[](# "wikilink")
Expressing "small quantity" with "jiu"
Similar to
- [Comparing "cai" and
"jiu"](https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Comparing_%22cai%22_and_%22jiu%22) (B2)
Used for
[hide]([# "wikilink")\]
- [1 Used as
"Only"](#Used_as_.22Only.22 "wikilink")
- [1.1 Used
before Subject](#Used_before_Subject "wikilink")
- [1.1.1
Structure](#Structure "wikilink")
- [1.1.2
Examples](#Examples "wikilink")
- [1.2 Used
before the
Predicate](#Used_before_the_Predicate "wikilink")
- [1.2.1
Structure](#Structure_2 "wikilink")
- [1.2.2
Examples](#Examples_2 "wikilink")
- [2 Used as
"Only Have"](#Used_as_.22Only_Have.22 "wikilink")
- [2.1
Structure](#Structure_3 "wikilink")
- [2.2
Examples](#Examples_3 "wikilink")
- [3 See
also](#See_also "wikilink")
- [4 Sources and
further reading](#Sources_and_further_reading "wikilink")
- [4.1
Books](#Books "wikilink")
- [4.2
Dictionaries](#Dictionaries "wikilink")
就 + Subj. + Predicate
part of the pattern can be a verb or an adjective.
#### Examples
- 这 件 事 *就* 我 知道 。I'm the only person that knows
about this.
- 我们 都 忘 了 ,*就* 他 还 记得 。We all forgot.
Only he still remembers it.
- 大家 都 下班 了 ,*就* 老板 还 没 走 。Everyone finished work and left. Only
the boss hasn't left.
- 所有 的 菜 都 很 好吃,*就* 这 两 个 菜 有点 咸
。All the food
is delicious. Just these two dishes are a little salty.
- 你 觉得 别人 都 是 傻子 吗?*就* 你 聪明 ?Do you think everyone is an
idiot? That only you are smart?
In this case, the 就 comes before the verb, and what's being emphasized
as "small quantity" comes after the verb, either as an object or some
other kind of small quantity.
### Used before the Predicate
#### Structure
Subj. + 就 + \[Verb Phrase\]
#### Examples
- 我 *就* 去 过 一 次 。I've only been there once.
- 我 早饭 *就* 吃 了 一 片 面包。I only had a
piece of bread for breakfast.
- 你 *就* 点 了 两 个 菜 ?You ordered only two
- 他 的 事 ,我们 *就* 知道 一点点 。We only
know a little about his business.
- 她 在 我们 公司 *就* 工作 了 两个 月。She has worked at our company for
only two months.
Used as "Only Have"
In this case, 就 means "only have," similar in meaning to
(In these cases, however, 就有 would not be correct. Just use 就.)
### Structure
Subj. + 就 + Number + \[Measure Word\] + Noun
### Examples
- 这里 *就* 一 个 厕所 ?Does this place only have one
- 你们 家 *就* 一 个 孩子 吗 ?Does your family only have
one child?
- 我 *就* 一 个 哥哥 。I only have one brother.
- 他 在 上海 *就* 一 个 朋友 。He only has one
friend in Shanghai.
- 我们 公司 *就* 三 个 员工 。There are only three
employees in our company.
See also
- [Comparing "cai" and
- \[
- [B1 grammar