Rudgers 5 Have Some Tea, Please Shihai: Hello, Teacher Wang. Wang: Hello, Shihai. Shihai: Teacher Wang, this is my friend--Jingjing. Jingjing: Hello, Teacher Wang. Wang: Hello, hello. Welcome, welcome. Come in, please. Please have a seat. Shihai/Jingjing: Thanks. Wang: You are welcome. You don’t smoke, I suppose? Shihai: Neither of us do. Wang: Do you drink coffee? Jingjing: I don’t drink coffee. I drink tea. Wang: Shihai, what do you drink? Shihai: I drink both tea and coffee. Wang: So, let’s all have tea. Finals: q x Initials: in ian uan 世海: 王老师,您好! 王老师: 世海,你好,请进! 世海: 王老师,这是我的朋友--京京。 京京: 王老师好! 王老师:你好,你好。欢迎,欢迎。请坐。 世海/京京: 谢谢王老师。 王老师: 不客气。你们都不吸烟吧? 世海: 我们都不吸烟。 王老师: 喝咖啡吗? 京京: 我不喝咖啡,我喝茶。 王老师: 世海,你喝什么呢? 世海: 咖啡,茶,我都喝。 王老师: 那么,我们都喝茶吧。 Finals: q x Initials: in ian uan 世海: 王老師,您好! 王老師: 世海,你好,請進! 世海: 王老師,這是我的朋友--京京。 京京: 王老師好! 王老師: 你好,你好。歡迎,歡迎。請坐。 世海/京京: 謝謝王老師。 王老師: 不客氣。你們都不吸煙吧? 世海: 我們都不吸煙。 王老師: 喝咖啡嗎? 京京: 我不喝咖啡,我喝茶。 王老師: 世海,你喝什麼呢? 世海: 咖啡,茶,我都喝。 王老師: 那麼,我們都喝茶吧。 Shìhăi: Wáng lăoshī, nĭhăo! Wáng Lăoshī: Nĭhăo, Shìhăi. Shìhăi: Wáng lăoshī zhè shì wŏde péngyou--Jīng jing. Jīngjīng: Wáng lăoshī hăo. Wáng Lăoshī: Nĭ hăo, nĭ hăo. Huānyíng, huānyíng. Qĭng zuò. Shìhăi/Jīngjīng: Xiè xiè Wáng lăoshī. Wáng Lăoshī: Bú kèqì. Nĭmen bù xī yān ba? Shìhăi: Wŏmen dōu bù xī yān. Wáng Lăoshī: Hē kāféi ma? Jīngjīng: Wŏ bù hē kāfēi, wŏ hē chá. Wáng Lăoshī: Shìhăi, nĭ hē shénme ne? Shìhăi: Kāfēi, chá wŏ dōu hē. Wáng Lăoshī: Nàme, wŏmen dōu hē chá ba. Shihai and Jingjing are good friends. Shihai’s dad is from Shanghai; Jingjing’s dad is from Beijing. (But) Shihai and Jingjing say they are Chinese American. Both Shihai and Jingjing are students. Shihai studies Computer (Science). Jingjing does not study Computer (Science), (She) studies Economics and Japanese. Shihai does not study Japanese, (he) studies Chinese. He is Teacher Wang’s student. Jingjing likes to read; (She) does not like to watch TV. Shihai likes both reading and watching TV. Jingjing drinks tea, (but) not coffee. Shihai likes both tea and coffee. Neither of them drinks, nor do they smoke. None of their friends drink or smoke. 世海和京京是好朋友。世海的爸爸是上海人。京京的爸爸是北京人。世海和京京说他们是美国华人。 世海和京京都是学生。世海学电脑。京京不学电脑,学经济和日文。世海不学日文,学中文。他是王老师的学生。 京京爱看书,不爱看电视。书和电视,世海都爱看。京京喝茶,不喝咖啡。咖啡,茶,世海都爱喝。世海和京京都不喝酒,也都不吸烟。他们的朋友都不喝酒,也都不吸烟。 世海和京京是好朋友。世海的爸爸是上海人。京京的爸爸是北京人。世海和京京說他們是美國華人。 世海和京京都是學生。世海學電腦。京京不學電腦,學經濟和日文。世海不學日文,學中文。他是王老師的學生。 京京愛看書,不愛看電視。書和電視,世海都愛看。京京喝茶,不喝咖啡。咖啡,茶,世海都愛喝。世海和京京都不喝酒,也都不吸煙。他們的朋友都不喝酒,也都不吸煙。 Shìhăi hé Jīngjīng shì hăo péngyou. Shìhăi de bàba shì Shànghăi rén. Jīngjīng de bàba shì Bĕijīng rén. Shìhăi hé Jīngjīng shuō tāmen shì Mĕiguó Huárén. Shìhăi hé Jīngjīng dōu shì xuésheng. Shìhăi xué diànnăo. Jīngjīng bù xué diànnăo, xué jīngjì hé Rìwén. Shìhăi bù xué Rìwén, xué Zhōngwén.Tā shì Wáng Lăoshī de xuésheng. Jīngjīng ài kàn shū, bú ài kàn diànshì. Shū hé diànshì, Shìhăi dōu ài kàn. Jīngjīng hē chá, bù hē kāfēi. Kāfēi, chá shìhăi dōu ài hē. Shìhăi hé jīngjīng dōu bù hē jiŭ, yĕ dōu bù xī yān. Tāmen de péngyou dōu bù hē jĭu, yĕ dōu bù xī yān. Chinese Words Pinyin Part of Speech Engl. Trans. 