<p>If you are trying to explain what you did after a certain event, you might want to use &quot;以后&quot; (yǐhòu) or &quot;之后&quot; (zhīhòu). After all, they do both mean &quot;after,&quot; right? Well, it turns out that there are a few rules that you need to be aware of before you use them.</p>
<h2 id="similarity">Similarity</h2>
<p>Both indicates another event happened after a special time. these two words share a structure, so it is easy to see how they would be easily confused. Here's the structure:</p>
<h3 id="structure">Structure</h3>
<div class="jiegou">
<p>Subj. + Special Time + 以后/之后 + Action</p>
<p>In situations where you have already done something and then after that you did something else, you can use &quot;以后.&quot; The stipulation with this is that the time has to be explicitly said. That is, there has to be a time for &quot;以后&quot; to modify. Otherwise the sentence won't make sense.</p>
<h3 id="examples">Examples</h3>
<div class="liju">
<li>下 过 雨 <em>以后</em>/ <em>之后</em> 空气 会 好 很 多 。<span class="pinyin">Xià guo yǔ <em>yǐhòu</em> /<em> zhīhòu</em> kōngqì huì hǎo hěn duō.</span><span class="trans">After it rains, the air will be a lot better.</span></li>
<li>结婚 <em>以后</em>/ <em>之后</em>他们 有 了 两 个 宝宝 。 <span class="pinyin">Jiéhūn <em>yǐhòu</em> /<em> zhīhòu</em> tāmen yǒu le liǎng gè bǎobǎo.</span><span class="trans">After getting married, they had two babies.</span></li>
<li>等 我 涨 工资 <em>以后</em>/ <em>之后</em>请 你 吃饭 。 <span class="pinyin">Děng wǒ zhǎng gōngzī <em> yǐhòu</em> /<em> zhīhòu</em> qǐng nǐ chīfàn.</span><span class="trans">After I get a raise, I will treat you to a meal.</span></li>
<li>听到 这 个 消息 <em>以后</em>/ <em>之后</em> ,我 高兴 得 一 晚 上 没 睡 。 <span class="pinyin">Tīngdào zhè gè xiāoxi <em> yǐhòu</em> /<em> zhīhòu</em>, wǒ gāoxìng de yī wǎn shàng méi shuì.</span><span class="trans">After I heard this news, I was so happy I couldn't sleep the whole night.</span></li>
<h2 id="differences">Differences</h2>
<p>Now you might be thinking, &quot;But <a href="After_a_specific_time" title="wikilink">'以后' means afterwards</a>, why doesn't that work?&quot; In this case, &quot;以后&quot; is just used to talk about <a href="In_the_future_in_general" title="wikilink">the future in general</a>. The meaning that you're probably thinking of comes from the first structure above.</p>
<h3 id="以后">以后</h3>
<h4 id="structure-1">Structure</h4>
<div class="jiegou">
<h4 id="examples-1">Examples</h4>
<div class="liju">
<li><em>以后</em> 再 也 不 来 这里 吃饭 了 , 又 贵 又 难吃 。 <span class="pinyin"><em>Yǐhòu</em> zài yě bù lái zhèlǐ chīfàn le, yòu guì yòu nánchī.</span><span class="trans">In the future I will never come to this place to eat again. It's expensive and the food is not good.</span></li>
<li><em>以后</em> 我 可能 会 去 国外 上 大学 。 <span class="pinyin"><em>Yǐhòu</em> wǒ kěnéng huì qù guówài shàng dàxué.</span><span class="trans">In the future I might go to college abroad.</span></li>
<li><em>以后</em> 的 事情 <em>以后</em> 再 说 吧 。 <span class="pinyin"><em>Yǐhòu</em> de shìqing <em>yǐhòu</em> zài shuō bā.</span><span class="trans">We'll talk about future things some time later.</span></li>
<h3 id="之后">之后</h3>
