Lesson Thirty Two: Dialogue Have you had a physical exam recently? Xueyou: Teacher Liu, I want to take a physical examintion for new students. Do I need to call the doctor and make an appointment? Teacher Liu: No. You can go directly and look for Dr. Li at the Beijing University Hospital tomorrow afternoon. He is in charge of students' physical exam. Xueyou: Thank you, Teacher Liu! Teacher Liu: You are welcome. (The second day, at the Beijing University Hospital) Xueyou: Are you Dr. Li? Dr. Li: Yes. Are you a new student who has come to take a physical exam? Xueyou: Yes. I am a international student from the U.S. My name is Xueyou Xie. Dr. Li: Have you had a physical examination in in the U.S. recently? Xueyou: No. I had an exam once a year ago. Dr. Li: All right. Did you fill in the form? Xueyou: Yes, I did. Here you are. Dr.Li: Ok. You should first go to Room 101 to measure your height, weight, and blood pressure. Then you should go to Room 102 to check your eyes,ears and nose. Lastly you should go to Room 103 for an x-ray. Xueyou: Do I need to take a blood test? Dr.Li: Yes, we need to draw blood for a blood test. Please come to see me again when you finish. ( 2-3 hours later) Xueyou: Dr. Li, here is my physical exam form. Dr. Li: Have you had every item checked? Xueyou: Yes, I have had every item checked. Do you think I have any health problem? Dr.Li: You are very healthy. Don't worry. Howver, since you have just come to China, you should be very careful of hygene in drinking and eating. Xueyou: Thank you, Dr. Li. Dr. Li: You are welcome. 初级第三十二课: 对话 你最近检查过身体没有? 学友:刘老师,我要作入学体检,我需要打电话给大夫约时间吗? 刘老师:不需要,明天下午你直接去北大医院找李大夫,他负责给学生体检。 学友:谢谢刘老师! 刘老师: 不客气。 (第二天,北大医院内) 学友:您是李大夫吗? 李大夫:是的,你是来体检的学生吧? 学友:是的。 我是刚从美国来这儿的留学生,我叫谢学友。 李大夫:你最近在美国作过体检吗? 学友:没有。一年以前我作过一次体检。 李大夫:那好吧。你填体检表了吗? 学友:填过了。 李大夫:好,先在101房间量身高,体重,和血压;然後,在102房间检查 一下儿眼睛,耳朵和鼻子;最後,在103房间作透视检查。 学友:需要检查血液吗? 李大夫:是的,你要去抽血,作血液检查。 请你检查完了再来找我。 (2-3个小时之後) 学友:李大夫,这是我的体检表。 李大夫:每项都检查过了吗? 学友:都检查过了。您看看我的身体有什麽问题吗? 李大夫:你的身体很好,不要担心。不过,你刚来中国,需要注意饮水和饮食上的 卫生。 学友:谢谢李大夫。 李大夫:不用客气。祝你身体健康。再见! 初級第三十二課: 對話 你最近檢查過身體沒有﹖ 學友﹕劉老師﹐我要作入學體檢﹐我需要打電話給大夫約時間嗎﹖ 劉老師﹕不需要﹐明天下午你直接去北大醫院找李大夫﹐他負責給學生體檢。 學友﹕謝謝劉老師﹗ 劉老師﹕ 不客氣。 (第二天﹐北大醫院內) 學友﹕您是李大夫嗎﹖ 李大夫﹕是的﹐你是來體檢的學生吧﹖ 學友﹕是的。 我是剛從美國來這兒的留學生﹐我叫謝學友。 李大夫﹕你最近在美國作過體檢嗎﹖ 學友﹕沒有。一年以前我作過一次體檢。 李大夫﹕那好吧。你填體檢表了嗎﹖ 學友﹕填過了。 李大夫﹕好﹐先在101房間量身高﹐體重﹐和血壓﹔然後﹐在102房間檢查 一下兒眼睛﹐耳朵和鼻子﹔最後﹐在103房間作透視檢查。 學友﹕需要檢查血液嗎﹖ 李大夫﹕是的﹐你要去抽血﹐作血液檢查。 請你檢查完了再來找我。 (2-3個小時之後) 學友﹕李大夫﹐這是我的體檢表。 李大夫﹕每項都檢查過了嗎﹖ 學友﹕都檢查過了。您看看我的身體有什麼問題嗎﹖ 李大夫﹕你的身體很好﹐不要擔心。不過﹐你剛來中國﹐需要注意飲水和飲食上的 衛生。 學友﹕謝謝李大夫。 李大夫﹕不用客氣。祝你身體健康。