<p>"22.01 Printed Materials"</p> <p>style="border-spacing:0;width:7.415cm;"</p> <p>书 Shū Book 杂志 Zázhì Magazine 报纸 Bàozhǐ Newspaper 画报 Huàbào Pictorial</p> <p>课本 Kèběn Textbook 词典 Cídiǎn Dictionary 小说 Xiǎoshuō Novel 地图 Dìtú Map</p> <blockquote> <blockquote> <p>[http://MP3/E102201.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)]</p> </blockquote> </blockquote> <p>"22.02 This and that - Example sentences"</p> <p>style="border-spacing:0;width:12.836cm;"</p> <p>这是书,那是词典。 Zhè shì shū, nà shì cídiǎn. This is a book, that is a dictionary.</p> <p>这是报纸,那是杂志。Zhè shì bàozhǐ, nà shì zázhì. This is a newspaper, that is a magazine.</p> <p>这是地图,那是报纸。Zhè shì dìtú, nà shì bàozhǐ. This is a map, that is a newspaper.</p> <p>这是课本,那是小说。Zhè shì kèběn, nà shì xiǎoshuō. This is a textbook, that is a novel.</p> <p>这是词典, 那是课本。Zhè shì cídiǎn, nà shì kèběn. This is a dictionary, that is a textbook.</p> <blockquote> <blockquote> <p>[http://MP3/E102202.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)]</p> </blockquote> </blockquote> <p>Notes:</p> <p>这 ''zhè'' and 那 ''nà'' are demonstrative pronouns, which means that they point out where something is. 这 ''zhè ''means "this" and 那 ''nà'' means "that".</p> <p>Pronunciation point:</p> <p>You should be careful not to confuse 那 ''nà'' with the interrogative pronoun 哪 ''nǎ''. 那 ''nà'' has a fourth tone falling sound, which sounds commanding or even angry to English speakers. ''nǎ'' has the falling and then rising third tone, which to English speakers sounds a bit like someone who is mildly incredulous of something.</p> <p>"22.03 Whose textbook is this? - Example sentences"</p> <p>style="border-spacing:0;width:8.946cm;"</p> <p>那是谁的杂志? Nà shì shéi de zázhì? Whose magazine is that?</p> <p>这是谁的课本?Zhè shì shéi de kèběn? Whose textbook is this?</p> <p>那是谁的报纸?Nà shì shéi de bàozhǐ? Whose newspaper is that?</p> <p>这是谁的词典?Zhè shì shéi de cídiǎn? Whose dictionary is this?</p> <p>这是谁的画报?Zhè shì shéi de huàbào? Whose pictorial is this?</p> <blockquote> <blockquote> <p>[http://MP3/E102203.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)]</p> </blockquote> </blockquote> <p>Notes:</p> <p>The structural particle 的 ''de'' is usually put between the interrogative pronoun 谁 ''shéi'' and the noun it is an attributive of.</p> <p>"22.04 It's the teacher's book"</p> <p>style="border-spacing:0;width:5.586cm;"</p> <p>align=right 萨拉":" 这是什么? Zhè shì shénme?</p> <p>align=right 王军":" 这是书。 Zhè shì shū.</p> <p>align=right 萨拉":" 这是谁的书? Zhè shì shéi de shū?</p> <p>align=right 王军":" 这是老师的书。 Zhè shì lǎoshī de shū.</p> <p>"22.05 This is my roommate's magazine - Concept review dialogue"</p> <p>style="border-spacing:0;width:6.75cm;"</p> <p>align=right 马特":" 那是什么? Nà shì shénme?</p> <p>align=right 李雪":" 那是杂志。 Nà shì zázhì.</p> <p>align=right 马特":" 那是谁的杂志? Nà shì shéi de zázhì?</p> <p>align=right 李雪":" 那是我同屋的杂志。 Nà shì wǒ tóngwū de zázhì.</p> <p>"22.06 Which magazine is yours? - Example sentences "</p> <p>style="border-spacing:0;width:10.111cm;"</p> <p>哪本杂志是你的? Nǎ běn zázhì shì nǐ de? Which magazine is yours?</p> <p>哪本小说是他的?Nǎ běn xiǎoshuō shì tā de? Which novel is his?</p> <p>哪本词典是她的?Nǎ běn cídiǎn shì tā de? Which dictionary is hers?</p> <p>哪本书是王军的? Nǎ běn shū shì Wáng Jūn de? Which book is Wang Jun's?</p> <p>哪张地图是我的? Nǎ zhāng dìtú shì wǒ de? Which map is mine?</p> <p>"22.07 Sentences with possessive pronouns"</p> <p>style="border-spacing:0;width:12.28cm;"</p> <p>这本书是我的。 Zhè běn shū shì wǒ de. This book is mine.</p> <p>那本课本是我同屋的。Nà běn kèběn shì wǒ tóngwū de. That textbook is my roommate's.</p> <p>这本杂志是他的。Zhè běn zázhì shì tā de. This magazine is his.</p> <p>那份报纸是张老师的。