adv. not 1, 2, 3 Rudgers [sound:cmn-eebf7a43.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 弟弟 dìdi n. younger brother 1, 2, 3 Rudgers [sound:cmn-40b6425f.ogg] dì dì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 弟弟 dōu adv. both / all 1, 2, 3 Rudgers [sound:cmn-fc0c3684.ogg] dōu Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 哥哥 gēgē n. older brother 1, 2, 3 Rudgers [sound:cmn-48a10390.ogg] gē gē Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 哥哥 hǎo adj. good 1, 2, 3 Rudgers [sound:cmn-36c84cc4.ogg] hǎo Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan hěn adv. very 1, 2, 3 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c94d437d.ogg] hěn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan ma Interrogative Particle 1, 2, 3 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4f4247a4.ogg] ma Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan máng adj. busy 1, 2, 3 Rudgers [sound:cmn-bae652ce.ogg] máng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan ne Modal Particle 1, 2, 3 Rudgers [sound:cmn-00eab2c6.ogg] ne Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan nǐ Pron. you 1, 2, 3 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d617d273.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 你们 nǐmen Pron. you (pl.) 1, 2, 3 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ef91cd5b.ogg] nǐ mén Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 你們 Pron. he 1, 2, 3 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4ff7e06c.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 他们 tāmen Pron. they 1, 2, 3 Rudgers [sound:cmn-b5919f86.ogg] tā mén Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 他們 Pron. I 1, 2, 3 Rudgers [sound:cmn-267cc491.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 我们 wǒmen Pron. we / us 1, 2, 3 Rudgers [sound:cmn-830fc462.ogg] wǒ mén Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 我們 yě adv. also 1, 2, 3 Rudgers [sound:cmn-041d3a4a.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 谢谢 xièxie Idiomatic Expression thank you 1, 2, 3 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c79c0cb2.ogg] xiè xiè Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 謝謝 爸爸 bàba n. father 4, 5 Rudgers [sound:cmn-799ef867.ogg] bà bà Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 爸爸 chē n. car 4, 5 Rudgers [sound:cmn-366e8e22.ogg] chē Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 大夫 dàifu n. doctor 4, 5 Rudgers [sound:cmn-861622be.ogg] dài fū Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 大夫 de Structural Particle 4, 5 Rudgers [sound:cmn-32973a9e.ogg] de Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 妈妈 māma n. mother 4, 5 Rudgers [sound:cmn-94d6dd46.ogg] mā mā Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 媽媽 nà / nèi Demonstrative Pron. that 4, 5 Rudgers [sound:cmn-1f183aa6.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 朋友 péngyou n. friend 4, 5 Rudgers [sound:cmn-36296e70.ogg] péng yǒu Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 朋友 shì Classificatory v. to be 4, 5 Rudgers [sound:cmn-addfcb6b.ogg] shì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan shū n. book 4, 5 Rudgers [sound:cmn-5b18b242.ogg] shū Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan Pron. she 4, 5 Rudgers [sound:cmn-31a588dd.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan zhè / zhèi Demonstrative Pron. this 4, 5 Rudgers [sound:cmn-b23ec19d.ogg] zhè Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 老师 lǎoshī n. teacher 4, 5 Rudgers [sound:cmn-cf806469.ogg] lǎo shī Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 老師 ba Interrogative Particle 6 Rudgers [sound:cmn-699b7708.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 德国 déguó Place Name Germany 6 Rudgers [sound:德国.mp3] dé guó Google TTS 德國 法国 fǎguó Place Name France 6 Rudgers [sound:法国.mp3] fǎ guó Google TTS 法國 guó n. country 6 Rudgers [sound:cmn-770d57b9.ogg] guó Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 汉语 hànyǔ n. Chinese language 6 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ea207f42.ogg] hàn yǔ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 漢語 美国 měiguó Place Name America 6 Rudgers [sound:cmn-90be734f.ogg] měi guó Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 美國 nǎ Interrogative Demonstrative Pron. which 6 Rudgers [sound:cmn-3c075876.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 南非 nánfēi Place Name South Africa 6 Rudgers [sound:南非.mp3] nán fēi Google TTS 南非 rén n. person 6 Rudgers [sound:cmn-6434bdce.ogg] rén Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan shéi / shuí Interrogative Pron. who 6 Rudgers [sound:cmn-26ca4504.ogg] shuí Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 谁的 shéi de / shuí de Interrogative Possessive Pron. whose 6 Rudgers [sound:谁的.mp3] shuí de Google TTS 誰的 台湾 táiwān Place Name Taiwan 6 Rudgers [sound:台湾.mp3] tái wān Google TTS 臺灣 wén n. written language 6 Rudgers [sound:cmn-06e94e1f.ogg] wén Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 英国 yīngguó Place Name England 6 Rudgers [sound:英国.mp3] yīng guó Google TTS 英國 英文 yīngwén n. English language 6 Rudgers [sound:英文.mp3] yīng wén Google TTS 英文 中国 zhōngguó n. China 6 Rudgers [sound:中国.mp3] zhōng guó Google TTS 中國 中文 zhōngwén n. Chinese language 6 Rudgers [sound:cmn-5a09ed37.ogg] zhōng wén Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 中文 北京 běijīng Place Name Beijing 7 Rudgers [sound:北京.mp3] běi jīng Google TTS 北京 cháng adj. long 7 Rudgers [sound:cmn-0e9ae27f.ogg] cháng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 长城 chángchéng Proper n. Great Wall 7 Rudgers [sound:长城.mp3] cháng chéng Google TTS 長城 长江 chángjiāng Proper n. Yangtze River 7 Rudgers [sound:长江.mp3] cháng jiāng Google TTS 長江 地图 dìtú n. map 7 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ef8a7008.ogg] dì tú Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 地圖 非洲 fēizhōu Place Name Africa 7 Rudgers [sound:非洲.mp3] fēi zhōu Google TTS 非洲 国家 guójiā n. nation 7 Rudgers [sound:cmn-032a3e41.ogg] guó jiā Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 國家 黄河 huánghé Proper n. Yellow River 7 Rudgers [sound:黄河.mp3] huáng hé Google TTS 黃河 kàn v. to look 7 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f4728089.ogg] kàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 美洲 měizhōu Place Name America 7 Rudgers [sound:美洲.mp3] měi zhōu Google TTS 美洲 欧洲 ōuzhōu Place Name Europe 7 Rudgers [sound:欧洲.mp3] ōu zhōu Google TTS 歐洲 上海 shànghǎi Place Name Shanghai 7 Rudgers [sound:上海.mp3] shàng hǎi Google TTS 上海 什么 shénme Interrogative Pron. what 7 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ced61196.ogg] shén me Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 什麼 世界 shìjiè n. world 7 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c01e72eb.ogg] shì jiè Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 世界 shuō v. to speak 7 Rudgers [sound:cmn-bd238fb9.ogg] shuō Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 亚洲 yàzhōu Place Name Asia 7 Rudgers [sound:亚洲.mp3] yà zhōu Google TTS 亞洲 zhēn adv. really 7 Rudgers [sound:cmn-eea854f4.ogg] zhēn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan ài v. to love / to like 8 Rudgers [sound:cmn-1cd08e6e.ogg] ài Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 不客气 búkèqi Idiomatic Expression you are welcome 8 Rudgers [sound:cmn-bd35add6.ogg] bù kè qì Congcong Shtooka-cmn-balm-congcong 不客氣 chá n. tea 8 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ed8499f4.ogg] chá Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 电脑 diànnǎo n. computer 8 Rudgers [sound:cmn-cbbfca64.ogg] diàn nǎo Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 電腦 电视 diànshì n. television 8 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f6c538c2.ogg] diàn shì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 電視 hē v. to drink 8 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f9cd093c.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 欢迎 huānyíng v. to welcome 8 Rudgers [sound:cmn-edc6676d.ogg] huān yíng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 歡迎 jìn v. to enter 8 Rudgers [sound:cmn-5c30a0b1.ogg] jìn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 经济 jīngjì n. economy / economics 8 Rudgers [sound:cmn-56734d39.ogg] jīng jì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 經濟 jiǔ n. alcohol 8 Rudgers [sound:cmn-0187ac5b.ogg] jiǔ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 咖啡 kāfēi n. coffee 8 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c6681ef0.ogg] kā fēi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 咖啡 那么 nàme then / so 8 Rudgers [sound:cmn-6cfed86f.ogg] nà me Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 那麼 qǐng v. to request 8 Rudgers [sound:cmn-242ade03.ogg] qǐng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan wáng Family Name Wang 8 Rudgers [sound:cmn-8c86f05a.ogg] wáng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan v. to inhale 8 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e4937afd.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan xué v. to learn 8 Rudgers [sound:cmn-74740f20.ogg] xué Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 学生 xuéshēng n. student 8 Rudgers [sound:cmn-cecc3182.ogg] xué shēng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 學生 yān n. cigarette 8 Rudgers [sound:cmn-23f25a6a.ogg] yān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan zuò v. to sit 8 Rudgers [sound:cmn-6488ac4a.ogg] zuò Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 贵姓 guì xìng idiomatic exp. What is your family name? 9 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a357d2ab.ogg] guì xìng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 貴姓 jiào v. to call / (his / her / my / your) first name is? 9 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ad7735bd.ogg] jiào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 名字 míngzi n. name / first name 9 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e395b46c.ogg] míng zì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 名字 请问 qǐng wèn idiomatic exp. May I ask? 9 Rudgers [sound:cmn-905a3f35.ogg] qǐng wèn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 請問 外语 wàiyǔ n. foreign language(s) 9 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ccce52d7.ogg] wài yǔ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 外語 外语学院 wàiyǔ xuéyuàn Proper n. The Institute of Foreign Languages 9 Rudgers [sound:外语学院.mp3] wài yǔ xué yuàn Google TTS 外語學院 为什么 wèishénme question word why 9 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7fd1a980.ogg] wèi shén me Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 爲什麼 喜欢 xǐhuan v. to like 9 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c99e3a0d.ogg] xǐ huān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 喜歡 xìng n. / v. family name / family name is? 9 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d8282389.ogg] xìng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 姓名 xìngmíng n. full name 9 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d7d84192.ogg] xìng míng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 姓名 学习 xuéxí v. to learn / to study 9 Rudgers [sound:cmn-5ac6f809.ogg] xué xí Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 學習 学院 xuéyuàn n. college / institute 9 Rudgers [sound:cmn-29942ed4.ogg] xué yuàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 學院 常常 chángcháng adv. often 10 Rudgers [sound:cmn-49b50377.ogg] cháng cháng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 常常 èr num. two 10 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ab8e2857.ogg] èr Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 房间 fángjiān n. room 10 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e1677cc4.ogg] fáng jiān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 房間 干净 gānjìng adj. clean 10 Rudgers [sound:cmn-6bb45801.ogg] gān jìng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 乾淨 今天 jīntiān time word today 10 Rudgers [sound:cmn-13ace787.ogg] jīn tiān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 今天 líng num. zero 10 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e9c57755.ogg] líng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 那儿 nàr place name there 10 Rudgers [sound:那儿.mp3] nà ér Google TTS 那兒 哪儿 nǎr place name where 10 Rudgers [sound:哪儿.mp3] nǎ ér Google TTS 哪兒 qǐng v. to invite 10 Rudgers [sound:cmn-242ade03.ogg] qǐng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan v. to go 10 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a9db1498.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan sān num. three 10 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e9d2be5a.ogg] sān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 室友 shìyŏu n. roomate 10 Rudgers [sound:室友.mp3] shì yǒu Google TTS 室友 num. four 10 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a500d244.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 宿舍 sùshè n. dorm 10 Rudgers [sound:cmn-baef386f.ogg] sù shè Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 宿舍 wán v. to play 10 Rudgers [sound:玩.mp3] wán Google TTS num. five 10 Rudgers [sound:cmn-b8e2b001.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 现在 xiànzài time word now 10 Rudgers [sound:cmn-03f73677.ogg] xiàn zài Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 現在 num. one 10 Rudgers [sound:cmn-900e06fe.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan zài v. to be located in/on/at / etc. 10 Rudgers [sound:cmn-55912595.ogg] zài Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan zhǎo v. to look for 10 Rudgers [sound:cmn-94b6c889.ogg] zhǎo Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 这儿 zhèr place name here 10 Rudgers [sound:这儿.mp3] zhè ér Google TTS 這兒 zhǐ adv. only 10 Rudgers [sound:cmn-da70052b.ogg] zhǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 知道 zhīdao v. to know 10 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7ecd53b4.ogg] zhī dào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 知道 zhù v. to reside / to live in 10 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7dc6ef2a.ogg] zhù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan num. eight 11 Rudgers [sound:cmn-5798dd37.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan bǎi num. hundred 11 Rudgers [sound:cmn-dfb6b0ef.ogg] bǎi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan adj. big 11 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d2b184ff.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 电话 diànhuà n. phone 11 Rudgers [sound:cmn-b4797b26.ogg] diàn huà Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 電話 对了 duì le idiomatic exp. right / correct 11 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d15c3a9e.ogg] duì le Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 對了 对不起 duìbuqǐ idiomatic exp. sorry 11 Rudgers [sound:cmn-893fa634.ogg] duì bù qǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 對不起 多少 duōshǎo question word how many / how much 11 Rudgers [sound:cmn-6cf50c25.ogg] duō shǎo Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 多少 房间 fángjiān n. room 11 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e1677cc4.ogg] fáng jiān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 房間 公共 gōnggòng adj. public 11 Rudgers [sound:cmn-dc4b4f92.ogg] gōng gòng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 公共 韩国 Hánguó place name South Korea 11 Rudgers [sound:韩国.mp3] hán guó Google TTS 韓國 好的 hǎo de idiomatic exp. OK / fine / all right 11 Rudgers [sound:好的.mp3] hǎo de Google TTS 好的 jiǔ num. nine 11 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ea135b66.ogg] jiǔ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan lái v. to come 11 Rudgers [sound:cmn-307dd630.ogg] lái Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan liù num. six 11 Rudgers [sound:cmn-befb7802.ogg] liù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan lóu n. floor / building 11 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4389c20b.ogg] lóu Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 没关系 méiguānxì idiomatic exp. It’s all right. It doesn’t matter. 11 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d594e032.ogg] méi guān xì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 沒關係 num. seven 11 Rudgers [sound:cmn-09075744.