CM 0183 STUDENT TEXT MODULE 3: MONEY MODULE 4: DIRECTIONS SPONSORED BY AGENCIES OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADIAN GOVERNMENTS STANDARD CHINESE A MODULAR APPROACH This publication is to be used primarily in support of instructing military personnel as part of the Defense Language Program (resident and nonresident). Inquiries concerning the use of materials, including requests for copies, should be addressed to: Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center Non resident Training Division Presidio of Monterey, CA 93944 5006 Topics in the areas of politics, international relations, moresp etc., which may be considered as controversial from some points of view, are sometimes included in the language instruction for DLIFLC students since military personnel may find themselves in positions where a clear imderstanding of conversations or written materials pf this nature will be essential to their mission. The presence of controversial statements—whether real or apparent -in DLIFLC materials should not be construed as representing the opinions of the writers, the DLIFLC, or the Department of Defense, Actual brand names and businesses are sometimes cited in DLIFLC instructional materials to provide instruction in pronunciations and meanings, The selection of such proprietary terms and names is based solely on their val ue for instruction in the language. It does not constitute endorsement of any product or commercial enterprise, nor is it intended to invite a comparison with other brand names and businesses not mentioned In DLIFLC pybiicationsr the words he, him, and/or his denote both masculine and feminine genders. This statement does not apply to translations of foreign language texts. The DLIFLC may not have full rights to the materials it produces. Purchase by the customer does net constitute authorization for reproduction, resale, or showing for profit. Generally^ products distributed by the DLIFLC may be used in any not-for-profit setting without prior approval from the DLIFLC. PREFACE Standard Oūrňse: A Modular Ap-proach originated in an interagency -c-:i fere^ct held 'at the Toreign Service Institute in August 19T3 to address :1&&d generally felt if* the U.S, Covernnient language training community ;?7 jcproving updatir.s ^hineee materials to reflect current usage in EeīJing arid Taipei. The conference resolved to develop materials which vere flexible in form &nd content to meet the requirements of a vide range of gtvernroent agencies and academic in st it lit I on s. A Project Board wsve established consisting of representatives of the :Ēr.tral Intelligence Agency Language Learning Centera the Defense Language InĒiitute, the State Departmentf b Foreign Service Institute, the Cryptologic £:hool cī the Hation Ed. Security 4gencys and the U.S. Office of Education, X&ter joined by the Canadian Forces Foreign L&īig-uage Senocl, The representatives have includei Arthur T, McNeill, John Hopkins, and John Boag (CIA); Colonel Jotm F_ Elder III, Joseph C. HutcMneon» Ivy Glbian, and Major Bernard Muller-Thym CdLI ) j Jamea R* Frith and Jolm B. Ratliff III (FSī) i ^zuo ShitamĚL (KSA)-t Richard T. Thon-pson and Julia Petrov (OE); and Lieutenant Colonel George Kosorls (CFFI^)* The Project Board set up the Chinese Core Curriculum Project in 19T^ In space provided at the Foreign Service Institute, Each of the six U_S, and Canadian government agencies provided funds and other assistance, Gerard F. Kok was appointed project coordinator, exid a planning council was formed consisting of Mr, Kok, Frances Li of the Defense Language Institute, Patricia 01 Connor of the University of Texes, Earl M. Biekersoti of the Lejiguage Learning Centera and Jaaes Wrenn of Brcmi University, In the fall cf 1977, Lucille A. Barale was appointed deputy project coordinator. David V. Dellinger of the Language Learning Center and Charles H* Sheehan of the Foreign Service Institute also served on the planning council and — contributed material to the project. The planning council drev up the original overall desigxi for the materials and met regnl&rly to rsviev their developiTjent * Writers for the first half of the naterials were John H, T» Harvey^ Lucille A, Barale, and Roberta S* Barry, vho worked in close cooperation vith the planning council and vith the Chinese staff of the Foreign Service Institute- Mr. Harvey developed the instructional formats of ttie comprehension and production self-study materials, and also designed the eoimimi cat ion-based classroom activities and wrote the teacher1^ guides, Lucille A- Barale and Eoberta S, Barry wrote the tape scripts and the student text. By 19了8 ThOĒias S. Madden and Susaja C. Pol a had Joined the staff. Led by Ms. Barale, they have worked as & teain to produce the materials subsequent to Module &* za\ tri» vvf ar selected by Chuan 0. Cha.0, Q^« It* "ia^ t Jar* :七,Tsung-mi Li, ojid Yunhui C, tec* tte * iM t>- r-i-'--fang Chi Lee, Ying-ming Chens WM JfeHplHHifftec- Mcěa AfTz^lztr^ M*i-Ii Chesa* arid Henry Khuo helped is — it 气 ira eft ^relir ir.&ry corpus of dialogues, Admin1strative assistance vas provided at various times by Vincent Basciano ^ Lie a A-, Bowden, Jill W. Ellis, Donna Fong f Renee T. C. Liang, T.::z二色5 三.Madden, S\isan C* PoIaa and Kathleen Strype* The produceion of tape recording曰 vas directed by Jose M. Ramires of the Forel^i Service Institute Recording Studio* The Chinese script was voiced by Ms* Chao, Ms. Chen* Mr* Chen, Ms. Diao, Mb. Hu, Mr, Khuo, Mr. Li , and Ma, Yang. The English script vās read by Ms. Barale, Ms. Barry, Mr. Bascianoa Ms, Ellis, Ms * Fola, and Ms. Strype* The graphicā were produced by John McClelland of the Foreign Service Institute Audio-Visual staff, under the general supervision of Joseph A. Sadote^ Chief of Audio-Visual. Standard Chinese: A Modular Approach was field一tested with the cooperation of Brown University; the Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center; the Foreign Service Institute; the Language Learning Center; the United States Air Force Academy; the University of Illinois; _ the University of Virginia. Colonel Samuel L. Stapleton and Colonel Thoinas G, Foster, Coramndants of the Defense Language Ingtitute, Foreign Language Center, authorized the DLrFLC support necessary for preparation of this edition of the course materials. This support included coordinationf graphic arts, editing, typing, proofreading, printingand materials necessary to carry out these tasks* CONTENTS Preface » , * .......iii MODULE 3: MONEY Otjeetives _ 1 Teirget Lists 2 UNrT 1 Reference List 。 Vocabulary 10 Reference Hotes ...................... 11 Topic and comment Yes/no-ehoice questions Asking and giving prices The counters 'Volume},f l¥copy,M 丨1 aheet,” ^plāee/1 Tlstick11 Prices Drills .....* • 19 UKIT 2 Reference List 26 Vocabulary 28 Reference ī^otes 29 ,,Somesn qjln(r) Imperatives and polite imperativee Kominali^ed adjectival verbs (d£de, xlaode) More on counters More on prices DrlllB 35 UNIT 3 Eeference List 4 ■ ^0 Vocabulary ...... “2 Reference Notes ^3 Reduplicated verbs (kankan) TI0rTI quest Ion ts vith hāishi Sentences with objects and ādu AdJectival verbs and comparison The marker b§^ for tentative BtatmentB and requests Colors Vocabulary Booster (Colors) * ......................50 Brills 51 UNIT h Reference List 5了 Vocabulary 59 Reference Notea ...................................60 The plural counter -xie* Time ^ords in topic position Completion l£ in sentences with counted objects Modifying phrases vith de^ Vocabulsry Booster (Things in a ClaBsroom) ......... , , 66 Drills ..... 67 UH IT 5 Reference List ..... • 了5 Vocabulary ..... * • • 了ě Reference Notes 了了 Money denominations The prepositional verb gel More on the marker ne Focusing the question with Ehī bu shi Drills............/ . . . ...........03 UīīlT 6 Reference List 3了 Vocaxillary ■ * * * * + gg Kefereiicē Notes 90 Clock time Ba in questions Time-of-dsy words Drills .................................96 MODULE hi DIRECTIONS Objectives ................... , * • • _ IQk Map of BeijIng ..................105 Map of Taipei lQg Target Lists .............. ......... ■ * 107 UtīIT 1 Kefereisce List 113 Maps for C-l Tape ..................... 1^5 Vocabulary........ • - ..............116 Reference Notes xil Thejgrepositiocal verbs daop ”to"; cong, ”from”; věng* ,ftovardsTI; and xilrsg,^towards^ Directions for ”aheads." ĪSleft, and "right” Completion le Id future context a g£i mean in g^t henTI Brills ...... i2h UNIT 2 Reference List •• • 131 Maps for C-l Tape , ..........................133 Vocabulary ......................................13[ Reference Notes 136 The four directions Pla-^e words vith -blānr Location words 助d the verbs shi, yōu, and zai ”Before" and ,rafter" _ ~~ Vocabulary Booster (Things in Nature) • . ■ ........ 1^6 Drills..........................ll+8 UKĪT 3 Reference List 156 Maps for C-l Tape • • *......* * *.....* • • • 158 Vocabulary.....* • • • .......................159 Reference Hotes ...... * l6l The prepositional verbs ll_! "apart froms,T and chao a "towards^ Compound verbs of direction with lāi and qu The marker -zhe Drills • • • ........*.....................l66 UNIT 1+ Reference List 175 Vocabulary ■»,••*•••• ..... ......... 177 Reference Notes 178 The prepositional verb zu5, lt_by" Compound vert)a of result Directions inside a building Vocabulary Booster (Buildings and Institutions) iBk Drills............. . . * ..........186 UHIT 5 Reference List ..... ■ ............193 Maps for C-l Tape ............................195 Vocabulary 196 Reference Notes 197 Addresses Zai meaning "more," HagainTI Drills^ .................* ........205 MODULE 4: DIRECTIONS The Directions Module (DIR) will provide you vith the skills needed to ask for and understajid directions to any place indoors or outdoors, to give simple directions, to xmderatand and give addresses9 and to describe relative locations# Before start ing the module s you īnuBt take and pass the MON Criterion Test, The Criterion Test vill focus largely on this module, \aut material from ORN, BIOT MOM, and associated resource modules may also be included. OBJECTIVES Upon suecesBful completion of this module, the student should be al5le to 1» Give the Biglieh equivalent for any Chinese sentence in the DIR Target Ll0t£» :r f any Chiseee sentence in the DIR Target Lists vhen cued vith its In^lish equivalent, 3. Ask for directions to s location in a cltys, to a place in a buildingT or to a specific address. h t Cosnprehend directions veil enough to trace the route oa a city map or a floor plan, Bemonetrste "understanding of directions by reetating at least part of them step ty step. 6. DistiGgui&b betveen Beijing ana Taipei expressions for directIone by matching expressions to the cities in which they would be used. 7* Direct someone (using single-sentence directions) to various places in & building by iescribing a route marked on a floor plan« <■■0* i ■ Taipei UNIT 1 TARGET LIST 1. Nī zhīda.0 bu Ehidao Huimei Do you know of the Huiaei Kafeitlng? Coffeehouse? Bu ^hīdāo_ No, I donft■ 2,Dao kāfeitīng q.u, sencie zǒu1 How do I get to the coffeehoufie? Cong ahěli vāng zuo zou* Daole From here you go to the left. When, l^ukou aeii wang you zouf jifi you have reached the intersect ion, dao le, then you go to the right# and then you1re there. 3. C5ng shell dao yinhang qu, vo To get from here to the bank,工 xian wang y6u s5ut dui bu dui? first go to the right. Is that correct? Bti shi, cong shell yizhī sou* No, frcm here you go straight. * U. RĒnhou, dāūle lūk5ut zeii vang After that, vhen I have reached the zuo duī bu duiT intersectiont then I go to the left, la that correctī Uuī le. That1s correct. īlǎo, V5 īhīdao le. Xllxie. Good. ITve got it nov. Thar* you, ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes) 5. fānguǎnzl restaurant (Taipei) 6, 'fSnguǎnr restaurant (Běijīng) 了. shāngdiān store, shop (Taipei) B. store, shop (Běijīng) 9. xu&clāo school 10. fĚfigzi house 11■ Ki&ng tow&rds UNIT 2 TARGET LIST 1, NĪ ^hīdao Dongdān Di^nyīngyuān Do ycu know whether the Dongdan shi bu shi a Sri zher fīSjīn? Movie Theater it- in this area? Shi* ^es. 2. C6ng zhĚr āflto Dongdin How do I get fre oa herē to the DlSnyīn^uian qd* zenme sSu? Dongdan Movie Theater? Chule ahlige fandilm wang dong When you have gcae out of the hotelf zou_ valk to the i Cāole dlerge lōkSur,, bSi"biarjr When you heve reached the second shi Dongdan C&ishichang, intersection^ on the north side is the Dongdan Market, Nfinbianr shi Dǒngdāa Gǒngyuin, On the south side is Dongdan Park* Di^nyīngynSn jiň s&i ]>5ngd£n The movie theater is iunt on, the Caishichangde xlbianr, vest side of tiie Dongdan Market* 3_ Qō. kān dianyīng yīqifin, vo xiin Before I go to see the ctovie, I am qīl kan yige pēngycu, first going to visit a friend* Fandiln lībianr you melyou mai Is there a place to buy candy in tSngde? the hotel? YSu. You ylge xiSomāibu. Yes, There1s a variety shop, ltfs 2ai nei'biaiir- over there _ ADDITIONAL HEQUIHBD VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l mā P-I tapes) 5- w&ibianr (vaibian) outside 6_ yīhāu after 7* yāubianr (ySubian) right side 8* zuSbianr (zuSbian) left side 9* xiSoxue elementary school 10, zhongxue middle school (the equivalent of junior and senior high school) UNIT 3 TARGET LIST 1. Mī chuqu a! Oh, you1 re going outl Wo xiSng chūqu nai Jlben shu. I thought I would go out to buy a. few books* 2. LaoJla, n£r you mai shūde? Excuse me, where is there a place to buy books ? Wāngfujlng Dājiē you ylge XlrihuC There is a Nev China Bookstore on Shūdiin, h?n Win^fSjīng Boulevard that is very large. 3. LāoJIa, Xīnhui ShūdiSn If ah^r Excuse me. Is the Kev China Book- yuap ma? store far frcm here? Bu yuSn, hen jīn. It*日 not far; ItfB very close. Zinme qSī Zouzhe q\i kiyi ma? Hov do I go? Is It possible to get there by valking? ZSuzhe qft kěyi* It fs possible to get there "by walking. 5_ Zou duo yTian? How far do I go? 25u b\l yu£iij līldofigde dlyīge Go a abort distancet and the first dalSu Jiu shi Xīnhufi £hudian. "building on the east side of the street Is the Nev China Bookstore. 