In this lesson we will learn the days of the week and the months of the year. "42.01" style="border-spacing:0;width:7.786cm;" 一月 Yīyuè January 二月 Èryuè February 三月 Sānyuè March 四月 Sìyuè April 五月 Wǔyuè May 六月 Liùyuè June 七月 Qīyuè July 八月 Bāyuè August 九月 Jiǔyuè September 十月 Shíyuè October 十一月 Shíyīyuè November 十二月 Shí'èryuè December > > [http://MP3/E104201.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)] "42.02" style="border-spacing:0;width:13.286cm;" 你几月去哈尔滨? Nǐ jǐ yuè qù Hā'ěrbīn? What month will you go to Harbin? 我们几月回沈阳?Wǒmen jǐ yuè huí Shěnyáng? What month will we come back to Shenyang? 他几月回北京?Tā jǐ yuè huí Běijīng? What month will he return to Beijing? 留学生几月回国?Liúxuéshēng jǐ yuè huíguó? What month will the exchange studentsreturn to their country? > > [http://MP3/E104202.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)] "42.03" style="border-spacing:0;width:8.315cm;" 星期一 Xīngqīyī Monday 星期二 Xīngqī'èr Tuesday 星期三 Xīngqīsān Wednesday 星期四 Xīngqīsì Thursday 星期五 Xīngqīwǔ Friday 星期六 Xīngqīliù Saturday 星期天 Xīngqītiān Sunday 星期日 Xīngqīrì Sunday > > [http://MP3/E104203.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)] "42.04" style="border-spacing:0;width:5.613cm;" align=right 马特":" 今天几月几号? Jīntiān jǐ yuè jǐ hào? align=right 莎拉":" 今天 7 月 24 号。 Jīntiān qīyuè èrshí sì hào. align=right 马特":" 今天星期几? Jīntiān xīngqī jǐ? align=right 莎拉":" 今天星期五。 Jīntiān xīngqīwǔ. "42.05" style="border-spacing:0;width:10.058cm;" align=right 安娜":" 今天几月几号? Jīntiān jǐ yuè jǐ hào? align=right 陈大同":" 今天三月十二号。 Jīntiān sānyuè shí'èr hào align=right 安娜":" 今天星期几? Jīntiān xīngqī jǐ? align=right 陈大同":" 今天星期四。 Jīntiān xīngqīsì. align=right 安娜":" 二十号是星期天吧? Èrshí hào shì xīngqītiān ba? align=right 陈大同":" 二十号不是星期天,是星期五。 Èrshí hào bú shì xīngqītiān, shì xīngqīwǔ. "42.06" style="border-spacing:0;width:12.227cm;" 咱们...Zánmen... ...we.... 咱们星期...Zánmen xīngqī ... of the week...we... 咱们星期几... Zánmen xīngqī jǐ... What day of the week...we... 咱们星期几考试?Zánmen xīngqī jǐ kǎoshì? What day of the week do we have the test? > > [http://MP3/E104206.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)] Notes: 咱们 ''zánmen'' is called an "inclusive pronoun", it means "we" in the sense of "including you, the person with whom I am speaking". It is used often in the Northern dialects of Chinese. Using 咱们 ''zánmen'' correctly will give your speech an authentic feel if you are in Northern China. 我们 ''wǒmen'' has both an inclusive "me and you" and exclusive "us without you" meaning. When all else fails, use 我们 ''wǒmen.'' Grammar geeks should note that 咱们 ''zánmen'' can not be an object of a verb, it can only be used as the subject of a sentence. "42.07" style="border-spacing:0;width:9.82cm;" 咱们...Zánmen... ...we.... 咱们哪...Zánmen nǎ... Which...we... 咱们哪天... Zánmen nǎ tiān... Which day...we... 咱们哪天考试?Zánmen nǎ tiān kǎoshì? Which day do we have the test? > > [http://MP3/E104207.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)] "42.08" style="border-spacing:0;width:14.079cm;" 你们星期几回南京? Nǐmen xīngqī jǐ huí Nánjīng? What day of the week will you return to Nanjing? 你星期几去市场?Nǐ xīngqī jǐ qù shìchǎng? What day of the week will you go to the market? 留学生星期几回国?Liúxuéshēng xīngqī jǐ huíguó? What day of the week will the exchange students return to their country? 咱们星期几去公园?Zánmen xīngqī jǐ qù gōngyuán? What day of the week will we go to the park? > > [http://MP3/E104208.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)] "42.09 You cheeky monkey!" style="border-spacing:0;width:10.058cm;" align=right 王冬梅":" 你是哪国人? Nǐ shì nǎ guórén? align=right 大卫":" 我是外星人! Wǒ shì wàixīngrén! align=right 王冬梅":" 你骗我! Nǐ piàn wǒ! align=right 大卫":" 我没骗你,我真是一个外星人! Wǒ méi piàn nǐ, wǒ zhēn shì yí gè wàixīngrén!