<!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta name="generator" content= "HTML Tidy for HTML5 for Linux version 5.2.0" /> <title></title> </head> <body> <p>主要分两种,简单的是对能愿动词和谓语动词进行双重否定,较复杂的是对主语和谓语分别进行否定。</p> <h2 id="basic-usage">Basic Usage</h2> <h3 id="structure">Structure</h3> <div class="jiegou"> <p>Subj. + 不 + 是 / 会 / 能 + 不 + [Verb Phrase]</p> </div> <div class="jiegou"> <p>Subj. + 不 + 是 / 会 / 能 + 没 + [Verb Phrase]</p> </div> <h3 id="examples">Examples</h3> <div class="liju"> <ul> <li>他 <em>不</em> 是 <em>不</em> 知道 怎么 做 ,只是 不 想 做 。<span class= "pinyin">Tā <em>bù</em> shì <em>bù</em> zhīdào zěnme zuò, zhǐshì bù xiǎng zuò.</span><span class="trans">It's not that he doesn't know how to do it, he just doesn't want to do it.</span></li> <li>我 <em>不</em> 是 <em>没有</em> 想法 ,只是 不 想 现在 就 说 。 <span class= "pinyin">Wǒ <em>bù</em> shì <em>méiyǒu</em> xiǎngfǎ, zhǐshì bù xiǎng xiànzài jiù shuō.</span><span class="trans">It's not that I don't have an opinion, I just don't want to say it right now.</span></li> <li>他 是 好 学生 ,<em>不</em> 会 <em>没</em> 做 作业 的 。<span class= "pinyin">Tā shì hǎo xuéshēng, <em>bù</em> huì <em>méi</em> zuò zuòyè de.</span><span class="trans">He is a good student; he can't not do his homework.</span></li> <li>老板 <em>不</em> 会 <em>不</em> 同意 的 。<span class="pinyin">Lǎobǎn <em>bù</em> huì <em>bù</em> tóngyì de.</span><span class= "trans">The boss can't disagree.</span></li> <li>买 票 <em>不</em> 能 <em>不</em> 排队 。<span class="pinyin">Mǎi piào <em>bù</em> néng <em>bù</em> páiduì.</span><span class= "trans">Buying a ticket doesn't mean you don't have to wait in line.</span></li> <li>他 是 你 最好 的 朋友 ,<em>不</em> 会 <em>不</em> 来 参加 你 的 婚礼 。<span class="pinyin">Tā shì nǐ zuìhǎo de péngyou, <em>bù</em> huì <em>bù</em> lái cānjiā nǐ de hūnlǐ.</span><span class="trans">He is your best friend. There is no possibility he won't come take part in your wedding.</span></li> <li>我 知道 你 想 减肥 ,但是 <em>不</em> 能 <em>不</em> 吃 早饭 。<span class= "pinyin">Wǒ zhīdào nǐ xiǎng jiǎnféi, dànshì <em>bù</em> néng <em>bù</em> chī zǎofàn.</span><span class="trans">I know you want to lose weight, but you can't not eat breakfast.</span></li> <li>这 是 团队 活动 ,<em>不</em> 能 <em>不</em> 参加 。<span class="pinyin">Zhè shì tuánduì huódòng, <em>bù</em> néng <em>bù</em> cānjiā.</span><span class="trans">This is a team activity. You can't not participate.</span></li> </ul> </div> <h2 id="advanced-pattern">Advanced Pattern</h2> <p>这个结构用于遍指,常常用topic comment。"没有一个人"相当于"没有哪个人"或者"没有谁"。</p> <h3 id="structure-1">Structure</h3> <div class="jiegou"> <p>没有 + Single Noun + 不 / 没 + Adj. / [Verb Phrase]</p> </div> <h3 id="examples-1">Examples</h3> <div class="liju"> <ul> <li><em>没有</em> 一 个 人 <em>不</em> 讨厌 他 。 <span class= "pinyin"><em>Méiyǒu</em> yī gè rén <em>bù</em> tǎoyàn tā.</span><span class="trans">There is not one person who doesn't dislike him.</span></li> <li>我们 公司 <em>没有</em> 一 个 员工 <em>不</em> 会 说 英语 。<span class= "pinyin">Wǒmen gōngsī <em>méiyǒu</em> yī gè yuángōng <em>bù</em> huì shuō Yīngyǔ.</span><span class="trans">Our company doesn't have a single employee who can't speak English.</span></li> <li>他 的 女朋友 <em>没有</em> 一 个 <em>不</em> 漂亮 的 。<span class= "pinyin">Tā de nǚpéngyou <em>méiyǒu</em> yī gè <em>bù</em> piàoliang de.</span><span class="trans">None of his girlfriends were not beautiful.</span></li> <li>她 的 裙子 <em>没有</em> 一 件 <em>不</em> 是 白色 的 。<span class= "pinyin">Tā de qúnzi <em>méiyǒu</em> yī jiàn <em>bù</em> shì báisè de.</span><span class="trans">She doesn't have a single dress that is not white.</span></li> <li>我们 家 <em>没有</em> 一 个 <em>没</em> 上 过 大学 的 。<span class= "pinyin">Wǒmen jiā <em>méiyǒu</em> yī gè <em>méi</em> shàng guo dàxué de.</span><span class="trans">Our family doesn't have a single person who didn't go to college.</span></li> </ul> </div> <h2 id="see-also">See also</h2> <p><a href="Category:**URGENT**" class="uri" title= "wikilink">Category:**URGENT**</a> <a href= "Category:B1_grammar_points" title="wikilink">Category:B1 grammar points</a></p> </body> </html>