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<head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/><meta name="generator" content="ABBYY FineReader 11"/><meta name="author" content="Foreign Service Institute"/><meta name="description" content="Standard Chinese"/><title>FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 03 MON - Student Text</title>
<p>CM 0183</p><h4>STUDENT TEXT</h4>
<p>This publication is to be used primarily in support of instructing mifitary personnel as part of the Defense Language Program (resident and nonresident). Inquiries concerning the use of materials, including requests for copies, should be addressed to:</p>
<p>Defense Language Institute</p>
<p>Foreign Language Center</p>
<p>Non resident Training Division</p>
<p>Presidio of Monterey, CA 93944 5006</p>
<p>Topics in the areas of politics, international relations, mores, etc,, which may be considered as controversial from some points of view, are sometimes included in ihe language instruction for DLIFLC students since military personnel may find themselves in positions where a clear imderstandmg of conversatfons or written materials of this nature will be essential to their mission. The presence of controversial statement卜whether real or apparent-in DLIFLC materials should not be construed as representing the opinions of the writers, the DLIFLC, or the Department of Defense,</p>
<p>Actual brand names and businesses are sometimes cited in DLIFLC instructional materials to provide instruction in pronunciations and meanings, The selection of such proprietary terms and names is based solely on their value for instruction in the language. It does not constitute endorsement oi any product or commercial enterprise, nor is it intended to invite a comparison with other brand names and businesses not mentioned</p>
<p>In DLIFLC publications, the words he, him, and/or his denote both masculine and feminine genders. This statement does not apply to translations of foreign language texts.</p>
<p>The DLIFLC may not have full rights to the materials it produces. Purchase by the customer does net constitute authorization for reprcjductior^ resale, or showing for profit. Generally^ products distributed by the DLIFLC may be used in any not-for-profit setting without prior approval from the DLIFLC</p>
<p>Standard Chinese: A Modular Ap-proach originated in an interagency -or:ference held 'āt the .F.oreign Service Institute In AuguBt 19T3 to address rj&amp;ed general.Ly felt iň the C.S, Government language training community ;<sub>?</sub>7 ǏEproving and ujidatir.g Chinese materials to reflect current u&amp;ag.e in</p>
<p>arid Taipei.</p>
<p>The conference resolved to develop materials which vere flexible in form &amp;nd content to meet the requirements of &amp;&nbsp;wide range of ^cverrunent agencies and academic in st it- lit Ion s.</p>
<p>A Project Board wp.ē established consisting of representativefi of the Cer.tral Intelligence Agency Language Learning Center <sub>a</sub> the Defense Language Ir.£Litute<sub>t</sub> the State Department<sup>f</sup> b Foreign Service Institute <sub>s</sub> the Cryptologic £:hool cī the Hation Ed. Security Agency, and the U.S. Office of Education<sub>4</sub> lEiter joined by the Canadian Forces Foreign L&amp;īig-uage Senocl, The representatives have include! Arthur T, McNeill, John Hopkins, and John Boag (CIA); Colonel Joīin F_ Elder III, Joseph C_ HutcMnson<sub>s</sub> Ivy Gitian<sub>a</sub> and Major、 Bertiard Muller-Thym CdLI ); James R* Frith and Joto B. Ratliff III (FSI) i Kaziio ShitamsL (NSA)〗 Richard T. TbompBon and Julia Petrov (OE); and Lieutenant Colonel George Koaoris (CFFI^)*</p>
<p>The Project Board set; up the Chinese Core Currieulum Project in 197^ in space provided at the Foreign Service Institute, Each of the six U_S, and CanadietR government agencies provided funds and other assistance.</p>
<p>Gerard P. Kok tos appointed project coordinator, and a planning council was formed consisting of Mr, Kok, Frances Li of the Defense Language Institute, Patricia 0<sup>1</sup> Connor of tlie University of Texas, Earl M. Bickers on of the L&amp;nguage Learning Center<sub>ā</sub> and Janes Wrenn of Brcywn University, In the fall of 1977, Lucille A, Barale was appointed deputy project coordinator. David Vf, Dellinger of the Language Learning Center and Charles H. Sheehan of the Foreign Service Institute also served on the planning council and contributed irsaterial to the project. The planning council drev up the criginal overall deeigxi for the materials and met regnl&amp;rly to reviev their developiijent *</p>
<p>Writers for the first half of the naterials were John H, T* Harvey^ Lucille A, Barale, and Roberta S* Barry, vho worked in close cooperation vith the planning council and vith the Chinese staff of the Foreign Service Institute, Mr. Harvej developed the instructional formats of ttie comprehension and production self-study materials, and also designed the eommimication-based classrcom activities and wrote the teacher * s guides« Lucille A- Barale and Eoberta. S, Barry wrote the tape scripts mň the student text. By 1973 Thomas S. Madden aod, Susao C. Pol a had Joined the staff, Led by Ms- Barale, they have worked as &amp;&nbsp;team to produce the materials subsequent to Module 6*</p>
<p>HHt<sup>1</sup> :着rr. k» &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;c:r selected by Chuan 0. Chao.</p>
<p>Cti * I'tě. Iii-=. :^Lr<sub>r</sub> H'j, Tsung-mi Li, Eňā Yunhui C, tā# ^īsjs ty r-i-'--fang Chi Lee <sub>t</sub> Ying-ming Chen <sub>s</sub> WM JfeHplHHiAtec- Měěm. AfTz^lztr^ M*i-Ii CJhesa* arid Henry Khuo helped is ♦ it ^i 1^1 c f t f relirir■邑ry corpus of dialogues,</p>
<p>Admin1strative assistance vas provided at various times by Vincent BascianOj Lisa A. Bowden, Jill W. Ellis, Donna Fong, Renee T. C. Liang,</p>
<p>T::z二色5 三.Madden<sub>s</sub> Busan C* PoIa<sub>a</sub> and Kathleen Strype*</p>
<p>The production of tape recording曰 vas directed by Jose M. Ramires of the ForeService Institute Recording Studio* The Chinese script was voiced by Ms* Chao, Ms. Chen, Mr* Chen, Ms. Diao* Mb. Hu, Mr, Khuo, Mr* Li , and Ma« Yang. The English script was read by Ms. Barale, Ms. Barry*</p>
<p>Mr,Bascianoj Ms, Ellis,Ms * Fola, and Ms. Strype*</p>
<p>The graphicā were produced by John McClelland of the Foreign Service Institute Audio-Visual staff, under the general supervision of Joseph A. Sadote^ Chief of Audio—Visual,</p>
<p>Standard Chinese: A Modular Approach was field-tested with the cooperation of Brown University; the Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center; the Foreign Service Institute- the Language Learning Center; the United States Air Force Academyj the University of Illinois; ana the University of Virginia,</p>
<p>Colonel Samuel L. Stapleton and Colonel Thoinas G. Foster <sub>T</sub> Coramndants of the Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center, authorized the DLIFLC support necessary for preparation of this edition of the course materials. This support included eoorciiriation, graphic arts, editing, typing, proofreading, printing, and materials necessary to carry out these tasks*</p>
<p>iv</p><img src="0085-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentText_files/0085-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentText-1.jpg" style="width:260pt;height:86pt;"/>
<p>Preface &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;醫―,m</p>
<p>MODULE 3: MONEY</p>
<p>Otjeetives &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;骨« <sup>1</sup></p>
<p>Target Lists &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2</p>
<p>UNIT' 1</p>
<p>Reference List &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;。</p>
<p>Voca'bulary &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;10</p>
<p>Reference Hotes ...................... 11</p>
<p>Topic and comment Yes/no-choice questions Asking and giving prices</p>
<p>The counters 'Volume<sub>1</sub><sup>11</sup> &quot;copy,<sup>M</sup> &quot;sheet,” &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;stlck^</p>
<p>UlfIT 2</p>
<p>Reference List &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;26</p>
<p>Vocabulary &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•準 * * * 28</p>
<p>Reference ī^otes &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;.......* * 29</p>
<p>’■Some, qjln(r)</p>
<p>Imperatives and polite imperativee Kominali^ed adjectival verbs (d£de, xiaode)</p>
<p>More on counters More on prices</p>
<p>Drills &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;35</p>
<p>UNIT 3</p>
<p>Beference List ■ « • « * • <sub>4</sub> * , « • « *.....* * _ - ^0</p>
<p>Vocabulary &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;..... “2</p>
<p>Reference Notes * * * * ..............................^3</p>
<p>Reduplicated verbs (kankan)</p>
<p>&quot;Or” questions &quot;witli hāi_shi Sentences with objects and ādu AdJectival verbs and comparison</p>
<p>The marker ba^ for tentative BtatesentB and requests Colors</p>
<p>Vocabulary Booster (Colors) • ......................50</p>
<p>Drills .........................51</p>
<p>UNIT U</p>
<p>Reference List &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5了</p>
<p>Vocabvilary &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;59</p>
<p>Reference Notes • * • » ................................60</p>
<p>The plural counter -xie*</p>
<p>Time ^ords in topic position</p>
<p>Completion le in sentences with counted objects Modifying phrases vith de_</p>
<p>Vocabulary Booster (Things in a Classroora) ......... , , 66</p>
<p>Drills * . ..........67</p>
<p>miT 5</p>
<p>Reference List &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;..... • 了5</p>
<p>Vocabulary 了各 Reference Notes 了了 Money denominations The prepositional verb gel More on the marker ge Focusing the question with Ehi bu shi Drills...........................03</p>
<p>UīīlT 6</p>
<p>Befereīiee Mst &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3下</p>
<p>Vocaxillary Qg Kefereiacē Notes 90 Clock t irne Ba in questions Time-of-dsy words Drills &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;............................ 96</p>
<p>Objectives ....................... * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;IQk</p>
<p>Map of Beijing ......................... 105</p>
<p>Map of Taipei &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;106</p>
<p>Target Lists ......................<sub>.</sub> •甲* 107</p>
<p>UNIT 1</p>
<p>Beferersce List ...................................113</p>
<p>Maps for C-l Tape .................... •</p>
<p>Vocabulary &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;....... , ......116</p>
<p>Beference Notes &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^7</p>
<p>The^prepDsitional verbs dāo,&quot;to<sup>11</sup>; cong, <sup>IT</sup>from<sup>n</sup>;</p>
<p>věng* <sup>,t</sup>tovards<sup>TI</sup>; and xiaiig, &quot;towards”</p>
<p>Directions for ”ahead,&quot; <sup>1!</sup>left<sub>f</sub><sup>,r</sup> and &quot;right”</p>
<p>Coinpletion le Id future contextfi Zai mean In hen<sup>TI</sup> Drills *•*****,■■■•••••**•_• ...... 12k</p>
<p>IffllT 2</p>
<p>Reference List &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;• 131</p>
<p>Maps for C-l Tape , • • * ...........................133</p>
<p>Vocabulary .....................................13[</p>
<p>Reference Notes &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;136</p>
<p>The four directions Pla-^e words vith -blānr</p>
<p>Location words ajid&quot;the~verbs shi, y3u, and zai &quot;Before^ and ”after” &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;~ ^ 一</p>
<p>Vocabulary Booster (Things in Nature)...........</p>
<p>UīīlT 3 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;i _fr</p>
<p>Reference List &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;g</p>
<p>Maps for C-l Tape • * *........ ..........</p>
<p>Vocabulary ...................................1 怒</p>
<p>Reference Hotes &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;二 .....</p>
<p>The prepositional verbs li s &quot;apart froia<sub>?</sub></p>
<p>QhtO j <sup>n</sup>tovards<sup>iT</sup> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;一 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^</p>
<p>Compound verbs of direction vitii lai SE.</p>
<p>The marker -she <sub>£</sub> Brills • • .............160</p>
<p>UNIT 1* . <sub>7S;</sub> Reference List.......................</p>
<p>Vocalanlary &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;以</p>
<p>Reference Notes &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^ * ; * * <sup>- w</sup> * * <sup>f</sup> ***** *</p>
<p>The preposit iona 1 verb suě <sub>s</sub> <sup>M_</sup>by,<sup>r</sup> Compound, verts of result</p>
<p>Directions inside a building &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;.</p>
<p>Vocabulary Booster (Buildings aJid Institutions) ......</p>
<p>Drills ■•■••• ......</p>
<p>UHIT 5</p>
<p>Reference List ■ <sub>#</sub> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;圆g</p>
<p>Maps for C-l Tape . ■ _ ..............................195</p>
<p>Vocabulary &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...... ^</p>
<p>Reference Notes <sub>#</sub> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;......., , • ....... * ■ īyf</p>
<p>z&amp;i meaning &quot;more/ <sup>1f</sup>&amp;gain<sup>Tl</sup> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sub>A</sub> ^</p>
<p>MODULE 3: MONEY</p>
<p>The Money Module (MON) will provide you with the skills needed to exchange money<sub>s</sub> make simple purchases, ancl discuss your purchases in Chinese*</p>
<p>Before start ing this module <sub>3</sub> you must take and. pass the BIO Criterion Test* Prerequisite曰 to units k and 3 of this module are tapes 5 and 6, īJumbera resource module and tapes 3 Md 1*,, Time and Dates resource module*</p>
<p>The Criterion Test vill focus largely on this module <sub>t</sub> but material from OHĪĪ, BXO<sub>t</sub> and associated resource modules may also be included.</p>
<p>Upon Bucc^ssfiaX completion of this module, the student ahoiild be able to</p>
<p>1. Comprehend the n_ers 1 through 99^999<sub>7</sub> including those numbers used In money expressions, and say them in Chinese when given English equivalents.</p>
<p>2* Give the English eatxivalent for my Chiness sentence in the MOK Target Lists.</p>
<p>3, Bay any Chinese sentence in the MON Target Lists vhen cued with its English eq.uiv€Lleiit *</p>
<p>二,Give the Chinese names <sub>a</sub> when given the English <sub>s</sub> for fifteen items to be bought *</p>
<p>5„ Say that he vants to make a purchase<sub>s</sub> find out if the item la soid<sub>$</sub> ask to see it, find out the price* ask to see other similar iterne» and either make the purchase or say he does not want to buy the itecu</p>
<p>ń<sub>+</sub> T&amp;lk in Chinese about the īteias he bought, the quantity he bought, the size and color of the Items<sub>s</sub> suid the price (cost) (including a comparison of his purchases vith other Items),</p>
<p>^. Ask for ehange (specific denominations)*</p>
<p>_, Say he vants to change money into loceil currency, find out vhere to change it, ask wh&amp;t the current exchange rate ia, and complete the exchange uaing cash or traveler^ checks*</p>
<p>1, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;W5 xiāng mal Yīngvēn bāo, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I would like to buy an English-</p>
<p>language newspaper*</p>
<p>HĒo. JiQ zai zhĚli, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fine, They're right here,</p>
<p>2, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhege t在a duōshao qiān? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How nxich is this newspaper?</p>
<p>Zhege bao w&amp;uāi qiit) yifsn. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This newapaper is five dollars a</p>
<p>3, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zhěli y3u Meiguo zāahī meiyou? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Are there any American magazines</p>
<p>Shell aeiyou Meiguo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There aren't any American magazines</p>
<p>U. Hīmen &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;mi H^lguo ahū bu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Do you sell American boūkā here?</p>
<p>mal? *</p>
<p>Duitoutiī. Meiguo shii v^men bfi mai. I’m sorry, v<sub>e</sub> don't eell American</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;BĚo, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ylgSne duōshao qiānī Hov much are the newspaper and</p>
<p>magazine altogether?</p>
<p>Yīgong sanshivutuSi &lt;iian. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Altogether, iVu thirty-five dollars-</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zbē liǎngihāng ditň duoahao ijian? Hotf much are these tvo ciaps? BāīiBhiērkuai qiān. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tīiirty-tvo dollars.</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shěge duosbao qianī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wow much Is this one?</p>
<p>SSnshikuai qiSn yiben. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;TMrty dollars a copy.</p>
<p>Hǎo, vē mǎi ylUSn. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fine, I<sup>1</sup>!! tuy one.</p>
<p>ADDTTĪOIWL EEQUIRED VOCABULAJRTf (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
<p>?. yīfĒn(r) bāosbī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one aawepaper</p>
<p>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-bī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;卿 pen</p>
<p>10, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yīahāng zhl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sup>one</sup> piece of paper</p>
<p>U. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yīten sīdiǎn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one dictionary</p>
<p>12. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Han-Yiag zīdiǎn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chinese-English dictionary</p>
<p>13. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yīne-Han zldiSn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kiglish-ChijieBe dictionary ll* ■ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;huāxue &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;chemistry</p>
<p>is. shuxuē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;matbeaiatic0</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhěige dianxin duSshao cii&amp;n &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bov much is this kind of pastry per</p>
<p>yījīn? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cattyī</p>
<p>Bamao qiaīi yījin. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Eighty cents a catty.</p>
<p>Qīng ni gēi wo liSngJīn* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please give me two catties.</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mn h£i yao diǎnr ahēnme? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What else do you want?</p>
<p>Wo hu yao shetme le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I don*t vant anything else,</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qishuī duōshao qiān yīpfngī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hov much per bottle is the soda? LiSnginao wfi* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Twenty-five cents.</p>
<p>I4 <sub>B</sub>. 2hēl shi aenkiiSi q^lan* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Here<sup>1</sup> a three dollars.</p>
<p>^hSo ni liūm£o vSfin qLian. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Here<sup>1</sup> s sixty-five cents (in) change•</p>
<p>Xiěxie. Zāljlān. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thank you. Good-bye.</p>
<p>^.. Heige da pīngguo duoshao qlan? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hov much are those large apples?</p>
<p>Dade aīmao vufēn qian ytjīn, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tbe large ones are forty-five cents</p>
<p>&amp; catty,</p>
<p>®Cng gel yro 3an.jIn nēige xi^ode * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please give me three catties of</p>
<p>those sQt&amp;ll ones*</p>
<p>HSo* Sin.3In ylkufii ling vu. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Certainly. Three catties are $1,03,</p>
<p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P柄1 tapes )</p>
<p>6, jfizi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;oranges, tangerines</p>
<p>T, pfjiB, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;七 eer</p>
<p>S. ylkuai feizko &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one bar of soap</p>
<p>9 * 3111D maimai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to do business</p>
<p>10. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;daren &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;adult</p>
<p>11, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xi&amp;ohaizi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;child</p>
<p>1, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīng ni gēi wo kānkaji neige &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please give me that vase to look at.</p>
<p>Neigēī Zhēige lande haiehl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Which one? This blue one or this</p>
<p>^hēige hongde? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;red one?</p>
<p>Něi lilngge dōu gel vo kānkan, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Give me ^both o£ them to look at,</p>
<p>hao ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All right7</p>
<p>2, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhlt liangge xuisheng, nSlge &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Which of these: tvo students is</p>
<p>haol &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;better?</p>
<p>SĪEia Xīn hEo* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sīma Xin is &quot;better*</p>
<p>3* Nělge h6ng huaplng zbēn hǎokān. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That red vase is really beautiful.</p>
<p>Nln you da yldiSnrde siaī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Do you have one a little larger?</p>
<p>You- Ni kān zhilge semneyang? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We do- What do you think of tMs</p>
<p>.. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one?</p>
<p>Hen hao. Hlo,qlng gěi vo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's very nice. Okay, hov about</p>
<p>llangge ba. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;giving me 七vcis please,</p>
<p>k. Nēige land© tai gut le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That blue one is too expensive.</p>
<p>Wo yao hongde, Hfingde piSnyi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I vant the red one. The red one</p>
<p>Is cheaper,</p>
<p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C*1 and P^-l tapes)</p>
<p>5<sub>+</sub> 'bāi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be white</p>
<p>6_ hei &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be black</p>
<p>7<sub>#</sub> huāng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be yellov, to be brown</p>
<p>8- īu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be green</p>
<p>9, jld &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be old<sub>f</sub> to &quot;be uaed, to be worn</p>
<p>10, xīn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be new</p>
<p>11* gāo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be tall</p>
<p>12, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be short (of stature)</p>
<p>13. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;gāoxīng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be happy lh, nānkln &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to tie ugly</p>
<p>15. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yitl yusan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one umbrella</p>
<p>16, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to read;, to look at, to visit</p>
<p>1, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Women jialide dongxi, youde dāo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some of our household things have</p>
<p>le, y5ude hai mei dao, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;arrived, and Borne haven<sup>1</sup>1 arrived</p>
<p>yet *</p>
<p>2, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tājnen mālde pānzivān <sub>s</sub> youde zbin &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some of the dlshee they sell are</p>
<p>haokān. Keshi gul yīdiSn. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;really beautiful. But they are</p>
<p>a little expensive,</p>
<p>3<sub>+</sub> Wo māide naxie p&amp;isiwSn d5u bfi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All those dishes I &quot;bought vere not</p>
<p>tāi gui* Guide v5 měi laai* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;too expensive, I didr*<sup>1</sup>1 buy the</p>
<p>exp&amp;nsiYe ones.</p>
<p>I* Hln inǎi sheime le? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What did you buy?</p>
<p>Wo mai pSiisivSn le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I l&gt;ought dish€8#</p>
<p>5, Nln īualle duōabao pSnsivSn^ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hov many dishea did you &quot;buy?</p>
<p>Wo maile shige' da p&amp;izi, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I bougiit ten large plates*</p>
<p>€, Side fānvaa shi shēimie y&amp;nelde? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What color are jour rice bowls?</p>
<p>Shi lāiīāe« &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They<sup>f</sup>re Mue ones.</p>
<p>Wo ye xihuan lānde, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I like blue ones too.</p>
<p>T. Njde ztiěge chābēi hen hao* Shi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This teacup of yours is very nice*</p>
<p>zai shēnroe ūīfang maide ī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Where vas it &quot;DOiight?</p>
<p>Shi zai Diyī Gongsl mǎide □ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It 'was bought at ttie First Company.</p>
<p>站niTlOHAL BEQUĪRĒD VOCĀBULABY inet presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
<p>B, ylge bīngxiang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one refrigerator</p>
<p>5, yīshāng dĒtan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one rug</p>
<p>:r. yīge shūJiS^l &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one bookcase</p>
<p>II. ylba ylzi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one chair</p>
<p>22* jīzhĀīig shuōzi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one table</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Māfar r*x, wE zhēr you yībSUcuAi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sorry to bother you. ī have one</p>
<p>MH.līrie l^bclng shīpiao* Qīne &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hundred U.S. dollars in traveler^</p>
<p>ni t:ei vo huanhuan. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;checks here. Please change it</p>
<p>for me.</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nī yao :.si^ce hmn? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hov do you want to change it?</p>
<p>Qīng ni jěI vo Uǎnphāng wU- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;īiov about giving me tv。fives,</p>
<p>k-uaide h &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;plea&amp;e.</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nīmen sh5u Měijīn ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Do you accept U.S. currency?</p>
<p>Duitu^ī<sub>t</sub> v5men bu t3hōu Měijīn. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Vm sorry, ve don<sup>T</sup>t accept U.S.</p>
<p>it. Zhēr ycu miiyou yinhang? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Is there a bani here?</p>
<p>Y3u, Yīnhāne Jiil zāi nar* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is. The tank is right over</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;qīngvēn, sht tm shi zai sher &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;May I aBk, is it here that I change</p>
<p>huan qiln? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;money?</p>
<p>Shi, shī aai zhēr huan* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^0, you change it tie re,</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jīntiānde pSiJiS shi dtiSfibaoT &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What is today<sup>1</sup> s exchange rate?</p>
<p>JīntlĀnde paijia shi yHtuSi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Today's exthocige rate 1ē one U.S.</p>
<p>huāo yfkuāi jiumāo lii &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dollar to one dollar and ninety-</p>
<p>Rěminbi, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;six cents in People,s currency,</p>
<p>了. XiĒKle. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thank you.</p>
<p>Bu keq.1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You're welcome.</p>
<p>ADDITIONAL REQUIREr VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l t&amp;pes}</p>
<p>0. yīge dlānshan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one electric fan</p>
<p>9. yīge diěnshī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one television</p>
<p>10. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yige shōuyīnjī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one radio</p>
<p>11, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yīge Thong &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one cloclt</p>
<p>IS, yige Ehǒubiǎo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one wristwatch</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;iheli keyl huān 描ijīn maT &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Can U.S* currency te changed here?</p>
<p>□uītuqi, ~bu hĒyl, Nin del zĚTi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I<sup>T</sup>m sorry, that's not possible. You</p>
<p>Tāivāri Ytflhang huan. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;must change it at the BaiJt of</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ylnhane JīdiSn shong kal ffiěn, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What time does the tank open*</p>
<p>jīdian zhōng guān měnī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;and vhat tiae does it closeī</p>
<p>Jiudian zhong kāi men* s&amp;pdi&amp;n &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It opens at nine o'clock and closes</p>
<p>bān guan men# &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;at three-thirty -</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo yao huan yidian Tāibī. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I vaot to change some money into</p>
<p>Taivsn currency*</p>
<p>HSo* Ylkusi MeiJIn huan sinshi- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Certainly. One ILS. dollar is</p>
<p>iDākyai Tāibi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;thirty*eight doll&amp;ra in Taivati</p>
<p>L* Qjpg ni denETldeng. ¥5 jiū. lai. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please vait a iEOmeirt* I'll be right</p>
<p>:.^ng gel vo diSn xlao piāozi, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please give me eojsa small bills,</p>