再見﹗ 初级第三十二课: 对话 你最近检查过身体没有? Nǐ Zuìjìn Jiǎnchá Guò Shēntǐ Méi Yǒu ? Xuéyǒu: Liú Lǎoshī, wǒ yào zuò rù xué tǐjiǎn, wǒ xūyào dǎ diànhuà gěi dàifu yuē shíjiān ma ? Liú Lǎoshī: Bù xūyào, míngtiān xiàwǔ nǐ zhíjiē qù Běi Dà yīyuàn zhǎo Lǐ dàifu, tā fùzé gěi xuésheng tǐjiǎn. Xuéyǒu: Xièxie Liú lǎoshī ! Liú Lǎoshī: Bú kèqi. (Dì èr tiān, Běi Dà yīyuàn nèi) Xuéyǒu: Nín shì Lǐ dàifu ma ? Lǐ Dàifu: Shì de, nǐ shì lái tǐjiǎn de xuésheng ba ? Xuéyǒu: Shì de. Wǒ shì cóng Měiguo lái zhèr de liúxuéshēng, wǒ jiào Xiè Xuéyǒu. Lǐ Dàifu: Nǐ zuìjìn zài Měiguo zuò guò tǐjiǎn ma ? Xuéyǒu: Méi yǒu. Yì nián yǐqián wǒ zuò guò yí cì tǐjiǎn. Lǐ Dàifu: Nà hǎo ba. Nǐ tián tǐjiǎn biǎo le ma? Xuéyǒu: Tián guò le. Lǐ Dàifu: Hǎo, xiān zài 101 fángjiān liáng shēngāo, tǐzhòng, hé xuěyā ; ránhòu, zài 102 fángjiān jiǎnchá yí xiàr yǎnjīng, ěrduo hé bízi ; zuìhòu, zài 103 fángjiān zuò tòushì jiǎnchá. Xuéyǒu: Xūyào jiǎnchá xuěyè ma ? Lǐ Dàifu: Shì de, nǐ yào qù chōu xuě, zuò xuěyè jiǎnchá. Qǐng nǐ jiǎnchá wán le zài lái zhǎo wǒ. ( 2-3 ge xiǎoshí zhīhòu) Xuéyǒu: Lǐ dàifu, zhè shì wǒ de tǐjiǎn biǎo. Lǐ Dàifu: Měi xiàng dōu jiǎnchá guò le ma ? Xuéyǒu: Dōu jiǎnchá guò le. Nín kànkan wǒ de shēntǐ yǒu shénme wèntí ma ? Lǐ Dàifu: Nǐ de shēntǐ hěn hǎo, bú yào dānxīn. Búguò, nǐ gāng lái Zhōngguo, xūyào zhùyì yǐn shuǐ hé yǐnshí shang de wèishēng. Xuéyǒu: Xièxie Lǐ dàifu. Lǐ Dàifu: Bú yòng kèqi. Zhù nǐ shēntǐ jiànkāng. Zàijiàn ! Lesson Thirty One: Article Beijing University Hospital Renmei Ding and Xueyou Xie came to Beijing University to attend a short- term Chinese training program. Three weeks later, Renmei got a serious cold. Teacher Liu was very concerned about Renmei. He asked Renmei if she had seen a doctor or not. Renmei said, not yet. Teacher Liu told Renmei that to see a doctor in China, (people) don't make a phone call to the doctor('s office) to make an appointment. They go to the hospital directly. Beijing University has its own hospital. Therefore, it is convenient to see a doctor (in Beijing University). This day, Xueyou accompanied Renmei to the Beijing University Hospital to see a doctor. After they arrived at the hospital, Xueyou stood in the line to register for Renmei. Since Renmei had a cold, Xueyou registered for the Department of Internal Medicine. They found the Internal Medicine Outpatient Department. The nurse was very cordial. She told Xueyou and Renmei that the doctor was seeing a patient, and asked them to wait for a while. After the nurse took Renmei's tempareture and blood pressure, the doctor was ready to see Renmei. The doctor asked Renmei where she felt uncomfortable, and what medicine she had taken. Renmei told the doctor, she had a headache, a runny nose and a sore throat. She had been coughing all day long, and could not sleep well at night. She took some cold pills that she brought from the U.S. However, they seemed not to be very effective. The doctor used the stethoscope to examine Renmei. Then, he told Renmei, she had the flu, and she should drink a lot of water, and get a lot of rest. He also prescribed some medicine for Renmei. After seeing the doctor, Xueyou and Renmei went to the hospital's pharmacy to buy medicine. There were many people buying medicine in the pharmacy. It turned out that in China, all patients buy medicine in the hospital's pharmacy where they see a doctor. Renmei went back to her dorm. She took a good and thorough rest for a few days, and recovered from her illness. 