{{Grammar Box}} 将 (jiāng) can be used to denote something is about to happen in the near future, a bit like "about to" in English. It is generally used in formal contexts. ==Structure==
将 + [Imminent Event]
* 我 相信 你 会 成为 一 个 成功 的 企业家。I believe that you will soon become a successful entrepreneur. * 他 去 中国 学习。He is about to go to China to study. * 我们 公司 要 推出 一 个 新 产品。Our company is about to release a new product.
将 is often combined with other verbs like 会 and 要, and has a similar meaning. ==See also== *[[Auxiliary verb "hui" for "will"]] *[[Wanting to do something with yao]] == Sources and further reading == === Books === * [[New Practical Chinese Reader 5 (新实用汉语课本5) ]] (pp. 92) [http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/7561914083/ref%3das_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=allset-20&linkCode=as2&camp=217145&creative=399369&creativeASIN=7561914083 →buy] *[[卓越汉语-公司实战篇]] (pp. 89-90) [http://www.amazon.cn/%E5%8D%93%E8%B6%8A%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD-%E5%85%AC%E5%8F%B8%E5%AE%9E%E6%88%98%E7%AF%87-%E8%83%A1%E7%81%B5%E5%9D%87/dp/B003QZWQ6M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1347863170&sr=8-1 →buy] [[Category: B2 grammar points]] [[Category: Verbs]] {{Basic Grammar|将|B2|将 / 将要 / 将会 + Verb|他 将要 离开 上海 。|grammar point|ASGIQPUJ}} {{Rel char|将要}} {{Rel char|将会}} {{Similar|Auxiliary verb "hui" for "will"}} {{Similar|Wanting to do something with yao}} {{Similar|In the future in general}} {{Used for|Referring to the future}} {{Used for|Sequencing events in time}} {{Translation|will}} {{POS|Verbs}} {{Subprop|Auxiliary verbs}}