VIII. Stative verb as the complement

Only stative verbs and verbs can be used as resultative complements.

Stative verbs, such as duì correct, cuò wrong, hǎo good, huài broken, bǎo full, qīngchu 清楚 clear, etc, can be used as resultative complements. Most stative verbs are monosyllabic, only a few are disyllabic. These stative verbs are suffixed to verbs to emphasize different resultative aspects of the action.

  1. -duì correct

    1. huídáduì 回答对 answer correctly
    2. cāiduì 猜对 guess correctly
    3. shuōduì 说对 speak correctly
    4. xiěduì 写对 write correctly
    5. zuòduì 做对 do correctly
    6. etc.

    huídáduì 回答对 (huídá 回答 to answer + duì correct): answer correctly

    Nèixiē wèntí tā dōu huídáduì le.
    She answered all of the questions correctly.

  2. -cuò incorrect, wrong

    1. huídácuò 回答错 answer incorrectly
    2. cāicuò 猜错 guess incorrectly
    3. shuōcuò 说错 speak/say incorrectly
    4. xiěcuò 写错 write incorrectly
    5. kàncuò 看错 see/read incorrectly
    6. tīngcuò 听错 hear incorrectly
    7. zuòcuò 做错 do incorrectly
    8. etc.

    xiěcuò 写错: xiě to write + cuò incorrect ⇒ write incorrectly

    Zhèi ge zì nǐ xiěcuò le. Yīnggāi xiě 'tiān ', kěshì nǐ xiě de shì 'fū '.
    这个字你写错了。应该写‘天 ',可是你写的是‘夫 '。
    You wrote this character incorrectly. You should have written tiān , but you wrote instead.

  3. -hǎo achieve completion/achieve an adequate result

    1. zuòhǎo 做好 done; finish doing
    2. zhǔnbèihǎo 准备好 finish preparing
    3. xiěhǎo 写好 finish writing
    4. xiūhǎo 修好 fixed; repaired
    5. xuéhǎo 学好 study well
    6. shuìhǎo 睡好 sleep well
    7. etc.

    Example 1:
    zuòhǎo 做好 (zuò to do/to cook + hǎo done) done; finish doing

    Wǎnfàn zuòhǎo le.
    Dinner is ready.

    Example 2:

    xiūhǎo 修好 (xiū fix/repair + hǎo good): fixed; repaired
    Wǒ-de chē hái méi xiūhǎo ne. 我的车还没修好呢。 My car is not yet fixed.

    Example 3:
    shuìhǎo 睡好 (shuì sleep + hǎo well): sleep well

    Zuótiān wǎnshàng wǒ méi shuìhǎo jiào, suǒyǐ jīntiān juéde hěn lèi.
    Last night I did not sleep well, so I feel tired today.

  4. -huài bad; broken nònghuài 弄坏 break; cause something to break

    nònghuài 弄坏 (nòng to cause + huài broken): break

    Tā bǎ wǒ-de diànnǎo nònghuài le.
    He broke my computer.

  5. -bǎo full (often suffixed to chī ) chībǎo 吃饱 full (as a result of eating)

    chībǎo 吃饱 (chī eat + bǎo full): full as a result of eating
    Wǒ chībǎo le, bù néng zài chī le.
    I 'm full, I can't eat any more.

  6. -qīngchu 清楚 clear

    1. kànqīngchu 看清楚 see clearlybr/>
    2. tīngqīngchu 听清楚 hear clearly
    3. shuōqīngchu 说清楚 speak clearly
    4. xiěqīngchu 写清楚 write clearly
    5. etc.

    tīngqīngchu 听清楚(tīng listen + qīngchu 清楚 clear) hear clearly

    Duìbùqǐ, wǒ méi tīngqīngchu. Qǐng zài shuō yí biàn.
    Sorry, I didn't hear clearly. Please say it again.