind of chair is very

hao kan, kěshi zuoqilai    attractive, but when you sit

bu shǔfu.    in it, itfs uncomfortable.

Tā shuoqi Zhongwěn lai zhēn    It sounds terrible when he speaks

nantīng.    Chinese.

Zuoqi shi lai, tā bǐ shěi    When it comes to vorking, he

dou kuai.    is faster than anyone else.

Shuōqilai rongyi, zuoqi lai nan. Itfs easy to talk about,but hard to


When -qilai is used this vay vith verbs of perception, the additional meaning of 11 it seems11 is communicated:

Kanqilai tā zhīdao zhěijian shi. It looks as if he knovs about

this matter*

Tā kanqilai hěn nianqīng.    He looks very young.

Tīngqilai hěn you daolī.    It sounds reasonable.

-Qilai is also used in several idiomatic expressions vhere its meaning is harder to pinpoint,e.g., xiǎngqilai, ffto think of,to remember,11 vhere -qilai seems to indicate the coming ”up” into consciousness of an idea.

Wo xiǎngqilai le, tā xing Mai. Nov I remem'ber, his surname is


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qiguai: nto be strange, to be surprising, to be odd”

Zhēn qiguai, tā tiāntiān lai,    Hov strange. He comes every day.

jīntian zěnme měi lai ne?    Hov is it he didnft come today?

Neige shihou, shenme qiguaide    Back then, there vere all kinds

shi dou you, biě shuo le.    of strange things; don’t talk

about it any more.

Tāmende guānxi vǒ juěde hěn    I find their relationship very

qiguai.    strange.

In colloquial style, the verb qiguai is also used to mean "to find it strange that. . . , can’t understand (vhy) .7., canft imagine (how)... ,!f e.g.,

Wo zhēn qiguai ta věishenme yao I really canft understand vhy he zěnme zuo.    vanted (OR wants ) to do that.

Wo zhēn qiguai zhěijian shi tā I really canft imagine hov he can zěnme kěyi bandedao.    (OR could) do it.

Zhei měiyou shenme qiguai: "There’s nothing strange about that.” You shenme is used before an adjectival verb, as in

Na    you shenme hao?    f,Whatf s so good about that?”

Na    měiyou shenme hao.    ”There’s nothing good about that.”

Gaosu ta you shenme bu dui? "Whatf s wrong vith telling him?"

A: Tā dui ZhSngguode qingkuang    He knovs so much about China! zhidaode bu shǎoI

B: Na you shenme qiguai, tā    Whatf s strange about that, he lived zai Zhongguo zhuguo shinian. in China for ten years!

2, A: Nǐ zěnme bu chi le?    Why arenft you eating?

B: Wǒde vei hěn nanshou, chibu- My stomach is uncomfortable,工 can’t xiaqu le.    eat anymore•

A: Na wo gěi ni nong dianr tang If11 go get you some soup then, lai.

Notes on No* 2

nanshou: "to feel uncomfortable; to feel bad, to feel unhappy,” literally ,"to find something hard to "bear” This adjectival vert can "be used to describe physical aches and pains, or emotional ones.

Zai fěijīshang zuole ershige    Twenty hours on an airplane. Hov

xiǎo shi, tai nanshou le!    uncomforta'ble!

Zhēn rang rěn nanshou.    It really makes one feel "bad-

SOC, Unit 3


Zanmen dou shi zuo yīshěngde,    We1 re both in medicine; seeing sick

kanjian tingren° měi yao chī,    people without medicine to take

zhen nanshou.    was really upsetting.

To make it clear you are talking about sadness and not a physical pain, you can use the phrase xīnli hěn nanshou (xīn, No. 13 on this reference list, "being the equivalent of either the heart or mind in such instances).

TTngdaole zhěiyangrde hua, tā    He was very sad after hearing

xīnli hěn nanshou.    that kind of talk.

chi'buxiaqu: ”unable to eat (it all) up,,Here you see an example of -xiaq^ used for its meaning as a directional ending. While in English we might say 11 eat it UP,” the Chinese, more analytically, say ”eat it dovn.11 Using the vert he_, ”to drink," you can also say hexiaqu, "to drink dovn.11 The meaning of chixiaqu and hexiagu might "be "better conveyed as ’’to take in” or ’’to get down food or drink; you use these verbs when you want to stress getting food or drink down into the stomach, rather than just the action of eating.

As a resultative ver"b, chixiaqu and hēxiaqu may take -de- or -bu- as a middle syllable for the additional meaning of "can’1 or tfcannot.ft In chide-xiaqu/chī'buxiaciu and hedexiaqu/hē'biaxiaqu, the syllables -xia and -qu are still somewhat stressed (you can still hear their falling tones), whereas they are unstressed and often neutral tone in the words chixiaqu and hēxiaqu.

chīdexiaqu    able to eat it down

chrbnxiaqu._unable to eat it dovn

měi chixiaqu didnft eat it down chixiaqu le_ate it dovn_

Wo chide tai *bao le, chi"btixiaqu    I’m too full, I canH eat any more, le.

Zhěige yao chixiaqu Jiu hui hǎo    You111 feel "better after you take

le.    this medicine.

A: Zhěige yao zhēn kǔ, wo    This medicine is really "bitter. 工 hetnxiaqu. canft get it down.

B: Měiyou guānxi, kuai diǎnr    Sure you can. Just drink it down hēxiaqu Jiu kěyi le. real fast.

nong: This is a very common ver"b vith several especially useful meanings. First of all it means "to do, to make,’ in a "broad, vague sense:

Zanmen kāishǐ nong fan, hǎo "bu    Letfs start to make dinner, okay? hǎo?

Tā "bu zhīdao zěnme nongle hǎoduS    Somehow he made himself a lot of

qian.    money.

°~bingren: ’’sick person, patient1

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Wo xiǎng nǐ bu bi guan zhěijian I don’t think you should try to take shi, nongde bu hǎo dou shi    charge of this. If you handled it

nǐde cuo.    badly it would "be all your fault.

Shiqing yuě nong yuě da, zhēn bu This matter is getting blown up

zhīdao zěnme ban cāi hao.    bigger and bigger. I really donft

know what to do.

Tǎ zheme shu5 nongde wo zhēn bu His saying that really embarrassed hǎo yisi.    me.

Nong can mean ”to play with, to fool with, to monkey vith11:

Biě nong wǒde "biao.    Don ft fool vith my vat ch.

Nong can be followed by another verb which shows the result of some action, e.g., nongzang, ”to make (something) dirty11; nongpo, "to break something" (lit. , nto make [something] break11); nongsǐ, ”to kill11 (lit. , flto make 匸some-thing] die11). Examples :

Shi shěi ba wode yusan    Who was it who broke my umbrella?

nonghuai le?    (literally, flmade it so that it


Wo qu ba zSofan nonghao.    īf11 go get breakfast ready.

Zheige wěnti hěn yaojǐn, dei    This question is very important,

nongqingchu.    we must get it clear.

Biě nongzangle nǐde yīfu.    Donrt get your clothes dirty.

Nǐ nongcub le ba, tā qunian cai You1re mistaken, I think. He didn’t cong dalu chǔlai.    leave the mainland until last year.

Zhěige wěnti, nǐ zuotiān gěi wo    Yesterday you explained this question

jiangguo le, jīntiān wo you    to me, but today I can’t understand

nongbudong le, nǐ kě bu kěyi    it again. Could you explain it to

zai gěi wo jiǎng yici?    me once again?

nonglai: flto get and bring (here)11 Compare the use of the directional ending -lai in nonglai to its use in Wo gěi ni dao bēi cha lai, which you learned in Unit 1.

Nǐ cong nǎr nonglaide?    Where did you get this from?

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3. A: Wo qu zhǎo Xiǎo Lan    I,m going to go look for Xiǎo Lan to

liao tianr.    have a chat.

B: Nǐ biě qu le, tā yitiān dao Donft go, she works hard all day long van yonggōnp:, měi shijian    and doesnft have the time to chat

pěi ni liao tianr.    vith you.

Notes on No. 3

liao tian(r): ” to chat11 Liao means ” to chat,,,and tiān(r) acts as its object^ Tiān(r)~may also be omitted.

Women liaole yige zhSngtou.    We chatted for an hour.

Nǐ shenme shihou you gSngfu,    When you have time, we111 go find

women zhǎo ge difang liaoliao    a place and chat a while,


Nǐ ~biě qu le: ’’don’t golf The English translation here can’t really "be adequate without getting cumbersome* The one syllable le_tells you that not going is a change from what was earlier expected. To show the meaning of the marker le_ for new situation, the translation might be ,fChange your plans and donft go.fl

yitian dao van: ”all day long” The syllable 江("one”) is sometimes used to mean "the whole, the entire/1 Yitiān dao van can "be literally translated as flthe whole day until late,lf but is also often used to mean "all the time, always. You can use the whole phrase as you would a time-when word (e.g., .jintian),or you can split it up vith a verb, as in yitian mang dao van, "busy the whole day until late,fl or lfbusy all day long.11

Tā yitian dao wan dou zai mang. He1 s busy all day long*

Tā yitiān dao wǎn shuo tāde    Shefs always saying from morning

qian bu gou yong.    to night that she doesn’t have

enough money *

yonggSng: "to be diligent, to be hardworking11 in one1 s studies

Nǐ bu yonggong jiu bu rang ni    If you donft work hard, I wonft let

nian daxuě le.    you go to college.

Women zhěrde xuěsheng d5u hěn    All our students here axe very

yonggong•    hardworking.

pěi: ”to accompany; to keep somebody company11 In the Transportation module, you saw the verb pěi meaning^flto accompany, to go along with1,in the sentence Ta qǐng vo pěi ta yiqǐ qu liixing^ "She asked me to accompany her on her trip.Here you see pěi used in another sense, "to keep someone company.11

Mingtiān wo yao pěi wo mǔqin qu Tomorrow Ifm going along with my kaji bing.    mother to see the doctor.

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Měi rěn pěi wo qu, wo jiu "bu qu If no one goes along with me, I le.    wonft go.

Women lai pěipei nǐ.    We’ll keep you company.

Lao rěn changchang xǐhuan you    Older people often like to have

rěn pěizhe ta shu5 hua.    someone to keep them company and

talk with them.

U. A: Wang jiā Xiǎo Lan conglai    Hasn’t the Wang familyfs Xiǎo Lan

měiyou nanpěngyou ma?    ever had a "boyfriend?

B: Tā cai shijiǔsui, mangzhe    Shefs only nineteen years old,"busy

nian shu,hāi měiyou    studying, and hasn’t thought of

xiǎngdao zhěixie shir ne!    these things yet!

Notes on No. U

conglai: "ever (up till now), always (up till now)” Conglai means that something remains the same or unchanged from the past up to now. It is almost always followed "by an advert--jiū^ dou, or the negatives tu or měi • The two most common combinations are conglai ~bu and conglai měi. Bu and měi, of course, have different uses; roughly speaking, conglai ~bū means "(habitually) never (do X)” and conglai měi means "have never (done X in the past).’’ With conglai měi,the ver"b of the sentence usually takes the aspect marker -guo (experience at any previous time).

Tā conglai "bu dao wo jiā lai.    She never comes to my house.

Tā conglai měi dao wo jiā    She has never "been to my house

laiguo.    ("before).

Wo conglai měiyou xiǎngdao    I never imagined that there were

xianzai hai you zhěiyangde    still families and parents like

jiāting, zhěiyangde fumǔ.    this these days.

cai: In the Transportation Module, you saw the advert cāi used to mean "then and only then" or "not until then. It was used to talk about something that happened later than expected, for example, Ta shi zuotiān cai laide, "He didnft get here until yesterday.ff In sentence “B,you see cai (still an advert) used to mean "only” a certain amount.

Cai means ffonlyff in the sense of "as little as, ffso little." It stresses that the amount is less than expected, less than normal, etc.

You already know two other adverts which mean "only”: zhǐ and jiu. Cai is used with the meaning "only” strictly "before amounts, while zhǐ and jiu are also used for "only” in the sense of "no other way?f or "no others":

Zhǐ/Jiu něng zěnme zuo.    (We) can only do it this way.

Women jǐge rěn, zhǐ/jiu you wo I am the only one of us who can speak hui shu5 Faguo hua.    French.

(Cai may not "be used in such sentences.)

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(That is,it could have been, should have been, or might later become more.)

Ta cai xuěle sānniān, jiu    He’s only studied three years and

shuōde name hao.    speaks so veil. (AS LITTLE AS


Tā yigong cai kanle sānpian věn- He only read three articles zhāng.    altogether- (SO FEW)

Although adverbs normally come only before a verb, cai may stand directly before an amount:

Cāi wuge rěn?    Only five people? (SO FEW?)

A: Tāde fangzi yinian cāi    His house costs only three hundred

sānbai kuai.    dollars a year- (SO LITTLE!)

B: Cai zenme yidianr?    Is that all? (SO LITTLE?)

Sentence UB illustrates that vhen speaking about a person’s age, cai should be used for ’’only” rather than jiu. It is also much better to use cai for ’’only’’ when speaking about the time of day, the date, etc.:

Cai yidiǎn zh5ng, hai laideji. It*s only one o*clock, ve can still

make it.

Jīntiān cai shisānhao, hai zao Today is only the thirteenth (of the nel    month). It’s still earlyI

Cai is not used in sentences meaning the speaker imposes a restriction on an amount. This includes suggestions, instructions, commands, wishes, or sentences expressing intention. In these sentences, use jiu or zh?, e.g.:

Nǐ .jiu gěi ta yidianr ba, ’’Just give him a little"; Wo zh? yao chi y^vǎn fan, "I only vant to eat one bovl of rice•”

mangzhe nian shu: ’’to be busy studying’’ Mang here is not the state verb "to be busy," but an action verb, ’’to busily engage in (something).

Here are other examples:

Nǐ zai mang shenme ne?    What are you busy vith?

Wo mangle yitiān le.    I have been busily working all day.

Tā yitiān dao van mang zheige    He is busy with all sorts of things

mang něige.    all day long.

-zhe: In sentence UB, you see the marker -zhe used in a sentence vith word order like that of one in the Directions module: Zǒuzhe qu kěyi ma?

’’Can you get there by walking?" -Zhe is the marker of DURATION. It may be attached to an action or process verb. The combination action verb plus -zhe refers to the duration of the action, that is, the action has started and is continuing, e.g., Tā pǎozhe ne, ’’He is running.M The combination process verb plus -zhe refers to the duration of the nev state entered into through the process (remember that ’’process” here means a change from one state to

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another), for example, Tā ~bingzhe ne, nHe is ill ,ff or Men kāizhe ne, nThe door is open.

Often you see the combination verb plus -zhe followed by another verb, as in mangzhe nian shū. In this case, the verb plus -zhe describes the means or manner of the following verb.

Women zǒuzhe qu.    Let’s go on foot.

Tā pǎozhe xia lou qu le.    He went running downstairs.

Ta kāizhe che lai le.    He came driving a car.

Tā nazhe dongxi shang chē le.    Carrying the things, he "boarded the


Tā zhei jǐtiān mangzhe kāi hui. The last few days he has been "busy

with meetings.

Tā jizhe zǒu, "bǎ yaoshi wang zai He was in a hurry to leave, and jiali le.    left the keys at home.

Women zǒuzhe liāo tiān.    We talked while walking.

xiǎngdao: ffto think of" -Dao here is not the prepositional verb f,ton "but the ending for compound verbs of result which you have so far seen in jiedao, nto successfully "borrow" and shuodao, nto talk about. The verb ending -dao means ,fto successfully reach/ottain/find.ff In the compound ver"b xiǎngdao, the verb xiǎng expresses the action of thinking about it, and -dao says that your thought "reached toff the idea--came into your head.

Another verb like xiǎng in referring to mental activity is kaolū, ”to consider," which you learned in Unit 1, and just as vith xiǎng, you can use -dao vith kǎolu. Here are examples of xiǎngdao and kǎoludao• Notice the different translations possible for měi xiǎngdao and xiǎng~budao.

Wo hai xiǎngdao lingvai yidiǎn. Ifve thought of another point.

Wo xiǎng dagai jiu nǐ yige rěn I thought you would protatly be the lai, shěi xiǎngdao nǐmen dou    only one coming. Who would have

lai le!    thought all of you would come!

Wo měi xiǎngdao hui you zhei-    I didn’t expect this kind of situa-

zhǒng qingkuang.    tion. (Lit. , ,fI didnft think there

would be this kind of situation.fT)

Xiangtudao tamen hui zenme kuai I was surprised they got married so jiēhūn.    soon.

A: Nǐ měi kǎoludao zhěi yidiǎn    You didn’t consider that point, did

ba?    you?

B: Zěnme kǎoludedao name du5    How could I take so many things into

shiqing!    consideration!

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5. A: Wode xiao nuěr liangsānsuide My youngest daughter cried a lot shihou chang ku, xianzai    when she vas two or three years

zhǎngda le, bū zai kū le.    old, but now she has grown up

and doesnft cry anymore.

Notes on No. $

xiao nuěr: Not "little daughter,n as you might have thought, but "youngest daughter.tT Xiǎo and da^ are used, respectively, for the ny°ungest11 and "oldest” of brothers and sisters. The ones in between, if there are any, are numbered. For example, a mother would refer to her four sons, starting with the eldest, as her da ěrzi, er ěrzi, sān ěrzi, and xiǎo ěrzi.

zhǎngda: nto grov upTf This is a compound verb of result made of zhǎng ”to grov” and da "to be big."

Nǐ zhǎngdale xiǎng zuo shenme? What do you want to do when you

grow up?

Sānge yue bu jian, zhěige haizi Itfs been just three months since I zhǎngdale bu shao.    last saw this youngster and he has

grown quite a bit.

bū zai kū le: ”doesVt cry anymore” Zai is the adverb which you learned meaning "again•” Here it means ffanymore," referring to the continuing of a situation.

Wo tai lei le, měiyou banfa zai    too tired. I canf七 write any

xiě le•    more•

Wo "bu něng zai chī le, zai chī I canft eat any more. If I eat more jiu bu shūfu le.    I won,t feel well.

Bu yao zai xiǎng zheixiē shiqing Stop thinking about these things. le.

Bu yao zai shu5 le, hao bu hǎo? Donft talk about it anymore, okay?

Yǐhou wo bu zai name man le.    In the future, I won’t be so slow


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6. A: Zuo fumǔde bu yinggāi    Those who are parents shouldn’t

zhong nan qīng nu.    regard males as superior to


B: Dui. Zuo haizide yě yinggāi Right. And those who are children xiaoshun fumǔ.    should show filial obedience to

their parents.

Notes on No. 6

zuo: ”to be, to act as” As you are well aware, there are times when you C£Lnft use shi to translate English ftto be.11 One of these is when nto beft means that a person takes on a certain role, position, or occupation. An example is "to be president" as in ftI want to be president" or "He was president for eight In such cases you use the same verb ftto doft,zuo:

Wo xiǎode shihou changchang xiǎng When I was young I often thought jianglāi yao zuo yige yīsheng,    I wanted to be a doctor when

kěshi xianzai zhīdao zuo yīsheng I grew up, but now I know that tai nan le.    it1s too hard to be a doctor.

Tā congqian zuoguo Jīngji Buzhǎng. He was once the Minister of Finance.

(You could also say Tā congqian shi Jingji Buzhǎng.)

Zhei shi wo diylci zuo zhǔrěn° This is the first time I am to be qing ke, xīnli h§n jǐnzhāng.°° host and have guests over. Ifm


Phrases like zuo fumǔde and zuo haizide in the reference list sentence are used to talk about categories of people as defined by a certain role, position, occupation, etc.

Zhěizhong shiqing, zuo fumǔde    Those in the position of parents

yinggāi xiān xiǎngdao.    should foresee things like this.

Kandao xuěshengde ZhSngwěn    When we see that our students have

xuěde name hǎo, women zuo    learned their Chinese so well, it

lǎoshide zhēn gāoxing.    makes us teachers very happy.

zhong nan qing nu: ”to treat men as important and women as unimportant ,Tt Zhong is the verb to be heavy," with the additional meaning, in literary style, of ftto stress,to put importance on•” Qing is the verb "to be light (in weight), vith an extended meaning in literary Chinese of Ttto regard lightly, to attach little importance to.

In the traditional Chinese family, a son had a starring role. One reason was that sons assured the family^ continuity, something which every man felt was his duty to his ancestors. In addition, the son usually became the family representative after the father1s death or retirement. A daughter, on the other hand,was expected to leave the family and "become part of her

。zhǔrěn,TThost, master11    ǐnzhānp:, ffto be nervous , to be tense11

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husbandTs household, so her importance vas considerably less than that of a son. A voman vas alvays subject to a man^s authority: a daughter had to obey her father, a vife had to obey her husband, and a vidow had to o"bey her son.° Of course, individual vomen, by their strength, intelligence, and personality, vere able to exert great influence on the family, but this was often accomplished indirectly.

xiaoshun: This can be used either as a ver"b with an object,"to "be filial tovard (someone) ,TT as in the Reference List sentence above,or as an adjectival verb meaning TTto be filial":

Zhěige haizi hěn xiaoshun.    This child is very filial.

In traditional society, filial obedience was regarded as the primary virtue in life and the source of all other virtues. It consisted of respect for one’s parents and ancestors, obedience in all cases to one * s parents * vill, consideration and care for their daily welfare, continuation of the family line, and avoidance of any actions which would shame the good name and reputation of the family. But more than formal adherence to rules of good conduct, filial obedience vas also an attitude of warmth, founded in the deep love of son and daughter for their parents. And although its origin and center is the relationship of child to parents, this important concept extended outside the family to govern all other relationships in the life of a Chinese, It was said that if a son was not filial to his parents, he would probably not fulfill the duties of a good huslDand, a faithful friend, or a loyal citizen.

了. A: Nǐ didi baitiān zai jiā ma? Is your younger "brother at home

during the day?

B: Bu zai, nǐ děng dao vanshang No, wait until the evening and then zai dǎ dianhua lai "ba.    call him.

Notes on No. 了

"baitiān: "daytime; during daylight," literally "white-day" In the sense of "daylightthe opposite of ~baitiān is hēiye, ”dark of night," literally, ""black-night.n In the sense of daytime, working hours," the opposite of baitiān is vanshang, ”evening, night•”

Tā "baitiān zuo shi, wǎnshang    She works during the day and

nian shū.    studies at night.

děng dao: ”wait until” Here you see the prepositional verb dao "to, up to” used after another vert. (Contrast this with xiǎngdao ”to think of” vhere -dao is used as a ver"b ending showing result and is written as part of the vert). ) You now know two meanings for the prepositional verb dao, one having to do with location and the other with time:

°This is from an old saying called the San Cong, "the Three Follows,” i.e., the three paths to "be followed. The saying is usually quoted in its original classical style: Zai jiā cong fu, chu ,1ia con^ fu, fu sǐ cong zǐ, "When at home obey your father, when married obey your husband, when your husband dies obey your son.

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(1)    location: T,to, up to"

(2)    time: ”until”

What is the difference between putting your dao phrase after the verb or before it?

Dao phrase after verb

If the dao phrase tells where or at what time you end up as a result of the action, then it comes after the verb:

Wo zou dao shūfang waibian, ting- I walked up to the door of the study jian tamen zai libian shu5 hua. and heard them inside talking.

Wo yījīng kan dao diyibailingyī    I1ve already read up to page 101. yě le.

Wo zuotiān vanshang kan shū    Last night I read until past three

kan dao sāndianduS zhong.    o1 clock (in the morning).

In sentences which show that something changes location, lai Tfto this place" or qu TTto that place" will usually come at the end of the whole clause:


Ta zou dao wo qianmian qu le.    He walked in front of me.

^Lng ba neijiben shū na dao    Please bring those books here.

zhěli lai.

Dao phrase before the verb

a.    Put the dao phrase before lai or when they are the main verb of the sentence:

Tā dao Chongqing qu le.    He has gone to Chongqing.

Tā yao dao wo zher lai.    He is coming to my place.

b.    If another verb phrase follows the dao phrase, may sometimes be omitted, making the dao phrase appear to modify the second verb phrase:

A: Women dao nar chi fan?    Where shall we go to eat?

B: Dao fanting chī fan.    We’ll go to the dining room to eat.

(Literally, these mean TfTo where shall we eat?" and "WeT11 to the dining room eat.”)

c.    A dao phrase may come before the verb if the phrase shows that a point is reached prior to the action or condition:

°Ze, "page"

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Dao xiawu zai tan.    Letfs vait until the afternoon and

then talk. (Contrast tan dao xiawu, "talk until the afternoon.)

8. A: ZhSngguo rěn conglai bu    Didn’t the Chinese ever stress

jiǎng nannu pingděng ma?    equality betveen men and vomen?

B: Shuōdao nannu pingděng, na    As for equality of the sexes, that1s

shi zui,1in jǐshiniande    a new concept of the last few

xin guannian.    decades.

Notes on No. 8

c$nglāi ~bu: "never, never does...11 Earlier in this unit (No. h ), you saw the phrase conglai měi ’’have never, had never".” C$n^lai itself means "at any time in the past up until nov.11

Wo conglai bu xiǎng zaoshang    I never feel like studying in the

nian shū.    morning.

Whether you choose c$nglai ~bu or conglai měi depends on vhat kind of verb you are using and hov it is normally negated. To summarize vhat you learned back in the Biographic Information module, STATE verbs (which include adjectival verbs and auxiliary verts) are alvays negated with bīi. PROCESS verbs are alvays negated with měi vhen referring to an actual state of affairs. ACTION verts can be negated with bu or měi depending on the meaning. While there are grammar rules for choosing tu or měi to negate your verb, there are also semantic reasons for choosing one or the other: Are you generalizing about something habitual or speaking of a specific instance?


Wǒde qian conglai dou tu gou.    I have never had enough money.

Tā conglai bu xiǎng zuo zhei-    He never wants/has never vanted to do

yangde gongzuo.    this kind of work.

Wo conglai bu xihuan qu Nitt    I never like/have never liked going

Yuě.    to New York.


Tā c$nglai měi jiēguo hūn.    She has never gotten married.

Tā conglai měi "bingguo.    He has never gotten sick.

Zheige dianshi conglāi měi huai- This television has never broken, guo.

ACTION VERBS (Bu and měi make a difference in meaning.)

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(1)    Wo conglai měi kanguo zhěi- I have never read a book like this.

yangrde shū.    (PAST EXPERIENCE)

(2)    Wo cōnglai bu kan zheiyangrde I never read (present) this kind of

shū.    book OR I never used to read this

kind of book. (HABITUAL)

Conglai vs• congqiaxi: Con^qian, "the past,’’ is a noun, a time word.

It may, for example, be the object of the prepositional verb zai, e.g., Zai cňngqian you rěn zenme zuo» TTIn the past, some people did it that way.TT Conglāi may also be used as a moveable adverb, in which case it can "be translated ”in the past, before, formerly”: Wo c$ngqiaji (OR Cňngqian vǒ) měiyou chē, xianzai you le, ”Before I didn’t have a car, but now I do.

Conglii,T,alvays(in the past),from the beginning,” is not a noun; it cannot, for example, be the object of the prepositional verb zai. It is used adverbially, always "betveen the subject and the verb. Both congqi&i měi and conglāi měi may sometimes be translated as ”never,” but cňnglai měi makes a stronger statement.

Wo congq.ian měi chīguo Zhongguo I haven’t eaten Chinese food before. cai.    (There wasn’t one time when I ate

Chinese food.)

Wo conglāi měi chīguo Zhongguo 工 have never eaten Chinese food cai.    (from the very "beginning).

jiǎng: ’’to be particular about, to stress, to pay attention toTT [Also jiǎngjiu.J

Zheige rěn hěn jiǎng chi, hěn    This person is fastidious about

jiǎng chuān.    what he eats and what he wears.

Tāmen jiā tai jiǎng guīju.°    Their family is overly particular

Women Xiǎo Lan yīnggai    about manners. Our Xiǎo Lan

xiǎoxin.    should be careful.

shuodao: "to speak of; as for" In this unit, you have seen dao used as a resultative ending ’’to sucessfully reach/obtain/find,Tl as in xiǎngdao ,

”to think of." You also saw it as a prepositional verb in děng dao, !,wait until." Here you see another example of -dao as a resultative ending. IsTnen -dao is used with verbs of speech,such as shuo, tan or jiǎng, they are translated as T’to speak ofTT or T’to talk about." (In this meaning, -dao is not interchangeable with -zhao.)

Women gāngcai hai shuodao nǐ,    We were talking about you just

nǐ jiu lai le.    now, and here you are!

Jīntiān nǐ gen ta jiǎngdao wo    Did you talk about me with him

měiyou?    today?

Wo changchang xiǎngdao wǒde    I often think of my child,


°guT(1u: "manners” (see Unit h)

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Notice that in sentence 8B,shuōdao is used at the "beginning of the sentence to introduce a topic,as we use ’Vhen it comes to’’ or ’’speaking of!f in English. Here are some other examples.

Shuodao jiěhǔnde shi, wo hai    When it comes to the marriage, I

děi xiǎngyixiǎng.    have to think it over some more.

Tandao Zhongguo wěnhua,    When it comes to Chinese culture,

tā "bǐ wo zhidaode du5.    he knows a lot more than 工 do,

ShuSdao Li Xiānsheng, wo jiu    Speaking of Mr. Lǐ, it occurs to me

xiǎngqilai le,hǎo jiǔ měi    that we havenft "been to see him in

qu kan ta le.    quite a while.

zui.iin: ”recently,lately; recent, last” Zui.jin may "be used as a time vord, coming either before or after the subject, but always before the verb.

Zuijin, women gōngsi you paile Recently, our company sent another yige rěn qu Xianggang.    person to Hong Kong.

Wo zuijin tai mang, měi shijiān    "been very "busy lately, and

gēn ta shuo.    havenft had time to tell him.

In sentence 8B ( . shi zui.lin .jishiniande xin guannian) ^ zui,1 in is used as an adjective modifying a Nuniber-Counter-Noun. Other examples:

Zuijin yige yuě, tā dou měiyou She hasnft written for the last month, lai xin.

Tā shi zui jin jǐtiān cai laide. She just arrived within the last few


Besides referring to the near past,zuit1in can also refer to the near future一 "soon":

Ta zui jin yao chū guo.    He vill "be going abroad soon.

To make it clear you are talking about the future rather than the past, use zui,jin in combination with auxiliary ver"bs like yao, xiǎng, dǎsuan,zhǔn~bei, jihuk,etc.

9. A: Da ,1iāting ySu shenme hǎo? Whatf s good a"bout large families?

B: Zěnme "bu hǎo? Rěn duo%    What could "be "bad a"bout them? After

zhuan qiande rěn yě duo ma! all, if there are more people

there are also more people earning money!

A: Yaoshi suoyoude rěn d5u    If everyone thought they vay you do,

xiang nin zhěiyang xiǎng,    who knows how many hundreds of

Zhōngguo xiajizai "bu zhīdao millions of people there would "be you duSshao 么 rěn le!    in China now!

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Notes on No. 9

da .liating: "large family; extended family" The phrases da ^iāting and xiǎo jiating, literally "large family” and ”small family," are often used in a specific sense. In traditional Chinese society, da .jiāting referred not merely to the number of people in the family, but to the number of generations living together. Although opinions on this vary greatly, you need at least three generations living together to be considered a da jiāting■-an "extended family”--and each generation must be several people "deep•” Ideally, such a family contained a father and mother, all their sons and their wives, their sonsf sons and their wives, and all their children, extending to about the fourth generation. A classic example of a da    like the Jia family in

the novel Dream of the Red Chamber, might include over 130 people all living in households within one complex of houses and courtyards.

Do not misuse .listing, which refers to the family as an entity, for jiā rěn or .jialide rěn, which refer to the people in the family. This mistake is easy to make because both ideas can be expressed in English by the word "family”:

Wo dao Niǔ Yuě qu kan wo jiā rěn Ifm going to New York to see my (OR wo jialide rěn).    family.

zěnme bu hao: ”Hov could they be bad?" or, more idiomatically,tfWhat could be bad about them?,f Use zěnme to make a rhetorical question disagreeing with someone elsefs position.

A: Bu dui, bu dui.    That’s not right, that’s not right.

B: Zěnme bū dui!    What do you mean itfs wrong!

A: Women bu kěyi zhěiyangr zuo. We can’t do it this way.

B: Zěnme bu kěyi?! Zhěi měiyou Why not?! There1s nothing wrong with shenme bu kěyide.    it.

ma: This little marker is sometimes used at the end of a sentence to imply that the reasoning behind the statement is obvious. It can be translated as "you know1’ or "after all," or by a tone of voice conveying that one thinks one1s statement is self-evident. (For the following example, you need to know dao lat11, "to take out [lit.,fdumpf 1 the garbage.")

Husband: Weishenme zong děi wo Why do I always have to do the

zuo fan ne?    cooking?

Wife: Nannu pingděng ma!    Equality of the sexes!

H: Na hao, yīhou nǐ guan dao    Okay, then from now on, you take care

lāji.    of taking out the garbage.

W: Weishenme?    Why?

H: Nannu pingděng ma!    Equality of the sexes!

suoyoude: "all” This is the word for    used to modify nouns. (The

adverb d5u is used to modify verbs.) Suoyoude is mostly used with nouns at the front of the sentence (that is,subjects or objects in topic position).

In sentences with suoyoude, d5u is almost always used, too.

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Suoyoude cai dou hěn hǎo chi.    All the food is delicious.

Suoyoude cai wo dou chīwān le.    I finished all the food.

Suoyoude can be used with the bǎ construction, in which case dou goes before the main verb, not before the prepositional verb ba.

WS bǎ suoyoude cai dou chīwan le. I finished all the food.

Suoyoude can also be used without a noun folloving it, as long as the context makes it clear what things suoyoude refers to:

Wo xǐhuan gongyuān, Huāshěngdun I like parks. Ifve been to all the suoyoude wo d5u qīiguo le.    ones in Washington.

Here are some more example sentences vith suoyoude• Notice that the -de is sometimes omitted.

Suoyoude kāfěitīng wo dou quguo. Ifve been to all the coffeehouses.

Ruguo wo you qian wo jiu yao    If 工 had money, Ifd like to buy

mǎi suǒyou zhěixie Han-Ying    all of these Chinese-English

zidiǎn.    dictionaries.

Tā daoguo Meiguo suSyǒu(de) you He has been to all the interesting yiside difang.    places in the U.S.

yi: ’’hundred million” After qian, ”1000,” and van, ”10,000,” the next single syllable to represent a higher nturiber in Chinese is yi, "100,000,000"’

1,000    yiqiān

10,000    yiwan

100,000    shiwan

1,000,000    yibǎi wan ("one million”)

10,000,000    yiqian wan

100,000,000    ylyi

1,000,000,000    shiyi (”one billion11)

10. A: Nǐ zhěici hui guo kandao nǐ    Did you see the people in your

lǎojiāde rěn le ma?    hometown on this visit back

to your country?

B: Kandao le. Tamen shēng-    Yes, they*re living pretty well, and

huode bu cuo, wo lǎojiā    my hometown has become quite a

yě bianchěng yige hěn    bustling place, rěnaode difangr le.

Notes on No. 10

kandao: ,fto see, to perceive by sight” This is another example of the ending -dao used as part of a compound verb of result. You have now seen -dao meaning (1) ”to successfully reach/obtain/findu and (2) nabout•n With verbs~

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of perception, the meaning of -dao can be thought of as ’’sucessfully reach1’ by means of the senses, or "to successfully perceive." Another instance of this is tingdao,,to hear, to perceive by listening-n

Běijīng speakers prefer kanjian and tīngjian in many contexts, but kandao and tingdao are used by all speakers of Standard Chinese.

bian: ’’to change, to become different, to transform, to alter"

Zhěige rěn zhēnde bian le, yǐqian This fellow has really changed, he tā bu shi zhěiyangrde.    wasn’t this way before.

Zhěijian maoyī xǐle jǐci, bian After this sweater was washed a few yansě le.    times, it changed color.

Jǐnian bu jian, ta yǐjīng bian I hadn’t seen him for    a few years;

lao le.    he had aged a lot.    (refers to his


You can also use bian in the pattern bian—de--STATE VERB, as    in:

Cong qunian dao xianzai, tā    He has become a lot healthier

biande jiankangduS le.    since last year.

Wo shijǐnian měi jiajidao ta,    I haven’t seen him in over ten years.

bu zhīdao tā biande zěnme-    I wonder what he is like now?

yang le?

-chěng: ’’become,’T ’’into’’ This is used with a number of verbs to form a compound: gǎichěng, "to change (one thing) into (another)’’; fanyichěng,

’’to translate into”; zuochěng, ’’to make into”; zhǎngchěng, ’’to grow into.

Wo ba tāde chenshān gaichěng    I took his shirt and altered it

yijian xiǎohaizide yīfu le.    into an article of clothing for

a child.

Qīng ni bǎ zhěipiān wěnzhāng    Please translate this article into

fānyichěng Riwěn.    Japanese.

Zhěige haizi yǐjīng zhǎngchěng This child has already grown into daren le.    an adult.

11.    you yong    to be useful

12.    hēiyě    (darkness of) night, nighttime

13.    xīn    heart; mind Notes on Nos. 12 and 13

heive: This is mostly used in sentences where baitiān, "(light of) day, daytime, is contrasted with its opposite (see the first exchange of the review dialogue for this unit). The normal word for ”nighttime” is vanshang.

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xin: The abstract concept "heart,or, in many contexts, flmindff:

Tā(de) xīn hǎo.    He has a good heart (i.e. , he is


Tā zuole zhěijian shi, xīnli    He felt very bad after he did

hěn nanguo.    that.

Tā xievanle zhěipiān xiǎoshuo, He vas very happy after he finished xīnli hěn gāoxing.    writing this short story.

Tā xīnli xiǎngde he tā zuode    He acts differently than he

bu yiyang.    thinks•

(For the organ ’’heart/1 use xinzang, literally, ffheart-organ.ff)

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Unit 3, Review    Dialogue

On the flight from Washington to Hong Kong (via New York and Anchorage),

Lǐ Ping (B) and Tom (A) are chatting.

A: Zai feijishang zuole zhěme yi-    How do you feel after "being on a

tiān, gǎnjuě zěnmeyang?    plane all day like this?

B: Zhēn bu shūfu, měici zuo fei-    I don’t feel well at all. Every

ji d5u xiang shēng ting yiyang.    time 工 take a plane it’s like getting

Tetiie shi zai feijishang huanle    ill. Especially with the time change

shijiān, "baitian "bianchengle    on the plane, daylight turning into

heiyě, hēiyě "bianchengle "bai-    night and night turning back into

tian, tai nānshou le!    daylight, how uncomforta'ble!

A: Dui le, bu shūfude shihou    Right; You should have some ice

yinggāi he dianr "bingshuir. Wo    water when you don’t feel well. I’ll

qu gěi ni nong diǎnr "bingshuir    go get you some ice water, okay? lai, hao "bu hǎo?

B: Hao shi hao,* kěshi wo shizai    Well, okay, "but 工 really couldn’t

hetiuxiaqu le. . . . Suan le "ba,    drink any. . . . Forget it, let’s

women liaoliao tiānr, yěxǔ hui    just chat and maybe it’ll get a

hao yidianr.    little "better.

A: Zai guo jǐge zhSngtou nǐ jiu    Just another few hours and you111

dao jiā le, xiang jiā ma?    be home. Are you homesick?

B: Xiang. Zai Měiguo liǎngnian    Yes. The whole two years 工 was in

le, yitiān mang dao wan, měiyou    America, I vas "busy all day long and

xiǎngguo jiā, kěshi xianzai    never got homesick, "but now here I

xiǎngqi jiā lai le. Nǐ shuo qi-    am feeling homesick. Don’t you think

guai "bu qiguai?    that1 s strange?

A: Na měiyou shenme qiguai. Hen    There’s nothing strange about that.

ma, zong yao you dianr jiātlng    People are people! They have to

guannian. Tetiě shi Zhōngguo    have a sense of attachment to their

rěn; ZhSngguo rěn shi jiǎng    family. Especially Chinese people;

xiaoshunde.    the Chinese put a lot of importance

on filial obedience.

B: Wo juěde zuo fumǔ shi hěn "bu    工 think that it’s very difficult

rongyide^ haizi yinggāi xiaoshun    to "be parents, so children ought to

fumǔ.    "be filial toward their parents.

A: Zheige xiangfa shi nǐ fumǔ    Did your parents teach you that

jiāo nide ma?    way of thinking?

B: Bu shi, shi shehui jiāo wode.    No, society taught it to me. My

•hǎo shi hǎo, kěshi.*. means literally,    nas for "being all right, it is all

right,"but…” This means ”It i£ okay, "but…” or in more idiomatic English,

”Well, okay, "but."”

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Wo mǔqin conglāi bu he vo tan    mother never talks to me about filial

xiaoshun.    obedience.

A: Zhende?    Really?

B: Zhēnde. Wo diyici zhuan qian-    Really. The first time I made

de shihou, cai shiwǔsui. Hui    money I was only fifteen. When I

dao jiāli, jiu bǎ kǒudaili suǒ-    got home, I gave all the money I had

youde qian d5u gěi wo mǔqin le,    in my pocket to my mother, and I

hai shu5 vo yǐhou yao xiaoshun    said that in the future I must be

mama.    filial toward her.

A: Nǐ mama zěnme shu5?    What did she say?

B: Tā ku le. Tā shu5 vǒ něng    She cried. She said that if I

dull, něng zai shehui shang zuo    could be independent and be a useful

ge you yongde rěn jiu shi zui    person in society that would be the

hǎode xiaoshun. Wo gěi tāde    best way to show filial obedience,

qian, tā d5u gěi wo maicheng shǔ.    She used all the money I gave her to

Yǐhou, vo jiu gěng yonggong le.    buy books for me. After that, I

vorked even harder•

A: Zhēn shi yivěi hǎo mama.    She's really a good mother.

B: Shi. . . . Wo xiě xin gěi tā,    Yes, she is, • . . She was very

gaosu ta vǒ yao he yivěi Měi guo    happy when I vrote her telling her

pěngyou yiqǐ hullai guo shǔjia,    that I was going to come back with

tā hěn gaoxing. Tā hěn huanying    an American friend for the summer

ni lai.    vacation. She's very glad to have

you at (velcomes you to) our house.

C: Duibuqi, liǎngwěi xiānsěn,    Excuse me, vhat would you tvo gen-

nimen yao he dian sěnme?*    tlemen like to drink?

B: Wo bu da shūfu, bu yao shenme.    not feeling too well, I don*t

vant anything.

C: Ou, bū da sūfu, yibei zě cā,    Oh, you don't feel veil? Hov about

hao bu hǎo?    a cup of hot tea?

B: Haode, xiěxie ni.    All right, thank you.

A: Wo lai yiping pijiǔ. Nimen    I1d like a beer. Do you have Heine-

yǒu měiyou Heineken?    ken?

C: You.    Yes.

A: Xiěxie.    Thank you.

C: Bu kěqi. Zěivěi xiansen, nǐ    You1 re velcome. Sir, if you want

hai yao sěnme, qǐng gaosu vǒ.    anything else, please let me knov.

*We have altered the spelling to shov    the stewardess*s non-standard pronunciation.

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B: Hǎode, xiěxie ni.    All right. Thank you.

A: Women shuo dao nar le? Dui le,    Nov, where were we? Oh yes: Is

nimen jiāli chūle ni fumǔ he zumǔ    there anyone else in your family "be-

yīvai hai you shenme rěn ma?    sides your parents and your grand-


B: Nǐ wangle, vo hai you yige    Youfve forgotten that I also have a

meimei, zai yinhang zuo shide.    younger sister vho vorks in a bank.

A: Ou, dui le, ni gēn vo shuoguo,    Oh, of course. You told me "before,

vo zěnme vangle ne!    Hov could I have forgotten!

B: Shu5dao vo iněimei, jiū xiǎngdao    Mentioning my sister reminds me of

wo mǔqin. Nǐ zhīdao zai Zh5ng-    my mother again. You know, in China

guo, zhong nan qīng nude guannian    people still have the concept that

haishi youde- Kěshi vo meimei    men are superior to women. But after

shi likāi daxuě yǐhou you zai    my sister graduated from college, she

Yīngguo nianle liǎngnian shū cai    studied for tvo more years in England

zuo shide. Zhěi yě yao ganxie*    before she started working. That vas

wo muqin.    also thanks to my mother.

A: Nǐ meimei xianzai zhi zuo shi,    Does your sister just vork nov, or

haishi yě nian diǎnr shū?    does she also take some classes?

B: Ta zhl zuo shi. Buguo tā hěn    She’s Just vorking,"but she studies

rěxīn yanjiu dalude qingxings    the mainland situation very enthu-

chang kan hěn du5 guānyu dalude    siastically. She reads a lot of "books

shū. Tā chang shuo, TtWo shi    about the mainland. She often says,

ZhSngguo rěn, dalushang you shi-    "I’m Chinese, and there are one

yi Zhōngguo rěn, wo zěnme kěyi    billion Chinese on the mainland. How

bu zhidao tāmende shēnghuo, g5ng-    can I "be ignorant of the vay they

zuo, he xuěxide qingkuang ne?    live, vork, and study?”

A: Tāde hua hěn you daolǐ.    What she says is quite right.

B: Tā you hěn du5 dalu laide    She has a lot of friends from the

pěngyou; nǐ he tā tantan, yě    mainland; you’ll find it very inter-

hui juěde hěn you yisi.    esting to talk vith her.

A: Tā dui dalude qingxing zěnme    Does your mother have anything to

rěxīn, ni mǔqin you shenme kanfa    say about her enthusiastic interest

ma?    in the situation on the mainland?

B: Ta chang shuo: T,Haizi zhǎng-    She often says, "When children grov

dale, tāmen yao zou shenme lu    up, they should decide for themselves

yinggāi zijǐ kǎolu.Tt    vhat road they vant to take.”

A: Zhēn hǎo, shizai shi tai hao    That1 s great! That1 s really

le.    vonderful.

*ganxie, ”to be grateful/thankful to”

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B: Deng dao nǐ jiajidao tade shihou,    When you meet her Ifm sure you111

nǐ yiding hui xǐhuan ta, yě hui    like her, and our home, too, xihuan vomen jiade.

A: Yiding!    Ifm sure I vill, too!

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Unit 3, Tape 2 Workbook

Exercise 1

This exercise is a review of the Reference List sentences in this unit. The speaker vill say a sentence in English, followed by a pause for you to translate it into Chinese. Then a second speaker vill confirm your answer.

All sentences from the Reference List vill occur only once. You may want to rewind the tape and practice this exercise several times.

Exercise 2

This exercise is a conversation betveen a Chinese student and an American student in their dormitory room somewhere in the the U.S.

The conversation occurs only once. After listening to it completely, you111 probably vant to revlnd the tape and answer the questions belov as you listen a second time.

Here are the nev words you vill need to understand this conversation:

Kekoukělě    Coca Cola

-ban    (counter for a class of students)


nūsheng    coeds, vomen students

zao    a long time ago

diao yǎnlěi    to cry (lit. , ’’fall tears")

Questions for Exercise 2

Prepare your answers to these questions in Chinese so that you vill be able to give them orally in class.

1.    What is the Chinese student1s girlfriend studying? Why is he worried about her?

2.    What vas the traditional Chinese attitude tovard educating vomen?

3.    How did the Chinese student first meet his girlfriend?

U. Why do you suppose she vould let herself cry in the library?

What vas her boyfriend’s reaction?

5. Hov vas she able to come to college?

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After you have answered these questions yourself, you may want to take a look at the translation for this conversation. You may also want to listen to the dialogue again to help you practice saying your answers.

Note: The translations used in these dialogues are meant to indicate the English functional equivalents for the Chinese sentences rather than the literal meaning of the Chinese-

Exercise 3

In this conversation a mother and son in Běijīng talk after a day of work.

Listen to the conversation once straight through. Then, on the second time through, look "below and answer the questions.

Here are the new words you will need to understand this conversation:

kělian    to "be pitiful

sǐ    to die

*bū fangxīn    to worry

rizi    days

jingshen    energy, spirits

Questions for Exercise 3

Prepare your answers to these questions in Chinese so that you vill *be a*ble to give them orally in class.