6_ Dao XīnhuĚ Shudian qvi, sSnme Hov do 工 get to the New China ^Su? Bookstore? CSrsg dāmēn chīiqup chSo guSit You go out the entrance« turn to the jiā shi wSngfujīng Dājii* northt and that1 s Wěngfuj lug Boulevard* 了- Lāojiil, něige dālSu shi Xīnhufi Excuse Is that building the Mew ShiSdlfiLn na? China Bookstore? Shi. Yes■ ADDITIONAL FEQUIKED VOCABULARY (not presented on C圓1 and P-l tapes) 8. shuan to turn 9* chūlai to come out 10* lūxl _the west side of the street 11. lūliei the north side of the street 1Ē. lǐlnān the south side of the street 13* baihuS gōngsī department store lit, BaihuS Dāl6u (name of a department store in Beijing) 15- 3hSngbianr (shangbian} atove; the top, the upper pa^t 16- xiābianr (xilbian) ^below, under; the bottom, the lower part 1了, dīxia underneath*, the underneath 18. zhongjiinr (shongjianr) the middle, the space in betveen (zhongjiSn) 19. pfingbiEnr (pangbiān) beside, next to, alongside of; the side UNIT 4 TARGET LIST 1. Qīngwēn, canting zai nSli? Hay I ask, where is the dining room? 2UO diantī dao Irlou. Take the elevator to the second floor* Xille diantīI jiā kanJlan le. When you have gotten off the elevator, then youT11 see it. 2. Qīngwěn, nīmen ahēll you meiyou May I ask, is there a place to get līfāde difāng? a haircut here? You. Xiā l5u, suSbian Jiū sht. Yes, Go downstairBt and itfs (juet) on the left, 3. JīlSu mj&i dītfif On what floor are maps sold? ĒrlSu, The second floor * Zetme sou? Hov do I get there (go)? Wang hSu yīzhf z3u, Shllng l6us Go straight to the back* Go up the ySubian JItI bM māi dītāde* stairs t and the map department Is (just) on the right• k9 Xīshoujiin zll uSXi? Where is the waslinaom? Zai n&li_ Wāng lī sSu, Jli It1 a over there. Qo all the vay inf kllnjian le* and then you111 see it. ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes) 5» qian frontah&od ^ 6. duimian (du^l&ir) the aide facing; across froaf opposite, facirig 7* sb^bian (ahēiblanr} this way s thie side 8. nĒlbian (neiblanr) that way, that side 9, loutI staircase* stairwayt staira 10* ^Siilang corridor 11. cěsuS toilet, rest room 12# iln to enter 13. -tou end {occurs in place words) lhm -iaiGLn(r) surface (occurs in place words) UNIT 5 TARGET LIST 11 Duitmqī, Excuse me_ Nī you shěnme shi a7 What can I do for youī 2, Ml ^hSo shēnme dīfang? What place are you looking for? Wo zhao Nanjing Donglil Yfduan, I am looking for Lane 5^ of Nānjīng WusMslxiang* East Road# Section 1. 3, Nī i^aňg nābiau zou. You go that way ■ GuS sāntiāo Jiē, Jiū shi Cross tYiroe streetst and that18 Nānjīng Dōnglu Yīdiiān- NānJīng East Road, Section 1. Daole YlduSn ySh&u^ qīīig After you have gotten to Bectioti 1, vēn bilren ba. ple&se ask someone else, kt Qlngwln, wSnSng zSi nSli? May I askp where is Alley 5? Nī aāi "Hartg Ejiān z5u yīdlan. You walk (straight) ahead a little farther* yBubian diyīge līlk5u Jiu shi The first intersection on the right Wuněng, is Alley 5. 5. Qīngwen ahetiāo lň shi ahenme May I ask, vhat road is this? Shē ehi ZhongsbSn BeilQ. This is Zhongshān North Road« Ou* wo zoucv^ le. Oh, I vent the wrong way* ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULABY (not presented on C»i and P-l tapes) 6* hfitORg (htitSngr) & narrow street t a lane (BSijlog) 7. men (menr) gat€f door S- mēnkSu (menkour) doorwayf gatewayf entrance 9_ iliSo "bridge 10, tianqiāo pedeetrian overpass 11 • dīxia xīngrēn dao peāestrian underground, walkway UNIT 1 REFERENCE LIST (In Taipei) 1* A; Nī dao nail qjl? Where are you going? B- Wo dao kafēitīng I1^ going to a coffeehouse. I 2. B: Nī shīdao bu zhidao Huāa®i Do you know of the HuaifiSi Kāfeitīng? Coffeehouse? A: Bu zhldao* No* I donTt. ■3. A: Dao nSli q[ā_ zSnme s:Su? Hov do I get thereī I km C: Cong shell vāng auo z5u_ Frons here you go to the left, I5. C: Dlol© lEtkSu,s&l vňng ySn When you have reached the inter- e5u. section, then you go to the right. C: Diole lukSufr zai vāag yōu When you have reached the inter- zSuf Jiū dāo le* section, then you go to the right* and then you1re there. B7. A: Wo xlan wing zu5 zSuv āuī bu First I go to 七he left* Is that correct? C: Duī le. Thatrs correct * ■S. A: RanhSu ne? And after tbat? p C: Ranhout daole lūkSu, zai After that, when you have reached wazig y3u eSu, the Intersection p then you go to the right■ A: Haoa vB jsbldao le. Xiāxie. Good, I,ve got it now,, Thank you, ■ ?. A; Qīngvěnp aārjg zhēli dao yīn- May I ask_ to get from, here to the hang qil, vang ySu zSu, duī bank you go to the right. Is that *bu āui? correct? D: BGl ahi, cong zhēli ylzhl No, from here you go straight. zSu, DTK, Unit 1 Snack standB in Taipei llU ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULAEY (not presented on C-l and F-l tapes) fanguanzi (f&nguSnr) restaurant EhangāiSn store, shop store, shop xulxiāo school f£ngzi hoi^e xiSng towards (Taipei} (Beijing) DIB, Unit 1 MAPS FOR C-1 TAPE DISPLAY I DISPLAY 111 K »NI A 8 nu □ □□□ I JcoLeehouse DISPLAY □ bajT Ixx Miss Mathews Mr. Yāńg _I []COFFEEHOUSE CJ SHOP DISPLAY JV 5 1 1 DIR, Unit 1 cōng dao dut fanpuSnr femguaDzl fSngzi Huāměi Kāfēitīn jia kāfēitlng lukSu(r) pūzl ranhSu Eshāngdiaji vang (wSng) xiān xiāng xuěxiao fang'blan h£i bū. yldiūg Jīngguo kāl xuē VOCABULARY from to» tovard曰 to be correct restaurant (Beijing) restaurant (Taipei) house I Coffeehouee (Taipei) then coffeehouse intersection store t shop (BēiJIng) to go afterwarde t after that storet shop (Taipei) to, towards first; ahead of time tovards school straight right (direction) then (in com&ands) to knov to go left (direction) C-2 and P-2 tapes) to tie convenient not yet certain TDy vay of, via school starts (literallys "open school11} yisl yěu 6 Tx 1 DIR, Unit 1 REFERENCE NOTES 1. A: Mī dāo n&ll qu? B: Wo dāo kĒfiitīng qā* Where are you going? going to a coffeehouse, Notes on Uo, 1 Qu, is used as the verb flto gotP when there is a destination, implied 3: stated, as in ”going to the countrylf ar.d ”going somewhere.11 The verb " to leavetfl is used for sentences such as 111Tm going (leaving) nov V5 xiSnaāi zou le- Wo xian^ai qu le neane ^Vm going there now 111 — the destination there, V?S dao Shetnghai qīH. TS ye qu. implying I Bin going to Shanghai, He ia going there too. Because gu is an action verbp it is made negative vith bu except when you are talking about completed action* Here are some examples of used In various asneets: Tl bu q5U Tā zuotiin měi qu. Tā. bfi qū. le, Ta mli qīlguo. He is not going* He did not go yesterday* (COMPLETED ACTION) Kow he is not golrig* (Originally, he was going to go- NEW SITUATION) He haa never gone there» Dap 述)In this exchange dao Is not the full verb meaning nto Arrive,m is the prspoeltlonal vert rto.” The prepositional verb īhrase beginning: with dlo Indicates the destination* Notice that prepoel* tional verb phrases in Chineee precede the main verbt while in. Engliah they -sually follov the verb* Ta s^i XlaitKRang ahūle santiSn. Qīng ni gel w huanhuan * W5 dao kafēiting qil* She stayed in Hong Kong three daye* Please change it for me* I'm going to a coffeehouae, prepositional verb is always followed ty & noun or nomi phrase that i曰 is object.. DIRt Unit 1 Kafēitīng, ,TcoffeehouseiT: Some people say that the coffeehouBe was a European concept first adopted by the Japanese and then transplanted to Taiwan. Coffeehouses in Taiwan are coafortable, leisurely places where a person can linger over & cup of something and talk, with a: friend for hours, to a background of recorded light music. Some coffeehouses have become quite oostūopolitan., offering a dozen kinds of coffee in addition to a variety of fruit drinks and soft drinks. Sometimes there may also tie a short menu including items such aa fried rice, noodlesf sandwiches, hamburgers, and ice cream. 2, B: Mī shīdao bu zhidao Uii&mei KafSiting? A: Bň shid&G» Bo you know of the Hu&aSi Coffeehouse? No* I donft» Notes on No, 2 The verb zhīāao means Tlto knowIT also translates into Er.glisn as lfto acquainted with s ,T recognise _n or "to knov of *M Another verb # rěnshi, krsovtTi but In the sense of lfto "be Notice that in the affirmative the verb shidso ends In a Neutral uone, vhile in the negative it ends in a Falling tone (b\i ahldao). The verb ahīdao is a state verb. State verbs describe qualities or conditions (daa Tlto be large11 \ 转ui • 1Pto be expensive71). Knovlng ( ahīd&o), wanting (xlSng or yao)f and liking (xīhuan) are all considered states * As a state verb 9 ahīdao can only tie made negative with bň {never gjjj • Zhidao can be used vith the marker le for new situationB- Tā. yīqiān bu shīdāo zenme dao zher lāi, xianaāi zhīdao le* Ta qujiian hāi bū īhldāo tā ylliSu yao dac Zhongguo qil. He didi^t knov hov to get here "before j, but now he knows * Last ye&r he dldn1t knov that he would later be going to China, Huraēi to refer to refer to to Hua means "glorious,ir It is one of the syllables often used China* The syllable měi g Tl-beautiful S,T ia used in compounds America (钰曰 in MelgaST! DIR, Unit 1 3, A; Dāo nail qu, zenme sSu? How do I get there? Notes on No, 3 zou Earlier,, you learned the v^rb sou also means ITto walk, means to go in the senae of Tā hāi měi zou, hāl zai zhlr kkn bao ne # Women zSu zhēige men ye kěyi. Hiizi hěi bō hut zou* as to leave, go by way of,* In the sentence above t ITto take a route.If He hB-sn't left yet. He is still here reading the paper * We can also go through this door. The baby can't yet valk* Dac naXi qū, zexme sou? This sentence conaists of a topic f āao nali qvL% nto go~to that placefollowed by a question about that topic, zernse Z.DU? lfhow do I go?M Both the topic and the question have the structure of full sentences: 泣。 -—-! n&Li z&rme sou? (To there so, how goT) Translated as Hto go,fl £u focuses on the destination, while zou focuses on the route taken to get there # —■ C: Cfirag zhēli wang īu5 u5u* From here you go to the left* lotes on Ho,讧 CSng^^ 11 from11: Unlike the other prepositional verlDS you have learned^ song is only rarely used as a full ver"b in modern Chinese, Most frequentlyt it is used prepositlonally, WangB ,rtop,T "towardsPT: The prepositional verbs yang and dao may both be translated as 1pto.lf wSng, howeverp means atmply "towards” or ,Tin the direction ofsiT while dāo implies eventual arrival at a destination. Wang say also "be pronounced vang. DIR, Unit I Notice that tvo prepositional verb phrases occur "before the main verti* PREPOSITIONAL PREPOSITIONAL VERB AND NOUN VERB AMD NOUN MAIN VEEB Cōng zhSli vang zuo z5u* C: Daole lūkou, sāi v&ng ySu z6u. When you have reached the intersec-ticnf then you go to the right. Notes on No, ? LňkSiu flInterBectioriflī Literallyg this word means flroad opening.11 Completion -le in the sentence above csarkB completed action tiut not past tense. It shows the completion of one action in the sentence In relation to another but does not indicate whether that action is past, present, or future. In the English translation, the time relationship tietveen the tvo actions is Indicated by the vord f,whenff; ■Vhen you have reached the intersection, then you go to the right.fl In a more formal style, the sentence could be translated as ^Having reached the interBecti you go to the right/1 The adverb aāi is used for ”then” in coimands and suggestions. It usually indicates the next step in "First you go left, and then* when go right /1 a suggested sequence of action曰* as in you have reached the intersection, you 6* Qt Dāole lūk5ut zai vāng ym zSuT jiS dāo le. When you have reached the inters, tion, then you go to the right, and then youfre there* Notes on No, 6 Jill: You have learned that .jiu can mean tPright*' referring to where something is t as in Jiu zai zhěli, "precisely,TI TIJust "They1re right he. You also knov that it c&n mean ^imedlately/1 "right away、T_ as In W5 Jlu l£i,r,īTll "be right back.rr A third meanirxg was introduced: ITonIyt a synonym of zhia as in Jlu you v5 fuqin, muqin, "There's only my father and mother,Now you see Jiu used to mean then. 1 It stresses the immediacy of one thing happening after another: "and then right avay,r* You have learned tvo vords that may "be translated as then : zed and jiu. However, the tvo vords are not used, interchangeably, Jiīl Is used to stress liow soon one event happened after another4 Zai is how tvo actions are to be sequenced in time. used to stress The marker l£ in jiu dao le is combined le* A: Wo xian wang 艺u5 zSuf duī bu dui? C; Dwt le. First I go to the left, Ib that correct? That1s correct, Hotgs on No. 了 Xi5n, ITfirstsfl is aii adverb* It must therefore come after the subject and before the verbf &ē in Ni xlān sou, "You go first.fl (in English rtfirat1f sa/ be placed either before the subject or after the vert, as in ,fFlrBt you goIT and nYou go first.11 But in Chinese xian must be placed between the subject and the verb» ) pjyi also ineans "first, but dlyi and xiān are not interchangeable * I.nyī modifies nouns, whereas xi_Ěn modifies verbs * DĪyi refers to the first in a sequence p in other words, the 1fnumber oneIT samething-or-otlier * Xi^n refers to doing sojnething flretp before doing a second thing• Dui bu: dui: This phrase is used when you expect your listener to a^ree with you "but want to make siire# DIR* Unit 1 At RanhSu. ne? Ci Rěnhou^ daole lukou, zki vang ySu aSu* A: HSo, vS zhīdao le. Xiexie* And after that? After that, when you have reached the intersection, then you go to the right. Good, I’ve got it now. ThanK you. Note5 Qj^jJOp 8 RěiihQUa Tl(and) after thatfl: When giving directions or describing a contemplated series of steps, r£nh5u le often followed by zāl. WS yao dao Xianggang qū I’m going to go to Hong Kong for sintians ranhon sai qu three days t and then go to SheLngliai, Sh emghal ■ Shīdao le means ITI knov now11 in the sense of ^Before* 工 didnft know rrciMrr^m奴-Ji ? bow to get there^ but now I know. (The expression is translated into more idiomatic English as ITĪ fve got it now^n) The state verb zhidao plus Dew-situation le indicate a change from not knowing to knowing. Here is sjicitlier exaaple of ahldao and nev-situation le; WS cSngqi^n bň zhīdao ta %h\X sal nlJ-i, xianzāi zbīdāo le* Beforep I didn’t knov where he lived, but nov I know* 9* A: Qīngwens cong zhēli āao yinhSng qil, vang you zSu, ňul bu dui? D: BU, stii, cfing ahěli yīshl zou. May I ask t to get from here to the bank, you go to the right* Īē that correct? l^ot from here you go straight* Hote on Ko, g Bū shl: Notice that the question In axchange 9 is not answered ¥ith btl dui#~The expression bfi duī is as rude in Chinese as "you're wrong^ is ia Englisb (except when a teacher is correcting a student). DIR, Unit 1 fanguSnzi (fanguanr) shingdiān pusi xulxiāo fāngsi xiāng restaurant store, shop (Taipei) s tore,shop (BeiJīng) school house tovards Notes on Additional Required voeabul&ry Fanguansi, ^restaurant11: Fāndian refers to either a restaurant or a hotel. Fanguanzl means T,restsurant.^ The us^ual Beijing version of this word is fanguSnr (pronounced as if written fanguSr). The ending -r is used frequently in Beijing but in Taiwan is rarely used by Taiwsjieae speakers of Standard Chinese* Adding to a syllable usually causes the pronunciation of the base syllable to change * It will be easier and more practical for you to examine each ■£ word as it Is introduced In the course of study. You have already learned the vord yīdlanr, which is actually pronounced vidiar * From the examples yīdianr and fanguanr you can see that vhen is added to a syllable that ends with the jtif sound disappears coinpletely* Although adding -r_ causes pronunciation changes in most syllables t these changee are not represented In the Pinyln syBtem of romanination. Pinyin spelling rule3 state that the ending should simply be tacked on at the end of a syllable t regardless of vhether or not the pronunciation of the base syllable is changed by this addition. Xiagg_s TltowardE,T: The prepositional verb xian^ may be useā in most of the same ways that vang is used. You vlli probably hear yang (v£ag) more frequently than tbe 1iterary-sounding xiāng. Daole lukout xlang zuo tou. When you get to the intersect ion. f go to the left. MR, Unit 1 DRILLS Expansion Drill Speaker: Ta qu. (cue) xuěxiao (He is going*1 Wang TSngsht qu* Ta lfil# zhēli Lī XiSnsheng quB Ch$n tīSshi lāi, Gao Tfingzhi qila S5n Furen qū. JiānSdā xuēxiao Beijing yfiuzhēngjll n£li You: Ta dāo xuexiao ijīl* (He is going to school.) Wang TSngzhi dto Jilnada qū. Ta dio zhili lSi_ Lī Xiānshen^ dao xuixiāo qu. Chěn Nūshi: dao Běijīng Gao Tongahī d&o ySuzh&ngju qu, Sun Furen dao n&ll qā? B* Response Drill 1, Speakers Tā d&o nāli qCLĪ (cue) nelge fSngulnzi (Wiere is he going?) 