<p>xiīig bu xlng? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Would &amp;XX rightī</p>
<p>i<sub>+</sub> Kěi shemne, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It<sup>f</sup>a nothing.</p>
<p>AIDITĪOTSAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY tnct presented on C-l and F»X tapes)</p>
<p>' isochen (zaochēn) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;early morning</p>
<p>c. ziosliang (zaoshang) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;morning</p>
<p>?■ sbangwu (shangvu) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;forenoon<sub>t</sub> moraing</p>
<p>10* ahongwu (zhongwui) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;noon</p>
<p>二- ziaw (xIelwu) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;aftemgon</p>
<p>12- vSrsehang (wanshang) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;evening</p>
<p>13. yeii &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;night</p>
<p>Kik. banyě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;mitoight</p>
<p>115. Jiaji &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to meet</p>
<p>BflEEhūhū &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bo^-so I f&amp;lr</p>
<p>KON<sub>s</sub> Unit 1</p>
<p>(in Taipei)</p>
<p>1, A: Zhēll you. Yingvin bāo ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Are there emy English-lajigimge newspapers here?</p>
<p>B: You. Jiu tli n&amp;li. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ye日,They<sup>1</sup> re right over there.</p>
<p>2— A: Zhēli ySu Yīngwěn bao mei- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Are there any English^ienguage news-</p>
<p>you? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;papers here?</p>
<p>B: You. Jiu sti nlll. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes. They're right over there,</p>
<p>3, A: W3 xiāng mSi Yīngvěn bao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I vould like to buy an English-language</p>
<p>- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;newspaper*</p>
<p>E: Hao* Jiu zāi zheli. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fine. ^iey<sup>T</sup>re right here*</p>
<p>U. A: Zhege duoshao qian? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hov much is this one?</p>
<p>B: WiSkuāi qiān. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Five dollars*</p>
<p>5. A: Zhěge Zhōngvēn bio duoshao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hov much is the Chinese-lajiguage</p>
<p>qlSn? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;newspaper?</p>
<p>B: Sinkuāi qian yīfen. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Three dollars a copy.</p>
<p>6_ A: Nīmen zhēli nāi MSiguo sāshī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Do you sell American magazines here?</p>
<p>&quot;bu mai?</p>
<p>B; MSI. WĒmen ahili māi, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes<sub>t</sub> ve sell them here.</p>
<p>7* A: Zhege duoshao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hov much is this one?</p>
<p>Bī SinsTiikuai qiān yi ben * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thirty dollars a copy,</p>
<p>A; Hao, wo mai yī&quot;ben. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fine, I'll bxay one,</p>
<p>A: Nimen zhēli you Meiguo shū &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Do you have any American books here? meiyou?</p>
<p>B: DuībuqS<sub>f</sub> Meiguo shū vSmen bfi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I<sup>T</sup>m sorry, we don’t sell American</p>
<p>māi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;books here *</p>
<p>9. A: Bao<sub>f</sub> zaahi, yigong duoshao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How much are the nevspaper and maga-</p>
<p>qi&amp;i? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tine altogether?</p>
<p>B: Bao wGkuai, zazhi sanshikuai. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The newspaper is five dollars * the</p>
<p>magazine is thirty collars.</p>
<p>B: Ylgong sanshivīikuai qian. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Altogether, it<sup>T</sup>s thirty-five dollars.</p>
<p>^DN<sub>S</sub> Unit 1</p>
<p>10* A: Nīmen zhēli raai ditil bu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;Do you sell maps here7 mai?</p>
<p>B: Mai. ZEi nlli.. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We do. They<sup>f</sup>re over there,</p>
<p>11, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Nīn xiSng mai shenme ditG? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What kinā of map vould. you like to</p>
<p>A; Wo xiang māi yishāng Taipei &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I would like to buy a map of Taipei. dītū.</p>
<p>12, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Zhezhang Tai&quot;bli aitfi duo- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How much is this map of Taipei?</p>
<p>shao qiān?</p>
<p>B: ShlērKuli qi&amp;n. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Twelve dollars<sub>t</sub></p>
<p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes}</p>
<p>13, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ylfēn(r) bāozhi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one newspaper li*. yīzhī b3C &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one pen</p>
<p>15, ylzhāng zhī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one piece of paper</p>
<p>l6p yiben zīdi&amp;n &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one dictionary</p>
<p>17, Hān-Yīng zīdian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qiinese-English dictionary</p>
<p>〕.8, Yīng-Hān zīdiSn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;English-Chinese dictionaiy</p>
<p>19. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;huāxuě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;chemistry</p>
<p>20. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shuxuě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;mathematics</p>
<p>bao (yīfěn) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;newspaper</p>
<p>baozh! (ylfěn) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;newspaper</p>
<p>-bin &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;volume</p>
<p>bī (yizhl) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pen</p>
<p>dītfi (y^shāng) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ciap</p>
<p>duibuqi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1*111 sorry</p>
<p>iuōshao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bov nsuch<sub>t</sub> how many</p>
<p>-fēn{r) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;copy {counter for magazine</p>
<p>or newspaper)</p>
<p>Han-Yīng sīdlln &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chlneae-English dictionary</p>
<p>huaxuě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;chemistry</p>
<p>jlň &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;right, exactly (with ref</p>
<p>erence to space)</p>
<p>-kuai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dollar (in context)</p>
<p>niai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to buiy</p>
<p>mai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;t。 sell</p>
<p>qian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;money</p>
<p>shu (ythen) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;book</p>
<p>shňxuě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Biat hematics</p>
<p>xiang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to want to</p>
<p>xiangyixiǎng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to think it over</p>
<p>ylgong &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;altORether</p>
<p>Ylng-Han aldlan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Engllsh-Chinese dictionary</p>
<p>lELZhi (ytb5n) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;magazine</p>
<p>-shang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(counter for flat things~</p>
<p>tables <sub>t</sub> paper <sub>s</sub> pictures <sub>t</sub> etc,)</p>
<p>sbī (yfzhāng) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pape r</p>
<p>-ihī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{counter for straight,</p>
<p>sticlillke objects) sidian (yfběn) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dictionary</p>
<p>MOK, Unit 1</p>
<p>1. A; Zheli y5u Ylngwěn bao ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Are there any Englieh-language</p>
<p>nevepapers here?</p>
<p>I &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sup>E?</sup>夂 <sup>J</sup>—. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sup>Y6B</sup>'——</p>
<p>Motes on No, 1</p>
<p>Zhēli. j5m The Chinese ver&quot;b you sometimes meane <sup>1l</sup>to have<sup>IT</sup> and sometimes mean曰 <sup>1T</sup>tci ^e<sup>ft</sup> in the sense of <sup>1F</sup>to exist*<sup>1</sup>. In exchange 1 ^ you has the latter meajilng# With this meaning, it often translates into &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;as</p>
<p><sup>ir</sup>there is/are,<sup>11</sup></p>
<p>Topic-comment sentences: The subject of a Chinese sentence need not</p>
<p>_ ■■ liii _ t i - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;» t ! ■ ~ I _ I r I ill &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;s n-i &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sup>v</sup></p>
<p>te the person who performs an action or experiences &amp;&nbsp;state. Often, the relation ship &quot;betveen the subject and the rest of the eentence Is looser and can be analyzed as &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•</p>
<p>A topic is a word or phrase at the beginning of a sentence vhich sets -he scene for the rest of the sentence, The topic is a starting point for understanding &amp;&nbsp;Eentence<sub>a</sub> giving background Information and eBt&amp;blishing tbe perspective for listeners. For this reason<sub>f</sub> time and place phrases are often used as topics.</p>
<p>Zhēli &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ySu 丨 Yīngwěri bao.</p>
<p>(Here there are English-language newspapers,)</p>
<p>A coment is the rest of the sentence which follows the topic * Here are some examples:</p>
<p>Bī<sub>t</sub> ts ySu; zhī, ta mēlyou. He has a pen; lie āoesnH have paper.</p>
<p>(literally* <sup>,T</sup>Pen he has\ paper he doefinH-<sup>Ir</sup>)</p>
<p>A; l\I a hi liar? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Where are you c ailing from?</p>
<p>B: Wo shi TaivSa Dāxuě* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Taiwan University*</p>
<p>Zhi^hāng dītā māi sliikuāi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As for this m&amp;p<sub>t</sub> they sell it for</p>
<p>qian. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ten dollars.</p>
<p><sub>T</sub> the laat tvo examples are meaningful only when the reiatlonshlp [%^'veea the Initial nounb/pronouns and verbs is mderstood to be one of rntsr::cmāneat, not the usual subject-predicate relation of actor-action.</p>
<p>HOiJ, Unit 1</p>
<p>While there is no simple rule that tells you when to use topic-comment sentences in Chinese^ some helpful generalisations can &quot;be made. These generalizations vill 'be discussed as example sentences appear in. the Heferenee Lists,</p>
<p>Jiu zai nall<sub>t</sub> &quot;They're right over there”: You have learned jjiu^as 'only/<sup>1</sup> a synonym of shī. In exchange 1<sub>3</sub> you see another use of Jiu: 'right,<sup>1</sup>' &quot;exactly3<sup>,r</sup> ^precisely.<sup>,T</sup> This word is often used to deecrioe 'right<sup>11</sup> where something is* and is followed by zāi<sub>t</sub> 丨<sup>1</sup>in/at/on.”</p>
<p>I^otgs cn No. 2</p>
<p>YSu,,.raeiyou: The first sentence in exchange £ is a yes/no-choice question* This type of question is formed &quot;by Explicitly offering the listener a choice between an affirmative and a negative anEver* The negative alternative is tacked onto the end of the sentence* Similar questions exist in Ecislisii. But the English question would be an iinpatlent one,while the Chinese question is an ordinary one:</p>
<p>Zhěli you Yīngvěa &quot;bao melyou?</p>
<p>Are there say English-language newspaper a here, or arenH there?</p>
<p>Keutral tones: Whether or nDt a sylla'ble ie pronounced in the Keutral tone often depends on tbe speed of speech and the mood the epeaker Īe trying to coavey, In infonEal conversation betveeii native speakers, there are many more Neutral tones than in the move careful<sub>t</sub> deliberate speech of a language teacher spes-king to foreign student a, (Bear this point in mind vhen you find a discrepancy between the textbook marking of a word and the prorAmciation of that word on tape* )</p>
<p>Most Eyllables in any stretch of spoken Chinese are neither completely ”Neutral” (1* e., vith no audible change in pitch for the duration of the syllable) nor completely <sup>lT</sup>ful.l<sup>ir</sup> in length and air.plitude, These syllable8 vill usually be some vhere in between the two extremes *</p>
<p>Zhēli you Yīngwen bāo meiyou? Are there any English-language</p>
<p>Zhelī you Ylngvēn &quot;bao meiyou? newspapers he.e’</p>
<p>Often a syllable will not Bound like a full tone* But if you ask &quot;Then is this sylla'ble in the Neutral tone?&quot; the answer vill be <sup>M</sup>No, not exactly.&quot; There; is no distinct dividing line betveen a syllable with a tone and a syllable in the Neutral tone. Very often, the roost helpful answer to the</p>
<p>2. A: Sheli you Yīngwen bao meiyou? Are there any English-language</p>
<p>nevspapers here?</p>
<p>B; Y3u- Jiū aāi nali. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;YeĒ. They're right over there.</p>
<p>Km, Unit 1</p>
<p>,there :.eech of in mind and the</p>
<p>spletely of the</p>
<p>lilies</p><img src="0085-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentText_files/0085-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentText-2.jpg" style="width:20pt;height:9pt;"/>
<p>”Then is jtactly.</p>
<p>and s. r to the</p>
<p>question &quot;Should this the vay you hear it*<sup>1</sup>, your ears hear more-</p>
<p>be pronounced The language</p>
<p>in the Keutral tone?^ is ^Pronounce it iB taught in terms of four tones, &quot;but</p>
<p>xi&amp;ng īnāi</p>
<p>zhāng Tāi- bei di*</p>
<p>13</p><img src="0085-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentText_files/0085-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentText-3.jpg" style="width:373pt;height:26pt;"/>
<p>3* A: Wo xiEng Yīngi^in bao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I would like to buy an English-</p>
<p>language newspaper.</p>
<p>B: Hao* Jiu aāl shēli* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fine, They<sup>f</sup>re right here-</p>
<p>Hote on No* 3</p>
<p>The auxiliary verb xiang is sometime a translated as <sup>ff</sup>vouild like to<sup>lf</sup> or vr&amp;nt to*<sup>11</sup> Here are some examples of t ran slat ion 3 you have learned for xlaag;</p>
<p>W5 xiang mli Yingven bao* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ithinking of buying an English-</p>
<p>languāgs newspaper* DR I vould like to buy an English-language newspaper* OR I want to buy an Engliah-laiaguage newspaper.</p>
<p>Wo xiar.g tā xiang mlngtiāLn I think he is planning to leave zou. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tofflorrov*</p>
<p>Wo hen xiSng niān shu* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I very much want to study. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sub>a</sub></p>
<p>W5 &quot;bil tki xi&amp;ng qāip &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I don*t waiit to go very much* LTal<sub>t</sub></p>
<p>meaning <sup>rt</sup>too ^ <sup>tP</sup>excesBively*<sup>fl</sup> appears In Unit 3.3</p>
<p>i*. A: Zhege duofihao q,lān? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How much is this one?</p>
<p>Sctes an No, h</p>
<p>Iněge duŌEhao qian? In Chinese sentences that ask for and give prices, word shi, &quot;to be,<sup>ir</sup> la usually omitted.</p>
<p>MON, Unit 1</p>
<table border="1">
<p>duoshao qian?</p></td></tr>
<p>(This one</p></td><td>
<p>how much money?)</p></td></tr>
<p>Zhege Zhōngvēn bao duoshao ^iān?</p>
<p>Sānkuāi qian ylfēn*</p>
<p>How much is the Chinese-1anguage newspapar?</p>
<p>Three dollars a copy.</p>
<p>Notes on No, 5</p>
<p>Notice in the sentence Zhegg ZhōnsvĚn bao duo shao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the general</p>
<p>counter -ge is used rather than the specific counter -fen, ”copy*” The counter -ge is often used in talking about the KIND of thing* In this、case the question is about the price of a newspaper as a publication<sub>t</sub> not about the price of a copy. The specific counter would &quot;be used to talk about a particular concrete objects as in a sentence like ”This copy of the Post Is torn.<sup>Tl</sup></p>
<p>Yīfln: In Chinese, vhen you talk atout the unit price of an item, the unit is a counter* Notice that yifēn comes at the end of the sentence<sub>9</sub> Just as &quot;a eopy<sup>n</sup> does in English*</p>
<p>6, A: Nīmen ahěli māi Meiguo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Do you sell American magazines here?</p>
<p>sllshī &quot;bu mail</p>
<p>B; Mai. Women zhěli mai, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes, we sell them here.</p>
<p>Notes on No.</p>
<p><sup>M</sup>to sell,&quot; differs fron the vord mSl, <sup>11</sup> to T=uy/<sup>f</sup> only in its tone.</p>
<p>Shi reappears<sub>¥</sub> however, in negative and contrastive sentenceE: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dū</p>
<p>sik^Si qian, shi vifeuai qi^a, &quot;This (item) isn't four dollars; it<sup>f</sup>s five dollars,<sup>ri</sup></p>
<p>Wukuai ai&amp;n literally means &quot;five dollars money.<sup>11</sup> The cotmter -ku|i„ &quot;dollar广 indicates the units of the general class <sup>M</sup>money&quot; that are being counted {i.e.* dollars ae opposed to cents)*</p>
<p>MOTi, Unit 1</p>
<p>uai i eing</p>
<p>e general</p>
<p>his case t about</p>
<p>7, A: Zhēge duoshao qiān?</p>
<p>5: Sinshikuai qian yibln. k: Hao, w3 mSi yilsSn,</p>
<p>Hov much is tMs one? Thirty dollars a copy. Fine<sub>s</sub> I<sup>f</sup>ll &quot;buy one*</p>
<p>tbe eiice, Just</p>
<p>Sc*^ on No. T</p>
<p>The counter -ten* &quot;vol-me,<sup>,T IT</sup>copy,<sup>TI</sup> is used for both books and mga^lneB*</p>
<p>Lnes here^</p>
<p>A. ainēn zhsli ySu Meiguo sīiu Do you have any American books here? iDeiyou?</p>
<p>5* Dui&quot;buq.ī* Meiguo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shū vfimen &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I<sup>s</sup>m aorry» we donsell AELericem</p>
<p>bfit māi* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;books here.</p>
<p>its tone.</p>
<p>Kijagn ahěli, <sup>il</sup>yowr place here^ literally, <sup>11</sup> you here<sup>11</sup>: Uee nlmen ahěli vnen talking to someone whc represents a store<sub>s</sub> a bank<sub>a</sub> or other 'ions. By putting zhěli (zhēr ),”here广 or naqi (nar),<sup>fl</sup>there,<sup>IT</sup> after a ifrson^ nme or a pronoun» you cr.ake a phrase referring to a place <sub>;</sub>^£Scciated with the person* For example <sub>f</sub> ni nali means &quot;over there where 丁— are nov,<sup>IT</sup> &amp;nd v5 zhēli means &quot;here where I am now,&quot; Use these phrases '■.--r, you want to express the idea of an item oeing close to a person (not -.ezeāsariiy ovnersbip).</p>
<p>Ki nāli you bī meiyou? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Do you have s pen over there? (i*e,,</p>
<p><sup>,T</sup>Ie there a pen over there vhere you are?<sup>n</sup>)</p>
<p>7r:ic kind of phrase is also used to mean a person's home: nl nali, <sup>n</sup>jonr pibt:e<sup>11</sup> (used when the speaker is not at &quot;your house”)i vo ^hěli<sub>Ā</sub> <sup>IT</sup>my place <sup>1</sup> (i:5ed vhen the speaker ia at home)</p>
<p>A; Chēn Xiao^iē nāli? Where is Miss Chěn?</p>
<p>Ss Tā ^ai Liu Taitai n&amp;Li, She is at Mrs. Liu's house-</p>
<p>Nimen shell mai Meiguo aāīht bu maiī In this sentence,nīmen sīiēli is used as a topic, Literally» the sentence means <sup>,T</sup>As for your place here<sub>9</sub> ars American magazines sold?<sup>11</sup></p>
<p>t- :r. S</p>
<p>literally means <sup>,T</sup>unable to face (you)«<sup>IT</sup> This vord is used to *:<sup>f</sup> = sorry<sup>11</sup> when you bmp Into a person» arrive late, and so on. It is</p>
<p>MON<sub>t</sub> Unit 1</p>
<p>not the word for &quot;I'm sorry” vhen you sympathise with someone else*3 mU-fortune (e.g.* when a relative dies),</p>
<p>Mgjguo shu v5men M nai: In this sentence, Mgiguo srm, the otJect of the verb mai, occurs at the beginning, in topic position. Here the order of the sentence elements Is topic, subject, verb. Some speakers of English use this same word order, Cocnpare:</p>
<table border="1">
<p>,Meiguo shu</p></td><td>
<p>Tjfi māi.</p></td></tr>
<p>(American IsookB</p></td><td>
<p>don<sup>T</sup>t sell.)</p></td></tr>
<p>Notice that bu roai Is not the ending of a yes/no-choice question* The phrase keeps its tones in this sentence*</p>
<p>9_ A: Bao, zāzhi, ylgong duoshao How much are the newspaper and qian? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;magazine altogether?</p>
<p>B: Bao wukual, zizhl shshikuāi. The newspaper is five dollars; the</p>
<p>m&amp;gfiLziūe is thirty dolleirs.</p>
<p>B; Ylgong sansMwukuāi qi&amp;u &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Altogether<sub>s</sub> it<sup>T</sup>s thirty-five dollars.</p>
<p>Notes on l%o.</p>
<p>YīgSng, <sup>Tl</sup>altogether&quot;: In totaling something up, the itsiDB hieing totaled begin the sentence, in topic position<sub>f</sub> and are followd by the adverb</p>
<p>Id many situations you will hear prices given, without the word</p>
<p>ID* At Nīmen shēli mai ditu bu m&amp;i? Do you sell maps here?</p>
<p>B: Mai. Zāi nlli* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We do. They<sup>T</sup>re over there.</p>
<p>11, B: Mn xiang mai shēnme dītu?</p>
<p>A: Wo xiang :mSi yizbāng Tāibei ditu.</p>
<p>What kind of to buy?</p>
<p>I ¥ould like</p>
<p>map wo\ild you like to &quot;buy a map of Taipei.</p>
<p>Notes on Ko. 11</p>
<p>Sherrne dītū literally means &quot;vhat map-is used to mean &quot;what kind of Eia.p,<sup>11</sup></p>
<p>In exchange 11* this phrase</p>
<p>Yizhang^ī The cauoter 一shSng is used for flat objects. Literally* yishāň^ Tāiljli āītū means <sup>Tl</sup> one-sheet Taipei map-&quot; In exchange 11, tbe p hr as s is traij slated simply as *<sup>f</sup>a map of Taipei.<sup>,r</sup></p>
<p>Note on No, 12</p>
<p>Zhěshang dītň: Compare the tvo phra&amp;es vhich follow-</p>
<table border="1">
<p>—................. ■ ■</p>
<p>(this map)</p></td></tr>
<p>(these tvo maps)</p></td></tr>
<p>In the first phrase, the counter -shSag does not have a number In front of it. In effect, the number 1 was dropped after the specifier the. Notice</p>
<p>■ hat when a specifier and a order is just like English:</p>
<p>nxsmber occur together in Chinese, the word she liangzhang ditllt &quot;these two maps.<sup>11</sup></p>
<p>I 13. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ylfen(r) bSoahJ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one newspaper</p>
<p>二〜 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ylshi bī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one pen</p>
<p>115. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yl^hāng zhī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one piece of paper</p>
<p>I JJĒ&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yiben zldi&amp;n &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one dictionary</p>
<p>I IT* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hān-Ylng aīdlSn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chinese-Engliah dictionary</p>
<p>mlz* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ylng-HĚn aldiSii &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ekiglish-Chinese dictionary</p>
<p>119* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bulLxuě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cheiDiatry</p>
<p>I 2C* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shuxue &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Eiathematics</p>
<p>I pgtg氐 on Addit ional Required Vocabulary</p><h1>I 一一一一一~</h1>
<p>12* A: Zheshāng Tālbei dītfi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How much ia this map of Taipei?</p>
<p>duoshao qiān?</p>
<p>B: Shlerkuai qiān. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Twelve dollars-</p>
<p>MOK<sub>s</sub> Unit 1</p>
<p>Ylzhi bl: The counter for pens, -zhl_<sub>t</sub> 1b the counter for straight, sticklike objecta*</p>
<p>Han-YIng zidiSn, Ying-Haa zī^diaii; The word for ^Chinese<sup>11</sup> in these expressions cosies from Han Dynasty (206 B.C* to A.īh 219)* H£n la often used in titles to refer to the Chinese people and to their language*</p><img src="0085-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentText_files/0085-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentText-4.jpg" style="width:512pt;height:275pt;"/>
<p>Mori, unit i</p>
<p>A. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Transformation Drill</p>
<p>1* Speaker: Zhēli you Ylngwlr. bao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Zheli you Yīngvēn bao meiyou?</p>
<p>ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Do you have any English-</p>
<p>(Do you have any &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;language newspapers here?)</p>
<p>Engli sh^language news* papers here?)</p>
<p>2m Zhēli you Zhongwěn bao iaa7 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;you Khongwēn bao meiyou?</p>
<p>3* Zheli you Hm-Yīng ztdian ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhēli y5u Hān-Yīng zldiln meiyoii?</p>
<p>Zhēli you Meiguo shū ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhēli you Meiguo sM meiyou?</p>
<p>5, Nāli you ZbarEgvěn zāzht ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tīāli y5u Zbongwēn 艺a艺h丨 rneiyou?</p>
<p>6* Nali y5u Zhongguo dītfi maT &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kāli ySu Zhongguo dītG. meiyouT</p>
<p>7» Nāli you Yīng-Hān afāian m? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nili you Yīng-Han zidiSn meiyouī</p>
<p>B. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Transformation Drill</p>
<p>1. Speaker: Yingvěn bao ^ai w5 she- You; WS zheli you Yīngvěn bao.</p>
<p>li- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Over here by me ia an English-</p>
<p>(The English-Ianguage &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;language newspaper.)</p>
<p>nevspaper is over</p>
<p>here by me<sub>t</sub> ) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-</p>
<p>2* Zhongguo dītG zSi nTmen zhēli &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;IJlmen shell you Zhōngguo dītfi ma? raa?</p>
<p>3* Meiguo ZBrZhī zai zhēli. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zheli you Meiguo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;,</p>
<p>Hān-Yīng ztdiSn nali. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nili y5u H^n-Yīng sīdlSn.</p>
<p>5# Zhongwēn bao z^i zhěli. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhēli y5u Zhongvēn bao,</p>
<p>ě, Zhōngwen zīdiān zeti tā nāli,, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā nali ySu ZhongwSn stdian,</p>
<p>了. 2hēngguo līshī shū zl± women &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;W5men zheli you Zhongguo lishī shū, ahēli*</p>
<p>MON, Unit 1</p>
<p>C. Response Drill</p>
<p>1, Speaker: Zbēige duoshao qiān? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Sheige wukuai qian.</p>
<p>^ (幽)$5 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(This is five dollars,.)</p>
<p>(How much is this?)</p>
<table border="1">
<p>Něige duoshao qian?</p></td><td>
<p>Nlige liangkuiii q_i$n.</p></td></tr>
<p>Shiiben duōāhao qiān?</p></td><td>
<p>Zhěib^n sishikmi qiān.</p></td></tr>
<p>Nēishlng duoshao qiln?</p></td><td>
<p>N^iahang qfk-uai qian*</p></td></tr>
<p>Zheifēn duoshao qian?</p></td><td>
<p>Zhěifrn shlěrkuai qian.</p></td></tr>
<p>Neib?n duoshao qian?</p></td><td>
<p>Niiben ershikuai qitn*</p></td></tr>
<p>Zhěi fen duSshao qi^n?</p></td><td>
<p>Zhěif^n sikuai qian.</p></td></tr>
<p>D* TrELnsformat.ion Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Zhlifte zīdiān duŌEhao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Zhēlben aīdiǎn duōshao iiiĒJi?、</p>
<p>qilnī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(How much is thie dictionary?)</p>
<p>(Hov much Is this tkind of] dictionary?)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HĚige dtītii dxiōshao qiān? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;NĒizhāng dītu duōaīiaū qiān?</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ShĚige zaīliī duōshao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhel'běn īē.zhī duōshao q.iin7 U. NĒige bSo duoahao dian? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;uěifln 'bio duōshao qiĒn?</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;īh^Ige ltshī duoshao qiān? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhēiběn itāhī duōshao qiān?</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nēige Yīngvēn bao duōshao q;ian? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;NĒifēn Yīngvēn bao duōsban qiān?</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jheige HSn-Yīng sīdiln duoshao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Haīi-Ylng zīdiSn duoshao</p>
<p>E. Tr an s for mat i on Drill,</p>
<p>1. Speaker: Bao duoshao qiāji? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Yffěn bao duōshao qian?</p>
<p>(cue) copy &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Hov much is one newspaper?)</p>
<p>(How much is the newspaper? )</p>
<p>MON, Unit 1</p>
<p>2, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zldian duoshao q.iān? volume &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;YfTsSn zīdiari duōshao qiSnT</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dītfi duoshao qiān? sheet &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yizhāng ditG duoshao qian? b* ZĚ.zhi. liangkuai qian. volume &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Y3Tb5n afizhī liangkuai q_iSn.</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhongguo dītli duoshao qiSn? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ylzhāng dltti āuōsbao qiān?</p>
<p>6, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shu liūkuai qītn, volume &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ytben ehǔ liūkuai qiSn.</p>
<p>7* Yīng-Hāo. zīdiSn TaSkuSi qiln» &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ylben Ying-HSn sidiSn b£kuSl qilan * volume</p>
<p>F* Hes^ponse Drill</p>
<p>1 * Speaker: Ta xl^ng mil dttG ma7 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Duī le <sub>$</sub> tū xī&amp;ng māi Ban^hǎng</p>
<p>joMe) 3 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dītfi-</p>
<p>(Is he thinXing of &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Right; he la thinking of</p>
<p>buying maps 7) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;buying three mape.}</p>
<p>2* Ta xiang mSi shū īoa? 1 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Duī le, ta xiSng mSi yiben shū,</p>
<p>3* Ta xiang mai aidian ma? 2 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dut Xe* ta xi&amp;ag mSi li5ng)35n aīdlSn_</p>
