唉 āi Particle uh (sigh) 爱护 ài hù Verb to cherish, to take good care of 爱惜 ài xī Verb to cherish, to treasure 爱心 ài xīn Noun tender feelings; affections 岸 àn Noun shore, beach, coast 安慰 ān wèi Noun comfort, consolation Verb to comfort, to console 安装 ān zhuāng Noun installation Verb to install, to mount 把握 bǎ wò Noun assurance Verb to grasp, to hold 摆 bǎi Noun pendulum Verb to put, to place, to arragne 办理 bàn lǐ Verb to handle, to conduct 班主任 bān zhǔ rèn Noun teacher in charge of a class 棒 bàng Noun stick, club Adjective strong, capable, good Measure Word for legs of relay race 傍晚 bàng wǎn Time towards evening, at nightfall 薄 báo Adjective thin 宝贝 bǎo bèi Noun darling, baby 保持 bǎo chí Verb to keep, to maintain, to preserve 保存 bǎo cún Verb to conserve, to keep, to save (IT) 报告 bào gào Noun report, speech, talk Verb to report 宝贵 bǎo guì Adjective valuable, precious 包裹 bāo guǒ Noun parcel, package Verb to wrap up 包含 bāo hán Verb to contain, to emobdy, to include 保留 bǎo liú Noun reservation Verb to reserve, to hold back 保险 bǎo xiǎn Noun insurance Verb to insure Adjective safe, secure 包子 bāo zi Noun steamed stuffed bun 背 bèi Noun back Verb to learn by heart 悲观 bēi guān Adjective pessimistic 背景 bèi jǐng Noun background, context 被子 bèi zi Noun quilt 本科 běn kē Noun Bachelor course 本领 běn lǐng Noun skill, ability, capability 本质 běn zhì Noun essence, nature 彼此 bǐ cǐ Pronoun each other, one another 毕竟 bì jìng Adverb after all, in the end 比例 bǐ lì Noun proportion, scale 避免 bì miǎn Verb to avoid, to prevent 必然 bì rán Adjective inevitable, certain 比如 bǐ rú Adverb for example 必需 bì xū Verb to really need, to be essential, must 必要 bì yào Adjective necessary, essential 便 biàn Verb to relieve oneself Adjective convenient, handy Adverb then, in that case 编辑 biān jí Noun editor, compiler Verb to edit, to compile 辩论 biàn lùn Noun debate, argument Verb to debate, to argue 鞭炮 biān pào Noun firecrackers 标点 biāo diǎn Noun punctuation, punctuation mark 表面 biǎo miàn Noun surface, outside, appearance 表明 biǎo míng Verb to show, to indicate, to make clear 表情 biǎo qíng Noun expression 表现 biǎo xiàn Verb to show, to express, to display 标志 biāo zhì Noun symbol, sign Verb to symbolize, to indicate 丙 bǐng Number third(ly) 病毒 bìng dú Noun virus 玻璃 bō li Noun glass 博物馆 bó wù guǎn Noun museum 脖子 bó zi Noun neck 布 bù Noun cloth 不安 bù ān Adjective disturbed, uneasy 不必 bú bì Verb does not have to 补充 bǔ chōng Noun supplement Verb to supplement, to complement Adjective additional, supplementary 不得了 bù dé liǎo Adjective disastrous, terrible Adverb extremely, terribly 不断 bú duàn Adverb continuous, unceasing 不好意思 bù hǎo yì si Verb to feel embarrassed Saying excuse me, sorry 不见得 bú jiàn dé Adverb not necessarily, not likely 部门 bù mén Noun department, branch 不免 bù miǎn Adverb inevitably 不耐烦 bú nài fán Noun impatience Adjective impatient 不然 bù rán Conjunction otherwise 不如 bù rú Verb not as good as 不要紧 bú yào jǐn Saying it doesn't matter, never mind 步骤 bù zhòu Noun step, move, measure 不足 bù zú Noun shortcomings Adjective insufficient, not enough 踩 cǎi Verb to stamp on, to step, to press a pedal 财产 cái chǎn Noun property, possession 采访 cǎi fǎng Verb to interview, to gather news 彩虹 cǎi hóng Noun rainbow 采取 cǎi qǔ Verb to carry out, to adopt, to take 残疾 cán jí Noun disability, deformity Adjective disabled, handicapped 参考 cān kǎo Noun consultation, reference Verb to consult, to refer to 惭愧 cán kuì Adjective ashamed 餐厅 cān tīng Noun restaurant 参与 cān yù Verb to participate in, to attach oneself to 操场 cāo chǎng Noun playground, sports field 操心 cāo xīn Verb to worry about, to take pains 册 cè Noun book, booklet Measure Word for books 厕所 cè suǒ Noun toilet 测验 cè yàn Noun test, examination Verb to test 曾经 céng jīng Adverb once, former, previously 插 chā Verb to insert, to stick in 差别 chā bié Noun difference 叉子 chā zi Noun fork 拆 chāi Verb open, tear down 产品 chǎn pǐn Noun product, goods 产生 chǎn shēng Verb to produce, to come about 常识 cháng shí Noun common sense, general knowledge 长途 cháng tú Noun long distance 朝 cháo Noun dynasty, imperial or royal court Preposition towards, facing 炒 chǎo Verb to fry 抄 chāo Verb to copy, to plagiarize 朝代 cháo dài Noun dynasty 吵架 chǎo jià Noun quarrel Verb to quarrel 彻底 chè dǐ Adjective thorough 车库 chē kù Noun garage 车厢 chē xiāng Noun carriage 趁 chèn Verb to take advantage of 沉默 chén mò Noun silence, hush Verb to keep silent Adjective silent, uncommunicative 乘 chéng Verb to ride on, to multiply 称 chēng Verb to weigh, to name, to state 承担 chéng dān Verb to undertake, to shoulder, to take (responsibility, etc.) 程度 chéng dù Noun degree, extent, level 成分 chéng fèn Noun ingredient, component 成果 chéng guǒ Noun result, achievement, gain 称呼 chēng hu Noun name, term of address Verb to address sb., to call sb. (a name) 成就 chéng jiù Noun accomplishment, achievement 诚恳 chéng kěn Adjective sincere, honest 成立 chéng lì Verb to establish, to set up, to found 承认 chéng rèn Noun recognition Verb to admit, to recognize, to acknowledge 承受 chéng shòu Verb to bear, to endure, to receive 程序 chéng xù Noun procedure, process, program (IT) 成语 chéng yǔ Noun idiom, proverb 称赞 chēng zàn Verb to praise, to acclaim, to commend 成长 chéng zhǎng Verb to grow up, to mature 翅膀 chì bǎng Noun wing 吃亏 chī kuī Verb to suffer losses, to lose out 持续 chí xù Verb to continue, to persist 池子 chí zi Noun pond 尺子 chǐ zi Noun ruler 冲 chōng Verb to flush, to head for 充电器 chōng diàn qì Noun battery charger 充分 chōng fèn Adjective ample, full, abundant 重复 chóng fù Verb to repeat, to duplicate 充满 chōng mǎn Verb brimming with, full of 宠物 chǒng wù Noun pet 臭 chòu Adjective smelly 丑 chǒu Noun clown Adjective ugly, bad-looking 抽屉 chōu ti Noun drawer 抽象 chōu xiàng Adjective abstract 除 chú Verb to divide, to exclude Preposition except for 出版 chū bǎn Verb to publish 除非 chú fēi Conjunction only if, unless 初级 chū jí Adjective primary, elementary 出口 chū kǒu Noun exit, export 处理 chǔ lǐ Verb to deal with, to handle, to cope with 出色 chū sè Adjective outstanding, remarkable 除夕 chú xī Noun New Year's Eve 出席 chū xí Verb to attend, to be present 传播 chuán bō Verb to spread, to propagate, to disseminate 传递 chuán dì Verb to pass on to, to transfer 传染 chuán rǎn Verb to infect, to be contagious 传说 chuán shuō Noun legend, folklore Verb it is said, that... 