<p>Compared to &quot;以后,&quot; &quot;之后&quot; is a little more free. Not only can it happen in the same place, <a href="Before_and_after_with_&quot;zhiqian&quot;_and_&quot;zhihou&quot;" title="wikilink">modifying the time</a>, but it can also appear just on its own, meaning something along the lines of &quot;then.&quot; While &quot;以后&quot; is dependent on the time, &quot;之后&quot; can stand by itself.</p>
<h4 id="structure-2">Structure</h4>
<p>There is another structure that only works with &quot;之后&quot;:</p>
<div class="jiegou">
<p>Subj. + Event, 之后 + Action</p>
<h4 id="examples-2">Examples</h4>
<div class="liju">
<li>我 要 先 回家 把 东西 放 下 , <em>之后</em> 去 咖啡店 找 你 。 <span class="pinyin">Wǒ yào xiān huí jiā bǎ dōngxi fàng xià, <em>zhīhòu</em> qù kāfēidiàn zhǎo nǐ.</span><span class="trans">I'm going to go home and drop my stuff off first, then go to the cafe to look for you.</span></li>
<li>去年 夏天 他 来 过 我 家 , <em>之后</em> 再 也 没 见 到 他 。 <span class="pinyin">Qùnián xiàtiān tā lái guò wǒ jiā, <em>zhīhòu</em> zài yě méi jiàn dào tā.</span><span class="trans">Last summer, he came to my house. After that, I haven't seen him.</span></li>
<li>房子 涨价 <em>之后</em> , 越 来 越 多 的 人 开始 买 房 。 <span class="pinyin">Fángzi zhǎngjià <em>zhīhòu</em>, Yuè lái Yuè duō de rén kāishǐ mǎi Fáng.</span><span class="trans">After prices went up, more and more people started buying houses.</span></li>
<h2 id="right-or-wrong">Right or Wrong</h2>
<h4 id="examples-3">Examples</h4>
<div class="liju">
<li>我 六 点 下班,<em>以后</em>,我 去 跟 朋友 吃饭。<span class="expl">Since there is nothing that &quot;以后&quot; modifies, this sentence doesn't work.</span></li>
<li>我 六 点 下班,<em>之后</em>,我 去 跟 朋友 吃饭。<span class="expl">&quot;之后&quot; works in this sentence.</span><span class="pinyin">Wǒ liù diǎn xiàbān, <em>zhīhòu</em>, wǒ qù gēn péngyou chīfàn.</span><span class="trans">I will get off work at six o'clock, and after that I will meet with a friend to eat dinner.</span></li>
<li>昨天 <strong>我 跟 朋友 吃 完 饭</strong><em>以后</em>去 了 酒吧。<span class="pinyin">Zuótiān wǒ gēn péngyou chī wán fàn <em>yǐhòu</em> qù le jiǔbā.</span><span class="trans">Yesterday, when my friends and I were done eating, we went to the bar.</span></li>
<li>昨天 我 跟 朋友 去 吃饭 了,<em>以后</em>,我们 去 酒吧。<span class="expl">Again, since there is nothing for &quot;以后&quot; to modify, it's a bad sentence.</span></li>
<li>昨天 我 跟 朋友 去 吃饭 了,<em>之后</em>,我们 去 了 酒吧。<span class="pinyin">Zuótiān wǒ gēn péngyou qù chīfàn le, <em>zhīhòu</em>, wǒmen qù le jiǔbā.</span><span class="expl">&quot;之后&quot; works in this sentence.</span><span class="trans">Yesterday I ate dinner with a friend, and afterward we went to a bar.</span></li>
<h2 id="see-also">See Also</h2>
<li><a href="After_a_specific_time" title="wikilink">After a specific time</a></li>
<li><a href="In_the_future_in_general" title="wikilink">In the future in general</a></li>
<li><a href="Before_and_after_with_&quot;zhiqian&quot;_and_&quot;zhihou&quot;" title="wikilink">Before and after with &quot;zhiqian&quot; and &quot;zhihou&quot;</a></li>
<li><a href="Comparing_&quot;yihou&quot;_and_&quot;houlai&quot;" title="wikilink">Comparing &quot;yihou&quot; and &quot;houlai&quot;</a></li>
<h2 id="sources-and-further-reading">Sources and Further Reading</h2>
<p><strong>NEEDS SOURCES</strong></p>
<p>          </p>
<p><a href="Category:grammar_comparison" title="wikilink">Category:grammar comparison</a></p>