<p>一- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā xiang mSi Zhongwēn bSo m? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dut le<sub>t</sub> tā xiSjig mSi ylfēn ZhBngwin</p>
<p>1 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bao.</p>
<p>5- Ta xiang māi MSlguo zlzhī ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Du£ le, ta xiang mai yīben Meiguo</p>
<p>1 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zizhi,</p>
<p>€. Ta xiang mSi Jīng^ixuē ina? k &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dui le, ti xilng m5i sīben Jīngjixuē ,</p>
<p>' Tā xiSng mai Zhěngzhixul ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'Dui le<sub>s</sub> ta xiang māi liangbSn Zb^ag-</p>
<p>2 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zhixul.</p>
<p>Response: Drill</p>
<p>二- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Zhěge tao sankuai q.i£n. You; Hao<sub>t</sub> wS n^Si yifen*</p>
<p>—(£Sā) 1 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Fine; I<sup>f</sup>il buy a copy.)</p>
<p>(This newspaper is three dollars*)</p>
<p>k2, Zhege zīdlSn qfkuai qiān * 2 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HSo, wo m&amp;i llangbSn.</p>
<p>1 一一.—灿.</p>
<p>!(■ EhĚge Yīūgvren bao wǔkuāi ijiĚQ. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hao, wo mǎi yīfea,</p>
<p>% Nage dītū ahīērkuai qian. 3 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hǎo, wǒ m£i sān^hāng.</p>
<p>6. Nage Hān-Yīng ztdian vǔshikuāi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;BSo, vS mai liangtĚn, qiĚn. 2</p>
<p>了. Zhēge TfiibSi dītū shīwultuai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hǎo, vo māi jriahaug, q.ian, 1</p>
<p>H. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Transformation Urill</p>
<p>I. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Zheifen bao duoehao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;}tou: īheige b&amp;o duoshao qian yffenī</p>
<p>qi^nī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(How Timeh is tills newspaper per</p>
<p>(How much is this news- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;copy?} paper?)</p>
<p>2, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhei^ěū īīdlǎn vǔshikuāi qiān. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ZhĒige zidian uilatiiltuāi qian yīb?ii.</p>
<p>3, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;EhĚizhāng dītfi duoshao qian? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zheige dītfi duoshao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yīzhiiig?</p>
<p>h. Zheiběn Meiguo shū vǔkuai q.lān* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhēige Meiguo shii vīīkxiSi qian yxběn.</p>
<p>5, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shāifen Yingwen bāo duoshao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhēige Yīnewēn b&amp;o duoshao q.ian</p>
<p>qian? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yifĒnT</p>
<p>6, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ZhelbĚn zazhi lianekuSi qiān. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ZhĒige īiSahī liSngknai qiān yīběn.</p>
<p>T, Zheiběn Han-Yīūg īīdlSn iuŌĒhao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shēige Kān-Yīng ddiǎn duoshao q.iln</p>
<p>qiān? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yībĒn?</p>
<p>I. Response Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker; Zhege zāshī duoshao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Zhege zāzhi sānshiKuāi qiān</p>
<p>qian? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yiben.</p>
<p>fguel $30 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Thirty dollars a copy,}</p>
<p>(Haw much is this magazine?)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nāge Taibli dītfi. duoshao qian? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;NSge Tliběi ditG shlerkuai qiān</p>
<p>HON, Unit 1</p>
<p>fiīenī per per</p>
<p>yīb^n-ling? i yfb?n.</p><img src="0085-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentText_files/0085-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentText-5.jpg" style="width:17pt;height:11pt;"/>
<p>ytben • iao</p>
<p>‘ qian</p><img src="0085-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentText_files/0085-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentText-6.jpg" style="width:16pt;height:13pt;"/>
<p>Zhēge Zbongven bao duoshao qiān? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhēge Zhongwēn bao sǎnkuai qiān yffēn, S3</p>
<p>EiSge M?iguo zazhl duoshao q.i£n? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nāge Meiguo zazhī sānshikuai qiān</p>
<p>S30 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;y JbSn•</p>
<p>.Zhege Yīngvěn bao duoshao qian? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhege Yīngvěn bao wBXuSi qiān ylfēn.</p>
<p>I 6<sub>#</sub> Nage Hān-Yīng zidian duosbao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nage Han-Yīng aīdian slsMērktiSl</p>
<p>qiān? $k2 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;qiān yīb^n.</p>
<p>Zhege T&amp;iwan ditG duoshao qiān? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhěge Taiwan ditS. shikiiai q.iin yi-</p>
<p>$10 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zMng*</p>
<p>J* TransforaatIon Drill</p>
<p>1. Speaker: Kīmen zhill you Yīngvěrs &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Klmen zhěli ySu Yīngvěn bao</p>
<p>bao ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;meiyou?</p>
<p>(Do you bave English'- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Do you have English—language</p>
<p>language newspapers &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;nevspapers here?) here?)</p>
<p>OR Nīmen zheli mai Yīng- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ulmen ahěli māi Yīngwen bao bu</p>
<p>wěn bao maī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;mai7</p>
<p>(Do you sell Etiglisb- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Do you sell Engliāb*language</p>
<p>language Revspapers &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;newspapers here?) here?)</p>
<p>Niffien shill you Zhongwēn £&amp;^hī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nīmen zheli you Zhongwēn sazhī</p>
<p>ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;iseiyou?</p>
<p>'tlsen zhěli mai TSibĚi dītfi ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kīmen zhēli māi Taibei dītfi bu mai?</p>
<p>zhēli you HSn_Yīng sfiiisn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kīmen zheli y5u 響Yīng aJdian</p>
<p>aa? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;meiyou?</p>
<p>2hēli y5u Yīng-Hān zīdian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nīmen sliěli ycu Yīng-H&amp;n zīdiSn</p>
<p>m? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;meiyou?</p><h5>r————一</h5>
<p>MON, Unit 1</p>
<p>K. Response Brill</p>
<p>1. Speaker: NSmen zheli you Meiguo You: You<sub>s</sub> z&amp;i nali.</p>
<p>shū meiyou? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Wē do, over there,)</p>
<p>(cue) ySu (Do you have American iDooks here?)</p>
<p>OR Nīmen zheli you &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Duīlsu^ī, wSmen mĒiyou,</p>
<p>shū meiyou? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U'tm sorry, ve don't;</p>
<p>(cue) mēiyoii (Do you have American books here?)</p>
<p>2* Nīmen zhēli ySu Zhongguo āītu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;彷u, zb.1 nali.</p>
<p>meiyou? y5u</p>
<p>3. īīlmen zheli you Zhongguo UsHi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dufbuqī, ^omen měiyou.</p>
<p>meiyou? me!you</p>
<p>k<sub>m</sub> Kīmen zheli ySu Zhongwēn bao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Y5u, zai nali*</p>
<p>meiyou? you</p>
<p>5<sub>#</sub> Nīmen zheli y5u M?igno zaahī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dīlibuqī<sub>t</sub> wSmen meīyou.</p>
<p>meiyou? mĚijou</p>
<p>6, Nīmen zhēli yov. Ylngwěn shū &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You, sal nali.</p>
<p>meiyou? y5u</p>
<p>L. Transformation Drill</p>
<p>1* Speaker: Bao duoshao qiān? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Bao, aazhī ylgong duoshao qiān?</p>
<p>(cue) zazhī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Hov zauch are the newspaper and</p>
<p>(Hov much is the news — &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the magazine altogether?)</p>
<p>2* DĪtll duoshao q.iaii? sīdlan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DītH<sub>s</sub> slāiān ylgSng duoBhao qiān?</p>
<p>3. Zizhl duoshao qian? bāo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zazhī, bao yfgong duoshao qian?</p>
<p>k. Zidian duoshao qi&amp;n? ňīt^. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ZĪdiSnp dītfi yigong duōshao qian?</p>
<p>5* Bao duoāhao qianī zizhī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bao, zizhi ylgong duoshao qiān?</p>
<p>6- Ditfi duoshao qiān? zidian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DitH, iīdlan ylgong duoshao</p>
<p>Reēpon.se Drill</p>
<p>1, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Ta xiang mSi shenme &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You; Ta xiang māi yīzhāng Taibei</p>
<p>&quot; dltfi? ditii*</p>
<p>(cue) Taibgi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(He ia thinking of buying</p>
<p>(What kind of map is &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a map of Taipei.)</p>
<p>he thinking of buying?)</p>
<p>2, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta xiang mai shenrae lEĪdiSn? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta xiing mai yīben Hān-Yīng sidiSn*</p>
<p>3* Ta xiang mai shenme b&amp;of &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā xilng mSi yīfěn Zhongwēn 1dm_</p>
<p>h<sub>m</sub> Tā xi&amp;ig mSi shěmae shQ? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta xllng mai ylbin MSiguo shu*</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta xiang mSi shěmoe dttfi? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;TS xlSng mil yīzhSng Taiwan dītfi.</p>
<p>Tāivān <sup>1</sup></p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā xlSng m£l shenme zā.zhi7 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ti xiang māi ytbSn MSigiio sSzhi*</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tǎ xiSng mai shenme shii? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tfi xiang mai yJben Yīngvēn shS*</p>
<p>MON, Unit 2</p>
<p>(in Beijing)</p>
<p>1« A: Wo xiang mai dianr diānxin* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;工*ni going to buy some pastries*</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Zhēige xiāo dilnxin duōshao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How much are these small pastries</p>
<p>qi^i 71 j in ? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;per catty?</p>
<p>B: Bam£o qi&amp;n yitjln- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Eighty cents a catty..</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Gei vo liāngjln. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Give me tvo catties,</p>
<p>t A: QKng ni gěi vo li&amp;ngjin. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please give me tvo catties.</p>
<p>5, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Nin bai yao diānr sheme? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;VTnat else do you want?</p>
<p>A; Wo hSi yao g.iEhuī, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I want some soda too*</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Duōshao qiān yiplngī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hov much is it per bottle?</p>
<p>B: LiSngmSo wufēD qian* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It’s twenty-five cents,</p>
<p>t- As Zhei shi sānkuāl q.iSa- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hsre<sup>1</sup> s three dollar6*</p>
<p>B: Shao nl liiimĒo wufēn qian. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Here<sup>1</sup> s sixty-five cents (in) change.</p>
<p>A: Xilxie, ZāijiSii. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thank you, Good-bye.</p>
<p>B: ZĚljian• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Gooā^bye.</p>
<p>8,A: Dk plngguo duosliao qiān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hov much are the large applee per</p>
<p>yijīnt &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cattyl</p>
<p>B: Dade sīmio wfēn qiin &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The large ones are forty-five cents</p>
<p>a oatty.</p>
<p>9, A: Xiaode duoshao qian yijīis? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kov much per catty are the small</p>
<p>B: Ēāmāo vu» &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thirty供five cents.</p>
<p>10. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Qing gel vo sānjīn něige &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please give me three c&amp;tties of</p>
<p>xiaode* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;those small ones,</p>
<p>B: Hao» Sanjin ylkxiai ling vu. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Certainly* Three cattiss are $1-05</p>
<p>11, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Htn hai yao shenme? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What else vould you like?</p>
<p>A: W6 yeio flhēnnse le* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I don<sup>1</sup>1 want anything else*</p>
<p>MON, Unit 2</p>
<p>3 Of</p>
<p>re $1-05</p><img src="0085-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentText_files/0085-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentText-7.jpg" style="width:400pt;height:293pt;"/>
<p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED YOCABUIARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
<p>12, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;jtlzi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;oranges, tangerines</p>
<p>13. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pījiu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;beer</p>
<p>II4. ylkuāi fiizko &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one bar of soap</p>
<p>15- zv.5 mSimi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to do business</p>
<p>l6. dāren &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;adult</p>
<p>XT- xiaohaizl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;child</p>
<p>A fruit seller in central Taivan</p>
<p>to large</p>
<p>daren &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;adult</p>
<p>-āe &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(marker of modification)</p>
<p>dianr &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a little<sub>s</sub> some</p>
<p>dianxin {yīkuāi<sub>t</sub> yijIn) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pastry,, snack</p>
<p>flizSo (yīku&amp;l) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;soap</p>
<p>-fen &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cent</p>
<p>gei &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to give</p>
<p>hāi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;also, additionally</p>
<p>-jīn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;catty (1,1 pound)</p>
<p>oranges, tangerines</p>
<p>■kuai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;piece (counter)</p>
<p>ling &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zero</p>
<p>maiiaai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;business</p>
<p>-Eaāo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;diiūe</p>
<p>piJ iu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;beer</p>
<p>-ping &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;iMttle</p>
<p>pltigguS t pingguo) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;appl e</p>
<p>qīng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;please</p>
<p>qishuī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;soda, carbonated soft drink</p>
<p>xi&amp;o &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to Ids ssiall</p>
<p>xiǎohaiai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;child to vant</p>
<p>z a iJ iān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;good-bye</p>
<p>siiSo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to give change</p>
<p>^uo tūSiinai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to do business</p>
<p>(introduced on P-g tape)</p>
<p>_ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;———</p>
<p>MON, Unit 2</p>
<p>1, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Wo xiang mSi diajnr dlSnxin, I'm going to buy some paatrieB-</p>
<p>Kote on No_— 1</p>
<p>Dlapr: The vord yiāiSnr (or yidlan) is a combination of the number yi, oneaīīd the counter diǎn, ”a dot<sup>r,</sup>a little Mt, The nmber is often toneless, or<sub>P</sub> in this ease, dropped vhen its meaning is rather than &quot;one&quot;<sup>1</sup></p>
<p>The Běijīng version of this vord, written di&amp;nr or yldlabir, is actually pronounced as if written dlSr or yidiar. These words rhyme with the English &quot;tar,</p>
<p>2, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Zhēige xiSo diSnxln ctuostiao Hov much are theee small pastries</p>
<p>q.iin yījīn? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;per catty?</p>
<p>B: Bāmāo qiSn yījīn. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Eighty cents a catty-</p>
<p>Notes on No&gt; 2</p>
<p>A jln i&amp; a unit of weight, usually translated as &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In Eiost</p>
<p>parts of China a Jin equals 1.1 pound.</p>
<p>Bāmao i You must use the equivalent of <sup>IT</sup>eight dimes” to say &quot;eighty eentsT^It is wrong to say bāghifēn for ^eighty centb •” &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;,</p>
<p>3, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Gei vo llangjīn. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Give me two cattiea.</p>
<p>it, A; Qīng ni gei wo liSng j In. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please give me two catties.</p>
<p>Notes on Nos, 3—紅</p>
<p>Indirect eet:: Notice thfit the indirect object, wŌ,precedes the</p>
<table border="1">
<p>liangj īn-</p></td></tr>
<p>two catties,)</p></td></tr>
<p>Polite requeatB; A blunt imperative in Chinese has the sajne word order as a comand in English: (Nī), verb, indirect object^ direct object* To make a polite request in Chinese, start off with gīng,^pleaee,<sup>11</sup> or qīng nl, ”please you,&quot; More literally<sub>t</sub> alng means <sup>,T</sup>to askj<sup>fl</sup> &quot;to request/<sup>r</sup> but the idiomatic equivalent of qīng and qīng ni Is &quot;please.<sup>fl</sup> Here are the three types of imperatives:</p>
<table border="1">
<p>(Give me tvo catties*)</p></td></tr>
<p>li&amp;r.gj in.</p></td><td rowspan="2">
<p>(Please give me tvo cattles. QB Give me tvo catties, please*}</p></td></tr>
<p>丨 Qīng</p></td><td>
<p>Notes op No, 5</p>
<p>iīli<sup>:</sup>如 eKchflnge 5, hai nieanE something like <sup>T,</sup>in addition<sup>1</sup>': &quot;What do you want a little of in addition?” Sltice h|i is an adverb, it ie placed before the vert*</p>
<p>refers to a carbonated soft drink, not to club soda*</p>
<p>Notes on No, 6</p>
<p>Tone change^ for t The number 1, yi, changes tone when followed V/ another syllable* When followed by a syllable vith a Falling tone*</p>
<p>6. A: DuSshao qiin yiplng? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How much ie it per bottle?</p>
<p>B: LiSngmao wufēn i^iSn, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It,s twenty-five cents.</p>
<p>5* B: Nfn hāi yao diSnr shensie? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What else do you vant ?</p>
<p>A: WS hai yko qīshuī* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I. want some soda too-</p>
<p>has a Rising tone* When followed &quot;by syllables with High, Rising, or Lov tones, ^ has a Falling tone.</p>
<p>Llǎngffi&amp;o wufēn qi&amp;n; Notice that &quot;tventy-five cents” ia expressed In Chinese as dimes plus cents: <sup>,T</sup>tvo dimes and five cents*<sup>IT</sup></p>
<p>high tone &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;rising tore &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;low tone &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;PALLING TONI</p>
<p>FOLLOWS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;FOLLOWS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;FOLLOWS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;FOLLOWS</p>
<p>yijln &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yiplng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yiben</p>
<p>ylEbang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yiaao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yīāiSn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ylkuai</p>
<p>yizhi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yīni&amp;n &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yīyuě yītian</p>
<p>7, A; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhēi sht sSnkuāi qiān, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Here<sup>1</sup>s three dollars *</p>
<p>B: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhao ni liūmāo wufēn qi&amp;n. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Here<sup>1</sup> a sixty-five cents (in) change*</p>
<p>A: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xiěxie: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thank you, Gcoi-hye,</p>
<p>B: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ZāiJi&amp;B- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Good-tye.</p>
<p>Notes on ^o. T</p>
<p>gliěl: In the first sentence of exchange 7<sub>t</sub> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Is used without an</p>
<p>attached counter* A specifier vas also used without a counter in N§i shi Kinzu Fandi&amp;n<sub>s</sub> &quot;That<sup>1</sup>0 the Nationalities Hotel -<sup>11</sup></p>
<p>The verb shao means ”t。give change, ZhSo nl liumĚo vGfēn qiSn memg something like <sup>ir</sup>I<sup>f</sup>ia giving you sixty-five cents In change.</p>
<p>8, A: Dā pīngguo duōshao qian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hov much are the large apples per</p>
<p>yījīnl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;catty1</p>
<p>B: DĚāe sim£o vufēn qian yījln* Tbe large ones are forty-five cents</p>
<p>a catty«</p>
<p>9* A: Xiaode auōshao qiān yljIn? Hov much per catty are the small</p>
<p>B; Smm&amp;o wu. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thirty-five cents.</p>
<p>MON<sub>t</sub> Unit 2</p>
<table border="1">
<p>a an</p></td><td>
<p>snail ones)</p></td></tr>
<table border="1">
<p>BEnall ones)</p></td></tr>
<p>Něige is translated ae <sup>M</sup>those<sup>IT</sup> In the first Bentence of exchange 10* Strictly speaking<sub>3</sub> nēige can refer only to one item, bince 一ge ±b the counter for units. The apples, hovever<sub>f</sub> are regarded coilectively as oae category of things.</p>
<p>Notes on Nos. 8-9_</p>
<p>The words dade and xlSode are translated &amp;s <sup>lf</sup>large ones” and <sup>M</sup> small ones/<sup>1</sup> The nonspecific nayxT^ones” may be used because the specific thing Ming talked about (apples) vas mentioned in an earlier sentence. The marker -de ehovs that da and xiSo modify a noun mentioned earlier in the conversatTon. Like thēTr English translations &quot;big ones<sup>īf</sup> and &quot;small ones/' dMe and xiSode act as nouns *</p>
<p>Saim^o vu is an abbreviated way of giving a price* The last unit of mone^Tln this case, f§n<sub>t</sub> <sup>fi</sup>cent^) ajid the vord for &quot;money,&quot; gi|n» are left out. The unit omitted is alvaya the next unit below the unit which expressed. For instance, &quot;three dollars and fifty centE<sup>M</sup> is sānknll vīl,&gt;</p>
<p>You knov that the unit omitted is m|o<sub>f</sub> ^dimee.<sup>11</sup> because it is the neDct unit 'belov kual, <sup>,f</sup>dollars*<sup>11</sup> A one-unit price such as &quot;three dollars&quot; or cents” can never be ab^revi&amp;ted this v&amp;y, because there would he no way of</p>
<p>10, A; Qīng gei vo sinjln nēlge &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please give me three cattles of</p>
<p>xiaode- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;those &amp;mall ones.</p>
<p>B: HSo. Sāojīn yīkuāl ling v5. Certainly, Tliree cattles are $1-05,</p>
<p>Notes on No&gt; 10</p>
<p>San j in nělge xlSode: The elements of tills phrase appear in the following order: number, counter, specifier, noun, (in Chinese, units of measure, I Hite iīn t act as counters.) E^rli^r, you learned phrases vhose element a appeared in a different order: apecifier<sub>f</sub> number <sub>f</sub> counter<sub>T</sub> noun, (ahěl liangzbāng dltfi). In both cases, the vord order for the con struct ions Is the same in Chinese and Engllsli.</p>
<p>MON, Unit 2</p>
<p>ange 10. B tlie: ly as</p>
<p>Notes on Additional Hequirea Vocabulary</p>
<p>H In earlier modules, this word vould have been written Juai, Starting in the Money Module, the umlaut 【■_) will be vritten only after e and l<sub>s</sub> following the normal spelling rule in Plnylti roman! a at Ion, You</p>
<p>Ytkuai ling vu: In a price, the word līng ia always used for a ^zero'<sup>1</sup> in the dimeB position, īn yikuai ling vu,~ĪĪQf; appears in the <sup>M</sup>dimes<sup>n</sup> place„ so you. know that must refer to cents.</p>
<p>11* B: Ktn hai yao shenme? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What else would you like?</p>
<p>A: Wo bu yao shenme la. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I don’t want anything else.</p>
<p>Hotes ori No. 11</p>
<p>Bū yāo sherung: The unstressed (artd often toneleBs) vord ghenme corresponds to the indefinite pronomi <sup>u</sup>anything<sup>!T</sup> In negative sentences</p>
<table border="1">
<p>what thing?)</p></td></tr>
<table border="1">
<p>bS yao</p></td><td>
<p>don't want</p></td><td>
<p>This construction is commonly used to say <sup>T,</sup>I don<sup>f</sup>t vant (Pm not &quot;buying, I*m not reading) anything MUCH:</p>
<p>Nī mai shemne? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What are you Trying?</p>
<p>猫 īcai shenme, tbt mSi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ī^m not tuying anything much; Vm</p>
<p>ylfěn bāo- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Just buying a nevapager,</p>
<p>Le: In the second sentence of exch^ig^ 11» new-situation le is used III ^&quot;negative sentence. The sentence says that NOW Mr* Andereon does not vant anything (while before<sub>t</sub> of course* be did wnt things)p</p>
<p>12. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;jfizi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;oranges, tangerines</p>
<p>13, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;plJiS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;beer</p>
<p>111. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yiku&amp;i fēizio &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one bar of soap</p>
<p>15. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;znb malmai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to do 'business</p>
<p>16. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;d&amp;ren &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;adult</p>
<p>17. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xiSohiiai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dhllā</p>
<p>MON, Unit 2</p>
<p>will have to remeinter that the letter u after ^ x, and ^ is pronounced as if it were vrittec u^*</p>
<p>Yikuai fěisao: The counter used for soap is -ki^al ■ It literally means <sup>M</sup>a lump<sup>11</sup> but is also tr&amp;rsslated as <sup>fl</sup>&amp; piece,<sup>0</sup></p>
<p>Zuo_ rnalml, ”to do bus in e s s / t r ade<sup>TI</sup></p>
<p>Ta lai zuo māimai le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has come to do business.</p>
<p>Daren, <sup>lf</sup>adult,<sup>TI</sup> literally, ”big person<sup>11</sup></p>
<p>Tā yījīng shi d&amp;ren le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is already an adult,</p>
<p>XiSohaiai: Although hai si means <sup>T,</sup>child,<sup>IT</sup> the expression more commonly used is xigōh£izi. literaTlVT™”small child,<sup>lf</sup></p>
<p>MON<sub>f</sub> Unit 2</p>
<p>A.. Expansion Drill</p>
<p>1* Speaker; Zhēige dianxin duōshao You: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhēige dianxin duomhao qian</p>
<p>qiěīi? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yljĪB?</p>
<p>(Hov much are these &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(How much are these pastrieB</p>
<p>pastries?) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;per catty?)</p>
<p>ZhĒige {līshTiī duŌEhao ^ian? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ZnĒige ^īsb.uī diiōshao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ytplng?</p>
<p>*, NSiga pingguo duōahao qifin? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Neige plngguā duōshao qlĚn yījīn?</p>
<p>,,Tleige jtlai iuŌEhao Qiān? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nēige jUii duosbaQ qlSn ytjln?</p>
<p>I 辟ige pījlīi duoshao qiĚnT &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Neige pljiii duōshao qiān ytpīng?</p>
<p>ahlige fāiiao duōahao qiSnT &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sheie^ fĚizěo duōshao qiin yīkuāiT</p>
<p>' Dā pfng^uS duōshao q.ifin7 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;成 pīagguĒ duōs&amp;ao qińn yījīn?</p>
<p>E* Beaponse Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speakers Zhiige xlao diānxin &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yoiiī Hao. Qīng ni g甚i vo liSngjīn#</p>
<p>bSmao qlaxi yijīn. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Fine. Fiesse give me tvo</p>
<p>(cug) li&amp;ng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;catties*}</p>
<p>(These pastries are eighty cents per catty»)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zheige xlSo pingguo sāxunēo qiān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;H£o. Qīag nl gSi vo liSngjīn.</p>
<p>ytjln. liljig</p>
<p>]■ Nēige qtshuī yīměo ēr yipfng, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hao* Qīng ni g5i wo sānpīng.</p>
<p>U, Zhēige da plngguS sīmao iiū &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MSo. Qīng ni gei wo yijīn,</p>
<p>yljīn- yī</p>
<p>;.Nēige Zhongguo dltfi liSngkiīāi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;H5o. Qīng ni 01 wo yīzhmg,</p>
<p>y^x yiabang. yī</p>
<p>I €. Ztklige plJiQ, liSngpao yiping* HSo* Qīng ni gei vo stplng.</p>
<p>■ 7, Nēige Xinhua SīdiSn ylKuSi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HSo. Qīng ni gei wo yiběn*</p>
<p>llan^nl-o wu ylbeu, yī</p>
<p>MON, Unit 2</p>
<p>C. Expansion Drill</p>
<p>1* speaker; Zhēige pijiu h?n hao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Zhěige pijiu hen hSo, Duoshao</p>
<p>(This beer is very &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yiplng?</p>
<p>good.) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(This Tseer Is very good. How</p>
<p>much is it per &quot;bottle?)</p>
<p>2_ Zhīige iuzi hen hao* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Oblige jūai h5n hao, Duoshao qian</p>
<p>3* Něige pingguo h5n hao* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nēige pingguo hln bSo. Ihioshao</p>
<p>qiān ytjīn 7</p>
<p>k<sub>t</sub> Zhěige feisāo hen hSo, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhiige fěiziao hen hao. Duoshao</p>