2, Chēn Xlānsheng dao n£li qū? Tilvan Yinhāng 3* Jlāng Tāitai dSo n&li qū? xuěxiao k, ShSng XiSoJlS dā。nlli qĚL? nage fāngiiSnsl 5# Gao XIanaheng dlo nali qā? vūguSnchft 6, Lifl XiSnsheng dSo n£ll qīl? HuSanei Kafeitīng 7* Lin NSehl dlo nlll qīi? GuSbīn DSflndiln You; Ta dāo nage fanguSnzi q&* (He is going to that restaurant. Chēn XI an sh eng dsio TSivān YlnhSng qĪL Jiang TS.Itai dao xuexiao qil* Zhang XiSojlS d^o nage fanguan^i qu* Gāo Xiinsheng dao vuguānchil qīl. Llfi XiSnsheng dāo Huāiněi KSfeitīng qu. Lfn NushT āko GuStīn D&f&ndiaE qil. 12 It DIB, Unit 1 ", Transformation Drill 1, Speaker; Rī ahīdao nēige shāngdiāīi (Do you know of that store?) 2, Kl zhīdao nēige xuexiao cia? 3, Tǎ ahldeo Taivān YlnhSng m? Lt Lin Xi&naheng shldao nēige shangāian raa? 5. Wang Ta.itai zhīdao zhige fanguSnsi ma? 6+ l£ng Xiao j le zhīdao YofinehSja Dlfandlān mā? 7. Zhao XiSneheng zhīdao Jīnrt Gōngsī isa? You: Nī zhīdao bu zhidao neige shangdian? (Do you know of tliat 曰tore or not?) Nī zhidao bu zhidao něige xuexiāo? Ta shldao bu zhidao Taiwan YlnhSng 7 Lin Xiānsheng shīdao bu zhidao něige shāngdlān? W£ng Taitai zhidao bu shldao shige fangu£nsi? Yang XiaoJ is shlftao bu zhid&o Yuānshdn DlfeLndlānt Zhāo Xiānsheng zhidao bu zhidao Jīnrl Gōngsī? D, Response Drill 1. Speaker; OR Nī zhidao bu ahidao HuamSi Kafēitlng? (cue) yes (Do you know of the Huamei Coffeehouse?) Kī zhidao "bu zhidao HuāmSi KSfēiting? (cue) no (Do you knov of the HuSjaei Coffeehouse ?) 2. Nī īhldao no 3, Fiī zhīdao yea Hī zhidao Daxuē? bu zhidao Dlyl Gongsl? bu ahidao wuguānchill bu shidao Taiwan no You: Zhidao, Hu&aSi Kafelting sii v5men nār, (Yes, the Huiieei Coffeehouse is over there 'by us.) Dutbuqla wS bu 2hidāo. (Pm sorry, I don't knov Eit3-) DuīMqlf v5 bii zhidao. Zhīdao,wuguanchu 2Si vSmen nār. Duī'buqī, vo bū zhīdao, 5 DĪR^ Unit X Ni zhīdao bu zhidao Měiguo Xlnwěnohu? yes Zhīdao, Meiguo Xlnvěnchū zai vomen oar. NI zhidao bu īhidao rsage fanguanai? no Duībuqī j vo bū zhīdao, E. Expansion Drill 1* Speaker: Dāo nāli qii. (Go there*) J. Dio fanguSiisi qū. 3- Dāo youzhēngjfi qu. D&o shicgdiān qiL Dao Taiwan Dāxuě qu. 6, Dāo Meiguo Xīnvēnchfi qň. You: Qangwēn, dao nali qōT z^nmē z5u? (May 工 ask, hov do I get there?) Qīngwen, āsio z5uī QīngveD, dao zou? Qīngvea§ dāo z5u? Qlngwēn, dlo zSul Qīngyēn t dao £ense zou? fangu^L^i senitte youshěngjG qūt aenme a hāngdian qū a z enme Taiwan Dāxul qu, zenme Meiguo Xlnvenchu qu, 了. Dao Hu£mei Kafeit Ing q\i. Qīngwēn. s dāo Huimei Kāfeitlng qū,t zērnne zSu? DIR, Unit 1 F, TransformatIon Drill 1, Speaker s N? ahīdao dāo Ku&nei KSfeitīng qu £?nme zou ma? (Do you know hov to get to the Hu&nei Coffeehouse?) 2. Nī zhīdao dSo TS.iwan Yīnhājig q,u aemae sou ma? :• Nī shldao dāo nage fānguSnzi qu sSme sou inA? ,,St zhidao dāo něige shāngdi^n qii atenme zou ma? 5. NĪ ahīdao dāo nāge xuěxiio qjl 2enme s5u ma? 6, Kī zhīdao dao kafeitīng q.īi zenme z5u ma? T. NĪ īhldao dao vruguanchS qā zezme sou toa? You: Hi zhīdao bu shidao dao HuāmSi Kafiitīng q,u zenme sSu? (Do you know hov to get to the Huamei Coffeehouse or not?) Nī shīdao bu shidao dao Taiwan YlnhSng ⑩ senme ī5u? NĪ zhīdao bu ^bidao dao ūāge fanguSn a i qu aenine sSu? Ni shīdao bu ahid&o dāo neige sh5ngdiān q\l zerme s5u? zhidao "bu shidao dao nā^e xuěxiSLo qň zSrne asSuī Kī zhīaao bu zhidao dāo kifEitīng qū zSrnne sou? Nī zhidao bu zhidao dao wuguancli^ qū. senme z5u? Expansion Drill Speaker: Xiān vang ^u5 z5u, zai vang yoM zou, (cue) lōkBu (First go tc the left; tben go to the right.) Xiān vang yōu sou, sai vang auo zdUp Dunhuā Lā Xian yizht z5u, sāi wāng zu5 sSu. Shōngshān BiiiS You: Xian vāng zuo zSut dāole iiikou zāi wāng yōu zou. (First go to the lefti when you get to the comer f go to the right.) Xiān wāng you z5\if daole Dunhuā Ld aai vang zno zou. Xlān yiahi sSu, dāole Zhongshān Bel iii z&l vāng zuo sSu, Xlān vang auo zou, sāi vang you sou* dīērge lukou Xian wāng zuo zou, dāole dierge lūkou sāi vang you 艺Siu DIR, Unit 1 Xī&i vāng you sou, zāi vang zuo a5u, disānge liikou Xiān yizhī zou, z^i vang you zou. Zhonghuā Lu Xiān wāng zuo zou, zāi vang ySu z(Su» Rēnāi Lū Xiān vāng you souā dāole disǎnge lūkSu zai wing zuo 2S11* Xiān yishl s3u, daole Shonghua Lt aai wang you zou* Xiān wang zuo zǒnt d&ole Rēnai Lu zāi wāng yōu z5u. Expansion Drill 1. Speaker: Cong zhēli yizhī soUj dui tm dui? (cue) nali (You go straight from he re. Is that correct?} 2* C6ng īhěli wang zuo zou, dui bu dui? nī jiā 3. C6ng zhell yīzhf aSu, duī Tdu dui? fanguSnsi b. C6ng ^hēli wing you z5u, āul bu dui? kāfeitlng 5* Cong zhēli vang zu5 zou, duī Tdu dui? youzhěngju 6_ Cong īhěli yizhi zSv.9 duī tu dui? wguaschil You: Cfing zheli dāo nali qu, yīshl zoul dui tu dui7 (To get iroir. here to there you go Btraigat- Is that correct?} C6ng zheli dāo nī Jiā qu, vang zuo zou* dui bu dui? C6ng zheli dāo fanguānsi qňs yizhl sou, duī bu dui? Cong zheli dao kāfēitīng qū, w£ng ySu zStj3 duf l3u dui? C6ng abeli dlo youzhengjū qfi, vSng isuo Eouf daī feu dui? Cong zheli dao wūguānchu qfia ylsbī zou, dui bu dui? 7* Cong zheli wang you sSu, dui "bu dui? xuexiao CSng zheli dao xuěxiao quf vang y5u zSut dui bu dui? DIHt 切nit 1 I. KesponBe Drill 1, Speaker: Wo zhīdao Huaaiei KSfSitīng. (^j^) y3u (I knw of the Huaziei Coffeehoyse.) C. yio iibīdac fSngu5i,ri. suS Wo zhīdao nāge y6r.^hengjGt ySu WS shīdao Taiwan YĪnhāng. zv& WS ahīdao ytzhl WH zhidao £uS wĪLguānchīl* MSiguo xa^xlko* WS sliīdao nage shangdian, ylahl You: '^ngvĚn T ^6ng zj^e] 1 dac Huairei KSfeitīng qu vang ySu zout daī Lti duxī 【:“y I you go to the right tc get to the Hu&nei Coffeehouse- Is that correct?) Qīngwěn t oSng zhēli ā^o tiage fānguSnzi q& v&ng zuo zZut duī bu at^iī (iīiigwSn, c6ng: zheli dao nā^e ySushěngjū qū vāng ySu s5u_ duī "bu dui? Qtngwrēnf c6ng zheli āSo 放ivāō YĪnhfing qu vang zuS īSu t duī bu duiī QīngvSnf cong sshlli dao wuguSncliil qū. yīahl aSuf duī Tdu dui? OXngi^n, cStsg zheli d4o MSiguo xuexiio wāng s8us dut bu dui? Qīngv^a* cSng ahSli dlo n&ge shixigdlSn ylzhl dui bu dui? Response Drill Speaker W8 zhīdao Hufimei Kāfeitlng, (cue) senme sou (l know of the Hulmei Coffeehouse•) W5 ahīdao HuS^nSi KSfeitīng, (cue) ySu (ī know of the Huamei Coffeehouse*) Yous Qīngvēnt die Hufimei 炫fēitī明 qū 2^īme sou? (May I ask, hcsw do I get to the Hufiiaei Coffeehouse?) Qīngwěn j c6ng ahěli dāo Huāměi Kāfēitīng q.ut v&ng you a5u# dui bn dui? (May 1 ask, I go to the rigjit from here to get to the HuamSi Coffeehouse, Is that correct?) Unit 1 2, W5 shīdao nage xuěxiāo, zenme s5u 3* WS zhīdao nage shāngdiān, zuo WS āhīdao Tfiiwan YfnhSng* you 5* Wo zhīdao wSguanehň* zenme zou WS zhīdao nMge fānguanzi* zuS Q3Cngvin f deLo na^e xuěxiao qā. seniae zSu? Qīngven t eSng zhēli dao nage shangdiac v&ng zuS sSut duī bu dui? Qlngvěns c6ng zhlll dlo Tiiv&n YinMng q{l, wāog ySu zSu. dui bu dui? Q3Cngwěnf d&o wugu&nchU qu zermse zouī Qīngwljap c6ng zheli ōM.0 nage fanguanai qū, vāng suo sou t dui bu dui? Interior of a luncheon stand off the beaten path in ShāngbSi DIR, Unit 2 UNIT 2 REFERENCE LIST U A: Dongdǎn Diānyīngyu&n shl bu shl zai shir fujīnl B: ShE* £&i sher fājin* 2,r A: Nī shl dao dianyīngynSn fūjtn you meiyou yīnhfing? B i YSu. DiSiiyīngyiilLn filjin ySu (yige) ylnb£ng, 3. A ; Kī zhidao 1m īhidjao y£nhfiag shēnme shlhou guan měn? U_ As CSng ībēr d^o nār z^nme sou? B; Chule zhēige fsbidiln w&rsg dong zSu. 5, B: D&ole dīērge iňkonrt beibianr shi DortgdSii Cālshichiog* NānlDianr shl DSngdan Crongyu&a* 6- Bs Diāuyīngyuln jiīl sal ESiigdan CellBhichSjagde xTbianr. 了■* A; Wo chūle zhěige fāndiSUi vāng dang £Sut āutl bu dui? B: Dui le« fl** A: HaO| beibianr 日hi D5n^dān C&isliiehang* Ninbianr ne? B: NĚnbianr shi Pongdan GSngyuin. 5- * A: Dl&nyīngynan Jlň zai caishlchingde xrbianr shl bu shi? B: Shī, Is the Dongdan Movie Theater in this areaf Yes. Itffi in this area. Do you know vhether there la a. "bank in the vicinity of the theaterī Yes. There Is a bank In the vicinity □f the movie theater* Do you know at what time the bank closes? How āo I get there from bereī When you have gone out of the hotel, walk to the east. When you have reached, the second int^rsectionj on the north side is the Dongdan Market, On the south side Is Dongdan Park. The movie theater is Juat on the west side of the DSngdin Market. When I have gone out of the hotel_ I walk t'o the east. Ib that correct^ Thatfs correct. Okay, on the north side ia the Dongdan Market» Hov a"bout on the south side? On the south side is DSngdan Park. The movie theater is Just on the vest side of the market f ia that it? Yes. •This exchange occurs on the P-l tape only* DIR, Unit 2 10• A: Qň kān dianyīng yīqiSn vS xlān qil kān yīge pSngyou. 11. A: lībianr ySu meiyou mEi tSngde? B: You* YSu yige xiSomailDii* Zāi beibianr. ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C*1 and P-l tapes) 2. v&ibianr (wāiblan) 3,. YlhbvL ^p yāub ianr (ydubian} 5- īuǒbianr (zuobian} 6. xiSoxuě Before I go to see the movie t 工 am first going to visit a frienā* Is there a place to buy candy in the hotel? Yes. Therefs a variety shop, It's over there. outside after right Bide left side elemental school 7- zhSngxuē middle school (the equivalent of junior and senior high school) DIfl, Unit 2 VARIETY -C- SHOP ~ OtSPLAY III OfX [! SMALL SHOP DISPLAY IV MARKET DISPLAY BESTAURAMT mi BANK口 h1 口THEATER DSTORE MARKET DISPLAY It PARK HOUSE THEATER > {See m^p of Beijing, preceding the Target List a Literallys dianying^ār, Eiesx?: iTeIectric-shadow hall.” has the structurs of a possessive phrases zhsr (-de) fujīn i here 1 e /iL_inity) (The marker -de is often oaiitted in phrases of relative location.) £• A: Ni zhidso diaoyīngyuSn in you meiyou yftihing? B: YSu, Dianyīngjuan fujin you (yige) ylnhāns. Do you know whether there is a bank in the vicinity of the movie theater? Yes* There ia a bank in the vicini of the movie theater. Note on No, 2 Nī ah I dao # # .yoi, meiyou ylhar^T could also be translated as ,fDo you kjaov if therea bank.._ī,T When you vant to ask Mvhether/if^ in Chinese, use a yes/no-crhoice Question. Wo bu zhīdao tā lai Tdu l&l. (ī donTt know whether/if he Ts coming-) Notice that in English the "beginning of the first sentence in exchange is In question form: lfDo you knov*,, 7TP But the Chinese is in statement ^orm: HI ahldao,,•• To be perfectly logical, the Chinese vowld use either th€ auestion form nt sLbidao bu zhidao, . , or nī shld&q.. ,ma? But if these ^otīūb were useds the sentence would soimd avkvard, or even"^ngrGLmmatical p to many speakers. 3* A: Nī zhīdao bu zhidao yīnhSng shěmne shlhou g^ān men? Do you knov at vhat time the benk closes? īil shi dao bu zhidao i To as 乜 nDo iueEtion, nī zhidao bu ghldao and nī you knov... ?lf in a quest ion-word zhidao_.■ma? are preferred. NI may also occur, especially in long or complex Questions. ■ n Nī zhidao bu zbldao tā zāi nar? (You koov or not he is vhere ī) ■Do you know vhere h€ is?1 Nī zhlde.0 :ta all nar i ma? (You hmoM he is where?) l1Do you know vhere he is?*1 DXRt Unit 2 A: CSng zher dāo nār zenme sou? B: Chūle shěige fand!an vang d5ng zou. Hov do I get there from here? When you have goce out of the hotel, walk to the east. ^otes on No, b Chū, "to go out, T!to exit11: This verb is nsisally not used alone, but is followed by an Cbject (chu mer.r> lfgo out the door") or used in cOEipound verts such as chS^u, 11 to go out*" (Compound verbs are introduced in the next unit.) To say that you are going out without apecifying the place, you may use Wq equ le, nI fm leaving P1P Shěige: I尥 the second sentence in exchange k9 Eheige is mstresaedit is translated as "the: not as "this/1 In Chinese, unstressed aheip;e and nlige are used more frequently than ^tbis^ and "thatM are used in English. It is often better to translate shlige or neige as lpthe*M (Remesn^er, howevers that ,Tthelf is not always expressed by a word in Chinese, as in Ytntaāag shēnme shihou guān men? nWhat time does the banX close?”) 5. B; Dāole dīlrge līikourf beibianr shi Dongdan Caishichang* IJĚnbianr shi Dongdan Gongyuan孝 When you īisve reached the second intersection, on the north side is the Dongdan Market * On the south aide is DBngdSn Park. Uotes on No. 5 The element -jbiam^ (-bian) means ”side■” Wien it is added to a direction vord, the word becomes a place name. For instance, beiMatxr is a noun and nanes a place, as in Dia^y£nEyuan„sai n^ige faMian beiManrt 1iTīie movie theater is on the nortfc side of that hotel• ■ Bel, on the other band* names a direction, and Iē the form usually used vlth "vang, 11 towards": NI vang oei z&q, T,You go to the north# M The other direction words (d5iig, najT. f 症,Euo • and you) may also be used es the name of a place (in combi nation with -biajir) and as the name of a direction- Remem'ber that the ending -bianr is pronoumced as if it vere written -bi&r- (See Uiait Notes on Additional Required Vocabulary.) BeiManr, nĀnbianr: These location words &re nouns (acting &s topics} in Chinese. They are translated into English as prepositional phrases {acting as adverbs)* DIR, Unit 2 GoRgyuān literally means 11 public garden(Notice the difference in tone 'betveen y\iant '*gardenfM and yuana Mhalltir as in dlanyīngyuānt ITmovie hall.1'1) Cai shi chang; Below, in. the diagram of a l&rge calshichaEig in Bei J īng you viil find the following sections t sbilc&i (vegetg.blesTt d&nlĒi (eggs, including chicken eggs , duck eggs t salted duck eggs, and ITthousand-yeajr-old11 eggs) t douzhipīn (bean products like bean curd,, dried "bean eurd, bean^curd skint deep-fried bean ciird, Msmelly11 bean curd, fermented bean curd, bean noodles, fermented black beans % etc-)* tiĚovĒipīn (Bpicea and flavorings), gus^itou (canned goods), (candy )> y£n (clggjrēttes} f jiu (wines and liquors) f ji&ngcāi (pickled vegetables) Ě niuy&nKrou ("beef and 1 amb, available mostly to Moslems) t roulel {pork, pork ribst gromd pork, and porK lard), (chicken)v (duck), and haixian (seafood). A WAHKĒT IN b£u?NG shuciāi dsnlei h iQaOJ <1 r 6. B; Di^nyingyuan Jiīi sal Dongdān Cāishichangde xībianr. The movie theater is just on the vest side of the Dongdān Market. Notes on No, 6 Jlti, lfrightfIT ,fexactly/1 ”Justlf: In earlier material this vord was translated as 'Vight.11 In this 日enteneefl