老师(老師) lǎoshī n. teacher 学生(學生) xuésheng n. student 茶 chá n. tea 咖啡 kāfēi n. coffee 酒 jiǔ n. alcohol 烟(煙) yān n. cigarette 电脑(電腦) diànnǎo n. computer 电视(電視) diànshì n. TV 经济(經濟) jīngjì n. economy, economics 请(請) qǐng v. please 进(進) jìn v. to enter 坐 zuò v. to sit 喝 hē v. to drink 爱(愛) ài v. to love, to like 欢迎(歡迎) huānyíng v. to welcome 学(學) xué v. to learn 吸 xī v. to inhale 谢谢(謝謝) xièxie idiomatic expr. Thank you 不客气(不客氣) búkèqi idiomatic expr. You are welcome 那么(那麽) nàme conjonction then, so 王 Wáng Family name King 1. Forms of Addressing People: In Chinese, titles follow names. For instance: 王老师 Wáng Lăoshī Teacher Wang 王大夫 Wáng Dàifu Doctor Wang 2. Imperative sentences: The imperative sentence is one expressing command, request, urging, etc., and having an imperative tone. The subject is often absent in an imperative sentence, and the sentence often ends with an exclamation mark. For example: 看电视! Kàn diànshì! Watch TV! To express a polite command, the polite expression 请 is used and followed by a verb or a verbal phrase. For example: 请进! Qĭng jìn! Please enter! 请喝茶! Qĭng hē chá! Have some tea, please! Note that in English, the polite expression “please” can appear before or after the command; in Chinese, 请 is used at the beginning of the sentence. The particle 吧 can also be added to the end of a sentence to indicate a softened demand or an urge. For instance: 喝咖啡吧。 Hē kāfēi ba. Have some coffee. 我们看书吧。 Wŏmen kàn shū ba. Let’s read. 3. Unmarked co-ordination: When a list of things is being done, or a number of activities is being carried out, they may be followed one another, without the connection being marked, and positioned at the very beginning of a sentence. For example: 咖啡,茶,我都喝。 Kāfēi, chá, wŏ dōu hē. I drink both coffee and tea. Note that 都 (both, all), which regularly follows such a list, refers to the listed series. 都. But note being a true adverb, 都 has to come close before the verb. Thus, the order of the sentence is fixed: The list of A, B, etc., (subject) 都 Verb More examples: 中文,英文,他都不学。Zhōngwén, Yīngwén, tā dōu bù xué. He studies neither Chinese nor English. 看电视,看书,你妈妈都爱吗? Kàn diànshì, kàn shū, nĭ māma dōu ài ma? Does your Mom like both watching TV and reading? Speech Patterns: 1. Imperative sentences: 1. 你好!车老师。请进。请坐。请喝茶。 2. 请看地图。这是北京。那是上海。 3. 请吸烟。不客气,我不吸烟。 4. 我们都学中文。我们说中文吧。 5. 你喝什么?我喝咖啡。请吧,这是很好的咖啡。 1. Nĭ hăo! Chē lăoshī. Qĭng jìn. Qĭng zuò. Qĭng hē chá. 2. Qĭng kàn dìtú. Zhè shì Bĕijīng. Nà shì Shànghăi. 3. Qĭng xī yān. Bú kèqì. Wŏ bù xī yān. 4. Wŏmen dōu xué Zhōngwén. Wŏmen shuō Zhōngwén ba. 5. Nĭ hē shénme? Wŏ hē kāfēi. Qĭng ba. Zhè shì hĕn hăo de kāfēi. 1. Hello, Teacher Che. Come in, please. Six down, please, and have some tea, please. 2. Please look at the map. This is Beijing. That is Shanghai. 3. Have a cigarette, please. No, thanks. I don’t smoke. 4. We all study Chinese. Let’s speak Chinese. 5. What will you drink? I’ll have coffee. Help yourself. This is very good coffee. 2 . Unmarked co-ordination: 1. 你爱看什么书?中文书,英文书,我都爱看。 2. 爸爸,妈妈,你都爱吗?都爱。 3. 你说她是法国人。她说法文吧?法文,德文,英文,她都说。 4. 大夫说咖啡,茶,他都喝。 5. 看电视,看汉语书,谁不爱 ? 