The uses of question words with dou and ye

These constructions are used for general categorisation. They can describe how a particular action applies to a general object, as in 我什么东西都吃 wŏ shénme dōngxi dōu chī I eat anything; 我哪儿都去 wŏ năr dōu qù I go anywhere. They can also describe people in general doing a particular type of thing, as in 谁都喜欢吃中国菜 shuí dōu xĭhuān chī Zhōngguó cài everyone likes eating Chinese food.

The question word 什么 shénme what is placed before a noun to imply any or every, and can refer to the subject or object of a sentence. If 什么 shénme any or every is used as the object, it should be placed before the adverb 都 dōu both, all, and can be placed before or after the subject of a sentence. The adverb 都 dōu is placed before the verb, as illustrated below.

S. 什 么 O. V.
什 么 东 西 吃。
shénme dōngxi dōu chī

I eat anything. Or

什 么 O. S. V.
什 么 东 西 吃。
shénme dōngxi dōu chī

The question words 哪儿 nǎr where and 谁 shuí who can be used in the same way as 什么 shénme what.

S. 那儿 (O.) V.
哪儿 去。
nǎr dōu

I go anywhere. Or:

那儿 (O.) S. V.
哪儿 去。
nǎr dōu

I go anywhere.

If the any or every word is the subject of a sentence, the resulting sentence patterns will be as follows.

谁(S) V. O.
喜欢 吃 中 国 菜
shuí dōu xĭhuān chī Zhōngguó cài

Everyone likes eating Chinese food. Or:

什 么 S. V. O.
什么 人 喜欢 吃 中 国 菜
shénme rén dōu xihuan chī Zhōngguó cài

Everyone likes eating Chinese food.

The adverb 也 yě often precedes the negation 不 bù or 没 méi as demonstrated below.

S. 哪 儿(O.) 不 /没V.
哪 儿 不 去。
năr bú qù

I don’t go anywhere (nowadays).

S. 什 么 O. 不 /没V.
什 么 地方 没 去。
shénme dìfang méi qù

I didn’t go anywhere.

The adverb 也 yě is usually used in negative sentences as above, while the adverb 都 dōu can be used in both affirmative and negative sentences, such as:

S. 哪 儿(O.) 也 / 都 不 /没V.
哪 儿 也 /都 不 去。
năr yĕ/dōu bú qù

I don’t go anywhere (nowadays). Or:

S. 什 么 O. 也 / 都 不 /没V.
什 么 地方 也 /都 不 去。
shénme dìfang yĕ/dōu bú qù

I don’t go anywhere (nowadays).
