字 解釋 雖 Moveable adverb In front of VP = “Although” In front of NP = “Even” 乃 Adverb In Verbal S = “Then” “Only then” In Nominal S = “Actually” “Turns out to be” 焉 Fusion Particle = 之 + 於 Interrogative Adverb = "how, where, what" 而 Connector Connects two VP or S, either co-ordinately or subordinately 卽 Adverb In Verbal S = “Then, Immediately” In Nominal S = “Is precisely, exactly” Verb = “Approach, go to” “卽位” = “assume the throne” 乎 Final Particle = Rhetorical meaning e.g. “How essential it is to rectify names” = Question mark, like 嗎 = Emphasis marker Coverb = 於 (all-purpose preposition) 所 Nominalizing particle Replaces object, goes before VP, result is NP = “that which...” “所以” = “the way in which...” = 所 + 於 矣 Final Particle = Indicating completed action = Indicating change of state, sometimes in if... then sentences 諸 Modifier = “All the...”, “All the various...” 其 Possessive particle, Nominalizing Particle = Sub + 之, result is NP n.b. can be impersonal - translated as 'the' Adverb Casts mood of query 之 Possessive particle, Nominalizing Particle Showing adjunct-head relationship of two elements, result is NP Verb = “To go to...” Resuming Particle [Obj + 之 + Verb] Emphasizes Object 非 Negative Copula In nominal Sentences = “is not” Movable Adverb Before VP = “unless” Before NP = “only” Stative Verb = ‘To be wrong’ (often as opposed to 是) Verb = ‘To reject’ 也 Final Particle i.e. A term, B term 也 Emphasis marker can mark off verb or topic 以 Coverb 1. = “with”, “by means of”, “using” 2. = “because of” 3. = 以 + 之 4. used with transfer verb 5. used with position word 6. used in compounds: 可以 , 以為 , 是以 , 所以 , 足以 , 何以 Connector Connects two VPs = “in order to”, “and” Noun = “means, purpose” 為 Verb (wei2) 1. = “to do”, “to make” (most common), “to act as”, “to constitute”, “to become” 2. used in 為...奈何 3. used in compounds: 以為 4. = “to be” 5. = “to give” (fairly rare) Coverb (wei4) 1. = “on behalf of”, “for the sake of” 2. = “about to” 3. = “in relation to”, “for” Verb (wei4) = “to be because of” 不 Adverb Negates VPs Fusion Particle = 不 + 之 與 (Interrogative) Fusion Particle = 也 + 乎 Coverb = “together with”, “and” 莫 Adverb = “in no case” 何 Interrogative pronoun = “what, why, where, how” n.b. always preposed, can be used as subject, object, adjunct, or adverb 者 Nominalizing particle Nominalizes VP -          Finite, often with the sense of “one who....” -          Infinite, “doing x” Final Particle Marks off end of 所 nominalization 於 Coverb ‘All purpose preposition’ = “In relation to” 於 coverb phrases usually come after the main VP Can be used in comparitives = “than” 且 Movable Adverb = “Furthermore”, “moreover” Adverb = “Be going to” 則 Noun = “principle”, “pattern”, “rule”, “model” Movable adverb = “if... then” Emphasis marker Emphasizes non-verbal element such as NP 故 Movable adverb = “thus” Adverb = “background circumstances”, “reason” Stative Verb = “old, former” 亦 Adverb = “for its part”, “also”, “as for...” used in [A 不亦 B 乎?] 己 Pronoun = “себя” 猶 Adverb Verbal Sentence: = “still” Nominal Sentence: = “be like, analogous to” 如 Verb = “be like, similar to” used in 不如 = “not as good as” Movable adverb = “if” 是 Pronoun, Adjunct = “this” Noun = “the right” Stative verb = “be right, consider right, approve” 見 Verb = “To see” Passive marker Makes main verb passive