1. Nĭ ài kàn shénme shū? Zhōngwén shū, Yīngwén shū, wŏ dōu ài kàn. 2. Bàba, māma, nĭ dōu ài ma? Dōu ài. 3. Nĭ shuō tā shì Făguó rén. Tā shuō Făwén ba? Făwén, Déwén, Yīngwén, tā dōu shuō. 4. Dàifu shuō kāfēi, chá, tā dōu hē. 5. Kàn diànshì, Kàn Hànyŭ shū, shéi/shuí bú ài? 1. What books do you like to read? I like to read both Chinese and English books. 2. Do you love both your parents? Yes. 3. You say she is French. She speaks French, I guess. She speaks French, German and English. 4. The doctor says he drinks both tea and coffee. 5. Who won’t like watching TV and reading Chinese books? I. 选 择 填 空 : Choose the grammatically or logically correct answer. Then click to check. 1。 这是-------地图?  a) 谁  b)什么  c)哪 2。 汉语,日语,英语, 你--------学吗?  a)很  b)不 c) 都 3. 王老师不忙,--------忙?  a)什么  b) 谁  c)哪 4。我们学中文, 我们看中国电视 ----。  a)吗  b)呢  c)吧 5。你看-------书?我看汉语俄语书.  a) 哪国  b)谁的  c)什么 6。 请喝酒。不-------。  a) 谢  b)客气  c)请 7。喝酒,吸烟,好-----?  a) 呢  b) 哪  c)吗 8。我们都是学生。我们------电脑。  a)都看  b)都学  c)都是 Click to check the answers. II. 阅 读 /听 力 练 习 : Check your comprehension after listen to the passage by choosing the correct answers. Click to check your answers: 1. 甲﹕老师好。 乙﹕世海,你好。请进, 请坐。你喝咖啡吗?甲﹕不喝。乙﹕茶呢?甲﹕喝。 謝谢老师。 Whom is the man visiting?  a. his teacher  b. his parents  c. his doctor  d. his friends What does the manwant to have?  a. coffee  b. tea  c. cigarette  d. nothing 2. 甲﹕这是什么? 乙﹕这是我弟弟的书。甲﹕你弟弟学经济吗? 乙﹕他学世界经济,也学电脑. What is the man’s first question?  a. What is your nationality?  b. What do you want?  c. Is this your book?  d. What is this? Who is studying Economics?  a. the women  b. the man  c. the man’s brother  d. the women’s brother 3. 我是江华,上海人。我学英文。我喝茶,也喝咖啡。我 不吸烟, 也不喝酒。吸烟不好, 喝酒 也不好。我爱看电视, 不爱看书。我的朋友也都爱看电视, 不爱看书。 The speaker is talking about________.  a. his family  b. himself  c. his best friends  d. his friend from Shanghai The speaker prefers______.  a. tea over coffee  b. TV over books  c. books over TV  d. coffee over tea 4. 甲﹕你说日本人都喝茶吗?乙﹕不都喝。我爸爸是日本人。他爱喝咖啡。甲﹕你呢? 乙﹕我都喝。 Who thinks that all Japanese drink tea?  a. the woman  b. the woman’s father  c. the man  d. not clear What does the woman like to drink?  a. tea  b. coffee  c. both tea and coffee  d. not clear Click to check answers. III. 选 择 题 : Choose the grammatically or logically correct answer. Then click to check. 1。请喝茶。  a. 谢谢。  b. 喝茶。  c. 不喝。 2。 请吸烟。  a. 不谢。  b. 不客气。  c. 不。 3。我看书,你呢?  a. 我看电脑。  b. 我不。  c. 看电视。 4。老师,这是我的朋友世海。  a. 好,好。  b. 欢迎,欢迎。  c. 都好,都好。 5。 我们喝茶吧。  a. 好,谢谢。  b. 请喝茶。  c. 你呢? 6。茶,酒, 你爸爸都喝吗?  a. 都喝酒。  b. 也喝茶。  c. 不都喝。 7。看书,看电视, 你妈妈都爱吗?  a. 她爱看书,不爱看电视。  b. 她也看。  c. 都。 8。王老师,您好!  a. 你好吗?  b. 你好。  c. 谢谢! Click to check answers. IV.排 列 組 合 : Order the words into grammatical sentences. Then transcribe each sentence into Pinyin. Click to check your answers. 1。 1)中国 2)我 3)喝 4)也 5)不 6)朋友 7)的 Word Order  # Pinyin  2。 1)弟弟 2)王 3)学 4)世界 5)也 6)老师 7)吗 8)经济 9)的 Word Order  # Pinyin  3。 1)酒 2)大夫 3)爱 4)烟 5)都 6)喝 7)也 8)吸 Word Order  # Pinyin  4。 1)老师 2)是 3)的 4)车 5)车 6)美国 7)你 Word Order  # Pinyin  5。 1)世界 2)说 3)经济 4)她 6)不 7)也 8)好 Word Order  # Pinyin  6。 1)上海 2)北京 3)什么 4)茶 5)人 6)人 7)喝 8)爱 9)都 Word Order  # Pinyin