jiu^is translated as ITjustSTI to avoid conf us ion with the direction "right” >,ySu). Pongdan Caishichaagde xīManr* "the west side of the Dongdln Market 9" or, more literally, ^the Dongdǎn MarketTs west side": Notice that this long modifying phrase is laarked vith -de* in contrast to ahěr fujin. Direction words: The conventional Chinese order for the points on the compass is dong^ něru xl, l3eīĀ ^east^ south, wst, north*fi Direction names are & part of many Chinese place names* Here are some examples: Beijīng NānJīng Tāibei TSinSn Hubei Hfinān Hebei Hlnirt Shandong SheLnxī nNortti of the (Dongtlng) lakeIT "Smith of the {3>Bngtlng) la^en ,TNorth of the (Yellow) river11 "South of the (Yellow) river" f,East of the (Taihfing) mouritaiasM "West of the (Taihāng) mountains” fiNorthern capital11 "Southern eapit^lIT "Taiwan NorthTT ,fTaivan South11 7. A; Wo chule zhēige fāndlin wāng dong zou, dui bu Wien I have gone out of the hotel I valk to the east. Xa that correct? That1s corrects dui? B: Dui la. B* A: Haos tigibianr sM Dongdān Caishichang. Kaobianr ne? Oltay, on the north side is the Dongdan Market * How about on the south side? On the south side is Dongd&n Park.] Bi NānManr shi C-ongdān GSngyuān■ DIR, Unit 2 As Diānyīngyuān Jiū zai cSishichatigde xībianr shi bu shi? B: Shi, The movie theater is Just on the vest aide of the mrkett ia that it? Yes. Notes on Nob , 7-^9 : Shi, y5ut and zai are translated Location words and shi, ySu, and _, ^ _____________________ into English as —some forn of the verb ,Tto be. The "English translatioKS nay mask the differences in neanlng among the three verbs, Shī is used f0T identityj z|i 1b used for location; and jrSu is used for ixistence. BWmmCE LIST TBANSLATIOH LITERAL TRANSLATION Bēi'bianr shl Dongdan Cāishichang. (On the north side Is the Dongdan Market«) (The north side la the DǒngdSn Market *) BianyiRgyuan aal CaishichSngde xībianr. (The movie theater is on the treat side of the market,) (The movie theater is located on the marketfs west sid笱•) Fandiān lībianr y5u yige xiaomāibQ. {Therefs a variety shop in the hotel,) (Inside the hotel exists a variety shop,r the first example t it is poesible to a ay BeiManr shi DSngdān :5ishichang "because the market occupies the whole north side of the street. Ton voxdd probably not phrase the sentence this way If you were talking about the location of a telephone "booth or 玫 newsstand- Notice the difference in vord order between sentences with nhī and teiītenceB with zlUL, " Beibianr -—■■ ■■ ■_」 shi Dongdan Ci^.@hicbang» ^----- ------s—— Dongdan CSishichang sā.1 「- --- ■běiblaiir. DIR, Unit 2 10- A; Qu kan diitnyīng yīqi&n# wo Before 工 go to see the movie4 I xian qu kān yige pěngyou* first going to visit a friend, am Notes on No. 10 Qu k&n: The verb qn.t like the verb lai • is frequently followed by & phrase expressing the purpose of tile action. YiqiĚna Mbefore1p; Notice that in Chinese yīqiiĚn comes at the end of the clause, while in English M"beforalf comes at th& "beginning. kān di any ing yīq^iĚn before I see the movie Iig£- unstressed When the: word yige Is stressed, it means ^one/1 VThen the vord is or toneless, it means ira or an. 11* A* Fancli&rj lībianr you meiyou mai tangde? B: Ydu» You yige xiSomSllDu^ Zai neibianr. Is there a place to buy candy in the hotel? Yes* Theresa a variety shop. It1 over there* Notes or* No. 11 FāndlSn Iibianr you *.,? This question illustrates another vay in which sentences containing z&i and you may differ: Z^i allovrs the noun to be placed et the "beginning of the sentences makir.g the noun DEFINITE. You allova the noun to be placed at the end of the aentencsj making the noun irīDEFINITE. In English t ITa/an" and ”the” express the idea of indefinite and definite * In Chinese, wori order ia used to express the same DIB, Unit 2 waiManr yīhSu yōubianr zuSbianr xiaoxuě zhongxuě (wāibian) (jroubian) (suSbian) outside after right side left side elementary school middle school (the equivalent of junior and senior high school) Xiaoinaibu aai fāndian lībianr, Fandian libiarir you (yige) ■ V K . . K ' ■ xiaomaibu. The variety shop is in the hotel* Inside the hotel there is a variety shop. Unless other vise specifiedf a noun before the ver'b never indefinite: Canting zai nǎr? Canting zāi zher Where is the dining rooml (顧酬) The dining room is here. An indefinite noun is normaliy placed after the verbs Nǎr you canting? Zhěr you cantīn^^ Where is there a dining room?( , There is a dining room here, VDEFINITE) Mai tĚn^de, lfa place to buy candy flf orf more literally t ,fone that sells candy : The noun modified "by this phrase has been left off the end of the phrase» This expression is understood to refer to either the person who does something or the place where semething is done* tfingde could be translated in exchange 11 as ITcandy seller11 or Tlcandy counterT^ In some other context it might refer to a flcandy ātoreTi or a ,fca.noy departmeo.t.If (Notice that the English asks vhere. you can BUY some things but the Chinese equivalent asks where semething Is SOLD.) Xlaomaibu, Variety shoptIT is a small shop inside a building* In a museiM the shop vould sell cigarettes^ sweet turns, and soda, In a hotel it vould sell & wide variety of goods t Including souvenirs p soaptheraoses socks^ fruit, breadt and vine. Scbgg on Additional Required Vocabulary Yīho •before* Yīhou, "aftertst is, used in the same position in a sentence as yīqiap, TS ralile dongxi y!£hou* zai qfi KĒn pěngycm. After he has bought some things, he viil go ta see a friend, In the Money Module, Unit h9 you learned that completion le is placed directly after the verb if the amount of the sentence object is specified, is placed at the ersd of the sentence if the't is not stated. 23h5 6 7 I 111 1 1 AMOUNT UNSPECIFIED: Wo mai fānvān le, I bought rice bovls, AMOUHT SPECIFIED: Wo maile shlge fanwan. I bought ten riee bowls. In the example for yīh5ut is used in another setting, the dependent clause of & sentence. In this case, the marker le ia placed directly after the ver'b, whether or not the amount of the object is stated. Malle shu yīhou9 ti jiā zou le, Mlile vuben shū yīhou^ ta Jtu zSu le. After be "bought the books, he left. After he bought five booka f he left. Zuobianr, yňubianri 工n English^ ve generally assign left and right from the point of vlev of the oTdserver : 11 As you look at the tvo buildings t the movie theater will be on the (your) leftt and the market will be on the (your) right It is comon for Chinese to assign left and right from the point of viev of the object itself. For instancet the theater shovn below might be described in Chinese as being on the right side of the market* THEATER From the point of viev of the market t with the entrance &诌 itB the theater is indeed located on the market1s right* front side. The same difference shows up in describing the relative locations of people or places in a photograph. In English, most people vauld say that Comrade LĪ is to the left of Consrade MS In the picture below. In Chineses many people vould say Ll Tongshl zai Ma Tangahtde yōubianr• Li Tongzhī Ma TongzhT DIR, Unit 2 Df course, the way of assigning left and right varlae with speakers of 'both languages and vith dLifferent situations • Xia03cue» zhongxug; nprimary school/1 "high school" ( ”small study* middle study”): In the PRC and in Taiwan, primary school (xiaoxue) Includes grades one through six. Junior high school has grades one through three t and senior high school also has grades one through three. Beijīng street scene DIRt Unit 2 VOCABULARY BOOSTER Tilings in Nature air animal beach bird bushes cave cloud desert dew earth [the planet] earthquake fire flower fog forest graBB ground, on the hail hill hills hurricane ice insect Insects CBclentlfic term] island lake lightning meadov moon mountain imā kongqī dōngvu hǎitān niaci (yīzhi,: yige) guānmucong (yIkuāi s ylpian, ,fa stretch oftr shandong yun (yldu5, yīpiāji,ylc eng} ehamo (ylpiSix, ”a stretch of") lilahul (yldī, "a drop of,T) dīqili āizh^n (ylci) buo huā {yīduS, yizhī) wň fihullnzi (yige, ylpiSn, 11 a stretch of!T} c&o (ylgēn) dīshang bāozl (yllī l^aūsai, 11 & hailstone”; yichiīig, yīihěn bāosis ”a hailstorm”) xiao shān (yizuof yige) qiulfng (yīpian, wa stretch of,T) jSTēng (ylct, yīchǎng) bīng ch6ngzi kǔňchQiig dao, ha id So Ciri_th£_S€&^3 hfi shSndian caodi (yīkuklf ylpiān) yuēliangs yueq.iū [astronomical term]: sh&n (y£su5) nī, nībā ocean hai path pebble xiS。 lu (yitiSo) shltou zir {yīlīT yige) planet plant xtngxījag (yikē) zhhru. rain yu (yichāng) rainbow eSlhong (yldao} river he (yītlio) rock yinshi sea hal sky tiān^ t iankong snov xue (jtchang; yīdult lfa pile of") stEir xingxing (yīkē), hĚngxīng (yīkē) E;astro- nomical term3 stone shītou Cyikuil) storm hāQfēngyu (yīchSngp yfel) stream xiSo he, xiSo xī (yttiao) E\m tSiyang sunrise rtchū (ylci) sunset riluē (yīcī) sunshine yāngguāng thunder lei tree shĚL (ylki) typhoon tSifēng (ylcī, yichāng) valley ehāngu volcano hnSshān (yizuS) waterfall pubii Kind feng WODdS shullnzl (yige, ylpila. 1fa stretch of1*) DIE, Unit 2 DRILLS A. Transformation Drill 1. Speaker: Dongdān DlSnyJngy^&n zai zhěr fUjīn, (The Dongdan Theater is in this area.) 2* Wāng TŌngzhi jla sai sher fujīn. 3* Nī pēngyou jia zk± něr fīljīn. km Běijīng Fandi&n zai zhěr fujīn* 5* Něige shāngdiān sāi zhěr fujln. 6* Neige xuěxiao zai zhěr f立Jin, 7. Klige fanguanr z&i shēr fīijiti* You: Dongdān Diajayīngyiiān shl "bu shi zāi ahěr fīljln? (Is the Dongdan Theater in this area?) W&ng Tong shi jii. shī bu shi xāi zh^r fňjinT Nī pěngyou Jiā shl "bu shi zb.1 něr fiXlln? BlIJĪng Fandiān shl bu shi zti zhěr _n? Něige shingdiān shī bu shi zll shēr f^Liluī Kelge xuexllo shī bu shi zki sbfer fīljinǐ Neige fanguanr shī bu shi sal ahěr fīyin? B* Trans format1on Drill 1, Speaker: DiĚnyīngyu&n fūjīn y5u ylnhĚrig ma? (Is there a l3enk in the vicinity of the movie theater?) 2* Cāishichang fūjin ySu ylnhang ma? 3. Ti Jiā fujin ySu gōngyuān nsa? k. Nlige xuěxiao fujln ySu fānguanr ma? You: PisLnyīngyu.ā.n f & J ;ī n ySu meiyou ylnhfing? (Is there & bank In the vieini of the movie theater?) Clrishich&ng fňjln ySu meiyou yīnhĚn Ta Jla fūjīn you meiyou gongyu^iG? Nlige xuěxiao fīljin you meiyou fangisanrī 5* Něige fānguSnr fujīn you shangdi&n ma? Neige fanguanr fujīn ySu meiyou sb&ngdiān? DIRt Unit 2 6_ Něige shangdiān ySu ylnhing ma? 7■ Dongdān Cāishichang fiijīn you shangdlSn nia? Neige shangdlājū fňjīn y5u meiyou ylnhing? Dongdan CaishichSng fājtn y5u meiyou shangdl^n? C Trans format ion Drill 1. Speaker; Di&iiyīn^riiltn fňjin ySu meiyou yīnhSng? (Is there a bank in the vicinity of the movie theater?) 2, Dongdan fūJIn ySu meiyou cāisMch£ng? 3* GoijgyuSn fiij tn y5u meiyou xuēxi^o? • Nlr fňjin y5u meiyou līfade? • BĒiJīng F&ndi&ti f&jin ySu meiyou diSnylngyuSn? • Něige BhangdiSn filjtn you meiyou jrīnhSugT You: Ylnhfin^ sbi bu shi sli dil^yīngyuan fājitnT (Is the bank in the vicinity of the movie theater?) CāiaMchaug shī bu Bhi zki Dongdan ffijin? Xu€xiāo shl bu shi zāi gōngyuān fujīn? Līfade 日hi bu shi z^i nar fājtn? Diinyīagy^Sn sbī bu shi s在i BSijīng Flndi&Q fīljin? * Ylnhfing shī bu ahi zSi něige ahingdiān fīijtn? Nī jia fūjīn ySu meiyou xuexiao? XuSxi&o a hi bu shi sSi nī Jiā fiijinT Beeponsa Drill Speaker: DongdSn Dianyīngyuān shī bu shi zai zhěr fūjln? (cue) no (Is the Dongdan Theater in this area?) OR Dongdan Dianyīngyuāo ahī bu shi zli zhěr fīljtnī (cue) yes (Is the Dongdan Theater In this area?} l£u: Bfi zāi zhěr fujīn. Zhlr fīyīc meiyou dlSnySngyuSja. (Not around here. ThereTa no movie theater in this axea_) Dongdan DiānyJngyu&i shi zti shěr fGjīn, (The Dongdln Theater is in this area,} DIR, Unit 2 2_ Dongdān ŪaiB hie hang shl bu shl zāi shěr fujin? yes 3. Dongdan Gongyuan shi bu &hi sai zhěr fuj Inī no km Xiaoaiāib& shi bn shi zai Eblr fujin? yes 5* Mai tSngde shi hu shi sai sr-hsr fīlj in? no 6. Bei J īng Fandian shi 'ju shi iSi ahěr fujīn? yes Dēngdān CāiBhichatig shī sāi zb&r fSjin, Bd zāi zhěr fňjin* Zhěr fujīn meiyou gon^iān. Xilomi'Dtl Bhi z^i sJiěr fujīn. Bil zāi aher fuj ī a. Zhlr fuj īr. neiyou mai t^ingde * Beijing F&ndianaāi ahlr filjiii. E, 1. Transformation Drill Speaker: Kī zhīdao ylnhSng Ehēmae shlhou kāl men ma? (Do you knov at what time the bank opens?) You: Nī shīdao "bu sliidao ylnhfing shēnne shfhou kāi men? (Do you know at vhat time the Dpenri ī) NĪ zhīdao ytnhĒng ^āi nali ma? Nī zhīdao hu shidao /īnhīng aai nāli? 5. 6. Tā zhīdao cāige fajiguanzi shī Bheide ma? LĪ TSngahi ahīdao nE you duōshao qitn meī Fāng Xiānsheng zhīdao nī shĒmne shlhou l£i ma? Kī Ilreia shemne shīdao ma? mai tāngde xing Ta sihīdap ahldao neige fEiaguanzi shī shēifle? Lī TSngzhī zhīdao tu zhidao nī y5u duoshao qi&n? Fiag Xiānsheng zhīdao bu ahidao nī. shenme sltlliou iSiT NS airen shīdao bu zhidao māi t^ngde xlng shenme? Ti Ta airep. zhīdao Sūxl Těngshi fihěmie Biifhou gongzuS ma? Ta airen s&hld&o tu shidao Sub Tfingzhī sli^nme shlhou gong^uS? DIR I Unit 2 Scpetnslon Drill Speaker: Cong zhlr 6Āo něr qfl. (gue) zSnme (Go from here to there*) OH Cong Dongdan GoDgyuSn dS。dilUiyīīigTuSn q^m (cue) dong (Go from. Don^dĒn Park to the movie theater.) C6ng Dongdan Gongyuan dāo cāishichwig qiS. gian C6ng ChSngEn Jiē dto Slnlītfin qu• zenme C6ii| Qiamen Dājii dāo RitSn Lil q.u. xī C6ng Guanghufi Līl dāo WaiagfQjIng D&Jiē qā. TjSi CSng Chāngaa JiĒ dāo WfegfSjIng Dāj i e qS. ySu ^QU* Cong shēr dao neLr ⑩ zenme a5u? (Hov do you go from here to there?) Cong Dongdan Gongyman d&o dianyīn^ruan 的! vang dong zSu, dui bu dui? (To go from Dongdan Park to the movie theater,工 go to the east. Right?) C6ng Dongdan Gongya&n dao caishlchar^ qft, vāag qiln zhut duī bu dui 7 CSng ChfingSn JĪ5 dao Sinlīttk q& zeme a5uī ^ong Qiānmln Dajiē dāo Ritan Lfi qii, wāng xī 2Su, āui bu dui? CSng Guinghuā L\1 dāo Wangr2jlng Dijiē qS,w&ng b5l zou* duf bu dui? Cong Changan Jie d&o WSngfyjIng Dājii v&ng ySu duī bu dui? SuhstituUoia Drill Speaker WS chule zhěige f&ndiāa vang dong zSut dui bu. dui 7 (cue) xī (After I come out of that hotel! I go to the east. Right?) WS chule zhěige fIndian vang xī z5up duī bu dui? n£n W3 chīile zhēige faimiSn vang nin duī bu dui? bgi ws cMle zheige fandiln vang bei sou, dui bu dui? zuS WS chǔle zheige fāndiān wing xī z6ut dui bu dui? (After 工 eoae out of that hotel, I go to the west* Right?} Wo chule dui "bu shěige dui? fandlān wang nfin zou* 祐 chule āul bu ahllge dui? fiudilīi wang bei zou, Wo chūle duī bu zhilge dui? flndian zu5 z5ui DIRt Unit 2 5. WS chūle ahēige fandi&n wang zuo zou, dui bu dui? nělbian 6. WS chūle zhlige fandiSn wing něiMan zSu, dui bu dui7 y5u 7. W5 chūle ahěige fIndian vĒLng y&u ssīSu, duī bu dui? d5ng W5 chūle Ehēige fIndian vSng nāībian sou* dui "bu dui? W3 chīile shělge fandiān vang ySu zSu. duī \>m dui? WS chule zhěige f&ndiān vang dong z Su, duī bu duiī 2. 