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan shí num. ten 11 Rudgers [sound:cmn-44fa9ee9.ogg] shí Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 是的 shì de idiomatic exp. right / correct 11 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4877df32.ogg] shì de Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 是的 同学 tóngxué n. classmate 11 Rudgers [sound:cmn-0af7d333.ogg] tóng xué Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 同學 新闻 xīnwén n. news / journalism 11 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f66b58e0.ogg] xīn wén Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 新聞 一下儿 yíxiàr adv. for a while 11 Rudgers [sound:cmn-30f429cb.ogg] yī xià ér Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 一下兒 yòng v. to use 11 Rudgers [sound:cmn-9ecc7bf3.ogg] yòng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 犹太 Yóutài n. adj. Jew / Jewish 11 Rudgers [sound:犹太.mp3] yóu tài Google TTS 猶太 再见 zàijiàn idiomativ exp. Good bye 11 Rudgers [sound:cmn-0ad618c6.ogg] zài jiàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 再見 zāng adj. dirty 11 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7a589bf4.ogg] zàng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 真的 zhēnde idiomatic exp. really 11 Rudgers [sound:cmn-868052f6.ogg] zhēn de Congcong Shtooka-cmn-balm-congcong 真的 chá v. to check 12 Rudgers [sound:cmn-024bb4b2.ogg] chá Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 打算 dǎsuan v. to plan 12 Rudgers [sound:cmn-909e9430.ogg] dǎ suàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 打算 v. to read 12 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2d9c9228.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 告诉 gàosu v. to tell 12 Rudgers [sound:cmn-83c369d7.ogg] gào sù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 告訴 gěi v. to give 12 Rudgers [sound:cmn-dd0e43a4.ogg] gěi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 画报 huàbào n. pictorial 12 Rudgers [sound:cmn-9ec94966.ogg] huà bào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 畫報 huán v. to return (a thing) 12 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c539f10b.ogg] hái Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan jiǎng v. to say 12 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4d5b1bcd.ogg] jiǎng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan jiāo v. to teach 12 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d7cb20bf.ogg] jiào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan jiè v to lend 12 Rudgers [sound:cmn-0b5bddc7.ogg] jiè Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 了解 liǎojiě v. to know 12 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a73a5801.ogg] liǎo jiě Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 瞭解 旅游 lǚyóu v./n. to travel 12 Rudgers [sound:cmn-8cb75729.ogg] lǚ yóu Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 旅遊 明天 míngtiān time word tomorrow 12 Rudgers [sound:cmn-5767840f.ogg] míng tiān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 明天 纽约 Niŭyuē place name New York 12 Rudgers [sound:纽约.mp3] niǔ yuē Google TTS 紐約 认识 rènshi v. to recognize / to know, 12 Rudgers [sound:cmn-cc7e90c2.ogg] rèn shí Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 認識 人物 rénwù n. character 12 Rudgers [sound:cmn-fd49b817.ogg] rén wù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 人物 事情 shìqing n. business 12 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7c2bc98d.ogg] shì qíng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 事情 兴趣 xìngqu n. interest 12 Rudgers [sound:cmn-46ecb7c9.ogg] xìng qù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 興趣 yào v. to want 12 Rudgers [sound:cmn-3a52f0d3.ogg] yào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan v. to encounter 12 Rudgers [sound:cmn-08368db4.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 字典 zìdiǎn n dictionary 12 Rudgers [sound:cmn-730cec53.ogg] zì diǎn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 字典 n. pen 13 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a63cbb8f.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan duō adj. many 13 Rudgers [sound:cmn-8ad9c8ee.ogg] duō Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 告诉 gàosu v. to tell 13 Rudgers [sound:cmn-83c369d7.ogg] gào sù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 告訴 化学 huàxué n. Chemistry 13 Rudgers [sound:cmn-90431e4b.ogg] huà xué Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 化學 jiā n. family / home 13 Rudgers [sound:cmn-42ee4c87.ogg] jiā Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 介绍 jièshào v. to introduce / to recommend 13 Rudgers [sound:cmn-59cdbec3.ogg] jiè shào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 介紹 邻居 línjū n. neighbor 13 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4ef93b9d.ogg] lín jū Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 鄰居 mǎi v. to buy 13 Rudgers [sound:cmn-afcc0713.ogg] mǎi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 事儿 shìr n. matter, 13 Rudgers [sound:事儿.mp3] shì ér Google TTS 事兒 shuài adj. cool 13 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e1a69846.ogg] shuài Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 书店 shūdiàn n. bookstore 13 Rudgers [sound:cmn-96a88615.ogg] shū diàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 書店 所以 suǒyǐ conj. so 13 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2f16658c.ogg] suǒ yǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 所以 wèn v. to ask 13 Rudgers [sound:cmn-561ca00f.ogg] wèn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 问题 wèntí n. question / problem 13 Rudgers [sound:cmn-8acd50ed.ogg] wèn tí Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 問題 校车 xiàochē n. campus bus / school bus 13 Rudgers [sound:校车.mp3] xiào chē Google TTS 校車 学习 xuéxí v. to study / to learn 13 Rudgers [sound:cmn-5ac6f809.ogg] xué xí Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 學習 因为 yīnwèi conj. because 13 Rudgers [sound:cmn-b5b522c8.ogg] yīn wèi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 因爲 一起 yìqǐ adv. together 13 Rudgers [sound:cmn-9abff013.ogg] yī qǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 一起 邮局 yóujú n. post-office 13 Rudgers [sound:cmn-595468bf.ogg] yóu jú Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 郵局 邮票 yóupiào n. stamp 13 Rudgers [sound:cmn-41cbc37e.ogg] yóu piào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 郵票 zhǐ n. paper 13 Rudgers [sound:cmn-887c62bb.ogg] zhǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 爱人 àirén n. spouse 14 Rudgers [sound:cmn-05ae3ce9.ogg] ài rén Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 愛人 běn m. m.w. 14 Rudgers [sound:cmn-50ba5fd5.ogg] běn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 佛吉尼亚 Fújíníyà n. place name: Virginia 14 Rudgers [sound:佛吉尼亚.mp3] fó jí ní yà Google TTS 佛吉尼亞 告诉 gàosu v. to tell 14 Rudgers [sound:cmn-83c369d7.ogg] gào sù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 告訴 m. m.w. 14 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4bb5cf28.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan gěi prep. /v to / for/ to give 14 Rudgers [sound:cmn-dd0e43a4.ogg] gěi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 工程师 gōngchéngshī n. engineer 14 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4e1000c3.ogg] gōng chéng shī Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 工程師 工作 gōngzuò n./v job / profession/ to work 14 Rudgers [sound:cmn-29206147.ogg] gōng zuò Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 工作 孩子 háizi n. children 14 Rudgers [sound:cmn-0b106591.ogg] hái zǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 孩子 姐妹 jiěimèi n. female siblings 14 Rudgers [sound:cmn-6dc58bbc.ogg] jiě mèi Congcong Shtooka-cmn-balm-congcong 姐妹 姐姐 jiějie n. older sister 14 Rudgers [sound:cmn-366c2291.ogg] jiě jiě Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 姐姐 经理 jīnglǐ n. manager / director 14 Rudgers [sound:cmn-b1997fdb.ogg] jīng lǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 經理 méi adv. negator for 14 Rudgers [sound:cmn-250c2a44.ogg] méi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 妹妹 mèimei n. younger sister 14 Rudgers [sound:cmn-8d9f42b8.ogg] mèi mèi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 妹妹 纽泽西 Niǔzéxī n. place name: New Jersey 14 Rudgers [sound:纽泽西.mp3] niǔ zé xī Google TTS 紐澤西 书店 shūdiàn n. bookstore 14 Rudgers [sound:cmn-96a88615.ogg] shū diàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 書店 wèi m. m.w. 14 Rudgers [sound:cmn-93c88e06.ogg] wèi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan xiǎng v. to miss 14 Rudgers [sound:cmn-10e85cbe.ogg] xiǎng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan xiě v. to write 14 Rudgers [sound:cmn-b462df74.ogg] xiě Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan xìn n. letter 14 Rudgers [sound:cmn-93268067.ogg] xìn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 银行 yíngháng n. bank 14 Rudgers [sound:cmn-dad564d4.ogg] yín háng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 銀行 yǒu v. to have / to posess 14 Rudgers [sound:cmn-1bbe8b92.ogg] yǒu Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 职员 zhíyuán n. staff member 14 Rudgers [sound:cmn-597b1a8b.ogg] zhí yuán Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 職員 zuò v. to do 14 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f978aef4.ogg] zuò Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 东亚 Dōngyà place name East Asia 15 Rudgers [sound:东亚.mp3] dōng yà Google TTS 東亞 韩文 Hánwén n. Korean language 15 Rudgers [sound:韩文.mp3] hán wén Google TTS 韓文 互相 hùxiāng adv. mutually, 15 Rudgers [sound:cmn-8a8b6fe7.ogg] hù xiāng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 互相 jiāo v. to teach 15 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d7cb20bf.ogg] jiào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 口语 kǒuyǔ n. spoken language 15 Rudgers [sound:cmn-bd2a4451.ogg] kǒu yǔ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 口語 lóu n. building, 15 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4389c20b.ogg] lóu Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 那儿 nàr pr. there 15 Rudgers [sound:那儿.mp3] nà ér Google TTS 那兒 漂亮 piàoliang adj. beautiful 15 Rudgers [sound:cmn-62177238.ogg] piāo liàng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 漂亮 实验室 shíyànshì n. lab 15 Rudgers [sound:实验室.mp3] shí yàn shì Google TTS 實驗室 书法 shūfǎ n. calligraphy 15 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ab22e229.ogg] shū fǎ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 書法 台湾 Táiwān place name Taiwan 15 Rudgers [sound:台湾.mp3] tái wān Google TTS 臺灣 图书馆 túshūguǎn n. library 15 Rudgers [sound:cmn-36bfef2d.ogg] tú shū guǎn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 圖書館 文学 wénxué n. literature 15 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d422d33c.ogg] wén xué Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 文學 n. academic department 15 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c0b78848.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 学科 xuékē n. academic discipline 15 Rudgers [sound:cmn-dd1f79b5.ogg] xué kē Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 學科 阅览室 yuèlǎnshì n. reading-room 15 Rudgers [sound:cmn-083ce96f.ogg] yuè lǎn shì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 閱覽室 语法 yǔfǎ n. grammar 15 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e441c771.ogg] yǔ fǎ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 語法 语言 yǔyán n. language 15 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2a34c50a.ogg] yǔ yán Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 語言 杂志 zázhì n. magazine 15 Rudgers [sound:cmn-bd0662f6.ogg] zá zhì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 雜誌 真的吗 Zhēnde ma idiomatical exp. Really? 15 Rudgers [sound:真的吗.mp3] zhēn de ma Google TTS 真的嗎 中文 Zhōngwén n. Chinese language 15 Rudgers [sound:cmn-5a09ed37.ogg] zhōng wén Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 中文 安静 ānjìng adj. quiet 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4302c74c.ogg] ān jìng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 安靜 bái adj. white 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-46bfe155.ogg] bái Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 衬衫 chènshān n. shirt 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-50c65e07.ogg] chèn shān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 襯衫 穿 chuān v. to wear 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-77f7b68a.ogg] chuān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 穿 大衣 dàyī n. overcoat 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-fd62cd9a.ogg] dà yī Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 大衣 děng v. to wait for 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-dc21e617.ogg] děng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 电脑 diànnǎo n. computer 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-cbbfca64.ogg] diàn nǎo Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 電腦 hēi adj. black 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d94be69c.ogg] hēi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan hóng adj. red 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-751e9bc1.ogg] hóng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan huàn v. to change 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e4db51c2.ogg] huàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan jiàn m. for articles/items 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7499c0a4.ogg] jiàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan jiù adj. used / worn / old 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-249c5f96.ogg] jiù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 裤子 kùzi n. pants / trousers 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-fad410f3.ogg] kù zǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 褲子 lán adj. blue 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-8c626e2a.ogg] lán Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 绿 adj. green 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-0f03c659.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 明白 míngbai v. to understand 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-24d1cca2.ogg] míng bái Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 明白 nián m.w. year 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a963a93d.ogg] nián Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan qiáo v. to look 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f49c8ee8.ogg] qiáo Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 裙子 qúnzi n. skirt 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f895308f.ogg] qún zǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 裙子 上衣 shàngyī n. jacket 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c176135f.ogg] shàng yī Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 上衣 室友 shìyǒu n. roommate 16 Rudgers [sound:室友.mp3] shì yǒu Google TTS 室友 所以 suǒyǐ conj. so 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2f16658c.ogg] suǒ yǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 所以 tái m. for machines 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2712fc51.ogg] tái Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan tiáo m. for long or narrow things 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-37101229.ogg] tiáo Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 条件 tiáojiàn n. condition 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2646dd4b.ogg] tiáo jiàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 條件 为什么 wèishénme question word why 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7fd1a980.ogg] wèi shén me Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 爲什麼 喜欢 xǐhuan v. to like 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c99e3a0d.ogg] xǐ huān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 喜歡 一定 yídìng adv. surely / certainly 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7e8ef4af.ogg] yī dìng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 一定 一共 yígòng adv. in all 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a442f086.ogg] yī gòng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 一共 挣钱 zhèngqián v. to make money 16 Rudgers [sound:挣钱.mp3] zhèng qián Google TTS 掙錢 值班 zhíbān v. to be on duty 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a9d8f7d6.ogg] zhí bān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 值班 资料 zīliào n. materials 16 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f26e342a.ogg] zī liào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 資料 bàn num.. half 17 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d3284761.ogg] bàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan biǎo n. watch 17 Rudgers [sound:cmn-37a1fe78.ogg] biǎo Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan v. to beat / to make a call 17 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d16994fc.