The filler word "nèige" "那个"

In conversation, you may find yourself at a loss for words, unable to find the correct phrase you are looking for, or simply needing time to gather your thoughts. When you experience this feeling, in English, you may say "umm" or "uhhh" or another filler word. In Chinese, the word for this is 那个 (nèige). (The word 那个 can be pronounced both "nàge" and "nèige," but for this usage, "nèige" is normally used.)


In English, words like "ummm" and "uh" are used as filler1 words when you're thinking about what to say. In Chinese, 那个 (nèige) is also used for this purpose. To English speakers not fortunate enough to be fluent in Mandarin this may raise an eyebrow because it can sound a bit "racist," but it's very common in Mandarin and you'll hear it quite often around Chinese speakers.

(那个⋯⋯) (那个⋯⋯) + [anything] + (那个⋯⋯)

那个 (nèige) can be inserted into sentences wherever you need to pause for thought.



Sources and further reading

  1. Filler (linguistics) on Wikipedia