CM 0180 S
This publication is to be used primarily in support of instructing military personnel as part of the Defense Language Program (resident and nonresident). Inquiries concerning the use of materials, including requests for copies, should be addressed to:
Defense Language Institute
Foreign Language Center
Nonresident Training Division
Presidio of Monterey, CA 93944-5006
Topics in the areas of politics, international relations, mores, etc., which may be considered as controversial from some points of view, are sometimes included in the language instruction for DLIFLC students since military personnel may find themselves in positions where a clear understanding of conversations or written materials of this nature will be essential to their mission. The presence of controversial statements-whether real òr apparent-in DLIFLC materials should not be construed as representing the opinions of the writers, the DLIFLC, or the Department of Defense.
Actual brand names and businesses are sometimes cited in DLIFLC instructional materials to provide instruction in pronunciations and meanings. The selection of such proprietary terms and names is based solely on their value for instruction in the language. It does not constitute endorsement of any product or commercial enterprise, nor is it intended to invite a comparison with other brand names and businesses not mentioned.
In DLIFLC publications, the words he, him, and/or his denote both masculine and feminine genders. This statement does not apply to translations of foreign language texts.
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Standard Chinese: A Modular Approach originated in an interagency conference held at the Foreign Service Institute in August 1973 to address the need generally felt in the U«S. Government language training community for improving and updating Chinese materials, to reflect current usage in Beijing and Taipei•
The conference resolved to develop materials which were flexible enough in form and content to meet the requirements of a wide range of government agencies and academic institutions.
A Project Board was established consisting of representatives of the Central Intelligence Agency Language Learning Center, the Defense Language Institute, the State Departmentfs Foreign Service Institute, the Cryptologic School of the National Security Agency, and the U.S. Office of Education, later joined "by the Canadian Forces Foreign Language School. The representatives have included Arthur T. McNeill, John Hopkins» and John Boag (CIA); Colonel John F. Elder III, Joseph C. Hutchinson, Ivy Gibian, and Major Bernard Muller-Thym (DLI); James R. Frith and John B. Ratliff III (FSI);
Kazuo Shitaaia (NSA); Richard T. Thompson and Julia Petrov (OE); and Lieutenant Colonel George Kozoriz (CFFLS).
The Project Board set up the Chinese Core Curriculum Project in 197^ in space provided at the Foreign Service Institute. Each of the six U.S. and CaQadian government agencies provided funds and other assistance.
Gerard P. Kok was appointed project coordinator, and a planning council was formed consisting of Mr. Kok, Frances Li of the Defense Language Institute, Patricia 0*Connor of the University of Texas, Earl M. Rickerson of the Language Learning Center, and James Wrenn of Brown University. In the fall of 1977* Lucille A. Barale vas appointed deputy project coordinator• David W. Dellinger of the Language Learning Center and Charles R. Sheehan of the Foreign Service Institute also served on the planning council and contributed material to the project. The planning council drew up the original overall design for the materials and met regularly to review their development•
Writers for the first half of the materials vere John H. T. Harvey, Lucille A. Barale, and rioberta S. Barry, who worked in close cooperation with the planning council and with the Chinese staff of the Foreign Service Institute. Mr. Harvey developed the instructional formats of the comprehension and production self-study materials 9 and also designed the communica-tìon-'based classroom activities and wrote the teacherguides. Lucille A. Barale and Roberta S. Barry wrote the tape scripts and the student text.
By 19了8 Thomas E. Madden and Susan C. Pola had joined the staff. Led by Ms. Barale, they have worked as a team to produce the materials subsequent to ^fodule 6.
All Chinese language material was prepared or selected by Chuan 0. Chao, Ying-chi Chen, Hsiao-Jung Chi, Eva Diao, Jan Hu, Tsung-mi Li, and Yunhui C. Yang, assisted for part of the time by Chieh-fang Ou Lee, Ying-ming Chen, and Joseph Yu Hsu Wang. Anna Affholder, Mei-li Chen, and Henry Khuo helped in the preparation of a preliminary corpus of dialogues.
Administrative assistance was provided at various times by Vincent Basciano, Lisa A. Bovden, Jill W. ELlis,Donna Fong, Renee T. C. l^iang,
Thomas E. Madden, Susan C. Pola, and Kathleen Strype.
The production of tape recordings vas directed by Jose M. Ramirez of the Foreign Service Institute Recording Studio. The Chinese script vas voiced *by Ms. Chao, Ms. Chen, Mr. Chen, Ms. Diao, Ms. Hu, Mr. Khuo, Mr. Li, and Ms. Yang. The English script was read 切 Ms. Barale, Ms. Barry,
Mr. Basciano, Ms. Ellis, Ms. Pola, and Ms. Strype.
The graphics were produced by John McClelland of the Foreign Service Institute Audio-Visual staff, under the general supervision of Joseph A. Sadote, Chief of Audio-Visual.
Standard Chinese: A Modular Approach vas field-tested with the cooperation of Brown University; the Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center; the Foreign Service Institute; the Language Learning Center; the United States Air Force Academy; the University of Illinois; and the University of Virginia.
Colonel Samuel L. Stapleton and Colonel Thomas G. Foster, Commandants of the Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center, authorized the DLIFLC support necessary for preparation of this edition of the course materials. This support included coordination, graphic arts, editing, typing, proofreading, printing, and materials necessary to carry out these tasks.
Section I: About the Course...................1
Section II: Background Notes...................8
Objectives........................ . . . . 16
List of Tapes...........................17
Target Lists ........................... 18
Reference List........ • • • .............26
Reference Notes...................* .... 28
Full names and surnames Titles and terms of address Drills............................32
Introduction ......................... 3U
Reference List........................35
Reference Notes ........................ 37
Given names Yes/no questions Negative statements Greetings
Drills........................ .... kl
Introduction ......................... U8
Reference List........................“9
Vocabulary....................... . . .
Unit Map...........................52
Reference Notes ........................ 53
Home state, province, and city Drills............................56
Introduction ......................... 60
Reference List........................6l
Unit Map...........................63
Reference Notes....................... • 6U
Location of people and places Where people's families are from
Criterion Test Sample ......................75
I. Map of China......................80
II • Map of Taiwan......................8l
III. Countries and Regions..................82
IV, American States.....................8U
V. Canadian Provinces................. • • 85
VI* ConiDon Chinese Names..................86
VII, Chinese Provinces ........................................87
VIII, Chinese Cities.....................88
List of Tapes..........................90
Target Lists..........................91
Reference List.......................99
Reference Notes ...................... 101
Where people are staying (hotels)
Short answers
The question word neige "which?"
Introduction ......................Ill
Reference List......................、112
Reference Rotes ......................115
Where people are staying (houses)
Where people are working Addresses The marker de The marker ba The prepositional verb zài Drills..........~...............120
Introduction.......................12 了
Reference List .......................128
Reference Notes ..................... 131
Members of a family
The plural ending -men
The question word jĭ- !fhow many”
The adverb dou all Several ways to express nandM Drills • • ............... • • ..........136
Introduction...................... • • • 1 从
Reference List.....•...................1^5
Reference Notes ................ ••••••• 1^7
Arrival and departure times The marker le The shi…de construction Drills............................153
Reference List........................163
Reference Notes ....................... 166
Date and place of birth Days of the week Ages
The marker le for new situations Drills . . . . ....................1T1
Introduction....................... • • 1T8
Reference List • • • ...............................179
Vocabulary........................ . • 180
Reference Notes ................
Duration phrases
The marker le for completion
The "double le” construction
The marker guo
Action verts
State verbs
Introduction. ......................* • • 196
Reference List..................... • • • 19了
Vocabulary.......... ................199
Reference Notes ............ ••••••«••*• 200
Where someone vorks
Where and vhat someone has studied
What languages someone can speak
Auxiliary verbs
General objects
Reference List........................2lū
Reference Notes.......................216
More on duration phrases
The marker le for nev situations in negative sentences Military titles and branches of service The marker ne Process verbs
This course is designed to give you a practical command of spoken Standard Chinese. You will learn both to understand and to speak it. Although Standard Chinese is one language, there are differences betveen the particular form it takes in Beijing and the form it takes in the rest of the country. There are also, of course, significant nonlinguistic differences between regions of the country. Reflecting these regional differences, the settings for most conversations are Beijing and Taipei.
This course represents a nev approach to the teaching of foreign languages. In many ways it redefines the roles of teacher and student, of classvork and homework, and of text and tape. Here is what you should
The focus is on communicating in Chinese in practical situations—the obvious ones you will encounter upon arriving in China. You vill be communicating in Chinese most of the time you are in class. You will not always "be talking about real situations, "but you will almost alvays be purposefully exchanging information in Chinese.
This focus on communicating means that the teacher is first of all your conversational partner. Anything that forces hizn^ back into the traditional roles of lecturer and drillmastar limits your opportunity to interact with a speaker of the Chinese language and to experience the language in its full spontaneity, flexibility5 and responsiveness.
Using class time for communicating, you will complete other course activities out of class whenever possible. This is vhat the tapes are for. They introduce the nev material of each unit and give you as much additional practice as possible vithout a conversational partner.
The texts suminarize and supplement the tapes, vhìch take you through new material step "by step and then give you intensive practice on vhat you have covered. In this course you will spend almost all your time listening to Chinese and saying things in Chinese, either vith the tapes or in class.
Hov the Course Is Organized
The subtitle of this course, "A Modular Approach," refers to overall organization of the materials into MODULES which focus on particular situations or language topics and which allow a certain amount of choice as to vhat is taught and in what order. To highlight equally significant features of the course, the subtitle could Just as well have "been ”A Situational Approach," 11A Taped-Input Approach," or 11A Communicative Approach/1
Ten situational modules form the core of the course: | ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
Each core module consists of tapes, a student textbook, and a workbook. |
In addition to the ten CORE modules, ther.e are also RESOURCE modules and OPTIONAL modules*. Resource modules teach particular systems in the language, such as numbers and dates. As you proceed through a situational core module, you vill occasionally take time out to study part of a resource module. (You vill begin the first* three of these while studying the Orientation Module.)
The sound system of Chinese and the Pinyin system of romanization. |
Numbers up to five digits. |
Expressions "basic to the classroom learning situation. |
Dates, days of the week, clock time, parts of the day. |
Aspect and verb types, word order, multisyllabic verbs and auxiliary verbs „ complex sentences, adverbial expressions. |
Each module consists of tapes and a student texfbook.
The eight optional modules focus on particular situations:
Each module consists of tapes and a student textbook. These optional modules may be used at any time after certain core modules,
The diagram on page 紅 shows hov the core modules9 optional modules,and resource modules fit together in the course. Resource modules are shown where study should begin. Optional modules are shovn where they may be introduced.
Inside a Core Module
Each core module has from four to eight units. A module also includes
Objectives: The module objectives are listed at the beginning of the text for each module. Read these before starting work on the first unit to fix in your mind what you are trying to accomplish and what you vill have to do to pass the test at the end of the module.
Target Lists: These follow the objectives in the text. They summarize the language content of each unit in the form of typical questions and answers on the topic of that unit. Each sentence is given both in roman-ized Chinese and in English. Turn to the appropriate Target List before, during, or after your work on a unit, whenever you need to pull together what is in the unit.
Review Tapes (R-l): The Target List sentences are given on these tapes. Except in the short Orientation Module, there are two R-l tapes for each module•
Criterion Test: After studying each module, you will Test to find out which module objectives you have met to work on "before "beginning to study another module.
take a Criterion and which you need
Inside a Unit
Here is what you vill be doing in each unit. First, you will vork
through two tapes:
1. Comprehension Tape 1 (C-l): This tape introduces all the new words and structures in the unit and lets you hear them in the context of short conversational exchanges. It then works them into other short conversations and longer passages for listening practice, and finally reviews them in the Target List sentences. Your goal when using the tape is to under-stand all the Target List sentences for the unit.
2. Production Tape 1 (P-l): This tape gives you practice in pronouncing the new words and in saying the sentences you learned to understand on the C-l tape. Your goal when using the P-l tape is to "be able to produce any of the Target List sentences in Chine” when given the English equivalent.
The C-l and P-l tapes,not accompanied by workbooks, are ”portable,’ in the sense that they do not tie you down to your desk. However, there are some written materials for each unit which you will need to work into your study routine. A text Reference List at the beginning of each unit contains the sentences from the C-l and P-l tapes. It includes both the Chinese sentences and their English equivalents. The text Reference Notes restate and expand the comments made on the C-l and P-l tapes concerning grammar, vo-cabulary, pronunciation, and culture.
After you have worked with the C-l and P-l tapes, you go on to two class activities: 3. Target List Review: In this first class activity of the unit, you find out how well you learned the C-l and P-l sentences. The teacher checks your understanding and production of the Target List sentences. He also presents any additional required vocabulary items, found at the end of the Target List, which were not on the C-l and P-l tapes.
U. Structural Buildup: During this class activity, you work on your understanding and control of the new structures in the unit. You respond to questions from your teacher about situations illustrated on a chalkboard or explained in other ways.
After these activities, your teacher may want you to spend some time vorking on the drills for the unit.
5. Drill Tape: This tape takes you through various types of drills based on the Target List sentences and on the additional required vocabulary.
6. Drills: The teacher may have you go over some or all of the drills in class, either to prepare for work with the tape, to review the tape, or to replace it.
Next,you use two more tapes. These tapes vill give you as much additional practice as possible outside of class.
7. Comprehension Tape 2 (C-2): This tape provides advanced listening practice with exercises containing long, varied passages which fully exploit the possibilities of the material covered. In the C-2 Workbook you answer questions about the passages.
8. Production Tape 2 (P-2): This tape resembles the Structural Buildup
in that you practice using the new structures of the unit in various situations. The P-2 Workbook provides instructions and displays of information for each exercise.
Following work on these two tapes, you take part in two class activities:
9. Exercise Review: The teacher reviews the exercises of the C-2 tape by reading or playing passages from the tape and questioning you on them. He reviews the exercises of the P-2 tape by questioning you on information displays in the P-2 Workbook.
