The use of xìng and jiào (9)

xìng surname can be used as a noun, but it is most commonly used as a verb in Chinese sentences, as in


tā xìng wáng

H is surname is Wang (lit. he surname Wang)

你姓 么?

nĭ xìng shénme ?

What is your surname? (lit. you surname what)

A polite form for the above question is


nín guì xìng ?

What is your surname? (lit. your honourable surname is…)

When asking names, jiào to be called can refer either to given names or to full names. For instance,


wǒ xìng Wáng, jiào Wénshū

My surname is Wang and I am called Wenshu


wǒ xìng Wáng, jiào Wáng Wénshū

My surname is Wang and I am called Wang Wenshu.

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Translate the following sentences into Chinese (9, surnames)

  1. What is your name?
  2. My name is Gubo, and you?
  3. My surname is Ding, I am called Ding Yun. What is your girlfriend's name.
  4. She is called Palanka.
  5. What is your Chinese teacher's surname?
  6. His surname is Wang, he is called Wang Boyun.