传统 chuán tǒng Noun tradition Adjective traditional 闯 chuǎng Verb to rush, to break through, to charge 窗帘 chuāng lián Noun window curtains 创造 chuàng zào Noun creation Verb to create, to produce 吹 chuī Verb to blow, to boast, to fail 磁带 cí dài Noun magnetic tape 刺激 cì jī Noun stimulus, provocation Verb to provoke, to stimulate, to excite 此外 cǐ wài Conjunction besides, moreover 次要 cì yào Adjective secondary, subordinate 辞职 cí zhí Verb to resign 从此 cóng cǐ Conjunction from now on 从而 cóng ér Conjunction thus, thereby 匆忙 cōng máng Adjective hasty, hurried 从前 cóng qián Time previously, formerly 从事 cóng shì Verb to engage in, to do (formal) 醋 cù Noun vinegar 促进 cù jìn Verb to promote, to advance 促使 cù shǐ Verb to urge, to push, to promote 催 cuī Verb to urge, to press 存 cún Verb to deposit, to keep 存在 cún zài Verb to exist 措施 cuò shī Noun measure, step 错误 cuò wù Noun error, mistake 达到 dá dào Verb to achieve, to reach, to attain 大方 dà fang Adjective generous, of good taste 打工 dǎ gōng Noun a part time job Verb to work (temporary or casual) 打交道 dǎ jiāo dao Verb have dealings with 打喷嚏 dǎ pēn tì Verb to sneeze 打听 dǎ ting Verb to ask about, to inquire about, to nose into 大象 dà xiàng Noun elephant 大型 dà xíng Adjective large-scale 答应 dā ying Verb to agree, to promise, to respond 打招呼 dǎ zhāo hu Verb to greet sbd., to give prior notice 呆 dāi Verb to stay Adjective dull, foolish, stupid 贷款 dài kuǎn Noun loan Verb to provide a loan 待遇 dài yù Noun treatment, pay, salary 淡 dàn Adjective mild, (rather) tasteless, light in color 单纯 dān chún Adjective pure, simple 单调 dān diào Adjective monotonous, dull 单独 dān dú Adjective alone, solo 担任 dān rèn Verb to hold the post of, to serve as 单位 dān wèi Noun unit 耽误 dān wu Verb to delay 胆小鬼 dǎn xiǎo guǐ Noun coward 单元 dān yuán Noun unit, cell, entrance number 挡 dǎng Verb to block, to hinder, to obstruct 当代 dāng dài Time present, nowadays 倒 dào Verb to pour, to reverse Adverb on the contrary, instead 岛 dǎo Noun island 到达 dào dá Verb to arrive, to reach 道德 dào dé Noun morality, ethics 道理 dào lǐ Noun principle, reason, argument 倒霉 dǎo méi Verb to have bad luck 导演 dǎo yǎn Noun director (film, etc.) Verb to direct 导致 dǎo zhì Verb to lead to, to create, to bring about 等待 děng dài Verb to wait for, to await 等候 děng hòu Verb to wait 登记 dēng jì Verb to register 登机牌 dēng jī pái Noun boarding pass 等于 děng yú Verb to equal, to amount to 递 dì Verb to pass, to hand over 滴 dī Verb to drip, to drop Measure Word for a drop 地道 dì dao Adjective authentic, genuine, real 地理 dì lǐ Noun geography 地区 dì qū Noun region, district, area 的确 dí què Adverb really, indeed 敌人 dí rén Noun enemy 地毯 dì tǎn Noun carpet 地位 dì wèi Noun position, status 地震 dì zhèn Noun earthquake 电池 diàn chí Noun battery, electric cell 电台 diàn tái Noun broadcasting station, radio station 点头 diǎn tóu Verb to nod 点心 diǎn xin Noun light refreshments, Dimsum (Cantonese) 钓 diào Verb to fish 顶 dǐng Noun top, roof Verb to carry on the head Adverb most, extremely, highly Measure Word for caps, hats, tents, etc. 丁 dīng Number fourth 冻 dòng Noun jelly Verb to freeze, to feel very cold 洞 dòng Noun cave, hole 动画片 dòng huà piàn Noun cartoon, animation 逗 dòu Verb to stay, to pause, to tease 豆腐 dòu fu Noun tofu 度过 dù guò Verb to spend, to pass 独立 dú lì Noun independence Verb to stand alone Adjective independent 独特 dú tè Adjective unique, distinct 短信 duǎn xìn Noun text message 堆 duī Noun pile, stack, heap Measure Word for piles of things 对比 duì bǐ Noun contrast, comparison Verb to contrast, to compare 对待 duì dài Noun treatment Verb to treat, to approach 对方 duì fāng Noun counterpart, the other side 对手 duì shǒu Noun opponent, rival 对象 duì xiàng Noun lover, partner, target, object 对于 duì yú Pronoun regarding, as far as sth. is concerned 吨 dūn Measure Word for a ton 蹲 dūn Verb to squat 躲藏 duǒ cáng Verb to hide oneself 多亏 duō kuī Adverb luckily, thanks to 多余 duō yú Adjective unnecessary, surplus, needless 恶劣 è liè Adjective very bad, vile, disgusting 发表 fā biǎo Verb to issue, to publish 发愁 fā chóu Verb to worry, to be anxious 发达 fā dá Verb to develop Adjective developed (country, etc.) 发抖 fā dǒu Verb to shiver, to shudder, to tremble 发挥 fā huī Verb to develop (skill, ability, idea, etc.), to give play to 罚款 fá kuǎn Noun fine, penalty Verb to fine 发明 fā míng Noun invention Verb to invent 发票 fā piào Noun invoice, receipt 发言 fā yán Noun statement Verb to speak, to make a speech 法院 fǎ yuàn Noun court of law, court 翻 fān Verb to turn over, to flip over 反而 fǎn ér Adverb instead, on the contrary 反复 fǎn fù Adverb repeatedly 繁荣 fán róng Adjective flourishing, prosperous, booming 凡是 fán shì Adverb every, any, all 反应 fǎn yìng Noun reaction, response Verb to react, to respond 反正 fǎn zhèng Adverb anyway, whatever happens 方 fāng Noun square, direction, side Measure Word for square things 妨碍 fáng ài Verb to hinder, to obstruct 方案 fāng àn Noun plan, program, scheme 房东 fáng dōng Noun landlord 仿佛 fǎng fú Adverb to seem as if 方式 fāng shì Noun way, pattern, manner 放松 fàng sōng Verb to relax, to loosen 肺 fèi Noun lung 非 fēi Adjective wrong, mistaken Adverb not, non-, un- 废话 fèi huà Saying nonsense, useless statement 费用 fèi yong Noun expenses, cost 肥皂 féi zào Noun soap 分别 fēn bié Noun difference Verb to leave each other, to distinguish Adverb separate 分布 fēn bù Verb to distribute, to be distributed 奋斗 fèn dòu Verb to fight for, to strive for 纷纷 fēn fēn Adverb one after another 愤怒 fèn nù Adjective angry 分配 fēn pèi Verb to assign, to allocate 分析 fēn xī Noun analysis Verb to analyze 讽刺 fěng cì Noun irony, sarcasm Verb to mock 风格 fēng gé Noun style 疯狂 fēng kuáng Noun madness Adjective crazy, mad 风俗 fēng sú Noun (social) custom 风险 fēng xiǎn Noun risk,l venture 否定 fǒu dìng Noun negation Verb to negate, to deny 否认 fǒu rèn Verb to deny 幅 fú Measure Word for pictures, paintings, textiles, etc. 