Rudgers 7 He Is at the Foreign Languages Institute A: Excuse me, is this the student dorm of the Foreign Languages Institute. B: Yes. A: Where is student dorm No.435? B: It is over there. Who are you looking for? A: I’m looking for Dawei. He says he resides in student dorm No.435. B: Dawei…You are…. A: I am a friend of his. My name is Shihai. Is Dawei in? B: No. He is at the Foreign Languages Institute. A: Thank you. I’ll go and look for him there. Bye. Initials: z c s Retroflex final: er 甲: 请问,这是外语学院学生宿舍吗? 乙: 是。 甲: 学生宿舍四三五号在哪儿? 乙: 在那儿。你找谁? 甲: 我找大为。他说他住四三五号。 乙: 大为....你是.... 甲: 我是大为的朋友,叫世海。大为在吗? 乙: 他不在。他在外语学院。 甲: 谢谢。我去那儿找他。再见。 Initials: z c s Retroflex final: er 甲: 請問,這是外語學院學生宿舍嗎? 乙: 是。 甲: 學生宿舍四三五號在哪兒? 乙: 在那兒。你找誰? 甲: 我找大為。他說他住四三五號。 乙: 大為....你是.... 甲: 我是大為的朋友,叫世海。大為在嗎? 乙: 他不在。他在外語學院。 甲: 謝謝。我去那兒找他。再見。 Jiă: Qĭng wèn, zhè shì wàiyŭ xuéyuàn xuéshēng sùshè ma? Yĭ: Shì. Jiă: Xuéshēng sùshe sì sān wŭ hào zài năr? Yĭ: Zài nàr. Nĭ zhăo shuí? Jiă: Wŏ zhăo Dàwèi. Tā shuō tā zhù sì sān wŭ hào. Yĭ: Dàwèi...nĭshì... Jiă: Wŏ shì Dàwèi de péngyou. Wŏ jiào Shìhăi. Dàwèi zài ma? Yĭ: Tā bú zài. Tā zài Wàiyŭ xuéyuàn. Jiă: Xièxiè. Wŏ qù nàr zhăo tā. Zàijiàn. Shihai’s friend David is American. He is a student at the Foreign Languages Institute. But, the teachers and the students at the Foreign Languages Institute know him only as Dawei, not as David. Dawei lives in the dorm. He lives in Rm. 435. Rm. 435 is not big, but very clean. Dawei likes his room very much. He often invites his friend to his place to have fun. (They) drink Chinese tea, watch Chinese TV, and speak Chinese. Today, Shihai went to the student dorm to look for him. He was not in. His roommate said he was at the Foreign Languages Institute. Now, Shihai is going there to look for him. 世海的朋友David 是美国人。他是外语学院的学生。可是外语学院的老师和学生只知道他叫大为,不知道他叫David。 大为住宿舍。他住四三五号。四三五号不大,可是很干净。大为很喜欢他的房间。他常常请他的朋友去他那儿玩,喝中国茶,看中文电视,说中文。 今天,世海去学生宿舍找他。他不在。他的室友说他在外语学院。现在,世海去那儿找他。 世海的朋友David 是美國人。他是外語學院的學生。可是外語學院的老師和學生只知道他叫大為,不知道他叫David。 大為住宿舍。他住四三五號。四三五號不大,可是很乾淨。大為很喜歡他的房間。他常常請他的朋友去他那兒玩,喝中國茶,看中文電視,說中文。 今天,世海去學生宿舍找他。他不在。他的室友說他在外語學院。現在,世海去那兒找他。 Shìhăi de péngyou David shì Mĕiguó rén. Tā shì Wàiyŭ xuéyuàn de xuéshēng, kĕshì Wàiyŭ xuéyuàn de lăoshī hé xuéshēng zhĭ zhīdào tā jiào Dàwèi, bù zhīdào tā jiào David. Dàwèi zhù sùshè. Tā zhù sì sān wŭ hào. Sì sān wŭ hào bú dà, kĕshì hĕn gānjìng. Dàwèi hĕn xĭhuān tā de fángjiān. Tā chángchang qĭng tā de péngyou qù tā nàr wán, hē Zhōngguó chá, kàn Zhōngwén diànshì, shuō Zhōngwén. Jīntiān, Shìhăi qù xuéshēng sùshè zhăo tā. Tā bú zài. Tā de shìyŏu shuō tā zài Wàiyŭ xuéyuàn. Xiànzài, Shìhăi qù nàr zhăo tā. Chinese Words Pinyin Part of Speech Engl. Trans. 宿舍 sùshè n. dorm 房间 (房間) fángjiān n. room 室友 shìyŏu n. roomate 住 zhù v. to reside, to live in 在 zài v. to be located in/on/at, etc. 