A list of measure-words

This list was mostly derived from the CEDICT database, plus a couple of printed dictionaries and Liz Scurfield's Chinese textbook. There are probably many words missing still, some of these may well be wrong, and I have no idea how often they're actually used. The intention is more to provide a quick reference for Chinese characters that are "obviously" measure-words, than to assist in learning the correct measure-word for any given noun.

Word Pronunciation Used of
kou3 population, mouthsful, wells
fen1 length, area, weight, money, time
pi3 horses, mules, bolts of cloth
zhi1 stick-like objects, military contingents, songs, wattage
ce4 books
chu1 dramas, plays, or operas
bao1 packets, wrapped things
ju4 poems, sentences, lines of verse
ben3 books, files
jian4 articles, items etc
fen4 gifts, copies of a newspaper
ming2 persons
hui2 matters, actions, chapters
ci4 occurrences, times
mi3 metres
chuan4 string, bunches, clusters
wei4 persons (courteous)
ju2 games, sets, innings
chuang2 bedding
ba3 handfuls, things with handles, and some abstract things
pi1 batches, lots
shu4 bundles, bunches
shen1 clothing, suits
xie1 indefinite or small amounts
ju4 tools, corpses
ke4 quarters of an hour
zhi1 slender or stick-like objects
bei1 cups
pao1 urine, faeces
gu3 string-shaped things, air, fragrance, strength, groups of people (derog.), electric current
feng1 letters
gua4 string-shaped things, strings of things
jia4 aeroplanes, radios
miao3 seconds (of time)
shou3 poems, songs
lia3 two (colloquial)
ge4 people, non-specific other items
tao4 sets of things, series, suites
zuo4 mountains, bridges
shan4 doors, windows
zhu1 plants, trees
ban1 crowds, classes, scheduled transport vehicles
zhi3 pieces or sheets, paper
zhi1 birds, some animals, some utensils, one of a pair of things
fu4 sets of things, facial expressions, sunglasses
zhang1 flat objects
juan3 rolls, spools, reels
tiao2 long, narrow things
ping2 bottles
bu4 works of literature, films, machines
ding3 hats, sedan chairs
chang3 games or performances
hu2 pots
ke1 trees, cabbages
fan1 kinds
jian1 rooms
塊> kuai1 chunks, lumps
塊> kuai4 cloth, cake, soap
sui4 years of age
qun2 swarms, flocks
dao4 rivers, topics
tai2 performances, engines
ceng2 layers, floors
pan2 dishes of food, coils of wire
bang4 pounds, printer's points
pian1 articles, chapters
ke4 lessons
liang4 vehicles
cu4 bunches, clusters
sheng1 sounds
ke1 small spheres
dian3 small amounts, hours, items or matters, printer's points
xiang3 sound
Word list
kou3 mouth, (a measure word)
fen1 / fen4 to divide, minute, (a measure word), (a unit of length = 0.33 centimeter) / part
pi1 / pi3 mate, one of a pair / (measure word for horses, mules, a bolt of cloth), ordinary person
zhi1 (a measure word), to support, to sustain, to erect, to raise, branch, division, to draw money
ce4 book, a measure word for books, booklet
chu1 to go out, to come out, to occur, to produce, to go beyond, to rise, to put forth, to occur, to happen, (a measure word for dramas, plays, or operas)
bao1 to cover, to wrap, to hold, to include, to take charge of, package, wrapper, container, bag, to hold or embrace, bundle, packet, to contract (to or for)
ju4 (a measure word, for sentences or lines of verse), sentence
ben3 roots or stems of plants, origin, source, this, the current, root, foundation, basis, (a measure word)
jian4 (a measure word for thing, clothes, item
fen4 (a measure word for gifts, copies of a newspaper), copy (of newspaper, magazine, etc.), share, portion, part, (a measure word)
ming2 name, (measure word for persons), place (e.g. among winners)
hui2 (a measure word for matters or actions) a time, to circle, to go back, to turn around, to answer, to return, to revolve
ci4 nth, number (of times), order, sequence, next, second(ary), (measure word)