扶 fú Verb to help (sb. up) 服从 fú cóng Verb to obey, to submit 辅导 fǔ dǎo Noun coaching Verb to tutor, to coach 付款 fù kuǎn Noun payment Verb to pay 妇女 fù nǚ Noun woman 复制 fù zhì Verb to copy, to reproduce 服装 fú zhuāng Noun clothing, dress 盖 gài Noun cover Verb to cover 改革 gǎi gé Noun reform Verb to reform 改进 gǎi jìn Noun improvement Verb to improve 概括 gài kuò Noun summary Verb to summarize; to generalize 概念 gài niàn Noun concept, idea 改善 gǎi shàn Noun improvement Verb to improve 改正 gǎi zhèng Noun correction Verb to correct, to amend 干脆 gān cuì Adjective clear-cut, straightforward Adverb simply, you might as well 干活儿 gàn huó r Verb to work (often hard, manual work) 感激 gǎn jī Verb to feel grateful, to be thankful 赶紧 gǎn jǐn Adverb at once, losing no time 赶快 gǎn kuài Adverb at once, immediately 感受 gǎn shòu Noun feeling, perception Verb to sense, to feel 感想 gǎn xiǎng Noun impressions, reflections 钢铁 gāng tiě Noun steel 搞 gǎo Verb to do, to make 告别 gào bié Verb to leave, to say good-bye to 高档 gāo dàng Adjective top grade 高速公路 gāo sù gōng lù Noun highway 隔壁 gé bì Place next door 个别 gè bié Adjective exceptional, very few, individual 胳膊 gē bo Noun arm 革命 gé mìng Noun revolution 个人 gè rén Noun individual Adjective individual 格外 gé wài Adverb especially, particularly 个性 gè xìng Noun personality, character 鸽子 gē zi Noun pigeon 各自 gè zì Adverb each, respective 根 gēn Noun root, origin Measure Word for long, slender objects 根本 gēn běn Noun foundation, root Adjective fundamental, simply, basic 更加 gèng jiā Adverb more, even more 公布 gōng bù Verb to announce, to make public 工厂 gōng chǎng Noun factory 工程师 gōng chéng shī Noun engineer 功夫 gōng fu Noun time, skill, labor, workmanship, kung fu 公开 gōng kāi Verb to publish, to make public Adjective public 功能 gōng néng Noun function, feature 公平 gōng píng Adjective fair, impartial 工人 gōng rén Noun worker 贡献 gòng xiàn Noun contribution Verb to contribute, to dedicate 工业 gōng yè Noun industry 公寓 gōng yù Noun block of flats 公元 gōng yuán Noun Christian era 公主 gōng zhǔ Noun princess 构成 gòu chéng Verb to compose, to constitute, to configure (IT) 沟通 gōu tōng Verb to communicate 古代 gǔ dài Time ancient times 古典 gǔ diǎn Adjective classical 固定 gù dìng Verb to fasten, to fix Adjective fixed, set, regular 姑姑 gū gu Noun aunt (paternal) 古老 gǔ lǎo Adjective ancient, age-old 姑娘 gū niang Noun girl, young woman, daughter 股票 gǔ piào Noun share, stock 固体 gù tǐ Noun solid (body) 骨头 gǔ tou Noun bone, strong character 鼓舞 gǔ wǔ Noun encouragement Verb to inspire, to animate 雇佣 gù yōng Verb to employ, to hire 挂号 guà hào Verb to register 乖 guāi Adjective obedient, well-behaved, clever, good 怪不得 guài bu de Conjunction no wonder so that is why 拐弯 guǎi wān Verb to turn a corner, to change direction 官 guān Noun officer, government official 关闭 guān bì Verb to close, to shut 观察 guān chá Noun observation Verb to observe, to watch, to survey 观点 guān diǎn Noun point of view, viewpoint, standpoint 关怀 guān huái Noun care, solicitude Verb to care for, to show solicitude for 冠军 guàn jūn Noun champion 观念 guān niàn Noun concept, idea, thought 罐头 guàn tou Noun tin, can 管子 guǎn zi Noun tube, pipe 广场 guǎng chǎng Noun public square 广大 guǎng dà Adjective vast, extensive, widespread 广泛 guǎng fàn Adjective extensive, wide ranging 光滑 guāng huá Adjective smooth, sleek, glossy 光临 guāng lín Verb to visit as honorable guest 光明 guāng míng Noun light, radiance Adjective light, bright 光盘 guāng pán Noun CD, DVD 光荣 guāng róng Noun honor, glory Adjective glorious, honorable 规矩 guī ju Noun rule, custom, manner, practices 规律 guī lǜ Noun law, regular pattern 规模 guī mó Noun scale, scope, size, extent 柜台 guì tái Noun (sales) counter, bar 规则 guī zé Noun rule, regulation 滚 gǔn Verb to boil, to roll 锅 guō Noun pot, pan 过分 guò fèn Adjective excessive, undue 国籍 guó jí Noun nationality, citizenship 过敏 guò mǐn Noun allergy Verb to be allergic 过期 guò qī Verb to expire, to exceed the time limit 国庆节 Guó qìng jié Noun National Day (October 1st) 果实 guǒ shí Noun fruits, gains 哈 hā Onomatope haha, laughter 海关 hǎi guān Noun customs 海鲜 hǎi xiān Noun seafood 喊 hǎn Verb to shout, to yell 行业 háng yè Noun business, industry, profession 豪华 háo huá Adjective luxurious 好奇 hào qí Adjective curious, inquisitive 何必 hé bì Adverb there is no need to 合法 hé fǎ Adjective legal, legitimate 何况 hé kuàng Preposition let alone 合理 hé lǐ Adjective reasonable, rational 和平 hé píng Noun peace 合同 hé tong Noun contract 核心 hé xīn Noun core 合影 hé yǐng Noun group photo 合作 hé zuò Noun cooperation Verb to cooperate, to work together 恨 hèn Noun hate Verb to hate 横 héng Adjective horizontal, across 后果 hòu guǒ Noun consequence, aftermath 壶 hú Noun pot Measure Word for bottled liquid 蝴蝶 hú dié Noun butterfly 忽视 hū shì Verb to neglect, to ignore, to overlook 胡说 hú shuō Verb to talk nonsense 胡同 hú tòng Noun lane, alley 糊涂 hú tu Adjective confused, muddled 呼吸 hū xī Verb to breathe 胡须 hú xū Noun beard 滑冰 huá bīng Noun skating Verb to skate 划船 huá chuán Noun rowing, rowing boat Verb to row a boat 花生 huā shēng Noun peanut 话题 huà tí Noun topic 化学 huà xué Noun chemistry 华裔 huá yì Noun ethnic Chinese (but non-Chinese citizen) 怀念 huái niàn Verb to cherish the memory of, to think of 缓解 huǎn jiě Verb to ease, to blunt, to help relieve (a crisis) 幻想 huàn xiǎng Noun illusion, fantasy Verb to dream 皇帝 huáng dì Noun emperor 黄瓜 huáng guā Noun cucumber 皇后 huáng hòu Noun empress 黄金 huáng jīn Noun gold 慌张 huāng zhāng Adjective confused, flustered 挥 huī Verb to wave, to brandish, to wipe away 灰 huī Noun ash, dust Adjective gray 灰尘 huī chén Noun dust 恢复 huī fù Verb to recover, to restore 汇率 huì lǜ Noun exchange rate 灰心 huī xīn Verb to lose heart, to be discouraged 婚礼 hūn lǐ Noun wedding 婚姻 hūn yīn Noun wedding, marriage 伙伴 huǒ bàn Noun partner, companion, mate 火柴 huǒ chái Noun match (for fire) 活跃 huó yuè Adjective active, vigorous 基本 jī běn Adjective basic, fundamental 及格 jí gé Verb to pass a test 激烈 jī liè Adjective intense, fierce 系领带 jì lǐng dài Verb to tie one's necktie 纪录 jì lù Noun record 记录 jì lù Noun record 纪律 jì lǜ Noun discipline 急忙 jí máng Adjective hasty, in a hurry 寂寞 jì mò Adjective lonely 纪念 jì niàn Noun commemoration Verb to commemorate 机器 jī qì Noun machine 肌肉 jī ròu Noun muscle 计算 jì suàn Noun calculation Verb to count, to calculate 集体 jí tǐ Noun collective 记忆 jì yì Noun memory Verb to remember 集中 jí zhōng Verb to concentrate, to focus 嫁 jià Verb to marry (woman -> men) 甲 jiǎ Number first(ly) 嘉宾 jiā bīn Noun honoured guest 假如 jiǎ rú Conjunction if 驾驶 jià shǐ Verb to drive, to pilot 家庭 jiā tíng Noun family, household 家务 jiā wù Noun housework 家乡 jiā xiāng Noun hometown, native place 价值 jià zhí Noun value, worth 假装 jiǎ zhuāng Verb to pretend 夹子 jiā zi Noun clip, clamp, tongs 捡 jiǎn Verb to pick up, to gather 煎 jiān Verb to pan fry 肩膀 jiān bǎng Noun shoulder 剪刀 jiǎn dāo Noun scissors 艰巨 jiān jù Adjective arduous, formidable 坚决 jiān jué Adjective resolute, determined 艰苦 jiān kǔ Adjective difficult, hard 建立 jiàn lì Verb to build, to establish 简历 jiǎn lì Noun CV, resume 键盘 jiàn pán Noun keyboard 坚强 jiān qiáng Adjective strong 尖锐 jiān ruì Adjective sharp, acute (illness) 建设 jiàn shè Noun construction Verb to build, to construct 健身房 jiàn shēn fáng Noun gym, gymnasium 建议 jiàn yì Noun suggestion Verb to suggest 简直 jiǎn zhí Adverb simply, totally 建筑 jiàn zhù Noun building, architecture Verb to build, to construct 讲究 jiǎng jiu Verb to pay attention to Adjective exquisite, tasteful 降落 jiàng luò Verb to descend, to land 酱油 jiàng yóu Noun soy sauce 讲座 jiǎng zuò Noun lecture 浇 jiāo Verb to water, to pour, to sprinkle 教材 jiào cái Noun teaching material 角度 jiǎo dù Noun angle, point of view 狡猾 jiǎo huá Adjective sly, cunning, tricky 交换 jiāo huàn Noun exchange Verb to exchange, to swap, to switch 交际 jiāo jì Noun communication, social intercourse Verb socialize 教练 jiào liàn Noun sports coach, instructor 郊区 jiāo qū Noun suburbs 胶水 jiāo shuǐ Noun glue 教训 jiào xùn Noun lesson Verb to teach sb. a lesson 节 jié Noun festival, holiday, segmet, joint, part Verb to save, to economize Measure Word for segments 届 jiè Verb to become due Measure Word for events, meetings, etc. 