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan diǎn m. o’clock 17 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e8e4eed6.ogg] diǎn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 电影 diànyǐng n. movie 17 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f68df445.ogg] diàn yǐng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 電影 电影院 diànyǐngyuàn n. cinema 17 Rudgers [sound:cmn-54a15553.ogg] diàn yǐng yuàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 電影院 fēn m. minute 17 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a7e9ff0f.ogg] fēn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan gēn prep. with 17 Rudgers [sound:cmn-9384eea0.ogg] gēn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 华裔 huáyì n. Chinese descendent 17 Rudgers [sound:华裔.mp3] huá yì Google TTS 華裔 kāi v. to open / to drive 17 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f5a0a9cd.ogg] kāi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan n. class / lesson 17 Rudgers [sound:cmn-5df666a7.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan m. a quarter of an hour 17 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ff81b31e.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 牛仔裤 niúzǎi kù n. jeans 17 Rudgers [sound:牛仔裤.mp3] niú zǐ kù Google TTS 牛仔褲 shàng v. to attend (class) 17 Rudgers [sound:cmn-70dbefe0.ogg] shàng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 上午 shàngwǔ time word morning 17 Rudgers [sound:cmn-5c2312e2.ogg] shàng wǔ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 上午 shí v. to eat 17 Rudgers [sound:cmn-bce853c2.ogg] shí Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 食堂 shítáng n. dining hall 17 Rudgers [sound:cmn-50b5b3f3.ogg] shí táng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 食堂 听说 tīngshuō v. to have been 17 Rudgers [sound:cmn-6392fc94.ogg] tīng shuō Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 聽說 xià v. to get out of (class) 17 Rudgers [sound:cmn-07dcdf76.ogg] xià Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 下午 xiàwǔ time word afternoon 17 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e49f7587.ogg] xià wǔ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 下午 以后 yǐhòu time word/conj in the near or not near future/after 17 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f5dd1e73.ogg] yǐ hòu Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 以後 yǐn v. to drink 17 Rudgers [sound:cmn-bb6cf47e.ogg] yǐn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 一起 yìqǐ prep. together 17 Rudgers [sound:cmn-9abff013.ogg] yī qǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 一起 以前 yǐqián time word/conj before / in the past / before 17 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f7d4e6d1.ogg] yǐ qián Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 以前 有意思 yǒu yìsi adj. interesting 17 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e3977150.ogg] yǒu yì sī Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 有意思 bèi v. to memorize 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ac105c89.ogg] bēi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 别的 bié de adj./n. other 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2161ad49.ogg] bié de Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 別的 chuáng n. bed 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-432fe755.ogg] chuáng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan dào v. to arrive 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-68536a96.ogg] dào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 大厅 dàtīng n. lobby 18 Rudgers [sound:大厅.mp3] dà tīng Google TTS 大廳 电脑室 diànnǎoshì n. computer room 18 Rudgers [sound:电脑室.mp3] diàn nǎo shì Google TTS 電腦室 朗读 lǎngdú v. to read out loud 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-9763010a.ogg] lǎng dú Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 朗讀 离开 líkāi v. to leave 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-857659eb.ogg] lí kāi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 離開 liú v. to leave 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d6094a88.ogg] liú Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 留话 liú huà v. to leave a message 18 Rudgers [sound:留话.mp3] liú huà Google TTS 留話 录音 lùyīn n./v tape recording/ to make a tape recording 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-9700696d.ogg] lù yīn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 錄音 měi adj./adv. every / each 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-06b64b97.ogg] měi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 门口 ménkǒu n. entrance / gateway 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-379d459e.ogg] mén kǒu Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 門口 v. to get up / to arise 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-940724d8.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 起床 qǐ chuáng v. to get up (out of bed after waking) 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-af39f74c.ogg] qǐ chuáng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 起牀 shuā v. to brush 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f637ff35.ogg] shuā Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 刷牙 shuā yá n. to brush teeth 18 Rudgers [sound:刷牙.mp3] shuā yá Google TTS 刷牙 睡觉 shuìjiào v. to go to bed / to sleep 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-b41187ea.ogg] shuì jué Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 睡覺 所以 suǒyǐ conj. so / therefore 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2f16658c.ogg] suǒ yǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 所以 tiān m./n. date / day 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-3509a9f8.ogg] tiān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan tīng v. to listen 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-fe49ae80.ogg] tīng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 晚饭 wǎnfàn n. dinner 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a210614b.ogg] wǎn fàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 晚飯 v. to wash 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-bcec185b.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 洗澡 xǐ zaǒ n. to take a bath/shower 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c2f792af.ogg] xǐ zǎo Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 洗澡 校车 xiàochē n. school bus 18 Rudgers [sound:校车.mp3] xiào chē Google TTS 校車 n. tooth 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-307e17d5.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 有的 yǒu de pron. some 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-38ae8910.ogg] yǒu de Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 有的 有时候 yǒushíhòu time word sometimes 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4cdf5169.ogg] yǒu shí hòu Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 有時候 早饭 zǎofàn n. breakfast 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ffbe8865.ogg] zǎo fàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 早飯 总是 zǒngshì adv. always 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-58d4324c.ogg] zǒng shì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 總是 作业 zuòyè n. homework 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-b1fb4c18.ogg] zuò yè Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 作業 左右 zuǒyòu n. about / give and take 18 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7cf6cdb6.ogg] zuǒ yòu Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 左右 百事可樂 bǎishì kělè n. Pepsi-cola 19 Rudgers [sound:百事可樂.mp3] bǎi shì kě lè Google TTS 百事可樂 bēi  n. m.w. cup 19 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d0a83f2e.ogg] bēi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 不過 búguò conj. but 19 Rudgers [sound:不過.mp3] bù guò Google TTS 不過 cài  n. dishes of a meal (courses) 19 Rudgers [sound:cmn-1d1203e1.ogg] cài Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 餐館 cānguǎn  n. restaurant 19 Rudgers [sound:餐館.mp3] cān guǎn Google TTS 餐館 dào v. to arrive 19 Rudgers [sound:cmn-68536a96.ogg] dào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan diǎn v. to order 19 Rudgers [sound:點.mp3] diǎn Google TTS duì prep. to / for 19 Rudgers [sound:對.mp3] duì Google TTS n. song 19 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ad8978af.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 歌曲 gēqŭ n. music and lyric 19 Rudgers [sound:cmn-445226fb.ogg] gē qǔ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 歌曲 各種各樣 gèzhong gèyàng adj. Of different kind 19 Rudgers [sound:各種各樣.mp3] gè zhǒng gè yàng Google TTS 各種各樣 古典 gŭdiǎn adj. classical 19 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2a93c778.ogg] gǔ diǎn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 古典 過一會兒 guò yí huǐr time word after a while 19 Rudgers [sound:過一會兒.mp3] guò yī huì ér Google TTS 過一會兒 過去 guòqù time word in the past 19 Rudgers [sound:過去.mp3] guò qù Google TTS 過去 還是 háishì  conj. or 19 Rudgers [sound:還是.mp3] hái shì Google TTS 還是 n. m.w. pitcher 19 Rudgers [sound:壺.mp3] Google TTS 花茶 huā chá n. scented tea / jasmine tea 19 Rudgers [sound:花茶.mp3] huā chá Google TTS 花茶 覺得 juéde v. to feel, 19 Rudgers [sound:覺得.mp3] jué dé Google TTS 覺得 橘子水 júzishuǐ n. orange juice 19 Rudgers [sound:橘子水.mp3] jú zǐ shuǐ Google TTS 橘子水 開始 kāishǐ v. to begin / to start 19 Rudgers [sound:開始.mp3] kāi shǐ Google TTS 開始 kě  adj. thirsty 19 Rudgers [sound:cmn-b23e2625.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 可口可樂 kěkou kělè n. Coca-cola 19 Rudgers [sound:可口可樂.mp3] kě kǒu kě lè Google TTS 可口可樂 kŏu  n. mouth 19 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a3acbd8f.ogg] kǒu Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 流行 liúxíng adj. popular 19 Rudgers [sound:cmn-08feccbd.ogg] liú xíng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 流行 錄音帶 lùyindài n. audio-tape 19 Rudgers [sound:錄音帶.mp3] lù yīn dài Google TTS 錄音帶 滿載而歸 mǎnzài érguī idiom  to return fully loaded 19 Rudgers [sound:滿載而歸.mp3] mǎn zài ér guī Google TTS 滿載而歸 民歌 míngē  n. folk song 19 Rudgers [sound:民歌.mp3] mín gē Google TTS 民歌 啤酒 píjiŭ n. beer 19 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d26278e9.ogg] pí jiǔ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 啤酒 qŭ  n. music 19 Rudgers [sound:曲.mp3] Google TTS 唐人街 Tángrén jiē n. Chinatown 19 Rudgers [sound:唐人街.mp3] táng rén jiē Google TTS 唐人街 tīng v. to listen to 19 Rudgers [sound:聽.mp3] tīng Google TTS 同時 tóngshí time word at the same time 19 Rudgers [sound:同時.mp3] tóng shí Google TTS 同時 wánr v. to play / to have fun 19 Rudgers [sound:玩.mp3] wán Google TTS xi ē   m.w.  some 19 Rudgers [sound:cmn-285dad90.ogg] xiē Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 現代 xiàndài  adj. modern / contempory 19 Rudgers [sound:現代.mp3] xiàn dài Google TTS 現代 小姐 xiǎojiě  n. miss 19 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ecd62eca.ogg] xiǎo jiě Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 小姐 喜歡 xǐhuan v. to like 19 Rudgers [sound:喜歡.mp3] xǐ huān Google TTS 喜歡 行嗎? Xíng ma?  Idiomatic exp.  Is it OK? 19 Rudgers [sound:行嗎?.mp3] xíng ma ? Google TTS 行嗎? 星期六 xingqi liù time word Saturday 19 Rudgers [sound:cmn-3ab22732.ogg] xīng qī liù Congcong Shtooka-cmn-balm-congcong 星期六 希望 xīwàng v. to hope 19 Rudgers [sound:cmn-6735420c.ogg] xī wàng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 希望 yào v. to want 19 Rudgers [sound:cmn-3a52f0d3.ogg] yào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 音樂 yinyuè n. music 19 Rudgers [sound:音樂.mp3] yīn yuè Google TTS 音樂 yòu adv.        again 19 Rudgers [sound:cmn-0f1044cf.ogg] yòu Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 有幫助 you bāngzhu adj.  helpful 19 Rudgers [sound:有幫助.mp3] yǒu bāng zhù Google TTS 有幫助 参加 cānjiā v. to participate 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-3b3eb303.ogg] cān jiā Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 參加 m. time 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f14d159b.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan prefix 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-8e3e0311.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 第一次 dì yī cì set phrase the first time 20 Rudgers [sound:第一次.mp3] dì yī cì Google TTS 第一次 fēng m. 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2e12d657.ogg] fēng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 感恩节 Gǎn'ēnjié n. Tanksgiving 20 Rudgers [sound:感恩节.mp3] gǎn ēn jié Google TTS 感恩節 guò v. to spend (a holiday) 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4831fcfe.ogg] guò Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan hái adv. still 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c539f10b.ogg] hái Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 欢度 huāndù v. to celebrate 20 Rudgers [sound:欢度.mp3] huān dù Google TTS 歡度 huì aux. Will / shall 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-09003a80.ogg] huì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 佳节 jiājié n. holiday 20 Rudgers [sound:佳节.mp3] jiā jié Google TTS 佳節 健康 jiànkāng adj. healthy 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e57e29d1.ogg] jiàn kāng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 健康 家人 jiārén n. family members 20 Rudgers [sound:家人.mp3] jiā rén Google TTS 家人 jié n. holiday 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-9a6acac7.ogg] jié Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan jiē v. to pick up (a person) 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-519297a2.ogg] jiē Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 节日 jiérì n. holiday 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c2000967.ogg] jié rì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 節日 接受 jiēshòu v. to accept 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-78e52ed0.ogg] jiē shòu Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 接受 空儿 kòngr n. spare time / free time 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-1e633899.ogg] kōng ér Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 空兒 nián m./n. year 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a963a93d.ogg] nián Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 亲人 qīnrén n. families and relatives 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4a6e0a4f.ogg] qīn rén Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 親人 m./n. day,date 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ca923eba.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 生日 shēngrì n. birthday 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4ef51d13.ogg] shēng rì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 生日 suì m. years old 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-1c24b4d5.ogg] suì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan tán v. to talk 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-5f16fda0.ogg] tán Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 团聚 tuánjù v. to get together 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-234cbe55.ogg] tuán jù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 團聚 团圆 tuányuán n. reunion 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c0f91d55.ogg] tuán yuán Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 團圓 晚会 wǎnhuì n. evening party 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-8975fe0f.ogg] wǎn huì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 晚會 幸福 xìngfú adj. happy 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-1bad6479.ogg] xìng fú Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 幸福 星期 xīngqī m./n. week / day of the week 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-65a123ce.ogg] xīng qī Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 星期 许多 xǔduó adj. many 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-299c6e32.ogg] xǔ duō Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 許多 邀请 yāoqǐng n. invitation 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7d9db931.ogg] yāo qǐng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 邀請 一定 yídìng adv. Surely / certainly 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7e8ef4af.ogg] yī dìng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 一定 远在他乡 yuǎnzài tāxiāng idiom far away from home 20 Rudgers [sound:远在他乡.mp3] yuǎn zài tā xiāng Google TTS 遠在他鄉 yuè m./n. month 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-6cb9bb04.ogg] yuè Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 约会 yuēhuì n. appointment/date 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7eb53f67.ogg] yuē huì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 約會 愉快 yúkuài adj. pleasant 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-28986c83.ogg] yú kuài Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 愉快 招待 zhāodài v. to entertain / to treat 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-951558c8.ogg] zhāo dài Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 招待 招待所 zhāodàisuǒ n. guest house 20 Rudgers [sound:招待所.mp3] zhāo dài suǒ Google TTS 招待所 zhù v. to wish 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-0e22b862.ogg] zhù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 祝贺 zhùhè v. to congradulate 20 Rudgers [sound:cmn-41821330.ogg] zhù hè Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 祝賀 不错 búcuò adj. Not bad / nice 21 Rudgers [sound:cmn-395e5ad5.ogg] bù cuò Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 不錯 chàng v. to sing 21 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f923075d.ogg] chàng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan dài v. to bring 21 Rudgers [sound:cmn-43c1e934.ogg] dài Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 。。。