1.    What is Wang Li1s problem?

2.    How does the son propose to help her?

3.    What problem does the mother see with this proposal? What does the son volunteer to do?

U. What is the mother1s reaction to her son1s suggestion?

5. What two other things vould lift Wang Lifs spirits?

After you have prepared your answers, you may want to look at the translation for the conversation. You may also want to listen to the conversation again to help you pronounce your answers correctly.

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Exercise ^

In this conversation, a husband and wife talk in their home in Běijīng.

Listen to the conversation straight through once. Then rewind the tape and listen again. On the second time through, answer the questions.

You will need the following new words:

迈nghai    (a province in Western China)

bingrěn    sick person, patient

fanzhěng    anyway, in any case

chěngli rěn yě hao,    whether it!s city people or country

xiāngxia rěn yě hao    people

yīyuan    hospital

Questions for Exercise h

Prepare your answers to these questions in Chinese so that you can give them orally in class-

1.    Why was Xiuyun late coming home?

2.    Why did she get medicine for her husband? For what reason does she insist he teLke the medicine?

3.    What did they see in Qinghai ten years ago? h. What are their professions?

5. What kind of situation does the husband hope China will never have again?

After you have answered these questions yourself, you may want to teLke a look at the translation for this conversation- You may also want to listen to the conversation again to help you pronounce your answers correctly.

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10 了

Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 2

Conversation "between an American student and a Chinese student in

their college dormitory in America.

A: Nǐ zěnme yige rěn zai zhěli?    Hov come you1re all alone here?

Nǐde nupěngyou ne?    Where1s your girlfriend?

B: Zai tushūguan nian tāde    She’s in the library studying her

jīngjixuě.    economics.

A: Tā zhēn yonggSng! Zhěme hǎode    She really vorks hard! The veather

tianqi, hāi zai pīnming nian shū!    is so nice, and she1s still knocking

herself out studying.

B: Shi a! Gāngcai, wo qu gěi    Thatf s right! Just nov, I vent to

ta songle yidiǎn Kekoukěle, vǒ    take her a Coke, and I told her she

gēn ta shu5, zhěiyang nianxiaqu    vas going to get sick if she kept on

shi yao shēng "bingde, kěshi tā bīi    studying like this, but she vouldnft

ting, haishi zai nar nian.    listen. She just vent on studying.


A: Vǒ xiǎng nǐde nupěngyou you    I think your girlfriend is a little

diǎnr tebiě, women banlide jǐge    unusual. Several of the women students

nūsheng zao jiu pǎo dao hǎi-    in our class took off for the "beach a

biānr qu vanr le.    long time ago.

B: Zhě he tāde jiāting you guānxi.    It has to do with her family.

A: Zěnme ne?    What do you mean?

B: Tāde fumǔ you zhong nan qīng    Her parents have the old idea of

nude lǎo guannian. Tāmen xiǎng    regarding men as superior to vomen.

ěrzi shi zijǐde, nuěr zhǎngdale    They think that a son is theirs, "but

zong yao jiēhunde, jiele hūn jiu    a daughter gets married sooner or

shi "biěrěn jiāde rěn le, nian    later vhen she grovs up, and after

shū you shenme yong?    she1 s married she "belongs to another

family, so vhat use is it for her to get an education?

A: Vǒ conglai měiyou xiǎngdao,    I never imagined that there vere

xianzai hai you zhěiyangde jiā-    still families and parents like

ting, zhěiyangde fumǔ.    that these days -

B: Zhe měiyou shenme qiguai, "bǎ    There1 s nothing so strange about

lǎo guannian "bianchěng xīn    that; it’s not an easy thing to

guannian "bu shi yijian rongyide    change one1 s old ideas into nev ideas. shi.

A: Na, nǐde nupěngyou you xiong-    Then, does your girl friend have

di jiěmei ma?    any brothers and sisters?

B: You, jiu you yige gēge.    Yes, just one older "brother.

A: Tā nian shū niande hao "bu hǎo?    Hov does he do in school?

SOC, Unit 3


B: Mamahuhū, wo xiang tā "bu shi    Just so-so, I don't think he's a

yige hěn yonggōngde xueshēng.    very hard worker.

A: Nī renshi ta?    You know him?

B: Renshi. Wo he tāmen shi    Yes. We were classmates in high

zhSngxuě tongxuě, tā gěge zhīdao    school• Her "brother knew that after

tā nianwanle zhōngxuě jiu kěyi    he finished high school he could go

shang daxuě, kěshi tā fumǔ "bu    to college, "but her parents wouldnft

rang meimei nian daxuě. Wo    let her go. I used to see her alone

kandao tā changchang yige ren    in the library, crying, and 工 asked

z各i tushǔguǎn diao yǎnlei, jiu    her why. Gradually, I found out

wen ta weishenme, manmande, wo    about her situation, jiu zhīdao tāde qingxing le.

A: 0, shi zhěiyang! Na tā shi    Oh, so thatf s the story! So then,

zěnme lai daxuě nian shūde ne?    how was it that she came to college?

B: Wo fumǔ "bāngzhu ta. Qunian,    My parents helped her out. Also,

ta zijǐ yě zhuanle diǎn qian.    last year she earned some money on

Wo mǔqin shu5 zheige haizi    her own. My mother said she wanted

zenme xiǎng nian shu, women    so "badly to study, that we should

du5 "bāngzhu ta yidianr, rang    help her out and let her do it prop-

ta hǎohao nian shǔ "ba! Zhěi-    erly! This way she can just study

yang tā jiu "bū zuo shi, zhǐ nian    without having to work, shū le.

A: Shi zhěiyang! Women qu    Oh, is that so! Letf s go see her,

kankan ta, rang ta xiūxi-    and make her take a "break, xiuxi.

B: Hǎo, zou!    Good, letfs go!

Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 3

In Běijīng, a mother and son talk after a day of work.

A: Mā, nin dao nǎr qu le?    Where have you "been, Mom?

B: Zai Lǎo Wang jia zuole yihuǐr.    I was over at Lǎo Wangfs for a


A: Wang Lide qingkuang hǎo    Is Wang Lifs situation "better now? yidianr ma?

B: Hǎo yidianr, "bu kū le, kěshi    Somewhat "better. She isn’t crying

haishi yitiān dao wan měiyou    anymore, "but she still doesnft say a

yiju hua,    thing all day long.

A: Zhēn rang rěn nānshou.    It really makes one feel "bad.

B: Kě "bu shi ma, shizai shi    Doesn’t it,though? Itfs really

kSlian, Wang Li fuqin sile cai    pitiful: first Wang Lifs father

SOC, Unit 3


bannian mǔqin you sǐ le. Bai-    dies, and then less than half a year

tian hǎo yidianr, dajia kěyi    later her mother dies, too. During

qu pěipei ta. Wǎnshang, nu-    the daytime it1s not so bad, every-

hāizi yige rěn zai jiāli, zhēn    body goes and keeps her company. But

rang rěn bu fan^xin.    in the evening the girl is alone at

home. It really makes one worry.

A: Mā, wo xiǎngdao yige hǎo    Mom, īfve thought of a good way

banfa, rang Wang Li ban dao    (to solve the problem). Have Wang

zanmen jiā lai ba! Nin gen    Li move to our house! If you can

ta liaoliao tiānr, yěxǔ hui    chat vith her, maybe that vill help, hao yidianr.

B: Mm, zhěige banfa hǎo shi hǎo,    That is_ a good idea, but our place

kěshi zanmen jiā jiu zhe    only has these two small rooms.

liǎngjiān xiǎo wūzi, vǒ bǎ nǐ    Where vould I put you? fang zai nǎr ne?

A: Wo xiǎng Wang Li bānlai yǐhou    I think 工 could go live at the

vo kěyi zai Wang jiā zhu jǐtiān,    Wang1 s house. When Wang Lifs

děng Wang Lide qingkuang hǎo yi-    condition is a little better, I111

diǎnr, vǒ zai bānhuilai ma!    move back here 1

B: Hǎo haizi, nǐ zheme rěxīn    Good boy. It1 s good that

bāngzhu biěrěn, hěn hǎo. • • •    you1 re so eager to help others. , • •

Wang Li hěn xiaoshun, zheixiē    Wang Li is very filial, and she111

rizi,tā hui changchang xiǎng    miss her parents a lot during this

tāde fumu, duo he tā tantan,    time. If ve talk vith her a lot,

manmānrde, tā hui hǎo yidianr.    gradually, she111 get better.

A: Wo zai qu zhǎozhao tā cong-    I111 go call on some of her former

qiande tongxuě, rang tamen dou    classmates and have them come talk

lai he ta tantan, pěi ta chūqu    vith her and go out for walks with

zǒuzou.    her.

B: Dui le, děngdao tā shang    Right. When she starts vork, every-

ban le,jiu hǎo le. Rěn mangde    thing vill be all right. When a per-

shihou .līngshěn hui hǎo yixiē.    son is busy, their spirits improve.

A: Dui. Na zanmen xianzai jiu    Right. Well, let’s go get her

qu jiē ta ba!    right nov!

B: Děngyiděng, bǎ wūzi sh5ushi-    Wait. Let1s straighten up the room

hǎo zai qu.    before ve go.

A: Wo gēn nin yikuair shōushi.    I111 straighten it up vith you.

SOC, Unit 3


Dialogue and Translation for Exercise U

A husband and vife talk in Běijīng.

A: Xiuyun, nǐ huilai le. Jīntiān    Hi Xiuyun, you’re back. How come

zěnme zenme wan?    you1re so late tonight?

B: Xiale bānr, wo you qu mǎi    After work I vent to buy some

diǎnr yao.    medicine.

A: Wǒ xiǎng vǒ yǐjīng hǎo le,    I think I’ve already recovered,

hai mǎi shenme yao?    What are you buying medicine for?

B: Nǐ cai yitiān bu fa shāo,jiu    Your fever has only been crone for

shu5 hao le? Kuai yidianr bǎ    one day and you say youTve recovered?

zhěi liǎngzhong yao d5u chī-    Come on and take these two medicines. xiaqu.

A: Wǒ nǎr xuyao zěnme duo yao!    As if I needed all this medicine!

B: Zhěizhong ganmao bu shi    This kind of cold doesn’t get

yitiān liǎngtiān jiu hui hǎode,    better in just a day or two.

nǐ yiding děi bǎ zhěi jǐzhong    You have to take all of these

yao d5u chile.    medicines.

A: Hao hǎo hǎo, wǒ chī.    Okay, okay, I'll take them.

B: Wǒ gěi ni dao bēi rěshuǐ lai,    1*11 get you a cup of hot water,

xianzai jiu chī.    and you take them right now.

A: Ei°, shuSdao chī yao, wǒ jiu    Say, speaking of taking medicine

xiǎngqilai le, nǐ hai jide shi-    reminds me, do you remember what we

niaji qiaji, zanmen zai Qinghai    saw out in the country of Qinghǎi

xiāngxia kanjiande neijian shi    ten years ago? ma?

B: Zenme bū jide, zanmen dou shi    How could I forget. WeTre both

zuo yīshěngde, kanjian bingren    doctors; seeing sick people without

měi yao chī, zhēn nanshou.    medicine to take was really upsetting.

A: Keshi, hai you rěn shuo    But you know what some people say?

zhěizhong qingxing měi guānxi,    They say that this sort of situation

fanzheng ZhSngguo rěn duo, zhēn    doesn’t matter, that there are plenty

shi "bu jiǎng daolǐ!    of Chinese anyway. Hov crazy!

B; Hai! Něige shihou, shenme    (Sigh). Back then, there vere all

qiguaide shir d5u you, "biě    sorts of strange things ; don’t talk

shu5 le.    about it any more.

A: Keyi "bu shuo, kěshi "bū hui    We donft have to tals\    it, "but

vang. ZhSngguo you jǐyi rěn,    we won' t forge* it. :: are sev-

chengli rěn yě hǎo, xiāngxia    eral hundred millior: poor-ie in China.

Ei is an interjection vhich tells that the speaker just thought of something.

SOC, Unit 3


rěn yě hǎo, you bing bu něng    Whether it1 s people in the city or

kan yīsheng, you bing měi    people in the country, we CEinft have

yao chide shi, zai ye "bu něng    any more situations where people are

you le.    sick and yet unable to see a doctor

or get medicine.

B: Nǐ shuōde dui. Hao le, hǎo le,    Youfre right. Okay, your illness

nǐde bing cai hǎo yidianr, nǐ    is only a little better, after you

chile yao zao dianr xiuxi ba.    take your medicine go to bed early.

A: Vo xiān bǎ yao chile, děng    I'll take the medicine nov, but

yihuǐr, vo hai děi chūqu    I have to go out again in a while,

yitang, yiyuanli hai you    I still have a few things 工 have

jǐjian shi děi ban, wo qil kan    to take care of at the hospital,

yixia jiu hui lai.    I’ll be back right after 工 go take

a look there.

B: Zao dianr huilai!    Don’t come back too late.1




A Family History

INTRODUCTION Grammar Topics Covered in This Unit

1.    More on ne, marker of absence of change/lack of completion,

2.    The adverb duo (duo), "how.••!"

3.    More on indefinite pronouns (ffany/noft expressions).

U. Review of you (Noun) phrases.

Functional Language Contained in This Unit

1.    Expressing worries or reservations about doing something.

2.    Reassuring someone that they need not worry.

3.    Asking for clarification of the meaning of what someone just said. U. Commenting on other1s good fortune.

SOC, Unit h


Unit U% Reference List

1.    A: Nǐ zhěme zǎo jiu    Your father got up so early!

qǐlai le!

B: Ta da le, měitian    He,s getting on in years, and

shuide zǎo.    he goes to bed early.

2.    A: Xiǎo Wajigde yeye you he    Xiǎo Wangfs grandfather is

něixie xiǎo pěngyou    talking vith those kids

liao tiānr ne!    again!

B: Tā rěn hěn hǎo,hěn    He * s a very good person, and

xǐhuan haizi.    he likes children a lot.

3.    A: Zhěi liǎngnian nǐ nǎinai    Has your grandmother1 s health been

shēntǐ hao ma?    good the past couple of years?

B: Hai hǎo, you shihou hai    Fairly good; sometimes she

něng qǐlai shSushi    can still get up and straighten

shoushi wūzi.    up the room.

U. A: Zhāng jiade ěrxifu h§n    The Zhang family’s daughter-

you gui.ju,    in-law is a proper young voman•

B: Shi a,Zhāng jia nǎinai    Yes,the Zhang family fs grand-

zhēn you fuq.i.    mother is really blessed with

good fortune•

5.    A: Guoqu, ZhSngguo ren    In the past how difficult it

chū guo nian shu duo    was for Chinese to go abroad

nanJ    to study!

B: Xianzai hao le, zou dao    Now it fs better, no matter where

nar yě měi rěn kanbuq.1    they go,no one looks dovn on

le.    them anymore.

6.    A: Rěn.1ia dou juěde Xiǎo Wang    Everyone feels Xiǎo Wang is a very

shi ge hěn you lǐmaode    well-mannered child• haizi.

SOC, Unit h


了. A: Zhei yxjiā ren dou nianguo    This whole family has had

bīi shǎo shū.    quite a good education.

B: Tingshu5 tāmende sūnzi    I understand that their grandsons

sūnnu xianzai dou    and granddaughters are (all)

nian Si Shū ne!    studying the Four Books now!

8.    A: Tāmen Jiā guoqǐi shi you    Their family used to be rich.

qian rěn, you bu shǎo    They had quite a lot of

caichǎn.    property.

B: Nǐ shu5de cāichǎn shi    The property you're talking

tǔdi ba?    about is land, isn't it?

9.    A: Nǐ zhīixialai ba, yě kěyi    Stay (live) here and you can help

gěi women bang dianr    us a bit. mang.

B: Wo baitiān you kě, zhǐ hao    I have classes during the day;

wǎnshang zuo dianr shi.    I can only work at night.

10.    A: Wǒ mǔqin zong dānxin wǒ gege    My mother is always worried

zai waibianr chī kǔ.    that my older brother is having

a rough time away from home.

B: Tāmen jǐge xiǎo pěngyou    His bunch of friends help

huxiāng bang mang, bū    each other out. They don't

hui chī kǔde.    have such a rough time.

SOC, Unit b


baba    father, dad, papa

bang mang    to help; help

bu shǎo    to be quite a lot, to be much,

to be many

caichǎn    property

chi kǔ    to suffer, to undergo hardship

dānxīn    to be worried, to be uneasy

duo (duō)    how...!

ěrxifu(r) (ěrxifer)    daughter-in-law

fuqi    blessings, good fortune

guīju    rules of proper behavior, social

etiquette, manners; rule (of a community or organization), established practice, custom guoqu    the past

hai    fairly, passably

huxiāng    mutually

-jiā    (counter for families)

kanbuqǐ    to look down on, to scorn, to despise

lǐmao    manners, politeness

nǎinai    grandmother (on fatherfs side)

niānji    age

qǐlai    to get up (in several senses)

rěn    person; body; self

rěnjia    people; they; he, she;工

shēntǐ    body; health

shōushi    to straighten up; to get one’s

things ready

Si Shū    the Four Books (Daxuě, Zh5ngy5ng, Lunyǔ,


sūnnii    granddaughter (through onefs son)

sūnzi    grandson (through onefs son)

tǔdi    land

xiǎo pěngyou    little friend; kids


SOC, Unit h

yěye    grandfather (on the father1s side)

you    also

you guiju    to have manners,to be proper

you lǐmao    to "be well mannered, to "be polite

you qian    to be rich

zhǐ hao    can only, to have to,to be forced to

zhuxialai    to move and stay (in a place),to

settle down


SOC, Unit h

11 了

Unit h, Reference Notes

1. A: Nǐ baba zhěme zǎo jiu    Your father got up so early, qǐlai le.

B: Tā da le, měitiān    He *s getting on in years, and

shuide zǎo.    he goes to bed early.

Notes on No. 1

zheme zǎo jiu qǐlai le: The adverb jit is used to stress the earliness (zheme zǎo) of father1 s getting up. On this use of    review Unit 2,Notes

on No. 9. Here are more examples:

Tā wǔdiǎn zhSng jiu qīlai le.    He got up at five (that early).

Wǒ mǎshang iiu lai.    工*11 be there in a minute.

Bu jiu, tā Jiu likāi le.    Shortly afterwards, he left.

qǐlai: "to get up,n from a bed or just    from a sitting position. In

an abstract sense it means "to arise,” e.g.,    "to arise and revolt" Cqǐlai £emin£] •

Nǐ tiāntiān shenme shihou qǐlai? When do you get up every day?

Ta nian.ji da le: Literally,”As for him, the age is now big.rf Le^ is used here to indicate change of state, as it often is in sentences telling a person’s age (Ta sanshi sui le).

You should learn the folloving typical examples of hov to use niānji:

Tā (you) duo da niānji le?    How old is he? (USED ONLY OF ADULTS)

Tā niānji da le.    He*s advanced in years.

Tā nianji bu xiǎo le.    She?s not young any more.

Use Nin duo da nian.ji le? to ask an adult1 s age. To ask a child1 s age,though, say Nǐ duo da le? or Nǐ you duo da? or Nǐ tjǐsui (le)?

The Chinese are not secretive about their age the way many Westerners are. It is not considered impolite to ask someonefs age, even women and old people. As in the West, old people are often proud of their age and glad to let you know it.

Měitian shuide zǎo: Literally, ’’every day goes to bed early." Měitian is needed in Chinese to express the idea of "habitual" which in English is conveyed simply "by the present tense of "goes.M Without měitiān, the Chinese sentence might refer to one particular instance only. For example, it might mean that grandfather vent to bed early the night before.

SOC, Unit h


shui,which you may know from the Welfare module,means "to sleep,11 tut also "to go to ted, to retire." It is like many verbs in Chinese which can indicate either the continuing performance of an action (sleeping) or the start of an action (trying to sleep, i.e. 5 going to bed). In the folloving examples, the pair of translations show the am'biguity. In real conversation, of course, the ambiguity rarely causes problems "because the listener interprets one way or the other according to the context:

{Has he gone to "bed?

Did he sleep (and then get up)?

{Has it started to rain?

Did it rain (and then stop)?

fHas the tell gone off?

Dianling xiangle* ma?    <

I Did the tell ring (and then stop)?

To remove this am'biguity, you can use more specific phrasing. For example s the aspect marker ne_ specifies absence of change, lack of completion,and so rules out the second translation for each of the atove three sentences:

Ta shui ne,"He is sleeping,” Xia yǔ ne, ”Itfs raining,” Dianling xiǎng ne, "The "bell is ringing." To "be even more specific you could use -zhe,the marker of duration (usually used in combination with ne): Tā shui zhe ne, Xiazhe yǔ ne,Dianling xiǎngzhe ne. Or you could use the marker zai for ongoing action: Ta zai shui, ’’He is (in the midst of) sleeping,’’ etc. To "be the most specific of all, you can use zai,-zhe,and ne_ all in the same sentence: Ta zai shuizhe ne, etc.

Shui can also "be used to mean "to lie down,” regardless of whether the person sleeps or not. (The meaning "lie down1’ for shui is only accepted some speakers; others always use the verti tǎng, "to lie down," which you learned in the Welfare module.)

Ta shui zai dishang kan dianshi. He lies on the floor and watches


Nǐ kan tā shui dao zhuozishang Look at him lying on the tatle! lai le;

shuide zao is another example of a manner expression following a ver"b plus -de,a structure which was introduced tack in the Transport at ion module (Nǐ kāide tai kuai le, "You are driving too fast”). Shuide van means either "to go to "bed late’1 or "to sleep late,

°xiǎng: ,’to sound, to make a sound”

SOC, Unit h


2. A: Xiǎo Wangde yěye you he    Xiǎo Wangfs grandfather is

neixie xiǎo pěngyou    talking with those kids

liāo tiānr ne!    again!

B: Tā rěn hěn hǎo, hěn    Hefs a very good person, and

xǐhuan haizi.    he likes children a lot.

Notes on No. 2

yěye: ’’grandfather,’’ only for the father fs father. Back in the Biographic Information module you learned zǔfu for ”paternal grandfather.n Yěye is the same person, but is the word you would use when addressing him directly or vhen talking about him informally. See the diagram under nǎinai below (Notes on No. 3). [One's mother's father is lǎoyě or vaigong.3

Xiǎo pěngyou, ’’little friends," is a warm term for young children. It may be used either to address children directly or to talk about them in the third person. The host of a children's television show, for example, would address the young viewers as xiǎo pěngyou(men)• You may someday need to use this word to address a young child whom you don't know, for example, one that you meet on the street. And, of course, xiǎo pěngyou is also used in its literal sense to refer to the "young friends’’ of a child.

Xiǎo pěngyou! Tiān hēi le, kuai Little boy/girl, it1s getting dark hui jiā qu ba.f    out. You1 d better go back home.

Neixiē xiǎo pěngyou dou zai    Those kids are playing outdoors•

waitou vanr ne.

liao tianr ne: Ne, which you first learned in the sentence Hai měi ne, is the marker which emphasizes ABSENCE OF CHANGE or LACK OF COMPLETION• (it is, in a way, the opposite of le, which marks CHANGED SITUATION or COMPLETION -) In what specific situations can or should you use ne? We can note two kinds of meaning for sentences in which absence-of-change ne^ often appears:

(1)    Continued State, e.g.,

Hai you ne.    There is still some more.

Hai měiyou ne.    Not yet.

(2)    Ongoing Action, e.g.,

Tā chī fan ne.    He1s eating.

Nǎinai zuo fan ne.    Grandma is cooking.

Remember also that ne^ is often used in sentences which contain -zhe, the marker of DURATION (something like continued state),or zai,the marker of ONGOING ACTION.

Tā shui jiao ne. (NO CHANGE)    1

Tā shuizhe ne. (DURATION + NO CHANGE) / He is sleeping.

Tā zai shui ne. (ONGOING + NO CHANGE) J

SOC, Unit 1+


There is a famous nursery rhyme which contains two ongoing-action sentences that end in atsence-of-change ne_. In one of its many versions, the rhyme goes like this (just read and enjoy; ignore the words you don't know):

Xiǎo haozir    A little mouse

Shang dengtair    Went up the lampstand

T5u you he    To steal oil to drink

Xiatulai    But he couldn’t get down

Jiao Yěye    He called Grandpa

Yěye za suan ne_ ^(ONGOING ACTION) But Grandpa was crushing garlic

Jiao Nǎinai ,He called Grandma

Nǎinai zhǔ fan ne    But Grandma was cooking

Jiao Niūer    He called Granddaughter

Bao mao lai    Who "brought the cat

Zēr! Za! Děi zhao le!    Squeak! Scratch! Got him!

rěn: Besides the meaning of "man, person,11 rěn can also "be used to refer more specifically to someonefs (1) character, (2) mental state of "being, or (3) physical self.

(1)    character

Tā rěn hěn rěxīn, changchang    He is a very warmhearted person,

"bāngzhu "biěrěn.    He often helps others -

Tā rěn zuo shi hǎo you xiǎoxīn. He does things well and carefully.

Tā rěn zhēn "bu cuo.    He is a very nice person.

(2)    mental state

Tā heduo le, rěn ySu diǎnr "bu    He had too much to drink and is tai qīngchu. a little foggy.

(3)    physical self

Nǐ rěn hǎo diǎnr le ma?    Are you better today? (i.e., your


A: Cao Yǔshěng "bū shi shu5 wǔ-    Didnft Cāo Yǔshēng say there would

diǎn zhong kai hui ma?    "be a meeting at five of clock?

B: Shi a!    Thatfs right!

A: Tā rěn ne?    So where is he?

Tā gāngcai hai zai zhěr, zěnme    He was just here a minute ago, how

yihuǐr rěn bu jian le?    could he have disappeared so fast?

Ren lǎo xin bu lǎo.    (saying) The person is old, "but

his heart is not old, (lfyoung at heart”)

SOC, Unit b



shēntǐ: "body" OR "health’ Tāde shēntǐ zhēn bang.°

He is in great shape.

■bang, nto be great/fantastic/terrific1


Ren yi zǒu, cha jiu liang.    (saying) As soon as the person has

left, the tea gets cold. (describes someone who forgets a friendship no sooner than he has left—often used to describe Americans)

3. A: Zhěi liǎngniān nǐ nǎinai    Has your grandmother1s health been

shēntǐ hǎo ma?    good the past couple of years?

B: Hai hǎo, you shihou hāi    Fairly good; sometimes she

něng qǐlai shōushi    can still get up and straighten

shoushi vuzi.    up the room.

Notes on No. 3

zhei liǎngnian: "the last couple of years" Zhěi before an amount of time often means "the last" or ’’the past." Liǎng does not necessarily mean exactly "two" but can mean "a couplean indefinite small number.

Guo liǎngtiān women jiu qu.    We are going there in a couple of


nǎinai: "paternal grandmother" For "grandma and grandpa," the Chinese order is almost always yěye nǎinai. [A maternal grandmother is called lǎolao or waipo.U Here is a tree showing what to call grandparents in Chinese. The top two rows are conversational terms used either to address grandparents directly or refer to them. The third row shows the more formal words which you learned in BIO; these are not used in addressing onefs grandparents directly. (The labels "Northern" and "Southern," are generalizations; many more terms exist, but these are widely encountered.)

SOC, Unit h


Biě zongshi pīnming nian shū,    Donft always be knocking yourself

děi du5 zhuyi shēntǐ.    out studying; you should look after

your health more.

hai hǎo: ’’fairly good” You first learned the adverb hai as meaning ”still•” When used "before a state ver"b, hāi can also mean that the quality expressed *by that verb may still *be said to apply, although just "barely.

Often it may *be translated as airly, passably”:

Zheige dianyǐng hai *bu cuo,    The movie was fairly good. Although

suīran chang yidiǎn, kěshi    it was a little long, it was

dui wode ZhSngvěn you bāngzhu.    good for my Chinese.

Sometimes, however, you will need to find other translations:

Neige fanguǎnr hai kěyi, you jǐge That restaurant isn’t too "bad. They cai nǐ kěyi shishi.    have a few dishes you might try.

A: Nǐ zuijin zěnmeyang?    How have you been lately?

B: Hai mamahūhū, jiu shi mang    Enh,all right,just a little *busy. yidianr.

A: ZhSngguo you yiqiānniānde    China has one thousand years of

lishǐ.•.    history..•

B: A, nǐ shuo shenme? Yiqiān-    What? How1s that? One thousand

nian?!    years?!

A: ōu, "bū shi, sanqiānnian.    Oh, I mean three thousand years.

B: Na hai cha*budu5.    That1 s more like it.

shSushi : ’’to straighten up’’

Nǐ yinggāi *ba nǐde wuzi shSushi You ought to straighten up your room, shoushi le.    (Le indicates f,It1 s gotten to that

point •ff)

Wǒ xiānsheng zongshi shuo wǒ wuzi My husband always says I donft keep shSushide *bu ganjing.    my room neat.

Zhěijian shi yi kāishǐ jiu zuode This thing was handled poorly right bu hǎo, xianzai měi banfa sh5u- from the start. Now there 1 s no shi le.    way it can be remedied.

ShSushi xingli means f’to pack one’s baggage,

h. A: Zhāng jiāde ěrxifu hěn    The Zhāng familyfs daughter-

you guī^u.    in-law is a proper young voman.

B: Shi a, Zhāng jiā nǎinai    Yes, the Zhāng familyfs grand-

zhen you fuqi •    mother is really blessed with

good fortune.

SOC, Unit u


Notes on No. ^

Zhang t]iā: ”the Zhāng family" In Běijīng pronunciation, the jiā is unstressed and often neutral tone, like a suffix: Zhāngjia.

ěrxifu: !tdaughter-in-law!! In Běijīng, this word is often pronounced ěrxifur or ěrxifer (note the vowel change).

guiju: A definite standard, regulation, or custom which forms part of the conduct of a group of people (e.g., a community, a company, a gang, etc.)

Zhao Zhōngguode lǎo guīju, qing It is an old Chinese custom that kěde shihou kěren yinggāi xiān when you have guests, the guests kāishi chī.    should start eating first.

Zai qu neige guojiā yiqiān, zui Before going to that country it would hao wo něng zhīdao yixiē nerde best if I could find out about some guiju.    of their customs.

Jǔnrěn you hěn du5 těbiěde guiju. Military people have a lot of special


Zhe shi womende guīju.    That’s the way we do things here.

Zhěme duo guīju!    All this formality!

You guīju, as you see in exchange 紅,means ”to have manners, to be proper (in "benavior).n Mei guīju is ”to be "badly behaved,” said, for example, of a child. (Bu    may be used to imply unfaithfulness of a wife.)

Zhāng Taitai jiāo haizi jiāode    Mrs. Zhāng teaches her children well,

hao, tāde haizi d5u hěn you    they are all very well-behaved, guīju.

Xiao Sānr! Biě zhěiyangr, Ke-    Cut it out, Xiao Sānr, What will the

ren kanjian nǐ zenme měi    guests think when they see you mis-

guīju, zenme hǎo yisi?    "behaving so?

fūgi: This is a traditional Chinese concept: the destiny to enjoy happiness in life. It is different from the Western idea of luck Cwhich is closer to Chinese yunq.iH • Luck refers to chance occurrences like winning a lottery, while fuqi refers to one's whole life situation. Some people have more fūqi and some less. In practice, fuqi is measured "by a personTs wealth, prestige, and especially his or her family situation. In traditional China, for a man to have a lot of sons was reason to say he had fuqi. In exchange 厶,the grandmother is said to have fuqi because her daughter-in-law is a very proper or well-behaved woman.

Tā zhēn you fūqi, "budan you yige He is really blessed with good for-hǎo jiāting, you you yige hǎo    tune. Not only does he have a nice

gōngzuo.    family, but a good job, too.

SOC, Unit h


Nǐ fuqi zhēn hao, da ěrzi ji    You are really blessed with good for-

qian, xiao nuěr song huār!    tune. Your oldest son sent you

money and your little girl gave you flowers!

PauRhters-in-lav: The relationship betveen the husbandfs wife and his mother is different in traditional China from in the Vest. A wife, after all, is considered to become a member of her husband1 s family, so she is supposed to regard her mother-in-law as her new mother, and show her the same filial obedience. The husbandfs mother, for her part, tries to find for her son a young woman who will obey and get along with her, who will vork hard for the family and around the house.

5- A: Guoqu, Zhongguo rěn    In the past how difficult it

chū guo nian shū duo    was for Chinese to go abroad

nan-1    to study!

B: Xianzai hǎo le, zou dao    Now itfs better, no matter vhere

nǎr yě měi rěn kanbuqǐ    they go, no one looks down on

le.    them anymore.

Notes on No. ^

guoqu: ffthe pastff Distinguish this noun from the verb ”to pass 广 which in Běijīng has a neutral-tone gu: guoqu. Since it is a time word, the noun guoqu may go either before the subject or between the subject and verb. Most commonly it is placed at the very beginning of the sentence, before the subject:

Guoqu, tā zai Xiānggangde shihou, In the past, when he was in Hong tā jiāo shū.    Kong, he taught school-

Guoqu, tā bāngguo vo hěn duo mang. In the past he has been a great help

to me.

Guoqu may also be used to modify a noun phrase:

Na dou shi guoqude shi le!    Those are all things of the past!

duo nan: nhow difficult•"* Duo, in Běijīng often pronounced duo,is used before a state verb to express a high degree, like ffhovtf in English:

Jīntiān tianqi du5 hao.    How nice the weather is today.

Nǐ bu zhīdao zai zhěr mai dian- You donft know how hard it is to buy yǐng piao you duo nan!    a movie ticket here!

Duo piaoliangde haizi a!    What a beautiful child!

Tā zěnme kěyi zhěme shuo? Duo How can he say such a thing? How rang rěn shengqi!    infuriating!

Nǐ kan tā duo xǐhuan nian shū.    Look at how he loves to study.

SOC, Unit U


zǒu dao nǎr ye měi rěn kan~buqǐ: Nar here is used as an indefinite pronoun, "anywhere, no matter where.11 You learned about indefinite pronouns in the Meeting module, where you had the sentence Mingtiān xiavu shenme shihou dou kěyi. A question word, such as shěi, shenme, něige or nǎr followed by the adverb dou before the verb expresses the idea of any.11 When the verb has bu or mei before it,the pattern expresses the ideas of ”nobody,nothing, neither,nowhere,11 etc •

Shěi dou keyi qu.    Anyone may go.

Shěi d5u bu kěyi qu.    No one may go.

Shenme dou kěyi yong.    You may use anything.

Shenme d5u bu kěyi yong.    You may not use anything.

Něige dou yiyang.    Any of them vould "be the same.

Něige dou bu qīngchu.    None of them is clear.

Nar d5u keyi qu.    You can go anywhere.

Nar d5u měi zhěr hǎo.    No place is as good as here.

When bu or měi is used before the verb, the advert 垣 can "be used in place of dou:

Shěi ye bu kěyi qu.    No one can go.

Shenme yě bu kěyi yong.    You may not use anything.

Něige yě "bu qīngchu.    None of them is clear.

Nǎr yě měi zhěr hǎo.    No place is as good as here.

The ”any/no1,expression may be the subject or object of the sentence,or as in exchange 5,it may be the object of a prepositional vert):

Mai gěi shěi dou kěyi.    It1 s okay to sell it to anyone.

Mai gěi shěi dou bu kěyi.    It1s not okay to sell it to any-Mai gěi shěi yě "bu kěyi. J one.

Fang zai nǎr d5u yiyang.    It1s the same vherever you put it.

Fang zai nǎr dou bu yiyang.    It1s different every place you put it.

Dao něige youju qu ji d5u kěyi. It would "be all right to go to any

post office to mail it.

Gēn shěi shuo dou (OR yě) mei    It doesnft matter who you tell it to.


kanbuqǐ: A resultative compound verb meaning "to look dovn on,to scorn, to despise.n Unlike other resultative ver"b compounds, this one occurs only with -de- or -bu-. (Měi kanqǐ and kanqǐ le are very rare.)

Biě kanlDuqi zhěixie xiǎo shi.    Don't look dovn on these little


SOC, Unit b


Wǒ zui kanlDuqǐ zhěiyangde rěn.    I despise this kind of person most.


Bu yinggāi kantuqi funu, nanrěn Don’t look down on women. Anything něng zuode shi, nurěn yě něng    a man can do a woman can do.


The positive form kandeq.ǐ means to treat someone or something seriously "because you "believe them/it to "be capable,important, vorthy, etc. It may "be translated as "to think a lot of," "to think highly of,’:

Wǒ kandeqǐ ni cai rang nǐ guǎn It fs only because I think a lot of zhěijian shi.    you that Ifm letting you have

charge of this matter.

Nǐ yaoshi xiǎng rang "bieren kan- If you want to have others think deqi ni, ni děi "bī "biěrěn zuo- highly of you, you have to do de hao.    "better than they.

6. A: Rěntjia dou juěde Xiǎo Wang    Everyone feels Xiǎo Wang is a very

shi ge hěn you lǐmaode    well-mannered child,


Notes on No. 6

rěnjia: This pronoun has a few different meanings. As used in exchange 6 it means "everyone, people (in general), they":

Rěnjia dou shuo něige difang hěn People say that place is very pretty. hǎo kan.

It can also mean "other people" or "someone else":

Zheitenr shū dagai kěyi jiě gěi I can protalDly lend you this "book, nī, "buguo shi rěnjiade, wo dei "but itfs someone else1 s. I have xiān wěnwen.    to ask them first.

Besides referring to unspecified people, rěnjia can also refer to specific people. Most often it refers to a specific third party, ’’he," ’’she,” or "they":

Ren jia "bu jiě, suan le "ba!    If he doesnft want to lend it,then

just forget it!

A: Ni nuěr you haizi le meiyou? Has your daughter had any children yet?

B: Měiyou--rěn jia "bu yao!    No--she doesn’t want any!

Wǒ gěi rěnjia, rěn jia "bū yao.    工 tried to give it to her, "but she

Zenme "ban?    didnft want it • What can you do?

Nǐ kan rěnjia Xiǎo Hua xuěde    Look at how well Xiǎo Hua does in her

duo hǎo, nǐ ne!    studies,tut you!

SOC, Unit h

12 了

Ren.iia may also refer to the speaker, in other words, In such a case, the speaker is being intentionally playful, witty, or cute:

Nǐ yao zěnme du5?! Gěi rěnjia You want so much?! Come on, give vidianr ma!    me a little!

Renjia bu xǐhuan zhěizhong    I don’t like this kind of movie!

dianyīng! Wěishěnme yiding    Why do I have to go see it? yao qu kan?

Renjia deng nī yige zhSngtou le.    Ifve "been waiting for you for an hour.

Jīntiān shi Xingqītiān, rang    Today1s Sunday, Let me sleep a little

renjia du5 shui yihuǐr mal    later!

1 ǐmao: "manners , etiquette/’ the expression in speech and "behavior of modesty and respectfulness. This includes politeness of speech, saying the right things at the right times, table manners, and so on, HLǏ is "ritual." Mao is ’’appearance.*’]

Congqian zai ZhSngguo līmao hen Etiquette used to "be very important yaojin.    in China.

You lǐmao means t!to be veil—mannered,n měiyou lǐmao flto "be ill-mannered.If

7- A: Zhěi yi.jia rěn dou nianguo    This whole family has had

"bu shao shǔ.    quite a good education,

B: TīngshuS tamende sunzi    I understand that their grandsons

sūnnū xiaxizai dou    and granddaughters are (all)

n: an Si Shū ne!    studying the Four Books now!

Notes on No. 了

Zhei yi.jiā rěn: "this family" You already knov that jia can "be used as a noun meaning "family/1 for example, vomen_J_iā_, "our family.n But .jiā can also be used as a counter. It may be used alone or with the noun rěn following . The translation is still "family.If

Nei yijiā, rěnrěn dou gongzuo, Everyone in that family vorks.

yitiān dao van měi rěn zai jiā. There1s no one home all day long.

Cong zhěi sānjiā rěnde qingxing, From the situations of these three nǐ kěyi zhīdao yixiē guānyū    families, you can learn something

Zh5ngguo rěnde shēnghuo,    about the life of the Chinese.

nianguo bu shǎo shū: Literally, "studied a lot of "books.11 This is the GENERAL OBJECT shū vhich you first learned "back in the Biographic Information module. It doesnft really mean "books ,!t but anything at all vhich is studied. Nian shū just means ”to study, to be in school,n so ve translate nianguo ~bu shǎo shū as ”to be very veil educated" or ”to have a good education•”

SOC, Unit k


Sūnzi,’’grandson,’’ and sūnnu,’’granddaughter” include only the children of one’s son. [The children of onefs daughter are called vaisūnzi and vai-sūnnū.H Sūnnu may also have an -r_ ending: sūnnur (the real Běijīng pronunciation of -nur is kind of tricky; ask a native Běijīng speaker to say sūnnǔr for you).

Si Shū: ,fthe Four Books,” which are Daxuě,!,The Great Learning,,; Zhong-y5ng, "The Doctrine of the Mean”; Lun^ǔ, "The Analects of Confucius”; and Mengzǐ, ” Mencius.” Daxuě and Zhongy5ng axe chapters from Lǐ Ji,’’The Book of Rites,’’ vhich were raised to the status of separate "books f by the Southern Song Dynasty philosopher Zhū XI. After the Song Dynasty, philosophers of the Idealist school looked upon the Four Books as the classics of Confucianism. Many older Chinese you meet today studied the Four Books vhen they vere children.

8. A: Tāmen jiā guoqu shi you qiaji Their family used to be rich.

rěn, you bu shǎo caichǎn.    They had quite a lot of property.

B: Nǐ shuode caichǎn shi    The property you're talking

tǔdi ba?    about is land, isnft it?

Notes on No. 8

you qiān: ’’to be rich," literally, ”to have money. You have nov seen quite a few phrases built around the state verb you:

you yisi    to be interesting, to be fun

you bāngzhu    to be helpful

you daolǐ    to be reasonable,to be logical

you xingqu    to be interested

you yanjiū    to be expert

Like other state verbs (such as hao, nto be good,” ai, ”to love,” hui,

"to be able to, to know how to,”),you can be modified by adverbs such as hen, "very11; fēichang, fVery,extremely”; zhen,”really”; tai,"too”; etc.

Tā    hěn    you qian.    ffHe is very rich.ff

Neiběn shǔ zhēn    you yisi.    "That book is really interesting.n

Lī Ping    zui    měi xingqu.    ffLī Ping is the least interested.fl

Zenine shuō    shizai    měiyou daolǐ.    "To say that is really unreasonable.

You,of course, differs from all other state verbs in that it is made negative with měi instead of bu. Bu may nevertheless modify an adverb preceding y5u:

Tā bu tai you qian.    He isnft too rich.

You cannot use měi in this sentence because the negation goes with tai, not with yǒu> In fact, switching around the order of negative and adverb results in a big difference in meaning:

Bu tai you yisi.    Not too interesting.

Tai meiyou yisi!    So boring!

SOC, Unit h


you qian ren: "wealthy people"    This is a sort of compound noun, so -de is not used.

9. A: Nī zhuxialai "ba, yě kěyi    Stay (live) here and you can help

gei women bang dianr    us a "bit. māng.

B: Wo "baitian you kě, zhǐ hǎo    I have classes during the day;

wanshang zuo diǎnr shi.    I can only work at night.

Notes on No, 9

zhuxialai: ’’to stay; to settle down” in a place, Zhu can either mean "to live, to reside” or just "to stay” temporarily in a place. The ending -xialai adds the meaning of coming to rest, not going away.

Gang lāide shihou "bu zhīdao,    When you first get here you donTt zhuxialai yīhou cai zhīdao know, it1s only after youTve lived věishěnme měi rěn xǐhuan dao here for a while that you realize zheige difang lai. why nobody likes to come here.

A: Wo^xianzai qu zhǎo yige    Ifm going to go look for a hotel now. luguǎn qu.

B: Měi guānxi, nī jiu zai wo    That Ts all right, why donTt you just

jia zhuxi alai "ba!    stay at my house?

bang mang: TTto help; help" You first saw this in the Welfare module, Unit 6. Then in Unit 2 of this module, you learned bāngzhu. Both are very common. Bāngzhu is a little more formal than bang mang, which is purely conversational.

Bāng mang is a verb-object phrase (literally, ??help-busy,n--”help me in my lDusy-ness,T). For example, you can say

Bang wo yi dianr māng.    Help me a little •

Wo zai Měiguode shihou, ta    He helped me a lot when I was in

"bangle wo "bu shao mang.    America.

Bāngzhu, however, is just a vert. The word order is therefore simpler with ~bangzhu than with bǎn^mang.

Tā    "bāngzhu wo.

BUT    Tā    bang    wǒde mang.

or Tā gěi wo "bang mang.

’’He helps me.

You can see that vhen bānp; mang is used, the person helped is expressed either

(1) in a phrase modifying mang or (2) in a prepositional phrase vith gei•

SOC, Unit h


zhǐ hǎo: "can only, have no choice but toff

Xia zhěme dade yǔ, vomen zhǐ hǎo Since itfs raining so hard, ve have bu qu le.    no choice but not to go.

Da jiā d5u bu yuanyi pěi wo qu, Nobody wants to go with me. All I wo zhǐ hǎo yige rěn qu le.    can do is go by myself.

O^you yuě lai yuě gui, hěn du5 With gasoline getting more and more rěn zhǐ hǎo zuo gonggong    expensive, many people have no

qichē le.    choice but to take the bus.

10. A: Wo mǔqin zong danxin vo gēge My mother is always worried

zai waibianr chi kǔ>    that my older brother is having

a rough time away from home.

B: Tāmen jǐge xiaopěngyou    His bunch of friends help

huxiang bang mang, bu    each other out. They don’t

hui chi kǔde.    have such a rough time.

Notes on No. 10

danxin: ’’to be worried (that)”

Yǐjīng shiyīdiǎn le, Xiao Ping    Itfs eleven o’clock already and Xiao

hāi měi hualai, tade fumǔ hěn    Ping hasn*t gotten back home yet.

dānxīn.    His parents are very worried.

Nǐ bu bi danxin, haizi dale,    You don’t need to worry. When the

ta zijǐ hui dǒngde.    child grows up he*11 understand.

Wo dānxīn tade xuěxi.    Ifm worried about his studies.

Wo dānxīn wo nǎinaide shentǐ.    Ifm worried about my grandmotherfs


Wo dānxīn tā you shěnme wěnti,    Ifm worried that he has some problem.

Tā dānxīn tā zuobuhǎo něijian    Hefs worried he won ft be able to do

shi.    it well.

zai vaibianr: Literally, ,fon the outside," a common way of saying ffavay from home” or "away from one1 s hometown.” The Chinese have an expression (in literary style), Zai ,1iā qiān ri hǎo, chū vai yi shi nan, "At home one thousand days are good, but when one is on the outside (away from onefs hometown) even one moment is difficult.”

chi kǔ: ,fto have a rough time, to suffer hardshipsff Kǔ,""bitter,ff vhen referring to life or an experience, means "hardship, suffering, pain.”

Tā chile bu shao kǔ cai cong da- He went through some rough times xuě "biyě.    "before he graduated from college.

SOC, Unit b

°2hanzhēnga "var”


Měiyou chiguo zhanzhēngde° ku,    If you haven11 experienced the suffer-

jiu "bu zhīdao jintiānde shēng-    ing of var, you don^t knov that our

huo laide "bu rongyi.    life today didn’t come easily•

Neng chi ku means "to "be able to take hardships,” ” to have fortitude -n

ZhSngguo hen duo rěnde kanfa shi    In China many people think that young

nianqīng rěn yīnggāi něng chī    people ought to "be able to taJce

kǔ.    hardship.

Tā neige rěn hěn něng chī ku,    He can take a lot of hardship. Don^t

"bū yong dānxīn.    vorry.

hīixiān^: "mutually,reciprocally,    with each other” This is an adverb, so it must go after the subject (if there is one) and before the verb.

Women kěyi huxiāng xuěxi. Nǐ    We can learn from each other. You

jiāo vo Yingwěn, vǒ jiāo ni    teach me English and If11 teach you

Zhongwěn.    Chinese.

SOC, Unit b


Unit U, Reviev Dialogue

Early in the morning the day after    Li Ping (B) and Tom (A) arrive in

Hong Kong, Lī Ping's grandmother (C) is    straightening up the living room,

when Lǐ Ping walks in.