mi3 (measure word) meter, rice
chuan4 to string together, to mix up, to conspire, to connect, (a measure word), string
wei4 position, location, (measure word for persons), place, seat
ju2 (a measure word used for games) set or round office, situation, office
chuang2 bed, couch, (a measure word)
ba3 / ba4 (a measure word), (marker for direct-object), to hold, to contain, to grasp, to take hold of / handle
pi1 to ascertain, (measure word for batches, lots), to act on, to criticize, to pass on
shu4 bunch, (a measure word), to bind, to control
shen1 body, torso, person, life, status, pregnancy, (a measure word used for clothes) suit
xie1 some, few, several, (a measure word)
ju4 tool, device, utensil, equipment, instrument
ke4 quarter (hour), (a measure word), to carve, to engrave, to cut, oppressive
zhi1 branch, (a measure word)
bei1 cup, a measure word
pao1 / pao4 puffed, swollen / to steep, soak, bubble(s), foam
gu3 share, portion, section, part, thigh, (a measure word, e.g. use with electric current), whiff
feng1 to confer, to grant, to seal, (a measure word)
gua4 hang, suspend
jia4 to support, frame, rack, framework
miao3 (a measure word), second
shou3 head, chief, (a measure word, use with poem)
lia3 / liang3 (a numeral-measure word) two, both / craft, cunning
ge4 (a measure word), individual
tao4 to cover, covering, case, cover, (a measure word, a set of something), sheath
zuo4 to sit, to take a seat
shan1 / shan4 to fan / (a measure word for doors, windows, etc.)
zhu1 (a measure word, use with plants), trunk of tree
ban1 team, class, rank, squad, a work shift, a measure word, (a surname)
zhi3 paper
zhi1 M for one of a pair
fu4 secondary, auxiliary, deputy, assistant, vice-, (measure word for a pair)
zhang1 (a measure word), (a surname), open up
juan3 coil, to roll
tiao2 measure word for long, thin things (i.e. ribbon, river, etc.), a strip, item, article
ping2 bottle, (a measure word), vase, pitcher
bu4 ministry, department, section, part, division, troops, board, (a measure word), (a measure word for works of literature, films, machines, etc.)
ding3 go against, most, peak, top, to replace, to substitute, a measure word (use with hat)
chang3 a courtyard, open space, place, field, a measure word, (a measure word, used for sport or recreation)
hu2 pot, (a measure word)
ke1 M for plants
fan1 / pan1 (measure word for acts), deeds, foreign / (surname), place name
jian1 / jian4 between, among, space, (measure word) / interstice, separate
kuai1 / kuai4 piece, chunk, lump, (measure word for chunks, lumps) / yuan (unit of currency), fast (of a watch), swift, rapid, happy, joyful, soon, quick, (a measure word, for cloth, cake, soap)
sui4 year, years old, (a measure word)
qun2 crowd, flock, group
dao4 direction, way, method, road, path, principle, truth, reason, skill, method, Tao (of Taoism), a measure word, to say, to speak, to talk
tai2 (broadcasting) station, (measure word), platform, stage, desk, station
ceng2 a measure word for layers, laminated, repeated, floor, story (of a building), layer
pan2 dish, tray, to build, to check, to examine, to transfer, (a measure word used for dishes of food or coils of wire), to coil
bang4 a measure word, pound (unit of measurement), scale, weigh
pian1 sheet, piece of writing, (a measure word), chapter, article
ke4 / ke4 subject, class, lesson / class, lesson
liang4 (a measure word for vehicles)
cu4 crowded, frame work for silkworms, gather foliage, a measure word, bunch
sheng1 sound, voice, (a measure word, used for sounds), tone, noise
ke1 (measure word for small spheres)
dian3 (downwards-right convex character stroke), oclock, (a measure word), point, dot, (decimal) point)
xiang3 to make a sound, to sound, to ring, (a measure word for sound), loud
