[](# "wikilink")
Expressing not knowing how to do something using "hao"
Similar to
- [Result
complements](https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Result_complements) (B1)
- [Expressing difficulty with "hao (bu)
rongyi"](https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Expressing_difficulty_with_%22hao_(bu)_rongyi%22) (B2)
Used for
[hide]([# "wikilink")\]
- [1
Structure](#Structure "wikilink")
- [2
Examples](#Examples "wikilink")
- [3 See
also](#See_also "wikilink")
- [4 Sources and
further reading](#Sources_and_further_reading "wikilink")
- [4.1
Books](#Books "wikilink")
Subj. + 不知道 + \[Verb Phrase\] + 好
This verb phrase usually includes a question word, like 什么, 谁, 怎么,
哪个, 哪里, 什么时候, etc.
You will sometimes see the adverb 才 preceding the 好, which serves the
purpose of emphasis.
- 我 真的 *不 知道* **怎么** 办 **才** *好* 。I really don't know what to do
about this .
- 我们 都 *不 知道* 说 **什么** *好* 。 None of
us knew what to say.
- 这件事 我 *不 知道* 跟 **谁** 说 *好* 。I'm not sure who to talk to about
this piece of matter.
- 老板 *不 知道* 怪 **谁** *好* 。The boss
wasn't sure who to blame.
- 他 的 短信 我 *不 知道* **怎么** 回复 *好* 。
I don't know how to reply to his
- 这些 钱 他 *不 知道* 放 在 **哪儿** **才** *好* 。
He doesn't know where to
put this money.
- 下雨天 我 *不 知道* 带 孩子 去 **哪儿** 玩 *好*
。On rainy days, I don't
know where to take my kid to play.
- 都 很 漂亮 ,我 *不 知道* 买 **哪件** *好*
。They are all beautiful. I'm
not sure which one to buy.
- 好吃 的 太 多 了 ,孩子们 *不 知道* 先 吃 **哪个** **才** *好* 。
There are
too much delicious food. The children don't know which one to start
- 我 想 问 ,可是 *不 知道* **什么时候** 问 **才** *好*
。I want to ask,
but I'm not sure when to ask.
See also
- [Expressing lateness with
- [Expressing Difficulty with "hao (bu)
- [Result complement
Sources and further reading
### Books
- [Boya Chinese Upper Intermediate
1 (博雅汉语中级冲刺篇)](https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Boya_Chinese_Upper_Intermediate_1_(%E5%8D%9A%E9%9B%85%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD%E4%B8%AD%E7%BA%A7%E5%86%B2%E5%88%BA%E7%AF%87)) (pp.
- [B1 grammar