B: Nainai, nin zhēn zao. Wo mā    YouTre up so early, Grandma,

ne? *    Wheref s Mom?

C: Tā ya, chūqu mǎi cai le. Erzi Oh, she went out to "buy some

hui lai le, zong yao duo mǎi    groceries. When a son comes "back,

diǎnr cai mal Nǐde pěngyou    you’ve always got to "buy some extra

ne? Tā hai měiyou qǐlai "ba?    food. Where’s your friend? HeTs

not up yet, is he?

B:    Qǐlai le, xǐ lian ne.    Yes, he Ts up. He Ts washing his

face •

C: Xiao Ping a,nǐde pěngyou    Xiao Ping, whatTs your friendfs

jiao shěnme mingzi, wo you wang name?    forgotten it again,


B: Jiao "Tāngmǔ.”    "Tom.11

C: 5,"Tāngmǐi,” hāi hǎo ji. Nǐ he Hm,”Tom,” that’s fairly easy to tā shu5, daole zanmen jiā, jiu remem'ber. You tell him that in our shi yijiā rěn, shěnme shir dou house hefs just part of the family biě kěqi. Tā yi kěqi, wo jiu    and he shouldn’t "be polite about

bu zhīdao zěnme "ban hǎo le.    anything. Once he starts in with the

politeness, I wonTt know what to do.

B: Women huilai yǐqian zai Tāngmu Before we came "back we stayed at

jia zhule liǎngtian, tā baba    Torn1 s house for a couple of days.

māma dui wo hěn hǎo. Tangmu    His parents were very nice to me.

rěn yě hěn hǎo, zai Měiguode    Tom is also a very good person; when

shihou, tā gěi wo "bu shao bang-    we were in America, he helped me a

zhu.    lot.

C: 0, zheiyang hǎo, nianqīng rěn    Mm. That's good. Young people

yīnggāi huxiāng "bang māng. Ai!    ought to help each other out. (Sigh)

Jide nī yěye zai Ri'běn něi    I remem'ber when your grandfather was

shihou,pinming nian shū, renjia    in Japan, he studied like crazy, "but

Ri'běn rěn hai shi kanlDuqi ya, nar    those Japanese still looked down on

you shěnme Ri'běn pěngyou. Zhǐ    him. He didn’t have any Japanese

hǎo jige 7ih5ngguo xuěsheng zhu    friends to speak of. The Chinese

zai yiqǐ. Ai!    students just had to live together.


B: Nainai, guoqude shi jiu "biě qu    Grandma, donft go thinking a"bout

xiǎng ta le.    things from "bygone days anymore.

Questions ending in ne often ask the vherealDouts of someone or something,

hence the translation "Where1 s Mom?11

SOC, Unit h


C: Xianzai hǎodeduō le, nǐ zai    These days , it1 s much "better. I

vaitianr nian shū, vǒ "bu name    don’t worry so much about you out

danxin le. ...    there studying.

(Tom enters.)

A: Lǐ Nainai*,nin zao!    Good morning, Grandma Lǐ!

C: Zǎo, Tāngmu, zuole yitiān fēijī    Good morning, Tom. After a day on

bu duo shui yihuǐr?    the airplane don’t you vant to get

some more sleep?

A: Shuigou le. Lǐ Nainai, nin    No, Ifve gotten enough sleep.

zuozhe "ba,women "bang nin    Grandma Lǐ, you sit down, ve’ll

shōushi.    straighten up for you.

C: Duo you lǐmaode haizi!    What a veil-mannered child!

A: Lǐ Nainai, nin he ěrzi, ěrxifur    Grandma Lǐ, you1 re so fortunate to

zhu zai yiqǐ, sunzi, sūnnū yě    live with your son and daughter-in-

chang lai, ninde fūqi zhēn    lav, and to have your grandson and

hǎo.    grandaughter come often.

C: Shěi shuō bū shi ne? Wo chang    That’s for sure. I often say that

shuō, women jiāde fūqi dou shi    the good fortune of our family vas

vǒ na xiaoshunde ěrxifur    all "brought to us "by that filial

dailaide.    daughter-in-lav of mine.

B: Wo nainai you gāi°° shuō women    Here goes Grandma telling our family

jiāde lishǐ le.    history again.

A: Lǐ Nainai, zhěixiē shir nxn    Grandma Lx,could you tell me about

gěi vǒ jiǎngjiang xing "bu xing?    these things?

C: Hǎo va. Shuōqilai hua jiu    Sure! It’s a long story. Xiao

chang le. °°° Wo he Xiao Ping    Ping’s grandfather and I are "both

yěye dou shi Shenyang rěn.    from Shenyang (Mukden). When the

Riben rěn laile yīhou, caichǎn    Japanese came, ve couldn’t bother vith

ya, tǔdi ya, dou bu něng guan    our property or land any more; ve

le, likāi jiā pǎo daole Nanfāng.    left our home and fled to the South..

Xiǎo Ping balDa zai Shanghai nian    Xiǎo Ping?s father didn’t meet our

shū cai rěnshile women zheige    daughter-in-lav until he vas

ěrxifu.    going to school in Shanghai.

°Tom knows that this vay of addressing Grandma is proper for a

friend of her grandson. He intentionally calls her Lǐ Nainai as soon as

he sees her in order to establish the relationship.

°°gāi: "vill probably"

°More literally, "When it comes    to telling it, the talk is long." °00°Notice that grandmafs phrasing shows that the woman is first a

daughter-in-lav, then a vife.

SOC, Unit k


A: Nei shihou nuhaizi shang da-    Were there many women who went

xuěde du5 "bu du5?    to college in those days?

C: Měiyou xianzai zhěme du5.    Not as many as there are now. My

Women ěrxifu jiā xiangdāng you    daughter-in-law's family was quite

qian, ěrqiě yidajiā rěn you qī-    rich, and there were seventy or

tāshigě, zai SūzhSu shěi d5u    eighty people in that one big family,

zhīdao tāmen jiā.    Everyone in Sūzh5u knew them.

A: Zheiyangrde jiāting' guiju    A family like that must have had a

yiding bu shǎo.    strict code of behavior.

C: Shěi shuō "bu shi ne! Tāmen    You bet they did! Their young

jiāde xiaojie "bu něng zai wai-    ladies couldn't go to school outside

bianr nian shū, zhi něng qǐng    the home: they could only hire a

lǎoshl dao jiāli jiāo diǎnr    teacher to come to the house and

Si Shū shenmede. Xiǎo Ping    teach them a little of the Four Books

mǔqin juěde yige funu yao zai    and so forth. Xiǎo Ping’s mother

shěhuishang dull, yiding děi    felt that if a woman wanted to "be

chūqu nian shū. Jiu zheiyang,    independent in society, she had to

tā cai pǎo dao Shanghai nian shū    leave home to study. That's why she

qu le.    ran away to Shanghai to go to school.

A: Zai něi shihou, zhen bu rongyi.    That must have been really hard

"back then.

C: Zai daxuěde shihou, Xiǎo    When they were in college, Xiǎo

Pingde fumǔ shi hěn hǎode    Ping's parents were very good

pěngyou, kěshi zěnme tan ne?    friends, but what were we to do?

Women shěnme dou měiyou le, yě    We didn’t have a thing left, and we

měiyou qian, zijǐde ěrzi zenme    didn't have any money - How could

něng he zheiyangr yiwei xiaojie    our (own) son marry a young lady like

jiēhūn ne? Xiǎo Ping mā bu    that? But Xiǎo Ping's mother didn’t

name xiǎng. * . •    think so. • • •

A: Tā zěnme xiǎng?    What did she think?

C: Tā shu5 tā yao zhǎo yige zijǐ    She said she wanted to find a person

xǐhuande rěn jiēhūn, diwei he    she herself liked to get married to,

qian d5u bu zhongyao, Ai,tā    and that status and money weren't

chile duSshao ku cai likaile    important. (Sigh) What she went

neige da jiāting.    through to leave that big family.

A: Na, nǐmen zěnme dao Xianggang    Well then, how did you come to

lai le ne?    Hong Kong?

C: Tāmen zai YTngguo nianwan shū    When they finished school in

jiu lai Xianggang zuo shi,    England they came to Hong Kong to

yiniān yǐhou you bǎ women jiē-    work; a year later they "brought us

. lai le, zheiyangr yijiā rěn cai    out, and then our whole family set-

zai Xianggang zhuxialai le.    tied here. Now that I'm getting on

Xianzai wo niānji da le, jiāli    in years, Xiǎo Ping’s mother takes

da shir xiǎo shir dou shi Xiǎo    care of all the big and small matters

SOC, Unit b




Ping mǔqin guan. Nī shuo vo    here at home. So vhen you say Ifm

fuqi hāo, zhēn shi yidiǎnr ye    blessed with good fortune, youfre

bū cuo-    absolutely right.

B: Nainai, vo mā kuāi huilai le    Grandma, Mom will be home soon,

ba?    wonft she?

C:    Kuai huilai le, women qu ba    Yes. Let1s go get breakfast

zǎofan nonghǎo ba.    ready,

A, B: Hao, zSu ba.    Okay, letfs go.

SOC, Unit U


Unit U, Tape 2 Workbook

Exercise 1

This exercise is a review of the Reference List sentences in this unit. The speaker will say a sentence in English, followed "by a pause for you to translate it into Chinese. Then a second speaker will confirm your answer.

All sentences from the Reference List will occur only once. You may want to rewind the tape and practice this exercise several times.

Exercise 2

This exercise is a conversation between two neighbors who meet in their courtyard in Běijīng.

The conversation occurs only once. After listening to it completely, you111 protatly vant to rewind the tape and answer the questions "below as you listen a second time.

Here are the new words and phrases you vill need to understand this conversation:

Dajiě    "Older Sister,” a familiar way of

addressing a woman about oneT s own age or older

shang "bānde shang "ban,    They1 re either at the office or

shang xuěde shang xuě    at school; some are at the office

and others at school

zuobuliao    unable to do

yi    as soon as

gai    to "build,to construct

zhengfǔ    government

gāi    should

Questions for Exercise    2

Prepare your answers to these questions in Chinese so that you will "be able to give them orally in class.

1.    Why does Older Sister Lin do all of her own housework?

2.    What does she think of her daughter-in-law?

SOC5 Unit b


3. What can you infer about what housing is like in Older Sister Lin1s neighborhood?

U. From this conversation you can see that a daughter-in-lav is very important in the Chinese family. Make a list of her responsibilities.

After you have answered these questions yourself5 you may vant to take a look at the translation for this conversation. You may also vant to listen to the dialogue again to help you practice saying your answers.

Note: The translations used in these dialogues are meant to indicate the English functional equivalents for the Chinese sentences rather than the literal meaning of the Chinese.

Exercise 3

In this conversation a Chinese man invites his girlfriend over for dinner.

Listen to the conversation once straight through. Then, on the second time through, look below and answer the questions.

Here are the new vords and phrases you vill need to understand this


pa    to be afraid

shǒuchāode    handwritten

Questions for Exercise 3

Prepare your answers to these questions in Chinese so that you vill be able to give them orally in class.

1.    Why is Xiǎo Lan hesitant to go to her boyfriend1s home for dinner?

2.    Why does Xiǎo Lan think large families are difficult?

3.    Where vould the couple live if they got married? Why must they wait for a place of their own to live?

k. What does Xiǎo Lan think of bringing to her boyfriend1s home that evening? Why?

After you have answered these questions yourself, you may vant to take a look at the translation for this conversation. You may also vant to listen to the conversation to help you practice saying the answers vhich you have prepared.

SOC, Unit h


Exercise h

In this exercise a grandmother talks with her granddaughter.

Listen to the conversation straight through once. Then rewind the tape and listen again. On the second time through, answer the questions.

You will need the following new words and phrases :

quānjia rěn    the whole family

xingkui    fortunately, luckily

guo rizi    to live; to get along

rizi bu hǎo guo    hard to get along

qiāo men    to knock at the door

Questions for Exercise U

Prepare your answers to these questions in Chinese so that you will be able to give them orally in class.

1.    What does Grandma think of the new generation of daughters-in-law?

2.    How does Grandma remember her own experience as a newlyved?

3- What is the difference between "standards of conductTt and "manners"?

U. Why does Grandma reprimand Xiǎo Yun? Do you think she was justified?

After you have answered these questions yourself, you may want to take a look at the translation for this conversation. You may also want to listen to the conversation again to help you pronounce your answers correctly.

SOC, Unit k


Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 2

In Beijing, tvo old neighbors meet in their courtyard.

A: Lin Dajie, xī yifu na!    Older Sister Lin, doing your


B: Bu xī zěnme ban, shang bānde    If I didnft do it what would we do;

shang ban, shang xuěde shang    everyone is either at the office or

xuě, jiālide shir hai bu shi dou    at school, don,t I have to do all

děi vo zuo!    the house work in the end!

A: Haizimen d5u mang, you nin zai    Your children are all busy, but

jiā, gěi tamen bang bu shao    you1 re at home helping them out a

mangr.    lot.

B: Ai, niānji da le, zuobuliao    (Sigh),I’m getting old, I can’t

duoshao shir le!    do very much any more!

A: Wo kan, nin ěrxifur zai jiade    I see that when your daughter-in-

shihour, yě bang nin zuo bu shao    law is home she helps you do a lot

shi a.    of things too.

B: Nǐ shuode yidianr yě bu cuo,    You1re absolutely right. That

vo neige ěrxifur bǐ wo ěrzi hǎo-    daughter-in-law of mine is much,

duo le, dao jiā, you zuo    better than my son. As soon as she

fan, you xī yifu, you shōushi    gets to the house, she cooks and wūzi, ai! Kěxi vo bu něng shěnme washes and straightens up the room,

shir dou kao ta ya.    (Sigh),it1 s too bad I canft depend

on her for everything.

A: Weishěmne ne?    Why not?

B: Renjia du5 mang! Yige yuě cai    She’s so busy! She can only come

něng hui jiā ylci.    home once a month.

A: Na tā bu něng zai nin jiāli    Well, can’t she move in with you? zhuxialai ma?

B: Bu xing a! Wǔzi tai xiǎo!    That wouldn’t do! The house is too

Ěrxifur huilaile, rang ta zhu    small! If my daughter-in-law came

zai nar?    back, where would I have her stay?

A: Shi a! Yaoshi you fangzi,    Yes! If you had enough housing,

yij iā rěn zhu zai ylkuair,    how nice it would be to have the

huxiāng bāngmangr, na you du5    whole family living together and

hao! Dui le, ting wo nuěr    helping each other. Oh yes--I hear

shuo, tāmen xuěxiao neibiānr    from my daughter that a lot of new

^aile hao duo xīn fangzi.    buildings have been built over by

their school.


Unit b


B: Fangzi věnti shi ge da shir,    The housing problem is a big thing;

zhengfǔ "bu hui "bu guan. Youle the government vouldn?t ignore it. xīn fangzi, zanmen jiu hǎo le.    After ve get some nev housing [in

this area] ve ?11 be all right.

A:    Kě bu shi ma! Daole neige    That’s for sure! When that time

shihour, nin jiu bū yong dānxīn    comes you von?t have to vorry any

le. Nin gen nin ěrxifur yiding    more. īfm sure you and your daugh-

něng bǎ zheige jiā nongde    ter-in-lav will be able to make a

shūshufufude•    very comfortable home.

B: Shi a! Na jiu hǎo le!    Yes I Then everything vill be all


A: Hao, Lin Dajiě, bu zǎo le,    All right, Older Sister Lin, it?s

vǒ yě gāi hui jiā zuo fan qu getting late, and I should really le. You shijiān zai liao a.    be going back home to fix dinner.

We ?11 chat some more when we have time.

B: Měi shir jiu lai zuozuo.    Stop in sometime when you're

Man zou a!    not busy. Take care!

Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 3

In Běijīng, a 2l-year-old man (M) talks with his 23-year-old woman friend

(F). They have been close friends for a vhile.

M: Xiao Lan, jīntiān vǒ baba zai    Xiao Lan, my father is home today,

jiā, vǎnshang dao women jiā chī why don’t you have dinner at our fan ba!    house tonight?

F: Wo bu qu.    īfm not going.

M:    Weishěnxne? Wo baba rěn hěn    Why? My fatherfs a very good per-

hǎo, nǐ bu bi dānxīn.    son you donft have to worry.

F: Wo mā shu5 ...    My* mother said . • •

M: Nǐ mā shuo shěnme?    What did your mother say?

F: Wo ma shuo: n? jiā rěn duo, n? My* mother said that you have a "big yěye, nainai hāi zai, xiSngdi    family. Your grandparents are still

jiěměi hǎojǐgě, jiāli guīju yě alive, you have so many brothers and bu shao,    qule yǐhou chī    sisters, and your family has such a

kǔ.    strict code of behavior, that she vas

afraid I would have a rough time after I went [i.e., after I married you and vent to live with your family].

* shūshufufude, "very coInfortable,, *°yě gai , "really should”

SOC, Unit h


M: Hai, nǐ xiāngde tai duo le, wo    Oh come on, you1 re thinking too

nainai guoqu zuo ěrxifude shihou    much. Back when my grandmother was

chīguo hěn duo kǔ, suoyǐ tā dui    a daughter-in-law she had quite a

wo mama těbiě hao, ni xiǎng wo    rough time, so she's particularly

nainai, wo mama tāmen zěnme hui    good to my mother • Really, how could

rang ni chī kǔ ne?    my grandmother and mother give you

a hard time!

F: Xianzai dāngran hāi hao, yīhou    Of course it1 s okay now, "but hov

ne? Yidajiā rěn zhu zai yikuair, a"bout later on? When a large family

shijiān changle zong shi hěn    lives together, it always gets dif-

mafande.    ficult after a while.

M: Zhěi yidian wo yě xiangdaole,    I've thought of that too. When

nianji dale, xiǎngfa youde    people get older, their way of think-

shihou he nianqīng rěn "bu tai    ing is sometimes kind of different

yiyang, yǐhou youle fangzi    from young people. Afterwards when we

women bānchulai jiu xing le.    get a place 匸of our own] ve'11 move

out, and then it vill "be all right.

F: Shěnme shihour cai něng you    And when will we "be able to get a

fangzi ne?    place to live?

M: Biě ji, wo xiǎng "bu hui děng    Don't worry, I don't think we'll

hěn chang shijiānde.    have to wait too long.

F: Ēng.    Mm.

M: Name, jīntiān wanshang dao    Then, how about going to our house

women jiā qu, hǎo ma?    tonight?

F: Mm . . . Jīntiān wanshang dou    Mm . • • Who's going to "be there

you shěi?    tonight?

M: Zhi you wo "balDa, mama, he vo,    Just my father, mother, and I.

xiSngdi jiěměi d5u "bu zai.    None of my "brothers and sisters will

"be there.

F: Na, yěye, nainai ne?    What about your grandparents?

M: Yěye nainai he chade shihou    They111 come out and sit for a while

guolai zuo yixiar, ranhou jiu    when we have tea,and then they111

hui tāmen wūzi xiūxi qu le.    go "back to their room to rest.

F: Touyici qu, wo dai dianr    What should I "bring, since this is

shěnme hao a?    W first visit?

M: Shěnme d5u Tdu yao dai.    Don't "bring anything at all.

"^Fanszi here refers to any type of housing, including an apartment or just~

a room. The housing situation in Běijīng is so tight that this couple will

protatly have to wait months to get one room.

SOC, Unit h


F: Ka zěnme xing? TīngshuS nǐ    How can I do that? I hear your

yěyede zi xiěde hěn hǎo a?    grandfather is very good at writing


M: Shi a, zěnme la?    That’s right. Why?

F: Wo "balia you yltao shǒuchāode    My father has a handwritten copy of

Si Shū, song gěi nǐ yěye hao    the Four Books. How about if I

"bu hǎo?    give it to your grandfather?

M: Na tai hǎo le.    That vould "be great.

F: Vǒ hui jiā shōushi yixiar jiu    I?m going to go home now to straighten

lai.    up a Mt and then I'll be right there.

M: Děng yihuǐr wo lai jiē ni a!    I'll come and get you in a while!

B: Ei!    Okay!

Dialogue and Translation for Exercise ^

Conversation "between a grandmother    and granddaughter in Běijīng.

A: Xiao Yun na! Bādiǎn "ban le,    Xiǎo Yun! Itfs half past eight,

hāi "bu qǐlai!    aren?t you getting up!

B: Nainai, jīntiān shi Xingqītian,    Grandma, today's Sunday. Let me

rang renjia duo shui yihuǐr ma!    sleep a little later!

A: Xianzaide nianqīng rěn zhēn    Young people today are so fortunate.

you fuqi, shui dao "badiSn "ban hai    They sleep until eight-thirty and

"bu xiǎng qǐ. Women zuo ěrxifu-    still don’t want to get up. When we

de shihou, wǔdian zh5ng jiu děi    were daughters-in-law, we had to get

qǐlai, zuo quan.jia rěnde zaofan    up at five o? clock and make "breakfast

le, nǎr něng shui dao "badian    for the whole family. Who could

ban?!    sleep until eight-thirty!

B: Na dou shi guoqude shir le!    Those are all things of the past!

A: Shi a. Guoqude shi, zhēn shi    Yes. The things of the past are

měi "banfar shuō. Wo gēn ni yeye    really sad to recall. When I married

jiēhunde shihou, nǐ yěye jiā hěn    your grandfather, his family was rich

you qiān, yě you "bu shǎo tudi,    and had a lot of land- Our family

woinen Jiāli měi shemne caichǎn,    didn't have much property. When I

daole renjia jiali, yidajia rěn    arrived in his household, everyone

dou kanzhe wo zheige xīn lāide    in that huge family stared at me, the

ěrxifu. Zěnme "ban ne? Wo zhī-    new daughter-in-law. What could I

hǎo zuole zheiyangr zuo něi-    do? Just keep slaving away. I didn't

yangr", yitiān dao wan měiyou    stop the whole day long. (Sigh)

tingde shihcu. Ai! XingkuT nǐ    Itfs a good thing your grandfather

°zuole zheiyangr zuo neiyangr: nAfter    having done this thing, do that thing,"

i.e., "do one task after another.”

SOC, Unit h

•Hai,’’still" is used in rhetorical questions; here it implies ’’The answer to your question is so obvious, why are you still asking?” Shěnme, here in the neutral tone, means ”vhy,what for” rather than "vhat.”

°°Hai bu shi is used in rhetorical questions; literally, it means,"Is it not still (a case of."),” or in more colloquial English, "Could it be anything but....11 Here, it is best translated as ?fof course.?f

O°°hǎo nǎinai: A rather theatrical, humorously cajoling form of address, "dear grandma.11 The girl uses this term in order to get her grandmother to do her the favor of answering the front door.


yěye shi ge hao rěn, wǒde rizi    was a good man; that1 s the only thing

cai hao guo yidianr.    that made life a little easier.

B: Xianzai bu tong le, xiaaizai    Things are different now. Now

nianqīng rěn Jiehūn yīhou bu    young people donft have to worry

yong zai dānxīn zhěixiē le.    about that sort of thing after they

get married.

A: Kěshi guīju hāishi děi you a!    But you still have to have stan-

Děi you lǐmao, jiali lǎorěn d5u    dards of conduct! You have to have

qīlai le, nǐ hāi shui zai    manners. If the old people in the

chuajigshang, na zěnme xing?    family are up and you1 re still in bed

sleeping, is that any way to act?

B: Hao le, hao le,nainai, wo mǎ-    Okay, okay, grandma. If 11 get up

shang jiu qǐlai le. Nī ting,    right away. Listen, whofs knocking

shěi zai qiao men na?!    at the door?!

A: Hai wen shenme?* Hai bu shi    You have to ask? Itfs your friend,

nīde pěngyou lai le.    of course•

B: Laojia, lāojia, hao nainai,°°°    Oh, please, please, vould you go get

nin qu kai men ba, wo kuai ba    the door, dear grandma? If 11 straighten

wūzi shōushi yixiar.    the room real quickly.

A: Hao hao hao, wo jiu qu, kuai    Okay, I111 get it right away. You

shSushi ba!    hurry and straighten up.



Traditional Attitudes and Modern Changes


Grammar Topics Covered in This Unit

1.    The pattern yě hǎo, ... ye hao, ’’whether. • .or."

2.    The adverb cai marking necessary condition.

3- Placement of specifier after a modifying phrase. b. Wěile> ftin order to,

5. Comparison of two words for ’’afterwards,’’ yǐhou and houlai •

Functional Language Contained in This Unit

1.    Inquiring about customs in the culture.

2.    Expressing that you donTt understand something and asking another1s interpretation of it.

3.    Expressing that you donTt see the value of something and asking anotherr s point of view on it•

h. Expressing partial agreement, specifying one1s reservations.


SOC, Unit 5


Unit Reference List

1.    A: Zhěi liǎngniān, nǐmende    What has your income "been like

shōurū zěnmeyang?    the past couple of years?

B: Zhěi liǎngniān, nongyě    The past couple of years, agricul-

shēngchǎn qingkuāng bu    tural production conditions have

cuo, shōurū yě hai hǎo.    been pretty good, and our income

has "been all right, too.

2.    A: Tāde shu5fǎ vǒ měi ting-    I didn’t understand the way he said

dong, nǐ tīngmingbai_    that. Did you understand it? le ma?

B: Měiyou, wo yě měi tīngmingbai,    No, I didnft understand it either,

ěrqiě zheige timu yě tai    Moreover this topic is too hard, nan le.

3.    A: Xuě pīnyīn ye hao, "bū xuě    Whether you study romanization

pīnyīn yě hǎo, ZhSngguo zi    or not, you*11 always have to

zong děi xue.    study Chinese characters.

B: Shi a, zheiyang Zhōngguo    Yes,this is the only way Chinese

wěnhua cai něng Ipǎochixiaqu.    culture can continue to "be


U. A: Jioli laodongli duo, shěnghuo    If a family has more manpower,

ye jiu hui hSo yidiǎnr.    then it follows that life will "be

a little "better.

B: Kěshi xianzai rěnkǒu du5    But now it1 s not necessarily an

bu yiding you shěnme    advantage to have a lot of

hSochu.    people•

5.    A: Zai nar xiě zide neige rěn    Is that person writing over there

shi bu shi ta zhangfu?    her husband?

B: Zheng shi ta!    That’s him all right!

6.    A: Gōngshāngyě fāda you shěnme    What benefit is there in having a

haochu? Nali d5u name    flourishing industry and commerce?

zang!    Itfs so dirty everywhere!

B: Zhěi yidian wo "bū tongyi,    I donft agree vith that. There are

gSngshangyě fada you "bu    a lot of "benefits to having a

shǎo haochū.    flourishing industry and commerce.

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7.    A: Tā věishěnme zǎohūn?    Why did she get married early?

B: Qunian tā fuqin le,měi    Last year her father died and there

rěn zhaoffli ta, zhǐ hǎo    vas no one to take care of her.

jiehūn le.    All she could do vas get married.

8.    A: Duoshu rěn dou xǐhuan ziyou.    Most people like freedom.

B: K!eshi, bu shi hěn duo rěn něng    But not many people can obtain

dědao ziyou.    freedom.

9.    Weile něng huxiāng zhaogu,    All three generations live together

tāmen yijiā sandai zhu zai    so that they can take care of each

yiqǐ.    other.

10.    A: TīngshuS congqian, nǐmen    Ifve heard that in the past you had

zhěli you hěn duo you    a lot of interesting customs here, yiside fēngsu.

B: Shi a. Houlai gSngshangyě    Yes. Later, vhen industry and

fādā le, fēngsu yě gaibian    commerce developed, customs

le.    changed, too.


11.    laodong    to labor; labor

12.    laoli    labor force, labor

13.    gongye    industry

lk. shāngyě    business, commerce

15.    dadu5shu(r)    the great majority

16.    huo    to live; to become alive; to survive;

to be live/alive/living; to be movable/moving

17.    xīguSn    habit, custom, usual practice; to be

accustomed to, to be used to

18.    ting    to heed, to obey (someone’s orders)

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baochi    to keep, to preserve, to maintain

cai    only in that case, only under this


daduōshu(r)    the great majority

-dai    generation (counter); era, (histor

ical) period dě    to get

dědao    to get

du5shu(r)    the majority of, most of

fādā    to be (highly) developed, to be

flourishing, to be prosperous fēngsu    custom(s)

gaibian    to change

gōngyě    industry

gSngshāngye    industry and commerce

haochu    benefit, advantage

houlai    later, afterwards

huo    to live; to become alive; to survive;

to be live/alive/living; to be movable/moving

laodong    to labor

laodongli    labor force, labor; able-bodied persor

laoli    labor force, labor

mingbai    to understand, to be clear on, to

comprehend; to be clear, to be obvious

nongye    agriculture

shāngyě    commerce, business

shēngchǎn    to produce; production

shōuru    income, earnings

shuSfa    way of saying a thing; statement,

version, argument sǐ    to die

timu (tlmu)    topic, subject; title; (test)

question, problem

ting    to heed, to obey (someone1s orders)

tongyi    to agree, to consent; agreement,


weile    in order to; for the purpose of;

for the sake of


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xiguan    habit, custom, usual practice; to

be accustomed to, to be used to

...yě hǎo, ...yě hǎo    whether...or... ; both.•.and.••

yě jiu    accordingly, correspondingly, so

you hǎochū    to be beneficial, to be good (for)

zǎohūn    early marriage; child marriage; to

marry as a child, to marry early zhangfu    husband

zhaogu    to take of; care

zhěng    just, precisely, right

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Unit 彡,Reference Notes

1.    A: Zhěi liǎngniān, nīmende    What has your income been like

shōuru zěnmeyang?    the past couple of years?

B: Zhei liǎngniān, nongye    These past couple of years agricul-

shēngchǎn qingkuāng "bu    tural production conditions have

cuo, shouru yě hai hao.    been pretty good, and income is

all right, too.

Notes on No. 1

zheiliangnian: See Unit U, Notes on No. 3.

shouru: ’’income,earnings” While in English you say ’’income” is ’’large” or ”small,” in Chinese you say "much” (duo) or "little” (shao)•

Tāde sh5uru bu shao.    Her income isn’t small. (lit., "little”)

Tade shouru bu tai du5.    His income isn’t very high.

shēngchǎn: "to produce (agricultural or industrial products), to mami-facture (industrial products); production, operation (of a plant)’,

Nǐmen d5u shēngchǎn shěnme?    What (all) do you produce?

You rěn shuo xiangxiade shēngchǎn Some people say that production and he shěnghuo qingkuāng hǎo yi-    living conditions in the country-

diSn le,    side have gotten somewhat better.

A: Wo zhǎo Lǐ Guoqiang.    Ifm looking for Li Guoqiang.

B: Duibuqǐ, xianzai shi shēng-    Ifm sorry, it fs production time now.

chan shijiān, bu něng zhǎo    You canft visit people, rěn-

2.    A: Tade shuSfǎ wo měi ting-    I didn’t understand the way he said

dong, nǐ tīngmingbai    that. Did you understand it? le ma?

B: Měiyou, wo yě měi tīngmingbai,    No, I didnft understand it either.

ěrqiě zheige timu yě tai    Moreover, this topic is too hard, nan le.

Notes on No. 2

mfngbai: ,’to be clear on, to understand,,,literally, ’’"bright-white,,

This is an adjectival verb which may or may not be followed by an object:

Xianzai wo mingbai le.    Now I see.

Wo mngbai nǐde yisi.    I understand what you mean.

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Gāngcai nī you gei vǒ jiǎngle    Nov that you've just explained it to

yici, vǒ tiijiao mingbai le.    me again, I understand it better.

Mingbai can also be used to mean ”t〇 be clear, to be obvious,TT as in:

Zhěijian shiqing hen mingbai.    This matter is very clear/obvious.

tīngmingbai: ”to hear and understand" This is a compound verb of result vith an adjectival verb, mingbai indicating the result• As just stated, mingbai can mean either,’to understand’ or ”to be clear,” but tīngmingbai means only "to understand by listening," NOT "to hear Use tīngqīng-chu to !nean ffto hear clearly.ff

Zuotiānde ke vo vidianr dou    I couldn’t understand a thing in

tingoioir.ingbai .    yesterdayf s class .

Gāngcai laoshi shu5de vo měi    I didnft hear (clearly) vhat the

tīngqingchu.    teacher just said.

Another verb of perception vhich can take mingbai to shov the result is kan,

"to see, to read.M

Nǐ kan měi kanmingbai zheige    Did you understand the (test) question

timu?    (when you read it)?

As a compound verb of result, tingminglpai can take the syllables -de- and -bu- to add the meaning of "can” and ”can’t.” (For the following example you need to knov waivěn, ”foreign language,M and bu guan, ”n〇 matter.”)

Gang xuě yizhcng vaiwěnde shihou?    When you’re just tieginning to study bu guan tingdemingtiai tingbu- a foreign language, it1 s good for mingbai, duo ting dui nǐ yiding you to listen a lot whether you you hacchu. understand or not.

timu: This noun has three commonly used meanings: (l) "topic, subject (2) fTtit.le and (2) "question, problem” (e.g. , on a test or in an exercise).

VJomen Jīntiān "nuan yige tāri huade Today let1 s change the topic of con— timu, tanyitan shěnghuo fang-    versation and chat about things

•    miande shi.    from daily life.

Zheiben shūde timu shi Zhongguo- The title of this book is Chinese de Shehui.”    Society.

Zuotiān kaoshide timu name duo, There were so many problems on yes— vo zhēn bu zhīdao xiān zuo    terday rs test, I didn’t know vhich

neige hao.    to do first.

Zheiyangde timu wo zai gāozhong° ī did this sort of problems vhen I de shihou dSu zucguo, xianzai    vas in senior high school, but

d5u wangle.    nov I have forgotten all about them.

°gāozh5ng, "senior high,” short for gāoji zhongxuě

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3. A: Xuě pinyin yě hǎo, bu xuě    Whether you study romanization

pīnyīn yě hǎo,Zhōngguo zi    or not,you111 always have to

zong děi xuě.    study Chinese characters.

B: Shi a, zheiyang Zhōngguo    Yes, this is the only way Chinese

wěnhua cai něng bǎochixiaqu. culture can continue to be


Notes on No. 3

...yě hǎo, ...yě hǎo: This pattern can mean either (1) "whether.•.or.••n or (2) "both...and.••.”

Ni qu yě hao, bu qu yě hao, wo Whether or not you are going, I’m yiding qu.    going for sure.

Ta ting yě hǎo, bu ting yě hao,    Whether he listens or not, there1U

zong you yitiān ta hui    be a day when he understands. mlngbaide.

Tā lai yě hǎo, bu lāi yě hǎo,    Whether or not he comes, let’s

zanmen xian chī fan ba.    start eating.

Nǐ qu yě hǎo, huoshi wo qu yě    Whether you go or I go, somebody has

hǎo, zong děi you yige rěn qu. to go.

In the review dialogue, you will see an example of the second meaning, "both", and...ff:

Buguo wS xiǎng, dalu yě hǎo,Tai- But I think that both the mainland wan yě hSo, Jǐshinian lai dou    and Taiwan have undergone big

youle hěn dade gaibian.    changes in the past few decades•

ZhSngguo rěn yě h5o, Měiguo rěn Chinese people and American people yě hǎo, dou yīnggāi baochi    should both preserve their cultural

tamende wěnhua chuantong.    heritage.

cai: You've already seen cai in talking about TIME ("not until") as in Ta zuotian cai laidet "He didn't come until yesterday." Here you see another use of cai,"not unless.11 It points out a NECESSARY CONDITION.

Zheijikn shi, ta guǎn    cāi xfng.

As for this    (if) he takes    only in that case

matter,    care of it,    will it be okay.

"It won't be okay unless he takes care of this matter.11 Here are other examples:

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Shige    cai gou.    "No fever them ten is enough•11

Zheiyang    cai hǎo.    ’’Only in this vay is it good.11

Pianyi    vǒ cai mǎi.    ’’工 vor^t "buy it unless itf s cheap.11

Nǐ qu    vo cai qu.    ”1 vonrt go unless you do.”

Zhěitao pan zi van    don’t use this set of dishes

you kěren lai    vǒ cai yong. unless 工 have guests.11

~bǎochi: Mto keep, to preserve,    to maintain11

Yaoshi nǐ něng baochi měitiān    If you can keep on memorizing four

ji° sige xīn zi, yinian kěyi    nev characters a day, you111 be

ji yiqiān du5 ge zi le.    able to memorize over a thousand

a year.

Zh5ngguo shěhui hěn du5 difang    There are a lot of places in Chinese

dou "baochizhe lǎode fēngsu    society vhich are still holding on

xiguan.    to old customs and ha"bits .

h. A: Jiāli laodongli duo, shěnghuo If a family has more manpover,

yě jiu hui hao yidiǎnr.    then it follows that life vill "be

a little "better.

B: Kěshi xianzai rěnkǒu du5    But nov it fs not necessarily an

"bu yiding you shěnme    advantage to have a lot of

haochu.    people.

Notes on No. b

laodongli: ”vork force,” literally ’’labor-pover”

Funū zai nongcūn shi xiangdāng In rural areas, vomen are a very zhongyaode laodongli.    important source of labor-

Laodongli may also "be used to refer to able-bodied individuals vho do manual labor:

A: Tāmen jiā you jǐge laodongli? Hov many able-bodied persons are there

in their family?

B: You sige "ban laodongli.    There are four and a half, (The half

may "be a child or an older person vho cannot do as much vork-)

-li ~by itself means "pover” or flability,11 and is used in combinations:

něngli ability    rěnli    manpover

dianli electric pover    tīngli    hearing ability

huoli    firepover; thermal    shuili    vater pover, hydraulic

dongli motivating pover, force,    pover

impetus, driving force

°Ji,”to rememlDer,fl can also mean Mto commit to memory.11

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yě ,1iu: ’’accordingly,’’ literally ’’also then11 Other translations for this are ’’correspondingly,’’ "so." The tone of jiu is often neutral.

Tǎ dui wo hěn "bu kěqi,wo yě    He was very rude to me, so I

jiu Idu gēn tā shuo hua le.    wonft talk with him anymore.

Wo jiao ta bu yao bang wo xī    I told him not to help me wash the

wan, tā yiding yao xǐ, wo yě    dishes, but he insisted, so I let

jiu rang ta xǐ le.    him wash them.

Wo shi liǎngniān yǐqian xuěde    I studied Chinese two years ago, "but

ZhSngwěn kěshi yizhi měi jīhui I never had the chance to speak it, shu5, yě jiu wang le.    so I forgot it.

Wo xiǎng qu, kěshi měi biěrěn    I wanted to go, but nobody else did,

yao qu, yě jiu suan le.    so I said the heck with it.

Wo gang xuě Zhongwěnde shihou, When I first started studying Chinese, hen zhuyi fāyīn, shijiān    I payed a lot of attention to pro—

changle yě jiu bu guan le.    nunciation, but as time went on, I

stopped paying attention to it.

haochu: "benefit, advantage” You may also hear hǎochu (Neutral-tone -chu) • The phrase you hǎochu means "to be advantageous, to be beneficial."

Nǐ tiantian dou he jiǔ you    What good does it do you to drink

shěnme hǎochu!    every day!

Use the pattern dui• • «yǒu hǎochu for ffto be good for..., to be of benefit to.••":

A: You rěn shuō he pijiu dui    Some people say that it is good for

shentl you hǎochu.    the health (body) to drink beer.

B: Bu yiding ba, wo you xuěyā    Not necessarily! I have high blood

gāo, dui wo mei shenme    pressure. It’s not good for me. hǎochu.

Women yikuair nian shū dui    It would be advantageous to both of

liǎngge rěn dou you hǎochu.    us to study together.

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5.    A: Zai nar xiě zide neige rěn    Is that person writing over there

shi "bu shi tā zhangfu?    her husband?

B: Zheng shi tā!    That1 s him all right!

Notes on No. 3

zai nar xiě zide neige rěn: ,,the person writing over there" Notice once again that the preferred word order is to put the specifier-n-umber-counter "between the modifying phrase and the noun.

Specifier-Number-Modifyins phrase_Counter_Noun

xie zide    neige    rěn

hěn hao kande    něi sānge    nuhair

It is also possible to put the neige or zheige at the head of the phrase (nei^e xiě zide rěn) "but especially in longer phrases it sounds "better to keep neige or zheige close to the noun, as in the Reference List sentence above.

zheng: "just, right, exactly, precisely" Like other adverbs, zheng is placed in front of a verb.

Wo zhěng yao zhao nǐ shāngliang I was just looking for you to talk zhěijian shiqing.    about this matter.

Ni chuān zheige yānsě zhěng    This color is just right for you

hěshi.    (to wear).

Wo yao kande zhěng shi zheiben This is just the "book I want shū.    to read.

Zuotiān lai kaji nǐde zhěng shi This is precisely the person who zheige rěn.    came to see you yesterday.

Zheng shi yinwei zheige, tā    ThatT s precisely why he left, cai zou le.

Jiu shi is more colloquial than zheng    shi. For 5B, you could also say Jiu shi tā?

6.    A: GSngshāngye fāda you shěnme    What "benefit is there in having a

haochu? Mali dou name    flourishing industry and commerce?

zāng!    It1s so dirty everywhere!

B: Zhěi yidian wo "bu tongyi,    I donft agree with that. There are

gSngshāngye fada you "bu    a lot of "benefits to having a

shǎo hǎochu.    flourishing industry and commerce.

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Notes on No. 6

gSngshāngye: "industry and commerce" This is a compound of gon^e "industry and shāngyě, "commerce." GSngyě and nongyě can also combine as gSngnongye, as in gongnongye shēngchǎn, "industrial and agricultural produc-ǐioň•”

fāda: nto be developed, to be veil-developed; to "be prosperous, to be flourishing’’ This is an adjectival verb, that is, it describes a state or condition. A literal translation of the Reference List sentence above might be: ’’(For) industry-coinmerce to be flourishing, there is vhat benefit?" In addition to describing industry, fāda can "be used to describe a person1 s muscular build or a developed country•

Zheige guojiā hěn fāda.    This country is very prosperous.

Tāmen narde věnhua hěn fada.    The culture there is very developed.

Don’t confuse the state verb fāda vith the action verb fāzhǎn, vhich can take an object, e.g.9 fāzhǎn nongye, "to develop agricultureT^

nali d5u..•: "everywhere” Here you see another example of a question word (here nali "vhere") used to mean ’’every•••’’ or ’’any".’’ In order to get such a meaning, you must use nali (or shěi,shěnme,etc.) "before dou or yě. Notice that the question vord can come in various places in the sentence.

Q: Tā xiatiān xiǎng qu shěnme Where is he going this summer? difang?

B: Ta shěnme di fang dou "bu qu. He is not going anywhere.

Q: Shěi yko qu neilDiānr kāi hui? Who is going to the meeting there?

A: Shěi dou qu.    Everybody is going.

Zěnme zuo dōu "bu xing.    Any vay you do it,it Just doesn’t


tongyi: ’’to agree, to consent; agreement, consent’’ As a verb, the meaning of tongyi is the same as in English. But there is a difference in hov you say WHO it is you agree with. In Chinese, you don’t agree with a person; you agree vith an idea, opinion, statement, etc. In sentence 6B, the object zhěi yidian is up front in the sentence. Notice the placement of the object in the sentences belov.

Tāde xiǎngfa nǐ tongyi ma?    Do you agree with his opinion?

Wo tongyi tāde kanfa.    I agree with him (his ideas)•

CAUTION: Often speakers of English vant to say gēn> • .tōngyi "because ve say ’’agree vith".’’ in English, but there is no such form in Chinese. Instead, use the last example above. Tongyi may also "be directly followed "by a clause, as in

Ta "bu tongyi tāmen jiēhūn.    He doesnft approve of (OR vonft agree

to) their getting married.

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As a noun, tongyi means "agreementff or ”consent.

Women xūyao tamende tongyi cai We need their consent "before we can něng zuo zhěijian shi.    do this.

7. A: Tā weishěniīie zǎohūn?    Why did she get married early?

B: Qunian tā fuqin si_ le, měi    Last year her father died and there

rěn zhaogu ta, zhǐ hao    was no one to take care of her, so

jiēhūn le.    all she could do was get married.

Notes on No. 了

This exchange illustrates that old ways of thinking persist in China today. Although in urban areas an increasing number of women are self-sufficient ,great variations in social and economic conditions are starkly obvious in a comparison of city and country life.

zǎohūn: ’’early marriage” This can refer to two different things,sometimes causing confusion.

First, it refers to the Chinese practice of marrying a young girl off long before she was an adult in order to "bring some money into her parentsf home and to add to the number of able-bodied vorkers in her in-lavsf home.

Her ’’husltand’’ vas also very young--as young as twelve to fourteen years old, and often younger than she.

Second, these days zǎohūn can simply mean marrying at a somewhat younger age than is normally expected. This is the meaning in exchange 了.

Ērshisisui jiēhūn zěnme něng    Hov can you say getting married at

shuō shi zǎohūn?    twenty-four is early marriage?

ZhSngguo guoqu daduoshu rěn dōu In the past most people in China zǎohūn.    married at an early age.

sǐ: ’’to die’’ This is a process verb, like bing ’’to become ill, to get sick," and therefore corresponds to the English "to become deadn rather than "to be dead." Si_ is a process verb; it describes an instantaneous change of state. In English one can say of a person with a terminal illness that he ’’is dying,’’ but this cannot be translated directly into Chinese. Rather, one must say Tā kuai (yao) sǐ le, "He is about to die,” or Tā huobnliao duo jiǔ le,’’He •won’t live much longer,,f or Tā huobuchang le, "He hasnft long to live.

TTngshuō Lao Liūde fuqin sǐ le. I heard that Lao Liūfs father has


The verb si_ is not usually negated with bu, but rather with měi or hai měi (even when it corresponds to English ’’to be dead”).

Nei shihou, tā fuqin mei si,    At that time, his father was alive,

kěyi changchāng zhaogu ta.    and was able to take care of him.

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Sǐ can be used directly before a noun as an adjective meaning ’’dead.” Shi side may be used to mean Mis dead -11

Zhěi shi yitiao sǐ yu.    This is a dead fish.

Zhěitiāo yu shi side.    This fish is a dead one OR This

fish is dead.

Sǐ may be considered blunt and uncouth or inauspicious when used for people.

To be respectful, use guoqu le, ’’passed away,M or qush玍 le, ’’left the world.11 Sometimes you can avoid saying sǐ_ "by using hai zai or hai hu6zhe, Mstill living,” e.g.,Nei shihou ta yěye hai zai/hai huozhe, ,TAt that time, his grandfather was still living. (See Notes on No. 15.)

In some parts of traditional China, the usage of si_ was affected by superstition. This is especially true in Taiwan. Even today, during the lunar New Year holidays, some traditionalists take pains to avoid uttering sī,’’to die,” lest they be plagued by bad luck and death in the clan for the next twelve months. In Taiwan,the superstition extends to the similar-sounding word si, "four.11 Some hospitals have no fourth floor; silou, "fourth floor,11 could too easily become sǐlou, "death floor,11 in rapid speech. For a similar reason, some motorists refuse to drive cars with license plates bearing the number h. And if money is given as a wedding present, the figure must not contain the number h, or the donor vould be guilty of wishing death on the couple.

zhaogu: "to look after, to take care of; care" You zhaogu can mean "to be veil taken care of, to receive good treatment.M (For the first example, you need to know that youěryuan means "kindergarten.M)

Haizimen zai Jiāli "bǐ zai youěr- The children get "better care at home yuanli you zhaogu.    than they would at kindergarten.

Ta yige rěn zai jiā, měiyou zhao- With his "being all alone at home,it gu bai xing.    von^ do for him to "be without care.

Ta bingde hěn lihai, xūyko těbiě- He is very ill and needs special caxe. (de) zhaogu.

Tade haizi dui tā h§n hao, tade His children are very good to him; shěnghuo you zhelogu.    his daily needs are well taken caxe


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8. A: Duoshu rěn dōu xǐhuan ziyou. Most people like freedom.

B: Kěshi, "bū shi hěn duo rěn něng But not many people can obtain dědao ziyou.    freedom.

