{{Grammar Box}} To express "seems," the word 好像 (hǎoxiàng) can be used. == Structure == The structure for this is: <div class="jiegou"> Subj. + 好像 + [Observation] </div> Note that if this structure is used without a subject, it has the meaning of "it seems that..." in English. This could then be followed by an entire statement. == Examples == <div class="liju"> *他 <em>好像</em> 是 英国 人 。<span class="pinyin">Tā <em>hǎoxiàng</em> shì Yīngguó rén.</span><span class="trans">He seems to be British.</span> *你 <em>好像</em> 不 是 本地 人 。<span class="pinyin">Nǐ <em>hǎoxiàng</em> bù shì běndì rén.</span><span class="trans">You don't seem to be local.</span> *她 <em>好像</em> 有点 喜欢 你 。<span class="pinyin">Tā <em>hǎoxiàng</em> yǒudiǎn xǐhuan nǐ.</span><span class="trans">It seems that she has a crush on you.</span> *他们 <em>好像</em> 分手 了 。<span class="pinyin">Tāmen <em>hǎoxiàng</em> fēnshǒu le.</span><span class="trans">They seem to have broken up.</span> *你 <em>好像</em> 生病 了 。<span class="pinyin">Nǐ <em>hǎoxiàng</em> shēngbìng le.</span><span class="trans">It seems like you're sick.</span> *<em>好像</em> 要 下雨 了 。<span class="pinyin"><em>Hǎoxiàng</em> yào xiàyǔ le.</span><span class="trans">It seems like it's going to rain.</span> *我们 <em>好像</em> 见 过 。<span class="pinyin">Wǒmen <em>hǎoxiàng</em> jiàn guo.</span><span class="trans">It seems that we've met.</span> *<em>好像</em> 没有 人 能 帮 他 。<span class="pinyin"><em>Hǎoxiàng</em> méiyǒu rén néng bāng tā.</span><span class="trans">It seems that nobody can help him.</span> *牛奶 <em>好像</em> 过期 了 ,别 喝 了 。<span class="pinyin">Niúnǎi <em>hǎoxiàng</em> guòqī le, bié hē le.</span><span class="trans">The milk might have expired. Stop drinking it.</span> *你 <em>好像</em> 很怕 你 老婆 。<span class="pinyin">Nǐ <em>hǎoxiàng</em> hěn pà nǐ lǎopo.</span><span class="trans">You seem to fear your wife.</span> </div> ==See also== * [[Appearance with "kanqilai"]] == Sources and further reading == === Books === * [[Practicing HSK Grammar (语法精讲精炼)]] (pp. 41) [http://www.amazon.cn/mn/detailApp/ref=as_li_ss_tl?_encoding=UTF8&tag=allset-23&linkCode=as2&asin=B001N6R7DI&camp=536&creative=3132&creativeASIN=B001N6R7DI →buy] * [[Basic Patterns of Chinese Grammar]] (pp. 101) [http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1933330899/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=allset-20&linkCode=as2&camp=217145&creative=399373&creativeASIN=1933330899 →buy] * [[Boya Chinese Elementary Starter 1 (博雅汉语初经起步篇)]] (pp. 157) [http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/7301075294/ref%3das_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=allset-20&linkCode=as2&camp=217145&creative=399373&creativeASIN=7301075294 →buy] [[Category:B1 grammar points]] {{Basic Grammar|好像|B1|好像⋯⋯|小 猫 <em>好像</em> 饿 了。|grammar point|ASG3ROPY}} {{Rel char|好}} {{Rel char|象}} {{Similar|Appearance with "kanqilai"}} {{Used for|Observing}} {{POS|Verbs}} {{Subprop|Verbs}}