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Expressing "no wonder"

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怪不得 (guàibude) can be used to express that the speaker finds
something unsurprising. It can be used alone or in a variety of
different structures, as shown below. 难怪 (nánguài) is another way to
express the exact same thing.

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<div id="toctitle">

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-   [<span class="tocnumber">1</span> <span class="toctext">Emphasis on
    怪不得</span>](#Emphasis_on_.E6.80.AA.E4.B8.8D.E5.BE.97 "wikilink")
    -   [<span class="tocnumber">1.1</span>
        <span class="toctext">Structure</span>](#Structure "wikilink")
    -   [<span class="tocnumber">1.2</span>
        <span class="toctext">Examples</span>](#Examples "wikilink")
-   [<span class="tocnumber">2</span> <span class="toctext">Emphasis on
    原来</span>](#Emphasis_on_.E5.8E.9F.E6.9D.A5 "wikilink")
    -   [<span class="tocnumber">2.1</span>
        <span class="toctext">Structure</span>](#Structure_2 "wikilink")
    -   [<span class="tocnumber">2.2</span>
        <span class="toctext">Examples</span>](#Examples_2 "wikilink")
-   [<span class="tocnumber">3</span> <span class="toctext">The Other
    Meaning of
    难怪</span>](#The_Other_Meaning_of_.E9.9A.BE.E6.80.AA "wikilink")
-   [<span class="tocnumber">4</span> <span class="toctext">See
    also</span>](#See_also "wikilink")
-   [<span class="tocnumber">5</span> <span class="toctext">Sources and
    further reading</span>](#Sources_and_further_reading "wikilink")
    -   [<span class="tocnumber">5.1</span>
        <span class="toctext">Books</span>](#Books "wikilink")
    -   [<span class="tocnumber">5.2</span>
        <span class="toctext">Dictionaries</span>](#Dictionaries "wikilink")

<span id="Emphasis_on_.E6.80.AA.E4.B8.8D.E5.BE.97" class="mw-headline">Emphasis on 怪不得</span>

### <span id="Structure" class="mw-headline">Structure</span>

怪不得 is used to convey the speaker's newfound understanding of a
situation, having recently acquired some new information that, in his
opinion, explains it. It can be replaced with 难怪 in the structure
without altering its meaning.

<div class="jiegou">
Reason ,怪不得 / 难怪 + \[Observation\]

### <span id="Examples" class="mw-headline">Examples</span>

<div class="liju">
-   小张 请假 了,*怪不得* 今天 没有 看到 他 。<span class="pinyin">Xiǎo
    Zhāng qǐngjià le, *guàibude* jīntiān méiyǒu kàndào
    tā.</span><span class="trans">Little Zhang asked for vacation time,
    no wonder I haven't seen him today.</span>
-   天天 迟到 ,*怪不得* 他 被 炒鱿鱼 。<span class="pinyin">Tiāntiān
    chídào, *guàibude* tā bèi chǎoyóuyú.</span><span class="trans">He's
    late for work everyday. No wonder he got fired.</span>
-   她 是 你 妹妹 ?*难怪* 你们 长 得 这么 像 。<span class="pinyin">Tā
    shì nǐ mèimei? *Nánguài* nǐmen cháng de zhème
    xiàng.</span><span class="trans">She's your younger sister? No
    wonder you two look so much alike.</span>
-   你 手机 没电 了 ?*怪不得* 我 打 不 通 。<span class="pinyin">Nǐ
    shǒujī méi diàn le? *Guàibude* wǒ dǎ bu
    tōng.</span><span class="trans">Your cell phone is out of battery?
    No wonder I couldn't get through.</span>
-   你 放 了 醋 ?*难怪* 这么 难吃 !<span class="pinyin">Nǐ fàng le cù?
    *Nánguài* zhème nánchī!</span><span class="trans">You put vinegar?
    No wonder it tastes so bad!</span>

<span id="Emphasis_on_.E5.8E.9F.E6.9D.A5" class="mw-headline">Emphasis on 原来</span>