10. Communication Activities: Here you use what you have learned in the unit for the purposeful exchange of information. Both fictitious situations (in Communication Games) and real-world situations involving you and your classmates (in ”intervievs”) are used.
Materials and Activities for a Unit | |||||||||||||||
Wen wu Temple in central Taiwan (courtesy of Thomas Madden)
The Chinese Languages
We find it perfectly natural to talk about a language called ”Chinese." We say, for example, that the people of China speak different dialects of Chinese, and that Confucius wrote in an ancient form of Chinese• On the other hand, we would never think of saying that the people of Italy,
France, Spain, and Portugal speak dialects of one language, and that Julius Caesar wrote in an ancient form of that language. But the facts are almost exactly parallel.
Therefore, in terms of vhat we think of as a language when closer to home, "Chinese” is not one language, but a family of languages. The language of Confucius is partway up the trunk of the family tree. Like Latin, it lived on as a literary language long after its death as a spoken language in popular use. The seven modern languages of China, traditionally known as the "dialects," are the branches of the tree. They share as strong a family resemblance as do Italian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese, and are about as different from one another.
The predominant language of China is now known as Pŭtonghuà, or "Standard Chinese” (literally ”the common speech”). The more traditional term, still used in Taiwan, is Guĕyŭ^ or "Mandarin” (literally ”the national language"). Standard Chinese is spoken natively by almost tvo-thirds of the population of China and throughout the greater part of the country.
The term "Standard Chinese" is often used more narrowly to refer to the true national language which is emerging. This language, which is already the language of all national broadcasting, is based primarily on the 'Peking dialect, but takes in elements from other dialects of Standard Chinese and even from other Chinese languages. Like many national languages, it is more widely understood than spoken, and is often spoken with some concessions to local speech, particularly in pronunciation.
The Chinese languages and their dialects differ far more in pronunciation than in grammar and vocabulary. What distinguishes Standard Chinese most from the other Chinese languages, for example» is that it has the fewest tones and the fevest final consonants.
The remaining six Chinese languages, spoken by approximately a quarter of the population of China, are tightly grouped in the southeast, telov the Yangtze River. The six are: the Wu group (Wu), which includes the ”Shanghai dialect”; Hunanese (Xiang); the "Kiangsi dialect" (Gan); Cantonese (Yuè), the language of Guăngdōng, widely spoken in Chinese communities in the United States; Fukienese (Mĭn), a variant of which is spoken by a majority
on Taiwan and hence called Taiwanese; and Hakka (Kè.Hā), spoken in a belt above the Cantonese area, as well as by a minority on Taiwan. Cantonese, Fukienese, and Hakka are also widely spoken throughout Southeast Asia.
There are minority ethnic groups in China who speak non-Chinese languages • Some of these, such as Tibetan, are distantly related to the Chinese languages. Others, such as Mongolian, are entirely unrelated.
Some Characteristics of Chinese
To us, perhaps the roost striking feature of spoken Chinese is the use of variation in tone ("tones”) to distinguish the different meanings of syllables which vould otherwise sound alike. All languages» and Chinese is no exception, znaKe use of sentence intonation to indicate how whole sentences are to "be understood. In English, for example, the rising pattern in "He’s gone?" tells us that the sentence is meant as a question.
The Chinese tones, however, are quite a different matter. They "belong to individual syllables, not to the sentence as a whole. An inherent part of each Standard Chinese syllable is one of four distinctive tones. The tone does just as much to distinguish the syllable as do the consonants and vowels. For example, the only difference between the verb ”to buy,'f and the verb ’’to sell, mài, is the Low tone (w) and the Falling tone (v). And ye.t these vords are Just as distinguishable as our words ”"buy” and Tlguy," or ”"buy” and ’’boy•” Apart from the tones, the sound system of Standard Chinese is no more different from English than French is.
Word formation in Standard Chinese is relatively simple. For one thing, there are no conjugations such as are found in many European languages . Chinese verbs have fever forms than English verbs, and nowhere near as many irregularities • Chinese grainmar relies heavily on word order, and often the word order is the same as in English. For these reasons Chinese is not as difficult for Americans to learn to speak as one might think.
It is often said that Chinese is a monosyllabic language. This notion contains a good deal of truth. It has been found that, on the average, every other vord in ordinary conversation is a single-syllable word. Moreover, although most words in the dictionary have two syllables, and some have more,these vords can almost alvays be broken down into singlesyllable units of meaning, many of which can stand alone as words.
Written Chinese
Most languages with which ve are familiar are written with an alphabet. The letters may "be different from ours, as in the Greek alphabet, *but the principle is the same: one letter for each consonant or vovel sound, more or less. Chinese, however, is written with "characters" which stand for whole syllables--in fact, for yhole syllables vith particular meanings. Although there are only about thirteen hundred phonetically distinct syllables in standard Chinese, there are several thousand Chinese characters in everyday use, essentially one for each single-syllable unit of meaning. This means that many words have the same pronunciation "but are written with different characters, as tiān, ”sky,"天,and tiān, "to add,” "to increase," 添. Chinese characters are often referred to as Tfideographs,which suggests that they stand directly for ideas. But this is misleading. It is better to think of them as standing for the meaningful syllables of the spoken language.
Minimal literacy in Chinese calls for knowing about a thousand characters .These thousand characters» in combination, give a reading vocabulary of several thousand words. Full literacy calls for knowing some three thousand characters. In order to reduce the amount of time needed to learn characters, there has been a vast extension in the People1s Republic of China (PRC) of the principle of character simplification, which has reduced the average number of strokes per character by half.
During the past century, various systems have been proposed for representing the sounds of Chinese with letters of the Roman alphabet. One of these romanizations, Hànyŭ Pĭnyín (literally ”Chinese Language Spelling, generally called nPinyin in English), has "been adopted officially in the PRC, with the short-term goal of teaching all students the Standard Chinese pronunciation of characters. A long-range goal is the use of Pinyin for written communication throu^iout the country. This is not possible, of course, until speakers across the nation have uniform pronunciations of Standard Chinese. For the time being, characterss which represent meaning, not pronunciation, are still the most widely accepted way of coaaaunicating in writing.
Pinyin uses all of the letters in our alphabet except v, and adds the letter u. The spellings of some of the consonant sounds are rather arbitrary from our point of view, but for every consonant sound there is only one letter or one combination of letters, and vice versa. You vill find that each vowel letter can stand for different vowel sounds, depending on what letters precede or follow it in the syllable • The four tones are indicated by accent marks over the vowels, and the Neutral tone by the absence of an accent mark:
High: |
mā |
Falling: mà |
Rising: |
má |
Neutral: ma |
Low: |
ma |
One reason often given for the retention of characters is that they can be read, with the local pronunciation, by speakers of all the Chinese languages. Probably a stronger reason for retaining them is that the characters help keep alive distinctions of meaning between words, and connections of meaning between vords, which are fading in the spoken language. On the other hand, a Cantonese cotild learn to speak Standard Chinese, and read it alphabetically, at least as easily as he can learn several thousand characters.
Pinyin is used throughout this course to provide a simple written representation of pronunciation. The characters, which are chiefly responsible for the reputation of Chinese as a difficult language, are taught separately.
Each Chinese character is written as a fixed sequence of strokes.
There are very few "basic types of strokes, each with its ovn prescribed direction, length, and contour. The dynamics of these strokes as written with a "brush, the classical writing instrument, shov up clearly even in printed characters. You can tell from the varying thickness of the stroke how tlje brush met the paper, hov it swooped, and how it lifted; these effects are largely lost in characters vritten with a "ball-point pen.
The sequence of strokes is of particular importance. Let's take the character for "moutli,” pronounced kou. Here it is as normally written, vith the order and directions of the strokes indicated.
If the character is written rapidly, in "running-style writing,M one stroke glides into the next, like this.
If the strokes were written in any but the proper order, quite different distortions would take place as each stroke reflected the last and anticipated the next, and the character would be illegible.
The earliest surviving Chinese characters, inscribed on the Shang Dynasty "oracle bones" of about 1500 B.C., already included characters that vent beyond simple pictorial representation. There are some characters in use today which are pictorial, like the character for "mouth." There are also some which are directly symbolic, like our Roman numerals I, II, and III. (The characters for these numbers—the first numbers you learn in this course--are like the Roman numerals turned on their sides.) There are some which are indirectly symbolic, like our Arabic numerals 1,2, and 3. But the most common type of character is complex, consisting of two parts: a "phonetic, which suggests the pronunciation, and a ”radical,,’ which broadly characterizes the meaning. Letfs take the following character as an example.
This character means "ocean” and is pronounced yăng« The left side of the character, the three short strokes, is an abbreviation of a character which means "water” and is pronounced shuĭ. This is the "radical." It has been borrowed only for its meaning, "vater. The right side of the character above is a character which means "sheep” and is pronounced yang. This is the ”phonetic/’ It has been borrowed only for its sound value, yang.
A speaker of Chinese encountering the above character for the first time could probably figure out that the only Chinese word that sounds like yang and means something like fVater,? is the word yăng meaning "ocean,” We, as speakers of English9 might not "be able to figure it out. Moreover, phonetics and radicals seldom work as neatly as in this example. But we can still learn to make good use of these hints at sound and sense.
Many dictionaries classify characters in terms of the radicals.
According to one of the two dictionary systems used, there are 1了6 radicals; in the other system, there are 2lk. There are over a thousand phonetics。
Chinese has traditionally been vritten vertically, from top to bottom of the page, starting on the right-hand side, with the pages bound so that the first page is where ve would expect the last page to be* Nowadays, however, many Chinese publications paginate like Western publications, and the characters are written horizontally, from left to right。
A Chinese personal name consists of two parts: a surname and a given name. There is no middle name. The order is the reverse of ours: surname first, given name last.
The most common pattern for Chinese names is a single二syllable surname followed by a two-syllaì)le given name: 1
Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung)
Zhōu Enlái (Chou En-lai)
Jiang Jièshí (Chiang Kai-shek)
Song Qìnglíng (Soong Chfing-lingMme Sun Yat-sen)
Song Mĕilíng (Soong Mei-iing--Mme Chiang Kai-shek)
It is not uncommon, however, for the given name to consist of a single syllable:
Zhŭ Dĕ (Chu Teh)
Lín Biāo (Lin Piao)
Hu Shi (Hu Shih)
Jiang Qĭng (Chiang Ch,ing—Mme Mao Tse-tung)
There are a few tvo-syllable surnames. These are usually followed by single-syllable given names:
Sĭmă Guang (Ssu-ma Kuang)
Ōuyáng Xiū (Ou-yang Hsiu)
Zhūgĕ Lìàng (Chu-ke Liang)
But two-syllable surnames may also be folloved by two-syllable given names:
Sĭmă Xiāngrú (Ssu-ma Hsiang-ju)
An exhaustive list of Chinese surnames includes several hundred written with a single character and several dozen written vith tvo characters.
Some single-syllable surnames sound exactly alike although written vith different characters, and to distinguish them, the Chinese nay occasionally have to describe the character or "write" it vith a finger on the palm of a hand. But the surnames that you are likely to encounter are fever than a hundred, and a handful of these are so common that they account for a good majority of China’s population.
Given names, as opposed to surnames, are not restricted to a limited list of characters, Menfs names are often but not always distinguishable from women1s; the difference, however, usually lies in the meaning of the characters and so is not readily apparent to the beginning student with a limited knowledge of characters.
Outside the People1s Republic the traditional system of titles is still in use. These titles closely parallel our own "Mr”” "Mrs•,” and ”Miss•” Notice, however, that all Chinese titles follow the name--either the full name or the surname alone—rather than preceding it.
The title "Mr•” is Xiānsheng.
MS Xiānsheng J4ă Mínglĭ Xiānsheng
The title "Mrs." is Tàitai. It follows the husband1s full name or surname alone.
MS Tàitai
MS Mínglĭ Tàitai
The title ”Miss” is XiSoJiĕ. The Ma familyfs grown daughter, Dĕfēn, would *be
Xiaojie Dĕfēn Xiăojiĕ
Even traditionally, outside the PeopleTs Republic, a married woman does not take her husband1s name in the same sense as in our culture. If Miss Fang Băolăn marries Mr. Ma Mínglĭ, she becomes Mrs, Mă Mínglĭ,but at the same time she remains Fang Băolán, She does not become Ma Băolán; there is no equivalent of ”Mrs. Mary Smith。” She may, however, add her husband?s surname to her own full name and refer to herself as Mă Fang Băolán. At work she is quite likely to continue as Miss Fang.
These customs regarding names are still observed by icany Chinese today in various parts of the world. The titles carry certain connotations, however, when used in the PRC today: Tàitai should not be used "because it designates that woman as a member of the leisure class. Xiao.lig should not be used because it carries the connotation of being from a rich family.
In the People's Republic, the title "Comrade,” Tongzhĭ, is used in place of the titles Xiānsheng, Tàitai, and Xiaojie. Mă Mínglĭ would be
Ma Tongzhì Mă Mínglĭ Tongzhì
The title "Comrade" is applied to all, regardless of sex or marital status. A married* woman does not take her husband18 name in any sense. MS Mínglĭ1 s wife would be
Fang Tóngzhì Fang Baolăn Tongzhì
Children may ì>e given either the mother1 s or the father fs surname at birth. In soxoe families one child has the fatherfs sumaiae, and another child has the mother's surname• Mă MÍnglĭfs and Fang BSolăn9s grown daughter could be
MS Tŏngzhì Má Dĕfēn Tóngzhì
Their grown son could be
Fang Tongzhĭ
Fang Zìqiăng Tŏngzhì
Both in the PRC and elsewhere, of course, there are official titles and titles of respect in addition to the connnon titles ve have discussed here* Several of these will be introduced .later in the course.
The question of adapting foreign nameB to Chinese calls for special consideration. In the People1s Republic the policy is to assign. Chinese phonetic equivalents to foreign names. These approximations are often not as close phonetically as they might "be, since the choice of appropriate written characters may ì>ring in nonphonetic considerations. (An attempt is usually maáe when transliterating to use characters with attractive meanings•) For the most part9 the resulting names do not at all resemble Chinese names. For example, the official version of ”David Andersonis Dàiwĕi Āndĕsēn.
