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<h2 id="positive-pattern">Positive Pattern</h2>
<h3 id="structure">Structure</h3>
<div class="jiegou">
<p>Subj. + 最好 + [Verb Phrase]</p>
<h3 id="examples">Examples</h3>
<div class="liju">
<li>你 <em>最好</em> 先 休息 一下 。<span class="pinyin">Nǐ <em>zuìhǎo</em>
xiān xiūxi yīxià.</span><span class="trans">You'd better get some
rest first.</span></li>
<li>你们 <em>最好</em> 给 他 打 个 电话 问 一下。<span class="pinyin">Nǐmen
<em>zuìhǎo</em> gěi tā dǎ gè diànhuà wèn yīxià.</span><span class=
"trans">You'd better call and ask him.</span></li>
<li>那个 地方 不 好 找,我们 <em>最好</em> 查 一下 百度 地图。<span class="pinyin">Nàge
dìfang bù hǎo zhǎo, wǒmen <em>zuìhǎo</em> chá yīxià Bǎidù
dìtú.</span><span class="trans">It's not easy to find that place.
We'd better search it on Baidu Map.</span></li>
<li>外面 挺 冷 的,<em>最好</em> 多 穿 点。<span class="pinyin">Wàimiàn tǐng
lěng de, <em>zuìhǎo</em> duō chuān diǎn.</span><span class=
"trans">It's pretty cold outside. You'd better wear some more
<li>这个 活动 很 重要,我们 <em>最好</em> 穿 得 正式 一点。<span class="pinyin">Zhège
huódòng hěn zhòngyào, wǒmen <em>zuìhǎo</em> chuān de zhèngshì
yīdiǎn.</span><span class="trans">This is an important event. We'd
better wear something more formal.</span></li>
<h2 id="negative-pattern">Negative Pattern</h2>
<h3 id="structure-1">Structure</h3>
<div class="jiegou">
<p>Subj. + 最好 + 别 / 不要 + [Verb Phrase]</p>
<h3 id="examples-1">Examples</h3>
<div class="liju">
<li><em>最好</em> 别 去 。<span class="pinyin"><em>Zuìhǎo</em> bié
qù.</span><span class="trans">You'd better not go.</span></li>
<li><em>最好</em> 不要 这样 说 。<span class="pinyin"><em>Zuìhǎo</em> bùyào
zhèyàng shuō.</span><span class="trans">You'd better not to say it
like that.</span></li>
<li>晚饭 <em>最好</em> 不要 吃 那么 多。<span class="trans">You'd better not
eat so much for dinner.</span></li>
<li>雨 这么 大,<em>最好</em> 别 出门。<span class="trans">It is raining so
heavily. You'd better not leave the house.</span></li>
<li>这个 问题 是 隐私,<em>最好</em> 不要 问 。<span class="pinyin">Zhège wèntí
shì yǐnsī, <em>zuìhǎo</em> bùyào wèn.</span><span class=
"trans">This question is private. We'd better not ask.</span></li>
<h2 id="see-also">See Also</h2>
<li><a href=
"Expressing_&quot;should&quot;_with_&quot;yinggai&quot;" title=
"wikilink">Expressing "should" with "yinggai"</a></li>
<li><a href=
"Expressing_&quot;had_better&quot;_with_&quot;haishi&quot;" title=
"wikilink">Expressing "had better" with "haishi"</a></li>
<li><a href="Expressing_&quot;must&quot;_with_&quot;dei&quot;"
title="wikilink">Expressing "must" with "dei"</a></li>
<p><a href="Category:**URGENT**" class="uri" title=
"wikilink">Category:**URGENT**</a> <a href=
"Category:B1_grammar_points" title="wikilink">Category:B1 grammar