初级第三十二课: 短文 北大医院 丁人美和谢学友到北京大学参加一个短期中文训练班。 三个星期以後, 人美得了重感冒。 刘老师很关心人美。 他问人美,去看过大夫了没有。 人美说,还没有。 刘老师告诉人美,在中国看病,不是打电话给大夫 约时间,而是直接去医院。北大有自己的医院,所以看病比较方便。 这一天,学友陪人美去北大医院看病。 到了北大医院,学友先排队给 人美挂号。因为人美得了感冒,所以学友给她挂了一个内科的号。 他们 一起找到了内科门诊。 护士小姐很热情。 她告诉学友和人美,大夫现 在正在给一个病人看病,请他们等一下儿。 护士小姐给人美量过体温 和血压以後,大夫可以给人美看病了。大夫问人美哪儿不舒服,吃过什 麽药。 人美告诉大夫,她头疼,流鼻涕,嗓子也很疼,一直咳嗽,晚上 睡不好觉。 她吃了从美国带来的感冒药,可是效果不大。大夫用听诊器 给人美做了检查。 然後,他告诉人美,她得的是流行性感冒,要多喝水, 多注意休息。 他还给人美开了一些药。 看过大夫以後,学友和人美到 医院的药房买药。 在药房买药的人很多。 原来,在中国看病,病人都 在医院的药房买药。 人美回到宿舍,好好休息了几天,她的病就好了。 初級第三十二課: 短文 北大醫院 丁人美和謝學友到北京大學參加一個短期中文訓練班。 三個星期以後﹐ 人美得了重感冒。 劉老師很關心人美。 他問人美﹐去看過大夫了沒有。 人美說﹐還沒有。 劉老師告訴人美﹐在中國看病﹐不是打電話給大夫 約時間﹐而是直接去醫院。北大有自己的醫院﹐所以看病比較方便。 這一天﹐學友陪人美去北大醫院看病。 到了北大醫院﹐學友先排隊給 人美掛號。因為人美得了感冒﹐所以學友給她掛了一個內科的號。 他們 一起找到了內科門診。 護士小姐很熱情。 她告訴學友和人美﹐大夫現 在正在給一個病人看病﹐請他們等一下兒。 護士小姐給人美量過體溫 和血壓以後﹐大夫可以給人美看病了。大夫問人美哪兒不舒服﹐吃過什 麼藥。 人美告訴大夫﹐她頭疼﹐流鼻涕﹐嗓子也很疼﹐一直咳嗽﹐晚上 睡不好覺。 她吃了從美國帶來的感冒藥﹐可是效果不大。大夫用聽診器 給人美做了檢查。 然後﹐他告訴人美﹐她得的是流行性感冒﹐要多喝水﹐ 多注意休息。 他還給人美開了一些藥。 看過大夫以後﹐學友和人美到 醫院的藥房買藥。 在藥房買藥的人很多。 原來﹐在中國看病﹐病人都 在醫院的藥房買藥。 人美回到宿舍﹐好好休息了幾天﹐她的病就好了。 Běi Dà Yīyuàn Dīng Rénměi hé Xiè Xuéyǒu dào Běijīng dàxué cānjiā yí ge duǎnqī Zhōngwén xùnliàn bān. Sān ge xīngqī yǐhòu, Rénměi dé le zhòng gǎnmào. Liú lǎoshī hěn guānxīn Rénměi. Tā wèn Rénměi, qù kàn guò Dàifu le méi yǒu. Rénměi shuō, hái méi yǒu. Liú lǎoshī gàosu Rénměi, zài Zhōngguo kàn bìng, bú shì dǎ diànhuà gǎi dàifu yuē shíjiān, érshì zhíjiē qù yīyuàn. Běi Dà yǒu zìjǐ de yīyuàn, suǒyǐ kàn bìng bǐjiào fāngbiàn. Zhè yì tiān, Xuéyǒu péi Rénměi qù Běi Dà yīyuàn kàn bìng. Dào le Běi Dà yīyuàn, Xuéyǒu xiān pái duì gǎi Rénměi guà hào. Yīnwéi Rénměi dé le gǎnmào, suǒyǐ Xuéyǒu gěi tā guà le yí ge nèikē de hào. Tāmen yìqǐ zhǎo dào le nèikē ménzhěn. Hùshì xiǎojiě hěn rèqíng. Tā gàosu Xuéyǒu hé Rénměi, dàifu xiànzài zhèngzài gěi yí ge bìngrén kàn bìng, qǐng tāmen děng yí xiàr. Hùshì xiǎojiě gěi Rénměi liáng guò tǐwēn hé xuěyā yǐhǒu, dàifu kěyǐ gěi Rénměi kàn bìng le. Dàifu wèn Rénměi nǎr bù shūfu, chī guò shénme yào. Rénměi gàosu dàifu, tā tóu téng, liú bíti, sǎngzi yě hěn téng, yízhí késou, wǎnshang shuì bu hǎo jiào. Tā chī le cóng Měiguo dài lái de gǎnmào yào, kěshì xiàoguǒ búdà. Dàifu yòng tīngzhěnqì gěi Rénměi zuò le jiǎnchá. Ránhou, tā gàosu Rénměi, tā dé de shì liúxíngxìng gǎnmào, yào duō hē shuǐ, duō zhùyi xiūxi. Tā hái gěi Rénměi kāi le yì xiē yào. Kàn guò dàifu yǐhou, Xuéyǒu hé Rénměi dào yīyuàn de yàofáng mǎi yào. Zài yàofáng mǎi yào de rén hěn duō. Yuánlái, zài Zhōngguo kàn bìng, bìngréen dōu zài yīyuàn de yàofáng mǎi yào. Rénměi huí dào sùshè, hǎohao xiūxi le jǐ tiān, tā de bìng jiù hǎo le. 