An older approach, still in use outside the PRC, is to construct a valid Chinese name that suggests the foreign name phonetically. For exaxsple 9 ”David Anderson" might be An Dàwèi.
Sometimes, when a foreign surname has the same meaning as a Chinese surname, semantic suggestiveness is chosen over phonetic suggestiveness.
For example, Wang, a common Chinese surname, means "king,,f so "Daniel King” might be rendered Wang Dănìăn.
Students in this course will *be given "both the official PRC phonetic equivalents of their names and Chinese-style names.
The Orientation Module and associated resource modules provide the linguistic tools needed to begin the study of Chinese, The materials also introduce the teaching procedures used in this course.
The Orientation Module is not a typical course module in several respects* First, it does not have a situational topic of its own, but rather leads into the situational topic of the following module—Biographic Information. Second, it teaches only a little Chinese grammar and vocabulary. Third, two of the associated resource modules (Pronunciation and Romeuiiza-tion, Numbers) are not optional; together with the Orientation Module, they are prerequisite to the rest of the course•
Upon successful completion of this module and the two associated resource modules, the student should
1. Distinguish the sounds and tones of Chinese well enough to he able to write the Hănyŭ Pĭnyĭn romanization for a syllable after hearing the syllable.
2. Be able to pronounce any combination of sounds found in the words of the Target Lists vhen given a romanized syllable to read. (Although the entire sound system of Chinese is introduced in the module, the student is responsible for producing only sounds used in the Target Sentences for ORN. Producing the remaining sounds is included in the Objectives for Biographic Information,)
3. Khov the names and locations of five cities and five provinces of China veil enough to point out their locations on a map, and pronounce the names well enough to be understood by a Chinese.
U. Comprehend the numbers 1 through 99 veil enough to write them dovn when dictated, and be able to say them in Chinese when given English equivalents•
5. Understand the Chinese system of using personal names, including the use of titles equivalent to "Mr.,”Mrs.,” "Miss,” and "Comrade."
6. Be able to ask and understand questions about where someone is from.
了. Be able to ask and understand questions about where someone is.
8. Be able to give the English equivalents for all the Chinese expressions in the Target Lists.
9- Be able to say all the Chinese expressions in the Target Lists when cued with English equivalents.*
10. Be able to take part in short Chinese conversations, based on the Target Lists, about how he is, who he is, and where he is from.
Orientat i on (ORN) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pronvinciation aná Romanization (P&R)
P&R 1 P&R 2 P&R 3 P&R U P&R 5 P&R 6 Nuníbers (NUM)
Classroom Expressions (CE)
CE 1
L. |
A: |
Nĭ shi shĕi? |
Who are you? | |
B: |
W5 shi Vang Dànián. |
I am Wang Dànián (Daniel King). | ||
A: |
W5 shi Hŭ Mĕilíng. |
I am Hu Mailing. | ||
. |
2. |
A: |
Nĭ xìng shenme? |
What is. your surname? |
B: |
W5 xìng Wang. |
My surname is Wang (King). | ||
A: |
W5 xìng Hu. |
My surname is Hú. | ||
3. |
A: |
Tā shi shĕi? |
Who is he/she? | |
B: |
Tā shi MS Mínglĭ. |
He is Ma Mínglí. | ||
A: |
Tā shi MS Xiānsheng. |
He is Mr. Ma. | ||
B: |
Tā shi MS Tàitai. |
She is Mrs. Ma. | ||
A: |
Tā shi Ma Xiăoji?- |
She is Miss Mă. | ||
B: |
Tā shi MS TSngzhì• |
He/she is Comrade Ma. | ||
h. |
A: |
Wang Xiānsheng, tā shi shĕi? |
Mr. Wang, who is he? | |
B: |
Tā shi Ma Mínglĭ Xiānsheng. |
He is Mr. Ma MÍnglĭ. | ||
5. |
A: |
Xiānsheng, tā shi shĕi? |
Sir, vho is she? | |
B: |
Tā shi Ma Mínglĭ Tàitai. |
She is Mrs. Ma Mínglĭ. | ||
6. |
A: |
Tŏngzhĭ, ta shi shĕi? |
Comrade, who is she? | |
B: |
Tā shi Fang Bad an Tongzhì. |
She is Comrade Fang Băolán. |
1. |
A: |
Nĭ shi V^Lng Xiānsheng ma? |
Are you Mr. Wang? |
B: |
W5 shi Wang Dànián. |
I am Wang Dàniăn. | |
A: |
Wo ì>ŭ shi Wang Xiānsheng. |
I'm not Mr. Wang. | |
2. |
A: |
Nĭ xìng Wăng ma? |
Is your surname Wang? |
B: |
Wo xìng Wang. |
My surname is Wang, | |
A: |
Wo bŭ xìng Wang. |
My surname isn't Wang, |
3. |
A: |
NÍn guìxìng? |
Your surname? (POLITE) |
B: |
Wo xìng Wang. |
My surname is Vang. | |
U. |
A: |
Nĭ Jiào shĕnme? |
What is your given name? |
B: |
Wo Jiào Danìăn. |
My given name is Dànìăn (Daniel) | |
5. |
A: |
Nĭ hăo a? |
How are you? |
B: |
Wo hăo. Nĭ ne? |
Ifm fine. And you? | |
A: |
Hăo. Xièxie. |
Fine, thank you. |
ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)
6. míngzi given name
1. |
A: |
Nĭ shi MSiguo rĕn ma? |
Are you an American? |
B: |
Shì. |
Yes (I am). | |
B: |
Bú shi. |
No (I,m not). | |
2. |
A: |
Nĭ shi Zhōngguo rĕn ma? |
Are you Chinese? |
B: |
Shì, wS shi Zhōngguo rĕn. |
Yes, Ifm Chinese. | |
B: |
Bú shi, wo bú shi Zhōngguo rĕn. |
No, Ifm not Chinese. | |
3. |
A: |
Nĭ shi nSiguo rĕn? |
What fs your nationality? |
B: |
WS shi MSiguo rĕn. |
I'm an American* | |
B: |
W5 shi Zhōngguo rĕn. |
I'm Chinese. | |
B: |
W5 shi Yĭngguo rĕn. |
I,m English. | |
k. |
A: |
Nĭ shi nărde rĕn? |
Where are you from? |
B: |
W5 shi Jiāzhōu rĕn. |
Ifm a Californian. | |
B: |
Wo shi Shanghai rĕn. |
from Shanghai. |
ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)
5. |
Dĕguo |
Germany |
6. |
Eguo (Eguo) |
Russia |
7. |
Fàjguo (Făguo) |
France |
8. |
Rìb?n |
Japan |
1. |
A: |
Ándĕsĕn Xiānsheng, nĭ shi nărde rĕn? |
Where are you from, Mr. Anderson? |
B; |
Wo shi Dĕzhōu rén. |
I'm from Texas. | |
A: |
Ăndĕsēn Fūren ne? |
And Mrs. Anderson? | |
B: |
Tā yĕ shi Dĕzhōu rén. |
She is from Texas too. | |
2. |
A: |
Tā shi YIngguo rĕn ma? |
Is he English? |
B: |
Bŭ shi, tā bŭ shi Yĭngguo rln. |
No, he is not English. | |
A: |
Tā àiren ne? |
And his vife? | |
B: |
Tā yĕ bú shi YIngguo rĕn. |
She isnTt English either. | |
3. |
A: |
Qĭngwèn, nĭ lăojiā zài năr? |
May I ask, where is your family from? |
B: |
WS lăojia zài Shandong. |
My family is from Shandong- | |
b. |
A: |
Qĭngdao zài zhèr ma? |
Is Qĭngdăo here? (pointing to a map) |
B: |
Qĭngdăo bú zài nàr, zài zhèr. |
Qĭngdăo isn’t there; it’s Y.eve. ■ (pointing to a nap; | |
5. |
A: B: |
Nĭ àiren xiànzài zài năr? Tā xiànzài zài Jiānádà, |
Where is your spouse now? He/she is in Canada nov. |
ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)
6. Learn the pronunciation and .location of any five cities and five provinces of China found on the maps on pages 90-8l.
On a Bĕijĭng street (courtesy of Pat Fox)
Topics Covered in This Unit
1. Questions and answers about full names and surnames.
2. Titles and terms of address ("Mr.,” etc.).
Preredulsites to the Unit
(Be sure to complete these "before starting the unit.)
1• Background Notes•
2. P&R 1 (Tape 1 of the resource module on Pronunciation and Romanization),
the tones.
3. P&R 2 (Tape 2 of the resource module on Pronunciation and Romanization),
the tones.
Materials You Will Need
1. The C-l and P-l tapes9 the Reference List and Reference Notes.
2. The drill tape (lD-l)*
About the C-l and P-l Tapes
The C-l and P-l tapes are your introduction to the Chinese words and structures presented in each unit. The tapes give you explanations and practice on the nev material. By the time you have worked through these two tapes, you will be competent in understanding and producing the expressions introduced in the unit.
With the C-l tape, you learn to understand the new vords and structures. The material is presented in short conversational exchanges, first with English translations and later with pauses which allow you to translate. Try to give a complete English translation for each Chinese expression. Your goal when using the C-l tape is to learn the meanings of all the words and structures as they are used in the sentences.
With the P-l tape, you learn to put together these sentences. You learn to pronounce each nev word and use each new structure. When the recorded instructions direct you to pronounce a word or say a sentence, do so out loud. It is important fo矿 you to hear yourself speaking Chinese, so that you vill know whether you are pronouncing the vords correctly. Making the effort to say the expression is a big part of learning it •
It is one thing to think aTxmt how a sentence should be put together or how it should sound. It is another thing to put it together that way or make it sound that way. Your goal when using the P-l tape is to produce the Target List expressions in Chinese when given English equivalents.
At the end of each P-l tape is a review of the Target List which you can go over until you have mastered the expressions.
At times, you may feel that the material on a tape is 'being presented too fast. You may find that there is not enough time allowed for vorking out the meaning of a sentence or saying a sentence the way you want to.
When this happens, stop the tape. If you want to, rewind; Use the control buttons on your machine to make the tape manageable for you most out of it.
and to get the
About the Reference List and the Reference Notes
The Reference List and the Reference Notes are designed to be used before, during, or directly after vork with the C-l and P-l tapes•
The Reference List is a summary of the C-l and P-l tapes. It contains all sentences vhich introduce new material, shoving you both the Chinese sentences written in romanization and their English equivalents. You will find that the list is printed so that either the Chinese or the English can *be covered to allow you to test yourself on comprehension9 production, or romanization of the sentences*
The Reference Notes give you information about grammar, pronunciation, and cultural usage. Some of these explanations duplicate vhat you hear on the C-l and P-l tapes• Other explanations contain nev information.
You may use the Reference List and Reference Notes in various vays.
For example, you may follow the Reference Notes as you listen to a tape, glancing at an exchange or stopping to read a comment whenever you want to. Or you may look through the Reference Notes before listening to a tape, and then use the Reference List while you listen, to help you keep track of where you are. Whichever way you decide to use these parts of a unit, remember that they are reference materials. Don't rely on the translations and romanizations as subtitles for the C-l tape or as cue cards for the P-l tape, for this would rob you of your chance to develop listening and responding skills.
About the Drills
The drills help you develop fluency, ease of response, and confidence. You can go through the drills on your own, vith the drill tapes, and the teacher may take you through them in class as well.
Allow more than half an hour for a half-hour drill tape, since you will usually need to go over all or parts of the tape more than once to get full benefit from it.
The drills include many personal names, providing you vith valuable pronunciation practice. However, if you find the names more than you can handle the first time through the tape, replace them vith the pronoun ta whenever possible• Similar substitutions are often possible with place names.
Some of the drills involve sentences which you may find too long to understand or produce on your first try, and you will need to rewind for another try. Often, particularly the first time through a tape, you vill find the pauses too short, and you will need to stop the tape to give yourself more time. The performance you should aim for with these tapes, however, is full comprehension and full, fluent, and accurate production vhile the tape rolls.
The five basic types of drills are described below.
Substitution Drills: The teacher (T) gives a pattern sentence which the student (S) repeats• Then the teacher gives a word or phrase (a cue) which the student substitutes appropriately in the original sentence.
The teacher follows immediately with a new cue.
Here is an English example of a substitution drill:
T: Are you an American?
S: Are you an American?
T: (cue) English
S: Are you English?
T: (cue) French S: Are you French?
Transformation Drills: On the basis of a model provided at the beginning of the drill, the student makes a certain change in each sentence the teacher says.
Here is an English example of a transformation drill, in which the student is changing affirmative sentences into negative ones: '
T: Ifm going to the bank.
S: I?m not going to the bank.
T: Ifm going to the store.
S: I*m not going to the store,
The student adds something to a pattern sentence as cued
Expansion Drills: by the teacher.
■beginning of the the teacher as cued
of a model given at the questions or remarks by
Response Drills: On the basis drill, the student responds to by the teacher.
Here is an English example of a response drill: | ||||||||
Here is an English example of an expansion drill: | ||||||||||||
Combination Drills: On the basis of a model given at the 'beginning of the drill, the student combines two phrases or sentences given "by the teacher into a single utterance.