去 qù v. to go 找 zhǎo v. to look for 知道 zhīdao v. to know 请 (請) qǐng v. to invite 玩 wán v. to play 干净 (乾淨) gānjìng adj. clean 那儿 (那兒) nàr place name there 这儿 (這兒) zhèr place name here 哪儿 (哪兒) nǎr place name where 只 zhǐ adv. only 常常 chángcháng adv. often 今天 jīntiān time word today 现在 (現在) xiànzài time word now 零 líng numeral zero 一 yī numeral one 二 èr numeral two 三 sān numeral three 四 sì numeral four 五 wǔ numeral five 1. The demonstrative place names "这儿", "那儿": 这儿( here ), 那儿(there) can be used as localizers that can combine with pronouns, proper nouns, and nouns. For example: 我这儿 wŏ zhèr my place 王老师那儿 Wáng lăoshī nàr Teacher Wang’s place 外语学院那儿 wàiyŭ xuéyuàn nàr the Institute of Foreign Languages there 2. Time-word: Time words such as 今天,现在 etc. can function as nouns, and can be used an adjective to modify another noun. For example: 今天的老师 jīntiān de lăoshī today’s teacher 现在的学生 xiànzài de xuésheng nowadays students Times words may also function as adverbs. As adverbs they must precede the verb, and they can come before or after the subject. For example: 今天她去外语学院。 Jīntiān tā qù wàiyŭ xuéyuàn. Today she’ll go to the Foreign language Institute. 你现在看什么? Nĭ xiànzài kàn shénme? What are you reading now? Pronunciation notes: Retroflex final “er”: “er” is also considered as a simple final as “a, o, e, i, u”. To form this sound, you should first get your mouth in the position for forming “e”, but with the middle front rather than the middle back part of the tongue raised. The other important difference is that the tip of the tongue must be raised and curl back over the tongue itself. This curling back is what is meant by “retroflex”. This final some what like “er” in American English “her”. The final “er” can stand by itself as a syllable. But it can also function as a suffix. When it became a suffix, it is spelt as “r”. For example: 玩(to play), can both be “wán” and “wánr”. Phonetically, what happens when “er” becomes suffix is that it drops its “e” and simply becomes “r”, and this “r” is hooked onto the syllable in question. When a syllable has a front nasal ending “n”, the “n” is dropped; when a syllable has a back ending “ng”, the “ng” fuses with “r” to form a nasalized vowel. Try the following syllables: a. èr shì'èr érzi értóng érhuà b. huār shìr niăor yìr màor yér c. wánr duănr diănr d. diànyĭngr diàndēngr This retroflex final is transcribed into character as 儿. Speech Patterns: 1. Place names 这儿,那儿: 1. 去我那儿吧。你那儿好吗? 2. 他去谢京那儿看电视。 3. 这儿的经济很好。北京那儿好吗? 4. 坐我这儿吧。 谢谢。 5. 你去哪儿找他?我去宿舍那儿找他。他也不在。 1. Qù wŏ nàr ba. Nĭ nàr hăo ma? 2. Tā qù Xiè Jīng nàr kàn diànshì. 3. Zhèr de jīngjì hĕn hăo. Bĕijīng nàr hăo ma? 4. Zuò wŏ zhèr ba. Xièxie. 5. Nĭ qù năr zhăo tā? Wŏ qù sùshè nàr zhăo tā. Tā yĕ bú zài. 1. Let’s go to my place. Is your place nice? 2. He went Xie jing’s place to watch TV. 3. The economy here is good. How is (it) in Beijing? 4. Take my seat (or: Sit next to me). Thank you. 5. Where did you go to look for him? I went the dorm to look for him. He is not there, either. 