expressing experiences of actions in the past (32)

The verb suffix guò can be used in the following two situations.

1. The particle guò is placed after a verb to express an experience of action in the past, such as


xué guò zhōngwén qùguò zhōngguó

He has studied Chinese. I’ve been to China.

When expressing an experience of action that didn’t occur, the negation méi will be used and the verb will be followed by guò . For example


méi xué guò zhōngwén méiqùguòzhōngguó

He has never learned Chinese . I haven’t been to China.

2. The particle guò can also be used to express the completion of a regular activity within a specific time, such as having a meal, sleeping, having lessons or doing homework. This type of affirmative sentence is often ended with the modal partical le to indicate the change of the situation. The following sentences imply some of the regular activities that one does daily. Many native Chinese would use the aspect particle le instead of guò in the following affirmative sentences .

( ) 午饭 ( ) 午饭

(jīntiān) wǒ chī guo wŭfàn le (jīntiān) wǒ méi chī guo wŭfàn

I’ve had lunch (for today). I haven’t had lunch today.

( ) (今天)我

(jīntiān) wǒ shuì guo jiào le (jīntiān) wǒ méi shuì guo jiào

I’ve slept today. I haven’t slept today.

( ) ( )

(jīntiān) wǒ shàng guo kè le (jīntiān) wǒ méi shàng guo

I’ve had today’s classes. I haven’t had today’s classes.

( ) ( ) 练习

(jīntiān) wǒ zuò guo liànxí le (jīntiān) wǒ méi zuò guo liànxí

I’ve done today’s homework. I haven’t done today’s homework.

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Translate the following sentences into Chinese (过 expressing experiences of actions in the past)

I’ve been very busy and I haven’t eaten today.

Ding Yun hasn’t slept yet.

I’ve been to the Cafe next to the student dormitory.

I’ve been there too.

I haven’t had Chinese tea there. Have you?

Yes, I have.

Have you ever used Gubo’s car?

No, I haven’t.