<p>qi£n ytkuai?</p>
<p>5. Kěige zfdian hSn hao* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nlige aidian hen hao. Duoshao qiān</p>
<p>6* āēige qīshuī hen hSo* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhěige qtshuī hen bao. Duōshao qian</p>
<p>7* Nlige dftfi hen hSo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nlige dītū hen hSo. Duoshao qiSn</p>
<p>D• Response Drill</p>
<p>I- Speaker; Nīn hai yāo dianr &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: W5 l&amp;ai yko liSngpfng 兑īshuī.</p>
<p>shērme? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(I would like two bottles</p>
<p>(cue) qīshul &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;of soda too*)</p>
<p>(What else vould you like?)</p>
<p>OR Min hil ySu shěiMe? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo hāl you liangplng pfJiS.</p>
<p>(cue) pi J iīī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(l have two bottles of teer</p>
<p>(What else do you have?) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;too.)</p>
<p>2* Ntn hti yao dianr shlnnie? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WS hti yāo liSngknai fēizao, feizao</p>
<p>3- Nln bai ySu shenme? dītū &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo hai you liǎngzhāng ditfi.</p>
<p>紅* Kin h£i yao dianr shenme? jfizi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo hai yao liSngjin jCtzi.</p>
<p>5* Nln hāi you shimne? vidian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo hai you liǎngben ztdiān.</p>
<p>6_ Nin hāi yao diSnr shenme? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hāi yĚo li£n,gjīn dianxin,</p>
<p>MON, Unit 2</p>
<p>E. Trans formatiop Drill</p>
<p>1* Speaker: Da plngguS duoabao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You; Dade jTmēLo qiari ytjīn?</p>
<p>(How much Chow many dimes] are</p>
<p>(cue) mao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the Mg ones per catty?)</p>
<p>(How much are the Taig apples?)</p>
<p>2, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Pa jūai duoshao qian? m£o &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dade jīm£o qian yl.Jīn?</p>
<p>3, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;XISo zlōl^n duōshao qiCnī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;XlSode Jīkual qiān y^bSn?</p>
<p>二.• Dā dttfi duoshao qi£n? mSo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dāde jīm&amp;o qiSn yīzhing?</p>
<p>5, XiSo Jfizi duoshao qiĒn? mSo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Klaode jJmao qiěn yfjlnī</p>
<p>Ě » Da aidian duoshao qian? kual &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dade j Jkuai qlĚn yibSn?</p>
<p>■ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;了* Xiao di&amp;nxin.duoshao qian? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xiaode Jīm&amp;o qian yijīn?</p>
<p>KF» Response Drill.</p>
<p>ll. Speaker: Dade duoshao qian yijīn? You: D&amp;de simāo vSfin qifin yijIn.</p>
<p>(cue)知5亡 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(The big onea are forty-five</p>
<p>(How much are the big &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cents a ce.tty,) ones per catty?</p>
<p>Xiaode duoshao qi£n yijln? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xiaode sānmĚo v&amp;fēn ql&amp;n yi jIn.</p>
<p>35^ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;;</p>
<p>|3* Xiaode duoshao qifin ylkuSi? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xi&amp;ode liSngmEo qian ylkuli.</p>
<p>Hp Dade duōshao qian ytzhāng? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dade ll&amp;ngkuai ylmao vufen qiān</p>
<p>$2<sub>f</sub>15 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yizhSing.</p>
<p>■5* XiSode duoahao qiān yitoen? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xl&amp;ode yfkulti liSngmāo v^lfēn qian</p>
<p>$1-25 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yJbSn,</p>
<p>■ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;XiSode duoshao qifin ytjīn? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;XiSode bii&amp;Co wSfin qian yljīn.</p>
<p>了, Dsde diioshao qiĒn yijin? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Pide slmto vGfin tjifin ytjīn* k5佘</p>
<p>MON, Unit 2</p>
<p>G, Response Brill</p>
<p>1, Speaker: Da plngguS jīinao qiān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Da pfngguo simo liufēn qian</p>
<p>yījīn? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yljin*</p>
<p>(<sub>cue</sub>) lig&lt;: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(The big apples are forty-aix</p>
<p>(How much Cbow many &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cent b a catty -) dimes] are the big apples per catty?)</p>
<p>2<sub>t</sub> Xiāo diSr.xĪTi jīmāo qlin yījīnī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xiǎū dianxin tam^o d±an yījīn.</p>
<p>3, Zh5nggu?i pījiǔ jīmĚjo q;i&amp;īl yīpfngī 如5ygu。pījiīi liǎngmāo vīifēn qiān</p>
<p>25&lt;J i &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yipīng.</p>
<p>U, Zhongguo dītG Jīmao qiĚn ytabāngT Zhongguo dītti w'jmao qiĚti ylEhāng. 财</p>
<p>5, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;XĪEhuS ZfdiSn jīku&amp;i qiin yīb^nī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xīnhui zidian yīXuāi liǎngmāo wǔfēn</p>
<p>$1,25 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;qi£n yīben.</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;XiSo pīngguS Jīmāo qiān yījīuī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;XiSo plnggoS a&amp;ramo qiān yījīn.</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dl Jflai Jǐiūaū qiān yijīn? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dā JŪzl BĪmao qiān yījīīi.</p>
<p>H* Transformation Drill</p>
<p>1<sub>#</sub> Speaker; y3 yao rieige xiSode* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Q,ing ai vo liangjln nēige</p>
<p>(cue) liangjīn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xlSoāe#</p>
<p>(I want those small &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Please give me two catties of</p>
<p>ones } &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;those small ones.)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo yao nlige dade, ā^Jīn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīng īii gěi wo sījīn nēige dSde.</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;VS 3TĒUO ahĚige xiāode. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīng^ni g^i vo Eanzbāng zhēige</p>
<p>sēnztiSng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xiǎods.</p>
<p>L. Wo yāo zhēige dade. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīng ni vo liane^ang zheige</p>
<p>liangīhāng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;d^āe*</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WS yāo nĚige xiaode* yījīn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīng ni gěi vo y^īn nēige xiǎoāe.</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WS yĒo zheige dade, vfijin &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīng ni g封 ^ v^īa aheige dS.de.</p>
<p>T. Mo yao neige xiaode, liiijīn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīng ni gěi va liujīn nĒige xiSode‘</p>
<p>MON, Unit 2</p>
<p>I, Response Drill</p>
<p>for your answers <sub>t</sub> use speciTic counters vith &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;_</p>
<p>I, Speaker: Mn hai ySo diānr &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: WS hai yao liangjīn ptngguS.</p>
<p>shē™e? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(工 would like tvo catties of</p>
<p>(cue) plngguS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;apples,)</p>
<p>(What else would you like?)</p>
<p>OR Kin hSi ySu shěnae? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WS hii ySu lllugplng qishul.</p>
<p>(cue) qīshui &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(I have two bottles of soda*)</p>
<p>(What else do you have?)</p>
<p>3. fīin hai yāo dianr shěDme? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;VS bāi ysLo liangjīn dianxin.</p>
<p>14, min hai ylo dianr shenme? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WS hěi yao liangjīn</p>
<p>5, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;THin hāi you shenme? fĚisSo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WS bSi ySu liSnglimi fěizao.</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mn hai yāo dilnr shenme? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WS hit yāo li&amp;agīhāng ditC</p>
<p>T. Nin h&amp;i yao dianr shecme? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo hai y&amp;o llSngJīn pingguS*</p>
<p>J. Response Drill</p>
<p>:,,SpeaXer: Win hai y&amp;o dianr &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Wo bfi yao shenme le* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sup>+<sub></sup>fc</sub></p>
<p>shemneT &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(l āonH want anything else.)</p>
<p>(Wbat else woulā you like?)</p>
<p>OF Nīn hai ySu shĒjūineī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;VĒ mĚiyou Bhērune le.</p>
<p>(What else 4o you have?) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(l don't have anything else.)</p>
<p>;.Tā hii. yao di&amp;ir sh^tune? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tel tu yāo sliemue le.</p>
<p>;,Tā hai ySu shĒnmeī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ti mēiyou shĒDnie le*</p>
<p>I I, Wing XianEheng hai ylo dlǎnr &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wang Xiānsheng tfi yao aheame Xe,</p>
<p>S īiū Taitai hĚi y5u sHēiuaeī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hū Tāitai neiyou shĒnme lc.</p>
<p>ń. Lī Xianshene hāi yĚo dlSnr &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LĪ Xiānaheng \i(i yao sheiune le.</p>
<p>shenme 1</p>
<p>MON, Unit 3</p>
<p>UNIT &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3 REFERENCE LIST</p>
<p>(in Beijīng)</p>
<p>1_ A: Qīng ni gei vo Kankan něige &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please give me that vase to look at. huaplng.</p>
<p>2* B: N?ige? Zhēige iSnde <sub>f</sub> hāl shi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Which one? This blue one or this</p>
<p>zheige hoDgde? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;red, one?</p>
<p>3* As Nli liangge dou wo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Give me &quot;both of them to look at*</p>
<p>Kan<sub>p</sub> hSo ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All right?</p>
<p>B: HSo* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Certainly.</p>
<p>1*<sub>#</sub> A: Lande tai gul le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The blue one is too expensive.</p>
<p>5* A: W5 mai hongde ba, HSngde &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ī<sup>f</sup>ll &quot;buy the red one<sub>p</sub> I guess* The i</p>
<p>plānyi<sub>4</sub> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;red one la cheaper,</p>
<p>B: Ēng<sub>t</sub> h6ngde pi£nyi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the red on® is cheaper.</p>
<p>6, Cs Zhli liangge xueslieng, n?ige &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Which of these two students Is</p>
<p>hSo? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;better?</p>
<p>D: Sīma Xīn hSd, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ĒīmS Kin is better.</p>
<p>7i A: Nī yon dā yīdianrde ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Do you have one a little larger?</p>
<p>B; Y8u* līln ktr* zhěige &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We do. What do you think of this</p>
<p>meyang? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one?</p>
<p>0. A: Zheige dade zhēn hSokan* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This large one 1b really nice</p>
<p>9* A: Hao<sub>t</sub> wo mai dade lia. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Okay, I<sup>1</sup>11 buy tbe large one, I</p>
<p>B: Nin yāo jTge? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;So¥ maj3y do you want?</p>
<p>A; Qīng g?i vo llSngge ba* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hov about giving me two, pleaee.</p>
<p>ADDITIONAL BEQUTRED VOCABULAEY (not presented on C-l and P-I tapes)</p>
<p>10* b£i &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be vh.it e</p>
<p>11, hēi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be blaclt</p>
<table border="1">
<p>to &quot;be yellov» to Ise &quot;brown</p></td><td>
<p>to be green</p></td><td>
<p>to tie old, to toe used, to be worr</p></td><td>
<p>to 办e new</p></td><td>
<p>to be tall</p></td><td>
<p>Si</p></td><td colspan="2">
<p>to he short (of etatojre)</p></td></tr>
<p>to &quot;b€ happy</p></td><td>
<p>to be ugly</p></td><td>
<p>yīlūa yusan</p></td><td>
<p>one mubrfilla</p></td><td>
<p>kaii</p></td><td colspan="2">
<p>to read<sub>f</sub> to look at, to visit</p></td></tr>
<p>KOh<sub>t</sub> Unit 3</p>
<p>ai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be short (of stature)</p>
<p>•ba &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(counter for things vith handles)</p>
<p>Taai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be white</p>
<p>gao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to &quot;be tall</p>
<p>gāoxing &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be happy</p>
<p>gu£ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be expensive</p>
<p>haishi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;or</p>
<p>hSo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be better</p>
<p>hSokati &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be beautiful<sub>t</sub> to be nice</p>
<p>hēi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be black</p>
<p>hSng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be red</p>
<p>huing &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be yellow<sub>f</sub> to te brown</p>
<p>huāpfng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;vase</p>
<p>jii &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be old, to be used, to be worn</p>
<p>kān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to think (express an opinion)</p>
<p>kān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to read, to look at<sub>t</sub> to visit</p>
<p>kāhkan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to look at</p>
<p>l|n &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be blue</p>
<p>lii &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be green</p>
<p>nankin &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be ugly</p>
<p>pianyi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be Inexpensive, to be cheap</p>
<p>tāt &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;too (excessive)</p>
<p>xīn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be new</p>
<p>yusan (ytbS) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;™brella</p>
<p>zSnmeyāng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be bov<sub>f</sub> hov is^ ?</p>
<p>zheia &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;really</p>
<p>MON, Unit 3</p>
<p>:* A: Qīng ni gěi wo kānkan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please give me that vase to look at*</p>
<p>něige huāp£ng.</p>
<p>So^es on No. 1</p>
<p>Redupli.catj.p_n of action verbs: In the sentence a^ove <sub>3</sub> the action verb</p>
<p>I jlIt, appears in reduplicated form: kankac [stress on first syllable; second syllable unstressed, usuaXly toneless]* The reduplicated verb could also</p>
<p>■ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hsve been fanned vith £Ī.<sub>S</sub> <sup>TI</sup>Dne<sub>#</sub><sup>pt</sup> betveen the two syllables: kňnyikan,</p>
<p>■ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;literally, &quot;to look one look, Kanyikan or kān is used wbea you want to liay <sup>IT</sup>to liave/take a look (at sosētMng)T</p>
<p>Meny<sub>s</sub> but not all* action ver^s m&amp;y be reduplicated, Of the verbs you learned, nian■ ahuĚ, ting, xie, and xiang may be raduplicated this</p>
<p>I «/■</p>
<p>Reduplication is another my of indicating aspect.* By using a fc^-dupiicated verlō<sub>3</sub> you sxpreaa the INDEFIHITENESS of an action. Use a Hed<sup>!</sup>iplicated vert when the duration or extent of an action or the amount</p>
<p>verb object is indefinite* For example<sub>5</sub> saying Sing ni gel to kānkan ■^igs huapjjifi, indie at ee an indefinite duration for the action of looking ^Btthe vase.</p>
<p>There are several reasons for using a reduplicated verb to Indicate finite action- Xn the Beference List sentence atove, a speaker asks KcmsBion to look at something; therefore<sub>T</sub> his request muit &quot;be tentative undemajiding,</p>
<p>Reduplicated ver^bs are not coHmonly used with the aspect marker le ^perhaps because stireeslng botli the indefiniteness and the completion of action vould not be consistent). When completion le_ doe日 oceur with BVeduplicated verb, the marker ia placed after the first half of that verb before the second half. The second half of the reduplicated vert then an object - as in &quot;looked one look<sup>TĪ</sup> or <sup>IT</sup>thouiībt a thouKht.<sup>1T</sup></p>
<p>Wo klnle kān něige huāplng. 工 looked at that vase.</p>
<p>and xiang are the tvo verbs you have learned vMch may take 1^ vhen ^^nuplica.t€d«</p>
<p>To make a reduplicated veT&quot;b negative (witli bd or Eiēi) vould be as vrong Lying in Inglish ”ī don't look, at it a little,&quot; To a ay that an action performed, iā habitually not performed<sub>f</sub> or vlll not be performed, ^Ethē simple form of ttie verb <sub>f</sub> not the reduplicated form;</p>
<p>Zhēifěn laSo, vo hai mliyou I haven<sup>1</sup>1 read this paper yet. kon.</p>
<p>aspect marXers -guo<sub>%</sub> le<sub>t</sub> and ne^ have already been introduced. For the of the word ”aspect,” Bee EIO, Unit b<sub>m</sub></p>
<p>MON, Unit 3</p>
<table border="1">
<p>ahěige^ <sup>1</sup></p></td><td>
<p>| nēige?</p></td></tr>
<p>1 hiishl</p></td><td>
<p>Wo bū kāo Zhongwēn bao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I donH read Chinese newspapers.</p>
<p>WS bū kān zheige. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I<sup>f</sup>Ei not going to read this.</p>
<p>The objects of reduplicated action verbs cannot be indefinite• For example* it is vrong to say Qīng ni gei w kankan yige huāpingbecause ylge huiāptng, ”a vase/ is Indefinite—vhich vase is not knovn, However、 reduplicated verbs ūiay bave noun objects which are specified, like něigg huāplng, ”that vase.<sup>M</sup></p>
<p>NiInnian shū, kankan bSo dōu Studying a little and reading a hln hao, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;little a.re both nice*</p>
<p>Ta ji\l shi Bhuōshuo, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;just talking-</p>
<p>ITĪ tīngting tā shuō shencae.. Listen to vhat he is saying*</p>
<p>Tǎ tiintiān ādu kankan shu<sub>t</sub> Every day he reads a little and xlěxie ai, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;vrltes characters a bit-</p>
<p>HS xiangxiang tā xlng shenme. Try to think what Mē eurnfijsie ia.</p>
<p>(Notice that in some of the examples the verb kan means <sup>T,</sup>to read,” not <sup>IT</sup>to IdoX at.<sup>11</sup>)</p>
<p>2. B: Neige? Zhlige iSnde, hāishi Which one? This blue one or this zhilge h&amp;ngde? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fed one?</p>
<p>Note on Kq* 2</p>
<p>H&amp;lBhi means <sup>11</sup> or.<sup>If</sup> In a cboice-type ^estion without hilshi,bpth choices muet include a vert; but in &amp;&nbsp;guestion containing hlīshi&gt; the second verb may be omitted-</p>
<p>XON, Unit 3</p>
<p>:, A: Nil liangge dou gei wo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Give me both of them to look at *</p>
<p>kankan, hao nia? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All right?</p>
<p>B; H&amp;0. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Certainly*</p>
<p>Sot, on 呈。_-一1</p>
<p>The word order of the first sentence is determined &quot;by the adverb dōu. Normally<sub>T</sub> an obj ect in a Chinese sentence follows the varb, But any object referred to by d5u must come before dou, And dou iteelf, because it is an</p>
<p>i I is I « &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;i b -» n, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I I I ■ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sup>r</sup></p>
<p>advert, must precede the vert. Tberefare, the obiect něi liangge has teen sQved to the initial topic position in the sentence above- Compare t</p>
<table border="1">
<tr><td colspan="3">
<p></p></td><td colspan="2">
<p>Gei vo Kankan</p></td><td>
<p>něi liangge.</p></td></tr>
<p>T<sup>:</sup>3ěi liaiagge</p></td><td>
<p>dou</p></td><td colspan="2">
<p>gel wo kSnXm^. <sup>!</sup></p></td><td colspan="2">
<p>A: Lānds tai guī le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The blue one Is too expensive,</p>
<p>kite on No. b</p>
<p>Le: The speaker is using new-situation Le_ to reinforce the meaning W tlTj, <sup>,T</sup>too*<sup>M</sup> The new situation is the fact the,t the price Is more tīian fee speaker expected. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sup>+</sup></p>
<p>A: ¥6 mai b6ngāe &quot;ba. HSngde &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I*11 buy the red one<sub>s</sub> I guess. The</p>
<p>pianyi, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;red one is cheaper.</p>
<p>;E: Ěng» hongde pianyi« &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mm<sub>t</sub> the red one is eheeper*</p>
<p>fcfees on No, 5</p>
<p>i Fiāīiyi: The n in tMs word is not^ pronounced tut gives a nasal quality the vovels around it.</p>
<p>L The English comparative form <sup>tp</sup>cheaper<sup>fl</sup> has been used for the 'baBic form fciyi in the translation of exchange 5» The Chinese says<sub>s</sub> in effact<sub>&gt;</sub> <sup>11</sup> It<sup>1</sup> a</p>
<p>MON, Unit 3</p>
<table border="1">
<p>(This one ia</p></td><td>
<p>(This one 1b</p></td><td>
<p>(This one is</p></td><td>
<p>Ěng is actually pronouoeed /ňg/<sub>1</sub> or like the nasal uh in <sup>,f</sup>uh-huh -<sup>1</sup></p>
<p>Ě, C: Shei li&amp;ngee xuesheng, nĚige Wblch of these tvo students Is hao? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;better?</p>
<p>D: SīibS Xin hSo- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;SīmS XJn is better.</p>
<p>Note on No. 6</p>
<p>Zhei liangge xulsheng, ngjge hSo? Compare this Chinese sentence with an English traneiation;</p>
<table border="1">
<p>Zhēi liangge xuēsheng ;*</p></td><td>
<p>([Of] these tvo students,</p></td><td>
<p>is &quot;better?)</p></td></tr>
<p>Id both English and Chinese<sub>t</sub> the items &quot;being compared begin the sentence, In topic position. This word order is required in Chinese but is somewhat imusual in English.</p>
<p>the red one that<sup>1</sup>s cheap.&quot; But adjectival verbs usually should be understood as comparatives,</p>
<p>Neige pi&amp;nyi? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Which one is cheaper?</p>
<p>Hfingde: plānyi ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;工s the re江 one cheaper?</p>
<p>HSngde pianyip &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tbe red one is cheaper*</p>
<p>However<sub>s</sub> when preceded by adverbs (including the negative advert bu)<sub>f</sub> adjectlYal verbs generally lose their eomparative meaning*</p>
<p>Zheige yS piānyi, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thia one is cheap too*</p>
<p>Zhēige bū piānyi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This one isnH cheap.</p>
<p>When no other advert is appropriate* an adjectival verb tnay be made non-comparmtlYe ty the addition of an unstressed hen. Since its fmetion is simply to Bhov that the verb is not comparative * It does not have the emphatic Banse of streeeed hen or English 'Very,&quot;</p>
<p>Unit 3</p>
<table border="1">
<p>is hovT)</p></td></tr>
<table border="1">
<p>hen hao,</p></td></tr>
<p>is good,)</p></td></tr>
<p>I A: Zhēige dade zhěn h&amp;okān. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This large one Is really nice looking*</p>
<p>Iries on No* 7</p>
<p>Da yidianrde: An adj ectivai vert used in a comparison is often folloved vord yidi£n(r): dā yidieuir, &quot;larger by a little bit. Notice that narker -āe comes at the end of the mo dicing phrase: da y tdl&amp;ōTde <sub>t</sub> <sup>ir</sup>one is larger by a little Mt,<sup>n</sup> &quot;but that the modified noun vhich vcmld līellav is omitted.</p>
<p>Kan : The verb kan_ means <sup>,T</sup>to look at.<sup>If</sup> Nīn kin <sub>a</sub> therefore <sub>s</sub> can bimply</p>
<p><sup>11</sup> Look/<sup>p</sup> Often, hovever, kān is useā to express an opinion and is translated as <sup>lf</sup>in your/my/his/her viev<sup>TI</sup> or, even more idiomatically, njr the verb Hfclnk.<sup>M</sup></p>
<p>Nīn kān, huāpīng Jiu zai nar. Look<sub>t</sub> the vase is right over there.</p>
<p>Wo kān shēige huaplng tāi gai.工■fchink this vase is too expensive *</p>
<p>Zhēl^e sēnmeyang? does not contain the verb shi- Likewise, an answer tbis question vould not include shī. Compare: the Chinese and English ^Brsloas of these sentences:</p>
<p>' A: Nī ySu da yldiSnrde mat &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Do you have one a little larger?</p>
<p>E: You* Kin kin zheige &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ve do* What do you think of this</p>
<p>sěnmeyang? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one?</p>
<p>A; Kao, ¥0 mai dāde ba«, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Okay, I,11 buy the large on^<sub>t</sub> I</p>
<p>B: Nin yao yīge? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How mmy do you want?</p>
<p>A: Qīng gel vo llSngge ba. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hov about giving me tvo, please.</p>
<p>MON<sub>t</sub> Unit 3</p>
<table border="1">
<p>Qīng gSi wo liangge*</p></td><td>
<p>(Give me tvo, please *)</p></td></tr>
<p>Qīng gei vo liSngge</p></td><td>
<p>(Kov about giving me tvo, please,)</p></td></tr>
<p>Note on Ho, 9</p>
<p>Ba: You have learned that ba can be used as the marker for a question whiclT&quot;expresses supposition about m answer<sub>?</sub> requiring confirmation from the listener: Hi shi Wěl Shaoxiao ba? &quot;You are Major Weiss, aren<sup>T</sup>t you?<sup>fT</sup> In exchange 9, is used as the marker for a tentative statement or imperative* The marker ba me^kes statements less certain and requests less blunt, Like ma, ba Is always placed at the enā of a sentence.</p>
<table border="1">
<p>W5 mai bSlde甲</p></td><td>
<p>(I'll buy the vhite ones*)</p></td></tr>
<p>Vo m&amp;i bāide</p></td><td>
<p>(I<sup>T</sup>11 buy the vhit* ones<sub>t</sub> I guess-)</p></td></tr>
<p>1G, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bSi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to vbite</p>
<p>11, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hil &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be black</p>
<p>12. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;huńng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be yellow, to tie brgvn 13 • &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;itl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to te green</p>
<p>ll+, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jlīl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be old, to be used, to be vt?rn</p>
<p>15. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xīn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to he new</p>
<p>16. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;gāo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be tall</p>
<p>17. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Si &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be short (of stature)</p>
<p>18. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;gioxīng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be happy 19* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;n&amp;ikān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be ugly</p>
<p>20, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ylba ySflēin &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one umbrella</p>
<p>21. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to read, to look at, to visit</p>
<p>Notes on Additloaal Required Vocabulary</p>
<p>Colors: Adjectival verbs of color behave somevhat differently than other adjectival verbs* such as gut and da* To say in Chinese that something is a certain color, such &amp;b blue <sub>$</sub> you say that it is <sup>Tl</sup>a blue one.<sup>f&gt;</sup></p>
<p>Zheige hiiipīng sh± lānde. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This vase Is blue.</p>
<p>Kēiben Bhu shi hēide» &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That book is black.</p>
<p>Adjectival verljs: Kb you learned iti BIO, adjectival verbs are state verbs &amp;nd as such can be made negative only with bu. If the marker is used in a sentence whose verb is ad j ect Ival, the marker is ne^f-Bltuatioa le. (See MO, Unit 8, Reference Notes on Nos. 了-&amp;■)</p>
<p>MON, Unit 3</p>
<p>^nātian vo kānle hen duō &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yesterday I saw a lot of vases,</p>
<p>huāping. Dou bfi gul. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;None of them vere expensive.</p>
<p>Kīde haizi hSn gāo le! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Your son is tall nov!</p>
<p>Like many other state verbs <sub>f</sub> adjectival verbs may tie come process verts, •lien this happens, the verb meaning is often changed- (See BIO<sub>s</sub> Unit 8, Reference Notes on No* 9-)</p>
<p>W5de ySaSn JIū le* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My umbrella has becoine old.</p>
<p>Tiān hēi le- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The sky has become black (ime</p>
<p>Jlň Is the verb&quot;be old<sub>t</sub><sup>M ,f</sup>to be used,” ”to be vorn<sub>s</sub><sup>w</sup> as oppoaed to xīn^^to be new/* Jiū is not used to mean old in years<sub>a</sub> or aged.*</p>
<p>M is the verb <sup>,T</sup>to be short {in stature)*” as opposed to gāo, <sup>11</sup> to be tall.<sup>Tl</sup> Ai_ is not used to mean &quot;short in length,”**</p>
<p>Nankin<sub>9</sub> <sup>n</sup>to be ugly<sub>#</sub> <sup>11</sup> literally, <sup>lf</sup>to be hard to look at&quot;: This is a T^ry blunt way to descrilDe matt ract iveness *</p>
<p>•The verb la.o means <sup>,r</sup>to be old in years*<sup>11</sup> Hianqing means <sup>fl</sup>to 'be young.<sup>r</sup> e verb duSn means &quot;to be short in lengtbT<sup>11</sup> ~Chang means &quot;to be long,<sup>1</sup></p>
<p>MON, Unit 3</p>
<p>What color paper do you want? Nī yao shenme ySnsěde zhī?</p>
<p>I want ____WS yao _</p>
<p>beige &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;mlhuang</p>
<p>black &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hěi</p>
<p>blus &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'</p>
<p>brown &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;aongsē</p>
<p>stLem huang</p>
<p>goiō &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;jīnhulng</p>
<p>green &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;lu</p>
<p>oreaige &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;jdhuang</p>
<p>pink &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fSnhong</p>