2. 在 as a verb: 1. 你妈妈也在这儿吗?她不在这儿,在台湾。 2. 你知道外语学院在哪儿吗?不知道。我们看地图吧。 3. 你的车在哪儿?不在这儿。在我哥哥那儿。 4. 你是哪国人?我是日本人。日本在亚洲吧?在。 5. 世海在吗?不在。他在宿舍。他的宿舍在哪儿?在经济学院。 1. Nĭ māma yĕ zài zhèr ma? Tā bú zài zhèr, zài Táiwān. 2. Nĭ zhīdao Wàiyŭ xuéyuàn zài năr ma? Bù zhīdao. Wŏmen kàn dìtú ba. 3. Nĭ de chē zài năr? Bú zài zhèr. Zài wŏ gēge nàr. 4. Nĭ shì năguó rén? Wŏ shì Rìbĕn rén. Rìbĕn zài Yàzhōu ba? Zài. 5. Shìhăi zài ma? Bú zài. Tā zài sùshè. Tā de sùshè zài năr? Zài Jīngjì xuéyuàn. 1. Is your mom also here? She is not here. (She) is in Taiwan. 2. Do you know where is the Foreign Languages Institute? No. Let’s check the map. 3. Where is your car? Not here. (It) is in my older brother’s place. 4. What is your nationality? I’m Japanese. Is Japan in Asia? Yes. 5. Is Shihai in? No. He is in the dorm. Where is his dorm? In the College of Economics. I. 选 择 填 空 : Choose the grammatically or logically correct answer. Then click to check. 1。你去上海-------? a) 找谁 b)找哪儿 c)说什么 2。 你的室友在------。 a)哪儿 b)我那儿 c) 我的房间那儿。 3。 你-------你经济老师的宿舍吗? a)知道 b) 说 c)也叫 4。你--------去那儿看书吧? a)很 b)只 c)都 5。大为,世海---------住四五一号吗? a) 很 b)都 c)可是 6。----------学生都住学院宿舍吗? a) 现在 b)常常 c)可是 7。你--------长城玩吗? a) 知道去 b) 喜欢 c)喜欢去 8。 北京-------哪儿? )是 b)在 c)去 Click to check the answers. II. 阅 读 / 听 力 练 习 : Check your comprehension after hearing the dialogues by choosing the correct answers. Click to check your answers. 1. 甲﹕海英,你住宿舍吗? 乙﹕不住。住宿舍不好。你呢?甲﹕我也不住。 where does the woman live? a. the dorm b. home c. with the man d. not clear What did the woman say about the dorm? a. very good b. good c. ok d. not so good 2. 甲﹕你找谁? 乙﹕世海在吗? 甲﹕他不住这儿 。他住学生宿舍321号。 What did the man say at the beginning of the dialogue? a. 你是谁? b. 你找谁? c. 你住哪儿? d. 你找书吗? The woman’s friend lives at _____. a. 332 b.321 c.231 d. 312 3。 你是美国人吗? a. 不,我是中国人. b .我也是学生. c. 是,我是老师. d. 他是美国人。 4。你是老师吗? a. 不,我是中国人. b. 我也是学生. c. 是,我是老师. d. 他是美国人。 5。我是学生,你呢? a.不,我是中国人. b.我也是学生. c. 是,我是老师. d.他是美国人。 6。你的中文老师是中国人吗? a.不,我是中国人. b.我也是学生. c. 是,我是老师. d.他是美国人。 Click to check answers. III. 选 择 题 : Choose the grammatically or logically correct answer. Then click to check 1。你住哪儿? a. 住王老师那儿。 b. 住那儿吗? c. 住王老师 2。大为在吗? a. 是。 b. 好。 c. 不在。 3。你喜欢你的房间吗? a. 都喜欢。 b. 喜欢那儿。 c. 喜欢。 4。你常常去哪儿看电视? a. 我朋友哪儿。 b. 我朋友那儿。 c. 去朋友看电视。 5。 你知道她的姓名吗? a. 我知道她姓什么,不知道她叫什么。 b. 我知道什么? c. 我只知道。 6。你常常去经济学院看你的朋友吗? a. 常常不去。 b. 不常常去。 c. 很常常。 7。你的房间在哪儿? a. 是三三二。 b. 是三三二号。 c. 在三三二。 8。俄国在哪儿? a. 在欧洲哪儿。 b. 在欧洲。 c. 欧洲在。 Click to check answers. IV.排 列 组 合 :Drag the word to order them into grammatical sentences. Then transcribe each sentence into Pinyin. Click to check the answers. 1。 1)住 2)谢 3)哪儿 4)大夫 5)呢 Word Order # Pinyin 2。 1)在 2)车 3)现在 4)你的 5)吗 6)这儿 Word Order # Pinyin 3。 1)去 2)老师 3)他 4)学院 5)找 6)今天 Word Order# Pinyin 4。 1)干净 2)谁的 3)很 4)房间 5) 说 6) 室友 7)你 Word Order# Pinyin 5。 1)看 2)电视 3)常常 4)什么 5)你 6)她 7)吗 8) 知道 Word Order# Pinyin 6。 1)在 2)也 3)吗 4)欧洲 5)德国 Word Order  # Pinyin