// JavaScript Document //var name = "http://chinese.rutgers.edu/class_content_simplified_chinese" var name = "../../.." function writeGrade1_1() { document.write("
 Course Contents
") document.write("  
Level One (1):

") document.write("   1,2,3: Are you OK?" + "
") document.write("   4,5: This is my friend." + "
") document.write("   6: What is his nationality? " + "
") document.write("   7: What is this?" + "
") document.write("   8: Have some tea, please!" + "
") document.write("   9: What is your family name?" + "
") document.write("   10: He is at the foreign
      languages institute.
" + "
") document.write("   11: May I use your phone
      for a while?
" + "
") document.write("   12: They are good friends." + "
") document.write("   13: Do you know him?" + "
") document.write("   14: Do you have sisters?" + "
") document.write("   15: Is there an East Asian
      Languages Department in        your University?
" + "
") document.write("   16: That pair of pants is not
" + "
") document.write("   17: What time is it?" + "
") document.write("   18: Renmei Ding's day." + "
") document.write("   19: Do you want black tea or
      green tea?
" + "
") document.write("   20: What day of the week is it       today?" + "
") document.write("
 Level One (2)
") document.write("
 Level Two
") document.write("
 Level Three
") document.write("
 Level Four

") } function writeGrade1_2() { document.write("
 Course Content
") document.write("
 Level One (1)
") document.write("  
Level One (2):

") document.write("   21: Happy birthday to you!" + "
") document.write("   22: The student center is right
      across from my dorm.
" + "
") document.write("   23: She is cleaning her room." + "
") document.write("   24: Take some dimsum Mom
" + "
") document.write("   25: I did not expect that you
      swim so well.
" + "
") document.write("   26: I will attend the graduate school,
      and study Chinese culture.
" + "
") document.write("   27: Has the party for the Spring
      Festival started yet?
" + "
") document.write("   28: I went to the New York
      Consulate to apply for a Visa.
" + "
") document.write("   29: The plane is about to take
" + "
") document.write("   30: What would you like to do
      this summer vacation?
" + "
") document.write("   31: We took a seventeen hour
" + "
") document.write("   32: Have you had a physical
      exam recently?
" + "
") document.write("   33: It has started raining outside" + "
") document.write("   34: Going to the post office to
      mail pictures
" + "
") document.write("   35: Chatting with Chinese
" + "
") document.write("
 Level Two
") document.write("
 Level Three
") document.write("
 Level Four

") } function writeGrade3() { document.write("
 Course Content
") document.write("
 Level One (1)
") document.write("
 Level One (2)
") document.write("
 Level Two
") document.write("  
Level Three:

") document.write("  一: 你的中国话说得真好." + "
") document.write("  二: 学会谦虚." + "
") document.write("  三: 吃了吗?" + "
") document.write("  四: 送礼." + "
") document.write("  五: 我请客." + "
") document.write("  六: 打喷嚏." + "
") document.write("  七: 国家大事." + "
") document.write("  八: 因人而异." + "
") document.write("  九: 树大招风." + "
") document.write("  十: 怎么称呼您." + "
") document.write("  十一: 中国的饮食." + "
") document.write("  十二: 穿在中国." + "
") document.write("  十三: 中国的节日." + "
") document.write("  十四: 人名趣谈." + "
") document.write("  十五: 中国人的幽默." + "
") document.write("  十六: 北京特写." + "
") document.write("  十七: 上海传真." + "
") document.write("  十八: 台北行." + "
") document.write("  十九: 广州的自由与机会." + "
") document.write("  二十: 移民城市深圳." + "
") document.write("
 Level Four

") } function writeGrade4() { document.write("
 Course Content
") document.write("
 Level One (1)
") document.write("
 Level One (2)
") document.write("
 Level Two
") document.write("
 Level Three
") document.write("  
Level Four:

") document.write("  一: 随感录三十八 - 鲁讯" + "
") document.write("  二: 中国人的宗教 - 张爱玲" + "
") document.write("  三: 相亲 - 钱鈡书" + "
") document.write("  四: 诗歌三首 - 徐志摩,
      余光中, 北岛
" + "
") document.write("  五: 西风不识相 - 三毛" + "
") document.write("  六: 学说话 - 敏嘟噜" + "
") document.write("  七: 中国知识分子与中古遗风
      - 王小波
" + "
") document.write("  八: 百年思索 - 龙应台" + "
") document.write("  九: 谈谈中国传统文化
      - 张岱年
" + "
") document.write("  十: 重新点燃启蒙的火炬
      - 李慎之
" + "

") }