<p>purple &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;si</p>
<p>red &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hSng</p>
<p>silver &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yińbS.i</p>
<p>white &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;成 i</p>
<p>yellow &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;huāng</p>
<p>ligīit blue &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;qian l|n</p>
<p>light green &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;liSn lu</p>
<p>light red &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^ian hong</p>
<p>dark blue &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shin l|n</p>
<p>dark green &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;s^en. iā</p>
<p>dark red &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ahin hong</p>
<p>Different kinds of</p>
<p>lān tianlān (<sup>Tl</sup>sky blue”) hSilan (&quot;sea blue&quot;)</p>
<p>ll &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;clolu (<sup>1T</sup>grasfl greeň<sup>TI</sup>)</p>
<p>pingguolu (^apple green<sup>11</sup>)</p>
<p>cuilu {<sup>11</sup> emerald greeti<sup>IT</sup>)</p>
<p>molu (&quot;ink green,” <sup>M</sup>blackish green&quot;)</p>
<p>hfing dahong (&quot;bright red<sub>f</sub> <sup>11 Tl</sup>scarlet<sup>11</sup>) shūhāng {''vermilion^) mligulhong {&quot;rose red”)</p>
<p>And one more interesting Chinese color: qīng, <sup>,T</sup>green,*<sup>1 IT</sup>blue<sub>t</sub><sup>Tl f|,</sup>bled</p>
<p>MON, Unit 3</p>
<p>I A, Expansion Drill</p>
<p>I Here is a new expression you will need In this exercise: neibS ySsSa, <sup>w</sup>that umbrella<sup>11</sup>) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;■</p>
<p>I 1* Speakers Qīng ni g?i vo nēige &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yon: Qīng ni gei wo kankan nělge huaplng* huaplng•</p>
<p>(Please give me that &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Please give me that vase to</p>
<p>vase,} &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;look at.)</p>
<p>K <sub>k</sub> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ni gSi vo něige lude« &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīng ni gSi vo kāīikan nelge Idde <sub>t</sub></p>
<p>m% Qīng ni gei vo něibS yīlsāb- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīng ni gel vo kankan něibS ySs&amp;u</p>
<p>Ik. ^ng ni gSi vo něibS āiāe<sub>t</sub> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīng nī gSi wo kankan nSita dĚāe,</p>
<p>p. Qīng ni g?i vo něibSn stdi&amp;o* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīng d! gSi vo kankan neib^n zīdiSn*</p>
<p>Qīng ni g5i wo nēibSn guide. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīng ni g5i vo kankan nēi'bSn guīde,</p>
<p>olng nl gSi vo něizhing dītň. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīng ni gSi wo kankan nlizhaog dJtt</p>
<p>Trans fomat 1 on sjad Expansion Drill</p>
<p>■, Speaker: Qīng ni gěi vo kink an &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Kěi liSngge iSnde dou gīi vo</p>
<p>nei llangge lēnde. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kiLnkan, hSo ma7</p>
<p>(Please give me those &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Give me totb of those blue ones <sup>4</sup></p>
<p>tvo blue ones to &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to look at# All right?) look at.)</p>
<p>L Qīng ni gSi vo kankan nēi liSngge &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nei li&amp;igge hongde dou gli wo kankan <sub>f</sub></p>
<p>hongde. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hao ma?</p>
<p>L Qīng ni gSl vro kankan nēi liSngge &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nei llangge těide dou gei wo kankan,</p>
<p>bfiide. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hSo Bia?</p>
<p>Qīng nl gSi wo kankan nei llSngge &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hěi liSngge dade d5u gSi wo Kankan,</p>
<p>dade» &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;h£o Biaī</p>
<p>L Qīng ni gSi vo kSnken nēi llSngge &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;līli liSngge xiaode dou gěi wo kankan <sub>s</sub></p>
<p>xlSode * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hao ma?</p>
<p>■ Qīng ni gel vo kankan n&amp;i liangge &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Něl liSngge guide dou gel vo kankan <sub>t</sub></p>
<p>guide, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hSo ma?</p>
<p>MŪTJ, Unit 3</p>
<p>Qīng ni g?i vo kanban něi liangge NĒi、ll.Sng<sub>S</sub>eji&amp;yide dōu gěi vo pi‘yide_ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kSnkan, hSn ma7</p>
<p>C* Response Drill</p>
<p>1, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker! Qīng ni <sub>Ē</sub>ěi wo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kSnkan. You:成 ige? Hēige: lānāe, hai shi nlige</p>
<p>(cues) Ion, &quot;bāi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bSlde?</p>
<p>(Please give it to me &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tVhich one? Tha^'blue one or</p>
<p>to look at,) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;that vhite one?)</p>
<p>2, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;qīei| nl vo kankan. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;l£n&gt; ĪJei^e? W^lge lanile, hāiahi neige</p>
<p>3, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qjng ni vo kānkati. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hSng, NīigeT Nlige hongde, hai shi n^ige</p>
<p>huĒng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hufingd^?</p>
<p>b,边rig ni gěi vo kSnKon. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dā» NSige? TJ^lge dade, HĚishi nēl<sub>Ē</sub>e</p>
<p>xiǎo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xiaode?</p>
<p>5. Qīng nl gSi vo kaiUtan. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;guī. ^igeī īllige guide, hiiahi nēige</p>
<p>pianyi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;piānyideT</p>
<p>Ě, Qīne ni gīi vo kankw. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;uSige? Neige huāptng, hai shi nēige</p>
<p>huapīng, y^aSn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yūsSnT</p>
<p>7. Qīng ni g^i wo kankan. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;描igeī īl^ige dītH, hāiahi niige</p>
<p>īīdtian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;īīdlǎnT</p>
<p>D. Eypajision Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sneaker: Lands tāi guī le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lānje tii guī le. WĪ mSi</p>
<p>(cue) hong &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hongde ba.</p>
<p>(ThTTlue one is too &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(The blue one is too expensive,</p>
<p>expensive.) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'll W the red. one, I</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lude tāi ĒUĪ le. tai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ī-ude tai gut le‘ Wo raSl biide Tm.</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dāde tai guī le. xiǎo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dāde tai guī le. W5 mti xiaode &quot;ba.</p>
<p>I*. Dā pingguo t&amp;i gui le. xiSo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Da pīngguǒ tSi guī le. Wo mSi xiǎū</p>
<p>plngguif &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pīng^uǒ ba,</p>
<p>5. Nēige tai le. zhlige &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ĪJěige tSl gut le. WE niǎl zliěige ta.</p>
<p>Zhēiga tai gui le, nēige &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhēige tai guī le. Wo mai nēige ba,</p>
<p>^ ^</p>
<p>' Huangde tai gui le, iīi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Huāngde tSi guī le* Wo mSi ltlde &quot;ba_</p>
<p>ii. Expansion Drill</p>
<p>Speaker: Hongde pianyi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You; Hongde pianyi yJdiSnr* W3 mai</p>
<p>(The red one is &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hongde ba<sub>+</sub></p>
<p>cheaper.) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(The red one Ib a little cheaper-</p>
<p>I Ml b\sy tbe red one,I guess.)</p>
<p>Lands pianyi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lānde piānyi yīdi£nr* Wo mSi lEHāe</p>
<p>|<sub>fc</sub> Huāngde pianyi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hufingde piānyl yīdiSnr. ¥S īňSi</p>
<p>humigde 'ba.</p>
<p>XiSode pianyi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xiaode plSnyi yldianr, W5 ioāi xiaode</p>
<p>5. Lude pilnyi* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;L^de pl&amp;ayi yīdlSnr* Wo iali lude ta,</p>
<p>Ē, Elide pianyi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mide piSnyl yldi£nr. Wo nsai tālde</p>
<p>Zhēige piānyi * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zheige pianyi ytdlSīir. Vo imi īhěige</p>
<p>Tranp™_ation BrijJ,</p>
<p>Speaker: Shei liangten shu. shī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You; Shēi li&amp;igbSn &amp;hū<sub>ft</sub> nSibSn bio?</p>
<p>vode. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CWblch of tliese tvo &quot;books is</p>
<p>(cue) bao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;betterī}</p>
<p>(These tvo Twoks are mine* }</p>
<p>Zhei liangkuai feizao shi vode* Zběi liangkuai f€iaao, nSiKuai piānyi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;piānyi?</p>
<p>L ^hēi 1 iangzhang ditfi Bhī vode* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zīiēi llSngahang dītfi* nSizhing gutī</p>
<p>Zhei li&amp;ngba. yusan shī vode. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhii liingba yiisSn, neibS haofcan?</p>
<p>MON<sub>f</sub> Unit 3</p>
<p>5* Zhei liSngge xuēsheng shi wode. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhei iiangge xuěsheng<sub>t</sub> neige hSo? hSo</p>
<p>6_ Zhei liangoen zīdian sht vSde, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhei liangběn zidian<sub>r</sub> neibēn hSo? hao</p>
<p>7, Shěi liangfěn bao shī vote, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhli liangfen &quot;bao, nei fen gui? guī</p>
<p>G« Exp an 3 ion_P_yiJ-l.</p>
<p>1. Speaker: ZJiēige tai gu£ le, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Zheige tai gut le. Nī you</p>
<p>(This one is too ex- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pianyi yldianrde ma?</p>
<p>pensive-) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(This one is too expensive* Do</p>
<p>you have one a little cheaiper?)</p>
<p>2- Zhěibln tai xiSo le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ZhĚib?n tSi xiSo le, Nī yBu da</p>
<p>yfdilnrde ma?</p>
<p>3* Zbeizbaog tai da, le* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;īheizhing tai da le. NS you xiao</p>
<p>yldiSnrde ma?</p>
<p>U, ZhĒIpfng tāi xlao le, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhěipīng tai xiao le., Nī you dā</p>
<p>yīāi^nrāe ma?</p>
<p>5- Zhēige tai dā le* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhlige tai da le* Nī y5u xiSo</p>
<p>yiālSnrde ma?</p>
<p>6, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ShěibS tai gui le, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhēiba tāi gui le* Ni you pianyi</p>
<p>yidiSDrde raa?</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhěikuāi tāi āĀ le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhěikulti tāi da le, Nl ySu xiao</p>
<p>H„ Response Drill</p>
<p>工,Speaker: Zhēige dade haakān ins? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You? Zhēige dade zhēn haokān.</p>
<p>(Is this large one &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(This large one is really nice</p>
<p>nice looking?) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;looking.)</p>
<p>2, Neige xiāode haokan, raa? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Něige xiaode zhēn haokan.</p>
<p>3* Zhēige iande guī maT &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhēige liuāt zhēn gui..</p>
<p>Neiba ySsan haokSn ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nēi&quot;ba yusSn zhēn hSokaji.</p>
<p>MON, Unit 3</p>
<p>5. Zhlige huapfng dā ms? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhēige huiplng zhēn da.</p>
<p>6i Něizhang Zhongguo dītfi haokan ma? Nēi2hāng Zhongguo dltfi zhēn hSokan, 了, Zhēiben zīdlSn guī ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ZhěibSn ztdlSn zhen guī.</p>
<p>I - Res^_ori_s_ē_</p>
<p>1* Speaker: K?lge haokan? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Zhilge haoke^i yldlSnr.</p>
<p>(Which one is 'better &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(This one is a little better</p>
<p>looklng?) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;looking•)</p>
<p>OR Něige hlokān ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nēige zhin h^okān.</p>
<p>(Is that one nice &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(That one is really nice</p>
<p>looking7 } &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;looking*)</p>
<p>2* Neibēn piSnyi? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhěiten piSnyl yidiSnr.</p>
<p>3- Nēiběn pianyi m&amp;l &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nēi'bSn zhEū pianyi,</p>
<p>NSiba guī? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhēiga gui yldlSnr*</p>
<p>5* NlibS dade gui ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;NeibS dade zhin gixl.</p>
<p>6* NlizhSng hlo? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ztilizhang hao ytdianr*</p>
<p>J, Response Drill &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;■</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker; Nīn kan zhēige dade &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: HSo<sub>s</sub> w3 mil āide<sub>f</sub></p>
<p>alnmeyang? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Okay, I<sup>1</sup>11 buy the large one.)</p>
<p>Zhen hao.</p>
<p>(Tflnat do you think of this large one?</p>
<p>It<sup>f</sup>s really nice.)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nīn kān nēige lands zlmneyeng? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HSo <sub>s</sub> wo mai lānde,</p>
<p>Zhen h£o.</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kfn kan zhlige hongde zenmejang? Hao <sub>p</sub> vo isSi hongde,</p>
<p>Zhen hSo#</p>
<p>Nin kān neige xiSode zemneyang? HSo<sub>p</sub> v5 mai xiaode.</p>
<p>Zhēn h£okān *</p>
<p>MON<sub>t</sub> Unit</p>
<table border="1">
<p>slTben ba.</p></td></tr>
<p>ylfēii ba.</p></td></tr>
<p>shīz.hing ba</p></td></tr>
<p>iiaitgba ba.</p></td></tr>
<p>aānpīng ba.</p></td></tr>
<p>j īkuai 7</p></td><td>
<p>wūkuai ba.</p></td></tr>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nīn kan zhěiben zĒzhi aemneyang? Hao, vo mai ahei'bēii.</p>
<p>Zhen hǎokan«</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nin kān neige tauāplng ^Ěnmeyang? Hao, vo mai neige<sub>#</sub></p>
<p>Zhen hǎo.</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nīn kan zheiba yusan zenmeyang? Hao<sub>t</sub> mSi shēib£.</p>
<p>Zhēn hao.</p>
<p>K. Response Drill</p>
<p>1. Speaker: Nin yao jīge? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Qīng gei wS llangge &quot;ba.</p>
<p>ferne) ēr &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Hov about giving me two,</p>
<p>(How many do you want?) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;please*}</p>
<p>UNIT 4</p>
<p>exchange occurs on the P-l tape only*</p>
<p>£ exchange does not occur until No* 11 on tbe F-l tape^</p>
<p>(in Taipei)</p>
<p>\:l. A: NI Jiālide dongxi dōu dao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Have all your household things</p>
<p>le ina? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;arrived?</p>
<p>B: Youde dao le<sub>s</sub> ySude hai měl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some have arrived, and some haven<sup>f</sup>t</p>
<p>dao, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;arrived yet.</p>
<p>12, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;C: Zběxie aazhī nl kān le mB.1 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Have you re&amp;d these magazines?</p>
<p>D: Zhēxie z£zhi<sub>t</sub> ySude v5 kān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some of the Be magazines I've read,</p>
<p>le,youāe v6 h£i mil kan, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;and Borne I haveu*t read ye七,</p>
<p>13. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Zuotian wo maile yidian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yesterday I bought some dishes^</p>
<p>i*A; Nīn inai shenme le? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What did you buyī</p>
<p>B: W5 m.ai fanwSn le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I tought riee bo via*</p>
<p>A: ml mSile duoshao? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How many did you buy?</p>
<p>B: W3 mine sbige fārsvān, shlge &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I bought ten rice 1?ov1b and ten</p>
<p>da pānzi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;large pistes*</p>
<p>A: Haxie p^nziwSn shi siiě頭e &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wh&amp;t color are thosa dlshea? yānsēde?</p>
<p>B: Shi l£nde« &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They<sup>1</sup> re &quot;blue on«s-</p>
<p>A: A<sub>t</sub> wo yS xihuan llnde* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Oh, I like blue ones too*</p>
<p>••A: Shi zāi shenme difang maideī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Where vere they &quot;bought!</p>
<p>B: Slii zai DĪyī Gongsl mSide, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tlaey vere bought at the First Company.</p>
<p>B: Tāiaen malde dongxi zhen hao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The things^Jfchey sell are really nice.</p>
<p>5: Tamen malde pinzivan<sub>f</sub> ySude &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some of the dlsbea they sell are</p>
<p>zhēn hSokin* Kēshi guī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;reaJLly beautiful- But they are</p>
<p>yīdian * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a little expensive,</p>
<p>E: WS mSide nljcie pānslwSn dou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All those disheE I bought vere not</p>
<p>bfi tāi gui* Guide vo mēi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;too expenBlve, I didn’t buy the</p>
<p>mai. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;expensive ones.</p>
<p>MON* Unit 1+</p>
<p>11* B: Nīde ahēge chitēi hen hao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This teacup of yours is very nice.</p>
<p>Shi zai shenme difang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Where was it bought ? māide?</p>
<p>A; Yē shi zāi DĪyī Gongsl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;īt was bought at the First Company</p>
<p>mSidē p &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;too*</p>
<p>(no七 presented ōu C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
<table border="1">
<p>ylge bīngxiang</p></td><td>
<p>y its hang dītan</p></td><td>
<p>ylge shujiasi</p></td><td>
<p>yībǎ yīai</p></td><td>
<p>yī^hāng shiiosi</p></td><td>
</table><img src="0085-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentText_files/0085-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentText-8.jpg" style="width:396pt;height:286pt;"/>
<p>Writing auspicious characters on red paper at Chinese Rev Year<sup>f</sup> e. People &quot;buy these decorations to hang on doors.</p>
<p>k &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Oh!</p>
<p>bingxiāog &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;refrigerator</p>
<p>chabēi (ylge) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;teacup</p>
<p>dlt an (^Izhāiig) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;rug</p>
<p>Dīyī Gongsī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the First Company (department</p>
<p>store In Taipei)</p>
<p>dongxi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;thing</p>
<p>fěLnvan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;rice 'bowl</p>
<p>goQgsī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;company</p>
<p>klshi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;but</p>
<p>něixle (naxie) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;those</p>
<p>pausi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;plate</p>
<p>p&amp;isiwan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dishes</p>
<p>shQJ ieLzi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bookcase</p>
<p>van &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bowl</p>
<p>-xie (-Dciē) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(counter for an indefinite plural</p>
<p>īiiHūber of things)</p>
<p>xīhuan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to like</p>
<p>yānsi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;color 7Īsi (ytbǎ) chair ySude Bome</p>
<p>zheixle (ahexie) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;these zbuoz i (yishang) table</p>
<p>(introduced an F-2 tape)</p>
<p>chaye &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tea (literally, &quot;tea leaves,<sup>1</sup>)</p>
<p>1, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A; Hi jiālide dōngxi āāu dāo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Have all yaur household things</p>
<p>le ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;arrived?</p>
<p>B: Youde dāo le, youde hāi měi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some have arrived, mā some haven' t āko * arrived yet *</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;C: Zhēxie sěshī, nī kan le m? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Have you. read these magazines?</p>
<p>D: Zhēxie zāzhī<sub>f</sub> ySude wS Ran &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some of these magazines I've read, Xe* youde vo heii měi kān* and some I haven<sup>1</sup>1 read yet.</p>
<p>Notes on Nos, 1,2</p>
<p>Youde: Like its English equivalent &quot;some,” youde may be used either with the noun it modifies, aa in youde dōasxi <sup>11</sup> some tMcgĒ<sub>t</sub><sup>fl</sup> or hy iteelf<sub>t</sub> when the noun it modifiee is obvious from the contend:,</p>
<table border="1">
<p>dS.D le.</p></td><td>
<p>have arrived.)</p></td></tr>
<p>dāo le.</p></td><td>
<p>hsY© arrived.)</p></td></tr>
<p>Neither youde nor 茳 noun modified by that word can follow the verb* When ySude is the gi'animatical object of the verb, it must precede 七 he sub j ect ^ in topic position.</p>
<table border="1">
<p>māi le^</p></td></tr>
<p>The counter -xle is added to the specifiers ahē, &quot;this广 mā &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;that,</p>
<p>to make the plural specixiers zhexie^ &quot;these,_<sup>T</sup> and nSxie<sub>t</sub> <sup>IT</sup>those/_ These plural specifiers are used only vhen the nmber of items is not mentioned-■’These appleB<sup>11</sup> is ghěxie pīpgguo <sub>t</sub> but <sup>IT</sup>these TWO apples<sup>11</sup> is zhě liangge pingguū, without the -xie•</p>
<p>In zhēxie zĀīht, -xle ac^s as a comter for an indefinite nmn'Der of Itenss, You migbt tbink of the phrase as meaning &quot;a tmch of,&quot;</p>
<table border="1">
<p>(this magazine)</p></td></tr>
<p>2. he</p></td><td>
<p>(that &quot;bunch of /those magazineE)</p></td></tr>
<p>MON* Unit k</p>
<p>Zhēxie &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ySude</p>
<p>:he topic of vo</p>
<p>,youae • &quot;&nbsp;In the last sentence in exchange 2, kān le and v5 hai iněi kan- Zhēxie zazbī<sub>f</sub> &quot;these</p>
<p>is the topic of the whole sentence * naming the eet of items from ’sonie&quot; vere selected*</p>
<p>yBnde is</p>
<table border="1">
<p>Zhēxie s&amp;zhi,</p></td><td>
<p>wo kan le.* * *</p></td></tr>
<p>([Of] these maga^ineE,</p></td><td>
<p>I have read,…)</p></td></tr>
<p><sup>,T</sup>5oEie of these magazines I've read..**<sup>n</sup></p>
<p>13. B: Zuotian vo maiie yidian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yesterday I &quot;bought some dishes# pānEivSn.</p>
<p>A: Nīn mil sheime le? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What did you buy?</p>
<p>B: W3 mli flnweb le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I bought rice bowls.</p>
<p>■S. A: NI aaile duōshao? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hov many did you &quot;buy?</p>
<p>B: WS mails shige fSiivSja, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I bought ten rice bovle and ten</p>
<p>shlge da pansi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;large plates.</p>
<p>■jgtes on Noa, 3-5</p>
<p>The noun auotiāji • <sup>IT</sup>yeaterday *<sup>IT</sup> is a tliae word. Time words are placed Before or after the subject but alvaya before the verb. In Mo. 3,suōtiāii in the topic position, before the subject, instead of directly Hǐtfc-re the verb*</p>
<p>Adverts such as 也,<sup>T,</sup>alBo<sup>Tl</sup>i h|i, &quot;still”; ahī, ''oaly&quot;; and Jiu, ’■only”</p>
<p>£q precede ver&quot;bs<sub>+</sub> But these words cannot be placed before tlie subject*</p>
<p>T5 zuotian bū t&amp;i* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He wasn<sup>r</sup>t here yesterday.</p>
<p>Zuōtiān w5 měi kiji bao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I didn’t read the paper yesterday*</p>
<p>TI ye Ifii., &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is qIqo coming.</p>
<p>le : The sentences in No, 3 and No* 5 focus on hov many items the ^p^tence object refers to. Such sentences have AMOUNT OBJECTS * In sentences aaoimt oti j ect b ^ completion le_ imediately foil ova the verb- This rvūe I **-lies likewise to (duration BentenceB| which involve AMOUNTS of time.</p>
<p>¥o maile shige fan van. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I bought ten rice bovle *</p>
<p>Wo shňle shīge yu,Ě<sub>m</sub> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I stayed ten montlig.</p>
<p>MON* Unit h</p>
<table border="1">
<p>WS mai</p></td><td>
<p>(I bought rice bovis*)</p></td></tr>
<p>Wo mil</p></td><td>
<p>fānvān •</p></td><td>
<p>(I bought ten rice</p></td></tr>
<p>Duoshao, or Jīge<sub>a</sub> and &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;are amount objects, since they ask or</p>
<p>ansver <sup>rl</sup>hbw many, ^</p>
<p>īfif maile duoshao/jīge7 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How mmy did you buy?</p>
<p>Wo maile yEdiSn, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 bought a little.</p>
<p>Shgnae ib a nonaaomt otiject,. since it asKs <sup>T</sup>Vhat,<sup>1T</sup></p>
<p>NĪ ioai shenme la? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What āid you buy?</p>
<p>To some speakers, the question and answer Nī mSlle shenme? Wo mSila fanvaji are acceptable, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'丄〜</p>
<p>Nev画 sit nation le may &quot;be added to 'both example b <sub>s</sub> vith the meaning &quot;so far *<sup>M</sup></p>
<p>y5 mSile shige fāūfan le^* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have bought ten rice bovl日(日。far).</p>
<p>Wo zhūQ.e shfge yuē le_, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have stayed ten months [bo far}.</p>
<p>The sentences in exchange k focus on WHAT the sentence object refers to, I not ors hov many. Such sentences have NONAMOUNT OBJECTS, In sentences vith nonamomt objects, completion le follows the object at the eni of the sentence.</p>
<p>Variation ip speech : Individual varlatioīis in language usage among speakers of Chinese always seem to &quot;be a headache for students. You may have already heard your teachers say &quot;This way is right, but that wy is right too.<sup>11</sup> In writing this course, the practice has been not to give only one <sup>if</sup>right<sup>lf</sup> way to say things but rather to point out major differenceJ in usage tiiat you are likely to find.</p>
<p>Chinese speakers with different backgrounds and experience frequently have varying opinions about what is acceptable speech, soraetimes feeling quite strongly about vhat is &quot;correctThere will inevitably be instance* when even tvo of your teachers disagree about the acceptable my to expreb9 a thought, īn such cases, the social differences in the situations which j the teachers are envisioning would probably make different speech appro-prlate in each situation.</p>
<p>Rather than trying to find &quot;the right way<sup>11</sup> to āay something<sub>T</sub> try to associate the different ways of expressing a thought vith their social contexts. AND, adjust your speech to the people you are speaking vith.,</p>
<p>工o this way<sub>t</sub> you will learn sts much sls possible <sub>9</sub> and your speech will tie accepted by a vide range of people.</p>
<table border="1">
<p>Nāxie pajiz ivan.</p></td><td>
<p>BhēnEie yānsě</p></td><td>
<p>(Those dishes</p></td><td>
<p>what color</p></td><td>
<table border="1">
<p>Dīyī Gongal</p></td><td>
<p>I (I bought the cups at the First Com©any *}</p></td></tr>
<p>Dīyī Gōngsl</p></td><td>
<p>(They vere bought at the First Company.)</p></td></tr>
<p>Dīyī Gong&amp;ī</p></td><td>
<p>{The cupa were bought at the First Company*}</p></td></tr>
<p>unit k</p>
<p>A: N§.xie pinsiwan shi shenme &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What color are thoEe dlEhee?</p>
<p>B: Shi lānde* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They<sup>T</sup>re tlue ones•</p>
<p>A; A, vo ye xīhuan lānde- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Oh* I like blue ones too-</p>
<p>fc*e on No, 6</p>
<p>Shi lějide : In English<sub>a</sub> you vould probably describe the eolor of the I wishes Tsy saying ”They<sup>f</sup> re bliae,<sup>ri</sup> In Chinese, you say &quot;They’re &quot;blue oneB»&quot; turrsing the color word into a noun by adding the marker -de-P&amp;VL:e that the question uses the saice pattern:</p>
<p>rA: Shi a Si Bhēmne dīfang māide? Where were they bought T B: Shi zai DiyI OoQgBĪ maide. They vere tought at the First</p>
<p>on 7</p>
<p>Shēnme &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;means, literally <sub>P</sub> <sup>,f</sup>what place *<sup>n</sup> This expregslon is often</p>
<p>instead, of nar or n£li vhen asking about a specific location*</p>
<p>Shi aai aběnme difang mlide? is translated into English vith a passive</p>
<p>~r~I~ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 51 jr_ .H---r &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sup>V</sup></p>
<p>: wre liougbt- The sentence must &quot;be translated this way because no K±;Ject is mentioned-一the sentence does not state %?ho did the buying. In <sub>v</sub> the verb form remains the Bame vhether or not the subject 1b</p>
<p>ioned •,</p>
<p>MM, Unit 1+</p>
<p>8. B: Tāmen maide dōngxi zhēn h£o. The things they sell are really nice.</p>
<p>Note on No, 8</p>
<p>Tamen maide dongxi; This noun phrase consists of a noun<sub>a</sub> dSnexi, <sup>,T</sup>thinga<sub>s</sub><sup>1r</sup> preceded hy the clause which modifies it<sub>:i</sub> tamen m&amp;ide, (which) they sell/<sup>1</sup></p>
<p>9« B: Tamen maide panzivln, ySude Some of the dishes they sell are ahen hSokSn. Keshi guī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;really beautiful. But they are</p>
<p>yidian. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a little expensive.</p>
<p>10. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: WS m&amp;lde nāxie pānaiwSn dou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All those dishes 1 bought were not</p>
