In lesson 49 we will learn about the Chinese zodiac.



你... Nǐ...

你属...Nǐ shǔ... ...Chinese zodiac animal are you?

你属什么?Nǐ shǔ shénme? What Chinese zodiac animal are you?

[http://MP3/E104901.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)]



你的... Nǐ de... ...your...?

你的属相...Nǐ de shǔxiàng... ...your animal in the Chinese zodiac?

你的属相是...Nǐ de shǔxiàng shì... your animal in the Chinese zodiac?

你的属相是什么?Nǐ de shǔxiàng shì shénme? What is your animal in the Chinese zodiac?

[http://MP3/E104902.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)]



鼠 Shǔ Mouse 马 Mǎ Horse 牛 Niú Cow 羊 Yáng Sheep

虎 Hǔ Tiger 猴 Hóu Monkey 兔 Tù Rabbit 鸡 Jī Chicken

龙 Lóng Dragon 狗 Gǒu Dog 蛇 Shé Snake 猪 Zhū Pig



我属狗。 Wǒ shǔ gǒu. I was born in the Year of the Dog.

他属龙。Tā shǔ lóng. He was born in the Year of the Dragon.

小张属兔。Xiǎo Zhāng shǔ tù. Junior Zhang was born in the Year of the Rabbit.

我妈妈属马。Wǒ māma shǔ mǎ. My mother was born in the Year of the Horse.

[http://MP3/E104904.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)]



align=right 大卫":" 你的属相是什么? Nǐ de shǔxiàng shì shénme?

align=right 王冬梅":" 我属鼠。你呢? Wǒ shǔ shǔ. Nǐ ne?

align=right 大卫":" 我属蛇。 Wǒ shǔ shé.

align=right 王冬梅":" 哦!你是一个老头! Ó! Nǐ shì yí gè lǎotóu!



align=right 刘小芳":" 他几年多大? Tā jǐnián duō dà?

align=right 李雪":" 他 1986 年出生,属虎。他几年 26 岁。 Tā yījiǔbāliù nián chūshēng, shǔ hǔ. Tā jǐnián èrshíliù suì.

align=right 刘小芳":" 他是哪儿人? Tā shì nǎr rén?

align=right 李雪":" 他是北京人。他爸爸是东北人,他妈妈是南方人。 Tā shì Běijīngrén. Tā bàba shì Dōngběirén, tā māma shì Nánfāngrén.



今年... Jīnnián This...the year...

今年是...Jīnnián shì... This is the year...

今年是我的... Jīnnián shì wǒ de... This is the year of my...

今年是我的本命年。 Jīnnián shì wǒ de běnmìngnián. This is the year of my sign.

[http://MP3/E104907.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)]



白羊座 Báiyáng Zuò Aries 金牛座 Jīnniú Zuò Taurus 巨蟹座 Jùxiè Zuò Cancer 狮子座 Shīzi Zuò Leo

处女座 Chǔnǚ Zuò Virgo 天秤座 Tiānchèng Zuò Libra 天蝎座 Tiānxiē Zuò Scorpio 射手座 Shèshǒu Zuò Sagittarius

摩羯座 Mójié Zuò Capricorn 水平座 Shuǐpíng Zuò Aquarius 双鱼座 Shuāngyú Zuò Pisces 双子座 Shuāngzǐ Zuò Gemini



你... Nǐ... ...your...

你是...Nǐ shì... your...

你是什么... Nǐ shì shénme... What is your...

你是什么星座? Nǐ shì shénme xīngzuò? What is your sign?

[http://MP3/E104909.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)]

"49.10 The Horrors of Pronunciation"


属 Shǔ Chinese zodiac sign 书 Shū Book 鼠 Shǔ Mouse