[](# "wikilink")
Expressing "towards" with "xiang"
Similar to
- [Expressing "toward" with
"wang"](https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Expressing_%22toward%22_with_%22wang%22) (B1)
- [Using "dui" with
verbs](https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Using_%22dui%22_with_verbs) (B1)
- [Verbs followed by
"gei"](https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Verbs_followed_by_%22gei%22) (B1)
Used for
[hide]([# "wikilink")\]
- [1 Used as
"towards"](#Used_as_.22towards.22 "wikilink")
- [1.1
Structure](#Structure "wikilink")
- [1.2
Examples](#Examples "wikilink")
- [2 Used as
"from"](#Used_as_.22from.22 "wikilink")
- [2.1
Examples](#Examples_2 "wikilink")
- [3 See
also](#See_also "wikilink")
- [4 Sources and
further reading](#Sources_and_further_reading "wikilink")
- [4.1
Books](#Books "wikilink")
向 + Direction / Person + Verb
### Examples
- *向* 东 走 。Walk to the east.
- *向* 前 看 。Look forward.
- *向* 左 转 。Turn left.
- 老师 正 *向* 我们 走 来 。The teacher is walking
towards us.
- 火车 已经 开 了 ,她 还在 *向* 我 招手 。The train already took off. She
kept waving towards me.
- 你 必须 *向* 他 道歉 !You must apologize to him!
- 这 件 事 你 应该 *向* 老板 汇报 一下 。You should report this to the
Used as "from"
Whereas in English we would say "learn from someone," in Chinese this
would be expressed as "learn toward someone," as in the following
example (and famous propaganda slogan):
- *向* 雷锋 同志 学习 !Learn from Comrade Lei Feng!
More examples:
### Examples
- 我 不 喜欢 *向* 朋友 借钱 。I don't like to
borrow money from my friends.
- 你 会 *向* 陌生人 求助 吗 ?Would you ask
strangers for help?
- 我们 都 没 经验 ,是 来 *向* 你 请教 的 。None of us have experience. We're here
to ask you for advice.
See also
- [Using
- [Expressing "toward" with
- [Expressing "with" with
Sources and further reading
### Books
- [Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar: A Practical
Guide](https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Modern_Mandarin_Chinese_Grammar:_A_Practical_Guide) (pp.
84) [→buy](http://amzn.to/2xCpX2m)
- [Chinese Grammar - Broken down into 100 items - Basic and
Intermediate Levels (汉语语法百项讲练 -
初中级)](https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Chinese_Grammar_-_Broken_down_into_100_items_-_Basic_and_Intermediate_Levels_(%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD%E8%AF%AD%E6%B3%95%E7%99%BE%E9%A1%B9%E8%AE%B2%E7%BB%83_-_%E5%88%9D%E4%B8%AD%E7%BA%A7)) (pp.
214) \[ →buy\]
- [Practicing HSK
Grammar (语法精讲精炼)](https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Practicing_HSK_Grammar_(%E8%AF%AD%E6%B3%95%E7%B2%BE%E8%AE%B2%E7%B2%BE%E7%82%BC)) (pp.
- [B1 grammar
- [Prepositions](https://resources.allsetlearning.com/gramwiki/?title=Category:Prepositions&action=edit&redlink=1)