<p>bū tii gui. Guide vo mēi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;too expensive. ī didn<sup>1</sup> 七 buy the</p>
<p>mai. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;expensive ones -</p>
<p>11, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bt NSde shēge chabēi hen hao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;TMs teacup of jrours is very nice*</p>
<p>Shi aāi sh^ime dīfang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Where vas it Thought ī maiāel</p>
<p>A: Ye shi sal Liyī Gōngaī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It ima iDOtight at the First Contpany</p>
<p>mlide. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;too*</p>
<p>tamen maide dangxl ITtbe things CvhTcW they sell)</p>
<p>In Chinese<sub>s</sub> modifying clauses * like &amp;li other modifiers, precede the element I vhich is modified* In English, modifying clauses follow the mQdlfled element! often begisinltig with &quot;who/* <sup>tf</sup>vhich<sub>t</sub><sup>,f IT</sup>that^ and so on*</p>
<p>Ta shuōde huń wo dou bā dSng, I āon^t under stand ariTthlng he says.</p>
<p>Ta xiěde zt shēn haokān. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The characters he writes are really</p>
<p>NI mSide pingguo hen pianyi. The apples that you Ixsught &amp;re</p>
<p>really cheap.</p>
<p>Tā xiide shū v5 h5n xlSng kān. I really want to read the book, vhich I</p>
<p>he wrote•</p>
<p>fcffte on Nos, 10-Ii</p>
<p>aide zhěge chabēl» v5 mSide nājcle plnsivS^ : Possessives alvays precede Specifiers in Chinese<sub>s</sub> and modifying clauses usually precede specifiers. K^s is the opposite of īīnglish vord order for tbe saiae elements« Compare:</p>
<p>nīde &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zhege cbE'bēi</p>
<p>(this teacup ; of yours)</p>
<p>vo maide nābcie pSrtāivSji <sup>1</sup></p>
<p>(those I dishes &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CvhichD I bought)</p>
<p>_1_ —</p><img src="0085-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentText_files/0085-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentText-9.jpg" style="width:465pt;height:379pt;"/>
<p>MON,,Unit k</p>
<p>TL-ir.ps i.i a Classroom by ths day</p>
<p>&quot;by the month &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;juell</p>
<p>by the year &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ni£nlī</p>
<p>chalk &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sup>f</sup>^<sup>h</sup>l</p>
<p>chalkboard &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tiēibSn</p>
<p>chalkboard sraser &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(hii)bSncā(r)</p>
<p>如仏 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xlĚJcitli, shSzhuō (r)</p>
<p>dcssk lamp &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;t£id€ng</p>
<p>e ra ser (pen ti 11) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xi aiigp f</p>
<p>* globe &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ālqiHyi</p>
<p>map &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dītG</p>
<p>noteliooK (bcurtd pages) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bīji'oěntr)</p>
<p>notebock (icose-iaaf} &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;huoyejiāai</p>
<p>notes &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bīijī</p>
<p>penc II sharpener &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^ hxiānbidio</p>
<p>njtler &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cbīzi</p>
<p>stapler &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;djngahiuj I</p>
<p>student &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xuēsheng</p>
<p>table &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;sbuoai</p>
<p>teacher &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;laoahl</p>
<p>textbook &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kēben(r)</p>
<p>typewriter &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dSzJjī</p>
<p>i^ran5forraation Drill</p>
<p>Speaker: Nēige dōngxi dlo le ma? You: Neixie āongxi d5u dao le ma?</p>
<p>—— {Has that thing &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Have all those things arrived?) arrived?)</p>
<p>jīiiba ii%\ lai le ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Neixie yizi dou ifii le ma?</p>
<p>liligQ shujiāzi dao ie mT &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kěixie shujiazi dou dao le aa?</p>
<p>Hēiben ēhū dlo le m? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kēixle shū dou āao le m?</p>
<p>Ssiahang dītū lai le ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Neixie ditil dōu lai le ma?</p>
<p>Nēiben zīdiān dao Ie ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;NĚixie ztdiǎa āōu děo le ma?</p>
<p>līsiben ztzhi l&amp;i le ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Neixie sazhī dou lai le maī</p>
<p>Speaiter: D&amp;de vǒ raei māi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;父cm: Dade v5 dou mei mai.</p>
<p>(ī dldnH &quot;buy the big &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(I didta^t buy any of the Mg</p>
<p>ones.) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ones *)</p>
<p>Neixie ahū vS nsei K^xi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kēixie ahū w5 dou EĒi kar.</p>
<p>Lānde wo mēi mǎi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LĚnde vo dōu mēi mai.</p>
<p>sjeijtie shīi vo nēi ni^TU &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ĪJ^ixle ahū vjS Ūōu ul^i niān.</p>
<p>Xiǎode vo iaei māi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;XiSode v3 dou mēi icāi.</p>
<p>Zhēxie dītǎn w5 Eūēi ml. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;7-heixis dītān w3 āōn mil mKi.</p>
<p>Da shuozi vo měi mSi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Da zhuōzi vo dou mii mai.</p>
<p>Response Drill</p>
<p>ft* Speaker: Nī jiilide dongxi dou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Youde dao le<sub>a</sub> ySude hai nei dāo,</p>
<p>dao le ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Some have arrived, and some</p>
<p>(Have all your household &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;haven<sup>T</sup>t arrived yet,}</p>
<p>things arrived?)</p>
<p>MON, Unit k</p>
<table border="1">
<p>Něixie zāahī</p></td><td>
<p>nī dou kān</p></td><td>
<p>tffde pengyou</p></td><td>
<p>dōu lai le</p></td><td colspan="2">
<p>Neixie ditSn</p></td><td>
<p>nī dou māi</p></td><td>
<p>5-</p></td><td colspan="2">
<p>Zhēīxie shu nl dou ni^n</p></td><td>
<p>Youde</p></td><td colspan="2">
<p>nian le</p></td><td colspan="4">
<p><sub>p</sub> youde hāi měi niān</p></td></tr>
<p>Klmen hāizl</p></td><td colspan="2">
<p>dLōu zou le na?</p></td><td>
<p>1.</p></td><td colspan="3">
<p>Něixie shūjiazl nl dou māi ma?</p></td><td>
<p>le.</p></td><td colspan="3">
<p>youde bāi māi</p></td><td>
<p>D« Response Drill</p>
<p>1, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sgeaker: Ni JiSlide dōngxi dou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Dou dao le.</p>
<p>āko le ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(All of them have arrived.)</p>
<p>(cue) dou (Have all your household things arrived?)</p>
<p>OR Něixle ztzhi nī clou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Youde kan le,ySude hil měi kaJ</p>
<p>kin le &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Some of them ī<sup>f</sup>ve looked at<sub>s</sub> I</p>
<p>(cue) youde &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;and some of. them ī haven<sup>1</sup>1</p>
<p>(Have you looked at all &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;looked at yet*) those magasliies?)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Neixie bSo nl dou kan le ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dou kān le *</p>
<p>3* Nēi aān'ben shu nī dou nian le &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Don niān le,</p>
<p>maī dōu</p>
<p>Nī pēngyou dou lai le m&amp;l &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Youde iSi le, youde hāi mēl l&amp;i.</p>
<p>5* ZhuBzl<sub>t</sub> yīzi dou mai le ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dou māi la.</p>
<p>Sm ZhĚDg^hixuě nī dōu niān le ma.1 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Youde niān le, ySude hai mei nian, I</p>
<p>I I* Response Drill</p>
<p>Speaker: Tā mSi ahenme leī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;īoui Ta mĒi p&amp;iziwSn le,</p>
<p>,(迎)pānaivǎn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{He bought āishes,)</p>
<p>(What did. he buy?)</p>
<p>I 之.Tongzhī mSi shēnme le? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wang TSngahī mSi y^Sn le.</p>
<p>I -* 航 shenme le? dft&amp;i &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo m5i dītSn l,e_</p>
<p>I'- <sup>hG</sup> TSngīUĪ mǎi shārrne let &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hti Tongzht mai ahuozi le.</p>
<p>■ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;% Tā didi m£i shenme lei &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā ālāl nfii huaplng le.</p>
<p>■ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1. TS rsQqln mai shēnme le? yīzi Ta miqip mai ytzi ie.</p>
<p>■ * Ta āiren mai shēnaie le? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;TS. airen mai ehiSjiltzi le.</p>
<p>IResponae Drill</p>
<p>S:p_e.aJter: Zhāng Tāitai īiXi ehenine Toil: Zhāng Taitai māile <sub>E</sub>hīge fānwSn. l<sup>e</sup>? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Mrs. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bought ten rice</p>
<p>(cuE-i Ehīge fāīiwSn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bowls.)</p>
<p>('What did Mrs, Zhāng buy?)</p>
<p>'在ng Tongzhī mǎi shlnme leī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wing Tongzhī mSile liǎngba yīzi,</p>
<p>liSngbl yīai</p>
<p>f Hū Xianslieng mSi shĒīme le? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HC XianEheng maile yīahāng zhuoai.</p>
<p>yiīhēng atraōzi</p>
<p>-ǐ Siāosheng nǎi ahēnme leī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lī XI ins hen g niǎile yīge Ghūjiāii.</p>
<p>yfge BhūjlS^i</p>
<p>Lī Taitai māi shenme leT &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lī TSltal n£lle yīzhāng dītSn.</p>
<p>yīabāng dltSn</p>
<p>1 成 Tāitai mSi Ehěnme leī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ud Taita,i mSile sfge chābēl.</p>
<p>sīge chlbet</p>
<p>*-tng Xlānsheng m£l shenme leī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WĚng Xiānsheng mSlle singe pānzi.</p>
<p>sǎnge pānal</p>
<p>G* Transformation Drill</p>
<p>1, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Tā māi dā panzi le<sub>s</sub> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yous Ta maile duoāhao da panzi?</p>
<p>(cue) duoshao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(How many large dishes did he</p>
<p>(He &quot;boujgjit large &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;b町?) dishes.)</p>
<p>OK Tā mSi plngguS le, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta maile Jīge pingguo?</p>
<p>(cue) jī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Hov many apple曰 did he buy?) (He bought apples.}</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Vang Těitai utāi huāping le* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wang Tāitai mSile jīge huSpingī</p>
<p>3* Zhing Xiānsheng mai shūji&amp;ai le. Zhāng Xl&amp;Dsheng mSile dnōahao</p>
<p>duoBhao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shūjiazi?</p>
<p>Bu Tāitai mai yīai le. Jī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Taitai mllle jība yīssi?</p>
<p>5* Zhang Taitai mai feizao le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhing Tāitai loaile duoshap fĚisitd? duoshao</p>
<p>6* Wfi Taitai mSi dītSn le, Jī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wu Taitai m£ile Jī^bāng dītSn?</p>
<p>H, Response Drill</p>
<p>it Speaker: Ta mai Bhěnme le ? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Tā mai fanvan le -</p>
<p>(cue) fanvan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(He bought rice bovls.) (What did he buy?}</p>
<p>OB Tā mai Bhěniue ie? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta mSile shlge fanvan.</p>
<p>(oue) shlge fanvan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(He bought ten rice bowls *)</p>
<p>{\m~lid he buy?)</p>
<p>2, Ta mai Ēhērnne le? yi diānr &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta maile yidianr pans i van*</p>
<p>3# W£ng Toag^hī taSl shennie le? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wang Tongzhī mai Tiisan le.</p>
<p>U kp</p>
<p>錄 * Wang Tōngzhī mi shenme le? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wang Tongahl tnalle llangba ylzl,</p>
<p>liāLngbS yīzi</p>
<p>5_ Tā mSi shěnme le? sīzhāng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta maile sizhang dītan,</p>
<p>6, Hu Tongzhī mai shěnme le? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wa Tongshī nfiile yīāian juzi.</p>
<p>yidian jňzi</p>
<p>,Response Drill</p>
<p>n . &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;t Nēixie shi shēnme yĚn- īc^: Neixie shi lānde.</p>
<p><sub>Ē</sub>ede? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Those are blue.)</p>
<p>(cue) Ian (V/&gt;.at co].or are tho^Ě?)</p>
<p>Eīt.an shi sWnine yans? de? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lītan shī hongae,</p>
<p>K: i^JlSzi shi shenme yānsēd^? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shū<sub>4</sub>li5si shi huāngde,</p>
<p>K, ::litS yisi &amp;hī shĒrmie yansed®? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yizi shi baide.</p>
<p>&amp; T-tāe !:hu6al Ēhi sh?nme y^rsede? Wode ^huozi shī iu-rle, lu</p>
<p>TKāe ēītan shī shěnme yins.^de? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;T&amp;āe dJtln shi hongde*</p>
<p>hong •</p>
<p>K Lade shī shěrjyie yĚnsedeī Ian Bade shi lande.</p>
<p>ilypajisi jī: Drill</p>
<p>K rweaker; Panzi shi shenme &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Kēige pānzi shī shenme yansēde?</p>
<p>yansedf?? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(What color is that plate?)</p>
<p>(cue} that (What color ie tne</p>
<p>plate [叹re the plfites]?)</p>
<p>I 二hu5<sup>r</sup>i3 shī shenme yanstd^? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;īliixie &quot;huosi shī chěnme yaneēde?</p>
<p>I those</p>
<p>&quot;i shi shenme yānĒĒ.dG? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ZhĚlb? yīzi sh5 shin me yānsěde^</p>
<p>j this</p>
<p>I Shǔjiāzi shi shenine ye.nsede? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhāixle shri^iāzi Fbi ēher.me yānsēde?</p>
<p>!ri .an ahī shěrme yānsede? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nei^hang. ditaj] shī sh«nm^ yānsēde?</p>
<p>I that</p>
<p>Loping shī shenme yān^ēde? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Neixie hiiāplr-g shi shenme yar.sēde?</p>
<p>MOR, Unit h</p>
<p>了* Yǔsan āhi sherme yinsedel &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhělba yusān shī shenme yansědē? thle</p>
<p>K. Transformation Drill</p>
<p>I, Speaker: Shi Zhongguo abu* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You; Ta saline ahū shi Zhongguo shū.</p>
<p>(cue) mai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(The book he bought Cis buying1</p>
<p>(It*s a Chinese &quot;book, ) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;is a. Chinese book.)</p>
<p>2_ Shi Meiguo shuozi. xīhusn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā xīhuande zhuōxi ehi MĚiguo xliuozi.</p>
<p>3* Shi Elhen shujiazi* mai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ti stride shūj iaīi ahi Btběn Bhujiazi*</p>
<p>tu Shi Yīngguo sāshī_ kan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā kande z&amp;zhl sbi Ylngguo z&amp;ihl.</p>
<p>5, Shī Zhongguo plnzi. xīhuan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta xīhuande p&amp;aai shi Zhongguo pfinsiJ</p>
<p>6* Shi Fāguo d it fin- mai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā mSlde ditSn Bhi Fēl^uo dttān.</p>
<p>7. Shī QīngdSo pljlQ. mSi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā mSlde pījiu shi QīngdSo pfjiu.</p>
<p>L. Transformation Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Tā maide eliSWi shēn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Ta māide chfitiēi shi guide-</p>
<p>gui^ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(īte teacupB he sells are</p>
<p>(The te&amp;cups he sells . &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;expenb1t« ones*)</p>
<p>are re&amp;lly expensive.}</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā maide fei^as sehln hao* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā mSlde fěizSo shi hSode-</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tǎ maide dītān zhin da. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā maide dftan ehi dade. k. Ta maide dītān zhin guī. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta, mSide ditan ehi gu£d€.</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā maide yīsi zhen xiao* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā mSide ylzl shi xi&amp;ode.</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ti maide pinsi zhēn piinyī * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā maide panzi shi pi&amp;iylde.</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta malde fanvan zhen hao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā maide: fāni&amp;i ehi h&amp;ode*</p>
<p>TranBforaation and Expansion— Drill</p>
<p>1. Speaker; Tā mai shu le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Ta mSiiie shū thBn pianyi,</p>
<p>(£ue) pianyi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(The books he &quot;bought are really</p>
<p>(He &quot;bought books.) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cheap,)</p>
<p>OB Ta mai shu le, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;TS mSidfi abu Bhi pianyi de,</p>
<p>(cue) plānylde &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(The books he bought are cheap</p>
<p>(He tought books,) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ones.)</p>
<p>2_, Tā kan shū le. Zhongguo shQ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ti kānde shu shi Zhongguo shu,</p>
<p>3- ZhSo Xlānsheng kan dītū le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhao Xiānsheng kSnde ditfi zhen āk<sub>m</sub> da</p>
<p>-r Zhou Tāitai mSi dftSn le, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhou Tāitai mlide ditan shī gui^e. guīde</p>
<p>I 5, Zhāng Xiansheng mai zhuo^i le, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhang XiaDeheng mide zhuozi shi 啦iguo 丨huōzi Meiguo zhuǒ^i.</p>
<p>I 6. Ta mai shūjiazl le* hao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta māide shujiāai zhen haon</p>
<p>I Expansion Drill</p>
<p>Speaker: Tamen mSlde pirn si van &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Tamen mSlde plnzlvan zhen</p>
<p>ashēn hSokeLn. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hSokān, keehi gut yidian-</p>
<p>(cue) guī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(The dishes they bouglit Care</p>
<p>(The dishes they bought &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;buying] are really tieautiful<sub>s</sub></p>
<p>[are buying] are: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;but they are a Mt expensive.) ■ really beautiful.) <sup>fc</sup></p>
<p>Ehāng Xianslieng Kiaide yusan zhēn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhang XiSnsheng maide yusSn zhen</p>
<p>haokan, xlao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hSok.an! kSshi xiSo yīcllSn,</p>
<p>V&amp;ig Tāitai mSide ditsui hen &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wāng Taitai malde dltan hen haok?ji,</p>
<p>haokān. da &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kSehi da ytdiSrs.</p>
<p>Women mSide shujlā^i bň haokan. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Women mSide abujiazi bū hSokan, kěshi</p>
<p>piSnyi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;piānyi yīdian,</p>
<p>Hti Xiansheng mSide cha&quot;bei then &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hō. Xiansheng jaSide chābei zhen hSokaji <sub>%</sub></p>
<p>hlokān <sub>#</sub> gui &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kSshl gui yidian*</p>
<p>TS maide huāpīng bū haokan, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta malde huapīng hfi hSokan<sub>$</sub> kēshi</p>
<p>piānjri &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pianyi yidian *</p>
<p>-i Taitai maide zhuozi hen &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Li TeLitai maide zhmzi h?n haokan<sub>$</sub></p>
<p>haokSn. gui &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;keshi gui ytdiSn.</p>
<p>MON, Unit k</p>
<p>D. Expansion Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;s^ea^er: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pinzi^ǎn t&amp;± &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;l£u<sup>: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;r</sup>^<sup>ixie</sup> F^iiwan dōii tfi</p>
<p>Cuifl dishes are too &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5^-</p>
<p>expensive.) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(All those dishes of his are</p>
<p>not too expensive.)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tāde zhuōzi tāi da. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tāde neixie zliuBai ācu 沾 tai da.</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WĒde yizi t^i pilnyi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;咖e neixie yīil dōu bu tai pianyi-</p>
<p>k. Vang Xianshengde dītan tii eui, Wang Xiānshengdfi neixie dītǎn iōu</p>
<p>bfi tai gut,</p>
<p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WaEg Tlitaidfi yūsǎn tai hǎo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wang Tāitaiie n?ixie yībǎn d5u</p>
<p>bl tāi hao*</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hū 拉itaide shūjiaai tU xiǎo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ku Taitaide něixie ahujiaai dōu bū</p>
<p>tai xiao-</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tāāe huaplng hSoliSn. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tāāe neixie huĀplīig 咖 bfi tSi hĒoXāJ</p>
<p>p* Expansion Drill</p>
<p>1. Soever: Hide chatēi h^n hāo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You; HĪ4e zhēige chabēi hěn haū.</p>
<p>(Your teacup is very &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;di shenme dīfang inaide.</p>
<p><sub>nice</sub>J &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(This teacup of yours is very</p>
<p>nice. Where did you tuy it?!</p>
<p>£. Tade pĚnii hěn hSc. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tāde thlige pan^i^hen hĒū. Shī zli I</p>
<p>shlime dīf&amp;ng maide;7</p>
<p>3 ahSng TSngshīde zhuōzi h^n hao. Zhāng TSngshīde zhēige īhnāzi hln</p>
<p>hǎo. Shī zai shēnme dtlfarig ^aid^Tj</p>
<p>It. Wāng TongKbīāe fanvan hsn hao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wang Tongznlda aheige fānvǎxi hěn ^ěJ</p>
<p>Shi zai shěrune dtfang mSide?</p>
<p>s, MS Tongihide shuJlSzi hen hǎo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mǎ Tongahtde īhēige shiijiail hen hěJ</p>
<p>Shī sāi she nine dīfang mai del</p>
<p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Līn TSngsblde dītǎn hen h5o<sub>f</sub> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Līn T&amp;ngzhīde zheige āltln hen hǎoJ</p>
<p>Shi zāi shĚrLme difang maide?</p>
<p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;lī Tongīhīāfi yīai h?n hao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LĪ TSngatiīde ihĚige yīīl =ěn hao.</p>
<p>Shi a&amp;i shenme dīfang mai de ?</p>
<p>exchange occurs on the C-l tape only.</p>
<p>I lin B?ljīrig)</p>
<p>1* A: Qīng ni gei wo liangahang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Pie as a give ms tvo fives. vukuaide*</p>
<p>■ 2. Bī Māfan ni, vo ahěr you yīshang Sorry to bother you,工 have a ten</p>
<p>s h īkuaide, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;here•</p>
<p>I 3. B- Qīng ni g?i vo hu&amp;nhuan. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please change it for me,</p>
<p>H* C: Nin yao z^xme hu&amp;n? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hov do you want to change it?</p>
<p>B: Qīng gel vo liangahang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hov alaout giving ms two fives,</p>
<p>wSku&amp;ide oa, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;please.</p>
<p>■* *B: Xiēxie. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ThanJc you.</p>
<p>I C: Bti klqi<sub>B</sub> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You<sup>1</sup> re welcome.</p>
<p>ūs Nīmen shou Ī*feijīn ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Do you accept II*S* currency?</p>
<p>E: DuiTbuqī, wnien l^Q shou* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I,m sorry, ve don<sup>T</sup>t(</p>
<p>D: Zai nKr hu^n ne7 Zh^r you &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Well^ where āo I ch&amp;nge tt? I日</p>
<p>miiyou yīhhĚng? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;there a &quot;bank here?</p>
<p>I E; You# Ylnhěng jiīi zai narThere ia* The bank is rtgbt</p>
<p>over there.</p>
<p>Ōingwen<sub>s</sub> shi &quot;bu shi aM zhěr &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;May I ask, la it here that I</p>
<p>liuln qiSn? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;change money?</p>
<p>Shī, shi zii zher hu^n_ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes<sub>t</sub> you change it here*</p>
<p>fi Nī yāo huan duōshao? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How much do you vant to change?</p>
<p>I p: Ko shir y5u vīhaikuli &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;工 have one hundred U»S* dollarb in</p>
<p>[^ijināe luxing zhīpiāo* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;traveler<sup>1</sup>b checks here,</p>
<p>I D: Jintiinde pāijia 3M duōshao? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What is today<sup>f</sup>s exchange rate?</p>
<p>7: Yīkual Keijin huan ylkuāi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One U.S. dollar to one dollar and</p>
<p>jiumao liS Rēim£nD3:* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ninety-six cents in People<sup>1</sup> a</p>
<p>MON, Unit 5</p>
<p>ADDITIOKAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
<table border="1">
<p>electric fE</p></td></tr>
<p>wist watch</p></td></tr>
<p>bti kēqi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;you're velconse</p>
<p>di&amp;nihāo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;electric fan</p>
<p>di an s hī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;t el evl b ion</p>
<p>huao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to change, to exchange</p>
<p>luxing &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;travel</p>
<p>luxing zlilpiāo (712hang) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;traveler<sup>1</sup> b check</p>
<p>mtfm nl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;sorry to tot her you</p>
<p>Mēijin &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;United States currency</p>
<p>pSlJiR &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;exchfiBge rate</p>
<p>Binmlnbi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;People<sup>1</sup> s currency (FBC)</p>
<p>shou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to accept, to receive</p>
<p>s hSulDiao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;vri st vat eh</p>
<p>e houyīnjI &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;radio</p>
<p>aenme &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;how</p>
<p>ahīpiao (yishang) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a check (e.g” &quot;banker^ or</p>
<p>zbong &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;clock tintroduced on C-S tape)</p>
<p>YSuyl Shangdian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Friendship Department Store</p>
<p>{in Beijing)</p>
<p>i. A: Qīng ni gei wo liSngzhāng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please give me tvo fives•</p>
<p>Zlcite on No&gt; 1</p>
<p>Liangzhang vǔkuaLlde refers tc tvo 5-dollar BILLS» The marker -de a.t the end of tfukuāide indicates that the phrase modifies an understood noun. In smother context * the noun might be a different one. If the speaker says '.iangge wGkuSide in a store<sub>&gt;</sub> the phrase might refer to tvo ITEMS, that 13, two iteas that cost five dollars. In earlier units, similar uses of -de vere trail slated as <sup>,f</sup>oDes<sup>M</sup>: dade ^ <sup>MJ</sup>big ones*<sup>11</sup></p>
<p>■2. B: M^fan ni, w5 shēr ySu ylsbāng Sorry to ^oth^r you.工 have a ten shīkuāide, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;here•</p>
<p>Etes an Ho, 2</p>
<p>MĀf^n ni: Mafan is a ver’o meaning &quot;bother,<sup>11</sup> or <sup>Tl</sup>annoy,<sup>IT</sup> The expression fan ni īūeans <sup>lf</sup>I<sup>f</sup>m bothering you-<sup>ST</sup> It is translated In No. 2 as ”Sorry to tber you*<sup>rr</sup></p>
<p>Wo zběr y5u<sub>i</sub> yjzhān^<sub>&lt;</sub>shlfeuāldes Word for vord* this vould &quot;be <sup>TT</sup>ī-here ere-is one-sheet 10-doilar-thing<sub>s</sub>&quot; or, a little more smoothly, <sup>īf</sup>Here Ěre I am, there is a 10-dollar Mil.</p>
<p>lip B; Qīng ni gēl wo huān huan» &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please change it for me*</p>
<p>on ĪIq* 3</p>
<p>Gei vo: In No, 3 the verb gel is used pr epo s it i on ally to mean <sup>Tl</sup>ior.<sup>M</sup> FFrepositional verts and their objects come before the main verb in a ■er.tence» Notice that while gel vo precedes the main verb in Chinese, fcr me<sup>iT</sup> follows the vert in English.</p>
<p>MON, Unit 5</p>
<p>PREPOSITIONAL ITS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN</p>
<p>VERB &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;OBJECT &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;VERB</p>
<table border="1">
<tr><td colspan="2">
<p>gel w3</p></td><td>
<tr><td colspan="3">
<p>(ebanga Cit3</p></td><td colspan="2">
<p>for me)</p></td></tr>
<p>Qīng ni gei vo kājikan nīde &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please let tne loot at that took</p>
<p>něi^n shū. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;of yours,</p>
<p>TE gei ffieimei maile ylge &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He &quot;bought an electric fan for</p>
<p>diānsli&amp;n, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;his youBger sister,</p>
<p>Qīng nl gei vo xie nīde &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please write your address for me, ālzhī•</p>
<p>Huanhuan: The reduplication of hu&amp;a in No. 3 ciakes the request milder mā more polite, (See Unit 3, notes on No. 1.)</p>
<p>Note on No, 5</p>
<p>Bu keqi is an idiom meaning <sup>ri</sup>don<sup>1</sup>1 &quot;be polite*<sup>ir</sup> It is used like the English <sup>11</sup> You,<sup>1</sup> re velcome.<sup>?l</sup> In English, you accept thanks; in Chinese, you modestly decline thanks.</p>
<p>U. C: Nin yāo zSume huan? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hov do you vant to change it7</p>
<p>Bi QXng gei wo liSngzhāng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hov about giving me two fives,</p>
<p>vukulLide ba- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pleaee,</p>
<p>Note on Mo, h</p>