接触 jiē chù Verb to touch, to contact, to get in touch with 接待 jiē dài Verb to receive (visitor) 阶段 jiē duàn Noun stage, section, phase 解放 jiě fàng Noun liberation Verb to liberate, to emancipate 结构 jié gòu Noun structure, makeup, composition 结合 jié hé Noun binding Verb to combine, to link, to integrate 接近 jiē jìn Verb to near, to approach, to be close to 借口 jiè kǒu Noun excuse, pretext 结论 jié lùn Noun conclusion 节省 jié shěng Verb to save, to economize, to use sparingly 结实 jiē shi Adjective solid, durable, sturdy 解说员 jiě shuō yuán Noun commentator 戒烟 jiè yān Verb to give up smoking 结账 jié zhàng Verb to pay the bill 接着 jiē zhe Verb to follow, to carry on Adverb then, after that 戒指 jiè zhi Noun ring (for finger) 紧 jǐn Adjective thight, tense, urgent 进步 jìn bù Noun progress, improvement Verb to improve, make progress 近代 jìn dài Time modern times 紧急 jǐn jí Adjective urgent, pressing 进口 jìn kǒu Noun import Verb to import 尽力 jìn lì Verb to do all one can 尽量 jǐn liàng Adverb to the best of one's ability 谨慎 jǐn shèn Adjective cautious, prudent 金属 jīn shǔ Noun metal 敬爱 jìng ài Verb to respect and love 经典 jīng diǎn Noun classics, scriptures Adjective classical 精力 jīng lì Noun energy 景色 jǐng sè Noun scenery, view, landscape 经营 jīng yíng Verb to run, to operate, to engage in (business, etc.) 救 jiù Verb to relieve, to rescue 酒吧 jiǔ bā Noun bar, pub 救护车 jiù hù chē Noun ambulance 舅舅 jiù jiu Noun uncle (maternal) 举 jǔ Verb to raise, to hold up, to elect 具备 jù bèi Verb to possess, to have 巨大 jù dà Adjective huge enormous 聚会 jù huì Noun party, gathering Verb to party, to get together 俱乐部 jù lè bù Noun club 居然 jū rán Adverb unexpectedly 据说 jù shuō Adverb it is said, reportedly 具体 jù tǐ Adjective concrete, specific 桔子 jú zi Noun tangerine 捐 juān Noun tax, contribution Verb to contribute, to donate, to give up 卷 juǎn Noun roll Verb to roll Measure Word for roll, spool 绝对 jué duì Adjective absolute, unconditional 决赛 jué sài Noun final (competition) 角色 jué sè Noun character (in a book, play, etc.) 决心 jué xīn Noun determination, resolution Verb to make up one's mind 军事 jūn shì Noun military affairs 均匀 jūn yún Adjective even, homogeneous 卡车 kǎ chē Noun truck, lorry 开发 kāi fā Verb to develop (e.g. IT), to exploit (a resource) 开放 kāi fàng Verb to open up (for public, etc.) 开幕式 kāi mù shì Noun opening ceremony 开心 kāi xīn Verb to feel happy, to make fun of sb. Adjective happy 砍 kǎn Verb to chop, to cut down 看不起 kàn bu qǐ Verb to look down upon 看来 kàn lái Conjunction it seems, it appears 抗议 kàng yì Verb to protest 烤鸭 kǎo yā Noun roast duck 克 kè Verb to subdue, to restrain Measure Word 1 gram 颗 kē Measure Word for grain, pearls, teeth, stars, etc. 课程 kè chéng Noun course, class 克服 kè fú Verb to overcome, to conquer, to put up with 客观 kè guān Adjective objective, impartial 可见 kě jiàn Conjunction it is obvious that, it can clearly be seen that 可靠 kě kào Adjective reliable, dependable 刻苦 kè kǔ Adjective hardworking, assiduous 可怕 kě pà Adjective awful, terrible 客厅 kè tīng Noun living room 恐怖 kǒng bù Adjective terrble, fearful, frightening 空间 kōng jiān Noun space 空闲 kòng xián Noun leisure Adjective idle 控制 kòng zhì Noun control Verb to control 口味 kǒu wèi Noun taste, flavour 夸 kuā Verb to praise, to boast 会计 kuài jì Noun accountant, accounting 矿泉水 kuàng quán shuǐ Noun mineral water 辣椒 là jiāo Noun hot pepper, chili 蜡烛 là zhú Noun candle 来自 lái zì Verb to come from 拦 lán Verb to block, to hinder 烂 làn Verb to rot Adjective rotten, mushy, soft 狼 láng Noun wolf 老百姓 lǎo bǎi xìng Noun ordinary people 老板 lǎo bǎn Noun boss, owner 劳动 láo dòng Noun work, labour 劳驾 láo jià Saying excuse me 姥姥 lǎo lao Noun grandmother (mother's mum) 老实 lǎo shi Adjective honest, sincere 老鼠 lǎo shǔ Noun rat, mouse 乐观 lè guān Adjective optimistic, hopeful 雷 léi Noun thunder 类 lèi Noun sort, kind, category Measure Word for sorts, types, categories, etc. 梨 lí Noun pear 粒 lì Noun grain Measure Word for small roung things 礼拜天 lǐ bài tiān Time Sunday 立方 lì fāng Noun cube 离婚 lí hūn Noun divorce Verb to divorce (from) 立即 lì jí Adverb immediately, at once 立刻 lì kè Adverb immediately, at once 力量 lì liàng Noun power, force, strength 理论 lǐ lùn Noun theory 厘米 lí mǐ Measure Word centimeter 利润 lì rùn Noun profit 利息 lì xī Noun interest (on a loan) 利益 lì yì Noun benefit 利用 lì yòng Verb to make use of, to utilize 理由 lǐ yóu Noun reason, justification 恋爱 liàn ài Noun love Verb to be in love, to have an affair 联合 lián hé Noun alliance, union Verb to unite, to join Adjective combined, joint 连忙 lián máng Adverb promptly, at once 连续剧 lián xù jù Noun (TV) series 良好 liáng hǎo Adjective good, favorable, fine 粮食 liáng shi Noun food, cereals 了不起 liǎo bu qǐ Adjective amazing, extraordnary 临时 lín shí Adjective temporary 铃 líng Noun bell 领导 lǐng dǎo Noun leader, leadership Verb to lead 灵活 líng huó Adjective flexible, agile, nimble 零件 líng jiàn Noun part, component 零钱 líng qián Noun change (money) 零食 líng shí Noun snack 领域 lǐng yù Noun field, domain, area, territory 流传 liú chuán Verb to spread, to circulate, to hand down 浏览 liú lǎn Verb to skim over, to browse, to surf (IT) 龙 lóng Noun dragon 漏 lòu Verb to leak 露 lù Noun dew, syrup, nectar Verb to uncover, to expose, to reveal 陆地 lù dì Noun land, dry land 录取 lù qǔ Verb to enroll, being admitted (e.g. university) 陆续 lù xù Adverb one after another, bit by bit 录音 lù yīn Noun sound recording Verb to record 轮流 lún liú Verb to alternate, to take turns 论文 lùn wén Noun paper, thesis 落后 luò hòu Verb to fall behind, to lag 逻辑 luó ji Noun logic 骂 mà Noun abuse Verb to abuse, to curse 麦克风 mài kè fēng Noun microphone 馒头 mán tou Noun steamed bun 满足 mǎn zú Verb to satisfy 毛 máo Noun hair, down Measure Word for 0.1 RMB 毛病 máo bìng Noun defect, fault, trouble 矛盾 máo dùn Noun contradiction Adjective contradictory 冒险 mào xiǎn Verb to take a risk 贸易 mào yì Noun trade 魅力 mèi lì Noun charm, fascination 眉毛 méi mao Noun eyebrow 美术 měi