When using (duì) as a preposition, it is used to indicate "to" or "towards" an object or target. As with all prepositions, some care should be taken when using this particle, as usage of doesn't always totally "make sense" or correspond to English at all.


  1. Structure
  2. Examples
  3. See also
  4. Sources and further reading
    1. Books

Basic Usage


+ Obj. + Verb

Note that you shouldn't be plugging in just any old verb here. Certain verbs are often used with , and some even need 对 if you want to add an Obj. (like 感兴趣, explained below).


is also used in such structures as: 对...来说, 对...感兴趣 ("to be interested in...") as well as 对···负责(”be responsible for things / person“)

Using with 来说


In English we say "To someone or for someone." In Chinese, the pattern is:

+ Person + 来说


Other Usage of

"对"加宾语放在某些动词或者形容词前,相当于英文的"in, to, for, with "等。常见的这类动词如下


See also

Sources and further reading