3- 6. Earpansion Drill Speaker: ZuStlanr shi dianyīngyuān, (cue) Dongdan clīiMchSng (To the left ie the movie theater*) Youbiaiar ySu shangdian* zheigo fāndian ZuSbianr ibl mli t&ngde. xiaomSi"bfi Valbianr you mtibaode, gongyuan ZuSManr you f andi an -caishichang Yoti^lanr yZv. māi tSngde* dilrayīngyuān You: Dongdan CaishichSngde zuo'bianr shl dilr^rīngyu&n. (To the left of the BSngdan Market is the movie theater., Zhlige flLndiande ydubianr ySu shangdiān• XiSom&ib&de suSbianr shi māi tSixgde. Gongyuinde wSī'bianr ySu maib^ode* CSishichSngde ^uobianr ySu fandiSn, DlfiiiyīngyuiLnde ySubianr ySu mai těngd«, t, WSiManr Bhi shāngdiān. faDdiān Flndi&nde vāibianr shl h&ngdian- TransforEiB.tion Dri 11 Speaker: Cāishichangde xTbianr you d i anyī au. (To the vest of the market is & movie theater.) DiiLnyīngyu&nde vaibianr yJ5\i mki baode* Gōngyuānde lībianr ySu māl qīshuīde. Xuexiaode dongbianr you yfnhing# Fanguanr nanbianr you shangdlSn. Ylnhangde yōubianr ySu fanguS^r. Fandiānde be iibianr y5y dianyīngyuān, Y。1』: Něige di^oySngyuan Jifi zai caishichangde xībianr. (That movie theater ia to the west of the market.) Něige mai baode jiū zĪLi dianyīngjruSnde wāLiManr, Něige qīshulde jiū zli g5ngyu£nde lĪManr _ Něige ylnhSng jiu zli xuěxiāode dongbianr* něige shSngdiln Jiū zāi fanguSnrde nfiflbianr• Nlige flbguSr ySubianr■ Něige diĚLnyingyuan beibianr. zS:l ylnhSngde jitl zāi flikdiande ComMnation Drill Speyer: Tā qil kān dianyīng, ■TS qu kan yige pěngyou* (He goes to see a movie* He goes to visit a frienēL TE qil xuē Zhongguo huā_ Tā qň mai yiben shu. TS qu mai ātsū_ Ta qS huan yidianr qiSn. TS qu kan di&nyīng* Tā qň mSi ting. Tā qň gor.gzuā. Tā qu kān Zhěo Taitai. 如 kan^diānyīng yīqiSn, ta xian 9.S. kin yige pēngyou, (Before he goes to eee a movief be first goes to visit a friend*) 姐 xuě Zh5ngguo hu& yīq.iěap ta xiān qii mai yiben shu. Qū mai ahu 7Īqiānt tā xian qū hu^n yidiSnr qifin. Q& kin dllisyīng yīqian, tS xian qū mai tāng. 的 gong^uo yǐqiSnt ta xian qS ktn Zhāo Tiltai. DIBt Unit 2 6, TS īiu MSiguo* Ta qī nian Yīngven, 7. Tā qii kan Lin Xiānsheng, Ta qň mai yīdianr diSnxīn. Qu Meiguo yīqiān ^ ta xiān nian Ylngwen, Qū kSn Lin Xiānsheng jlqian * ta xian qu mSi yīdiSnr diSnxIn. Transformation Drill 1|_ 5, Speaker: Qit k^Ln dianyīng yīqians tā. xiān qīt kān pāngy ou, (Before seeing the movie * he first goes to visit a friend.) Qii xui Shongguo huS yīqiěns ta xian q^ū. mai shū, māi shu ylqiěn, ta xian qS huān qiln« Qā kān dianying ylqiSn, ta xiān qīl mǎi t£ng* Qu gSngzuo yīqiein* tā xiān qīl kin Zhao Taitai * Qň nian lishi yīqIĚns ta xiān qjl niān Yīngvln. You: TS. Stan pēng/ou ylh&Uj kan dianyīng« (After he visits a friend, he goes to see a movie*} Ti mSi shū yīhou, q 芒 xuē ZhŌBgguo hu&4 Tā huān qiān yīhāu t qū mai sha. Ta mai tfing yJhou, qu kān diinyīng. Ta kin Zhao Taitai yīhou, qu gōngauo* Ta niSn Ylngven yīhSu, qQ. niSn llsht. 7. Qu kān LĪ XiSnsheng ta TS mai dianxīn yībBii, au kān LĪ xIbji qu mai diSnxIn# Xiānsheng* DIR, Unit 2 L. Response Drill 1. Speaker: Zhlr you meiyou ea! tSngde? (cue) Itbianr j ~ (Is there a candy store here?} 2. Xi&cnsaibū nar you meiyou mai qj shuī āe ? z.uo'b i anr Xuexiao nar you meiyou māl Yīngwěn zidiScsde? āongbimr Nir you. meiyou mi jōzide? yōubianr 5* Gongyuěn fūjtn ySu meiyou mil sSzhīdeT nanbianr 6. Fandiān f&jin you meiyou māi d文tfideī xībianr You: YSui mai tingde zāi lībianr (Yes t there1s a candy store inside*) Youj mai qīshuSāe zSi zuobianr. You, mi Yīngwěn stdiande ^sll dongbianr. Youf mEī jGzide zāi ySubianr t Y5ut ni^l zāshīde zāi n£nbianr * Y5uf dītude zeLl xībianr* ciiahichSngll ySu meiyou mai pīJiude? něibianr Y3up mai piJiude z&i niiManr* DIR, Unit 3 UNIT 3 REFERENCE LIST (in BeiJīng) 1. B: Nī chūqu ai A: WS xiang cbūqu mai Jlfeen shu* 2, A: LSoJiS,, nar you mai shude? Ci Wāngfujīng Dā.jie you yige Xīnhuā ShudlSLn. hen dig 3_ Aī Xīnhut ShudieLn li shir ma? C: Bň yu£nf hen Jīn. A: Zenme q:ū.7 Z3u2ll€ qū kēyi ma? Ci SSuahe qň Kēyi* 5- A: Elrmie aSu? C: Cfing dāněn chǔqu, chāo "bei guSi, Jiīi shl WĚngfujSLri^ D^Jie. 6* *kt Wo cong damin chūqut chSo "bei gu&it dui bu dui? C; Duī le• Ti A: Zou āu.6 yuanī C: Z?5u bft yuan* ludongde dīyige d&lSu jiīl sbi Xīr^iua Shudian* Ō* %l: Lāojiā, něige d&lSu shl XīnhuS Shūdiān isa? 0ht you1re going out! I thought I would go out to tuy a fev books. Excuse nie} vhere is there a place to būy tooks? There ia a New China Bookstore on WSngfujīng Boulevard that is very large # la the New China Bookstore far from lieret Itfa not farj it*s very close* How do I go? Is it posailDie to get tbere by walking? It fs possilDle to get there by valk ing. Hov do I go? You go out the entrance, turn to the north j and thatTs wāngfujīng Boulevard. I go out the entrance &nd turn to the north. Is that correct? That1a correct. How far do I go? Go & short distance* and the first building on the east side of the street is. the īīev China Bookstore. Excuse met is that "building the 1-īew China Bookstore? Shī, Yes* ^Thie exchange occurs on the P-l tape only* 6 15 DĪKf Unit 3 ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULAEY (not presented on C-l and P-I tapes) 9* zhuan 10, chulai 11. libcī 12. iňbei 13. lūn&n lhm "bSihuS 15. BSitmS l6. sh&ngbianr {shlngbian} 17 • xieLbianr (xiitbian) 18 ■ āīxis. 19. zhongjianr (zhongjIanr) (aliongjiān) to turn to come out the vest side of the street the north side of the street the aouth side of the street department store (name of a department store In BSljlng) alDōvei the top, the upper part below* tmder j the bottomt tbe lower part underneath; the underneath the middle, the space in between 20. pSng^iatxr (pāngbian) beside9 next to, alongside of; the side DIR, Unit 3 HOTEL HM- theater mahket in Jiē O— (!) Dōng Changā DISPLAY MAPS FOR C-1 TAPE DISPLAYS I III, IV 13>!?q汨S ulnsPGUroa C?A c^z 膠 m 'I.. F-^du In VOCABULARY ,tovards cgme out go out boulevard building entrance underneath; the underneath how far to turn a few several to be close * to be near excuse me froEij apart from the north, aide of the street the e&st side of the street the south side of the street the vest side of the street besidet next to, alongside ofj the side alsovet the top* the upper part bookstore bslow^ under; the bottomt the lower part Nev China Bookstore (Beijing) a f an to be far the middlet the space in Isetveen to turn walking (naiae of a department store In Beijīng) department store Baihuo Daloii baihuo gongsī chāo chulai chūqu dajlS dalou dSffiěn(r) dīxia āu6 yuSn guai jl* Jige itn liojil If lubĚi ludong lunan luxi pSngtianr (pfingbiin) sh Ingb lanr (8hatJ gbian) shudiān xlāl>lanr (xiablan) Xlnhufi ShidiSn yīge yuan zhorigjtaar (ahongjiaiir) (zhSngjifin) zhuan zouīhe DIB, Unit 3 tIntroduced on C-2 tape) dai biāo Hān-RĪ sīdiaji niw Rī-Han sīdian yljian ylshang 2 So xSu dāo to wear a watch ChineBe-Japanese dictionary to be proriouneed, to be read as Japanese-Chin esse dictionary a piece of clothing to "be early to walk to Wen Wu Temple, near Sun-Moon Lake in Taivan DIR, Unit 3 REFERENCE NOTES B; Nī chūqu a! A: WS xiSng chūqu mai jiběn ahūi Oh, youTre going out! I thought I would go out to buy a few tJooks, Notes on No. 1 from tfee speaker)": The verb cīiu means nto the sense of leaving an area. Chu must be of xhe pl&ce "being left (as in cbille aheīgg or £u usēd &B a DIRECTIONAL ENDING, Whem indicates not only that the person exits but also that the person exits towards or avay from the epeaker, Chil^u corre曰ponds to the Siglia红 11going out*11 ejid chul&i to "coming out. Tā zaoshang ji1& ehuqu le. Chūqu, ,Tto go out (avay go/come out *,f 11 to exit," in followed either by the nsume fIndian) or ty the verb l£i lĀi or foilovB, the ver'b Tā zk± neige shangdiānll mSi cai ylj Ing sānaliifēn sbong le! Hfii m€i cīiūlai! He vent out this morning* He liaa been in that shop buying groceries for thirty minutes already, and he h^sn1^ come out yetī When the ver"bs l£l and are used as directional endings, they are unstreBBed and toneless* Nl ebŪQu ai SometiEes tMs expression be used aB a greeting. Instead of saying "hello" vhen greeting a friend or acquaint mice* the Chinese state the obvious- For example, if you (An Dawēi) drop In unexpectedly on a Chinese friend, probably the first thing he irill say is Q; Ān Daiv&i! Hi 1基i le! Qīng j£p1 T>0h! An D&vli! Yqu have come! Please come in -Vl~Or if you run an errand and then return f you viil proba'bly te greeted with Huilal le, ITYoufre Ijacīt*11 A friend of yours who rwia into you domitovn may Bay HI ye dāo zhěr l&i le> MYou have come here too.ft In Chinese these remarks are a common form of greet Ing * Jibgn: The bound word Jl- means 11 a fev*11 It is unstressed and often toneless* When stressedT Jl* is the question word IThow many,IT (OR iiben) Ti maile Jī^en shū* Tā mSile Jlben shū? He bought a few books, Hov many books did he buy? Intonation and context will often help you decide which jS- is being used DIR, Unit 3 Chugti m£i Jiben shui The phrase folloving the verb chuqu indicates the purpose of going out. Purpose expressions often follov the yer^B I&i^ and tlaeir compounds * 2. A: Laojiā, nār you mai shude? Excuse me, vhere is there a place to buy book曰? C: WSngtiaJing Dājii you yige There ia a Nev China Bookstore on XīnhuĚ Shūdian^ hen da. WĒngfujīng Boulevard that is very large* Hotes on No« 2 1^0巧甚 is a BĚljīrsg expression used when asking a person to do same金 thingTtln exchange 2, a person is being asked to give directions,) Speakers of Chinese from other areas of China vauld pro'ba'bly use qingtfēn • Hen da, ”(It is) very big”: Notice tbat in the English translation tvfo Chinase sentences have been combined. Literally, the Chinese means 1T0n Wingfujīng BoiHevard there is a Nsv Chi^a Bookstore, īt is very large*11 Chinese punctiiātion rules allov tvo sentences to be separated by a connaa instead of a period if the relationship between the sentences is considered very close, WĚngfuj ǐng Dajlē: The Wangfujīng Boulevard area is a maJ or shopping district in Eeijīng. Baihuō D^lSu (a state-owned department store)p Dongfen^ Shīchanp: (a large enclosed market)f bookstores s antique shops, and hotels are fo\md there * 3. A: Xīnhu£ Shudian lī ahēr yu5u Is the Hev China Bookstore far from here? C: Bu yuan, hen jīn. Itfs not far; it!s very close. Notes on No^ 3 Lī - The prepositional If means TlfromIT in the sense of 11 to be apart from+ĪT Like other prepositional vert phrases:l a phrase containing It precedes the iDain verb__in this case, the adjectival verb ruant Mto be far." DIR, Unit 3 XTnhufi Shudian It zh?r jruan ma? (Nev China Bookstore from here far?) ■Is the New Bookstore here?11 China far from Unlike other prepoBitional verbs t cannot be made negative. You cannot say that one point is ,fnot apart11 from another. You sey that two points are ifnot close to each other11 or linot far from each other *,r Xīnhuā ShǔdiaQ shēr bfi_J_īn, XīnhuĒ Shūdiān shir bu yu£n, Cong and ll are tioth translated as nTrom*n C6ng Is used vith the point of origin, and Is used with the distance betveen two points, Aī Zenme qu? ZSuzhe qu kēyi ma? How do I go? Is it pOiBible to get there by walking? C】Zouzhe qīl keyi# Itfs possible to get there lay walking* r Notes on h Zenme qu? looks very much like semns zouft which asks about what route you should take. ^Snme qu? etsks about your means of transportation* ZSuahe, ^walking11: When the marker ^zhe is added to an action verbt the ver'b fora corresponds to the English -ing. The -she puts the focus on action continuing for some time* Because of thiet -zhe is called a marker of DURATION, TI xuizhē xuěshē Jiu bā He was studying and atudying it, and xiang xuele. then he didn't want to study it aiiyiaore • DIR, Unit 3 In the sentence ZSuahe q_ň kgyl > the marker -zhe is attached to one verb (sou) to modify another vert (oň), This indicates that the action of the verb to which -she is adāed occurs siffiultaneously vith the action of the verb modified. The action of ”valuing” modifies the action of "going there." The phrase c&n be understood as Mwalkingly go.fl * Here are some other exaaiplea; Ti nieitiān chīshe fan kān diānshī. Nī shengzhe bīng hāi suS ahtJ Every day be vatcheā television while eating. You work even while you1 re sicltl 5* A; Zenme zSu? C: CSng dāffiěn chūqu, ch&o bei guait J iū shl WangfuJ īng Dajie. Mow do I go? You go out (from) the entrance, turn to the north,and thatfs Wfingfujīng Boulevard* Notes on No, 5 SlS—* The prepositional verb c_h^o > literally meaning "facing towardsfM is used in Beijing. 5HĚli "t0 turn”: The verb guai usmlly refers to a 90-dagree turn* but you can see below that it is used in exchange 5 to refer to a 1.80-degree turn. In English we would break up the directions into three stepsf saying ^'You go out the entrance, turn left, and turn left again at the corner■" In Chinese, if the building you are leaving is on a cornert going along one side and then turning the corner be thought of as & single step. 8EIJĪNG HOTEL *Because the two actions amount to one action for all practical purposes, this may be one of the more difficult examples for the marker -she* Learn this sentence as a whole for now, Jiu shl literally Here you see Jiu used the entrance^ turn to there,11 means "(that; is precisely11 or "right there is,11 to mean ”right,” flJust,11 "precisely": "You go out the north, and thatfs WāngfuJīng Boulevard right A: Wo c6ng dāmēn chūqu* ch£o bei guai.I dui bu dui? C; Dui le, I go out (from) the entrance and turn to the north * īb that correct? ThatTB correct. T* A: Zou āuā yuan? C: Zou 'hu jruan, lūdongde dīyīge daiōu Jii shl XEūhua ShudieLn. How far ňo 1 go? Go a short distance, and the first ■building, on the east side of the street is the New China Bookstore, Notes on Ho, 了 y^iSn; The question T,how far" is formed like the 5n shu* Qīngwinf nXr ySu laSi shude? (l thought I would go out to "buy & few books. May I aek vh«re is there & place to buy books?) WS xiSng chuqu Qingwln, nXr Wo xiSng chūqu Qlngwint nSr VS xlSbg ehuqu Qīngwln f nSr WS XjSng chūqu Qīngweni nar W5 xiKng chūqu Qīngwenj nar W5 xiang chuqu Qīrsgvi n, nār kān yige āih^fngm y5u hSo di^nylng? elSi dlSnr jfisi, you cāishichang? mai āiSur ting, yStt mSi t&igdeī huāīi dianr Meijīn* you ylnhāng? mli jige huaplng* you māi huEplngde? mai diSnr fěizāo. ySu xiaomaibu? 168 DIR, Unit 3 C. Transformation Drill 1* Speaker: Xīnhua Shudian ll shir yuan bu yuan? (Is the New CMna Bookstore far from here?} 2* Dongdan G6n©oiĚrj li zh^r yuan bu yuan? 3# CāishichSng lī zliěr yuSrs bu yuan? 