shù Noun fine arts, art 煤炭 méi tàn Noun coal 蜜蜂 mì fēng Noun honeybee 迷路 mí lù Verb to get lost, to lose the way 秘密 mì mì Noun secret Adjective secret, confidential 密切 mì qiè Adjective close, intimate 秘书 mì shū Noun secretary 谜语 mí yǔ Noun riddle 面对 miàn duì Verb to face, to confront 棉花 mián hua Noun cotton 面积 miàn jī Noun area 面临 miàn lín Verb to face sth., to be confronted with 秒 miǎo Time second 苗条 miáo tiao Adjective slim, slender, graceful 描写 miáo xiě Noun description Verb to describe, to depict, to portray 民主 mín zhǔ Noun democracy Adjective democratic 命令 mìng lìng Noun order, command Verb to order, to command 名牌 míng pái Noun famous brand 名片 míng piàn Noun (business) card 明确 míng què Adjective clear, definite, explicit 名胜古迹 míng shèng gǔ jì Noun historical sites and scenic spots 明显 míng xiǎn Adjective clear, obvious 明信片 míng xìn piàn Noun postcard 明星 míng xīng Noun star, celebrity 命运 mìng yùn Noun fate, destiny 摸 mō Verb to touch, to feel with the hand, to grope 模仿 mó fǎng Verb to imitate, to copy 模糊 mó hu Adjective fuzzy, blurred, indistinct 陌生 mò shēng Adjective strange, unfamiliar 摩托车 mó tuō chē Noun motorbike 某 mǒu Pronoun some, certain 目标 mù biāo Noun goal, target, objective 目录 mù lù Noun catalog, table of contents 目前 mù qián Time at present, now 木头 mù tou Noun log of wood, blockhead 哪怕 nǎ pà Conjunction even if 难怪 nán guài Saying no wonder (that) 难看 nán kàn Adjective ugly 脑袋 nǎo dai Noun head, skull, brain 内科 nèi kē Noun internal medicine 嫩 nèn Adjective tender, soft, inexperienced 能干 néng gàn Adjective able, capable, competent 能源 néng yuán Noun energy, energy source 念 niàn Verb to read aloud 年代 nián dài Time decade, age, period 年纪 nián jì Noun age 宁可 nìng kě Conjunction would rather, preferably 牛仔裤 niú zǎi kù Noun jeans 浓 nóng Adjective dense, concentrated, thick 农民 nóng mín Noun peasant, farmer 农业 nóng yè Noun agriculture, farming 女士 nǚ shì Noun lady, madam 偶然 ǒu rán Adverb accidentally, by chance 派 pài Noun school, group, pi (π) Verb to send, to assign 拍 pāi Verb to clap, to slap, to take (a photo) 排队 pái duì Verb to queue, to line up 排球 pái qiú Noun volleyball 盼望 pàn wàng Verb to hope for, to look forward to 赔偿 péi cháng Noun compensation Verb to compensate 佩服 pèi fu Verb to admire 配合 pèi hé Verb to coordinate, to cooperate, to fit 培养 péi yǎng Verb to train, to cultivate, to bring up 盆 pén Noun basin, tub, pot Measure Word for approx. 128 liters 碰见 pèng jiàn Verb to run into, to bump into 匹 pǐ Noun ordinary person Measure Word for horses and cloth 批 pī Verb to criticize Measure Word for batches, lots, etc. 披 pī Verb to drape over one's shoulder, to crack 疲劳 pí láo Noun wariness, fatigue Adjective tired, weary, exhausted 皮鞋 pí xié Noun leather shoes 批准 pī zhǔn Verb to approve, to ratify 片 piàn Noun thin piece, slice, film Measure Word for movies, scenes, etc. pieces of things 片面 piàn miàn Adjective unilateral, one-sided 飘 piāo Verb to flutter, to float (in the wind) 频道 pín dào Noun frequency, (TV) channel 品种 pǐn zhǒng Noun variety, breed 凭 píng Noun proof Verb to rely on, to lean against Preposition according to, on the basis of 平 píng Adjective flat, level, calm, peaceful 平常 píng cháng Adjective ordinary, common Adverb generally, usually 平等 píng děng Noun equality Adjective equal 平方 píng fāng Noun square 平衡 píng héng Noun balance, equilibrium 评价 píng jià Verb to assess, to evaluate 平静 píng jìng Noun calm, quiet, tranquil 平均 píng jūn Noun average Adjective average, mean 破产 pò chǎn Noun bankruptcy Verb to go bankrupt 破坏 pò huài Noun destruction, damage Verb to destroy, to break 迫切 pò qiè Adjective urgent, pressing 朴素 pǔ sù Adjective plain, simple 期待 qī dài Noun expectation Verb to look forward to 启发 qǐ fā Noun inspiration, enlightenment Verb to inspire, to enlighten 气氛 qì fēn Noun atmosphere, mood 奇迹 qí jì Noun miracle, wonder 期间 qī jiān Noun period of time, period 企图 qǐ tú Noun attempt Verb to attempt 企业 qǐ yè Noun enterprise, company 汽油 qì yóu Noun gas, gasoline 其余 qí yú Pronoun the rest, the others 欠 qiàn Verb to owe Adjective deficient 浅 qiǎn Adjective shallow, light 牵 qiān Verb to pull, to lead, to hold hands 前途 qián tú Noun prospect, future 谦虚 qiān xū Adjective modest 签字 qiān zì Verb to sign (signature) 抢 qiǎng Verb to grab, to rob 枪 qiāng Noun gun, spear 强调 qiáng diào Verb to emphasize, to stress, to underling 强烈 qiáng liè Adjective intense, strong, violent 瞧 qiáo Verb to look at, to see 巧妙 qiǎo miào Adjective ingenious, clever 悄悄 qiāo qiāo Adverb quietly, secretly 切 qiē Verb to cut, to chop 亲爱 qīn ài Adjective dear, beloved 勤奋 qín fèn Adjective hardworking, diligent 勤劳 qín láo Adjective hardworking, industrious 侵略 qīn lüè Noun invasion, aggression Verb to invade 亲切 qīn qiè Noun friendliness, hospitality Adjective kind, cordial, amiable 亲自 qīn zì Adverb personally 青 qīng Adjective blue/green 青春 qīng chūn Time youth, youthfulness 清淡 qīng dàn Adjective light (food) 情景 qíng jǐng Noun scene, sight, condition, circumstances 请求 qǐng qiú Noun request Verb to request, to ask 青少年 qīng shào nián Noun young person, teenager 轻视 qīng shì Verb to look down upon, to contempt 情绪 qíng xù Noun feeling, mood, sentiment 庆祝 qìng zhù Verb to celebrate 球迷 qiú mí Noun football fan 娶 qǔ Verb to marry (men -> woman) 去世 qù shì Verb to pass away, to die 趋势 qū shì Noun trend, tendency 取消 qǔ xiāo Noun cancellation Verb to cancel 劝 quàn Verb to advise, to persuade, to encourage 圈 quān Noun circle, ring, loop Measure Word for loops, laps, etc. 权利 quán lì Noun right, privilege 权力 quán lì Noun power, authority 全面 quán miàn Adjective all-around, overall, comprehensive 确定 què dìng Verb to make sure, to define, to determine 缺乏 quē fá Noun shortage Verb to be short of, to lack 确认 què rèn Noun confirmation Verb to confirm, to verify 燃烧 rán shāo Verb to burn, to kindle 嚷 rǎng Verb to blurt out, to shout 绕 rào Verb to wind, to coil (around), to go around 热爱 rè ài Verb to love ardently, to adore 热烈 rè liè Adjective warm (welcome, etc.), enthusiastic 热心 rè xīn Noun enthusiasm Adjective enthusiastic, ardent, warmhearted 忍不住 rěn bu zhù Verb cannot help, unable to bear 人才 rén cái Noun talent, talented person 人口 rén kǒu Noun population 人类 rén lèi Noun humanity, mankind 人生 rén shēng Noun life, human life 人事 rén shì Noun human affairs, personnel 人物 rén wù Noun character, protagonist 人员 rén yuán Noun staff, personnel 日常 rì cháng Adjective daily 日程 rì chéng Noun schedule 日历 rì lì Noun calendar 日期 rì qī Noun date 日用品 rì yòng pǐn Noun articles for daily use 融化 róng huà Verb to melt, to thaw 荣幸 róng xìng Adjective honoured 