Notes on No. 8

duoshu(r): "majority, most,” literally, "the larger nuniber” Daduoshu(r) is ”the great majority.?t In many instances, there isn’t much difference in meaning "between duSshu and daduoshu. Duo shu can "be used to modify a noun, as in duoshudǎng^ "the majority party, or duoshu minzu^ "majority nationalities •” [The opposite of duoshīi is shǎoshu, "minority.” See Traveling in China module, Unit 1.J

~bū shi: "it is not the case that” To translate the subject "not many people” into Chinese, you need to use a verb (shi or you)• You can’t put tu directly before hěn duo rěn. Other examples:

Neige difang, ~bu shi nǐ xiǎng qīi You can*t go there any time you vant. jiu kěyi qīi(de), nǐ děi xiān    You need to get approval first.

dědao tongyi.

Bū shi vǒ "bu yuanyi gēn ni jiē- It *s not that I don’t vant to marry hūn, shi vǒ fumǔ "bīi tongyi.    you; it *s that my parents don’t


dě: "to get, to receive" De_ is much more limited than English nto get.n Use de_ only for passively receiving a prize, a degree,a grade, and the like. (For these examples, you need to knov kaoshi,"test"; y5u, "excellent?? [used in mainland schools like the grade ?tAn in the U.S.]; fen, "points"; jiǎng,?tpri zen; shuoshi,"Master * s degree.11)

Zuotiānde kǎoshi vǒ dele ge    I got an nA” on yesterday*s test.


Ta dele yi"bǎi fēn.    He got 100 (points).

Shěi dě jiǎng le?    Vho won the prize?

Tā shi něinian děde shuoshi?    What year did he receive his Masterfs


De is also used for "contracting”    diseases. ( 3h the second example, lanvěiyan is "appendicitis,n)

Tā dě bing le, "bu něng qu le.    He came down vith something and

cannot go.

Tā dele lanvěiyan, děi mǎshang He got appendicitis and had to "be kāi dao.    operated on immediately.

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dědao: "to receive, to get, to gain, to obtain” Add the ending -dao to the verb de_ to get the meaning of successful obtaining (cf • jiědao,"to successfully "borrow,lf in Unit 1).

Tā dědao huzhao yīhou mǎshang    He left immediately after getting

jiu zou le.    his passport.

Ta gen ta jiehūn, jiu shi xiǎng He only married her to get her dědao tāde qian.    money.

Hěn du5 rěn debudao ziyou.    Many people are unable to obtain


Tā cong zhěli debudao shenme    He wonft "be able to gain anything

hǎochu.    from this.

’’To get1’ in English often means to actively seek to obtain a thing. In those cases, do not use dě(dao). Use such verbs as na/nadao/nalai, zhSo/zhǎodao/ zhǎolai,nongdao/nonglai,or a more specific verb such as mǎi, yao (’’to ask for ), jie; and qing(lai) or .jiao(lai) for "getting” people.

9. Weile něng huxiāng zhaogu,    All three generations live together

tāmen yijia sandai zhu zai    so that they can take care of each

yiqǐ.    other.

Notes on No. 9

weile: ffin order to5 for the purpose of; for the sake of11 A phrase with weile may come at the very front of the sentence or after the subject.

Tā weile yao dao Zhōngguo qu    Because he wants to go to China to

gSngzuo, suoyi xianzai zai xuě    work, he is studying Chinese now. ZhSngwěn ne.

Weile kan dianying, ta měi qti.    He didnft go to class so he could go

shang kě.    see a movie.

Weile may also come after shi:

Zhěijiaji shi dōu shi weile ta. This was done all for him.

This prepositional verb covers a range of meanings falling ■under the categories of (1) "benefit, (2) purpose, or (3) motive. It is sometimes hard to pinpoint exactly which of these meanings is the one expressed "by a particular sentence.

Benefit, sake

Wo weile ta cai laide.    I came only for his sake.

Wo wanquan shi weile ni.    I am (doing this) entirely for your


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Purpose, goal

Weile qian, tā shenme dōu zuode- For money, he is liable to do anything, chūlai.

Weile mǎi zhěi*běn shū, ta qule He vent to six "bookstores in order liuge shūdian.    to get this "book.

Nǐ pǎo zhěme yuǎnde lu, jiu shi You came all this vay just to get weile nā zhěizhāng piao?    that ticket?

Weile baochi nianqīng, tā yong She washes vith (cov’s) milk to niunǎi xǐzǎo.    preserve her youth.

Weile yao is a common combination vhich often means the same as veile:

Weile yao qu kan pěngyou, jin- In order to go visit a friend, I tiān vo dei zǎo yidiǎnr xia    have to leave vork a little early

ban.    today.

Weile yao nian shū, vo zheige    I'm not going out this Sunday so

XTngqītiān bu chūqu le.    that I can study.

Weile bu yao tai lei, vo měitiān In order not to get too tired, I dōu zuo chē shang ban.    take the "bus to vork every day.

Weile něng dull shěnghuo, tā hěn In order to live independently, she zǎo jiu likāi fumǔ le.    left her parents very early.

Motive or reason for some act^ thoughta or feeling

^Jeile zhěijian shi, vo juěde hěn I feel very em'barrassed a"bout bu hao yisi.    ("because of) this matter.

Weile zhěijian shi, tā yiyě d5u He couldn’t get to sleep all night shuituzhao jiao.    on account of this matter.

Wo jiu shi věi(le) zhěijian shi I have come precisely because of lāide.    this matter.

Jiu vei(le) zhěme yidiǎnr shi, You got angry over such a small nǐ jiu shengqi la?    thing?

Even though you vill find that veile is sometimes idiomatically translated as ’’because," as in these last examples, it is still not completely a synonym of yinvei. When you want to say "because,” you should use yinvěi• When you vant to say ’’for the sake of” or ’’for the purpose of,” use veile•

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10. A: Tīngshuo congqian, nǐmen    heard that in the past you had

zhěli you hěn duo you    a lot of interesting customs here,

yiside fengsu,

B: Shi a. Houlai gSngshāngye Yes. Later, when industry and fādale, fēngsu yě gaibian le. commerce developed, customs

changed, too.

Notes on No. 10

fēngsu: ”custom” The definition of fēngsu in a Chinese dictionary reads: the sum total of etiquette, usual practices, etc., adhered to over a long period of time in the development of society.11 Compare this with xi^uan: "behavior, tendency or social practice cultivated over a long period of time, and which is hard to change abruptly.11 Notice that xfguan may refer to the practices or habits of either an individual or a community, whereas fēngsu refers only to those of a community.

Guoqu ZhSngguo you zaohūnde    In the past China had the custom

fēngsu.    of early (child) marriage•

houlai: ’’afterwards, later’’ Both houlai and yxhou are time nouns which can be translated as ’’afterwards,,or "later.11 But there are differences between them:

(1)    Differences in patterns: Yǐhou can either follov another element (trans-lated as "after. or it can be used by itself.

Tā laile yīhou, women jiu zou le.    After he came,we left.

Yǐhou ta měiyou zai laiguo.    Afterwards, he never came back again.

Houlai can only be used by itself.

Houlai ta jiu shui jiao le.    Afterwards he went to sleep.

(2)    Differences in meaning; Both jr^hou and houlai may be used to refer to the past. For example,either yǐhou or houlai may "be used in the sentence Kaishǐde shihou ta bu zhīdao zěnme ban% kěshi houlai/yǐhou xlangchule yfge hao banfa> flIn the beginning, he didnft know what to do,but later he thought up a good way.ff

But if you want to say "afterwards” or ’’later11 referring to the future, you can only use yǐhou. When it refers to the future time, y^hou can be translated in various ways, depending on the context:

Yihoude shiqing, děng yīhou zai Let fs vait until the future to see shuo.    about future matters.

Yǐhou nǐ you kong, qJng chang    In the future when you have time,

lai van.    please come over more often.

Wo yǐhou zai gaosu ni.    I111 tell you later on.

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Tāde haizi shuSle,yǐhou tā    His child said that someday, he wants

yao gēn yige Ri'běn rěn jiēhūn.    to marry a Japanese.

Usage Note: Yǐhou has the literal meaning of "after that. It implies that some past event functions as a dividing point in time, a sort of time "boundary. Yǐhou refers to the period from the end of that time boundary up to another point of reference (usually the time of speaking). It is often translated as "since,

Tā zhǐ xiěle yi"běn shu, yǐhou    He only wrote one book, and hasnft

zai měi xiěguo.    written any since (if he is still

alive) OR He wrote only one book, and after that never vrote another. (if he is dead)

gaibian: "to change; change"

Wo "bu mingbai tā věishěnme haishi 工 donft understand vhy he still can’t "bu něng gai"bian tāde guānnian.    change his ideas (vay of thinking).

Bian_, vhich you learned in Unit 3,can be used only as a ver"b, not as a noun. Bian and gǎi~bian may "be interchangeable in a small niamber of contexts, "but there is an essential difference "betveen them: Bian is a process verb, "to become different ,t! and ^ǎi~bian is an action plus process, t!to alter in such a vay as to "become different. ' This can cause English-speaking students confusion "because the English verb "change” covers both these meanings. Here are some examples:

Tade xiǎngfa bian le.    His vay of thinking changed (became


Women yīnggāi gaibian zheige    We should change this state of

qingkuāng.    affairs (alter this state of affairs

so that it becomes different).

Notes on Additional Required Vocabulary

laodong: The verb "to do physical labor, to labor, to vork" or the noun "physical labor, manual labor.”

shēngchǎn laodong    productive labor

laodong shSuru    income from vork

huo: "to live" Huo, shěnghuo, and zhu may all be translated as "to live" "but actually have different meanings. Huo basically refers to the "bodyfs having life or treath, and is the opposite of s?. Shěnghuo emphasizes 」day-to-day living; it is used mostly vhen describing the needs or quality of daily life. Zhu is used to talk about residence in a particular place, either as onefs home, or temporarily (zhu luguǎn, ”to stay at a hotel,” and zhu yuan, "to stay in the hospital").

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Yu zai shuili cai něng huo.    Fish can live only in water.

Neige difangde rěn kěyi huo dao The people there live to be very hěn lao.    old.

Tā huode hěn chang.    He had a long life.

Tā dagai huobuchang le.    He probably won1t live much longer.

Huo often means "to live” in the sense of "to survive”:

Ta jin yīyuande shihou, shěi d5u When he went into the hospital, no one xiǎng ta bu něng huo le, kěshi thought he could live (survive),but tā you huole yinian cai sǐ.    he lived another year before he died.

Huo can modify a noun directly, for example, huň yu, "live fish,’1 huo rěn, "living person.” But to say, "Is he alive?” you must use huo vith the ending -zhe: Ta huozhe ma?

Huo can also mean "movable, moving,” as in: huozi,"movable type11; huoye,”loose-leaf ” ChuoyětH5zi is ”loose-leaf binderfTU; huoshuī, ”flowing water.ft

xiguan: As a noun, this means "habit" or,in a more general sense, "custom, usual practice.ff

Tang zai chuangshang" kan shū shi It1 s a bad habit to read in bed. yige bu hǎode xiguan.

Wo you zǎo qīde xiguan.    Ifm an early riser. (Lit.,”1 have

the habit of getting up early.’,)

Tai tai bu xīhuan tā xiānsheng    The vife doesnft like her husband1 s

banye yīhou cai hui jiāde    habit of not coming home until

xiguan.    after midnight.

Zheige juzi bu zhīdao wěishenme I don’t know vhy this sentence is said zěnme shu5, zhěi jiu shi wSmen- this way. Itfs just the way we say de xiguan.    it.

As a verb, xiguan means ” to get /be used to, to become/be accustomed to”:

Jīntiān shi wo diyītiān dai yān-    Today is my first day wearing

jing, wo hai měi xiguan. Wo    glasses and I’m not used to them

xīwang hěn kuai jiu kěyi    yet. I hope I can get used to

xiguan le.    them quickly.

Wo hěn bu xiguan chī zhěrde fan. I?m not at all used to the food here.

Wo yījīng xiguan zhěme zuo le,    I’m already used to doing it this way.

hěn nan gai.    Itfs very hard to change.

°chuang, ’’bed"

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ting: This vord, vhich you already knov as nto listen,” can also mean nto heed, to obeyn someone's suggestions, directions, or orders.

Tā shuode you daolǐ, nǐ yīnggāi What he says makes sense• You should ting tāde hua.    listen to him (do as he says).

Wo gaosu tā yīnggāi zheiyang    I told him he should do this, but

zuo, tā bu ting-    he vouldn ft listen-

Hao ba, ting nǐde.    Okay, I’ll do as you say. (nǐde is

short for nǐde hua.)

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Unit 3 > Reviev Dialogue

Lǐ Ping (B), Tom (A), and Lǐ Pingfs classmate from Taiwan, Wang Cheng (D), have just gone to the movie The Dream of the Red Chamber*. On their way home,they chat.

B: Tāngmǔ, nǐ zěnme bu shu5 hua?    How come you arenft talking, Tom?

A: Duibuqǐ, kan zheige dianying,    Ifm sorry. Watching this movie

shizai rang rěn bu shūfu, těbiě    was really distressing. Especially

shi kan dao neige difangr • • •    when it got to that part ...

D: Nage difāng?    Which part?

A: Jiu shi Daiyu side shihou • • .    The part when Daiyīi dies ...

B: Ng, dui le, Daiyīi side shihou    Mm, right, Daiyīi dies just when

zhěng shi Bǎoyii jiēhunde shihou.    Bǎoyii is getting married. At that

Kan dao zhěli, zhēn shi rang rěn    point, I really felt uncomfortable. hěn bu shūfu.

D: Nǐmen you měiyou zhuyi dao, hěn    Did you notice, a lot of women

du5 nude kan dao zhěge difang    started crying when it got to that

d5u kū le.    part.

A: Wo kandao le. Ai, youde shihou,    Yes. (Sigh) Sometimes I really

wo zhende bu mingbai, wěishenme    donft understand why a lot of books

hěn duo shuli haishi shuō Zhong-    say that there were many advantages

guo chuantǒngde da jiātlng you bīi    to the traditional Chinese large

shao hǎochu,hǎochu zai nali?    family. What advantages? Just in

Weile baochi da jiātingde chuan-    order to preserve the tradition of

tong, rang nianqīngde yidai huo-    the large family, the younger genera-

zhě jǐdai chī name duo kǔ, zhe    tion or generations were made to

jiu shi da jiātingde haochu ma?    suffer so much. Thatfs the advantage of the large family?

D: Da Jiātingde hǎochu xianzai bu    The large family doesn’t have many

du5 le. Nǐmen zhīdao Zhōngguode    advantages any more. You know, the

da jiāting gēn lishǐ you guanxi.    large family has to do with Chinese

Zhōngguo shi nongye shěhui, shēng-    history. China was an agricultural

chǎn d5u yao kao rěnli, shěi Jiāde    society, and production depended on

laoli du5, shěi jiāde shěnghuo Jiu    manpower. If a family had a larger

hui hǎo yidian. Ll Ping, nǐ xiSng    labor force they had a better life,

shi *bu shi zheyang ne?    Lǐ Ping, do you think that1 s right?

B: Shi, shi zhěiyangde.    Yes, that1s right.

A: Name, xianzai qingxing bu tong    But now the situation is different.

•This novel by Cao Xuěqin (1了2U?-1了6U) tells of the twilight years of the Jia family, grown wealthy in the service of 这ng Dynasty emperors. The story revolves around the spoiled and effeminate young man of the house, Jiǎ Bǎoyīi (Precious Jade), and his love for his cousin, Lin Daiyu (Black Jade).

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le, xianzai gSngshangyě fādā le,    Nov that industry and commerce are

věishenme hai you rěn shuo da    highly developed, vhy do some people

jiāting hao ne?    still say that the large family is


D: Da jiātingde guānnian yījīng    The concept of the large family has

you jǐqiānniande lishi le, yao    already existed for several thousand

gaibian tā, xūyao bǐjiao changde    years. It111 take a rather long time

shijiān, Dalīide qingxing wo bu    to change it. I donft knov about the

qīngchu, Taivǎnde qingxing shi    situation on the mainland. But on

da jiāting yuě lai yuě shao le.    Taiwan, the situation is that there

Suīran Zh5ngguo rěn xihuan da    are fewer and fewer large families.

jiāting, juěde dajiā zhu zai    Although the Chinese like big families

yiqǐ, huxiāng you zhaogu, danshi    and think that if everyone lives to-

gSngshāngyě fāda le, gSngzuode    gether they can take care of each

jihui du5 le, xiǎo jiāting ye    other, industry and commerce are

jiu yuě lai yue du5 ie.    flourishing and there are more job

opportunities, so there are more and more small families.

B: Xianzai da jiāting yuě lai yuě    Now as large families grow fewer

shao, zaohūnde fēngsu ye jiu    and fewer, the custom of child

měiyou le.    marriage vill disappear.

A: Zǎohūn he da jiāting you shěnme    Is child marriage related to the

guānxi ma?    large family?

D: You guānxi. Zhě zhǔyao° shi lao-    Yes. It1s mainly a question of

lide věnti.    labor force.

B: Nǐ xiǎng, zǎohūn, zǎo you haizi,    After all, with child marriage,

jiāli laodongli du5, lǎorěn ye jiu    children are born sooner, the family

kěyi zǎo yidian dedao zhaogu.    has more work hands, and the old

people can get taken care of sooner.

A: Kěshi zai gōngshāngyě shěhuili,    But in an industrial-commercial

duSshu lǎorěn d5u you shSuru,    society, most of the old people have

Xianzai Taivān yǐjīng shi gong-    an income. Today Taiwan is already

shāngyě shehui, zheiyangde wenti    an industrial-commercial society, so

yě jiu měiyou le.    that kind of problem doesnft exist

there anymore.

B: Danshi, nǐ biě vangle, dalu hāi    But donft forget that the mainland

shi nongye shěhui, zhaogu lǎorěn-    is still an agricultural society,

de věnti hai shi da věnti, zǎo-    Caring for old people is still a big

hūnde fēngsu yě haishi you.    problem, and the custom of child

marriage still exists there.

A: Nǐ dagai nongcuole ba, dalude    You must be mistaken. How could

zhengfǔ zěnme hui tongyi rěnmen    the government on the mainland agree

zǎohūn ne?    to let people marry as children?

°zhǔyao, "mainly"

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B: Wǒ shuSde shi nongcǔn,^- shěnme    I’m talking about rural areas,

zǎohūn na, zhong nan qīng nu a,    Things like child marriage or regard-

zhěizhong shi zong shi he j īngj i ing males as superior to females bu fāda you guānxide.    always have to do with an undeveloped


D: Wǒ shizai bu xǐhuan zǎohūn. Wo    I really dor^t like child marriage,

xiǎng duoshu zaohūnde rěn hbialai- I think that most people who are de shěnghuo dou you dian went!.    married as children have problems

later on in life.

B: Těbiě shi funū.    Especially women.

A: Dui le, wǒ tīngshuōguo zheiyang    Right. I1 ve heard a saying to the

yizhong shuofǎ: Zhongguo funu    effect that before a Chinese voman gets

měiyou jiēhūn yǐqian yao ting fiimu-    married she has to obey her parents,

de, jiěle hūn děi ting zhangfude,    after she gets married she has to obey

zhangfu sǐle děi ting ěrzide.^    her husband, and after her husband

Qǐngwěn, ZhSngguo funu shěnme    dies she has to obey her son. I ask

shihou cai něng you tāmen zijīde    you, when vill Chinese women be able

xiangfǎ, shěnme shihou cai něng    to think for themselves? When vill

you yidiǎnr ziyou ne?    they be able to have a little freedom?

B: Ou, xianzai měiyou rěn jiǎng    Nobody is strict about those customs

zhěixiē le.    anymore.

A: Suīran měiyou rěn jiǎng, kěshi    Nobody is strict about them,

zhěizhong chuantong sixiǎng^ hai- but the traditional thinking is still shi you a!    there!

D: Nī shuode yě you daoli, haishi    That’s right. It’s still the same

naju hua, jīqiānniande lao    old story. Ideas which are several

guānnian bū shi hěn kuai kěyi    thousand years old can’t be changed

gaibiande •    very quickly•

B: 贺g,būguo wǒ xiǎng, dalu yě    Yeah, but I think that both the

hǎo, Taiwan yě hSo, jǐshinian    mainland and Taiwan have undergone

lai dōu youle hěn dade gaibian,    big changes in the past few decades.

funude diwei yě d5u youle tlgāo,^    The status of women has improved,

chuantǒngde guānnian yě zai bian.    and traditional ideas are changing.

A: Ng, zhěyidian wo tongyi.    Mm, that I agree vith.

1nongcun, "rural area" (See Unit 6)

^Zhōngguo funu měiyou jiēhūn yǐqian yao ting fumǔde: (1) měiyou .liēhun

yǐqian is completely equivalent to jiēhūn yǐqian "before getting married”.

The meiyou does not change the meaning. (2) Ting f^amāe is equivalent to

ting fumǔde hua, "to obey onefs parents •”

^sīxiǎng, "thought, thinking11 (See Life in China module,Unit k)

^tigao, "raise,improve(ment)M (See Traveling in China module, Unit 2)

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B: Hǎo, vomen dao jiā le. Wang    Okay, ve are at my house. Come

Cheng jinqu zuo zuo ba!    in for a vhile, Wang Cheng, okay?

D: Hǎo, jinqu yixia.    Okay, I111 come in for a vhile.

SOC, Unit 5


Unit ^, Tape 2 Workbook

Exercise 1

This exercise is a review of the Reference List sentences in this unit. The speaker vill say a sentence in English, followed by a pause for you to translate it into Chinese. Then a second speaker vill confirm your answer.

All sentences from the Reference List vill occur only once. You may want to rewind the tape and practice this exercise several times.

Exercise 2

This exercise is a conversation between a grandmother and her high-school-age granddaughter in Tiānjīn.

The conversation occurs only once. After listening to it completely, youf 11 probably want to rewind the tape and answer the questions below as you listen a second time.

Here are the new words and phrases you will need to understand this conversation:

Zhāng Li Shi    (an old vay of referring to a

woman whose own surname is Li and whose husbandfs surname is Zhang)

zai shuō    "besides, moreover

Questions for Exercise 2

Prepare your answers to these questions in Chinese so that you can talk about them in class.

1.    Can you infer how people generally learn about new policies like birth control in China?

2.    What does Grandma think of the new policy?

3.    What is the difference between the old and the new custom vith regard to taking one’s husbandfs surname after marriage?

After you have answered these questions yourself, you may want to take a look at the translation for this conversation. You may also want to listen to the dialogue again to help you practice saying your answers.

Note: The translations used in these dialogues are meant to indicate English functional equivalents for the Chinese sentences rather than the literal meaning of the Chinese.

SOC, Unit 5

.Exercise b

In this exercise tvo classmates in Hong Kong discuss a death in the family of a friend.

Listen to the conversation straight through once. Then rewind the tape and listen again. On the second time through, ansver the questions.


Exercise 3

In this conversation two classmates are talking in Hong Kong about the situation on the mainland.

Listen to the conversation once straight through. Then, on the second time through, look below and answer the questions.

Here are the new vords you vill need to understand this conversation:

shichang    market

nongmin    peasant

For this conversation, you also need to knov what "free markets" are. The Chinese term is ziyou shichǎng. These are government-controlled, negotiated-price markets which individual peasants, brigades, or communes hold in the cities at officially designated locations to sell agricultural products, livestock, and fish. After units have fulfilled state quotas for an agricultural sideline product, any surplus (vith the exception of certain restricted products) may "be sold on the open market. Free markets are supposed to encourage agricultural sideline production, stimulate the exchange of urban and rural products, improve the supply of non-staple foods in the cities, and supplement state-operated commerce.

Questions for Exercise 3

Prepare your answers to these questions in Chinese so that you can talk about them in class.

1.    Hov do free markets help peasants? How do they help agricultural production?

2.    How do free markets improve life for people in the cities?

3.    What other developments in the countryside do the classmates think will affect the mainland1s economic situation?

h. For how long did classmate Bfs family live in the Jiāngxī countryside?

After you have answered these questions yourself, you may want to take a look at the translation for this conversation. You may also want to listen to the conversation to help you practice saying the answers which you have prepared.

.Exercise b

In this exercise two classmates in Hong Kong discuss a death in the family of a friend.

Listen to the conversation straight through once. Then rewind the tape and listen again. On the second time through, answer the questions.

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You will need the    following words and phrases:

lǎoxiānsheng    old gentleman

gǔhuī    ashes (of a person)

songhuiqu    to take back

Questions for Exercise    U

Prepare your answers to these questions in Chinese so that you can talk about them in class.

1.    Where will Mr. Wang's remains be buried?

2.    What was the nature of family clashes between Mr, Wang and his five sons?

3.    From Mr. ^Lng’s point of view, what vere the advantages in having his sons get married young?

U. What did his sons think about early marriage?

5.    What did Mr. Wang gradually come to understand that made him give up trying to have his sons marry early?

6.    What sentence can you say to someone in a conversation to suggest that you talk about a different topic?

After you have answered these questions, you may vant to take a look at the translation for this conversation. You may also want to listen to the conversation again to help you pronounce your answers correctly.

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Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 2

In Tianjin, a grandmother talks with her high school age daughter.

A: Xiǎolān, kan "bao na!    Reading the paper, Xiǎolān?

B: Nainai, jīntiān "baoshang shuSle,    Grandma, today it says in the paper,

"Yige zui hǎo, liǎngge gou le,    f?One is "best, two are enough, three

sānge tai du5f?!    are too many”!

A: Shěnme? "Yige zui hǎo”? Wǒ    What? "One is "best”? I don’t

měi tingmingtai.    understand.

B: Na shi shu5 shēng haizi, shēng    It’s about having children. Itfs

yige zui hǎo, liǎngge jiu gou    "best to have one,two are enough, and

le, sānge tai du5.    three are too many.

A: "Shēng yige zui hǎo”? Shēng ge    "It’s "best to have one"? What do

nuhaizi zěnme "ban? Hai děi zai    you do if you have a girl? Then you

shēng yige nande ma!    have to try to have a "boy!

B: Ei,nainai, nuhaizi you shěnme    But Grandma, whatf s wrong with

"bu hǎo? Nanhāizi yě hǎo, nShāizi    girls? Boys or girls, theyfre all

yě hǎo, d5u shi zijǐde haizi ya!    one1s own children!


A: Na "bu yiyang, nuhaizi jiěle hūn,    It1 s not the same thing. When a

shěngle haizi, haizi děi xing    girl gets married and has a child,

zhangfude xingr, nǐ xiǎng nanhaizi    the child has to take the hus"bandf s

he nuhaizi yiyang ma?    surname. You think "boys are the same

as girls?

B: Na wǒ "bu tongyi. Nin yě shi    That I don’t agree with. You’re a

nSde,nin wěishenme name kantmqǐ    woman too. Why do you look down on

funu a?    women so much?

A: Bu shi kantuqi, shěhui de qing-    Itf s not that I look down on them,

xing jiu shi zheiyangr. Nǐ yěye    Thatfs the way society is. Your

xing Zhāng, wǒ zijǐ xing Lǐ, jiē-    grandfather1 s name is Zhāng and mine

hūn yǐhou renjia jiao wo Zhāng Lǐ    is Lǐ. After we got married people

Shi, zěnme měiyou rěn jiao wo Lǐ    called me Zhāng Lǐ Shi. Why didnft

Zhāng Shi?    anyone call me Lǐ Zhāng Shi!

B: Zhěi shi jiu fēngsu, xianzai    That1s the old custom. Those terms

měiyou zhěixiē shu5fǎr le. Wǒ shi    aren’t used anymore. Ifm Zhāng

Zhǎng Xiǎolan, jiēhūn yǐhou wǒ hai    Xiǎolan, and after I get married I’ll

shi Zhāng Xiǎolan.    still be Zhāng XiSolan.

A: Yǐhou haizi yě xing Zhāng ma?    And will your children use the sur-

name Zhāng too?

B: Zěnme "bu kěyi, nin kan duimianr-    Why not? Look at Auntie Wang across

de Wang Āyi9 youle haizi jiao V/āng    the way. When she had her child it

Lin, yě měiyou rěn shu5 "bu kěyi    was called Wang Lin, and no one said

ma! Zai shu5,du5 sheng haizi you    there was anything wrong with that.

SOC, Unit 5


shěnme hǎochur,dajiā shouru d5u Besides, what1s the advantage in bu du5, haizi duōle, daren du5 kǔ! having a lot of children? Everyone

has a small income, and if there axe a lot of children, how hard it is for the adults!

A: Haole,haole,jiu suan nī shuSde Okay, okay, let1s say you1re right. dui. Kuai chī fan ba! Chīwanle Hurry up and eat! You have to go to hai děi shang xuě qu na!    school after you finish eating!

Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 3

In Hong Kong, two classmates are talking.

A: Nī zui jin kan bao le meiyou?    Have you been reading the papers


B: Shěnme bao?    What papers?

A: Dalu bao zhǐ. You yijian shiqing The mainland newspapers. I wonder hěn you yisi, bu zhīdao nǐ zhuyi if you1 ve noticed something very in-le meiyou?    teresting•

B: Shěnme shi?    What?

A: Ziyou shichǎng♦    Free markets•

B: Ng, wo yě kandao le, wo xiSng    Mm, I*ve seen that too. I think,

zhěi shi yige bāngzhu nongmin    itfs a good way to help peasants

zhuan qiande hao banfa.    make money•

A: Lingwai yidian, nongminde shSuru And another point is that it vill du5 le, dui nongyě shēngchǎn yě    be good for agricultural production

you hSochu.    if the peasants* income goes up.

B: Dui, wǒ xiǎng weile rang xiǎng-    Right. I think, they ought to con-

xiade shēngchǎn he shěnghuo    tinue running these markets in order

qingkuāng hǎo yidian, zhěiyangde    to make production and living con-

shichang yīnggāi banxiaqu.    ditions in the country better,

A: Erqiě, chěngli rěnde shěnghuo yě Whatfs more, life will be better

hui hǎo yidiǎnr, tamen kěyi zai    for people in the cities. They can

ziyou shichǎng mǎi dao xīnxiande    buy fresh foods at the free markets .

cai, zhěnshi bu cuo.    Itfs really pretty good.

B: Yǐhou ziyou shichǎng yuě ban    In the future, free markets will

yuě hǎo, xiangxiade xiǎo g5ng-    get better and better, small industry

shāngyě yě hui fādāqilai, dalude    and commerce in the countryside will

jīngji qingkuāng hui you hěn    begin to prosper, and there will be

dade gaibian•    big changes in the mainland1 s

SOC, Unit 5


A: Wo jide nī lao jiā zai Jiangxi.    I remem'ber your family is from


B: Shi. Ting wo fuqin shuo, tāmen    Yes. My father tells me that they

jīdai rěn dou zhu zai Jiāngxī    lived in the Jiāngxī countryside for

xiāngxia.    several generations•

A: Xianzai lao jiā hai you rěn "ba?    You still have family there, don ft


B: You, wo tīngshuo nerde qingkuāng Yes. I understand that the situa-xianzai "bū cuo le.    tion there is pretty good now.

A: Na hao, you jīhui xiang huiqu    That’s good, if you have the chance

kankan "ba?    do you want to go "back to visit?

B: Yiding!    Sure!

Dialogue and Translation for Exercise U

Conversation "between two classmates in Hong Kong.

A: Wo tīngshuo Wang Tāode fuqin sǐ    I hear that Wang Tāo’s father died,


B: Shi• Wang Tāo he tā mǔqin xia    Yes. Wang Tāo and his mother are

Xingqiyī yao "ba lǎoxiānshengde    going to take the old gentleman’s

gǔhui songhuiqu.    ashes "back next Monday.

A: Tāmen lao jiā zai nar?    Where fs their family from?

B: Zai Guangdong,    Guangdong.

A: Tīngshuo Wang Lǎoxiānsheng huo-    I understand that when Mr. Wang was

zhede shihou changchang xǐhuan    alive he often liked to talk about

tan lao jiāde shir?    the way things were "back in their old

home, is that right?

B: Shi a! Wang Lǎoxiānsheng rěn    Yes! Mr. Wang was a very good per-

hen hao, jiu shi you dianr lao    son, "but he was a "bit old-fashioned

guānnian, zong xiang "baochi da    in his way of thinking. He always

jiātingde chuantong, kěshi jiā-    wanted to keep the tradition of the

lide nianqīng rěn duoshu d5u "bu    large family, "but most of the young

ting tāde hua, you shihou tā yě    people in the family vouldn’t listen

hěn "bu gāoxing.    to him. So sometimes he was very


A: ' Nī něng "bu něng gěi wo jiǎng-    Can you tell me about it?

jiang ne?

°It is the custom to take the remains "back to onefs hometown.

SOC, Unit 5

B: Xing a! Wang Lǎoxiānsheng you    Sure! Mr. Wang had five sons• He

wǔge ěrzi, tā yuanyi ěrzimen    wanted his sons to marry early,

zǎohūn, tā xiǎng, zǎo jiehūn, zǎo    He thought that if [his sons] got

you sūnzi, na duo hǎo!    married young, he vould get grandsons sooner, and how great that vould be.

A: Zǎohūn, lǎorěn yě kěyi zǎo    With early marriage, old people

yidiǎnr you zhaogu, zhe bu cub.    can be cared for sooner; that1 s good


B: Wang Lǎoxiānsheng zheng shi    Thatfs exactly what Mr.访ing had in

zheige yisi, Keshi ěrzimen bu    mind. But his sons didn’t think

name xiǎng.    think so.

A: Tāmen zěnme xiǎng?    What did they think?

B: Tāmen shuō nei zhong ” zǎohūn,    They thought the idea that ” early

jiali laodongli duo, shouru jiu    marriage brings the family more

du5, shěnghuo jiu hǎo" de xiǎngfa    manpower, and therefore more income

shizai shi tai jiu le. Tāmen shi    and a better life” is really too old.

nianqīng rěn, tamende guānnian    They1 re young people and all their

dōu shi xīnde.    ideas are new ones.

A: Wang Lǎoxiānsheng zěnme ban ne?    What did Mr. Wang do?

B: Hoxzlai tā manmande yě mingbai    Later he gradually came to under—

xianzai gēn guoqu wanquan bu    stand that things are completely dif-

tong le, tā yě jiu bu shuō shenme    ferent now from the way they used to

le. Suoyi yizhi dao Wang Xian-    be, so he stopped talking about it.

sheng sǐ, Jiāli yě měiyou shenme    So there weren’t any big problems in

da wenti.    the family up until Mr. Wang died.

A: Hǎo le, women huan ge timu ba,    Okay,let’s change the subject and

t ant an nǐde qingxing. N? zui Jin    talk about your situation. How have

zěnmeyang? Nian shū niande hao    you been lately? Are your studies

"bu hǎo?    going well?

B: Bu cuo, jiīi shi mang. Jīntiān    Pretty well, its just that I’m busy,

you diǎn shijiān xiūxi xiuxi,    But today I have time to take a break,

women qu he cha hǎo bu hǎo?    Let fs go have some tea,okay?

A: Hǎo, zou ba!    Okay, letfs go!


UNIT 6 Politics and Culture


Grammar Topics Covered in This Unit

1.    -de hua, ”if,” ”in case.”

2.    Choosing "between -guo and -le,

3.    More on zai,tfin the midst of,

U. Bu guǎn•••, ”no matter.”

5.    Nar used in rhetorical questions to make a denial.

6.    Reduplicating adjectival verbs for vividness.

了.迪 and lai expressing purpose.

8.    (Amount of time) lai, ’’in the past.",” ’’over the past....11

Functional Language Contained in This Unit

1.    Requesting to speak vith someone.

2.    Making a comment in order to verify a piece of information.

3.    Expressing that you are disturbed "by a troublesome circumstance. U. Expressing scandalized disapproval.


SOC, Unit 6


Unit 6, Reference List

1.    A: Nx yaoshi xiang ting gushi-    If you want to listen to a story,

de hua, wo gěi ni jiang    I111 tell you one. yige ya!

B: Suan le. Women xia qi ba!    Forget it. Let1s play chess.

2.    A: TTngshuō .jiefang yǐhou,    I’ve heard that the Communist Party

Gongchǎndǎng zuole xiē    did some good things after

hǎo shi,    liberation • °

B: Eng, you xie zhengce shi bu    Yes, some policies were all right,

cuo, you xiē "bu tai hǎo.    but some weren11 too good.

3.    A: Lao Wangde ěrzi ruguo    Did Lao Wang^ son ever join the

Tuan ma?    Communist Youth League?

B: Měiyou, tīngshuo canjiāguo    No, but Ifve heard that he was in

Hongveibxng.    the Red Guards•

k. A: Nǐ tīngshuS le ma, Lao    Have you heard? Lao Zhang1 s daughter

Zhāngde nuěr ai shang    has fallen in love vith Xiǎo

Xiao Wang le.    Wang.

B: Zhě zhēn shi mafan shir,    This is really trouble. Lǎo Zhāng

Lao Zhāng zui hěn Wang-    really hates the Wang family.

Jiade rěn.

5.    A: Ruguo nǐ Tdu .Heyide hua,    If you don’t mind, I,d like to talk

wǒ xiǎng he nǐde ndshu    with your secretary for a fev

tan jifěn zhong.    minutes.

B: Tā zai dǎ zi, mǎshang jiu    He1 s typing, he*11 be here in

lai.    a moment.

6.    A: Zheige haizi ~bu xiang hua^    This child is too much. No matter

bu guǎn zěnme shuo d5u    what you say, he just doesnft

bu ting.    listen.

B: Dui ma, zhě nǎr xiang Xīn    Yes, he1s certainly no [not like

Zh5ngguode ěrtong!    any] child of "Nev China."

•The term "liberation” is used vith such frequency that we introduce it here despite the controversy over whether anything in fact was liberated or freed. For most people in China it is simply jargon for referring to 19“9» and the semantic content is of little importance.

SOC, Unit 6


了. A: Zhěipiān duǎnpiān xiǎoshuō    What is this short story about? xiěde shi shěnme?

B: Xiěde shi yige nōngcūn    It’s the story of a cadre in a

ganbude gushi.    rural area.

8.    A: Nǐ t]īmangmangde,zuo    What are you in such a hurry to

shenme qu a?    go do?

B: Shang xuě qu a!    I’m going to school!

9.    A: Zhengfǔ shi bu shi "bǎohu    Does the government protect people’s

rěnmende caichǎn?    property?

B: Shi. Zhengfǔ shixing    Yes. The government is carrying

"bǎohu rěnmen caichǎnde    out a policy of protecting

zhěngcě•    people1s property•

10.    Zai Gongchǎndǎng lǐn^dǎoxia,    Under the leadership of the Com-

ZhSngguo zai shijieshangde    munist Party, China1s position

diwei youle hěn dade gaibian-    in the world has changed greatly.

11.    A: Shinian lai, zhěi liǎngge    In the past ten years industry and

chěngshide gSngshāngye    commerce in these two cities have

yuě lai yuě fāda le.    "become more and more developed.

B: Zhe he zhěngfǔde lǐngdǎo    This can’t "be separated from the

shi fěrfbukaide-    government1 s leadership.


12.    dǎng    political party; (capital D-) the

(Communist) Party

13.    yuanyīn    reason, cause jiārīi    to join

SOC, Unit 6


ai    to love

ai shang    to fall in love with

bǎohu    to protect

bu guǎn    no matter (what, whether, etc.)

bu xiang hua    to be ridiculous, to be outrageous,

to be absurd (talk,acts, etc.)

canjiā    to participate in, to take part in,

to Join, to attend chěngshi    city; urban

dǎng    (political) party

dǎ zi    to type (on a typewriter)

-de hua    if; in case; supposing that

duǎnpiān    short (stories, articles)

ěrtong    child (formal word)

fen    to divide, to separate, to split

fenkāi    to separate, to split up

ganbu    cadre

Gongchǎndǎng    the Communist Party

gushi    story

hěn    to hate, to loathe, to detest

Hongwěibīng    (a) Red Guard; the Red Guards

Jiaru    to Join

jiěfang    to liberate, to emancipate; liberation

jiěyi    to mind, to take offense

jijimangmang    in a big hurry

jimāng    to be hasty,to be hurried

...lai    for the past••• (amount of time)

lǐngdǎo    to lead, to direct, to exercise

leadership (over); leadership; leader, leading cadre

nongcūn    country, rural area; rural; village

ru    to enter; to join

ru Tuan    to Join the Communist Youth League

(Gongqīngtuān or Gongchǎnzhǔyi


-shang    (verb ending indicating starting and


shang xuě    to go to school; to attend school



shijie    world

shijiěshang    in the world, in the whole world

shixing    to practice, to carry out, to put into

effect, to implement

-tuān    group, society

Tuaji    the (Communist Youth) League

-xia    under

xia qi    to play chess

yuajiyīn    reason, cause

zhěngcě    policy

zhengfǔ    government

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Unit 6, Reference Notes

1. A: Nǐ yaoshi xiǎng ting gushi- If you want to listen to a story, de hua, vǒ gěi ni Jiǎng    I'll tell you one,

yige ya!

B: Suan le. Women xia qi ba! Forget it. Let*s play chess.

Notes on No. 1

Rushi: ’’story,’’ only in the sense of a short, fictional tale. Remem'ber that another vord you have learned, xiǎoshuō, can also "be used for ’’story’’ in the sense of a literary vork. Also take special note that a news ’’story’’ should "be translated as xinvěn (NOT gushi) •

"To tell stories" is .1 iang (OR shuo) gushi (donft use the verb gaosu) •

Nǐmen zhěr you shěnme ěrtong    Do you have any children*s stories

gushi ma?    here? (In a "bookstore)

Zhěipiān gushi xiěde zhen hao. This story is very well written.

Gushi may take as a counter either -ge, -duan, or -pian (for written stories).

-de hua: ’’if," "in case,’’ or ’’supposing that" Used at the end of a clause vhich tells a hypothetical situation, often in combination with another word for ’’if’’ (yaoshi,ruguo, etc.) earlier in the same clause.

Yaoshi nǐ bu qude hua, wo yě "bu    If you donft go, I wonft go, qu.

Chi fan chīlDao le, yaoshi zai chi    If you eat more after you1 re already

de hua, duzi Jiu "bu shūfu le.    full, your stomach won^ feel well.

W5 qīlai tai zǎode hua, wo jiu If I get up too early I feel tired, hui juěde lei.

Yao shi vǒde hua, vǒ "bu name zuo. If it had "been me, I wouldnft have

done it that vay.

xia qi: "play chess” This is actually a general word for several different kinds of chess or other "board games. [Specific names do exist for each game: xieuigqi, ,f Chinese chess”; tiaoqi> "(the Chinese form of) checkers”; věiqi,"go” (a "board game); guo.1i xieuigqi「PRC) or xiyang ql (Taiwan), "international or Western chess"; etc.]

Nǐ gēn shěi xia ql?    Who did you play chess with?

Ta xia ql xiade hěn hao-    He plays chess very veil.

SOC, Unit 6


2.    A: TTngshuō j_iěfan£ yīhou,    Ifve heard that the Communist Party

Gongchǎndǎng zuole xiē    did some good things after

hāo shi.    liberation.

B: Eng, you xiē zhěngcě shi "bu Yes, some policies were all right, cuo, you xiě "bu tai hao.    "but some werenft too good.

Notes on No. 2

jiěfang: "to liberate, to emancipate; liberation,’ This word is applied in Communist ideology to the overthrow of vhat is considered "reactionary!f rule. In China today .jiěfang may "be used to refer to the actual occupation of an individual area "by Communist forces at any time from 19总5 up until 1950 (when the administrative authority of the Communist government had finally extended throughout the mainland and Hainan Island). For example, if someone says

Women zheige difang jiěfangde    Our area was liberated late (in the

wan.    revolution).

this means that Communist forces reached their area at a late date (perhaps in late 19总9 or early 1950). Jiefang may also "be used to refer to the end of ’’China’s War of Liberation/’ marked "by the official proclamation of the Peoplefs Republic of China on October 1,19^+9• For example,

Jiěfang yǐhoude jinian, vo zhu For the first fev years after liber-zai Shanghai.    ation I lived in Shanghai.

Gongchǎndǎng: ’’the Communist party," literally nshare-property party"

In a mainland China context, the Communist party is often referred to simply as Dǎng, ”the Party.” The official name is ZhSngguo Gongchandang, "Chinese Communist Party (CCP)•”

zhěngcě: ”policy” (especially of a government)

Zuijinde zhěngcě gaibian le.    The (governmentf s) policy has changed


3.    A: Lao Wangde ěrzi ruguo    Did Lao Wang1s son ever join the

Tuān ma?    Communist Youth League?

B: Měiyou, tīngshuo canjiāguo No, "but I1 ve heard that he was in Hongvěi'bTng,    the Red Guards.

Notes on No. 3

ru: "to enter” Ru is most often used in literary Chinese. In the spoken language, it is mainly used in a handful of set phrases like ru xuě, "to enter school, to start school,” or ru yuan> ’’to "be hospitalized." Otherwise, ’’to enter” is expressed "by the verbs jin, j inlai,or jinqu.

In the set phrases ru Tuan,nto join the Communist Youth League,!f and ru Dang, "to join the Communist Party,n ru is actually short for the verb jiaru (No. lb on the Reference List), which means "to join" an organization.

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Tuan: ,’the League,’’ short for Zhongguo Gongchǎnzhǔyi Qīngniantuan,

’’China Communist Youth League,’’ also attreviated as GongqTngtuan* This is a nationwide organization for working youth and students "between the ages of fourteen and twenty-five. Its aim is to cultivate mem"bersf political awareness and their cultural and scientific knowledge. The Leaguefs history goes "back to 1922, "but its name, goals, and influence have changed over the years.

During the Cultural Revolution, the functions of the League were largely taken over "by the Red Guards (see note on next page), "but in 1973 the League "began to recover its former influence. Today, the League organizes political study sessions as well as educational and recreational activities at schools, universities» factories, and other places of work. The League also provides leadership for the Young Pioneers (Shaoxiandui), an organization for children from seven to fourteen.

The connection "between the Communist Party and the League is a close one, although the League is independently organized and has its own central committee with a national congress that meets periodically. Policy leadership for the League comes from the Youth Department of the Communist Party Central Committee. By no means do all League mem"bers go on to "become Party mem"bers,

"but leadership experience in League activities makes many likely candidates for later Party memlDership.

cānjia: ’’to join; to participate in, to take part in; to attend”

Can jia refers to the action of joining a group or Joining in an activity. It also means ”to participate” or ’’to take part in.u Canjia is also the word to use for,’to attend” a meeting, convention, or other gathering (but not a play, film, or other non-participatory event).

Zhonggu6 cānjia Shijiě Yfnhang    China has Joined the World Bank, le.

Women jihua xia xīngqī kai ge    Wefre planning to have an evening

wǎnhul, ° nǐ xiǎng "bu xiǎng    party next week. Would you like

cānjia?    to join in?

Dajiā dou yīnggāi canjia    Everyone should participate in

laodong•    (physical) labor.

Tā cānjiāle yige xunliānban. °° He is attending a training class OR

He attended a training class.

(depends on context)

Wǒ yao qu cānjia mingtian xiāwude Ifm going to attend the meeting hui.    tomorrow afternoon•

ruguo Tuan, cĒLn.1iāguo Hongwěibing: You were introduced to the marker -guo in the Biographic Information module, with sentences like Nǐ congqian lāi^uo ma?, ’’Have you ever been here before?” You also saw that -guo can provide "by itself the meaning of "ever”: Ta quguo Zhōngguo ma? > ’’Has he ever "been to China?” In exchange 3> the speakers use -guo with the meaning of ’’ever” having done something.

°vǎnhui’ "evening party,, **xunliānban, ”training class”

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Why use -guo and not -le in these sentences? A helpful rule of thumb is to use -_guo in Chinese when you would say ’’ever’’ in English. But -guo and ’’ever’’ do not alvays correspond; as you can see in sentence 3B,the English does not contain the vord "ever." The reason speaker B decided to use -_guo there rather than 1^ is that he knows Lao Wang1 s son is no longer in the Red Guards• Using -£uo rather than le_ implies that the joining (canjia) was later undone一一that the son is not a Red Guard now.