Here is an English exaiople of a com'bination drill:
T: |
I am reading a *book. John gave me the *book. |
S: |
I am reading a book which John gave me. |
T: |
Mary "bought a picture. I like the picture. |
S: |
Mary "bought a picture which I like. |
1. |
A: |
NI shi shĕi? |
Who are you? |
6: |
W8 shi Wăng Dăniăn. |
I am Vang Daniăn. | |
2. |
A: |
Nĭ shi shĕi? |
Who are you? |
B: |
W3 shi Hŭ MSilíng. |
I am Hu Mellíng. | |
3. |
A: |
Tā shi shĕi? |
Who is he? |
B: |
Tā shi MS Mínglĭ. |
He is Ma Mínglĭ. | |
U. |
A: |
Tā shi MS Mínglĭ. |
He is Ma MÍnglĭ. |
B: |
Tā shi Hŭ MSilíng. |
She is Hu Meilíng. | |
5- |
A: |
Nĭ xìng shĕnme? |
What is your surname? |
B: |
W5 xĭng Wăng. |
My* surname Is Wang. | |
6, |
A: |
Tā xĭng 8hénme? |
What is his surname? |
7. |
B: A: B: |
Tā xĭng Ma. Tā shi shĕi? Tā shi MS Xìānsheng. |
His surname is ì&. Who is he? He is Mr. Ma« |
8. |
A: |
Tā shi shĕi? |
Who is he? |
B: |
Tā shi V& Mínglĭ Xìānsheng. |
He is Mr, Ma Mínglĭ。 | |
9. |
A: |
Wang Xiānsheng, tā shi sheì? |
Mr. Wăng, vho is he? |
B: |
Tā shi M§ Mínglĭ Xiánsheng. |
He is Mr. Ma Mínglí. | |
10. |
A: |
Xiānsheng, tā shi shĕì? |
Sir, who is he? |
B: |
Tā shi Mă Xìansheng. |
He is Mr. Ma. | |
11. |
A: |
Xiănsheng, tā shi shĕi? |
Sir, who is she? |
B: |
Tā shi Mă Tàitai. |
She is Mrs。 Ma« | |
12. |
A: |
V^big Xiānsheng, tā shi shĕi? |
Mr. Wáng, who is she? |
B: |
Tā shi MS Mínglĭ Tàitai. |
She is Mrs. Mă Mínglĭ. | |
13. |
A: |
Wang Xìānsheng, tā shi shĕi? |
Mr. Wang, who is she? |
B: |
Tā shi Mă Xiaojie. |
She is Miss Ma. | |
lh. |
A: |
Tā shi shĕi? |
Who is he? |
B: |
Tā shi Mă Mínglĭ Tongzhì. |
He is Comrade Mă Mínglĭ. |
15. |
A: |
Tongzhĭ, tā shi shĕi? |
Comrade, who is she? |
B: |
Tā shi Fang BSolán. |
She is Fang Baolán. | |
16. |
A: |
Tongzhì, tā shi shĕi? |
Comrade, vho is she? |
B: |
Tā shi Fang Baolăn Tongzhì. |
She is Comrade Fang BSolăn. |
nĭ |
you |
shĕi |
who |
8hĕnme |
vhat |
shĭ |
to be |
tă |
he, she |
tàitai |
Mrs. |
t6ngzhì |
Comrade |
v5 |
I |
xiansheng |
Mr.; sir |
xiSoJìS (xiaojie) |
Miss |
xìng |
to be surnamed |
1. |
A: |
Nĭ shi shĕi? |
Who are you? |
B: |
WS shi Wăng Dăniăn. |
I am V^ng Dàniăn. | |
2. |
A: |
Hĭ shi shĕi? |
Who are you? |
B: |
W5 shi Hú Mĕilíng. |
I am Hú Mailing. | |
3. |
A: |
Tā shi shĕi? |
Who is he? |
B: |
Tā shi MS Mínglĭ. |
He is Ma Mínglĭ. | |
k. |
A: |
Tā shi MS. Minglĭ • |
He is M8. Mínglĭ. |
B: |
Tā shi Hú Mĕilíng. |
She is Hú Meilíng. |
Notes on Nos. 1-U
The verb shĭ means "to befl in the sense of Mto be someone or something," as in MI am Daniel King•” It expresses identity. (In Unit k you vill learn a verb which means ”to be” in another sense, ífto "be somewhere," as in ”1 am in Bĕijĭng.11 That verb expresses location.) The vert shĭ is in fche Neutral tone (with no accent mark) except when emphasized.
Unlike verbs in European languages, Chinese verbs do not distinguish first, second, and third persons. A single form serves for all three persons.
W5 |
shi |
Wang Dàniăn. |
(I am Wang Dànián.) |
Nĭ |
shi |
Hu MSilíng. |
(You are Hu Mĕilíng.) |
Tā |
shi |
Ma MÍnglĭ. |
(He is Mă Mínglĭ.) |
Later you will find that Chinese verbs do not distinguish singular and plural, either, and that they dò not distinguish past, present, and future as such. You need to learn only one form for each ver*b.
The pronoun tā is equivalent to both "hen and "she."
The question Nĭ shi shĕi? is actually too direct for most situations, although it is all right from teacher to student or from student to student . (A more polite question is introduced in Unit 2.)
Unlike English, Chinese uses the same word order in questions as in statements.
Tā |
shi |
shĕi? |
(Who is he?) |
Tā |
shi |
Ma MínKlĭ? |
(He is Ma MínKlĭ.) |
When you answer a question containing a question vord like shéi. "vho,1 simply replace the question word with the information it asks for.
.A: |
NX xĭng shĕnme? |
What is your surname? |
B: |
Wo xìng Wàng. |
My surname is Wang. |
.A: |
Tā xĭng shĕnme? |
What is his surname? |
B: |
Tā xìng 成. |
His surname is Ma. |
Jtotes on Nos. 5»6
Xing is a verb, ”to be surnamed.ff It is in the seune position in the sentence as shi, ,fto be.11
yfís |
shi |
Wăng Dăniăn. |
(i |
am |
W£ng'Dùxián.) |
WS |
xìng |
Wang. |
(I |
am surnamed |
Wíŭig.) |
Notice that the question word shénme • flwhat,11 takes the same position as the question word sh|i_, "vho •” | ||||||
Nĭ |
xìng |
shĕnme? |
(You |
are surnamed |
vhat?) |
Shĕnme is the official spelling. However, the word is pronounced as if it were spelled shàma, or even shĕma (often with a single rise in pitch extending over "both syllablesT~Before another word which begins with a consonant sound, it is usually pronounced as if it vere spelled shem.
.A: |
Tā shi shĕi? |
Who is he? |
B: |
Tā shi MS Xiansheng. |
He is Mr. Ma. |
.A: |
Tā shi 8hĕi? |
Who is he? |
B: |
Tā shi MS Mínglĭ Xiansheng. |
He is Mr. Ma MÍnglĭ. |
Notes on Hoa, T-8
After the vert shi you may have the full name alone, the surname plus title, or the full name plus title.
Tā |
shi |
Ma |
Mínglĭ. | |
Tā |
shi |
Ma |
Xiansheng. | |
Tā |
shi |
Ma |
Mínglĭ |
Xiansheng. |
Xiansheng, literally ’’first-born,*1 has more of a connotation of respectfulness than ”Mr, Xiansheng is usually applied only to people other than oneself. Do not use the title Xiansheng (or any other respectful title, such as Jiàoshòu, "Professor” when giving your own naaie. If you want to say ,TI am Mr. Jones,” you may say W5 xìng Jones.
When a name and title name which gets the heavy the title pronounced with are said together, logically enough it is the stress: WANG Xiansheng, You will often hear oget rANG no full tones: WĀNG Xiansheng. |
9. |
A: |
Wang Xiansheng, tā shi shĕi? |
Mr. Wang, who is he? |
B: |
Tā shi Mă Mínglĭ Xiansheng. |
He is Mr. Mă Mínglĭ. | |
10. |
A: |
Xiansheng, tā shi shei? |
Sir, who is he? |
B: |
Tā shi Ma Xiansheng. |
He is Mr. Ma. |
11. A: |
Xiansheng,* tā shi shĕi? |
Sir, who is she? |
B: |
Tā shi Mă Tàitai. |
She is Mrs. Ma. |
12. A: |
Wang Xiansheng, tā shi shĕi? |
Mr. Wang, who is she? |
B: |
Tā shi Ma Mínglĭ Tàitai. |
She is Mrs. MS Mínglĭ |
Note on Nos, 9*12
When you address someone directly, or the title alone. Xiansheng must be |
use either the name plus the title translated as "sir11 when it is used |
alone, since "Mr.” would not capture its respectful tone. (Tàitai,
alone. You shòuld address Mrs.成
however, is less respectful when used as MăTkitai.)
13. |
A: |
痛ng Xiansheng, ta shi shĕi? |
Mr. Wang, who is she? |
B: |
Tā shi MS XiSojiS. |
She is Miss MS. | |
Ik. |
A: |
Tā shi shĕi? |
Who is he? |
B: |
Tā shi Ma Btínglĭ Téngzhì. |
He is Comrade Ma MÍnglĭ. | |
15. |
A: |
Tongzhì, tā shi shĕi? |
Comrade 9 vho is she? |
B: |
Tā shi Fang Báolăn. |
She is Fang Băolăn. | |
16. |
A: |
Tongzhì, tā shi shéi? |
Comrade, who is she? |
B: |
Tā shi Fang BSolăn Tŏngzhĭ. |
She is Comrade Fang ^Lolan. |
Note on Nos* 13-16
See the Background Notes on Chinese Personal Ncunes and Titles for Tĕngzhì• "Comrade," and the use of maiden names.
A. |
Substitution Drill | |
1. |
Speaker: MS Mínglĭ |
You: Tā shi Ma Mínglĭ. (He is Ma MÍnglĭ.) |
2. |
Hŭ MSilíng |
Tā shi Hŭ Mĕilíng. (She is Hu Meilíng*) |
3. |
Wăng Dăniăn |
Tă shi Wang Dăniăn* (He is Wang Danian *) |
h. |
Lĭ Shìxnĭn |
Tā shi Lĭ Shĭmín. (He is Lĭ Shìmín.) |
5. |
Liŭ. Lĭrong |
Tā shi Liu Lìrong. (She is Liu Lĭrong.) |
6. |
Zhang BSolăn. |
Tā shi Zhang Baolán• (She is Zhăng Baolán*) |
Response Drill
When the When the cue
cue is given by a male speaker, male students should respond, is given by a female speaker, female students should respond.
1_ |
Speaker: Nĭ shi shĕi? (cue) Wang Dànìăn (Who are you?) |
You: Wo shi Wang Dàniăn. (I am Wang Daniăii.) |
OR Nĭ shi shĕi? (cue) Hú MSilíng (Who are you?) |
¥6 shi Hu Mĕilíng. (I am Hú Mĕilíng.) | |
2. |
Nĭ shi shĕi? Liŭ Shìmín (Who are you?) |
Wo shi Liu Shìmín a (I am Liu Shìmín-) |
3. |
Nĭ shi shĕi? Chen Huĭrăn (Who are you?) |
Wo shi Chen Huìrăn. (I am Chen Huìrán.) |
k. |
Nĭ shi shĕi? Huang Dĕxián (Who are you?) |
Wŏ shi Huáng Dĕxián. (I am Huang Dĕxián.) |
5. |
Nĭ shi shei? Zhào Wănrŭ (Who are you?) |
Wo shi Zhào Wănrú. (I am Zhào Wănrú.) |
6. |
Nĭ shi shĕi? |
Jiang Bĭngyíng |
Wo shi Jiang Bīngyíng. |
(Who are you?) |
(I am Jiang Bĭngyíng.) | ||
7. |
Nĭ shi shĕi? |
Gāo YSngpíng |
WS shi Gāo Yongpíng. |
(Who are you?) |
(I am Gao Yongpíng.) |
C. Response Drill | ||||||||||||||
Topics Covered in This Unit
1. Questions and answers about given names.
2• Yes/no questions.
3• Negative statements•
U. Greetings.
Prerequisites to the Unit
1. P&R 3 and P&R h (Tapes 3 and k of the resource module on Pronunciation and Romanization).
Materials You Vill Need
1. The C-l and P-l tapes, the Reference List and Reference Notes.
2. The 2D-1 tape.
1- |
A: |
Tā shi Wang Tàitai ma? |
Is she Mrs. Wang? |
B: |
Tā shi Wang Tàitai. |
She is Mrs. Wang. | |
2. |
A: |
Nĭ shi Wang Xiansheng ma? |
Are you Mr. Wang? |
B: |
W5 shi Wang Dànián. |
I am Wang Dànián. | |
3. |
A: |
Nĭ shi Mă Xiansheng ma? |
Are you Mr. Ma? |
B: |
W5 shi Wang Dàniăn* |
I am Wang Dànián. | |
k. |
A: |
lií shi Mă Xiansheng ma? |
Are you Mr. Ma? |
B: |
WS ì)ú shi MS Xiansheng. |
Ifm not Mr. Ma. | |
5. |
A: |
W5 shi l^ng Dàniăn* |
I asi Wang Danián. |
B: |
WS ì?ú shi Wang Dănián. |
Ifzn not Wáng Dánìán. | |
6. |
A: |
Nĭ xĭng Fāng ma? |
Is your surname Fang? |
B: |
WS tŭ xìng Fang. |
ìty surname isn't Fang. | |
了. |
A: |
W5 xìng Wăng. |
Ify surname is Wang. |
B: |
W5 *bŭ xìng ^Lng. |
My surname isn't ^íxig. | |
8. |
A: |
Nĭ xĭng M§ ma? |
Is your surname Ma? |
B: |
Bú xĭng MS. Xing Wăng. |
My surname isn't Ma. Itfs Wang. | |
9. |
A: |
Nín guìxĭng? |
Your surname? (POLITE) |
B: |
W5 xìng Wang. |
My surname is Wáng. | |
10. |
A: |
Nĭ jiào shĕnme? |
What is your given name? |
B: |
WS Jìào Dànìán. |
MSy given name is Dàniăn. | |
11. |
A: |
Nĭ hao a? |
How are you? |
B: |
W5 hSo. |
Ifm fine. | |
12. |
A: |
Nĭ hao a? |
How are you? |
B: |
W5 hSo. Nl ne? |
I1* fine. And you? | |
A: |
HSo, xièxìe. |
Fine, thanks. |
ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)
13. |
míngzi |
given name |
a |
(question marker) |
*bù/bú |
not |
bú shi |
not to be |
guìxĭng |
(honorable) surname |
hSo |
to te fine, to \>e well |
Jiào |
to ì>e called |
ma |
(question marker) |
míngzi |
given name |
ne |
(question marker) |
xiĕxie |
thank you |
1. |
A: B: |
Tā shi Wang Tàitai ma? Tā shi Wang Tàitai. |
Is she Mrs. Wang? She is Mrs. Wang. |
2. |
A: B: |
Nĭ shi Wang Xiansheng ma? W5 shi Wang Dàniăn. |
Are you Mr. Wang? I am Wang Dăniăn. |
3- |
A: B: |
Nĭ shi Ma Xiansheng ma? Wo shi Wăng Dàniăn. |
Are you Mr. Ma? I am Wang Dănìăn. |
Notes rn Nos. 1-3
r.he marker ma may be added to any statement to turn it into a question which may be answered "yes" or "no,"
Tá |
shi |
Wang Tàitai. |
(She is Mrs. Wang.) | |
Tā |
shi |
Vang Tàitai |
ma? |
(Is she Mrs. Wáng?) |
The reply to a yes/no question is commonly a complete affirmative or negative statement, although, as you vill see later, the statement may "be stripped dovn considerably.
