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  1. 爱情 ài qíng Noun love
  2. 暗 àn Adjective dark
  3. 安排 ān pái Noun plan
  4. Verb to plan, to arrange
  5. 安全 ān quán Noun safety
  6. Adjective safe, secure
  7. 按时 àn shí Adjective on time, on schedule
  8. 按照 àn zhào Preposition according to
  9. 抱 bào Verb to hug, to embrace, to hold
  10. 报道 bào dào Noun report
  11. Verb to report
  12. 保护 bǎo hù Noun protection
  13. Verb to protect, to safeguard
  14. 包括 bāo kuò Verb to include, to consist of
  15. 报名 bào míng Verb to sign up, to register
  16. 抱歉 bào qiàn Saying sorry! my apologies!
  17. 保证 bǎo zhèng Noun guarantee
  18. Verb to guarantee, to ensure, to assure
  19. 倍 bèi Measure Word for times, -fold
  20. 笨 bèn Adjective stupid, foolish
  21. 本来 běn lái Adjective original
  22. Adverb originally, at first
  23. 笔记本 bǐ jì běn Noun notebook
  24. 毕业 bì yè Verb to graduate, to finish school
  25. 遍 biàn Adverb all over
  26. Measure Word for a time
  27. 表达 biǎo dá Verb to express, to convey
  28. 表格 biǎo gé Noun form, table
  29. 表扬 biǎo yáng Verb to praise, to commend
  30. 标准 biāo zhǔn Noun standard, norm
  31. Adjective standard
  32. 饼干 bǐng gān Noun buscuit, cookie
  33. 并且 bìng qiě Conjunction and, besides, moreover
  34. 博士 bó shì Noun doctor, Ph.D.
  35. 不但 bú dàn Conjunction not only
  36. 不得不 bù dé bù Auxiliary Verb to have to, cannot but
  37. 部分 bù fen Noun part, section
  38. 不管 bù guǎn Conjunction regardless of, no matter what/how
  39. 不过 bú guò Adverb only, just, no more than
  40. Conjunction but, however
  41. 不仅 bù jǐn Conjunction not only, not just
  42. 擦 cā Verb to wipe, to rub, to erase
  43. 猜 cāi Verb to guess
  44. 材料 cái liào Noun material, data, stuff
  45. 参观 cān guān Verb to visit, to look around
  46. 差不多 chà bu duō Adjective almost, more or less
  47. 尝 cháng Verb to taste
  48. Adverb once
  49. 场 chǎng Noun field, place
  50. Measure Word for events, happenings, etc.
  51. 长城 Cháng chéng Noun the Great Wall
  52. 长江 Cháng jiāng Noun Yangtze river
  53. 吵 chǎo Verb to quarrel
  54. Adjective noisy
  55. 超过 chāo guò Verb to surpass, to exceed
  56. 成功 chéng gōng Noun success
  57. Verb to succeed
  58. 诚实 chéng shí Adjective honest, truthful
  59. 成熟 chéng shú Adjective mature
  60. 成为 chéng wéi Verb to become, to turn into
  61. 乘坐 chéng zuò Verb to ride (in a vehicle)
  62. 吃惊 chī jīng Verb to be startled, to be shocked, to be amazed
  63. 重新 chóng xīn Adverb again
  64. 抽烟 chōu yān Verb to smoke (a cigarette, etc.)
  65. 出差 chū chāi Verb to go on a business trip
  66. 出发 chū fā Verb to leave, to set out
  67. 出生 chū shēng Verb to be born
  68. 传真 chuán zhēn Noun fax
  69. 窗户 chuāng hu Noun window
  70. 词典 cí diǎn Noun dictionary
  71. 从来 cóng lái Adverb always, ever since, at all times
  72. 粗心 cū xīn Adjective careless, thoughtless
  73. 答案 dá àn Noun answer, solution
  74. 打扮 dǎ ban Noun style of dressing
  75. Verb to decorate, to dress up
  76. 大概 dà gài Adverb probably, roughly
  77. 打扰 dǎ rǎo Verb to disturb
  78. 大使馆 dà shǐ guǎn Noun embassy
  79. 打印 dǎ yìn Verb to print, to seal, to stamp
  80. 大约 dà yuē Adverb approximately
  81. 打折 dǎ zhé Verb to give discount
  82. 打针 dǎ zhēn Verb to inject
  83. 戴 dài Verb to put on, to wear, to respect, to support
  84. 代表 dài biǎo Noun representative
  85. Verb to represent
  86. 大夫 dài fu Noun doctor
  87. 代替 dài tì Noun replacement
  88. Verb to replace, to substitute
  89. Preposition instead of
  90. 当 dāng Verb to act as, to administer
  91. Auxiliary Verb should, ought
  92. Adjective equal
  93. Conjunction when, during
  94. 当地 dāng dì Noun locality
  95. Adjective local
  96. 当时 dāng shí Time at that time, then
  97. 刀 dāo Noun knife
  98. 到处 dào chù Adverb everywhere, at all places
  99. 到底 dào dǐ Adverb finally, in the end
  100. 道歉 dào qiàn Verb to apologize
  101. 导游 dǎo yóu Noun tour guide
  102. 得意 dé yì Adjective pleased with oneself
  103. 得 děi Auxiliary Verb to have to
  104. 等 děng Particle etc., and so on
  105. 底 dǐ Noun background, end, bottom, base
  106. 地球 dì qiú Noun earth (planet)