荣誉 róng yù Noun honour, glory 如何 rú hé Adverb how, in what way 如今 rú jīn Time nowadays 软件 ruǎn jiàn Noun software 弱 ruò Adjective weak 洒 sǎ Verb to sprinkle, to spray 嗓子 sǎng zi Noun throat, voice 傻 shǎ Adjective foolish 杀 shā Verb to kill 沙漠 shā mò Noun desert 沙滩 shā tān Noun beach 晒 shài Verb to share files, to dry in the sun, to sunbathe 删除 shān chú Verb to delete 闪电 shǎn diàn Noun lightning 善良 shàn liáng Adjective kindhearted, good, honest 善于 shàn yú Verb to be good at 扇子 shàn zi Noun fan 上当 shàng dàng Verb to be fooled 商品 shāng pǐn Noun good, commodity 商业 shāng yè Noun business, commerce, trade 勺子 sháo zi Noun spoon 蛇 shé Noun snake 设备 shè bèi Noun equipment, facilities 舍不得 shě bu de Verb reluctant to give up or let go 设计 shè jì Noun design, plan Verb to design, to plan 射击 shè jī Verb to shoot, to fire (a gun) 设施 shè shī Noun facility, installation 舌头 shé tou Noun tongue 摄影 shè yǐng Verb to take a photo, to shoot a movie 伸 shēn Verb to stretch, to extend 身材 shēn cái Noun figure, stature 身份 shēn fèn Noun identity, status 神话 shén huà Noun fairy tale, myth 神经 shén jīng Noun nerve 深刻 shēn kè Adjective profound, deep 神秘 shén mì Noun mystery Adjective mysterious 升 shēng Verb to promote, to raise Measure Word 1 liter 生产 shēng chǎn Noun production Verb to produce, to manufacture 声调 shēng diào Noun tone, note 生动 shēng dòng Adjective vivid, lively 胜利 shèng lì Noun victory, triumph 省略 shěng lüè Verb to leave out, to omit 绳子 shéng zi Noun string, rope, cord 诗 shī Noun poem 士兵 shì bīng Noun soldier 时代 shí dài Time time, era, epoch 似的 shì de Conjunction (seems) as if 是否 shì fǒu Conjunction whether (or not) 实话 shí huà Noun truth 实践 shí jiàn Verb to practice, to carry out 使劲儿 shǐ jìn r Verb to exert all one's strength 试卷 shì juàn Noun examination paper 时刻 shí kè Time moment 时髦 shí máo Adjective fashionable 失眠 shī mián Noun insomnia Verb be unable to sleep 时期 shí qī Noun period, phase 失去 shī qù Verb to lose (sth.) 时尚 shí shàng Noun fashion 事实 shì shí Noun fact 石头 shí tou Noun stone 食物 shí wù Noun food 事物 shì wù Noun thing, object 实习 shí xí Noun practice, internship Verb to practice 实现 shí xiàn Verb to realize, to achieve, to bring about 事先 shì xiān Adverb in advance, beforehand 实行 shí xíng Verb to put into practice, to carry out 实验 shí yàn Noun experiment Verb to experiment 失业 shī yè Noun unemployment Verb to lose one's job Adjective unemployed 实用 shí yòng Adjective practical, pragmatisch, applied 始终 shǐ zhōng Adverb from beginning to end 手工 shǒu gōng Noun hondwork Adjective manual 收获 shōu huò Noun result, gain, harvest Verb to harvest 收据 shōu jù Noun receipt 寿命 shòu mìng Noun life span, life expectancy 受伤 shòu shāng Verb to get injured 手术 shǒu shù Noun operation, surgery 手套 shǒu tào Noun gloves 手续 shǒu xù Noun procedure, formality 手指 shǒu zhǐ Noun finger 鼠标 shǔ biāo Noun mouse (IT) 蔬菜 shū cài Noun vegetables 书架 shū jià Noun bookshelf 数据 shù jù Noun data 熟练 shú liàn Adjective skilled, practiced, proficient 数码 shù mǎ Noun number, figure Adjective digital 输入 shū rù Verb to import, to input 舒适 shū shì Adjective comfortable, cozy 属于 shǔ yú Verb to belong to, to be part of 梳子 shū zi Noun comb 甩 shuǎi Verb to throw, to swing, to move back and forth 摔 shuāi Verb to fall, to throw down 双方 shuāng fāng Noun both sides Adjective bilateral 税 shuì Noun tax, duty 说不定 shuō bu dìng Adverb maybe, cannot say for sure 说服 shuō fú Verb to persuade, to convince 撕 sī Verb to tear up 丝绸 sī chóu Noun silk, silk cloth 丝毫 sī háo Adjective the slightes amount or degree, very little 似乎 sì hū Adverb apparently, it seems as if, seemingly 思考 sī kǎo Verb to ponder over, to think over, to reflect upon 寺庙 sì miào Noun temple, monastery 私人 sī rén Noun private (person) Adjective private 思想 sī xiǎng Noun idea, thought, thinking 宿舍 sù shè Noun dormitory 碎 suì Verb to break into pieces Adjective broken (into pieces) 随时 suí shí Adverb at all time, at any time 损失 sǔn shī Noun loss, damage Verb to lose, to damage 所 suǒ Adverb actually Measure Word for houses, buildings, institutions 锁 suǒ Noun lock Verb to lock up 缩短 suō duǎn Verb to curtail, to cut down 所谓 suǒ wèi Adverb so-called 缩小 suō xiǎo Verb to reduce, to shrink, to lessen 塔 tǎ Noun tower 太极拳 tài jí quán Noun shadowboxing, Taiji 台阶 tái jiē Noun stairs, step 太太 tài tai Noun wife, Madame, Mrs. 谈判 tán pàn Noun negotiation, talks Verb to negotiate 坦率 tǎn shuài Adjective frank, open, candid 烫 tàng Verb to burn, to iron Adjective hot (food, etc.) 桃 táo Noun peach 逃 táo Verb to escape, to run away, to flee 套 tào Noun cover Verb to cover with Measure Word for sets of things 逃避 táo bì Verb to escape, to avoid, to shirk 特殊 tè shū Adjective special, unusual 特意 tè yì Adverb specially, expressly 特征 tè zhēng Noun distinctive feature, characteristic 疼爱 téng ài Verb to love dearly 提 tí Verb to carry, to raise 提倡 tí chàng Verb to promote, to advocate 提纲 tí gāng Noun key points, outline 体会 tǐ huì Verb to know (through experience), to experience 体积 tǐ jī Noun volume 题目 tí mù Noun topic, title 体贴 tǐ tiē Adjective considerate 提问 tí wèn Verb to raise a question 体现 tǐ xiàn Verb to embody, to incarnate 体验 tǐ yàn Verb to experience (for oneself) 天空 tiān kōng Noun sky 田野 tián yě Noun field, open land 天真 tiān zhēn Adjective naive, innocent 调皮 tiáo pí Adjective naughty, tricky 挑战 tiǎo zhàn Noun challange 调整 tiáo zhěng Noun adjustment Verb to adjust, to revise 铜 tóng Noun copper 通常 tōng cháng Adverb regular, usually, normally 痛苦 tòng kǔ Noun pain, suffering Adjective painful 痛快 tòng kuài Adjective delighted, very happy 同时 tóng shí Time at the same time, simultaneously 通讯 tōng xùn Noun communication, news report 统一 tǒng yī Verb to unify, to unite, to integrate 统治 tǒng zhì Noun regime, government Verb to rule, to govern 透明 tòu míng Adjective transparent 投资 tóu zī Noun investment Verb to invest 吐 tù Verb to vomit 突出 tū chū Adjective outstanding 土地 tǔ dì Noun land, soil, territory 土豆 tǔ dòu Noun potato 兔子 tù zi Noun rabbit 团 tuán Noun group, regiment Measure Word for ball-like things 退 tuì Verb to return, to decline, to withdraw 退步 tuì bù Noun regression Verb to regress, to fall behind, to go backward 推辞 tuī cí Verb to decline, to turn down 推广 tuī guǎng Verb to spread, to popularize 推荐 tuī jiàn Noun recommendation Verb to recommend 退休 tuì xiū Noun retirement Verb to retire 歪 wāi Adjective crooked, devious 外交 wài jiāo Noun diplomacy, foreign affairs 弯 wān Noun a curve Verb to bend, to curve Adjective bent, curved 玩具 wán jù Noun toy 完美 wán měi Adjective perfect 完善 wán shàn Verb to improve, to make perfect Adjective