词 汇 Chinese Words Pinyin Part of Speech Engl. Trans. Examples ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 过 guò a particle a particle that indicates past experience 入学 rùxué v. to enroll in school 体检 tǐjiǎn n.v. a physical examination to get a check up 需要 xūyào v. to need 约 yuē v. to make an appointment 直接 zhíjiē adv. directly 北大医院 BěiDāYīYuàn n.phrase Beijing University Hospital 负责 fùzé v. to be in charge of, responsible for 刚 gāng adv. just 填(表) tián(biǎo) v. to fill in (a form) 身高 shēngāo n. height 体重 tǐzhòng n. weight 血压 xuèyā n. blood pressure 然後 ránhòu conj. then, after that 眼睛 yǎnjīng n. eye 耳朵 ěrduō n. ear 鼻子 bízi n. nose 最後 zuìhòu adv. in the end, lastly, finally 透视 tòushì v. to take an X-ray examination 血液 xuèyè n. blood 抽 chōu v. to draw (blood) 项 xiàng measure word item 饮食 yǐnshí n. diet 饮水 yǐnshuǐ n.phrase drinking of water 卫生 wèishēng n. hygiene 客气 kèqi idiom exp. to be polite 不(用)客气 bú(yòng)kèqi idiom exp. do not mention it, you are welcome 重(感冒) zhònggǎnmào n. serious cold 关心 guānxīn v. to care about, to be concerned with 不是...而是... búshì...érshì conj. not....but/rather 看病 kànbìng v. to see a doctor 比较 bǐjiào adv. relatively 方便 fāngbiàn adj. convenient 医院 yīyuàn n. hospital 排队 páiduì v. to line up 挂号 guàhào v. to register 内科 néikē n. internal medicine department 门诊 ménzhěn n. out-patient department 护士 hùshì n. nurse 量 liáng v. to measure 体温 tǐwēn n. body temperature 舒服 shūfu adj. comfortable 不舒服 bùshūfu adj. not combortable 药 yào n. medicine 头痛 tóutòng n. headache 流 liú v. to flow 鼻涕 bítì n. nasal mucus 流鼻涕 liúbítì n. have a runny nose 嗓子 sǎngzi n. throat 疼 téng v. to ache 一直 yīzhí adv. always 咳嗽 késou n./v. coughing/to cough 效果 xiàoguǒ n. result 听诊器 tīngzhěnqì n. stethoscope 流行性感冒 liúxíngxìnggǎnmào n. flu 流感 liúgǎn n. flu 注意 zhùyī v. to pay attention to 休息 xiūxì v. to rest 开 kāi v. to prescribe 药房 yàofáng n. pharmacy 买 mǎi v. to buy 原来 yuènlái adv. in fact, it turns out to be 首 shǒu measure word for songs and poems 办公室 bàngōngshì n. office 毕业 bìyè v. to graduate 研究院 yánjiūyuàn n. graduate school, research institute 卧虎藏龙 wòhǔcánglóng n.phrase Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (appeared in the exercises) 语 法 1. The Aspect Particle "过" Indicating Past Experience (1.)The aspect particle "过" is used to indicate past experience. It is placed after the verb. In sentences with two verbal constructions in a series, "过" is usually placed after the second verb. The sentence patterns for the aspect particle "过" should be: S + V + "过" + O or S + V1 + O1 + V2 + "过" + O For examples: 1.) 我最近检查过身体。 I have had a physical exam recently. 2.)我吃过中国菜。 I have had (the experience of eating) Chinese food. 3.)上星期我去纽约看过朋友。 Last week I went to (or had the experience of going to) see a friend. 4.) 小丁昨天去北大医院检查过身体。 Xiaoding went to the Beijing University Hospital to have a physical exam yesterday. (2.)The negative and interogative forms of the aspect particle "过" a. The negative form of the aspect particle "过" is as follows: S + (还)没有 + V + "过" + O (呢) or S + (还)没有 +V1 + O1 + V2 + "过" + O(呢) For examples: 1.)