In this lesson we will look at the verb 回 ''huí'' "return". 回 ''huí ''is quite versatile and is used in a number of constructions and in conjunction with other verbs to make the equivalent of English phrasal verbs. In this lesson we be looking at 回 ''huí ''as "come" or "go back".


王军":" 你去哪儿? Nǐ qù nǎr?

马特":" 我去中山广场,你去不去? Wǒ qù Zhōngshān Guǎngchǎng, nǐ qù bú qù?

王军":" 不去,我回学校。 Bú qù, wǒ huí xuéxiào.

"28.02 Cafes, Parks and Hotels"

酒吧 Jiǔbā Bar 网吧 Wǎngbā Internet cafe 咖啡店 Kāfēidiàn Coffee Shop 公园 Gōngyuán Park

旅馆 Lǚguǎn Hotel 旅店 Lǚdiàn Motel 宾馆 Bīnguǎn Inn 酒店 Jiǔdiàn Hotel

[http://MP3/E102802.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)]


我不去网吧,我回家。 Wǒ bú qù wǎngbā, wǒ huí jiā. I'm not going to the internet cafe, I'm going home.

李雪不去公园,她回宿舍。Lǐ Xuě bú qù gōngyuán, tā huí sùshè. Li Xue is not going to the park, she is returning to the dormitory.

他不去咖啡店, 他回学校。Tā bú qù kāfēidiàn, tā huí xuéxiào. He is not going to the coffee shop, he is returning to the school.

大卫不去酒吧,他回宾馆。Dàwèi bú qù jiǔbā, tā huí bīnguǎn. David is not going to the bar, he is returning to the hotel.

[http://MP3/E102803.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)]


大卫 ":" 你去哪儿? Nǐ qù nǎr?

安娜":" 我去咖啡店,你去不去? Wǒ qù kāfēidiàn,nǐ qù bú qù?

大卫 ":" 不去,我回旅馆。 Bú qù, wǒ huí lǚguǎn.


莎拉":" 你们去哪儿? Nǐmen qù nǎr?

马特":" 我们去酒吧,你去不去? Wǒmen qù kāfēidiàn, nǐ qù bú qù?

莎拉 ":" 不去,我回宿舍。 Wǒ bú qù, wǒ huí sùshè .


安娜":" 你回不回宾馆? Nǐ huí bù huí bīnguǎn?

大卫":" 不回,我去网吧。 Bù huí, wǒ qù wǎngbā.

安娜":" 网吧在哪儿? Wǎngbā zài nǎr?

大卫":" 就在那儿。 Jiù zài nàr.

"A Transcribe the characters below into pinyin"

1.) 宾馆 2.) 酒吧

3.) 公园 4.) 网吧

5.) 回 6.) 学校