  107. 地址 dì zhǐ Noun address
  108. 掉 diào Verb to fall, to drop, to lose, to turn
  109. 调查 diào chá Noun investigation, survey
  110. Verb to investigate, to survey
  111. 丢 diū Verb to lose, to throw
  112. 动作 dòng zuò Noun movement
  113. 堵车 dǔ chē Noun traffic jam
  114. 肚子 dù zi Noun belly, abdomen
  115. 断 duàn Verb to cut off, to break, to judge, to decide
  116. Adverb absolutely, definitely
  117. 对 duì Preposition for, to, towards
  118. 对话 duì huà Noun dialog
  119. 对面 duì miàn Place opposite
  120. 顿 dùn Noun pause
  121. Verb to stop, to pause, to arrange
  122. Measure Word for meals, beatings, etc.
  123. 朵 duǒ Measure Word for flowers, clouds, etc.
  124. 而 ér Conjunction and, but, yet
  125. 儿童 ér tóng Noun child
  126. 发 fā Verb to send out, to issue, to develop
  127. Measure Word for gunshots
  128. 法律 fǎ lǜ Noun law
  129. 发生 fā shēng Verb to happen, to occur, to take place
  130. 发展 fā zhǎn Noun development, growth
  131. Verb to develop, to grow
  132. 反对 fǎn duì Verb to fight against, to oppose
  133. 烦恼 fán nǎo Noun worries
  134. Adjective worried, troubled
  135. 范围 fàn wéi Noun scope limit, range
  136. 翻译 fān yì Noun translation, translator
  137. Verb to translate
  138. 反映 fǎn yìng Noun reflection
  139. Verb to reflect, to mirror
  140. 方法 fāng fǎ Noun method, way
  141. 方面 fāng miàn Noun aspect, respect
  142. 放弃 fàng qì Verb to give up
  143. 放暑假 fàng shǔ jià Verb to take summer vacation
  144. 访问 fǎng wèn Noun visit
  145. Verb to visit, to interview
  146. 方向 fāng xiàng Noun direction, orientation
  147. 份 fèn Noun part, share, portion, copy
  148. Measure Word for newspaper, papers, reports, contracts
  149. 分之 fēn zhī Saying used for fractions and percentages
  150. 丰富 fēng fù Adjective rich, plentiful
  151. 风景 fēng jǐng Noun scenery, landscape
  152. 否则 fǒu zé Conjunction otherwise
  153. 富 fù Adjective rich
  154. 符合 fú hé Verb to accord with, to conform to
  155. 父亲 fù qīn Noun father
  156. 复印 fù yìn Verb to (photo)copy
  157. 复杂 fù zá Adjective complicated, complex
  158. 负责 fù zé Verb to be responsible for
  159. G
  160. 改变 gǎi biàn Verb to change
  161. 干 gàn Verb to do, to work
  162. 干杯 gān bēi Saying Cheers!