学友(还)没有在北大医院作过体检(呢)。 Xueyou has not yet been to the Beijing University Hospital to have a physical exam. 2.)王老师的太太(还)没有去美国看过王老师(呢)。 Teacher Wang's wife has not yet been to the U.S. to see Teacher Wang. b. The interogative forms of the aspect particle "过" are as follows: 1.)General questions using the question word 吗 at the end of an affirmative sentence. S + V + "过" + O + 吗? or S + V1 + O1 + V2 + "过" + O + 吗? For examples: 1.)你最近在美国作过体检吗? Have you had a physical exam in the U.S. recently? 2.)小丁去北大医院看过病吗? Has Xiaoding been to the Beijing University Hospital to see a doctor? 2.)Affirmative-negative questions using negation words 没有 at the end of an affirmative sentence. S + V + "过" + O + 没有? or S + V1 + O1 + V2 + "过" + O + 没有? For examples: 1.)你最近检查过身体没有? Have you had a physical exam in the U.S. recently? 2.)小丁去北大医院看过大夫没有? Has Xiaoding been to the Beijing University Hospital to see a doctor? (3.) The differences between the aspect particle 过 indicating past experience and the aspect particle 了 indicating the completion of an action a. The aspect particle 过 always indicates an action that took place in the past, and is often used to emphasize past experience. The aspect particle 了 indicates the completion of an action, which can happen either in the past, or in the future. For examples: 1.)护士小姐给小丁量过体温。 The nurse has taken the body tempreture for Xiaoding. (The nurse does not have to take the tempareture again.) 2.)护士小姐给小丁量了体温。 The nurse took the body tempareture for Xiaoding. (Simply stating the fact that the nurse took the tempareture.) 3.)护士小姐告诉小丁:“看了病你就可以去药房买药。” The nurse told Xiaoding: "After you see the doctor, you can go to the pharmacy and buy medicine." b. Diffent negation patterns between the aspect particle 过 and the aspect particle 了 For the aspect particle 过, the pattern should be: S + (还)没有 + V + "过" + O (呢) or S + (还)没有 +V1 + O1 + V2 + "过" + O(呢) ( 过 remains in the negation pattern) For the aspect particle 了,the pattern should be: S + (还)没有 + V + O (呢) or S + (还)没有 +V1 + O1 + V2 + O(呢) (了 is left out in the negation pattern) For examples: 1.)小丁(还)没有吃过中药(呢)。 Xiaoding has never had the exerience of taking Chinese medicine. 2.)小丁(还)没有吃中药(呢)。 Xiaoding has not yet taken her Chinese medicine. 3.)小丁和学友(还)没有去王老师的家看过他的太太和儿子(呢)。 Xiaoding and Xueyou have not yet had the experience of going to Teacher Wang's home to visit his wife and his son. 4.)小丁和学友(还)没有去王老师的家看他的太太和儿子(呢)。 Xiaoding and Xueyou has not yet been to Teacher Wang's home to visit his wife and his son. c. When talking about a past experience, if the speaker would like to indicate that the event referred to has already taken place and is relevant to the present situation, the modal particle 了 (not the aspect particle 了) can be added at the end of a sentence that contains the aspect particle 过. For examples: 1.)