蚁■. Dianyīngyoian ll zhēr yuan bu yuSnl 5* wSngfSjīng Dsjiē if zh^r yuSn bu yuSn? 6_ BSijīng Fandiāji ll ah&r yuan bu yu£n7 7 * XuěxiSo lī zhěr yuan bu yuan? You: Xinhua Shudian l£ stliār yuSn aa7 (is the Nev China Bookstore far from here?) Dongdan Gōngyufin It zhěr yuSu ma? CllshiehSng lī zhir yv&n ma7 Dianylagyuan if ahSr yuSn ma? W&tgfujīng Dājie it shěr yueb ma? Beijing FSLndl&n l£ sh&t* yuan ma? XuSxlāo if zhlr ynSn ma? Kxpanalon Iňrill Speaker: Xīnhufi Siiūdlan 15Ē zhār yuan ma? (Is the Kev ChlQa Bookstore far from here?) WingfSjīng Dājiē l£ ^ilr yu&n ma7 3i Dongdan Gongyuin lī zhěr yv&n ma? Bōngdan DianyJngyu&a if ahēr yuSn ma? 5 • Dongdan C^lBblchsxig lī zhěr yuSn ma? You: Xlnbuā ShudieLn lī shfer yuan Eia? Cfing zbdr deLo nEr (la the Nev Chins. Bookstore far froE here? Hov do you get there from here?) WficgfSj īng Dāji§ if shār yuSn ma? Cfing zhlr dīo nlr qā, zSmne zSu? DSngdan OSagyufin if zhār yuSn roaī Cong shěr dlto nSr qňt sSnme ī5u? EongdSn Bilaylngyuītn ll zh&r yuSn 咖? C6ng ahSr dāo nār q&l aSnme z5uī Dongdan CiLishiehSng ll zhěr yuin ma? Cfing d&o nibr qīl, zSnme zSu? DIR, Unit 3 Beijīng Fandlān ll zher yuan ma? Xuixiāo lī usher yuan ma? Beijing FandiSn lī ahěr yuSn ma? C6ng aher dao nar aenne zou? Xuěxiāo lī shěr yuan ma? Cong zher dāo nar qus zenme aSu? Response Drill Speaker: XīnhuS yuan Shūdiān if zher maī Is the Nev China Bookstore far from here?) Yāuzhěngjū ll ahēr Jin ma? (Is the post office nearby [close to here3?) Dongdān ma? Caishichang ll nār yidln Di any īngjman if zhlr Jīn ht DongdSn Gōngynān if nar yu&n ma? 3* Dongdān ma? 5琴 Wangfujing Dajiē li ahěr Jīn ma? Your Xinhufi Shūdiān it sher bň yuanp hen JĪd* (The New EJhina Bookstore isn11 far from here. It*s quit« close.) Yfiuzběngjfi l£ ahěr "bil jīnt hen yuSn, (The post office isnft nearby. Itfs quite raravay,) Dongdan Caishichang it n^r bv. yuan, b&i Jīn* Dongdan DiāiiyJngyuar) l£ shir bu Jin, h5n yuSn. Dongdan G5ngyu&n lī nlr "bū. yuan, ben Jin.. WĚīigfūjīng Dājli it zhěr bfi jln# hSn yuan. 6, Xiǎomāi'bii lī zhěr yuan ma? XiSoBsaibii ll zher bū h?n jln. DIR§ Unit 3 F. Response Dr111 ■1. Speaker: Neige gon©ru&n l£ zher You; Neige gongyuan ll zhir bil y\sSn, yuSn Ida? women kēyi zouzhe qīL (Is th&t park far from (That park lsnft far from here. here?) We can walk.) OR Neige yfiuīhlngju lī zhēr Nelge ySuzliěngjfi ll zhēr hen Jtrs ma? jint vSmen kēyl zSuīhe qil* (Is that post office (That post office is very close nearby?) to here* We can walk.) 2_ Něige xuixiao ll sher yuan maī Neige xuěxiāo lī ahěr bū yuSnt if6men klyi souahe qīl* 3. Kelge caishichǎng ll sher Jīrs ^ěige cāishichSng l£ zh^r hen jint ma? vSsnen kiyi zoiizhe U, Nēige dīfang if ah&r yuSn ma? Wēige dlfang li shir tā yuSnt vSmen kēyi zSushe qīU 5, Neige shSdlān ll zhār jrulii raa? NĚige shudian lī ahSr 'bň yuSnf vSmen kēyi zSuzhe q_īL 6* Nāige shangdiāji it zh^r jin ma? Nlige shangdlSn lī ahěr hSn jtn, vonien kēyi sSushe qīL* f G# Response Drill Speaker: Nī ccng chuqu, You: WS cSng dāměn chǔq.u^ chāo bei chfio bei guaif guSit duī bu āul? T shī* (I go out the entrance and tuna ^ {You go out the entrance* to the north. Is that turn to the north, and eorrect?) thatTs it*) OR Wo cong d^n chuqu, chSo le„ NĪ c6ng damen chūqu, bei g^iai% duī Tdu dui? chāo bei guait Jiīl Bhi• (工 go out the entrance: (Tnatfs correct* You go out and turn to the north. the entrance, turn to the Is that correct?) northt and thatfs it*) 2, Nī c6ng Xīnh-uā Shudian chīiqu, Wo cong Xīnhufi Shudian chū^u, cliio chao dong gnai, jiu shi. dong guāi, duī bu dui? DIRf Unit 3 3, W5 cSng diSnyrtigyuan Duī le, Nī cSng diSnyīngjniān cbūiu, chao nĚn guǎi, duī "bu dulī chSo n£n gual, Jiū Bhī. 、Nī eSng^caīsMchang chūqu t chao WS eāng c^iaiiichang chut^u, eh^ū xī xī suĒi, Jiu shī. euǎij duī: bu dui? 5, WS oŌng gongyuan chǔ^u, ch^o Duī le, Nī o6ng gōngyuān etiuqu, zuǒ guSlt duī bu āul: chĚo zuS gu£i, jiu shī. 6* īfī cSng xiaoJnāl"bu chuqu t ohfio Wo cSng xiaoBi^ib^ chǔ^u, chāo you ySu Ēuǎi, Jiīl shi, guait duī bu dui? H, Response Drill I] Spsfl^gi*; Jlī xianzSl chuqu lu&l Youi Dui 1ě, wo cSng dĒmeti chīi^iif ^ chĒo běl guǎi, Jiu you māi (°_ugJ t^i baode^ duī tm dui? (Are you going out nov (That's right. ī go out the to buy a nevBpaper?) entrance, tiirn to the north* and therefB a place that sells nevspapers* 工3 that correct?) Nī Jīīi'biajs chuQU BiSi shu Eia? Duī Is, vo c6rtg děměīi diūq.11 f ch£o xī guāi ft J iu you mai shude 9 dui bu dui? 3_ NI xiānzai chūqu mai pfngguS ma? Dui le, wo cong dSmen chuqu, chao āong guSi, jiīl you māi pīngguSāes ā\it bu duiī !+• Nī JīntiEn BhSngwu ehuqu m£i Dut let wS cSng d&oēn chūciUp chao pfinaimn īāaī ySu y3u gu&i. Jlfi you māi pSnsivSnde^ dui bu dui? 5_ Nī jīr^iān 2;aoshang chūqu mSi Bui le t wS cong dā^nen chuqu t ch^o a忘zhi ma? nin nān guait Jiū you māi aāzhide, dui bu duiī 6* Nī xianzāi chuc^u ĒJai Jfiai ma? Duī Xe t wd cong dāniSii Ghuq.u, cliSo zu® auB guai, jiō ySu mai jfiside, dui bu dui? 7* Mī Jīcjtiān chūqu pīJiu nia? Dui le, wo c6ng damen cbuqu, chao x艾 xī guai^ jiu you m&L pljiude, dui bu dui? DIB, Unit 3 I. Response Drill 1. Speaker: XīnhuĒ ShǔdlSn lī ihěr You: Zouzhe ^ keyi 啦? Z^u du6 jīn, yuSnī (£li£) Hov io ī goī (Can 工 waUt? How fa,t do I Have (The New China Book- to go?) store is quite close-by.) 0H ^nhuĀ Shudian lī shěr Zouahe qň kěyi ma? Zenme zSu? Jln* (Can ī valk? How do I go?) (£ue) Hov do I go? (The New China Bookstore is quite close-ty.) 2' Wāngfǔjīng Dājiē It zhĚr hěn jīn, Sǒu^he keyi mī ZSu duŌ yti&nl How far do I go7 3. XiSomaibil lī Eher hēn Jīn. ZSuīhe 政 kĚjri mī Z^nme zSu? Hov do I go? 知.Dōnglān GSngynSn if īhĒr hěn ZBuzhe q3 keyi mat ZSu du6 yiilnī itnm How far do ī go? 5_ Dongdan Dianyingynln if shir hen Zouzhe qū kSyi 333a? Zenoe zSu? Jīn. How do I go? Uīnzū Fandiān lī zhir hln jīn# zSuzhe qīi 各yi ma? Z5u du6 yu5n7 How far do I go? DIRt Unit 3 J. Response Drill 1* Speaker: Ta Jīnti&n chulal mai You: Ta j inti in mei chīilai mai sh5_ shīi le ma? (He didmTt come out to buy (cue) no books today*) (Did he come out to buy "books today?) 2, Nī jītitian shang™ chūqu le ma? W5 jīntian shangwu chūqu le* yes 3, Nī kanguo nelge dianyīng maT WS měi kanguo nělge dianyīng* no h. Ta kas niige dlanyīng Ie ma? Ta měi k&n neige diānyīng, no 5, Wfing Xiansheng xiāwS chuqu le na? WSng Xi&nsheng xiawu dhǔqu le. yes 6, Tā dlǐo neige ciiishichang qilguo TE mēi dāo nāige caiehictiang quguo* ma? no 7# Ta yījīng chulai ie ma7 Ta hāl mli chūlai ne, not yet ITU DIR, Unit h UNIT 4 REFERENCE LIST 1T5 (in Taipei) 1_ A: Qīngvln eanting zāl jllSuT May I ask, on what floor U the dining room? Sai erlSu. It1s on the secoDd floor_ 2* A: ŌU| w zuo diāntī dao Oht I take the elevator to the Xiale diSntī second floor. When I have vāng nlbian a5uī gotten off the elevator^ vMeh way do I go? B: Xiale dilntīt vfeng yBu zSu, When you have gotten off the jiu shi cSntīcg. elevatorp go to the rightt fl-nd that•& the restaurant. 3* A: Qīngwěn, nīmen ahěli you May I ask, is there a place to meiyou llfSde difang? get a haircut here? C: Y5u* Cong^aheli wāng suS Yes* From here you go to the left* 这 iSu. Jiīi Go downstairs• and then youf 11 kānjian le. see it. !*• * A: W5 xiān^cong zheli wāng From here I first go to the left* 2^uo aSu. Hanh3u xiS loutī After that, vhen I have gone Jiu kanjian le, shī bu downstairs, 1*11 ses it.工日 that shi? it? Cs Shī. Yes, 5. A: JīlSu mai ditfi? On vhat floor are maps sold? D; Ěrl6u# The second floorw A;: Zenme zSu? How do I get there《go)? D: Wang hSu^yizhf zSu. Shang Go straight to the back* Go youbian Jiu Bhi mai upstairs* and the map department ditilde* is (just) on the right# Wo xiaD wang hSu yīzhī aSu* First, I go straight to the back, lou, isuSbian Jiū Then, I go upstairs. And the map shi, shi bu shiī department is on the left. Is that it? D: Bfi sh£. Youbian Jiu slii Not the map department ie (juat} mg;i dltude, on the right* *Tbiā exchange occurs on the P-l tape only, DIR, Unit b 7. A: XĪahSuJiān sāi shěnme Where ie the vashroom? dīfang? E: Zai nāll« Wang lī sSxi^ zāi Xtf e over there * Go all the vay in, ySubian * and itTs on the right. ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULAKY (not presented on C-l and P**l tapea) 3. frontf ahead 9* duimian (duīmlanr) the eide facing; across fronit opposite, facing 10* zhěbian (shěibianr) this wa^t this side 11* nābian (nliManr) tbat vay, that side 12, ifiutī staircase t Btairvay^ stairs 13- zSulĚng corridor 1^* cfeauo toil«t* rest room 15# jln to enter l6m -tou end (occurs in plac« words) 17* *mlan(r) surface (occurs in place vords) DIR» Unit it VOCABULARY 177 canting dining room eesuo toilet, rest room āiantl elevator diiimiSn (duimianr) the side facing; across fromt opposite_ facing h空u back houbian (hōubianr) the back side JīlSu vhat floor Jin to enter k£njian to see līff to cut hair līfade difang a place where hair is cut *^u floor, story of a building Gtaircasef stairwayp stairs -miaii(r) siirface (occurs in place words) nSbian (nlibianr) vhich vay, which side nābian (nēibianr) that v&yt that side * 見front% ahead shartg to go up shang iSu to go/come upstairs ■切11 end (occxirs in place words) , # to go down Jou to go/come downstaira xīshōiaj im w&shroonj shebian (ahěilsiaiir) this way, this side sSulSng corridor to ride (prepositional verb) (introduced on C-2 and P—2 tapes) b&ngongshi office vanē to forget yaoshi if a cup of DIE, Unit k REFERENCE NOTES 1, A: QEngvěn^ canting zk± May I askf on what floor is the JīlSu? dining room? B: Zai erlou. It1s on the second floor. Notes^on go' 1 Canting is the vord for the dining room of a hotel. A dining room in a house is a fanting;, and an independent restaurant Is a fanguanai (fĒiiBuXiir). JīlSu is the question lfvhat floor,n more literally, Tlwhat-number floor *fī 2» Aī ōu* v5 zuB di&ntl dao ērlSu- OhI take the elev&tor to the XlSle diantī wang nSbian Eecond floor. When 工 have gotten sou? off the elevator t which way 如 I go? B: Xiāle diantī, v^ig yBu zSus When you have gotten off the elevator, JiS shi eSntīng* go to the rightt and that1s the restaurant, Notes on No« 2 Zu5 dlsjitl: The verb su5a literally T,to 曰it,/, is also used for ^to rideTI or ITto go via11 some means of trac sport at ion (car* plane, boats train t etc,)_ Thus the phrase su5 diSntl meana T,to ride the elevator.11 Ěrlou: For the nvmb&r of a floor in a "building, the word for ,TtwoTI is ēr, rather than liang- Dio ěr 1 Su: This dāc is the main verb% meaning flto reach/1 lfto get to.11 Literallys the first sentence in exchange 2 means "riding the elevator reacb the second floorThe verb dao is commonly used inste&d of dao■., afi, Tlto go to..,,rl for naming several places to be passed through. īīēre ia another example: WS xiin dāo BeiJiDgj rSnhōu Ifin going to B§ijīng first, and then, zai dao ShěnySng, to ShenyĚng, DIR, Unit U Notice that the verb ,pgQfl is used in the English translation of this senten.ces although the Chinese Bays TPreach.,f W&ag nabian sou: To ask the question ,TGo which vay?,T in ChineEe* you say literally Tovards where go7M Wang na~bian {nalit nar) aSuī To eay "Come this way1P anā MGo that wayfiT you use the same pattern: Wang ahSbieji i aher) iSi and Wang nabian (nali, nār) 179 3- Ai Qjngvěnt nīmen shell you May I ask, Is there & place to get meiyou lifade difang? a haircut here? C; YSu* Cong ahěli wang zuo Yes, From here you go to the left * 艺5u_ Xia iSu, jitl klbjietn Go downstairs§ and then you111 le* see it* A: WS xiin c6ng ztjěli wSng zuS From here I first go to the left, zSu, H^nhSu xia loutī jiā After that * vhen I have gone down-kānjian le, shī bu shi? stairs* I111 see it. Is that itī Cs Shl« Yes. Motes on Nos, Lifade dīfaag means, literally, "& place where they cut hair/1 Note that jllfa is also pronounced iSfas * Xil iSu literally means ,fdescend from an upper stoi^y,IT The English phrase go/come downstairsIT looks at the same action from another point of view: descend to a lover atory. The verb kānjian, Tlto see*11 is called a COMPOUND VI^B OF RESULT,. You have already learned about compound verbs m&de up of a verb indicating motion, {such as chu, "to exit11) followed by a verb indicating direction (1^1 or chugu, chulal, Nov you see, in exchanges 3 aud kt a compound verb made up of an action verb (k&a, flto look^) and a verl? expressing the result of that action (Ji^u lfto ^rcelve11). Kānjian can be understood &b ,fto look vith the result of perceiving,IT that is, "to see.11 Contrast kāji with k^njlan; Wo kanle keshi mei kanJiSn« I looked but 工 didn.t aee_ 如 Independent barbershop is called a līfSguSn. T*hair-cut ting establishment.11 MR, Unit 1+ Here are other examples of compound tīngt 1Fto listenS.M and kān: Tā gin ni shuo hua ne. Nī tīngjian le meiyou? Klnjiar, diyīge lilkou, v&ng 2\io guai. (Additional characteristics and uses explained when examples occur in the verbs of result containing the verbs She 土曰 talking with you,, Did you hear her? Take your first left, (literally, lfWhen you see the first inter sec tion, turn left/1) of compound verbs of result viil "be unit Reference Lists.) HQtjes on Nos ■ 5-6 Jīlou mai dītG? looke as if it should mean 4TWhat floor sells aaps?IT Actually„ jīlSu^La a pl&ce-VQrd topic, vhich ia translated into English with a prepositional phr&se: non vhat fioorIT Then a sutOecit is added: ,t0d what floor do they sell maps?1* Or the verb is put into passive tense: ,f0n wbat floor are maps sold?11 I________* ShĀng l6u meanss literally, TPascend to an upper atojty,11 that is, "go/ come upstairs *lf 5_ Aī Jīlou mai dītu? Oa what floor are maps sold? D: ĒrlSup The second floor* As ZĒnjue aBu? Hov do I get there (go)? D: Wang hou yīzhi Shāng Go straight to the back* Go lou,. yōubian JiQ shi upstairs^ and the map department mai ditude, is (just5 on the right. Ē. As W5 xiin wang hou ytzht zou, First. I go straight to the back. shāng ifiu, auobian Jiu shit Then, I go upstairs* And the shi bv. shi? map department is on the left * Is that it? D: Bu shī. Yěubian jil shi mai No, the map department is (just) ditilde, on the right,. 7. A: XiBhoujian zāi Bhěnme Where is the vashraom? difang? E: Zai nlli. Wāng IT ^5ua zai It's over there• Go all the vay in, yāuMan* and itf b on the right. Notes on Ňo, 7 Literally* xlsh5ujl£n means a r,va6h*handa room,17 which sometimes con七肚ins only a sink. In a house, the xizaoJiān» meaning literally ^take-a-bath room,0 may contain only a bathtub. The politest way to ask about a bathroom is to use x!!sh5ujian, Hovever, this Westernized way of asking may not *be understood everywhere in China* To be sure you are directed to a room vith a toilet, use the more specific word cēsuot "toilet■” ,Trest roamlf: Qīngvěn, cesuǒ aai n£ll? TIMay I ask, where is i^he toilet?11 lī means% literally, 11 towards the inside.w In English, you say Pfgo to the backtIT whatever the Bhape of the room. In Chineset you say lī aou for a narrow one»corridor room and vang hōu zSu for a wide room. DIR, Unit 1* 1B2 8, qiāj^ frontt ahead 9. duīmiān (duimiānr) the side facing; across from, opposite s facing 10. £hěT3ian (^hēi'biaar) this wajj this side 11. nabian (neibianr) that vay* that aide 12* ī6uti staircase, stairway, stairs 13 • zSxāS. ng c orri dor Jjf, cesuo toilet, rest room 15* to enter 16. -tou end (occurs in place vorde) 17* -mian(r) surface (occurs in place words) Motes on Additional Required VQcabulBijry Duimian is a place word- It is & noun. Like other nouns, du^ can "be modified l&y a phrase. For example: Biānyīngyuan zli gongyuande The theater is across from the park, duimiān.