  163. 感动 gǎn dòng Verb to move sb., to touch (emotionally)
  164. 感觉 gǎn jué Noun feeling, sense
  165. Verb to feel
  166. 感情 gǎn qíng Noun emotion, feeling
  167. 感谢 gǎn xiè Noun gratitude
  168. Verb to thank, to be grateful
  169. 干燥 gān zào Adjective dry
  170. 刚刚 gāng gāng Adverb just now, a moment ago
  171. 高级 gāo jí Adjective high level, high grade, advanced
  172. 各 gè Pronoun each, every
  173. 个子 gè zi Noun height, stature
  174. 工具 gōng jù Noun tool, utensil
  175. 公里 gōng lǐ Noun kilometer
  176. Measure Word for km
  177. 共同 gòng tóng Adjective common, joint, together
  178. 工资 gōng zī Noun salary, wages
  179. 够 gòu Verb to reach, to be enough
  180. Adjective be enough
  181. Adverb enough
  182. 购物 gòu wù Verb to go shopping
  183. 孤单 gū dān Adjective lone, lonely
  184. 估计 gū jì Verb to estimate
  185. 顾客 gù kè Noun client, customer
  186. 鼓励 gǔ lì Verb to encourage, to urge
  187. 故意 gù yì Adverb on purpose, deliberately
  188. 鼓掌 gǔ zhǎng Verb to applaud
  189. 挂 guà Verb to hang (up)
  190. 关键 guān jiàn Noun key, crucial point
  191. 管理 guǎn lǐ Noun management
  192. Verb to manage
  193. 观众 guān zhòng Noun audience, spectators
  194. 逛 guàng Verb to stroll
  195. 光 guāng Noun light, ray
  196. Adjective naked
  197. Adverb only, merely
  198. 广播 guǎng bō Noun broadcasting
  199. Verb to broadcast
  200. 广告 guǎng gào Noun advertisement
  201. Verb to advertise
  202. 规定 guī dìng Noun regulations, provision
  203. Verb to fix, to stipulate
  204. 过 guò Verb to pass, to cross, to spend time
  205. 过程 guò chéng Noun process, course
  206. 国际 guó jì Adjective international
  207. 果然 guǒ rán Adverb as expected
  208. H
  209. 害羞 hài xiū Adjective shy
  210. 海洋 hǎi yáng Noun ocean
  211. 汗 hàn Noun sweat
  212. 寒假 hán jià Noun winter vacation
  213. 航班 háng bān Noun scheduled flight, flight number
  214. 好处 hǎo chu Noun benefit, advantage
  215. 号码 hào mǎ Noun number
  216. 好像 hǎo xiàng Verb to seem, to be like, look like
  217. 合格 hé gé Adjective qualified
  218. 合适 hé shì Adjective suitable, appropriate
  219. 盒子 hé zi Noun box, case
  220. 厚 hòu Adjective thick, deep
  221. 后悔 hòu huǐ Verb to regret, to repent
  222. 后来 hòu lái Adverb afterwards, later
  223. 猴子 hóu zi Noun monkey
  224. 忽然 hū rán Adverb suddenly
  225. 护士 hù shi Noun nurse
  226. 互相 hù xiāng Adverb each other
  227. 怀疑 huái yí Noun doubt, suspicion
  228. Verb to doubt, to suspect
  229. 回忆 huí yì Noun recollection
  230. Verb to recall, to recollect
  231. 火 huǒ Noun fire
  232. 获得 huò dé Verb to obtain, to acquire
  233. 活动 huó dòng Noun activity
  234. Verb to move about
  235. Adjective active
  236. 活泼 huó pō Adjective lively, vivid
  237. J
  238. 寄 jì Verb to send, to mail
  239. 基础 jī chǔ Noun base, foundation, basis
  240. 激动 jī dòng Verb to excite
  241. Adjective exciting
  242. 集合 jí hé Noun congregation
  243. Verb to gather, to assemble
  244. 计划 jì huà Noun plan, project, program
  245. Verb to plan
  246. 积极 jī jí Adjective positive, active
  247. 积累 jī lěi Noun accumulation
  248. Verb to accumulate
  249. 极其 jí qí Adverb extremely
  250. 既然 jì rán Conjunction this being the case
  251. 及时 jí shí Adjective in time
  252. Adverb without delay
  253. 即使 jí shǐ Conjunction even if, even thoug
  254. 技术 jì shù Noun technology, skill, technique
  255. 继续 jì xù Noun continuation
  256. Verb to continue, to go on
  257. 记者 jì zhě Noun reporter, journalist
  258. 假 jiǎ Adjective fake, false
  259. 加班 jiā bān Verb to work overtime
  260. 价格 jià gé Noun price
  261. 家具 jiā jù Noun furniture
  262. 加油站 jiā yóu zhàn Noun gas station
  263. 坚持 jiān chí Verb to stick to, to persist in, to insist on
  264. 减肥 jiǎn féi Verb to lose weight
  265. 减少 jiǎn shǎo Verb to reduce, to decrease
  266. 降低 jiàng dī Verb to reduce, to lower
  267. 奖金 jiǎng jīn Noun premium, award money, bonus
  268. 将来 jiāng lái Noun future
  269. Adverb in the future
  270. 交 jiāo Verb to hand over, to intersect, to associate with
  271. 骄傲 jiāo ào Verb to be proud of sth.
