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  <title>G. Special verbs taking a phrase of duration.</title>
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  <div class="grisleger">
    G. Special verbs taking a phrase of duration. There is a class of verbs describing actions that terminate as soon as they begin, such as: <span class="pinyin">bìyè</span> <span class="hanzi">毕业</span> graduate, <span class="pinyin">jiéhūn</span> <span class="hanzi">结婚</span> get married, <span class="pinyin">rènshi</span><span class="hanzi"> 认识 </span>meet (in the sense of becoming acquainted for the first time), <span class="pinyin">tuìxiū</span> <span class="hanzi">退休</span> retire and so on. They are one-shot actions that do not last. For example, one is either married or not married, retired or not retired. So, to indicate the duration of the state as a result of the action, the sentence must use the sentence-end modal particle <span class="pinyin">le</span> <span class="hanzi">了</span>. <span class="pinyin">Zài</span> <span class="hanzi">在</span> 'to be at (a place)' does not belong to this category. It can be compared to a verb of denoting posture. It also uses the sentence-end <span class="pinyin">le</span> <span class="hanzi">了</span> when its duration is attached to it.

    <li><audio src="../Audio/lele-IIIG7.1.mp3" controls="controls"></audio>

<br/><span class="pinyin">Tāmén jiéhūn liǎng nián <span class="rouge">le</span>.</span><br/><span class="hanzi">他们结婚两年了。</span><br/> They have been married for two years. it's been two years since they got married.</li>


    <li><audio src="../Audio/lele-IIIG7.2.mp3" controls="controls"></audio>

<br/><span class="pinyin">Wǒ bìyè shí nián <span class="rouge">le</span>.</span><br/><span class="hanzi">我毕业十年了。</span><br/> it's been ten years since I graduated.</li>


    <li><audio src="../Audio/lele-IIIG7.3.mp3" controls="controls"></audio>

<br/><span class="pinyin">Wǒmén rènshi liǎng gè yuè <span class="rouge">le</span>.</span><br/><span class="hanzi">我们认识两个月了。</span><br/> We have known each other for two months. It has been two months since we met.</li>


    <li><audio src="../Audio/lele-IIIG7.4.mp3" controls="controls"></audio>

<br/><span class="pinyin">Lǐ xiānsheng zai Měiguó liǎng gè yuè <span class="rouge">le</span>.</span><br/><span class="hanzi">李先生在美国两个月了。</span><br/> Mr. Li has been in America for two months.<br/><br/> 

    <div class="gris">
      It is important to note that <span class="pinyin">sǐ</span><span class="hanzi"> 死</span> 'die' belongs to this type of verbs. When it takes a phrase of duration it does not indicate that the action itself is lasting for that duration. What it indicates is the duration of the state as a result of the action, namely, the duration of being dead. Unlike other verbs in this category, sǐ must take a verb-suffix <span class="pinyin">le</span> <span class="hanzi">了</span> as well as a sentence-end modal particle <span class="pinyin">le</span> <span class="hanzi">了</span>. <span class="pinyin">Sì-le</span> <span class="hanzi">死了</span> here indicates the state of being dead.


    <li><audio src="../Audio/lele-IIIG7.5.mp3" controls="controls"></audio>

<br/><span class="pinyin">Tā sǐ-<span class="rouge">le</span> yì nián <span class="rouge">le</span>.</span><br/><span class="hanzi">他死了一年了。</span><br/> it's been a year since he died. He's been dead for a year.<br/> 

    <p>These special verbs must follow these rules, which are quite different from those that regular verbs have to follow. Please read on to see notes below about how regular verbs use <span class="pinyin">le</span> <span class="hanzi">了</span> to indicate actions progressing up to when they are brought up in the conversation.</p></li>