Greeting words (8)

These are the most commonly used greeting words

你好 nĭhăo


你早 (nĭ)zăo

Good morning

再见 zàijiàn


欢迎 huānyíng


谢谢 xièxie


Some English greeting words are not used in Chinese. For instance, 晚安 wănān good night is only used by people influenced by Western culture. 再见 zàijiàn goodbye is the expression that Chinese people use when parting in the evening. The most commonly used greeting in Chinese is 你好 nĭhăo hello (lit. you well). The expression zăo morning is also used. Close to meal times the greeting words between friends and colleagues of the same social rank might be

吃了 吗?

chīle ma

Have you eaten?

Chinese people often use a person’s title to show respect to those who are socially superior. For instance, if you met your teacher Mr. Wang in the street you would greet him like this:


Wáng lăoshī hăo

Hello, Mr. Wang (lit. Wang Teacher well).

In the morning you should say:


Wáng lăoshī zăo

Morning, Mr. Wang. (lit. Wang Teacher morning).

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Assignments .

What would say in the following situations? Please write the sentences down on a piece of paper (8, greeting)

When you see your teachers in the morning.

When people give you presents.

When friends visit your home.

When you meet a friend in the evening.

When you see a friend in the afternoon.

When you see a friend at lunchtime.

When you see your colleagues and teachers before leaving the institute.