As seen earlier, the complement of result for sensory action verbs indicating perception is the verb 见 (perceive). If the result focuses on comprehension, the complement would be the verb 懂 (understand). So 'understand what one hears ' would be 听懂 and 'understand what one sees or reads ' would be 看懂.
If the result focuses on completion, the complement would use the verb 完 (finish). So 'finish listening ' would be 听完 and 'finish seeing or reading ' would be 看完.
These examples show that a variety of verbs can be suffixed to a verb to indicate a particular resultative aspect of an action. In addition, commendatory stative verbs can be used as complements indicating intended results while derogatory stative verbs are used for unintended results.
For example, 对 is a stative verb meaning 'correct ' and 错 is one meaning 'wrong '. So 'write correctly ' is 写对 while 'write incorrectly ' is 写错. 对 is the intended result while 错 is not.