perfect 万一 wàn yī Noun contingency Conjunction in case 完整 wán zhěng Adjective complete, intact 往返 wǎng fǎn Adverb back and forth, to and from 王子 wáng zǐ Noun prince 胃 wèi Noun stomach 尾巴 wěi ba Noun tail 未必 wèi bì Adverb not necessarily 伟大 wěi dà Adjective great, mighty 违反 wéi fǎn Verb to violate (law) 危害 wēi hài Noun endangerment Verb to endanger, to harm 维护 wéi hù Verb to defend, to safeguard, to maintain 围巾 wéi jīn Noun scarf 未来 wèi lái Noun future 委屈 wěi qu Verb to feel wronged 围绕 wéi rào Verb to revolve around, to surround 卫生间 wèi shēng jiān Noun bathroom, WC 委托 wěi tuō Verb to entrust, to commission, to consign 微笑 wēi xiào Noun smile Verb to smile 威胁 wēi xié Noun threat, menace Verb to threaten, to menace 唯一 wéi yī Adverb only, sole 位置 wèi zhì Noun position, place 闻 wén Verb to hear, to smell 吻 wěn Noun kiss Verb to kiss 稳定 wěn dìng Noun stability Verb to stabalize Adjective steady, stable 问候 wèn hòu Verb to send a greeting 文件 wén jiàn Noun document, file 文具 wén jù Noun stationery, writing materials 文明 wén míng Noun civilization, culture Adjective civilized 温暖 wēn nuǎn Adjective warm 温柔 wēn róu Adjective gentle, soft, tender 文学 wén xué Noun literature 卧室 wò shì Noun bedroom 雾 wù Noun fog 物理 wù lǐ Noun physics 无奈 wú nài Verb to have no choice 武器 wǔ qì Noun weapon, arms 无数 wú shù Adjective countless, innumerable 武术 wǔ shù Noun martial arts 物质 wù zhì Noun matter, substance, material 屋子 wū zi Noun room, house 系 xì Noun system, department 细节 xì jié Noun detail, particulars 戏剧 xì jù Noun drama, play, theater 吸收 xī shōu Verb to absorb, to soak up, to assimilate 系统 xì tǒng Noun system 吓 xià Verb to frighten, to scare 瞎 xiā Adjective blind Adverb groundlessly, foolishly, aimlessly 下载 xià zài Verb to download 县 xiàn Noun county 显得 xiǎn de Verb to seem, to look, to appear 现金 xiàn jīn Noun cash 显然 xiǎn rán Adjective clear, evident 现实 xiàn shí Noun reality, actuality Adjective real, actual 显示 xiǎn shì Noun Display Verb to show, to display, to demonstrate 现象 xiàn xiàng Noun appearance, phenomenon 鲜艳 xiān yàn Adjective bright-coloured, colourful 项 xiàng Noun neck, point, item Measure Word for tasks, events, etc. 相处 xiāng chǔ Verb to get along with each other 相当 xiāng dāng Verb be quivalent to Adjective apropriate Adverb quite, rather, fairly 相对 xiāng duì Verb to face each other Adverb relatively, comperatively 相关 xiāng guān Noun correlation, dependence Verb to be interrelated 项链 xiàng liàn Noun necklace 项目 xiàng mù Noun item, project, sports event 想念 xiǎng niàn Verb to miss, to remember with longing 橡皮 xiàng pí Noun rubber, eraser 象棋 xiàng qí Noun Chinese chess 享受 xiǎng shòu Noun enjoyment, pleasure Verb to enjoy 相似 xiāng sì Verb to resemble, to be similar to 想象 xiǎng xiàng Noun imagination Verb to imagine, to visualize 象征 xiàng zhēng Noun symbol Verb to symbolize, to stand for 小吃 xiǎo chī Noun snack, refreshments 消费 xiāo fèi Noun consumption Verb to consume 消化 xiāo huà Noun digestion Verb to digest 小伙子 xiǎo huǒ zi Noun young fellow 效率 xiào lǜ Noun efficiency 小麦 xiǎo mài Noun wheat 消灭 xiāo miè Noun annihilation Verb to eliminate, to perish 小气 xiǎo qi Adjective stingy, petty, miserly 消失 xiāo shī Verb to disappear, to fade away 销售 xiāo shòu Noun sales Verb to sell 孝顺 xiào shun Verb to be obedient to one's parents 小偷 xiǎo tōu Noun thief 斜 xié Adjective inclined, slanting, oblique 歇 xiē Verb to rest 协调 xié tiáo Verb to coordinate, to harmonize 信封 xìn fēng Noun envelope 信号 xìn hào Noun signal 心理 xīn lǐ Noun psychology, mentality Adjective psychological, menatl 欣赏 xīn shǎng Verb to enjoy, to appreciate 信息 xìn xī Noun information, news 心脏 xīn zàng Noun heart 形成 xíng chéng Verb to form, to take shape 行动 xíng dòng Noun action, operation Verb to move, to act 幸亏 xìng kuī Adverb furtunately, luckily 行人 xíng rén Noun pedestrian 形容 xíng róng Noun description Verb to describe 形势 xíng shì Noun situation, circumstances, terrain 形式 xíng shì Noun form, shape 行为 xíng wéi Noun action, conduct, behaviour, activity 形象 xíng xiàng Noun image, appearance, figure 幸运 xìng yùn Noun luck, fortune Adjective lucky, fortunate 性质 xìng zhì Noun nature, character 形状 xíng zhuàng Noun form, shape 胸 xiōng Noun chest 兄弟 xiōng dì Noun brothers 雄伟 xióng wěi Adjective grand, magnificent 修改 xiū gǎi Noun modification Verb to modify, to amend, to revise 休闲 xiū xián Noun leisure 叙述 xù shù Noun narration Verb to tell, to relate 虚心 xū xīn Adjective modest 宣布 xuān bù Verb to declare, to announce 宣传 xuān chuán Noun propaganda Verb to propagte, to disseminate 选举 xuǎn jǔ Noun election Verb to elect 学期 xué qī Noun term, semester 学术 xué shù Noun learning, science 学问 xué wen Noun knowledge 训练 xùn liàn Noun training Verb to train, to drill 迅速 xùn sù Adjective rapid, speedy, quick 询问 xún wèn Verb to inquire 寻找 xún zhǎo Verb to seek, to look for 延长 yán cháng Verb to prolong, to extend 宴会 yàn huì Noun banquet, feast 严肃 yán sù Adjective solemn, serious 痒 yǎng Verb to itch, to tickle 样式 yàng shì Noun type, style, pattern 阳台 yáng tái Noun balcony 摇 yáo Verb to shake, to sway 咬 yǎo Verb to bite 腰 yāo Noun waist, lower back 要不 yào bù Conjunction otherwise 要是 yào shi Conjunction if, in case 夜 yè Noun night 液体 yè tǐ Noun liquid 业务 yè wù Noun business, professional work 业余 yè yú Noun spare time Adjective amateur 乙 yǐ Number second(ly) 一辈子 yí bèi zi Noun a lifetime 一旦 yí dàn Time in one day Conjunction in case, if, once 移动 yí dòng Noun movement Verb to move, to shift Adjective mobile, portable 遗憾 yí hàn Verb to regret Adjective regrettable 以及 yǐ jí Conjunction as well as 以来 yǐ lái Adverb since 一路平安 yí lù píng ān Saying have a save trip! 议论 yì lùn Noun discussion Verb to discuss, to comment on 移民 yí mín Noun immigrant Verb to immigrate, to migrate 依然 yī rán Adverb still, as before 意外 yì wài Noun accident Adjective unexpected, accidental 疑问 yí wèn Noun question, doubt 义务 yì wù Noun duty, obligation Adjective voluntary 意义 yì yì Noun meaning, sense, significance 一致 yí zhì Noun agreement Adjective identical, unanimous (views, etc.) 