  272. Adjective arrogant, conceited
  273. 交流 jiāo liú Noun communication, exchange
  274. Verb to exchange, to communicate
  275. 教授 jiào shòu Noun professor
  276. Verb to instruct, to lecture on
  277. 交通 jiāo tōng Noun traffic
  278. 教育 jiào yù Noun educatione
  279. Verb to teach
  280. 饺子 jiǎo zi Noun dumpling
  281. 结果 jié guǒ Noun result, outcome
  282. Conjunction finally, at last
  283. 解释 jiě shì Noun explanation
  284. Verb to explain
  285. 接受 jiē shòu Verb to accept, to receive
  286. 节约 jié yuē Verb to economize, to conserve
  287. 尽管 jǐn guǎn Adverb unhesitatingly
  288. Conjunction in spite of, although, despite
  289. 进行 jìn xíng Verb to be in progress, be underway
  290. 紧张 jǐn zhāng Adjective nervous, tense, in short supply
  291. 禁止 jìn zhǐ Verb to prohibit, to forbid, to ban
  292. 精彩 jīng cǎi Adjective brilliant, excellent, splendid
  293. 警察 jǐng chá Noun police
  294. 经济 jīng jì Noun economy
  295. 京剧 jīng jù Noun Beijing Opera
  296. 经历 jīng lì Noun experience
  297. Verb to experience
  298. 竟然 jìng rán Adverb unexpectedly
  299. 精神 jīng shén Noun spirit, mind
  300. 经验 jīng yàn Noun experience
  301. Verb to experience
  302. 竞争 jìng zhēng Noun competition
  303. Verb to compete
  304. 镜子 jìng zi Noun mirror
  305. 究竟 jiū jìng Adverb after all, actually
  306. 举办 jǔ bàn Verb to hold, to conduct
  307. 拒绝 jù jué Verb to refuse, to decline
  308. 距离 jù lí Noun distance
  309. Verb to be apart from
  310. 开玩笑 kāi wán xiào Verb to play a joke, to make fun of
  311. 看法 kàn fǎ Noun view, opinion
  312. 考虑 kǎo lǜ Noun consideration
  313. Verb to think over, to consider
  314. 棵 kē Measure Word for trees, plants, etc.
  315. 可怜 kě lián Adjective pitiful, poor, pathetic
  316. 可是 kě shì Conjunction but
  317. 咳嗽 ké sou Noun cough
  318. Verb to cough
  319. 可惜 kě xī Adjective it is a pity, what a pity
  320. 科学 kē xué Noun science
  321. Adjective scientific
  322. 肯定 kěn dìng Verb to affirm, to confirm
  323. Adjective certain, definite
  324. Adverb certainly, definitely
  325. 恐怕 kǒng pà Adverb I'm afraid that
  326. 空气 kōng qì Noun air, atmosphere
  327. 苦 kǔ Adjective bitter, miserable
  328. 宽 kuān Adjective wide, broad
  329. 困 kùn Adjective sleepy, tired
  330. 困难 kùn nan Noun difficulty, problem
  331. Adjective difficult
  332. 扩大 kuò dà Verb to expand, to enlarge
  333. 辣 là Adjective spicy
  334. 拉 lā Verb to pull
  335. 垃圾桶 lā jī tǒng Noun rubbish bin
  336. 来不及 lái bu jí Verb there's not enough time
  337. 来得及 lái de jí Verb there is still time to do sth.
  338. 懒 lǎn Adjective lazy
  339. 浪费 làng fèi Verb to waste
  340. 浪漫 làng màn Adjective romantic
  341. 老虎 lǎo hǔ Noun tiger
  342. 冷静 lěng jìng Adjective calm, cool-headed, quite
  343. 理发 lǐ fà Verb to have a haircut
  344. 厉害 lì hai Adjective awesome, terrible, strict, severe, difficult to deal with
  345. 理解 lǐ jiě Noun comprehension, understanding
  346. Verb to comprehend, to understand
  347. 礼貌 lǐ mào Noun politeness, courtesy
  348. 力气 lì qi Noun strength
  349. 例如 lì rú Adverb for example
  350. 理想 lǐ xiǎng Noun ideal, dream
  351. 俩 liǎ Number two (people)
  352. 连 lián Verb to link, to join, to connect
  353. Adverb even
  354. 联系 lián xì Noun contact, connection
  355. Verb to contact
  356. 亮 liàng Verb to shine, to show, to reveal
  357. Adjective bright, clear, shiny
  358. 凉快 liáng kuai Adjective pleasantly cool
  359. 聊天 liáo tiān Verb to chat
  360. 另外 lìng wài Conjunction in addition, morover, furthermore
  361. 留 liú Verb to keep, to remain, to stay, to leave (a message, etc.)
  362. 流泪 liú lèi Verb to shed tears
  363. 流利 liú lì Adjective fluent
  364. 流行 liú xíng Verb to spread
  365. Adjective popular, fashionable
  366. 留学 liú xué Verb to study abroad
  367. 律师 lǜ shī Noun lawyer
  368. 乱 luàn Noun disorder
  369. Verb to cause disorder
  370. Adjective in a mess, confused
  371. 麻烦 má fan Verb to trouble sb.
  372. Adjective troublesome
  373. 马虎 mǎ hu Adjective careless, negligent, casual
  374. 满 mǎn Verb to fill, to satisfy
  375. Adjective full, satisfied
  376. 毛巾 máo jīn Noun towel
  377. 美丽 měi lì Adjective beautiful
  378. 梦 mèng Noun dream
  379. 密码 mì mǎ Noun password
  380. 免费 miǎn fèi Adjective free (of charge)
  381. 民族 mín zú Noun nationality, ethnic group
  382. 目的 mù dì Noun purpose, aim
  383. 母亲 mǔ qīn Noun mother
  384. 耐心 nài xīn Noun patience
  385. Adjective patient
  386. 难道 nán dào Adverb don't tell me ..., is it possible that ...