<p>Zēnme, <sup>IT</sup>hov,<sup>TI fl</sup>in what vay<sup>,T</sup>: In Chinese, adverbs precede verbs. NoticJ that the sdverls &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;is placed immediately before the main verb buan,</p>
<p>vbile in English^how<sup>1</sup>&quot; begins the sentence-</p>
<p>5. B: Xiēxie, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thank you.</p>
<p>C: Bu kēqi * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You're velcotne.</p>
<p>HON, Unit</p>
<p>D: Nīmen shōu MěiJin ma?</p>
<p>E: Duibuqī, women t\X shōu*</p>
<p>Bo you accept U*S_ currency? I_a sorry, we don<sup>f</sup>t.</p>
<p>■ - D: Zai nar hukn ne? Shir 70U rcěiyou ylnhing?</p>
<p>E: You, Yinhang Jill nar.</p>
<p>Vell<sub>t</sub> where do I change it?</p>
<p>Is there el bank here?</p>
<p>There Is. Tbe bank Is right over there»</p>
<p>res on No, 7</p>
<table border="1">
<p>(is there &amp;&nbsp;bank here?)</p>
<p>了 9</p>
<p>I The marker ne_ at the end of Zai n&amp;r huan neT indicates that the question 二igvs from the sentence before it. The marker ne is often used at the end a question vhich almost automatically foilovs the preceding sentence in :c. river eat ion; W5 hao, Nī ne? CR Zāi nSr huān ne? Normally <sub>t</sub> you do not e &amp;&nbsp;seritence ending vith ne to start a nev conversation**</p>
<p>Y5u iaētyou; You have already learned one way to form a y«s/no-choice esiiofi, vith the negative choice tacked onto the end of the sentence.</p>
<p>* second ^ueetlon In exchange 7 illustrates a second vay: the negative clee comes imediately after the e.ffirmatchoice. Both patterns ere Eson* Compare:</p>
<p>K B: Qīngwěn<sub>s</sub> shī bu shi zāi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;May I &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Is it here that I change</p>
<p>shěr huS^i &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;money?</p>
<p>F: Shi<sub>f</sub> shi zk± zhār huan* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes<sub>t</sub> you change it here.</p>
<p>on No. S</p>
<p>5hi bu shi is used to form a yes/no-choice question about something than the main verb of a sent ©nee. In this case <sub>r</sub> the question is</p>
<p>use of ne_ is different from the use of n£ to indicate ongoing action a sontinuing state: Ta xianaii aisji shn ne, {See BIO, Unit 8, note on ■b 30</p>
<p>MON<sub>s</sub> Unit 5</p>
<p>about the phrase aEi zher. Here is a compartson between the Chinese and a literal English version of the yes/no-choice question:</p>
<table border="1">
<p>Shl bu shi</p></td><td>
<p>zāi zbēr huan qiSn?</p></td></tr>
<p>(Is it or isn^t It</p></td><td>
<p>here that 1 change money?)</p></td></tr>
<p>Notice that the affirmative choice in shi bu shi has a tone, while the negative does not -</p>
<p>The answer to a ahi tu shi question starts vith 5hi,for ”yeSj<sup>IT</sup> or ~bu shi &gt;&nbsp;for <sup>lf</sup>no*<sup>TI</sup></p>
<p>Bht zai zhěr hulLn. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is here that you change it*</p>
<p>Bū shi īāi zhSr hu^i. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It isn<sup>f</sup>t here that you change it.</p>
<p>In exchange 8, the ghl for &quot;yes,* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;la emphasized and bo has its tone:</p>
<p>Shi; sht 艺Si £hěr huān* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes, it ĪS here that you change it.</p>
<p>Notice that the place phrase all zhěr precedes the main verb huan. In Chinese, the orāer of phrases iā TIMĒ<sub>S</sub> PLACE<sub>S</sub> ACTION.</p>
<p>TIME &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;PLACE</p>
<table border="1">
<p>zai Jiazhāu</p></td><td>
<p>niān shū<sub>r</sub></p></td><td>
<p>(Last year I studied in California*)</p></td></tr>
<p>z&amp;l yīnhāng</p></td><td>
<p>huao qi&amp;n</p></td><td>
<p>(He Ib changing money at the bank now .)</p></td></tr>
<p>9- F: Nī yao huan duoshao? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How mucb do you want to change?</p>
<p>D: Wo zhhr you yibāikuSi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have one hundred U.S. dollars</p>
<p>Meijināe liixīng zhlpi^o. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;in traveler<sup>T</sup>e checks here-</p>
<p>Hote on Ko, 9</p>
<p>yjbǎikuai Mei^Inde luxlng shlpiao: In this phrase the &quot;1『往76161■爾ā check» lībclng^shipiao» is being described as worth one hundred dollars in U*S. currency„ yib&amp;ikual Mgjj in■ The amoiuat of money is aade into a descriptive phre.se hy the addition of the marker of modification -de,</p>
<p>d a</p>
<p>s it-• In</p>
<p>ie &quot;bank</p>
<p><sup>1</sup> s check, J.S,</p>
<p>MON, Unit</p>
<table border="1">
<p>yibSikuāi Meij īnde</p></td><td>
<p>luxīng ahlpiāo</p></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2">
<p>(a traveler<sup>1</sup>e check</p></td><td>
<p>which Is vortb. $100 U.S.)</p></td></tr>
<p>I 10, D: Jlntiānde pSiJla shi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What is today<sup>1</sup> s exchange rate?</p>
<p>F: Yīkuai MeiJIn hului yikuSi One U,S. dollar to one dollar and j ium&amp;o li<sup>1</sup>! Hēnmin'bī;. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ninety-six cents in People<sup>1</sup> s</p>
<p>Ilotes on No- 10</p>
<p>圓■ I ii &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;■ ■</p>
<p>Huan: In the second sentence of exchange 10, the vert huaa ia used to equate aiQOunts of money in two different currencies* The verb can 'be trangiated fairly literally aa <sup>f,</sup>can be exchanged for&quot;: ”One U,S_ dollar san be exchanged for one dollar ami ninety-six centE in People’s currency.&quot;</p>
<p>EenpiiLbi: Rēomln means <sup>Tl</sup>people<sub>s</sub><sup>rt</sup> and b|_ is the word for &quot;currency.</p>
<p>?<sub>r</sub>ěnainbi (&quot;aometImea abljrevi&amp;ted as BME) is the official name for PRC •currency •</p>
<p>酬,Unit 5</p>
<p>1. Speaker: Ni yāc zěnme huan?</p>
<p>(cue) 5 ones.</p>
<p>(Hov do you want to change it?)</p>
<p>You: Qīng ni gei vo wushing yīkuaide, ~^ {Please give me five ones.)</p>
<table border="1">
<p>Ki y&amp;o zēniīie hu&amp;n?</p></td><td>
<p>2 fives</p></td><td>
<p>Qīng ni gei vo liSngsh&amp;ng wBkuaide,</p></td></tr>
<p>Nī yao zeniise huān?</p></td><td>
<p>10 tens</p></td><td>
<p>Qīng ni gei w sblshlng shīKuěide..</p></td></tr>
<p>NĪ yāo 2?nme hu&amp;n?</p></td><td>
<p>5 on&amp;s</p></td><td>
<p>Qīng nl gei wo vGshāng yikuaida.</p></td></tr>
<p>IĪĪ yāo senme huān?</p></td><td>
<p>10 ones</p></td><td>
<p>Qīng ni gei vo shīahSng ylkuāi de.</p></td></tr>
<p>Mī yeto z§nme huan?</p></td><td>
<p>5 tens</p></td><td>
<p>Qīng ni gei to wxiahāng ahiKuaide.</p></td></tr>
<p>了 *</p></td><td>
<p>NĪ yao s?rime huan ?</p></td><td>
<p>2 fives</p></td><td>
<p>Qīng nl gei vo liSngzhāng wvknaiāe</p></td></tr>
<p>B* Substitution Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Ninien sh&amp;u Wěijin ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Siyī Gongsī ahou Měijǐn ma?</p>
<p>(cue) Dīyī ŪōngEĪ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Does the FIrat Company accept</p>
<p>(Do&quot;you accept U.S. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U.S. currency?)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dīyī Gōngsi shou M^ijīn ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jīnrī Gōngsī shou MeiJ īn ma?</p>
<p>.Tīnrī Gōngsī</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jīnrī Ūongsī ahōu MĚijīn ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yuǎndōng Gōngsī shōu Kěijīn ma?</p>
<p>Yuandong Gongsī</p>
<p>k<sub>m</sub> Yuan dong G5ngsī shou Mēijīn mī YuĚnshān Bafandian sbou Mei J In raa? Yuānshan Dllfāndian</p>
<p>5骨 Yuanshān Dafandian shou Mgijīn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Guobīn Dāfāndian ahou M§ijīn im?</p>
<p>»na? Guobīn Dafandian</p>
<p>6p Guobīn Pāfind!an shou MeiJIn ma? Kīmen zheli shōu 條ijīn ma? nīmen zheli</p>
<p>T* NTman zheli shou Mei iīn ma.ī</p>
<p>MON<sub>p</sub> Unit 5</p>
<p>C» Response Drill</p>
<p>1. Speaker: Du^buqī<sub>t</sub> vīmen bō sh5u &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: iHngvĚn, sāi nǎr kĚyi buān ne?</p>
<p>MēiJin. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(May ī ask, vhere can I change</p>
<p>nar &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;it?)</p>
<p>(I,m soriy, we don<sup>1</sup>1</p>
<p>accept tJ.S* currency *}</p>
<p>OR I^ibuqī, v3職 bil shōu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^ngwĚn, zh^r ySu meiyou</p>
<p>yīiiha:^ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(May I ask, i<sub>3</sub> there a bank</p>
<p>ti m sorry, ve don<sup>f</sup>t &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;here?) accept UrS* currency*)</p>
<p>I <sup>2</sup>' 咖却沾 <sup>sh5u</sup> 搞lunīnbī. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīngwen, sSl nSr keyi huan ne?</p>
<p>I <sup>3</sup>. 沾 <sup>flh5u TSlbf</sup>- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;QTtig^n, zhir ySu 咖iy<sub>0u</sub> y^hfingT</p>
<p><sup>11</sup> ■ <sup>v6men</sup> 沾 <sup>sh5</sup>u &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīngvěn, nar ^Ěyi buān neī</p>
<p>zhīpiao. n£r</p>
<p>I <sup>5</sup>. <sup>ba eh5u</sup> 此ipiāo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;QĪDgwēn, zhĚr ySu atelyou yīnhĚng? I<sup>fi</sup>* 沾<sup>1</sup>咖 ^ <sup>3h5</sup>^ 跑^ngvěn, zāi nSr kēyl hiiin 肪ī</p>
<p>sfiiplao _ nSr</p>
<p>I C- SubatitutioD Drill</p>
<p>I 细迦I: sht bu shi zāi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You; Qīngvěn, ^ bu shi zāi zhĒge</p>
<p>^ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yinhāng huān c^i^ī</p>
<p>vg) allege yftihang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(May I ask, i<sub>B</sub> it at this bank</p>
<p><sup>tMa</sup>J 工 <sup>aaJl</sup>, <sup>13 ii: h</sup>^re &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;that I change mocey?J</p>
<p>that I change moneyī)</p>
<p>I<sup>2</sup>- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;QXn^n, 3hf tu Bhi zi± nīoen zhĚli</p>
<p>yinhang huan qian? nīnsen &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;huan qiin? zhēli</p>
<p><sup>3</sup>- ^<sup>3</sup>;<sup>1 Z</sup>^<sub>v</sub>f<sup>Mn</sup> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;QXne^u, Hhī 如 <sub>B</sub>hl z£i 边 I<sub>se</sub> yfnh^g</p>
<p>’el土 qian? shěge &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;huSn qi£n? <sup>B</sup> yinhang</p>
<p>r <sup>ZhĚ</sup>软 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;^^n, sht tu shi z&amp;l Tiivān</p>
<p>I J&amp;i=<sub>n</sub>f<sup>nī</sup> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;办―—伽</p>
<p>r īfSi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^irdv<sup>5ht tu shi</sup> 出<sup>ts</sup>.—</p>
<p>' &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;, :r,! ■二 shi t&amp;l t&amp; nali Qīngvěn , shī txx shi zāi nīmen īhēli</p>
<p>huln qiari? tsīsien shēli &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;huan qiān?</p>
<p>7* Qingwěn, shi bu shi zai nīmen aheli huān q_iān?</p>
<p>E, Expansion Drill</p>
<p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;啦r: Wo zhēr^you luxing &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: W5 zhēr you yibSikuāi Meijīnde</p>
<p>shīpiao, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;luxing zhīpiao-</p>
<p>(<sup>cue</sup>) <sup>100</sup> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(I have one hundred U.S. dollars</p>
<p>(I have traveler<sup>1</sup> a &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;in traveler<sup>1</sup>s checks here,) checks here*)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WS ahar you lībtlng ahīpiāo, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WS shēr yǒu vǔshikuāi Měijīnde</p>
<p>350 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;luxing zhlplaa.</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;VIS iber you lūxīng īhīpiao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;V3 zh^r you liecgtaikuai MĒ1J īnde</p>
<p>这00 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;l^bcīng shīpiĚo,</p>
<p>知.WĚ shĒr y5u lujtlng zhlpiāo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WS ahēr y^Su q.īshikuai Měijīnde</p>
<p>了<sup>0</sup> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;lSxīng zhlplio.</p>
<p>5‘ zher jtēu libtlng zhlpiSo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;W5 zher you jiǔahULuāi Mgijīrde</p>
<p>luJtīng Ēhīpiāo.</p>
<p>6. W5 zh^r you lSxln<sub>6</sub> zhīpiāo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;W5 iher y5u tābǎi aīshikuii MĒijinde I</p>
<p>灿0 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;iSxlng zhipiāo,</p>
<p>T. WB ahěr you llbtīng ahlpiāo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;V3 zhěr ySu vǔtǎi sīshikuai M^ijīnie I</p>
<p>沖<sup>0</sup> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;lǐbcīng shlpiSo,</p>
<p>F\ Expansion Drill</p>
<p>1. Speaker: W5 2 her you yiihāng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;īou: Wǒ a her you yīīhāng sHkuSide</p>
<p>shīkuāide 辟nminU. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rěnmlnbi. Qīng ni gěi vo</p>
<p>U have one 10-dollar &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;huānhuan,</p>
<p>bill of People' &amp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(I have one 10-dūllar Mil of</p>
<p>currency here, ) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Peopled currency here.</p>
<p>Please change It for me*)</p>
<p>£. Wǒ 2her yon yīihāng vǔk^aide &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo zhhr you yiahaag vīilcu&amp;ide Renmln-1</p>
<p>Renminbi * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bi. Qīng ni gei to huiLnhuan.</p>
<p>3. WS ahěr yǑM ^īahāng vǔ&amp;hikuāi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wō 2hĚr you yī<sub>E</sub>hān<sub>Ē</sub> v^ehikuai MĚijiJ</p>
<p>Meij īr-de luxing shīpiao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;de libcing zhīpiSo# Qīng ni gei vol</p>
<p><sup>k</sup>- <sup>ws ahĚr</sup> 片u Jfīzhāng IrBhikuāi WS ah&amp;r y6u yīshāng ershiku&amp;i</p>
<p>Měijīntie luxing zīilpiao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Měijīnde luxīng zhīpiāo. (^<sub>n</sub>g</p>
<p>ni gSi vo buSnhuaEs.</p>
<p>5- V3 zher you yīzhāng yī^ikuai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;W3 zhēr ylzhāng yībSlkuāl</p>
<p>Hěijīnde 1'oxīng zhīpi甚o. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MĚiJīnde luxing īhīplāū, Qīng</p>
<p>ni gěi vo huānhuan</p>
<p>6■丨 Tā ther you iiāngzhāng ershikuai Ta zhēr y5u ilaugzhang ěrshikuSi Meijlnde lining zhlpiao* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mgijīūde lSxlng ahlplao. Qīng</p>
<p>ni gei vo huinhuan,</p>
<p>了. Tā zhēr you liāng^bāng wuBhikuSi Ta zher you liSngzhang vuehikuai 施ijīnde luxīng īhlpi&amp;o- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MiiJInde luxīng zhlpiao. ftlng</p>
<p>ni gel wo huānhuan,</p>
<p>IG. Transfo na&amp;tion Drill</p>
<p>1, Speaker: Tā huān duōshao qiān? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta y&amp;o huan duōshao qiSa?</p>
<p>(How much money does he want (How much money is he &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to change?)</p>
<p>OE Tā huan y5&quot;bSikuai Meijīn, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā buanle ytbaikuSi Meijīn*</p>
<p>(He ctianged one hundred U.S.</p>
<p>(He is changing one hundred &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dollars*)</p>
<p>U.S. dollars,)</p>
<p><sup>m</sup> ^ huĚn yibalkuai MSlJīn, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ti huknle yibaikuāi MeiJIn le..</p>
<p>has done so far &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(He has changed one hundred</p>
<p>(He is changing one hundred U.S. dollars so far.)</p>
<p>U.S_ dollars.)</p>
<p>2, Tā huān duoshao qianT did &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā hTiānle duāahao qian?</p>
<p>3. Ta huān vilehikuai MĚiJin. vwt Tā yko huān vǔshlkuā:! HSijīn,</p>
<p><sup>L</sup>- <sup>Tā huS</sup>n sīshiKu^i MěiJin, did Tā huānle aīshikuSi MěijIn,</p>
<p>5- Ta huān Měijīn. toas done ao far Tā huanle Mēijīn le.</p>
<p>MOfī, Unit 5</p>
<table border="1">
<p>mlile</p></td><td colspan="2">
<p>liangzhang zhuozi</p></td></tr>
<p>li * R gsjpon s*; Drj 11</p>
<p>Use liarig- for all your responses*</p>
<p>1- o£eak££i Ta mSi ahenme le? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Ti īnaile Iiangge shouyīnji,</p>
<p>(cue) shouyīnjī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(He bought two radios *)</p>
<p>(What&quot;lid he buv?)</p>
<p>ī. Response Drill</p>
<p>1, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speakeri QTngvin, wodē nabep &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;loui Bū zāi wS shěli^ zāi ta nali,</p>
<p>shěngzhixuě zai nl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{It<sup>1</sup> b not ovsr by me; it<sup>t</sup>b owr</p>
<p>zhlli ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;by him.)</p>
<p>(cue) ta (May I ask, ia that political science book of mine over by you?)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qlngvěn, wode nābēn ^īngjixue &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bā aāi v5 zhēli» sai tā nāli-</p>
<p>zai nī zheli tna? tā</p>
<p>3* Qlngwen, wode nāběn Zhōngvěn shu Bii zāi v3 ihili, zāi Wāng Taitai nlli aai nī nali ma? Wāng Tāitai</p>
<p>h<sub>a</sub> Qlngwen,, vSde nāben aāzhi sai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bfi z&amp;i tā nili<sub>t</sub> zāi ^5 ahěli*</p>
<p>ni nali ma? Lī Xiansheng</p>
<p>5* Qīngwln, vode nafln Zhongvln &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bū zai w5 sbēli, zāi tā nali*</p>
<p>bao 艺ai nī shill ma? tā</p>
<p>6* QTngwěn, wode nāzhāng Taiwan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bfi sāi vō shell<sub>s</sub> sS,i tā nali,</p>
<p>dītu zkI nī shēli ma? ta</p>
<p>7* QingvēEi <sub>t</sub> wode r^afen Yīngwēn bao Bu zai vd 2tiēii.<sub>s</sub> zai Wu Xiao j i e n&amp;lj</p>
<p>■7- n H r\-f rtal ǐ mn ? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LJti Y4 n r\ ■! ^</p>
<p>Unit 6</p>
<p>UNIT 6</p>
<p>(in Taipei)</p>
<p>1- A: Qīngwen, ni*r,cn zheli keyi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;K$jy I aek<sub>f</sub> u.s* carr^ney l)e</p>
<p>huan KĚijin mǎ? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;chan^^rd here?</p>
<p>E; Duībuqī, kēyi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;T'wi sorry, tLat<sup>1</sup>^ not posslMe,</p>
<p>2* A: Lilxing sbīpiāo ne? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;IIqw about traveler<sup>1</sup> b checks?</p>
<p>B: Ye bū kēyi. llin děi aai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Th^t*s not possible either. You</p>
<p>Tāi wan Yinhang huan* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;have to change them at tliv. Dark</p>
<p>of Taivan,</p>
<p>3, A: &quot;fīniiang shenme shīhou kňi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When does the banli open? men?</p>
<p>B: Jiudiaa shōng kāi men. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It opens at nine o<sup>f</sup>clock.</p>
<p>乙-A: Jīdian shong guan men? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What time āoes it closeī</p>
<p>B- Sindian zhong guan min. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It closes at three o'clock.</p>
<p>5_ A: XianzAi jldi&amp;i zhong? H&amp;i &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What tide is it now? I may still</p>
<p>kěyi hu&amp;i &quot;ba? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;change money, I suppos-sT</p>
<p>B: Xiānzāi iiangdiān ban* Hāi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It*s Ixalf past, two &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You may</p>
<p>Icěyi huan, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;still change aoney.</p>
<p>6. A: Wo yao huan yidian T£ibī* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I vant to ctiange some money iuto ^</p>
<p>®hi yībaikuSi Měijīnde &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Taiwan currency. Here are one</p>
<p>luxing zhlpiao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hundred U.S* dollars in traveler<sup>1</sup>s</p>
<p>C; Hāo* Yīku&amp;i MěiJin huan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Certainly. One U.S. dollar is</p>
<p>3ān&amp;hi&quot;bāiuāi Tāibi, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;thirty-eight dollars in Taivan</p>
<p>A: Zhē^Ehi wuzhāng ērshikuaide &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Here are five 20-doll^tr traveler's</p>
<p>iāxīng zhīpiao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;checks..</p>
<p>C: Sing nin dēngjddēng. Wo jiū &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please valt a moment. ī<sup>f</sup>il he right</p>
<p>H &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;back»</p>
<p>A: W3 y&amp;o dian xlāo piaosi, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I voulā like some small bills.</p>
<p>Shizhāng yils£ikiiaide qīng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please change this 100-dollar bill</p>
<p>ai gěi vo Imānhuan,xlng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;for me. Would that te all rights \m xīng?</p>
<p>MON, Unit 6</p>
<p>c; Xīng. Gei nin Jiushāng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All right. I'll give you nine tens</p>
<p>Bhikxiaide, liangzhing &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;and two fives* wukuaide•</p>
<p>g. A: Mifan ni le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sorry to have bothered</p>
<p>Cl Měi shenme. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's nothing.</p>
<p>ADDITIONAL HEQUIBED TOCABULAM (not preflented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
<p>10* zāocheīi (saochēn) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;early morning</p>
<p>li. īlōshang Uāoshāng) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;morning</p>
<p>12* shāngwQ (sh&amp;ngvu) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;forenoon, morning</p>
<p>13. ahōngwu {aliǒngwu) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;noon</p>
<p>lli. xiitvu (xiāvu) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;afternoon</p>
<p>15- vanehang (vlnsh^Dg) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;evening</p>
<p>16, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ySil &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;night</p>
<p>17, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;midnight</p>
<p>18, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;jian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to meet</p>
<p>19, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;BifiELa.huhū &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;so-so, fair</p>
<p>十、 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;half</p>
<p>běiwě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;midnight</p>
<p>deng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to vait</p>
<p>děngyidēng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to wait a moment</p>
<p>(counter for hours on the clock)</p>
<p>gěi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;for</p>
<p>guān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to close</p>
<p>guān men &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to close (for the business</p>
<p>day); to cioae doim, to go out of businesB</p>
<p>Jiaa &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to meet</p>
<p>Jī泛iSn ahong &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;vhat hour, vhat time</p>
<p>immediately (vith rererenca ^ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to time)</p>
<p>kāi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to open</p>
<p>kāi loen &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to open (for th€ bueines^</p>
<p>^ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;day); to open for business</p>
<p>may<sub>t</sub> can* to &quot;be permitted</p>
<p>isāKahūhū &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;so-so, fair</p>
<p>aei shemne &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;it<sup>T</sup>s nothing</p>
<p>mēn(r) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;door</p>
<p>piSozi (yiahang) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bills (currency)</p>
<p>shaiigwu (shlbgvii) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;forenoon <sub>f</sub> morning</p>
<p>Tliht &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Taivan cijrrency (īīT$)</p>
<p>^mnehang (wanshang) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;evening</p>
<p>xiaw (xlārwu) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;afternoon</p>
<p>xīng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be all right</p>
<p>yēli &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;night</p>
<p>zaoch^n (zaochen) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;early morning</p>
<p>īaoshang (zaoshang) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;morning</p>
<p>zhōng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;o'clock</p>
<p>shongvu (z hongwu) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;noon</p>
<p>(introdaceā on &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;C-2 and I<sup>3</sup>—2 t&amp;ues)</p>
<p>Itaishl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to start, to begin</p>
<p>youde shlhou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;sometimes</p>
<p>{introduced in &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cognmunicat ion Gajne)</p>
<p>-tāng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(counter for class periods)</p>
<p>MON, Unit 6</p>
<p>Kote on Mo* 2</p>
<p>Dei<sub>t</sub> <sup>1T</sup>aust !<sup>n ĪT</sup>liave to<sup>IT</sup>: Unlike mmy other auxiliary verbs ^ del cannot be made negative.* Also<sub>p</sub> it Is not used in short ana vers or short question J For the question form of del <sub>t</sub> It is wrong to say dgj bu dgl; instead, use shī bu ghl d|i<sub>t</sub> <sup>Tl</sup>is it (true) that&quot; .muBt” (or use yong bu yong&gt; <sup>Tl</sup>is it necessary to.#-^»</p>
<p>pgj is a colloquial northern Chinese word which Is not necessarily used I or under stood in all parts of China. In particular <sub>3</sub>. del ia heard infrequently in Taiwan. Vfimen speaking vith Chinese vho do not uae dSi<sub>%</sub> you may substitute an expression witb a similar meaning* In many sentences, you can sulDBtitute ylo, <sup>11</sup> should ,<sup>IT n</sup>aiist<sup>TI</sup> i in other sentences, you can use b|xu<sub>a</sub> <sup>fl</sup>must*<sup>H</sup></p>
<p>*To say <sup>,f</sup>iau3t not 广 use QiĒnvāii bi&amp;<sub>t</sub> &quot;by no means must<sup>11</sup>: Nī q.lānv&amp;n Me qň, <sup>m</sup>You must not go.<sup>11</sup> To sāy &quot;need not,&quot; use bu bī or bfl yong: Nī bū bi yu、</p>
<p><sup>11</sup> You need not (don<sup>1</sup>1 have to) go/<sup>1</sup> OR Nī bu yong lai&gt; ' You need not fdoo<sup>1</sup> have to) come/<sup>M</sup></p>
<p>1, A: 0;ngwēri, nīmen zheli klyi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;May I ask, can U.S* currency be</p>
<p>huln Měijīn ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;changed here?</p>
<p>Bs Dulbuq.1, bil key I, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'a sorry, that<sup>1</sup> e not possible.</p>
<p>Notes on Nq&gt; 1</p>
<p>Kěyi is the auxiliary verb <sup>,f</sup>may<sub>t</sub><sup>TI ,f</sup>can,<sup>IT</sup> It is often used, as here, to say what is permitted by the rules of a particular organization. It is often beat translated by the English word, &quot;can&quot; rather than by <sup>f,</sup>may.<sup>11</sup></p>
<p>Like all auxiliary verbs <sub>5</sub> kěyi is a state vert and therefore can &quot;be made negative only vith bň*</p>
<p>Nīmen ahěli is &amp;&nbsp;place phrase acting as topic. The first sentence in exchange 1 eōuld 'be translated more literally aa °Ab for your place here<sub>5</sub> may erne change American currency?<sup>11</sup></p>
<p>g. A: Luxing zhlpi&amp;o ne? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How aciout traveler<sup>T</sup>s checks?</p>
<p>B: Yē b\l kēyi* Hln děi z&amp;i &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That^s not poBBible either- You</p>
<p>T&amp;ivan YlnhSng huān. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;have to cīienge them at the 3mk</p>
<p>of Tńivan.</p>
<p>MOH* Unit 6</p>
<p>re<sub>t</sub> to la</p><img src="0085-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentText_files/0085-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentText-10.jpg" style="width:22pt;height:12pt;"/>
<p>;e in</p>
<p>cannot quest ionaJ ,d, use j It</p>
<p>fily used</p>
<p>Lnfre-you may it you ise</p>
<p>bl q^i īiot fdon<sup>1</sup></p>
<p>3* As Yīnhāng Bhēnme shlhou kāi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When does the &quot;bank openT men 7</p>
<p>B: Jiudian zhōng kāi měru &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It opens at nine o<sup>1</sup> ^lock.</p>
<p>A: Jīdian zhong guiū men? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What time doe日 it close?</p>
<p>B: Sācdian fhbng guān men. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It closes at three o'clock.</p>
<p>Notes on Nos. 3—杜</p>
<p>Kai men, guān snen: The vords kāi and guān mean <sup>T,</sup>to open&quot; and <sup>M</sup>to close* “ Ken means door.<sup>,F</sup> In referring to businese hours <sub>$</sub> kāl and gu&amp;n are always followed by raēa. The only exception i曰 that mēn may 'be omitted in a sentence if the vord was included earlier in the conversation, as in the folioviag example:</p>
<p>Ylnhang slndiān zhōng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Taank closes at three o<sup>f</sup> clock.</p>
<p>Xiěnī&amp;i yljīng guān le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It<sup>1</sup>e already closed now.</p>
<p>The phrases kāl men and guār&gt; men may also mean <sup>lT</sup>to &quot;be open” and <sup>n</sup>to he closed,<sup>11</sup> That is, they may refer to states as veil as to actions of opsnlng and closing* *</p>
<p>Yliihāiig hai kāl men &quot;ba? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The bank is still open<sub>5</sub> X suppose?</p>
<p>JiSdian zhōng: The vord for <sup>n</sup>clock<sup>IT</sup> ia zhōng:,, anti di&amp;n (literally, &quot;a ) ia the counter for hours on the clock. In tirae expressioRs <sub>s</sub> zbōng correspoRde to ^o<sup>1</sup> clock/* As is the case for <sup>rf</sup>o<sup>f</sup>clock&quot; in īhgligh, abōng say be omitted* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;■一</p>
<p>Jlīidian (zhong). &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's nine (o<sup>1</sup> clock).</p>
<p>JīāiSn zhōnff: Notice that questions about clock time are formed vith Jī-t not vith duōshao, since the answers involve amall numljers.</p>
<p>A: Xiānaai jīdiSn shōng? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hal What time 1b it now? I may</p>
<p>k%i huan &quot;ba? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;still change inoney, I suppose?</p>
<p>B: Xiānsāi liangdiSn ban. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hai It<sup>f</sup>b half pstst two now. You may</p>
<p>kěyi huājn, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;still change money.</p>
<p>*The phrase guān men can also refer to going out of business.</p>