的时候 de shìhòu set exp. the time when 21 Rudgers [sound:。。。的时候.mp3] 。。。 de shí hòu Google TTS 。。。的時候 děi modal v. have to / need 21 Rudgers [sound:cmn-44454e88.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 东西 dōngxi n. stuff / things 21 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c4698257.ogg] dōng xī Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 東西 duō interrogative pro. how / to what extent 21 Rudgers [sound:cmn-8ad9c8ee.ogg] duō Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 非常 fēicháng adv. very 21 Rudgers [sound:cmn-b20f939a.ogg] fēi cháng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 非常 gèng adv. even more 21 Rudgers [sound:cmn-0c975144.ogg] gèng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 光碟 guāngdié n. CD 21 Rudgers [sound:光碟.mp3] guāng dié Google TTS 光碟 n. card 21 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7f94be21.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 开心 kāixīn adj. happy / joyous 21 Rudgers [sound:cmn-77e00a1a.ogg] kāi xīn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 開心 礼物 lǐwù n. gift / present 21 Rudgers [sound:cmn-8166bc86.ogg] lǐ wù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 禮物 奶奶 nǎinai n. grandma 21 Rudgers [sound:cmn-29ce666c.ogg] nǎi nǎi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 奶奶 nào v. to make noise 21 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d5cf25c8.ogg] nào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 漂亮 piàoliang adj. beautiful 21 Rudgers [sound:cmn-62177238.ogg] piāo liàng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 漂亮 ràng v. to let / to allow 21 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c73ed221.ogg] ràng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan n. color 21 Rudgers [sound:cmn-979ea9a8.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 深蓝 shēnlán adj. Dark-blue / deep-blue 21 Rudgers [sound:深蓝.mp3] shēn lán Google TTS 深藍 说实在的 shuō shìzài de idiomatic exp. to be honest 21 Rudgers [sound:说实在的.mp3] shuō shí zài de Google TTS 說實在的 sòng v. to give as a gift 21 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f84e19c0.ogg] sòng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 随你的便 suì nǐ de biàn idiomatic exp. do as you like 21 Rudgers [sound:随你的便.mp3] suí nǐ de biàn Google TTS 隨你的便 tiào v. to jump / to dance 21 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a15c8243.ogg] tiào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 听你的 tīng nǐ de idiomatic exp. do what you say 21 Rudgers [sound:听你的.mp3] tīng nǐ de Google TTS 聽你的 土特产 tŭtèchǎn n. locally produced specialties 21 Rudgers [sound:土特产.mp3] tǔ tè chǎn Google TTS 土特產 xiàng v. to be like / to resemble 21 Rudgers [sound:cmn-3dc19e60.ogg] xiàng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan xiào v. to laugh 21 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d6564f00.ogg] xiào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 小时候 xiǎo shìhòu idiomatic exp. when young 21 Rudgers [sound:小时候.mp3] xiǎo shí hòu Google TTS 小時候 爷爷 yéye n. grandpa 21 Rudgers [sound:cmn-b142f5a0.ogg] yé yé Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 爺爺 怎麽 zěnme interrogative pro. how / why 21 Rudgers [sound:怎麽.mp3] zěn me Google TTS 怎麼 照片 zhàopiàn n. photo / picture 21 Rudgers [sound:cmn-26096763.ogg] zhào piàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 照片 m.w. used to classify or count things such as chairs / pens / knives / etc. 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-9e2f6fff.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan bān v. to move 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-fc0f10d9.ogg] bān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan biānr suffix (for dir. words) 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-904bd014.ogg] biān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 厕所 cèsuŏ n. toilet 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d99538c7.ogg] cè suǒ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 廁所 窗户 chuānghù n. window 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-abb34ccd.ogg] chuāng hù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 窗戶 厨房 chúfáng n. kitchen 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-74a904c7.ogg] chú fáng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 廚房 duì dir. word opposite 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-cb4a6057.ogg] duì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 方便 fāngbiàn adj. convenient 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c090dfcb.ogg] fāng biàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 方便 附近 fùjìn n. vicinity,? nearby 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7d001f59.ogg] fù jìn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 附近 过道 guòdào n. passageway 22 Rudgers [sound:过道.mp3] guò dào Google TTS 過道 hòu dir. word back / behind 22 Rudgers [sound:後.mp3] hòu Google TTS jiān m.w. used to classify rooms 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ab7e5975.ogg] jiān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan jiān suffix 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ab7e5975.ogg] jiān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 健身房 jiànshēn fáng n. gyms 22 Rudgers [sound:健身房.mp3] jiàn shēn fáng Google TTS 健身房 dir. word inside 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c9bef3ba.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan miàn suffix (for dir. words) 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a54504ae.ogg] miàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan páng dir. word next to 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f691da6b.ogg] páng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 平面图 pìngmiàn tú n. floor plane 22 Rudgers [sound:平面图.mp3] píng miàn tú Google TTS 平面圖 qián dir. word front 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-292017c6.ogg] qián Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan shàng dir. word upper 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-70dbefe0.ogg] shàng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 时间 shìjiān n. time 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7edf331d.ogg] shí jiān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 時間 书架 shūjià n. bookshelf 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-296fc9b4.ogg] shū jià Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 書架 套房 tàofáng n. suite 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-6af0f225.ogg] tào fáng Congcong Shtooka-cmn-balm-congcong 套房 同路 tóng lù idiomatic exp. to go in the same direction 22 Rudgers [sound:同路.mp3] tóng lù Google TTS 同路 n. picture / drawing 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ee040603.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan wài dir. word outside 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-836f84c5.ogg] wài Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 完全 wánquán adv. totally / exactly 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ae035679.ogg] wán quán Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 完全 问路 wèn lù idiomatic exp. to ask for direction 22 Rudgers [sound:问路.mp3] wèn lù Google TTS 問路 卧室 wòshì n. bedroom 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-20979ad0.ogg] wò shì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 臥室 xià dir. word below 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-07dcdf76.ogg] xià Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 羡慕 xiànmù v./adj to envy / to admire / envious 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-8b5de55b.ogg] xiàn mù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 羨慕 洗澡间 xǐzǎo jiān n. bathroom 22 Rudgers [sound:洗澡间.mp3] xǐ zǎo jiān Google TTS 洗澡間 椅子 yǐzi n. chair 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-6a7065c8.ogg] yǐ zǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 椅子 yòu dir. word right 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-be1badeb.ogg] yòu Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 怎麽走 zěnme zŏu idiomatic exp. How (does one) go to get to 22 Rudgers [sound:怎麽走.mp3] zěn me zǒu Google TTS 怎麼走 展览 zhǎnlǎn n. exhibit 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f5a6bb84.ogg] zhǎn lǎn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 展覽 zhōng dir. word middle 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d5d15a8b.ogg] zhōng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 中心 zhōngxīn n. center 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-1b64089c.ogg] zhōng xīn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 中心 桌子 zhuōzi n. table / desk 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-df98a532.ogg] zhuō zǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 桌子 zuŏ dir. word left 22 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c459f5fb.ogg] zuǒ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 报告 bàogào n. report 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-3a22db16.ogg] bào gào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 報告 běi dir. word North 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a9351af9.ogg] běi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan suffix (sector) 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-91d1d26f.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 部分 bùfèn n. part / section 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a6b8365c.ogg] bù fēn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 部分 地理 dìlǐ n. geography 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-27f8c533.ogg] dì lǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 地理 地理上 dìlǐ shàng adv. geographically 23 Rudgers [sound:地理上.mp3] dì lǐ shàng Google TTS 地理上 dŏng v. to understand 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-255a9980.ogg] dǒng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan dōng dir. word East 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-840f5ab1.ogg] dōng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 东北 dōngběi dir. word Northeast 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-bd422615.ogg] dōng běi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 東北 东南 dōngnán dir. word Southeast 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a4591754.ogg] dōng nán Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 東南 访问 Fǎngwèn v. to pay a visit 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-688e3e6a.ogg] fǎng wèn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 訪問 复印机 fùyìnjī n. copy machine 23 Rudgers [sound:复印机.mp3] fù yìn jī Google TTS 複印機 复杂 fùzá adj. complicated 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-07e9c66b.ogg] fù zá Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 複雜 广东 Guǎngdōng n. Canton 23 Rudgers [sound:广东.mp3] guǎng dōng Google TTS 廣東 关於 guānyú prep. on / about / concerning 23 Rudgers [sound:关於.mp3] guān yú Google TTS 關於 过一会儿 guòyìhuǐr adv. later 23 Rudgers [sound:过一会儿.mp3] guò yī huì ér Google TTS 過一會兒 华盛顿 Huáshèngdùn n. Washington 23 Rudgers [sound:华盛顿.mp3] huá shèng dùn Google TTS 華盛頓 v. to cite / to raise 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-516f1b55.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 例子 lìzi n. example / instance 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ed373cd3.ogg] lì zǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 例子 明白 mìngbai v. to be clear 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-24d1cca2.ogg] míng bái Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 明白 那麽 nàme conj. then / so 23 Rudgers [sound:那麽.mp3] nà me Google TTS 那麼 nán dir. word South 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-b02e2bb8.ogg] nán Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan quē v. to lack / to be short of 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-3028a411.ogg] quē Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 日报 rìbào n. daily / journal 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a2f3c0bf.ogg] rì bào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 日報 网络 wǎngluò n. Internet 23 Rudgers [sound:网络.mp3] wǎng luò Google TTS 網絡 位於 wèiyú v. to be located / to be situated 23 Rudgers [sound:位於.mp3] wèi yú Google TTS 位於 西 dir. word West 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d01ebebb.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 西 香港 Xiānggǎng n. Hong Kong 23 Rudgers [sound:香港.mp3] xiāng gǎng Google TTS 香港 西北 xīběi dir. word Northwest 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e077b58d.ogg] xī běi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 西北 西南 xīnán dir. word Southwest 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f96c84cc.ogg] xī nán Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 西南 行政上 xìngzhèng shàng adv. administratively 23 Rudgers [sound:行政上.mp3] xíng zhèng shàng Google TTS 行政上 新闻 xīnwén n. news 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f66b58e0.ogg] xīn wén Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 新聞 休息 xiūxi v. to take a break / to rest 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-25422082.ogg] xiū xī Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 休息 希望 xīwàng v. to hope / to wish 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-6735420c.ogg] xī wàng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 希望 一样 yìyàng adj. the same / similar 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a7943b0d.ogg] yī yàng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 一樣 照片 zhàopiàn n. photo 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-26096763.ogg] zhào piàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 照片 这麽说 zhème shuō Idiomatic exp. in this way / according to what you say 23 Rudgers [sound:这麽说.mp3] zhè me shuō Google TTS 這麼說 整理 zhěnglǐ v. to clean / to organize / to straighten up 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-231e42bb.ogg] zhěng lǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 整理 总统 zŏngtŏng n. president 23 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c1661fb6.ogg] zǒng tǒng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 總統 不好意思 bù hǎo yìsi adj. embarrassed 24 Rudgers [sound:cmn-3c4873a3.ogg] bù hǎo yì sī Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 不好意思 打工 dǎ gōng v. to work part time 24 Rudgers [sound:打工.mp3] dǎ gōng Google TTS 打工 dài v. to bring / to take 24 Rudgers [sound:cmn-43c1e934.ogg] dài Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 打算 dǎsuàn v./n to plan/ plan 24 Rudgers [sound:cmn-909e9430.ogg] dǎ suàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 打算 点心 diǎnxīn n. dimsum / desert 24 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a91a1add.ogg] diǎn xīn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 點心 diào v. to hook 24 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7303185b.ogg] diào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 钓鱼 diào yú n. to go fishing 24 Rudgers [sound:钓鱼.mp3] diào yú Google TTS 釣魚 锻炼 duànliàn v. to do physical exercise / to work out 24 Rudgers [sound:cmn-09b360e9.ogg] duàn liàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 鍛鍊 反正 fǎnzhèng adv. anyway 24 Rudgers [sound:cmn-22d7fed3.ogg] fǎn zhèng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 反正 复习 fùxí v. to review 24 Rudgers [sound:cmn-20e5b247.ogg] fù xí Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 複習 火车 huŏchē n. train 24 Rudgers [sound:cmn-6540da8f.ogg] huǒ chē Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 火車 郊外 jiāowài n. outskirts / suburbs 24 Rudgers [sound:郊外.mp3] jiāo wài Google TTS 郊外 v. to lift 24 Rudgers [sound:cmn-516f1b55.