In this lesson we will learn new some new vocabulary words and use them to practice grammar patterns we have learned previously.



超市 Chāoshì Supermarket 市场 Shìchǎng Market 银行 Yínháng Bank

公安局 Gōng'ānjúPolice Station 医院 Yīyuàn Hospital 火车站 Huǒchēzhàn Train station

[http://MP3/E103401.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)]



公安局的旁边有银行。 Gōng'ānjú de pángbiān yǒu yínháng. Next to the police station there is a bank.

餐厅的旁边有商店。Cāntīng de pángbiān yǒu shāngdiàn. Next to the dining hall there is a store.

市场的旁边有公园。Shìchǎng de pángbiān yǒu gōngyuán. Next to the market there is a park.

超市的旁边有药店。Chāoshì de pángbiān yǒu yàodiàn. Next to the supermarket there is a pharmacy.


align=right 莎拉":" 请问,这儿有超市吗? Qǐngwèn,zhèr yǒu chāoshì ma?

align=right "B:" 就在那儿.。 Jiù zài nàr.

align=right 莎拉":" 在哪儿呢? Zài nǎr ne?

align=right "B:" 你看,那是银行,超市在银行的旁边。 Nǐ kàn, nà shì yínháng, chāoshì zài yínháng de pángbiān.

align=right 马特":" 在银行的旁边。 Zài yínháng de pángbiān.

align=right "B:" 对。 Duì.

align=right 马特":" 谢谢你。 Xièxie nǐ.

align=right "B:" 没事。 Méi shì.



楼下有银行,楼上有饭店。 Lóu xià yǒu yínháng, lóu shàng yǒu fàndiàn. Downstairs there is a bank, upstairs there is a restaurant.

楼下有市场,楼上有办公室。Lóu xià yǒu shìchǎng, lóu shàng yǒu bànɡōnɡshì. Downstairs there is a market, upstairs there is an office.

楼下有商店,楼上有餐厅。Lóu xià yǒu shāngdiàn, lóu shàng yǒu cāntīng. Downstairs there is a store, upstairs there is a dining hall.

楼下有超市,楼上有咖啡店。Lóu xià yǒu chāoshì, lóu shàng yǒu kāfēidiàn. Downstairs there is a supermarket, upstairs there is a cafe.

[http://MP3/E103404.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)]



align=right 大卫":" 请问,你们这儿有洗手间吗? Qǐngwèn,nǐmen zhèr yǒu xíshǒujiān ma?

align=right "B:" 洗手间?有,洗手间在服务台旁边。 Xíshǒujiān? Yǒu, xíshǒujiān zài fúwùtái pángbiān.

align=right 大卫":" 服务台在哪儿? Fúwùtái zài nǎr?

align=right "B:" 服务台在楼下。 Fúwùtái zài lóu xià.

align=right 大卫":" 楼梯在哪儿? Lóutī zài nǎr?

align=right "B:" 就在那儿。 Jiù zài nàr.



align=right 安娜":" 请问,大王旅馆在哪儿? Qǐngwèn,Dàwáng Lǚguǎn zài nǎr?

align=right "B:" 对不起,我不知道。你问问别人。 Duìbuqǐ, wǒ bù zhīdào. Nǐ wènwen biérén.

align=right 安娜":" 好的。 Hǎo de.



哪座楼是银行? Nǎ zuò lóu shì yínháng? Which building is the bank?

哪座楼是医院?Nǎ zuò lóu shì yīyuàn? Which building is the hospital?

哪座楼是公安局?Nǎ zuò lóu shì gōng'ānjú? Which building is the police building?

哪座楼是火车站?Nǎ zuò lóu shì huǒchēzhàn? Which building is the train station?

哪座楼是旅馆?Nǎ zuò lóu shì lǚguǎn? Which building is the hotel?