* (literally? "The theater is at the park1s facing side,") z5uj-āng: Originally j this word referred to an open, roofed corridor along the aIda of a building* It now refers also to hallways inside a building* Guole zhēge sSultug jiu shi When you have passed through this canting, corridor, that1s the dining room- The verb Jina Tlto enter," functions in a sentence much like the verb chu, 11 to exit* ^ Jinle shěge daměcs wsLng you When you have entered the main door* sou, jiu shi canting. go to the right, and that1s the dining room. Like the verb Ciiu1 jjii must be followed either by a vord naming the place entered or by a directional ending such as ^ or lal, Nī jinqu, vāng zuo s5u_ Jift Go in and go to the left* That1 & sbl mai bāode. vhere they sell newspapers. (An exception is the phrase QSng ,TPIease come in/1 vhich does not need the ending _lai,) DIRS Unit k The syllable -tou, 'end, may be added to a direction vord such aB hSu, ^ack, to change It into a place word, hāutou, ITbaek.If One-syllable direction words like lī^ and hou may be used after ITtovards .fi In most other situations, you must use a place word tnade up of the direction word and an ending such as -blan(r)■ -tout or ■mlanCr)• The syllable -tou does not combine vith as many direction vords a日 ^bi&n(r) and -mlan^T do* For instancet -tou does not combine with f,leftn &īid right*" (See the chart below*) Foraa ending in -tou are especially common in BeiJīng. The syllable *mian(r), "surface/1 may also "be added to a direction vord to make a place vord. Notice that while tbJLs syllable combines with more forms than -tou does t «miELn( r) is not common as -Man(r) • DIRECTION NAMES PLACE NAMES dong dongbian{r) nan n£nbian(r) xī x£bian(r) bei b5ibian(r) lī lībian(r) lītou llmianCr) vāi vāiblan(r) wāitou valmianfr) qiSn hSu qi£nbian(r) hSubian(r) qifintou houtou qiSmniantr) hSumiantr) zuS ^uSblan(r) āuSinlanC r) ySu youbi&n(r) ypmian(r) sh^ng xik sh&Agbian{r) xiābian(r) shacgtou xlitou shāii@ūiian(r) xiamlan( r) pSngbi&nlr) DĪRS Unit U VOCABULARY BOOSTER 18^ Buildings and Institutions apartment building gōngyillfiu auditorium dālītlng bank yinhing bar J iitbS bus station ch£ngtuq.lchē^han cafeteria zīzhāc āntīng castle chingbSo church jlāotāng company gongsi court fayuan dormitory sushě exhibit hall shSnl&iguan factory chlngfSiig Ēthe building]; gōngchǎng Lthe thing] farm nongchibg fire department xiaofSngdut gas station iiaySuzhan t qīyonzhan gynmasiusi tJyūguan hospital yīyuān hotel luguSnt lSshě, fāndiin [a large, modern^ & restaurant j alVo meataurant^l~ library tuehuguSji market shlchSng memorial hall Jtniintěng mosque ^Ingshena1 motel qīchē luguSn movie theater dianyīngyuan museum bāwňguSn observ&tory tiānwěntāi office building bāngōnglou organisation jīguān pagoda bSotS palace gŌQgdiān parking lot tingehechang pavilion tlngīi DIB. Unit h police station Jīngchiju [Taivan]; gSngānJli CPRC] post office yfiuahěrigjň prison Jiānyň railroad station huochēzhan ranch mūching residence zbiizlifil restaurant fanguaiazif f&nguanr, fandiSn school xuěxlao shop shājigdiān single-story house plngfāng skyscraper mfitian dashā (mStian d&xia) stadium tlyuchang supermarket chāojlehlchang television station dianshlt&i temple mlSo theater jāchSng; xlyuSn [old vord] villa "bieshQ. And some Chinese terms that do not have simple English translations: huāyu&i yijigfang We stern-style house with, garden shēnzhāi dlLyuān compound of connecting courtyards 9 each courtyard Burrounded by living quarters sihěyuānr eooipDund vith house© around a courtyard DIB, Unit k DRILLS A* Subatitution Drill 1* Speaker: Qīngwen t cesuS zSi You: Qīngvěn, māi Bhūde sal jJElSu? jīlou? 一一 (May I ask,on what floor are {cue) māi shude books solā?) (May I &skt on what floor Is the toilet? 3 2m Qlngwāns mi shūde ^āi j![i5u7 QSngw&n* mai pījiude sāi JīlSu? mil pfjiude 3* Qīngwlnt mai pīji3de sai jīlfiu? Qīngvln* māi tāngde aāl JīlSu? mai tingde !+• Qingvin, mai tangde sal jīlSu? Qīngwen, xiSomālbīi sai jilSu? xiSomaiba 5_ Qīngwēnt xiSomaibil zāi jllSu? Qīngwen, cesuS sāi JīlSu? cesuS 6# Qīng^ěn, cēauS zM JīlSu? Qīngw&n^ mai huapingde alLi jllSu? māi huāplogde Bv Transformation Drill 1, Speaker; Qīngwěn, canting sSi You: Qingwěnt canting zai erlou* jīlSu? dui bu dui? (cue) ěr (May I a3kp the dining room Is (May I askt od vhat floor on the second floor■ Is is the dining room?) that correct?) 2_ Qlngven,, cIsuS aāi jīlSuī Qlngwēn, cēsuS zai āibl5ut diiī bu Ban dui? 3. Qlngwln, māi tSjigde zāl Jīlfiii? ^īngv&nf māi t£ngde zki wnilSu, duī wū Tdu dui? I4* Qīngvln, m&l shūde zSi jllSuī Qīngyěn* māi shude zM bĪIou, duī ai bu dui? 5. Qīngwāni mSi huaplngde z&d JīlSu? Qīngwěnf mai huapīngde liālSu, llň dui bu dui? DIR* Unit 镎 187 6. Qīngwen» māl yǔaǎnde zslǐ Jīl6u? Qīngwen, ināi yusande īUl sāniSu, Ban duī bu dui? 7. Qīnffwent mai fēiaāoiie aii jīlSuī Qīneven, mii fĚizāode s&i ferl6u, er āul bu āxdl C. Expansion Drill 1* Speaker: Wo yāo mai shu« You. Wo yao mSī shūa Qlr.gwěn, zhhx (eug) shSdl&n. fujīn yBu meiyou shǔdlān? (I vant to buy a book.) (I want to buy & book* May I aākt is there a bookstore around here?) 2, w5 yāo mai ta^g. mai tSngde VfS yāo mai ting* Qlngw&nt ahěr fiijīn ySu meiyou m&i t&ngde? 3. Wo yao mai dīttL shudian W5 jrāo nsSi dītā. QingwSnp zh^v fiijīn you meiyou. āhǔdiSa? l+# Wo yāo huan qi£n, yfnhSng WS yāo huin qiān* Qjngwěn, shār fiijīn ySu meiyou. yińhinsl 5# Vo yao kan dianying. Wo yāo kkn diānyīng^ ^Qīngwln, zhār aiānyīngyuan fftjSn you meiyou dianyīngyn&nī 6. Wo yāo m£i bfio. sSl baode Wo yao mSi bSot Q3Jngwrěn^ zh^T fu^ in you meiyou b&oāeī 7# WS yĒLo ml fěizao, āhāagdlān W3 yāo mSi fēiaěto^ QSngwěn, zher ^ fujīn ySu meiyou shang dlSn? D, Trans format ion Brill 1. Speaker: Jīlou sneli ditfi? You: £rl6u y5u meiyou mai ditfideī (cue) &rl5u (On the second floor la there (On what floor are maps a place vhere map曰 sure sold?) sold?) 2. Jīl6u aai huāping? sānlSu Sanlou you meiyou mai hmplngde? 3. JīlSu māi tang? \ml6u WulSu you meiyou mai tangde? Jīlou mai pĚnīiwan? sanlou Sanl6u you meiyou mai panziwande? DIR, Unit k 5* J?Cl6u mai fēizao? stlōu SilSu you meiyou māi fēizāode? 6* JīlSu aai zāabi? liillSu LiulSu you meiyou mai aazhlde? T ^ Jllou rnāi yusan? wulou Wulfiu you meiyou mai yǔsa^dsT Expanglojs, Drill 1. Speaker: Kin zuo diantī dao You: Ōu, mo diāntī dāo ērl6ut ērifitu diltntif vang neibi&n (cue) īieiblan zout āul bu dui? (Take the elevator to (0hf I take the elevator to the second floor,) the second floor* After I have gotten off the elevator, I go that way. Is that correct?) 2, Mia zuS diantī dao silSu^ On* zuS diiLntī dao sīl&u,xiale ySu diantī wājxg you zou, dui bu dui? 3i Nfn s-uS diantī d&q vulau. 5ut zuS diantī d&o wīilSu, xīale zuo diantī wān^ zuZ zquf dui bu dui? Ňin zuā āiantī dāo liMou. Ōu, suS dilntī dāo liillSut xiale yizhl * diāntī yishī e3u» duī bu dui? 5* Hīn suS diSntī dao sānlSu* Du,, zuS diantī āko sānlSu, xiāla you ylzhl diantī vāng ySu ylzhl zout āxA bu dui? 6, Nln znh diSntī dao qīlou * b\i9 auS diāntl dāo qīlāu, xiille něiMan diāntī vāng neibian z5u, dui "bu dui? T, lain suS diSntī d&o ěrl6u* ŌUj zub diantī dao ērlSu, xiale anobian diSntī wang auSMan zSu, dui bu dui 7 DIR, Unit I F. Expsmsion Drill 1, Speaker: Vǒ xiān cĚng ihlll wāng You: Wo xian cong ^heli vang you ySu zou* zon* R&nhou xil l6u jiu (cue) xIēl l6u kajijian lef shī liu ahi? (FirsTf I go from here (First,工 go from here to the to the right.) right, Then I go downstairs f and I1!! see it, Right?) 2m Wo xian cong īheli wĚng zuo zSu* Wo xi&n c6ūg sheli vang z\i& s3u- sbkng l6u Rtnh3u ati^ng l6u Jiu kSnJian le, shī bu shi7 3, W5 xisin c6ng ^hěli vang hāu aSu_ Wo xian cSng zheli vang bāu sou. xia l6u Rfinhou xil iSu jiu kiln j ian le, shi tu shiT km Wo xiin c6ng zhěli wing nābian WS xian cSng shĒli vāng nablan zou, shSng iSu RānhSu shang l6u Jiīl ItfiLnJian le§ shi bu ahīī 5- Wo Xlān cĒng EhĒXi vang h5u W3 xiān c5ng zhēli v&ng hou yīīhl yīrhī zou. xii l6u ^Su. RānhSu xia lōu jiīl Klnjian let sht bu shi7 6_ Wo xiin cfing zh&li wāng ySu WS xiān cSng zshēli ving y^ujtzhi yīzhī ^5u. EhĚng l6u zSu* Hlnhou sbSng l6u jiu kānjiaii shi 'bu shi? 7. WS xian cfiDg zhěli wāng zuS Wo xian cSng zheli waiig zuo yizht ylzhī z5u. xia l6u Rfiiihōu xia lou Ji3 kSnJian le, shi bu shi? G, TrBnsfonnation Drill 1, Speaker: Xi&le diantī vāng ySu You: Duī'buqī, xiale diantī wĚng^ ^5U jiǎ shi mil nSbiaji s5u jiň shi mSl dttudeT dittlde, {Excuse me, once I get off the {The map department is elevatort which way is the Cjust] to the right map department?) when you get off the elevator*) 2. Xiale diantī yrlng suo z5u jiu Duibuqīt^xi§le diantī vāng nabiaii Ēhi mai shūtāe, s5u Jiīi shi mM shude? DIRt Unit k 190 3* Xiale diantī wang boy zSu jiu Duītuqīt xiale diantī wang natian shi ffiāi huāpīngde. zSu Jiu shi mai huīplngde? km Xiālē diantī wāng y5u yiahl DuibuqS, xiale diantī wāng nSbian zou jiu shi mai yilsande. zom Jiu shi mai yusande? 5* Xiile diantī auo yi^hl Dui'buqī, xlSle diantī vSr4g nabian s5u jiS shi ui&i tSngde- aSu jiu shi mai tingde? 6- XiSle diantī wang na'bian yīzbl DuSbuqī # xiale diantī vang nabian zou Jiu &hl meti pānziwande«, zou jiu shi mii panzwande? 7t Xiāle diantī vārig h5u yī^hf Dulbuqī, xille diāntl vatig nabian %on jifi ahi mai zīdllnde» aou jiu shi mai sidiande? H. Response JDrill 1- Speaker: 33Ī vang hou yizhi zous You: Hao, vo vāng hou y^zhl z5u, shSng 15x1, asuBtiian shĚng ion vang zuo zSut Jiu shi, k&ajian lef shī \>u shi? (Go straight to tbe (Ok:ay, I go directly to the back, up the stairs» back, upstairs and to the and it fs on the left,) left , and Ifll see it. Right?) 2* Nī wang liou ylzhl zSut ehang iSu} HSo, wo vang hou yīshl zout shāīig ySubian jiu shi. lōu* vSng you sous jiu kānjian Ie, sbi bu aM? 3- Nī wang hou yīzhi s5ua xia l6u, Haos vS veLng hou yizhl aou, xiā l6u, zuS'bian Jiii shi* wāng zuobian zou, Jiu kauJian le9 shī bu shi? It. fiī vang h&ii ylzhl aǒu, xiS 1ĚU, Hǎo,vo wSng hou yīzhī zSu, xia I6u, ySubian Jl^ shi. vāng youbian aou, Jiu kanjian le, shī bn shiī 5. Nī vāng hĒu yīzhī ī5ut shang Hao, vo wang b8u ylzhī sou, shācg I6n, duimian Jiīl ehī. lou, yīahl i5u, Jii Icānjian le, stoi bti shi? 6. SI vang hou ylzhl aou, ahāng Hao, wō wāng hou ylzhl z6u, shSng lou, you'bian j iū shi« 16ut vāng yfiubiajn z6ua Jiū kanjian le, shi bu shi? 7* īīi vang hou yizhi sous xi& lo\i? HSo* vb vāng hdu yizhf ^out xia l6u? dulmlSn Jiu shi. yizhi sou, jiu keLnJian lss shī b\i shi? DIR, Unit k I. Substitution Drill 1, Speaker: Xīshoujiin. aai shenme You: Cleuo zli shěmne difang? dtfang? {Where is the toilet?) (cue) cěsuo (Where is the waahroom?) 2_ Ce&uo zāi shenme diEfaīigī LSutī z&i shenme dīfang? lāutī 3- LSutī zai shenme dlfang? Diāntī aai sblnioe dīfajQg? diantī U, Diantī zki ahlime dīfangī Mai baode z^± shēnae difangī māi baode 5, Mai bSode zai shenme dīfang? Meti yusande zāl shenme dīfang? mil yuaande 6* Māi yusSnde zāi shērace difang? Canting zai shenme dīfang? cantīng J. Regpoase Drill 1_ Speaker: Qīngven, xlshSuJl&i You* ZkL nlll, zk± l€utl pSng'blān, shlnine dlfang? (ltf s there, "beside th« (cue) loutī pāngblān BtaircEtfie*) (May I askt where is the washroom?} 2, Qīngwěn, cesuo āāl ahētme Zāi ntli, zāi iSutī yŌubian* dtfang? loutī youbian 3, Qīngvln,l6utī zki shgnine Zāi nāli t 2^1 h&ubi幼. difang? hāubian. h. Qīngw&n, canting zii shenme Zāi n&li* s&l auobian* dīfang? suSbian 5* Qīngwln, mai huiplngde a&i Z^l n^li, zāl dlāntl pĚng'biSii. shenme dtfang? diāntī pĚn.gbian DIB, Unit k View of downtovri ShSnghai from the top of the Overseas Chinese Hotels across the street from People's Park 6* Qingvent māi fēisaode zāl Zai nali, aai iSutī pSngbiSn. shēnme difang? loutī pangbiān 7* Qīngwěn, mai pfinzivande sli Z&ī tiEli, zāl l6utī suSbian, shenme dīfang? loutī suobian DIR, Unit 5 UNIT 5 REFERENCE LIST 193 (in Tfiipei) 1. Ai Duī^utlī. Excuse me, B: Sī ySu shenme ahi a? What can I do for you? 2. A: Qīngwen, zhetiĚo lū shi May I aak, what road is this7 shenme lu? B: zbĒ shi Uānjīng Xīlft. Thta is Road. 3. B: HĪ shǎo ahēīme dīfane? What place are you looking fort A; w5 zhǎo Nan j īng Dōīigltl I sm looking for Lane 51* of K^nJIne Yiduān, Wu^hlEixlajag* East Road, Section 1. it. c: W5 zhǎo ZhǑQgBhāa Belli, I am looking for ZhŌngahān NortH Road* 5, B: Wī aSucuā le. Zh3 ahi 'iou went the wrong W* la NanJīng XĪ1Ū. MĒnJIng West Hoad* B: Hi wĒLn^ nāMan zSu» You go that way* B: GuS sintiĚo jiĒT Jiň sM CrcsEB three streets,抑ā that'3 H£njīn« Dōnglu Y£duān, līlwīns Eaat Road* Section 1, 6,* A: On, vS zSucud le. Oh, I went the vrong way* A: Nī shuō vō wāng s5u. Tou say I should go that way. . A; GuS s&ntiSo jiet jiil ahi Cross three streets, and that'a Ifinjlne Dōnglīl īīduSn, līĒnjĪJJĒ ĒdSt Hoad, Section 1- shī 加 ahi? ī3 that itT B: Stxī. Yes_ T. B: DSole Yfāuān ylhSu, qXn& After you bave gotten to Section zti v&n MĚren ta. Please aat someone else. A: XlSxie* All right, TTaanke. 8. A: dīngwen, WunSng nili? May I aak, where ia Alley 5T D: Nǐ zli vang qiān zǔu yīdiǎn. You walk (straight} aheai a little farther* D: Youbian diyīge līlkou jiīl shi The first iatersection on the right WBnong* Alley 5* DIR, Unit 5 ADDITIONAL REQUIBED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P_1 tapes) 10, hīitons (hfitēngr) a narrcnr street, a lane (Blljīng) 11. men (minr) gatef door 12. (měnkour) doorway, gatevayp entrance 13. qtifio bridge liu tlānqiāo pedestrian overpass 15. xīng^ren dāo pedestrian underground valkway ^This exchange occurs on the P-l tape only* 9. * A: WS zSi wang qiln sāu jrīdīSn. I go ahead a little bit farther; Wunong ^ai yBuMan, shī Alley 5 Is on the right side, bu shi? Is that it? Shī, Yōubian diyīge l3kSu Iest IVb the first intersection on jii sht* the right. DIR, Unit 5 MAPS FOR C-1 TAPE 5 9 1 DIR, Unit 5 VOCABULARY I 19Ě biěren etnother person $ someone 亡lse cuo to make a mistake* to be wrong damēn(r) gate -dāo route, path dixiā underground dixia xingrēn d&o pedestrian underground walkway -duān sectiDH, lalock guo to cross t to pass hūtong {h^utongr) a narrov street s a lane (Běijlng) lēng alley sen(r) gate, door menitSu{r) doorway3 gatevay 9 entrance na- which? nage vhich? Kānjīng Dōnglu 3fSnj īng East Road Sanjīng Xīlū NanjIng West Road něng alley (Taivan} qiHo bridga Blit matter, affair, business tianqiāo pedestrian overpaEB •tiio • (counter for long, vinding things) vēo to ask xlang lane xingrēn pedestrian shao to look for Zhongshān Beiiu ZhoDgshān North Road zoucua le to have gone the wrong vay (introduced on C-2 tape) bān jiā to move one1ē residence dagli probably huī the opposite direction zouguo le to have walked past DIE, Unit 5 REFERENCE NOTES 1# A: Duibuqī, Excuse me, B: Nl you shěnme shl a? What can I do for youī Notes on No* 1 Shī: This noun has a very abstract meaning that does not translate eaaīiy into English, Some of its commoner transiatioaa are "matter, "businesss" "affair," and "thing*11 You have learned that dongxi can also mean "thing/1 Dongxī is used to refer to tangible things, vhile shl refers to abstr&et matters* When used to ajiswer someone who is asking for helpt the question Nī you shěnme shī: a? is an offer of help * Nī y5u shenme shī &ī (You have vhat problem?) rlWhatls your probl^īn i#e. fiVThat can I do for you?f The same question (without the softening a) might be rather rude if it Is directed to a person who Ib vaadering aroimd an office building. HI y5u Bhěmne shī? (lou have vhat business?) 