1*. A: |
Nĭ shi Mă Xiansheng ma? |
Are you Mr. Ma? |
B: |
WS *bŭ shi Mă Xiănsheng. |
I’m not Mr. Ma. |
5. A: |
WS shi Wang Dàniăn. |
I am Wang Dàniăn. |
B: |
Wo bŭ shi Wang Dàniăn. |
I’m not ^ng Dàniăn. |
Notes on Nos. U»5
The negative of the verb shi, "to "be,” is bn shi, "not to "be." The equivalent of "not” is the syllable bù. The tone for the syllable bŭ depends on the tone of the following"syllal)le. When folloved *by a syllable with a High, Rising, or Low tone, a Falling tone is used (bù). When followed *by a syllable with a Falling or Neutral tone, a Rising tone is used (bŭ).
bŭ |
fēì |
(not |
to |
fly) |
bŭ |
fĕi |
(not |
to |
be fat) |
"bŭ |
fĕi |
(not |
to |
slander) |
*bú |
fèi |
(not |
to |
waste) |
Almost all of the first fev verbs you learn happen to be in the Falling tone, and so take tŭ. But remember that tù is the basic form. That is the form the syllable takes when it stands alone as a short "no,f answer一Bù and vhen it is discussed, as in yTBu means fnot *.ff
Notice that even though shi, "to be,M is usually pronounced in the Neutral tone in the phrase bu shi, the original Falling tone of shi still causes *bù to "be pronounced vith a Rising tone: bŭ.
W3 |
shi |
Wang Dănián. | ||
(I |
an |
Wang Dàniăn.) |
bŭ |
shi |
MS Xiansheng« | ||
(I |
am |
not |
Mr. Ma.) |
6. |
A: |
NX xĭng Fang ma? |
Is your surname Fang? |
B: |
WS bŭ xĭng Fang. |
My surname isn’t Fang. | |
7. |
A: |
W8 xing Wăng. |
Ify surname is Wang. |
B: |
WS bŭ xìng Wang. |
Ify surname isnft Wang. | |
8. |
A: |
Nĭ xìng MS zna? |
Is your surname Ma? |
B: |
Bŭ xĭng MS. Xing Wang. |
My surname isnft Ma, It,s Wang« |
Note on No* 8
It is quite common in Chinese--much commoner than in English--to omit the subject of a sentence vhen it is clear from the context.
A: |
Nín guìxìng? |
Your surname? (POLITE) |
B: |
Wo xĭng Wang. |
My surname is Wáng. |
Notes on No. 9
Nín is the polite equivalent of nĭ, "you.1,
Guìxĭng is a polite noun, "sùrname." Guì means "honorable." Xìng^ vhich you have learned as the vert ”to "be surnalned,,, is in this case a noun, ,’surnaiDe•"
Literally, Nín guìxíng? is "Your surname?" The implied question is understood, and the sentenceM consists of the subject alone.
10. A: Nĭ Jiào shĕnme? What is your given name?
B: Wo jiào Dànián. My given name is Dànián.
Note on No* 10
Jiào is a verb meaning "to be called. In a discussion of personal names, we can say that it means "to be given-named,M
11. |
A: |
Nĭ hao a? |
How are you? |
B: |
WS hSo. |
I’m fine. |
Notes on No. 11
Notice that the Low tones of wo and nĭ change to Rising tones before the Low tone of hao: Ni hao a? hao.
Hao is a verb—”to "be good,” "to be veil,” "to be fine.” Since it functions like the verb "to "be” plus an adjective in English, ve will call it an adjectival verb.
WS |
hao. |
(I |
am fine•) |
Nĭ |
hao |
a? |
(You |
are fine |
12. |
A: |
Nĭ hăo a? |
Hov are you? |
B: |
W5 hSo. Nĭ ne? |
Ifm fine. And you? | |
A: |
HSo, xièxie. |
Fine, thanks. |
Notes on No. 12
The marker ne makes a question out of the single vord ill, "you*’: "And you?” or "Hov about you?11
Xié is the verb "to thank •” "I thank you11 would be W5 xièxie nĭ. Xléxie is often repeated: Xiĕxle^ xièxie.
13. mĭngzi |
given name |
Note on No. 13
One way to ask what someone's given name is: Nĭ jiăo shĕnme mingzi?
A. Transformation Drill | ||||||||||||||||||
B. Response Drill | |||||||||||||||||||||
C. Response Drill
All of your answers vill "be negative. Give the correct name according to the cue.
1. |
Speaker: Tā shi Wang Xiansheng ma? (cue) Liu (Is he Mr. ^īangĭ) |
You: Bú shi. Tā shi Liú Xiansheng. (No. He is Mr. Liú,) |
2, |
Tā shi Gāo Xi&ojiS ma? Zhăo (Is she Miss Gao?) |
Bŭ shi. Tā shi Zhào Xiăojiĕ, (No. She is Miss Zhào.) |
3. |
Ta shi Huăng Téngzhì ma? Wing (Is she Comrade Huang?) |
Bŭ shi. Tā shi Wăng Tŏngzhí. (No. She is Comrade Vang*) |
k. |
Tā shi Y&ng Tàitai ma? JiSng (Is she Mrs. Yang?) |
Bu shi. Ta shi Jiang Tăltai. (No. She is Mrs. Jiang.) |
5. |
Tā shi MS Xiansheng ma? Mao (Is he Mr. Ma?) |
Bŭ shi, Tā shi Mao Xiansheng. (No. He is Mr.戚o.) |
6. |
Tā shi Zhou XlSojiS ma? Zhào (Is she Miss Zhou?) |
Bú shi. Tă shi Zhào Xiăojig. (No. She is Miss Zhào.) |
7. |
Tā shi Jiang Xiansheng ma? JiSng (Is he Mr. Jiang?) |
Bŭ shi, Tā shi JiSng Xiansheng. (No. He is Mr. Jiang.) |
Response Drill
This drill is a combination of the two previous drills. Give an affirmative or a negative ansver according to the cue.
1. |
Speaker: Tā shi Liŭ Tàitai ma? (cue) Liu (Is she Mrs. Liu?) |
You: Shi. Tā shi Liŭ Tàitai. (Yes* She is Mrs. Liu.) |
OR Tă shi Liŭ Tàìtai ma? Huang (Is she Mrs. Liu?) |
Bŭ shi. Tā shi Huang Tàìtaì. (No. She is Mrs. Huang.) | |
2. |
Tā shi Wáng Xiansheng ma? Wang (is he Mr. Wang?) |
Shi. Tā shi Wăng Xiāpsheng. (Yes. He is Mr. Wáng.) |
3. |
Tā shi Gāo Tàitai ma? Zhào (Is she Mrs. Gāo?) |
Bu shi. Tā shi Zhào Tàitai. (No. She is Mrs. Zhào.) |
k. |
Tā shi Tăng Xiaojie ma? Tang (is she Miss Tang?) |
Shi. Ta shi Tang Xiăoji?. (Yes. She is Miss Tang.) |
5. |
Tā shi Huang Xiansheng ma? Wang (Is he Mr. Huang?) |
Bŭ shi. Tā shi Wang Xiansheng. (No. He is Mr. Wang^) |
6. |
Tā shi Zhang Tàitaì ma? Jiang (Is she Mrs. Zhāng?) |
Bŭ.shi. Tā shi Jlāng Tàitai-(No. She is Mrs. Jiang.) |
TransformatIon Drill | ||||||||||||||
F. Transformation Drill | |||||||||||||||
6. |
W8 xing Zhăng. |
WS bŭ xing Zhāng. |
7. |
W5 xing Zhōu. |
WS bú xing Zhou. |
G. Transformation Drill | |||||||||||||||||||||
H. Expansion Drill | |||||||||||||||||||||
I. Expansion Drill | |||||||||||||||||||||
J. Response Drill | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Transformation Drill | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
L. Transformation Drill | |||||||||||||||||||||
Combination Drill | ||||||||||||||||||
Topics Covered in This Unit
1. Nationality.
2. Home state9 province, and city.
Prerecmlsites to the Unit
1. P6R 5 and P&R 6 (Tapes 5 and 6 of the resource module on Pronunciation and Romanization).
2. NUM 1 and NUM 2 (Tapes 1 and 2 of the resource module on Numbers), the numbers from 1 to 10,
Materials You Will Need
1. The C-l and P-l tapes, the Reference List and Reference Notes.
2. The C-2 and P-2 tapes, the Workbook.
3. The 3D-1 tape.
1. |
A: |
NX shi MSiguo rén ma? |
Are you an American? |
B: |
W5 shi MSìguo rĕn. |
Ifm an American. | |
2. |
A: |
Ni shi Zbōngguo rĕn ma? |
Are you Chinese? |
B: |
W8 shi Zbōngguo rĕn. |
I,m Chinese. | |
3. |
A: |
Wang Xiansheng, nĭ shi YIngguo rĕn ma? |
Mr. W&ng, are you English? |
B: |
W5 bú shi Yĭngguo rĕn. |
ī^m not English. | |
1*. |
A: |
Nĭ shi Zhōngguo rĕn ma? |
Are you Chinese? |
B. |
Bú shi. |
No. | |
A: |
Nĭ shi MSìguo rĕn ma? |
Are you an American? | |
B: |
Shì. |
Yes, I am* | |
5. |
A: |
MS. XiSoJìS shi MSiguo rĕn ma? |
Is Miss MS an American? |
B: |
Bŭ shi, tā tŭ shi Mgiguo rĕn* |
No, she is not American. | |
A: |
Tā shi Zhongguo rĕn xna? |
Is she Chinese? | |
B: |
Shi, tā shi Zhōngguo rĕn. |
Yes, she is Chinese. | |
6. |
A: |
虹 shi nSiguo rĕn? |
What is your nationality? |
B: |
W5 shi MSiguo rén. |
I'm American. | |
7. |
A: |
Tā shi nSiguo rĕn? |
What is his nationality? |
B: |
Tā shi Yĭngguo rĕn. |
He is English. | |
8. |
A: |
Nĭ shi n&rde rén? |
Where are you from? |
B: |
WS shi ShănghSi rĕn. |
I'm from ShănghSl. | |
9. |
A: |
Tà shi Fang BSolănde xiansheng. |
He is Fang BSòlánfs husband. |
10. |
A: |
Tā shi nSrde rĕn? |
Where is he from? |
B: |
Tā shi Shandong rĕn. |
He,s from Shandong. | |
11. |
A: |
Nĭ shi nSrde rĕn? |
Where are you from? |
B: |
W5 shi Jiăzhōu rĕn. |
I,m a Californian. |
12. |
A: NX |
shi MSiguo rĕn ma? |
Are you an American? |
A: NX |
shi nSiguo rĕn? |
What、your nationality? | |
A: NX |
shi nSrde rĕn? |
Where axe you from? |
ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)
13. |
Dégu6 |
Germany |
lU. |
èguŏ (ĕgu6) |
Russia |
15. |
Fàgu6 (FSguó) |
France |
16. |
Bìtíén |
Japan |
-de |
(possessive marker) |
Dĕguo |
Germany |
Èguŏ (Egu6) |
Russia |
Fàguo (Făguo) |
France |
-guo |
country |
Jlāzhōu |
California |
MSiguo |
America, United States |
n&r |
vhere? |
nSi- |
which? |
nSìguo |
which country |
rĕn |
person |
Rĭb?n |
Japan |
Shandong |
(& province name) |
ShănghSi |
(a city name) |
YIngguo |
England |
Zhonggué |
China |
| ||||||||||||
Motes on Mos> 1-3 |
Ren is a noun, ’’person" or ''persons' literally "America person.M Sometimes9 essary to translate expressions of this 丨;so MSiguo rén is a noun phrase, however, it is preferable or nec-sort as adjectives or prepositional | ||||||||
Although MSiguo rĕn is translated here as ,fan American,11 in other contexts it may be translated as "the American,M "American,,1 or "the Americans.Vf Later you will learn the various ways to indicate in Chinese whether a noun is definite or indefinite, singular or plural.
The syllable -guă usually loses its tone in expressions like M8lguo rĕn, (Some speakers drop the tone vhen the vord stands alone: Mgjguo*)
h. |
A: |
Nĭ shi Zhongguo rĕn ma? |
Are you Chinese? |
B: |
Bú shi. |
No. | |
A: |
Nĭ shi MSiguo rĕn ma? |
Are you an American? | |
B: |
Shì. |
Yes, I an. | |
5. |
A: |
MS XiăojiS shi MSiguo rén ma? |
Is Miss MS. an American? |
B: |
Bu shi, t£ bŭ shi MSiguo rĕn. |
No, she is not American. | |
A: |
Tā shi Zhongguo rĕn ma? |
Is she Chinese? | |
B: |
Shĭ, ta shi Zhongguo rln. |
Yes, she is Chinese. |
Notes on Nos, U-5
The short "yesw ansver shĭ is really the vert ”am” of the longer, more cooiplete answer. The short ”no" answer bŭ shi is really the Mam not” of the longer answer.
It is possible to reduce a "no” ansver to bù (note the Falling tone), but polite usage requires that you follow it up with a more compléte ansver. Both the short answers shi and bŭ shi are commonly followed by complete ansvers.