  387. 难受 nán shòu Verb to be difficult to bear
  388. 内 nèi Place inside, inner
  389. 内容 nèi róng Noun content, substance
  390. 能力 néng lì Noun ability, capability
  391. 年龄 nián líng Noun age (of a person)
  392. 弄 nòng Verb to do, to make
  393. 农村 nóng cūn Noun village, rural area
  394. 暖和 nuǎn huo Adjective warm
  395. 偶尔 ǒu ěr Adverb occasionally
  396. 排列 pái liè Noun arrangement, permutation
  397. Verb to arrange, to put in order
  398. 判断 pàn duàn Noun decision, judgement
  399. Verb to decide, to judge
  400. 陪 péi Verb to accompany
  401. 皮肤 pí fū Noun skin
  402. 批评 pī píng Noun criticism
  403. Verb to criticize
  404. 脾气 pí qi Noun temperament, temper
  405. 骗 piàn Verb to cheat, to swindle
  406. 篇 piān Measure Word for chapters, articles, etc.
  407. 乒乓球 pīng pāng qiú Noun table tennis
  408. 平时 píng shí Noun in peacetime
  409. Adverb normally
  410. 瓶子 píng zi Noun bottle
  411. 破 pò Verb to break, to destroy
  412. Adjective broken, damaged
  413. 普遍 pǔ biàn Adjective universal, general
  414. 其次 qí cì Adverb next, secondary
  415. Conjunction secondly
  416. 起飞 qǐ fēi Verb to take off
  417. 气候 qì hòu Noun climate, atmosphere
  418. 起来 qǐ lái Verb to stand up, to get up
  419. 其中 qí zhōng Adverb among, in
  420. 千万 qiān wàn Number 10 million
  421. Adjective countless, many
  422. Adverb must, be sure to
  423. 签证 qiān zhèng Noun visa
  424. 墙 qiáng Noun wall
  425. 桥 qiáo Noun bridge
  426. 敲 qiāo Verb to knock
  427. 巧克力 qiǎo kè lì Noun chocolate
  428. 亲戚 qīn qi Noun relatives
  429. 轻 qīng Adjective light, small in number, unimportant
  430. 请假 qǐng jià Verb to ask for leave
  431. 请客 qǐng kè Verb to invite sb. for dinner
  432. 情况 qíng kuàng Noun circumstance, situation
  433. 轻松 qīng sōng Adjective relaxed, easy
  434. 穷 qióng Adjective poor
  435. 取 qǔ Verb to take, to get
  436. 区别 qū bié Noun difference
  437. Verb to distinguish
  438. 全部 quán bù Adjective whole, entire, complete
  439. 却 què Conjunction but, yet
  440. 缺点 quē diǎn Noun weakness, shortcoming
  441. 缺少 quē shǎo Noun lack, shortage
  442. Verb to lack, to be short of
  443. 确实 què shí Adjective indeed, really
  444. Adverb for sure, indeed
  445. 群 qún Measure Word for group, crowd, etc.
  446. 然而 rán ér Conjunction however, but
  447. 热闹 rè nao Adjective lively, busy
  448. 任何 rèn hé Adjective any, whichever, whatever
  449. 人民币 rén mín bì Noun RMB, Chinese Yuan
  450. 任务 rèn wu Noun mission, task
  451. 扔 rēng Verb to throw (away)
  452. 仍然 réng rán Adverb still, yet
  453. 日记 rì jì Noun diary
  454. 入口 rù kǒu Noun entrance
  455. 软 ruǎn Adjective soft
  456. 散步 sàn bù Verb to take/to go for a walk
  457. 森林 sēn lín Noun forest
  458. 沙发 shā fā Noun sofa
  459. 商量 shāng liang Verb to consult, to discuss
  460. 伤心 shāng xīn Adjective sad, grievous, brokenhearted
  461. 稍微 shāo wēi Adverb a little bit
  462. 社会 shè huì Noun society
  463. 深 shēn Adjective deep, dark (color, etc.)