The verb cānjia tells an action that results in a new state: the action of joining results in the state of "being part of something. Similar verts include zuo,"to sit,’’ (the action of sitting results in the state of "being seated) and chuān (the action of putting on clothes results in the state of the clothes being on). Process verbs as well show the change from one state to a new state, like ~b全ng (to go from wellness to sickness), dao (to go from not "being here to being here). When -£uo is used with these kinds of verbs it often implies that the resulting state is no longer in effect. °

HongveilpTng: "the Red Guards lit., "Red Guard-Soldiers" It was in Beijing in 1966 that middle school and college students first "began to form groups calling themselves H6ngvěi~bīng. At that time CCP Chairman Mao ZědSng had "been trying vith little success to stir up a mass movement against T,revi-sionist’’ elements in the Chinese Communist Party, and to infuse the country with a nev revolutionary spirit. The newly formed Red Guard groups first directed their efforts at reactionary leaders in the schools• After Mao publicly expressed his support for the Red Guards, their inovement quickly grev into a major force in the first stage of the Cultural Revolution. Their opposition to Liu Shāoqi, then Chairman (head of state) of the PRC, vas instrumental in his downfall. Before long, groups of Red Guards vere crisscrossing China "by train, "bus, any means of transportation--many on foot—to spread the concepts of the Cultural Revolution. The scale of these excursions is difficult to imagine; Red Guards, other student groups, and tagalongs-altogether millions of young people--vere to be seen everywhere, bringing Běijīng1 s political movements to the rest of the country.

After their inception, the thousands of Red Guard groups nationwide had difficulty forming a cohesive organization, and after the first three years of the Cultural Revolution (1966 to 1968) their power "began to wane. They remained a prestige group, however, until their official abolishment in 19了8.

Outside observers, as veil as many Chinese, had mixed opinions of the Red Guards. That they were a major force in stirring the country to join in the movements of the time is "beyond question. But the zealous excesses and cruelties of many Red Guards tovard people of "undesirable” political or family "backgrounds are equally veil known.

•-Guo may also "be used when the speaker does not know for sure whether the state is still in effect. But do not use -guo vhen you know for sure that the state is_ still in effect. For example, if you know that a person has come here and is still here, you can only say Ta lai le.


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A: Nǐ tīngshuo le ma, Lao    Have you heard? Lao Zhāngfs daughter

Zhāngde nuěr aishang    has fallen in love with Xiǎo

Xiǎo Wang le.    Wajig.

B: Zhě zhēn shi mafan shir,    This is really trouble. Lao Zhang

Lǎo Zhāng zui hěn Wang    really hates the Wang family,

jiade rěn.

Notes on No. ^

ai: ’’to love” (state verb)

Wǒ xiǎng ta shi zhende āi nǐ,    I think she really loves you.

Tā you āi xuěxi, you ai lěodong, She loves study and loves physical shi ge hǎo tongzhi.    labor. She is a good comrade.

Ai can also mean ’’to like, to be fond of” a food, hobby, sport, activity, etc. It is usually used before a verb, as in the following examples:

Wǒ zui ai chī tāngcu pāigǔ le! I just love sweet and sour spareribs!

Tā zhen ai jiǎng hua.    He really loves to talk.

A: Nǐ āi kan diānyǐng ma?    Do you like to go to the movies?

B: Bū ai.    No.

Wǒ fuqin ai xia ql.    father is fond of (playing) chess.

aishang: ’’to fall in love (vith    someone)’’

Zai zheige xuěxiao shang kě yige    After attending classes at this

yuě yǐhou, ta jiu aishang tāde    school for one month, he fell in

Zhongwěn lǎoshī le.    love with his Chinese teacher.

Cong diyīci kanjian ta, wǒ jiu I fell in love with her right from aishang ta le.    the first time I saw her.

Wǒ zhīdao nǐ bū ai wo le, xihuan- I know you donft love me anymore; shang Wang Cheng le.    youfve taken a liking to Wang


Particularly in Běijīng speech, the ending -shang added to some verbs has the meaning of starting and then continuing, ffto set about (doing something), to fall into the habit of (doing something), to take to (doing something) •,’

Tāmen you xiashang qi le.    They have started to play chess

again OR They1re back playing chess again.

Nǐ you chōushang yan* le?!    You1re smoking again?!

•ch5u yan, ”to smoke”

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Renjia shui jiao le, nǐ zěnme    There are people trying to sleep,

changshang gē le?!    What are you doing singing?!

Kanshang means ’’to take a fancy to, to settle on":

Wo kanshang něizhǒng chē le, děng I've taken a fancy to that kind of vǒ youle qiān wǒ yiding mǎi    car. When I have money I’ll cer-

yiliang.    tainly "buy one.

aishang Xiǎo Wan^ le: A new-situation le_ is extremely common vhen presenting an event as ’’hot nevs,” as the speaker does in this sentence. Hot nevs should, after all, "be presented to the listener as something he doesn’t already knov--as a nev situation. (For the second example you need to know zǒngtǒng, ’’president,” and fǎnRwěn, ’’to visit.")

Wǒ zhāodao yige xīnde gongzuo    Ifve found a nev job! le:

Jīntiān "baozhishang shuo Měiguo    It says in today * s paper that the

zǒngtǒng yao dao Zhongguo lai    president of the U.S. is going to

fǎngvěn le.    come visit China!

Of course, this le is sometimes optional- It may "be omitted in the above tvo examples, but not in sentence Ua.

hěn: "to hate," only in the literal meaning of "to loathe, to detest, to have intense ill feelings tovard"

Wǒ hěn něiyijiā rěn.    I hate that vhole family.

Wǒ hěn ta gěi vo dāilaile name I hate him for "bringing me so much duo mafan.    trouble.

Wǒ zui hěn zuo zhěizhong shi.    I detest doing this sort of thing

most of all.

nTo hate” in the milder sense of,,to dislike,,or "to vish to avoid" is expressed in Chinese "by other words - (For the last example "belov you need to know tǎoyan> "to dislike,to "be disgusted vith.’’)

Zǎoshang wǒ zhēn "bu yao qǐlai.    I hate to get up in the morning.

Zheiyang mafan ni, vo zhēn "bu hǎo I hate to put you to all this yisi.    trouble.

Xiang tā zhěiyangde rěn měiyou I hate to see someone like him yige hǎo gongzuo, tai kěxī le. without a good jo"b.

Wǒ tǎoyan mǎi dongxi.    I hate shopping.

°chanR gē, "to sing (songs)” (a verb plus general object, like nian shū)

SOC, Unit 6

18 了

5. A: Ruguo nǐ bu .jiěyide hua,    If you donft mind, Ifd like to talk

vǒ xiǎng he nide mishu    vith your secretary for a few

tan jifen zhSng.    minutes.

B: Tā zai dǎ zi, mashāng jiu    Hefs typing, he111 be here in

lai.    a moment.

Notes on No. 5

.jiěyi: ’’to take offense, to mind’’ This is mostly used when preceded by a negative word (bu or biě)•

Wǒ shi shuSzhe wllnrde, xīvang nǐ I was kidding (when I said that). I bu yao jiěyl.    hope you doi^t take offense.

A: Ni bil hui jiěyi ba?    You donft mind, do you?

B: Bu hui.    No, that9 s all right.

Nǐ Jiěyi bu Jiěyi wo mingtian    Do you mind if I take a friend along

dai ge pěngyou qu cānjia nide    to your party tomorrow night? wǎnhui*?

dǎ zi: Mto type11 on a typewriter, literally wto hit characters.ff

Tā dǎ zi dade hěn kuai.    He types very fast.

Zi here is a general object like hua in shuo hua. Speakers of English are

often tempted to say dǎ zi zheige for fftype this," but that is    incorrect. To

specify the thing vhich is typed, use dǎ without the vord zi_.    Some verb endings, especially -chulai, are often used with dǎ:

Gei wo dǎ yixiar (zheige).    Type this for me.

Qǐng ni bǎ zhěifeng xin dǎ yi-    Please type this letter, xiar.

Wo děi qu dǎ yifeng xin.    I have to go type a letter.

Ni dawan něifēng xin le ma?    Have you finished typing that letter?

Neifēng xin dǎchulai le meiyou?    Has that letter "been typed?

Wo ba zheige dǎchulaile mǎshang I111 bring this over to you as soon gěi ni songguoqu.    as I finish typing it.

Used as a noun, da zi means ”typing*’ (like the school subject):

Wǒ xuěguo dǎ zi.    I1ve studied typing.

Tǎ zai yige zhōngxuě Jiao Yīngwěn She teaches English typing at a da zi.    middle school.

*vanhui, Mevening party"

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Zi,"by itself, may "be used as follows:

Wǒ dacuole yige zi.    I typed a character (letter or word)


Zhěi"běn shū, zi tai xiǎo.    The type is too small in this "book.

zai da zi: "He’s (in the midst of) typing” You first learned zai, the marker of ongoing action, in Meeting, Unit 2: Ta zai kai hui, ”He is了in the midst of) attending a meeting. Use zai to specify that an action is in the midst of progressing or evolving.

Because zai denotes ”continuing action,” it is used with action verbs, vhich indicate the event has duration. On the other hand, process verts, vhich indicate simply a change of state, are not compatible vith zai: sǐ,

”to die,” dao, ”to arrive,” ting, ”to (come to a) stop," qu, "to go.” The verb sǐ, for example, describes the instantaneous transition from a living state to a dead state- It makes no sense to speak of "being ’’in the midst of dying"; a person is either alive or dead.° Likewise, you have either arrived (daole) or not; are either stopped (tingle) or still moving; are either gone (qule) or still present.

You can make zai negative vith either tu or měi • Questions are usually "best formed with shi ~bu shi zai; some speakers use you měiyou zai or zai ~bu zai.

Sentences vith zai often end in ne, the emphatic marker of absence of change (see Unit U, Notes on No. 2)•

6. A: Zheige haizi ~bu xiang hua, This child is too much. No matter ~bu guan zěnme shuo dou    what you say, he just doesnTt

"bu ting.    listen.

B: Dui ma, zhě nǎr xiang Xīn    Yes, hefs certainly no [not like

Zhongguode ěrtōng!    any] child of ”New China.n

Notes on No, 6

~bu xiang hua: ’’to "be outrageous, to "be ridiculous, to "be atsurd" Lit-erally this means "doesn^ resemtle speech•” As used today, ~bu xiang hua may "be applied not only to things which are said, "but also to situations and people.

Zheiyang zhēn bu xiang hua, jiu This is outrageous! To just vant yao qian *bti zuo shi, zěnme    money "but not work. How can that

xing!    do!

Bu xiang hua, ba wūzi nongde    This is too much! He made the room

zhěme luan, yě bu shSushi    such a mess and doesn’t even

shōushi•    straighten up•

•In English ”He is dying” may look like an ongoing action, but it actually means "He is very near to passing from a living state to a dead state.11 The passing itself is instantaneous• So to translate MHe is dying” into Chinese, you have to rephrase the thought, e.g., Tā kuai yao sǐ le, "He is going to die soon,11 or Ta huobuchang le, ’’He won't live long.

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Zheige haizi yitian dao wan wanr, This child plays all day long and bu nian shū, zhen bu xiang hua. doesnft study. He1 s really too


bu guǎn: !lno matter."" The first half of a bū guǎn sentence contains either (l) an interrogative word, e.g.,

Bu guǎn shěnme    No matter what

shěi    who

shěnme shihou    when

nǎr    where

wěishenme    why

zěnme    how

duSshao    how much

duo lei    how tired

etc •

or (2) a clause expressing alternatives, e.g.,

Bu guǎn tā qu bu qū    No matter whether he goes or not

shi bu shi zhende    whether it1s true or not

ta shi ZhSngguo rěn    whether he is Chinese

haishi Měiguo rěn    or American

Jīntiān (haishi)    whether itfs today or

mlngtian    tomorrow


The last half of a bu guǎn sentence usually (not always) has d5u or sometimes


Bū guǎn nī gěi duōshSo qian, wǒ No matter how much money you offer, d5u (yě) bū mai.    Ifm not selling it.

Bu guǎn ni xuyao shěnme, tā něr No matter what you need, he is sure yxdtng (d5u) you.    to have it at his place. (Dou is

optional and is not used here.)

Bu guǎn xia bu xia yǔ, wǒ dou qu. Whether it rains or not, Ifm going.

nǎr: Literally "where/* used in rhetorical questions to make a denial. Compare this with Nali!,which you learned in the Biographic Information module to deny compliments.

A: Zhěixiē fangzi    dou shi nǐde Do these houses all belong to you? ma?

B: Nǎr a!    Heck no!

A: TS dao nǎr qū le?    Where did he go?

B: Wo nǎr zhīdao!    How should I know! (MAY BE IMPOLITE)

A: Wo qu wen ta.    If 11 go ask him.

B: TS nǎr zhīdao!    (stress He doesnft know! (MAY BE IMPOLITE)

—on    —

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Sāndiǎn zhSng nar něng dao!    Hov could ve possibly arrive by

three ofclock!

ěrtong: ”child” This is the vord used in formal contexts. It usually refers to children under approximately ten years of age.

ěrtong věnxuě    childrenrs literature

ěrtong yiyuan    childrenfs hospital

了. A: Zhěipiān duǎnpiān xiaoshuS What is this short story about? xiede shi shěnme?

B: Xiěde shi yige nongcūn    It*s the story of a cadre in a

ganbude gushi.    rural area.

Notes on No. 7

duǎnpiān: ”short,,,of written compositions. Duanpian xiaoshuo, "short storyT11 In China, the short story began to develop as a genre as early as the Tang and Song dynasties. In modern times, Chinese short story writers vere greatly influenced by Western short stories.

nongcūn: This has three main uses: (1),,country,rural area"; (2) "rural,u vhen used to modify a noun; and (3) "rural community, farm village" (counter: ge) • In mainland China, this third use is no longer common "because of the reorganization of rural areas into comnrones, with village-sized units "becoming production brigades (shēngchǎn dadui)•

In the Welfare module, you learned another vord for ”country, rural area,,: xian^xia. Xiāngxia and nongcūn are comparable in meaning. Xiāngxia is chiefly a conversational word, however, rarely used in formal contexts. Xiāngxia may even be used in a disparaging manner; nongcūn, "being more neutral in connotation, cannot•

Tāmen jia zai nongcūn.    Their home is in the country.

Nongcǔnde kongqi Idǐ chěngli    The air in the country is much better

hao duo le.    than in the city.

Tā māma cong nongcūn lai, dailai    His mother came from the country and

hao duo xīnxian jidān.    brought lots of fresh eggs vith


Tā zai yige nongcūn(de) yiyuan    She vorks in a rural hospital, gongzuo.

Zheige xuěxiāode xuěsheng dou    The students of this school have all

dao nongcūn cānjia laodong    gone to the country to participate

qu le.    in labor.

°The expressions zheige cūnr, "this village," vomen cǔnr, "our village,” nimen cūnr, ”your village,” etc., are nevertheless still used in the PRC.

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Zheige nongcūn you duSshao    What is the population of this farm

rěnkǒu?    village? (not mainland usage)

ganbu: Usually translated into English "by the French vord ’’cadre,’’ this vord has tvo meanings in China.° First, it can refer to full-time functionaries of the (usually central) Party or government. Second--this is the sense of Ranlpu in sentence TB--it can have the "broader meaning of any person vho has a leadership job. There are cadres in the army, factories, schools, communes, anywhere leadership positions exist. It is always clear who is a ganbu and vho is not; positions and people are well defined as cadre or not. Ganbu is contrasted vith qunzhong, ’’the masses.” For example, certain meetings may be attended by ’’cadres’’ but not by ’’the masses,11 and certain documents are distributed to ,’cadres’’ of a certain level but not to ’’the masses.’’

Most cadres are ’’not engaged in production’’ CtuSchǎn le], but some are ’’half released from production’’ Cban tuōchǎnD. Very fev are ’’not released fron production’’ IIbu tuSchǎn]. In general, cadres’ salaries are higher than ordinary workers, and they have more privileges •

Lǎo ganbu is translated as ’’veteran cadre,’’ that is, a cadre from before liberation.

In the PRC, the English word ’’cadre” is usually pronounced "cah-der,” vith the first syllable stressed.

8. A: Nǐ ,11.1 īmangmangde zuo    What are you in such a hurry to

shěnme qu a?    go do?

B: Shang xuě qu a!    īfm going to school!

Notes on No. 8

•11.1 Imangniang: "in a great hurry11 This comes from a repetition of each syllable of the adjectival verb Jlmang, which means "hasty, hurried.” Ji means "anxious" and mang, vhich you have learned as "busy,t? here means a rushed manner.’’

Many adjectival verbs may be reduplicated to make them more vivid. For example:

A: Něige shi Chen Bin?    Which (of those people) is Chen Bin?

B: Gaogaode něige.    The tall one.

A: Něige gāogāode? Nǐ shi shu5 Which tall one? You mean the dark, hēihēi shoushoude něige?    thin one?

B: Bū shi. Baibai pangpangde No. The pale (light_complexioned), něige.    fat one.

Baobaode means "very full":

Wǒ chide bSobaode.    I'm very full.

•The vord ganbu is also used in Taiwan, although not as frequently as on the mainland, to refer to people in positions of leadership in many kinds of organizations, especially government, the army, and large corporations.

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Adjectival verts of two syllables are reduplicated in an AABB pattern: repeat the first syllable twice and then the second syllable twice.

gāoxing    "becoines    gāogāoxingxing

pingchang    "becomes    pingpingchangchang

kěqi    "becomes    kěkeqiqi

Adjectival verts reduplicated this way can "be used to modify nouns,as in

Tā Jiu shi yige pingpingchang- He is Just an ordinary fellow, changde rěn.

or to modify verts, as in

Women kekeqiqide tantan.    Let’s talk it over politely.

Tāmen gāogāoxingxingde zou le. They left happily.

These reduplicated adjectival verbs are not made negative or used in a comparative sentence.

zuo shěnme qu: Literally, "you are going in order to do what?11 Qu and lai may "be used at the end of a sentence to show purpose: ’’go in order to” or ’’come in order to” Whether you choose lai or gii depends, in many cases, on the direction of the action; if the direction is towards ’’here,” use lai, and if it is "away,11 use qu.

Wen tā qu ~ba!    Go ask him!

Nǐ kuāi mang qu "ba!    Go about your "business!

Wǒ kan ni lai le.    Ifve come to see you.

Putting 犯 or lai "before or after the verb phrase gives about the same meaning. In fact, in Běijīng speech, they may "be used "both "before and after the verb phrase. The following three patterns are equivalent:

Nǐ qu wen tā. 1

Nǐ wen tā qu. >    You go ask him.

Ni qu wen tā qu. J

Tā lai na piao le. 1

Tā nā piao lai le. >    He came (has come) to get the tickets.

Ta lai na piao lai le* J

Here are more examples:

Tā zuo shěnme qu le?    What did he go to do?

Shui jiao qu le.    He went to go to "bed.

Hui jiā qu le.    He went to go home.

Xi yīfu qu le.    He went to do some laundry.

Nong fan qu le.    He went to get dinner ready.

Mǎi dongxi qu le.    He went to do some shopping.

SOC, Unit 6

Sometimes there can be ambiguity about whether 3x1 and lai axe "being used to express "purpose” or "direction•” For example, the phrase na piao lai means "bring the tickets here" if lai is a directional ending, but come here in order to get the tickets" if lai indicates purpose.

shang xuě: This phrase means either ’’to go to school11 in the sense of "it's eight o'clock, the children have already gone to school,,,or "to attend school," as in "I attended high school in Chicago•” Xuě is a general object like shu in nian shū, "to study.11 You can replace it by a more specific object such as xiaoxuě,"elementary school," or Jǐngshan Zhōngxuě^ MJlngshan Middle School.”

Ta shang xuě qu le.    He has gone to school•

Suīran ta nianji da le, kěshi    Although hefs old,he still wants to

tā hai xiang shang xuě.    go to school•

9. A: Zhengfǔ shi bu shi baohu    Does the government protect people1 s

rěnmende caichan?    property?

B: Shi. Zhěngfu shixing    Yes. The government is carrying

baohu rěnmen caichande    out a policy of protecting

zhěngcě•    people1s property•

Notes on No. 9

zhengfǔ: 11 government11 Zhěng originally meant "political affairs ,11 and fǔ was the word for ’’government offices.11

Tā zai Měiguo zhěngfuli gSngzuo. He works in the U.S. government.

Distinguish zhengfǔ from guojiā, flthe state.11* In PRC terminology, guojiā is the entire organization by means of which the ruling class exercises its rule, including administrative bodies, the military, police, courts, and prisons. Zhěngfu refers to the administrative bodies of the state--for example, the State Council.

baohu: "to protectM from harm or loss, or "to safeguard11

huanj ing baohū    environmental protection

funu ěrtong baohū    woman and child protection

Cong xiao jiu děi baohu yanjīng. One should protect one*s eyes from

the time one is a child.

Nī kan rěnjiade chē baohude duo Look at how well maintained his car hao, nīde ne?!    is! But yours!

Women yīnggāi baohū guojiā    We should protect state property•


•Here we are not talking about gu6jia,s other meaning, "country, nation.’,

SOC, Unit 6


Even "before liberation, the Chinese Communists attempted to allay wide-spread fears that a Communist government would signal an end to private property "by proclaiming baohu rěnmin caichǎn as an official policy.

shixing: "to carry out, to put into practice/effect, to implement" an idea, plan, policy, system, or program.

Zheige jihua něng bu něng shixing Whether or not this plan can be im-hāi shi ge věnti.    plemented is still a question.

Xiage yuě women yao kāishǐ shi-    Next month we are going to put a new

xing yizhong xīnde kǎoshi    method for testing into practice, "banfa.

10. Zai Gongchǎndǎng līngdǎoxia,    Under the leadership of the Com-

Zhongguo zai shijiěshangde    munist Party, China1s position

diwei youle hěn dade gaibian•    in the world has changed greatly.

Notes on No. 10

lǐngdǎo: nto lead, to direct, to exercise leadership (over); leadership; leader, leading cadre"

Tāde lǐngdao něngli hěn qiang.° He has great leadership ability.

Tā najne nianqīng jiu lǐngdǎo name He is in charge of so many people at duo rěn?    such a young age?

A: Nīmende gSngzuo zuode bu cuo. You do your job well.

B: Na dōu shi zhěngfu lǐngdǎode Itfs all thanks to the good leader-hǎo.    ship of the government. (Lit.,

"That is all "because the government leads veil.”)

Zhěijian shiqing women děi wen- We111 have to ask our leading wen lǐngdao.    cadres about this.

Tā lingdǎo zheige gōngzuo, zhěi- If he directs this project, it jian shi yiding zuotuhao.    surely won’t be done well.

Gongqingtuan lǐngdao Shaoxiān- The Communist Youth League exercises dui.    leadership over (provides guidance

for) the Young Pioneers.

-xia: "under,,,used only after certain nouns. The ones you have learned so far in this course are lǐngdǎo, qingkuāng, "bāngzhu, zhaogu.

Zai zhěizhong qingkuāngxia, zui In this kind of situation, it is hao shěnme dōu bu zuo.    best not to do anything.

°něngli, "ability”; qiang, "strong”

SOC, Unit 6


shi.jiě: ” world”

Zheige difang dui ta lai shuo    To him, this place seemed like a new

hǎoxiāng shi yige xīn shijiě.    world.

Tā dui disān shijiě guojiāde    He is interested in the political

zhěngzhi qingkuāng you xingqu. situation in third world countries.

To say ”in the world,’’ use shi.liěshang. This is often equivalent to English "in the whole world.”

Shi jiěshang měiyou yige rěn    There is no one like him in the

xiang tā zheiyang.    whole world.

Ruishi biao zai shi jiěshang hěn Swiss watches are famous throughout you ming.    the world.

Shijiě can also be used to modify other nouns:

ZhSngguo shi Shijiě Yinhangde    China is a member country of the

chěngyuanguo.°    World Bank.

11. A: Shinian lai, zhěi liǎngge    In the past ten years, industry and

chengshide gSngshāngye    commerce in these two cities have

yuě lai yuě fāda le.    become more and more developed.

B: Zhě he zhěngfǔde lǐngdǎo    This can*t be separated from the

shi fenbukāide.    government1s leadership.

Notes on No. 11

shinian lai: ”for the past ten years” or "over the past ten years”

Shinian lai, wo xuěle hěn duo    Over the past ten years, Ifve learned

Yīngwěn.    a lot of English.

Jīniān lai wo dou měiyou shoudao I haven11 gotten any letters from her tāde xin le.    for the past few years.

Lai is usually used with a relatively long period of time, especially months or years. There are no definite rules for how long is ’’long,” but you would not, for example, use lai to say ’’for the last half hour” (which would be zhěi bange zhSngtou)•

The expression of time may be preceded by zhěi, Mthese,” for example, zhěi jǐniān lai, ’’for the past few years.M

chěngshi: "city” or "(comparatively large) tovn” Originally chěng meant a city wall and shi a "market(Shi is now also an administrative unit,as in Běijīng shi, "Běijīng municipality.n)

"chěngyuanguo, "member country”

SOC, Unit 6


You have already learned the word chěng for "city, town." Cheng_, which originally meant "city walls,” is now mostly used in set phrases such as .jin chěng, "to go into the city, to go into town, to go downtown" (to the part within the original city walls); or chěngli, "in the city," and chengvai_, "outside the city" (again using the walls to differentiate the two). Chěng is also used to translate "town" in foreign place names, e.g., Qiaozhichěn^, "Georgetown." The Chinese also use xiǎo chěng to translate ITtovnM vhen referring to foreign situations, as in

Tā zhu zai li Niǔ Yuē "bu yuande He lives in a little town near New yige xiǎo chěngli.    York.

But xiǎo chěng is not used to speak of a town in China; instead people say ”county" (xian) or "commune” (g5ngshě) or Just "place” (difang)•

To translate ”city,” chěngshi is the word you will use most often.

Lundun shi shijiě you mingde    London is a world-famous metropolis. da chěngshi.

Shanghai shi shijiěshang zui    Shanghai is the largest city in the

dade chěngshi.    vorld.

fērfbukāi: "cannot "be separated” A more English-sounding translation for sentence 11B would "be, "This is directly related to the government's leadership•M

The vert fēn means "to separate, to divide," as in

Women fēn yige pingguo, hǎo "bu LetTs split (share) an apple, okay? hǎo?

Ba něige pingguo fēn liangkuai. Divide the apple in two,

Pingguo fēn hao du5 zhong.    There are lots of different kinds

of apples. (Lit., 11 Apples are divided into many kinds*’’)

The vert ending -kai,which you have seen meaning "opentT as in dakai, here is something like English ”apart•”

Bǎ haizimen fēnkāi.    Keep the children apart.

Bǎ hongde gēn lande fēnkāi.    Keep the red ones separate from the

blue ones•

Zhěi liangzhāng zhī shi fēnde- These two sheets of paper can be kāide.    taken apart.

SOC, Unit 6

•Ding is the same word you learned in the Meeting module for ftto reserve,


Notes on Additional Required Vocabulary

yuanyīn: "reason, cause"

Na shi shěnme yuanyīn?    Why is that?

A: Shi shěnme yuanyīn ta jīn- Why is it he didnft come today? tiān měi lai?

B: Shěi zhīdao, wen tā ziji qu Who knows? Go ask him! ba!

Wo nian Zhongwěnde yuanyīn shi The reason Ifm studying Chinese is yīnwei wS yao dao ZhSngguo qu    that I am going to go work in

gSngzuo.    China,

Wo ding* zhěme duo Zhongguo    There1 s a reason for my subscribing

bao zhǐ shi you yuānyīnde.    to so many Chinese newspapers.

Ni zuo zheige jihua you měiyou Is there some special reason why you shěnme těbiěde yuanyīn?    are making this plan?

Meiyou shěnme těbiěde yuanyīn    Therefs no particular reason for

yao zheiyangr zuo.    doing it this way.

.1iāru: This is the formal word for "to join•” (You will recognize •Ua,”add," from can.lia and ru, Menter,M from ru Tuan•)

SOC, Unit 6


Unit 6, Reviev Dialogue

On the balcony of Li Pingfs apartment, Tom (A) and Lǐ Pingfs sister

Li Wen (E) have a conversation.

A: Lǐ Wen, nǐ yige rěn zai zhěr    Are you playing chess all by your-

xia qi?°    self out here, Li Wěn?°

E: Suibian wanrwanr, jintian Baba    Just fooling around. My father

bu zai jiā, pingchang zong shi    isnft home today. Usually he and I

wo he Baba xia qi. Zenme, ni    play against each other. What’s up?

yě xiǎng wanr ma?    Do you want to play too?

A: Bu, wo "bu tai hui xia; ruguo    No, Ifin not too good at chess. But

ni you kong, wo xiang he ni    if you1ve got the time I1d like to

liaoliao.    chat with you a bit.

E: Wo ye zhěng xiang he ni liao-    It just so happens I felt like

liao ne, qǐng zuo! Ruguo ni    talking with you myself. Have a seat.

bu jiěyide hua, wo xiang wen nǐ    If you don’t mind, īfd like to ask

liǎngge wěnti.    you a couple of questions.

A: Bu yao kěqi, qǐng wen ba!    Certainly, go right ahead.

E: Měinian shǔjiade shihou, nǐ    Do you leave home and go traveling

dou likāi jiā, yige rěn qu    "by yourself every summer? luxing ma?

A: Chabuduō shi zheiyangr.    Just about.

Ē: Name, nǐde fumǔ hěn you qian    Then your parents must be very

ba?    rich, I guess?

A: Tamen dou zai daxuě jiāo shū,    They both teach college, CsoJ they1 re

bu shi hěn you qiānde rěn, ěrqie    not very rich; "besides, I earn my own

wǒ luxingde qian dou shi wǒ zijǐ    travel money. During the school year

zhuande. Pingchang shang xuěde    工 usually do some outside work like

shihou, wo hāi zuo diǎnr shir,    typing, translating little articles,

xiang da zi, fānyi dianr xiao    and so on. Then when I1ve earned the wěnzhāng shenmede. Zhuanle qian, money I go away to see the world dur-

shǔjiade shihou chūqu zouzou,    ing summer vacation, kankan shijiě-

E: Zhen bū cub. Nǐ něng fānyi,    That1s great. If you1re able to

najne nǐde Zhongwěn hen hao le?    translate,your Chinese must be very

TTěng shuo yě něng kan?    good. You can speak and also read?

A: Něng kan yidiǎnr. Wo dui    I can read a little. Ifin very

ZhSngguo wěnhua, ZhSngguo she—    interested in Chinese culture and

hui hěn you xingqu, hěn xiǎng    society, and I’d like very much to

yanjiū yanjiu. Suoyǐ, ruguǒ nǐ    study them. So, if you don’t mind,

°Lǐ Wen may be working out chess strategies or playing Chinese chess (which

can "be done alone).

SOC, Unit 6


bu jiěyide hua, wo yě hen xiang    I*d like to ask you a few questions, ven ni_ Jige věnti.

E: Qjng!    Be my guest!

A: Ting Lī Ping shuo, ni zhidao    I hear from Lǐ Ping that you know

xiē dalude qlngkuang,    a bit about the situation on the


E: Wo you hen duo tongxuě he    I have a lot of classmates and

pěngyou, tamen d5u shi cong    friends who come from the mainland,

dalu laide. Tāmen zai nar    They lived there for twenty or thirty

shēnghuole ěrsānshinian, dang-    years, so naturally they know quite

ran hen qīngchǔ. Wo he tamen    well what goes on there• I spend a

changchang z&i yiqǐ, ye jiu    lot of time with them, so Ifve gotten

zhīdaole yidianr.    to know something about it too.

A: Tingshuo, Zhōngguo zhěngfǔ    I understand that the Chinese

shixing nannū pingděngde zhěng-    government carries out a policy of

cě,suoyi ZhSngguo funude diwěi    equality of men and women,so the po-

tlgaole hen du5, jiātlngde qlng-    sition of women has improved a great

kuang yě he jiěfang yǐqiān bu    deal, and families are in quite a

yiyang le.    different way than before liberation.

E: Nī shuode dui, Zai Gongchan-    That’s right. Under the leadership

dǎng lǐngdaoxia, bu guǎn shi    of the Communist Party» no matter

nongcūn haishi chěngshi, nu-    whether in the countryside or the

haizi he nanhāizi yiyang, dou    cities, girls can go to school just

kěyi shang xuě, zhǎngdale yě    as "boys can, and when they grow up

yiyang kěyi you gSngzuo. Jia-    they can also get Jobs Just the same,

ting,funu he ěrtong, dou kěyi    Families, women and children all

dědao shěhuide baohu.    receive societyfs protection,

A: Zhě bu shi hen hǎo ma?    That’s great, isn’t it?

E: Mm, yīnggai shi hen hǎo, kěshi    Yeah, it ouglrt to *be great, but in

c6ng Liu Liu nian dao Ql Liu    the ten years from 966 to fT6, a lot

nian, zai zhěi shinianlǐ, shěhui-    of social problems came about because

shang yīnwei zhengzhide yuanyTn    of political reasons. I can tell you

youle hen du5 went!. Wo kěyi    a story, gěi ni Jiang yige giishi-

A: Nx kuai shuoshuo *ba!    Oh, please do!

E: Nī tīngzhe, a. You yiwěi lao    Listen this. There was this old

gan*bu, zai Shanghai gongzuo. Ta    cadre who worked in Shanghai. She only

zhī you yige nuěr. Keshi zai    had one daugher. But in ,6了 the

Liu Qī niande shlhour, lǐngdǎo    the leadership said she had political

shuo tā you zhěngzhi wěnti *    problems.

SOC, Unit 6


A: Zaogāo! Na tā nūěr yě you    Uh-oh! Then her daughter was in for

māfan le.    some trouble too.

E: Yidianr d5u bu cub. Zhěige    Absolutely right. This girl

nuhāizi "bu něng ru Tuan, bu něng    couldn’t join the (Communist Youth),

canjiā Hongvreiting- Pengyou,    League or the Red Guards. Her

tongxuě d5u likāile ta. Youde    friends and classmates all left her.

shihour, zai dajiēshang, hen    Sometimes when she was walking down

shouxide rěn yě haoxiang "bū    the street, people she knew well

rěnshi ta yiyang.    would act as if they didn't knov her.

A: Na, tā zěnme "ban ne?    Well then, what did she do?

E: Neige shihou, tā juěde shēng-    At that time she felt that her life

huo zhěn shi yidianr xīvajig yě    was completely hopeless. She "began to

měiyou. Ta kāishǐ hen tāde mǔ-    hate her mother. She wanted to leave

q±n. Tā yao likāi ta, tā yao    her. She wanted to leave her home. likāi tāde jiā.

A: Houlāi ne?    And after that?

E: Houlai, tāmen zhēnde fēnkai le.    Afterwards, they really did split

Nuěr daole nongcūn.    up. The daughter went to the


A: Zhěiyang, tāde qingkuang hui    That way her situation got a little

hao yidianr "ba?    better,工 guess?

E: Yidianr yě měiyou. Zai nongcūn    Not a bit. Although she worked

suīrān tā gōngzuode hen hao, ta    very well in the countryside, she

haishi měiyou shěnme zhěngzhi    still didn’t have any political life,

shěnghuo, lǐngdǎo he renmen yě    The leadership and the people didn ft

měiyou yīnwei tā likaile mǔqin    change their opinion of her just

jiu gai"bian dui tāde kanfa.    because she left her mother, either.

A: Na, tā dagai bu hui you shěnme    Well then, she probably didn’t have

pengyou, ye bu rongyi aishang    any friends, and it probably wasn’t

shěnme rěn.    easy to fall in love vith anyone.

Ē: Shi. Tai nan le. Tā aishangle    Yes. It was really hard. She fell

yige nānhaizi, něige nānhaizi    in love with a boy, and he loved her.

yě ai tā, ěrqiě yīnvei tā, tu    But because of her, he couldn’t get

ně^g you ge tǐjiao hǎode gongzuo.    a "better job.

A: Zhě shi zai tai "bū xiang hua le.    That1 s really absurd.

E: Jiǔnian yǐhou, lǐngdǎo nong-    Nine years later, the leadership

qīngchǔ le, tā mǔqin měiyou    got it straightened out that her

věnti. Zhěige nuhaizi jijimāng-    mother was (politically) okay. The

māng paohui Shanghai, keshi tā    girl rushed tack to Shanghai in a

zai ye jian'budao tāde mǔqin le.    flurry, but she was never to see her

Tā mǔqin yǐjīng sǐ zai yīyuanli    mother again. She had already died in

le-    a hospital.

SOC, Unit 6


A: Yige jiāting jiu zhěiyang wan    Just like that, a family was dele! Nǐ zěnme hui zhīdao zhěige    stroyed! How do you happen to know fnishi?    this story?

E: Yaoshi nǐ zhuyi yixiar 访该    If you watched the newspapers in

nian,迈 Bā niande ZhSngguo "bao-    1 了了 and *了8 you could see lots of

zhǐ, jiu kěyi kandao hěn du5    stories like that. Let me recommend

zhěiyangde gushi. Wo zai gěi ni    a book to you, too. jiěshao yi*běn shū.

A: Shěnme shu?    What book?

E: ZhSngguo Yī Jiǔ ^ Qi nian dao    Chinese Short Stories of 19TT-

Yi Jiǔ Bā nian Duanpian Xiao-    19了8. shuo.

E: Nǐ zhīdao, ruguo you rěn xiang    You know, if someone wants to

dǒngde ZhSngguo shěhui, Jiu yi-    understand Chinese society they have

ding yao yanjiū cong Liu Liu nian    to study the situation from 9 66 to

dao 读 Liu niHnde qlngkuang.    1 了6, Only after youfve studied it

Yanjiule yihbu cai něng mingbai    can you understand why today the Chi-

jīntiande ZhSngguo zhěngfǔ he    nese government and people are trying

Zhōngguo rěn weishenme yao gǎi-    to change the political and economic

*bian zhe shinian lai zhěngzhi-    conditions of the past ten years

shang, jīngjishangde qingkuang,    and let the Chinese people really be

rang ZhSngguo rěn zhěnde dědao    liberated, jiěfang.

A: Ni něng bang wo zhǎodao    Can you help me find that book? něi*běn shū ma?

E: Wo you zhěi*běn shū, kěyi song*    I have it, and I can give it to you.

gei ni. Kan shu hai bu gou, you    But reading isn’t enough. If you get

jīhui qu dalu kankan.    the chance, go visit the mainland.

A: Wo you jīhui ylding qu.    If I get the chance, I certainly


•S5ng here means "to give" something as a gift.

SOC, Unit 6


Unit 6, Tape 2 Workbook

Exercise 1

This exercise is a review of the Reference List sentences in this unit. The speaker will say a sentence in English, followed by a pause for you to translate it into Chinese. Then a second speaker will confirm your answer.

All sentences from the Reference List will occur only once- You may want to rewind the tape and practice this exercise several times.

Exercise 2

This exercise is a conversation in which an evening university teacher visits the home of her student, Gāo Xiǎohua, who also works in a Shanghai factory, to talk vith her mother.

The conversation occurs only once. After listening to it completely, you111 probably want to rewind the tape and answer the questions below as you listen a second time.

Here are the new words and phrases you will need to understand this conversation:

yěda    evening university

pǎolai pǎoqu    to run around

xuěhui    to learn, to master

gongchǎng    factory Questions for Exercise 2

Prepare your answers to these questions in Chinese so that you can talk about them in class.

1.    What kind of student is Xiǎohua?

2.    What was Teacher Liūfs main concern in visiting Comrade Fang Bǎolān?

3.    What were schools like during the Cultural Revolution?

h. Did Teacher Liu come as a representative of the university, factory, or both? Hov do you know?

After you have answered these questions yourself, you may want to take a look at the translation for this conversation. You may also want to listen to the dialogue again to help you practice saying your answers.

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Note: The translations used in these dialogues are meant to indicate the English functional equivalents for the Chinese sentences rather than the literal meaning of the Chinese.

Exercise 3

In this exercise a husband and wife in the city of Harbin in northeast China talk at home.

Listen to the conversation once straight through. Then, on the second time through, look "below and answer the questions.

Here are the new words and phrases you will need to understand this conversation:

Xiǎo Ěr    (the couple1 s son, "Little No. Two/*

so called "because he is their second child)

zhǐ yao    as long as, provided that

gāogan    senior cadres

"benren    herself, himself, oneself,

myself, etc.

Questions for Exercise 3

Prepare your answers to these questions in Chinese so that you can talk about them in class.

1.    Where did Xiao Er go after work?

2.    What kind of trouble does Xiǎo Ěrfs father anticipate?

3.    What does Xiao Ěr’s mother think of his girlfriend?

k. To whom does she refer when discussing political trouble?


After you have answered these questions yourself, you may want to take a look at the translation for this conversation. You may also want to listen to the conversation to help you practice saying the answers which you have prepared.

Exercise U

In this exercise a student talks vith another student from mainland China in their dorm in Hong Kong.

Listen to the conversation straight through once. Then rewind the tape and listen again. On the second time through, answer the questions.

SOC, Unit 6


You will need the following new word:

wěnxuějiā    writer, literary man

Questions for Exercise b

Prepare your answers to these questions in Chinese so that you can talk about them in class•

1.    Why do the roommates decide to stay home? What do they decide to do instead?

2.    Where did Chen Bin learn to play chess? Why do you suppose he was living there?

3.    What was the countryside like during the Cultural Revolution? k. What did Chen Bin do "besides play chess?

5. After Chen Bin1s experience, what does he think of the situation in mainland China?

After you have answered these questions, you may want to take a look at the translation for this conversation. You may also want to listen to the conversation again to help you pronounce your answers correctly.

you, Unit b


Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 2

A young woman named Gao Xiaohua works at a factory in Shanghai and attends

the factoryfs evening university. One afternoon her teacher (A) at the university pays a visit to Gao Xiaohua1s mother, Fang Bǎol£n (B).

A: Nǐ shi Fang Baolan Tongzhi    Are you Comrade Fang Baolfin?


B: Shi. Nin guixing?    Yes. May I ask your name?

A: Wo xing Liu, shi Gāo XiǎohuS    yiy name is Li1i. ī^m Comrade Gao

Tongzhi zai yědade laoshi.    Xiaohua^ teacher at the evening


B: 6u, shi Xiaohuade laoshi.    Oh, Xiaohua1s teacher! Please

Kuai qǐng jinlai zuo.    come in and sit down.

(Gao sits down and Fang brings some tea.)

B: Liu Laoshi, XiaohuS zai yěda    How is XiǎohuS doing in the

zěnmeyang a?    evening university, Teacher Liň?

A: Xiaohua hěn yonggong, xuěxide    XiaohuS is very hardworking and

hěn hao. Keshi wo zSng juěde    does very veil in her studies, but

Xiaohua shēntǐ bu gou hǎo. Měi-    it does seem to me that her health is

tian d5u haoxiang hěn lei, shi    not good enough. She seems tired

bu shi shuide bu gou?    every day. Is it because she doesnft

get enough sleep?

B: Yidianr d5u Tdu cud, shi    Absolutely right. She doesn’t

xiūxide bu gou. Zhěi haizi    get enough rest. Every day the child

měitian hui lai nian shū dou děi    comes home and studies until tvo or

nian dao 1iǎng-sāndian zhSng.    three o1clock,

A: Xianzaide nianqīng rěn zhěi-    There1s a (good) reason for the

yang nian shū shi you yuěnyīnde. way young people study nov.

B: Shěi shu5 bu shi ne? ShlniSn    That1 s for sure! For the past

lai xuěxiaode qingxing tai Tdu    ten years conditions in the schools

xiang hua le. Nei shihou haizi-    have been unspeakable. During that

men nianttuliSo shū, cSnjiāle    time, students couldn*t study. They

HongwěilDĪng, yttiān dao wan zai    joined the Red Guards and were out

wailDianr pǎolai pǎoqu, shěnme yě    running around from morning till

měi xuěhui• Xianzai canjiāle    night. They didnH learn a thing,

gSngzuo, zai Tdu nian shū, zěnme    Now that they are participating in

něng ba gSngzuo zuohao ne?    work, if they go on without studying,

how can they do their work well?

A: Keshi, shiniande shū Tdu shi    But you canft complete ten years

shitiān banyue kěyi nianwande. of study in ten days or half a month. *

°This is an idiom for "a short time."

SOC, Unit 6


Women zuo lǎoshīde, zuo fumǔde    Those of use who are teachers and

hai děi "baohu tamende jiānkāng.    parents still must protect their

Bu něng rang tāmen tai lei le.    health. We canft let them get too

Nǐmen Xiaohua měitian yiding    tired. Your Xiaohua must go to "bed

yao zao dianr xiūxi.    earlier.

B:    Zhěn xiěxie nin. Nin huiqu    Thank you very much. When you get

yǐhou yě ti women xiěxie    tack, thank the leadership at the

g5ngchang he yědade lǐngdǎo.    factory and the evening university.

A: Bu kěqi. Zhěixiē d5u shi women Not at all. All this is what we yīnggai zuode.    should "be doing.

B: Wo yě hui zhāogu Xiaohua, rang And I111 take care of Xiaohua, and tā haohāor gongzuo, hǎohāor    see that she works well and studies

xuěxi•    well.

A: Hao, wo zou le. Zaijiān!    All right. I111 "be on my way.

Good-bye -

B: Zaijiān! You kongr lai zuo a! Good-bye• When you have time,

come over and sit a while.

Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 3

In the city of HarMn in northeast China,a mother (B) and father (A) talk

at home.

A: Ei, Xiǎo Er xiāle "ban, jiji-    Say, where did Xiǎo Ěr go off to

māngmangde you dao nar qu le?    in such a rush after work?

B: Tā shuo, qu gen tāde yige tong- He said he was going to learn xuě xuě YTngwěn da zi.    English typing from a classmate.

A: Xuě Yīngwěn da zi? Shi nan-    To learn English typing? Was it

tongxuě haishi nutongxuě?    a male classmate or a female class


B: Jiu shi shāngci lāiguode něige It1s the female classmate who was nutongxuě.    over last time.

A: ^Xiǎo Er yaoshi aishang něige    If Xiao Er falls in love vith that

nūhāizi jiu māfan le-    girl it1 s going to "be troutiie.

B: You shěnme mafan? Na haizi    What trouble? That girl is a

shi dāxuěshēng, you you lǐmāo,    college student, and well mannered,

laile hai tāng wo zuo fan shenme—    And when she came over she even

de- You shěnme "bu hao?    helped me cook and so oru What1 s

wrong with that?

A: Nǐ zhīdao shěnme? Tā fuqin    What do you know? Her father

you zhěngzhi věnti.    has political problems.


Unit 6

20 了

B: Bu dui "ba?! Wo ting Xiao Er    You must "be wrong! Ifve heard

shuo, jīnniān xiatian tā ru    from Xiǎo Er that she joined the

Tuan le. Yaoshi tā fūqin you    (Communist Youth) League this summer•

zhěngzhi wěntide hua, ta něng    If her father had political problems,

ru Tuan ma?    could she Join the League?

A: Něng, xianzai you zhěngcě, zhi    Yes. Nov there1 s a policy that as

yao haizi hao, jiu kěyi ru Tuan,    long as the child is good,he or she

"bu guǎn tā fumǔde wěnti you duo    can enter the League, no matter hov

da.    great his or her parents1 problems


B: Zhě jiu dui le ma, wo shuo    There you have it, then! I said

nei haizi shi hao haizi!    she was a good child.

A: Bu xing, haishi děi rang tamen    No, it vonft do. We should still

fēnkai, yǐhou mafan tai du5!    make them "break up. There will "be

too much trouble later on.

B: Shěi měiyou mafan? Gaogande    Who doesn11 have trouble? Do you

haizi jiu měiyou mafan le? Lin    think the children of senior cadres

Biao congqian yě shi da gantur,    donft have any trouble? Lin Biāo vas

nǐ něng rang nǐ ěrzi gen ta nuěr    a "big cadre too, "but would you let

jiēhūn ma?    your son marry his daughter?

A: Hǎo hǎo hǎo, "biě shuo le.    Okay, okay. Donft say any more!

Haizide shi zhēn "bu hǎo "ban!    Children1 s matters are really hard

to handle.

B: You shěnme "bu hǎo "bānde?! Zhx    What1 s hard to handle? As long

yao nei haizi Ijěnrěn h5o, ta-    as the girl herself is good, and

men you huxiang xǐhuan, Jiu    they like each other, it will "be

xing le.    fine.

A: Hǎo hǎo hao! Ting nJde.    Okay. We*11 do as you say.