小丁看过中国大夫了。 Xiaoding has had the experience of seeing a Chinese doctor. 2.)小丁和学友去北京大学学过中文了。 Xiaoding and Xueyou have had the experience of going to the Beijing Univeristy to study Chinese. 2. The Action Measure Words "次","遍","一下儿" When counting the number of times that an action takes place, an action measure word is used together with numerals. The unit of numeral + action measure word is usually placed after the verb and functions as a complement. While both "次" and "遍" mark the number of times that an action takes place, "遍" is different from "次" in that it emphasizes the entire process of an action. As to "一下儿", it is an action measure word that indicates the quickness or short duration of an action. Sometimes, the action measure word "一下儿" also indicates the casual manner of an action. The aspects of the verb can be past aspect or future aspect. The patterns are as follows: a. The past aspect of verb S + V + Past Aspect Particle (过,了) + Numeral + Action Measure Word + O For examples: 1.)去年我作过一次体检。 Last year I had a physical exam once. 2.)护士小姐给小丁检查了一遍身体。 The nurse did a complete medical check-up (including tempreture, blood pressure, weight, height, etc.) for Xiaoding. 3.)刘老师昨天见了一下儿学友。 Teacher Liu met Xueyou for a little while yesterday. b. The future aspect of verb S + Future Aspect Particle (要,想) + V + Numeral + Action Measure Word + O 1.)王老师的太太想去一次美国。 Teacher Wang's wife would like to go to the U.S. one time. 2.)我要看一遍这本有名的中国小说。 I would like to read through (from the first page to the last page) this famous Chinese novel. 3.)刘老师请学友去一下儿他的办公室。 Teacher Liu asked Xueyou to go the his office for a little while. 3. The Structure "不是...而是..." The Structure "不是...而是..." means "not...but/rather". It is used when the speaker would like to explain that situation B is different from situation A,and situation B is the one that really happens. The basic pattern is: 不是 + Situation A, 而是 + Situation B For examples: 1.)在中国看病,不是打电话给大夫约时间,而是直接去医院。 For seeing a doctor in China, (people) do not call the doctor('s office) to make an appointment, rather, (people) go to the hospital directly. 2.)小丁大学毕业以後,不是找工作,而是上研究所。 After Xiaoding graduated from college, she did not look for a job, rather, she went to a graduate school. 3.)今年暑假,大为不是回家看爸爸妈妈,而是在学校里继续上课。 This summer, Dawei did not go home and see his mom and dad, rather, he went on to take classes in school. 语 型 1. The Aspect Particle "过" Indicating Past Experience 1.)学友上星期去过北京大学图书馆。 Xueyou has been to the Beijing University Library last week. 2.)王老师去他的美国大夫那儿检查过身体。 Teacher Wang has been to his American doctor's place to have a physical exam. 3.)学友和小丁给王老师的太太打过电话没有? Have Xueyou and Xiaoding called Teacher Wang's wife or not? 4.)学友和小丁还没有去北京大学的中国学生食堂吃过饭呢。 Xueyou and Xiaoding has not yet been to Beijing University's Chinese students dining rooms to eat. 5.)