<p>Notes on Wo■ 5</p>
<p>Be. is used in exchange 5 to mark a question expressing the speaker<sup>1</sup> s supposition about the ajisver, Here is another example :</p>
<p>Ylnhang hai kii men ba? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The bank is still open<sub>s</sub> I suppose?</p>
<p>OR The &quot;bank is still open, isr/t it?</p>
<p>Ban ■ Liangdian ban may be translated ae &quot;half past tvo,<sup>IT</sup> or <sup>1p</sup>tvo-thirty.<sup>IT</sup> Notice that, literally, the expression is &quot;two dote half/' with the number ban after the counter diSn. In Chinese <sub>s</sub> <sup>M</sup>tvo-thirty<sup>lr</sup> may be said with or without zhōng;</p>
<p>liajigdiSn han &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;OR &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;liangdian ban zhōng</p>
<p>gotg on No, 6</p>
<p>Eu.kn Tltibī: The ver&quot;b huan really means <sup>Tī</sup>to exchangethat is<sub>4</sub> to replace one thing with another- Huan sets up an equivalence between the two items being exchanged but does not indicate the direction of the exchange (i.e. , vhicb Item the speaker starts with and vbich he ends up vith). In the middle cf scmeone<sup>1</sup> s stay in Taiwan, ve assume that the phrase huan TĚibī refers to changing some money INTO Taivan currency*</p>
<p>At the end of a stay In Taiwan, ve vould guess that the phraee refers to changing money FROM Taivan currency. Only the context indicates vhether to translate huān as &quot;change into&quot; or &amp;曰 <sup>rl</sup>change fronsp&quot;*</p>
<p>7* A: Zhě shi vuzhāng ersbiKuaide &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Here are five 20-dollar traveler^ luxing zhlpiāo. checks*</p>
<p>C: Qīng nin dengyidēng* WS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please vait a momenta I<sup>T</sup>11 &quot;be Jiii l£i* right back.</p>
<p>*The English verb ”rent&quot; is similar: The sentence <sup>M</sup>I want to rent an apartinejit<sup>M</sup> could mean either &quot;工 have an apartment to rent TO someone&quot; or <sup>ir</sup>ī w&amp;r.t to find an apartmeiit to rent FROM someone*<sup>1F</sup></p>
<p>Ē. A: Wo ySch huĚn yīdian Tāibt, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I vant to change some money irsta</p>
<p>Zhe shi yībSikuSi MěiJ Inde Taiwan, currency r Here are one lilxing zhīpiao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hundred U.S. dollars in traveler<sup>1</sup> s</p>
<p>C: Hao, YĪkuiLi MēiJīn huSn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Certainly. One U.S. dollar is</p>
<p>sānshl/bākuāi Taibī* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;thirty-eight dollars in Taivan</p>
<p>Kūīī, Unit 6</p>
<p>Notes on No, T</p>
<p>Dengyidēng is a reduplicated verb with a toneless &quot;one,<sup>11</sup> inserted. Notice tbat here the second dgng keeps its tone. Compare this to the type of reduplication you saw in Unit 3: kknkm, kānyikan. As you learned</p>
<p>previously, rednplication has the effect of</p>
<p>Lng the verb more tentative.</p>
<p>乃ň ia used in the last sentence of exchange 7 to indicate hov soon the action vill happen; &quot;Immediately<sub>a</sub><sup>1f H</sup>right away.<sup>11</sup></p>
<p>Lai: The last sentence in the exchange is said as the teller turns avay from the counter to go to a desk behind it. In this context<sub>t</sub> the verb lāi can be understood, as <sup>M</sup>come back.<sup>fl</sup></p>
<p>Sote on īlo<sub>m</sub></p>
<p>Měi shenme: A literal translation of this expression Is enythitig,&quot; preEumably meaning <sup>gt</sup>What I did wasn<sup>T</sup>t an^rthing.<sup>11</sup></p>
<p>'There ian<sup>f</sup>t</p>
<p>A: V5 yao dian xlao piaozi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I vould like some email Mils.</p>
<p>Zhě zhāng ylbaikuāide &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please change this 100-dollar</p>
<p>qlng-ni gei vo huanhuan, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bill for me* Would that be</p>
<p>xlng bu xing? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;all right?</p>
<p>C: Xlng, Gei nin jiuihang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All right, I<sup>1</sup>11 give you nine tens</p>
<p>shikuaidē, liangsh^ng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;and two fives, wūkualde</p>
<p>9, A: Mafan ni le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sorry to have bothered you*</p>
<p>Gs MĒi shenme. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It<sup>1</sup> s nothing*</p>
<p>I 1C, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zāoehen (saochin) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;early morning</p>
<p>i二. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;z&amp;oshang {aSoshāng} &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;morning</p>
<p>^■ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shSngwu (shaogvu) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;forenoon <sub>9</sub> morning</p>
<p>■ 13. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shongvu (zhongwu} &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;noon</p>
<p>I &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xiāvu (xiavu) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;afternoon</p>
<p>I 15. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;vSnshang (wanflhāng) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Evening</p>
<p>I ::'• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yeli^ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;night</p>
<p>I XT - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;b£nyě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ml dnigiht</p>
<p>I 1:- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;j ĪBn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to meet</p>
<p>I &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;mimahūhū. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;so-so<sub>t</sub> fair</p>
<p>MOH, Unit 6</p>
<p>Notes on Additional Heciulred Vocabulary</p>
<p>In Chinese, clock time is usually preceded by a time-of-day, or part-of-t heyday * word: zaoshāng qldlǎn zhong^ &quot;seven o<sup>f</sup> clock In the mortiing-&quot;</p>
<p>Notice that the vord order of elements in the Chinese phrase is the opposite of the English translation;</p>
<table border="1">
<p>bādiSn zhōng</p></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2">
<p>|{seven o<sup>f</sup>clock</p></td><td>
<p>in the morning)</p></td></tr>
<p>Here are more examples of clock-ttme phr&amp;sea:</p>
<table border="1">
<p>shang tiādlSn znōng</p></td><td>
<p>ah&amp;Dgwǔ shīdiSn 2hāng</p></td><td>
<p>xiāwS sīdian l&gt;Sn zhōng</p></td><td>
<p>van g hang qldiSn &quot;ban ihong</p></td><td>
<p>Remsmber that zhong may be left off. In short ansvers <sub>a</sub> however * the full form is usually used«</p>
<table border="1">
<p>TIME-OF-DAY WORDS</p></td><td>
<p>early morning</p></td></tr>
<p>morning [general term] {full daylight until near noon)</p></td></tr>
<p>forenoon (normal vorking hours until noon)</p></td></tr>
<p>shongwu xiawu</p></td><td>
<p>afternoon (noon until the end of the iDUsinees day)</p></td></tr>
<p>evening (from gunaet)</p></td></tr>
<p>night (until sunrise)</p></td></tr>
<p>The hours of a So s bang and shangyīi overlap. Although a ao 9 hang ears refer to the vhole morning, sh^n^tv. is often used instead vhen talking about the morning hours of the normal business day (9 a.ni- Cor perhaps 8 sum.] until noon). Even in a busInass context<sub>s</sub> times before 8 a.m. are always referred to as zaoshangi</p>
<p>MONp Unit 6</p>
<p>Xi£vu ends and v&amp;nshang begins at the end of the business day, vhen a per&amp;on retiirns home.</p>
<p>W^nahang in the elty may last until as l&amp;te as midsight<sub>t</sub> while ln the country yell my begin at 10 p.m.</p>
<p>yĒll sounds a bit old-faahloned to some speakers, vho prefer to nse ^fSnshong for both <sup>T,</sup>evening<sup>,f</sup> and &quot;night,&quot; VSn a bang ia blIbo ueed to mean 'Muring the night<sup>11</sup> (I. e* <sub>s</sub> during sleeping hours).</p>
<p>Jian,, literally * <sup>w</sup>to see,&quot; means &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sup>u</sup>to meet (witti aomecne) <sup>n</sup>to see (someone) *<sup>1f</sup></p>
<p>Zāijlan. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Good-bye. {See you again,)</p>
<p>Mlngtlān J IĚil . &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;See you tomorroir*</p>
<p>W3aen kiyi jludl3n shong &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We can meet at nine o*clock.</p>
<p>Mfimahūhū, <sup>fl</sup>so-so<sub>s</sub> <sup>11</sup> &quot;fair,&quot; &quot;not bo bad*&quot; &quot;not go good”: Lit«rally<sub>f</sub> thiB word means <sup>Tl</sup>horse-hors€-tifier-tIger,<sup>n</sup></p>
<p>Jlntiān zZnmeyangT &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How Is it today?</p>
<p>M&amp;oahūhūp &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;So-so.</p>
<p>MOIT, Unit 6</p>
<p>A. Su~bstitutiQn Brill</p>
<p>Speaker: Qīngvēn<sub>t</sub> nīnten 2heli &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Qlngvēn, Yuānsbān Dafaridiāxi</p>
<p>kěyi huan Mei j In ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;keyi huan Mēijīn ma?</p>
<p>(cue) YuanshSa &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{May I ask, can U,S* currency</p>
<p>Dafandian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;be changed at the Yviajishān</p>
<p>(May I ask, can U*S, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hotel?) currency te changed b^re?)</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīngwen, YuinshSri Dafāndiāri kēyi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīiagwln<sub>f</sub> tamen nali kēyi huan Mēijīnl</p>
<p>huan Mii.lln maT tinien uSli &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ma?</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qlugvěn, tiiGen nali kěyi huān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qlngvēn <sub>T</sub> Guobīn Dāfāndlān kēyi huān I</p>
<p>MĒijln ma? GuSbln Dafandian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Měijīn ma?</p>
<p>h<sub>m</sub> QĪDgvenv Guo'bīrj DāftūdiSn keyi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīngv^n<sub>t</sub> aběge yftihaiig kěyi hvuan</p>
<p>huan Keijīn ma? zhěge &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Meijīn ma? yfnhing</p>
<p>5* Qlngvēn, zhige yīnhaLCig kěyi huan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;QĪngvēn<sub>T</sub> nage fandlaii kěyi hxikn</p>
<p>MeiJIn ma? nage fanāian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Meijīn maī</p>
<p>6, Qlngvēn, nage fandlMi kěyi huān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīngvēn<sub>t</sub> nīmen zheli keyi huan MSijlfl</p>
<p>Msijīn aa? nīffleo zhēli &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ma?</p>
<p>T* Qīngvēn<sub>f</sub> nīmen zhēli keyi huān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīngwēn<sub>t</sub> Guobīn Dafandian kĚyl huān I</p>
<p>M?ijīn ma? GuSbīn DāfIndian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MSiJin ma?</p>
<p>B, Transformation and Expaasion Drill</p>
<p>1, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker - Nin d?i za.i Taivān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Hao, w5 zai Taiwan Yinhang hu&amp;J</p>
<p>Yinhang huan, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Fine, I_ll change it at the</p>
<p>(You must change it at &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bank of Taiwan,)</p>
<p>the Bank of Taiwan.)</p>
<p>2, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nlrx děi zSd YuanehSn Dafandian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;rSāo, vo sāi Yuanshan Dāfand!an huanJ</p>
<p>huan- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-</p>
<p>3, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kin clēi zki Guobīn DafāndiSn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HSo, w5 zai Guobīn Dāfandiaa h-uan, I</p>
<p>huan *</p>
<p>Nin dili zai Meiguo Ylnhaiig huan * HSo, w5 zai. Meiguc Yinhang huān.</p>
<p>5■ Mn īīēi TaiYinhang huan. Hāo, v5 īāi Taiwan Yinhang huān,</p>
<p>HON, Unit</p>
<p>6_ Nfn dSi zai zhěge ylnīiāng hu&amp;ū. Hio,vō sal shige ylrihfing huan.</p>
<p>7, Nīn dSi zai GuSbln Dafandian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hao<sub>t</sub> wo aāi Guobīn Dafandian huan.</p>
<p>I;, Tran s f o rmat Ion Drill</p>
<p>Speaker: QXngvěn. ylnh&amp;ng shěnme &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yoa: QSngwěr^ ylnb^ng jSdiSn zhong</p>
<p>shlhou kai m&amp;n? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kil mēn?</p>
<p>(May I ask, when does &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(May I &amp;sk, at vhat time does</p>
<p>the bank opeaī ) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the 'baiifc open?)</p>
<p>\ Qjngvrēti* Jinrī Gongsl ghĒnme &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qlngwen, Jīnrī Gōīigsl JīdiSn zīiǒns</p>
<p>shīhou — minT &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sup>mĚnī</sup></p>
<p>3. Uneven, Yuǎīidōng Gōnssī shĚime &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;QXngyen, īuSndōng GSngal Jīdiǎn</p>
<p>Shīhou kāi men? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^Ōng kai īcān?</p>
<p>4 ftīngwen. Eīyi ŪōngBĪ shēnme &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qlng^n, D^ī Gōngsī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zh5ng</p>
<p>shihou kāi jtĚhT &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hi ^</p>
<p>y, Qīngwěo, Taivān Yīnbāug sh§nns &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;qīngwēn, Tfiivān Ylnhfing Jīdiun 2hong</p>
<p>shlhou gulu ifliěn? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;gviǍn men?</p>
<p>g QlngwĚn, yS^hetigjCi shěnme shlhou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qlngwen, youihĚngjfi JīdiSn ihōne koi</p>
<p>' kāi mēīi? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;位紀</p>
<p>了. Qlngwen, Dīyī CŌDgaī shěnne &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^ngwĒn, Diyī Gongsī Jīdian ībong</p>
<p>sh£hou guān měn? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;guān aěnī</p>
<p>ResDonse Drill</p>
<p>Speaker: Nin yao huan qiān ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Bui le,奴ngwen, ylnhāng</p>
<p>-(cue) ylnhfing &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;JīdiSn zhong kii men?</p>
<p>(Do—you vant to change &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Right ■ May I &amp;Bk<sub>t</sub> at vīiat</p>
<p>moneys) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;time does the bank open?)</p>
<p><sub>a</sub>. Tain y£<sub>0</sub> mja Aon^xi maī Jlnrt &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dul le. QīngvĚn, Jīnrī Gōngsī JīdiSn</p>
<p>GōugBĪ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ih5ns ltāi menī</p>
<p>7, Kin yāo huan m? Taivān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Duī le. Qīngwěn, T&amp;iwan Tlnīiāug</p>
<p>Yfnhńng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;jīdi£tx zhōng Xāi měnī</p>
<p>h, Nin yāo mai yǓBǎn maī Dīyī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Duī le. &lt;Hnpreīi<sub>f</sub> Dīyī Gōnssī JīdiSn</p>
<p>Gongaī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zliōng kāi mēnī</p>
<p>MON, Unit 6</p>
<p>5* Mn yāo HsSi pānziwSn 腿? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Duī le, Qīngwērii Yuāndōng Gongsī Yuandong Gong si jīdiSn zshēiig kāi men?</p>
<p>6* Tā yāo mai dianshī ma? nage &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dut le* Qīngwen<sub>t</sub> nāge gongsī jīdianj gongsī zhong kāi men?</p>
<p>了. īrfn ySo mai shoiiyinj I ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dut le、Qīngven <sub>t</sub> Jīnrī Gongsī Jīnri Gōngsī Jīdian ^h5ng kāi ruin?</p>
<p>E. Expansion Drill</p>
<p>1 * Speaker: H£i kěyi huan m? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Youi Xianzai Jīdian shōng? Hāi kěyi I</p>
<p>(May I still change it?) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;huan ma?</p>
<p>(What tisae is it now? May I still change It?)</p>
<p>2. Hai kěyi ©Si ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xianzāl jīdian zhong? Hal kěyi mSi I</p>
<p>3- Hāi klyl huan ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xlans&amp;ai jīdīSn ahōng? Hai kěyi huaj</p>
<p>h. Kāi kēyi mai ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xifinzāl JīdiSn zbdngt Hāi klyl mai I</p>
<p>5* Bād key! huan m? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xianzāl jīdian ahongT Hai kějrt hula</p>
<p>6. Mi keyi mSi ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xi&amp;nīil jīdiSn zhōng? Hāi keyi mall</p>
<p>T* Hā.1 kěyi mai ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xlin^al Jīdian £hoDg? Hal keyi mil</p>
<p>F. Expansion Brill</p>
<p>In your responses, aasume that closing time is seven o<sup>T</sup>clock*</p>
<p>1, Speaker: Xianzal wūdiSn l&amp;u &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Xiansal wiSdl&amp;n ban* hāi mēi guan</p>
<p>— &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(It <sup>T</sup>s five-thirty,) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;’ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;▲.•</p>
<p>(It <sup>f</sup>s five-thirty; they haven, t closed yet-)</p>
<p>OR Hanzāl qldi&amp;n b&amp;a, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xi&amp;niEai qlālln bSn<sub>t</sub> yījlng guan</p>
<p>(11<sup>T</sup>s seven-thirty ) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;aěn le.</p>
<p>{It<sup>f</sup>s seven-thirty* they have already closed.}</p>
<p>2* Xlanzal liĚLdlan zhong, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xlanzil liildl&amp;n zhong<sub>t</sub> hil mH guān</p>
<p>3. XianzSi aīālSn bSn. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xianzai qldiSn ban, yljing guān m&amp;n</p>
<p>b, XIĀnzai sīdlSji iDan, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xian sill stdiSn ban* hāl měi guān měn.</p>
<p>5、Xiinz&amp;l tādlSn zhong. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;XiSnzii bSdl&amp;t ihōng, yljing guan měn</p>
<p>S. Xlanaai lialdiSn tsan. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xiānaal liMiSn bSn, hii měi guān měn.</p>
<p>G, Expansion Drill</p>
<p>1.. Speaker; W5 yao huSn yīdi&amp;n &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;YoH* 砘 7^0 hufin yīdiSn TalTDi. JLh^</p>
<p>īiiM* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;sh£ yt^Slkuai MSijīnde luxing ■</p>
<p>(c-ue) 100 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zhlpiāo»</p>
<p>(I vant to change a &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(I want to change a little money</p>
<p>little inoney Into &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;into Taivan currency. Here</p>
<p>Taivan currency.) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;are one hundred U,S_ dollars</p>
<p>In traveler's checks *)</p>
<p>2 - W5 yao hmn yidlSn TĚtibī.. 20 WS yso huBii yīdiSn Tilbi. Zhe shi</p>
<p>ěrshiku^i Meijlnde lQxfng zhīpiao,</p>
<p>3* Wo y&amp;o huān ytdlSn TSlbl. ho W5 yao huān ytālln Tiihī. The shi</p>
<p>siabikuai Měijīnde luxing ship!So.</p>
<p>Wo yao huan ytdiān TalbJ:. 30 WS yao huīn ytdifin T&amp;ibī* Zhě ahi</p>
<p>sānahikuai MSiJīnde l\bc£ng shlplao#</p>
<p>5* Wo ySo huan yidlSn T^ibi- 50 Wo y£o huSn ytāltn TSlbī - Zh各 shi</p>
<p>vīlshikuai MSiJlnde iBxlng zhlpiSo.</p>
<p>6* K3 yao huan ytdiān Tall^i. 了0 W3 yāo huan ytdi&amp;n Taibī * Zhě shi</p>
<p>qīshikuāi Měijīnde luxīng zhīpiāo*</p>
<p>T* 路 yāo huan yīdian Tāibl* 80 Wo yāo huan yidian Taibī* Zhě sjai</p>
<p>&quot;bāshikuai Měijīnde līixing shīpiao*</p>
<p>H. Expansion Drill</p>
<p>1 - Speaker: Wo yao huan yīdianr &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Wo yao huan diānr Renmlnbī,</p>
<p>Rěnmfnbi, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ehěi shi yībaikuai MSljlnde</p>
<p>(cue) 100 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;lūxfng shipiěb.</p>
<p>(I want to change a &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(I want to change a little money</p>
<p>little money into &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;into People<sup>f</sup>s currency. Here</p>
<p>People<sup>T</sup>s currency.) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;are one hundred U,8. dollars</p>
<p>in tr&amp;veler's checks. }</p>
<p>OR WS yao hu&amp;n yfdiSnr &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo yao huan yldlSnr Bēmnīn'bf.</p>
<p>Rēnmīnbt, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jīntiande paij ia shi duoshao?</p>
<p>(cue) pāijia &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(I vant to change a little money</p>
<p>(I want to change a &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;into People<sup>1</sup>s currency* What</p>
<p>little money into &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ie today<sup>T</sup>s exchange rate?} Peoplels currency*)</p>
<p>2, Wo yao huan ytdiSnr Renminbi• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;W3 yao huan yidianr RěnHinbl, Zhei</p>
<p>20 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3hi irshikual Měijīnde llixing</p>
<p>zMpiao •</p>
<p>3- W5 yāo huan yidianr Rěnmirtbī* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WS ySo huan jtdiaur Renminbī,</p>
<p>paijlā &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jlntiande psijiā sM duoshao?</p>
<p>!+■ WS yao huan ytdianr Renmlnb£. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WS yao huān yiāitnv Běmnlnbi. Zhei</p>
<p>shi liushlkuai MSijĪQde līixīng zhī pi So *</p>
<p>5. Wo yāo huan yīdlSnr Remnlnbi* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WS yāo huan ytdiSnr Rěrmiintii*</p>
<p>p&amp;ijiā &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jīntiaade paljiā shi duōshao?</p>
<p>6- W5 yao huān yidiSnr Rěmnlnbl. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;¥S yao huān yidianr Rěnmfntī. Zhě I</p>
<p>80. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;slii basbikiiai Meijīnde Mixing</p>
<p>shl īpiāo.</p>
<p>e money Here liars</p>
<p>stfbi ■ ōsbao? e money What e?)</p>
<p>ī• Expansion Drill</p>
<p>1* Si&gt;0€Lker ī Zhei shi vuzhāng llixīng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Zhēi shi vūzhāng ěrshikuai</p>
<p>zhlpiao, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MSiJīnde iSxlng zhlpiāo,</p>
<p>(cue) 20 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Here are five 20-dollar U.S.</p>
<p>(Here are five &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;traveler^ checks,) tar&amp;vielerts checks,)</p>
<p>2* Nei shi liǎngzhāng līlxīng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hěi^shi liSngzhSng shīkual NīSiJīnde</p>
<p>zhīpiao. 10 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;lilxing zhlpiāo,</p>
<p>3- Zhei shi ylzhSng luxing ^hlplao* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhēi shi zhang ytbaikuai Meijlnde</p>
<p>100 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;iSxlng zMplio.</p>
<p>I Zhēi shi aānzhāng iSxIng zhlpiSo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zh^ 8hl sānīhāng ěr^hikmi MĚijīnde</p>
<p>20 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;luxing zhfpi£o<sub>4</sub></p>
<p>I 5. Nei shi si zhāng lūxlng zhīpliLo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Něi shi sizhāng vilBhlkuai MSiJīnde</p>
<p>50 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;lilxing zhīplao.</p>
<p>I 6. Nēi shi li^hāng lusdng ^hlpiao* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Něi^shi liāzhang shfkuāl Mlijlnde</p>
<p>10 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;liīxfng zhī pi 这。*</p>
<p>I ?. Zh^i shi san£har«g luxing 2bīplao» &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhēi shi sin^hārig ērshlkuai MiiJInde</p>
<p>20 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;luxlog zhlpiāo.</p>
<p>J. Expansion Drill</p>
<p>i. Speaker: Wo yao dianr xiao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Wo yāo diSnr xiSo pl&amp;ozl, Qīng</p>
<p>piaozi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ni gSi wo huānhuan, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sub>?</sub></p>
<p>{I want soiae srnll &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(I vant soae small bills. Please •</p>
<p>bills *) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;change thie for me*)</p>
<p>I 2- 2hei shi ěrshikuM Mli^īnde &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhěl ehi ērsliikuai Hiljlnde luxing</p>
<p>Ittxīng Ehlpiao * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zhīpiao. Qīng ni gSi wo huanhmn,</p>
<p>3* W5 yao dianr xiao pi^ozi* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;V3 yāo āi&amp;nr xlao piāozi. Qīng nl</p>
<p>g^l wo huanhu&amp;n.</p>
<p>** Shěi shi yīb&amp;ikuai MSiJInde &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ghēi ahi ytbSiKuSi MĚiJīnde llbdng</p>
<p>Hixlng EhlpiSo, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shīpllo# Qīng ni gěi vo huanhuan.</p>
<p>ī, Zhēi vǓBhiknai MSijJnde &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhēi shi irtlshikmi MSiJInde luxing</p>
<p>libcing zhlplsLo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zhīpl&amp;o. Qīng ni g甚i wo huanhuan*</p>
<p>5- WS yāo dianr xiao piaozi<sub>P</sub> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;W5 yao di&amp;nr xllo plkozl. Qīng ni</p>
<p>gSl wo huanbuan^</p>
<p>7. Zhēi shi ěrshikuai Mlijlnde &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhei shi irehikuai Meijīnde lilxing</p>
<p>luxing zhīpiao* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zhīplao. Qīng ni gei vo huanhuan«</p>
<p>K, Expansion Drill</p>
<p>■i &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;丨—Ti 一二皿■一 _ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I</p>
<p>1* Speaker: Qīng nin gěi wo huanhuan. Yoit: Q^ng nin gei wo huanhuan* ^Zhēi (cue) 20 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;sM IrsliiJEiiai Měijīnde liixlng</p>
<p>{Please change this &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zhīpiao.</p>
<p>for me*) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Please change this for me.</p>
<p>Here are twenty U.S* dollars in traveler <sup>f</sup>s checks»)</p>
<p>OR Qīng nin gěi wo huānhuan_ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīng nin gei vo huānhuan,</p>
<p>(cue) xiao piāozi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo yao dianr xiSo piāozi.</p>
<p>(Please change this for &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fPlease change this for me*</p>
<p>meO &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I vant some smll bills *)</p>
<p>OB Qīng nfn g§i vo huānhuan, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;QĪEg nin gěi w bufinhuan.</p>
<p>(cue) piljlā &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;JintieLnde paljla shi duoshaoī</p>
<p>(Please change this for &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Please change thlB for me»</p>
<p>me*} &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What Is today<sup>T</sup>s exchange</p>
<p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;QXng nin gei wo huānhimn <sub>4</sub> 100 ^Lng nīn g5i wo hu&amp;ibuan* Zhei shi</p>
<p>ytbSlkual Měijīnde l^dng zhlpiSo*</p>
<p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīng nin gSi wo huānhuan, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīng nin gli ¥□ huānhuan. WS yāo</p>
<p>xiKo pi^ozi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ālSnr xl^o plUo^i #</p>
<p>k<sub>t</sub> Qīng nin g5i wo huānhuan. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīng nīti gěi vo huanhuan. Jīntiinde</p>
<p>p&amp;ljiā &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;plljiā shī duoshao?</p>
<p>5,边ng nin gei vo huanhuan. 50 Qīng nin gSi wo huinhuan# Shěi shi</p>
<p>wushikmi Měijīnde libcīng sshlplSo,</p>
<p>L« Expansion Drill</p>
<p>1, Speakert Yīnhang Jīdian zhong &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Yinhang shāngvīi Jīdian ahōng</p>
<p>kāi men? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kii men?</p>
<p>(cue) shsLngwii &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(At vhat time In the morning</p>
<p>(At vhat time does the &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;does the bank open?)</p>
<p>bank open?)</p>
<p>£• YoTizhēngJli &quot;bādian ban kāi men, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;YSushēngjG zāoshang bādian hkn 5tai</p>
<p>z&amp;oshang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;iněn.</p>
<p>HON, Unit 6</p>
<p>3. Yinhang jīdian zhōng guin men? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;YĪahāng xlavu jīdiān zhong guan měn? xiawu</p>
<p>I YuSndong Gongsl Jīdian zhōng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yuandong Gong si zSostiang Jldī&amp;n shŌDg</p>
<p>kāi men? ^aoshang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kāi měn?</p>
<p>■ 5, Diyī Gǒngsī Jīdian zhong guan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dtyī Gōngsī vanshang jīdiǎn zhōng</p>
<p>měn7 vanshang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;guan men?</p>
<p>IS* Taiwan Yinhang jīdian zhōng kai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Taiwan Ylnh&amp;ng zSoshang JīdiSn zhōng</p>
<p>měn? zaoshang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kai men?</p>
<p>I 7, Tńivin Yinhang aindian zhong &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Taivin Ylnhāng xlāwu Bāndlān ^hong</p>
<p>gimn men? xiavu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;guan měn.</p>
<p>II Response Drill</p>
<p>L. Speaker: Yinhang jīdian zhong &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Yinhang shangwu JiudiSn shong</p>
<p>kād mēn? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kāi men.</p>
<p>(cue) 9 a.m. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(The bank opens at nine o<sup>f</sup>clock</p>
<p>(At^what time do龟s the &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In the morning.) bank open?)</p>
<p>2- Youzhengju jEdiSn shong guan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yāuzhēngjň xiavu wdlaa. ^hōng guān</p>
<p>měaī 5 p_nu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;měn*</p>
<p>3. Yuāndōng Gongai jldiSn zhōng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;YuandoDg Gōngsī vanshang shfdian</p>
<p>guān lain? 10 p.m. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zhong guan měn.</p>
<p>h<sub>m</sub> Jīnri Gongsī JīdiSn z^iong kai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;JInrī Gongs I saoāhang bidiSn zhong</p>
<p>m&amp;n? 8 a.m. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kāi měa.</p>
<p>5, Tāiwan Yfnhang iīāitn zhōng kāi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;TaivSri Yinhang zSoshang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shong</p>
<p>měn? 9 n &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kai men,</p>
<p>£» Diyī Gōngaī jīdian ahong guan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Diyī Gongsl vanshang shīdii^ zhōng</p>
<p>men? 10 p»m. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;guan naěn*</p>
<p>T. Nāge jrlńhāng JīdiSii zhong guflJi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hage_ylnhang xiavB sāndian zhong</p>
<p>men? 3 p.m* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;guān man.</p>