Dialogue and Translation for Exercise U

In Hong Kong, a student (A) talks with another student from mainland China (B)

in their dorm.

A: Chen Bin, jintian vǎnshajig "bu    Chen Bin, aren11 you going out

chūqu ma?    tonight?

B: Waimian zai xia yǔ, "bu xiang    It1 s raining outside. I don11

chūqu le, nǐ ne?    want to go out. Hov about you?

A: Wo yě "bu chuqu, vomen xia qi    I donft vant to go out either.

hǎo "bu hǎo?    How about playing chess?

B: Hǎo a!    Okay!

SOC, Unit 6


A: Dui le, nǐ xia qi xiade zhěme    Say, you play chess so v^ll.

hǎo, shi zai nar xuěde?    Where did you learn it?

B: Nnnn . • •    Mnnn • • •

A: Duibuqǐ, ruguo nǐ bū jiěyide    Excuse me, if you don’t mind, tell

hua, jiu jiǎng gei wo tingting.    me about it.

B: Měiyou shenme, Nǐ zhīdao,    That’s all right. You know I lived

wo zai nongcūn zhuguo shiniān.    in the country for ten years.

A: Wo zhīdao.    I know.

B: Wo zhude něige difang zai shān-    The place I lived was in the

li, měiyou gōnggong qichē, gěng    mountains. There were no buses, much

měiyou huochē. Erqiě, něige    less trains. Also, at that time

shihou wo jiālide rěn yě d5u cong    ray whole family had moved from the

chěngshi ban dao xiāngxia qu le.    city to the country.

A: Na, nī yiniān sānbǎi liūshiwǔ-    Then you didn’t leave the place

tiān bu likāi něige difang le?    365 days a year?

B: Jiu shi.    That’s right.

A: Nǐ měitian zuo shenme ne?    So what did you do every day?

B: Něige difang you ge xiǎo tū-    There was a small library there. shūguǎn.

A: Lǐbianr you shenme shū?    What kind of books did it have?

B: Ou, chule zhěngzhi shǔ yīvāi,    Oh, apart from political books,

jiu shi ěrtong gushi, měi    there were only children’s stories,

shenme yisi.    which weren’t very interesting.

A: Na nǐ zěmne ban?    Well then, what did you do?

B: Tushūguǎnli yě you rěn xia qi,    There were people who played chess

wo gēn tāmen xuě, manmande, wo    in the library. I learned from them,

xia qi xiade bu cuo le.    By and by I began to play chess pretty


A: Chūle xia qi nǐ hai zuo shěnme?    What did you do besides playing


B: Ou, xiěguo yidiǎn duǎnpiān    Oh, I wrote a few short stories. xiǎoshuS.

A: Ou! Nǐ shi ge věnxuějiā! You    Oh, you1 re a writer! When you

jīhui gěi wo kankan, xing bu    have a chance, let me read some,

xing?    okay?

SOC, Unit 6


B: Xiěde "bu hǎo.    TheyTre not very good.

A: Hai, "bu yao kěqi ma! Dui le,    Oh, donft "be polite! Oh yes,

you yige věnti, wo hěn zǎo Jiu    thereTs a question I1 ve "been wanting

xiang věn ni.    to ask you for a long time.

B: Shěnme věnti?    What?

A: Xianzai nǐ dāole Xianggang,    Now that youfve come to Hong Kong

kandāole "bu tongde shijiě, nǐ    and seen a different world, what do

xiang shěnme? Nǐ bū hěn nei    you think? Arenft you bitter about

shiniande shěnghuo ma?    life during those ten years?

B: Měi yici xiǎngdao nei shi-    īTm always sad whenever I think

niande shěnghuo, wo d5u hěn nan-    of those ten years of life. But I

shou, keshi nei "bu shi wo yige    am not alone in this, itfs a problem

rěnde shi, shi shěhuide wěnti-    of society. I think that the govern-

Wo xiang xianzai zhěngfǔde    merit’s policy has changed. I hope

zhěngcě youle gǎibiān. Wo xī-    that under the leadership of this

vang zai zhěige zhěngfǔ llngdSo-    government, what went on during those

xiade Zhongguo rěn bu yao zai    ten years will never happen to the

you nei shiniande qingkueuig.    Chinese people again.

A: Wo yě xīwang. Hǎo, women    Me too. Okay, let1 s play chess, xia qi "ba.


UNIT 了 Social Problems


Grammar Topics Covered in This Unit

1• (Adjectival Verb)-duo le, "much more•••."

2.    (Verb) (Verb) k氐n, "try and (Verb)

3.    How to express ’’not anymore,’’ ’’never again.”

U. The pattern c$ng X (Verb)-qǐ, ”to start (Verb)-ing from X,”

5.    How to express billions.

6.    The pattern liān. . .dou. • , , ’’even.”

了. The pattern zh? yao. • ..liu. • •,’’provided that....’’

8.    Lai indicating that someone will perform a specified action.

9.    The pattern bu shi . . .tjiu shi *. . » ’’either. • .or. •

10.    Shǐ, ”to cause/make/enable.”

Functional Language Contained in This Unit

1.    Stating hypotheses about the causes of phenomena.

2.    Stating hypotheses about the interrelationships of phenomena.

3.    Expressing value Judgments about abstract phenomena.

U. Expressing different degrees of agreement and disagreement.


SOC, Unit 了


Unit 了, Reference List

1.    A: Nǐ juěde zuijin shěhui shang    Do you think society has "been

ānding yidianr ma?    calmer lately?

B: Dāngran, youle xīn fǎlu>    Of course. Since there have "been

fan zuide rěn shǎoduS le,    new laws, there are far fever

people committing crimes.

2.    A: Wo xiang kankan Jxntiān    Ifd like see what ads there are

you shěnme guǎnggao•    today.

B: Zhěr you yifěn Huashěngdun    Here1 s a copy of the Washington

Youbao, nāqu zhǎozhǎo kan    Post. Take it and try to find

"ba!    some.

3.    A: Zuijin Jīnian jiaoyn gSngzuo    There1 s "been a lot of progress in

you hěn dāde j_inbu.    work in education these past

few years.

B: Shi a, xuěxiaoli zai yě    Yes, schools arenft so messed up

měiyou shěnme luanqibazao-    anymore, de qingkuāng le.

U. A: Nǐ shuo, z5ngjiaode zěren    What do you think the responsibility

shi shěnme?    of religion is?

B: Zhěi "bu shi yige .1 iǎndande    That1 s not a simple question. We

wěnti, wSmen děi cong    have to "begin "by talking about

lishǐ tanqǐ*    history.

5.    A: Zai dalude shiyi rěnkǒu-    Hov many of the one "billion people

zhSng you duoshǎo shi    on the mainland have received

shouguo Jiāoyude?    an education?

B: Wǒ xiǎng xianzai lian lx    I think that now even villages

chěngshi hěn yuǎnde nongcūn    far from the city have schools, so

d5u you xuexiāo, shouguo    there are probably a lot of

jiaoyude rěn dagai "bu shǎo.    people who are educated.

6.    A: Ming Bao Tdu cuo, shi.jiexing-    The Ming Pao is not "bad. It has

de xinwěn tā dou y5u.    all the world news.

B: Dui le. Ming Bao "bu cuo*    Yes, the Ming Pao is quite good. You

"bu něng "bu kan.    have to read it.

SOC, Unit 了


了. A: Zhǐ yao nǐ lai tang mang    As long as you help out,weTll "be

women jiu you tianfa.    able to do it.

B: Zhě you shěnme? Yinggāide    This is nothing. Ttfs only right. ma.

8.    A: Nǐ kan, zhěipiān wěnzhāngli    Look, there1s nothing in this

bū shi xT du> jiu shi    article but taking drugs and

shā rěn.    killing•

B: Kan zhěizhǒng xīnwěn, zhǐ    Reading this kind of news will only

něng shǐ rěn nanshou.    make you feel bad. Forget it,

Suan le, "bu yao kan le.    donTt read it.

9.    Běnlai tāde ZhSngwěn bu cuo,    Originally, his Chinese was pretty

likāi ZhSngguo jiǔle, wangle    good, but he1s been away from

hěn du5.    China for a long time and hefs

forgotten a lot,


10.    luan    to "be confused,to "be chaotic

11.    you xiao    to "be effective; to "be valid

SOC, Unit 了



ānding    to be stable/settled/quiet

běnlai    originally, in the beginning, at

first; to begin with, in the first place

bu něng bu    to have to, must

cong...(Verb)-qǐ    to start (Verb)-ing from…

fǎlū    law

fan    to violate, to offend

fan zui    to commit a crime

guǎnggao    advert i s ement

Huashengdun Youbao    the Washington Post

J iǎndān    to be simple

Jiaoyu    to educate; education

Jinbu    to progress; progress

(V v) kan    try and (V), (V) and see how it is

lai    (used before a verb to express that

something will be done) lian...dou/yě.••    even.••

luan    to be in disorder, to be chaotic, to

be in a mess; indiscriminately, recklessly, arbitrarily, any old way

luanqībazao    in a mess,in confusion* in disorder;

miscellaneous, Jumbled, all thrown in together

Ming Bao    Ming Pao (a Hong Kong newspaper)

sha    to kill (in general); to kill (spe

cifically with a knife or knifelike instrument); to try to kill shǐ    to cause, to enable (followed by a


shiJiěxing    worldwide

shou Jiaoyu    to receive an education

xī du    to take drugs

-xing    nature, -ness, -ibility

you banfa, (dui. •.)    to be able to deal with (something)

you xiao    to be effective; to be valid

SOC, Unit 7


zai yě "bu/mei    never again

zeren    responsibility

zhǐ yāo    if only

-zhong    in; among

zōngjiāo    (organized) religion

zui    crime; guilt

SOC, Unit 了


Unit 了, Reference Notes

1. A: Nǐ juěde zuijin shěhuishang Do you think society has "been a ānding yidianr ma?    little calmer lately?

B: Dāngran, yǒule xīn fǎlu,    Of course• Since there have "been

faji zuide rěn shaoduo le.    new lavs, there are far fewer

people committing crimes.

Notes on No. 1

ānding: "to "be stable/settled/quiet,ff used to describe lives, countries, political and social situations. An is "peaceful11 and ding is ,fsettled.ff

Xianzai yěye nǎinai shēnghuo    Now grandpa and grandma have a

ānding, shěnme dōu hao.    settled life; everything is fine.

Wo xiang zhě he zhěngzhi "bu    I think this has to do with political

anding you guānxi.    instability.

Zhěige guojiade zhěngfǔ zhěi    These past few years this country1s

jiniān hen "bu anding.    government has "been very unstable.

Āndingxialai means "to settle down, to calm down,11 used in speaJting of a situation, a place, or a person's feelings*

Xianzai haizi dou you gongzuo    Now that the children all have jots,

le, shēnghuo cai andingxialai    our life has finally settled down, le*

Shěhuishang fan zulde went! tki    When there1 s too much of a crime

duo, dajiade shēnghuo jiu měi    problem in society, people1s life

"banfa andingxialai.    cajift settle down,

fǎlu: "law11

Zhěi yījīng "bianchengle falu.    This has already "become the law.

Zhěige wěnti you falu zai, fei- Laws exist (lit., ”there are laws chang qingchǔ.    there’” on this question. It1s

very clear-cut.

You fǎlu guǎn zhějieui shi ma?    Is there a law dealing with this?

Wǒmende falu "baohu ěrtong.    Our law protects children.

Tā xianzai nian falu.    He is studying law now.

xīn falu: In March, 1978, after the first session of the Fifth National People1 s Congress, the Chinese government "began to adopt many new laws. Beginning July 1, 1979, the Fifth National People1s Congress passed into effect twelve new legal codes, including a criminal code.

on c

SOC, Unit 了

•shou,’’to "be thin"


fan: T!to violate, to offend, to transgress, to commit (wrongs, crimes, errors)” Here are some other words commonly used with the verb fan:

fan zui to commit crimes    fan fǎ to "break the law

fan gui to violate regulations

Zheige haizi měi xiwang le,    There is no more hope for this child,

fanle you fan, zong shi "bu    He violates the rules time and again,

gai.    and never reforms.

zui: ”crime, guilt,” used in phrases like fan zui, "to commit a crime,” and you zui,’’to "be guilty (of a crime).

Wo fanle shěnme zui, wěishěnme What crime have I committed? Why yao chi zheme du5 kǔ?    do I have to suffer so much?

Tā shi "bu shi zhēnde you zux,    History will give us an answer as to

lishǐ hui hulda womende.    whether he is really guilty or not.

...shaoduo le: ’’a lot less,far fewer" The adjectival verb duo, ’’to "be many, to "be much/’ can "be used after other adjectival verbs which can "be qual-fied "by degree, such as hǎoduō le, ”a lot "better,” duoduō le, ”a lot more.”

In such phrases, the first adjectival verb is used as a process verb,showing a change of state, and therefore the phrase always ends in le.

Nx "bǐ yǐqian shouduS le, °    You1 re a lot thinner than "before.

QTbānian yǐhou, dao Zhongguo    Since *了8, there have "been a lot more

qīide jīhui duoduo le.    opportunities to go to China.

2. A: Wo xiǎng kankan jīntiān    Ifd like see vhat ads there are

you shěnme ffliǎnggao.    today•

B: Zhěr you yifěn Huashengdun Here1s a copy of the Washington Youbao, naqu zhǎozhǎo kan    Post, take it and try to find

"ba!    some.

Notes on No. 2

Youbao: tfPost,” in the name of a newspaper. The syllable you means "post" or ’’mail,” as in youjū, "post office•” CNames of other newspapers are translated using the same pattern,X-~bao: Shi~bao is "Times,” Ri~bao is ’’Daily,’’ Kuai~bao is "Express.”]

naqu. • • : ”take away" This is a compound verb of direction. Many of the compound verbs you have seen have three syllables. But like daolai in Unit 1 of this module (daolai yibēi cha), naqu has only two: the main action verb and the relative motion (away). The direction of the action (up, dovn, in, out, etc.) is not specified. (See the display on the next page.)

SOC, Unit 了

21 了

Relative Motion Main Ver~b Direction Towards or Away

na    f chū ,

zSu I    Jin

pǎo ) I xia \    I lai

kāi I \ shang /    ^ qīi

"ban J    guo


°-qǐ- is used only with -lai,never with -qu.

zhǎozhǎo kan: ’’try to find,, Zhao is the vert ,,to look for, to search.n It is reduplicated here, meaning that the action lasts an indefinite amount of time: ’’look a little "bit.,, Kan following a reduplicated verb means ,,and see (if it works, if itfs okay, if you can do it, etc.)?,

Nǐ shi shi kan "ba.    Give it a try and see (if you can do

it, if he will cooperate, etc.).

Nǐ zuozuo kan, zhěige shāfā    Sit down and try it out. This

zhēn shūfu.    sofa is really comfortable.

A: Nǐ xiǎng tā kěn° jiě wo    Do you think hefd be willing to lend

tāde dianshi ma?    me his television?

B: Bu zhīdao, nǐ qu wěnwen kan. I donTt know. Go ask him and see.

^ A: Wo dui ni zhěipiān wěnzhāng I have a different point of view on you Tdu tongde kanfǎ.    (what you say in) your article.

B: Nǐ shuSshuo kan.    LetTs hear what it is.

3. A: Zuijln jinian jiaoyu gongzuo There1s been a lot of progress in you hen dade •linbu.    work in education these past

few years.

B: Shi a, xuěxiaoli zai yě    Yes, schools arenTt so messed up

měiyou shěnme luanqībazao    anymore.

de qingkuang le.

Notes on No, 3

.liaoyu: ”to educate; education” Jiao is the same character as ^iao,

,,to tēach,” but in .1 iaoyu is pronounced with a Falling tone. Yu means to cultivate, to raise. Jiaoyu has some different uses from English ,,to educate.n It is used not only for institutional education but also for parentsf education of their children, and in the PRC for ’’education,, of the people by the Communist Party. (For the first example, you need to know null,nto make efforts.M)

°kěn, ”to be willing to”

SOC, Unit 了


Fumǔ yīnggāi j iaoyu haizi null Parents should teach their children xuěxl.    to study hard.

Něige haizi měiyou jiaoyuhǎo.    That child vas poorly trained (in

manners, morals, general knowledge).

Women vao gěi haizi aide jiaoyu. We should give children a loving

education. (Taiwan usage)

Jiāting jiaoyu he xuěxiao jiao- Education in the home is just as im-yu yiyang zhongyao.    portant as school education. (Jia-

ting Jiaoyu consists of parents acting as examples in morals, character , family relations, hygiene, etc.)

Zheiben shū dui vo jiaoyu hen da. This "book has educated me a lot. (PRC


Kanle zhěige dianyǐng gěile vomen Seeing this movie has taught us hen dade jiaoyu.    a great deal. (PRC usage)

Another sense of .jiaoyu is to try through reason to convince a person to do things according to certain rules, instructions, or demands:

Nǐ děi jiaoyu jiaoyu nīde haizi, You have to try to straighten out tā yuě lai yuě huai.    your child. He is 'becoming more

and more of a scoundrel.

Jiaoyu is commonly used in the phrase shou .1 iaoyu, ”to receive an education ,ft vhich is discussed in No. 5 "belov.

Jinbu: ,,to make progress, to advancen or, as a noun, ’’progress.,. Literally ,,to put forward steps.,,

YTxuě jintude name kuai.    Medicine is advancing so rapidly.

Tāde Yingwěn you jintu le.    He has made some more progress vith

his English.

Tade ZhSngwěn jintu tai man.    His Chinese is progressing too slovly.

Jin~bu is commonly used vith the verb you, especially you hen dade tjinbu.

Zuijin jīge yuě vomende xuěshēng Our students have made great progress youle hen dade iinlDU.    these last fev months.

You ,1in~bu is used as an adjectival vert,,’to "be improved.

Neige xuěxiao hen you jinbu.    That school is greatly improved.

In the PRC, .jin~bu is used as an adjectival vert meaning "to "be (politically) progressive,n that is,suited to the needs of the times and stimulating the development of society.

SOC, Unit 了


zai yě měiyou. . .le: "not anymore". The advert zai and a negative, such as měiyou,can be used to express the idea of not doing something anymore. There are two word orders:

měiyou 1    「(yě) měiyou

> zai    OR    zai (

tu J    L (yě) til

For examples of the first pattern, see Unit 3, Notes on No. 5> *bll zai kū le, "doesn't cry anymore."

The second pattern is more emphatic. The word zai should "be given special stress in these sentences:

Wo ZAI bu huilai le!    I'm never coming "back here again!

If 垣 is added "between zai and the negative, the meaning is about the same.

Wo ZAI yě bu chi tang le.    I'm never going to eat candy again.

Neitiāo lu hen wēixiǎn, nǐ ZAI That road is very dangerous, don't yě *biě zou něitiao līi le.    ever take it again.

luan: "to *be in disorder, to "be in a mess, to be chaotic11

Zher tai luan, dao waimian qu    It1s too chaotic (noisy) in here,

tantan.    Let's go outside to talk.

Zhěi jǐniān něige guojiā you    That country has been a little "bit

diSnr luan.    chaotic the last few years.

Shijiě hao du5 difang hen luan. So many places in the world are in


Tāde zhuozishang zong shi hen    His table top is always a mess.


Zhěr tai luan, jiao xiǎohāir    It1 s too noisy in here. Tell the

chūqu wanr.    children to go out and play.

Duibuqǐ* wo xiěde hěn luan> nǐ Ifm sorry I wrote this so messily. kandedong ma?    Can you read it?

As an adverb, luan means ffarbitrarily, any old way> at random,indiscriminately."    —

Luan jiǎng!    Baloney! (southern Chinese usage)

Bu yao luan xiě.    Donft write it just any old way.

Nǐde dongxi bu yao daochu* luan Donft leave your things all over the fang.    place.

0daochu> ”everywhere”

SOC, Unit 了


Tāmen zuotiān luan chi luan he. They ate and drank like crazy yesterday.

Něige rěn luan gǎo nannu guānxi. He/she is (sexually) loose.

Bu yao luan pǎo.    Quit running all over the place.

luanqībazao: ’’to be in disorder, to be in a mess,’1 literally "chaotic-seven-eight-rotten11 Some people have translated this as nat sixes and sevens.n It can refer to physical or moral messes.

DuilDuqǐ, fangjiān luanqi"bāzāode, Ifm sorry, the room is a mess. I wo jintiān hai měiyou shijiān    havenft had the time to straighten

shoushi.    up- yet today.

Zhěi jian shiqing "benlai hěn hāo,    Everything was fine at first, "but then

danshi něige rěn "bǎ ta gǎode    he came along and messed it up. luanqīlDāzāo.

Tā gēn yige luanqitazaode nanrěn    She went out with a disreputable

chūqu le•    (unsavory) character.

Luanqi~bāzǎo is not made negative and is not used in comparative sentences.

i;. A: Nǐ shu5,zongjiaode zěren    What do you think the responsibility

shi shěnme?    of religion is?

B: Zhěi "bu shi yige .liǎndānde That1 s not a simple question. We went!, women děi cong    have to "begin "by talking about

lishǐ tanqǐ.    history.

Notes on No. U

Nǐ shu5: Followed "by a question, nǐ shuo is used to ask the listenerfs opinion. The forms nǐ shuo ne or nǐ shu5 shi "bu shi may "be used at the end of a statement to ask for confirmation.

Nǐ shu5 wo yīnggāi zěnme "ban?    What do you think I should do?

Wo xiǎng jiāting jiaoyu he she— I think that education in the home hui jiaoyu dōu "bǐ xuěxiao    and in society are more important

jiaoyu zhongyao, nǐ shuo ne?    than school education• Do you


Neige guǎnggao hěn you yisi, nǐ Thatfs a great advertisement, donTt shuo shi "bu shi?    you think?

zěren: "responsibility,duty’1 Also pronounced zěren.

Rūguǒ zhěi jian shiqing zuode    If this thing isn’t done well, itf s

"bu hǎo, vǒ you zěren.    ray responsibility.

SOC, Unit 了


Lǎoshīde zěren jiu shi bāngzhu    The teacherfs responsibility is to

xuěshěng hǎohāor xuěxi.    help the students apply themselves

to their studies.


A: Jiaoyu haizi shi fīinude    Rearing (educating) children is the

zěren ma!    responsibility of womenī

B: Xianzai fīinu jiěfang le,    Women are liberated now. Men also

nanrěn yě you zěren zuo    have the responsibility to do these

zhěixiē shiqing.    things.

Shiqing nong dao xianzai zhěi- It is not our responsibility that yangr, zěren bū zai women.    the situation was made the way it

is now.

cong lishǐ tanqǐ: "begin by talking about history" In Unit 3 of this module, you learned that the directional ending -qilai,besides indicating upward motion, could also be used to indicate beginning an action (Nǐ Bjlě,1ie zěnme dui zhěngzhi vent! rěxīnqilai le?) • The ending —q^ in tanqi also means ’’to start, but is used only in the fixed pattern cong X Tverb)qy, to start (Verb)-ing from X.” While the English t rans lat ionforserrtence4B says "begin by talking about history," the Chinese says literally, "start talking from history.ff

Zhěijian shi cong nǎr shuSqǐ?    Where should 工"begin? (when about

to tell a story, etc.)

Wo bu zhīdao cong nǎr xiěqǐ.    I don’t know where to begin writing.

Women děi cong tour zuoqǐ.    We have to start from the beginning

again. (Cong tour means "from the beginning.ff)

cong ling zuoqǐ    to start from scratch (lit., Mstart

from zero”)

5. A: Zai dalude shiyi rěnkouzhSng How many of the one billion people you duoshǎo shi shouguo    on the mainland have received an

jiaoyude?    edueati on ?

B: Wo xiǎng xianzai lian if    工 think that now even villages far chěngshi hěn yuǎnde nongcun from the city have schools, so d5u you xuěxiao, shouguo there are probably a lot of people jiaoyude rěn dagai bu shao. who are educated.

Notes on No. ^

shiyi: "one billion,ff literally ”ten one-hundred-millions” Here are some more examples of how to express billions in Chinese:

1    billion    1,000,000,000 shfyi

1.1 billion    1,100,000,000 shfyīyi

2    billion    2,000,000,000 ěrshiyi 10 billion 10,000,000,000 yibSiyi

10.5 billion    10,500,000,000 yibǎilfngwǔyi

SOC, Unit 了


zai. . .rěnkSuzh5ng: ’’in the population, of the population" The syllable -zh5ng can be added to nouns, like the locational ending -lǐmian, to give the meaning ’’in” or ’’among•” It is often used vith the verb zai •

Zai zheige jihuazhSng vomen hai There are still a couple of little you liǎngge xiǎo věnti xūyao    questions ve have to discuss in

zai tan.    this plan.

Xuěshēngzhong you bīi shǎo shi    Many of the students are from the

cong nongcun lāide.    country.

Zai disān shijiě guojiāzhōng,    Many of the countries of the third

bu shǎo shi Yǎzh5u he    world are countries of Asia and

Fēizh5ude guojiā.    Africa.

Shehui shēnghuozhōngde věnti,    We can ?t very veil ignore the

vomen yě bu něng bu zhuyi aI    problems of life in society.

shou: ”to receive" The types of things vhich can "be "received" using the verb shou are limited. Shou is usually followed by a verb being used as a noun.

(Receiver)    shou    (Action)

Funū ěrtong    shou    falūde baohu.

(Women and children receive the protection of the lav.)

Zheige zhSukān zai Měiguo hěn    This veekly is very veil received

shou huānying.    (popular) in the United States.

shou .1 iaoyu: ’’to receive an education” Shouguo .jiaoyu means ’’educated’’ (because of -ruo, vhich indicates having experienced something).

Tā shi (yige) shouguo jiaoyude    She is an educated person. Hov could

rěn, zěnme hui zuo zhěizhong    she do such a thing? shi?

Tā shouguo daxuě jiaoyu.    He has (received) a college education.

lian. . .d5u: "even. . .t! Lian is a prepositional verb which literally means "including," but in the lian, . .d5u pattern, "even*ft A lian phrase always precedes the verb. Either the advert dōu or 这 is used in a sentence vith lian. Notice hov lian can be used vith subjects, objects, and verbs:

With subject

Lian (Subject)    d5u/yě • • • •

Lian xiǎohaizi    dou dong zhěi jian shi. !fEven children understand this •”

Lian shouguo jiao-    tfEven educated people can’t

yude rěn    d5u tīngbudǒng tāde hua. understand vhat he says.”

SOC, Unit 了


Jīntiān tiānqi bu hǎo,lian tā    The weather is bad today. Even he,

zhěme ai vanrde rěn dōu bu chū-    vho likes to play so much, isn't

qu le, nǐ věishenme yao qu?    going out. Why are you?

Nǐ hai shu5 měiyou zhěijian shi,    Hov can you say it fs not true. Not

bu zhǐ shi Xianggang baozhǐ,    only the Hong Kong papers reported

lian Běijīngde baozhǐ d5u xiěle    this piece of nevs, it was even in

zhěitiao xīnvěn.    the Beijīng papers.

With object

lian (Object)    d5u/yě ....

Tā lian zijǐde mingzi dōu bū hui    xiě. "He canft even write his own name

Tā lian guǎnggao d5u kan.    "He even reads the ads,

Tā jīntiān bu shūfu, lian fan    He isnft feeling well today. He

ye bu xiǎng chī le.    wonft even eat.

W5 lian yige zi dōu bū jide le.    I donft even remember one word.

Jīntiān lian yidiǎn fēng ye    There isnft the least bit of wind

měiyou.    today.

With verb

lian* (Verb) dōu/yě měi/bu (Verb)

Tā lian kan d5u měi kan    wo. 11 She didnft even look at me.'1

Tǎ lian ting d5u bii ting.    "He wouldnft even listen."

Ta (lian) věn dōu bu věn.    ”He didn’t even ask."

*lian is often optional in this pattern.

A: Zhang San shi nǐde lao    Zhang San is an old friend of yours,

pěngyou ba?    isnft he?

B: Wo lian jian dou měi jianguo    Ifve never even met him. How could

ta, zěnme hui shi lǎo    he be an old friend of mine? pěngyou ne?

Nǐ lian chang d5u měi chang,    You didnft even taste the dish. How

zěnme zhīdao zhěige cai bu hao    could you know it doesn’t taste

chī ne?    good?

6. A: Ming Bao bu cuo, shi.liěxing-    The Ming Pao is not bad. It has

de xīnwěn tā d5u you.    all the world news.

B: Dui le. Ming Bao bū cuo,    Yes, the Ming Pao is quite good,you

bu něng bu kan.    have to read it.

Notes on No. 6

Ming Bao: A Hong Kong newspaper    known for reporting without an overly

dominant political point of view.

SOC, Unit 了


shi.iiexing: The syllable -xing, ”character,nature, quality," can "be used after a noun like the English endings 一ness,-ity,or -ce,as in ’Tone-sidedness"creativity,,,M importance.n The resulting abstract noun can "be used alone or is frequently used, followed "by -de,to modify another noun.

kěněngxing    possibility, likelihood

zhongyaoxing    importance

dulixing    independent character

xi guanxi ng    ha"b i t ual

liuxingxing    epidemic

lishǐxing    historical

yaoxing    property of a medicine

youxing    oiliness

tā: You have learned asor,,she,M but sentence 6A is the first time in this course that tā_ has "been used as(The word tā_ may also "be omitted from the sentence without changing the meaning. ) You know that Chinese most often does not use any word for ”it,” as in

Wo qu na.    I?ll go get it_

Zai zhuozishang.    It,s on the table.

Furthermore, ”it” is sometimes expressed in Chinese "by repeating the entire noun phrase, for example

A: Nǐ něng "bang wo zhǎodao    Can you help me find that "book?

zhěiběn shū ma?

B: Wo you zheiten shū, kěyi    工 have it, and 工 can give it to you.

song gei ni.

Least often,is expressed "by the pronoun t£. ° There is no single rule vhich vill tell you when you can use tā_. It is often used as the object of "bǎ:

Nǐ "bǎ ta na dao nǎr qu le? Wo Where did you take it to? How come zěnme zhaotudao?    工 can*t find it?

Hai you yige jiǎozi, nǐ "ba ta    There1 s one more dumpling left; you

chile.    eat it.

~bu něng "bu: "cannot not,,--in other words,cannot "but; have no choice but to; must1 The second bu_ is unstressed and usually neutral tone.

Weile jiātingde guanxi, wǒ Idu    For the sake of my family, I have no

něng trn zheiyang zuo.    choice "but to do this.

Gēn zhěizhǒng rěn zai yiqǐde    When together vith this sort of

shihou, 'bu něng "bu xiǎoxīn    person, one must "be rather careful,


°One stylistic feature of modern written Chinese is that tā_ is used for ,Tit” much more than in true spoken Chinese. This was originally an imitation of the structure of Western languages.

SOC, Unit 了


了. A: Zhǐ yao nǐ lai "bang mang    As long as you help out, vefll "be

vǒmen Jiu you banfa.    able to do it.

B: Zhě you shěnme? Yinggaide This is nothing. It1 s only right! ma!

Notes on No. 了

zhǐ yao: "as long as, provided that11 This is used in the pattern zhǐ yao*. ..liu*

Bu yao kǎolū tai duo, zhǐ yao nǐ Don’t think it over so much. If you xǐhuan jiu hǎo le.    like it, that1 s all that matters.

Zhǐ yao wǒ jīntiān vǎnshang you    As long as I have time tonight, I

kong, jiu kěyi "bǎ zhěi"běn shū    can finish reading this "book, kanvan.

Nǐ zhǐ yao "bǎ shū nianhǎole,    As long as you do veil in your stud-

zhǎo gongzuo jiu měiyou    ies, you vonft have any trouble

wěnti le.    finding a Job.

lai: In commands and suggestions, this verb merely indicates that a person will perform some action, and can usually go untranslated. When tediting about one1 s own intention, lai can "be translated as ’’let me” or "let’s.”

Wǒ lai věn ni.    Let me ask you.

Wo lai shuo liǎngju.    Let me say a fev vords.

Women lai tantan zhěige věnti. Let’s discuss this question.

A: Zhěige zi xiěde dui "bu dui? Is this character written correctly?

B: Wo lai kankan.    Let me take a look.

Xianzai qǐng Wang Anmin Tongzhi Nov let’s ask Comrade Wang Anmfn to lai gěi vǒmen jiǎngjiang hua.    speaJc to us.

Nǐ kuai qu mang "ba! Women lai You go take care of vhat you have to shoushi.    do. Wefll straighten up,

Chile fan vǒmen zai lai zuo    After dinner let’s make some coffee,

kafēi.    (zai means ’’then” here.)

WSmen yaqǐ lai "bān. Wo lai "ban Let1 s move this together. 1*11 take zhěr, nǐ dao něiManr    it from here, and you go over there.

īK Zhěnhan, qǐng nǐ lai nian.    Lǐ Zhěnhan, vould you read aloud


yinggaide: This is short for Wo "bangzhu ni shi yinggaide ^ 11 It is right that I help you.11 Use the phrase yinggaide to respond when someone thanks you for doing a favor vhich you consider natural under the circumstances.

SOC, Unit 了


8. A: Ni kan, zhěipiān wěnzhāngli Look, there1s nothing in this bu shi xi du, jiu shi    article but taking drugs and

shā rěn.    killing people.

B: Kan zheizhong xīnwěn, zhǐ    Reading this kind of news vill only

něng shǐ rěn nanshou.    make you feel bad. Forget it,

Suan le, bū yao kan le.    don’t read it *

Notes on No. 8

bu shi...jiu shi.••: "if it1s not ".then it1s..or "either•..or••."

Bu shi tā, jiu shi nǐ, chule    It was either he or you. Who would

nǐmen yǐwai hai you shěi hui    do something like that besides one

zheiyang zuo?    of you?

Lao Wang zuo cāi, bu shi tai    Lao Wang’s cooking is always either

xian jiu shi tai la.    too salty or too hot.

Tā bū shi zai jiā, jiu shi zai If he isn’t at home, then he1s at the bāngSngshi, biěde difang tā    office. He wouldn’t go anyplace

bū hui qū.    else.

Ta bū shi chī zhěige, jiu shi    Hefs always eating something or other.

chi něige, zuǐ° měiyou tlngde    His mouth never stops going,


xi dū: "to take drugs" Literally nto inhale poison," but used for any method of drug taking. (For the last example you need to know kěkǎyin, "cocaine," and hǎiluoyTn, "heroin.n)

Tā yitiān mang dao wan, zěnme    He’s busy all day long. He wouldn’t

hui qu xi du?    go and take drugs!

Něige haizi xi dū xile hao ji- That kid has been taking drugs for niān le, shēnti yijing huāi le. years, and his health has gotten


Tā xT shěnme dū? Kěkāyin haishi What drugs does he take? Cocaine or hailuoyīn?    heroin?

shǎ rěn: "to kill, to murder” or "to try (unsuccessfully) to kill/ murder" The Chinese verbs for "kill" often consist of two parts: a verb telling the action (stab, shoot, "beat, etc.) and a verb telling the resulting process of dying. Here is a list of some common ones (this is only here to clarify a point of grammar--you don’t have to memorize all these words):

haisǐ (by scheming) zhāsǐ (by stalDbing) diānsǐ ("by electric shock) dusǐ ("by poisoning)


SOC, Unit 了

22 了

diaosl (by hanging)

biēsl (by suffocation or drowning)

leisl (by strangling with a cord)

qiāsī (by strangling with the hands)

yasī (by crushing or running over)

zhuāngsl (by a collision)

qisī (by making someone angry!)

dǎsī (by a blow, beating, or gunshot)

and the most general term of all

nongsl (by any means)

In classical Chinese, shā originally meant ”to kill with a knife” or "to slaughter (an animal).” Today, sha is still used for ’’to slaughter” or ’’kill’’ animals, as in

Nǐ hui bu hui shā Jī?    Do you know how to kill

a chicken?

In modern Chinese, sha can have (1) a general meaning or ⑵ a specific meaning.

(1)    The general meaning of sha is the same as nongs? or the English ’’to kill, to murder.’’ This is the way sha is used when the method of killing is not stated or not known.

Tā ba něige rěn shāsǐ le.    He killed that person, (method not


(2)    The specific meaning of sha is to kill vith a knife or knifelike instrument (e.g., a bayonet). In this meaning, sha contrasts vith all the other ways of killing listed above. When in your sentence you want to express the method of killing, you must choose an appropriate verb. It would be wrong to say Ta yong qiang ba něige rěn shasǐ le. Instead,you should say

Tā yong qiāng bǎ něige rěn dǎsǐ He killed that man vith a gun. le.

Sha takes on its specific meaning as soon as you start talking about methods, so in such sentences, you must choose your verb according to the mode of killing.

A: Tā bǎ ta taitai shāsǐ le.    He killed his wife.

B: Zěnme nongsǐde?    How did he kill her?

A: Dlisǐde.    He poisoned her.

One last point: Shā may express the action of only trying to kill, vithout implying that the person or animal actually died*

Tā sha ji shale liangdāo kěshi He cut the chicken twice, but didnft měi bǎ ta shāsx.    kill it •

• • ■    tv tv

qiang, gun

SOC, Unit 了


shi:    !tto cause,    to make"

shi    (Cbject)    (Vert) • . •

shi    rěn    nanshou    "makes one sad”

zhēn shǐ    vo    gāoxing    ”really makes me happy"

shi    vo    juěde you xīvang    "makes me feel that thereTs hope"

shǐ    tā    wangle neijian

shi    "made him forget that matter”

Tā xiǎngle "bu shǎo "bānfa, yě měi He tried lots of different things, shi tā ěrzi dui shāng dāxuě    "but couldn’t interest his son in

you xingau.    (going to) college.

Kandao tā shǐ vo juěde hen gǎo- It made me very happy to see him. xing.

If there is an aspect marker, it goes vith the ver"b following shǐ, never vith shǐ itself:

Shi shěnme yuanyin shi tāmen    What vas it that caused them to

fenkāi le?    split up?

Shǐ sometimes means ”to enable,” particularly if followed "by něng or other vords of that meaning:

Chile zheizhong xīnde yao, shǐ By taking this new medicine, the pa-"bingren hǎode hen kuai.    tient vas a"ble (enabled) to recover

very quickly.

Although shǐ may sometimes "be translated "by ’’make," ’’make” may not always "be translated "by shǐ. When "make” means ”to compel” someone to do something, it can "be translated "by jiao:

Lǐ Xiānsheng jiao tā zai xiě    Mr. Lǐ made him write it over again.


9- Běnlai tade Zh5ngwěn "bu cuo,    Originally, his Chinese vas pretty

likāi Zhongguo Jiǔle,wangle    good, "but heT s "been away from,

hen duo.    China for a long time and has

forgotten a lot.

Notes on No. 9

"běnlai: "originally, in the "beginning, at first; to "begin vith, in the first place11 This is a moveatile advert; that is, it may come "before or after the subject, "but always "before the verb.

Běnlai has tvo main uses: (1) to indicate that the situation vas originally one way but then it changed, and (2) to express that something has "been the case since the "beginning and is still the case. On the next page are examples of "both meanings.

SOC, Unit 了



Wǒ "běnlai "bu qu, xianzai qu le. Originally I wasn’t going to go, but

now I vill.

Wǒ "běnlai "bu xǐhuan ta, kěshi    Originally I didn’t like her, "but now

xianzai xǐhuan ta le.    I do.

Běnlai shuo shi yao dao Xīngqi-    Originally it was said that they

wǔ cai něng zuowan, danshi    wouldnft be finished until Friday,

wǒ tīngshuō tāmen yao zǎo    but now I hear they1re going to

yidiǎnr zuowan.    finish sooner.

Běnlai vo xiǎng Jīntiān xiawu    Originally I wanted to go see a movie qu kan dianyǐng, houlāi ting- this afternoon. Later I heard shuo kai hui. Suan le, wǒ yǐ- there was a meeting. Oh well, hou zai qu "ba. I111 go another time.

Běnlai wo Jīntiān yao qu Guǎng- Originally I was going to Guangzhou zhou, kěshi tiānqi bu hǎo, dagai today, "but the veather is "bad, so děi mingtiān cāi něng zou le.    now I probably vonft "be able to go

until tomorrow.

Zhěijian shi "běnlai shi kěyi    It could have been done,but who

"bande, kěshi shěi xiangdao hui expected this to happen? you zhěige qingkuang?


Translations for this meaning include Mto begin with11 and nin the first place/1 In this use,běnlai is often followed "by Jiu.

Wǒ "běnlai Jiu bu xǐhuan ta, xian- I never did like her,and I still zai hai "bu xǐhuan ta.    donft like her.

A: Nǐ biě qu něige difang!    Donft go there!

B: Wo "běnlai Jiu bu qū.    I vasnft going to go there in the

first place.

A: Ni "biě zai qū le.    Don't ever go there again•

B: Wo "běnlai Jiu. měi qu.    I never did go there.

A: Wǒ haishi Juěde nī yīnggāi I still think you ought to go there, qu yitang.

B: Wǒ běnlai Jiu yao qu.    I am going. (I was intending to go

even before you told me to.)

Běnlai Jiu gāi zheiyang "ban.    We should have done this in the first


A: Zhěige kāfēi zěnme zěnme hēi? Why is this coffee so black?

B: Kāfēi ma,běnlai Jiu shi    Coffee is supposed to be black!


SOC, Unit 了


A clause vith běnlai is often related to another with dāngran:

Zhěige dSngxi běnlai jiu shi nǐ-    This thing belongs to you; of course

de, vo dāngran yao huān gei ni!    I would return it to you.

Běnlai tā zai dāxuě niānde shi    She studied sociology in college,

shěhuixuě, tā dāngran dui she-    so of course she1s interested in

hui wěnti you xingqu.    social problems.

Note on Additional Required Vocabulary

you xiao: Mto be effective; to be    valid11

Zhěige yao hen you xiao.    This medicine is very effective.

Zhěizhāng piāo hai you xiao ma?    Is this ticket still valid?

SOC, Unit 了


Unit 了, Review Dialogue Lǐ Ping (B), Tom (A), and Lǐ Wen (E) are talking in the Lifs living room.

A: Nǐ zai kan shěnme baozhǐ?    What newspaper are you reading?

B: Ming Bao. Ming Bao bū cuo,    Ming Pao. It’s pretty good,

hěn you yisi.    very interesting.

E: Zai Měiguo yě xiang Xianggang    In America is it the some as in

zheiyang, shěnme luajiqībāzāode    Hong Kong: they put all kinds of

xīnwěn dou wǎng baozhǐshang xiě    crazy nevs in the paper? ma?

A: Pingchang wǒ kan Huāshengdun    I usually read the Washington Post.

Youbao. Zhěige baozhǐ bu cuo,    Itfs a pretty good paper• It has

guoněi, guowaide xīnwěn d5u you,    domestic as well as international

dangran guǎnggao yě bu shǎo.    news. Of course there are a lot of

Zh5ngwěn baozhǐ, wǒ yě kan, něi    ads, too, I read Chinese newspapers

shangbianr yě you nǐ shuode    too, and they have "all kinds of crazy

něizhǒng "luanqībāzāo" de    news” in them, as you put it. xīnwěn.

B: Nǐmen zheiyang shuo, wǒ bu    I don1t really agree vith what

zěnme tongyi. Shěnme shi "luaji-    you are saying. What is "all kinds

qibāzāo"? Shěhui shenghuo běn-    of crazy nevs”? Thatf s exactly the

lai jiu shi zheiyang ma!    way life in society Isl

E: Suan le ba! Jīntiān shi shā    Forget it! Today it’s killing,

rěn, mingtiān shi xī du, wǒ bu    tomorrow it1 s drugs. I donft vant

yao kan.    to read that.

A: Kan haishi xūyao kānde, yīnwei    We still need to read it,because

shěhui shēnghuozhongde wěnti,    we canft very veil ignore the prob-

wǒmen yě bu něng bu zhīiyi a!    lems of life in society.

E: Xianggǎngde shěhui věnti zhēn    Hong Kong sure has a lot of social

du5! Shěnme difangrde rěn dou    problems. There are people from

you, shěnmeyajigrde wěnti yě dōu    everywhere, and all kinds of problems. you.

A: Shěhui wěnti shi shijiěxingde,    Problems in society are worldwide,

bu zhǐ shi Xianggang you.    Hong Kong isnft the only place that

has them.

E: Ng, name, rěnmen dui zhěixie    Mm, then is there nothing people

wěnti jiu měiyou shěnme banfǎr    can do about these problems? ma?

B: Banfǎ hěn du5, difang bu tong,    There are a lot of vays to deal

banfǎ yě bu yiyang. Kěshi    with them. Different places have

zhěixiē banfǎ shi bu shi you    different ways of dealing with them,

xiao jiu bū zhīdao le.    But whether these vays work or not

is another question.

SOC, Unit 了


A: You rěn shuo zSngjiao shi    Some people say that religion is

yizhǒng baxifǎ, bu guǎn    one way. No matter what the

shěnme jiao, d5u shi jiāo rěn    religion, it always teaches people

zuo hǎo shirde. Kěshi wo xiǎng    to do good. But I think education

jiaoyu hěn zhongyāo, shou jiao-    is important. The more educated

yude rěn yue du5, shehuide    people there are, the fewer social

went! yuě shǎo.    problems there will be.

B: Erqiě jīngji fāda yě hěn yao-    And also, a developed economy is

jǐn. JTngji bu fādade difang,    important. In places where the

rěnmen fan zuide jIhui jiu geng    economy isn’t well-developed, there

du5.    are more opportunities for people

to commit crimes.

E: Jiu shi ma, rěn yao chī fan,    Exactly. People have to eat. If

lian fan d5u chibubao, tāmen    they can1t even get enough to eat,

zěnme něng bu fan zui ne?    how can you expect them not to commit


A: Wo xiǎng měi name jiǎndān.    I don’t think it’s so simple.

Fan zui he hěn du3 shi you    Crime is related to many different

guanxi, těbiě shi he jiātlng you    things, especially to the family, guanxi•

E: Nǐ jiǎngjiang kan.    Would you explain what you mean?

A: Zai jingji fādade difang, xiao    Where the economy is developed,

jiāting yuě lai yuě duo, ěrqiě    there are more and more small fami-

fumǔmen dōu you gSngzuo, dōu hěn    lies; also, both parents have

mang, měiyou shljiān duo guǎn    jobs and are very busy, so they

haizi. You xie nianqingde fumǔ    don1t have time to take good care

yě hěn shǎo xiangdao zijide zě-    of the children. Some young parents

ren, měiyou shěnme jiǎting    seldom think of their own responsi-

guānniān.    bilities and donft have much of a

sense of family attachment.

E: Nǐde huā you daolǐ, kěshi da-    That makes sense. But what

lude qlngxing ne? Nǐmen zěnme    about the situation on the main—

xiang?    land? What do you two think?

B: Shi a. Dalu jīngji bu fāda,    Yeah, the mainland1s economy isn,t

erqiě dajiā yě dou you jiāting    developed, and furthermore everyone

guānnian. Kěshi, kankan baozhǐ,    has a sense of attachment to the

dālushang fan zuide rěn yě bu    family. But read the papers: there

shao.    are quite a few people committing

crimes on the mainland too.

A: Wo xiǎng zhě he zhengzhi bu    I think this has to do with the

ānding you guanxi, tebiě shi    political instability, especially

cong Liu Liu nian dao QT Liu    from 166 to ,了6. niān.

SOC, Unit 了


B: Shi ma, něige shihou, shěnme    Yes. During that time there vasn’t

falu dōu měiyou. Lian fan zui    any law at all. If you canft even

"bu fan zui dou nongtuqingchu,    tell the difference "between committing

shěhui went! zěnme hui shao?    a crime and not committing one, how

can social problems "be reduced?

A: Nǐde kanfǎ, wǒ hěn tongyi. Wǒ    I agree very much with your view,

xiǎng, zhǐ you shǐ zhengzhi    I think that society can only "be made

ānding, jīngji, wěnhua fāda,    to progress if the political situation

cai něng shī shěhui jinlDU.    is stabilized and the economy and

culture are made to flourish.

(Grandma Lǐ walks in.)

G: Nīmen zai tan shěnme, tande    What are you talking about so

zhěme gāoxing?    cheerfully?

A: Li Nǎinai, women zai tan shěhui We're talking about social prob-wěntl.    lems, Grandma Li.