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 举重 jŭzhòng v. to lift weights 24 Rudgers [sound:举重.mp3] jǔ zhòng Google TTS 舉重 nán adj. difficult 24 Rudgers [sound:cmn-fe05ce26.ogg] nán Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 踫见 pèngjiàn v. to bump into / meet by chance 24 Rudgers [sound:踫见.mp3] pèng jiàn Google TTS 踫見 散心 sànxīn v. to relax / to unwind 24 Rudgers [sound:散心.mp3] sàn xīn Google TTS 散心 wàng v. to forget 24 Rudgers [sound:cmn-cde16258.ogg] wàng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan xíng adj. OK / fine 24 Rudgers [sound:cmn-0ba21aa9.ogg] xíng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan yào aux. v. shall / will 24 Rudgers [sound:cmn-3a52f0d3.ogg] yào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan (一)点儿 yì)diǎnr pron. some 24 Rudgers [sound:(一)点儿.mp3] ( yī ) diǎn ér Google TTS (一)點兒 义工 yìgōng n. volunteer 24 Rudgers [sound:义工.mp3] yì gōng Google TTS 義工 医院 yīyuàn n. hospital 24 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7746a722.ogg] yī yuàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 醫院 n. fish 24 Rudgers [sound:cmn-667b5263.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 预习 yùxí v. to preview 24 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a56fc816.ogg] yù xí Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 預習 这麽/那麽 zhème/nàme adv. so / such 24 Rudgers [sound:这麽/那麽.mp3] zhè me / nà me Google TTS 這麼/那麼 重要 zhòngyào adj. important 24 Rudgers [sound:cmn-596fc04c.ogg] zhòng yào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 重要 周末 zhōumò n. weekend 24 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a26d07bc.ogg] zhōu mò Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 週末 准备 zhŭnbèi v. to prepare 24 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2a21d3d2.ogg] zhǔn bèi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 準備 百里挑一 Bǎilǐ tiāoyī idiom one out of a hundred 25 Rudgers [sound:百里挑一.mp3] bǎi lǐ tiāo yī Google TTS 百裏挑一 不敢当 bù gǎn dāng idiomatic exp. an answer to other’s compliment 25 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c4dc0358.ogg] bù gǎn dāng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 不敢當 成语 chéngyŭ n. idiom / sayings 25 Rudgers [sound:cmn-6b00bda0.ogg] chéng yǔ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 成語 duì n. team 25 Rudgers [sound:cmn-805abcfa.ogg] duì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 饿 è adj. hungry 25 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d1dcd48c.ogg] è Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan n. river 25 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d6b55b0c.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 火腿 huŏtuǐ n. ham 25 Rudgers [sound:火腿.mp3] huǒ tuǐ Google TTS 火腿 教练 jiàoliàn n. coach 25 Rudgers [sound:cmn-775c3cbe.ogg] jiào liàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 教練 kuài adj. fast / quick 25 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7231034e.ogg] kuài Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 矿泉水 kuàngquán shuǐ n. mineral water 25 Rudgers [sound:矿泉水.mp3] kuàng quán shuǐ Google TTS 礦泉水 流利 liúli adj. fluent 25 Rudgers [sound:cmn-0f641442.ogg] liú lì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 流利 màn adj. slow 25 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2c02dbca.ogg] màn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 没想到 méi xiǎng dào idiomatic exp. did not expect 25 Rudgers [sound:没想到.mp3] méi xiǎng dào Google TTS 沒想到 面包 miànbāo n. bread 25 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ebb06b65.ogg] miàn bāo Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 麪包 名师出高徒 Mìngshī chū gāotú idiom a master of fame will produce excellent disciples 25 Rudgers [sound:名师出高徒.mp3] míng shī chū gāo tú Google TTS 名師出高徒 奶酪 nǎilào n. cheese 25 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a151e7e5.ogg] nǎi lào Congcong Shtooka-cmn-balm-congcong 奶酪 哪里 nǎlǐ idiomatic exp. an answer to other’s compliment 25 Rudgers [sound:cmn-75c4a59b.ogg] nǎ lǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 哪裏 努力 nŭlì adj. diligent 25 Rudgers [sound:cmn-27535286.ogg] nǔ lì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 努力 奇怪 qíguài adj. strange / unusual 25 Rudgers [sound:cmn-9fedcb59.ogg] qí guài Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 奇怪 认真 rènzhēn adj. serious / earnest 25 Rudgers [sound:cmn-57221a0f.ogg] rèn zhēn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 認真 tìng v. to stop / to park 25 Rudgers [sound:cmn-8b49bd3c.ogg] tíng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan wǎn adj. late 25 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e2773e09.ogg] wǎn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 兄弟姐妹 xiōngdì jiěmèi n. siblings 25 Rudgers [sound:兄弟姐妹.mp3] xiōng dì jiě mèi Google TTS 兄弟姐妹 严格 yángé adj. strict 25 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a7aabd89.ogg] yán gé Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 嚴格 yóu v. to swim 25 Rudgers [sound:cmn-bb886a0e.ogg] yóu Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 游泳 yóuyŏng v.o. to swim 25 Rudgers [sound:cmn-b941cfc3.ogg] yóu yǒng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 游泳 zǎo adj. early 25 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c3247291.ogg] zǎo Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 指点 zhǐdiǎn v. to advise 25 Rudgers [sound:cmn-62e2bde9.ogg] zhǐ diǎn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 指點 必修课 bìxiū kè n. compulsory course 26 Rudgers [sound:必修课.mp3] bì xiū kè Google TTS 必修課 dāng v. to work as / to function as 26 Rudgers [sound:cmn-6805d952.ogg] dāng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 对。。。有/没有兴趣 duì... yŏu/méi yŏu xìngqu to be (not) interested in 26 Rudgers [sound:对。。。有/没有兴趣.mp3] duì 。。。 yǒu / méi yǒu xìng qù Google TTS 對。。。有/沒有興趣 翻译 fānyì n. translation 26 Rudgers [sound:cmn-eb015e2b.ogg] fān yì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 翻譯 huàn n. to change 26 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e4db51c2.ogg] huàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan huì aux. v. know how to / can 26 Rudgers [sound:cmn-09003a80.ogg] huì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 或者 huòzhě conj. or 26 Rudgers [sound:cmn-69c272eb.ogg] huò zhě Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 或者 加深 jiāshēn v. to deepen 26 Rudgers [sound:cmn-fbfb8dd3.ogg] jiā shēn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 加深 考试 kǎoshì n. quiz / exam 26 Rudgers [sound:cmn-0bd4d7fe.ogg] kǎo shì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 考試 可以 kěyǐ aux. v. can / may 26 Rudgers [sound:cmn-de935dea.ogg] kě yǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 可以 了解 liǎojiě v. n. to understand / understanding 26 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a73a5801.ogg] liǎo jiě Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 瞭解 néng aux. v. may / can 26 Rudgers [sound:cmn-fdce5cb3.ogg] néng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 偶然 ŏurán adj. accidental / serendipitous 26 Rudgers [sound:cmn-92942e25.ogg] ǒu rán Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 偶然 人类学 rénlèi xué n. anthropology 26 Rudgers [sound:人类学.mp3] rén lèi xué Google TTS 人類學 是不是因为。。。的缘故 Shì bú shi yīnwè yuángù Isn’t it because that 26 Rudgers [sound:是不是因为。。。的缘故.mp3] shì bù shì yīn wèi 。。。 de yuán gù Google TTS 是不是因爲。。。的緣故 停车场 tíngchēchǎng n. parking lot 26 Rudgers [sound:停车场.mp3] tíng chē chǎng Google TTS 停車場 wàng v. to forget 26 Rudgers [sound:cmn-cde16258.ogg] wàng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 为人师表 Wéirén shībiǎo Teach by setting a good example 26 Rudgers [sound:为人师表.mp3] wèi rén shī biǎo Google TTS 爲人師表 兴趣 xìngqu n. interest 26 Rudgers [sound:cmn-46ecb7c9.ogg] xìng qù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 興趣 xuǎn v. to select / to choose 26 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f69591f2.ogg] xuǎn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 仰泳 yǎngyŏng n. butterfly style 26 Rudgers [sound:仰泳.mp3] yǎng yǒng Google TTS 仰泳 研究 yánjiū v. to study / to do research on 26 Rudgers [sound:cmn-09ecb4c0.ogg] yán jiū Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 研究 研究院 yánjiūyuàn n. graduate school 26 Rudgers [sound:研究院.mp3] yán jiū yuàn Google TTS 研究院 yào aux. v. shall / will 26 Rudgers [sound:cmn-3a52f0d3.ogg] yào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 应该 yīnggāi aux. v. ought to / must 26 Rudgers [sound:cmn-b7cc3b8d.ogg] yīng gāi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 應該 有关 yŏu guān adj. pertinent / relevant to 26 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4ecdf6ef.ogg] yǒu guān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 有關 有意义 yŏu yìyì adj. meaningful 26 Rudgers [sound:有意义.mp3] yǒu yì yì Google TTS 有意義 有志者事竟成 Yǒuzhìzhě shìjìngchéng. There is a will there is a way. 26 Rudgers [sound:有志者事竟成.mp3] yǒu zhì zhě shì jìng chéng Google TTS 有志者事竟成 缘故 yuángù n. reason 26 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2bcb0325.ogg] yuán gù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 緣故 原来是这麽一回事 Yuánlái shì zhème yì huí shì Now / I understand. 26 Rudgers [sound:原来是这麽一回事.mp3] yuán lái shì zhè me yī huí shì Google TTS 原來是這麼一回事 愿意 yuànyì aux. v. be willing to 26 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ff2f7e4e.ogg] yuàn yì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 願意 越。。。越 yuè...yuè... conj. the more...the more 26 Rudgers [sound:越。。。越.mp3] yuè 。。。 yuè Google TTS 越。。。越 专业 zhuānyè n. academic field / profession 26 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2178d33e.ogg] zhuān yè Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 專業 自然 zìrán adj. natural, 26 Rudgers [sound:cmn-bb85207c.ogg] zì rán Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 自然 作家 zuòjiā n. writer 26 Rudgers [sound:cmn-9e79ff1b.ogg] zuò jiā Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 作家 别提有多高兴了 Biétì yŏu duō gāoxìng le set exp. You wouldn’t believe how happy sb. Is/are 27 Rudgers [sound:别提有多高兴了.mp3] bié tí yǒu duō gāo xìng le Google TTS 別提有多高興了 博物馆 bówùguǎn n. museum 27 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c84f1070.ogg] bó wù guǎn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 博物館 cài n. vegetable / dishes 27 Rudgers [sound:cmn-1d1203e1.ogg] cài Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan cháng v. to taste 27 Rudgers [sound:cmn-3a138a18.ogg] cháng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan chéng n. city 27 Rudgers [sound:cmn-acb1f3ab.ogg] chéng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 吃遍 chī biàn v. to eat all of 27 Rudgers [sound:吃遍.mp3] chī biàn Google TTS 吃遍 出发 chūfā v. to set out / to leave 27 Rudgers [sound:cmn-1278dcf3.ogg] chū fā Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 出發 除了。。。以外,。。。还。。。 chúle..yǐwài,hái conj. besides 27 Rudgers [sound:除了。。。以外,。。。还。。。.mp3] chú le 。。。 yǐ wài ,。。。 hái 。。。 Google TTS 除了。。。以外,。。。還。。。 春节 chūnjié n. Spring Festival 27 Rudgers [sound:cmn-8f37cf0f.ogg] chūn jié Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 春節 dāi v. to stay 27 Rudgers [sound:cmn-3ce95617.ogg] dāi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan dào v. to arrive 27 Rudgers [sound:cmn-68536a96.ogg] dào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan suffix late 27 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ce27eaa0.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 故宫 gùgōng n. the Forbidden City 27 Rudgers [sound:cmn-6c174e19.ogg] gù gōng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 故宮 桂林 Guìlìn place n. a city in China 27 Rudgers [sound:桂林.mp3] guì lín Google TTS 桂林 huì v. to return 27 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d56a26cb.ogg] huí Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 见到 jiàn dào v. to see 27 Rudgers [sound:见到.mp3] jiàn dào Google TTS 見到 健康 jiànkāng n. health 27 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e57e29d1.ogg] jiàn kāng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 健康 开始 kāishǐ v. to begin / to start 27 Rudgers [sound:cmn-fb201a71.ogg] kāi shǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 開始 筷子 kuàizi n. chopsticks 27 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f61ee436.ogg] kuài zǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 筷子 联欢 liánhuān n. get-together 27 Rudgers [sound:cmn-62744aae.ogg] lián huān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 聯歡 茅台 máotái n. a strong Chinese liquor 27 Rudgers [sound:茅台.mp3] máo tái Google TTS 茅臺 shì v. to try 27 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f14a9fe7.ogg] shì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 暑假 shŭjià n. summer vocation 27 Rudgers [sound:cmn-11f84d8e.ogg] shǔ jià Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 暑假 为。。。考虑 wèi..kǎolǜ set phrase for the sake of 27 Rudgers [sound:为。。。考虑.mp3] wèi 。。。 kǎo lǜ Google TTS 爲。。。考慮 无数 wúshù adj. numerous 27 Rudgers [sound:cmn-35aadaf8.ogg] wú shù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 無數 xiān adv. first 27 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f5ffac45.ogg] xiān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 西安 Xī'ān place n. a city in China 27 Rudgers [sound:西安.mp3] xī ān Google TTS 西安 学会 xué huì v. to learn how to 27 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e1bdd5fe.ogg] xué huì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 學會 饮料 yǐnliào n. drinks 27 Rudgers [sound:cmn-965d3f57.ogg] yǐn liào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 飲料 着急 zháojí adj. anxious 27 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4e1cbc3d.ogg] zháo jí Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 着急 zhōng suffix mid 27 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d5d15a8b.ogg] zhōng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan bàn v. to handle 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-86b305db.ogg] bàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 办事处 bànshìchù n. business office 28 Rudgers [sound:办事处.mp3] bàn shì chù Google TTS 辦事處 prep. to / compare to / than 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-8cd3827b.