### <span id="Structure_2" class="mw-headline">Structure</span>

<div class="jiegou">
怪不得 / 难怪 + \[Observation\] ,原来 (+ 是) + Reason

### <span id="Examples_2" class="mw-headline">Examples</span>

<div class="liju">
-   *怪不得* 她 拉肚子 ,**原来** 她 昨天 又 吃 火锅 了
    。<span class="pinyin">*Guàibude* tā lādùzi, **yuánlái** tā zuótiān
    yòu chī huǒguō le.</span><span class="trans">No wonder she had
    a diarrhea. She went to eat hotpot again yesterday.</span>
-   *难怪* 学生 都 不 喜欢 这个 老师 ,**原来** 他 的 作业 太 多 了
    。<span class="pinyin">*Nánguài* xuéshēng dōu bù xǐhuan zhège
    lǎoshī, **yuánlái** tā de zuòyè tài duō
    le.</span><span class="trans">No wonder the students don't like
    this teacher. The homework he gives is too much.</span>
-   *怪不得* 你们 这么 高兴 ,**原来** 是 要 结婚 了
    。<span class="pinyin">*Guàibude* nǐmen zhème gāoxìng, **yuánlái**
    shì yào jiéhūn le.</span><span class="trans">No wonder you two look
    so happy. You are getting married.</span>
-   *难怪* 这里 人 这么 多 ,**原来** 在 打折
    。<span class="pinyin">*Nánguài* zhèlǐ rén zhème duō, **yuánlái**
    zài dǎzhé.</span><span class="trans">No wonder there are so many
    people here. There's a sale going on.</span>
-   *怪不得* 他 没 告诉 我 ,**原来** 是 不 想 让 我 担心
    。<span class="pinyin">*Guàibude* tā méi gàosu wǒ, **yuánlái** shì
    bù xiǎng ràng wǒ dānxīn.</span><span class="trans">No wonder he
    hasn't told me. He doesn't want me to worry about this.</span>

<span id="The_Other_Meaning_of_.E9.9A.BE.E6.80.AA" class="mw-headline">The Other Meaning of 难怪</span>

This usage is definitely less common, but sometimes 难怪 is a
combination of the [难 +
pattern and the verb 怪, meaning "to blame." In this case, the meaning
is totally different. Although it's not as common, and you shouldn't
need to worry about it too much, we include it here because if you ever
run into and think that 难怪 can only ever have one meaning, it can
totally throw you for a loop.

A few examples:

<div class="liju">
-   这 也 *难怪* 他 ,他 这么 小 。<span class="pinyin"> Zhè yě
    *nánguài* tā, tā zhème xiǎo.</span><span class="trans">We can't
    really blame him. He's so young.</span>
-   这 也 *难怪* 大家 ,是 我们 通知 晚 了 。<span class="pinyin">Zhè yě
    *nánguài* dàjiā, shì wǒmen tōngzhī wǎn
    le.</span><span class="trans">We can't really blame everybody. It
    was such short notice.</span>

When used in this way it expresses that the speaker assigns no blame in
the situation he is describing. Sometimes the specific person
undeserving of blame is mentioned directly after 难怪, as in the first
two examples. Often, however, the context makes clear who this person
is, and this is not necessary, as in the third example.

<span id="See_also" class="mw-headline">See also</span>

-   ["All along" with

<span id="Sources_and_further_reading" class="mw-headline">Sources and further reading</span>

### <span id="Books" class="mw-headline">Books</span>

-   [现代汉语八百词(增订本)](https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/%E7%8E%B0%E4%BB%A3%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD%E5%85%AB%E7%99%BE%E8%AF%8D%EF%BC%88%E5%A2%9E%E8%AE%A2%E6%9C%AC%EF%BC%89) (pp.
    239, 408) \[ →buy\]
-   [Integrated Chinese: Level 2, Part
    1](https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Integrated_Chinese:_Level_2,_Part_1) (pp.
    199) [→buy](http://amzn.to/2fdV2l3)

### <span id="Dictionaries" class="mw-headline">Dictionaries</span>

-   [现代汉语词典(第5版)](https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/%E7%8E%B0%E4%BB%A3%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD%E8%AF%8D%E5%85%B8%EF%BC%88%E7%AC%AC5%E7%89%88%EF%BC%89) (pp.
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