G: Hǎo le, nimen tangou le meiyou? Well, have you talked enough? How Chile fan zai tan xing "bu xing? about continuing the conversation

after dinner?

A, B, E: Xing, chile fan zai tan.    Okay! We*11 talk more after dinner.

SOC, Unit 了


Unit 了, Tape 2 Workbook

Exercise 1

This exercise is a reviev of the Reference List sentences in this unit. The speaker vill say a sentence in English, followed by a pause for you to translate it into Chinese. Then a second speaker will confirm your answer.

All sentences from the Reference List vill occur only once. You may want to revind the tape and practice this exercise several times.

Exercise 2

This conversation begins when tvo young friends run into each other at a trolley stop on the vest side of Beijing.

The conversation occurs only once. After listening to it completely, you* 11 probably vant to rewind the tape and answer the questions belov as you listen a second time.

Here are the nev vords and phrases you vill need to understand this conversation:

bang    to be great, to be fantastic

bu jiān bu    don’t leave until ve’ve met up!


Questions for Exercise 2

Prepare your answers to these questions in Chinese so that you can talk about them in class.

1.    Where is Xiao Liu working and what is he doing there?

2.    Hov does he keep up with his English?

3.    What does the article say about education in the U.S.?

U. What does Xiǎo Liu1s friend vant him to do?

After you have answered these questions yourself, you may want to take a look at the translation for this conversation. You may also want to listen to the dialogue again to help you practice saying your answers.

Note: The translations used in these dialogues are meant to indicate the English functional equivalents for the Chinese sentences rather than the literal meaning of the Chinese.

SOC, Unit 了


Exercise 3

In this exercise two sisters talk in the home of a Chinese family in Washington, D.C,

Listen to the conversation once straight through. Then, on the second time through, look "below and answer the questions.

Questions for Exercise 3

Prepare your answers to these questions in Chinese so that you can talk about them in class•

1.    Why do they say that the Ming Pao is a good newspaper?

2.    What is the procedure for mail-ordering a television for one1s relatives in GuǎngzhSu?

3.    Why would overseas Chinese want to take advantage of this procedure? (Can1t their relatives in China "buy a television themselves?)

k. To whom do the sisters want to send the television? Why?

5. In what form will they make the payment?

After you have answered these questions yourself, you may want to take a look at the translation for this conversation. You may also want to listen to the conversation to help you practice saying the answers which you have prepared.

Exercise k

In this conversation a father and son in Beijīng talk about religion.

Listen to the conversation straight through once. Then revind the tape and listen again. On the second time through, answer the questions.

You vill need the following words    and phrases:

xiǎngxin    to believe in

jiaotang    church

zuo lǐbai    to worship, to attend religious


Nan Měi    South America

tour    head, chief, boss

xuě hao    to learn from good examples, to

learn to "be a good person

SOC, Unit 了

gSngke    homework, schoolwork, classwork

Questions for Exercise h

Prepare your answers to these questions in Chinese so that you can talk about them in class.

1.    What does the son think is so strange? Why is this on his mind?

2.    What did the son read in the newspaper? What was his reaction?

3.    What does his father have to say atout religion? (There are four points.)

k. Xuě hǎo is considered very important for teenagers in China.

How does this fit into the son’s concept of religion?

After you have answered these questions, you may want to take a look at the translation for this conversation. You may also want to listen to the conversation again to help you pronounce your answers correctly.


SOC, Unit 7


Dialogue and Translation for Exercise    2

Two young friends run into each other    at a trolley stop on the west side of


A: Hei, Xiao Liu! Hao jiu bu jiān.    Hey, Xiao Liu! Long time no see.

Nǐ xianzai zai nar gongzuo ne?    Where are you working now?

B: Jiu zai zhěr, Beijing Tūshūguan.    Right here, at the Beijing Library.

A: Hei, hao gongzuo! Zai tushǔguan    Hey, what a great job! What do you

zuo shěnme?    do there?

B: Fǎnyi•    Translation.

A: YTngwěn fānyi?    English translation?

B: YTngwěn fānyi.    English translation.

A: Nǐ zhēn you bānfa! Xuěle jǐ-    You1re really something! Those few

niānde YTngwěn zhen you yong le.    years youfve spent studying English

Xianzai zai fānyi shěnme?    really turned out to be useful. What

are you translating now?

B: Jīntiān fānyide shi Huāshěngdun    Today Ifm translating an article

Youbaode yipiān wěnzhāng, xiěde    from the Washington Post on the topic

shi guānyu jiāoyude wěnti.    of education.

A: Zhēn bu jiandān°! Lian baozhǐ    Thatf s amazing! You can even

dou něng fānyi le. Nǐ you shi-    translate newspapers now. Do you

jiān ma? Něng bu něng gěi wo    have some time? Can you tell me a

jiǎng diǎnr?    little about it?

B: Wǎnshang wǒ hai děi xuě Yīngwěn,    Tonight I have to study English,

jiu něng gēn ni liao jǐfēn zhong.    so I can only chat with you for a

few minutes.

A: Nǐ hai xuě Yingwěn?    Youfre still studying English?

B: Yīngwěn bu gou,bu něng bu xuě    My English isn’t good enough. I

ya!    have to study!

A: Shěi jiao ni?    Who teaches you?

B: Wo gēge jTnnian xiātiān cong    Ity brother came back from the U.S.

Měiguo hui lai le, tā jiāo wo.    this summer. He’s teaching me.

°bu .jiandan, "not simple/ordinary/commonplace," in other words, "amazing,


SOC, Unit 7


A: Zhēn bang! Dui le, kuai° shuo-    That1s fantastic! Oh yeah, tell

shuo něipiān věnzhāng, vo tīngshuō    me about that article. 工 hear that

zai Měiguo shouguo dāxuě jiaoyiide    there are a lot of people vith a

rěn hen duo.    college education in the U.S.

B: Dui le, Měiguo shi daxuěshēng    Yes, the U,S# is the country vith the

zui duode guojiā.    most college students (in the world).

A: Zhēnde?    Really?

B: Zhēnde, dajiā yifāngmian gongzuo,    Really. Everyone works and studies

yifāngmiān xuěxi, you bu shao rěn    at the same time. There are quite a

dōu°° wǔshisui le, hai zai daxuě    few people who even at the age of fif-

nian shū ne.    ty are still studying at a university.

A: Wo xiang zhěi shi Měiguo jinbū-    工 think that1s also a reason why

de yige yiiānyin! Zhěipiān wen-    America is so progressive! Have you

zhāng nī fānvanle°°° ma?    finished translating the article?

B: Kuai fānwan le, dagai mingtiān    Almost. 工*11 probably finish

jiu fānwan le.    tomorrow.

A: Něng bu něng gei wo kankan?    Could you give it to me to read?

--ZhSngvěnde•    --the Chinese•

B: Wo wen yixia womende līngdao,    工*11 ask our leader. There pro-

dagai měiyou shenine věnti.    bably won* t be any problem.

A: Na mingtiān vanshang liudian    Then tomorrow evening at six-thirty

ban, vo hai zai zhěr deng ni,    I’ll wait for you here. And don’t

bū .jian bū san a!    leave until we’ve met up!

B: Xing, "bu jian bu sān!    Okay, we wonft leave until ve’ve

met up!

•kuai here should not be translated as "quickly" or "hurry up"; it simply

conveys the eagerness of the speaker to hear about the article, something

like the British, ”Do tell me about that article."

°°Dou here means ’’as much as, even,” so dou vushisui le means "as old as

fifty" or ”even fifty years old."

°Fānvan le means the same as fānyivan le, "finished translating.M

SOC, Unit 7


Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 3

Two sisters talk in the home of a Chinese family in Washington, D.C.

A: Erjiě, nī kan shěnme "bao ne?    What newspaper are you reading,

Sister No. Two?

B: Ming_Bao, vo xǐhuan zhěige    Ming Pao. I like it; it's neither

"baozhǐ, "bu zuo yě "bu you.    too left nor too right.

A: Erqiě, shijiěxingde xīnwěn ta    And it has all the world news.

d5u you. Zhěige "bao zhēnde "bu cuo.    It’s really quite a good paper.

B: Wǒ yě xǐhuan tade guǎnggao, dui    I like its advertisements too.

women zhěixie zhu zai gu6wāide    They are very useful to us Chinese

ZhSngguo rěn hěn you yong.    who live abroad.

A: Nī kānjian shěnme guǎnggao le,    What ad did you see that you1 re so

zhěme you xingqu?    interested in?

B: Nǐ lai kan, zhěr you yige    Come look, there's an ad for a

dianshi guǎnggao.    television here.

A: Zěnme shuode?    What does it say?

B: Zhěige guǎnggao shu5, zhǐ yao    It says that if we just send a

women ji yizhāng zhīpiāo dao    check to Hong Kong, we can "buy a

Xianggang, jiu kěyi gěi jiāli rěn    color television for our family, mai cǎisě dianshi le.

A: Shi ma? Dalu rěn mǎi dianshi    Oh? It's not easy for people on

"bu rongyi. Women lai kankeui,    the mainland to "buy televisions .

kan něng "bu něng gěi yěye nǎinai    Let's look and see if we can "buy a

mǎi ge dianshi.    T.V. for grandpa and grandma.

B: Banfa shi zhěiyangr: Women "bǎ    This is the way it works: We send

qiān he yěyede dizhǐ ji dao    the money and grandpa1s address to

Xianggang, Xianggǎngde gSngsī ji    Hong Kong, and the company in Kong

yizhāng dānzi gěi tāmen, tāmen    Kong sends them a receipt,° and then

jiu kěyi zai GuǎngzhSude "baihuo    they can pick up the television at a

gSngsT qǔ dianshi le.    department store in GuǎngzhSu.

A: RuguS něige dianshi "bu hǎo    What if the television has some-

zěnme "ban?    thing wrong with it?

B: Na shi gongsTde zěren, tāmen    That1s the company1s responsibility,

yiding kěyi gěi°° huān yige    I1]!! sure they would exchange it for a

hǎode.    good one.

Dānzi here refers to a tihuodan, "bill of lading," hence it may "be translated

loosely as "receipt." (The specific translation for "receipt" is shōuju or


“Gěi is a colloquial attreviation for    gěi tamen, "for them.11

SOC, Unit 了


A: M, nā bu cuo, xianzai yěye    Mm, thatTs good. Now grandpa and

nǎinai shenghuo ānding, shenine    grandma have a settled life, and all

dou hǎo, jiu shi shǎo yige    is well for them; the only thing they

dianshi. Yǒule dianshi, tāmen    lack is a television. When they have

yiding hěn gāoxing.    a television ITm sure theyT11 be very


B: Dui, women jīntiān jiu bǎ    Right. LetTs send out the check

zhīpiāo jichuqu.    today.

Dialogue and Translation for Exercise U

A father (B) and son (A) talk in Beijing.

A: Baba! Xianzai zenme you zěnme    Dad, how come there are so many

duo rěn xiangxin zongjiāo le,    people who believe in religion now?

zhěn qiguāi!    ItTs so strange!

B: Nǐ kanjian shěnme shi le?    Why, what have you seen?

A: Zai lukǒurshang něige ,1iaotang,    In that church on the corner, today

jīntiān you hěn du5 rěn zai ner    there were a lot of people worship-

zuo lǐbai, ye you nianqingde    ing. There were young people there

rěn!    too.

B: Womende falu shu5 ZhSngguo rěn    Our law does give the Chinese people

kěyi you zSngjiao ziyou, zhěi    freedom of religion. ThereTs nothing

měiyou shěnme qiguāi ma!    strange about that!

A: Wǒ jide bāoshang shu5, zai Nan    I remember it said in the newspaper

Měide yige guojiā you yizhǒng    that there was some religion in South

shěnme zSngjiao you hěn du5 rěn    America a lot of people believed in,

xiǎngxin, zhěixiē rěn bǎ zijǐde    and the people gave all their money

qian d5u gěile zhěige zSngjiao-    to the head of this religion, but he

de tour, kěshi zhěige tour shi    was a bad person who took drugs and

ge huairěn, xīdu, shā rěn, shěnme    killed people and did all sorts of

luānqibāzāoae shir d5u zuo.    crazy things• So I donTt think that

Suoyi wǒ juěde zSngjiao ziyou    freedom of religion is necessarily

yě bu yiding hǎo.    good.

B: ZSngjiao bu shi yijiān jiāndān-    Religion isn’t a simple thing. It

de shi. Z5ngjiāo he fan zui měi-    doesnTt have a definite relationship

you yidingde guanxi. ZSngjiao    to crime• Religion has its indepen-

yǒu tāde dulixing, yǒude shihou    dent character; sometimes itT s related

he zhengzhi, věnhua you guanxi,    to politics and culture, and some-

yǒude shihou měiyou. Deng dao    times it isnTt• When you grov up,

nǐ zhǎngdale yǐhou, ruguo nǐ you    if you're interested, you can study

xingqu kěyi yanjiū yanjiu.    it.

°yizhonp; shěnme zon^,jiao, ”some religion" Shěnme here acts as an indefinite

pronoun modifying zSngjiao and means that the speaker does not know hov to

describe or specify the religion precisely.

SOC, Unit 了


A: Wǒ tīngshuō shijiěshang you hěn    工 hear that there are many different

du5 'bn tongde zongjiāo, yě you    religions in the world and that there

hěn du5 you yiside zongjiāo gūshi,    are a lot of interesting religious

zai zhěixie gushili you xie shi    stories. Some of the stories have

rang rěn xuě hǎo, shi dui rěn    the purpose of teaching people from

you hǎochude.    good examples, so they1 re good for


B: Zhěi shi zhende. Yānjiū zSng-    That1s true. To study religion>

jiao xuyāo hěn duode zhishi»    you need a lot of knowledge, espe-

tetie shi lishǐ zhīshi, shi hěn    cially a knowledge of history. Itfs

you yiside. Hǎo le, zhěige wen-    very interesting. All right, ve’ll

ti women yǐhou zai tan. Nide    talk about this question later. Is

gSngkě zuowanle měiyou?    your homework done?

A: Hai you yidiǎnr, wǒ mashang    I still have a little. I111 go do

jiu qu zuo.    it right away.

B: Hǎo, kuai qu ta! Zuowanle    Okay, hurry up! When you We fin-

gongkě zai tan.    ished your homework, we111 talk some


A: Hǎo!    Okay!




Directions for the Future


Grammar Topics Covered in This Unit

1.    Action-Process compound verbs•

2.    The directional ending -hui,tt'back.n

3.    The patterns (Ver~b) dong (Ver~b) xT and dong (Ver~b) xT (Ver~b).

U.    The marker -de after phrases with a parallel structure.

5.    The advert you,nafter all,,1 ,,anyway,

6.    The advert phrase yě ~bu> ’’don't even,,,nwon't even,1, ’Wouldn't even.,. Functional Language Contained in This Unit

1.    Asking for an explanation of the causes/motives "behind a situation.

2.    Politely asking someone to quiet down.

3.    Expressing appreciation to someone for their hospitality.

h.    Taking leave of a group of people in the middle of a conversation.

SOC, Unit 8


Unit 8, Reference List

1.    A: Mingtiān d5u you shěi    Whc^s taking the test tomorrow?


B: Deng yixia wǒ gěi ni xiě    I111 write you a list in a minute, yige danzi•

2.    A: Bomǔ shui vǔjiao ne "ba?    Is your mother taking a [noontime] nap?

B: X, xiao shēng diǎnr. Biě    Sh! Keep it dovn. Donft

bǎ ta chǎoxǐng le.    wake her up.

3.    A: Nǐ kan zhěicide shēngyi    How do you think "business vill

zěnmeyang?    go this time?

B: Bu zhīdao. Yao kan yunqi le.    I don11 know. It depends on luck.

U. A: Wo xiǎng qu mǎi xie    I want to go buy some handicrafts

g5ngyip?n daihul Měiguo.    to take back to America.

B: Wǒ zhěr zhěnghǎo you jǐjiěn,    I just happen to have some here,

nǐ dou daishang ba.    Take them vith you.

5.    A: Hǎoxiang shi Xiao L? c6ng    That looked like Xiao L? who just

měnkSur guoqu le.    passed "by the door.

B: Ni haohaorde zai zhěr nian    You Just tend to your studies

shu "ba! Biě xiǎng dong    [properly]! Donft "be thinking of

xiǎng xide.    this and that.

6.    A: Qunian tade Yīngwěn hfii shuo-    Last year his English still sounded

de name nantīng, jīnnian    so awful, "but this year it seems

hǎoxiang hǎoduo le. Shi    a lot better. What happened? zěnme hui shi?

B: Shi zěnme hui shi> ta mSqin    It1 s this way: his mother dotes on

těng ta, song ta qu    him and sent him to school in

Yīngguo niānle yinian shu.    England for a year.

T, A: Ta hai qu zhǎo Xiǎo Lan    What is he going to see Xiao Lan for?

gan shenme> rěnjia    After all, she doesn’t like him. you "bu xlhuan ta!

B: Nǐ "biě Ji, w8 lai quanquan    Donft get upset, I111 try to per-

ta.    suade him.

SOC, Unit 8


8.    A: Nǐ shuo wǒ gāi "bu gai qu?    Do you think I should go?

B: Nǐ kanzhe "ban "ba, tīngshuō You do as you see fit, "but I hear něige difangr kuai da    that there? s a"bout to "be a war

zhang le.    there.

9.    A: Gangcai wǒ qu gěi Wang Daifu Just now vhen I vent to see Dr. Wang

songxing, ta shuo ta    off,he said he vould "be willing

yuanyi gěi nin kankan.    to see you [medically].

B: Zhěi yixiazi hǎo le.    (Nov) that1s great. I'll go see him

Deng tā huilai v5 qu    when he gets "back, kan ta.

10.    A: Zhěige shǎ haizi, zěnme    What a stupid kid, vhy didn’t you

dade shir yě "bu zǎo    tell me about this "before, since

diǎnr gaosu wo!    it1s such an important thing.

B: Wǒ yuanlai gen nin shuoguo, I did tell you, "but youfve forgotten. n£n vang le.


11.    ganma    (colloquial) vhy on earth,vhat for;

to do vhat

12.    lai    to do (something), to perform

(something), to have (an event), to help oneself (to food, etc.), to join in (a game, etc.)

13.    "bofu    uncle (father’s elder "brother); term

for the father of one's friend

SOC, Unit 8





bofu    uncle (fatherfs elder brother); term

for the father of one’s friend bomǔ    aunt (wife of father1s elder brother);

term for the mother of one1s friend

chǎo    to be noisy; to disturb by making


chǎoxǐng    to wake (someone) up by being noisy

daishang    to take along (Beijing)

dānzi    list; form

dǎ zhang    to fight a war, to go to war

děi kan (or yao kan)    to depend on

děng    when; by the time; till

děng yixia    wait a while; in a little while

gāi    should, ought to; to "be someone1 s turn


ganmā    to do what; (colloquial) why on earth,

what for

ganshenme    to do what; (colloquial) why on earth,

what for

gSngyipǐn    handicrafts

guoqu    to pass

hǎohaor    well; properly; thoroughly

haoxiang    to seem as if

-hui    (counter for shi, "matter")

kan    to depend on

kanzhe    (followed by a verb) as one sees fit,

as one deems reasonable kao    to take/give an exam, test, or quiz

kaoshi    to take/give an exam, test, or quiz ;

exam, test

lai    to do (something), to perform

(something), to have (an event), to help oneself (to food, etc.), to join in (a game, etc.)

nantīng    to be unpleasant to hear; to sound

bad, to offend the ears; to be scandalous

quan    to advise, to urge, to try to


shǎ    to be stupid, to be dumb, to be

silly, to be naive

SOC, Unit 8

shěngyi (shēngyi)    "business , trade

songxing    to see (someone) off, to wish (some

one )a good trip; to give a going-away party

těng    to be (very) fond of, to "be attached

to, to dote on

wujiao    noontime nap

yao kan (or dei kan)    to depend on

you    anyvay; after all (used in questions

and negative statements) yuanlai    original, former; originally,

formerly; (expresses finding out the true situation) yuanyi    to wish, vould like, to want to; to "be

willing to yunr[i    luck

.-;er-r:e (yi )hui shi    what' s it all a"bout

z卜nr:e (yi )hui shi    like this

zhěi yixiazi    after this, as a result of this

zhěme hui shi    like this

■zhěnghāo(r)    it Just so happens that, to happen

to, as it happens; just in time, just right, just enough

[)()Cy Unit 8

Unit B, Reference Notes

1. A: Mingtiān dōu you shěi    W\io1 n taking the test tomorrow? kǎorīhī ?

Denf1: yfxia wS gěi ni xiě    1111 write you a list in a minute. yi//o danzi _

Noto,fi on No. 1

kaonhi : "to take/^,ivo an f;xam, test, or quiz; teat, exam" This may be ar; n vc^rb-ob,]oct compound or an a noun. Kao as a verb may be uned alone if tho context makes it clear.

Kaonhi yThou tā ]ei le.    Hho was tired after taking the test.

'/.heicT kǎoshǐ tā kǎode biS cuo.    He did pretty well on the test this


NT JTntiān kSode /ǒrirneyan^?    How did the test(s) ro today?

NYde JTnp;Jixue kǎode zěnmeyan^? I low did you do on your econoinicEJ exam? Wǒ lai kǎokao nī.    het me quiz you.

Kǎowan nh? yYhou (OH Kǎowanle    Lot1s go to the movies after we1 re

yYhou), women qū kan dianyYng,    done taking the test.

hǎo bu. hSo?

āen^t yfxia may have its literal meaning, "wait a minute, wait a while ,n or it may moan "in a minute, in a while.,f


Dong ylxla, wS yao d5 pte dianhua, Wait a second, I want to make a phone dǎwanle women J iū zSu, h5o bu    call. We’ll go as soon as I’m

hǎo?    finished, okay?

NT    yfxia, wS lěi bangzhu ni. Wait a second, let me help you with



NT xian chT, den^ yixia wS    You go ahead and eat. T111 come

xTwanlo yīfu Jiii 1 a1 .    aa noon an T*ve fininhed wunhinp:

tho clotheti.

NTrrion xi ān z?5u (]ǒnp; yfxl a    You fro uheMf】 and leavo. I111 pro

w?I 7.aī qu.    I n a wM]o.

yiy. i h y^n yi woi xTn^; Wari^do fn n while a Mr. Wan^ will b<* com1 I ui    wo,rjTriK n i rfin^ ta    to rw?o m(、 I*leu:>e 1 ot hi rn 1 n.

SOC, Unit 8


2, A: Bomǔ shui vǔjiao ne ba?    Is your mother taking a CnoontimeU nap?

B: X, xiao shěng dianr. Biě    Shi Keep it down. Don’t

ba ta chǎoxǐng le.    wake her up.

Notes on No. 2

bomǔ: "wife of father's older brother," but also a term for the mother of one1s friend. Relationships between friends are often thought of and even spoken of in terms similar to family relationships• Friends are like brothers and sisters, and therefore a friend1 s parents are addressed as aunt (~bomu) and uncle (bofu)•

shui vǔjiao: "to take a nap," literally "to sleep the afternoon sleep"’ Wǔshui shi.lian is ”afternoon nap time," as in a school or organization.

Wo jīntiān měi shi jiān shui    I didn’t have time to take my

vǔjiao.    afternoon nap today.

A: Jīntiān nǐmen you měiyou    Do you have an afternoon nap today? wǔshui shljiān?

B: Měiyou. Zh5ngfan yǐhou Jiu    No. We have a meeting right after ' kai hui. lunch.

Many Chinese take a rest after the midday meal. Work, school, and store schedules often make time for this, especially in hot weather.

X: ’’Sh!’’ This is the ’’word” you use to signal someone to keep quiet.

It is said with rounded lips--like whispering the syllable xu.

chǎoxǐng: ’’to wake up by making noise" Chao can mean ’’to be noisy,’’ or as in chǎoxing, "to disturb by being noisy." [It can also mean ”to quarrel, to squabble, ] Xǐng (Welfare module, Unit U) is ”to wake up,” a process verb. The compound chǎoxǐng is therefore made up of an action verb plus a process verb, with the meaning nby performing the action, to cause the process (change of state) to occur.Tt You can use this pattern to make a lot of useful compound verbs:

Nī zǒulěi le ba, zuoxia xiūxi    You must be tired (from walking)•

yihuǐr.    Sit down and rest a while.

A: Tā zěnme bing le? Shi bu shi    How come he got sick? Was it that he zuotiān hěde tai duo? had too much to drink yesterday?

B: Bia shi hēde tai duo, shi    No, he didnft have too much to drink, chide tai duo chībing le. He got sick from eating too much.

Ni shuigou le ma?    Did you get enough sleep?

Tā bǎ yǎnjing kuhong le.    She cried her eyes red.

SOC, Unit 8


3. A: Nī kan zheicide shēngyi    How do you think business will

zěnmeyang?    go this time?

B: Bu zhīdao. Yao kan yunqi le. I donft know. It depends on luck.

Notes on No. 3

shēngyi: "business, trade” Also pronounced shēngyi•

yao kan: ’’depends on...n By itself, kan (which you know as "to look at” axiā ,fto think, to have the opinion that") has another meaning, ’’to depend on, to be up to, to be determined by." Often yao or děi is added before it.

A: NJ mingtiān shi qu haishi    Are you going tomorrov or not?

bň qū?

B: Ng, děi kaji tianqi.    to, that depends on the weather.

A: Wo jīntiān kěyi zǎo diǎnr    Can I go home early today? hui jia ma?

B: (Yao) kan nī zuodewan zuobu-    That depends on whether you can

wan zhěixie shi.    finish these tasks.

A: Nī něng gen women qu Jiazhou    Can you go to California with us? ma?

B: Jiu kan shi jian le, yao shi    That only depends on the time. If

xiatian jiu kěyi le.    itfs in the summer I can go.

Kan nǐde le!    Itfs all up to you nov!

yunqi: "luck; to be lucky” This word can be used either as a noun or as an adjectival verb. The following sentences show some of its uses as a noun:

Tade yunqi zhen bu cuo.    He really has good luck.

Nǐ yunqi zhen hao!    You1re really lucky!

[To say "to be unlucky," use daoměi or bu zou yun.3

U. A: Wǒ xiǎng qu mǎi xie gongyi- I want to go "buy some handicrafts pin daihul Měigu6.    to take back to America,

B: W5 zhěr zhěnghao ySu jJjian, I just happen to have some here, n? dou daishang ba.    Take them with you.

Notes on No. U

daihui: "to bring/take back" You have seen hui used as a main verb meaning "to return to," in hui jia, "to return home,” and hui_guo, "to return to one's country,’1 and with the endings -lai and -qu as in huilai,"to come back." Here you see it used as a directional ending. Daihui can only be

SOC, Unit 8


used if it is followed by a place name, like Měiguo in sentence hA. Otherwise you should use daihuilai or daihuiqu> depending on whether the direction is toward or avay from the point of reference.

Zhěixie cai vǒmen chībuvan, kěyi We canft finish these dishes (of food). daihui qu ma?    May ve take them back vith us?

A: Zěnme yuande lu, zoubuhuiqu    It1 s such a long vay. We canft valk

le ba?    back, can ve?

B: Zoudehuiqu. Xianzai cāi wǔ-    Sure ve can. It1s only five o*clock

diǎn zhōng, zouhuiqu zhī    nov. It vill only take an hour and

yao yige ban zh5ngtou jiu    a half to valk back, gou le.

Nī ba pěngyou songqu yǐhou, děi    After youfve dropped your friend off,

ba chi kaihuilai, vo yao yong.    you have to drive the car back here.

I vant to use it.

zhěnghǎo(r): (1) ’’just right; just in time; just enough”

Nǐ zhěishuang xiě vo chuān zhěng- These shoes of yours fit me just hǎo(r).    right.

Nī lāide zhěnghǎo(r), van jifēn You came just in time. If you1d come zhōng vo jiu zou le.    a fev minutes later, I would have

already left•

Zhěixiē qiān zhěnghǎo(r) mǎi    This money is just enough to buy that

něige dianshi.    T.V.

(2)    ffto be opportune,f

Nī zai zhěr zhěnghǎo(r),bang    It1 s a good thing (lit., ,,opportune,t)

vo yige mang.    you1re here- You can help me out.

(3)    ’’as it happens, it just so happens’1

Jīntiān zhěnghǎo(r) pěngdao* Lǐ I just happened to run into Mr, Lǐ Xiānsheng, jiu ba shiqing ban    today, so I took care of that

le,    matter.

Wǒ běnlāi xiǎng xiāge yuě mǎi    I vas originally going to buy a sofa

shāfā**, jīntiān zhěnghǎo(r)    next month, but today I happened to

pěngdao hěshide, jiu mǎi le.    come across the right kind, so I

bought it•

•pěngdao, ”to run into, to come across”

•*shafa, "sofa”

SOC, Unit 8


daishang: ”to take along with one” In the Beijīng dialect, the verb ending -shang is sometimes used to mean 11 along with" a person. (For the first example you need to know ti_, ’’to carry from the hand at the side of the body/1)

Ta tishang shūbāo jiu zou le.    She picked up her schoolbag and left.

Zhěige sǎn nǐ nashang ba.    Take this umbrella along with you.

Ni baoshajig haizi, wo nazhe    You carry the child, and I’ll hold

zhěige.    this.

Speakers who are not from Beijīng would use different endings in these cases, for example -zhe or -qu (depending on the meaning of the sentence).

5. A: Hǎoxiang shi Xiao Li cong    That looked like Xiao Lǐ who just

měnkStir guoqu le.    passed by the door.

B: Ni haohaorde zai zhěr nian You just tend to your studies

shū bal Biě xiang done    匸properly]! Donft be thinking of

xiang xīde.    this and that.

Notes on No. 5

guoqu: ’’to pass, to go over11    Contrast guoqu (neutral-tone qu) with guoqu (Fcīlling-tone qu),"the past” (see Unit h of this module).

Gu5lai is ”to come over•”

Ni guoqu kanksui.    Go over there and take a look.

Menkou guoqu yige rěn.    Someone passed by the door,

Nar guolai yige rěn.    Someone is coining over from there.

Yihuǐr jiu guoqu le.    It will pass in just a while.

Kuai guolai I    Come on over here!

Guolai zuo yihuJr ba.    Come over (to my house) for a while.

(Lit., ”Come over to sit awhile.")

Guolai!    Cfmere! OR Get over here. (CAN BE


Guoqu is also a polite or respectful word for ’’to die," similar to English ,’to pass away." As mentioned in Unit 5,Chinese often avoid using the stark-sounding s?.

hǎohaor: "well; industriously; properly; thoroughly" In Unit 1 of this module,you learned manmanr ftslowly,tf which is a reduplication of the adjec-tival verb man ”to be slow.11 In Beijing conversation, the second mSn is said vith the first tone, and is added, making manmanr• In many other parts of China, it is said as manmaji* Likewise, Beijing haohāor is often heard as

SOC, Unit 8

phrases, especially ones with a parallel structure, -de means "that way,” describing a way of looking, acting, or just a state of affairs. (For the following examples, you need these three items: lǎo, "all the time, always1


haohao elsewhere. Reduplication allows an adjectival ver"b to "be used "before a ver"b as a modifier, with or without -de,for example, manman(de) chi, "to eat slowly," haohao(de) ting> ”to listen well."

Haohaorde (hǎohǎode) has more specific meanings than Just "well.” It can mean "properly"thoroughlyor "nicely,or ftin perfectly good condition, with nothing the least "bit wrong.11

Xianzai haohaorde niān shū,    Study properly now, and do your jot

yǐhou haohaorde gSngzuo.    properly later on.

Gangcai hai haohaorde, xianzai Everything was fine just a minute "bu zhi zěnme hui shi you kū-    ago. Now I donft know what hap-

qilai le.    pened, "but she’s crying again.

Zhěngzhide shiqing gen xiǎohaizi    Politics is like children playing, wānr yiyang, liǎngtiān yǐqian First everything’s fine, and then hai haohaorde, liǎngtiān yǐhou a couple of days later they1 re jiu dǎqilai le. fighting.

xiǎng dong xiang xi: ”to think of this and that, to let one1s mind wander11 D5ng,,’east," and xi, "west,” are used in the patterns (Ver~b) d5np: (Ver~b) xi and dong (Ver~b) xī~Tver~b) to express that a person1 s action has no definite aim or that something is done haphazardly. More examples:

kan dong kan xī    looking here and there

xuě d5ng xuě xī    studying this and that

zou dong zou xi    walking all about

zhǎo dong zhǎo xī    searching here and there

You can also say dong xiǎng xi xiǎng, dong kan xT kan> etc. Here are some examples in sentences:

Guo malude shihou,"biě zhěme    Don11 let your eyes wander when you

kan dong kan xide, du6 wěixiān cross the street. It's very dan-a!    gerous!

Tǎ zong shi xuě dong xuě xīde    He1 s "been studying this and that for

yijing shinian le, hai měi    ten years, and still hasn't gradu-

cong daxuě "biyě.    ated from college.

Ni shenme dongxi diǔ le, zhǎo    You're hunting all over the place,

dong zhǎo xīde.    What did you lose?

Zhěi liǎngnian wǒ yizhi zou dong The past couple of years I1 ve "been zou xī, měi shi Jiān gen Jiāli    traipsing all over the place,and

rěn zai yiqi •    haven11 had any time to "be vith my


.••-de: Here you see a new use of the marker -de. After certain phrases, especially ones with a parallel structure, -de means "that way,” describing a way of looking, acting, or just a state of affairs. (For the

SOC, Unit 8

*kěai, "to be loveable/adorable*'


bu huang bu mang, "calm,not the least bit flustered11; and dǎ zhen, T’to get an injection.11)

Nǐ ganma lǎo zǒuchū zǒujinde?! How come you keep walking in and


Shi Jian kuai dao le, nǐ zěnme    It1 s almost time, how can you be so

hai bu huāng "bu mangde?    calm?

Zhěi bange du5 yuě, you dǎ    During the past half month or so,

zhēn you chī yaode, tade    with all the injections and medi-

tuǐ hǎoxiang yǐjlng hǎo le.    cations,her leg seems to have

already recovered.

Zhěi shi shěnme xiě! Yizhī da What kind of shoes are these, with yizhī xiǎode!    one bigger than the other!

6. A: Qunian tade Yīngvěn hai    Last year his English still sounded

shuode name nantīng, Jīn-    so awful, but this year it seems

nian hǎoxiang hǎoduo le.    a lot better- What happened?

Shi zěnme hui shi?

B: Shi zěnme hui shi, ta mǔqin It1 s this vay, his mother dotes on ~těng ta, song ta qu Yīng-    him and sent him to school in

guo nianle yinian shū.    England for a year.

Notes on No. 6

těng: "to be fond of, to be attached to, to dote on”

Zhěige haizi, bū guǎn nǐ zěnme This kid! No matter how fond of him těng ta, ta yě bu ting hua.    you are, he never does what you say.

Nǎinai zhen těng wǒ didi!    Grandma is really attached to (OR

dotes on) iny younger brother.

Zhěi haizi zhen kěai*! Rang rěn This child is adorable; you can’t bu něng bu těng!    help but be fond of him!

TS těbiě těng ěrzi, zong pa ta She is especially attached to her ch3TbuhSo.    son, and is always afraid that

he wonft eat well.

zěnme hui shi: "vhat happened; what1s it all about; vhat1s the story" Also said as zěnme yihul shi* Zěnme here means zěnmeyang, "vhat kind, of what nature, Hui is a counter for shi, as in You zhěihul shi ma?, "Is there such a thing?" or ’’Did such a thing (really) happen?,,In the phrase zěnme yihui shi, the niunber is often dropped from yihul Just as it can be dropped in phrases like chī (yl)ge plngguǒ, ”eat an apple/1

Zhěi shi zěnme hui shi? Wǔli    What is this,anyway? Why is this

zěnme name zSng?    room so dirty?

•kěai, ffto be loveable/adorable"

SOC, Unit Q

二hei sh: rěr~.e hui shi? Dongxi What's going on, anyway? Things are yitiān "bǐ yitiān gui!    getting more and more expensive

every day.

zerj^e hui shi: Also zheue hui shi, This phrase has two main uses:

(1)    Used before telling the facts or details of an event, as in sentence 6B. (2; Said after one learns the facts or outcome of an event, e.g.,

Yuanlai shi zhěme hui shi!    Oh, so that's the story!

Yac zhīdao shi zhěr.e hui shi,    If I had known that was what it was

vc j'iu "bu lai le.    all about, I wouldn't have come.

' A: Tā you qu zhao Xiao Lan    Uhat is he going to see Xiao Lan for?

gan shenr.e, rěnjia you    After all,she doesn't like him. tu xǐhuar. ta!

E: Nǐ "bie ji, wo lai quanquan    Don’t get upset, I111 try to per-

ta.    suade him,

I^otes on Xo. 7

zhao: Literally, ’’to look for,” but when the object is a person it can 二ear:, "to call on” a person. This is the way zhǎo is used in sentence 了A, hence the translation "going to see Xiǎo Lan,n rather than "going to look for Xiac Lan.n

Xingaitian tā zongshi qu zhǎo    On Sundays, he always goes to see

pěngyou.    his friends•

Zheizhong wěnti zhao ta měi    When you have that kind of problem,

cuo!    you won't go wrong if you go to


Zhao vo měi yong, wǒ bu guan zhě It1s useless to come to me about shi.    this matter, I’m not in charge of


gan shenme: ''to do what; what for, vhy" Gan is the verb ” to do.” Gan shěnme and the similar ganma can be used (1) to ask what someone is doing;

(2)    like věishenme, except with a livelier, more conversational tone; or

(3)    rhetorically, to question the value or use of something.

Nǐ ganma ne?    What are you doing?

liǐ mingtiān gan shenine?    What are you doing tomorrov?

Gan shenne lao gēnzhe* wo!?    What are you doing always following


•gěn,’’to follov”

SOC, Unit 8




Ganma mǎi zhěige? Name gui!    What did you "buy this for? Itfs

so expensive!

Nǐ ganm£ zong ting tade?!    Hov come you always do what he^ says?!

Hai zai zhěr gan shěnme? Kuai Why are you still here? Hurry up hui jia ba!    and go home!

Zhěi shi xiǎo shiqing ma! Nǐ    This is such a small matter! Why

ganma zhěme shēngqi?    should you get so angry?

Zhěige dōngxi shi ganmāde?    Whatfs this thing for?

A: Wǎnshang nǐ yiding dao ta    You have to go to her house tonight.

jia qu yitang.

B: Gan shenme?    What for?

A: Bǎ zhěige songqu.    To take this to her.

Lian dou hu qu, wǒ gan shenme If you aren’t even going, why should qu?~    _    I go?

you: You have seen the adverb you meaning (1) 11 again,11 as in N? you lai le, ” You’re here again11 and (2) ”both. • .and. • •,” as in You hǎo you pi any i, ^oth good and inexpensive.11 In sentence 了A, you is used to stress that the speaker thinks what he is saying is a strong reason why something should be otherwise. This you is usually used in sentences with the verb made negative, or in rhetorical questions (those to which no answer is expected).


Ta you "bu shǎ.    Hefs no dummy, after all.

Wo you bu zhīdao jīntiān xia yǔ. After all, I didn’t know it vas going

to rain today.

Nǐ you měi kanjianguo ta, n5C    You’ve never seen him, after all;

zěnme zhīdao ta "bu hǎo?    how could you know hefs no good?

Ta you "bti shi wai Jiao guan, zěnme Hefs not a diplomat, after all; why zai dashiguǎn gongzuo?    is he working in the embassy?


Ta you zhīdao shěnme?    What does he know, anyvay? (Means,

”He doesn’t know anything.11)

Shěi you něng kande name yuan    Who could have seen that far ahead,

ne?    after all? (Means» ”No one could

have seen that far/’)

Buzhǎng you zěnmeyang?    So what if hefs a (government) minis

ter? (Means, ”The fact that hefs a government minister is unimpressive.11)

SOC, Unit 8


Yaoshi tā "bū něng zuo, shěi you If he can’t do it,who can? (Means, něng zuo ne?    ’’If he can’t,notody can/’)

quan: ’’to advise” or ’’to try to persuade’’ a person. This    describes the

action of talking to someone in order to "bring them around to a    certain way

of thinking. Sentence 了B might "be translated simply as, ’’Don’t    get upset,

IU talk to him."

Wǒ quan ni haishi "bu yao xuě    My advice to you is not    to study lit一

wěnxuě, "biyě yǐhou zhǎo gong-    erature. It would be    awfully hard

zuo nan na!    to find a Job after you graduate.

Tāde shi nǐ "bu yao quan, tā hui You1 d "better not try to advise him gěi ni zhǎo māfande.    about his affairs, otherwise he’ll

give you trouble.

8. A: Nǐ shuo wǒ ^ai ~bu gai qū?    Do you think I should go?

B: Nǐ kanzhe "ban "ba, tīngshuō You do as you see fit, "but I hear něige difangr kuai dǎ    that there’s a/bout to "be a war

zhang le,    there.

Notes on No. 8

gai: ”should; ought to; to "be someone’s turn to (do something)” Gāi is an auxiliary ver"b very similar in meaning to yīnfigāi •

Kuai qidiǎn "ban le, wǒ gāi shang It’s almost seven-thirty. I should "ban qu le.    "be leaving for work.

Wǒ gai shu5 shenme ne?    What should I say?

Gai is frequently used "before the subject of a clause. In such cases it can also mean ’’to "be (someone1 s) turn to (do something).n

Mingtiān gāi tā qǐng kě le.    Tomorrow it1s his turn to treat.

Zhěixiē shi "běnlai gāi wo zuode, It should have "been me who did these "bingle zhěi Jǐtian, tongshi-    things in the first place, "but with

men dou "bang mang zuowan le.    me "being sick the past few days ,

my colleagues finished them all for me.

Zhěici gāi wǒ qǐng ni kan    This time itfs my turn to treat you

dianyǐng le.    to a movie.

Gāi nǐ zou le OR Gāi nǐ le.    Your move OR It’s your turn.

(in playing a gane)

kanzhe: In front of another vert, kanzhe means ’’(do something) as one sees fit.M The "locking” in kanzhe refers to looking at the situation in order to decide what one is able to do and what is "best to do. The most common phrase in which kanzhe appears is kanzhe "ban, ’’to do as one thinks "best.

SOC, Unit 8




A: Nī shuo wǒ shi qū hǎo ne?    Do you think it vould be best for me

Haishi bu qu hǎo?    to go or not to go?

B: Zěnme shu5 ne? Nǐ kanzhe    What should I say? Do what you think

ban ba!    best!

A: Nǐ yao mǎi shěnme yansěde    What color shirt do you vant to buy?


B: Nǐ kanzhe mǎi ba.    Buy what you think best.

dǎ zhang: nto fight a war, to go to war" This is a verb plus general object, like nian shu. Zhang is not used by itself (except in a construction like Zhěi yi zhang dale hǎojige yuě, "This battle/var was fought for many months,” in which zhang simply precedes dǎ instead of following it).

If you want to say "war” by itself, you have to use another word, zhanzhēnR, which is taught in the next module.

9. A: Gangcai wǒ qu gěi Wang Daifu Just nov when I went to see Dr. Wang songxing, ta shuo ta    off,he said he would be willing

yuanyi gěi nin kankan.    to see you [medically!3 •

B: Zhěi yixiazi hao le. Děng (Now) thatfs great. If11 go see him ta huflai vo qu kan ta.    when he gets back.

Notes on No, 9

songxing: (l) f,to see off,to wish (someone) a good trip”

Xiawǔ liSngdiǎn wǒ dao Jīch&ng At two this afternoon Ifm going to gěi Zhang Xiānsheng, Zhang    the airport to see Mr. and Mrs,

Taitai songxing.    Zhang off.

(2) "to give a going-away party11

A: Nǐ jīntiān vSnshang ySu    Are you busy tonight? měiyou shi?

B: WSmen Jintian vǎnshang chūqu    Wefre going out for dinner tonight

chī fan, gěi pěngyou song-    to have a going-away party for a

xing.    friend.

zhěi yixiazi: "as a result of this" This means that something has happened which brings a nev turn to the situation• It can often be translated into English simply by using the word "now•” (In sentence 9B,it may be best Just to omit it from the translation.)

Qiin lai le, zhěi yixiazi kěyi The money has come. Now we can b\ay mǎi fangzi le!    the house!

Zhěi yixiazi zaogao le, wSde    This is terrible! I don1t have

qian "bu gou le.    enough money (e.g.,to pay for the

things I just brought to the cashier).

SOC, Unit 8

Bādian ban le, nǐ yě bu zao diǎnr It’s half past eight! VOiy didnTt you Jiao wo, wo xianzai lāibuji le. get me up before? Nov I vonft make

it in time.


děng: "vhen, by the time; till” This word, which you first    learned

as "to wait,n can have these other meanings in a dependent clause.    This use

is similar to that of deng_dao, which you learned in Unit 3 may be    used for uwhenn or nby the time/

Děng vo daole Beijing wǒ cai    It wasn't till I got to Beijing that

zhīdao tā yě zai Běijīng.    I found out he was there too.

10. A: Zhěige shǎ haizi> zěnme    What a stupid kid, why didn't you

dāde shir yě bu zǎo    tell me about this before, since

diǎnr gaosu vo!    it's such an important thing.

B: Wo yuanlai gěn nin shuoguo, I did tell you, but you've forgotten, nin wāng le.

Notes on No. 10

shǎ: ”to be stupid, to be silly, to be naive"

Nǐ zhen shǎ! Qian fang zai yin- You're really silly. It's such a hangli duo hǎo! Fang zai jia- good idea to put your money in a li gan shěnme?    bank, what are you keeping it at

home for?

Sha haizi, biě zong wen něixie You silly kid, would you quit asking shS wěntf, hǎo bu hǎo?    such silly questions all the time?

zǎo: Besides "early," zǎo can also mean ""before, sooner,n or "long ago." Here are more examples.

Tamen jǐge nutongxuě zǎo J iu    Those women students took off for the

pao dao hǎibianr qu wanr le.    beach a long time ago.

Hai! Wǒ zǎo lai yitiān jiu    (Sigh) If only I had come a day

hao le,    earlier.

Sometimes zǎo only conveys the speaker's feeling of regret and irritation.

,,A long time ago,,might actually be no more than a moment ago. In such cases, zǎo can be translated by intonation alone:

Nǐ zenme bu zǎo shuo! Xianzai Why didnft you say so (before)I Hov hai laidejl ma?    can ve make it in time nov?

Wǒ zǎo zhīdao ta shi zhěige    If I had knovn that he vas this vay,

yangzi Jiu bu hui zhěme shǎ    I vouldnft have been so naive.


yě bu: "don't even, von't even, vouldn't even” do something that one should do.

SOC, Unit 8

*gen, "to follow, to go along with"


Nī ye "bu kuai dianr shSushi, wo- Will you hurry up and get your things men d5u děngjf le.    ready? We1 re all getting itchy

(from waiting).

Ta yě "bu kuai dianr lai, cai    What is keeping him ClfWonft he even

yījīng liang le!    come a little faster"]? The food

is cold already!

yuanlai: (1) "originally" In this meaning, it is usually interchangeable with běnlai• which you learned in Unit T.

Ta yuanlai "bu chī rou, xianzai He didn’t used to eat meat. No he1 s bū zhīdao zenme chīqilai le.    started eating it for some reason.

Wo yuanlai měi jihua qu Ouzhōu, I hadnft originally planned to go to houlai tā yfding yao qū, wo    Europe. Then she insisted on going,

yě jiu gēnqu* wanrle yitang.    so I went along for the fun of it.

(2)    Used when revealing a fact which was not previously known, especially when that fact provides an explanation or solution to a puzzling situation. JThis can sometimes "be translated "by ”it turns out that" •” or "by ffSo. .. !lf

(Běnlai cannot "be used for this meaning.)

Wo xiǎng shi ta xiěde, yuanlěi Oh, so you wrote this! I thought Jiu shi nī xiěde!    he wrote it.

A! Yuanlai nī Jiu shi Xu Xian- Oh! So you*re Mr. X^i? Welcome! sheng? Huānyfng, tai huānying Welcome indeed! le!

A, yuanlāi shi zhěme huf shi!    Oh! So that1 s what happened!

(3)    Yuanlaide may 'be used to modify a noun, with the meaning "original”:

Women yuanlěide jihua shi xiage Our original plan was to go next XTngqīwǔ qu.    Friday.