  464. 申请 shēn qǐng Noun application
  465. Verb to apply for
  466. 甚至 shèn zhì Adverb even
  467. 剩 shèng Verb to remain
  468. 省 shěng Noun province
  469. Verb to save, to omit
  470. 生活 shēng huó Noun lif
  471. Verb to live
  472. 生命 shēng mìng Noun life
  473. 试 shì Noun experiment, examination, test
  474. Verb to test, to attempt
  475. 失败 shī bài Noun defeat, failure
  476. Verb to lose, to be defeated
  477. 市场 shì chǎng Noun market
  478. 十分 shí fēn Adverb very, completely, fully, utterly, absolutely
  479. 师傅 shī fu Noun master, teacher, used to respectfully address older men
  480. 适合 shì hé Verb to fit, to suit
  481. 实际 shí jì Noun reality, practice
  482. Adjective realistic, practical
  483. 世纪 shì jì Noun century
  484. 食品 shí pǐn Noun food
  485. 湿润 shī rùn Adjective moist, humid
  486. 失望 shī wàng Noun disappointment
  487. Verb to lose hope
  488. Adjective disappointed
  489. 适应 shì yìng Verb to fit, to suit, to adabt
  490. 使用 shǐ yòng Verb to use
  491. 实在 shí zài Adjective real, true
  492. Adverb really, in fact
  493. 狮子 shī zi Noun lion
  494. 收 shōu Verb to accept, to receive
  495. 受不了 shòu bù liǎo Adjective unbearable
  496. 受到 shòu dào Verb to receive, to suffer
  497. 首都 shǒu dū Noun capital city
  498. 售货员 shòu huò yuán Noun salesperson
  499. 收入 shōu rù Noun income, revenue
  500. Verb to take in
  501. 收拾 shōu shi Verb to put in order, to tidy up, to punish
  502. 首先 shǒu xiān Adverb first of all
  503. 输 shū Verb to transport, to lose, to be beaten
  504. 数量 shù liàng Noun amount, quantity
  505. 熟悉 shú xī Verb to be familiar with
  506. 数字 shù zì Noun figure, number
  507. 帅 shuài Adjective handsome, smart (for men)
  508. 顺便 shùn biàn Adverb on the way, in passing by
  509. 顺利 shùn lì Adjective smoothly
  510. 顺序 shùn xù Noun sequence, order
  511. 说明 shuō míng Noun explanation, illustration
  512. Verb to explain, to illustrate
  513. 硕士 shuò shì Noun master's degree
  514. 死 sǐ Noun death
  515. Verb to die
  516. Adjective dead
  517. 速度 sù dù Noun speed
  518. 塑料袋 sù liào dài Noun plastic bag
  519. 算 suàn Verb to calculate
  520. 酸 suān Adjective sour
  521. 随便 suí biàn Adjective random
  522. Adverb as one wishes
  523. 随着 suí zhe Preposition along with, in the wake of
  524. 孙子 sūn zi Noun grandson
  525. 所有 suǒ yǒu Verb to possess, to own
  526. Adjective all
  527. 台 tái Noun desk, platform
  528. Measure Word for vehicles, machinese, etc.
  529. 抬 tái Verb to lift up, to raise, to carry
  530. 态度 tài du Noun manner, attitude
  531. 谈 tán Verb to talk
  532. 弹钢琴 tán gāng qín Verb to play the piano
  533. 趟 tàng Measure Word for number of trips or runs made
  534. 躺 tǎng Verb to lie (down), to recline
  535. 汤 tāng Noun soup
  536. 讨论 tǎo lùn Noun discussion
  537. Verb to discuss
  538. 讨厌 tǎo yàn Verb to hate
  539. Adjective disgusting, nasty
  540. 特点 tè diǎn Noun characteristic feature
  541. 提供 tí gōng Verb to offer, to supply, to provide
  542. 提前 tí qián Verb to bring forward, to advance
  543. 提醒 tí xǐng Verb to remind, to call attention to
  544. 填空 tián kòng Verb to fill in (questionnaire, etc.)
  545. 条件 tiáo jiàn Noun condition, circumstances
  546. 挺 tǐng Verb to stick out, to stand straight
  547. Adverb quite, very, rather
  548. Measure Word for machine guns
  549. 停止 tíng zhǐ Verb to stop, to halt
  550. 通过 tōng guò Verb to pass through, to get through
  551. Preposition via, by
  552. 同情 tóng qíng Noun sympathy, compassion
  553. Verb to sympathize
  554. 通知 tōng zhī Noun notice
  555. Verb to notify, to inform
  556. 推 tuī Verb to push
  557. 推迟 tuī chí Verb to postpone, to defer
  558. 脱 tuō Verb to take off, to shed
  559. 袜子 wà zi Noun socks, stockings
  560. 完全 wán quán Adjective complete, whole, entire
  561. 往 wǎng Verb to go
  562. Preposition towards, to
  563. 网球 wǎng qiú Noun tennis
  564. 往往 wǎng wǎng Adverb often
  565. 网站 wǎng zhàn Noun website
  566. 味道 wèi dào Noun taste, flavour
  567. 危险 wēi xiǎn Noun danger
  568. Adjective dangerous
  569. 温度 wēn dù Noun temperature
  570. 文章 wén zhāng Noun article, essay
  571. 握手 wò shǒu Verb to shake hands
  572. 无 wú Adverb not
  573. 误会 wù huì Noun misunderstanding
  574. Verb to misunderstand
  575. 无聊 wú liáo Adjective boring, bored
  576. 无论 wú lùn Conjunction no matter how/what
  577. 污染 wū rǎn Noun pollution, contamination
  578. Verb to pollute, to contaminate
  579. 西红柿 xī hóng shì Noun tomato
  580. 洗衣机 xǐ yī jī Noun washing machine
  581. 吸引 xī yǐn Verb to attract (interest, customers, etc.)
