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Making judgments with "suan"
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Used for
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- [1 Used with A
Noun](#Used_with_A_Noun "wikilink")
- [1.1
Structure](#Structure "wikilink")
- [1.2
Examples](#Examples "wikilink")
- [2 Used with An
Adjective](#Used_with_An_Adjective "wikilink")
- [2.1
Form](#Affirmative_Form "wikilink")
- [2.1.1
Structure](#Structure_2 "wikilink")
- [2.1.2
Examples](#Examples_2 "wikilink")
- [2.2
Form](#Negative_Form "wikilink")
- [2.2.1
Structure](#Structure_3 "wikilink")
- [2.2.2
Examples](#Examples_3 "wikilink")
- [3 Colloquial
Sayings](#Colloquial_Sayings "wikilink")
- [4 See
also](#See_also "wikilink")
- [5 Sources and
further reading](#Sources_and_further_reading "wikilink")
- [5.1
Books](#Books "wikilink")
Subj. (+ 不) + 算 + Noun
### Examples
- 这 *算* 秘密 吗 ?Do you consider this as a
- 她 *算* 不 *算* 你 女朋友 ?Can she be considered as
your girlfriend or not?
- 美国 的 中国 菜 *算* 中国 菜 吗 ?Can
American Chinese food be considered as Chinese food?
- 我们 认识 ,但是 不 *算* 朋友 。We know each
other, but we don't consider each other as friends.
Used with An Adjective
### Affirmative Form
算 can also be used with an adjective. It has an implication of
#### Structure
Subj. + 算 (是) + Adj. + 的
#### Examples
- 这 家 店 的 东西 *算* 便宜 **的** 。The
things in this shop are pretty cheap.
- 我 女儿 *算* 听话 **的** 。My daughter sorta does
what she's told.
- 在 我们 公司 ,我 *算* 年轻 **的** 。I'm
pretty young in our company.
- 你 老板 *算* 大方 **的** ,我 老板 更 小气 。Your boss is pretty generous. My
boss is even more stingy.
### Negative Form
#### Structure
Subj. + 不 + 算 (+ Adv.) + Adj.
Note that you don't need add a 的 here.
#### Examples
- 这 次 考试 *不 算* 难 。This exam isn't that
- 三十 岁 结婚 *不 算* 晚 。Getting married when you're 30
can't be considered late.
- 他 才 一 米 七 五 ,*不 算* 高 。He's only 1.75
meters tall. He can't be considered very tall.
- 剪 个 头发 五十 块 ,*不 算* 贵 。Fifty kuai for
a haircut. It can't be considered expensive.
Colloquial Sayings
A few common examples:
- *算* 你 狠!Well aren't you!
- 你 *算* 老几 ?Who do you think you are?
- 这 *不 算* 什么 。It's no big deal.
See also
Sources and further reading
### Books
- [B1 grammar