1 one web [sound:##] 2 gǔn line web [sound:##] 3 zhǔ stroke web [sound:##] 4 丿 乀 乁 oblique web [sound:##] 5 乙 乚 乛 sickle web [sound:##] 6 jué hook web [sound:##] 7 èr two web [sound:##] 8 tóu shelter, head web [sound:##] 9 人 亻 rén man web [sound:##] 10 er child web [sound:##] 11 to enter web [sound:##] 12 八 丷 eight, separate web [sound:##] 13 jiōng scope web [sound:##] 14 to cover web [sound:##] 15 bīng ice web [sound:##] 16 table web [sound:##] 17 qiǎn container web [sound:##] 18 刂 刁 刀 ク dāo knife web [sound:##] 19 force web [sound:##] 20 bāo to wrap web [sound:##] 21 spoon, man overthrown web [sound:##] 22 fāng open box web [sound:##] 23 to hide web [sound:##] 24 shí ten web [sound:##] 25 bo divination web [sound:##] 26 jié seal web [sound:##] 27 chǎng production facility web [sound:##] 28 secret web [sound:##] 29 又 ヌ yòu still, hand web [sound:##] 30 kǒu mouth web [sound:##] 31 wéi enclosure web [sound:##] 32 earth web [sound:##] 33 shì scholar web [sound:##] 34 zhǐ to go web [sound:##] 35 suī go slowly web [sound:##] 36 evening web [sound:##] 37 big web [sound:##] 38 woman web [sound:##] 39 zi child web [sound:##] 40 mián roof web [sound:##] 41 cùn thumb web [sound:##] 42 小 ⺌ ⺍ xiǎo small web [sound:##] 43 yóu weak web [sound:##] 44 shī dead body web [sound:##] 45 chè germ web [sound:##] 46 shān mountain web [sound:##] 47 川 巛 chuān river web [sound:##] 48 gōng work web [sound:##] 49 personal web [sound:##] 50 jīn turban web [sound:##] 51 gàn dry web [sound:##] 52 yāo tiny web [sound:##] 53 广 guǎng shelter web [sound:##] 54 yǐn great, stride web [sound:##] 55 gǒng two, hands web [sound:##] 56 arrow-grapin web [sound:##] 57 gōng bow web [sound:##] 58 彐 彑 snout web [sound:##] 59 shān beard, brush web [sound:##] 60 chì walk around web [sound:##] 61 心 忄 xīn heart web [sound:##] 62 halberd web [sound:##] 63 戶 户 gate web [sound:##] 64 手 扌 才 shǒu hand web [sound:##] 65 zhī branch web [sound:##] 66 攴 攵 to bump, hand web [sound:##] 67 wén writing web [sound:##] 68 dòu measurer web [sound:##] 69 jīn ax, 500 grams web [sound:##] 70 fāng square, direction web [sound:##] 71 without web [sound:##] 72 sun web [sound:##] 73 yuē to say web [sound:##] 74 yuè moon web [sound:##] 75 木 朩 tree web [sound:##] 76 qiàn tired web [sound:##] 77 zhǐ to stop web [sound:##] 78 dǎi death web [sound:##] 79 shū weapon web [sound:##] 80 母 毋 毌 mother web [sound:##] 81 to confront web [sound:##] 82 máo fur web [sound:##] 83 shì clan web [sound:##] 84 air web [sound:##] 85 水 氵 氺 shuǐ water web [sound:##] 86 火 灬 huǒ fire web [sound:##] 87 爪 爫 zhǎo claw web [sound:##] 88 father web [sound:##] 89 yáo double web [sound:##] 90 pán splitted, wood web [sound:##] 91 piàn slice web [sound:##] 92 tooth, ivory web [sound:##] 93 牛 牜 ⺧ niú beef web [sound:##] 94 犬 犭 quǎn dog web [sound:##] 95 xuán deep web [sound:##] 96 王 玉 jade web [sound:##] 97 guā melon web [sound:##] 98 tile web [sound:##] 99 gān sweet web [sound:##] 100 shēng be born web [sound:##] 101 yòng to use web [sound:##] 102 tián field web [sound:##] 103 疋 ⺪ roll, piece of cloth web [sound:##] 104 disease web [sound:##] 105 to go up web [sound:##] 106 bái white web [sound:##] 107 skin web [sound:##] 108 mǐn container web [sound:##] 109 eye web [sound:##] 110 máo spear web [sound:##] 111 shǐ arrow web [sound:##] 112 shí stone web [sound:##] 113 示 礻 shì to venerate, to show web [sound:##] 114 róu get away web [sound:##] 115 grain web [sound:##] 116 xué cave, swing door web [sound:##] 117 standing up web [sound:##] 118 竹 ⺮ ケ shì bamboo web [sound:##] 119 rice web [sound:##] 120 糸 纟 silk web [sound:##] 121 fǒu jar web [sound:##] 122 网 罒 罓 罓 wǎng net web [sound:##] 123 羊 ⺶ ⺷ yáng sheep web [sound:##] 124 feather web [sound:##] 125 老 耂 lǎo old web [sound:##] 126 ér and web [sound:##] 127 lěi plow web [sound:##] 128 ěr ear web [sound:##] 129 brush web [sound:##] 130 肉 月 ròu meat web [sound:##] 131 chén minister web [sound:##] 132 personal web [sound:##] 133 zhì to reach web [sound:##] 134 jiù mortar web [sound:##] 135 shé tongue web [sound:##] 136 chuǎn to oppose web [sound:##] 137 zhōu boat web [sound:##] 138 gěn decided web [sound:##] 139 color web [sound:##] 140 cao vegetable web [sound:##] 141 tiger web [sound:##] 142 chóng insect web [sound:##] 143 xuè blood web [sound:##] 144 xíng circulate web [sound:##] 145 衣 衤 cloth web [sound:##] 146 西 覀 xi lid web [sound:##] 147 jiàn to see web [sound:##] 148 jiǎo horn web [sound:##] 149 言 讠 yán speech (trad) web [sound:##] 150 valley web [sound:##] 151 dòu pea web [sound:##] 152 chù pig web [sound:##] 153 zhì feline, cat family web [sound:##] 154 bèi shell, money web [sound:##] 155 chì red web [sound:##] 156 zǒu to walk web [sound:##] 157 foot web [sound:##] 158 shēn body web [sound:##] 159 chē car web [sound:##] 160 xīn bitter web [sound:##] 161 chén morning web [sound:##] 162 chuò brisk walking web [sound:##] 163 阝 (邑) city web [sound:##] 164 yǒu alcohol web [sound:##] 165 biàn to distinguish web [sound:##] 166 neighborhood web [sound:##] 167 金 钅 jīn gold, metal web [sound:##] 168 zhǎng long web [sound:##] 169 mén gate web [sound:##] 170 阝(阜) mound web [sound:##] 171 servant web [sound:##] 172 zhuī short-tailed bird web [sound:##] 173 rain web [sound:##] 174 qīng blue/green web [sound:##] 175 fēi false web [sound:##] 176 miàn face web [sound:##] 177 leather web [sound:##] 178 wéi tanned leather web [sound:##] 179 jiǔ leek web [sound:##] 180 yīn sound web [sound:##] 181 页 頁 head, leaf web [sound:##] 182 fēng wind web [sound:##] 183 fēi to fly web [sound:##] 184 食 饣 shí to eat web [sound:##] 185 shǒu head web [sound:##] 186 xiāng perfume web [sound:##] 187 horse web [sound:##] 188 bone web [sound:##] 189 gāo high web [sound:##] 190 biāo hair web [sound:##] 191 dòu fight web [sound:##] 192 chàng sacrificial wine web [sound:##] 193 cauldron web [sound:##] 194 guǐ ghost web [sound:##] 195 fish web [sound:##] 196 niǎo bird web [sound:##] 197 salt web [sound:##] 198 鹿 deer web [sound:##] 199 mài corn web [sound:##] 200 hemp web [sound:##] 201 huáng yellow web [sound:##] 202 shǔ millet web [sound:##] 203 hēi black web [sound:##] 204 zhǐ embroidery web [sound:##] 205 miǎn frog web [sound:##] 206 dǐng tripod web [sound:##] 207 drum web [sound:##] 208 shǔ rat web [sound:##] 209 nose web [sound:##] 210 regular web [sound:##] 211 齿 chǐ tooth, engrenage web [sound:##] 212 lóng dragon web [sound:##] 213 guī tortoise web [sound:##] NaN yuè flute undefined undefined web [sound:##]