  582. 咸 xián Adjective salty
  583. 现代 xiàn dài Noun modern times, the contemporary age
  584. 羡慕 xiàn mù Verb to envy, to admire
  585. 限制 xiàn zhì Noun restriction, limit
  586. Verb to restrict, to limit
  587. 响 xiǎng Noun sound, noise
  588. Verb to make a sound
  589. Adjective loud, noisy
  590. 香 xiāng Adjective fragrang
  591. 相反 xiāng fǎn Adjective opposite, contrary
  592. 详细 xiáng xì Adjective detailed
  593. 效果 xiào guǒ Noun effect, result
  594. 笑话 xiào hua Noun joke
  595. 小说 xiǎo shuō Noun novel, fiction
  596. 消息 xiāo xi Noun news, information
  597. 辛苦 xīn kǔ Adjective hard, toilsome
  598. 心情 xīn qíng Noun mood, state of mind
  599. 信任 xìn rèn Noun trust
  600. Verb to trust
  601. 信心 xìn xīn Noun confidence, faith
  602. 信用卡 xìn yòng kǎ Noun credit card
  603. 行 xíng Verb to walk, to go
  604. Adjective capable, competent
  605. Saying OK
  606. 醒 xǐng Verb to wake up
  607. 性别 xìng bié Noun gender, sex
  608. 兴奋 xīng fèn Noun excitement
  609. Adjective excited
  610. 幸福 xìng fú Noun happiness
  611. Adjective happy
  612. 性格 xìng gé Noun nature, temperament, character
  613. 修 xiū Verb to mend, to repair
  614. 许多 xǔ duō Adjective many, a lot of
  615. 血 xuè Noun blood
  616. 呀 ya Particle expressing surprise or doubt
  617. 牙膏 yá gāo Noun toothpaste
  618. 压力 yā lì Noun preassure
  619. 亚洲 Yà zhōu Noun Asia
  620. 盐 yán Noun salt
  621. 演出 yǎn chū Noun performance, show
  622. Verb to perform, to put ona show
  623. 严格 yán gé Adjective strict, rigorous
  624. 研究生 yán jiū shēng Noun graduate, postgraduate or research student
  625. 演员 yǎn yuán Noun performer, actor
  626. 严重 yán zhòng Adjective grave, serious, critical
  627. 养成 yǎng chéng Verb to cultivate, to form, to acquire
  628. 阳光 yáng guāng Noun sunshine
  629. 样子 yàng zi Noun appearance, manner
  630. 邀请 yāo qǐng Noun invitation
  631. Verb to invite
  632. 钥匙 yào shi Noun key
  633. 页 yè Noun page, leaf
  634. Measure Word for a page
  635. 也许 yě xǔ Adverb perhaps, maybe
  636. 叶子 yè zi Noun leaf
  637. 亿 yì Number 100 million
  638. 以 yǐ Preposition because of, so as to, in order to
  639. 意见 yì jiàn Noun opinion, view, objection
  640. 一切 yí qiè Pronoun all, everything
  641. 艺术 yì shù Noun art
  642. 因此 yīn cǐ Conjunction thus, consequently
  643. 饮料 yǐn liào Noun drink, beverage
  644. 引起 yǐn qǐ Verb to give rise to, to lead to
  645. 印象 yìn xiàng Noun impression
  646. 赢 yíng Verb to win, to beat
  647. 硬 yìng Adjective hard, stiff, firm
  648. 勇敢 yǒng gǎn Adjective brave, courageous
  649. 永远 yǒng yuǎn Adverb forever, ever
  650. 由 yóu Preposition due to, because of, by, from
  651. 优点 yōu diǎn Noun merit, advantage, strong point
  652. 友好 yǒu hǎo Adjective friendly
  653. 幽默 yōu mò Noun humor
  654. Adjective humorous
  655. 尤其 yóu qí Adverb especially, particularly
  656. 有趣 yǒu qù Adjective interesting
  657. 优秀 yōu xiù Adjective outstanding, excellent
  658. 友谊 yǒu yì Noun friendship
  659. 由于 yóu yú Preposition due to, because of
  660. 与 yǔ Conjunction and, with
  661. 语法 yǔ fǎ Noun grammar
  662. 愉快 yú kuài Adjective happy, cheerful
  663. 羽毛球 yǔ máo qiú Noun badminton
  664. 于是 yú shì Conjunction as a result, consequently
  665. 预习 yù xí Verb to prepare for (a lesson)
  666. 语言 yǔ yán Noun language
  667. 圆 yuán Noun circle
  668. Adjective circular, round
  669. 原来 yuán lái Adjective former, original
  670. Adverb as it turns out
