怎么了 zěnme le what’s the matter 舒服 shūfu comfortable 哪里 nǎli where 想 xiǎng would like;want 吐 tù to throw up 晕车 yūnchē carsickness 吃多了 chı̄ duō le to eat more 喝多了 hē duō le to drink more 没力气 méi lı̀qi not to have strength 难受 nánshòu to be troubled 肚子 dùzi belly 不舒服 bù shūfu uncomfortable 严重 yánzhòng seriously 休息 xiūxi to rest 一会儿 yı̄huı̀r a while 去医院 qù yı̄yuàn to go to hospital 医生 yı̄shēng doctor