小丁的爸爸、妈妈去北京看过小丁和学友没有? Have Xiaoding's mom and dad been to Beijing to see Xiaoding and Xueyou? 6.)学友和小丁还没有给在美国的朋友们写过信呢。 Xueyou and Xiaoding have not yet written letters to their friends in the U.S. 2. The Action Measure Words "次","遍","一下儿" 1.)上个月王老师去过一次纽约。 Last month Teacher Wang went to New York once. 2.)这个星期六我想再看一遍“卧虎藏龙”。 This Saturday I would like to see "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" again. 3.)我正在给我妈妈打电话,请你等一下儿。 I am making a phone call to my mom. Please wait for a while. 4.)这首中国民歌非常好听,我已经听了很多遍了。 This Chinese folk song is very good. I have listened to it many times (from beginning to end). 5.)我有点儿累。 我想先休息一下儿,再去锻炼身体。 I am a little tired. I would like to take a rest for a while, then go to do some exercise. 3. The Structure "不是...而是..." 1.)大为不是小丁的男朋友,而是她的好朋友。 Dawei is not Xiaoding's boyfriend, rather, he is Xiaoding's good friend. 2.)世海的爸爸不是北京人,而是上海人。 Shihai's dad is not a native of Beijing, rather, he is a native of Shanghai. 3.)明天的中文课不是学习新课文,而是考试。 Tomorrow's Chinese class, (we are) not going to learn a new lesson, rather, (we are) going to have a test. 4.)王老师不是在东亚图书馆工作,而是在东亚系工作。 Teacher Wang does not work in the East Asian Library, rather, he works in the East Asian Department. 4. The Conjunction 不过 "but, however" 1.)你的身体很好。不过,你要注意锻炼身体。 You are very healthy. However, you should take the care to exercise (your body). 2.)大为没有去过中国。不过,他想明年去北京学习。 David has never been to China. However, he would like to go to Beijing to study next year. 3.)这件大衣很漂亮。不过,我已经有一件黑色的大衣了。 This coat is very pretty. However, I already have a black coat. 4.)谢谢你请我吃午饭。不过,我已经吃过了。 Thank you for inviting me for lunch. However, I have already had it (my lunch). 5. The Adverb 好好 "well,thoroughly" 1.)到了学校你们就可以好好休息一下儿了。 You can take a good (thorough) rest right after you get to school. 2.)小丁和学友想今天晚上去图书馆,好好复习一下儿今天学的生词和语法。 Xiaoding and Xueyou would like to go to the library tonight and thoroughly review the new words and grammar they learned today. 3.)明天是星期天。我要好好整理一下儿我的宿舍。 Tomorrow is Sunday. I will clean my dorm thoroughly. 4.)这个周末,小丁想好好地给在美国的朋友们写一封信。 This weekend Xiaoding would like to write a good (thorough) letter to her friends in the U.S. 6. The Adverbs Indicating Time Order 先,然後,最後 "first...then...lastly..." 1.)小丁先在美国的大学学中文,然後去北京大学学中文,最後回美国上研究院。 Xiaoding studied Chinese in an American university first; then went to Beijing University to study Chinese; lastly, returned to the U.S. to go to a graduate school. 2.)护士先给小丁量体温,然後给她量血压,最後给她检查血液。 The nurse first took Xiaoding's tempareture; then measured her blood pressure; lastly, (the nurse) gave her a blood test. 3.)学友先给小丁挂号,然後陪她看大夫,最後帮她买药。 First Xueyou registered for Xiaoding; then, accompanied her to see a doctor; lastly, helped her to buy some medicine. 4.)明天我先去上中文课,然後和我的好朋友一起吃午饭,最後去图书馆学习。 Tomorrow I will go to Chinese class first; then I will go to have lunch with my good friend; lastly, (I) will go to study in the library.