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 窗口 chuāngkŏu n. window 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-fc6eb02e.ogg] chuāng kǒu Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 窗口 大使馆 dàshǐguǎn n. embassy 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4085c934.ogg] dà shǐ guǎn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 大使館 德州 Dézhōu place n. Texas 28 Rudgers [sound:德州.mp3] dé zhōu Google TTS 德州 短期 duǎnqī adj. short term 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-46ff1c51.ogg] duǎn qī Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 短期 duì n. team 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-805abcfa.ogg] duì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 饿 è adj. hungry 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d1dcd48c.ogg] è Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 分钟 fēnzhōng n. minute 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-3b1bb444.ogg] fēn zhōng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 分鐘 华盛顿 Huáshèngdùn place n. Washington 28 Rudgers [sound:华盛顿.mp3] huá shèng dùn Google TTS 華盛頓 护照 hùzhào n. passport 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ea6be33d.ogg] hù zhào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 護照 加州 Jiāzhōu place n. California 28 Rudgers [sound:加州.mp3] jiā zhōu Google TTS 加州 几乎 jǐhū adv. almost 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-280a9dbf.ogg] jǐ hū Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 幾乎 计划 jìhuà n. plan 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-336795bb.ogg] jì huá Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 計劃 lèi adj. tired 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-952ccaf2.ogg] léi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 领馆 lǐngguǎn n. consulate 28 Rudgers [sound:领馆.mp3] lǐng guǎn Google TTS 領館 领事 lǐngshì n. consul 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-88f7aa1e.ogg] lǐng shì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 領事 排(队) pái (duì) v. to line up 28 Rudgers [sound:排(队).mp3] pái ( duì ) Google TTS 排(隊) píng v. to tie 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-37073c9e.ogg] píng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 签证 qiānzhèng n. visa 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-db487a9f.ogg] qiān zhèng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 簽證 球赛 qiúsài n. ball game 28 Rudgers [sound:球赛.mp3] qiú sài Google TTS 球賽 热情 rèqíng adj. enthusiastic 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d3d79136.ogg] rè qíng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 熱情 设备 shèbèi n. facility 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-6ff15d37.ogg] shè bèi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 設備 社会 shèhuì n. society 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-34c869f4.ogg] shè huì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 社會 申请 shēnqǐng v. to apply for 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4aa9ed2c.ogg] shēn qǐng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 申請 shì n. style 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-651fb45c.ogg] shì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan shū v. to lose 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4bf019c2.ogg] shū Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 暑假 shŭjià n. summer vocation 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-11f84d8e.ogg] shǔ jià Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 暑假 小时 xiǎoshí n. hour 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e3db239d.ogg] xiǎo shí Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 小時 训练班 xùnliàn bān n. training class 28 Rudgers [sound:训练班.mp3] xùn liàn bān Google TTS 訓練班 yíng v. to win 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f9dac033.ogg] yíng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 整整 zhěngzhěng adj. adv. whole / entire 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-977c8d49.ogg] zhěng zhěng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 整整 支持 zhīchí v. to support 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e0b7195c.ogg] zhī chí Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 支持 钟头 zhōngtóu n. hour 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-67227258.ogg] zhōng tóu Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 鐘頭 zhù v. to reside 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7a045f99.ogg] zhù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 足球 zúqiú n. football 28 Rudgers [sound:cmn-72c8ba29.ogg] zú qiú Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 足球 标准 biāozhŭn adj. standardized 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ae4672fa.ogg] biāo zhǔn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 標準 bié negation in an imperative sentence 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e236a37a.ogg] bié Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 不安 bù'ān adj. uneasy 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-085a6dac.ogg] bù ān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 不安 乘坐 chéngzuò v. to board 29 Rudgers [sound:乘坐.mp3] chéng zuò Google TTS 乘坐 dài v. to bring 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-43c1e934.ogg] dài Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan dào v. to pour 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-75eaa17a.ogg] dǎo Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 等待 děngdài v. to await 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ead8cedd.ogg] děng dài Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 等待 动画片 dònghuà piàn n. animated film 29 Rudgers [sound:动画片.mp3] dòng huà piàn Google TTS 動畫片 飞机 fēijī n. airplane 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-b1beabae.ogg] fēi jī Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 飛機 分别 fēnbié v. to part 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a398434e.ogg] fēn bié Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 分別 肤色 fūsè n. skin color 29 Rudgers [sound:肤色.mp3] fū sè Google TTS 膚色 广播 guǎngbō n. broadcast / loudspeaker 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e9f284e4.ogg] guǎng bō Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 廣播 guò v. to pass 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4831fcfe.ogg] guò Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 故事片 gùshì piān n. feature film 29 Rudgers [sound:故事片.mp3] gù shì piàn Google TTS 故事片 航空小姐 hángkōng xiǎojiě n. steward 29 Rudgers [sound:航空小姐.mp3] háng kōng xiǎo jiě Google TTS 航空小姐 jiāng aux. v. will / shall 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-b07643f4.ogg] jiāng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 健康 jiànkāng adj. healthy 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e57e29d1.ogg] jiàn kāng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 健康 机场 jīchǎng n. airport 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4e8fb01c.ogg] jī chǎng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 機場 激动 jīdòng adj. excited 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-b8593992.ogg] jī dòng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 激動 进步 jìnbù v. to progress 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a379f8fd.ogg] jìn bù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 進步 机长 jīzhǎng n. captain 29 Rudgers [sound:机长.mp3] jī cháng Google TTS 機長 觉得 juéde v. to feel 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a28715e1.ogg] jué dé Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 覺得 决定 juédìng v. to decide / to make up one’s mind 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-495d76a2.ogg] jué dìng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 決定 理解 lǐjiě v. to understand 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-aadf1d0a.ogg] lǐ jiě Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 理解 离开 líkāi v. to leave / to depart 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-857659eb.ogg] lí kāi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 離開 旅客 lǚkè n. traveler / passenger 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-6f0ba5dd.ogg] lǚ kè Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 旅客 美丽 měilì adj. beautiful 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2fd56e19.ogg] měi lì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 美麗 难过 nánguò adj. sad 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-51e2c81d.ogg] nán guò Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 難過 努力 nŭlì adj. hard-working / studious 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-27535286.ogg] nǔ lì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 努力 起飞 qǐfēi v. to take off 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-27f9734d.ogg] qǐ fēi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 起飛 认真 rènzhēn adj. serious / earnest 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-57221a0f.ogg] rèn zhēn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 認真 神秘 shénmì adj. mysterious 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ece4fb95.ogg] shén mì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 神祕 身体 shēntǐ n. health 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-1d4edc8a.ogg] shēn tǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 身體 实习 shíxí v. to intern 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-28f95297.ogg] shí xí Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 實習 sòng v. to send / to deliver 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f84e19c0.ogg] sòng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 送别 sòngbié v. to see somebody off 29 Rudgers [sound:送别.mp3] sòng bié Google TTS 送別 送茶倒水 sòngchá dàoshuǐ set phrase serve tea and beverages 29 Rudgers [sound:送茶倒水.mp3] sòng chá dǎo shuǐ Google TTS 送茶倒水 一路平安 yìlù pìngān set phrase bon voyage 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-80658e7d.ogg] yī lù píng ān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 一路平安 犹豫不决 yóuyù bùjué set phrase can’t make up one’s mind 29 Rudgers [sound:犹豫不决.mp3] yóu yù bù jué Google TTS 猶豫不決 再说 zài shuō conj. also / in addition 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-94bc56ed.ogg] zài shuō Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 再說 整洁 zhěngjié adj. clean 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4d505c89.ogg] zhěng jié Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 整潔 中国民航 Zhōngguó Mìnháng n. Air China 29 Rudgers [sound:中国民航.mp3] zhōng guó mín háng Google TTS 中國民航 周到 zhōudào adj. attentive 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-04e0a75c.ogg] zhōu dào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 周到 准备 zhŭnbèi v. to prepare / to get ready 29 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2a21d3d2.ogg] zhǔn bèi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 準備 百闻不如一见 bǎiwénbùrúyījiàn idiom hearing about it a hundred times is not as good as seeing it once 30 Rudgers [sound:百闻不如一见.mp3] bǎi wén bù rú yī jiàn Google TTS 百聞不如一見 办事 bànshì v. to take care of (some) business / to handle matters 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-9b2971d0.ogg] bàn shì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 辦事 不过 búguò conj. however / but 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-b4e3f0e8.ogg] bù guò Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 不過 不仅(仅) bùjǐnjǐn conj.,adv. not only 30 Rudgers [sound:不仅(仅).mp3] bù jǐn ( jǐn ) Google TTS 不僅(僅) 聪明 cōngmìng adj. Smart / clever 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-fb725a28.ogg] cōng míng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 聰明 担心 dānxīn v. to worry about serve the present 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d5abec10.ogg] dān xīn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 擔心 大约 dàyuē adv. about / approximately 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2f62b5b2.ogg] dà yuē Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 大約 而且 érqiě conj. but also 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-28298acc.ogg] ér qiě Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 而且 丰富 fēngfù adj. plentiful / rich 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-636a881e.ogg] fēng fù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 豐富 gǎn v. to feel / to have 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-6d71a69a.ogg] gǎn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan gòu adj enough 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-fab33c61.ogg] gòu Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan guàng v. to go (shopping) 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-052ce0ba.ogg] guàng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 古老 gŭlǎo adj. ancient 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-00392866.ogg] gǔ lǎo Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 古老 过去 guòqù n. the past 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ff56e481.ogg] guò qù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 過去 古为今用 Gŭwéijīnyòng idiom to make the past serve the present 30 Rudgers [sound:古为今用.mp3] gǔ wèi jīn yòng Google TTS 古爲今用 欢渡 huāndù v. to celebrate (a holiday) 30 Rudgers [sound:欢渡.mp3] huān dù Google TTS 歡渡 佳节 jiājié n. festival / holiday 30 Rudgers [sound:佳节.mp3] jiā jié Google TTS 佳節 久远 jiŭyuǎn adj. long and far 30 Rudgers [sound:久远.mp3] jiǔ yuǎn Google TTS 久遠 继续 jìxù v. to continue / to go on 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-0ed3fc23.ogg] jì xù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 繼續 决定 juédìng v. to decide / to determine 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-495d76a2.ogg] jué dìng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 決定 开(玩笑) kāi(wánxiào) v. to make (a joke) 30 Rudgers [sound:开(玩笑).mp3] kāi ( wán xiào ) Google TTS 開(玩笑) 枯燥 kūzào adj. boring / dull 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-743256d0.ogg] kū zào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 枯燥 历史 lìshǐ n. history 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-07f288e9.ogg] lì shǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 歷史 龙井茶 lóngjǐngchá n. longjing tea / Dragonwell tea 30 Rudgers [sound:龙井茶.mp3] lóng jǐng chá Google TTS 龍井茶 mén measure subject / class 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-bf7f053a.ogg] mén Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 明白 mìngbái v. to understand 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-24d1cca2.ogg] míng bái Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 明白 名胜古迹 mìngshènggŭjì n. tourist attraction: famous places and ancient sites 30 Rudgers [sound:名胜古迹.mp3] míng shèng gǔ jì Google TTS 名勝古蹟 v. to make (tea) 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f9da278b.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 然後 ránhòu adv. then 30 Rudgers [sound:然後.mp3] rán hòu Google TTS 然後 认为 rènwéi v. to think 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ef8891b7.ogg] rèn wèi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 認爲 日裔 rìyì n. (of) Japanese origin 30 Rudgers [sound:日裔.mp3] rì yì Google TTS 日裔 沙发 shāfā n. sofa 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4faa997b.ogg] shā fā Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 沙發 商店 shāngdiàn n. shop / store 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f9f7388b.ogg] shāng diàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 商店 手机 shŏujī n. cell phone 30 Rudgers [sound:手机.mp3] shǒu jī Google TTS 手機 顺利 shùnlì adj. (go) well / (do) fine 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4c78e875.ogg] shùn lì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 順利 所谓 suŏwèi v. so called 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-0a42d0ba.ogg] suǒ wèi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 所謂 T恤衫 Txùshān n. T-shirt 30 Rudgers [sound:T恤衫.mp3] T xù shān Google TTS T恤衫 玩笑 wánxiào n. joke / kidding 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ad2144f7.ogg] wán xiào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 玩笑 未来 wèilái n. the future 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-88c3656e.ogg] wèi lái Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 未來 xiān adv. before,first 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f5ffac45.ogg] xiān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 羡慕 xiànmù adj. envious 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-8b5de55b.ogg] xiàn mù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 羨慕 兴趣 xìngqù n. interest 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-46ecb7c9.ogg] xìng qù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 興趣 心理学 xīnlǐxué n. psychology 30 Rudgers [sound:心理学.mp3] xīn lǐ xué Google TTS 心理學 希望 xīwàng v. to hope / to wish 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-6735420c.ogg] xī wàng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 希望 吸引 xīyǐn v. to attract 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-99b7fec3.ogg] xī yǐn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 吸引 一点儿也不 yīdiǎnryěbù idiomatic exp. not at all 30 Rudgers [sound:一点儿也不.mp3] yī diǎn ér yě bù Google TTS 一點兒也不 已经 yǐjīng adv. already 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-344c5660.ogg] yǐ jīng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 已經 一切 yīqiè n. everthing / the whole thing 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-de561b52.ogg] yī qiē Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 一切 意思 yìsi n. meaning 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-98d132a3.ogg] yì sī Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 意思 原因 yuányīn n. reason 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f7f436e1.ogg] yuán yīn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 原因 阅读 yuèdú n. reading 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-69a58a0b.ogg] yuè dú Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 閱讀 正好 zhènghǎo adv. just happened to / coincidentally 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-6f3f2126.ogg] zhèng hǎo Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 正好 指导 zhǐdǎo v. to teach / to instruct / to guide 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-3126c7e7.ogg] zhǐ dǎo Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 指導 知识 zhīshì n. knowledge 30 Rudgers [sound:cmn-19d5d444.ogg] zhī shí Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 知識 班机 bānjī n. Flight 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-6d1b5f94.ogg] bān jī Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 班機 办理 bànlǐ v. to handle,to process 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-88b57f1c.ogg] bàn lǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 辦理 报到注册 bàodàozhùcè v.phrase to register 31 Rudgers [sound:报到注册.mp3] bào dào zhù cè Google TTS 報到註冊 变化 biànhuà n. change 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-9d7a36e7.ogg] biàn huà Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 變化 标准 biāozhǔn adj. precise / standard 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ae4672fa.ogg] biāo zhǔn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 標準 乘坐 chéngzuò v. to take (train/boat/plan) 31 Rudgers [sound:乘坐.mp3] chéng zuò Google TTS 乘坐 chū v. to exit 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-0f1e9f47.ogg] chū Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 出差 chūchāi v.phrase to go on a business trip 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-b3814d35.ogg] chū chà Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 出差 出口处 chūkǒuchù n. exit 31 Rudgers [sound:出口处.mp3] chū kǒu chù Google TTS 出口處 此外 cǐwài adv. in addition to / besides 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-474fd19e.ogg] cǐ wài Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 此外 dāi v. to stay 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-3ce95617.ogg] dāi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 当。。。