Tāmen yuSnlaide fangzi zai    Their original house was outside the

chěngwaitou, xianzai ban dao    city, (but) now they We moved

chěngli qu zhu le.    into the city.

SOC, Unit 8


Unit 8, Reviev Dialogue

In Lǐ Ping and Tomfs    room, Tom (A) is getting his things packed, when Lǐ Ping (B) comes in.

B: Tāngmǔ, wo tīngshuō    ni yao qu    Tom, I hear you1 re going to the

dalu le?    mainland?

A: Shx a, shāngwu wo dao lingshi-    Yeah! I went to the consulate

guǎn qu kaji yige pěngyou. Zhěng-    this morning to visit a friend, and

haor you yige gongsT dao dalu qu    there just happened to "be a company

tan shēngyi. Tāmen yao yige dǎ    going to the mainland on "business.

zi dāde kuai, you dong dianr    They wanted someone who could type

ZhSngwěnde rěn.    fast and who understood a little


B: Nǐ yunqi zhēn "bu cuo. Yao    Youfre so lucky. How long are

qu duo jiǔ ne?    you going for?

A: Yao kaji qingkuajig, dagai    We’ll have to see. ProTDalDly two

"bange yuě dao yige yuě.    weeks to a month.

B: Wo yě dao Taiwan qu "bajige yuě.    And Ifm going to Taiwan for two

Vang Cheng qīng vo he Xiǎo Wen    weeks. Wang Cheng invited Xiǎo Wen

dao ta jia qu wanr.    (Li Wen) and me to his house.

A: Āhā! Zhě yixiar zhen "bu cub,    That1 s great! Youfre going to

wo qu dalu, nǐ qu Taiwan, huilai    Taiwan and Ifm going to the mainland,

yǐhou women lai yige kaoshi, kaji-    When we get "back wef 11 have to have

kan shěi dui shěhui qingkuajig    a little contest and see whof s done

yanjiūde "bijiao hao.    a "better job of studying society,

B: Hǎo!    Okay.

(Lī Pingfs grandmother (C) enters.)

C: Xiǎo Ping, Tāngmǔ, nǐmen dou    Hi,Xiǎo Ping. Hi, Tom. * zai zhěr ne!

B: Nainai, nin zěnme "bu shui wǔ-    How come youfre not taking your

jiao le?**    nap, grandma?**

A: Li Nǎinai, duilDuqi, women "bǎ    Ifm sorry Grandma Li, we woke you

nin chaoxing le.    up,

•Notice that grandma says literally f?You are both here.,. This, however, is not a statement made after looking for the tvo and finally finding them.

Itfs simply a common way of greeting or starting a conversation: you state the obvious.

**More literally, ffHow is it you are no longer taking your nap?,, (New-situation le)

SOC, Unit 8


C: Měiyou, wo yě gai qǐlai le - *    No you didn*t. It was about

time I got up anyway*

Tangmǔ a, nǐ dao dalu qu, bū    Tom, when you go to the mainland, it

xiang zai Měiguo, zai Xianggang;    won’t be like America or Hong Kong;

yao zhīdao du5 zhaogu zijī.    you’ll have to know how to look

Xiǎo Ping mama chǔqu gěi ni mǎi    after yourself. Xiǎo Ping1 s mother

diǎnr dSngxi daishang.    went out to get you some things to

take with you.

A: Lǐ Nǎinai, wo shěnme dou you,    I have everything, Grandma Li, I

bu yong dai le.    donft need to take anything else.

(Xiǎo Wen (E) comes in quietly.)

E: Wǒ nǎinai, wǒ ma dou těng ni,    Ity grandmother and mother are fond

nǐ Jiu daishang ba!    of you, go ahead and take the things!

A: Lǐ Nainai, wo hui Měiguo    Grandma L5l» I have to come

yjqiān, hai xiǎng zai lai yici,    back here once again before I go

xīng bu xing?    to America. Will that be okay?

C: Zhěi haizi, zěnme bu xing ne?    Oh, this youngster! How could it

Zhěr Jiu shi nide Jia ya!    not be all right? This is your home!

A: Nin yao wo gěi nin dai diǎnr    Did you want me to bring you

shěnme dongxi a?    back something?

C: Dui le, zhěr you yi zhāng    Yes, here1 s a list. *** It1 s some

danzi,*** shi yixie gongyipǐn,    handicrafts. The money is in this

qian Jiu zai zhěige xinfēngrli,    envelope. Buy what you can. nǐ kanzhe mSi ba!

E: Nainai, zanmen Jiā you name    We have so many handicrafts already,

xie gongyipJn» hai mǎi t£ gan    why do you want to buy more of them? shěnme!

C: Sha haizi, děng dao nl Jiēhūnde    Silly girl! They111 come in handy

shihou jiu you yong le.    when you get married.

E: Name nantīng!    Ugh! That sounds awful!

C: Na you shěnme nantīng, hǎo shir    What1 s so awful about that? That

ma!    (marriage) is a happy event.

*In other words, they did wake her up    with their talking.

**Grandma is referring to living conditions--itTs not as comfortable on the

mainland as in the U.S. or Hong Kong.

***This is a natural example of how one who has freely extended favors is

not shy to ask a favor in return.

SOC, Unit 8


E: Nǐmen zai zhěr, * wo qu kajikan,    Don’t get up. * I think mom is

hǎoxiang mama huilai le.    "back, Ifm going to go see.

(Xiǎo Wen leaves.)

A: Nǎinai, Xiao Wen zhēnde yaov    Is Xiǎo Wen really getting married,

jiěhun le?    grandma?

B: Shi zhěme hui shi, Xiao Wen    It’s like this: When Xiǎo Wen

zai Yīngguo niaji shǔde shihou    was studying in England she met a

rěnshile yige Ri"běn rěn, xianzai    Japanese guy. Now he works at the

ta he Xiǎo Wen zai yige yinhangli    same "bank as she does. Hef s very

zuo shi, dui Xiǎo Wen "bu cuo.    nice to her, "but ...

Kěshi ...

C: Yuanlai, wo he Xiǎo Wen tā    Originally, Xiǎo Wen’s father and

"bata d5u "bu tongyi. Ni xiǎng ma,    I were "both against it. After all,

Zhongguo rěn he Riběn rěn zěnme    there*s Just no way that Chinese and

yě měi "banfar "biancheng yijiazi    Japanese can "become part of the same

ya! Kěshi Xiǎo Wen he ta mama    family. But Xiǎo Wen and her mother

yuanyi, women yě Jiu "bu něng    wanted it, so there wasnft anything

shuo shěnme le.    we could say about it.

A: Xiǎo Wen mama zěnme shu5 ne?    What did Xiǎo Wěn’s mother say

about it?

C: Ta quanle wo hǎojici. Tade    She tried to persuade me many

huā you daoli. Ta shuo, Zhong-    times. What she said makes sense,

guo rěn he Riten rěn shi dǎguo    She said that the Chinese and the

zhang. Kěshi xianzai, shiqing    Japanese did go to war, but now that

yijing guoqu jishlnian le, wěi-    it1 s all "been over for a few decades,

shenme hai yao rang hāizimen chT    why should the children still "be made

kǔ ne?    to suffer for it?

A: Bomǔ shuode dui. Ei, wo lai    She’s right a"bout that. By the

Xianggang zěnme duo tian le, zěn-    way, I’ve "been here in Hong Kong for

me hai měi kanjian ta ne?    so many days nov, how is it that I

haven’t seen him?

C: Tā hui Ri'běn kan tā mama qu le,    He went "back to Japan to visit his

něi shi ge xiaoshunde haizi. Děng    mother. Hefs a very filial "boy. He

ni cong dalu huilai de shihou, ta    should "be "back "by the time you come

yě gai huilai le.    "back from the mainland.

A: Zhēn you yisi!    That1s so interesting!

•More literally, "You people are here•,’ Notice this simple way of leaving

a group. "You’re here,’ is the functional equivalent of ’’You stay here," i.e.,

"I*m going to leave. Please go on talking without me•” Another sentence you

can use when leaving a group is Nimen tantan, vo xian zǒu% ?,You go on talking,

I’m going to leave,n

••yijiazi means yijia rěn (one family).

SOC, Unit 8


C: You yisi "ba,l Tāngmǔ, nǐ "bu zhī- Oh, itfs interesting all right dao, rěn lǎo le, guānnian yě lǎo You donft know, Tom, vhen a person le, yǒude shihour zhēnde yao gāi- gets old, their ideas get old too. gai le.    Sometimes one really has to change

a "bit.

(Xiǎo Pingfs mother [F] comes in carrying some things.)

B: Mā, nǐ huilai le?    Hi mom, you1 re "back?

F: Huilai le.    Hi, yeah, Ifm back.

A: Bomǔ, vo shuo shěnme hao ne?    Auntie, what can I say? This is

Nin shi zai tai kěqi le.    really too polite of you.

F: Zhěidiǎn chide, yongde,    dou    This food and these things are for

daiqu, zheliǎngjian yīfu    you to take with you. And these two

děngyixia chuānchuan kan,    hěshi things to wear you can try on later "bu hěshi. and see if they fit you.

A: Bomǔ, na jiu xiěxie le.    Well then, thanks a lot, auntie.

F: Name yidiǎndiǎn dSngxi xiě    Why should you thank me for these

shenine. Lushang hǎohǎo zhaogu    odds and ends! You just look after

zijī, shiqing vanle Jiu huilai, yourself very carefully vhile you1re xiūxi jītiān zai hui Měiguo.    traveling* and when the jo"b is fin

ished come "back here and rest up for a few days "before you go "back to America.

A: Ng, wo yiding huilai.    Okay, I111 "be sure and come back.

C: Guo liǎngtiān, Xiǎo Ping* Xiǎo    In another day or two Xiǎo Ping and

Wen yě yao zou le. Xiǎo Ping    Xiǎo Wen vill "be leaving too. Mom,

ma>^ jīnr^ wǎnshang z&xr "bu zuo    letfs not make dinner tonight. When

fan le. Děng huJr Xiǎo Ping    Xiǎo Plngfs father gets "back, ve’ll

baba huilai, yikuair chūqu chT    all go out to dinner and have a going-

wǎnfan, gěi hāizimen songsong    away party for the kids, okay? xing, hao "bu hǎo?

F: Hǎode, hǎode.    All right.

^■Grandma1 s reply intimates that the experience of her granddaughter having a Japanese boyfriend put her through some difficult times and made her reflect deeply on her opinions.

^Grandma Lǐ here addresses her daughter-in-law as Xiǎo Ping aā% ”Xiǎo P!ng,s mother.11 Compare this with the way some grandparents in English-speaking countries call their grandchildren’s parents "Mom" and "Dad" even though they are their own children.

3jīnr: .llntian (Běijīng)

^zam: The slurred pronunciation of zanmen used in conversation. (Běijīng)

SOC, Unit 8


Unit 8, Tape 2 Workbook

Exercise 1

This exercise is a review of the Reference List sentences in this unit• The speaker will say a sentence in English, followed by a pause for you to translate it into Chinese. Then a second speaker will confirm your answer.

All sentences from the Reference List will occur only once. You may vant to revind the tape and practice this exercise several times.

Exercise 2

In this exercise a mother and son talk in their apartment in HangzhSu.

The conversation occurs only once. After listening to it completely, youT11 probably want to rewind the tape and answer the questions below as you listen a second time.

Here are the new words and phrases you will need to understand this conversation:

xiǎo diǎnr shēngr    a little more quietly

hao    to wrap

tan lianīai    to be in love, to be roing together

(having a courtship)

Questions for Exercise 2

Prepare your answers to these questions in Chinese so that you can talk about them in class.

1.    Why is his sister going to America? Why is she taking handicrafts?

2.    What will happen in the evening?

3.    What news does he learn about his sister?

^his mot,her seem nervous? Hov can vou tell?

.\fter you have answered these questions yourself, you may want to take a look at the translation for this conversation. You may also want to listen to the dialogue again to help you practice saying your answers.

Note: The translations used in these dialogues are meant to indicate the English functional equivalents for the Chinese sentences rather than the literal meaning of the Chinese•

SOC, Unit 8


Exercise 3

In this conversation a mother talks to her daughter in Běijīng about her grandparents.

Listen to the conversation once straight through. Then, on the second time through, look below and answer the questions.

Here are the nev words for this conversation:

qiānxie nian    a few years back

zai shu5    besides, moreover

Questions for Exercise 3

Prepare your answers to these questions in Chinese so that you can talk about them in class.

1.    What is Xiǎo Yun doing? Why?

2.    What is the latest news about Xiǎo Yun1s grandfather?

3.    Why does the mother seem to have little regard for the company she talks about ?

U. According to the mother, what is the grandfather1s attitude toward work?

5. What does the mother ask her daughter to write into the letter to grandfather?

After you have answered these questions yourself, you may want to take a look at the translation for this conversation. You may also want to listen to the conversation to help you practice saying the answers vhich you have prepared.

Exercise U

This conversation takes place in the office of a factory in Běijīng where an older man and a younger man are on the night shift.

Listen to the conversation straight through once. Then rewind the tape and listen again. On the second time through, answer the questions.

You will need the following words and phrases:

Lǎo Shīfu    old master

gěming    revolution

SOC, Unit 8


Zhu Laozong    (an affectionate name for Zhū De,

a military leader of China and commander of the Eighth Route Army during the var of resistance against Japan.)

jūndui    army

Questions for Exercise b

Prepare your answers to these questions in Chinese so that you can talk about them in class.

1.    What did Wang Lao Shīfu do "before the var of resistance against Japan? Was it a secure jcTb?

2.    What happened to his "business during the var of resistance against Japan?

3.    What did "Zhū Laozong" (Zhu De) do at that time? What did Wang Lao Shīfu do for Zhǔ Laozong?

After you have answered these questions, you may want to take a look at the translation for this conversation. You may also want to listen to the conversation again to help you pronounce your answers correctly•

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Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 2

A mother (B) and her son (A) talk in their apartment in Hangzhou.

A: Ma, wǒ jiějie shěnme shihou zou    Ma, vhen is older sister leaving? a?

B: Wǎnshang shiyīdiǎn zhongde    On the 11:00 train this evening•

huǒche. Ni xiǎo diǎnr shēngr    Speak a little more quietly. Dor^t

shuo huā. Biě bǎ ta chaoxing    wake her, let her sleep a little

le, rang ta zai duo shui yihuǐr.    while longer.

A: Ao, jiějie shui wǔjiāo na, vo    Oh, sister is taking a (noontime)

xiǎo diǎnr shengr* Mā, jiějie    nap. 1,11 speak more softly. Ma,

yao daizǒude d5ngxi dou zhunbei-    have all the things older sister is

hao le ma?    going to take along with her been

gotten ready?

B: Chabuduo le, jiu shi hai you    Just about, there are just a fev

yixiě gongyipǐn měiyou nonghǎo,    handicrafts not yet taken care of.

nǐ hullaile, zhěnghǎo bangbang    Youfve come back just in time to

^ mang, bǎ zhěixiē dongxi baoqilai.    help by wrapping these things.

A: Jiějie shi dao Měiguo qu nian    Sister1s going to America to go to

shǔde, dai g5ngyipǐn gan shěnme? school; what is she taking handicrafts


B: Zai daxuělǐ nian shū zong hui    In college you,re always going to

you ge hǎo pěngyou, wāiguo rěn    have a good friend. Foreigners like

xihuan Zhongguo gongyipǐn,    Chinese handicrafts. So isn,t it a

daishang yidiǎnr, songsong rěn,    a good idea to take some along to

bu shi hěn hǎo ma?    give people as gifts?

A: Hǎo, wǒ yihuir jiu baohǎo le.    Okay, Ifll have them wrapped in

a minute.

B: Dui le, ni zai zhěr nong, wǒ    Oh~you take care of this here, and

dao chtifang kan yixia, kankan    1*11 go take a look in the kitchen to

cāi hǎole měiyou.    see if the food is done.

A: Wǎnshang hai you kěren ma?    Are there guests coming tonight,


B: You. Děng yixia Zhou Bomǔ he    Yes, in a little while Mrs. (Auntie)

tā ěrzi lai gěi nǐ jiějie song- Zhou and her son are coining over to xing.    give your sister a send-off.

A: Mā, wǒ kan, wǒ jiějie gen Xiao Ma, I think older sister and Xiǎo Zh5u hǎoxiang bu cuo ma!    Zhou seem to be getting along pretty


B: Shǎ haizi! Nǐ jiějie gen Xiǎo You    kid! Your sister and

Zhou tan lianfai kuai yinian le, Xiao Zh5u have been in love for almost nǐ hai "bu zhīdao!    a year now. Didnft you know?!

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A: Ao! Yuanlai shi zěnme hui    Oh, so that1 s vhat1 s "been going

shir! Hǎo, mā, nǐ kuai mang qu    on all along. Okay, mom, you go

"ba! Zhěi diǎnr gōngyipǐn jiāo    ahead with your vork. Hand the

gěi vo le.    handicrafts over to me.

B: Nǐ kuai "bao, "baovanle, dao    Get these wrapped quickly. When

chūfang lai "bang wo mang.    you1 re done, come to the kitchen and

help me.

A: Xing, vo yihuǐr jiu lai.    Okay, I111 "be there in a minute.

Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 3

In Beijing a mother (B) talks with her daughter (A).

B: Xiao Yun na, zuotian kaoshi    Xiao Yun, your exams were over

kaovan le, jīntiān hai zai wūli    yesterday. What are you still working

mang shěnme na?    on here today?

A: Xiě jīfēng xin, zhěixie xin    Writing a few letters. I should

zǎo jiu gāi xie le, jīntiān you    have written them a long time ago.

yidiǎnr shijiān, vo xiang ba ta-    I have a little time today, so I

men xiěvān.    wanted to get them written.

B: Gěi yěyede xin xiěle měiyou?    Have you written grandfather? Hefs

Yěye name těng ni, kuai gei tā    so fond of you, you really should

xie fēng xin "ba!    write him a letter!

A: Shangci yěye lai xin shu5,    The last time grandfather wrote,

tāmen gōngsī qing tā qu "bang    he said that their company had asked

mang ne. Zhěijian shir, nin    him to go help out. What do you think

zěnme xiang?    of that?

B: Tāmen gSngsī xiang gen vaiguo    Their company wants to do "business

rěn zuo shēngyi, qīng yěye qu    with foreigners, so they asked your

"bang mang, zhěijian shīr, vo    grandfather to help out. I don't

shěnme yě "bū yuanyi shu5.    vant to say anything about this.

A: Wěishěnme ne?    Why?

B: Qianxiē nian, tāmen gSngside    A fev years back, the people in the

rěn shuo nǐ yěye, shuode name    company were saying such avful things

nantīng. Xianzai tāmen you věnti    about your grandfather. But nov, they

le, you xiangdao ni yěye le.    go to him vith their problems. The hell

Suan le "ba, rang tāmen kanzhe ban    vith it! Let them do vhat they like.

ba. Wo bū xiǎng quan nǐ yěye qū    I donft vant to advise your grandfather

"bang zhěige mang. Niānji dale,    to help them. When a person gets old,

haohaorde zai jiāli xiūxixiūxi    it1s best for him to stay at home and

bi shěnme dōu hao.    get a lot of relaxation,

•This means ”No comment. If I said anything about this, it vouldn’t "be


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A: Mā,v3 xiǎng yěye yiding bu    Ma, I*m sure that grandfather

tongyi ninde shuSfǎr. Guoqude    wouldn’t agree with that. What1s over

shir yǐjīng guoqu le. Xianzai    is over ("Past things are already past”),

you rěn qīng ta bang mang, zai    Now someone asks him to help out, and

shu5 zhěixiē shir dui guojiā you    besides, these things are good for the

hǎochu, tā yiding hui qu zuode.    country. Ifm sure he*11 do it.

B: Wǒ yě zhīdao, nǐ yěye něige    I know that too. Your grandfather

rěn zhǐ yao you g5ngzuo, bu guǎn    is the kind of person who, as long

du5 nan, tā yě hui pīnming qu    there1 s a job, will knock himself out

zuode. Nǐ xiě xinde shihou, biě    to do it, no matter how hard it is.

wangle xiěshang, rang tā biě tai    When you write the letter, donft forget

lei le, měitiān shui ge xiao    to write that he mustn1t tire himself

wǔjiao.    out too much, and to take a little

noontime nap every day.

A: Hǎo. Xiěshang le. Nainai hui    Okay. Itfs written. Grandma will

hǎohaor zhaogu yěyede. Nin fang-    take good care of grandfather. Don’t

xīn hǎo le.    you worry.

B: Ai! Hǎo le, wǒ yao chūqu mai    (Sigh) Okay, Ifve got to go out

dongxi, nǐde xin xiěwan le    to buy some things. Have you finished

měiyou? Wǒ lai gěi nǐ ji.    writing your letters? I111 mail

them for you.

A: Zhěi sānfēng xin xiěwan le,    These three are finished. Wait a

děng yixiar, wǒ tieshang youpiāo.    second while I put stamps on them.

Hǎo, xianzai hǎo le. Nin nazou    Okay, they1 re ready. Here they are. ba.

B: Wǒ zǒu le.    Ifm leaving.

A: Mā, nin zǎo diǎnr huilai!    Ma, don’t be gone long!

Dialogue and Translation for Exercise U

In the office of a factory in Běijīng,    an older man (B) and a younger man (A)

are on the night shift:

A: Wang Lǎo Shīfu, nin xiūxi yi-    Old Master Wang, you rest a while.

huǐr ba. Wǒ zai zhěr kanzhe,    1*11 watch things here, don’t worry,

nin biě dānxīn, wǒ bu hui shui    I wonft fall asleep, jiaode.

B: Ou, wǒ tiu lei, zanmen liǎ°    I’m not tired. Letfs us two have

liāoliao tiānr ba!    a chat!

A: Wang Lǎo Shīfu, wǒ tīngshuS,    Old Master Wang, I’ve heard that

nin jiěfang qian jiu cānjia    you joined the revolutionary ranks

ming le, ninde gushi yiding bu    before liberation. You must have

shǎo, gěi wo jiǎngjiang ba!    a lot of stories; tell me one!

°liǎ: A colloquial word meaning liǎngge.

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B: Nǐ zhīdao, jiěfang qiān vo shi    You knov, before liberation I vas zuo xiǎo mǎimaide, něi shihou zuo in small business. At that time, it

xiǎo mǎimai duo nan! Něng bu    vas so hard to do small business.

něng zhuān yidiǎnr qian dōu yao    Whether or not you could make a little

kan yunqi hǎo huāi.    money depended on whether your luck

vas good or bad.

A: Houlai ne?    And later?

B: Houlai Riběn rěn lai le, Ri'běn    Later the Japanese came. After ren gēn zanmen dǎ zhāng, zhěi yi- the Japanese vent to var vith us,

xiazi wode mǎimai • • •    my business • . •

A: Zuob^ixiāqu le.    You cou2dnTt carry it on.

B: Bu shi, vǒde mǎimai yuě zuo    No, it got bigger and bigger, yuě da le.

A: Zenme ne?    Hov was that?

B: Nǐ xuěguo lishǐ. Nǐ zhīdao něi You*ve studied history. You know

shihou Zhu Laozong gēn Riběn ren    that at that time Zhū Laozong (Zhū

dale yizhāng . . .    De) fought vith the Japanese • • •

A: Zhīdao, něi yizhang dale hǎo    Yes, they fought for many months.

jǐge yuě. Něi shihou nin gan    What vere you doing at that time? shěnme ne?

B: Wo? Wǒ yitiān dao wan nazhe    Me? From morning to night T vas

dānzi gěi Zhu Lǎozongde jǔndui    carrying a list buying things for

mai dongxi ya! Shenme chide,    Zhū DeTs army. Food, clothes, medi-

chuānde, yao a, vo dou něng    cine, T could buy them all. maidao.

A: Ēi, zhēn you yisi, nin zai gěi    Gee, that1s fascinating, tell me

wo jiǎngjiang•    more•

B: Ou, xianzai bu něng jiǎng le.    工 can’t now. It’s time ve vent

Zanmen gāi chūqu kankan le.    out and took a look. If there aren’t

Yaoshi měiyou shěnme wěnti,    any problems, 1*11 tell you more

huilai vo zai gěi nǐ jiǎng.    after we get back.

A: Nā zanmen zou ba!    Then let1s go!

2 了1


Module & Unit

ai to love    了.6

ai shang to fall in love vith    了.6

ānding to be peaceful and stable, to be    了•了

quiet and settled

"bata father, dad, papa    了.U

"bait iān daytime    了.3

-"ban (counter for class of students)    了.3*

"bang to "be great, to be fantastic,to be    了•&•,了•了*


"bang mang to help; help    了.U

"bangzhu to help; help; as a help to,for    了.2

"bao to wrap    了.8*

"bSochi to keep, to preserve, to maintain    了.5

bǎohu to protect    了.6

běihou "behind someone1 s "back    了 .2*

-běizi all one1s life, lifetime    了.2 "běnlai originally, in the "beginning, at first; 了•了

to begin with, in the first place

"benren herself, himself, oneself,野self,    了.6*


"bī to compare    了.1*

"bian to change,to become different    了.3

bianchěng to change into    了.2' 了.3

bJci each other, one another, both; the    了-5*

same to you

"bingren sick person,patient    了.3* b6mǔ aunt (wife of father1s elder brother); 了.8

(term for the mother of one1s friend)

"boshi Ph.D.    7.2*

"bii fangxīn to worry    了.3*

"bu guan no matter (vhat, whether, etc.)    了.5*,了.6

"bu huāng "bu mang calm, not the least "bit flustered    了 .8*

bū Jian "bū san donft leave until vefve met up    了•了*

"bu Jiandān    not ordinary,not commonplace; remark- 了•了*


"bu něng "bu to have to,must    了•了

"bu shǎo to "be quite a lot,to be much, to    了•紅

be many

"bii shi. •. Jiu shi." if it isnft.. .then it1 s; either...    了.了


"bii xiang hua to be ridiculous, to be outrageous,    了.6

to be absurd (talk, acts, etc.)

SOC, Vocabulary

2了 2

Module & Unit

cāi    only (before an amount)    了.3

cai    only in that case, only under this    了.5


cāichan    property    了 • U

canjiā    to participate in, to take part in;    了.6

to Join; to attend

chang    to "be long    了.1

chāng gě    to sing (songs)    了.6*

chao    to "be noisy; to disturb "by making    了.8


chaoxing    to wake (someone) up "by "being noisy    了.8

-chěng    (verb ending) into    了.3

chěngshi    city; urtan    了.6

chěngyuanguo    member country    了.6*

chituxiaqu    to "be unatle to eat    了.3

chī ku    to suffer, to undergo hardship    T.U

chou yān    to smoke (totacco)    了.6

chuang    "bed    了-2*, 了.5*

chuāntong    tradition, traditional    了.1

conglai    ever (up till now),always (up till    了.3


conglai "bu/mei    never (up till now)    了.3

cong. .. (Ver"b)-qī    to "begin (Vert)-ing from".    了.了

cūnr    village    了 .6*

dāduoshu(r)    the great majority    了.5

-dai    generation; era, (historical) period    了.5

daishang    to take along (Běijīng)    了-8。

dājiě    "older sister” (a respectful term    了

of address for a woman atout one’s own age or older)

dalu    mainland, continent    了.1

dang    (political) party    了.6

dānxīn    to "be worried, to "be uneasy    了-U

dānzi    list; form    了.8

dao    to pour, to dump    了.1

-dao    (resultative ending used for percep-    了,3

tion ty one of the senses : .1 iandao, kandao, tīngdao, etc.)

-dao    (resultative ending used to indicate    了.3

reaching; in xiangdao, tandao, etc., translated as "atout" or ’’of’’5

daochu    everywhere    了•了 *

dāodě    morality, morals, ethics    了-2

dao lāji    to take out (dump) the garbage    了.3*

daolī    principle, truth» hows and whys;    了.2

reason, argument, sense

daxuěshēng    college student    了•1*

da zhang    to fight a war, to go to war    了.8

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gǎi    will probably    了.U

gai    should, ought to    了了.8


Module & Unit

da zhen    to get an injection    了,8*

da zi    to type (on a typewriter)    了,6

dě    to get    了.5

dědao    to receive, to get    了.5

-de huā    if; in case; supposing that    了.6

děi kan    to depend on    了.8

děng    when; by the time; till    了.8

děng dao    wait until; when, by the time    了,3

děng yixia    wait a minute; in a little while    了.8

-dian    point    了.1

diao ySnlěi    to cry    7.3*

diwei    position,status    了.2

dǒngde    to understand, to grasp, to know    了.1

duanpian    short (stories, articles)    了.6

dull    to be independent; independence    了.2

duo (du5)    how (to what extent)    了.U

duo hao!    how great that is!    7.2*

duoshu(r)    the majority (of), most (of)    了.5

ěi    say! (interjection telling that the    了.3*

speaker Just thought of something)

ěrtong    child (formal word)    了.6

ěrxifu(r) (-fer)    daughter-in-law    了.U

fāda    to be (highly) developed, to be    了.2•,了.5 v flourishing, to be prosperous

fǎlū    law    了

fan    to translate    了•了*

fan    to violate, to offend, to commit; to    了•了

have an attack (of an old disease)

fandui    to oppose, to be against    了.1*

-fangmian (-mlan)    aspect,side, area, respect    了.1

fangwěn    to visit    了.6*

fǎnzhěng    anyvay, in any case    了.3*

fan zui    to commit a crime    了•了

fazhǎn    to develop, to expand, to grow    了.5

fen    points    7.5*

fen    to divide, to separate, to split    了,6

fengsu    custom(s)    了• 5

fenkai    to separate, to split up    了.6

funii    woman; women, womankind    了.2

fūqi    blessings, good fortune    了.h

gāi    will probably    了 • U *

cai    should, ouffht to    7.U° . 7.fl

SOC, Vocabulary

Module & Unit

gai to build, to construct    了.U*

gaibian to change; change(s)    了.1*, 了.5

gānbu cadre    了.6

gǎnjuě feeling, sensation; to feel, to    了.1


ganma to do what; (colloquial) why on    earth, 了.8

what for

gan shenme to do what; (colloquial) vhy on    earth, 了.8

what for

gǎnxiě to be thankful, to be grateful    了.3*

gaogān senior cadres    了 .6*

gaozhōng senior high school    了.1*, 了.2*, 了.5*

geguo various countries    7.1*

gěming revolution    了 • 8*

gēn to follow    7.8°

g5ng male (for animals)    了.2*

Gongchǎndǎng Communist Party    了.6

gongchǎng factory, mill, plant, works    了.6*

gonggong grandfather, grandpa (paternal)    了

gōngke homework    了 •了 *

Gongqingtuan Communist Youth League    了.6*

gōngshāngyě industry and commerce    了.5

gongye industry    7 • 5

gōngyipǐn handicrafts    了 • 8

guǎn to take care of; to mind, to bother    了.2


guǎnggao advertisement    7.7

guānnian concept, idea, notion    了.2

guānxīn to be concerned/care about    7.1*

guanyu as to, with regard to, concerning,    了,1


gǔhuī bone ashes, ashes (of a person)    了.5*

guīju rules of proper behavior, social    了.3*, 了

etiquette, manners; special customs,

established practice, rule (of    a community or organization)

guojiā country, state, nation; national    了.1

guoqu the past    了 • U

guoqu to pass; to pass away, to die    了.8

guo rizi to live; to get along    了.U°

gushi story    了 .6。

gǔshū ancient book    了.1°

hai fairly, passably    了

hǎiluoyīn heroin    了•了

hǎochu benefit, advantage    了•5

haohaor properly, carefully, thoroughly    了.1°, 了.8

hǎo shi hǎo, kěshi…well, okay, but…    了,3*

haoxiang to seem as if,to seem like    了.8


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Module & Unit

hēiyě    (darkness of) night, nighttime    了.3

hěn    to hate, to loathe, to detest    了.6

Hongwěibīng    (a) Red Guard; the Red Guards    了.6

houlai    later, afterwards    7.2°, 7.5

Huashěngdun Youbao Washington Post    了•了

-hui    (counter for shi^ "matter”)    了•8

hui    might; to be likely to; will    了.1

huo    to live; to become alive; to survive;    了.5

to be live/alive/living; mobile, moving

hushuo    to talk nonsense; nonsense, drivel    了.2*

huxiǎng    mutually    了.蚁

ji    to remember; to commit to memory    了,5*

-jiā    (counter for families)    了

j iSndan    to be simple    了.了

JiSng    to stress, to pay attention to, to    了.3

be particular about

Jiǎng    prize    7.5]

JiSng jiu    to be particular about; to be    了 .3*

elegant, to be tasteful

jiaotang    church, cathedral    了•了*

Jiaoyu    to educate; education    了•了

jiāru    to Join    了

jiāting    family    了 .3*

jīdong    to be agitated, to be worked up    7.1°

jiě    to borrow; to lend    了.1

jiědao    to successfully borrow    了.1

jiěfajig    to liberate, to emancipate; liberation 了.6

jiěhūn (jiēhūn)    to get married    了.2

jiěyi    to mind, to take offense    了.6

jijimangmang    in a hurry, extremely rushed    了.6

jfmang    to be hasty, to be hurried    了.6

jinbu    to progress; progress    了•了

jindaishī    modern history    了 .1*

Jīngshěn    energy, spirits    了.3*

jīnr    today (Běijīng)    7.8°

jlnzhāng    to be nervous, to be upset    了.3*

j i zhu    to remem'ber    了 • 1 *

-ju    sentence; (counter for sentences    or 了.1

utterances, often followed by hua, ’’speech”)

jundui    army    了

juzi shuǐ(r)    orange juice (Běijīng)    7.1*

(V V) kan    try and (v), (V) and see how it    is 了•了

kan    to depend on    了.8

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2 了6

Module & Unit

kanbuqǐ    to look down on, to scorn, to    了•“


kandao    to see    了.3

kanzhe    (followed *by a verb) as one sees fit,    了.8

as one deems reasonable

kao    to take/give an exam, test, or quiz    了.8

kao    to depend on, to rely on; to lean    7.2

against; to be near, to be next to

kaolu    to consider, to think about; con-    了.1


kaoshi    to take/give an exam, test, or quiz;    了.8

exam, test

kěāi    to be loveable, to be adorable    7.8°

kěkāyin    cocaine    了•了

Kěkoukělě    Coca Cola    了.1。, 了.3

kělian    to be pitiful    7-3]

ken    to be willing to    了 •了*

kū    to cry    了.3

• •_lāi    for the past", (amount of time)    了.6

lai    (used before a verb to express that    了•了

something vill be done)

lai    to do (something), to perform    了.8

(something), to have (an event), to help oneself to (food, etc.), to Join in (a game, etc.)

laji    garbage    了.3:

lanwěiyan    appendicitis    7.

lao    all the time, always    了.8*

laodong    to labor    了.5

laodongli    labor force, labor; able-bodied    了.5


laolao    grandmother,grandma (maternal)    了 • “ *

laoli    labor force; labor    T. 5

lao shīfu    old master    7.5

laoshǔ (laoshu)    mouse or rat    7.2^

lǎoxiānsheng    old gentlemen    7.5o

laoyě    grandfather, grandpa (maternal)    了

laozong    (used vith surname as an affectionate    7.8°

term for a high-ranking PLA commander)

liǎ    (Beijīng colloquial word meaning    7-8*

liangge, ”two”)

lian.•.dou/yě.••    even.••    了•了

liao    to chat    了.3

liao tiān(r)    to chat    了.3

lǐmao    manners, politeness    了 •!+

lǐngdao    to lead, to direct, to exercise lead-    J.6

ership (over); leadership; leader, leading cadre

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liushi niandāi the decade of the sixties    7.1*

liūxia to leave    7.1*

liuxlng to be common, to "be popular, to be    了.2


luān to "be in disorder, to "be in a mess,    了•了

to "be chaotic; arbitrarily, recklessly, any old way

luanqīlDazāo in a mess, in confusion, in dis-    了.了

order; miscellaneous, motley, all thrown in together

ma (marker for obviousness of    了.3


manmanr (manman) slowly; gradually, "by and "by; taking    了.1

one1s time (doing something); (tell) all about, in all details

měi yisi to be uninteresting/boring; to "be    了.2

pointless/meaningless; to "be a drag; to "be without value, not worthy of respect, cheap

mlngbai to understand, to "be clear on, to    了.5

comprehend; to "be clear, to "be in-telligible

Ming Bao Ming Pao (a Hong Kong newspaper)    了•了

mǔ female (for animals)    了•2•

nSlnai grandmother (paternal)    7.1*

na hai yong shuo that goes vithout saying    了 .2*

Nan Měi South America    了.T*

nannu men and women, male-female    了.2

nanshou to "be uncomfortable; to feel "bad,    了.3

to feel unhappy

nantīng to "be unpleasant to hear; to sound    了.8

"bad, to offend the ears; to "be scandalous

ne (used in questions asking the where-    了.U*

abouts of someone/something)

něngli ability    7.6°

nianji (nianji) age    了

nianqing to "be young    7.1

nong (něng) to do; to fool with;- to get    7.3^

nongcūn country, rural area; rural    了•?*, 了.6

nonglai to get and "bring    了-3

nongmln peasant    了 • 5 *

nongyě agriculture    了*5

nyli to make efforts    7.7*

nūsheng coed, woman student    ,7.3*

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pa    to be afraid    了

pǎolai pǎoqu    to run around    7.6*

pěngdao    to run into, to come across    了.8*

-piān    (counter for sheets, articles or    了

pieces of writing)

piān    to fool, to deceive    了.2*

picha bing    pizza    7.1*

pingděng    equality; to be equal (of people)    了.2

pīnming    with all onefs might, for all one    7.2

is worth, desperately, like mad; to risk onefs life, to defy death

pīzhǔn    to give permission, to approve;    了.5*

approval, permission, sanction

popo    grandmother, grandma    了.4*

qiǎng    gun    了 •了:

qiang    to be strong    了.6*

qiānxie nian    a fev years back, in recent years    了.8

qiāo men    to knock at the door    了.4*

qiguai    to be strange, to be odd, to be    了.3


qǐlai    to get up (in several senses)    了.U

-qilai    (resultative ending which indicates    了.3


Qinghai    (a province in western China)    了.3*

qingkuāng    situation, circumstances, condition,    了•1

state of affairs

qingxing    situation, circumstances, condition,    7*1

state of affairs

quan    to advise, to urge, to try to    了.8


quan j ia rěn    the whole family    了

rang    to make (someone a certain vay)    了.1

rěn    person; self; body    了.U

rěnjia    people; other people; someone else;    了.U

they; he, she; I

rěxin    to be enthusiastic and interested,    了.3

to be varmhearted, to be earnest

rěxīnqilai    to become enthusiastic and interested    了.3

rizi    day; date; time    了.3*

ru    to enter; to join (an organization)    了.6

ru Tuān    to Join the Communist Youth League    了.6

(Gongqingtuan or Gongchǎnzhǔyi Qingniantuan)

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Module & Unit

sha to kill (means unspecified); to    了•了

kill (specifically, vith a knife or knifelike instrument); to try to kill

sha to be stupid, to be dumb, to be    7.8

silly, to be naive

shafa sofa    7.8*

-shang (verb ending indicating starting    7.6

and continuing)

shang xuě to go to school; to attend school    7,6

shangyě commerce, business    7.5

Shāoxiandui Young Pioneers    7.6*

shěhui society; social    7.1

shengchan to produce; production    7.5

shenghuo to live; life; daily life; livelihood    7.2

shengyl (shēngyi) business, trade    了.8

shenqǐng to apply (for)    7.2*

shěntī body; health    了.it

shi to cause (followed by a verb), to    了•了

make, to enable

shichang market    .了 • 5 •

shijiě vorld    7.6

shijiěshang in the vorld, in the whole world    7.6

shijiěxing vorldvide    7-7

shixing to practice* to carry out, to put    7.6

into effect, to implement (a method, policy, plan, reform, etc.)

shi zai really; to be real    7.2

shou to receive    7-7

shou to be thin    7.7*

shǒuchaode handwritten    7.^*

shou jiaoyu to receive an education    了•了

shourū income, earnings    T•5

shoushi to straighten up; to get one*s    了•紅

things ready

shujiā summer vacation    7.1

shuSbuqingchu can 丨 t explain clearly    7 • 1

shuodao to speak of; as for    7.3

shuofǎ vay of saying a thing; statement,    7.5

version, argument

shuoshi Master丨s degree    了7-5*

sī to die _    了.3*, 了.5

Si Shū the Four Books (Daxuě> Zh5ngy5ng>    了.li

Lunyǔ> Mengz?)

sixiang thought, vay of thinking    了.5*

songhuiqu to take/escort back    了.5*

songxing to see (someone off), to wish    了.8

(someone) a good trip; to give a going-avay party

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Module & Unit

suan le    forget it, letfs drop the matter,    了.2

let it go at that; come off it, come on

sūnnū    granddaughter (through onefs son)    了

sǔnzi    grandson (through onefs son)    了

suoyǒude. . . dou    all    了. 3

tan lianTai    to be in love, to be going together    了.8*


tǎoyān    to dislike, to be disgusted vith    了.6

těng    to be very fond of, to be attached to, 了.8

to dote on

ti    to carry (from the hand at the side    了.8*

of the body)

tiao    to Jump, to leap    了.3*

timu (-mu)    topic, subject; title; examination    了.5

question, test problem

ting    to heed (advice), to obey (orders)    了.5

tongjū    to cohabit; cohabitation    了.2

tongyi    to consent, to agree    了.5

tour    head, chief, boss    了•了*

-tuan    group, society    了.6

Tuān    (Communist Youth) League    了.6

tǔdi    land    了 • h

vāigong    grandfather, grandpa (maternal)    了.U*

wāipo    grandmother, grandma (maternal)    了

waiwěn    foreign language    了•5 *

wǎnhui    evening party    了 • 6 *

wǎnlian wǎnhūn    late involvement and late marriage    了.2*

wěile    in order to; for the purpose of; for    7.5

the sake of

věnhua    culture; schooling, education,    了.1


wěnxuěJiā    writer, literary man    了.6*

wěnzhāng    article, essay; prose (writing) style    了.2

vǒde tian na!    my God!    了.1

wǔjiao    noontime nap    了•8

-xia    under    了.6

xiāndai    to be modern; contemporary; modern    了-1"


xiǎng    to sound, to make a sound    了

xiang    to be like, to resemble; like;    了.2

such as

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Module & Unit

xiangbuchǔ    canft think up, canft come up vith    了.2*

xiangdang    quite, pretty, considerably    了.2

xiangdao    to think of    了.3

xiǎngxin    to believe (in); to trust,to    了•了*

be convinced (that)

xiao    young    了 .1*

xiao dianr shēng(r) a little more quietly    了.8*

xiao pěngyou    little friend; kids    了.魟

xiaoshun    to be filial; filial obedience    了.3

xiaoshuS(r)    fiction, novel    7• 1

xia qi    to play chess    了.6

-xiaqu    (resultative ending which indicates    了.2

continuing an action)

-xiaqu    down (directional ending used for    了.3

eating or drinking dovn)

xī du    to take drugs; drug taking    了.了

xiguan    habit, custom, usual practice; to be    了.5

accustomed to, to be used to

xīn    heart    了.3

-xing    nature,-ness, -ity    了•了

xingkul    fortunately, luckily    了•“•

xingqu    interest    了.2

xīnli    in onefs heart, in onefs mind    T.l*

xīnshi    something weighing on onefs mind,    了.1*


xīnwěn    news    了.2

Xīnwěn ZhSukan    Newsweek    了.2

xuě hao    to learn from good examples, to learn    了 •了*

to be a good person

xuěhui    to learn, to master    7*6*

xuěql    semester, term (of school)    了.1

xuěshēnghul    student association    7.1*

xuě yī    to study medicine    了.2

xunlianban    training class    了.6*

yan j iū (-jiu, -jiu) to study (in detail), to do    了.1

research on; research

yao kan    to depend on    了.8

Yazhou (YS-)    Asia    了

yěda    evening university    了.6*

ye gai    really should    了

...yě hǎo, ...yě hǎo whether...or.••; both...and. • •    了.5

yě jiu    accordingly, correspondingly, so    了.5

yěye    grandfather (paternal)    了.1*, 了•紅

yī    medical science, medicine (used in    了.2

phrases like xuě yī)

yī    as soon as    了.1*, 了•“*

-yi    hundred million    了.3

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Module & Unit

yi"biān(r). . .    doing. . .while doing. . .    了.1

yi"bian(r) • • •

yifāngmian..., yi- on the one hand...on the other hand;    了.2 fangmian... for one thing..., for another thing...

yijiāzi    one family; the whole family; the    了.8*

same family

yimian(r)...    doing...while doing...    了.1


yitiān dao wan    all day long    了.3

yīxuě    medical science,medicine    了.2

yīyuan    hospital    7.3*

yizhi    all along, continuously, all the    了.2

time (up until a certain point)

yonggSng    to "be hardworking, to be industrious    了.3

(in one’s studies)

you    excellent    了. 5

you    to come up to (a certain level)    了.2*

you    also    了.U

you    anyway; after all    了.8

you banfǎ, (dui... ) to be able to deal with (something)    了.了

you "bāngzhu    to be helpful    7.2

you daoli    to make sense    了.2

youěryuan    kindergarten    7.5*

you guīju    to have manners,to be proper    了.U

you hǎochu    to be beneficial, to be good (for)    了.5

you lJmāo    to "be well mannered, to be polite    了.U

you qiān    to be rich    了.U

you xiao    to be effective; to "be valid    了•了

you xingqu    to "be interested    了.2

you yan j iū    to have done research on; to know    了.2

a lot about

you yong    to be useful    了.3

yuanlai    original, former; originally,    了.8

formerly; it turns out that•", so."! (expresses finding out the true situation)

yuanyi    to wish,would like,to want to;    了.8

to "be willing to

yuanyin    reason,cause    了,6

yue lai yuě...    more and more..., increasingly    7,2

yuě...yuě••.    the more...the more...    了,2

yunqi    luck    了 • 8

zai shu5    furthermore, "besides, moreover    了.5°, 了.8°

zai ye "bū/mei    never again    了•了

zǎo    a long time ago    了.3°

zǎohūn    early marriage; child marriage; to    了.5

marry as a child; to marry early

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zěnme (yi)huf shi    whatfs it all about    7.8

zenme (yi)huf shi    like this    7.8

zěren (-rěn)    responsibility    7 • J

zhSng    to grow    7.3

zhSngda    to grow up    7.3

zhangfu    husband    7•5

zhānzhēng    war    T.U*

zhSobudao    canft find, to be unable to find    7.2#

zhaogu    to take care of; care    7.2#, 7.5

zhěi yixiazi    after this, as a result of this    7.8

zhěme (yi)huf shi    like this    7*8

zhěng    Just, precisely, right    7.5

zhěngcě    policy    7-5** 7*6

zhěngfu    government    了•&' 7*6

zhenghSo(r)    it Just so happens that, to happen    7.8

to, as it happens; just in time.

Just right, Just enough

zhengzhi    politics; political    7.1

zhi hSo    can only, to have to, to "be forced to    T.U

zhishi    knowledge    了.2

zhi yeLo    provided that, as long as    7*6#, 7.7

-zhong    in    了•了*

Zhongguo QTngniin    China Youth (a periodical)    了.2.

zhong n&n qīng nu    to regard males as superior    7*3

to females

2h5ngxuěsheng    High School Student (a periodical)    了.2.

zhoukan    weekly publication, weekly magazine    了.2

zhuan qiān    to earn money, to make money    了.3

zhurěn    host, master    7.3#

zhibdLalai    to move and stay (in a place),to    T.U

settle down

zhǔyfiLo    mainly    7*5#

ziyou    freedom; to be free    7.2

ziyou shichSng    free market    7*5#

zSng    always; inevitably, vithout    了.1

exception; after all, in any case

zongjiSo    (organized) religion    T•T.

zSngtSng    president    7.6*

zui    mouth    了 .T.

zut    crime, guilt    7.7

zuiJin    lately, recently; the near future,    7*3


zuS    to be, to act as    7.3

zuSbuliSo    to be unable to do    T.U*

zu5 irbai    to worship, to go to church    7.7#

zudxia    to sit down    7»1