'What business do you "What are you have (here)? doing here?fl 24 A: Qīngwin, lil shī May I ask, vhat road is this? ihěmne līl? B; Zhe Bhi Nanjīng Xīlu, This is Nānjīng West Road* DIE. Unit 5 19S Notes on 2 2h£- is the way shei-, "this,?* is pronounced outside of Beijing* Froīū this point on in these course BLsterials, the forms , Mthi3^fl na-, s IT and na- s Tlvhichs,f vill be used for all non-B?ijīīig speakers * * In a conversation, you should use these forms if another person uses their.- -tlāo is a counter for long, twisting things, such as roads, rivers* fishs and dragons * In English you say "What raad is this7M In Chinese you say ĪTWhat road Le this road?lf Zbeitifio Iv. Bht shěnme lu? You may not leave out the last words IŪl* rifinding XI1ĪH: In Guangzhou, Shanghais Taipei, and macy other citiest the street direction is given after the street na^e. Nānjīng Xilu Ninjīng West Road In Beijing^ the street direction ia given before the street name, XI Cbfingān Jiē West Chāngān Street 3- B: Nī ahao shenme dīfangī V?hat place are you. looking for? A: Wo zhSo Ninjxrsg ConglQ īTm looking for Lane 5^ of NSD^ing Ylduān, Wushisixiang8 Eaet Boadf Section 1. Notes on No, 3 ZhSo, Mto look forsf? flto try to find11 NI zhao ahěi? Who are you looking for? Tā shī bu sbi zhao gongzuo? Is he looking for -work? ♦ Actuallyt Beijing speakers do use ahe^^ and na- in certain corLtexts, especially when reading aloud, But in ordinaiy conversation they mostly use shěi-* něi-, and nei_* DIE, Unit 5 N&n.llng Donglū Yldu^n, WushisixiSragt Lane In giving a ChiīieBe address7 you go from larger to the lane after the road. In English* howevert the mentioning begins yt±th the smaller eirea:丨1Lane 5^, NānjIng East Road ĪTNěnjīng Eaet Road, Section lf smaller areael address Section l_fl Yldueln; Streets that are divided into North and South or E&st and West in Taipei may also be divided into sections * The sections of a street* like the floors of a building, are numbered £Ī, ěrt gātjf and so onf and do not need the prefix dī-_ XlSng: Lanes in Taipei are numbered as if they vere houses. You can find your way to a certain lane by observing the nunkbers of the houses on the s抑ie side of the street* Even nmbers are on one side, and odd numbers are on the other. DIR, Unit 5 C: WS ahSo Zhongshln Beilū^ I am looking for Zhongshān North Road. 5, 0: Nī zSucuo le* Zhě ahi You went the wrong vay_ This is Nin.jīng XSlā. NfinJ Eng West Road* B: Kī wārig nabian zdu. You go that way. B: GuS santiāo jiēf ilu shi Cross three streets# and thatTs NiSnjīng Bonglū Ylduān. Nanjing East Road,Section 1* Notes on 过o, 5 ZoTicuo le is a compound ver'b of result, ia literally gou, "to and qu5a Tlto be wron.g/mistaken/erroneous ^: *Tto have walked with the result of being vrong *rT The marker le^ is used in vrong,^ Wo c^o le- Notice that the marker 1b also used for the compound verb aoucuB le、 The syllable -cuo may te used vith other action verbE to indicate a result. For instance, there is ahuocuo le to have said incorrectly tīngcuS le to have heard incorrectly xlecuS 1ē to have written incorrectly niāncuo le to have read (sciaetrhing alcmd) incorrectly vS maicuo lei Zhěge Oh, Ifve bought the wrong thing! tSi xlao lei This is too sm&lll NS kāncud le. Yīnhāng c6ng ^ou read it wong. The tank haa JiSdiSn ahong jiīi kai raěn been open since 9 a.m* le:. Nī k&neuōle shong, xianzāi You read the clock wrong* Itfs yījīng bSdian bān le. already 6:30v £uo# 1Pto cross," Mto p&ss1: This word can refer to tine as veil as to space. GuSle zhēige lukou,, zāi vang After you have crossed this intersec- qiān zSu bū yuīn^ jiā ā^o tioaf then go a little farther něige xuixlĚo le, ahead, and you»11 tie at the school. DIR, Unit 5 A: Mīngtian wo qīng nī Hov about my treating you to a movie dianyīngi hSo bu hao? toiaorrow? B: Zhei liSngtian dōu you I have classes the next couple of Kē, guě liangtiān z&i days\ let,a see about It in a shuo ba. couple of days. W5 xiāng, guole jīge xīngqī» I think that after a few weeks have nīňe bīmg Jiň kěyi hao le, ppssed your illnees vill be all better, 6, A: Ou* wo zoucuS le* Oh* I vent the vrong vay_ Ai Nī shuo vS vang nābian aou* You say I should go that w* At Gu3 santiSo Jiēf jiň ahi Cross three streets t and thatre N&njīng Dongld Ylduāiii sh£ WSnJīng Sast Road, Section 1. Ie bu shi? that it? B: 3hl, Notes on K_。—■—庭 Nī shuo: In exchange Ēt shuo means ftto say that.1T You have already learned another meaning; 1Tto speak (a language) -lf (The "should17 in the translation of the second sentence captures the meaning of the Chinese directionis, which are stroEiger ttiao a statement tut weaker th&n a ccamand*) GuS saptiĚo jlgt "cross three streets11; In English you would probably say ngo three blocks/1 but in Chinese directions are usually given in terīas of streets*. Th7ward lfeout ninteriectiontn is also used: guS Jīge lttk5ut rtgo a few blocks.ff T, B: Daole Yīduan yīhou. qīng sāi After you have gotten to Section 1, wĚn bilren ba* please ask SQmeone else* A: Hao. Xiēxie* All right_ Thanks. Note on No# 7 泣i. "and thenu s In exchange 了* the adverb z&i is used for the second action in a seq.uence. īt i曰 not easily translated into English. DIR, Unit 5 202 6, A: Qīngwen^ WunSng sāi nfili? May I a自k, vhere is Alley 5? D: Nī zai vang qiSn zou yldiln. You valk (straight} ahead a little farther, D: Youbian diyīge lňkSu Jiū shi The first intersection on the right Wuūong* is Alley 5* Motes on 8 Hong, ^alley/1 has an alternate pronmciation: l5ng. In order of increasing sizes streets in Taipei ara named n5ng, TPalley#,T xi^ng, Ml.ane,” Jiē» "street, and luf ”roadIn Beijīng, a large street is called JjJ^, street ,fl or dajiĒ、"^boulevard• ” and a Email street is called hfiton^. ,Talley*TI Unlike alleys in Taipei, alleys in Beijing usually have names rather than nuin^bers* Nī aai wanjg qiSn z5u yīdiSm Heres zai has & new meaning; ,fiQore/ag&in/ farther/in addition. The combination of the adverb s£i "before the ver"b and yīdi&n after the verb means fta little more/1 Tla little farther*11 Rere are some other examples: Nī sāi chi yiāiSnr "ba! Have some morel (Eat some morel ) Nī z备 1 zu5 yihuir bal Sit a vhlle longer, vfay donft you? tinvitation to a guest to stay longer3 Zai gei vo yige ba. Give me another one (one more). Zāi g?i vo liangge ba. Give me two more. Qi^n by itself may be used only In certain special phrasese One of these is 蜂n系站知:「■二 {followed by a verb like aou) * The tem qi^nMan (qlānblafiry means ^directly in front of«n * To say Hin front of the doorTI or up front,11 you mxist use a place word (qlňnbian, giāntou* q_ifimaian) ■ * The vord for ”across from11 or “opposite” is duīmiān (duīmlanr) * DIRS Unit 3 203 There fere several single-syllable direction vorās like qian which you may use after vang,. In most other contexts t though, a longer form* a pl&ce word, must "be used, qi£n 1 qi inti an (qilirfccm, qiSninian) hou houbian (houtou, houmian) shāng ahangbiaji (sh&ngtou, Ehāxignilan) xi§.lDian (xiato\it xiāmian) zuo j zuobian (^uom.ian) yQu ySubian (yomniau) vang — lī — sou BUT zai 4 lībian (lītoup līmian) vāi I vaibian {wāitou,. wāinaian) dBng , dongbian nSr. nSnbian rS xībian bgi 1 beibian 9. A; Wo aai wang qiājj zSu yīdiǎn. I go ahead a little tit farther; Vunong ^ai ySubian, sh.t Alley 5 is on the right aide, bu shi? Ie that it? D: Shī. YSubiaD dīyīge iSkSu Yes, It's the first intersection Jiu shī. on the right. 10, hlitong (tiitSngr) a narrow street, a lane (Beijīng) 11* jaēn (niĚiar) gate* door 13. mlūtSu (mlnkSur) doorvay* gatew, entrance 13. q.iio Dridse lii, tiānaiSo pedestTlan overpass 15. aixia xfngrĚn dao pedestrian urdergrouad walivay Hūtes an Additlocial B&guired Vocal]ulary Men: la addition to meaning ,Tdoor,Tl this word &Xao means Tlgate.11 The vorti daměn may also be used to rafer to a mala gate, as well as a roalīi āoor. Tlan^iao liter&ily means ”35ty bridge/1 GuSle īhēige tiānqi^o, Jift When you. have croaaed this shi Dīyl G5r,&sī. pedestrian overpass, that's the First Company. DIRp Unit 5 Eleaentaary school ehildren In Taipei 20^4 Dixlā xlngren dao literally means TlundergrouDd pedestrian route," Chule shige dixiS xfngren When you have come out of this pedes_ dāo, velng y5u sou, jiō trian underground valkways go to Bhi mai bāode ^ the right, and thatf s vhere they sell newspapers * DlBt Unit 5 DRILLS Trans fonnsitIon Drill 3辱 5. Speaker: Qltigwēn, 1^? QlngvfnT ia? kt Qīngwln, 1\1? 7, Qīngwen, zhltiSo 1ū shī shěnme lū? (cue) Nānjīng Donglil (May I ask I vhat roa4' is this?) ^hětlao līl āhī shěnme Zhongahan 3eil\l shStiSo līl shī shěnme Xīnsheng līinlii Qlngwln* lu7 Qīn^věni līl? Qīngv5Bt W zhetiāo 1Ī3l shī shenme Nānjīng Xīlīl aheti&Q 1^ sht ahěme Xīnsheng BSilā shetiāo lu shi shěnme Zhonghui Lū zhětlao lH shī Shanghai Lil shenme You: Qīngwent īh&ti&o 1& shl Nfinjīng Donglň ma? (May I askf ±b this K&njīng East Hoad?) Qīngwen s zhētifio lu shī Zhongshān BSilSl ma? Qingvlnf zhētifio līi shī Xīnehetig Nlnlō ma? Qīngvln t zhltilo lu sht ī4IūJĪī^ Xīl》ma? Qīngwen, ahātiāo shī Xīnshēng Blilīi ma? Lā ma? ahltifio shī ZhSnghuā Qīngwen, zhttifio 1ft shī Shānghāi īA ma? B. Transformation Drill 1# Speaker: ahi NanjĪDg Dongltl YfauSn, (This is Nānjīng East Road, Section 1,) 2* Zhě shī Shongsh&n Beilu Erdu^n * 3, Shi Bhi Xīnsheng Ntnlu Yiduān* You; Dutbuql* zhe shī Hfiojlng Donglīl jīduānī (Excuse raet vhat section of Nan Jīng East Road is this?) Dutbuqiī t shě shl Zhōixgshān Beilīi jiduan? Dui"buqī t ztl§ shl XinshEzig Nānlō jīduan? k* Zhě shī Rěnai Lil Sanduan. Dulbu^J t shě shl Rěnāi Lu jldiiān? DIBa Unit 5 5, Zhe shi Hāngahōu K&nlu Ylduān, 6. Zhe shī Hepfng Xīlīl Ěrduān. T_ Zhe shī Nānjīng Xīlu Yfduan. Duībuqī * zhe shī Htngshou Ninlu jldUBB? Duttiuqī I zhl shi Hēping Xīlu jiduSn? Īhi^buqī t zhě shi HSnjīng Xīlu jiduan? G, Respoaae Drill 1. Speakers NĪ shlo NĚnJīng DōnglS Yfduān ma? (cue) 5 (Ari^ycru looking for Hěxijīng East Roads Section 1?} 2. Nī zlmo m? Shongshan Beilfl Ērduan IB 3* Kī zhSo Hěpfng Xīlīl Yfduan ma? 1+* NĪ zhao Xīnshēng KSnl^i Sanduan ma? h 5. NĪ zhao Zhongshān Nāiilu Ērduan ma? 1 知 6* Ni zhao Rěnāi Lu Sānduan ma? You: Shi, wo zhao Nanjīng Donglū Yfduan Wuxiaag* (Yes, looking for Lane 5 of Nānjīng East Road, Section 1_) Shi, vo zh'&o Zhongshān Beilu Erduan ShibS^tiang, Shi, wo zh&o Hěplng īfdu&n LiBxlāng« Shi, v5 shao Xīnshēng Nānlii. Sinduln SLciāng, Shīg zhao Zhongshān Kinlu Ěrdu&n Shisīxikng* Shi, vo zhao Rēnai Lu Sanduan ■ Jiuxiān^- 7, īlī zhao ZtySu LĪi Yīduan m&7 11 Shī 譯 v5 ahSo ziy&u Līl Ifdu^n Shlyīxiāng. DIR, Unit 5 207 D» Transformat!on Drill 1. Speakers Nī wang n&bīan zZu, You: Haot wo wang nSbian z3ut guS (cue) sSn fiāntiSo Jiē Jiō. Bht t dui bu (Go that way*; dui? (Okayt I go that way, and after croBBlng three streets that18 it. Is that correct?} 2* HĪ vāng yōu s5u. liang HSo, w5 vāng yBu z8u, guo liangtiāx> Jii ji1& ship duī bu dui7 3, Nī vang dong &5u* sī Xǎof wo wang dong z5u, guS sitifio Jie Jiu shī, duī bu dui? lu Nī wāng xī zBu. yi w5 wang xī z5u* guS yītlao jli JlQ shi , dui bu dui? 5* NĪ wing n&n z6u, wil H£ov wo v&ng tjān zSu, gu3 vutiSo jiě Jlōl shī_ dui bu dui7 6. Nī wāng bei zou# llSng RSo, vo vāng bei sSu, guā liǎngti&o Jie Jill sh£, duī bu dulī 7* Nī wang zuS ī8u. sī Haot wo vāng zu5 aSuf guS aitiSo Jii Jiīi shī# dui bu dui? E# Tran a f Qmat i on Drill 1# Speaker: Wā.ng qifin zSu ytdiSn* Youi WS zai vāng qiSn z5u yidian■ WīlnSng z&i y&ubian * Wunāng zSi yāubian s shi "bu (Go aJiead a Tjltf and shi? Alley 5 is on the (I go a "bit farther ahead# and right*) Alley 5 Ib on the right. Is that it?) Wāng n^bian sSu yīdiSn* Wd zai vang nāMan z.5u yidian. IriūnSng sāi zuoblan. Liūuong sal zuobian x shi bu, shi? 3# Wāng csong zSu yīdiSn, Sinning WS zāl wāng dong a5u yīdi£nB zli yěubian, SiimoDg zai yōubian, ahī Tdu shlī Wang qi£n zou ytdiSn. SblnSng W5 zāl vang ql£n zou yīdian. sāi yōubian # Shfnāng z^i yduMan,shī bu shi? DIR, Unit 5 5- W&ng xl sou yldi&i, Shlērnong WS aāl vang xī zou yldlan, Shlēraāiig zai zuSbian# zb.1 zuSblan 9 shī bu ahl? 6. Wang nan zon yldiān* Bhiqlněng; Wo zki vāng n£n zou yidlSn. zāi auStianp, ShlqīnSng aāi 2;uSManf alii Tju 9hi? 7* Wang bei zou yidiān, Bsnong zai WS zāl vār.g bei zSu yldlSn. B&iong zuSbian* . zai zu5~blan 9 shi 15X1 shi? F, Tr an s format Ion Drill 1* Speaker: WS īāi vilng qi£n z5u You: WS zai vang qlan zou yīdiars* yīdiāru Hunong sai Ydubian āiyīge lākSu Ji& ahi yōubiaa f dul 13U duī? WSnSng, duī bu duclī (cue) dlyige (I go a bit farther aheadt and (I go a bit farther the first intersection on the ahead9 &nd Alley 5 le right ia Alley 5* Is that on the right.. Is correct?) th&t correct1) 2* WS zāl wang zuo zou yldlSn * W5 sāl wāng au6 2i5u ytdiSn, ZuSbian SāmiQTig 丨āl zuSbisji3 duī bu dīsige lūkSu Jiň shi Sānnēng» dul dui? dtstge bu dui? 3* W6 zai vang q^Ian sou yidian. WS aāi vltog qi£n i5u yīdi&n. Lifinong zai yōu'bian s duī Ijm Youtlan dīerge lūkou J i\l shi dui? diērge LiinoDg* duī bu dul? h» Wo sāi vāng xī zou yīdlln. WS zSi vāng xī zou yidian* YSubiaa Sannāng zai yfiubian s dul bu " dtaaage iSkSu Jiā shi SānnSng, dui? dīsānge dut "bu dulī 5- Wo sāi wang xl zSu yīdiSn. W5 zňi wāng xī zBn ytdiln* 访uMan WSiiong sai youbian * duī "bu dīyīge lūkSu Jiū 日M Wunōng, dui dui? dlyīge bu dul? 6. Wo zli vāng dong tZu yīdian, WS zāl wāng āong zou yidian* Qlnōng zai zuSbian s duī bu ZuSblan d£sig& lūiou. shi dui? dīsīge QĪnSngf! dui bu dui? 了. W3 īai vang q.l£n zSu yidiSn* WS zāi vang qi£n sou yīdi&. LliinSng zai yōubian, dui hu YSutiian divuge Itlkou Jiū shi dui? diwQge LiilnSng, du£ bu dui? DIE, Unit 5 209 gpo 705-001/6^.145 G, Traras format ion Drill 1, Speaker: Ta e6ngqiin zhū sal You; Ti congql&E zāi niige hfitong nēlge hdtong. zhiile jīniSnī (cue) niān (Hov many years did he live on (He used to live on that alley?) tlaat alley.) 2* W5 ftlqin. cēngqi^n zhft zai Efī fūqln cfingqiān zai Guǎnghui Lil Guānghu£ Lū« nian ahule Jlnifin? 3. Ta gege ehangge yuě zhīl zai Ta gēge sh^ngge yuě ī这i n^lge nlige flLndi&n. tiin ahille JītiSn? ^p Tā jiljie qilnian zb立 zai pěngyou Tā jiSjie ^unifin zai pēngyou JiS jil. yuě shille Jīge yuM 5* Wfing TSngzhlt c6ngqiSn zhīl zai W&ug T6ngsht cSngqiān aā.i zhēige ^hěige hfitorsg # n±&n hātong zh^le JīalSnī 6, Zhing TSngzht quoi^n zh5L sal ZhSng Tongssbl qājaifin īkl nSige nelge h^tong.,, yuě hūtong zbMe Jīge yui? T* Timen cSngqlSn shu £al Sānlitdn. Tāaen c6ngg.iSn zSi Sājilitīm shaila niĚn JīniĚn? H« ReBPCpge Drill 1B Speaker: Hī ahao shlrnoe dlfwig? You: WS zhǎo Nanjing Lil, (cue) NěnJIng Lū (ITm looking for NSnJīng Road*) - (What place are you looking for?) 2, N£ zhao ehlnms lil7 W5 zhSo Zh5ngshan Lu« Ztiongshān Lō. 3, Nī zLhSo ahēnme? niibēn WB zhSo nSibSn shu* Nī zhao ehěi? Wāng Xlāneheng Wo zhao WUng XlinBheng. 5* Nī ^hSo sheme difangī W5 zhKo Wuguanchīl* WuguanchS 6. Nī shSo ahěi? HĚ Meilīn^ Wo zhao HĚi MSiling, 7* Nī zhSo Bhěnme? ytzhang WS zhao ylzhāng TfiibSi dī TSi^Si dltfi