的时候 dāng...deshíhòu prep.phrase (at the time) when 31 Rudgers [sound:当。。。的时候.mp3] dāng 。。。 de shí hòu Google TTS 當。。。的時候 大厅 dàtīng n. hall 31 Rudgers [sound:大厅.mp3] dà tīng Google TTS 大廳 点头 diǎntóu v. to nod 31 Rudgers [sound:点头.mp3] diǎn tóu Google TTS 點頭 发音 fāyīn n. pronunciation 31 Rudgers [sound:发音.mp3] fā yīn Google TTS 發音 高层建筑 gāocéngjiànzhù n.phrase tall building 31 Rudgers [sound:高层建筑.mp3] gāo céng jiàn zhù Google TTS 高層建築 高速公路 gāosùgōnglù n. highway 31 Rudgers [sound:高速公路.mp3] gāo sù gōng lù Google TTS 高速公路 公司 gōngsī n. company 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-5f781fbc.ogg] gōng sī Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 公司 海关 hǎiguān n. customs 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-92e83408.ogg] hǎi guān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 海關 jiā m.w. for families or business establishments 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-42ee4c87.ogg] jiā Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 降落 jiàngluò v. to land 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-20cc045d.ogg] jiàng luò Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 降落 经济 jīngjì n. economics 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-56734d39.ogg] jīng jì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 經濟 惊讶 jīngyà adj. suprised 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-b00ac3e7.ogg] jīng yà Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 驚訝 计算机 jìsuànjī n. computer 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-8612fa7f.ogg] jì suàn jī Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 計算機 kāi v. to drive 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f5a0a9cd.ogg] kāi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 来自 láizì v. to come from 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c7cc96c8.ogg] lái zì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 來自 礼貌 lǐmào adj. polite 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-fd8cc0c4.ogg] lǐ mào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 禮貌 旅游 lǚyóu v.n. to tour / tour 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-8cb75729.ogg] lǚ yóu Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 旅遊 旅游胜地 lǚyóushèngdì n. tourist resort 31 Rudgers [sound:旅游胜地.mp3] lǚ yóu shèng dì Google TTS 旅遊勝地 没想到 méixiǎngdào idiom exp. did not think 31 Rudgers [sound:没想到.mp3] méi xiǎng dào Google TTS 沒想到 母校 mǔxiào n. alma mater 31 Rudgers [sound:母校.mp3] mǔ xiào Google TTS 母校 conj. then / in that case 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-1f183aa6.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 人口 rénkǒu n. population 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-484222e1.ogg] rén kǒu Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 人口 上车 shàngchē v.phrase to get in a car/on a bus 31 Rudgers [sound:上车.mp3] shàng chē Google TTS 上車 世界各地 shìjiègèdì n. all over the world 31 Rudgers [sound:世界各地.mp3] shì jiè gè dì Google TTS 世界各地 实在 shízài adv. really 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-cf136075.ogg] shí zài Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 實在 手续 shǒuxù n. precedure / paper work 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f48ad4e6.ogg] shǒu xù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 手續 顺便 shùnbiàn adv. by taking advantage of the opportunity 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-3072a666.ogg] shùn biàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 順便 外事办 wàishìbàn n. foreign affairs office 31 Rudgers [sound:外事办.mp3] wài shì bàn Google TTS 外事辦 文化 wénhuà n. culture 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7e64f673.ogg] wén huà Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 文化 n. department 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c0b78848.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 现代化 xiàndàihuà adj. modernized 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4af505c3.ogg] xiàn dài huà Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 現代化 辛苦 xīnkǔ adj. hard; not easy 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ce502ed9.ogg] xīn kǔ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 辛苦 吸引 xīyǐn v. to attract 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-99b7fec3.ogg] xī yǐn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 吸引 训练班 xùnliànbān n. training class / training / program 31 Rudgers [sound:训练班.mp3] xùn liàn bān Google TTS 訓練班 游客 yóukè n. tourist 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2edb3d74.ogg] yóu kè Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 遊客 长得。。。 zhǎngde v. to look like / to be grown 31 Rudgers [sound:长得。。。.mp3] cháng dé 。。。 Google TTS 長得。。。 政治 zhèngzhì n. politics 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-37678c0c.ogg] zhèng zhì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 政治 走进 zǒujìn v. to walk/step into 31 Rudgers [sound:走进.mp3] zǒu jìn Google TTS 走進 zuò m.w. for mountains / buildings or other simmilar immovable objects 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-06f0bb20.ogg] zuò Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 左右 zuǒyòu adv. about / approximately 31 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7cf6cdb6.ogg] zuǒ yòu Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 左右 安徽 ān huī place name a province of China 33 Rudgers [sound:安徽.mp3] ān huī Google TTS 安徽 bǎi v. to display / to place 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-3eafe84e.ogg] bǎi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan céng adv. once 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ec42b85a.ogg] céng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 春花 chūn huā n. spring flowers 33 Rudgers [sound:春花.mp3] chūn huā Google TTS 春花 春天 chūn tiān n. spring 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2054ac30.ogg] chūn tiān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 春天 春雨 chūn yǔ n. spring rain 33 Rudgers [sound:春雨.mp3] chūn yǔ Google TTS 春雨 从。。。到 cóng...dào conj. 33 Rudgers [sound:从。。。到.mp3] cóng 。。。 dào Google TTS 從。。。到 单身 dān shēng adj. single (not married) 33 Rudgers [sound:单身.mp3] dān shēn Google TTS 單身 冬天 dōng tiān n. winter 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-0418b8f7.ogg] dōng tiān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 冬天 杜牧 Dù Mù person name a well-known poet in the Tang Dynasty 33 Rudgers [sound:杜牧.mp3] dù mù Google TTS 杜牧 发展 fā zhǎn v. to develop 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-13936069.ogg] fā zhǎn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 發展 分明 fēn míng adj. distinctive 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a0183b01.ogg] fēn míng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 分明 风味 fēng wèi adj. local style 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2f938481.ogg] fēng wèi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 風味 福建 fú jiàn place name a province of China 33 Rudgers [sound:福建.mp3] fú jiàn Google TTS 福建 古诗 gǔ shī n. ancient poem(s) 33 Rudgers [sound:古诗.mp3] gǔ shī Google TTS 古詩 刮风 guā fēng v. to blow wind 33 Rudgers [sound:刮风.mp3] guā fēng Google TTS 颳風 国庆节 guó qìng jié n. the national day 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-1407367b.ogg] guó qìng jié Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 國慶節 还好 hái hǎo idiomatic exp. fortunately 33 Rudgers [sound:还好.mp3] hái hǎo Google TTS 還好 寒冷 hán lěng adj. cold 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-85800153.ogg] hán lěng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 寒冷 杭州 háng zhōu place name a city of China 33 Rudgers [sound:杭州.mp3] háng zhōu Google TTS 杭州 红叶 hóng yè n. red leaf 33 Rudgers [sound:红叶.mp3] hóng yè Google TTS 紅葉 结婚 jié hūn v. to marry 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-b2579267.ogg] jié hūn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 結婚 解释 jiě shì v. to explain 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-099042bc.ogg] jiě shì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 解釋 开始 kāi shǐ n. begin 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-fb201a71.ogg] kāi shǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 開始 口语 kǒu yǔ n. spoken language 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-bd2a4451.ogg] kǒu yǔ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 口語 快速 kuài sù adv. rapidly 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-02b6d7e2.ogg] kuài sù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 快速 凉快 liáng kuài adj. nice and cool 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e9ac64fd.ogg] liáng kuài Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 涼快 凉爽 liáng shuǎng adj. pleasantly cool 33 Rudgers [sound:凉爽.mp3] liáng shuǎng Google TTS 涼爽 聊天 liáo tiān v. to chat 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-8fff87db.ogg] liáo tiān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 聊天 龙井 lóng jǐng proper n. a special type of tea 33 Rudgers [sound:龙井.mp3] lóng jǐng Google TTS 龍井 mǎn adj. full 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f4ce910d.ogg] mǎn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 滿 毛尖 máo jiān proper n. a special type of tea 33 Rudgers [sound:毛尖.mp3] máo jiān Google TTS 毛尖 美丽 měi lì adj. beautiful 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2fd56e19.ogg] měi lì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 美麗 孟浩然 mèng hào person name a well known poet in the Tang Dynasty 33 Rudgers [sound:孟浩然.mp3] mèng hào rán Google TTS 孟浩然 南方的 nán fāng de adj. southern 33 Rudgers [sound:南方的.mp3] nán fāng de Google TTS 南方的 niàn v. to read 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-883e3e2d.ogg] niàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 年轻 nián qīng adj. young 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d2a5a3d3.ogg] nián qīng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 年輕 暖和 nuǎn huo adj. warm 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7a12ed2d.ogg] nuǎn huo Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 暖和 品尝 pǐn cháng v. to taste (to evaluate or enjoy) 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f15af406.ogg] pǐn cháng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 品嚐 平均 píng jūn n. average 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-fd41501c.ogg] píng jūn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 平均 气候 qì hòu n. weather 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4e43863b.ogg] qì hòu Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 氣候 敲(门) qiāo mén v. to knock (on the door) 33 Rudgers [sound:敲(门).mp3] qiāo ( mén ) Google TTS 敲(門) 晴朗 qíng lǎng adj. clear / sunny 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2129aa73.ogg] qíng lǎng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 晴朗 庆祝 qìng zhù v. to celebrate 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-946db3b0.ogg] qìng zhù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 慶祝 秋天 qiū tiān n. fall / autumn 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-889488cf.ogg] qiū tiān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 秋天 摄氏度 shè shì dù n. degree in centigrade 33 Rudgers [sound:摄氏度.mp3] shè shì dù Google TTS 攝氏度 湿 shī adj. wet 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-3cf7ceec.ogg] shī Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan shī n. poems; poetry 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-1f44fecb.ogg] shī Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 诗句 shī jù n. poetic line; verse 33 Rudgers [sound:诗句.mp3] shī jù Google TTS 詩句 诗人 shī rén n. poet 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-02408dca.ogg] shī rén Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 詩人 shǒu m.w. for songs and poems 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-b8431f23.ogg] shǒu Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 树叶 shùyè n. leaf 33 Rudgers [sound:树叶.mp3] shù yè Google TTS 樹葉 四季 sì jì n. four seasons 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c083798b.ogg] sì jì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 四季 唐代 táng dài n. phrase Tang Dynasty 33 Rudgers [sound:唐代.mp3] táng dài Google TTS 唐代 特有 tè yǒu adj. unique / special to 33 Rudgers [sound:特有.mp3] tè yǒu Google TTS 特有 天空 tiān kōng n. the sky 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ba53df5c.ogg] tiān kōng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 天空 铁观音 tiě guān yīn proper n. a special type of tea 33 Rudgers [sound:铁观音.mp3] tiě guān yīn Google TTS 鐵觀音 为。。。 wèi... prep. for 33 Rudgers [sound:为。。。.mp3] wèi 。。。 Google TTS 爲。。。 