6. |
A: Br |
NX shi nSiguo rĕn? What is your nationality? WS shi MSiguo rĕn. I,m American. |
7. |
A: B: |
Tā shi nSiguo rĕn? What is his nationality? Tā shi YIngguo rĕn. He is English. |
Notes on Nos> 6-7
RSI- is the question word nwhich.M It is a bound word~a vord which cannot stand alone—not a free word.
nSi- |
guo |
rĕn |
(which |
country |
person) |
Notice that the syllable -guS, ”country," in the phrase nĕiguo rĕn may lose its Rising tone.
8. |
A: B: |
Nĭ shi nărde rĕn? W3 shi Shanghai rĕn. |
Where are you from? Ifm from Shànghăi• |
9. |
A: |
Tā shi Făng Băolănde xiansheng. |
He is Fang Băolán1s husband. |
10. |
A: B: |
Tā shi nărde rĕn? Tā shi Shăndōng rĕn. |
Where is he from? He's from Shandong, |
11. |
A: B: |
Nĭ shi nărde ren? WS shi Jiāzhōu ren. |
Where are you from? I’m a Californian. |
Notes on Ros« 8-11 .
NSr is the question vord ” vhere•” The syllable "de is the possessive marker; it functions like the English possessive ending
nSr |
-de |
rĕn |
(where |
person) |
By reversing the word order, a slightly more idiomatic translation is possible: fla person of vhere•” The closest English equivalent is "& person from where.1’ To clarify the role of -de in this expression, the tape gives the following example of -de functioning like the English possessive ending -f s_:
Fang BSolán |
—de |
xiănsheng |
(Fans BSolán |
f8 |
husband) |
12. |
A: |
NX shi MSiguo rĕn ma? |
Are you an Anericīan? |
A: |
Nĭ shi nSiguo rĕn? |
What*s your nationality? | |
A: |
Nĭ shi nSrde rĕn? |
Where are you from? |
A. Response Drill
All responses will "be affirmative.
1. Speaker: Tā shi Zhōngguo rĕn ma? (Is he Chinese?) |
You: Tā shi Zhongguo rĕn. (He is Chinese.) | |
2. |
Tā shi RìbSn rĕn ma? |
Tā shi RìbSn rĕn. |
3. |
Tă shi Zhongguo rĕn ma? |
Tā shi Zhongguo rĕn. |
k. |
Tā shi MSiguo rĕn ma? |
Tā shi MSiguo rĕn. |
5. |
Tā shi Deguo rĕn ma? |
Tā shi Dĕguo rln. |
6. |
Tā shi Jiánádă rĕn ma? |
Tā shi Jìānádà rĕn. |
7. |
Ta shi Fàguo rĕn ma? |
Tă shi Fàguo rĕn. |
B. Response Drill | |||||||||||||||||||||
C. Response Drill
1. Speaker: Tā shi nSiguo rĕn? You: Tā shi Fàguo rén.
(cue) Pàgu6 (He is French.)
(What is his nationality?)
2. |
Tā shi nSiguo ren? Zhōngguo |
Tā shi Zhongguo rĕn |
3. |
Tā shi nSiguo ren? Mĕigu6 |
Tā shi MSiguo ren. |
h. |
Tā shi nĕiguo ren? Jiānádà |
Tā shi Jiănádà rĕn. |
5. |
Tā shi nSiguo ren? Rìbĕn |
Tā shi RìbSn ren. |
6. |
Tā shi n5iguo ren? Eguo |
Tā shi èguo rĕn. |
T. |
Ta s'li nSiguo ren? Dĕguo |
Tă shi Dĕguo rén. |
Response Drill | |||||||||||||||||||||
Trans format ion Drill | ||||||
2. |
Tā shi Jìānádà rĕn. |
Tā shi nSiguo rĕn? |
3. |
Tā shi TálbSi rĕn. |
Tā shi nSrde rĕn? |
k. |
Tā shi ShànghSi rĕn. |
Tá shi n&rde rĕn? |
5. |
Tā shi YIngguo rĕn. |
Tă shi nSiguo rĕn? |
6. |
Tā shi MSiguo rĕn. |
Tă shi nSiguo rĕn? |
T. |
Tā shi TáizhSng rĕn. |
Tā shi nărde ren? |
F, Transformation Drill | |||||||||||||||
G. Transformation Drill
Ask the appropriate ma question.
1. |
Speaker: Tā xĭn^ Hŭ. (His surname is Hú.) |
You: Tă xing Hu ma? (Is his surname Hu?) |
2. |
Tā shi Bĕijĭng rĕn. |
Tā shi Beijing ren ma? |
3. |
Tā shi ^ng Dàniăn. |
Tā shi Wang Dànìan ma? |
U. |
Tā xĭng LÍn. |
Tā xing Lin ma? |
5. |
Tā shi Zhongguo ren. |
Tā shi Zhongguo ren ma? |
H. Transformation Brill | ||||||||||||||||||
Topics Covered in This Unit
1. Location of people and places.
2. Where people1s families are from.
Prerequisites to the Unit
1. NUM 3 and HUM k (Tapes 3 and k of the resource module on Numbers).
2. CE 1, on Classroom Expressions.
Materials You Will Reed
1. The C-l and P-l tapes, the Reference List and Reference Notes.
2. The C-2 and P-2 tapes, the Workbook.
3. The Ul)-! tape.
(in BíiJIng) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)
9. Learn the pronunciation and locations of any five cities and five provinces of China found on the maps on pages 80-81.
àiren |
spouse |
Ăndălŭè |
Ontario |
Dézhōu |
Texas |
fiìren |
Lady, Madame, Mrs.; wife (of a hi^i-ranking person) |
Jiănádà |
Canada |
lSojiā |
"original home” |
nàr (nèr) |
there |
QIngdSo |
(a city name) |
C^Cngvĕn ... |
May I ask ... |
xiănzài |
now |
y? |
also, too, either |
zài |
to be in/at/on |
zhèr |
here |
1. |
A: Qĭngvèn, nĭ shi nărde rĕn? |
May I ask, where are you from? |
B: WS shi Dĕzhōu rĕn. |
12111 from Texas. |
Note on No, 1
Cgngvèn; Literally, qĭng means "request/, and vĕn means "ask (for information).M Qĭngvèn is used as English speakers use ,’excuse me," to get someone'8 attention in order to ask him a question.*
2. |
A: |
QXngvĕn, Andĕsēn Fŭren shi n&rde rĕn? |
May I ask, where is Mrs. Anderson from? |
B: |
Tā yĕ shi Dĕzh5u rĕn. |
She is from Texas too. |
Notes on No> 2
Names: In the People1s Republic, a foreigner is known by the standard phonetic equivalent of his full name. His given name is followed "by his surnamey which is followed by the appropriate title, Mr. David Anderson will be called Dàivĕi Āndĕsēn Xiansheng. In Taiwan, there is no set way of giving names to foreigners. Sometimes, as in the PRC, a phonetic eqxxivalent of the full name is used (though there are no standard versions). Sometimes, the equivalent is based entirely on the surname. Mr. Anderson, for instance, might be An Desēn Xiansheng. The surname nay also be translated, as when ’’King” is translated into Wang. It is also common to base the Chinese surname on the first syllable of the original surname, and the Chinese given name on something else (often the original given name). In Taiwan, Ditvĕi is a common phonetic equivalent for MDavid." "Mr. David Anderson,” therefore, might be An Dàvèi Xiansheng, Here is a chart of SOME of the Chinese names that might be given to Mr. David Anderson.
PRC: |
Dàivĕi |
I-:--- Āndĕsēn |
Xiansheng | |
An |
Dĕsēn |
Xiansheng |
An |
Dàwèi |
Xiansheng |
Titles: In the PRC, a foreign man is addressed as Xiansheng, and a married woman as either Fŭren or Tàitai, depending on her status. The term fŭren is an expecially respectful term used to address the wife of a high-ranking official or businessman. Fŭren is also used this way on Taiwan.
An unmarried foreign woman in the PRG may be addressed as XiaoJ18^ "Miss/’ Married or unmarried women may "be addressed as Nushĭ. or "Ma'am•”
Nushĭ will be introduced in BIO, Unit 1.
The term Tongzhì, lfComrade,,f was originally used only by members of the Communist Party to address other members. It is now the general term of address used "by all Chinese adults in the PRC. It should be remembered, though, that Tongzhì does carry a distinct political implication. Visitors in the People1s Republic, who are not citizens and who do not take part in efforts to realize Communist ideals, vill not be addressed as Tĕngzhì and should not feel obliged to address anyone else as such.
Yĕ is an adverb meaning "also,1 or "too.’. It alvays comes before the verb.
is an adverb meaning "also,1 or "too.’. It alvays comes before the
3. A: |
Tā shi Yĭngguo rĕn ma? Is he English? |
B: |
Bŭ shi, tā bú shi YIngguo No, he is not English, rĕn. |
A: |
Tă àiren ne? And his wife? |
B: |
Tā ye bú shi Yīngguo rĕn. She isn’t English either* |
Notes on No« 3
Àiren, which originally meant "loved one," "sveetheartor "lover,” Is used in the PRC for either "husband" or "wife,” i.e., for ”spouse."
The possessive phrase ta àiren, "his wife” (or ,fher husband”), is formed by putting the vords for "he" (or "she”)and "spouse” together.
The marker -de (which you have seen in n&rde rĕn) is not needed when the possessive relationship is felt to be very close. (See also the notes on No. 5.)
Yĕ in a negative sentence is usually translated as "either.11 In this case, bù comes between 适 and the vert. Possible English translations for yS, in bath affirmative and negative sentences, are
Tā 适 shi Yĭngguo rĕn. |
She is English too. She is also English. |
Tā bŭ shi Yĭugguo rĕn. |
She is not English either. She is also not English. |
k. |
A: |
Qĭngvèn, QĭngdSo zài năr? |
May I ask, where is Qingdao? |
B: |
QīngdSo zài Shandong. |
Qĭngdao is in Shandong. |
Note on No. U
Zăi is the vert "to be in/at/on,” that is, "to be somewhere•” Zài involves location, while shi involves identity, "to *be someone/something•”
5. |
A: |
Qĭngvèn, nĭ laojia zài năr? |
May I ask, vhere is your family |
B: |
W5 laojiā zài Ăndàlŭĕ. |
irosK ytf family is from Ontario. | |
C: |
Wo lSojiā zài Shănd5ng. |
ìfy fcunily is from Shandong. |
Notes on No, 5
Literally, laojiā is f,old home”("original home,” ”ancestral home,” "native place1*), that is* the place you and your family are from. When a Chinese asks you about your laojia, he probably wants to know about'your hometown, the place where you grev up* When you ask a Chinese atout his lSo.1ia% hovever, he will tell you where his family came from originally。
A Chinese whose grandparents came from the province of Gŭangdòng will give that as his l5o.1iā, even if he and his parents have spent all of their lives in Sìchuān.
Nĭ iSojiā zài nar? (literally TĬWhere is your original home?") asks for the LOCATION of the town you come from. The question is answered with zài plus the name of the province (or state) that the town is located in: Wo laojia zài Dezhou (Andàluĕ, Shandong). Nĭ lao.Hā shi nar? (translated into English as "What is your original home?”)asks about the IDENTITY of the town you come from. That question is answered with shi plus the name of the town (or city): Wo laojia shi Jiŭjĭnshān (Qingdao^ Shanghai) • Compare:
Wo lăojiā zài Guangdong, My original home is in Gu&ngdong.
Wo lăojiā shi Guangzhou. My original home is_ Guangzhou.
The possessive nĭ iSojiā, like tā_àiren, does not require a possessive marker. Hovever, if more than one word must 'be used to indicate the possessor, -de is often inserted after the last word: nĭ àlrende lSo.lia,
”your spouse1 s original home11 or ”vhere your spouse*s family comes from.M
6. |
A: |
Chen Shtmín Tongzhì zài năr? |
Where is Comrade Chen Shĭmín? |
B: |
Tā zaì nàr. |
Hefs there. | |
7. |
A: |
Qĭngdăo zaì năr? |
Where is QīngdSo? |
B: |
Zàì zhèr. |
Itfs here. | |
8. |
A: |
Nĭ àiren xiànzàì zk± năr? |
Where is your wife now? |
B |
WS àiren xiànzài zài Jìănádà. |
My wife Is in Canada nov. |
Notes on Nos, 6»8
You have learned three vords for asking and telling about locations.
n5r? |
(where?) |
nàr (nèr) zhèr |
(there) (here) |
Notice that the question vord nSr is in the Low tone, while the ansver words nàr and zhèr are both in the Falling tone. Also notice that the vovel sound in zhèr is different from that in nar and nàr. (Some speakers prefer nèr to nàr.)
When you are talking about movable things and people that you presume are not nearby ("nearby” "being approximately within pointing range), you usually ask where they are NOW. The "present time1’ word may "be omitted if the time has "been established earlier in the conversation.
Nĭ àiren xiànzài zài năr? Where is your wife now?
Tā zài BSiJĭng. She1s in BSijĭng (now).
If you ask about someone or something you presume to "be nearby (a pair of scissors in a drawer, for instance, or a person in a group across the room) > you do not use xistnzài.
In English, the words "here11 and "thereTl are used to refer to locations of any size. In Chinese, however, zhèr and nàr are usually not used for cities, provinces, and countries (vith the exception that you may use zhĕr to refer to the city you are in). Instead, you repeat the name of the place. Compare these tvo exchanges in Beìjĭng:
COUNTRY: MSdlng Xiansheng xiănzài zài Zhongguo ma?
Tā xiănzài zài Zhongguo*
(He*s here nov,)
CITY: MSdlng Xiansheng xiànzài zài Shanghai ma?
Tā bú zài SheLnghSi; tā zài zhèr.
(He*8 not there; hefs here.)
JiSnàdà^ "Canada”: Although the middle syllable of this word is marked with the Rising tone, at a normal rate of speech you will probably hear Jianadă.
Response Drill
Respond to the question "Where is he/she from?,f according to the cue.