  671. 原谅 yuán liàng Verb to excuse, to forgive
  672. 原因 yuán yīn Noun reason, cause
  673. 阅读 yuè dú Noun reading
  674. Verb to read
  675. 约会 yuē huì Noun appointment, engagement, date
  676. 允许 yǔn xǔ Verb to permit, to allow
  677. 杂志 zá zhì Noun magazine
  678. 咱们 zán men Pronoun we, us
  679. 暂时 zàn shí Adjective temporary
  680. 脏 zāng Adjective dirty
  681. 责任 zé rèn Noun duty, responsibility
  682. 增加 zēng jiā Verb to increase, to raise
  683. 增长 zēng zhǎng Noun increase, growth
  684. Verb to increase, to grow
  685. 窄 zhǎi Adjective narrow
  686. 招聘 zhāo pìn Noun recruitment, job advertisement
  687. Verb to recruit
  688. 真正 zhēn zhèng Adjective genuine, real, true
  689. 正常 zhèng cháng Adjective regular, normal, ordinary
  690. 正好 zhèng hǎo Adverb just right, just at the right time
  691. 整理 zhěng lǐ Verb to arrange, to tidy up
  692. 证明 zhèng míng Noun proof, certificate, testimonial
  693. Verb to prove, to testify
  694. 整齐 zhěng qí Adjective neat, tidy, in good order
  695. 正确 zhèng què Adjective correct, proper
  696. 正式 zhèng shì Adjective formal, official
  697. 指 zhǐ Noun finger
  698. Verb to point at or to, to indicate
  699. 之 zhī Pronoun I, he, she it, ...
  700. Particle similar to 的
  701. 只 zhī Measure Word for birds and animals, a pair of things, parts of the body, etc.
  702. 支持 zhī chí Noun support, backing
  703. Verb to support, to back
  704. 值得 zhí dé Verb to be worth, to deserve
  705. 只好 zhǐ hǎo Adverb have to
  706. 直接 zhí jiē Adjective direct, immediate
  707. 质量 zhì liàng Noun quality
  708. 至少 zhì shǎo Adverb at least
  709. 知识 zhī shi Noun knowledge
  710. 植物 zhí wù Noun plant
  711. 只要 zhǐ yào Conjunction if only, as long as
  712. 职业 zhí yè Noun occupation, profession
  713. 制造 zhì zào Verb to make, to manufacture
  714. 重点 zhòng diǎn Noun emphasis, focal point, priority
  715. 重视 zhòng shì Verb to value, to attach importance to
  716. 中文 Zhōng wén Noun Chinese language
  717. 周围 zhōu wéi Noun surroundings, environment
  718. Adverb around, about
  719. 猪 zhū Noun pig
  720. 主动 zhǔ dòng Verb to take the initiative
  721. Adjective active
  722. 祝贺 zhù hè Noun congratulations
  723. Verb to congratulate
  724. 逐渐 zhú jiàn Adverb gradually
  725. 著名 zhù míng Adjective famous, well-known
  726. 主意 zhǔ yi Noun idea, plan, decision
  727. 赚 zhuàn Verb to earn, to make a profit
  728. 专门 zhuān mén Adjective special, specialized
  729. Adverb specialized
  730. 专业 zhuān yè Noun speciality, major, field of study
  731. 撞 zhuàng Verb to hit, to bump against, to collide, to run into
  732. 准确 zhǔn què Adjective accurate, precise, exact
  733. 准时 zhǔn shí Adjective on time, punctual
  734. 自然 zì rán Noun nature
  735. Adjective natural
  736. 仔细 zǐ xì Adjective careful, attentive, cautious
  737. 总结 zǒng jié Noun summary
  738. Verb to sum up
  739. 租 zū Verb to rent, to hire
  740. 组成 zǔ chéng Noun composition
  741. Verb to form, to compose, to constitute
  742. 组织 zǔ zhī Noun organisation
  743. Verb to organize
  744. 嘴 zuǐ Noun mouth
  745. 最好 zuì hǎo Adverb it would be best, had better
  746. 最后 zuì hòu Time finally, at last
  747. 尊重 zūn zhòng Noun respect, esteem
  748. Verb to respect, to honor
  749. 座 zuò Noun seat
  750. Measure Word for cities, buildings, mountains, etc.
  751. 做生意 zuò shēng yi Verb to do business
  752. 座位 zuò wèi Noun seat, place
  753. 作者 zuò zhě Noun author, writer