文人墨客 wénrénmòkè n. phrase scholar; man of letters man of letters 33 Rudgers [sound:文人墨客.mp3] wén rén mò kè Google TTS 文人墨客 夏天 xià tiān n. summer 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-0d9ec443.ogg] xià tiān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 夏天 鲜花 xiān huā n. fresh flowers 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c7e39c42.ogg] xiān huā Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 鮮花 香山 xiāng shān place name Fragrant Hill 33 Rudgers [sound:香山.mp3] xiāng shān Google TTS 香山 小吃 xiǎo chī n. local delicacies 33 Rudgers [sound:小吃.mp3] xiǎo chī Google TTS 小吃 新建 xīn jiàn adj. new-built 33 Rudgers [sound:新建.mp3] xīn jiàn Google TTS 新建 炎热 yán rè adj. hot 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-68477a9b.ogg] yán rè Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 炎熱 意思 yì si n. meaning 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-98d132a3.ogg] yì sī Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 意思 饮料 yǐn liào n. beverage; drink (esp. a soft drink 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-965d3f57.ogg] yǐn liào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 飲料 游览 yóu lǎn v. to tour 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2c7adcb8.ogg] yóu lǎn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 遊覽 雨伞 yǔ sǎn n. umbrella 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-5faceb89.ogg] yǔ sǎn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 雨傘 越来越 yuè lái yuè ad. more and more 33 Rudgers [sound:越来越.mp3] yuè lái yuè Google TTS 越來越 赞美 zàn měi v. to praise; to laud 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-1286c28b.ogg] zàn měi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 讚美 怎麽 zěn me idiomatic exp. what's happening 33 Rudgers [sound:怎麽.mp3] zěn me Google TTS 怎麼 这不 zhè bu idiomatic exp. but / no... 33 Rudgers [sound:这不.mp3] zhè bù Google TTS 這不 左右 zuǒ yòu adv. about 33 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7cf6cdb6.ogg] zuǒ yòu Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 左右 按照 ànzhào adv. according to 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-3773617e.ogg] àn zhào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 按照 包裹 bāoguǒ n. parcel,package 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c9bc5512.ogg] bāo guǒ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 包裹 包裹单 bāoguǒdān n. package (arrival) notice 34 Rudgers [sound:包裹单.mp3] bāo guǒ dān Google TTS 包裹單 不错 búcuò idiom exp. not bad 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-395e5ad5.ogg] bù cuò Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 不錯 地址 dìzhǐ n. address 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-78b1ca25.ogg] dì zhǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 地址 动物 dòngwù n. animal 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-6d244c20.ogg] dòng wù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 動物 方法 fāngfǎ n. way; method 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ad01bc3e.ogg] fāng fǎ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 方法 fēng m.w. for letters 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2e12d657.ogg] fēng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 风景 fēngjǐng n. scenery / landscape 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f10dec9f.ogg] fēng jǐng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 風景 风筝 fēngzhēng n. kite 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-833224df.ogg] fēng zhēng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 風箏 刚刚 gānggāng adv. just 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e889ab53.ogg] gāng gāng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 剛剛 guì adj. expensive 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-631274b5.ogg] guì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 航空信 hángkōngxìn n. air mail 34 Rudgers [sound:航空信.mp3] háng kōng xìn Google TTS 航空信 hào n. number 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-b97669f2.ogg] hào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan n. lake 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7e455680.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 欢呼雀跃 huānhūquèyuè idiom to cheer,to exclaim 34 Rudgers [sound:欢呼雀跃.mp3] huān hū què yuè Google TTS 歡呼雀躍 v. to mail 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-93222c46.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 静静地 jìngjìngde v. quietly 34 Rudgers [sound:静静地.mp3] jìng jìng dì Google TTS 靜靜地 jiù adj. old 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-249c5f96.ogg] jiù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 迷路 mílù v. to lose 34 Rudgers [sound:迷路.mp3] mí lù Google TTS 迷路 明信片 míngxìnpiàn n. postcard 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-54cc99b1.ogg] míng xìn piàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 明信片 pén m.w. for things held in a basin / tub / or pot 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-c5826af3.ogg] pén Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 平信 píngxìn n. ordinary mail 34 Rudgers [sound:平信.mp3] píng xìn Google TTS 平信 qǔ v. to pick up 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f51f79ac.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 人物 rénwù n. person 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-fd49b817.ogg] rén wù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 人物 身份 shēnfèn n. identity 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-97c276c3.ogg] shēn fèn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 身份 收信人 shōuxìnrén n. addressee; receiver 34 Rudgers [sound:收信人.mp3] shōu xìn rén Google TTS 收信人 顺便问一下儿 shùnbiànwènyíxiàr diom exp. by the way 34 Rudgers [sound:顺便问一下儿.mp3] shùn biàn wèn yī xià ér Google TTS 順便問一下兒 随身 suíshēn exp. (carry) on one's person; (take) with one 34 Rudgers [sound:随身.mp3] suí shēn Google TTS 隨身 tào m.w. (for books / furniture / rooms / methods / remarks / etc.) set; suit; suite 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ed738512.ogg] tào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 特快转递 tèkuàizhuāndì phrase express mail 34 Rudgers [sound:特快转递.mp3] tè kuài zhuǎn dì Google TTS 特快轉遞 通常 tōngcháng adv. generally; usually 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a51d57fe.ogg] tōng cháng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 通常 午夜 wǔyè time word midnight 34 Rudgers [sound:午夜.mp3] wǔ yè Google TTS 午夜 校园 xiàoyuán n. campus 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-61d42605.ogg] xiào yuán Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 校園 写信封 xiěxìnfēng v. phrase to address an envelope 34 Rudgers [sound:写信封.mp3] xiě xìn fēng Google TTS 寫信封 信封 xìnfēng n. envelope 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-8a0416d7.ogg] xìn fēng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 信封 xuǎn v. to choose; to select 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f69591f2.ogg] xuǎn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 营业 yíngyè v. to do business 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-724bd0fd.ogg] yíng yè Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 營業 营业员 yíngyèyuán n. clerk 34 Rudgers [sound:营业员.mp3] yíng yè yuán Google TTS 營業員 邮费 yóufèi n. postage 34 Rudgers [sound:邮费.mp3] yóu fèi Google TTS 郵費 邮局 yóujú n. post office 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-595468bf.ogg] yóu jú Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 郵局 右下角 yòuxiàjiǎo dir. word lower right corner 34 Rudgers [sound:右下角.mp3] yòu xià jiǎo Google TTS 右下角 照片 zhàopiàn n. photo / picture 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-26096763.ogg] zhào piàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 照片 证件 zhèngjiàn n. documents / credentials / certificate 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-679ff8e3.ogg] zhèng jiàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 證件 整理 zhěnglǐ v. to arrange; to put in order 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-231e42bb.ogg] zhěng lǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 整理 zhī m.w. for boats / birds / some animals / some containers / and one of certain paired things 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-da70052b.ogg] zhǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 种类 zhǒnglèi n. kinds / types 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-6a779421.ogg] zhǒng lèi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 種類 主意 zhǔyi n. idea 34 Rudgers [sound:cmn-59541d95.ogg] zhǔ yì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 主意 安排 ānpái v. to arrange 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-be63186b.ogg] ān pái Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 安排 笔记 bǐjì n. notes 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-61622d0e.ogg] bǐ jì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 筆記 毕竟 bìjìng adv. after all 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-88d86d3f.ogg] bì jìng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 畢竟 博士 bóshì n. Ph.D. 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-07c7d970.ogg] bó shì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 博士 不到长城非好汉 búdàochángchéng fēi hǎohàn idiom exp. If you fail to reach the Great Wall / you are not a man. 35 Rudgers [sound:不到长城非好汉.mp3] bù dào cháng chéng fēi hǎo hàn Google TTS 不到長城非好漢 测验 cèyàn n. quiz 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-85759f25.ogg] cè yàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 測驗 查资料 cházīliào v. to cosult/look up information (books / papers periodicals etc.) 35 Rudgers [sound:查资料.mp3] chá zī liào Google TTS 查資料 抽(时间) chōu (shíjiān) v. to find (time) / to save (time) 35 Rudgers [sound:抽(时间).mp3] chōu ( shí jiān ) Google TTS 抽(時間) 当然 dāngrán adv. certainly 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-61a924ae.ogg] dāng rán Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 當然 调查 diàochá v. to investigate 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-59f4442d.ogg] diào chá Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 調查 duì m.w. a pair of,couple 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-cb4a6057.ogg] duì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 丰富 fēngfù adj. plentiful 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-636a881e.ogg] fēng fù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 豐富 辅导 fǔdǎo v. to tutor 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7ac485fa.ogg] fǔ dǎo Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 輔導 感兴趣 gǎnxìngqù v. to be interested (in) 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-96fa7750.ogg] gǎn xìng qù Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 感興趣 攻读 gōngdú v. to pursue study 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4df75a4d.ogg] gōng dú Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 攻讀 鼓励 gǔlì v. to encourage 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2868a126.ogg] gǔ lì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 鼓勵 奖学金 jiǎngxuéjīn n. scholarship 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-0bdaab5a.ogg] jiǎng xué jīn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 獎學金 健身房 jiànshēnfáng n. gym 35 Rudgers [sound:健身房.mp3] jiàn shēn fáng Google TTS 健身房 检验 jiǎnyàn v. to check / to evaluate 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-bdd47a06.ogg] jiǎn yàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 檢驗 交谈 jiāotán v. to converse 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-043e4262.ogg] jiāo tán Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 交談 饺子 jiǎozi n. Chinese dumpling 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-0e0e165a.ogg] jiǎo zǐ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 餃子 假期 jiàqī n. vacation 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-1b68dbe3.ogg] jà qī Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 假期 机会 jīhuì n. opportunity 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e1a7de41.ogg] jī huì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 機會 经验 jīngyàn n. experience 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7e7b65b6.ogg] jīng yàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 經驗 紧张 jǐnzhāng adj. busy 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-bef755e6.ogg] jǐn zhāng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 緊張 课程 kèchéng n. course schedule 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f416a3ce.ogg] kè chéng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 課程 恋人 liànrén n. lover 35 Rudgers [sound:恋人.mp3] liàn rén Google TTS 戀人 聊天 liáotiān v. to chat 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-8fff87db.ogg] liáo tiān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 聊天 理解 lǐjiě v. to understand 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-aadf1d0a.ogg] lǐ jiě Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 理解 利用 lìyòng v. to make use of 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-273324af.ogg] lì yòng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 利用 论文 lùnwén n. dissertation 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-0fa52048.ogg] lùn wén Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 論文 mǎn adj. full 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f4ce910d.ogg] mǎn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 滿 mén m.w. used for subjects of study 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-bf7f053a.ogg] mén Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 平时 píngshí n. ordinarily / usually / normally 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-543606f5.ogg] píng shí Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 平時 m.w. for things scheduled by periods 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ef6a3ec3.ogg] Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 期刊 qīkān n. journal 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d11408e9.ogg] qī kān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 期刊 请教 qǐngjiào v. to consult; to ask for advise 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-118dbf85.ogg] qǐng jiào Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 請教 情况 qíngkuàng n. situation 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-24e5bff2.ogg] qíng kuàng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 情況 申请 shēnqǐng v. to apply 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4aa9ed2c.ogg] shēn qǐng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 申請 实践 shíjiàn v. to put into practice / practical 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-d2bd6296.ogg] shí jiàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 實踐 适应 shìyìng v. to adjust. to adapt 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-305e26ef.ogg] shì yīng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 適應 顺利 shùnlì adj. smooth 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4c78e875.ogg] shùn lì Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 順利 俗话 súhuà n. old saying 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-8ec77028.ogg] sú huà Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 俗話 天坛 tiāntán place name the Temple of Heaven 35 Rudgers [sound:天坛.mp3] tiān tán Google TTS 天壇 提高 tígāo v. to improve 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ea3d0aa0.ogg] tí gāo Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 提高 听讲 tīngjiǎng v. to listen (to lectures) 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-93ea68e0.ogg] tīng jiǎng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 聽講 外资企业 wàizīqǐyè n. foreign invested business 35 Rudgers [sound:外资企业.mp3] wài zī qǐ yè Google TTS 外資企業 西安 xī'ān place name 35 Rudgers [sound:西安.mp3] xī ān Google TTS 西安 相机 xiàngjī n. camera 35 Rudgers [sound:相机.mp3] xiāng jī Google TTS 相機 校园 xiàoyuán n. campus 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-61d42605.ogg] xiào yuán Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 校園 写作 xiězuò n. composition / writing 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-0f9cb768.ogg] xiě zuò Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 寫作 xiū v. to take (a course) 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-03999df6.ogg] xiū Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 学位 xuéwèi n. degree 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-7b756178.ogg] xué wèi Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 學位 研究所 yánjiūsuǒ n. research institute; graduate school 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-ed6d8684.ogg] yán jiū suǒ Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 研究所 遥远 yáoyuǎn adj. far 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-4baf77fc.ogg] yáo yuǎn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 遙遠 英美文学 yīngměi wénxué n. British and American literature 35 Rudgers [sound:英美文学.mp3] yīng měi wén xué Google TTS 英美文學 有限 yǒuxiàn adj. to be limited 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-03c723a4.ogg] yǒu xiàn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 有限 游泳馆 yóuyǒngguǎn n. natatorium / swimming hall 35 Rudgers [sound:游泳馆.mp3] yóu yǒng guǎn Google TTS 游泳館 原因 yuányīn n. reason 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-f7f436e1.ogg] yuán yīn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 原因 羽毛球 yǔmáoqiú n. badminton 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-cbf61aa1.ogg] yǔ máo qiú Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 羽毛球 照相 zhàoxiàng v. to take pictures 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-e89b3a8d.ogg] zhào xiāng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 照相 真正 zhēnzhèng adj. truely 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-b24f2d9e.ogg] zhēn zhèng Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 真正 周末 zhōumò n. weekend 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-a26d07bc.ogg] zhōu mò Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 週末 壮观 zhuàngguān adj. magnificent 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2879e9d8.ogg] zhuàng guān Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 壯觀 专心 zhuānxīn adj. to be concentrated (on); to be attentive (to) 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-0b90870e.ogg] zhuān xīn Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 專心 专业 zhuānyè n. major (field of study) 35 Rudgers [sound:cmn-2178d33e.ogg] zhuān yè Tan Shtooka-cmn-caen-tan 專業