1. |
Speaker: Tā shi narde ren? (cue) Hŭnăn (Where is he/she from?) |
You: Tā shi Hunan rĕn. (He/she is from Hunan.) |
2. |
Tā shi nărde ren? Shandong (Where is he/she from?) |
Tā shi Shandong rĕn. (He/she is from Shandong.) |
3. |
Tā sbi narde ren? Hĕbĕi (Where is he/she from?) |
Tā shi Hĕbĕi ren. (He/she is from Hebei•) |
h. |
Tā shi narde ren? Jìăngsū (Where is he/she from?) |
Tā shi Jiāngsū ren. (He/she is from Jiangsu.) |
5. |
Tā shi nărde ren? Guăngdong (Where is he/she from?) |
Tā shi Guangdong ren. (He/she is from GuSngdōng.) |
6. |
Tā shi n&rde ren? Hŭbíi (Where is he/she from?) |
Tà shi HŭbSi ren. (He/she is from Húbei•) |
7. |
Tā shi nărde rĕn? Sichuan (Where is he/she from?) |
Tā shi SĬchuān rĕn. (He/she is from Sĭchuān.) |
B. Transformation Drill
Ask the appropriate ”vhere” question, as in the exajnple.
1. |
Speaker: Zhān^ TŏxiRzhì Fŭren shi Beijing ren. (Comrade Zhang's wife is from Beijĭng.) |
You: Qĭngvèn» Zhang Fūren shi narde ren? (May I ask, where is Mrs. Zhāng from?) |
2. |
Huang Tongzhì Fūren shi Shanghai rln. |
Qĭngvèn 9 Huang Fūren shi nSrde rĕn? |
3- |
Wang TÓngzhì Fūren shi Nanjing ren. |
Qĭngwèn, Wang Fŭren shi narde ren? |
k. |
Lĭ Tongzhì Fŭren shi Guăngzhōu ren. |
Qĭngwèn, Lĭ Fūren shi narde ren? |
5. |
Zhào Tŏngzhì Fŭren shi Xiănggăng ren. |
Qĭngwèn, Zhào Fŭren shi narde ren? |
6. |
Mao Tóngzhì Fŭren shi Qingdao rĕn. |
Qĭngvèn y Máo Fūren shi narde ren? |
T. |
Chĕn Tóngzhí Fūren shi Bĕijĭng rĕn. |
Qĭngvèn, Chen Fŭren shi narde rĕn? |
C. Transformation Drill
Change affirmative statements to negative statements. | |||||||||||||||||||||
D. Transformation Drill
Add 垣 to the statements.
1. |
Sp€ |
taker: Tă shi Hĕ'b?i ren. (He/she is from Hebei -) |
You: Tā yĕ shi Hebei ren. (He/she is from Hĕbĕi too.) |
2. |
Tā |
shi Zhèjiāng ren. |
Tā yĕ shi Zhèjiāng rĕn. |
3. |
Tā |
shi Fújiàn rĕn. |
Tā yĕ shi Fŭjiàn ren. |
k. |
Tā |
shi Húnăn ren. |
Tă yĕ shi Hunan ren. |
5. |
Tā |
shi Jiāngsŭ ren. |
Tā yĕ shi Jiangsu ren. |
6. |
Tā |
shi Shandong ren. |
Tā ye shi Shandong ren. |
Tā |
shi Henan ren. |
Tā yĕ shi Henan ren. |
E. Transformation Drill
Add 这 to the statements.
1. |
Speaker: Zhao Xiansheng bú shi' Táìvān rĕn. (Mr. Zhào isnft from Taiwan.) |
You: Zhào Xiansheng y? bú shi Taiwan rĕn. (Mr. Zhào isnft from Taiwan either.) |
2. |
Lĭ Xiansheng bú shi Taibei rĕn. (Mr. Lĭ isn*t from Taibei.) |
Lĭ Xiansheng y? bú shi TáitSi ren. (Mr。 Lĭ isnft from Taibei either.) |
3. |
Wang Xiansheng bú shi Táizhong rĕn. (Mr Wáng isn*t from Taizhong.) |
Wang Xiansheng yS bú shi Táizhong rin. (Mr. Wang isnH from Táizhong either.) |
Huang Xiansheng bú shi Táìnán ren, (Mr. Huáng isn't from Tainan.) |
Huang Xiansheng yĕ "bu shi Táinán ren. (Mr, Huang isn’t from Tainan either.) | |
5. |
Liu Xiansheng bú shi Táiàēng rln. (Mr. Liú isnft from Táìdong.) |
Liu Xiansheng y§ "bŭ shi Táìdong rĕn. (Mr. Liú isnft from Taidong either.) |
6. 7- |
Hu Xiansheng bu shi Jĭláng rĕn. (Mr. Hu isn*t from Jīlong.) Chen Xiansheng bu shi Găoxiong rĕn. (Mr. Chĕn isn?t from Găoxì6ng.) |
Hŭ Xiansheng yS bú shi Jĭlong rĕn. (Mr. Hu isn?t from Jllong either.) Chen Xiansheng yĕ bú shi Gāoxiĕng ren, (Mr. Chen isn^ from Găo%ìong either.) |
F. Response Drill | |||
2. |
Zhāng Tongzhĭ shi Shanghai ren ma? (Is Comrade Zhāng from Shanghai?) |
Tā bú shi Shanghai ren. (He/she isn’t from ShànghSi.) |
Tā àiren ne? (And his/her spouse?) |
Tā àiren yĕ bú shi Shanghai ren. (He/she isnft from Shanghai either.) | |
3. |
Jiāng Tŏngzhì shi Nánjĭng ren ma? (Is Comrade Jiang from NanjIng?) |
Tā bú shi NanJĭng ren. (He/she isnft from Nánjĭng.) |
Tā àiren ne? (And his/her spouse?) |
Tā àiren yĕ bŭ shi Nanjing ren. (He/she isn't from Nánjĭng | |
U. |
Chen TSngzhì shi Guăngzhōu ren ma? (Is Comrade Chĕn from Gu&ngzhou?) |
•) Tā bú shi Guangzhōu ren. (He/she isn,t from Guangzhou.) |
Tā àiren ne? (And his/her spouse?) |
Tā y§ bu shi Guangzhou ren. (He/she isnft from Gusmgzhou either•) | |
5. |
Sūn Tongzhì bu shi Chlngàū ren zna? (Is Comrade Sūn from Chĕngàū?) |
Tā bú shi Chengdu rén. (He/she isn!t from Chengdu.) |
Tā àiren ne? (And his/her spousef) |
Tā èìren yĕ bŭ shi Chengdu ren。 (Ke/she isn?t from Chengdu either.) | |
6. |
Măo TSngzhì shi Qlngd&o rĕn ma? (Is Comrade Mio from QĭngdSo?) |
Tā bú shi QĭngcLăo ren. (He/she isn't from Qingdao.) |
Tā àiren ne? (And his/her spousa?) |
Tā áiren yĕ bŭ shi Qĭngdăo ren. (His/her spouse isnst from Qĭngdao either。) ' | |
7. |
Yang Tongzhì shi Beijĭng ren ma? (Is Comrade Yáng from Bĕijĭng?) |
Tā bŭ sīii Beij ĭng x"ĕn. (He/she isn?t froia Bĕijĭng,) |
Tā àiren ne? (And his/her spouse?) |
Tā àiren yĕ tŭ shi Beijing ren. (His/her spouse ísnct from Beijing either.) |
G. Response Drill | |||
2. |
Qĭngvèn, Nánjĭng zài nSr? Jiangsu (May I ask, where is Nánjĭng?) |
Nánjĭng zài Jiāngsū. (Nánjĭng is in Jiăngsū.) |
3. |
Qĭngvèn 9 Guangzhou zài năr? G\mngdōng (May I ask, vhere is GuSngzhōu?) |
GuSngzhōu zài Guangdong.) (Guangzhou is in Guangdong.) |
U. |
Qĭngvèn, ShànghSi zài năr? Jiăngsū (May I ask, where is Shăn^iai?) |
Shănghăì zài Jiangsu. (Shanghai is in Jiangsu.)* |
5. |
Qĭngwèn, BSiJĭng zài nSr? Hebei (May I ask, where is Bĕijĭng?) |
Beìjīng zàì Hĕì>ĕi • (BĕiJIng is in Hĕ*bĕi.) |
6. |
Qĭngr/èn, QīngdSo zài năr? Shandong (May I ask, where is Qĭngdao?) |
Qīngdao zài Shănd5ng* (Qīngdăo is in Shandong.) |
T. |
Qĭngwèn,Shanghai zili năr? Jiāngsū (Méqt I ask, vhere is Shanghai?) |
Shanghai %kí Jìāngsū. (ShànghSi is in Jiangsu.) |
^Although Shanghai is physically located in Jiangsu Province, it is a separate political entity. (The cities of Beijĭng and TiānJĭn are also separate entities.)
H. Transformation Drill | |||||||||
5. |
Lĭ Tŏngzhì shi Sìchuān ren. (Comrade Lĭ is from Sĭchuān.) |
Lĭ Tongzhìde lăojiā zài Sichuan. (Comrade Lĭfs family is from Sĭchuān.) |
6. |
Zhou Tongzhĭ shi Zhèjiāng rĕn. (Comrade Zhou is from Zhejiang.) |
Zhou Tongzhìde laojiā zài Zhèjiāng. (Comrade Zhōufs family is from Zhejiang.) |
7. |
Măo Tongzhĭ shi Hunan, rĕn. (Comrade Mao is from Hunan.) |
Mao Tongzhìde lăojiā zài fíúnăn. (Comrade Maofs family is from Hunan.) |
I. Response Drill | ||||||||||||||||||
The purpose of the Criterion Test at the end of each module is to show you not only how much of the material you have learned, but also vhat points you need to work on before ì>eginning to study another modtŭA.
Since the primary goal of ORN is to introduce the sound system of Standard Chinese, this test focuses on your ability to discriminate and produce tones, vowels, and consonants. Additionally, there are sections which test your ability to comprehend and produce numbers from 1 through 99 and the material in the ORN Target Lists. Your knowledge of personal names and titles and the romanization system Is also tested. Read the Objectives at the beginning of the module for a description of exactly what the test covers. Note: Although the entire sound system is introduced in the Pronunciation and Romanization Module, you will be tested here only on tho«e sounds which occur in the Target Sentences. Other sounds will be included in Criterion Tests for later modules.
Following is a sample of the Criterion Test for this module• Each section of the test, with directions and a sample question, is represented here so that you may know exactly what is expected of you after studying the ORN Module.
Minimum scores are suggested for each section of the test. Achieving these'scores means that you are adequately prepared for the next module.
If you fall below the minimum criterion on any section, you should review relevant study materials.
You vill use a tape to complete Part I of the test. Part II is written, and you vill complete Part III with your instructor. Part IV of the test (Diagnostics) indicates the passing score for each section and review materials for each section.
Part I
This section tests your ability to distinguish the four tones. In your test booklet you will see two syllables after each letter. The speaker will pronounce both syllables, and then say one of them again. You are to decide which syllable vas repeated, and circle the appropriate one to indicate your choice. The syllables may occur in any of the four tones, regardless of which tone vas used previously in the module. The same syllable may occur more than once in this section.
For example, the speaker might say: fĕi..>f§i and then repeat fēi•
a. (pi) fSi
2. This section tests your ability to recognize the four tones in isolated syllables. The speaker will pronounce a syllable twice; you add to the written syllable the tone that you hear. Again9 the syllables may occur in any of the four tones, regardless of vhich tone vas used previously in the module.
For example, the speaker might say: fei_...fSi. a. fVi
3. This section tests your ability to recognize the four tones in tvo-8yllable coxnbinations. The speaker pronounces each two-syllable item twice and then pauses a moment for you to mark tones on the written syllables. For the first ten items, one of the two tones is already marked. For the last ten items, you must fill in both tones.
For example, the speaker might say: chăbei.•
a. chábe^i
U. In this section, you are tested on syllables vhich differ minimally in sound. The speaker will pronounce each syllable in an item once; then he will pronounce one of the syllables again. Decide vhich of the syllables was repeated, and indicate your choice by circling that written syllable in your test booklet. The syllables in this test do not necessarily correspond in every vay to syllables in the Target Lists They may vary in tone, for example.
For example, the speaker might say: fan...fang and then repeat fang.
5. In this section, you complete the romanization for the syllables that you hear. As the speaker says a syllable, write the appropriate vovel or consonant letter(s) in the blank. This tests your ability to recognize the sotinds of a syllable and to use the romanization system correctly. The speaker will say each syllable twice.
For example, the speaker might say: păng.•>pàng; then you would write a-
This section tests your ability to understand the numbers 1 through 99 in Chinese. For c dovn the numerals
in Chinese. For each item, the speaker will say a number» and you write srals for that nuiaber.
For example, you might hear: shí^san
1. This section tests your ability to understand questions and ansvers
about where someone is from and vhere he is nov. Listen to a conversation tetveen Mr. Johnson and Comrade Zhào, wbo have Just met. You vill hear the conversation three times. The third time you hear it, a pause will follow each line. You may use these pauses to fill in the boxes in your booklet with appropriate information. (You do not have to wait for the second repetition of the conversation to fill in the ansvers, of course.)
For example: [You will hear a conversation similar to conversations you heard on the C-2 tapes in this module.3
Home State or Province |
Present Location | |
Comrade Zhăo | ||
Mr. Johnson (Yuēhànsūn) | ||
Comrade Zhào,s husi)and | ||
Mrs. Johnson |
8. This section tests your ability to comprehend Chinese utterances *by asking you for the English equivalents. For each item, the speaker vill say a sentence from the Target List twice• You indicate your understanding of the sentence by circling the letter of the English sentence vhich most closely matches the meaning of the Chinese sentence.
For example, you might hear: Nĭ shi shéi?..»NĬ shi shĕi?
1. a. Who is she?
b. Who is he? Who are you?
Part II
This section tests your general understanding of the Chinese system of personal names and titles. Read the family histories in your test booklet, and ansver the questions.
For example,
Yang TÍngfĕng is the Chinese name used lay an American, Timothy Young, nov that he is living in Taipei. His Chinese surname is:
1. (a^) Yăng
*b, Tíngfēng
c. Yang Tíngfĕng
Part III
10. This section tests your ability to pronounce the four tones. Simple sound com'binatìons have been chosen so that special attention may be given to tone production. For each item, choose one syllable and read it aloud. As you do so, put a circle around the one you choose. The instructor will note the syllable he hears. Be sure to choose a fair sampling of all four tones, and select them in random order.