银 yín Noun silver Adjective silver (colour) 因而 yīn ér Conjunction thus, as a result 因素 yīn sù Noun element, factor 硬币 yìng bì Noun coin 应付 yìng fu Verb to deal with, to cope with 硬件 yìng jiàn Noun hardware 迎接 yíng jiē Verb to greet, to welcome, to meet 英俊 yīng jùn Adjective handsome and smart 应聘 yìng pìn Verb to apply for a job 英雄 yīng xióng Noun hero 营养 yíng yǎng Noun nutrition, nourishment 营业 yíng yè Verb to do business, to trade 应用 yìng yòng Noun application Verb to apply, to use 影子 yǐng zi Noun shadow 拥抱 yōng bào Verb to embrace, to hug 拥挤 yōng jǐ Verb to squeeze, to press Adjective crowded 勇气 yǒng qì Noun courage 用途 yòng tú Noun application, use, purpos 幼儿园 yòu ér yuán Noun kintergarten, nursery school 优惠 yōu huì Adjective preferential, favourable 悠久 yōu jiǔ Adjective long, longstanding 邮局 yóu jú Noun post office 游览 yóu lǎn Verb to visit, to go sightseeing 有利 yǒu lì Adjective advantageous, beneficial 优美 yōu měi Adjective fine, graceful 优势 yōu shì Noun superiority, dominance, advantage 犹豫 yóu yù Verb to hesitate 油炸 yóu zhá Verb to deep fry 预报 yù bào Noun forecast 预订 yù dìng Noun booking Verb to book, to subscribe for 预防 yù fáng Noun prevention, prophylaxis Verb to prevent 娱乐 yú lè Noun amusement, entertainment Verb to amuse, to entertain 玉米 yù mǐ Noun corn, maize 与其 yǔ qí Conjunction rather than 语气 yǔ qì Noun tone, manner of speaking 宇宙 yǔ zhòu Noun universe, cosmos 元旦 Yuán dàn Noun New Year's Day 缘故 yuán gù Noun reason, cause 原料 yuán liào Noun raw material 愿望 yuàn wàng Noun desire, wish 原则 yuán zé Noun principle 晕 yūn Verb to pass out, to faint Adjective dizzy, faint, confused 运气 yùn qi Noun luck, fate 运输 yùn shū Noun transport Verb to transport 运用 yùn yòng Verb to use, to utilize 灾害 zāi hài Noun calamity, disaster 再三 zài sān Adverb again and again 赞成 zàn chéng Verb to approve of, to agree with 赞美 zàn měi Noun applause, praise Verb to praise, to admire 造成 zào chéng Verb to bring about, to create, to cause 糟糕 zāo gāo Adjective terrible, bad 则 zé Noun norm, standard Verb to follow (rule, etc.) Conjunction then Measure Word for written items 责备 zé bèi Verb to blame, to criticize 摘 zhāi Verb to pick, to pluck, to take off (glasses, etc.) 展开 zhǎn kāi Verb to unfold, to carry out, to spread out 展览 zhǎn lǎn Noun exhibition Verb to exhibit 粘贴 zhān tiē Verb to stick, to affix, to paste 占线 zhàn xiàn Adjective busy (phone) 战争 zhàn zhēng Noun war 涨 zhǎng Verb to rise, to go up 账户 zhàng hù Noun bank account 掌握 zhǎng wò Verb to grasp, to master, to control 照常 zhào cháng Adverb as usual 招待 zhāo dài Noun reception Verb to entertain (guests), to serve, to receive 召开 zhào kāi Verb to convene, to convoke, to call together 着凉 zháo liáng Verb to catch a cold 哲学 zhé xué Noun philosophy 阵 zhèn Noun disposition of troops Conjunction for short periods or events 振动 zhèn dòng Noun vibration Verb to vibrate 诊断 zhěn duàn Noun diagnosis Verb to diagnose 针对 zhēn duì Verb to be aimed at, to be directed against 真理 zhēn lǐ Noun truth 真实 zhēn shí Adjective real, true 枕头 zhěn tou Noun pillow 珍惜 zhēn xī Verb to value, to cherish 正 zhèng Adjective upright, honest Adverb just, upright 睁 zhēng Verb to open (the eyes) 政策 zhèng cè Noun policy 政府 zhèng fǔ Noun government 整个 zhěng gè Adjective whole, entire 证件 zhèng jiàn Noun certificate 证据 zhèng jù Noun evidence, proof 争论 zhēng lùn Noun argument, debate Verb to argue, to debate 挣钱 zhèng qián Verb to make money 征求 zhēng qiú Verb to solicit, to seek, to ask for 争取 zhēng qǔ Verb to strive for, to fight for 整体 zhěng tǐ Noun whole entity 政治 zhèng zhì Noun politics 直 zhí Verb to straighten Adjective straight, direct 支 zhī Noun branch, division Verb to support Measure Word for stick-like objects 指导 zhǐ dǎo Noun guidance Verb to guide, to direct 制定 zhì dìng Verb to formulate, to work out, to draw up 制度 zhì dù Noun system 智慧 zhì huì Noun wisdom, intelligence, knowledge 指挥 zhǐ huī Noun conductor Verb to conduct, to command, to direct 至今 zhì jīn Time until now, until today 治疗 zhì liáo Noun medical treatment Verb to treat, to cure 支票 zhī piào Noun check (bank) 执行 zhí xíng Verb to carry out, to execute 秩序 zhì xù Noun order, orderly state 至于 zhì yú Conjunction to go so far as to, with regard to 志愿者 zhì yuàn zhě Noun volunteer 执照 zhí zhào Noun license 制作 zhì zuò Verb to make, to manufacture, to produce 重 zhòng Adjective heavy, serious Adverb heavily 钟 zhōng Noun clock, bell Measure Word o'clock 中介 zhōng jiè Noun agency, agent 重量 zhòng liàng Noun weight 中心 zhōng xīn Noun center 中旬 zhōng xún Time middle third of a month 周到 zhōu dao Adjective thoughtful, considerate 煮 zhǔ Verb to cook, to boil 逐步 zhú bù Adverb step by step 注册 zhù cè Verb to register 主持 zhǔ chí Verb to direct, to manage, to preside over 祝福 zhù fú Verb to bless, to wish well 嘱咐 zhǔ fù Verb to exhort, to enjoin, to tell 主观 zhǔ guān Adjective subjectiv 主人 zhǔ rén Noun host, master 主席 zhǔ xí Noun chairman 主张 zhǔ zhāng Noun viewpoint, stand Verb to advocate, to stand for 竹子 zhú zi Noun bamboo 抓紧 zhuā jǐn Verb to grasp firmly, to pay special attention to, to seize 转变 zhuǎn biàn Noun change Verb to change, to transform 转告 zhuǎn gào Verb to pass on (a message, etc.), to transmit 专家 zhuān jiā Noun expert, specialist 专心 zhuān xīn Noun concentration Verb to concentrate Adjective concentrated, attentive 装 zhuāng Noun dress, clothing, costume Verb to pretend, to install, to fix, to load, to pack 状况 zhuàng kuàng Noun condition, state, situation 装饰 zhuāng shì Noun decoration Verb to decorate 状态 zhuàng tài Noun state, condition 追求 zhuī qiú Verb to pursue, to seek after 紫 zǐ Adjective purple 自从 zì cóng Adverb ever since Preposition since 自动 zì dòng Adjective automatic 资格 zī gé Noun qualifications 自豪 zì háo Adjective proud 资金 zī jīn Noun funds, capital 自觉 zì jué Adjective aware, conscious, on one's own initiative 资料 zī liào Noun material, data, resources, profile (IT) 字幕 zì mù Noun caption, subtitle 姿势 zī shì Noun gesture, posture, pose 自私 zì sī Adjective selfish 自信 zì xìn Noun (self-)confidence Adjective (self-)confident 咨询 zī xún Noun consultation Verb to consult, to seek advice 自由 zì yóu Noun freedom, liberty Adjective free 自愿 zì yuàn Adjective voluntary 资源 zī yuán Noun resources 总裁 zǒng cái Noun general director 总共 zǒng gòng Adverb altogether, in total 综合 zōng hé Noun Synthese Verb to integrate, to sum up Adjective synthesized, integrated 宗教 zōng jiào Noun religion 总理 zǒng lǐ Noun premier, prime minister 总算 zǒng suàn Adverb finally, in the end, at long last 总统 zǒng tǒng Noun president (of a country) 总之 zǒng zhī Conjunction in short, in a word 祖国 zǔ guó Noun fatherland, homeland 组合 zǔ hé Noun association, combination Verb to make up, to compose, to constitute 祖先 zǔ xiān Noun ancestor 阻止 zǔ zhǐ Verb to prevent, to stop 醉 zuì Adjective intoxicated, drunk 最初 zuì chū Time first, initial 罪犯 zuì fàn Noun criminal 尊敬 zūn jìng Noun respect, esteem Verb to respect, to revere 遵守 zūn shǒu Verb to abide by, to comply with 作品 zuò pǐn Noun works (literature, art) 作为 zuò wéi Noun conduct, ac Verb to accomplish, to act as, to take for Conjunction as 作文 zuò wén Noun composition Verb to write an essay