我 有 钱。	Wǒ yǒu qián.	I have money.	Expressing possession with "yoǔ" "有"	A1	GrammarWiki
你 有 房子 吗?	Nǐ yǒu fángzi ma?	Do you have a house?	Expressing possession with "yoǔ" "有"	A1	GrammarWiki
她 没 有 车。	Tā méi yǒu chē.	She doesn't have a car.	Expressing possession with "yoǔ" "有"	A1	GrammarWiki
他 有 女 朋友 吗? 	Tā yǒu nǚpéngyou ma?	Does he have a girlfriend?	Expressing possession with "yoǔ" "有"	A1	GrammarWiki
我们 有 三 个 女儿 。	Wǒmen yǒu sāngè nǚ'ér.	We have three daughters.	Expressing possession with "yoǔ" "有"	A1	GrammarWiki
我们 家 有 两 个 公司 。	Wǒmen jiā yǒu liǎng gè gōngsī.	Our family has two companies.	Expressing possession with "yoǔ" "有"	A1	GrammarWiki
你 有 一百 块 钱 吗?	Nǐ yǒu yī bǎi kuài qián ma?	Do you have 100 kuài RMB?	Expressing possession with "yoǔ" "有"	A1	GrammarWiki
你 的 老师 有 iPad 吗?	Nǐ de lǎoshī yǒu iPad ma?	Does your teacher have an iPad?	Expressing possession with "yoǔ" "有"	A1	GrammarWiki
我爸爸 没 有 工作。	Wǒ bàba méiyǒu gōngzuò.	My dad doesn't have a job.	Expressing possession with "yoǔ" "有"	A1	GrammarWiki
今天 你 有 课 吗?	Jīntiān nǐ yǒu kè ma?	Do you have classes today?	Expressing possession with "yoǔ" "有"	A1	GrammarWiki