For example, you might say: niă
a. ma ma mà
11. This section tests your ability to pronounce Chinese sounds from the Target Lists, as well as your ability to read romanization. For each item, choose one syllable and read it aloud. As you do so, put a circle around the one you choose. The instructor will note the syllable he hears. Be sure to choose syllables from each column as you go through this section of the test.
For example, you might say: nín
a. níng
12. This section tests your ability to locate and name main cities and
provinces in China. Using the map in your "booklet, point out to your instructor five cities and five provinces and name them. Pronunciation is of secondary importance here.
13. This section tests your ability to produce sentences in Chinese. Your instructor will say an English sentence from the Target Lists9 and you translate it into Chinese. Your Chinese sentence must "be correct *both in grammar and in content.
lU. This section tests your ability to make conversational use of the material covered in this module. Although limited in scope, this conversation between you and your instructor represents a situation vhich you are likely to encounter in the real world. As in any conversation, you are free to ask for a repetition or rephrasing of a sentence, or you may volunteer information on the subject. It is not so much the correctness of your pronunciation and grainmar that Is being tested as it is your ábility to communicate effectively.
a-otiezdix h MAF> OF CHINA
Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Argentina Australia Axistrla Bahama Is. Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Botsvana Brazil Britain Bulgaria Burma Burundi Cabinda Cameroun Canada Cape Verde Is. Central Africa Chad Chile China Colombia Comoro Is. Congo Costa Rica Cuba Cyprus Czechoslovakia Democratic Yemen Denmark Djibouti Dominican Republic East Timor Ecuador E®rpt El Salvador Ragland Equatorial Guinea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France French Polynesia Gabon Gambia, The Germany Germany, East |
Afŭhàn Āĕrbāníyà Āĕrjílĭyà Ándàoer Ān'gēlā Āgēntíng 各odàlìyà、 Àodĭlì (Àoguo) BahāmS Qŭndao Bālín(gu6) MèngJiālă(guo) BabaduosI BSlĭshí Bolĭzĭ Bèiníng Baiznùda Bùdăn Bolĭweiyà BocívSnà Bāxĭ Yínggué BSojiălìyà Miandiăn Bùlongàí 炫bēndă Kamàìléng Jiānādā Fodĕ Jiao Zhongfĕi Zhàdĕ Zhìlì Zhongguo Gĕlunbĭyà Kēmoluo Qŭnàac GāngguS Gēsĭdálíjiā Gŭba Săipulŭsí Jiĕkè (Jiĕkèsĭlu6f€kè) Mínzhu Yĕmĕn Dānaài Jibuti Duomĭníjiă (GongheguS) Dong Díwén Eguăduōer ĀiJÍ Sà3rvădu5 Yĭnggxio Chìdào Jīniiyà Àishāníyà Āisàiĕbĭyà (Bĕijĭng)s Yĭsuo'bĭyà (Taiwan) FĕiJÌ Fēnlăn Făguo, Fàguo Fashŭ BŌlĭníxĭyè Jiăpĕng Gāngbĭyà Deguo Dōngde |
Germany, West Ghana Gibraltar Great Britain Greece Greenland Grenada Guam Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary. Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Ivory Coast Jamaica Japan Java Jordan Kampuchea Kenya Korea Kuvaít Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxemburg Madagascar Malavi Maiays3 a Maid I "^e T: Mali Malta Mauritanía Mauritius Mexico Monaco Mongolia Morocco Mozambique Namibia Nauru Nepal |
Xĭdé Jiānà Zhíbùluotuo Dà Bŭlièdiān Xĭlà Gĕlínglăn Gĕlínnàdá Guăndăo Guādĭmălă Jĭnèiyà Jĭnèiyà Bĭshào Guĭyànà Hăidĭ Hongdūlasĭ Xiōngyalì Bíngdăo Yĭndù Yìnní (Yìndŭníxĭyà) Yílang Yilăkè Àiĕrlăn Yĭsèliè Yìdàlĭ Xiàngyá Haiàn Yămăijiā Ríbĕn Zhaovā Yuĕdàn Jiănbŭzhài K§nníyà Cháoxiăn (Bĕijĭng), Kanguo (Taiwan) Kēwēitè Laowō (Bĕijĭng), Lìáoguo (Taiwan) Latuōweiyá Líbánèn Láisuotuō Líbĭlĭyà Lìbĭyà Lilzhĭdūnshìdēng Lìtsovăn Lusēnbao Mŭdájiăsfjiā9 Măerjiāshí Mălāwei Măláixíyá Maĕrdàí-f*ŭ Mali Măertā Máolĭtăníyà Maolĭgiúsĭ Mòxĭge Monàgē Menggu Moluògē Mòsāngbĭkè Nàmrbĭyà Naolu Níboĕr |
Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Okinava Oman Pakistan Palestine Panama Fapua Nev Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Réunion Rhodesia Romania Russia Rwanda San Marino Sāo Toxné and Príncipe Saudi Arabia Scotland Senegal Seychelles Is. Siberia Sierra Leone Sikkim Singapore Solomon Is. Somalia South Africa Soviet Riussia Soviet Union Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Surinam Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Tanzania Thailand Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Uganda Ukraine United Arab Qsirates United Kingdom |
Hélán Ăndīll^sl Qundăo Xĭn Xllăn Ní jlālāguā NírĭSr Nírtlìyà Nuovĕi Chōngshĕng hoàn BāJīsĭtSn BālSsitSn Bānămi Bābùyà Xĭn Jlnèiyà Bal&gul MÌIS Fĕilŭbĭn Pŭtáoyá Bōdúòligè KătăSr Liŭnlwang(d&o) Luodéxĭyà LuŏmSníyà Égu6, £gu6 Lŏvàngdá Shèng MSlìnud Shèng DuomSl hi Pŭlínxĭbĭ Shat^ Ālat>ĕ (Bĕljĭng), Shivūdì Ălab6 (Taiwan) Sūgélán SàinèìJiăSr Sàishĕĕr QŏndSo Xltólìyà Sàilā Lĭ&ng XĬJĬn Xīnjiāpō Su5lu6mén QŭndSo SuSmSlĭ Nanfeì Sŭd (Taivan) Sūlián XIbiny& SllXlănkS Sūdan Sūlĭnăn Slveishìlăn (Beijing), ShĭvSjtl&n (Taivan) Ruìdlăn Ruĭshì Xùlìyè TSnsangníycL Tàigu6 Duŏgē Tăngjiā Tèlìnídá he Duobāgē Tŏnísĭ Tŭĕrql Wūgăndá Wukèlăn Alāl>6 Llănhĕ QluzhSnggué Liănhĕ Wăngguo |
United States Upper Volta Uruguay Venezuela Vietnam Virgin Is. Vales Western Sahara Western Samoa White Russia Yemen Yugoslavia Zaire Zambia Zìmbabve |
MSìgud Shing Wòíírta Wūlagul W^lnèìrtiìlā Yuén&n WeiSrJIng QGndlo VĕiSrsI XI Săhālā XI Sím6yà Băl Élu6sĭ Yiwèn NánBllafū ZhayīSr Zínbĭyà JInbāì>dtf$l |
All the names of étates may be followed by the word zhŏu Ălab&aJL zhou3
Alabama |
Alabama |
Alaska |
Ālāsījiā |
Arizona |
Yàlìsāngnà |
Arkansas |
AkSnsd, Akănsàsí * |
California |
Jiāzh5u, JiălìfSníyà |
Colorado |
Kēlu6lādu5 |
Connecticut |
Kāngnièdígĕ» KangnSìdígĕ |
Delaware |
Tĕlāhuă y Dĕlāwēi(Sr) |
Florida |
Fáluŏlĭdà |
Georgia |
Qiáozhĭyà, Zu8zhìyà |
Hawaii |
Xiàvĕiyí |
Idaho |
Àìdàhé |
Illinois |
Yĭlìnuŏ(sĭ) |
Indiana |
Yìndìănnà |
Iova |
Yĭăhuă, Ììăhuă |
Kansas |
Kansàsí |
Kèntucky |
KĕntXjI |
Louisiana |
Lŭyìslānnà |
Maine |
Miănyĭn |
Maryland |
Mălĭlăn 、 |
Másaach\isett8 |
MSsăzhŭsàl9 MSshSng |
Michigan |
Mìxlgen, Mĭxiĕgēn, Mìzhíăn |
Minnesota |
Míngnísūdá |
Mississippi |
Mìxĭxĭbĭ |
Missouri |
Mìsūlĭ |
Montana |
Mĕngdănà |
Nebraska |
Nèlbŭlāsĭjiā |
Nevada |
Nèihuādá |
Nev Hampshire |
XIa Hānbŭshíĕrs Xĭn Hănbùxià |
New Jersey |
X£n Zéxi |
New Mexico |
Xĭn Mdxĭgē |
New York |
Kiuyuē |
Hòrth Carolina |
BSi K^luéláină, BSi Kăluólínnà |
North Dakota |
Bĕi Dăkētā, B8ì Dăkēdá |
Ohio |
Ĕhàiĕ • |
Oklahoioa |
ĕkèlāhémS t Àkèlăhĕmă |
Oregon |
tĭègāng |
Pennsylvania |
Bĭnzhōu, Bĭnxĭfaníyà, Bĭnxĭfănníyà |
Rhode Island |
Luádé DSo, Iiu6déăllăn |
South Carolina |
Han 炫luéláinà, Năn Kăluolínnà |
South Dakota Tennessee |
Năn Dăkétà Tiánnàxĭ |
Texas |
Dĕzhou, Dĕkès&sĭ |
Utah |
Y6uti5 Youta |
Vermont |
Vĕiniengtè, Fomĕngtè |
Virginia |
Wĕijíníyà, F5j íníyà |
Washington |
Huáshèngdùn |
West Virginia |
XI Fojíníyà |
Wisconsin |
Wēisīkāngxĭa(g) |
V^oming |
Kuáiemíng |
fstate 91 for example,
ATberta |
YSbŏdā |
British Coltoobla |
Ylngshfi Gèlŏnì>Xyă |
Manitoba |
MSzmítuobā |
Nev Brunswick |
X£n BŭlúnzIvSlké |
Newfoundland |
Niŭfēnlándio |
Northwest Territories |
XfbSllÌngdì |
Nova Scotia |
Xĭn SlkÌBìíi |
Ontario |
ÀndflilŭS |
Prince Edvard Island |
Àidéhu£dăo |
Quebec |
KuĭbSikd |
Saskatchevan |
Sakèqívís |
Yukon |
Yŭkong |
Surnames | ||
Huang |
Zhōu |
Líu |
Wăng |
Jìăng |
Chin |
Zhang |
Jiăng |
Yăng |
11 |
Gāo |
SìmS |
Zhăo |
Lin |
Ouyáng |
Máo |
Sun |
fíú |
Tăng |
Sòng |
Wŭ |
MS |
Fāng |
Lláng |
Given Names (male) | ||
Dili |
Y5ngplng |
Shàovén |
Mlnglĭ |
Zìqilng |
Shìyĭng |
Dănlăn |
Jiĕ |
Tlngfĕng |
Shĭmín |
Zhĭyuăn |
Chĕng |
Hu& |
Gu6q\iăn |
Zhènhăn |
Déxlăn |
Juan |
Hutvĕn |
Mĭnzhĕn |
LĭrSng |
Dĕfĕn |
Huírán |
WSnrŏ |
Lŭ |
Bĭngyíng |
Mailing |
BSolán |
Qīng |
Xiŭfèng |
Yùzhēn |
Zĭyàn |
QiSoyfin |
MSilì |
Pinyin ST>ellin« |
Map SDelllnK |
Ănbuī |
Anhwei |
Fŭjiàn |
Fukien |
Gānsù |
Kansu |
GuSngdōng |
Kvangtung |
GuSngxi |
Kvangsi |
Guĭzhòu |
Kveìchou |
Hĕbĕì |
Hopeh |
HēilSngJiāng |
Heilungkiang |
Hĕnăn |
Honan |
Hŏ1>ĕi |
Hupeh |
Hŭnăn |
Hunan |
Jlăngsū |
Kiangsu |
Jiangxĭ |
Kiangsi |
Jílín |
Kirin |
Liàoníng |
Liaoning |
N^imSnggS |
Inner Mongolia |
Nlngxià |
Nlng8ia |
(^n^h&ì |
Tsinghaì |
Shănd5ng |
Shantung |
Shanxi |
Shansi |
ShSnxi |
Shensi |
Sìchuān |
Szechuan |
T&ivin |
Taivan |
Xĭnjiang |
Sinkiang |
Xlzăng |
Tiltet |
Yŭnnăn |
Yunnan |
Zhejiang |
Chekiang |
Pinyin Spelling |
Map Spelling |
BSiJĭng |
Peking |
Chăngshā |
Ch'ang-sha |
Chéngdú |
Chfeng-tu |
Dăt6ng |
Ta-t,ung |
GăozlSng |
Kao-h8iung |
GuSngzhōu |
Canton |
Hángzhōu |
Hang-chou |
HănkSu |
.Han-k'ou |
Hu&inăn |
Huai-nan |
JĭlSng |
Chi-lung |
Kálfēng |
K'ai-feng |
Nănching |
Han-cb'eing |
Nănjĭng |
Nanking |
QIngdSo |
Tsingtao |
ShănghSl |
Shanghai |
Táiì>Si |
Taipei |
Táidōng |
T*ai-tung |
Táinán |
T•ai-nan |
Tăizhōng |
T*ai-chung |
Tlānjĭn |
Tientsin |
Wŭchāng |
Wu-ch'ang |
Vuhàn |
Wu-han |
XlSn |
Sian |
The first version of each example is in the Pinyin system of romanization. The second, parenthesized version is the conventional, or anglicized, spelling,
边ngvèn is NOT the word used for saying "excuse me” when you step on someone's foot. For that, you say duììmqĭ•
The alternative forms given in this list are not exhaustive» "but are meant to give an idea of the range of transliterations,