Notional passive (without 被, 让, 叫 and 给)

A notional passive sentence is formed without the co-verbs 被 bèi 让 ràng 叫 jiào and 给 gěi. Let’s use the examples that we have used in the previous section to form some notional passive sentences.

subject verb + other elements
我 的 车 开 回 家 去了
wǒ de chē kāi huí jiā qù le

My car has been driven back home.

subject verb + other elements
电 视 修 好了
diànshì xiū hǎo le

The TV has been mended.

subject verb + other elements
房间 打 扫 得 很 干 净
fángjiān dǎsǎo de hěn gānjìng

The room has been cleaned up very nicely.

As the subjects in the above examples cannot carry out actions themselves, then we assume that the actions must have been undertaken by someone else. In fact this sentence pattern is very useful for describing how an object has been dealt with. For example:

subject verb + other elements
放 在 桌 子 上 了
shū fàng zài zhuōzi shàng le

The book has been put on the table.

subject verb + other elements
拿 上 楼 去了
fàn ná shàng lóu qù le

The meal has been brought upstairs.

The verb components in the notional passive are very similar to those of the 被 bèi construction. They are action verbs with other elements, as shown below.

--resultative complements --directional complements --the complement of degree --action measures

subject verb + resultative complement
作 好 了
f àn zuò hǎo le

The book has been put on the table.

subject verb + directional complement
拿 上 楼 去 了
fàn ná shàng lóu qù le

The meal has been brought upstairs.

subject verb + complement of degree
房间 打 扫 得 很 干 净
fángjiān dǎsǎo de hěn gānjìng

The room has been cleaned up very nicely.

subject verb + action measure
课文 念 了 两 遍
kèwén niàn le liǎng biàn

The text has been read twice.

没 méi not can be used to deny that the above actions have taken place, but 不 bu is used with the complement of degree.

subject méi verb + resultative complement
没 作 好
fàn méi zuò hǎo

The meal hasn’t been prepared.

subject méi verb + directional complement
没 拿 上 楼 去
fàn méi ná shàng lóu qù

The meal hasn’t been brought upstairs.

subject verb + complement of degree (bu)
房 间 打扫 得 不 很 干 净
fángjiān dǎsǎo de bu hěn gānjìng

The room hasn’t been cleaned up very nicely.

subject méi verb + action measure
课文 没 念 两 遍
kèwén méi niàn liǎng biàn

The text hasn’t been read twice. (It implies that the text may only have been read once, or possibly three times.)


Frequently asked questions Click on the following links to view the answers

  1. When should I use this construction?
  2. Are there any differences between the sentences without 被 and ones with 被?
  3. What do I need to form this type of sentences?
  4. Are there any other constructions in the passive voice, apart from 被, 让,叫 , 给 sentences and notional passives?