Nà fèn bàozhǐ shì Zhāng Lǎoshī de. That newspaper is Zhang teacher's.</p> <p>Pronunciation point:</p> <p>这 ''Zhè'' and 那 ''nà'' is the pronunciation you typically find in textbooks, but sometimes they may be pronounced as ''zhèi'' and ''nèi'', respectively. This pronunciation is only used when the words are specifying which is which, as in "Which book out of all of these are Anna's? - ''This'' one."</p> <p>''Zhèi'' and ''nèi'' is considered to be less standard pronunciation, so there's no reason to worry about it too muc 去 h. If you are living in China and in a region where ''zhèi'' and ''nèi'' are being used you will probably pick them up instinctually, the way one picks up slang. Otherwise, you can never go wrong saying ''Zhè'' and ''nà''.</p> <p>"22.08 Is this your dictionary? "</p> <p>style="border-spacing:0;width:7.518cm;"</p> <p>align=right 李雪":" 那本词典是不是你的? Nà běn cídiǎn shì bú shì nǐ de?</p> <p>align=right 萨拉":" 那本词典是我的。 Nà běn cídiǎn shì wǒ de.</p> <p>align=right 李雪":" 这本词典是不是我的? Zhè běn cídiǎn shì bú shì wǒ de?</p> <p>align=right 萨拉":" 这本词典是你的。 Zhè běn cídiǎn shì nǐ de.</p> <p>"22.09 The Horrors of Pronunciation "</p> <p>style="border-spacing:0;width:3.815cm;"</p> <p>直 Zhí Straight 纸 Zhǐ Paper 志 Zhì Sign</p> <p>"A Transcribe the characters below into pinyin"</p> <p>style="border-spacing:0;width:12.809cm;"</p> <p>1.) 杂志 **** 2.) 课本</p> <p>3.) 画报 **** 4.) 词典</p> <p>5.) 地图 6.) 小说</p> <p>"B Translate the pinyin into English"</p> <p>style="border-spacing:0;width:12.783cm;"</p> <p>1.) Qiángzhuàng 2.) Cídiǎn ******__******</p> <p>3.) Bàozhǐ 4.) Piàoliɑng ******____******</p> <p>5.) Xiǎoshuō 6.) Dìtú ******____******</p> <p>"C Match the words with the translation"</p> <p>style="border-spacing:0;width:8.999cm;"</p> <p>1.) 头发 Novel</p> <p>2.) 小说 Magazine</p> <p>3.) 报纸<br /> Strong</p> <p>4.) 漂亮 Hair</p> <p>5.) 强壮 Pretty</p> <p>6.) 杂志 Newspaper</p> <p>"D Transcribe the following sentences into pinyin "</p> <p>1.) 那本词典是不是你的?</p> <p>.</p> <p>2.) 这本杂志是我的。</p> <p>.</p> <p>3.) 哪本小说是他的?</p> <p>.</p> <p>4.) 哪张地图是他的?</p> <p>.</p> <p>5.) 这是地图,那是报纸。</p> <p>.</p> <p>"E Circle the character that matches the pinyin "</p> <p>style="border-spacing:0;width:16.305cm;"</p> <p>align=right "tú :" style="color:#000066;" 纸 瘦 独 图 align=right "diǎn :" style="color:#000066;" 青 典 直 师</p> <p>align=right "bào :" 报 纸 瘦 直 align=right "zá :" 瘦 词 纸 杂</p> <p>align=right "dì :" style="color:#000066;" 地 独 志 纸 align=right "cí :" 词 商 志 弟</p> <p>"F Translate the following pinyin into English"</p> <p>1.) Zhè shì shū, nà shì cídiǎn.</p> <p>.</p> <p>2.) Nà běn kèběn shì wǒ tóngwū de.</p> <p>.</p> <p>3.) Nǎ běn zázhì shì nǐ de?</p> <p>.</p> <p>4.) Zhè shì shéi de shū?</p> <p>.</p> <p>5.) Zhè shì bàozhǐ, nà shì zázhì.</p> <p>.</p> <p>"G Fill in the blanks"</p> <p>style="border-spacing:0;width:7.597cm;"</p> <p>align=right 马特":" Nà shì <strong>____</strong>?</p> <p>align=right 李雪":" <strong>_</strong> shì <strong>___</strong> .</p> <p>align=right 马特":" Nà shì <strong>__</strong> de zázhì?</p> <p>align=right 李雪":" Nà <strong>_</strong> wǒ tóngwū de <strong>____</strong> .</p> <p>"H Arrange the words into sentences"</p> <p>1.) zázhì shì Zhè běn de tā .</p> <p>.</p> <p>2.) tóngwū shì bàozhǐ fèn wǒ Nà de .</p> <p>.</p> <p>3.) wǒ péngyou shū shì de Nà .</p> <p>.</p> <p>4.) shéi de Nà shì zázhì ?</p> <p>.</p> <p>"I Write questions for the following answers"</p> <p>style="border-spacing:0;width:12.675cm;"</p> <p>1.) ?</p> <pre><code> 这本书是他的。 Zhè běn shū shì tā de.</code></pre> <p>2.) ?</p> <pre><code> 那是报纸。 Nà shì bàozhǐ.</code></pre> <p>3.) ?</p> <pre><code>这是我同屋的小说。 Zhè shì wǒ tóngwū de xiǎoshuō.</code></pre> <p>4.) ?</p> <pre><code>这是画报。 Zhè shì huàbào.</code></pre>